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    Christian Living

    • John : Read Reflect Respond Rest


      Come and experience the Scriptures in a fresh and life-giving way. In this collaboration between Alabaster Co. and IVP, the full text of the Gospel of John is presented alongside beautiful full-color photographs and fourteen guided meditations by Bible teacher, author, and spiritual director Jan Johnson. Carefully designed as a practical, study-focused version of Alabaster’s other bible books, the Alabaster Guided Meditations invite readers into deeper reflection by incorporating the church’s ancient lectio divina and visio divina traditions. Though the intersection of New Living Translation Bible passages, photography, thoughtfully designed layouts, and meditations, readers are invited to experience the Gospel of John anew.

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    • Living In The Design


      Sailing engages all the senses and requires an understanding of the natural processes in creation. It also allows for long, quiet times with others–free from distractions on land. Living in the Design draws upon parallels of God as revealed in the Scriptures with stories and life lessons of sailing. It is intended for use aboard a vessel but could be used on land. It can be studied by groups or individuals.

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    • Grace Of Healing


      Why does God heal some people, but not others?

      Do you have questions about Divine healing? How does it work? What is required? How much faith is necessary?

      In The Grace of Healing, Pastor, author, and renowned Bible teacher, Bob Yandian answers these questions, while revealing the missing ingredient to the healing you’ve been praying for: grace!

      Over the course of church history, the doctrines of grace and faith have been taken to separate extremes as they relate to healing. The result is that many believers struggle to understand or receive healing from God. Those on the side of grace deny the need for faith, believing that God only heals a select few. For those who only see a need for faith, the pursuit of healing becomes a legalistic struggle to change God’s mind.

      But Pastor Bob takes a different approach, offering practical and straight-to-the-point biblical teaching that balances the elements of grace and faith–so your health can spring forth speedily.

      You’ll find the healing you’ve been waiting for when you find the missing ingredient of grace!

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    • Diligence Of Discipleship


      During his years of pastoral/teaching ministry Pastor John has bemoaned the erosion of the Church, of Western Civilization in general, and the American culture in particular. He attributes much of this erosion to a general weakness in the Church of making Biblical disciples of Jesus Christ. This book is not primarily about showing that weakness; rather, he will define Biblical discipleship and provide a simple-to-grasp but difficult-to-do five-step process to transform converts into maturing disciples of Jesus Christ. The will of God for the Christian is sanctification, to be holy. Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote of The Cost of Discipleship; Pastor John gives a workable process to be holy. The stated goal is to look like the Biblical Jesus to a watching world.

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    • Pandemic Protection : Safe, Natural Ways To Prepare Your Immune System BEFO


      From New York Times Best Selling Author Dr. Don Colbert

      The Pandemic crisis is only a foretaste of things yet to come.
      Prepare your immune system before you need it.

      Many believe the pandemic crisis of 2020 is only a foretaste of things to come. If so, it serves as a wake-up call to remind us of the urgency of protecting our health.

      Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the entire world has had to rethink the way we do health. With this new paradigm backed by the latest scientific research, Don Colbert, MD, brings you cutting-edge medical advice and tells you everything you need to know to optimize your body’s immune system, avoid exposure, detect the early warning signs, and treat and recover from illness during pandemics like COVID-19. You’ll learn:

      *What the Bible and past pandemics can teach us about outbreaks

      *How telemedicine and technology are changing the way we do healthcare

      *How the key to a strong immune system is a healthy gut

      *Ways to protect your health through diet, natural supplements, and the latest breakthrough medical treatments

      We don’t have to live in fear. The good news is that we can learn from this pandemic as well as those in the past, and we can arm ourselves with the tools we need to be prepared for pandemic outbreaks both now and in the future.

      After reading this book, you will know what to do to optimize your health, protect your family, and detect the early warning signs of disease outbreaks.

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    • Ministers Wife : A Memoir Of Faith, Doubt, Friendship, Loneliness, Forgiven


      She never expected to be a minister’s wife. And the life she discovered was more challenging–and more beautiful–than she could have anticipated.

      We all wrestle with tough questions about life and faith, and Karen Stiller has learned that answers don’t come any easier when you’re married to the minister. What does it mean to live faithfully in our complicated world? Is there a place here for me–the real me? What does everyone expect of me, and what if I fail? In The Minister’s Wife, Karen shines a light on the rhythms and tough realities of the spiritual life for each and every one of us. She explores how community helps us grow; the unexpected beauty of doubt; the messy pain of families and funerals; how church can hurt and heal; and the beauty of showing up when sometimes it is more appealing to go to a coffee shop on a Sunday morning (even when you’re the pastor’s wife).

      Warm, witty, and achingly honest, The Minister’s Wife is a memoir in essays on choosing to belong, and an invitation to join a spiritual adventure.

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    • Faith And Deeds


      As for this fourth book, each topic of the books explains the following matters:

      Faith and Deeds

      In the year 2014 to 2019 there are sixteen signs in the sky related to Jesus second coming as mentioned in Acts 2:20. People’s response to these celestial signs can be divided into three groups: the group of unbelievers, the group of people who solely believe, and the group who believe and act upon it.

      5 Foolish Virgins and 5 Wise Ones

      This parable deals with the situation at the end of time, the time we live today. Although the ten virgins are children of God, only five entered the Kingdom of Heaven, therefore we need to study this parable more seriously while looking at which type of virgin we are today.

      God’s Promise to Provide

      The Bible recorded many examples of God provided for His people. God also promise to provide for His children at present time as can be found among others in Matthew 6:25-34. Lord Jesus explained that God requires us to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness. The above requirements are explained in a simple but complete and in-depth manner in this book.

      Heaviest Temptations

      We may assume that the temptation Job experienced was very heavy even the toughest one. Actually, the heaviest temptation is the unseen one that had happened to Adam and Eve and had made them fall while the Lord Jesus successfully dealt with it. In the context of the end times, similar temptations Jesus experienced could afflict us and perhaps are afflicting us today.

      A People Prepared for the Lord

      Deuteronomy 6:6-9 clearly says that God commanded the Israelites to teach their children spirituality so that they become His people. God really wants our entire family to become God’s children, that’s why Moses’ negligence in educating and preparing his children had a fatal impact against Moses, he was almost killed by the Lord.

      To Do the Will of the Father

      The will of the Father is stated among others in John 6:40,

      “And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”

      Are there people who have accepted the Lord Jesus, yet will not enter into heaven? Yes, there are, as described in the parable of The Sower which depicts four types of Christians where only one type will survive.

      Loving God

      The Lord Jesus explains in John 14:21 “Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me

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    • Blessed Christian Family


      As for this second book, each topic of the books explains the following matters:

      The Blessed Christian Family

      Family is a unit created by God Himself. Since the very beginning when God created man, He planned to make man as the object of His love. This book explains what kind of people are blessed with a good family and what kind of blessed family God promised.

      Family Worship

      Inviting God to be present in our homes is the core or essence of family worship which was revealed by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 18:19-20.

      The writer’s family has been doing family worship for more than twenty-five years and he give an example of the liturgy of family worship they usually do. He also explained the blessing he and the rest of his family received because of this family worship.

      The Major Ministry

      Serving or ministering is not an unfamiliar word for God’s children, and if we intend to discuss matters related to service or ministry, certainly there are many related aspects we can dig into. Therefore, this book discusses only two of them. Those are:

      *The concept or perception of ministry.
      *The major ministry.


      Since 2003 the writer has been spending time to make a study of blessings. Why? Because the writer wondered why God has been so kind and generous to him and his family. This book explained that in fact God has provided incredible blessings for us and the writer will discuss only 7 greatest blessings. What are they, and how can we get them, and where do they come from.

      Our Attitude in the House of God

      Many people assume that because we are saved by grace, we may act at will in worship. If we read Isaiah 1:10-15 we will find out that God was so angry at people who entered God’s house improperly, exceeding His wrath to the idol worshippers. Why was so? Because when we enter the house of God in inappropriate manners and attitudes, we are actually insulting God as the owner of the house. And the Lord pronounces His punishment to those who insult Him.

      Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth

      John 4:20-24 explains three types of worship, namely:

      1. Worship prior to the existence of the Law.
      2. Worship based on the Law.
      3. Worship in spirit and in truth, that is applying the Word of God in every second of our lives wherever we are.

      To be Children of God or Servants of God

      Today there are many Christian sermons and songs with the theme that “Our life is for serving God.”

      If we read Luke 10:38-42 which tells a

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    • God Only Knows


      Meet the ordinary but unqualified proof that you can accomplish whatever you want to accomplish in life, no matter how impossible it might seem. God planted that passion in your heart and will use it to make your life extraordinary. Against the odds. This is a riveting true story that dares you to dream.

      Joe Camp showed his film to every studio in Hollywood and couldn’t get a distributor. Nobody wanted Benji. Nobody. Zero. The following summer Variety reported that the movie was the #3 box office gross of all movies for the year. In spite of all the folks who were so quick to say: You can’t do that! That’s impossible! Give up! Quit. Sit down. Shut up. Go away. If it could be done somebody would have done it already.

      God’s hand at work. Up close and personal.

      And what a story this book is as Joe Camp learns how every devastation that he believed to be surely the end of life as he knew it had to happen exactly as God orchestrated it or there never would’ve been a Benji. Or six Benji films. And there never would’ve been a bestselling book changing the lives of horses all across the planet. Or a second love of his life after his Carolyn was called home.

      God Only Knows is a true story that reads like a spellbinding novel, emotionally involving and packed with suspense while totally shredding our resistance to fully trusting God with our every devastation so that we might see our adversities for what they are: God molding us, strengthening us, teaching us how to get past the multitude of obstacles that any worthwhile dream will throw at us.

      “My fondest hope is that this book might inspire you to mount a white horse and charge off after things worthwhile, to reach for heights heretofore perceived as unreachable, to adventure into uncharted waters with passion, honesty and God by your side . . . and leave this world a better place for your effort.” –Joe Camp

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    • God Only Knows


      Meet the ordinary but unqualified proof that you can accomplish whatever you want to accomplish in life, no matter how impossible it might seem. God planted that passion in your heart and will use it to make your life extraordinary. Against the odds. This is a riveting true story that dares you to dream.

      Joe Camp showed his film to every studio in Hollywood and couldn’t get a distributor. Nobody wanted Benji. Nobody. Zero. The following summer Variety reported that the movie was the #3 box office gross of all movies for the year. In spite of all the folks who were so quick to say: You can’t do that! That’s impossible! Give up! Quit. Sit down. Shut up. Go away. If it could be done somebody would have done it already.

      God’s hand at work. Up close and personal.

      And what a story this book is as Joe Camp learns how every devastation that he believed to be surely the end of life as he knew it had to happen exactly as God orchestrated it or there never would’ve been a Benji. Or six Benji films. And there never would’ve been a bestselling book changing the lives of horses all across the planet. Or a second love of his life after his Carolyn was called home.

      God Only Knows is a true story that reads like a spellbinding novel, emotionally involving and packed with suspense while totally shredding our resistance to fully trusting God with our every devastation so that we might see our adversities for what they are: God molding us, strengthening us, teaching us how to get past the multitude of obstacles that any worthwhile dream will throw at us.

      “My fondest hope is that this book might inspire you to mount a white horse and charge off after things worthwhile, to reach for heights heretofore perceived as unreachable, to adventure into uncharted waters with passion, honesty and God by your side . . . and leave this world a better place for your effort.” –Joe Camp

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    • Reborn : How Encountering Jesus Changes Everything


      In our self-help, DIY culture, we love the idea of improvement. We make-over wardrobes and restore houses and commit ourselves to better habits. But we’re still left feeling empty and not-quite-enough. That’s because what we need is not an upgrade but a complete upending of our lives. We need to be reborn. And it’s not something we can do by ourselves.

      With deep compassion, Clayton King shares the compelling stories of 12 broken people who came face-to-face with Jesus in the New Testament and got a second chance at life. A respected religious leader, an ostracized woman, a despised embezzler, a condemned thief–all of them flawed, sinful, full of regret–encountered Jesus and were never the same. Along with their stories, King shares contemporary stories of people struggling with addiction, lust, greed, and depression, showing that Jesus still meets people right where they are and changes them from the inside out.

      If you’re tired of going through the religious motions by your own power and long to experience the radical life and heart change that Jesus promised, it’s time for an encounter with Jesus. It’s time to be reborn.

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    • Winning The War Within


      Using his own story as a poignant, evocative illustration of God’s grace and healing, Jason Vallotton–with a contribution from his father, bestselling author Kris Vallotton–invites you to reframe your understanding of pain in terms of redemption. It is possible to steward the deepest hurts in your life so that God can lay the foundation for your future. While it might seem incomprehensible that good can ever come from such profound pain, you will discover that God not only can heal your wounds but will use the healing process to equip you for a restored, fulfilled, and powerful life!

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    • Revival Rising : Embracing His Transforming Fire


      Revival happens when passion for God breaks through human restraint and ignites one heart after another with his unquenchable love. Speaking with enthusiasm and vibrancy, Kim Meeder encourages readers to seek transformation of heart, soul, mind, and strength by engaging the holy fire of God’s presence. Within this place, fear and pride melt away and the desire burns brightly to reach all who are losing the battle for hope. Through inspiring true encounters, Meeder challenges each believer to accept Jesus’s commission to carry the living flame of his love wherever he leads.

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    • When We Pray


      The essays in this volume from liturgists in mainstream Christian churches in Australia and New Zealand gladly acknowledge that when we pray, we join with others.

      We share a history, a way of worshipping, often a common language and established forms, with authorised prayer books designed to retain the theological and liturgical emphases of the various churches. Yet it is a subject that can divide as well as unite; with a variety of experiences, attitudes and aspirations, especially in a world where forms of worship are readily accessible from internet sources.

      If worship and prayer express what we believe, who authorises forms of worship; who determines the authenticity of liturgy; what principles underlie and surround how people of faith worship in formal gatherings? These are some of the issues that inform the essays in this practical and ecumenical resource.

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    • Breaking The Mould


      An invitation into a real, raw and occasionally ridiculous life of being a mom in ministry in the 21st century.

      ‘You really are a breath of fresh air.’ If Rev. Jules Middleton had a penny for every time she’d heard that, she would be be able to hire someone else to put on her kids’ birthday parties! Even as a compliment its message is clear: you’re different to what we expect. Jules is one of hundreds of mums in ministry across the Church today, and yet against a predominantly white, middle-class, male-dominated history, they can still be something of an anomaly. Bringing together stories from all different walks of life – Pentecostal to Methodist, single mums to adopters, RAF chaplains to disability advisors and everything in-between – Jules maps the highs and lows ministry mums may face as they seek to ‘break the mould’ and challenge the ‘shoulds’ and stereotypes that surround both roles. From identity and expectations to prayer and prosecco, this book will inform, entertain and ultimately encourage women that though you may not be able to ‘do it all’ perfectly, by God’s grace (and the help of some good friends and gin!) you >can learn to thrive as a ministry mum.

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    • Daily Focused Devotion And Mindful Prayer


      There are many references in the Bible on the importance of daily devotion and prayer. When we set aside time each day for praise and prayer, we enhance our faith and ability to live a truly God focused life.

      The Focused Devotion and Mindful Prayer Journal is a tool to help organize your daily devotion and prayer time. It includes a daily journaling section and a life applications section.

      The daily journaling section is organized by date and includes pages for recording Bible verses, notes, and key points as you sit down to read or listen to your favorite daily devotion. Each page also includes a section for organizing your prayers and blessings. Enhance your faith by looking back and writing down answered prayers in the Blessings section from the same day a week, month, or year before. You will be amazed at what God does in your life. Focus your prayer life by listing your prayer requests and blessings before you bow your head to pray and watch your prayer life blossom and grow.

      The life applications section is organized by alphabet and includes pages for entering your favorite Bible verses and notes relating to specific questions or needs. In your daily devotional time, you will identify key verses that are meaningful to you as you consider your own personal challenges and life events. The life applications section allows you to record the topic and the specific Bible verses that give you faith-based guidance. It also includes a place for you to write the date, allowing you to go back to the devotional entry from that date for more detail. Not only is this something you can use for your own personal growth, but it something you can pass down to your children and grandchildren as a treasured family heirloom.

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    • What Possible Good


      In the midst of our own intense storms of life, we desperately search for an anchor of hope. This book by author Bill Trout takes us on a journey towards gaining a better understanding of our pain and suffering. We will find that God alone is the one true steadfast anchor that we seek. Believers in Jesus are firmly secured to God as our anchor by a heavenly chain of very strong links. One of the most vital links is found in the answer to the following question: ‘What possible good could come from our suffering?’ There is great news! God can and does turn bad things into good things for us. To see him at work in our lives we need to ask God to open our spiritual eyes. To improve our vision of the Master Potter at work, we will look through a number of different spiritual lenses. Each lens will permit us to see a different Biblical perspective of viewing our pain and suffering. Not only will we see a broad range of the possible causes and sources of our trials, but also we will discover additional links in the chain of hope, which may have eluded us thus far. Though we have a natural tendency to blame God for our pain and suffering, we will learn that the devil is the primary cause for most of the trials we face. But more great news! As we grow in our faith and trust in God, we realize that he is an expert at ‘turning the tables’ on all of the devil’s deceptive schemes to tempt, torture and destroy us. God clearly “works for the good of the those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) He is the master of turning potential defeat into decisive victory! If we hold tight to him as our anchor, we can safely and securely ride out all of the storms of life until we reach that promised eternal heavenly shore!

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    • Conversations With My Unbelieving Friend


      Very few topics generate as much emotion as religious beliefs. Those with religious inclinations and those who are against religion frequently embrace their particular viewpoint on the basis of information, much of which may be incorrect. This holds true for both believers and non-believers. Through a series of semi-fictitious conversations, Michael Gayle seeks to address some of the issues which influence an individual’s worldview. For the non-believers, this is useful in clarifying any misconceptions which may be preventing them from even considering Christianity. For believers, it provides at least two useful functions. First of all, it may help to clarify their own misconceptions and thus strengthen their faith. Secondly, it helps to provide them with information which they can use in their own conversations with non-believers that they will encounter in their Christian walk.

      The format is that of a series of semi-fictitious conversations between the author and a fictitious friend. The conversations represent dramatizations of the content of real conversations that the author has had over the years, combined with issues which he has deliberated on himself. In a number of instances, he addresses topics in respect of which he found the traditional explanations to be unconvincing, even though they may have been correct. If someone does not believe in the veracity Bible, it will be difficult to try to convince them of the truth of a statement in the Bible, on the basis that because it is in the Bible, therefore by definition it must be true. The author has encountered this approach and was himself, unconvinced thereby. Accordingly, whilst not denying the truth of the Bible, he has taken a different approach to some of these issues, and approach which is practical, reasonable and defensible. In so doing, his hope is that he will be able to clarify some of the issues which have caused many people to arrive at misconceptions related to the Bible and Christianity. In a very light-hearted manner, he addresses such issues as atheism, blind faith, evolution, intelligent design, miracles, science, biblical accuracy and a number of other topics which are typically the subject of disagreement or misunderstanding.

      This is intended to be the first in a series of three or more books. The intention of this first volume is not necessarily to convert anyone to Christianity. The intention is to remove any obstacles which are preventing anyone from honestly rather th

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    • Secrets Of Suffering


      The moment we find ourselves in adversity, we tend to quickly react in two ways: “Lord would you deliver me and deliver now?” And, “Why is this happening to me?” Often, deliverance will not come immediately, and the epic question “why” is truly the big reason for this book. In your lifetime, suffering will be inescapable. This is why it’s so important we learn to navigate our way through the thick, dark forest of suffering. If we do not learn this ourselves and neglect to teach those coming after us, we will forego many blessings and experiences with God and expose our children, students and parishioners to the same. The uniqueness of this book is positioned in the fact that its author has experienced suffering beginning at the age of three to the writing of this work. Therefore, the substance of this book rests not in hypothesis, but rather in real-time experience. If you are suffering, this book can help you for the simple reason that the author will compel you to put yourself in the presence of His Majesty, the Lord Jesus! He is the one who has suffered the most. The one who suffered the most can help you the most! Why? Because He is the Almighty Eternal God. He loves you with an everlasting unconditional love. The Lord can identify with your every hurt. He will show you in your suffering, that He is close, intimate, and He cares! Everyone knows someone who is struggling and suffering. This book would be the perfect gift and resource, equipping them to persevere, while, at the same time, experiencing the glorious blessings of God in the process!

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    • Secrets Of Suffering


      The moment we find ourselves in adversity, we tend to quickly react in two ways: “Lord would you deliver me and deliver now?” And, “Why is this happening to me?” Often, deliverance will not come immediately, and the epic question “why” is truly the big reason for this book. In your lifetime, suffering will be inescapable. This is why it’s so important we learn to navigate our way through the thick, dark forest of suffering. If we do not learn this ourselves and neglect to teach those coming after us, we will forego many blessings and experiences with God and expose our children, students and parishioners to the same. The uniqueness of this book is positioned in the fact that its author has experienced suffering beginning at the age of three to the writing of this work. Therefore, the substance of this book rests not in hypothesis, but rather in real-time experience. If you are suffering, this book can help you for the simple reason that the author will compel you to put yourself in the presence of His Majesty, the Lord Jesus! He is the one who has suffered the most. The one who suffered the most can help you the most! Why? Because He is the Almighty Eternal God. He loves you with an everlasting unconditional love. The Lord can identify with your every hurt. He will show you in your suffering, that He is close, intimate, and He cares! Everyone knows someone who is struggling and suffering. This book would be the perfect gift and resource, equipping them to persevere, while, at the same time, experiencing the glorious blessings of God in the process!

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    • Exploring Doubt : Landscapes Of Loss And Longing


      Christianity has often seemed impatient with the idea of doubt. Certainty, not irresolution, has been seen as the test of faith and key to unlocking participation in the supposed life to come. But when his marriage collapsed, Alex Wright knew that all his own certainties had been reduced to rubble. The future he had planned on the Norfolk coast disappeared as fast as a sea-fret burning up in the noonday sun. In this moving book, written out of his own disturbing experience of deep-rooted uncertainty about the future, the author suggests that it is actually doubt, not conviction, that expresses the most important insights about religion and the spiritual life and, indeed, about life itself.

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    • Just Love : A Journey Of Self-Acceptance


      From one of the UK’s most widely respected gay Christians comes a powerful faith memoir of overcoming inner conflict and taking a stand against one of the greatest institutional injustices of our time.

      Just Love is the autobiography of Jayne Ozanne, a prominent gay Anglican, who struggled for over 40 years to reconcile her faith with her sexuality before becoming one of the leading figures that is ushering in a new era of LGBTI acceptance in the Church.

      Her journey incorporates a range of powerful faith encounters with people across the world, from Argentina to Moscow and from the jungles of Burma to the White House. She gives an inside view of what it was to be a founding member of the Church of England’s Archbishops’ Council to working alongside international figures such as Tony Blair and the Vicar of Baghdad. At times both raw and shocking, she explains what led her to be hospitalized after seeking healing for her sexuality before becoming ostracized by many Christians after she finally deciding she had no choice but to come out.

      Jayne’s story serves as a lifeline for LGBTI Christians struggling to reconcile their faith with their sexuality and forces the Church to reflect on the impact of its current teaching.

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    • Forgetful Heart : Remembering God In A Distracted World


      We live in a world full of distractions, where lack of time and the pressures of daily living contribute to our spiritual lives sometimes becoming treated with less priority, sometimes forgotten altogether.

      This is a book for the forgetful-hearted; those who frequently forget God in their lives, even when they desperately want to remember him. Lucy Mills asks what it means to remember God. Here she suggests that it is about more than simply ‘knowing’ things–it is about how we live.

      Forgetful Heart is a beautifully written book, full of personal testimony, biblical reflection, and practical challenges and advice.

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    • Naked God : Wrestling For A Grace-ful Humanity


      “Every generation puts ‘clothes’ onto God to help their understanding, but the underlying reality of God still lies beneath those garments. If we go on clothing God only with garments that are suitable for medieval Christendom, or any other age, then we can hardly expect that God will be understood in the twenty-first century.” We live in an age in which many people are interested in spirituality but have been disillusioned by the Church and are unaware of what lies behind institutional religion. There is little knowledge of historical attempts to understand and to “clothe” God, and it is more difficult for twenty-first-century generations to find the tools with which to wrestle with the big questions about who we are and how we relate both to God and to each other. Vincent Strudwick–in collaboration with theologian, historian, and priest Jane Shaw–invites all readers to become wrestlers: to explore difficult questions about God, the Bible, spirituality, and the Church.

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    • Lasting Happiness : In Search Of Deeper Meaning And Fulfilment


      We all want to be happy, although ‘happiness’ can mean very different things to different people. But what if I don’t feel happy? Is my life less worthwhile? And is there such a thing as lasting happiness anyway? Western society places great emphasis on the pursuit of health, wealth, and pleasure, with a general expectation that having these in abundance will lead directly to “The Good Life.” But anxiety, depression, and loneliness are rife in our communities, and it is common for people to struggle with relationships and to feel they have a low sense of meaning and lasting fulfilment. Is there a better way for us to try to live? Andrew Parnham believes that there is, but such a way may take us in unexpected directions. In Lasting Happiness he invites us to explore this path in his company, looking beyond our immediate perceptions to consider our universal longings, the extraordinary way in which our brains engage with the world and ourselves, how healthy relationships develop and can be restored, and how meaning and fulfillment may actually be attained.

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    • Things That Make For Peace


      Drawing on the experiences and lessons of over forty years working on the frontline of reconciliation and peace building, in Northern Ireland, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East, Peter B. Price explores what it means to respond to the biblical call to “seek peace … and pursue it” (Psalm 34:14). What is required of Christians today in the light of the increasing number of wars, insurgencies, holocausts, and genocide, is a deeper understanding of what true peacemaking costs and an answer to the question: “Can Christianity continue to sanction war?”

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    • Untruth : Musings With Kierkegaard On Christian Living In A Fractured World


      Sren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) stood apart from the other philosophers of his day. He was less concerned with debates over abstract concepts of philosophy than with the working out of how one should live one’s daily life. He believed that living Christianly should not be a matter of whether one holds the correct beliefs or dogma; Christianity is an experience, something which we must choose to live each day. Kierkegaard’s thoughts and ideas apply directly to our fractured society today, explains Michael Stark. As the modern world has become smaller, it has become more divisive and argumentative. It seems that the more information we have access to, the more fearful we–Christian communities included–are becoming. Through an examination of topics such as truth, faith, selfhood, and love, Stark introduces us to the teaching of Kierkegaard and demonstrates how this prophetic voice from the past can help us navigate the hostile and combative climate of today.

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    • Living With The Mind Of Christ


      Through the teachings of Jesus and Christian mystics such as St. Augustine and Meister Eckhart, Stefan Gillow Reynolds demonstrates that the practice of mindfulness leading to silent meditation, recommended by many therapists, is not a modern fad but has always had a place within contemplative Christianity.

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    • God Calls Everyone


      An accessible and helpful guide for anyone who is trying to discern what their vocation might be.

      Ideal for those who are seriously thinking about becoming a vicar or minister, ‘God Calls Everyone’ is also suitable for anyone who is just starting to explore their vocational journey. It is also helpful for anyone thinking about what they can contribute to the work of the Kingdom in a non-ordained capacity.

      The uniqueness of this book is that it centres around an overview of the whole Bible story. The reader is then invited to take part in God’s story, and what he is doing, rather than asking what they can do for God.

      Questions at the end of each chapter allow the reader to reflect, think through the characteristics / attributes needed for serving God, and ultimately help them discover their part in God’s story.

      This is an accessible book for everyone, written in a quirky and engaging way that is a joyous celebration of God calling us all to be part of his story.

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    • Leaders Guide For God Who Are You Bible Study


      A Crown Connections LLC Title

      Leader’s Guide for GOD Who Are You? AND Who Am I? Bible Study: Your House Can Change the World

      Your house can change the world whether in a neighborhood, small group Bible study, cell group, house church or one-on-one with the Each One-Teach-One guide. This leader’s guide is for the workbook GOD Who Are You? AND Who Am I? Experiencing God by His Hebrew Names–a 13 or 23-week study.

      It was developed over ten years of leading this study in women’s groups, with neighbors in homes, one-on-one mentoring at restaurants, and with groups in churches. It is a user-friendly guide for anyone who has never led a group before. It consists of questions to get the discussion started and an answer key for the twelve Making-It-Personal exercises at the end of each of the twelve modules.

      Each module is two chapters each for twelve Hebrew names of God: El Roi, Elohim, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehovah-Rohi, El Shaddai, Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, El Elyon, Jehovah-Sabaoth, Jehovah/Yahweh/Yeshua, and Jehovah-Shammah.

      Appendixes at the back are: Family Tipping Point Letter, the Story Behind the Cover, Each-One-Teach-One instructions, and the seven-day Joshua-Jericho, Prayer-Walking Guide that can be folded to use when walking.

      The first seven pages are instructions on how to plan and organize your study. It includes:
      – Why your house is so important – five reasons – Who are called to this special task

      – How you can get started and keep it organized

      – What the benefits are to you in mentoring or leading this study

      – Why the red door

      – Sample flyers for sharing about your group

      Why Not Start Your Own Neighborhood Bible-Study Group?

      Learn in detail about why your house is so important:
      – Your neighborhood house provides a (cheap) natural, built-in area for small-group social/spiritual contact

      – Your neighborhood house provides a relative persecution-safe environment within walking distance

      – Your house can provide a neighborhood group that eliminates denominational barriers

      – Your neighborhood group is easily replicated – Your neighborhood group has a lasting, on-going potential

      – You can’t fail when praying down walls in preparation with the Joshua/Jericho, Prayer Walking Guide of the twelve Hebrew names of God with Scriptures. Why? Because God shows up!

      Will you join us as a member of the military bride of Christ in taking back our neighborhood families before Jesus’ returns? Your hous

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    • Born To Fly


      Sometimes, it can feel as though we are living in the worst of times–a world of chaos, uncertainty, and breakdown. But could this also be the best of times–a crucible of change in which a wiser and more spiritually mature future is being forged? The stars are most clearly visible in the deepest darkness. The butterfly emerges out of the worst meltdown of the chrysalis.

      In Born to Fly, Margaret Silf helps us to explore what it would mean for each of us to be such an emerging butterfly–to be an agent of spiritual transformation in our own lives and in the world around us. What kind of future do we desire for ourselves, for those who follow after us, and for the whole of creation? And, if the choices we make today are shaping that future, how might we learn to make those choices more wisely? The second part of the book takes us on a gentle journey in five stages through the process of transformation mapped out for us by the caterpillar as it changes from a pesky garden grub, taking what it wants without regard for the rest of creation, to a butterfly, giving life wherever it lands.

      Born to Fly is designed to be read for personal reflection and inspiration, or alongside fellow readers, with suggestions for further discussion. It is a companion book to Margaret Silf’s Hidden Wings.

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    • Conversations With My Unbelieving Friend


      Very few topics generate as much emotion as religious beliefs. Those with religious inclinations and those who are against religion frequently embrace their particular viewpoint on the basis of information, much of which may be incorrect. This holds true for both believers and non-believers. Through a series of semi-fictitious conversations, Michael Gayle seeks to address some of the issues which influence an individual’s worldview. For the non-believers, this is useful in clarifying any misconceptions which may be preventing them from even considering Christianity. For believers, it provides at least two useful functions. First of all, it may help to clarify their own misconceptions and thus strengthen their faith. Secondly, it helps to provide them with information which they can use in their own conversations with non-believers that they will encounter in their Christian walk.

      The format is that of a series of semi-fictitious conversations between the author and a fictitious friend. The conversations represent dramatizations of the content of real conversations that the author has had over the years, combined with issues which he has deliberated on himself. In a number of instances, he addresses topics in respect of which he found the traditional explanations to be unconvincing, even though they may have been correct. If someone does not believe in the veracity Bible, it will be difficult to try to convince them of the truth of a statement in the Bible, on the basis that because it is in the Bible, therefore by definition it must be true. The author has encountered this approach and was himself, unconvinced thereby. Accordingly, whilst not denying the truth of the Bible, he has taken a different approach to some of these issues, and approach which is practical, reasonable and defensible. In so doing, his hope is that he will be able to clarify some of the issues which have caused many people to arrive at misconceptions related to the Bible and Christianity. In a very light-hearted manner, he addresses such issues as atheism, blind faith, evolution, intelligent design, miracles, science, biblical accuracy and a number of other topics which are typically the subject of disagreement or misunderstanding.

      This is intended to be the first in a series of three or more books. The intention of this first volume is not necessarily to convert anyone to Christianity. The intention is to remove any obstacles which are preventing anyone from honestly rather th

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    • Do Christians Know How To Be Spiritual


      After a century or more of convincing ourselves that intelligent people should be ‘secular’, it is now trendy to be ‘spiritual.’ Why the sudden change? And what do we mean by being ‘spiritual’? John Drane presents a whirlwind tour of the phenomenon of cultural change as it is being experienced in the West, identifying the challenges and opportunities this presents to the Christian church. He examines the question of whether human beings are intrinsically programmed to be ‘spiritual,’ offers theological reflection on the ‘New Age’ phenomenon, and focuses on how the Christian community can connect with spiritual seekers in today’s world.

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    • Loves Immensity : Mystics On The Endless Life


      One of America’s finest living poets has breathed new life into the early Christian mystics.

      From Saint Paul to Julian of Norwich, the original texts of these mystical fathers and mothers of the Church have been pored over, pressed for further revelation, and set in verse to provide readers with fresh encounters of their wisdom and provocations.

      At the heart of this undertaking is Scott Cairns’ conviction that the words of the mystics sacramentally partake of the Word Himself, and as such are inexhaustible, generative powers. These particular selections cohere in their common claim that Love is the most compelling name of God, and also the most apt attribute of the Holy One in Whom we live and move and have our being. In that spirit, these luminous texts are understood to partake of Love, and concurrently to witness to His presence and His promise that, as “our Courteous Lord” averred to Julian, “All will be well, all will be well, all manner of things will be well.”

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    • Hidden Wings : Emerging From Troubled Times With New Hope And Deeper Wisdom


      “You must become the change you long for. Fine words, a great vision, but where to begin? We caterpillars know. From the moment we are conceived in our parents’ mating dance, we already contain the cells that hold our future butterfly. We become, literally, the change we carry within us, as our hidden wings take shape. Let us tell you our story… ” Tumultuous changes are occurring in the world around us, and the structures and values by which we have charted our lives seem to be collapsing. Many of us are struggling to plot a spiritual path through this unfamiliar landscape and to believe in a positive future. Hidden Wings is a book offering hope and understanding. Using the example of a caterpillar entering the devastating, world-altering stage of the chrysalis, before emerging–transformed–as a butterfly, Margaret Silf helps us to see that these times of chaos could in fact be an opportunity for profound spiritual transformation.

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    • Following The Celtic Way


      A quarter-century after writing the acclaimed The Celtic Way, Ian Bradley, one of the foremost experts on the spiritual beliefs and practices of the indigenous Christian communities in the British Isles in the early Middle Ages, revisits the original sources and makes a substantial reappraisal of Celtic spirituality. Following the Celtic Way challenges many of the myths and romanticized portrayals of Celtic Christianity and shows evidence of the harder edge and demanding austerity of the lives and spirituality of believers from this time. This book sits among the most insightful and up-to-date introductions to this distinctive and evocative expression of faith and draws out its themes that are most relevant to us today. It also offers practical spiritual guidance on how to follow the Celtic Way in the contemporary world.

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    • Help Club For Moms


      Every Mom Needs Help–You’re Not Alone

      Mom, do you…

      …know where to turn when you are overwhelmed or discouraged?
      …sometimes feel you are alone?
      …desire a deeper faith, richer relationships, and a more organized home?

      Join the club!

      Help Club for Moms is here with practical, hands-on advice to assist you in loving and serving your family. When you look to the true Helper and source of all knowledge, Jesus, you will gain wisdom for every area of your life–your home, your marriage, your children, and your own spirit.

      You will also discover a community of caring women, both in this book and online (, who are eager to share their expertise with you, so you can learn from their experiences and get the most out of motherhood.

      Take comfort in the truth that God didn’t design you to do this on your own. Find strength in numbers and hope from the Lord.

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    • 64 Lessons For A Life Without Limits


      The New York Times bestselling author, senior pastor of The Potter’s House, and “spiritual warrior who is a master of meeting mankind eye to eye” (Stedman Graham, New York Times bestselling author) uses his bestselling books Reposition Yourself and Making Great Decisions to create an inspirational and timeless collection of advice.

      You’ve made adjustments and the important choices toward a better life, but now it’s time to stand firm. This moving and remarkable treasure of a book is divided into eight sections, each of which includes eight pieces of unforgettable advice. These all add up to 64 Lessons for a Life Without Limits, the perfect inspirational tool for keeping you grounded with confidence and maximizing your potential.

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    • Joy Of My Heart


      Known for her remarkable gifts in weaving spiritual truths into everyday life, Anne Graham Lotz offers insightful meditations on Scripture in this collection of daily devotions, The Joy of My Heart.

      Each of the 365 devotions in The Joy of My Heart includes a Scripture verse and reflections from Anne Graham Lotz on topics such as eternity, grief, and faith. Called “the best preacher in the family” by her father, Billy Graham, Anne will draw you to a deeper relationship with Jesus. She asks us to join with her in “life-changing discovery as, day by day, we learn more about God.”

      The Joy of My Heart is a beautiful gift for anyone looking for a concise collection of daily devotions and Bible verses. From one of the most well-loved spiritual writers of our time, The Joy of My Heart invites us to engage with Scripture as we meditate on our heavenly Father’s relentless love and grace.

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    • Restoring The Glory Of The NAME


      A Johntenten Press LLC Title

      Retells the Bible Story’s main plot line, revealing what matters most to God, how everything depends on that factor; his highest purpose for creating earth, mankind, sexual human reproduction, and the new birth; how the resolution of the Story’s main conflict–and the prize for which its war rages–is the ultimate Good News, and what God is doing in this age to bring it about. It is not what most people think.

      Reveals the meanings of God’s names in which lie what makes the Good News good.

      Describes the nobility God planned and created us to live, and why we fall so short of what might have been.

      Exposes the force that leaves all people spiritually and morally dead, the essential sin by which we insult God, and describes his actions by which only he can restore life.

      Argues that God’s main activity is restoring people to our original image of him in a way that vindicates his own Name, and that by doing so he will prove himself to be the righteous and good Restorer of what he began in creation. This is the ultimate Good News, our essential hope. It answers Jesus’ prayer finally to vindicate and restore the Father’s Name, what matters most to both him and us.

      Warns against any empty man-centered “gospel” that appeals mainly to human self-interest, that does not fully nourish with God-centeredness, only contributing to the spiritual and moral famine that is ravaging our nation by relegating God to the role of a sky Santa.

      Invites pastors, Bible teachers, missionaries, theologians, and evangelists to ascertain, live, and teach God’s central purpose for relationship with humanity, the good news he has commissioned us to convey.

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    • Way Under Our Feet


      Reveals how walking benefits us physically, mentally and spiritually – and also how walking may involve drudgery, fear and mortal danger, thus opening our eyes to others’ perspectives.

      The Way Under Our Feet considers how we might encounter the heavenly realms by following in Jesus’ footsteps. It reflects on how walking affects our thinking and our looking. It includes stories of those who have walked in protest or fled persecution. It asks how we might tread more gently on the earth and what might be going on when we are on pilgrimage. It explores how walking at three miles an hour can be a healing time, offering the opportunity to re-member and re-calibrate the rhythm that is at the heart of each of our souls. (We never hear the spiritual life being described as a motorway journey, a cruise or a flight, but simply as a walk, or sometimes as a race, when there is a sense of urgency along the way.) This enthralling book invites us to walk ourselves back into life.

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    • Work Worth Doing


      Find More Than Just a Job

      Are you in college, just starting in the workforce, or simply trying to figure out what to do with your life? Keep reading.

      We all need to pay bills and keep a roof over our head, but real satisfaction comes when we pursue careers filled with meaning and purpose according to God’s plan for our lives.

      No matter where you’re at now, you can find that kind of fulfillment in a career. This book will show you how. Here’s a hint: It’s less about the kind of work you do, but how you do it, and whom you’re doing it for.

      Once you understand the “why” behind work, you’ll be able to move forward in a career with confidence, be prepared to embrace change, and be equipped to approach your job with a whole heart, one that is fully submitted to God and ready for what He’s called you to do. That is truly work worth doing.

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    • Virus As A Summons To Faith


      Why bother with the interpretive categories of biblical faith when in fact our energy and interest are focused on more immediate matters? The answer is simple and obvious. We linger because, in the midst of our immediate preoccupation with our felt jeopardy and our hope for relief, our imagination does indeed range beyond the immediate to larger, deeper wonderments. Our free-ranging imagination is not finally or fully contained in the immediacy of our stress, anxiety, and jeopardy. Beyond these demanding immediacies, we have a deep sense that our life is not fully contained in the cause-and-effect reasoning of the Enlightenment that seeks to explain and control. There is more than that and other than that to our life in God’s world!

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    • Apostles Creed : Discovering Authentic Christianity In An Age Of Counterfei


      The president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary reveals how understanding and living out of the oldest summary of Christian belief leads to a confident, bold, joy-filled existence in a world of confusion and uncertainty.

      The Apostles’ Creed has shaped and guided Christian faith for almost two thousand years. Few documents in the history of the church have similar influence on the life of ordinary believers. Shared by Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox traditions, the Apostles’ Creed is perhaps the most compelling and formidable statement of Christian doctrine the world has ever known. But do we know what it really means-and how it applies to us today?

      In The Apostles’ Creed, renowned theologian and pastor R. Albert Mohler Jr. works line-by-line and phrase-by-phrase through each section of the Creed, explaining in clear terms what it means and how it equips Christians to live faithfully in a post-Christian culture. From understanding the nature of the Trinity and the miracle of the Incarnation to the world-shaking truth of the resurrection and the hope of Christ’s return, the theological heritage contained in this ancient statement has the power to shape us for vibrant and steadfast living today. The Apostles’ Creed shows us how.

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    • Gentle And Lowly


      Christians know that God loves them, but often think that he is perpetually disappointed and frustrated, maybe even close to giving up on them. As a result, they focus a lot on what Jesus has done to appease God’s wrath for sin. But how does Jesus Christ actually feel about his people amid all their sins and failures? This book draws us to Matthew 11, where Jesus describes himself as “gentle and lowly in heart,” longing for his people to find rest in him. The gospel is primarily about God’s heart drawn to his people, a heart of tender love for the sinful and suffering. These chapters take readers into the depths of Christ’s very heart for sinners, diving deep into Bible passages that speak of who Christ is and encouraging readers with the affections of Christ for his people. His longing heart for sinners will comfort and sustain readers in their up-and-down lives.

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    • Living In Christ


      A T2Pneuma Publishers LLC Title

      Our journey in Christian ethics starts with God in whose image we are created. Creation begins with birth and continues as we mature. Our character matures, shaped by the example of Christ under the mentorship of the Holy Spirit through the family and the church. Christian leaders reach full maturity once they able to mentor others-we are blessed to be a blessing.Living in Christ focuses on explaining, not justifying, Christian ethics. At a time and in a place where people scoff at developing a theological understanding of their faith and refuse to teach Christian morality, ethics is almost a lost art. At the heart of the ethical dilemma is a tension between theological principles that can only be resolved the guidance of the Holy Spirit. How do you practice forgiveness for sinners who refuse to confess their sin and force you to bear its consequences? In this context, ethics is less a philosophical discipline that a recognition of our own limitations as Christians and the need for divine intervention.Ethical thought and action always involve interpretation under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is thus ironic that a book on Christian living should have an outward focus on God rather than an inward focus on what to do and not do. This interpretative element colors how we view character formation, the community of faith, leadership, and the many special issues that arise in daily life.Hear the words; walk the steps; experience the joy!

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    • Reconnected : Moving From Roommates To Soulmates In Marriage


      Over time, the business of life creeps in and even the most deeply committed couples can feel like they’re living parallel lives rather than enjoying life together. Their once happily-ever-after can quickly turn into an endless grind of work, chores, errands and carpool. And the pull of social media becomes more compelling than engaging with one’s spouse. In this book, Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley offer practical ways to rekindle the passionate, intimate, heart-to-heart spark of connection between husbands and wives.

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    • Strength Of A Woman Devotional


      Are you in need of encouragement?
      Pick up a copy and start celebrating your place in Proverbs 31!

      As women we carry not only our own incredible loads and challenges but those of our loved ones as well. We are the ones who are expected to hold it all together. Sometimes, shame and doubt take root and we can loose sight of God’s plan for us. But we are women.
      Women that Scripture says are warriors and leaders. The poem known as Proverbs 31 details how we can yoke ourselves to Christ so we do not carry our burdens alone. Our legacy is not defined by the world. Your legacy is defined by God and is held deep within this familiar heroic hymn that God sings over you.

      Based on the imagery of the Hebrew alphabet, these daily devotions will help you celebrate your God-given strength in the midst of a crazy, mixed up life. Enjoy the power and dignity within God’s words over you!

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    • Peace Pirates : Conquering The Beliefs And Behaviors That Steal Your Treasu


      PEACE PIRATES encourages and equips moms to stay ahead of what steals their peace and joy, so they can fully experience the blessings of motherhood, that parenting isn’t just a title; it is a treasure.

      Why do moms find themselves settling for a depleted and frustrated existence when motherhood is truly one of the greatest gifts from God? Being a mom is one of the most important-yet-difficult roles a woman will ever fill. Deep in their hearts, many women believe they are failing their families, are emotionally anemic, and are utterly helpless to maintain their peace while raising kids. As a result, hearts and homes are constantly defeated by the “peace pirates” that are allowed to take away the security God paid for His children to have.

      As a wife, mother of four boys, and blogger to hundreds of thousands of mothers, Ashley Willis experienced the stress of trying to be the best mom God wants her to be, while constantly fearing that she’s missing out on the real treasure.

      With God’s help, mothers can find the treasure in the midst of the struggle and remain faithful through all seasons of motherhood-especially the difficult ones-and claim their peace. PEACE PIRATES will teach readers how to stay “treasured up” by first helping them identify the four stressors, or, peace pirates, that challenge their zest and contentment. With powerful personal and biblical insights, PEACE PIRATES will encourage and equip moms to stay ahead of what steals their joy so they can fully experience the blessings of motherhood.

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    • Family Like Mine


      Families have always been complicated. A Family Like Mine explores the surprising variety of family stories and relationships reflected in the Bible, emphasizing God’s grace, reconciliation, and renewal. The book tells the family stories of our spiritual ancestors in ways that resonate with our own family stories.

      Author Rosalind Hughes weaves accounts of familiar and less well-known biblical characters with stories of family formation, estrangement, adoption, and more. She imaginatively retells biblical stories, inviting the reader to dig deeper into the motivations, disappointments, faith, and fulfillment we hold in common with our biblical ancestors.

      Story-based and biblically informed, A Family Like Mine combines spiritual autobiography with Bible study to provide a gentle but probing look at the many mansions of God’s household, where Jesus has prepared a place for all of God’s children.

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    • I Am Not Your Enemy


      In a time of heightened alienation and fear, McRay offers true, sacred stories of reconciliation and justice, asking what they can teach us about our own divided states.

      Are you my enemy? Am I yours?
      Violent stories surround us. Brutal beginnings, horror-filled middles, despair-inducing endings. We need better stories: stories forged in the furnace of conflict, narratives that kindle compassion and ignite hope. In the pages of I Am Not Your Enemy, writer Michael T. McRay visits divided regions of the world and interviews activists, peacebuilders, former combatants, and clergy members about their personal stories of conflict, justice, and reconciliation. In Israel and Palestine, Northern Ireland, and South Africa, he hears from grieving parents who comfort each other across enemy lines, a woman who meets her father’s killer, and a young man who uses theater to counter the oppression of his people.

      In a time of heightened alienation and fear, McRay offers true, sacred stories of reconciliation and justice, asking what they can teach us about our own divided states. Must violence be met with violence? Is my belonging complete only when I take away yours? Will more guns, more walls, more weapons keep us safe?

      We need stories that cultivate empathy and tell the truth. We need stories to save us from our fear.

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    • This Is Gods Table


      This Is God’s Table tells the story of the people of God creating a garden and a community of faith in a deserted lot in Los Angeles. What happens when a group of people decide to plant a church–literally? What happens when a group of people decide to work, worship, and eat together and invite others to join them?

      Can a barren city lot become a church?

      This is the story of an audacious journey. It’s the story of what happens when people garden, worship, and eat together–and invite anyone and everyone to join them. In This Is God’s Table, writer and pastor Anna Woofenden describes the way that the wealthy and the poor, the aged and the young, the housed and unhoused become a community in this once-empty lot. Together they plant and sustain a thriving urban farm, worship God, and share a weekly meal. Together they craft a shared life and a place of authenticity where all are welcome. Readers of Nadia Bolz-Weber, Sara Miles, and Diana Butler Bass will find here a kindred vision for a church without walls.

      As churches across the Western world wither, what would it take to find a raw, honest, gritty way of doing church–one rooted in place, nurtured by grace, and grounded in God’s expansive love? What would it take to carry the liturgy outside the gates? What if we were to discover that in feeding others, we are fed? This is God’s table. Come and eat.

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    • Truth About Us


      What would happen if you admitted you weren’t a good person?

      It’s a seemingly crazy question. From priests to prisoners, nearly everyone thinks they’re morally better than average. Why change our minds? Why admit the truth about ourselves?

      In his conversational, fun-to-read, and delightfully self-effacing style, Brant Hansen shows us why we should fight our drive to be self-righteous: it’s breathtakingly freeing. What’s more, just admitting that we’re profoundly biased toward ourselves and want desperately to preserve our “rightness” at all costs even helps us think better, make better decisions, be better listeners, and improve our relationships with God and others.

      Hansen draws from biblical insight and the work of everyone from esteemed social psychologists to comedians to make his point: the sooner we get over ourselves, give up the “I’m good” internal dialogue, and admit the truth, the sooner we can live a more lighthearted, fruitful, fun-loving life.

      This book is about the freedom of childlike humility.

      After all, as Hansen writes, the humble life is truly your best one.

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    • Choose Joy : Because Happiness Isn’t Enough


      In April 5, 2013, Kay Warren’s life changed forever. That was the day she lost her son Matthew to suicide. Most of us will not face anything so devastating, but every single day we will face something that threatens our attempts to live with joy. Health problems, financial worries, marriage issues, loneliness, unresolved relational conflicts, anxiety about our nation or our world, stress over how our kids are turning out. In those moments, how do we choose joy over fear, apathy, or despair?

      In Choose Joy, Kay shares the path to experiencing soul-satisfying joy no matter what you’re going through. She helps you send your spiritual roots deep into the soil of God’s love so that you can develop convictions and certainties about him that will become the source of your strength when happiness isn’t enough.

      “The only thing that would allow me to survive the loss of my son was what I knew and believed about God . . . and joy,” says Kay. Let her lead you toward true and lasting joy in your life.

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    • More Than Conquerors In Cultural Clashes


      WARNING! Don’t read this book–if you are satisfied with the status quo and don’t like to be challenged! However, if you yearn to expand your knowledge, to deepen your faith, and to strengthen your ability to answer tough questions from skeptical friends and family, keep turning these pages, absorbing the truths, and pondering the questions at the end of each chapter. If you understand and apply what you read, you are in for the thrill of your life! Especially, remember to pray daily, “Lord, please fill me with your Holy Spirit and put me in the right place at the right time with the right words to honor you.” You will be amazed how God answers this prayer and uses you!

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    • I Am Not Your Enemy


      In a time of heightened alienation and fear, McRay offers true, sacred stories of reconciliation and justice, asking what they can teach us about our own divided states.

      Are you my enemy? Am I yours?
      Violent stories surround us. Brutal beginnings, horror-filled middles, despair-inducing endings. We need better stories: stories forged in the furnace of conflict, narratives that kindle compassion and ignite hope. In the pages of I Am Not Your Enemy, writer Michael T. McRay visits divided regions of the world and interviews activists, peacebuilders, former combatants, and clergy members about their personal stories of conflict, justice, and reconciliation. In Israel and Palestine, Northern Ireland, and South Africa, he hears from grieving parents who comfort each other across enemy lines, a woman who meets her father’s killer, and a young man who uses theater to counter the oppression of his people.

      In a time of heightened alienation and fear, McRay offers true, sacred stories of reconciliation and justice, asking what they can teach us about our own divided states. Must violence be met with violence? Is my belonging complete only when I take away yours? Will more guns, more walls, more weapons keep us safe?

      We need stories that cultivate empathy and tell the truth. We need stories to save us from our fear.

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    • Newlandic : Discovering New Territory And Finding Renewal In God


      Life, God and faith contain endless ‘Terra Incognita,’ or uncharted territory, just waiting to be discovered. You were made to believe, think and act with a Newlandic spirit and to live in a Newlandic way. Regardless of whether you greet new things with enthusiasm or a hint of scepticism. God is Newlandic. He wants to lead you to wide open spaces, to break down barriers that limit you, to broaden your horizons. Boppi identifies four Newlandic territories: our image of God, our own hearts, our relationships and our interaction with the world. As we let go of fear and begin to apply God’s Newlandic principles, we will begin to see a breathtaking panorama.

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    • 30 Days In Colossae


      This devotional commentary is written to stir up a love for the scripture. The book of Colossians is filled with powerful teaching and practical application for life. This short letter from the Apostle Paul reaches into the depths of the heart while also challenging our minds. We take a daily journey through its four chapters reading and praying through this letter while also asking questions to spur thinking on how to apply to our lives. Each day has scripture reading, a commentary on the passage, and questions for reflection.

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    • 30 Days In Colossae


      This devotional commentary is written to stir up a love for the scripture. The book of Colossians is filled with powerful teaching and practical application for life. This short letter from the Apostle Paul reaches into the depths of the heart while also challenging our minds. We take a daily journey through its four chapters reading and praying through this letter while also asking questions to spur thinking on how to apply to our lives. Each day has scripture reading, a commentary on the passage, and questions for reflection.

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    • Cursed With Common Sense


      For many, it can be hard to believe. People can be skeptical about Jesus Christ and Christianity, or they can think that they just don’t have a good reason to believe. Yet so many of us can’t shake this feeling that we should try to understand God and what we believe about Him-but where do we start?

      In Cursed with Common Sense, author Nicole Nelson shares her own journey from skepticism and doubt to faith in God. Through her stories, she hopes others can relate to her experiences as she walks with you through the questions she had-and still has-and how she got to the point that she found herself now: writing a book and sharing her faith with the world.

      You can have common sense and faith in Jesus. Nicole will take you through her process of realizing that God is real and how it changed her life. Cursed with Common Sense won’t tell you what to do or what to think, but together you can explore these questions and arrive at your own faith.

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    • Breakthroughs : Living In The Realm Of Divine Possibilities – Dominion Over


      Are you living up to your full potential? Could it be that God wants to do more in and through you than you can even imagine? The choices you make today will affect your destiny tomorrow. As a follower of Christ, you are challenged to live your live differently, boldly and with expectation that a supernatural God will be with you and go before you. Breakthroughs – Living In The Realm Of Divine Possibilities is designed to equip you with relevant navigational skills to empower you to win every battle you face.

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    • Finding Jesus At The Border


      Immigration is an issue of major concern within the Christian community. As Christians, how should we respond to the current crisis?

      Interweaving biblical narratives of border-crossing and recent stories of immigrants at the US-Mexico border, this accessibly written book invites Christians to reconsider the plight of their neighbors and respond with compassion to the present immigration crisis. Julia Lambert Fogg, a pastor and New Testament scholar who is actively serving immigrant families in Southern California, interprets well-known biblical stories in a fresh way and puts a human face on the immigration debate.

      Fogg argues that Christians must step out of their comfort zones and learn to cross social, ethnic, and religious borders–just as Jesus did–to become the body of Christ in the world. She encourages readers to welcome Christ by embracing DREAMers, the undocumented, asylum seekers, and immigrants, and she inspires Christians to advocate for immigrant justice in their communities.

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    • Taboo Or To Do


      Today, some Christians–as part of their own personal growth–and some churches–as part of their desire to reach the ‘spiritual but not religious’–are adapting spiritual practices that have their roots in East Asian religions or in disciplines that emerge from New Age and New Spirituality. Other voices within the Church are wary of, and in some cases condemn, involvement with such practices. This book sifts through some of the most popular practices and asks whether or not they should really be considered off-limits for Christians or incompatible with the way of Jesus. Each chapter provides a brief history of the alternative practice in focus, followed by an assessment of its strengths and weaknesses within a Christian framework, and a case study of a church interacting with the practice. Taboo or To Do? includes a Foreword by John Drane.

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    • Undivided Heart : Finding Meaning And Motivation In Christ


      “‘Give me an undivided heart.’ Something in my soul has always been snagged by that phrase in Psalm 86. Something in it speaks to me of my own heart division, my own disarray. It captures a deeper longing, beyond the surface chatter of my mind. I find, amid the muddle that is me, that there is something–someone–calling me on, gathering together my disparate, fraying threads and weaving them into a story greater than I could ever perceive.” Why do we do what we do? What makes us who we are? And what could make us more? In Undivided Heart, Lucy Mills digs deep in search of an understanding of human identity, purpose, and living by faith, asking what the influences are that shape us and define us. She explores what it might mean to have an undivided heart–to live a life compelled by Christ’s love, undistracted by all other motives. This is not a book of easy answers. It is a book of deep questioning, of relationship, honesty, and encounter, counter-cultural in our age of social media, soundbite news, and mass communication. But God can meet us in our confusion and distraction as much as in our certainty. Join Lucy on her exploration of this demanding, fragmented life, and the quest for a faith that is deeper, stronger, and undivided.

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    • Unholy Trinity : Obstacles To Living In The Fullness Of God’s Grace


      In this book I try to describe, as clearly and simply as possible, the Christian journey from a life lived in worldliness and defeat to a life lived in and through the grace of God. I use the Biblical story of Israel’s journey from Egypt to Canaan in an allegorical sense to show how God, through the activities and resources of the Holy Trinity, tries to bring us to that place of living in grace, and how the devil, through the unholy trinity (the world, the flesh, and demonic resistance) seeks to thwart that journey. I focus on three fronts in the battle between the two trinities. On the first front, the devil works indirectly through the world system (Egypt) to deny us our freedom that we have due to the atonement. Living under the illusion of pleasure, we end up in extreme bondage. On the second front, the devil works indirectly through our flesh (Amalek) to hinder us from following the leadership of the Holy Spirit as He attempts to guide us into God’s grace. On the third front, we can expect to experience a more direct conflict with the devil and his spiritual forces (Canaan). These demonic forces will try to oppose and negate all the benefits of God’s promised grace that comes into our lives through Christ.

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    • Father In The Wild


      I’m a product of the American divorce rate. Nothing tragic. Nothing obscure or awful. Just good old-fashioned family failure. Then in my early adulthood, I found myself repeating the very same home I grew up in and assimilating into American statistics myself. In response to the wreckage, I began driving. When I thought I was at the end of it all, I discovered that I was really at the beginning of a grand adventure. I was off to find my father. And finding my father would lead to finding security.

      Security is perhaps one of our greatest needs as humans. Romantics say love is our greatest need. Philosophers say knowledge is our greatest needs. Mystics say transcendence is our greatest need. But what if security is in-fact our greatest need? Who would we be as a people, as a church, and as a nation if we felt a sense of security in our lives? Not superficial security where life is predictable, but a sacred security. One that’s firm in our identity.

      Affirmation by a father is something we all need, whether we want to admit it or not. Not having my father around in my most critical adolescent years created an insecurity in me that I eventually transferred over to my faith. I even transferred it over leaders and other authorities in my life. A breeding ground for insecurity. It wasn’t until I found the secrets of beauty and adversity, and found the Father in the wild, that I became healthy and whole.

      This journey is an introspective look at faith and freedom, and finding a father, with crisis as a catalyst. It’s a journey across the wilderness of America, through prairies and mountains, across National Parks and along interstates, and ultimately the highways of the heart and mind.

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    • Journals Of Jim Elliot


      Jim Elliot was a missionary–and then a martyr at the hands of the Auca Indians to whom he was witnessing. At the age of 29, he left behind a young wife, a baby daughter, and an incredible legacy of faith.

      Jim’s volumes of personal journals, written over many years, reveal the inner struggles and victories that he experienced before his untimely death. In The Journals of Jim Elliot, you’ll come to know this intelligent and articulate man who yearns to know God’s plan for his life, details his fascinating missions work, and reveals his love for Elisabeth–first as a single man, then as a happily married one.

      Edited by his widow, Jim’s personal yet universal musings about faith, love, and work will show you how to apply the Bible to the situations you face every day. They will inspire you to lead a life of obedience, regardless of the cost, and delight you with an amazing story of courage and determination.

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    • Our Heart Psalms


      Want a deeper relationship with God? Wonder how to talk to Him when you’re hurt, confused, angry-or overwhelmed with gratitude? Our heavenly Father wants us to know Him intimately. He wants us so close we can share every detail of life with Him-the agonies and ecstasies. Our Heart Psalms explores the emotional rollercoaster of Scripture’s psalm writers, then invites you to use their patterns to create your own psalms. This interactive journal encourages you to develop an honest relationship with your Creator-who knows everything about you anyway.

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    • In The Company Of Men



      This true story started over 20 years ago at a simple Bible Study with six men. The men read passages about Christ returning to the Father and the imminent coming of the Holy Spirit.

      Over the next 20 years, each man must confront his own crisis: the heartaches, the triumphs, the steps closer to the Holy Spirit, and the steps away. These unvarnished stories of life in the raw are all accurately told with no bows or ribbons.

      The story is told by a seasoned trial lawyer where each account asks the “jury” (the reader) to render a “verdict”–not on the six men–but on whether the Holy Spirit is a source of guidance, peace and call-to-action for the reader.

      In the process of reading the book and working through the Study Guide, the reader will:

      *hear six real-life stories, each with painful twists and life-altering choices

      *gain a useful understanding of how the Holy Spirit can work in the reader’s life

      *experience unique insights into how men react in crisis and support one another

      *hear a fresh, short-hand way, to discover and remember the role of the Holy Spirit in the reader’s life: DWJWD! – Do What Jesus Would Do!

      *experience suspense, heartful emotions, and surprises along the way!

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    • To Live As A Worshipper


      Do you feel far away from God? Do you feel disconnected from Him? Do you need to develop a habit of connecting with God daily?

      Well you are not alone, many feel this way daily as the Christian walk can sometimes be consumed by social media, jobs, and family duties. Studies show that a habit is formed within 21 days of consistency and this is the powerful core of the inspiring book, To Live as a Worshipper: The Worship lifestyle journey 30 days of spending more time with God. This book emerged from the heart of well-known worship leader, singer, songwriter and teacher Jason Bryant.

      In this book, Jason breaks the unrealistic thoughts of worship and helps you build a strong lifestyle that is communing daily with God. If you desire a more authentic connection with God this Worship journey will help you develop that consistency by taking the journey you need toward a stronger relationship past the 21 habit forming days to 30 solid days.

      Make no mistake, this journey will be life changing, but will require you to stay the course and connect with the one who desires to be with you.

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    • Embrace Your Identity In Christ


      This book brings to light how the Father sees us with scriptural references and how we are to respond to the Father’s heart for us. This book takes us from just embracing who we are in Him to assuming the responsibility of a son based on love and not necessarily duty.

      The revelation of our identity in Christ should be the foundation of all discipleship program for new believers in Christ and one of the key steps in ministering to those who are students of inner healing and the basis of follow-up after freedom sessions with people. The concept and revelation of our identity in Christ is crucial in developing a proper relationship with God our Father.

      Jesus came to model sonship. The first Adam (also known as a son of God), we never knew him when he was without sin and hence, cannot model on him however the last Adam came (known as the Son of God), we knew Him without sin and He modelled sonship in all forms that He might become our perfect example of what a son should look like.

      Based on our identity in Christ and our maturity in the same, we can now assume the responsibility of sonship. In the natural, the level of maturity of a son will determine the level of responsibility given to that son. The same is applicable in the kingdom of God. Your level of maturity in your sonship will determine the level of responsibility the Father can commit to you. This book is not just about affirming our identity in Christ but also challenges us on the responsibility of sonship.

      This book empowers you to overcome the works of darkness. 1 John 3:8 talks of the Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the devil and as you assume and embrace your sonship, you will equally do the same, that is, destroy the works of the devil in your daily life.

      The world is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. It is time to arise into what God has made you to be. I celebrate the you that emerges after absorbing the truth of God that comes from the words in this book.

      May this book enable you live the victorious life you have been designed to live; may it enable you rise up to purpose and destiny in the kingdom of God and may it create a ripple effect on all those in whom you come in contact with.

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    • 1 Simple Equation


      The book One Simple Equation will take the reader on an inventive journey exploring Christian faith by introducing a revolutionary mathematical equation. An equation that helped the author, a devout atheist for forty-two years, discover and understand with complete clarity the truth of the Gospel and the power of God’s love. After coming to the realization that some of the greatest most promising theories in modern science share the same narrative as the Biblical description of creation, God placed on author David Heizer’s heart an equation that would ultimately bring him to Jesus Christ.

      The equation ?F=TL?^3 is a simple expression of Christian faith. It is of profound importance that this book is rooted in God’s love and His greatest expression of that love, Jesus Christ. The reader will learn why a mathematical expression of Christian faith illustrates our belief in God and Christ as our saviour so concisely.

      All people understand Mathematics making it a universal language understood by all regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity or language. 1+1=2 is the same for all human beings. Math is also the language of God as all things in the universe, God’s creation, can be expressed mathematically from the swirling motion of the planets and stars and the human genome to the computer programs and phone apps we use every day.

      This fascinating equation will reveal to the reader Biblical truth and understanding. Inspired by Einstein’s theory of relativity and God himself the equation is broken down into three simple terms: F representing Faith, what we are solving for. T representing Trust which is a variable that changes from one day to the next, and L representing God’s Love a steadfast never changing never failing constant we can all rely on. Raising God’s love to the power of three represents the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The more Trust we apply to God’s love, the greater our faith becomes.

      Read the testimonies of people getting through life’s most difficult challenges by placing their trust in God’s love. The reader will then be taken through a series of chapters that replace the constant love of God with other idolatrous terms such as money, material possessions, addictions and the self and how these temporary corruptible terms fail at producing a sound faith on which to build life giving principles.

      This one simple equation unlocks the meaning of life and answers one of the most difficult questions facing Christians today

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    • 1 Simple Equation


      The book One Simple Equation will take the reader on an inventive journey exploring Christian faith by introducing a revolutionary mathematical equation. An equation that helped the author, a devout atheist for forty-two years, discover and understand with complete clarity the truth of the Gospel and the power of God’s love. After coming to the realization that some of the greatest most promising theories in modern science share the same narrative as the Biblical description of creation, God placed on author David Heizer’s heart an equation that would ultimately bring him to Jesus Christ.

      The equation ?F=TL?^3 is a simple expression of Christian faith. It is of profound importance that this book is rooted in God’s love and His greatest expression of that love, Jesus Christ. The reader will learn why a mathematical expression of Christian faith illustrates our belief in God and Christ as our saviour so concisely.

      All people understand Mathematics making it a universal language understood by all regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity or language. 1+1=2 is the same for all human beings. Math is also the language of God as all things in the universe, God’s creation, can be expressed mathematically from the swirling motion of the planets and stars and the human genome to the computer programs and phone apps we use every day.

      This fascinating equation will reveal to the reader Biblical truth and understanding. Inspired by Einstein’s theory of relativity and God himself the equation is broken down into three simple terms: F representing Faith, what we are solving for. T representing Trust which is a variable that changes from one day to the next, and L representing God’s Love a steadfast never changing never failing constant we can all rely on. Raising God’s love to the power of three represents the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The more Trust we apply to God’s love, the greater our faith becomes.

      Read the testimonies of people getting through life’s most difficult challenges by placing their trust in God’s love. The reader will then be taken through a series of chapters that replace the constant love of God with other idolatrous terms such as money, material possessions, addictions and the self and how these temporary corruptible terms fail at producing a sound faith on which to build life giving principles.

      This one simple equation unlocks the meaning of life and answers one of the most difficult questions facing Christians today

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    • Chickening IN : From Fear To Courageous Faith – 8 Pillars Of Transformation


      Like the flip of a switch, Chickening IN created an epiphany or “God Moment.” Where there was once hopelessness, fear, and doubt . . . now there is new found hope, courage, and strength.

      We live in an unpredictable, uncontrollable world where things change often, and fear can plant itself deeply within our hearts. Chickening IN is a practical approach to defeating the fear and doubt that is preventing us from becoming brave, bold women of God.

      Do you long to overcome the fear and doubt that is sabotaging the life God has for you? Are you ready to grow in courage and put feet to your faith? You’ve come to the right place! I’d like to invite you to join me on a transformation journey to stop chickening out and start Chickening IN. By accepting my invitation you will embark into the land of transformation. A place where fear-filled lives can be reconstructed into courageous faith-filled lives. Chickening IN will require hard work and honest assessment, but I will lead you step by step through the eight pillars of Chickening IN that have changed my life and that can change your life, too!

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    • Christian Manifesto For The 21st Century


      First Francis Shaffer and now Dennis O’Rork try to explain what is going wrong in the church today and how to fix it. Will God Himself have to return and tell us the same thing. Why not listen to them today and be ready for His return.

      This book is an attempt to wake up the latest generations of citizens to the growing threat of religious breakdown.

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    • Imagine Not As Much


      Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of losing weight? Have you wished that you could find a diet and exercise program that would work for you? Have you ever imagined not as much of yourself?

      Nathan and Tammy Whisnant were once there themselves–overweight, exhausted, and unable to enjoy their grandchildren. But one day, the Holy Spirit convicted them of their need to be the best version of themselves, and together Nathan and Tammy have now lost nearly a hundred pounds. After working off the weight themselves, the Whisnants decided to share their secret to success with others, and Imagine Not as Much was born.

      Imagine Not as Much focuses on four fitness aspects:

      *nutritional: learn how to set goals, set your calorie intake, identify what types of food to eat, along with when and how to eat them;

      *physical: learn the different types of activities and choose the ones best for you;

      *motivational: receive encouragement to set your mind to this lifestyle change and to conquer road blocks that you may face; and

      *spiritual: learn how to begin a relationship with Jesus and ways you can deepen that relationship.

      Including daily devotions by Nathan and Tammy’s tidbits, Imagine Not As Much encourages a healthy mind, body, and soul.

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    • Being Ruth : The Beauty In Being Godly


      “Have you ever felt like your faith was being tested? Have you ever experienced the death of a loved one? The book of Ruth, found in the Old Testament, is a moving story of a sad tragedy followed by an unrelenting commitment, both human and divine. Ruth’s sadness is followed by hope deferred, yet undeterred. “”Being Ruth”” takes a closer pastoral perspective on the shape of human expressions and relationships, the significance of names, and the consequences of men dying childless. We see Ruth, the committed daughter-in-law to Naomi, responding with grace during a difficult time in life. Although this is not your typical love story, as you allow the Scriptures to speak you’ll find a beautifully enchanting story.”

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    • Prayer : The Most Reliable Wireless Communication


      In today’s world of instant communication, any problems with cellular service or Wi-Fi access can be a major disruption to one’s day. But there is one kind of communication that is always reliable and never disrupts: prayer.

      In Prayer: The Most Reliable Wireless Communication, Rev. John Clark Mayden, Jr. compares today’s technology to communicating with God. This book will show you the importance of keeping the “air waves” clear to connecting with the God Who cares more about you than any other connection you’ll ever make.

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    • Faith Family And Franchise


      Do you want an incredibly rewarding life? You don’t have to be born with unlimited resources or a fairy godmother to get it. Let the experts show you how.

      This comprehensive, straight-talking guide teaches you how to make business and life work for you. Focusing on couples but also relevant to individuals, this book candidly explores the power of faith, family, and franchise and how they will help you succeed.

      Having walked the walk, handled the business, and been in the grind together, Clint and Deanna bring a wealth of knowledge, as well as years of life, business, entrepreneurship and franchising experience to the table. Now, they want to share everything they know to get you up and running.

      Get practical wisdom and essential advice on…

      *Building and running a franchise
      *How to keep your faith and family intact
      *Managing the toughest times?including bankruptcy
      *Franchisee-franchisor relationships
      *Developing employees
      *How to find the right franchise and locations
      *How to succeed in business and life as a couple
      *Cultivating and sustaining a winning mentality

      Whether you are thinking about going into business, starting a franchise, looking to be more productive or you have no idea what any of it is all about, this book is for you. It’s a win-win. Each real-life lesson is simply designed for you to understand and follow. The scriptural support and exercises will bring clarity of thought and help you navigate the process.

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    • Windows And Mirrors


      The Gospels are filled with parables-the analogy-centered stories Jesus used to teach his followers about his coming kingdom. Why did Jesus tell so many of these stories? And what do they have to say to us today?

      Windows and Mirrors dives into some of Jesus s best-loved parables (along with some less familiar ones) in order to explore the rich symbolism, deep emotion, and eternal perspective these stories have to offer. Along the way, John Bowling demonstrates how these timeless tales are both mirrors in which we see ourselves reflected, and windows through which we can see into the very heart of God.

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    • 12 Great Spiritual Writers


      Liz Hoare investigates the lives and writings of twelve great spiritual writers of our times, looking especially at spiritual growth and discipleship.

      Liz Hoare’s list of twelve great spiritual writers includes famous and lesser known women whose writings have touched her heart, illuminated her mind, and sharpened her spiritual vision. Liz believes they can do the same for you – which is why she has written this book. Each of these great writers – novelists, poets, preachers, philosophers and theologians – contributes something special to our understanding of the spiritual life today. With key extracts from each writer’s best-loved books, and with suggestions for personal reflection or group discussion, here is an exceptionally rich resource that you will want to return to time and time again, wherever you may be on your journey.

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    • Pack Your Baggage Honey Were Moving To Paris


      Everyone has baggage!

      We all have something that keeps us from living fully for the Lord, but Christ wants us to give our baggage to Him so we can follow Him freely. In Pack Your Baggage, Honey, We’re Moving to Paris! Anne Farnum explores the different kinds of baggage we carry. She also focuses on the baggage that King Saul hid behind and compares it to that which David left behind to run toward the giant.

      Using her own personal journey during an adventurous move to Paris, Anne shares healing truths of Scripture and methods she found to help others find freedom from their baggage. You will be inspired and refreshed as you realize you no longer have to carry your baggage either.

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    • Wait Will Not Be Wasted


      Most of us have a plan for our lives. We know where we want to go to school, the right kind of spouse we’re looking for, how many kids we want, and at what age we want it all to happen. However, all too often life doesn’t go according to our plans and we find ourselves feeling hurt, dismayed, and confused about our next steps. Yet what if God has something different in store for our lives? Instead of trying to force our own agenda, author Lauren Walton suggests focusing on the creator of our lives. Yet how do we wait well? The Wait Will Not Be Wasted offers tips on how to journal your thoughts, choose God’s promises over your feelings, and concentrate on God’s goodness during difficult seasons of waiting.

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    • God Who Are You And Who Am I


      A Crown Connections LLC Title

      WHEN WE KNOW AND UNDERSTAND who God is, we grow to know who we are and where we are going by facing where we came from. Miesner guides readers through the stories of forty real women and families as they experience God in their daily lives, so that they too might commit themselves 100 percent to Jesus Christ before His return.

      *the depth of God’s love for you and that He has your best interests at heart
      *relationship, not religion
      *an understanding of who Holy Spirit is and what He can do for you
      *the B-E-A-R Facts of Faith that manifest miracles daily
      *how to discern God’s will in your daily decisions God’s plan of economy–meeting your every *need–no matter the circumstances
      *how refining fires sharpen God’s plan for your life
      *how to share your faith with others
      *healing spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically
      *significance of the times in which we are living and where you fit in as the mature bride of Christ

      The book was birthed over seven years in the city-wide Bible study group established Sept. 8, 2001. The group’s focus was repentance and prayer for families, the military, cities, and nations. After those seven years of studying the Hebrew names of God and sharing Supernatural Event #1 1994 and Supernatural Event #2 1995 of the Rapture the Lord gave her, the outcome was this Bible study workbook.

      Miesner spent five additional years transposing over forty women’s incredible testimonies with fictional techniques. She felt she was merely a bystander as their stories fell into a chronological pattern, along with her family’s story, explaining the Hebrew names of God’ character, and actually writing this book from beginning to end.

      Readers will travel from Genesis to Revelation 12 as an overcomer sharing their own testimony. This workbook is solid, Scriptural teaching of eternal truths lived out in the lives of real, ordinary people who know who they are and where they are going, because they faced where they came from. Furthermore, they are prepared for Jesus’ return.


      FOUR PARTS Leaving Bondage; Lessons in the Wilderness; Crossing Jordan River; and Possessing Promised Land Plan.

      A book and a workbook: 12 modules – 2 chapters each with 5 components in each module:
      1. 1st Chapter – Hebrew name of God teaching with fictional stories throughout
      2. 2nd Chapter – Because God is . . ., what does that mean to me
      3. My/Our Story of our family’s jour

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    • Beyond Betrayal : Overcome Past Hurts Plus – Begin To Trust Again


      Responding Right When You’ve Been Wronged

      We all know what it’s like to be lied to, cheated, tricked, or swindled. Whether you want revenge or to protect yourself from future harm, Phil Waldrep understands your pain.

      Waldrep had no idea of the steep journey that lay ahead of him when two men walked into his office and revealed an unfolding story of a friend turned colleague who was living what amounted to a second life. For years following, Waldrep sought to heal the wounds of this broken relationship and confront the pain he felt in the aftermath of this betrayal. Along the way, he discovered God’s solutions to overcoming resentment.

      In Beyond Betrayal, you’ll learn about the biblical principles and practical tools that can help you:
      *identify betrayers in your life and name the pain you feel
      *rediscover God as the healer of your wounds
      *avoid bitterness and express your anger in healthy ways
      *learn to remain open to trusting others again as you build new relationships
      *choose forgiveness and develop strategies to prevent future betrayal

      Whether you’ve been hurt by a family member, friend, colleague, or trusted leader, you are not alone. Even Jesus was betrayed. You don’t have to let past hurts limit your future relationships–you can move beyond betrayal.

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    • Case For Miracles


      New York Times bestselling author Lee Strobel trains his investigative sights on the hot-button question: is it really credible to believe God intervenes supernaturally in people’s lives today?

      This provocative book starts with an unlikely interview in which America’s foremost skeptic builds a seemingly persuasive case against the miraculous. But then Strobel travels the country to quiz scholars to see whether they can offer solid answers to atheist objections. Along the way, he encounters astounding accounts of healings and other phenomena that simply cannot be explained away by naturalistic causes. The book features the results of exclusive new scientific polling that shows miracle accounts are much more common than people think.

      What’s more, Strobel delves into the most controversial question of all: what about miracles that don’t happen? If God can intervene in the world, why doesn’t he do it more often to relieve suffering? Many American Christians are embarrassed by the supernatural, not wanting to look odd or extreme to their neighbors. Yet, The Case for Miracles shows not only that the miraculous is possible, but that God still does intervene in our world in awe-inspiring ways. Here’s a unique book that examines all sides of this issue and comes away with a passionate defense for God’s divine action in lives today.

      Also available: The Case for Miracles Spanish edition, kids’ edition, and student edition.

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    • How Do You Kill 11 Million People (Expanded)


      Become an informed, passionate citizen who demands honesty and integrity from our leaders or suffer the consequences of our own ignorance and apathy.

      In this updated and expanded New York Times bestselling nonpartisan book, Andy Andrews urges you to believe that seeking and discerning the truth really, really matters and that believing lies is the most dangerous thing you can do. You’ll be challenged to become a more “careful student” of the past, seeking accurate, factual accounts of events and decisions that illuminate choices you face now.

      By considering how the Nazi German regime was able to carry out over eleven million institutional killings between 1933 and 1945, Andrews advocates for an informed population that demands honesty and integrity from its leaders and from each other. He includes several key documents written by our Founding Fathers as examples of America’s core principles that present and future leadership should live up to and embrace.

      We can no longer measure a leader’s worth by the yardsticks provided by the left or the right. Instead, we must use an unchanging standard: the pure, unvarnished truth.

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    • On The Journey


      On the Journey helps readers experience their extraordinary God in new ways. With Scripture, story, and prayer, readers will be inspired to look for their own God moments as they move through their days. Each of the thirty devotions offers wonderful examples of how believers can see everyday life events through eyes of faith as they are encouraged to be prepared for the opportunities the Lord places before them.

      Coauthored by the executives of the Woman’s Missionary Union, auxiliary to the Southern Baptist Convention, On the Journey will have readers seeing missions in a whole new light.

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    • Afternoon Tea : Quiet Moments With God


      Invite Jesus to tea. Develop the relationship of a lifetime.
      Afternoon Tea: Quiet Moments with God contains fifty-two devotions-one for each week of the year-which are centered on specifically-chosen Scriptures that help to build a meaningful and lasting relationship with Jesus. Bonus daily contemplation prompts help to sustain a daily connection to God throughout the week.

      Each day, spend a brief, quiet moment with Jesus and gain a rich and powerful relationship. Find peace and understanding, guidance and deliverance. . .and as a bonus, make some delicious crumpets to have with your teatime with Jesus. (Recipe included.)

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    • Beginners Guide To Practicing Scriptural Imagination


      What is scriptural imagination? The word imagination does not mean the Bible is fantasy or untrue. A scriptural imagination allows us to look at the world through the stories and images of the Bible. As we view our world with scriptural imagination, we enter a continuous process of becoming more Christlike.

      In A Beginner’s Guide to Practicing Scriptural Imagination, Kenneth Carter focuses on four scripture passages to give readers an easy entry into the practice of scriptural imagination. Carter advocates reading and reflecting on the biblical texts with a group.

      Carter says that almost every situation and problem we face can be addressed by men and women sitting with biblical texts, listening for what God might be saying through those passages. Equally important is taking time to listen attentively to people who are marginalized. As readers practice the spiritual exercises in this book, they will grow as disciples of Jesus who can then transform their world.

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    • Bits Of Heaven


      Short, accessible meditations and photography to guide you through the season Author Russ Levenson invites readers to slow down, “toward that stillness that, in a particular way, reveals not only the nature of God but our own nature and God’s calling to us.” These and other thoughtful insights seem most appropriate during the summer season. Bits of Heaven provides devotional readings that are companions to the sunlight, opportunities for relaxation, and growth that surround us during the summer. Forty meditations, reflections for contemplation, and prayers fill this volume designed to accompany and encourage readers throughout the season. This thoughtful book is part of a series by this well-known author.

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    • Inquisitive Christ : Twelve Engaging Questions – An Intimate And Transforma


      Journey to know Jesus more deeply through exploring twelve questions He used to engage the human heart.

      There is an incredible truth about the nature of Christ: the Son of God is a curious God who asks. And His questions are life changing. The answer to your need for connection, to your spiritual doubt and restlessness, can be found by examining God’s questions.

      Scripture reveals that Jesus asked over 300 questions to teach, engage, and invite us closer. Now, experience an intimate and transformative conversation with the Son of God by exploring twelve of the most powerful questions from the Gospels. Through Christ’s questions, you’ll journey deeper into a Kingdom existence and be taken by the truth of His love and desire to walk in union with you, His Kingdom preparations for you, and the relevance of His promises in your life. Let Jesus ask-and He’ll ignite your imagination, intellect, heart, and soul.

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    • Be Revived : Defeat The Spirit Of Death With The Power Of Life


      You don’t have to grow old. You can live forever.

      This book will help you walk in God’s promises of long-lasting health.

      The Bible is full of promises related to believers having supernatural youth restored even in their advanced years. Yet few are actually walking in those promises. Instead, a huge percentage of Christians are suffering from some sort of pain, disease, or disorder and are physically and mentally exhausted. Plus, many depend on cosmetic procedures and surgeries to recapture their youthful look.

      But what if it were possible to tap into the youth-restoring promises the Bible says are ours? What if these revelations would enable us to run faster, serve stronger, and last longer? What if we could look better than we have in decades without cosmetic surgery and costly procedures?

      Katie Souza has found secrets in the Bible that show how we can see these manifestations in every part of our bodies. In this explosive study she gives readers the keys that will enable them to tap into the fountain of youth God promised His people.

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    • Showing : What Pregnancy Tells Us About Being Human


      Might pregnancy form women just as much as children?

      When we talk about pregnancy, we too often end up talking clinically and sentimentally. Pregnancy is medical details and a whirl of emotions. It is vitamins and baby showers and feelings. But it is so much more.

      In Showing, Agnes Howard takes us beyond clinical reductionism and fluffy sentimentality to show us how to take pregnancy seriously as hard but important, God-given work. It is not just a bodily process, she argues, but an active work of care–one that underscores the generosity and mutual dependence we all require in order to live. It is an act of “radical hospitality” that shows us all what it means to be human.

      Howard delves into prenatal care literature from the Christian tradition to find images and vocabulary that elevate and honor pregnancy–not only for the benefit of expectant parents, but also their communities and the church. Taking pregnancy seriously does not entail viewing it as a woman’s only role or romanticizing it. Instead, Showing maintains that thinking well about pregnancy can help not only childbearing women but all who surround them understand how to live together more faithfully.

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    • Sacred Chase : Moving From Proximity To Intimacy With God


      There is nothing more important in this life or the one to come than an intimate connection with Jesus. Unfortunately, we have thousands of voices distracting us, and all too often we listen to them. We confuse proximity to God with intimacy with God and are content with a Christian-branded life yet miss out on what we were created for: knowing God intimately.

      Sharing the touching story of a demon-possessed man who had every reason to run the other way when he encountered Jesus, Heath Adamson shows us how spiritual hunger can overcome our hopelessness, our shame, and our excuses. He encourages us to pursue God regardless of where we’ve been or where we are, seeing our salvation as a doorway. Once we walk through it, we can discover the love of God in a tangible way.

      This book is for anyone who longs for a deeper connection to God, who has felt far from peace and hope, and who needs the assurance that God is both interested in who they are and accepts them.

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    • Made To Move Mountains


      Life is an incredible journey with ups and downs. We soar, struggle, scale and stumble, and often stand at the edge of cliffs, afraid to step into the unknown, unsure of where we will land. But instead of running away, we are called by God to stand firm, muster up what faith we can, and take a step. Because we were made to move mountains.

      In this inspiring book, Kristen Welch calls you to step out in faith and climb the mountain in front of you–not because you are good enough or adequate or able, but because God makes a way where there is no way. With heartbreaking and hopeful personal stories, Scripture, and questions for contemplation, she draws you out of fear and into a holy confidence, showing you that the mountain in your path was put there on purpose, so that you could exercise–and grow–your faith.

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    • Staying Power : Building A Stronger Marriage When Life Sends Its Worst


      Too often, when a life crisis hits, a marriage suffers–even a healthy one–and all the personality profiles and couples’ therapy in the world won’t keep your marriage from experiencing the tough stuff. So how do you and your spouse face the stresses put on your marriage and not only stay together but come out on the other side even more loving and committed?

      In Staying Power, two longtime couples offer insights, skills, and clear direction so that you can respond to trials in a way that strengthens rather than weakens your marriage. They show you how to:
      – handle anger creatively, forgive freely, and persevere together
      – nurture one another in powerful ways
      – learn new techniques for connecting both verbally and nonverbally in the midst of crisis
      – and much more

      Don’t let financial trouble, infertility, health challenges, parenting cares, addiction of a loved one, or heartbreaking loss destroy your marriage. Instead, learn how through your strong relationship you can overcome all of life’s curveballs–together.

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    • Guiding The Next Great Generation


      It’s cliche to say today’s adults hope the best for the next generation, yet fear the worst. As the gap between generations widens and our shared experiences dwindle, adults find it increasingly difficult to connect with and remain relevant to today’s young people. So the question is, what values can we pass on that will help them to become the next great generation? And how do we communicate those values effectively?

      In this paradigm-shifting book, Jonathan Catherman shares with adults raised in the 1900s a fresh look at guiding 21st-century youth to become confident and capable adults. With relevant research and real-world examples, Catherman shows us the benefits of practicing and teaching four principles that will unite and empower us all:
      – build bridges between generations
      – transform raw talent into valued strengths
      – practice stewardship before leadership
      – live with purpose

      Whether the emerging generation knows it or not, they need you. Their greatness tomorrow begins with your guidance today.

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    • Becoming The Next Great Generation


      Today’s young people stand on the brink of unprecedented opportunity and influence. The problem is, many feel misunderstood and dismissed by older generations. Frustrated, they seek answers for how they can effectively influence change in the world when the gaps between generations grow wider and our shared experiences fewer. They want to make a difference, and they remain open to influence from adults who are willing to help them learn what they’ll need to succeed.

      With energy and unique expertise, Jonathan Catherman assures today’s emerging generation that their influence will come–with practice. Through relevant examples and clear applications, he shows youth ages 14-17 how to build bridges between generations, practice stewardship before leadership, transform raw talents into valued strengths, and live with purpose. By doing so, they can make a difference, do even better than their parents, and become the next great generation.

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    • Secrets Of The Happy Soul


      How do some people do it? They rise above the circumstances and distractions of life and remain consistently happy. Even in tough times they have a quiet sense of peace about them. Examining the Bible and her own life, Katie Orr has discovered that deep happiness and satisfaction are only possible when we are rooted in God and pursuing his good and specific purpose for each of us.

      Secrets of the Happy Soul is your invitation into a deeper, more fruitful relationship with God and his Word. As Katie walks you through key teachings from the book of Psalms, you will recognize how the world’s definition of happiness pales compared to the daily delights God has in store for you. Draw closer to him, and your soul will go from lonely to connected, from overwhelmed to level and led, from aimless to commissioned and unique. God doesn’t promise a storm-free life, but he is the anchor every happy soul needs.

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