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    Christian Living

    • Year Of Grace


      Most of us think that theology is what you do if you haven’t got a life. At best, we think it needs to be practical to be of any use. But theology is in fact all about life and how we live it as God’s people.

      No matter how theology-phobic you feel, David Hoyle is here to help. Using the familiar pattern of the church year, he explores the core building blocks of Christian theology, and what each one means for how we live.

      He covers:
      – God as ruler and judge of all (Advent)
      – The incarnation (Christmas)
      – Forgiveness (Ash Wednesday)
      – Redemption (Good Friday)
      – Resurrection (Easter Day)
      – The Holy Spirit (Pentecost)
      – God as creator (Trinity)
      – The kingdom of heaven (All Saints)

      By working through the entire year, readers will explore all the core Christian beliefs found in the Apostle’s Creed, making this an ideal guide for anyone wanting to better understand what they say in church.

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    • Intertwined With Jesus


      “Intertwined with Jesus” brings us rest and peace as we remember we are “one” with Jesus when in the midst of everyday occurrences such as:grief, being in the pit, divorce, thoughts of suicide, God Winks, etc.

      As we learn daily in our walk, we can celebrate in thankfulness for all Jesus has and is doing for us. “Intertwined with Jesus” encourages us in breath prayer to stay close to Jesus. Read and be empowered in your walk with Jesus.

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    • ABCs Of Adoption


      God sent his Son to the earth so that we may all be adopted into his loving arms. He showed us, through his perfect love, how adoption takes what is lost and makes it complete. ABC’s of Adoption is a playful book that helps children understand the beauty of God’s plan in their lives and how loved they truly are.

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    • Leadership Durability : The Definitive Guide To Overcoming Burnout And Buil


      Leadership burnout is accelerating

      Leaders are easily fascinated with whatever can make us go faster, build bigger, be somebody, and win. But with the unrelenting pace and weight of leadership, the tricks fail and the stress catches up. Maybe this book finds you already sick and ready to exit your leadership post. Maybe you’re just now crawling out of leadership sickness. Wherever you are, Leadership Durability hopes to serve you by answering:
      *What is going wrong? Exactly what is breaking under the hood, both biologically and spiritually?
      *Why am I breaking? What paradigms, rhythms, and patterns have led me to sick and unsteady leadership?
      *What’s next? What remedies can be applied in the key areas of sleep, rest, work, nutrition, and fitness?

      Throughout these pages, you will discover not only resilient leadership, but God’s grace in the journey of leadership. It’s time to stop leading from a place of burnout and sickness.

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    • Leadership Durability : The Definitive Guide To Overcoming Burnout And Buil


      Leadership burnout is accelerating

      Leaders are easily fascinated with whatever can make us go faster, build bigger, be somebody, and win. But with the unrelenting pace and weight of leadership, the tricks fail and the stress catches up. Maybe this book finds you already sick and ready to exit your leadership post. Maybe you’re just now crawling out of leadership sickness. Wherever you are, Leadership Durability hopes to serve you by answering:
      *What is going wrong? Exactly what is breaking under the hood, both biologically and spiritually?
      *Why am I breaking? What paradigms, rhythms, and patterns have led me to sick and unsteady leadership?
      *What’s next? What remedies can be applied in the key areas of sleep, rest, work, nutrition, and fitness?

      Throughout these pages, you will discover not only resilient leadership, but God’s grace in the journey of leadership. It’s time to stop leading from a place of burnout and sickness.

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    • Good Land : Grow And Flourish In God’s Presence


      God’s country isn’t found on a map. It’s found in His presence.

      From Best-Selling Author John Eckhardt…When God delivered the people of Israel, He brought them into a good land, flowing with milk and honey. The good land is a picture of kingdom living. As the people of God, we enter the good land through Jesus Christ and possess it by faith.

      The good land is a place of blessing, redemption, and restoration. It is a land of goodness, abundance, prosperity, excellence, refreshing, beauty, nourishment, blessing, satisfaction, plenty, and glory. In it, we inherit and enjoy the promises of God. The good land is God’s country. The good land is the kingdom.Using biblical and prophetic teaching, this book will give you a revelation of the peace, joy, and righteousness you can dwell in when you understand that you dwell in the good land.God promised the land to Abraham and his seed, and now through Christ, everyone can dwell in the land God has given-the land where all of the promises of God are yes and amen (2 Cor. 1:20).

      The good land is God’s country. The good land is the kingdom. Get the revelation of what it means to dwell in the land God has ordained for your life, and endless peace, joy, goodness, refreshing, and satisfaction will be yours for the rest of your days.

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    • Generous Life : 28 Days Of Devotion


      Not only are humans born to be generous, we are born in the image of a loving and generous God. And sometimes we need a reminder.

      These 28 devotionals gathered into four weekly themes, inspire the reader to discover the powerful Christian principles of gratitude, prayer, and faith–leading them back to the generous life they were born to live. The daily readings are written by the diverse group of pastors, business and church leaders, speakers, and authors who make up the Horizons Stewardship Team.

      Each reading includes scripture, a message containing personal stories and anecdotes, and a challenge to inspire the reader toward the discovery of the powerful Christian principles of gratitude, prayer, and faith–all which will lead them back to the generous life they were born to live.

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    • In Search Of The Common Good


      Common life in our society is in decline–our communities are disintegrating, our public discourse is hateful, and economic inequalities are widening. In this book, Jake Meador reclaims a vision of common life for our fractured times: a vision that doesn’t depend on the destinies of our economies or our political institutions, but on our citizenship in a heavenly city. Only through that vision can we truly work together for the common good.

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    • According To Promise


      Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. – 2 Corinthians 7:1

      The first part of this book is meant to be a sieve to separate the chaff from the wheat. Use it on your own soul. It may be the most profitable and beneficial work you have ever done. He who looked into his accounts and found that his business was losing money was saved from bankruptcy. This may happen also to you. If, however, you discover that your heavenly business is prospering, it will be a great comfort to you. You cannot lose by honestly searching your own heart.

      The second part of this book examines God’s promises to His children. The promises of God not only exceed all precedent, but they also exceed all imitation. No one has been able to compete with God in the language of liberality. The promises of God are as much above all other promises as the heavens are above the earth.

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    • By The Way


      Includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter!

      Foreword by Derwin Gray, founding pastor of Transformation Church and former NFL player.

      What if asking Jesus into our hearts is not the heart of the gospel?

      In By the Way, pastor and author Derek Vreeland reframes everything we’ve been told about Christianity and what it means to follow Jesus. Discipleship isn’t an add-on. Jesus didn’t say, Go into all the world and get people saved or Get people to ask me into their hearts. Jesus said, Go therefore and make disciples. Reclaiming discipleship as the heart of the Christian faith means seeing anew the gospel, the cross, the resurrection, transformation, and the community of faith. We learn the ways of Jesus by practicing them, Vreeland says, and in By the Way, he introduces us to the ways of Jesus.

      Discipleship means joining God’s joyful mission of reconciliation on earth, not just saving souls for the afterlife. Following Jesus is more like taking a long walk in the woods than sitting in a classroom. Living by the Way takes practice–and that’s the point.

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    • Keys To The Apostolic And Prophetic


      A Meadow Stream Publishing Title

      – Are you unclear about what godly apostolic ministry should look like?

      – Do you wonder why the prophet’s chair is empty?

      – Have you been troubled by false apostles and prophets who care more about their title than an authentic call?

      Scripture and practical application meet in this valuable guide on the apostolic and prophetic functions in today’s church. At a time when aberrations and misunderstandings are rampant in these two ministry areas, the authors provide keys for discerning the genuine from the false. They chart a path forward for the full recovery of God’s authentic gifts to the church.

      Discover and grow in the Holy Spirit’s flow of the prophetic and apostolic anointings.

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    • Seamless Life: : Resting In God’s Plan For You


      Do you trust God with the fabric of your life, or are you looking up through your circumstances and seeing only the lumpy, bumpy, in-progress underside? It’s a struggle, sure, but you can trust that God sees the finished work–the whole, flawless, beautiful masterpiece of His plan for your life.

      A Seamless Life: Resting in God’s Plan for You is a thoughtful devotional of the sovereign, seamless nature of our God. Nothing happens by accident. We can rest assured that God is working all things together for our good and His glory. Every moment, every experience, every need, and every desire we encounter is part of His intricate design.

      In sharing her own spiritual struggles and experience, author Lyndie Metz encourages readers to trust God’s promises, to seek discernment in life decisions, and to surrender to His will. Victory is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Fulfillment comes with the surrender of our will to His perfect plan. Let go and rest. God knows the end from the beginning, and He’s weaving the threads of your life into a seamless work of art.

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    • God Who Are You Anyway


      We can trace all our human problems to our view of God.

      In one of his greatest contributions to the Body of Christ, Bill Bright addresses questions that Christians of all paths ask. These questions include:

      *Do your experiences shape how you see God? or Does your view of God shape how you see your experiences?

      *Do you experience daily the joy and peace Jesus promised all his followers? or Are you stuck on an emotional rollercoaster driven by today’s events?”
      God, Who Are You Anyway teaches Christians how to deepen their view of God. Readers learn to see problems as opportunities to see God work.

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    • Addiction Nation : What The Opioid Crisis Reveals About Us


      “Opioids claim the lives of 115 people per day. One of them could have been me.”

      When a near-fatal illness led his doctors to prescribe narcotics, media consultant Timothy McMahan King ended up where millions of others have: addicted. Eventually King learned to manage pain without opioids–but not before he began asking profound questions about the spiritual and moral nature of addiction, the companies complicit in creating the opioid epidemic, and the paths toward healing and recovery.

      We have become a society not only damaged by addiction but fueled by it. In Addiction Nation, King investigates the ways that addiction robs us of freedom and holds us back from being fully human. Through stories, theology, philosophy, and cultural analysis, King examines today’s most common addictions and their destructive consequences. In stark yet intimate prose, he looks not only at the rise of opioid abuse but at policy, pain, virtue, and habit. He also unpacks research showing patterns of addiction to technology, stress, and even political partisanship.

      Addiction of any kind dims the image of God and corrupts who we were created to be. Addiction Nation nudges us toward healing from the ravages of addiction and draws us toward a spirituality sturdy enough to sate our deepest longings.

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    • Addiction Nation : What The Opioid Crisis Reveals About Us


      “Opioids claim the lives of 115 people per day. One of them could have been me.”

      When a near-fatal illness led his doctors to prescribe narcotics, media consultant Timothy McMahan King ended up where millions of others have: addicted. Eventually King learned to manage pain without opioids–but not before he began asking profound questions about the spiritual and moral nature of addiction, the companies complicit in creating the opioid epidemic, and the paths toward healing and recovery.

      We have become a society not only damaged by addiction but fueled by it. In Addiction Nation, King investigates the ways that addiction robs us of freedom and holds us back from being fully human. Through stories, theology, philosophy, and cultural analysis, King examines today’s most common addictions and their destructive consequences. In stark yet intimate prose, he looks not only at the rise of opioid abuse but at policy, pain, virtue, and habit. He also unpacks research showing patterns of addiction to technology, stress, and even political partisanship.

      Addiction of any kind dims the image of God and corrupts who we were created to be. Addiction Nation nudges us toward healing from the ravages of addiction and draws us toward a spirituality sturdy enough to sate our deepest longings.

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    • Love Thy Body


      Why the call to Love Thy Body? To counter a pervasive hostility toward the body and biology that drives today’s headline stories:
      Transgenderism: Activists detach gender from biology. Kids down to kindergarten are being taught their bodies are irrelevant. Is this affirming–or does it demean the body?
      Homosexuality: Advocates disconnect sexuality from biological identity. Is this liberating–or does it denigrate biology?
      Abortion: Supporters deny the fetus is a person, though it is biologically human. Does this mean equality for women–or does it threaten the intrinsic value of all humans?
      Euthanasia: Those who lack certain cognitive abilities are said to be no longer persons. Is this compassionate–or does it ultimately put everyone at risk?
      In Love Thy Body, bestselling author Nancy Pearcey goes beyond politically correct slogans with a riveting expose of the dehumanizing worldview that shapes current watershed moral issues.
      Pearcey then turns the tables on media boilerplate that misportrays Christianity as harsh or hateful. A former agnostic, she makes a surprising and persuasive case that Christianity is holistic, sustaining the dignity of the body and biology.
      Throughout she entrances readers with compassionate stories of people wrestling with hard questions in their own lives–their pain, their struggles, their triumphs.

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    • Exhale : Lose Who You’re Not, Love Who You Are, Live Your One Life Well


      Exhale is for the woman who is suffocating under the pressures of being all things to all people. The pressure of filling every unfilled spot at church, the kids’ school, and work. The pressure of trying to do it all right, make decisions that benefit everyone else, and keep everyone happy.

      Rather than adding more to your to-do list, in this book Amy Carroll and Cheri Gregory show you how to- lose who you’re not- love who you are- live your one life wellThis isn’t a time management book filled with how-to lists and calendar tools. Rather, it walks you through a process that releases you from the things that have created unbearable pressure. Then you’ll be free to start investing your life in ways that fulfill the desires of your heart, benefit your people, and bring glory to God. Includes Now Breathe activities that correspond to each chapter’s content and interactive assessments to help identify strengths based on both inborn personality and spiritual gifting.

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    • Love Anyway : An Invitation Beyond A World That’s Scary As Hell


      With almost two decades of working in conflict zones like Iraq and Syria, Jeremy Courtney has come face-to-face with ISIS, suffered U.S. airstrikes, spent jail time in Iraq, and had fatwas calling for his death. And yet, he’s learned to love anyway.Nowadays it seems we are all afraid. We fear wars and injustice, government policies and economic ruin, tragedies and the loss of those we love. Our hearts tell us a better world is possible. We can imagine it – and almost taste it – but do we dare reach beyond our fear for it? Could it be that the extraordinary, meaningful lives we dream of aren’t found in clinging to what we have, but in walking toward the very things that scare us most?Founder of Preemptive Love Coalition Jeremy Courtney knows better than most that the world can be scary as hell. With almost two decades of working in conflict zones like Iraq and Syria, Jeremy and his team have come face-to-face with ISIS, suffered U.S. airstrikes targeting the team, spent jail time in Iraq, had fatwas calling for Jeremy’s death, and yet learned to love anyway – despite being afraid. Gut honest, Jeremy shares his own journey, taking readers inside the heartbreak – and the joy – he and his family have experienced along the way.With raw accounts of living with real people amid bombings, war, and terrorism, Jeremy opens the door on what he has experienced and his struggle to understand what it all means. Love Anyway will inspire you to confront your deepest fears and live the courageous life open to you on the other side of fear. By finding ways to respond to our scary world with the kind of love that may seem a little crazy, we can become agents of hope who unmake violence itself and unfurl the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

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    • Blessing : Giving The Gift Of Unconditional Love And Acceptance


      Children of every age long for the gift of The Blessing–the unconditional love and approval that comes from a healthy relationship with their parents.

      This life-changing gift for Christian parents and their children, essential for instilling a deep sense of self-worth and unshakable emotional well-being, contains five essential elements:
      *meaningful touch
      *a spoken message
      *attaching high value
      *picturing a special future
      *an active commitment

      Offering solid, practical advice and a fresh perspective on making this gift a bigger part of our families, The Blessing powerfully communicates these biblically based elements as necessary to prepare children for positive future relationships, including their relationship with a loving God.

      New to this updated edition are:
      *giving The Blessing to others in your circle of influence,
      *practical application tools and stories of how this is lived out,
      *insight and help for those who didn’t receive The Blessing,
      *and how to create a lifestyle of blessing others.

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    • Journey Through Torah


      Is this your first time reading the Bible, or have you not read the five books of Moses before? Perhaps you are looking for some clearer understanding of what is being taught? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then this is your book. A Journey Through Torah has been written specifically for you! And yes, even if you are well-read in the scriptures, these stories are sure to add valuable insight for your understanding.

      As you read through these pages, you will be introduced to the ancient process of teaching-storytelling. Hi, my name is Michael Wodlinger, and I have been a teacher of stories for more than fifty years. Along with the renowned illustrator Glenn Sikorski, we have created a clear explanation of the many stories recounted in Genesis, the first of the five books of Moses. We pray you will enjoy.

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    • Strike The Mark


      Prayers that strike the mark are specific prayers authorized by the Holy Spirit and endowed with divine power to accomplish the will of God in your life and for the needs of the world. On the cross, Jesus fulfilled the ultimate answer to all of our prayers, but He awaits our invitation to come into our situations and circumstances. When people of prayer intercede, they create a meeting place between the heavenly Father and His children. God comes upon the person who is praying and moves them from the natural to the supernatural. Empowered by God, the intercessor has the authority to cut down enemy forces and pick out “targets” for God’s lightning bolts of glory, bringing victory and breakthrough.

      Intercession could be called “extreme prayer” because it links extreme needs with the extraordinary power of God. Inserting ourselves into the gap between God and a need, we call upon the Holy Spirit, our Helper, who is ready to move us from finite ability to infinite ability, take hold of difficult situations, and help accomplish the will of God. We have the great honor of being called to “paint targets” on cities, churches, ministries, family members, contemporary “Sauls” (those who persecute or cause difficulty), and even ourselves. Our believing, persistent prayers will Strike the Mark!

      ” He covers His hands with the lightning, and commands it to strike the mark” (Job 36:32 NASB).

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    • Whats True About You


      The most important thing about you is what you believe about who God is and what He says about you. And God says you are deeply loved, wonderfully made, and part of His master plan. Yet, we struggle with lies that foster feelings of inferiority, insecurity, self-doubt, and shame. In this beautiful gift book, bestselling author Holley Gerth shares fi fty-two life-changing reminders of who you really are?of who God says you are…You are loved. You are chosen. You are free.

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    • Storming The Gates Of Heaven


      In this adaptation of her bestselling book, The Daniel Prayer, Anne Graham Lotz unlocks a powerful pattern of prayer for claiming the promises of God.

      What is the secret to praying prayers that really “work”? In Storming the Gates of Heaven, a plan for praying effective prayers that God answers is presented through unpacking the ancient prayer of the prophet Daniel, a prayer that moved heaven and changed a nation and one that even today can deliver on God ‘s promises. It’s a prayer birthed under pressure. Heartache. Grief. Desperation. It can be triggered by a sudden revelation of hope. Here is the secret to answered prayer, a promise freshly received, a miracle that lies just over the horizon.

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    • Find Yourself First


      A Gods Life Publishing Title

      We live in a world full of opportunities. Technology has opened new doors into a magnificent and challenging time, but fulfillment will never come from just being successful, acquiring a brand-new car, investing in a relationship, purchasing a home, or helping the poor. Those accomplishments can bring you happiness at times, but it will never fill you to capacity since you were made for so much more than that. You were made to love and be loved by God. And if you don’t feel great about yourself, chances are that you haven’t found your most precious gift: yourself.

      It’s time to get to know and to love who God made you to be because you don’t want to find everything and everybody at the cost of missing yourself.

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    • Experience Biblical Evangelism Workbook (Workbook)


      A Gods Life Publishing Title

      Experience Biblical Evangelism has been written to dispel the misunderstanding about evangelism and to equip the believer with a practical tool to become a person of wisdom who wins souls. Assignments are provided to deepen your understanding of evangelism and to motivate you to plant and water the seeds for harvest. You will find practical reflections that will serve as a springboard for group Bible study and personal study. It will serve to explore various aspects of daily evangelism while giving beneficial insights for the new convert or the seasoned saint to daily Experience Biblical Evangelism. For your convenience an answer key is provided at the back of this workbook.

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    • Straightforward Thoughts For Young Men


      The decisions we make while young affect our future, both now and in eternity. This little book is a straightforward plea with young men to carefully consider their hearts and lives before the Lord, with practical advice offered to help young men be victorious in spiritual battle.

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    • How I Can Believe


      Why do we exist? Is there a God? What’s the point of it all? These are some of the questions that all thinking people ask at some point in their lives. John Cottingham explores the whys and wherefores that lead people to become believers.

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    • Live The Questions


      “Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” -Rainer Maria Rilke Life is full of questions: questions about our identity, our relationships, our faith. Sometimes it seems like there are no easy answers. But our questioning can lead us on a journey into greater understanding and purpose. Jeffrey Keuss says that asking good questions helps us to lead good lives. He takes us on a tour of Scripture to find insights from people who asked questions of God and others. From God asking Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” to the Samaritan woman asking Jesus for water, Live the Questions explores critical questions in Scripture and what they can teach us about doubt, faith, and uncertainty in our everyday lives. Grappling with hard questions is necessary for us to form deeper faith commitments and discern who we are called to become. So don’t be afraid of the questions-live them.

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    • Surprised By Paradox


      What if certainty isn’t the goal? In a world filled with ambiguity, many of us long for a belief system that provides straightforward answers to complex questions and clarity in the face of confusion. We want faith to act like an orderly set of truth-claims designed to solve the problems and pain that life throws at us. With signature candor and depth, Jen Pollock Michel helps readers imagine a Christian faith open to mystery. While there are certainties in Christian faith, at the heart of the Christian story is also paradox. Jesus invites us to abandon the polarities of either and or in order to embrace the difficult, wondrous dissonance of and. The incarnation-the paradox of God made human-teaches us to look for God in the and of body and spirit, heaven and earth. In the kingdom, God often hides in plain sight and announces his triumph on the back of a donkey. In the paradox of grace, we receive life eternal by actively participating in death. And lament, with its clear-eyed appraisal of suffering alongside its commitment to finding audience with God, is a paradoxical practice of faith. Each of these themes give us certainty about God while also leading us into greater curiosity about his nature and activity in the world. As Michel writes, “As soon as we think we have God figured out, we will have ceased to worship him as he is.” With personal stories and reflection on Scripture, literature, and culture, Michel takes us deeper into mystery and into worship of the One who is Mystery and Love.

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    • Church On Mission


      In this scripturally rich exploration, senior missiologist Craig Ott unpacks the mission statement of the church: to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people. This concise yet robust biblical-theological treatment focuses on God’s glory, a strong ecclesiology, the importance of Scripture, and practical implications for congregational and mission practice. Ideal for launching discussion and reflection, the book helps readers refocus their vision and reignite their commitment to fulfilling God’s purposes for their church or mission.

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    • Cinematic Faith : A Christian Perspective On Movies And Meaning


      This engaging book explores how Christians can most profitably and critically hear, read, and view popular culture through the lens of film. William Romanowski highlights the benefits of a faith-informed approach to cinema that centers on art and perspective and shows how Christian faith contributes to the moviegoing experience, leading to a deeper understanding of movies and life. The book draws examples from classic and contemporary American movies and includes illustrative film stills. Additional resources for professors and students are available through Baker Academic’s Textbook eSources.

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    • Making Crooked Places Straight


      Making Crooked Places Straight is a spiritual warfare training manual, equipping believers to walk in victory over the perverse spirit.
      Everyone wants to shine like a star, but not everyone is willing to pay the price. Because in paying the price, all come face to face with the perverse spirit in his or her life. Since the church has, for the most part, relegated the perverse spirit to the homosexual community, most Christians have no clue how the perverse spirit works in their lives, homes, or churches. Making Crooked Places Straight solves that dilemma by providing information, insights, and answers from a solid biblical base. Writing an expose of the perverse spirit in the form of a training manual, Penelope Kaye teaches readers how to recognize and overcome this twisted serpent with prevailing prayers, practical tools, and powerful weapons. While experiencing a roller coaster of emotions, believers find the strength to press on and realize God will see their crooked places made straight and they can then truly shine like stars.

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    • Nuggets Of Wisdom For Lifes Journey


      Challenges believers and nonbelievers alike with a series of short messages inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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    • Journey Through Torah


      Is this your first time reading the Bible, or have you not read the five books of Moses before? Perhaps you are looking for some clearer understanding of what is being taught? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then this is your book. A Journey Through Torah has been written specifically for you! And yes, even if you are well-read in the scriptures, these stories are sure to add valuable insight for your understanding.

      As you read through these pages, you will be introduced to the ancient process of teaching-storytelling. Hi, my name is Michael Wodlinger, and I have been a teacher of stories for more than fifty years. Along with the renowned illustrator Glenn Sikorski, we have created a clear explanation of the many stories recounted in Genesis, the first of the five books of Moses. We pray you will enjoy.

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    • Gospel According To Esther


      Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Israel.
      -Isaiah 45:15 NIV

      In the book of Esther, there is no mention of God, the Holy Spirit, or prayer. On the surface, there is nothing spiritual about the book. It seems to be a short historical account of the persecution of the Jews and their subsequent victory over their enemies. Yet in reality, there is so much more.

      In The Gospel According to Esther, we will see the hidden story: the history of humanity. Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation tell this exciting story of a magnificent and loving God wanting to have a relationship with the people he created. The creation, the fall of humanity, the death and resurrection of Christ are just a few of the events covered. The overall theme of the book: God is preparing a bride for his Son.

      The main people in the Esther story are listed here, together with the person they represent in the hidden story: King Xerxes-God; Queen Vashti-Eve; Mordecai-Jesus; Haman-Satan; Hegai-Holy Spirit; and Esther-the bride of Christ. Open The Gospel According to Esther and see how these characters play out the story of humanity and the gospel as portrayed in the Bible.

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    • Courage To Lead


      Author Marsha Mansour says that “courage is a position of the heart,” but she knows not every leader feels courageous.

      With over twenty-eight years in the trenches of ministry, leadership is in Marsha’s DNA, and she desires to infuse the church with godly leaders. Yet being a good leader is more than just managing a ministry. To be a good leader is to be an effective leader, dedicated to serving God as you empower others to carry on the ministry.

      If you desire to see power in your sphere of leadership influence, The Courage to Lead is for you. In this passionate epistle to leaders, you will learn how to develop a deeper relationship with God and invest in others for the advancement of the Kingdom. Armed with principle-based leadership keys, you will know how to lead so that your life is in tune with the fruits of the Spirit.

      Packed with loads of encouragement through Scripture, prayers, and engaging examples from the author’s own experiences, this resource empowers you on your own journey to avoid taking the easy way out, and instead, to lead with courage.

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    • When Only Faith Remains


      Hidden just beneath the surface of Mary’s unique calling to serve as the mother of Christ lies an equally captivating story of her journey of faith.

      Sometimes when our plans are derailed or we encounter struggles, our faith is the only thing we have to draw upon. Trusting God through those hard times is the bedrock of what will keep us grounded. But what happens when fear creeps in? Perhaps that’s what it was like for the virgin Mary when Gabriel came to her with news that she was highly favored and chosen to bear the Christ child.

      Drawing parallels from her own journey-of-faith life experiences and the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus, Amy C. O’Reilly offers encouragement and inspiration to readers who seek to strengthen and move forward from fear to faith just as Mary did.

      With Luke 2 and 1 Corinthians 13 as reference points, readers will connect their faith in ways that bind them to love and hope in the person of Jesus Christ. While your circumstance may differ from Mary’s, the similar deepening of faith through heartache and suffering and hope and triumph will inspire you in your identity, calling, and destiny in Christ.

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    • Nearness Of God


      Sandra Wade has known Jesus as her Savior since she was a young girl, but in 2014, following a year of treatments for cancer, she found herself in a place of glorious solitude with Jesus. She had overcome disease by God’s healing hand and the vessels He used to heal her. She had laid cancer at the cross and allowed Jesus to carry her on her journey. Guided by the Holy Spirit, she found love, forgiveness, and every form of healing imaginable. She was hearing God and receiving God’s Word in her heart, learning how to put His Word and His love into action.

      In her older age, God once again called her into service, and she said yes. In Hebrews 13:16, we are told, “And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” She began to write and e-mail the messages He was both giving and teaching her–starting small at first when a friend requested she send devotionals to her daughter and then growing as the Lord brought her others to share with. This book is a collection of those devotionals in an effort to pass His truth forward.

      The Nearness of God is our good, and God upholds us in His righteous right hand–a place He longs for us all to be.

      But as for me, the nearness of God is my good;
      I have made the Lord GOD my refuge,
      That I may tell of all Your works.
      –Ps. 73:28

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    • God Who Sees


      Meet people who have fled their homelands.
      Hagar. Joseph. Ruth. Jesus.

      Here is a riveting story of seeking safety in another land. Here is a gripping journey of loss, alienation, and belonging. In The God Who Sees, immigration advocate Karen Gonzalez recounts her family’s migration from the instability of Guatemala to making a new life in Los Angeles and the suburbs of south Florida. In the midst of language barriers, cultural misunderstandings, and the tremendous pressure to assimilate, Gonzalez encounters Christ through a campus ministry program and begins to follow him.

      Here, too, is the sweeping epic of immigrants and refugees in Scripture. Abraham, Hagar, Joseph, Ruth: these intrepid heroes of the faith cross borders and seek refuge. As witnesses to God’s liberating power, they name the God they see at work, and they become grafted onto God’s family tree.

      Find resources for welcoming immigrants in your community and speaking out about an outdated immigration system. Find the power of Jesus, a refugee Savior who calls us to become citizens in a country not of this world.

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    • Undaunted : Daring To Do What God Calls You To Do (Expanded)


      You have a calling to fulfill. Are you ready to take the risk of moving past your past to fulfill it? Christine Caine faced hurdles that seemed insurmountable–abuse, abandonment, and the loss of a child. Yet she decided to answer God’s call on her life no matter where it would lead her. Many times, the only thing that kept her going was knowing that she was God’s beloved. She was God’s chosen. Secure in those truths, she moved beyond her pain so she could live the adventure of bringing God’s light and love to others around the world.

      In Undaunted, Christine challenges you to embrace the reality of God’s love so you can speak it to others as you live out your own unique calling. As Christine writes, “Love like Christ’s can lift you out of betrayal and hurt. It can deliver you from any mess. Love like that can release you from every prison of fear and confusion. And love like God’s can fill you up till it spills out of you, and you have to speak about it, share it, spread it around.”

      You already have all you need to bring hope to others. With additional biblical teaching, new stories, and a new epilogue, this revised edition of Undaunted will awaken you to how God wants to work through you and in you as you dare to become who God created you to be.

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    • King Here : Never Too Old, Too Rich Or Too Anything To Meet Jesus


      King Here is the eye-opening true story of God’s unfolding plan to bring a rich man through the “eye of the needle.”

      Trusting God and sharing Jesus with aging parents can be difficult. As Trish Porter Topmiller watched her father’s casket be lowered into the ground, she knew the complicated jigsaw puzzle of his life finally held the missing piece–Jesus. But for years, his life seemed as far away from grace, and a believing faith in God, as a person can be. A multimillionaire entrepreneur who believed his financial fortress (and business acumen) was invincible, he turned into a workaholic adrenaline junkie–and ultimate opioid statistic who had given up on life. Even then, grace found him.

      King Here offers hope that no matter how old, how rich or how addicted someone is, it’s never too late to meet Jesus. Trish shares her father’s inspiring, yet tragic life story–filled with adventure and color and unique escapades–to reveal God’s plan for an old rich man who thought he had no need for God. Stepping back to see the big picture brings to light the hope and joy that God truly can answer prayers and do the impossible, but it doesn’t always look the way readers expect. In this moving tribute to her father, Trish encourages readers to never give up on loved ones who seem “too far gone” for God to reach.

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    • For God And Country


      Most Christians understand the importance of integrating faith with work, striving to be ambassadors for Christ wherever they go. But how many Christians are either in the military or employed by the government and feel as though they can’t blend their beliefs with work? How many more are in a leadership position and find themselves having to choose when to serve Christ? Many Christians either don’t know how to serve Christ in their position, or are simply too scared to. Throughout For God and Country, readers will come to know what it is like to serve Christ and lead simultaneously. In this book, we will discuss:
      *What servant leadership looks like while serving our country
      *The value in serving our country and in serving Christ
      *The meaning of our work as servants and leaders
      *The only sacrifice that brings life

      Faith and leadership no longer have to be separate. Join Mike Root as you seek to serve Christ and bring glory to His name in all you do.

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    • God Who Sees


      Meet people who have fled their homelands.
      Hagar. Joseph. Ruth. Jesus.

      Here is a riveting story of seeking safety in another land. Here is a gripping journey of loss, alienation, and belonging. In The God Who Sees, immigration advocate Karen Gonzalez recounts her family’s migration from the instability of Guatemala to making a new life in Los Angeles and the suburbs of south Florida. In the midst of language barriers, cultural misunderstandings, and the tremendous pressure to assimilate, Gonzalez encounters Christ through a campus ministry program and begins to follow him.

      Here, too, is the sweeping epic of immigrants and refugees in Scripture. Abraham, Hagar, Joseph, Ruth: these intrepid heroes of the faith cross borders and seek refuge. As witnesses to God’s liberating power, they name the God they see at work, and they become grafted onto God’s family tree.

      Find resources for welcoming immigrants in your community and speaking out about an outdated immigration system. Find the power of Jesus, a refugee Savior who calls us to become citizens in a country not of this world.

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    • If You Know Who You Are You Will Know What To Do


      This volume offers a timely look at the important topic of integrity. What does integrity mean? What does it involve? How do we “do” integrity?

      Drawing on his experience as a Christian, a minister, and a pastoral counselor, Ronald J. Greer explores the two sides of integrity: personal integrity and moral integrity. Personal integrity involves an integrated life, where we are in harmony with ourselves, while moral integrity reflects the evolution of the word, as the idea of morality and ethics merged with the concept of wholeness.

      Perfect for the graduate or as a gift for anyone at a key turning point in their lives, this small book provides the insight and guidelines that will become the touchstones for a good, well-lived life.

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    • In Search Of Christ In Latin America


      Noted theologian Samuel Escobar offers a magisterial survey and study of Christology in Latin America. Starting with the first Spanish influence and moving through popular religiosity and liberationist themes in Catholic and Protestant thought of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, In Search of Christ in Latin America culminates in an important description of the work of the Latin American Theological Fraternity (FTL). Escobar chronologically traces the journey of Latin American Christology and describes the milestones along the way toward a rich understanding of the spiritual reality and powerful message of Jesus.

      IVP Academic is pleased to release this important work, originally published in Spanish as En busca de Cristo en America Latina, for the first time in English.
      *Offers theological, historical, and cultural analysis of Latin American understandings of Christ
      *Discusses the sixteenth-century Spanish Christ, popular religiosity, and developed theological reflection
      *Covers the full spectrum of theological traditions in Latin America
      *Examines the figure of Jesus Christ in the context of Latin American culture of the twentieth century
      *Places liberation theology within its social and revolutionary context

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    • Costly Grace : An Evangelical Minister’s Rediscovery Of Faith Hope And Love


      A leading evangelical minister and spiritual advisor to America’s political class recounts his years as an extreme activist in the religious right-and how faith and conscience led him back to the simple message of the generously loving Jesus seen in the gospels.

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    • Learning From Henri Nouwen And Vincent Van Gogh


      Carol Berry and her husband met and befriended Henri Nouwen when she sat in his course on compassion at Yale Divinity School in the 1970s. At the request of Henri Nouwen’s literary estate, she has written this book, which includes unpublished material recorded from Nouwen’s lectures. As an art educator, Berry is uniquely situated to develop Nouwen’s work on Vincent van Gogh and to add her own research. She fills in background on the much misunderstood spiritual context of van Gogh’s work, and reinterprets van Gogh’s art (presented here in full color) in light of Nouwen’s lectures. Berry also brings in her own experience in ministry, sharing how Nouwen and van Gogh, each in his own way, led her to the richness and beauty of the compassionate life.

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    • Finding The Lost Art Of Empathy


      Pastor Tracy Wilde reflects on the absence of empathy in today’s world and shares how Christians can renew their compassion to help unify not only the church, but society as well, in this timely and refreshing guide.

      Achieving meaningful relationships and cultivating lasting connections with others are often some of the most valuable experiences of our lives. So why can it sometimes feel so difficult to relate to the people around us if we all share the same human desire to bond?

      In Finding the Lost Art of Empathy, Tracy Wilde addresses the reasons why we struggle with showing empathy toward others and explains why we ultimately avoid it–and even avoid contact with others altogether. She explores the different facets that have promoted isolation instead of community and provides the antidote for a more unified, loving, and empathetic society. Inspirational and encouraging , Wilde inspires us to self-reflect and remove whatever obstacles from our lives that may be blocking our way to true fulfillment in our relationships–and living life the way God intends us to.

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    • Freedom Challenge : 60 Days To Untie The Cords That Bind You


      Be free from toxic mindsets, destructive patterns of behavior, and lies that keep you bound.

      The truth behind seven little words changed Dawn Scott Damon’s life when she heard a man from a small country church sing “I am who He says I am!” Her life was transformed as she began to believe what God’s Word says about who she is in Christ, and she started her journey out of betrayal, abandonment, and deception.

      She shares compelling truths in a sixty-day interactive Bible study that identifies and confronts eight cords that keep many believers bound. These practical and powerful biblical tools are designed to give you a new mindset, a fresh beginning, and a clear direction for a positive future.

      Take the Freedom Challenge and become an active participant in your own emotional and spiritual transformation. Through a guided, intentional, and interactive daily process of putting God’s Word into practice, the strongholds of destructive and bondage-making behavior in your life can be broken. Choose to take that first step to live free from deceptive self-talk, fear, depression, toxic mindsets, and debilitating lies, among others.

      Thought-provoking questions, journaling space, confessions, and affirmations are included to help guide you toward freedom.

      The truest thing about you and me is that we are who God says we are! We are to believe what God says about us, not be limited by negative labels, false limitations, and lies.
      –Dawn Scott Damon

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    • Church Clothes : Why Your Heart Is Your Sunday Best



      “I see you over there worshiping but, you know, you’re going to have to get that piercing out of your eyebrow.” -CHURCHGOER

      The Bible says God looks at the heart (1 Sam. 16:7) and we are called to do the same. But there are still Christians who look at the piercings, clothes, and tattoos of people before even looking at their hearts. Not only do their relationships suffer, but their churches do too, as attendance declines and a culture of appearance-based morality creeps in.

      Apostle Matthew L. Stevenson III exposes the traditions that root us in religiosity and prevent us from spreading the good news. Learn how to:
      *Avoid judging others based on their appearances
      *Extend the grace God has so richly extended to us
      *Recognize the difference between judgment and discernment
      *Demonstrate the Gospel in a way that draws others to Jesus

      Known for reaching people from all walks of life, Stevenson dives into the Word of God and unpacks what it really means to be holy.

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    • He Is So Faithful


      The Lord Jesus Christ and His faithfulness is the main point of my book “He Is So Faithful! Therefore My Hope Is In Him” A devotional journal of inspiration and hope about some of my life experiences as the Lord has led me through the years. A verse of scripture heads each devotion.

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    • Guys Guide To Four Battles Every Young Man Must Face


      Honestly?. . .

      “Why wait for something when I can enjoy it now?”
      “These images don’t really affect me. . .do they?”
      “How could smoking a little weed really be that bad when it’s becoming legalized everywhere?”
      “I’d like to tell you I don’t care what others think, but honestly, I want to be liked.”

      Maybe you’re thinking, “I’ve had one. . .maybe even a few of these thoughts, and I don’t know how to even begin to deal with them.”

      The good news? You’re not alone. And there is a way to fight these battles head-on, overcoming the past, pressing forward, and becoming the person God designed you to be.

      So what’s a guy to do? . . .

      Join youth culture expert and author of the popular Guy’s Guide to God, Girls, and the Phone in Your Pocket, Jonathan McKee, as he gets real about the four common battles every young man will encounter in his life:

      1: Sexual Temptation
      2. Screens
      3: Controlled Substances
      4: Self-Esteem

      With humor and honesty, McKee offers up practical, spiritual advice filled with real-world application helping you face today’s distractions.

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    • Accessing The Riches Of Heaven


      I just want to be in heaven. When we enter seasons of hardship or shortage, we yearn for the peace, tranquility, and abundance we know we will find in heaven. But did you know that God has given us access to the riches of heaven here on earth? Bestselling author and entrepreneur Patricia King dives into Scripture and answers questions like- What does accessing the riches of heaven look like?- What kinds of riches are there?- How can I receive my spiritual inheritance?- What impedes me from accessing this heavenly abundance?- Does God bestow different kinds of riches on different people?The Father provides for his children and has given you the means to access his riches here and now. Will you accept his invitation?

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    • Power Of Jesus Names


      “Who do you say I am?” Matthew 16:15

      In his insightful follow-up to the bestselling book, The Power of God’s Names, Dr. Tony Evans introduces you to Jesus in a new light. Jesus is anticipated from the very beginning of the Bible until He finally arrives on the scene in Bethlehem. During that time He isn’t called Jesus; rather, He has many names that reflect different aspects of His character, and this is true all through the New Testament as well.

      Both in-depth Scripture research and Dr. Evan’s signature storytelling style make The Power of Jesus’ Names a fascinating journey–you will get to know more about Him as:
      *Lamb of God
      *Great High Priest
      *Son of God
      *and more.

      As you study the life and character of Jesus, you will enter into a more intimate understanding of who He is and what He came to do for–and in–your life today.

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    • Shake Free : How To Deal With The Storms, Shipwrecks, And Snakes In Your Li


      There is a way to confront problems in life, shake them off, and move on.

      Based on the story (see Acts 27-28) of the Apostle Paul’s near catastrophic shipwreck, this is a call to individuals to “shake off” problems and disasters in life and move forward to new health and wholeness. To everyone on the ship with the Apostle Paul, it looked like a certain disaster. But as Paul predicted, everyone did survive–even though they made it to safety only by grasping “broken pieces of wood.” In his unique way, Rodriguez compellingly explains that “God makes wonderful things in our life come from our broken pieces. Because of Christ in our life, we have the power to shake off fear, rejection, and failure–just like Paul later shook off the viper that should have killed him.”

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    • Loving My Actual Neighbor


      As Christians, we know we are called to love our neighbor. We may even grasp that “neighbor” encompasses more than just the people living next door or down the street. But what we too often don’t know is how to begin. How do we love our neighbor? Where do we start? What does this look like in our increasingly isolated world?

      Following practices outlined in the first chapter of 2 Peter, Alexandra Kuykendall lays out the framework for where to begin. From practicing humility to listening with understanding to being generous in our relationships, Loving My Actual Neighbor offers practical, start-now steps readers can take to love their neighbors. With her approachable, friendly tone and down-to-earth advice, Kuykendall has carved out for herself a place in the hearts of readers, who will be thrilled to extend her commonsense approach into this sphere of their lives.

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    • God Is With You Every Day (Large Type)


      It’s easier to face the day when you know that God is with you.

      God Is With You Every Day (Large Text Leathersoft) version is the newest edition of the bestselling 365-day devotional from Max Lucado, his first devotional since the creation of the Grace for the Moment line. Max’s signature reassuring and encouraging voice, paired with the practical, relevant, and personal message that God is with you every day, makes a great way to start each day of the year.

      This devotional begins each week with a prayer and scripture, followed by six days of devotions and scripture for reflection. Weaving messages of comfort, grace, and encouragement, this book is wonderful for anyone who wants a fresh infusion of faith to start each day, as well as those walking through difficult seasons of life such as loneliness, grief, or change.

      You can face each day with courage-because God is with you.

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    • Each Day A Gift


      An Althea Press Title

      Let your faith lead the way to gratitude.

      When life moves fast, it’s easy to stop seeing the gifts each day brings. From family and friends to aspirations and more, this devotional for women will open your eyes to the blessings before you and unlock the grateful heart within.

      Each Day a Gift offers daily guidance to deepen your faith and cultivate a life filled with gratitude in 90 days. Connecting the scripture to everyday events, each devotional helps you to realize all you have and all you stand to gain in God’s grace.

      Inside Each Day a Gift, you’ll find:
      *90 devotionals for women-Cultivate gratitude each and every day with quick and practical devotionals to help guide you.
      *Scripture for real life-See how the scripture sheds light on your home, work, and social life with passages that speak to modern life.
      *Reflect and pray-Write down your thoughts with dedicated space at the end of each devotional.

      Celebrate each moment and milestone of your life when you practice gratitude through God’s guiding words. This devotional for women shows you how.

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    • Poverty Riches And Wealth


      Prosperity.It’s one of the most dividing words in the church. Some pastors use it to tell their congregations that God will make them all rich, rich, rich! Others spurn the word and insist that true Christlikeness is found in forsaking all worldly riches and possessions.The truth is, both are right–and both are wrong.

      With refreshing honesty, humor, and keen insight, bestselling author and pastor Kris Vallotton mines the Scriptures in an eye-opening study of what the Bible really says about money, poverty, riches, and wealth. And what he finds is sure to shake up what you thought you knew–including these surprising truths:
      – Jesus was not poor and homeless
      – Poverty is a mind
      -set that holds us back from true wealth
      – You determine your wealth based on how much, and how well you love yourself

      When you learn to cultivate a mind-set of abundance, no matter your circumstances, you will begin to experience the wealth of heaven in every area of your life.

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    • Genesis : Small Stories Of A Big God


      Who is this God we believe in, and does He really care about us? Genesis is more than a description of creation, it is God’s invitation to get to know Him and the people He calls His own. Story by story, God introduces His family. Walk under the starry sky of a defeated Abraham. Hide behind locked doors with Lot and his terrified daughters. Listen in on Rebekah’s whispered kitchen instructions to her favorite son, Jacob, as they cook up a stew of trouble. Find out there’s more to Joseph than a spoiled little brother’s designer coat. More often than not, you’ll discover it’s the “good guys” going down the wrong path with blood on their sandals. These aren’t the stories you thought you knew. This isn’t the God you thought you knew. He is not quietly floating in the heavens looking on. He’s standing in the middle of His rebellious children, reaching out with open arms and a bar of soap to wash them clean. God has been dealing with the mess of flawed and broken people from the very beginning. Through these intimate small stories from Genesis, we find the heart of a very Big God.

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    • Eternal Mark Of A Mom


      SKU (ISBN): 9781589979673ISBN10: 1589979672Linda WeberBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2019Publisher: Focus On The Family

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    • Time For Christ


      In this world, Christians are in a constant spiritual battle, and one common problem facing Christians is our use of time. We can feel frustrated with the demands placed on our time, and between work, family, and ministry, our service can even begin to feel like a burden. But what is time? How should we spend our time? Whose time is it anyway? In Time for Christ, author Gil Jacobs presents seven Christian principles to help you be a good steward of your time. In an age when we experience increasing demands on our time, this book presents a strategy for using your time in a God-pleasing way, so we can claim God’s promise: “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). When we accept God’s gracious gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, we become his adopted daughters and sons. Just as we love and care for our own children, God loves and cares for us. But just as children, we must spend time with our heavenly Father to live lives that please and glorify him. Time for Christ will show you how to glorify God and enjoy your relationship with him as you apply his principles of time stewardship in your life.

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    • Time For Christ


      In this world, Christians are in a constant spiritual battle, and one common problem facing Christians is our use of time. We can feel frustrated with the demands placed on our time, and between work, family, and ministry, our service can even begin to feel like a burden. But what is time? How should we spend our time? Whose time is it anyway? In Time for Christ, author Gil Jacobs presents seven Christian principles to help you be a good steward of your time. In an age when we experience increasing demands on our time, this book presents a strategy for using your time in a God-pleasing way, so we can claim God’s promise: “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). When we accept God’s gracious gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, we become his adopted daughters and sons. Just as we love and care for our own children, God loves and cares for us. But just as children, we must spend time with our heavenly Father to live lives that please and glorify him. Time for Christ will show you how to glorify God and enjoy your relationship with him as you apply his principles of time stewardship in your life.

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    • Love Them Encourage Them Tell Them About Me


      A true story filled with the trials of a young life dealing with the reality of death. Born in London, England Carole grew up hearing nothing about the rich Christian heritage that preceded her in this area of South London. She being the youngest of seven children was three years old when her eldest sister took her to church. She heard that Jesus died on the cross for her sins and rose again. She believed and was very thankful to Jesus for doing that for her. However she never had a Bible so she grew up not knowing the Word of God. All she had was the prayers that she prayed to Jesus for her daddy. She knew that Jesus could hear her and she was never alone in her room He was always with her. He showed her two visions. Was Jesus telling her that she would be a part of these visions? All she knew was that Jesus was very real and the visions seemed so normal. But not having the Word of God and not knowing His promises, Carole began to drift, and when those people she loved died she became very angry and rebellious. Why did God take her daddy and all the others? Read how she stumbled through life looking for an identity until the Lord Jesus began to show her that her identity is in Him.

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    • Love Them Encourage Them Tell Them About Me


      A true story filled with the trials of a young life dealing with the reality of death. Born in London, England Carole grew up hearing nothing about the rich Christian heritage that preceded her in this area of South London. She being the youngest of seven children was three years old when her eldest sister took her to church. She heard that Jesus died on the cross for her sins and rose again. She believed and was very thankful to Jesus for doing that for her. However she never had a Bible so she grew up not knowing the Word of God. All she had was the prayers that she prayed to Jesus for her daddy. She knew that Jesus could hear her and she was never alone in her room He was always with her. He showed her two visions. Was Jesus telling her that she would be a part of these visions? All she knew was that Jesus was very real and the visions seemed so normal. But not having the Word of God and not knowing His promises, Carole began to drift, and when those people she loved died she became very angry and rebellious. Why did God take her daddy and all the others? Read how she stumbled through life looking for an identity until the Lord Jesus began to show her that her identity is in Him.

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    • Let Love Go Forward


      When a person’s “love bucket” of appreciation and encouragement is empty, they don’t have much to give.

      What is the secret to a lasting marriage? What makes it good? How can a couple overcome rough patches? Could your marriage use a “booster shot”?

      Let Love Go Forward brings to life the dynamics of the marital relationship, both the good times and the difficult. Beginning with the bonding phase, referred to as “The Chase,” former marriage and family counselor Terry Olsen explains the pitfalls and potholes that can sour a relationship to the point of going off the rails with a flatline pulse and the pilot light of the soul all but diminished. Filled with relatable examples (included lessons learned from Olsen’s failed first marriage), Let Love Go Forward offers practical helps, encouragement, and positive resolutions to get struggling marriages back on track. With the help of discussion questions, couples will gain a hopeful outlook for their days ahead, and hope is a powerful ally.

      This is the ideal book for young couples and those who need a reminder that there is hope for a more nurturing marriage.

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    • Restored : From Failure To Faith And Freedom


      That which once consumed us will, in turn, have to sustain us. When God turns the captivity around, that which held us will become our servant. He will use the thing that bound us to deliver us, and the thing that wounded us to heal us. He will cause those devastations to become the force of strength to propel us forward into His plans and purposes. It will become our testimony!

      RESTORED: From Failure to Faith and Freedom lays out just such a journey. I pray that this account of my falling away and subsequent restoration will encourage you as you press toward restoration in your own life.

      God is truly an amazing wonder-worker. As we turn our hearts toward Him, He opens the portals of Heaven and turns those circumstances that held us bound into a testimony of His love and restoring power. What He did for me, He will surely do for you!

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    • Transformed : Keys For Your Supernatural Journey To Freedom


      When the harsh realities of life stare us hard in the face, we have two choices: buckle or break free. But when something like depression or addiction wields ugly power, sometimes it’s difficult to know what to do. Perhaps this is you. Author Yvonne Grant has stood where you now stand. For eleven years, Yvonne battled addiction and depression and the life struggles that come because of them. After her deliverance, two people in different parts of the world offered her a prophetic word: “The lessons you have learned are not just for you. Others need what you have been given. You are to write a book and give what you have learned to others for their freedom.”

      Transformed: Keys for Your Supernatural Journey to Freedom reveals the spiritual realm and the warfare we encounter and the challenges we face, including fear, anxiety, depression, and addiction. You will discover God’s intervening love, His power to break the chains of bondage, and His salvation that sets the captive free. Bonus features include actionable, affirming takeaway keys with biblical freedom comparisons that will help you know you are not alone in your struggle. You can indeed be transformed.

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    • Inspiration For Your Journey


      Have you ever found yourself asking, “How do I deal with what’s happening to me?” It can be easy to shut God out when you face personal loss and deep disappointment, rather than draw close to the lover of your soul and allow Him to work in you.

      But take heart! Award-winning author Nicole E. Johnson weaves faith with Scripture to highlight God’s wisdom in creating the paths laid out for each individual. She offers practical applications with steps you can take to grow in patience, encouragement, faith, love, peace, and much more. The “Tip of the Day” presents a simple faith practice for daily meditation, and the prayer templates give a solid foundation to seek His will.

      The Inspiration for Your Journey short devotionals include journaling sections, and each chapter provides guidance to examine the bumps in the road as God walks beside you and strengthens you on your journey. Through moments of self-reflection, you will be inspired and challenged to deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father.

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    • Inspiration For Your Journey


      Have you ever found yourself asking, “How do I deal with what’s happening to me?” It can be easy to shut God out when you face personal loss and deep disappointment, rather than draw close to the lover of your soul and allow Him to work in you.

      But take heart! Award-winning author Nicole E. Johnson weaves faith with Scripture to highlight God’s wisdom in creating the paths laid out for each individual. She offers practical applications with steps you can take to grow in patience, encouragement, faith, love, peace, and much more. The “Tip of the Day” presents a simple faith practice for daily meditation, and the prayer templates give a solid foundation to seek His will.

      The Inspiration for Your Journey short devotionals include journaling sections, and each chapter provides guidance to examine the bumps in the road as God walks beside you and strengthens you on your journey. Through moments of self-reflection, you will be inspired and challenged to deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father.

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    • Being Rebuilt And Restored


      This book takes you on a Biblical yet poetic journey and through a personal process to view life as a building process. God is the Master Architect of this life and the one beyond. The Holy Spirit works in, with, and through us like our Builder and Site Manager, guiding and constructing us into the image of Christ. By grace, we are being transformed into the Christ Plan-He is our Building Plan, true Blueprint, and the Architectural Drawing of God’s everlasting covenant with us. You are never too broken or ruined to be restored into God’s plan and His purpose for your life! Together, our living stones are being built into His eternal dwelling place. Trust God with your process and become a true builder of His kingdom. See how God is busy restoring your rubble mess into His eternal heavenly fortress.

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    • Motivational Prayers For Men


      Does your prayer life feel stale? In Motivational Prayers for Men, find hope, renew your strength, and increase your faith, by learning how to confidently approach God in prayer.

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    • Male And Female Made In Gods Image


      In this era of distorted ideas about our inherent roles, identities, and purposes as men and women, it has never been as important that we seek reconciliation in marriage and families so there can be a more rational approach to the real problems the whole world suffers. We must disseminate God’s truth and extinguish the lies and myths that Satan has embedded into the hearts and minds of many people.

      Building on these ideas, in Male and Female Made in God’s Image, author Frances O’Dair offers her perspective on dating, marriage, and family, which she believes reflects the experiences of most married couples before the sexual revolution of the 1960s. She encourages men and women to reflect on the wise or self-serving natures of their past dating and mating choices. If we can stop the reckless self-gratifying use of human sexuality with our children, our loving direction and understanding of God’s truth can set them free from the temptations that have been passed down to recent generations. We must be ready to admit that sexual freedom is a myth and isn’t intended for the well-being of men, women, children, and the unborn.

      This faith-inspired treatise explores the true source of happiness, meaning, and fulfilment that God has planned for everyone within the sacrament of marriage and the family circle.

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    • Its About Time


      Have you bought in to “the new normal”? It’s a lifestyle based on heightened expectations and upward social comparisons. It sounds good, and it often feels necessary. But it’s killing us.

      Symptoms include:
      *You have an ever-present feeling that you’re racing toward a finish line that always gets pushed out just a little bit further.
      *You find time for the important things in life, but you wish you had more time to linger and savor those moments.
      *Even though you earn more than enough money to meet your needs, you don’t have enough time to get through your to-do list. You are time poor.
      *The pace of those around you is just as hectic and just as exhausting.

      In It’s About Time, bestselling author Valorie Burton shares openly about her struggle against a lifestyle that seems normal but is far from natural. Even better, she equips readers with the tools to create a lifestyle filled with breathing room-a lifestyle that empowers each of us to be fully present, more productive, and truly satisfied.

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    • Now I Know His Name


      A Tableland Press LLC Title

      After the death of her husband, sixty-two-year-old Frankie Wyatt wondered what to do next in her life. God had a plan: He was going to send her to China.

      Frankie Willingham Wyatt had heard of the need of the Chinese people to hear about Jesus Christ. After she and her husband, Cecil, retired to Picayune, Mississippi, Cecil became seriously ill and was ultimately called to his heavenly home. Now alone, Frankie prayed for God’s direction in her life. God pointed her to China, and Frankie stepped out in faith.

      Reissued with an epilogue and a new cover, Now I Know His Name shows what it is like to be a missionary in a foreign country. Most of Frankie’s time in China was spent teaching English in both public and private schools. She had difficulty learning Chinese, but God’s love bridged the language barrier.

      Truly able to laugh at herself, Frankie shares many enlightening stories with humor and compassion. God used her in a mighty way to lead numerous people to salvation through Jesus Christ. She made many new friends who now call her “Mom” or “Grandma.” With God’s help, Frankie made a difference in the lives of countless individuals.

      Based on emails that Frankie sent home, this book recounts her adventures and experiences in China. It is like reading a missionary letter written specifically to you.

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    • School Of Obedience


      For us to have favor with God, obedience is of utmost importance. Let this study awaken in you an earnest desire to fully know God’s will concerning this truth.

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    • Redwoods And Whales


      Living under the Canopy of God’s Grace

      In Redwoods and Whales, Phil Joel makes a passionate plea to a new generation of believers to not get “beached” in their faith, but rather get planted like mighty redwood.

      By unlocking key Scriptures and reflecting on these two events, Joel shows readers the perils of wandering too far away from the “pod” and the unending pleasures of living life under the canopy of God’s amazing redwoods.

      As a founding member of the GRAMMY(R)-nominated supergroup Newsboys, Phil Joel still has a burning passion to see young people be liberated in their faith.

      This drive became even more acute one day while roaming the California shoreline. Phil walked right into a beached whale. Shocked to find this beautiful mammal out of its normal habitat and slowly dying, Phil joined a group of local rescuers as they attempted to return the young whale back into the ocean. Later, as he continued his journey up the California coast, he encountered a vast redwood tree forest that also left him breathless.

      The word “California” means paradise, and indeed every year thousands of people flock to California in search of the good life. Yet whales were never intended to live on land no matter how picturesque.

      Redwoods and Whales offers a warning and a promise:

      The warning: Don’t become that beached whale, trying to live in a foreign environment.

      The promise: You will find freedom when your identity is centered under the safety of the Divine.

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    • More REAL : Embracing The Authentic Life God Created You For


      LESS Shame LESS Masks MORE Real Jesus promises “life and life to the full”. So why do so many people walk away from faith–and not just teenagers but people who have been in church for years? ?The full life offered is one of genuine relationship with God and others, but has our tendency to fight vulnerability, mask weakness and hide disappointment cost us the real thing? Have we tried to keep it together, keep the faith, until we simply can’t do it anymore? Following Jesus should not require fronts: when we fully grasp the love of God towards us, in all our mess and sin and doubt, we experience the freedom that vulnerability, honesty, and sacrifice brings. That’s real life; life to the full. MORE Real explores how we can build lives on truth, and cultivate a real faith that lasts through the storms of life. Aesthetically pleasing, quote-heavy, with short chapters that hold together like a series of blog posts on a theme, the more series will afford readers the space (whether it be five minutes on the subway or a quick evening devotional) to explore themes of the Bible in a life-applicable and accessible way.

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    • Its A Love Story


      Human beings love to be loved. And we love to fall in love. As children we pour our love into our pets and our friends. As teenagers we fall in love with musicians and actors and the boy whose locker is next to ours. As we mature, we long for romantic love that will last a lifetime. Sacrificial love, unexplainable love, familial love, desperate love. Love songs and love stories. Clearly we were created with the longing for love ingrained in our souls.

      With lots of wit and a bit of wisdom drawn from a lifetime of falling in love, Lincee Ray invites you to an unabashed celebration of that loving feeling. As she reveals the loves of her life and encourages you to recall your own, you’ll discover alongside her that there is only one who can ever truly fulfill the deepest longings of our hearts. And he made us to be part of a divine love story.

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    • Glorious Weakness : Discovering God In All We Lack


      As a girl, Alia Joy came face to face with weakness, poverty, and loss in ways that made her doubt God was good. There were times when it felt as if God had abandoned her. What she didn’t realize then was that God was always there, calling her to abandon herself.In this deeply personal exploration of what it means to be “poor in spirit,” Joy challenges our cultural proclivity to “pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps.” She calls on readers to embrace true vulnerability and authenticity with God and with one another, showing how weakness does not disqualify us from inclusion in the kingdom of God–instead, it is our very invitation to enter in.Anyone who has struggled with feeling inadequate, disillusioned, or just too broken will find hope. This message is an antidote to despair, helping readers reclaim the ways God is good, even when life is anything but.

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    • Intimate Connection : Secrets To A Lifelong Romance


      Creating a happy, lifelong marriage is about much more than physical compatibility. It’s about a lifestyle of 24-7 intimacy that bonds couples in a mutually satisfying relationship. In The Intimate Connection, bestselling marriage expert Dr. Kevin Leman explores key secrets to the love life couples crave. He helps readers:
      – understand each other’s needs, backgrounds, and personalities (and how those factors influence every marital interaction)
      – talk so their spouse really listens
      – turn negative game
      -playing into positive behaviors that help couples grow closer
      – create deep, long-lasting intimacy that’s divorce

      Whether couples are new to marriage or have been married a long time, Dr. Leman’s time-tested strategies will create the kind of exciting intimacy, mutual respect, and fulfilling communication that will keep husbands and wives in each other’s arms for a lifetime.

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    • How To Pray (Revised)


      Revised and expanded by the former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, this classic work on the discipline of prayer is both practical and personal – a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom for new believers, seasoned Christians, and everyone in between.In this completely updated twentieth anniversary edition, pastor Ronnie Floyd invites believers to join him in better understanding effective prayer with a practical and helpful plan for how to pray. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran in prayer, this book will meet you where you are and encourage you to move to a new level in your prayer life.

      The book includes a new foreword from Dr. Floyd, the long-standing pastor of Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas and the new president for the National Day of Prayer.

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    • 40 Verses To Ignite Your Faith


      Many of us have our “go to” verses. The ones we memorize, post on social media, and hang on our walls. But sometimes we need a fresh word or promise for the season we find ourselves in–something that ignites our faith in the face of fear, doubt, loneliness, insecurity, or overwhelming circumstances.

      In this powerful, accessible new book, author and speaker Laurie Short mines the Scriptures, revealing insights and promises from 40 verses we often overlook. Digging in to these “in between” verses, she unearths fresh wisdom, guidance, and encouragement that will help you seek and experience God in new, dynamic ways. From trusting God’s timing, to not worrying about the future, to holding on to faith when things look dark, the hidden insights found in these verses will help you navigate the challenges that cross your path, breathe new life into your weary soul, and ignite your faith once again.

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    • Trust Me : Learning To Trust That God Is Good And In Control Even When Life


      Can you trust God in all circumstances?

      When you lose your job, your children misbehave, your plans are ruined, your relationship ends, or when life-threatening illness strikes?

      Do you ever question where God is when life feels out of control? Trusting God is made easier when you understand the truth about His character.

      He is good.

      His goodness is constant and unending.

      He is in control.

      He is faithful.

      He keeps His promises.

      Faith will be strengthened, trust rebuilt, and perspectives shifted by these life-changing truths of Scripture illustrated by true personal stories. Designed for personal or group study, Trust Me contains discussion questions and suggestions for in-depth study.

      God is our Father and He loves us. He knows just what is best. His will is the most perfect thing that can come to us under any circumstances.

      Trust Me is a revised, updated, and expanded version of Verna Birkey’s classic gem If God Is in Control, Why Is My World Falling Apart?

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    • Devotions From The Beach


      Life is better at the beach-but you already knew that. Dig your feet in the sand, and let the water cool your toes as you escape in the beauty of God’s seaside wonders. The gorgeous photography and 100 devotions in Devotions from the Beach will take you right to the water’s edge, where God’s voice is often clearer than ever.

      Sand on warm skin, salty breeze in your hair, the crashing of waves in the distance, saltwater taffy, and a pace that takes its time . . . There’s nothing quite like the warmth and relaxation of the beach, away from the stresses of everyday life. Devotions from the Beach is the winding road that takes you to a front-row seat to God’s majestic creation. Breathe deeply and open your heart and soul to the One who shaped it all.

      Devotions from the Beach includes beautiful four-color photography on every spread and 100 devotions that explore life’s parallels with the elements of the shore-to help you see God, find hope, draw strength, and rest in the comfort of His arms throughout your day.

      Bring the best parts of beach life to each day with Devotions from the Beach. It’s the perfect gift for every beach lover or a lovely way to keep a little sand between your toes every day of the year.

      Every woman will want a copy of this book as a gentle reminder of days at the beach and the call of God’s love.

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    • Chronic Blessings : Finding Life’s Greatest Joys Within Your Deepest Hearta


      Made For Grace Publishing Title

      Do you want to enjoy the life you are living, even as you face significant life challenges?

      Are you grieving the loss of the life you planned? Is your body or mind failing you? Can you ever find joy, peace, or fulfillment in these challenging situations? The answer is a resounding YES.

      Cristy Maddox searched for answers that were not coming; for a diagnosis to explain her symptoms. For nearly ten years Cristy and her husband Greg began researching and learning about an illness they had never heard of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. An illness affecting over 2 million Americans and 1 in every 100 teenagers!

      This invisible intruder not only places Cristy at risk but her children as well. Feeling isolated and misunderstood, Cristy grieves the loss of the life she once knew.

      But now, Cristy brings her findings and insights to you in this compelling, honest, and often too-real story, providing answers to the many perplexing questions surrounding chronic illness. She takes you on a journey of learning the purpose of hardship, a better way to view pain and how to allow God to recycle it for good.

      Are you ready to discover that your greatest joys in life may be hidden in your deepest heartache?

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    • Grateful Praise : A Gratitude Journal For Women Of Faith


      An Althea Press Title

      Write your way to a grateful & faithful heart.

      Womanhood is a gift that bears countless blessings each and every day. Family, friends, and God’s presence in our lives-the only question is: what are you grateful for today? Let faith be your guide to finding an answer inside this gratitude journal.

      Grateful Praise! is the key to unlocking a thankful heart with Bible verses, prayers, and thought-provoking questions to guide your writing. By showing you the role faith plays in your day-to-day, this journal cultivates true joy and loving kindness at every age and stage of life.

      With this gratitude journal, you’ll:
      *Be guided to grateful praise-Open your heart to give daily thanks with Bible verses, reflective prompts, and hymns.
      *Discover timeless truths-Every line of every verse in this gratitude journal speaks to the milestones of womanhood for all time.
      *Find space for reflection-Explore your thoughts fully with plenty of space for writing.

      Deepen your connection to God’s heart and let your own overflow with thankfulness with this gratitude journal.

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    • Live In Light


      An Althea Press Title

      Light the path to growing up with 5-minute devotionals.

      Crushes, girl squad drama, school stress-not to mention figuring out who you are and what you want to be when you grow up-a lot happens in your teens that can make you feel left in the dark. Find the light-open this book and let the Scripture be your guide.

      Live In Light is every girl’s guide to tackling their teenage years with the wisdom and comfort of the Bible. From navigating the pressure to be “perfect” on social media to dating and dealing with frenemies, these 5-minute devotionals help you to become the woman that both you and God want you to be.

      Inside these teen devotionals for girls, you’ll find:
      *5-minute devotionals-Bring the Bible into your day at any moment with quick and practical readings.
      *Relatable Scripture-Unpack lessons from the Bible with anecdotes you can apply to your daily life.
      *A spiritual toolkit-Relate God’s words to challenges and topics like social media, body image, self-worth and more.

      In a world filled with change, this book offers unwavering guidance to live under the bright light of faith.

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    • Joyful Surrender : 7 Disciplines For The Believers Life


      In our age of instant gratification and if-it-feels-good-do-it attitudes, self-discipline is hardly a popular notion. Yet it may be one of the most important lost virtues of our time. In Joyful Surrender, former missionary and beloved author Elisabeth Elliot offers her understanding of discipline and its value for people of all times. She shows readers how to:
      – discipline the mind, body, possessions, time, and feelings
      – overcome anxiety
      – change poor habits and attitudes
      – trust God in times of trial and hardship
      – let Christ have control in all areas of life

      Elliot masterfully and gently takes readers through Scripture, personal stories, and incisive observations of the world around her to help them discover the understanding that our fulfillment as human beings depends on our answer to God’s call to obedience.

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    • Our Spiritual Compass


      An Outskirts Press Title

      Even a casual look at trends in human behavior will instantly reveal that kindness and good are on the decline, while greed and cruelty are on the rise-even as secular culture proclaims its dedication to tolerance and safety for all. In reality, the conscience is under assault, and the result is a general condemnation of the morality that society must rely upon as a guide. Those who would live a godly life are told that they are the problem. Although the conscience is not given much attention by the Church, it is very important in understanding both ethics and morality. Our Spiritual Compass: The Conscience and Morality provides an overview of man’s immaterial parts (spirit, soul, heart, flesh, will, mind, and conscience). It uses this background to provide an in-depth Biblical study of the conscience. The latter part of the book is dedicated to understanding morality from the standpoint of conscience, examining how two hundred years of worldly thought have corrupted our understanding of morality and ethics, and the ways in which modern life and philosophy are at odds with God’s guidance. Clear, accessible, and well researched, this is the book you need to assess whether you-and your loved ones-are on the right path.

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    • Being Rebuilt And Restored


      This book takes you on a Biblical yet poetic journey and through a personal process to view life as a building process. God is the Master Architect of this life and the one beyond. The Holy Spirit works in, with, and through us like our Builder and Site Manager, guiding and constructing us into the image of Christ. By grace, we are being transformed into the Christ Plan-He is our Building Plan, true Blueprint, and the Architectural Drawing of God’s everlasting covenant with us. You are never too broken or ruined to be restored into God’s plan and His purpose for your life! Together, our living stones are being built into His eternal dwelling place. Trust God with your process and become a true builder of His kingdom. See how God is busy restoring your rubble mess into His eternal heavenly fortress.

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    • Simple Faith : Something Worth Living For


      A T2Pneuma Publishers LLC Title

      How do we know what we know? This question challenges the nature of information, how we learn, decision making, who we are, and who this God is that we worship. If this challenge appears optional; it is not–our post-Christian culture questions every assumption. Simple Faith examines these questions and discusses implications for faith and life.

      An important implication of this study is that faith plays a critical role into how we think, learn, and make decisions in the context of limited resources and an uncertain future. Even scientific inquiry requires faith, which normally gets hidden in untested assumptions and presumptions about what is interesting to investigate. Often the critical arguments driving our decisions are not cold hard facts, but the stories that we tell in the midst of complex decision environments.

      The timing of this inquiry is critical. The movement from modern to postmodern thinking has upended most institutions, but especially the Christian church. The separation of heart and mind, which characterizes modern thinking, eroded faith leaving the church in a weak position to adapt to the rapid changes accompanying postmodernism. Ironically, postmodern thinking that values storytelling favors Christian faith because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the best story around.

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    • Soul Mend : Discover Spiritual And Emotional Health


      Restore your emotional health!

      Have you felt trapped in an endless cycle of fear, anger, guilt, and other negative emotions? Has depression, anxiety, fear of rejection, or the inability to let go of past hurts robbed you of peace?

      No matter how hopeless or discouraged you feel, freedom is possible. It’s time to get to the root of your pain so you can heal. In Soul Mend: Discovering Spiritual and Emotional Health, author Luann Dunnuck shows you how to uncover the source of your emotional struggles and experience wholeness with the help of God’s Holy Spirit.

      See the connection between your mental and physical health. Find scriptural truths to help you work through emotional struggles. God has answers for you and declares in Jeremiah, “Is there anything too hard for Me?” Let Him do the impossible in you as you apply the concepts in this book, rely more heavily on God, and regain the joy of living!

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    • Unlocked Hearts Unleashed Joy


      Do you struggle with letting go of the past? Do you need encouragement and answers for your pain? Or do you long to meet someone who understands what you’re going through? Melanie Shull knows what it’s like to strive in silence. To hide in guilt and shame. To feel alone. To live with deep wounds.

      But Melanie has learned that forgiveness is the key to setting us free from a past of pain, and it’s what releases the flow of God’s indescribable joy through our lives. She wants you to discover this key too. In Unlocked Hearts, Unleased Joy: Forgiveness is the Key, Melanie uses her storytelling talents to reveal Jesus as the healer of our wounds. This life-changing book can help you to forgive, experience healing, and live in joy.

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    • Be Bold : Finding Your Fierce


      From the “thin slice of life” where she grew up with her family in Appalachia to success as pastor of a large church, Rachel Billups’s life stories show strength and grace even in the midst of doubt and wondering. With her brand of fierce she worked through years of school to become an accomplished pastor and mother of four. She took nothing lying down and found that being bold was the only way to be alive. In Be Bold, she weaves her stories into the lives of biblical characters. You will find redemption and insight in Sarah’s story, inspiration in Mary’s call, and ministry and community in Paul’s letter to Timothy. For anyone who hopes to find the fierce in their own lives, Billups’s work leads the way. In both her personal experience and her telling of Bible stories, Billups shows how being bold can bring you closer to God and God’s plan for your life.

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    • Determined Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      LEADER GUIDE – Imagine waking up every single day convinced that the twenty-four hours ahead of you are a precious gift to be used wisely. Now imagine that you know exactly how to spend them to be a force for God’s good. All too often we wander through life without appreciating the gift of every moment we’ve been given. The result? An unsatisfying life, missed opportunities to experience the joy of being in sync with God, and days marked with apathy instead of passion. Our time on earth is measured. We should want to make every moment count-not only because we aren’t guaranteed the next one, but also because this is exactly how our Savior spent His time here. How, then, do we walk out unwavering joy-filled faith every day, determined to let go of the things that keep us from experiencing abundant life and fulfilling the plans God has for us? The answers are found in following the footsteps of the One who lived fully, because He was determined that we might do the same. In this six-week study of Luke, we will follow the life and ministry of Jesus as we consider the choices He made on His way to the cross. We’ll intimately connect with a Savior who remained laser-focused on His mission to love the world. In return, we’ll receive a model for intentional living that we can replicate to ensure we are living each day to the fullest and making a difference for God’s kingdom. And together we’ll determine to embrace the abundant life we are promised in Jesus. It’s time to stop wandering and start living!

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    • Get Well Soon


      According to the World Health Organization, there are 30,000 identified diseases. Of these, 22,500 have no known cure or effective treatment. We live in the most technologically advanced age, yet we have never been more unhealthy. Even those in good health face constant misdirection.

      Leaving no stone unturned, certified nutritional counselor, copastor, and TV host Laura Harris Smith helps you pursue healing and wellness for body, mind, and spirit both naturally and supernaturally. Both are necessary for a full, abundant life, and she equips you with the tools you need for the journey, including

      * condition-specific healing prayers
      * powerful declarations of faith and healing
      * total-body-system blessings for the prevention of sickness
      * delicious tailored menus for each body system
      * how to troubleshoot stubborn ailments and recognize spiritual warfare
      * how to confront any spiritual sickness–such as grudges, unforgiveness, or sin patterns– that block healing
      * amazing, miraculous testimonies to build faith
      * alphabetized illness index linking to correlating prayers to help you recover

      Whether you are ready to experience a life-changing miracle, observe the gradual improvement of a body on the mend, or maintain the good health you have, healing will come. Here is your chance to get well soon!

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    • Kingdom Impact : Living Like Jesus In A Broken World


      In Matthew 13, Jesus tells the parable of a man who stumbles across a treasure hidden in a field. He goes home, sells everything he has, and buys that field to own that treasure. This is what the kingdom of heaven is, Jesus says–a treasure worth everything.

      But the truth is, for most of us, our enthusiasm is often wrapped more deeply around a football team or the latest TV show than what God is doing through us. Lacking a purpose calling to the deepest parts of us, we numb ourselves. In this eye-opening, empowering book, pastor and author Putty Putman shows that there is a kingdom designed to provide your life with such compelling purpose that you will reorient your whole life around it. Here is your invitation into a life of significance, adventure, and wonder far beyond what you have let yourself dare to dream.

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    • Love Its The Greatest


      What has happened to love?

      1 Corinthians 13 tells us: “Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way … Love never ends … And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love (NRSV).”

      Do we see that in American culture today?

      More often, we see anger, vitriol, even hatred between opposing parties, often across political lines. But in St. Paul’s wonderful love poem in 1 Corinthians 13, we find just the prescription an often loveless modern society needs, because Love – It’s the Greatest!

      Full of wonderful true stories, examples from daily life, and thought-provoking questions, this book makes great sermon material, especially for weddings; devotional reading; or small group study for Christian seeking a better understanding of this much used but not fully comprehended concept of love.

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    • Whats Next : The Journey To Know God Find Freedom Discover Purpose And Make


      Bestselling author and influential pastor Chris Hodges offers Christians a practical guide for what to do next to deepen their faith.

      The journey toward deeper faith and spiritual maturity is a lifelong pursuit, with plenty of stops and bumps along the way. Inevitably, there comes a point when Christians–new believers and veterans in the faith alike–find themselves asking, “What do I do next? How do I stay motivated to grow deeper in my relationship with God when I feel complacent, intimidated, or confused? What can I do to get back on track when I hit a spiritual rut?

      “In What’s Next?, Chris Hodges reveals the four steps to spiritual maturity: knowing God, finding freedom, discovering purpose, and making a difference. He shows how they are part of both a linear path and a cycle that Christians continue returning to at increasingly deeper levels as they grow. Accessible and clear, concise and profound, What’s Next? is a trail guide leading to a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Father and the joy that comes from the journey.

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