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    Christian Living

    • Following Christ : Losing Your Life For His Sake


      We are not saved by serving Him, but we are saved to serve Him. From the moment we are saved, we ought to live in the service of our Lord.

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    • Helpful Reflections For Difficult Times


      Helpful Reflections for Difficult Times is a combination of the author’s own original reflections about how a Christian copes with difficult times, augmented by his favorite Christian authors through direct quotations and paraphrasing of their key concepts. It is written for any Christian going through a difficult time, either currently or in the past; in other words, practically all Christians. The book contains 162 reflections, each preceded by a verse of Scripture which is elaborated upon in the reflection, and concluded with a brief prayer. Helpful Reflections for Difficult Times is best suited as a daily devotional book. It has been a work of love, taking the author over ten years to compile, as he would dedicate each morning to a time of devotion, reading Scripture, and writing his reflections. It is designed to help Christians cope with their difficulties, whether it be some form of suffering, personal crisis, grieving for a loved one, doubting their faith, or a multitude of other problems that we all face from time to time in our lives. The author has been through several difficult times of his own, suffering two bouts with cancer and a financial crisis early in his retirement. He was greatly comforted by Scripture during this time, and he doesn’t want anyone else to go through similar difficult times without the daily words of comfort that are provided in Helpful Reflections for Difficult Times.

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    • 1 Breath At A Time


      In secular mainstream America, meditation has become as ubiquitous as yoga. But how does meditation fit into Christianity, and how does it differ from prayer? One Breath at a Time: A Skeptic’s Guide to Christian Meditation reframes meditation for those who consider themselves skeptical about meditation for two reasons: (1) they doubt their ability to be still and quiet, and (2) they doubt the validity of meditation as a Christian spiritual practice. Using scripture, theology, and early church examples, this book challenges Christianity’s chronic need for prayers that leave little room for enough silence to experience and listen for God. Using five modalities-breath meditation, lectio divina, centering meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and devotional meditation-One Breath at a Time provides a practical, 40-day guide to beginning and sustaining a Christian meditation practice in order to deepen our faith in an often chaotic world.

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    • Mere Discipleship : Growing In Wisdom And Hope


      In exploring Christian discipleship, Alister McGrath encourages readers to move beyond a superficial grasp of their faith to discover its depth and riches. He equips readers to grow in wisdom and develop an accurate Christian worldview that informs the way they think, imagine, and act.

      Helpfully drawing on the insights of other illuminating writers, including Dorothy L. Sayers, C. S. Lewis, John Stott, and J. I. Packer, McGrath offers counsel on holding on to hope while journeying through darkness and on how to live meaningfully in a world in which things don’t always seem to make sense.

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    • New You : A Guide To Better Physical, Mental, Emotional, And Spiritual Well


      How many of us are living up to our full, God-given potential? What’s holding us back–and how can we overcome it?

      These are the questions Nelson Searcy and Jennifer Dykes Henson want us to ask–and answer–with the help of The New You. With energy and enthusiasm, the authors take a holistic view of health that encompasses the physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental areas of our lives, giving us proven, systematic ways to dramatically improve each. Readers come away with specific strategies to
      – lose weight
      – get more sleep
      – lower stress
      – nurture better relationships
      – connect with God
      – and much more

      Anyone who wants to trade in the frustration of average living and less-than health for the hallmarks of the new life God promises will find The New You an effective personal guide for the journey.

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    • 10 Choices Successful Couples Make


      Most books on marriage rightly address communication and conflict as key issues, then advise readers on how to fight fair since conflict is an inevitable reality and cannot be avoided. But Dr. Ron Welch asks the provocative question, Is it? Is every marriage doomed to one conflict after another? Shouldn’t we expect better than that?

      In this practical and encouraging book, Welch offers a far more positive approach to marriage, outlining 10 specific choices couples can make to minimize or even avoid conflict and increase joy. With his expert guidance, couples will learn how to employ proven strategies to

      – communicate accurately and positively
      – choose forgiveness over unforgiveness
      – understand their marriage type
      – and make decisions more effectively

      Whether they are engaged, newly married, or have been married for decades, couples will find that this book will transform their relationship.

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    • Growing Forward When You Cant Go Back


      After life is shattered by loss or a traumatic experience–whether big or small–it can seem impossible to heal or even move on. Deep down you believe God intends good for you, but you just don’t have the energy or strength to figure out how to move forward.

      Author Laurie Pawlik has been there, and here she shares how she flourished despite multiple losses. Through practical tips and thought-provoking questions, she helps you take small yet powerful steps toward healing and letting go. She also offers insights and encouragement from the lives of strong women in the Bible. You’ll glimpse the painful losses these women experienced and learn how they flourished despite seasons of hardship and grief. You’ll discover how God shows His presence and power in the valleys, deserts, and storms. And you’ll feel a fresh sense of hope that, with God, you can redefine yourself, remake your life, and grow forward into a beautiful new season.

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    • Restoring The Shattered


      Written in an easy-to-understand, conversational style, Restoring the Shattered is an account of Nancy E. Head’s journey through single-motherhood and poverty that depicts a family’s passage from shattered to restored and calls for Christian accord.

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    • Secret Freedom : How To Fly Again And Gain Freedom From Keeping Secrets


      Secret Freedom is a practical guide to help any individual overcome keeping secrets.
      Ilonka Deaton explores the pitfalls and struggles people carry when they keep secrets and the resulting effects. She guides each reader into a journaling experience to not only explore their own story but to walk deeper into a place of healing and freedom. Secret Freedom provides real life stories as examples and readers find a meaningful avenue to explore their own struggles. Through this practical guide, readers gain a stronger emotional voice and learn how to fly again.

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    • Love Talk : Speak Each Other’s Language Like You Never Have Before


      Love Talk is like no other communication book you’ve ever read. The fruit of years of research by two foremost relationship experts (who also happen to be husband and wife), this book forges a new path to the heart of loving conversation. You’ll begin by identifying your security need and determining your personal communication style. Then you’ll put together everything you discover to learn how the two of you can speak each other’s language like never before.

      This very day, you can begin an adventure in communication that will draw the two of you closer, and closer, and closer…consistently, in a way that creates the depth and connection you long for in your relationship.

      Love Talk includes:
      *The all-new Deep Love Assessment
      *The secret to emotional connection
      *When not to talk
      *A Communications 101 primer
      *Practical help for the “silent partner”

      Designed for use with the companion men’s and women’s Love Talk workbooks (sold separately).

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    • Practical Life Lessons


      A lo largo de este libro, y utilizando ese estilo suyo tan caracteristico que aplica en sus predicaciones, John MacArthur nos hace reflexionar sobre los principales temas de nuestra vida cotidiana:

      Aprender de la vida cristiana

      Crecer en la fortaleza en Cristo

      Ejercer la valentia

      Conocer la voluntad de Dios

      Liberarse del pecado

      Buscar la sabiduria cristiana

      Evangelizar nuestro mundo

      Enfrentarse a los pecados privados

      Entender nuestra ambicion

      Usar nuestra libertad

      A new book about the personal and Christian growth by John MacArthur.

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    • Grace And Guts


      In Grace and Guts, Counselor, Speaker and Award-Winning Author Shannon Perry offers life-changing answers in twelve areas where women claim they struggle the most.
      Women are warriors. They fight for their families their friends, and their faith, but women often lay down their gloves when it comes to caring for themselves while the opponent comes to “steal, kill and destroy.” It’s time to fight back with strategies that win! Through the unfailing truth of God’s Word, relatable stories, and down-to-earth solutions in Grace and Guts, women find grace that strengthens their resolve to win and the guts to defeat whatever may be holding them back.

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    • Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage


      Rabbi Curt Landry, founding pastor of House of David Ministries, reveals how understanding the Jewish roots of Christianity leads to a more vibrant, secure, and powerful Christian walk.

      The church was created by Jesus, who was born Jewish yet primarily rejected by his family and his people. His early followers were both Jewish and gentile, and the church’s early culture was rooted in Judaism and a Jewish understanding of God’s relationship to his people. Over time, however, Christianity became increasingly more Roman than Jewish, and the church lost its identity.

      Rabbi Curt Landry’s personal story is remarkably similar. Born out of wedlock to a Jewish mother and a Catholic father, Landry was put up for adoption. For over thirty years, he had no understanding of his heritage, his roots, or who his parents were. But when he discovered the truth of his story, his life changed completely.

      The key to a life of power and purpose is understanding who you are. In this revelatory new book, Curt Landry helps Christians discover their roots in Judaism, empowering them to walk in the revelation of who they really are and who they are born to be. Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage reveals the mysteries of the church, letting Christians grasp the power that comes from connecting with their identity.

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    • Inside The Miracles Of Jesus


      Jesus demonstrated the presence and power of God by performing miracles. He turned water into wine, healed the sick, calmed the storm, opened blind eyes, and raised the dead. While these beloved stories draw our attention to divine power, Christ’s miracles signify something deeper-they’re windows into God’s grand story of human desperation and redemption. Every time we see Jesus performing a miracle, we also get a glimpse into the gift of desperation, a gift that opens us to the dramatic power of God through our desperate need for him.
      By explaining the meaning and significance of these miracles, Jessica LaGrone shows us their relevance for our lives today. She unpacks how understanding the meaning of Christ’s miracles will help us better grasp the salvation God has brought into the world, see that our weakness is an invitation for God to work powerfully in our lives, and remind us that we need God on our best days just as much as we do on our worst.

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    • Taste And See


      God is a foodie who wants to transform your supper into sacrament.

      After struggling with fad diets and food allergies, one of America’s most beloved teachers and writers, Margaret Feinberg, goes on a remarkable journey to unearth God’s perspective on food.

      She writes that since the opening of creation, God, the Master Chef, seeds the world with pomegranates and passionfruit, beans and greens and tangerines. When the Israelites wander in the desert for forty years, God, the Pastry Chef, delivers the sweet bread of heaven. After arriving in the Promised Land, God reveals himself as Barbecue Master delighting in meat sacrifices. Like his Foodie Father, Jesus throws the disciples an unforgettable two-course farewell supper to be repeated until his return.

      This groundbreaking book provides a culinary exploration of Scripture. You’ll descend four hundred feet below ground into the frosty white caverns of a salt mine, ferry to a remote island in Croatia to harvest olives, spend time with a Texas butcher known as “the meat apostle,” and wander a California farm with one of the world’s premier fig farmers.

      With each visit, Margaret asks, “How do you read these Scriptures, not as theologians, but in light of what you do every day?”

      Their answers will forever change the way you read the Bible-and approach every meal.

      Taste and See is a delicious read that includes dozens of recipes for those who, like Margaret, believe some of life’s richest moments are spent savoring a meal with those you love.

      Perhaps God’s foodie focus is meant to do more than satisfy our bellies. It’s meant to heal our souls, as we learn to taste and see the goodness of God together. After all, food is God’s love made edible.

      See you around the table!

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    • Women Rise Up (Revised)


      God has gifted women with beautiful and unique calls on their lives. Unfortunately, many never step into their roles because of doubt, discrimination, fear, and insecurity. But in a world fraught with gender and relationship issues, the gifts and voices of women are needed more than ever.

      In this fully revised and updated edition of her breakthrough book, Women of Destiny, bestselling author and speaker Cindy Jacobs reveals the biblical foundation for women in ministry and leadership. Through sharing her own story, successes, and failures, she speaks to the doubts, fears, and insecurities women have about stepping up and speaking out.

      She shows how to navigate discrimination with grace, strength, and
      confidence, and she empowers women everywhere to press into God
      to discover their unique purpose. Whether you step across the street or into a new role altogether, you can serve God faithfully, love others boldly, and change the world around you.

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    • Love Where You Live


      Despite being part of one of the most mobile societies in history, it’s easy for us to feel stuck where we are. Whether because of a recent move or because we’re still in the exact same place we’ve been for years, many of us just aren’t where we thought we’d be or doing what we thought we’d be doing. Sometimes we may wonder if God knows what he’s doing. How can this be part of his plan?

      With enthusiasm and contagious joy, Shauna Pilgreen assures readers that, yes, God does have a plan and a purpose for them–right where they are. In fact, he sent them there. She invites readers to “live sent,” showing them how to see their surroundings with fresh eyes and renewed energy. Weaving her own remarkable story with biblical habits readers can incorporate into their daily routines, Pilgreen equips us to reach out into our communities with God’s love, knowing that our efforts are never in vain.

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    • How Are You Feeling Momma You Dont Need To Say Im Fine.


      A Shelby Spear Title

      The simple question, “How are you feeling, Momma?” wins the prize for the most loaded inquiry in the history of all things wonder. As moms, we’ve concocted a gazillion ways to dodge and deflect the question in order to avoid giving an honest answer. A trite “I’m fine” keeps the heaviness of authenticity from mucking up our everyday living.

      Yet, the truth is, beneath our facade are countless felt needs just begging for healing and resolve. Motherhood is full of competing emotions that sap our energy on the regular. We often choose to ignore our feelings because if we give them room to breathe, scary things can happen. One of which is a complete unraveling of all the ‘fake it until you make it’ holding us together. Who wants to risk coming undone when we’re already on ‘overwhelmed mother’ status? But trying to side-step our reality by not being genuine only adds to the emotional weight we carry because of the missed opportunities to unburden our heart.

      The good news is God is ready and willing to listen to how we feel. He already knows our heart anyway. His presence never leaves us, which means the availability God has on any given day to hear our prayers, pleadings, worries, and fears is all of time and eternity. It seems like the Hebrews took full advantage of this truth back in the day when you consider the Psalms. Turns out all the “Why, God?,” “Why not, God?,” “When, God?,” “How, God?,” and “Are you sure, God?” questions hanging in the air thousands of years ago still resonate in our heart space today.

      How Are You Feeling, Momma? is a collection of 31 short reflections giving you a peek into the inner life of Shelby and Lisa as they share all the emotions they’ve grappled with as moms over the course of many years. You will be comforted in knowing you are not alone in how you feel, as mom emotions are universal to all. In each chapter, you will read two perspectives on a specific emotion and corresponding Psalm scripture. One captures the emotion from Shelby’s experience as a Christian mom and the other from Lisa’s vantage point as a Jewish step-mom and grandma.

      Motherhood is hard, and the emotions moms deal with on any given day are universal. Shelby and Lisa’s words draw from deep wells of inexperienced experiences in hopes of bringing relief and encouragement to Moms everywhere. With vulnerability and a hefty dose of wit, Shelby and Lisa will:
      *Inspire you to lean into and get real about your mom feelings

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    • Foundations Of The Christian Faith (Expanded)


      Foreword By Philip Ryken
      Book 1: The Sovereign God
      Part I: The Knowledge Of God
      1. On Knowing God
      2. The Unknown God

      Part II: The Word Of God
      3. The Bible
      4. The Authority Of The Scriptures
      5. The Proof Of The Scriptures
      6. How True Is The Bible?
      7. Modern Biblical Criticism
      8. How To Interpret The Bible

      Part III: The Attributes Of God
      9. The True God
      10. God In Three Persons
      11. Our Sovereign God
      12. Holy, Holy, Holy
      13. The God Who Knows
      14. God Who Changes Not

      Part IV: God?s Creation
      15. The Creation Of Humanity
      16. Nature
      17. The Spirit World
      18. God?s Providence

      Book 2: God The Redeemer
      Part I: The Fall Of The Race
      1. The Fall
      2. The Results Of The Fall
      3. The Bondage Of The Will

      Part II: Law And Grace
      4. The Purpose Of God?s Law
      5. The Ten Commandments: Love Of God
      6. The Ten Commandments: Love Of Others
      7. The Wrath Of God
      8. Salvation In The Old Testament

      Part III: The Person Of Christ
      9. The Deity Of Jesus Christ
      10. The Humanity Of Jesus Christ
      11. Why Christ Became Human

      Part IV: The Work Of Christ
      12. Prophet, Priest, And King
      13. Quenching God?s Wrath
      14. Paid In Full
      15. The Greatness Of God?s Love
      16. The Pivotal Doctrine: Resurrection
      17. Verifying The Resurrection
      18. He Ascended Into Heaven

      Book 3: Awakening To God
      Part I: The Spirit Of God
      1. Personal Christianity
      2. The Work Of The Holy Spirit
      3. Union With Christ

      Part II: How God Saves Sinners
      4. The New Birth
      5. Faith And Repentance
      6. Justification By Faith: The Hinge Of Salvation
      7. Justification By Faith: The Place Of Works
      8. The Tests Of Faith
      9. A New Family
      10. The Upward Way

      Part III: The Life Of The Christian
      11. Embrace The Negative
      12. Freedom, Freedom
      13. Knowing The Will Of God
      14. Talking To God
      15. God Talking To Us
      16. Serving

      Part IV: The Work Of God
      17. Called By God
      18. The Keeping Power Of God

      Book 4: God And History
      Part I: Time And History
      1. What?s Wrong With Me?
      2. The March Of Time
      3. Christ, The Focal Point Of History

      Part II: The Church Of God
      4. Christ’?s Church
      5. The Marks Of The Church
      6. How To Worship God
      7. Salvation?s Signs And Seals
      8. Spiritual Gifts
      9. Equipping The Saints
      10. Church Government
      11. Body Life
      12. The Great Commission

      Part III: A Tale Of Two Cities
      13. The Secular City
      14. The Secular Church
      15. God?s City
      16. Church And State Part I: The End Of History
      17. How Will It All End?
      18. Home At Last
      Study Gui

      Additional Info
      In one systematic volume, James Montgomery Boice provides a readable overview of Christian theology. Both students and pastors will benefit from this rich source that covers all the major doctrines of Christianity.

      With scholarly rigor and a pastor’s heart, Boice carefully opens the topics of the nature of God, the character of his natural and special revelation, the fall, and the person and work of Christ. He then goes on to consider the work of the Holy Spirit in justification and sanctification. The book closes with careful discussion of ecclesiology and eschatology.

      This updated edition includes a foreword by Philip Ryken and a section-by-section study guide. Both those long familiar with Boice and those newly introduced to him will benefit from his remarkable practicality and thoroughness, which will continue to make this a standard reference for years to come.

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    • Letters To Christian


      The most important combat experiences of your life will be spiritual battles for the destiny of your eternal soul. They are between God’s will versus your will, sin versus holiness, and whether you are saved or lost. God’s plan for you to defeat the world, the flesh, and the devil is not by trying harder and making more resolutions or doing good things. God’s plan for you is to behold his presence by learning his truth and discovering his grace. In Letters to Christian, the author turns to your heart and conscience, where decisive spiritual insights take place, to share the glory of God. You will learn the necessity to protect your soul in battle by digging truth out of the scriptures. The letters describe God’s sovereignty, assurance, and the importance of perseverance to help you become victorious in Jesus and to understand your Christian life. You will learn what God thinks about you and how to equip and protect your soul with his armor of truth. The Letters to Christian is not about religion but relationship and will allow you to discover God’s work of grace in your heart, proving Jesus Christ is being formed within you. Amen.

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    • Lion Of Judah


      If Jesus is a Jew, why is there a wedge between Christianity and Judaism?

      If Jews and Christians both believe in the same God, why is there such division? Why is history littered with deathly accounts of this division, from the early Jewish persecution of Christians to the Crusades’ slaughtering of Jews?

      The Lion of Judah unpacks the roots of this division, showing how jealousy, theology, the law, and the integration of Gentile believers into what was once a predominantly Jewish early church contributed to the schism. It then goes on to reveal how Jesus magnificently fulfilled every word in the Bible. Readers will discover why the Lion of Judah is the rightful Lord and King of all people-Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, atheists, and the rest of creation.

      This book will help Christians understand the history of Christianity and Judaism, get into greater alignment with God’s plan of redemption, be better equipped to share the gospel with Jewish people, and become more sensitive to and appreciative of their Hebraic heritage.

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    • Undeniable Presence : I Don’t Know Where God Is Not


      A Heather Helton Title

      “Where is God?” is obviously the ultimate question for many when facing serious illness or possible death. Heather H. Helton, a young chaplain, enters the hospital rooms and worlds of many who are at this stage of life. Read as they share their most intimate thoughts and feelings as she attempts to bring comfort, understanding, and meaning during this critical period. The many different responses in these cases will be uplifting, sometimes surprising, but always inspiring. Read how Helton proclaims that “I don’t know where God is not.”

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    • Illness Observed Through Reluctant Eyes


      An Illness Observed Through Reluctant Eyes offers encouragement, ideas and anecdotes interwoven with humor for individuals going through or facing a serious illness as a patient or caregiver.
      Lisa T. Pence transports readers from the diagnosis, through the illness, to recovery with their loved one. This guide is filled with advice, humor, and suggestions to keep both caregiver and patient engaged, healthy, and hopeful for the future. Lisa’s story makes readers laugh, brings them to tears, proposes helpful suggestions, encourages, and most of all, lets readers know they are not alone during this trying ordeal. Someone has come before them and emerged from the other side of illness alive, eternally thankful, and whole.

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    • Speed Of Favor


      The end times could be the beginning of your greatest blessing.

      Rather than Christians living in fear of what’s to come, Tim Hill invites them to move to a new level of trust and confidence in God and a higher level of faith and expectation as they discover the accelerated season of favor God has promised for the days ahead.

      Flying in the face of the doomsayers who forecast the demise of the church, Hill recovers an ancient prophetic promise of provision. Sharing how this revelation affected his own family, finances, and faith, Hill challenges readers to break free from a powerless, status-quo Christian life filled with anxiety, depression, and hopelessness as they discover how God’s blessings and provision precede them and enable them to make a difference in others’ lives.

      The Amos 9:13 promise is not about prosperity. Neither is it a word for just one season. It is a way of life. Hill encourages readers to welcome it, embrace it, and claim it as their own.

      “Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once-and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.”
      -Amos 9:13, The Message

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    • Duties Of Parents


      In The Duties of Parents, J. C. Ryle presents seventeen simple and yet profound responsibilities of Christian parents.

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    • Awakenings : The Early Days


      Awakenings is a collection of Ryan Phillips’ responses to the truth of God’s Word that came during a season of solitude and reflection in the remote and beautiful hills of Laupahoehoe, Hawaii, as he awoke every morning and had time to reflect on the Word and listen to the Holy Spirit.

      This time of beautiful surroundings, quiet devotion, and writing helped Ryan grow spiritually, and his hope is that you will also be awakened to who God is calling you to be and become, and that his devotional journey will encourage you to deepen your walk with God and to embrace your identity as a believer in Jesus.

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    • Restored Man : Becoming A Man Of God


      God is the ultimate restoration expert. He is inviting you to join Him in a process . . . a process of restoration and freedom. There comes a time in every man’s journey with God where tips and techniques simply do not work. The Restored Man is not another book to read or religious box to check. It is a practical, life changing path for every man to take into to a deeper and healthier relationship with God and others. This process helps explore four key areas of restoration in a man’s life: Know God as Father Know Your Self Live in Brokenness Walk With God The results of this process are measurable. Stop trying to change a behavior, and let God buff out the rough edges of the heart. He’ll take care of the rest. BONUS feature: Online video segments are available that coincide with each area of restoration. Plus, you get to see a really cool, old car.

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    • Going Through Hell To Get To Heaven


      Dr. Scot Hodkiewicz had followed his plan step by step and was happily living the American Dream–the perfect family, a lucrative job, and a secure, comfortable lifestyle.

      But as Scot drove with his wife, three young children, and two dogs down a Wisconsin highway, he discovered that God had other plans for his life. A drunk driver hit Scot’s car head on, nearly killing Scot and his wife. Left with a mangled body and a broken spirit, Scot entered a downward spiral of pain, addiction, and potential tragedy.

      Scot initially was filled with anger, hatred, and self-pity before he started to see the everyday angels around him and hear God’s voice directing him at each trial. Scot learned the power of forgiveness and humility and saw that his struggles were actually his path to salvation. In his personal Hell, Scot found that Heaven doesn’t exist only after death but can be found here on Earth by listening to God.

      Scot invites readers to share in his miraculous journey so that they, too, will be able to turn their eyes, ears, and hearts to God and confidently say, “Not my will, but yours.”

      With questions for study and reflection, Going through Hell to Get to Heaven is an ideal companion for Christians seeking to walk more closely with God.

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    • True You : Letting Go Of Your False Self To Uncover The Person God Created


      Many of us are bent on producing and achieving, striving and hustling for our self-worth. Beneath this relentless drive churns a deep yearning to uncover our true selves and our purpose in this world. Gardeners familiar with the technique called “pruning open” know that the secret to healthy plants and trees lies in subtracting rather than adding. Similarly, we begin to flourish as we let go of our false selves and allow God to prune us open.

      With powerful stories and revealing research, Michelle DeRusha helps readers:
      – learn how to declutter their hearts, minds, and souls through the practice of directed rest
      – let go of busyness, striving, and false identities to embrace their truest selves as beloved children of God
      – grow in their relationships, vocations, communities, and intimacy with God

      True You offers those exhausted by the pervasive do-more, be-more messages of our society a path toward rest, renewal, and, ultimately, wholeness in Christ.

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    • Case For Easter


      Did Jesus of Nazareth really rise from the dead?

      Of the many world religions, only one claims that its founder returned from the grave. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very cornerstone of Christianity.

      But a dead man coming back to life? In our sophisticated age, when myth has given way to science, who can take such a claim seriously? Some argue that Jesus never died on the cross. Conflicting accounts make the empty tomb seem suspect.

      How credible is the evidence for–and against–the resurrection? Focusing his award-winning skills as a legal journalist on history’s most compelling enigma, Lee Strobel retraces the startling findings that led him from atheism to belief. He examines:

      *The Medical Evidence–Was Jesus’ death a sham and his resurrection a hoax?
      *The Evidence of the Missing Body–Was Jesus’ body really absent from his tomb?
      *The Evidence of Appearances–Was Jesus seen alive after his death on the cross?

      Written in a hard-hitting journalistic style, The Case for Easter probes the core issues of the resurrection. Jesus Christ, risen from the dead: superstitious myth or life-changing reality? The evidence is in. The verdict is up to you.

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    • From Plowing To Preaching


      Discover a Christ who is alive and active in the lives of ordinary people.

      In a culture where those who claim the name of Christ seem to live most of their days in apathy and spiritual boredom, From Plowing to Preaching shares event after event of God’s personal intervention in providing leadership, provision, and blessings. Author Carol Bayne writes of the amazing ways God revealed Himself in His redemption of herself and her farmer husband Don Bayne, and how He led them from a life as farmers to Bible school and then to pastoring their home church.

      From her own brokenness, Carol shares lessons learned in the crucible of pain and disappointment and the beauty that can come from the ashes of our lives. Through the teachings of scripture and the wisdom that comes from personal experience, she shares truths and insights that will guide any broken or struggling believer to overcome and find victory in their walk with Christ. Throughout the book, Carol draws attention to important themes in the Christian experience such as:
      *Pursuing your dreams
      *Learning the fear of the Lord
      *Overcoming the lies of the enemy through the truths of scripture
      *Finding your joy in the Lord and in serving others

      Carol’s heart is to reveal a Christ who is very much alive and active in the lives of ordinary people who are totally committed to His purposes and glory. In short, From Plowing to Preaching will remind the reader that with an authentic faith in the risen Lord and an eternal perspective, the Christian life will be one of adventure, purpose, meaning, and hope.

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    • I Am A Christian This Is Why


      This Is Why Inc. Title

      *Have you ever wondered if there is any proof for God outside the Bible? Me too!
      *Have you ever questioned the authenticity of the Bible? Me too!
      *Does a concept like the Trinity confuse you?

      Get simple and logical answers to questions like these and MORE! In this much-anticipated Christian apologetic book, “I am a Christian, This is Why: A Logical Response to the Skeptic.” The author Kinite A. McCrae lays out the evidence for truth in a logical yet non-technical or deep theological format that teaches Christians how to easily defend why they believe what they believe as well as provide logical answers to the most common questions asked by skeptics and non-believers.

      This book provides a seamless combination of both traditional and urban apologetics in an easy to read, conversational flow that invites the reader to think critically, answer questions, and come into that “now I get it” moment as the reader travels on an engaging and memorable journey through science, creation, history and the author’s own Pre-Christian mindset as a skeptic, to her Post-Christian confidence in its logic, truth, reliability, and authenticity. This book examines creation, reviews other beliefs and philosophies, then stack the historical facts to provide convincing reasons why Christianity is true.

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    • Christian Womans Guide To A Blessed Life


      The Christian Woman’s Guide to a Blessed Life will help you regain control and take responsibility for you. Structure your life, family and home while becoming a woman of divine purpose and influence.

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    • Tear Catcher : Gods Hand In Your Heartache


      Reality is hard enough to face when your spouse is diagnosed with terminal cancer. But picking up the pieces of a shattered life after your spouse has died seems impossible except for God. Lynn MacKenzie has trekked down both paths. When her husband, Bruce, was diagnosed with and then eventually succumbed to cancer, the pieces of their picture perfect life flew apart. But God was her refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. MacKenzie prayed that God would give her eyes to see His hand and feel His presence throughout Bruce’s illness. In response, God helped her to look beyond her suffering and experience His immense mercy and unconditional love.

      Lynn MacKenzie invites you to come into her world in The Tear Catcher, as she chronicles her husband’s journey through cancer and her own experiences from heartache to grace; from unspeakable fear and grief, to abundant peace and joy.

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    • Outrun The Bear


      Sports are a microcosm of life. They provide goals to be achieved and obstacles to be overcome, they yield their share of joy and pain, and they’re a stage upon which the best and worst of humanity is displayed. They are also a gift of God, one that can be either treasured or abused.

      In this book, you will learn how to fit your sports pursuits into the larger context of life in a healthy way, be encouraged to reflect on the presence and blessing of God in your sports endeavours, be challenged to participate in sports in such a way as to bring glory to God, and learn how to change to become more of the athlete and person you want to become.

      Drawing from a lifetime in sports and over a decade as a pastor, Benno Kurvits shares his wealth of experience in “Outrun the Bear,” showing that there is a way for us to enjoy sports, and to seek to excel at them, while honouring both God and our fellow man in the process.

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    • Spiritual Practices In Community


      Ntroduction: Going Deeper Together
      1. Leading Spiritual Practices
      2. Practicing Silence With Others
      3. Exploring Scripture Together
      4. Simple Prayers That Transform Community
      5. Processing Life Together
      6. Active Prayer With One Another
      7. Sharing Life On Life
      8. The Rhythm Of Life In Community
      9. Corporate Discernment
      Conclusion: Getting Started
      Helpful Books

      Additional Info
      Spiritual practices don’t have to be scary.

      Diana Shiflett has been leading groups of all descriptions in spiritual practices for many years, and she understands the difficulties involved: the potential for awkwardness and self-doubt, the nagging question of whether anyone’s getting anything out of this at all. But more than that, she understands the value of spiritual practices: their deep roots in the history and worship of God’s people, and their ability to calm our distracted minds and hearts so we are ready to hear the voice of Jesus.

      In this personal, hands-on guide, Shiflett walks us through a wide array of spiritual practices, from communal silence and Scripture meditation to active prayer and corporate discernment. She proves a reliable guide, offering step-by-step instructions, pointing out hazards and pitfalls, and sharing her own experiences with honesty and humor.

      With this book as a guide, these spiritual practices can become life-giving resources in your ministry setting for years to come.

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    • Way Of Love Pray


      Jesus teaches us to come before God with humble hearts, boldly offering our thanksgivings and concerns to God or simply listening for God’s voice in our lives and in the world. Whether in thought, word or deed, individually or corporately, when we pray we invite and dwell in God’s loving presence. Jesus often removed himself from the crowds to quiet himself and commune with God. He gave us examples of how to pray, including the Lord’s Prayer. “Will you continue in the prayers?” “I will with God’s help.”

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    • Decoding Your Dreams


      What is God saying to you in your dreams? Let a leading prophetic voice teach you how to build your dream language vocabulary

      Given the average human sleeps eight hours a night-one third of our time spent on planet earth-it should come as no surprise that God will at times speak to us through Spirit-inspired dreams. So then why are most of us clueless as to what they all mean?

      Decoding Your Dreams will demystify God’s dream language.

      The truth is God speaks to each of us in ways that are personal to our culture and our life experience. If you are a Spanish speaker, for instance, God will typically not speak to you in Chinese. Much the same, if you are a dog lover God may use a dog in your dream to symbolize loyalty. But if you were attacked by a dog as a youth, a dog will mean something much different to you. It is vital we take to truly understand our dreams.

      In the Bible, there are over 200 mentions of dreams and visions. From Jacob, Joseph, and Daniel in the Old Testament to Joseph and the apostles in the New Testament, God has spoken to His people through dreams throughout out recorded history.

      Decoding Your Dreams will provide a solid, safe explanation of the dream world and dream languages that will help readers understand what God is really saying to them.

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    • Resurrection Shaped Life


      Can we begin to experience the resurrection in our ordinary life on earth? Bishop Jake Owensby says yes as he re-examines the biblical concept of resurrection and how Jesus’ resurrection influences his followers every day
      A resurrection-shaped life:
      Finds hope through honest reflection on the past.
      Discovers meaning in suffering.
      Moves beyond shame and blame toward self-acceptance and compassion.
      Emerges from loss and regret to find contentment and joy.
      Develops forgiveness as a habitual way of life.
      Transcends “us-them” divisions to form inclusive community.
      Draws strength from the hope of life after life.
      A Resurrection Shaped Life explains how we begin to experience resurrection in Christian practices such as repentance and forgiveness and discusses how new life emerges from our small deaths: suffering, shame, regret, and loss.

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    • Way Of Love Worship


      When we worship, we gather with others before God. We hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, give thanks, confess, and offer the brokenness of the world to God. As we break bread, our eyes are opened to the presence of Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are made one body, the body of Christ sent to live the Way of Love. After Jesus’ crucifixion, his friends’ eyes were opened and they recognized him as the Risen Christ when they broke bread and blessed it together. By gathering in community weekly to thank, praise, and dwell with God we, with God’s help, “continue in the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.”

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    • Reading Your Bible For All Its Worth


      Burkhart Books Title

      Read, Study, Enjoy Your Bible Like Never Before!

      The Bible: the most read, referred to, revered, trusted, and respected book that mankind has ever been exposed to. After all, it IS the Word of God. It even says of itself,

      All scripture is given by inspiration of God …

      I’ve learned in 30 years of shepherding the people of God that there’s not much out there to help the common man learn to read and become a serious student of the Bible. It seems obvious to me that if we had some simple, easy to understand, and solid principles of reading the Bible that millions more would be likely to pick it up more often and glean from the profound wisdom (which is only one of hundreds of benefits) that resides in it. Think of the ramifications of that!

      If you’re one of the many people who say, “I try to read my Bible, but I don’t understand it.” Well, don’t lose heart, this book is for you! The principles contained herein, in bite-size form, if ascribed to, will enable you to read your Bible with new excitement, knowing you’re drawing from the most important Book ever written. These principles will guide your life, give you a Biblical worldview, and acquaint you with the indescribable love of the Father!

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    • Praying For Your Missionary


      Introduction: Why A Book On Praying For Missionaries?
      1. Pray For More Workers To Finish The Mission
      2. Pray For Intimacy With God
      3. Pray For Spiritual Coverage
      4. Pray For Strong Singles, Marriages, And Families
      5. Pray For Incarnational Love
      6. Pray For Oneness In The Teams
      7. Pray For Never-Ending Devotion
      8. Pray For Successful Ministry
      9. Pray For Churches To Partner Well
      10. Pray For Agencies To Partner Well
      11. Pray For Missionaries’ Reentry Period
      12. Pray To End Well
      Epilogue: Let’s Finish The Mission And Go Home

      Additional Info
      Being a missionary is a noble calling, but it’s also a difficult one.

      Missionaries face many challenges, whether adjusting to a new culture, learning a new language, or guarding against spiritual attacks. They need the support of the church and a faithful covering of prayer. But for many Christians, missionaries are out of sight, out of mind. How can we effectively intercede for the missionaries in our lives?

      Eddie Byun provides a handy guide to praying for missionaries. He shows the vital connection between prayer and missions, how our prayers are connected to both the well-being of missionaries and the fruit of their work. This book offers ways to pray for the various needs that missionaries have on the mission field, to prevent burnout and protect them from harm. We can partner with our missionaries as individual intercessors and as sending churches.

      The fields are ready for harvest. Your prayers for the workers and their ministry can make a difference.

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    • Drenched : Only Hope In The Storm


      A downpour of childhood abuse left Debbie Roth drenched in pain and anger that hindered her relationships with others and with God. For a long time, she hid her misery, refusing to acknowledge its existence–until a fresh betrayal set change in motion. As a storm raged in her present, the dam holding back the pain of her past broke open. Try as she might, Debbie could no longer stand in the raging waters and pretend to enjoy the sun. She had to find a way to survive the flood.

      Combining stories from her journey with truths from God’s word, Debbie maps a route to share how you, too, can:
      – recognize and acknowledge your pain;
      – understand God’s forgiveness, grace, and mercy;
      – apply God’s forgiveness to those who may never ask for yours;
      – trust God’s promises of comfort, peace, rest, and hope;
      – be refreshed and enabled to truly worship God; and
      – turn your misery into ministry.

      With relevant scripture passages and points for guided reflection, Debbie invites you to seek God’s presence in your storms and to experience release from your pain, drenched instead by the healing comfort of God’s love.

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    • Discipleship Essentials : A Guide To Building Your Life (Expanded)


      A Word From The Author
      Getting The Most From Discipleship Essentials

      Part One: Growing Up In Christ
      1. Making Disciples
      2. Being A Disciple
      3. Quiet Time
      4. Bible Study
      5. Prayer
      6. Worship

      Part Two: Understanding The Message Of Christ
      7. The Three-Person God
      8. Made In God’s Image
      9. Sin
      10. Grace
      11. Redemption
      12. Justification
      13. Adoption

      Part Three: Becoming Like Christ
      14. Filled With The Holy Spirit
      15. Fruit Of The Holy Spirit
      16. Trust
      17. Love
      18. Justice
      19. Witness

      Part Four: Serving Christ
      20. The Church
      21. Ministry Gifts
      22. Spiritual Warfare
      23. Walking In Obedience
      24. Sharing The Wealth
      Bonus Section: Money
      Appendix: Building A Discipleship Ministry
      Leader’s Guide

      Additional Info
      We grow in Christ as we seek him together. Jesus’ own pattern of disciple-making was to be intimately involved with others and allow life to rub against life. By gathering in twos or threes to study the Bible and encourage one another, we most closely follow Jesus’ example with the twelve disciples.

      This workbook by Greg Ogden is a tool designed to help you follow this pattern Jesus drew for us. Working through it will deepen your knowledge of essential Christian teaching and strengthen your faith.

      Each week contains the following elements:
      *a core truth presented in a question-and-answer format
      *a memory verse and accompanying study
      *a field-tested inductive Bible study
      *a reading on the theme for the week
      *questions to draw out key principles in the reading

      This material is designed for groups of three. It has also been used successfully as an individual study program, a one-on-one discipling tool, and small group curriculum. This expanded and completely updated edition includes a new guide for leaders.

      Jesus had a big enough vision to think small. Focusing on a few did not limit his influence. Rather, it expanded it. Discipleship Essentials is designed to help us influence others as Jesus did?by investing in a few.

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    • Entitlement Cure : Finding Success At Work And In Relationships In A Shortc


      Do you have anyone in your life who can’t seem to stick with a project, meet a deadline, or even clean up after themselves? All of us feel we deserve special treatment sometimes. Some people live with this entitled attitude, such as:

      -Professionals who wander from job to job looking for a boss who will see them as amazing as they consider themselves to be–whether they’re productive or not
      -Young adults who refuse to grow up and so go nowhere
      -Spouses or dates who believe, “I’m special, and I deserve more than you’re giving me”
      -Leaders who expect special treatment because of their position, not because of their character
      If you have a difficult relationship with an entitled person, or if you have discovered entitlement in yourself, understand this: It doesn’t have to stay this way. There is a cure. It’s called the Hard Way and it works.

      In The Entitlement Cure, Dr. John Townsend explains that the Hard Way is a habit that focuses on doing whatever is needed even if it is difficult, uncomfortable, takes longer, and requires more energy. Dr. Townsend offers daily steps, such as risk-taking, to help you or those you love choose the Hard Way.

      Ultimately, entitlement fails us. We don’t develop the character abilities and relationships necessary to reach success and become the people God intended us to be. By contrast, Hard Way people have better relationships, reach their goals, have a clear job direction, enjoy rich spiritual growth, and are equipped to face and solve challenges.

      As Dr. Townsend writes, “Stand against entitlement in every form in which it manifests itself. Resolve your own tendencies toward the disease. Be a loving and firm force for helping those in its trap to find life and hope. And you will make the world a better place.” Discover why the Hard Way is the best way in this practical guide to true success.

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    • Called For A Purpose


      God Has Something Great in Store for You!

      “We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” ROMANS 8:28

      You’ve heard that “all things work together for good” countless times. So why do you still feel so unfulfilled?

      Taken in its full context, Romans 8:28 contains a beautiful promise for you, but only if you love God and are living life according to His purpose, not yours. When you surrender your hopes, dreams, and plans to God and truly let Him lead you, He will cause all the things in your life-the good, the bad, and the bittersweet-to work toward His ultimate plan for you.

      Let these heartfelt devotions from Dr. Tony Evans draw you closer to Him, encourage you to submit to His will, and trust Him to shape your God-appointed destiny. Discover the unparalleled joy of living a life of purpose through Jesus Christ!

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    • Be Who You Are


      For Jesus-followers, what Jesus says matters most. Wouldn’t it be amazing if Jesus told us who we really are? Through the Beatitudes he has given us clarity regarding our identity. This workbook can be used as a nine-week group Bible study. Alternatively, it can be used individually or in one-on-one discipling relationships.

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    • Run To Win


      Plan to Run, Train to Run…Run to Win

      Anyone can start a race, but it takes planning and training to finish it.

      A good long-distance runner knows the importance of planning his race. As he passes the starting line he is already considering how he will cross the finish line. As he takes his first easy step, he has planned how he will take his last grueling step.

      As a Christian man, you are already running the race of life. You are not competing against other people, but against the deadly enemies of the world, the flesh, and the devil. How do you plan to maintain your pace throughout this race? To obtain the prize, you will need to run to the very end. You will need to cross that finish line. And to do that, you will need to plan your race. You will need to plan the ways you will run today so you can continue to run in the difficult days ahead. That is what this book is all about.

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    • Reaching New Heights Volume 4 October-December


      How can young people know they’re making the right decisions in their lives? The purpose of this book is to give junior high kids a yearlong study to find God’s specific answers to problems they face daily. “Reaching New Heights” gives young teens an avenue to learn what God says and how to apply God’s answers to their lives.

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    • Reaching New Heights Volume 3 July-September


      How can young people know they’re making the right decisions in their lives? The purpose of this book is to give junior high kids a yearlong study to find God’s specific answers to problems they face daily. “Reaching New Heights” gives young teens an avenue to learn what God says and how to apply God’s answers to their lives.

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    • Reaching New Heights Volume 2 April-June


      How can young people know they’re making the right decisions in their lives? The purpose of this book is to give junior high kids a yearlong study to find God’s specific answers to problems they face daily. “Reaching New Heights” gives young teens an avenue to learn what God says and how to apply God’s answers to their lives.

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    • Reaching New Heights Volume 1 January-March


      How can young people know they’re making the right decisions in their lives? The purpose of this book is to give junior high kids a yearlong study to find God’s specific answers to problems they face daily. “Reaching New Heights” gives young teens an avenue to learn what God says and how to apply God’s answers to their lives.

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    • What If We Knew What God Knows About Us


      This is a book about who God is and who we are in light of that. What we think about ourselves governs what we do. If we think we are powerless, then we will behave that way. If we believe we are weak, we will be weak. If we believe we have no gifts, we will not use our gifting. When we believe the wrong things about ourselves it stops us from stepping into the person we were created to be. The Bible tells us that in Jesus we are “a new creation” and yet, sometimes, we still wear the clothes of the old creation. But what if we knew what God knows about us? When we know what God knows about us we will do the things He knows we can do. Our potential is limitless…

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    • When Gods Ways Make No Sense


      It doesn’t take too much living before we realize that life never goes quite the way we want it to. But when things get hard and we don’t understand what God is doing, what is our first impulse? Is it to resist him and run away like Jonah? Or is it to trust him even while trembling in fear of suffering like Habbakuk?

      In this powerful exploration of God’s often mysterious and counterintuitive ways, Dr. Larry Crabb challenges readers to seize the opportunities for growth and maturity that come our way when we experience troubles and failures. Rather than pushing back against adversity, he invites us to look closer at what God is doing in our lives when it feels like he is far from us. Unpacking the stories of two very different prophets, Crabb lights the way to a life of resting in the goodness of a God who is always working out his plan for our lives.

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    • Gods At War (Expanded)


      What do Netflix, our desire for the corner office, and that perfect picture we just posted on Instagram have to do with each other? None of these things is wrong in itself. But when we begin to allow entertainment, success, or social media to control us, we miss out on the joy of God’s rule in our hearts.

      In Gods at War, Pastor Kyle Idleman, bestselling author of Not a Fan, helps every believer recognize there are false gods at war within each of us, and they battle for the place of glory and control in our lives.

      According to Idleman, idolatry isn’t an issue?it is the issue.

      By asking insightful questions, Idleman reveals which false gods each of us are allowing on the throne of our lives. What do you sacrifice for? What makes you mad? What do you worry about? Whose applause do you long for? We’re all wired for worship, but we often end up valuing and honoring the idols of money, sex, food, romance, success, and many others that keep us from the intimate relationship with God that we desire.

      In this updated edition, Pastor Kyle adds a new introduction as well as new content about the battle many of us face with technology-whether we are tempted to send just one more text, stay online when our bodies need rest, or find ourselves putting email before in-person relationships. How can we seek God with our whole hearts instead?

      Using true, powerful, and honest testimonies of those who have struggled in each area, Gods at War illustrates a clear path away from the heartache of our 21st century idolatry back to the heart of God-enabling us to truly be completely committed followers of Jesus.

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    • Lasting Peace : A Historical Biblical And Prophetic Lens On The Crisis In T


      The crisis in the Middle East is not a political issue. It’s a spiritual issue.

      This book will help you understand the complex issues continuing to unfold in the Middle East today, and how they relate to key prophecy in Scripture.

      Rapidly unfolding events in the Middle East shape the future, not just for Israel but for our entire world. This insightful commentary by Rabbi Jonathan Bernis combines historical, biblical, and prophetic teaching to help readers understand what’s happening and how believers should respond to these events.

      Drawing from the perspective of a Jewish believer in Jesus, this book will give readers a biblical understanding of the complex issues continuing to unfold in the Middle East today-and how they relate to key prophecy in Scripture.

      A Lasting Peace will help explain why there is constant upheaval in the Middle East, what to watch for in the days ahead, and whether peace is really possible.

      *Unpacks how current world events point to the end times and what to watch for in the days ahead
      *Helps readers break through the confusion of the Middle East crisis and learn if peace is really possible
      *Presents the unique perspective of a Jewish believer on Middle East events and significant moments of our times

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    • Cultural Apologetics : Renewing The Christian Voice Conscience And Imaginat


      The post-Christian world we inhabit today presents us with a mundane and disenchanted view of reality. Under the sway of materialism and science, we have been left with a way of seeing, thinking, and living that has no place for beauty and wonder. We now live in a world bereft of magic and mystery.

      Many–including many Christians–no longer perceive the world in its proper light. As a result, the Christian imagination is muted. Moreover, the church has grown anti-intellectual and sensate, out of touch with the relevancy of Jesus and how to relate the gospel to all aspects of contemporary life. As a result, the Christian voice is muted. In this age Christian wholeness remains elusive, blunting the church’s ability to present a winsome and compelling witness for faith. As a result, the Christian conscience is muted.

      Cultural Apologetics addresses this malaise by setting forth a fresh model for cultural engagement, rooted in the biblical account of Paul’s speech on Mars Hill, which details practical steps for reestablishing the Christian voice, conscience, and imagination. Readers will be equipped to see, and help others see, the world as it is–deeply beautiful, mysterious, and sacred.With creative insights, Cultural Apologetics prepares readers to share a vision of the Christian faith that is both plausible and desirable, offering clarity for those who have become disoriented in the haze of modern Western culture.

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    • Soul Purpose Inc


      In this practical guide to living your faith at work, author Craig McAndrews shares valuable insights and lessons from his own experience as a Christian in the workplace. Through personal stories and biblical truths, this book will challenge you, encourage you, and equip you to activate your faith Monday through Friday.

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    • I Will Not Fear


      In 1957, Melba Beals was one of the nine African American students chosen to integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. But her story of overcoming didn’t start–or end–there. While her white schoolmates were planning their senior prom, Melba was facing the business end of a double-barreled shotgun, being threatened with lynching by rope-carrying tormentors, and learning how to outrun white supremacists who were ready to kill her rather than sit beside her in a classroom. Only her faith in God sustained her during her darkest days and helped her become a civil rights warrior, an NBC television news reporter, a magazine writer, a professor, a wife, and a mother.

      In I Will Not Fear, Beals takes readers on an unforgettable journey through terror, oppression, and persecution, highlighting the kind of faith needed to survive in a world full of heartbreak and anger. She shows how the deep faith we develop during our most difficult moments is the kind of faith that can change our families, our communities, and even the world. Encouraging and inspiring, Beals’s story offers readers hope that faith is the solution to the pervasive hopelessness of our current culture.

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    • Uncommon Love : God’s Heart For Christian Parents Of Gay Kids


      Uncommon Love is a landmark Bible study and the first of its kind. In a culture where gay rights, gay marriage, and a surplus of gender issues have recently exploded in the media, more and more kids are coming out–and many of these are from Christian homes with Christian parents who don’t know what to do, how to respond, where to draw boundaries or if they even should. Scripture, which is the foundational basis for how to live the Christian life, has even been brought into question, further confusing the hearts and minds of Christian parents. Mary Comm presents a comprehensive navigational map for Christian parents whose kids (whether minor or adult) have Same-Sex Attraction or are living the LGB lifestyle. The primary purpose of Uncommon Love is to help parents maintain a loving, mutually respectful relationship with their LGB children and shows parents how to offer compassionate understanding and unconditional love without compromising their own identity, faith, and values.

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    • Soul Purpose Inc


      In this practical guide to living your faith at work, author Craig McAndrews shares valuable insights and lessons from his own experience as a Christian in the workplace. Through personal stories and biblical truths, this book will challenge you, encourage you, and equip you to activate your faith Monday through Friday.

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    • Braving The Future


      Humanity is nearing a technological tipping point. Futurists tell us that the blistering pace of technological, scientific, and social change is ushering in an era in which human bodies merge with devices, corporations know everything about us, and artificial intelligence develops human and even godlike potential. In possession of the most powerful tools history has ever seen, we will be faced with questions about wisdom, authority, faith, desire, and what it means to be human.

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    • Resilient Disciple : A Lenten Journey Through Adversity To Maturity


      Alone on an 8-day retreat in the Egyptian desert, Justine Allain Chapman experienced first-hand the physical, spiritual and mental struggle many have endured before her. Our own desert experience may involve attending to challenges that come upon us suddenly–such as an illness or bereavement–or a difficult relationships or patterns of thinking that have long been draining us of life and joy. A Lenten pilgrimage is testing. We have to search within ourselves for answers which lie hidden, to draw on each other’s strengths, to reflect deeply and to trust that we will be enabled to integrate our many experiences. But there is a “bright flame before us, a guiding star above.” And the God, who always calls us to love beyond ourselves, offers tender healing for our brokenness, longing that we may be consoled and renewed. This vividly written book includes wide ranging prayers and scripture readings, along with guides to using the material with groups and in preaching and worship.

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    • Welcoming Justice : Gods Movement Toward Beloved Community (Expanded)


      We have seen progress in recent decades toward Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of beloved community. But this is not only because of the activism and sacrifice of a generation of civil rights leaders. It happened because God was on the move.

      Historian and theologian Charles Marsh partners with veteran activist John Perkins to chronicle God’s vision for a more equitable and just world. Perkins reflects on his long ministry and identifies key themes and lessons he has learned, and Marsh highlights the legacy of Perkins’s work in American society. Together they show how abandoned places are being restored, divisions are being reconciled, and what individuals and communities are now doing to welcome peace and justice.

      Now updated with a new preface to reflect on current social realities, this book reveals ongoing lessons for the continuing struggle for a just society. Come, discover your part in the beloved community. There is unfinished work still to do.

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    • Mindful Silence : The Heart Of Christian Contemplation


      Foreword By Richard Rohr
      1. Sleepwalking
      2. Withdrawing To Engage
      3. Finding Liberation By Discernment
      4. Discovering Darkness Is Light
      5. Exploring A Deep Well
      6. Dying For Life
      7. Knowing And Unknowing
      8. Waking Up
      Afterword By Kirsten Powers

      Additional Info
      Our fast-paced lives are filled with distractions, frequently leaving us disillusioned and dissatisfied-with ourselves, with others, and even with God. Spiritual practices that used to sustain us fall short when life circumstances bring us to the limits of our self.

      After many years leading an international humanitarian organization, Phileena Heuertz experienced the deconstruction of her identity, worldview, and faith. Centering prayer, a Christian expression of mindfulness, was a crucial remedy for her fragmented condition, offering a more peace-filled and purposeful life.

      The hallmarks of contemplative spirituality-solitude, silence, and stillness-have never been more important for our society:

      In solitude, we develop the capacity to be present.

      In silence, we cultivate the ability to listen.

      In stillness, we acquire the skill of self-control.

      Contemplative prayer helps us discern the voice of God, uncover our true self, and live a life of meaning and purpose.

      Filled with insights and wisdom from her own experience, Phileena introduces us to themes and teachers of contemplative spirituality, as well as several prayer practices, and invites us to greater healing and wholeness by learning to practice faith through prayer.

      This is an opportunity to go deeper with God-to experience the Divine and be transformed.

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    • Growing In Favor


      Learn to walk in the favor of the Lord!

      But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. – 2 Peter 3:18

      A few moments of quality time with God can uncover hidden blessings reserved for you in the secret place!

      This powerful, five-day-a-week devotional will unveil the Biblical concept of favor, revealing what it means to walk in the favor and abundant blessing of the Lord.

      Experience the profound impact of God’s blessing in your life! As you grow in your understanding of favor you will encounter…
      *Greater knowledge of how to live in God’s favor.
      *Restoration of what the enemy has stolen.
      *Victories in your daily battles.

      God invites you to meet with him daily. As you do, you will begin to discover that all our favor is from Him, through Him, and to Him.

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    • Closed Door


      An Outskirts Press Title

      Understanding end-time prophetic scriptures can be frustrating since not all the related information is presented in one place in the Bible nor is it presented in an easily understood chronological order. The Closed Door (Which Side Will You Be On) is an attempt to take the reader on a step-by-step journey through the myriad of end-time prophetic scriptures that are presented in a definitive chronological order. This journey will show the inter-relationship of such major future events as . . .
      *The disappearance of nearly two billion people
      *The formation of three future geopolitical alliances
      *The ancient religion that will be integral with Mystery Babylon
      *The three invasions of Israel

      This journey will also delve into the numerous realms of God’s creation (past, present and future) and include a description of three eternal people groups and three eternal realms. The specific eternal people group that you will be in will determine the specific realm where you will spend eternity. The life choices that you make this side of the grave will have eternal consequences. Where will you spend eternity? Before life’s door closes, I pray that you will choose wisely – and soon!

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    • Finding Normal : An Uninvited Change, An Unexpected Outcome


      In May of 2012, Jeff Huxford M.D. was in a near-fatal car accident, escaping death but suffering a severe traumatic brain injury. This devastating event led Jeff on a journey to a new life and a true purpose.
      After the brain injury took away his ability to practice medicine, Jeff learned a multitude of wonderful truths about God and he found his value and purpose rooted in Christ. In Finding Normal, Jeff tells of the truths that changed his heart and moved him away from his previous life of “lukewarm Christianity” towards an authentic faith and true relationship with Jesus.

      Finding Normal not only helps readers understand the reality of a brain injury, but shows how God can make “beauty from ashes.” It tells the inspirational story of a seemingly hopeless and pointless tragedy being transformed into something absolutely beautiful. It’s sure to offer hope to anyone facing adversity.

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    • Gods View Of You Includes Leaders Guide (Revised)


      “Join in a refreshing journey alongside Colleen as she guides you to discover and live according to God’s View of You.” Elizabeth George, bestselling author of A Woman after God’s Own Heart

      Do you struggle with feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, fear, or anxiety? Do you ever feel like you’re just not enough? Trying to live up to others’ expectations and your own standards of performance can leave you feeling anxious and exhausted.

      God’s View of You: Discovering Your Biblical Worth equips you to address the root causes of your struggles and inspires you to cultivate and maintain a lifestyle of biblical worth. Utilizing true-life stories from women just like you, as well as action steps, guided study features, and introspection prompts, author Colleen Mehrer provides practical application strategies, creating a safe haven in which lies are revealed and truth is proclaimed.

      Well-suited for both individual and small group use, this book includes a Leader’s Guide designed to help facilitators guide others toward the discovery of their true biblical worth.

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    • Keepers Of The Testimony 2nd Edition


      Our greatest gift to our children. . .

      In our world of changing mores and mixed messages about parental rights and responsibilities, the task of passing into our children’s hands the “Faith once delivered to the saints” sometimes seems monumental. In this book about the testimony, we find a powerful tool that will help us share with our children, no matter what their age, the reason for our faith.

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    • In The Middle Of The Mess


      How do you turn your struggles into strengths? Beloved Bible teacher Sheila Walsh teaches readers how the daily spiritual practices of confession, meditation on God’s Word, and prayer result in fresh freedom in Christ.

      In her long-awaited new book, Sheila Walsh equips women with a practical method for connecting with God’s strength in the midst of struggle. From daily frustrations that can feel like overwhelming obstacles to hard challenges that turn into rock-bottom crises, women will find the means to equip themselves for standing strong with God. Using the spiritual applications of confession, prayer, and meditation on Scripture to form a daily connection to Jesus, women will learn how to experience new joy as a child of God who is fully known, fully loved, and fully accepted.

      In In the Middle of the Mess, Walsh reveals the hardened defenses that kept her from allowing God into her deepest hurts and shares how entering into a safe place with God and practicing this daily connection with him have saved her from the devil’s prowling attacks. Though we will never be completely “fixed” on earth, we are continually held by Jesus, whatever our circumstances.

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    • Magnificent Journey : Living Deep In The Kingdom


      We are told, “Look out for yourself first” and “Nice guys finish last.” But following that path leaves us feeling isolated and anxious, and can even take us to a place of ruin. This is not a magnificent journey.

      There is a road to life in the unshakeable kingdom of God, but it’s not an easy journey.

      “We cannot enter into the kingdom unless we take our cross and die to ourselves,” writes author James Bryan Smith. “We often assume that this will be painful. And of course it is. But what is the alternative? I can, for example, choose to navigate my life, choose to live as I want, and aim at fulfilling all of my desires. This will result in that despair Kierkegaard wrote of, the sickness unto death. . . . The wisest choice, then, is to surrender.”

      In The Magnificent Journey, the author shows us the better road, the road less travelled, but the road full of riches. Along the way he introduces us to new spiritual practices that will provide the sustenance we need for the deepest, most joy-filled journey of our lives-the journey into the heart of God.

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    • Wondering Years : How Pop Culture Helped Me Answer Lifes Biggest Questions


      When you hear the phrase pop culture, you likely think reality television, boy bands or Real Housewives of various cities. While these are elements of popular culture, they aren’t all it has to offer. Pop culture may not cure diseases, topple political regimes, or make scientific breakthroughs, but it does play a vital role in the story of humanity.

      In fact, it’s pretty hard to define the human experience without it. And it’s impossible to create pop culture without the human experience. Popular podcaster Knox McCoy understands this, and so do the tens of thousands of listeners who tune in to hear him talk about pop culture every week on his wildly popular podcast, The Popcast with Knox and Jamie.

      In The Wondering Years, Knox explores this idea of connecting popular culture to his own experiences. Through hilarious yet poignant stories, he reflects on how pop culture has helped shape his life and carve out the foundation of his faith. While the three cultural tentpoles-the South, the Church, and Sports-defined many aspects of his East Tennessee upbringing, it was pop culture that most definitively influenced Knox and his sense of the world at large.

      Through books, television, music, and movies, Knox found many of the answers he was searching for about God and the universe and why we are all here. The Wondering Years is a hilarious look back at the key influences that shaped Knox’s formative years and his faith, a reminder of our own encounters with pop culture that have shaped each of our formative years and continue to influence us today.

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    • Stories Of Divine Healing


      Strengthen your faith, receive your miracle!

      Miracle testimonies are more than just accounts of past events; they are invitations to a fresh experience of God’s supernatural power!

      Respected pastor and healing minister, Randy Clark presents a unique compilation of amazing miracle testimonies to help strengthen your faith for whatever healing breakthrough you need!

      Every miracle account in Stories of Divine Healing offers a new gateway for your own healing. As you read, you will encounter Jesus’ compassionate heart and matchless power over every sickness and disease.

      *Be inspired by over 100 faith-stirring miracle testimonies, documented, categorized and indexed for easy access
      *Receive supernatural encouragement by reading real-life testimonies of healing from blindness, deafness, diabetes, heart problems, chronic pain, Parkinson’s disease, tumors, cancer,andmuch more!
      *Strengthen your faith to receive your personal breakthrough by practicing Randy Clark’s simple teaching on activating miracle testimonies
      *Experience the Holy Spirit’s healing presence that hovers over miracle testimonies

      Strengthen your faith, and lay claim to your own healing miracle today

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    • Limitless Thinking Limitless Living


      Our God-given potential, our zeal for advancing His kingdom, our divine dreams–these areas of our lives are meant to be without limitation. But most of us haven’t prepared for living a limitless life. Having overcome challenging personal, emotional, and financial limitations. Danette Crawford takes you through each step of the process of removing hindrances, enlarging your vision, and increasing your expectations of the big things God wants to do in you, through you, and for you. Thoroughly biblical and practical, Danette shows you how to adopt and maintain limitless thinking for a lifetime of limitless living. Get ready, because your life without limits is about to being!

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    • Love Again Live Again


      Everyone gets their feelings hurt in life. As these wounds fester and compound throughout life, they become scars that affect our current relationships. Anyone suffering from a wounded heart feels a sense of separation from people, but the separation it creates from our heavenly Father is far worse for our mind, body and soul. “Broken Heart Syndrome” is a recognized medical condition. Tests show that the pain caused by relational stress or trauma releases stress hormones to circulate through the body. This causes the inner layers of the heart to shred, damaging the cardiac muscle and its capacity to pump blood throughout the body. The chest pain this can cause resembles a serious heart attack. Stents or angioplasty can treat blocked vessels, but modern medicine still has no quick fix for a broken heart. Joan Hunter reveals how to heal your heart from past hurts. To do this, you must be set free from the trauma of past relationships that prevent you from giving of yourself to those most important to you today. In doing so, you will also restore your most important relationship–the one with your heavenly Father.

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    • Its Not Supposed To Be This Way


      New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst unveils her heart amid shattering circumstances and shows readers how to live assured when life doesn’t turn out like they expected.

      Life often looks so very far from the reality we long for. Lysa TerKeurst deeply understands. But she’s also discovered that whether we’re dealing with daily disappointments or life-altering loss, we can find unexpected strength as we wrestle well between our faith and feelings.

      This book offers a safe guide, fresh biblical insight, and life-giving perspectives for living in between Eden and eternity. With grit, vulnerability, and honest humor, Lysa helps readers:
      *Stop being pulled into the anxiety of disappointment by discovering how to better process unmet expectations and other painful situations.
      *Train themselves to recognize the three strategies of the enemy so they can stand strong and persevere through unsettling relationships and uncertain outcomes.
      *Discover the secret of being steadfast and not panicking when God actually does give them more than they can handle.
      *Shift their suspicion that God is cruel or reckless to the biblical assurance that God is protecting and preparing them.
      *Know how to encourage a friend and help them navigate hard realities with real help from God’s truth.

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    • Finding Holy In The Suburbs


      1. Worshiping Granite Countertops
      2. When Your Worth Is Measured In Square Footage
      3. Circling The Suburbs In My Minivan
      4. Beyond The Gated Community
      5. Where The Sidewalk Ends
      6. You’re Not A Barbie, You Belong
      7. This Isn’t Pinterest-Worth Entertaining
      8. Open Hearts And Open Hands
      9. The Opportunity Of Cul-De-Sacs
      10. Paper Birds And Human Flourishing
      Discussion Questions

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      Commuters. Tract homes. Strip malls.

      Is this what you think of when you think of the suburbs? Or do you think of safety, beauty, comfort, and ease?

      More than half of Americans live in the suburbs. Ashley Hales writes that for many Christians, however: “The suburbs are ignored (‘Your place doesn’t matter, we’re all going to heaven anyway’), denigrated and demeaned (‘You’re selfish if you live in a suburb; you only care about your own safety and advancement’), or seen as a cop-out from a faithful Christian life (‘If you really loved God, you’d move to Africa or work in an impoverished area’). In everything from books to Hollywood jokes, the suburbs aren’t supposed to be good for our souls.”

      What does it look like to live a full Christian life in the suburbs? Suburbs reflect our good, God-given desire for a place to call home. And suburbs also reflect our own brokenness. This book is an invitation to look deeply into your soul as a suburbanite and discover what it means to live holy there.

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    • Missionary Mom : Embracing The Mission Field Right Under Your Roof


      Mission work is not for the faint of heart. We admire those brave souls who leave behind the comforts of home and go to foreign fields to bring the love of Christ to people in need. And sometimes it feels uninspiring to be stuck at home in the day-to-day of parenting when others are out there changing the world, soul by soul.

      Shontell Brewer has a message to renew the spirits of everyday moms: they too have a critical calling as the very first missionaries their children meet. In her informal, funny voice, Brewer points out the many unexpected parallels: A missionary may need to learn a foreign language and new customs to understand and communicate with those around her. A missionary has to follow the path God puts before her, sacrificing sleep, comfort, time, and toilets. Sound like any moms you know?

      Brewer tackles common challenges from mom-guilt to the temptation to be a martyr to those days when it feels like only a box of cookies and a Netflix binge can restore a sense of peace. But through it all, she shares the truth that there’s more to parenting than potty training and orthodontist appointments. Mothers make the love of Christ tangible and understandable to their children. With determination and a few purposeful steps, moms can embrace their own mission field, leading their families–heart, soul, mind, and strength–to Christ.

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    • Praying Through The Names Of God


      Dr. Tony Evans reveals insights into some of God’s powerful names and provides prayers based on those names. Your prayer life will be revitalized as you connect your needs with the relevant characteristics of His names.

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    • Happy In A Sad World


      Happy In a Sad World requires the reader to take time to think and consider each lesson in the book. The chapters are called lessons, and each lesson covers a particular difficult situation in life. It tells of ways to overcome trials and temptations that may occur by using Scriptures and past experiences. Whether it be marriage, children, finances or politics, the lessons in this book reveal ways to keep happiness in your life while going through hard times.

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    • Happy In A Sad World


      Happy In a Sad World requires the reader to take time to think and consider each lesson in the book. The chapters are called lessons, and each lesson covers a particular difficult situation in life. It tells of ways to overcome trials and temptations that may occur by using Scriptures and past experiences. Whether it be marriage, children, finances or politics, the lessons in this book reveal ways to keep happiness in your life while going through hard times.

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    • Hearing From God


      God has and does speak to His people. He wants to speak to you now. So what can you do to better hear and recognize His voice?

      Throughout his time as a senior pastor, members of his congregation have asked Pastor David Stine many questions about the Christian faith, but there is one that he continuously hears the most: “How do you make contact with God and hear His voice?”

      In Hearing from God, David presents a five-step process designed to help Christians grow in their ability to listen for and better recognize God’s voice. David shares personal stories about how, after applying these steps to his own life, God has specifically answered his prayers and provided clear direction for him. This Scripture-based guide includes a 40-day devotional with carefully chosen Bible passages, questions for reflection, ideas for personal worship, and space for two-way journaling–everything you need to receive God’s message to you.

      Hearing from God will transform your ability to hear God’s voice, enrich your relationship with Him, and better understand His will for your life.

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    • Foundation Stones : Let Us Go On To Maturity (Large Type)


      Laurus Books Title

      The heart of this book is to equip Christians with a solid biblical salvation followed by an unshakeable understanding of the Word of God. This book is about building a right relationship with God and a sound understanding of God’s Word. It will challenge your pre-set thinking and denominational bent and will draw you to biblical truth.

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    • Reign Down : Change Your Life Through The Gift Of Repentance


      The Key to Heaven’s Door

      In your possession, you have a powerful key — a key that unlocks heaven’s door and grants you instant and free access to the throne room of God. What is this key? Quite simply, it is repentance — the kind of repentance that will change your life and cure your problems.
      Regardless of where life has taken you, God stands ready to take the mistakes of your past and create for you an incredible future. In the pages of this revolutionary book you’ll find out how.

      The Gift of Repentance
      Is there a yearning deep in your heart that nothing can satisfy — a craving for something more?
      This revolutionary book will help you explore that yearning and will powerfully demonstrate that this unsatisfied need is a part of every heart that is not yet one with God. As you receive God’s gift of repentance, you will find peace, fulfillment, and a new beginning.
      The process is simple to start and is clearly explained inside these pages. As you bring your broken heart to God, He will fill your life with blessings galore:
      – Peace
      – Fulfillment
      – Purpose
      – Direction
      – Meaning
      – Satisfaction
      All this can be yours as you learn how to accept God’s powerful gift of repentance and open your heart to all that He has for you.

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    • Win From Within Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The WIN FROM WITHIN Study Guide is an interactive companion to Pastor John Gray’s WIN FROM WITHIN.

      It will help you identify and manage one of the most challenging, yet necessary battles we all face–our inner struggle to overcome the worst versions of ourselves.A powerful tool to use alongside the book, the guide provides biblical and practical self-help guidance to push you to victory over your personal and inner challenges.

      Every chapter in this study guide matches a chapter in WIN FROM WITHIN. Activities and journaling questions walk you through each chapter’s content and help you apply Pastor Gray’s teaching to your own life. And you are not alone! The study guide provides numerous opportunities to interact with others on the WIN FROM WITHIN journey via social media prompts. It all adds up to practical applications of the concepts learned in WIN FROM WITHIN. Content-specific prayers help you seal your efforts.

      Winning from within means becoming the person you have always wanted to be, the person you have dreamed about becoming, the person God created you to be. Let this interactive study guide set you on your own winning path.

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    • Making Of A Prayer Warrior


      The Making of a Prayer Warrior is a systematic and detailed examination into the character and the life habits needed to become a watchman on the wall for the kingdom of God. This book will guide you in looking at all social factors that influence the life of an intercessor, from gender to personality to types of prayer.

      Roosevelt Ethridge Jr. uses his experience and wisdom to make the trials and triumphs of a life of intense prayer into clear, actionable nuggets of truth. Learn about the power of a life of supernatural prayer-prayer that heals the sick, changes lives, sees the miracles of God come to pass.

      Step from simple prayers into the life of a prayer warrior.

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    • Insider Outsider : My Journey As A Stranger In White Evangelicalism And My


      God boldly proclaims throughout the book of Acts, “There is no ethnic home team when it comes to Christianity.” But the minority experience in America today–and throughout history–too often tells a different story.

      When Pastor Bryan Loritts wrote an op-ed piece in Christianity Today about this “evangelical gentrification” in the American church, he received an overwhelming response of more than one million views and sparked a provocative national conversation. In Insider Outsider, Loritts dives deeper into what it’s like to be a person of color in predominantly white evangelical spaces today and where we go from here. Drawing on insightful snapshots through history, eye-opening personal experiences, and biblical exposition, Loritts awakens both our minds and hearts to the painful reality of racial divides as well as the hope of forgiveness.

      As Loritts writes, “It is impossible to do theology devoid of cultural lenses and expressions. Like an American unaware of their own accent, most whites are unaware of the ethnic theological accent they carry.” Insider Outsider bears witness to the true stories that often go untold–stories that will startle, enlighten, and herald a brighter way forward for all seeking belonging in the family of God.

      This seminal book on race and the church will help Christians discover how they can learn the art of listening to stories unlike their own, identify the problems and pitfalls that keep Sunday morning the most segregated hour of the week, and participate in an active movement with God toward a holy vision of what Dietrich Bonhoeffer calls “life together.”

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    • Upside Down Living Prayer


      Prayer can easily become an afterthought, a hasty sentence, a laundry list of all the things we want. But what is prayer is a time to find out what God wants for usand for our world? What does it mean to pray that the kingdom would come here and now as it is in heaven? Explore these questions in this study, and learn prayer practices that nurture intimacy with God and sensitivity to Gods dream for the world.

      Weary of Christian faith wrapped in a flag and trapped in your heart? Tired of faith as usual? Live out your Christian faith through the lens of Jesus. Follow values that seem so counter-cultural they appear to be upside down. Each compelling six-session Upside Down Living Bible study helps us encounter the teachings of Jesus and wrestle with living out the kingdom here and now. The Bible isn’t a cookbook with solutions for every ethical dilemma, but it helps us raise the right questions, encounter the teachings of Jesus, and discover new ways of faithful living in the world. Ideal for Sunday school or Bible study sessions, each topical study covers a specific theme or issue, and comes with thought-provoking discussion questions and activities. Be inspired and transformed in your faith. Live upside down.

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    • Great Reckoning : Surviving A Christianity That Looks Nothing Like Christ


      What do we do when the church looks nothing like Jesus?

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    • Great Reckoning : Surviving A Christianity That Looks Nothing Like Christ


      What do we do when the church looks nothing like Jesus?

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    • Redefining Red : Turning Your Red Light Moments Into Green Light Victories


      Emanate Books

      Facing obstacles? Feeling stuck? Transitioning into a new season of life? Let this seasoned broadcast journalist-turned-preacher help you find your poise when your red-light moments arrive.

      From childhood, we are trained to associate the color red with negative and even dangerous situations. To grow spiritually, however, pastor Elictia Hart insists we must redefine our responses to red situations. With highlights from her glamorous career as a broadcast journalist for FOX, ESPN, and Entertainment Tonight, along with a balanced look into the lives of beloved heroes in the Bible, Elictia Hart explains how our “red moments” can become “green lights” for trusting God and embracing our divine destiny.

      Every television reporter knows when the red light is on, you are on. Red means go. Playing off this insider phrase, Elictia Hart-now a wife, mother, and pastor-passionately shares how God transformed the red flags in her life into victorious banners for personal growth, a deeper faith, and a richer sense of her purpose for his kingdom.

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    • Across The Street And Around The World


      A practical guidebook that helps readers align with God’s desire to cross cultures and reach all nations.

      Many Christians experience a stirring in their souls after short mission trips or global conferences, or as they interact with the increasingly diverse sets of people moving into their neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools. But most don’t know how to build intentional relationships with people from different backgrounds.

      Across the Street and Around the World offers an answer to those Christians wondering, Is it possible to engage with people of other cultures right now, in my everyday world–or even beyond?Step by step, it helps them see how to prepare their souls, reshape their worldviews, and redesign their patterns of life to become the sort of people who can represent Jesus across cultural lines and take part in God’s plans for their neighborhoods, their cities, and the world.

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    • Ministry Of Ordinary Places


      Popular blogger Shannan Martin offers Christians who are longing for a more meaningful life a simple starting point: learn what it is to love and be loved right where God has placed you.

      For Christ-followers living in an increasingly complicated world, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to live a life of intention and meaning. Where do we even begin?

      Shannan Martin offers a surprisingly simple answer: uncover the hidden corners of our cities and neighborhoods and invest deeply in the lives of people around us. She walks us through her own discoveries about the vital importance of paying attention, as well as the hard but rewarding truth about showing up and committing for the long haul, despite the inevitable encounters with brokenness and uncertainty. With transparency, humor, heart-tugging storytelling, and more than a little personal confession, Martin shows us that no matter where we live or how much we have, as we learn what it is to be with people as Jesus was, we’ll find our very lives. The details will look quiet and ordinary, and the call will both exhaust and exhilarate us. But it will be the most worth-it adventure we will ever take.

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    • Grace In The Valley


      Perhaps no psalm is more widely known than Psalm 23. Spoken by David during a time of great stress and difficulty, it summons us to lie down in green pastures and walk thru the valley of the shadow of death. Yet so often it seems we do just the reverse, lying down in the valley and fixating on the danger, fear, and uncertainty. We wonder where God has gone and why he doesn’t make things right, never considering that perhaps what we perceive as a spiritual trial is actually an invitation from God.

      In this inspirational examination of Psalm 23, Heath Adamson asks the provocative question: What if the green pasture and valley of the shadow of death is the same place? Uncovering the rich historical and spiritual context of the shepherd’s psalm, he explores how God has provided a place of rest for each of us, even in the times of unrest, uncertainty, moral ambiguity, and fear.

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    • Fake Or Follower


      We live in a culture where many identify as “Christian” without fully embracing what it looks like to follow Jesus day-in and day-out. After gathering on a Sunday, do we simply go about our business, void of true transformation? Is the gospel simply a self-help tool, the church just a place where our needs can be met? It’s time to ask ourselves, “Am I really following Jesus? Or am I just faking it?”

      With eye-opening personal stories, Scripture, and thought-provoking questions, Andi Andrew lovingly invites readers to examine their hearts to discover whether their faith is a genuine, life-giving marriage of belief and practice in response to Christ’s life and sacrifice, or if it is just a lifestyle choice on par with any other. She encourages readers to surrender their whole lives to Jesus daily, grapple with hard questions they may have been avoiding, and discover a life fully alive, following in the way, the truth, and the life of Jesus Christ.

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    • Standing Strong : How To Storm Proof Your Life With Gods Timeless Truths


      This powerful book from Dr. Charles Stanley outlines key areas of conviction that can make or break who we are and how we live.

      What we choose to believe intrinsically determines whether or not we are able to stand strong in this life–during the easy times, and during the most difficult. Standing Strong explores the Bible to identify the central issues of life where conviction is imperative, including:
      –our commitment to stand by the people we love
      –our decision to be men and women of integrity and character
      –our determination to seek justice for the voiceless and the poor
      –our beliefs about God as sovereign Creator
      –our convictions about Jesus as God’s Son
      –our belief that the Bible is actually the Word of God

      Standing Strong is the product of Dr. Stanley’s lifetime journey of defining his convictions–based on God’s Word–and choosing to stand by what he believes…no matter the consequences. As he shares what he has discovered, he guides us as we examine and shape what we believe, so that we can live strong, with confidence, hope, and an assurance that when our convictions are based on God’s truths, we can’t go wrong.

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    • Lost Art Of Relationship


      Sophos Group Title

      Relationships are beautiful messes. Dan Chrystal gets at the heart of true relationship based on the time-honored instruction to “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” But what does that mean? How do we live out this odd instruction? This book will refresh, encourage, inspire, and motivate readers to love the people in their life more fully.

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    • Bible Unwrapped : Making Sense Of Scripture Today


      Many people have questions about Scripture they are too afraid to ask. Drawing from the best of contemporary biblical scholarship and the ancient well of Christian tradition, scholar and preacher Meghan L. Good helps readers consider why the Bible matters. The Bible Unwrapped delves into issues like biblical authority, literary genre, and Christ-centered hermeneutics, and calls readers beyond either knee-jerk biblicism, on the one hand, or skeptical disregard on the other. Instead, Good invites readers to faithful reading, communal discernment, and deep and transformative wonder about Scripture. Join an honest conversation about the Bible that is spiritually alive and intellectually credible. Read the ancient story of God in the world. You may even learn to love it.

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    • Gods Weapons Of War


      For years, we have learned principles of individual spiritual warfare. Yet as the end times are upon us, the forces of darkness are intensifying their attacks around the world. For this next season, says renowned prophetic leader Dr. Bill Hamon, we as the church must up the ante and learn to fight on a higher level than we ever have, in corporate spiritual warfare. With wisdom, urgency, and keen prophetic insight, Hamon lays the biblical foundation for this final level of warfare and shows how we, as the church, can prepare to work in unity to become the army of the Lord. He lays out the weapons available to us in this new battle front and reveals a plan for destroying the works of the devil and advancing God’s kingdom on earth. Now is the time to rise up, fight back together, and secure the ultimate victory in Christ.

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