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Christian Living

Showing 2601–2700 of 5824 results

  • Art Of Being You


    I heard a well-known Christian musician say at a concert that God was in the business of fixing broken people. I went home and thought about that for a while, and I came to a different conclusion . . .

    That different conclusion, reached by singer-songwriter Bob Kilpatrick, has some interesting and exciting applications for rethinking what it means to be a Christian. Rather than casting God in the usual role as architect and great mechanic of the universe, Kilpatrick instead paints a portrait of God as an artist–passionate, visionary–who considers humankind his masterpiece.

    God doesn’t see Christians as broken beings chugging along in a fixed-up life. He sees us as new creations, whole, complete, and a stunning part of his creative process. It’s a powerful perception of God, one that determines how much we understand and enjoy God, which, in turn, affects the entire course of our lives.We’ll stop perceiving God based on what we lack, what we need repaired, and how weak we are, and come to know God as a creator who sees each one of us as a work of beauty and value. If we believe our relationship with God is one of artist/masterpiece/creative process, then we have every reason to rejoice in every stage of that process. The Art of Being You offers every reason to believe that God is preparing us for an amazing heavenly display.

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  • Global Warning : Prophetic Details Revealed


    Are you willing to become a watchman for the Lord? In Global Warning, Bill Vincent urges us all to take a stand for America. In an effort to seek out and purge the wickedness that has seeped its way into the highest places in our society, Bill calls each of us to spend time in prayer and ready ourselves to deliver His warnings. Turn away from social media. Turn off your TVs. Look inward for the Word of God. His Word alone guides us to the truth, to the dangers of our society, and the call to action. When our Lord sounds the alarm, will you take up His call? Employ your faith, nourish your soul, and ready yourself for His Word. Grab your copy today.

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  • Running A Different Race


    “Running a Different Race” encourages women to be who God made them to be. Success is not measured by the speed at which we run a race, nor is it achieved by obtaining medals of gold, silver, or bronze. Rather, as women we will achieve success as we position ourselves to be obedient to the voice of God and embrace the discipline of our Heavenly Coach. We must not be distracted by whispers of doubt-both internally and externally-but enlarge our vision and focus on the goal.

    Sonia Henry uses personal life stories and scriptures to uncover the disciplines required to enter and complete the race of life successfully.

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  • Revealed : Unmasking Familiar Spirits


    Have you ever come across someone who alien- ated himself from his family because of a so-called spiritual experience? Can you explain why a “godly dream” would make someone amputate the hands of his own sister? Have you ever had a dream where someone wanted to have an affair with you? If you answered yes to any of these questions you could be dealing with a familiar spirit. They are a category of evil spirits whose activities have remained largely undetected because of the lack of information concerning them. As a result some Christians have become victims of these shadowy spirits with disastrous consequences. Through deception they can destroy marriages, families, and even churches. This book will reveal the nature and activities of familiar spirits by using the Scriptures, visions, and personal experience. It will help you understand, identify, and defeat them in the name of Jesus.

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  • Rules Of Engagement


    There are problems that can be solved by a phone call, money, poltical power, your doctor or your contacts.If you live long enough you will soon come across problems that defy any solution.Some of these problems can only be compensated with your blood.A time is coming when you will hear a knock at the door of your life.When you open it you will find a problem standing there that you cannot control.Only prayer can save you. Now is the time to pray before the evil days come.In the Rules of Engagement you will earn how to use the weapon of prayer to be victorius over evil when it comes knocking at your door

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  • Real Love For Real Life


    As society grows increasingly technological, isolated, and lonely, those who take their caregiving gifts seriously can fill a tremendous void.

    In Real Love for Real Life, caregivers of all kinds can find the help and hope they need to fulfill their calling. Through personal illustrations, timely research, and thoughtful quotations, Ashworth addresses the practicalities, philosophies, challenges, and joys of providing care in the relationships of home and community-leading readers to a greater understanding of the value and the validity of their call to be caregivers.

    What if caregiving means giving loving care everywhere and in everything? What if caregiving actually applies to all people of all ages?

    Ashworth believes it does and shows us how. Her remarkable book has, for many, become the handbook for living a loving, hospitable, caregiving life. For Andi, imaginative care for people and planet is the human mission on earth.

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  • Its Complicated : A Guide To Faithful Decision Making


    “In this easy-to-read book, pastor Jack Haberer helps you seek God’s will for your life. You’ll move from deep theological considerations to street-level, daily-life practicalities–and you’ll learn to chart a course through life’s complexities, guided by the Scriptures, in the company of the church. My only complaint is that it wasn’t available thirty years ago!”
    -Brian D. McLaren, author, speaker, and activist

    Jack Haberer’s It’s Complicated helps serious Christians figure out what to do when life gets complicated and the distinctions between good and bad are not so clear. Using Bible passages as a guide, Haberer affirms and then challenges many closely held beliefs, making traditional distinctions between “conservative” and “liberal” Christians obsolete.

    It’s Complicated harks back to Joseph Fletcher’s twentieth-century classic Situation Ethics (Westminster John Knox Press) and gives readers a toolkit for Christian decision making in a variety of complex situations. The book provides a framework for readers to reference when they’re confronting moral dilemmas in their own lives, what Haberer calls “doing ethics by spreadsheet.”

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  • Insecurity Detox : A Breakout Plan To Rejuvenate Your Body Mind And Spirit


    What if you could experience a unique detoxification that would rid you of insecurity, self-doubt, worry, fear, anxiety, and more-and all those “impurities” could be replaced with confidence, purpose, joy, and better relationships? That’s what Insecurity Detox is all about.

    In this book you will find thirty very doable detoxes that will help you get rid of the toxic mindsets and behaviors that pull you away from God’s truths and your best self, and replace them with a new way of thinking and acting.

    This progressive detoxification journey can be done in thirty days, thirty weeks, or whatever works best for you and your busy schedule. Each detox builds on the ones before, and as you journey through this unique 3-fold approach, you’ll find healing for your body, mind, and spirit. With healthy eating tips, ways to reprogram your thinking process, and meaningful principles for your spiritual life, the whole direction of your life can change.

    Each of the thirty chapters has three detoxes-for body, mind, and spirit-that will teach you new thought strategies and practical applications that will empower you to live with a positive perspective, grounded in God’s love and purpose for you. What we tell ourselves about ourselves either steals the joy of life from us or infuses us with ever-growing life. In this book, you will discover a new life for yourself where dreams really do come true.

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  • Prayer : How To Have A Conversation With God


    The classic study guide on conversational prayer that has revolutionized the prayer lives of millions. “Prayer is a dialogue between two persons who love each other.” With this profound insight, writer and missionary Rosalind Rinker gives the key to a simple yet powerfully effective method of increasing the joy and meaning of your prayers. This classic and inspiring guide was named #1 in Christianity Today’s “Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals,” putting Rinker in close ranks with classic writers such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, C.S. Lewis, and Elizabeth Elliot. As nearly one million readers have discovered, Prayer: How to Have a Conversation with God offers a fresh take on the eternal promise: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).

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  • Living With Purpose


    Inspiration That Will Unlock Your Potential and Release Your Destiny!

    You were made for greatness, not mediocrity.

    Every human being was formed in the image and likeness of the Creator-a God of purpose and destiny. In turn, it is Heaven’s perfect plan for you to maximize your life, fulfill your destiny and live with a sense of divine purpose!

    In the Living With Purpose devotional, you will receive access to Biblical wisdom and spiritual insights that will help you face your day with increased vision and live your life with a greater sense of destiny.

    Dr. Myles Munroe was more than a revolutionary ministry leader and bestselling author; he was a prophetic voice who called forth potential in the lives of those to whom he ministered. Through this collection of his timeless teachings on purpose and potential, Dr. Munroe encourages you to dream bigger, inspires your vision, and empowers your potential!

    It’s time for you to live with divine purpose!

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  • Hunting Hope : Dig Through The Darkness To Find The Light


    When you can’t see any hope in a season of difficulty, hunt for it by holding onto God’s character and letting Him develop your own.

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  • Breaking Free Of OCD


    This autobiographical account by Houston Pastor Jeff Wells describes his struggle with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder during his adult years.

    In 1978, Jeff finished second place in the Boston Marathon, two seconds behind Bill Rodgers. This marked the beginning of his battle with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. OCD affected every area of his life and caused so much pain – at times overwhelming anguish and torment for over 30 years.

    In the spring of 2011, while Jeff was pastoring a large and thriving congregation, he reached his low point with mental disease and recognized how deeply he needed help. Out of desperation, he cried out to God and with the overwhelming prayer and support of his church, a few key friends and professionals, and especially with the love and support of his wife Gayle, Jeff details his journey to healing.

    The book is honest and forthright, and will bring hope to the many people who struggle in silence with mental pain and to their families.

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  • Pigeon Religion Holy Spirit Is That You


    Have you ever seen God move tangibly in a powerful worship service? Have you also been unmoved or unaffected by a lively sermon or worship experience? How can you discern when the Holy Spirit is authentically moving, or when a counterfeit spirit is producing manipulation? If the dove is the symbol of the authentic Holy Spirit, then the pigeon is a symbol of the counterfeit spirit. Unfortunately many of the claims to the presence of the dove among us are nothing but pigeon religion.

    Don’t settle for a substitute.

    Respected theologian Dr. R.T. Kendall explains eight main differences between the dove and the pigeon, and then applies each to our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Readers will come away with a refreshed sensitivity to the move of the Spirit, a renewed knowledge of who He is, and a keen perception on how to identify counterfeit spirits.

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  • Process To The Promise


    The Process to the Promise is a straightforward read about how receiving the promises of God is seldom an easy journey. With anything worthy comes hard work, strong faith, and a process that must be endured. From conception to realization, God has a perfect plan and lessons to be learned. Are you ready to walk the path God has prepared for you? Are you willing to take the good with the bad? How about the great with the terrible? If you are, this collection is for you. Biblical and personal examples from the life of our author have been woven into a map that will help the reader navigate from beginning to end. This book will challenge, guide, and give you hope, knowing if God promised it, He will deliver it!

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  • When My Well Ran Dry


    Written for anyone working to recover from an emotionally painful experience, “When My Well Ran Dry” is an inspiration. With a focus on marriage and relationships, Racquel D. Innis-Shelton, MD writes from personal experience. She tells of the path she took during her day-to-day struggle with grief, all the while carrying on with everyday responsibilities.

    Her words are inspirational for anyone who finds themselves in the midst of despair, whatever the cause, with no obvious way out. It can be difficult to suffer alone, but her experiences let us know we are not alone in our struggles and that there is a pathway out.

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  • Energy Drink Calories Love


    Air Power Title

    Have you ever experienced periods in your life when you felt tired and disillusioned about the very things that used to excite you?It could be a marriage, a job, or your relationship with God.The daily grind of life can sap energy from your soul, mind and emotions leaving you depleted.Anything that expends energy needs to be recharged.This book will recharge your whole being with the power of God’s word and keep you fired up to face each day with faith, hope and lo

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  • Take Hold Of The Faith You Long For (Reprinted)


    On the outside, many women are well-put-together Christians with trendy shoes, beautiful children, and wide, white smiles. On the inside, those same women are little girls cowering at the edge of the playground, hoping no one notices them, yet still wishing they could join in. They’ve professed faith and know the right things, but they struggle to truly take hold of the “life more abundant” that Jesus offers. Instead they settle for a life that’s less than what God has promised them.

    In this liberating book, Sharon Jaynes reveals the most common reasons women get stuck with a mediocre, mundane faith. Then she shows women how to break free and move forward, leaving behind the feelings of inferiority, inadequacy, and insecurity that are holding them hostage. She uncovers untapped sources of confidence and courage, equipping women to move from knowing the truth to actually believing it–and living it out boldly in a life marked by true freedom.

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  • Becoming A Prayer Warrior (Reprinted)


    Becoming a Prayer Warrior is a complete guide to the essentials of powerful prayer. From laying out the basic principles to inspiring stories of world-changing prayer, international prayer leader Elizabeth Alves gives you a fresh look at the incredible mystery of prayer and the benefits it can bring. She equips everyone, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned intercessor, with clear, practical guidance about how to pray with more power and more passion. Move beyond the idea of prayer as a ritual or duty and learn how to truly communicate with God and experience his power and joy as never before.

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  • Global Warning : Prophetic Details Revealed


    Are you willing to become a watchman for the Lord? In Global Warning, Bill Vincent urges us all to take a stand for America. In an effort to seek out and purge the wickedness that has seeped its way into the highest places in our society, Bill calls each of us to spend time in prayer and ready ourselves to deliver His warnings. Turn away from social media. Turn off your TVs. Look inward for the Word of God. His Word alone guides us to the truth, to the dangers of our society, and the call to action. When our Lord sounds the alarm, will you take up His call? Employ your faith, nourish your soul, and ready yourself for His Word. Grab your copy today.

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  • Family Prayer Made Easy


    Today’s families are busy. Every morning, parents and children head out for a day full of school, work, sports, music lessons, church activities, and more. We return home, often tuning into television, computers, and technology-and tuning each other out! What would happen if we paused, as families, in the middle of packed schedules to seek the most important avenue of help and assurance available? What would happen if we stopped to pray?

    Family Prayer Made Easy is a practical guide for praying together as a family in just ten focused devotions. Together, the family can seek God in Scripture-based, Spirit-driven, action-packed, answer-delivering prayers. It includes simple ways to come together in prayer, stories to share with children of all ages, Scriptures on prayer and God’s promises, and 100 interactive ideas for prayer and family worship.

    Whether used once a week for ten weeks or once a day for ten days, these prayers and prayer activities will guide the family into powerful, consistent, inclusive prayer, with resources for years to come.

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  • None Like Him


    Human beings were created to reflect the image of God-but only to a limited extent. Although we share important attributes with God (love, mercy, compassion, etc.), there are other qualities that only God possesses, such as unlimited power, knowledge, and authority. At the root of all sin is our rebellious desire to be like God in such ways-a desire that first manifested itself in the garden of Eden. In None Like Him, Jen Wilkin leads us on a journey to discover ten ways God is different from us-and why that’s a good thing. In the process, she highlights the joy of seeing our limited selves in relation to a limitless God, and how such a realization frees us from striving to be more than we were created to be.

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  • Christ Beside Me Christ Within Me


    Christ beside Me, Christ within Me: Celtic Blessings is a collection of blessings for the small moments of the day and for the special events that occur throughout the year. There are blessings for celebration and prayers for times of grief. Let these words bless you during the ordinary days and the extraordinary ones, whether of joy or sorrow, peace or celebration.

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  • Convictions : How I Learned What Matters Most


    On the occasion of his 70th birthday, the renowned Marcus J. Borg shares his “convictions” about Christianity and America, contending that they are both at their best when they focus on hope and transformation, and shares his thoughts on how American Christians can return to what matters most

    Reflecting on what matters most, both for the church and for Americans, leading biblical scholar and premiere teacher for Protestant churches, Marcus Borg surveys the most significant conversations and personalities that shaped his life, and presents his convictions about the faith and it’s role in the twenty-first century.

    Meditating on what makes us feel at home, he calls all American Christians to reject divisiveness and exclusivity and create communities that celebrate joy, possibility, and renewal. Throughout, he reflects on what matters most, bringing to earth the kingdom of God Jesus talked about and transforming our relationships with one another.

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  • Spiritual Friendship After Religion


    Hardly a day goes by without some poll or news story documenting the changing relationship between the general population and religion, often accompanied by predictions of doom. The rise of the “nones” and the “dones” leaves many adrift in a world with multiple complex challenges. Providers of “spiritual friendship”-pastors, spiritual directors, pastoral counselors, concerned Christians-will need to change their approach as those with whom they interact distance themselves from the church. How should we talk with the “nones” and the “dones” about their spiritual lives? How can we be with them in their struggles when they are suspicious of our motives? These are questions providers of spiritual friendship face every day. This book offers answers that can help them look at their work in new ways. Stewart-Sicking presents an innovative approach to spiritual friendship, addressing major challenges of modern life and significant challenges in the lives of individuals, as well as making accessible scholarship on the subject that is difficult for practitioners to access.

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  • Pocket Prayers For Graduates


    Graduation is one of life’s most exciting milestones. It can also be a source of uncertainty and anxiety. What comes after graduation day? More education? A career? Starting a family? Often this time in life can bring more questions than answers, but Max Lucado offers hope and direction by pointing to the Answer to all of life’s question. Pocket Prayers for Graduates includes forty scriptures and guided prayers written especially for those considering their futures post-graduation.

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  • Truth About Angels


    Few supernatural beings are of more speculation than angels. In art we see them depicted as chubby babies and fierce, radiant warriors. Sometimes they wield swords; other times a bow and arrow surrounded by floating hearts. Some have halos; some do not. Clearly we’re confused.

    In The Truth About Angels, Tony Evans goes to the Scriptures to set the record straight. He clearly and simply explains who angels are, what they do, and it what it all means for the everyday lives of believers.

    A short, practical, and engaging book, The Truth About Angels is a one-stop guide to the role of angels in the world and eternity. It will help you fight the good fight of faith, knowing that the heavenly hosts are waging war on your behalf.

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  • Answering Jihad : A Better Way Forward


    From New York Times bestselling author and former Muslim Nabeel Qureshi comes this personal, challenging, and respectful answer to the many questions surrounding jihad, the rise of ISIS, and Islamic terrorism. San Bernardino was the most lethal terror attack on American soil since 9/11, and it came on the heels of a coordinated assault on Paris. There is no question that innocents were slaughtered in the name of Allah and in the way of Jihad, but do the terrorists’ actions actually reflect the religion of Islam? The answer to this question is more pressing than ever, as waves of Muslim refugees arrive in the West seeking shelter from the violent ideology of ISIS. Setting aside speculations and competing voices, what really is Jihad? How are we to understand Jihad in relation to our Muslim neighbors and friends? Why is there such a surge of Islamist terrorism in the world today, and how are we to respond? In Answering Jihad, bestselling author Nabeel Qureshi (Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus) answers these questions from the perspective of a former Muslim who is deeply concerned for both his Muslim family and his American homeland.

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  • Pocket Prayers For Teachers


    All the way from coloring inside the lines to calculus, teachers have given us the tools to thrive. Where would we be without them? But a teacher’s job is often a difficult one. Sometimes anxiety and exhaustion become the norm. For those in need of a little peace and renewal, Max Lucado points to the Teacher who offered just that. Pocket Prayers for Teachers contains forty scriptures and guided prayers written especially for those special people, who encourage and inspire our students.

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  • Good God : The One We Want To Believe In But Are Afraid To Embrace


    If we are honest, at some point we all struggle with the question, Why does God allow pain, suffering, and evil?

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  • Commonwealth And Covenant


    This work by Stephen Chapman offers a robustly theological and explicitly Christian reading of 1 Samuel. Chapman’s commentary reveals the theological drama at the heart of that biblical book as it probes the tension between civil religion and vital religious faith through the characters of Saul and David.

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  • Faith In The Voting Booth


    Faith in the Voting Booth by National Association of Evangelicals leaders Leith Anderson and Galen Carey will help you clarify your own positions in light of your faith before you enter the voting booth. Anderson and Carey show that biblical wisdom is surprisingly relevant to today’s complex political issues. Each voting decision should be thoughtfully and prayerfully approached.

    This book does not tell you how to vote. Instead it will help you resist clever campaign slogans and television ads designed to make you angry or afraid. Faith in the Voting Booth provides general principles to guide you in 2016 and for years to come.

    As informed faith leaders, Anderson and Carey not only identify the issues but also help you reflect biblically on how to vote. It is a book that will keep people of faith up to date and ready to vote with confidence and wisdom.

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  • Jesus Calling For Graduates


    You just graduated. Now what?

    Hear what Jesus has to say to you during this major life transition.

    During times of transition and unknown next steps, it is more important than ever to cling to the promises of God and to tune your ear to hear what Jesus has to say. Jesus Calling for Graduates provides guidance and encouragement for new grads as they venture into the next phase of their lives.

    Follow along with 150 devotions divided topically-on topics such as attitude, discerning God’s will, identity, and worth-that are most applicable and relevant to your life now-a little bigger, a little more exciting, a little scarier-and lean in close to hear what Jesus is saying to you today: words of hope, encouragement, and reassurance of His unending love.

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  • Ridiculous Faith : Experience The Power Of An Absurdly Unbelievably Good Go


    Why do my most profound moments of faith vanish so quickly?

    What would your life be like if you could harness the rush of faith that appears in the most desperate moments? What if you could live your entire life with the kind of split-second, imminent-disaster faith that crying out to God brings? What if you could live a life of Ridiculous Faith?

    One definition of ridiculous is “absurdly or unbelievably good.” Who wouldn’t want to have a life filled with absurdly or unbelievably good faith? True faith is vital to a vibrant Christian life. Without it, it is impossible to please God. But are our moments of deepest, most essential faith doomed to dissipate as quickly as they materialize, leaving us powerless and ineffectual?

    Absolutely not. The truth is, you are not doomed to a lifetime of flickering faith.

    Join Shelene Bryan (author of Love, Skip, Jump) on a journey to uncover the ark-building, sea-parting, lion-taming, ridiculous faith that will leave you in awe of the Creator and all he has prepared for you. You are ready to live an absurdly, unbelievably good life. A ridiculous life of ridiculous faith.

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  • Parables Workbook : The Mysteries Of Gods Kingdom Revealed Through The Stor (Wor


    Jesus was a master storyteller, and the parables He told were ingeniously simple word pictures. Some of them were no more than fleeting remarks about commonplace incidents, objects, or persons. In fact, the most compact of all Jesus’ short stories does not even fill a complete verse of Scripture. Yet the all were filled with profound spiritual lessons that He wanted His listeners to hear and understand. Jesus told these parables so they would clearly comprehend His message about the kingdom of God and the reason He had come to earth.

    In the Parables Workbook, master expositor and Bible commentator John MacArthur draws on his years spent studying and explaining the Word of God to guide readers through some of the most famous and influential short stories that Jesus told. Each session contains the following:
    *Biblical focus: the primary passages on which the session draws
    *Another look: questions to facilitate review of content in the book
    *Biblical connections: questions that focus on the main Bible passage
    *Highlighting the lesson: questions that focus on the central teaching points
    *Lasting implications: questions to help draw out personal conclusions
    *Daily assignments: five sets of questions that reflect on the parable, the point, the purpose, the principles, and the practical application

    This workbook has been designed to enhance readers’ experience of reading the book and is intended both for individual use and for study in a small-group setting.

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  • Restoring The Pleasure (Revised)


    Do you need help restoring the pleasure to your marriage? Whether you’ve been married a day, a decade, or half a century, if your sexual relationship is marred by pain, tension, or disappointment-you are not alone. Thousands of couples struggle with sexual problems that keep their marriages from being all that God intended them to be. But there is hope! Now, sexual therapists and best-selling authors Joyce and Cliff Penner share their proven methods in this comprehensive, easy-to-follow book of detailed explanations, realistic anecdotes, and clearly written exercises. Providing the biblical basis for the sexual relationship, as well as helpful diagnostic aids, the Penners help you improve communication and educate yourselves about your God-given sexual response. Then they lead you step-by-step through creative (and fun) sexual-retraining assignments to help you overcome various problems. The Penners provide straightforward advice and reassuring encouragement to help you start restoring the pleasure to your marriage. Beginning counselors and pastors will also find this an invaluable resource for helping others overcome their sexual barriers.

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  • Spirituality Of Listening


    Foreword By Dan B. Allender
    1. Resonance: Another Way Of Listening
    2. First Words: Listening To Creation
    3. Household: The Stage Of The Everyday World
    4. Surrounded By Sound: Hebrew Spirituality
    5. Story: Shaped By Biblical Narrative
    6. Trajectories: Oriented By The Psalms
    7. Heartbreak: Listening To Lament
    8. What We Don’t Want To Hear: The Prophetic Voice
    9. Rabbi: Listening To The Life Of Jesus
    10. Accent: Diverse Languages Of The Soul
    Conclusion: Resurrection-Listening To Hope
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    Biblical spirituality . . . asserts that God is not done with the business of revelation and creation but instead continues to have something to say and something yet to be accomplished in the very culture that isn’t sure if God is done speaking. So begins Keith Anderson as he invites us on a journey to relearn how to listen. “My claim is simple: spirituality is grounded in ordinary life experiences. We need to learn to listen to rhythms of life, narratives and creation.” Rather than settling for a one-sided relationship with God in which we speak but never hear back, we can learn to hear God as we go through our lives. The key is paying attention to the moments that make up our days. As we participate in the world around us, God speaks to us through creation, through the stories we tell, through our pain and as we follow God down unexpected pathways. Learning to listen doesn’t happen in ten easy steps. Instead it is a process of approaching the world with wonder and curiosity as we seek to make sense of what we hear. Hearing God speak takes time and practice, and Anderson offers reflective exercises at the end of each chapter to help us along the way. Listen-and step into a world alive with God’s presence.

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  • Before Amen : The Power Of A Simple Prayer


    We all pray . . . some.

    We pray to stay sober, centered, or solvent. When the lump is deemed malignant. When the money runs out before the month does. When the marriage is falling apart. We pray.

    But wouldn’t we like to pray more? Better? Stronger? With more fire, faith, and fervency?

    Yet we have kids to feed, bills to pay, deadlines to meet. The calendar pounces on our good intentions like a tiger on a rabbit. And what about our checkered history with prayer? Uncertain words. Unmet expectations. Unanswered requests.

    We aren’t the first to struggle with prayer. The first followers of Jesus needed prayer guidance too. In fact, prayer is the only tutorial they ever requested.

    And Jesus gave them a prayer. Not a lecture on prayer. Not the doctrine of prayer. He gave them a quotable, repeatable, portable prayer. Couldn’t we use the same?

    In Before Amen best-selling author Max Lucado joins readers on a journey to the very heart of biblical prayer, offering hope for doubts and confidence even for prayer wimps. Distilling prayers in the Bible down to one pocket-sized prayer, Max reminds readers that prayer is not a privilege for the pious nor the art of a chosen few. Prayer is simply a heartfelt conversation between God and his child. Let the conversation begin.

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  • Eternity : Understanding Life After Death


    Heaven may not be what you think it is.

    We often think of heaven in two extremes: It’s either a dreamy existence where we float around on clouds with nothing much to do, or it’s something far off in the future that we don’t want to happen until we accomplish all that we want to in this life.

    Both of these are flat wrong, and Tony Evans looks to Scripture to set the record straight. Simple and straight-forward, The Truth about Heaven is a short book on what eternity with God will really be like.

    “God hasn’t told us everything [about heaven],” writes Evans, “but Scripture gives us enough glimpses and enough promises about heaven for us to know we don’t want to miss this place of eternal joy.”

    Walk through Scripture with Evans as he plainly explains what heaven is like, who will be there, and what they’ll be doing. With engaging illustrations and practical insights, you’ll know what awaits believers forever and how that matters for life today.

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  • Digging For Diamonds


    What is hidden always shapes what we can see. In this book, Cathy Madavan encourages us to dig deeper and discover more of the life-transforming treasures of our identity, strength, character and purpose that God has already placed within us – right where we are.

    Cathy explores 12 key facets which point the reader to a deeper understanding of their unique God-given raw material and how God wants to transform them to live a valuable, purposeful life that will also unearth precious potential in others.

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  • Its Time To Take A Stand Against The Gates Of Hell


    The reader will gain much information on the how to of church ethics and procedures.

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  • Move Past Your Pain Discover Your Purpose


    In this book, practical wisdom is united with the fire of faith, leaving you with a desire to change and the tools to do so. If you’ve ever been held back by negative generational cycles, Move Past Your Pain: Discover Your Purpose will help you believe in yourself and your potential, give you a vision for the future, and help you develop an uncompromising faith in a loving and merciful God.

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  • Days Or Ages The Genesis Question


    Days? or Ages? offers a fresh look at a centuries-old debate. Does the Bible say creation was accomplished within one week of time beginning a few thousand years ago, or over countless millennia beginning millions or even billions of years in the distant past? Opinions abound from biblical scholars, scientists and laypeople alike, and achieving a clear perspective can be difficult at best.

    This work summarizes a thorough examination of Genesis 1, including relevant passages from other parts of the Bible, all in plain, straightforward language. Rather than begin with assumptions, as so many opinions do, and from there select and interpret scriptures in such a way as to support a given view; this work instead first provides a detailed examination of what Scripture itself appears to reveal-all Scripture that bears on the issue-and then examines what one might reasonably conclude. Although written by a layman, it draws from a wealth of scholarly works by some of the world’s leading theologians and other learned professionals.

    Whatever one’s opinion might be, this thesis will be informative reading and a significant resource to help clear away some of the clouds of mystery surrounding one of the Bible’s most challenging subjects.

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  • Days Or Ages The Genesis Question


    Days? or Ages? offers a fresh look at a centuries-old debate. Does the Bible say creation was accomplished within one week of time beginning a few thousand years ago, or over countless millennia beginning millions or even billions of years in the distant past? Opinions abound from biblical scholars, scientists and laypeople alike, and achieving a clear perspective can be difficult at best.

    This work summarizes a thorough examination of Genesis 1, including relevant passages from other parts of the Bible, all in plain, straightforward language. Rather than begin with assumptions, as so many opinions do, and from there select and interpret scriptures in such a way as to support a given view; this work instead first provides a detailed examination of what Scripture itself appears to reveal-all Scripture that bears on the issue-and then examines what one might reasonably conclude. Although written by a layman, it draws from a wealth of scholarly works by some of the world’s leading theologians and other learned professionals.

    Whatever one’s opinion might be, this thesis will be informative reading and a significant resource to help clear away some of the clouds of mystery surrounding one of the Bible’s most challenging subjects.

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  • Little Women Big God


    You dust your furniture and vacuum before inviting people into your home because you don’t want them to see the dirt and imperfections. But Jesus doesn’t hide the infamy in his family tree. What’s more surprising than a holy God highlighting these women is how he rescued and blessed each one–and how he wants to bless you. You will relate to Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary as they face failure, loss, betrayal, and a murderous hunt. You will discover God’s care for ordinary women and how he uses human weakness and failure as an opportunity to reveal his strength and grace. You will also record God’s faithfulness in your own journey of faith and see how everyday women who walk with Christ have meaningful stories worth telling. Thought-provoking questions and insights will reveal how to apply faith when walking through grief, selecting a mate, facing rejection and temptation, and forgiving oneself and one’s enemies. Finally, you’ll learn faith in a big God is life’s only unshakable foundation.

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  • Living Christian : A Study For Teen Girls (Student/Study Guide)


    LIVING Christian Series

    Additional Info
    The decision to obey the gospel is one of the most important ones you’ll ever make, but it’s only the beginning of your journey of faith. At baptism, you become a Christian – then comes a lifetime of living Christian. Your thoughts, actions, and attitudes will need to be brought in line with the One you now follow – Jesus Christ. He’s not asking you to be a martyr; He wants to put your life on display so the world can see a living Christian.

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  • Longing For God


    Path 1: The Right Ordering Of Our Love For God
    Path 2: The Spiritual Life As Journey
    Path 3: The Recovery Of Knowledge Of God Lost In The Fall
    Path 4: Intimacy With Jesus Christ
    Path 5: The Right Ordering Of Our Experiences Of God
    Path 6: Action And Contemplation
    Path 7: Divine Ascent

    Additional Info
    2010 Christianity Today Book Award winner! 2010 Golden Canon Leadership Book Award winner! Think of the moment you last experienced God. Do you know him that closely in this moment? Truly experiencing the love of God gives us a taste of his goodness and his love for us, but often those moments are fleeting. We get distracted by life. Our awareness and understanding fade while our longing to experience him that way again increases. In these pages you can begin to fill that longing by developing your capacity to receive and respond to God’s love. Spiritual formation is the process through which one’s inner self is opened to the work of the Holy Spirit, who forms us into the image of the Son. Here Richard Foster and Gayle Beebe, both experienced leaders in spiritual formation, introduce you to people from the past who have known God deeply. Each person helps you to grasp one of the seven primary paths to intimacy with God that have been developed throughout Christian history. Chapters are divided into sections, each segment surrounding a key figure and concluding with a reflection and prayer. This rich resource can guide you into the same deep intimacy with God, opening you to the Spirit’s work of transformation. A Renovare Resource.

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  • Not A Fan Updated And Expanded


    This expanded and updated version of Not a Fan adds a new introduction and an entirely new chapter about how to practically live out the message of this mega bestseller. Are you a follower of Jesus? Don’t answer too quickly. In fact, you may want to read this book before you answer at all. Consider it a “Define the Relationship” conversation to determine exactly where you stand. You may indeed be a passionate, fully devoted follower of Jesus. Or, you may be just a fan who admires Jesus but isn’t ready to let him cramp your style. Then again, maybe you’re not into Jesus, period. In any case, don’t take the question-Are you a follower of Jesus?-lightly. Some people don’t know what they’ve said yes to and other people don’t realize what they’ve said no to, says Pastor Kyle Idleman. But Jesus is ready to clearly define the relationship he wants with his followers. Not a Fan calls you to consider the demands and rewards of being a true disciple. With frankness sprinkled with humor, Idleman invites you to live the way Jesus lived, love the way he loved, pray the way he prayed, and never give up living for the One who gave his all for you.

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  • Sparrow : A Journey Of Grace And Miracles While Battling ALS


    Jennifer Durant, busy career woman, wife, and mom of two, made a drastic Career 2.0 change. In the lexicon of ministry, God called her to be an Episcopal priest, and Jennifer answered. Several years later, in the final weeks of seminary, Durant’s world changed dramatically again, when the persistent weakness in one of her hands was diagnosed as ALS (aka Lou Gehrig’s disease). In Sparrow, completed with her husband, Matthew, Durant recounts her battle and brings the reader with her on her spiritual journey, through her priesthood and ministry, which, despite her illness, continued to her death – with the aid of a speech box, she preached her final sermon on the Sunday before her death. Durant leads readers forward through the confusion of our caffeine-fueled and perpetually exhausted world to discover, as she did, a renewing sense of God-given purpose and sacred light, which even the darkest of circumstances cannot extinguish, a place where, even in silence, God is present, whispering through us. An inspiration to any who suffer from a debilitating disease (or know someone who does) and those who provide pastoral care to others. It is a story of God’s redemption and new life. “

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  • Its Not Too Late


    Have you ever wished you could take back something you said? Undo a poor choice you made? Erase a painful memory?

    Unfortunately, you can’t erase the mistakes in your past. But God can do something even better–He can use those fumbles to transform your life and lead you into the incredible destiny He has planned for you. Bestselling author Tony Evans provides encouraging proof straight from the Bible:Sarah was a doubter, Jacob was a deceiver,Moses was a murderer,Rahab was a harlot,Samson was a player,Jonah was a rebel,Esther was a diva,Peter was an apostate…and yet God turned each of their lives around in a big way. In fact, they’re among the Bible’s greatest heroes!

    What might God do with your life–imperfections and all? It’s not too late to find out and get back on track to experiencing God’s very best for you.

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  • Pray For The Fire To Fall


    Many are touting that the United States of America is no longer a Christian country, a fact reinforced by the US Supreme Court when it recently stated that on certain issues the Bible is no longer relevant. This book will challenge you to be all God wants you to be. It calls for you and your church to be “on fire” for God as you are energized and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The author’s passion to see God exalted and people turn to Christ is clearly evident throughout the book. If you are desirous of seeing God work in extraordinary ways, this book will show you how it can be done and how you can become an agent for change.

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  • Pray For The Fire To Fall


    Many are touting that the United States of America is no longer a Christian country, a fact reinforced by the US Supreme Court when it recently stated that on certain issues the Bible is no longer relevant. This book will challenge you to be all God wants you to be. It calls for you and your church to be “on fire” for God as you are energized and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The author’s passion to see God exalted and people turn to Christ is clearly evident throughout the book. If you are desirous of seeing God work in extraordinary ways, this book will show you how it can be done and how you can become an agent for change.

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  • Be Healed And Stay Healed


    If nothing is stronger than the power of the cross, then why are some people not healed–even after prayer?

    And if God desires healing for His children, then why don’t those who have been healed always stay healed?

    In this eye-opening new book, Ed Rocha, an international healing ministry leader, tackles these conflicting realities head on.

    You’ll explore the supernatural principles of God’s Kingdom while reading fascinating stories of success–and failure. In every chapter, along with solid biblical instruction, Rocha offers inspiring testimonies and prayers that will increase your anointing and faith for healing and equip you for an effective healing ministry.

    Don’t settle for frustration and failure in your prayers for healing.

    Learn to partner and engage with the God who loves to heal–and wants to involve you in miraculous acts of hope.

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  • Incarnate Leadership : 5 Leadership Lessons From The Life Of Jesus


    Bill Robinson helps Christian leaders understand how to provide effective leadership by highlighting five qualities that characterized the leadership style of Jesus. He presents convincing arguments that when leaders emulate these qualities, they will inspire and empower the people they have been called to lead. Reflection and discussion questions and assessment questions make this ideal for group use. Conversational in tone and seasoned with real-life stories from his own successes and failures as a leader, Robinson helps Christian leaders wrestle with four questions that emerge from John’s introduction of Jesus, “and the word became flesh and dwelt among us….”
    – Jesus dwelt with those he led, how can I be closer to those I lead?
    – Jesus disciples beheld him, how can I be more transparent with those I lead?
    – The glory of Jesus was a reflection of his father, am I seeking my own glory?
    – Jesus led with grace and truth, how can I lead with grace and truth?

    The Incarnate Leader is indispensable reading for anyone in a position of leadership – whether in a church setting, corporation, school board, or home. The book is packaged as a short one-evening read, similar to other popular business books.

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  • 10 Great Dates To Energize Your Marriage Updated And Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    Do you remember early on, loving your spouse so much that your heart ached? Did you wonder what in the world could ever dampen your excitement? If you feel those emotions weakening, don’t resign to the notion it’s inevitable. That deep, soul-satisfying connection can (and will!) be yours again with this updated and expanded edition of 10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage, a proven plan to revive the awe and attraction that once kept you inseparable. Think simple, fun, zero-pressure. This book walks you through tips and conversation prompts that will help you connect clearly and deeply, share openly and in safety, get back to that place of fun sex, process disappointments as a unified team, enjoy each other’s quirks once again, and create balance in today’s crazy-busy culture. Invest in your marriage today, and anticipate “falling in love all over again” to be your limitless return. 10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage will show you exactly how. Already excited? Grab your married friends and do it together. Be warned: The husbands may enjoy it most!

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  • Moving Mountains Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In Luke 11:1, the disciples asked Jesus, “Teach us to pray!” Most of us want to know more about how prayer works. While we are used to offering up prayers, we wonder if we are praying in the most effective way or if we are approaching the throne of God in the “right” way. We ask ourselves:
    *How do I listen for God?
    *How do I pray for healing?
    *How do I pray when I am under spiritual attack?
    *How do I pray to break through strongholds of habitual sin?
    *How do I pray for protection?
    *How do I pray for my lost friends and family?

    In The Way It All Works, bestselling author John Eldredge shows how we labor under the misconception that prayer is asking God to intervene instead of partnering with him to get things done. This faulty assumption leads to untold confusion and grief when we ask of God but can’t sense He hears us–or even cares. Rather, Jesus says, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:19). When we operate from this position, we approach prayer with far greater confidence. We understand we have a role in making change happen and are not victims of circumstance–that we are sons and daughters of God bestowed with tremendous authority.

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  • Christian Wallet : Spending Giving And Living With A Conscience


    “Conscientious and compassionate use of our money in a world where people spend $310 million on costumes for their pets and $5 billion on entertaining ringtones for their phones is not an easy task. The temptation to spend now and think later (or never!) is ever-present, but with good intentions and prayerful hearts, we can slow down and reflect on what we earn, how we spend it, who is affected by it, and who we can share it with.”
    -from the introduction

    Every Christian knows that we are called to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. But what about our wallet? We are asked to open it every Sunday when the offering basket comes by and are told that giving is a way of being a “good steward,” but what about spending money at a restaurant or grocery store? Best-selling author Mike Slaughter offers a comprehensive look at how Christians use their money in The Christian Wallet. Slaughter explores today’s culture of consumerism and the impact of what we buy, asking difficult questions about morality and money while acknowledging that there are no easy answers. Throughout the book, profiles of real people inspire thoughtful reflection about the true value of money and the rewards of conscious spending. Questions for individual or group study are also included with each chapter. The Christian Wallet helps Christians grapple with important questions about using money: how we spend, how we live, how we save, how we give, and what it all means.

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  • Perfectionism Book : Walking The Path To Freedom


    Our 24/7 world of endless information and demands poses a serious challenge to all who struggle with perfectionism. It’s all too easy to become trapped in an endless pursuit of achievement at the expense of the life you had always dreamed of living.This book is about a change in perspective – seeing perfectionism as the problem, rather than the goals or standards themselves. Far from being a little habit that keeps us striving, it is the thing that stops us celebrating anything we might achieve.We are more wedded to perfectionism than we realize. It is embedded in our culture and bound up in popular self-esteem. Even the Bible’s perfect words have been used to drive perfectionism in the church.The authors offer a fresh perspective on an age-old problem – a helpful blend of accessible theology, psychology and activity to lead us to a place of genuine freedom, gratitude and fulfilment.

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  • Wrestling With Faith Love And Gators


    “Chad, jump on the gator’s back!” In a split second, a decision had to be made. Did Chad love his future brother-in-law enough to help him control a powerful seven-and-a-half-foot alligator? Ultimately, there was a subconscious devotion that affected his decision. We all face decisions every day. Some of them are small, but others are potentially life-altering. What you decide to do in those split seconds comes down to this: We all have beliefs about life and love, about what is most important, and we all act on those beliefs. In this book, Chad Young addresses what many Christians are missing: being in love with God. The lack of genuine faith and love in the church is the main reason why 59% of college students who grew up with a Christian background are leaving the Christian faith. Chad uses his own faith journey and humorous stories to call you to a deeper, legitimate love for God.

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  • Power Of The Cross


    Rather than viewing the cross as an historical event that will take us to heaven, we ought to view it as a current event containing everything we need to bring heaven to bear on earth.
    In The Power of the Cross, Tony Evans carefully and pastorally applies the cross of Christ to life today. In three parts, he considers:
    *What makes Christ unique; how Old Testament prophecy and typology looked ahead to Him; and how His humiliation, death and resurrection sets Him apart as Lord,
    *What was accomplished on the cross for us, how it is to be the centerpiece of our lives, and how it’s a source of authority for us,
    *What is the power of the cross and the stability it provides, deliverance it offers, the power of its ongoing remembrance, and more.

    The cross is the hinge of history. How much more, then, is it the hinge of your life? It gained more for you than you may realize; do not make the grave error of overlooking it.

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  • Do Ask Do Tell Lets Talk


    Conversations among friends accomplish more than debates between opponents…

    Conversations on controversial issues do not to go well when the dialogue happens community-to-community or figurehead-to-figurehead. Whether it’s race, religion, or politics, groups don’t talk well with groups. Too much is at stake when we feel like our words and actions speak for the collective whole. Platforms and podiums will never accomplish what can only be done around dinner tables and in living rooms.

    Two individuals from those respective groups are much more likely to forge a good relationship, influencing one another in various ways. Unfortunately, an individual who listens well is often viewed by his or her collective compatriots as engaging in compromise; at the group level, representing each side fairly feels too much like agreement.

    That is why the aim of this book is friendship. Friendship is the level at which influence can be had, because the dialogue does not seek to represent an agenda but to understand a person. Friendship is what protects good points from becoming gotcha moments.

    The subject for which this approach may be most vital for the modern church may be homosexuality and same-sex attraction (SSA). Yet our approach has tended to be more polemical or political than pastoral and personal.

    Churches have articulated their position on a conservative sexual ethic. Churches have re-examined the key biblical texts that are challenged in defense of a progressive sexual ethic. As important as these things are, however, they do not equip everyday Christians to develop meaningful friendships with people who experience same-sex attraction or have embraced a gay identity.

    In the absence of relationship, our theology becomes theory.

    Many Christians are seeing that the church’s unwillingness to befriend people who experience SSA has blocked us from engaging with the subject of homosexuality on a person-to-person level. We are reticent to engage relationships where it feels probable that there will be awkwardness.

    Admittedly, this book is not as “neat” as you might like for it to be. Many tensions will be navigated; maybe not all contradictions will be avoided. However, when it comes to being salt and light for the sake of the gospel, it seems far better to choose possible messiness over guaranteed ineffectiveness.

    That means we must realize that it is good for us to have conversations where we don’t know what to say. This is part of the ess

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  • Reaching Your Prodigal


    When someone you care about makes poor choices in their lifestyles, relationships, or moral decision making, there is a way to love them back to the wholesome life that will bless them beyond imagination.

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  • Saying Yes : Discovering And Responding To Gods Will In Your Life


    Spiritual director Fr. Haase highlights in a singular way that authentic Christian discernment requires daily listening to the megaphone God uses to communicate with us: the nitty-gritty of everyday life. Like the persistent widow in Luke’s parable (chapter 18), God invites each of us to respond uniquely to the dream of the kingdom. And then God waits. When our response is not forthcoming, God returns and invites again. And again, if necessary.

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  • Gift From Julie


    This book was written to encourage people facing a life-threatening illness, in the case of the author, nonalcohol cirrhosis of the liver. One of my doctors said, “If you don’t get a liver transplant soon, you are going to die.” What a statement to hear from your doctor! This doctor, who is a caring and compassionate person, referred me to the Liver Center at Lahey Clinic in Massachusetts. As I found out, getting a new liver is not quick, and definitely not easy. The power of prayer is evident throughout this entire crisis. Judy received many blessings and miracles throughout this grueling journey. I was told I had Factor 5, which is a blood clotting problem, therefore I could not have a live donor liver. This meant I had to wait and pray a cadaver liver could be found before I would die from liver disease. Through prayers, blessings, and miracles, the doctors said they would do a live-donor liver transplant. My niece became my liver donor after having difficulty finding a donor. If you have ever been thrust into a life threatening situation, this book will interest you.

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  • Fight For My Soul


    A Fight for My Soul: A True Story of Spiritual Warfare is true story of one person’s experience with spiritual warfare and the spiritual world.

    The author takes you through her personal journey that began after reading a book about hell in October 2005.

    The author describes her encounters with Jesus, the Devil, and an angel in this inspirational book about committing the eternal sin.

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  • Love Liberates : You Win


    Anthon Houtsma graduated from Calvin College in 1967 and from Calvin Seminary in 1970 with the intention of becoming a pastor in the Christian Reformed Church. Unforeseen circumstances forced his life in a very different direction, however, to a career in the US Postal Service. Anthon is a Calvinist with an existential point of view. He desperately wants you to know that God loves every person in this world. The question is: How can the love of God offered in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ save us; how can that love of God redeem the soul of any man, woman, or child, giving them a desire to serve God with their hearts and minds and strength? It is only by the grace of God and through the existential exercise of our faith that we can be saved.

    “God is Love” (1 John 4:8). The attribute of love defines the purpose and goal of God with regard to all of humanity. God may hate sin, but He loves the sinner. God loves every single one of us, and He vows to raise us out of our selfish, quarrelsome lives of sin into a loving, brotherly, peaceful life of righteousness, if only we will believe.

    Out of love, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to live among us, to die for our sins, and to be raised for our justification and sanctification. The birth of Christ was God’s promise of love to you and me-that He would freely give us the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ if only we would sincerely ask Him for it.

    Jesus is the love of God that can redeem humanity. Because of God’s love and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, heaven can now be yours if you will only put your trust in the salvation of the cross and resurrection. Through faith in Jesus Christ, you can now have a new and glorious future in heaven. God’s love liberates! You can win!

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  • Love Liberates : You Win


    Anthon Houtsma graduated from Calvin College in 1967 and from Calvin Seminary in 1970 with the intention of becoming a pastor in the Christian Reformed Church. Unforeseen circumstances forced his life in a very different direction, however, to a career in the US Postal Service. Anthon is a Calvinist with an existential point of view. He desperately wants you to know that God loves every person in this world. The question is: How can the love of God offered in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ save us; how can that love of God redeem the soul of any man, woman, or child, giving them a desire to serve God with their hearts and minds and strength? It is only by the grace of God and through the existential exercise of our faith that we can be saved.

    “God is Love” (1 John 4:8). The attribute of love defines the purpose and goal of God with regard to all of humanity. God may hate sin, but He loves the sinner. God loves every single one of us, and He vows to raise us out of our selfish, quarrelsome lives of sin into a loving, brotherly, peaceful life of righteousness, if only we will believe.

    Out of love, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to live among us, to die for our sins, and to be raised for our justification and sanctification. The birth of Christ was God’s promise of love to you and me-that He would freely give us the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ if only we would sincerely ask Him for it.

    Jesus is the love of God that can redeem humanity. Because of God’s love and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, heaven can now be yours if you will only put your trust in the salvation of the cross and resurrection. Through faith in Jesus Christ, you can now have a new and glorious future in heaven. God’s love liberates! You can win!

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  • Overcoming Moral Failure


    Have you ever felt entrapped or snared by some bad behavior? Although what you’re doing feels good, deep in your heart you know it is wrong. Unable to escape the trap you’ve created for yourself, you feel as though there is no way out and no one to turn to for help.

    In Overcoming Moral Failure: Picking Up the Pieces, author Gordon Froese helps you understand how you arrived where you are and what you need to do to find relief and recovery from a life that is broken. For believers in the God of the Bible, this message resonates with the truth of the Scriptures, while nonbelievers may find that the God of the Bible has an astounding amount of insight into the behavior and misbehavior of human beings. Froese offers insights based not only the results of research and study, but also on his own real-life moral failure and recovery.

    This guide offers an open and frank discussion of moral failure and presents ways to recover from it. God can restore anyone who is willing to seek restoration God’s way; it can be a reality when there is true repentance and a willingness to do whatever it takes.

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  • Overcoming Moral Failure


    Have you ever felt entrapped or snared by some bad behavior? Although what you’re doing feels good, deep in your heart you know it is wrong. Unable to escape the trap you’ve created for yourself, you feel as though there is no way out and no one to turn to for help.

    In Overcoming Moral Failure: Picking Up the Pieces, author Gordon Froese helps you understand how you arrived where you are and what you need to do to find relief and recovery from a life that is broken. For believers in the God of the Bible, this message resonates with the truth of the Scriptures, while nonbelievers may find that the God of the Bible has an astounding amount of insight into the behavior and misbehavior of human beings. Froese offers insights based not only the results of research and study, but also on his own real-life moral failure and recovery.

    This guide offers an open and frank discussion of moral failure and presents ways to recover from it. God can restore anyone who is willing to seek restoration God’s way; it can be a reality when there is true repentance and a willingness to do whatever it takes.

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  • Improving The Quality Of Your Eternal Life


    In the next age, will all who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ fare the same? Are the roles, responsibilities, privileges and rewards for all believers identical in the coming age? If there are differences, by what criteria are they established? Does the level of a believer s commitment as a disciple in this life matter? Moreover, what do Jesus and the writers of the New Testament have to say regarding this topic? The answers to these questions may be unfamiliar to most, since they are rarely heard from the pulpits of today s churches, and just as infrequently addressed in Sunday school classes.”

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  • Radical Pursuit Of Rest


    1. Restless Faith
    2. The God Who Rests
    3. Beyond The Day Of Rest
    4. False Rest
    5. Rest And Ambition
    6. Worship As Rest
    7. Rest And The Digital Age
    8. Rest And The Future
    9. Final Rest
    Questions For Group Discussion

    Additional Info
    Publisher Marketing: We live in a culture that values activity, achievement and accomplishment. Whether in our careers, churches, schools or families, busyness is the norm in our lives, and anything less makes us feel unproductive and anxious. We have to work all the harder, then, to pursue true rest in a 24/7 world that is constantly in motion. John Koessler understands that rest is not automatic or easy to attain. He names the modern-day barriers to becoming people of rest and presents a unique perspective on how pursuing rest leads us to the heart of God. With honest, biblical reflections on trends in our culture and churches, he exposes our misconceptions regarding the concept of rest, as well as offering correction and practices to align our ideas with God’s ideal. The book includes reflection and discussion questions designed for both individual and group use. You will discover the true meaning behind Jesus’ idea of the yoke of rest and restoration for your mind, body and soul.”

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  • What To Do When You Dont Know What To Do


    Sometimes the big and small decisions in life seem overwhelming. How do you know what choices to make about your career, kids, relationships? Even when you make good decisions, how do you avoid temptation along the way?
    In “What to Do When You Don t Know What to Do,” Dr. David Jeremiah walks you through the book of James to glean God s wisdom on issues such as finances, faith, and decision making.
    Most significantly, this practical book shows you how to have the kind of faith that perseveres in persecution, resists temptation, and responds obediently to God s Word. What does it look like to consider God in all your plans, depend on God rather than wealth, and put prayer above your personal efforts? It looks, as James discovered, like living a life of great joy.”

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  • Secret Place Of Gods Power


    Many have a desire to be a powerful man or woman of God. The Secret Place of God’s Power by Bill Vincent will truly stir your faith. By using Biblical principles Bill outlines much revelation for today’s saints of God to walk in power. The power of God is the result of finding God, it what is known as the Secret Place. This book has been compiled from all the lessons I have learned and grown to know the Lord. He has been my closest friend and all this is found in the secret place. Before finding this revelation, I flowed in little to no power of God. It is time for the Church to grow in power. Everyone wants someone to lay hands on them and impart the power of God. There may be a truth to real impartation but it still will not come without a price. This book has been a long time coming, but is necessary. You will learn to overcome religion, get closer to God, find the power of God and experience Heaven. God spoke to me that this book has been brought to get His people to find the Secret Place and discover His Power. Bill spends a lot of time seeking the face of God concerning current cutting edge things. The ministry is more than just being a minister. The First Chapter takes you into the Secret Place. You will find by spending time with God will usher in provision, promotion, increase of Godly knowledge and so much more. Bill has a way to say things many different ways until you get it. There are many things that you will learn about Heaven on Earth and how to become a source that God can use in a mighty way. The Secret Place of God’s Power is more than a book, it is learning to be led by the Holy Spirit, being a deliverer to all who need set free and increasing in the anointing and power of God. You are going to be truly encouraged with this power packed book. It is time for us all to find God in a deeper and intimate way.

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  • Pray And Grow Richer


    Dr. Clark’s book, “Pray and Grow Richer” is for you. After years of growing up in poverty and being enslaved to its offspring, Dr. Clark has silence the voices of her ancestral failures, and has broken through into a new realm of success. Dr. Clark Wants the Same For You! This book will shift and catapult you from being just an “ordinary person” to being an “enterprising person.” Inside of this book are strategies that can be used to provoke the supernatural to show up in your life, so that your wealth streams can be illuminated as well as activated, which will open the door for you to live from your overflow inheritance. Every prayer warrior, intercessor, kingdompreneur and pastor need to read this book. IT IS TIME THE CHURCH INVADE THE BUSINESS GATE!

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  • Glory Pursuing Gods Presence


    Glory Pursuing God’s Presence is one of three books in its series about finding God and His presence. One day in 2008, author Bill Vincent decided that he was goint to “get something” from God. In many ways, he was like a whining child trying to get a toy from his parent. But the feeling that followed later that day was one of being rescued from a desert after days with nothing to drink. Vincent fell in love with God and what happened next changed Vincent’s life forever. This book tells Vincent’s story.

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  • Increasing Your Prophetic Gift


    If you are a beginner or have been in the prophetic for years, this book is for you. This book starts out with basic principles of the prophetic ministry. You will discover and be encouraged as you read chapter after chapter of Increasing Your Prophetic Gift. It is time for everyone to tap into their prophetic call and dig to a deeper anointing than ever before. At the end of this book you will read and be activated as you hear the personal experiences of a young prophet. Bill started as a simple minister and increased to a powerful prophetic minister. Bill has prophesied to many and has seen hundreds healed and set free through personal prophetic ministry. It is time for you to increase your prophetic gift today.

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  • Jesus A Pilgrimage


    James Martin, SJ, gifted storyteller, editor at large of America magazine, popular media commentator, and New York Times bestselling author of The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything, brings the Gospels to life in Jesus: A Pilgrimage and invites believers and seekers alike to experience Jesus through Scripture, prayer, and travel. — Combining the fascinating insights of historical Jesus studies with profound spiritual insights about the Christ of faith, Father Martin recreates the world of first-century Galilee and Judea to usher you into Jesus’ life and times and show readers how Jesus speaks to us today. Martin also brings together the most up-to-date Scripture scholarship, wise spiritual reflections, and lighthearted stories about traveling through the Holy Land with a fellow (and funny) Jesuit, visiting important sites in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. — The person at the heart of the Gospels can seem impossibly distant. Stories about his astonishing life and ministry–clever parables that upended everyone’s expectations, incredible healings that convinced even skeptics, nature miracles that dazzled the dumbstruck disciples–can seem far removed from our own daily lives, hard to understand, and at times irrelevant. But in Jesus you will come to know him as Father Martin knows him: Messiah and Savior, as well as friend and brother.

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  • Revival Hubs Rising


    Impact Awakening Ministries Inc Publication

    Revival hubs are emerging in cities around the world. Birthed in intercession and marked by prophetic worship and equipping, revival hubs places where believers are contending to the end for God’s glory and seeing supernatural signs wonders and miracles. Discover more about this new ministry paradigm for the next great move of God.

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  • Conversion And Discipleship


    Discipleship occurs when someone answers the call to learn from Jesus how to live his or her life-as though Jesus were living it. The end result is that the disciple becomes the kind of person who naturally does what Jesus did. How the church understands salvation and the gospel is the key to recovering a biblical theology of discipleship. Our doctrines of grace and salvation, in some cases, actually prevent us from creating an expectation that we are to be disciples of Jesus. A person can profess to be a Christian and yet still live under the impression that they don’t need to actually follow Jesus. Being a follower is seen as an optional add-on, not a requirement. It is a choice, not a demand. Being a Christian today has no connection with the biblical idea that we are formed into the image of Christ. In this ground-breaking new book, pastor and author Bill Hull shows why our existing models of evangelism and discipleship fail to actually produce followers of Jesus. He looks at the importance of recovering a robust view of the gospel and taking seriously the connection between conversion-answering the call to follow Jesus-and discipleship-living like the one we claim to follow.

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  • Bumps Are What You Climb On (Reprinted)


    When feelings of frustration, disappointment, or loneliness hit, readers can find powerful encouragement in Warren Wiersbe’s solid teaching. In The Bumps Are What You Climb On, he extracts wisdom from the Bible and helps those who are facing difficult days to respond with faith and hope.

    These thirty brief meditations spark a fresh optimism for facing new challenges. They show readers how to trust in God’s promises, reap the benefits of forgiveness, find contentment, add joy to life, and more. With Wiersbe’s uplifting, accessible teaching and empowering challenges, The Bumps Are What You Climb On is also useful as a devotional for any believer, at any time.

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  • Life Lessons From A Bad Quaker


    On quick observation, the Quaker lifestyle boasts peace, solitude, and simplicity-qualities that are attractive to any believer of any denomination or religion. Yet living a life of faith is not as simple as it may look. In fact, it’s often characterized more by the stumbles than the grace.

    “When someone asks me what kind of Christian I am,” says Quaker author J. Brent Bill, “I say I’m a bad one. I’ve got the belief part down pretty well, I think. It’s in the practice of my belief in everyday life where I often miss the mark.” In Life Lessons from a Bad Quaker, a self-professed non-expert on faith invites readers on a joyful exploration of the faith journey-perfection not required. With whimsy, humor, and wisdom, Bill shows readers how to put faith into practice to achieve a life that is soulfully still yet active, simple yet satisfying, peaceful yet strong.

    For anyone who is bad at being good, this is an invitation to a pilgrimage toward a more meaningful and satisfying life . . . one step-or stumble-at a time.

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  • 10 Commandments : The Ten Commandments Are The Only Messages To Men That Go


    The Ten Commandments are the only words that God wrote to man with His own hand. In fact, He wrote them out twice, and even spoke them aloud in the hearing of Israel.

    In The Ten Commandments, Moody devotes a separate chapter to each commandment, with a concluding summary. His fervent belief was that the commandments are still God’s measure of obedience today. But they are more than a measuring stick; they are a signpost pointing fallen mankind toward the only One who was able to keep God’s law.

    Moody’s teachings are still relevant to this day. His words still resonate just as they did in his large evangelical meetings where thousands of converts fell to their knees. He reminds us that Jesus came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it, and to become righteousness for all who believe.

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  • Imitation Of Christ


    The timeless classic, The Imitation of Christ, is updated into modern English and arranged topically for daily devotions.

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  • Divine Collision : An African Boy An American Lawyer And Their Remarkable B


    In a Ugandan prison for two murders he didn t commit, Henry is losing hope. He pleads with God for a sign. Jim, in California, finds himself saying a small yes to God who brings their two lives together with momentous results.

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  • Believing In The Cross


    When a change occurs in your heart, this is Jesus changing your heart and desires. In every area of your life, you need to be more like Jesus. Believing in the Cross can be a study guide for you with inspiration and hope. The soul will never die. What will your reward be?

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  • God Is : Dare To Believe


    This generation has seen more scientific discoveries and an increase in greater intellectual knowledge than ever before. As a result, a worldview has immerged that puts its “faith” in human potential, intelligence, and self-gratification rather than in God. This generation is also witnessing a greater increase in biblical prophecy being fulfilled along with an increase of supernatural phenomenon.

    Is it possible that God, because of His extreme love for humanity, is zealously declaring that He is the Creator who holds all power and authority over life, death, time, and seasons? Is it possible that this may be the last generation before our Messiah returns?

    Each of us has a worldview, and that worldview is very important because it determines our behavior. Our behavior, which influences how we think, feel, and act, is guided by what we believe to be true about God. Such truth is very important because it affects our goals, relationships, our peace of mind, and our destiny, as well as the destiny of our nations.

    It is my desire to posit that truth is a personal knowledge of God and the truths in the Bible are relevant today, for it has all the answers to life, death, time, and our future. What you believe about God and the Bible will determine your destiny. Only dare to believe!

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  • Walking In Love


    SKU (ISBN): 9781506410760ISBN10: 1506410766J. Paul SampleyBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 2016Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • 30 Day Faith Detox (Reprinted)


    Invisible faith toxins can cause symptoms that affect our entire being–mind, body, and spirit. In this one-month detox, expert Laura Harris Smith uncovers 30 faith toxins and promotes biblical healing of the whole person through prayer, Scripture, and simple recipes. Refresh and refuel yourself spiritually, mentally, and physically with this practical guide.

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  • Breaking Busy : How To Find Peace And Purpose In A World Of Crazy


    Have you ever felt like a fraud or failure as you struggle to find balance in life? Do you find yourself juggling everything in mediocrity and feeling like you’re succeeding at very little? In her no-nonsense way, Alli Worthington tackles the big questions about finding happiness and one’s God-given purpose. Breaking Busy marries popular secular research with solid biblical principles, instilling confidence that you, too, can move from crazy busy to confident calm. With refreshing candor, uproarious true stories, and a Christian worldview, Alli delivers truths that dismantle common happiness myths. Then she empowers you to get unstuck, to let go of the good to make way for the great, to know yourself and your Creator, and ultimately to find peace and purpose in this world of crazy. You will: Learn how to stop chasing what leaves you empty and start doing what you were created to do. Identify the common lies you believe and how to strip their power from your life. Recognize how what you say no to determines what you can say yes to. With relatable anecdotes, Alli models real-life guidance on boundaries, relationships, and self-care, humbly examining her own mistakes and walking through how she learned from her missteps and found peace in a world of busyness. If you long to find real connection with both your loved ones and your Creator, Alli Worthington deftly balances intelligent humility and heartwarming humor to help you rediscover your path.

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  • 7 Laws Of Love


    Love is the foundation of every relationship, the mission of every Christ follower, the very heartbeat of God, yet it is utterly misunderstood. In The 7 Laws of Love, Dave Willis unpacks the “7 Laws” found throughout Scripture, and then offers practical insights in living out these truths in each of life’s significant relationships-with oneself, God, spouse, family, friends, “neighbors,” and enemies. Armed with a better understanding of how to put love into practice, the beauty of real love can be experienced in new and profound ways.

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  • He Speaks In The Silence


    He Speaks in the Silence is the story of Diane Comer’s search for the kind of intimacy with God every woman longs for. It is a story of trying to be a good girl, of following the rules, of longing for a satisfaction that eludes us.

    Disappointed with all Diane had been told was supposed to fulfill her, she begged God in desperation to give her more.

    And He did. But first He took her through a trial so debilitating it almost destroyed what little faith she had.

    He let her go deaf.

    Like so many Christians, Diane thought she’d signed up for the “wonderful plan for your life” and deafness certainly didn’t fit her idea of a wonderful life. Yet in her brokenness, God met her and lifted her out of the pit of despair she was digging for herself. He lifted her onto the solid rock of real faith, and taught her to believe He is good even when life goes bad.

    Using vivid parallels between her deafness and every woman’s struggle to hear God, this book reveals how Diane learned to listen to God, finding intimacy with her Savior and the soul deep satisfaction she longs for.

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  • Focus : Eliminating Distractions For Enhanced Spiritual Vision


    There are visions and dreams within you… waiting to be released. You have an important destiny to fulfill and a Kingdom assignment to complete! So, what’s holding you back? Distraction.

    In an age of unending technological advancements, daily stress, and constant spiritual static from the enemy, the Holy Spirit is calling you to focus. Margie Fleurant shows you how to do this… practically and powerfully.

    This doesn’t necessarily mean going to a monastery or taking a spiritual retreat. God is actually looking for something else. He wants you to learn how to be spiritually focused while living in a distracted world.

    Receive empowering tools to:

    Identify and eliminate common distractions… and keep your focus centered on God
    Train your spiritual senses to engage the unseen realm… and detect changes in spiritual atmospheres
    Sharpen your ability to “tune in” to God… and speak prophetically with clarity and power

    Focus protects you from those unfulfilling pursuits that are beneath your destiny in God. Learn to avoid the distractions, live mindful of your true identity, and experience eternal life… starting today!

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  • Hearing God Through Biblical Meditation


    Your Secret to Seeing the Bible Come to Life

    Have you ever thought, “I read the Bible but it still doesn’t make sense to me”.

    People say they hear God speaking to them-do you hear them and think, “Why can’t I hear God talking to me”?

    In Hearing God through Biblical Meditation, Dr. Mark Virkler helps you rediscover the simplicity of hearing from Heaven and reminds you that the ultimate source of divine revelation, supernatural peace, and spiritual direction is sitting on your shelf-the Bible. Learn the secret that brings Scripture to life and positions you to hear God’s voice with clarity and consistency like never before.

    In this uniquely interactive book you will:
    *discover how to practice Biblical meditation-and start hearing God’s voice on a continuous basis .
    *engage in practical exercises that will make your Bible study come to life in fresh new ways.
    *approach your time in Scripture as an open door to revelatory encounters with the Holy Spirit.

    Stop simply reading words on a page and begin hearing the voice of God in your life!

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  • Principle And Power Of Kingdom Citizenship


    Discover How to Live as a Citizen of God’s Unshakable Kingdom!
    Are you ready to experience life on a new, supernatural level? Then it’s time to take your place as a royal citizen in God’s unshakable Kingdom.
    For too long, too many followers of Christ have lived beneath their Kingdom inheritance. They are saved and set-up for eternity in Heaven, yet they continue to live defeated and unfulfilling lives on Earth.

    In this paradigm-shifting work by Dr. Myles Munroe, he presents the biblical blueprint for what it looks like for you to live as an empowered Kingdom citizen.

    You will learn to:
    *identify and access your royal rights as a citizen of God’s Kingdom.
    *exercise your authority as an ambassador of Christ in your sphere of influence.
    *change atmospheres around you with the climate of Heaven.

    The Kingdom is not just about going to Heaven one day after you die… it is about walking in the purpose and power of Heaven today while you are still living on Earth!

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  • Trouble Ive Seen


    What if racial reconciliation doesn’t look like what you expected? The high-profile killings of young black men and women by white police officers, and the protests and violence that ensued, have convinced many white Christians to reexamine their intuitions when it comes to race and justice.

    In this provocative book, theologian and blogger Drew G. I. Hart places police brutality, mass incarceration, antiblack stereotypes, poverty, and everyday acts of racism within the larger framework of white supremacy. Leading readers toward Jesus, Hart offers concrete practices for churches that seek solidarity with the oppressed and are committed to racial justice.

    What if all Christians listened to the stories of those on the racialized margins? How might the church be changed by the trouble we ve seen?

    Key Features:
    -Written by well-known theologian and blogger Drew Hart with foreword by Christena Cleveland
    -Hard-hitting analysis of racial injustice in the twenty-first century
    -Provides a call to action for Christians committed to racial justice and creative proposals for antiracist practices for churches

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  • Anchored : A Bible Study For Miscarriage Stillbirth And Infant Loss


    Anchored is a Bible study that directs grieving moms to God’s truth where they can find hope regarding their loss. One in four pregnancies ends in devastating loss. Grief hits like a tidal wave. Endless questions batter your soul. Why me? How could God allow this to happen? Did I do something wrong? Where is my baby now? Can I survive this? Anchored invites you to grieve in an honest and faith-filled way. With personal stories, seasoned insight, and gentle questions, you are invited to lay your deepest hurt at the foot of the cross and allow God to anchor your brokenness.

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  • 40 Days Of Decrease


    “What are you giving up for Lent?” we are asked. Our minds begin to whirl: Chocolate? Designer coffee? Social media? Forty days later, some feel disappointed in their efforts (it was a limited-time blend . . . ), some feel surprised by their success (didn’t even miss it . . . ), but perhaps precious few feel spiritually renewed.

    Can such fasts alone truly prepare us to celebrate Easter? Or any other chosen time of reflection during the year?

    Or could it be that before we can be duly awed by resurrection, we need to daily honor crucifixion?

    40 Days of Decrease emphasizes a different type of fast. What if you or your church fasted comparison? What if your family fasted accumulation? What if your office fasted gossip?

    40 Days of Decrease guides readers through a study of Jesus’ uncommon and uncomfortable call to abandon the world’s illusions, embrace His kingdom’s reality, and journey cross-ward and beyond.

    Each daily, 1000-word entry will include:
    *a devotional based on Jesus’ cross-ward life;
    *a reflection question to guide journaling or group discussion;
    *a fast to inspire a tangible response;
    *a thought-provoking Lenten quote;
    *a sidebar into the historical development of Lent.

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  • Whats Shaking Your Ladder


    What obstacles are blocking you?
    What is your biggest leadership challenge?
    If overcome successfully, what challenge is ready to springboard you toward your destiny?

    In What’s Shakin’ Your Ladder? Dr. Samuel Chand discusses fifteen challenges that are common to all leaders and teaches you how to successfully overcome them. Regardless of whether you are leading a new organization or a Fortune 500 corporation, you will be confronted by the challenges of:
    *FOCUS: Finding and maintaining what is important
    *COMMUNICATION: Saying it in a way that everyone gets it
    *DECISION MAKING: Understanding how we make decisions, so we can make them better
    *CHOOSING THE TEAM: Making critical decisions about who is on our team
    *CHANGE VS. TRANSITION: Intentionally planning transitions for smoother change
    *CONFLICT: Understanding the importance of health during conflict
    *CONTROL VS. DELEGATION: Learning when to hang on and when to let go
    *EXECUTION: Getting the job done

    Dr. Chand takes an in-depth look at each of these challenges (plus seven more) and provides practical advice on how to face and overcome the things that are blocking you from achieving your personal best.

    If you want to be a leader, this book is your guide.

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  • God Is With You Every Day


    It’s easier to face the day when you know God is with you.

    God Is With You Every Day is a brand-new 365-day devotional from Max Lucado, and his first new devotional since the creation of the Grace for the Moment(R) line. Max’s signature reassuring and encouraging voice, paired with the practical, relevant, and personal message that God is with you every day, makes a great way to start each day of the year.

    This devotional begins each week with a prayer and scripture, followed by six days of devotions and scripture for reflection. Weaving messages of comfort, grace, and encouragement, this book is wonderful for anyone who wants a fresh infusion of faith to start each day, as well as those walking through difficult seasons of life such as loneliness, grief, or change.

    You can face each day with courage – because God is with you.

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  • Grieving The Child I Never Knew


    Warm, encouraging, and truly helpful for anyone experiencing the terrible loss of a baby
    When the anticipation of your child’s birth turns into the grief of miscarriage, tubal pregnancy, stillbirth, or early infant death, no words on earth can ease your loss. But there is strength and encouragement in the wisdom of others who have been there and found that God’s comfort is real.

    Having experienced three miscarriages and the death of an infant son, Kathe Wunnenberg knows the deep anguish of losing a child. Grieving the Child I Never Knew was born from her personal journey through sorrow. It is a wise and tender companion for mothers whose hearts have been broken-mothers whose dreams have been shattered and who wonder how to go on.

    This devotional collection will help those mothers grieve honestly and well. With seasoned insights and gentle questions, it invites the reader to present her hurts before God and to receive over time the healing that He alone can-and will-provide.

    Each devotion includes:
    *Scripture passage and prayer
    *”Steps Toward Healing” questions
    *Space for journaling
    *Readings for holidays and special occasions

    Although the book was originally released in 2001, it remains a bestselling title on this topic.

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  • Schemes Of Satan


    Principles To Live By
    Satan is alive and well and living on planet earth. Every day he strategizes how to destroy people’s lives through the tests and temptations he runs. One of them is that people must choose to sin and want the devil’s malevolent influence in their lives. The more selfishness people choose the more selfishness they can be tempted with. So the Devil makes the wrong choices seem right. He glamorizes absolutely toxic opportunities. We actually face three enemies that want to block us from enjoying the life God has planned for us: The World (1 John 2:15-18); The Flesh (Galatians 5:19-21); and The Devil (Ephesians 6:10-18). Each of these enemies can get in the way of our embracing the great life and good works that God has planned for us (Ephesians 2:10). In this book we will be focusing on just the last of these enemies, the Devil and what his strategies are to rob us of God’s abundant life.

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