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    Christian Living

    • Christian Ethics And Nursing Practice


      Christian Ethics and Nursing Practice shows how the religious and moral teachings of the Christian Bible compare, contrast, and correlate with the ethical standards of modern nursing, as stated in the Code of Ethics for Nurses. It describes four main strands of moral discourse in the Bible–law, holiness, wisdom, and prophecy–and shows the relevance of those strands for contemporary bedside and advanced practice nursing. The work could serve as a textbook for courses in nursing ethics at Christian colleges and universities or as a guidebook for practicing nurses, who have devoted their lives to caring for the sick, the injured, the elderly, the disabled, and the dying as a way of living out their commitment to Jesus Christ.

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    • Christian Ethics And Nursing Practice


      Christian Ethics and Nursing Practice shows how the religious and moral teachings of the Christian Bible compare, contrast, and correlate with the ethical standards of modern nursing, as stated in the Code of Ethics for Nurses. It describes four main strands of moral discourse in the Bible–law, holiness, wisdom, and prophecy–and shows the relevance of those strands for contemporary bedside and advanced practice nursing. The work could serve as a textbook for courses in nursing ethics at Christian colleges and universities or as a guidebook for practicing nurses, who have devoted their lives to caring for the sick, the injured, the elderly, the disabled, and the dying as a way of living out their commitment to Jesus Christ.

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    • Disciple Making In A Culture Of Power Comfort And Fear


      Speaking in and to a culture that worships power and comfort while cultivating fear as a manipulative tool, Matthew Dickerson offers a transformative alternative: authentic discipleship and disciple making. What does it mean to live as disciples of Christ, what would it look like to be transformed by the Holy Spirit, and how can we be open to that transformation? How can a follower of Christ live as salt and light in the midst of a power-hungry fear-mongering society? And how can we both teach and model that disciple life as we obey Christ’s command to make disciples? In the tradition of spiritual theology and formation, Disciple Making in a Culture of Power, Comfort, and Fear draws deeply from Paul’s Second Epistle to Timothy–viewed as a reflection on Jesus’ great disciple-making commission–as well as on Dickerson’s own experiences in disciple-making ministry on college campuses and his local church. Dickerson’s writing is deeply informed by Scriptures, by the works of such important Christian thinkers, theologians, and writers as Eugene Peterson, John Stott, and Richard Foster, and also by the literature of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien whose works he has been teaching and writing about for more than thirty years.

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    • God : The Financial Genius


      Cynthia Flynn explores the concepts of tithing, seed time, and harvest in this book that reveals how God can bring you spiritual and physical riches.

      While it may be hard to believe, when you give 10% of your salary to the church, God will take the 90% you have left and make it go further than the original 100% – a lesson that Perry Hayden and Henry Ford learned during a farming experiment in Tecumseh, Michigan.

      The author did not fully comprehend this until 1984, when she heard giving expressed as a challenge. The concept intrigued her even more when she heard a pastor say that God actually wants us to test Him on this idea.

      Later, Flynn discovered one of her friends who believed in tithing did so for the express purpose of getting her a job. That meant when her friend wrote out the check, she laid her hands on it and said, “This is Cynthia’s new full-time sales job (seed) that comes with a salary better than she has ever dreamed of (what it produces/harvest).”

      More than thirty-five years later, the author is still tithing, setting bigger goals, and achieving them with help from the Lord.

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    • Tithing Removes The Curse Of Poverty


      Books goal is to share tools on removing poverty from the mindset, spirit and finances.

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    • Gentle Answer : Our ‘Secret Weapon’ In An Age Of Us Against Them


      A remarkable vision for how Christians can live with countercultural gentleness in a perpetually angry, attacking, outraged time.

      In a defensive and divided era, how can followers of Jesus reveal a better way of living, one that loves others as God loves us? How can Christians be the kind of people who are known, as Proverbs puts it, to “turn away wrath?” Scott Saul’s compelling new book shows Christians how to become people of “a gentle answer” in a politically, relationally, and culturally fractured world by helping readers:
      *grow in affection for Christ, who answers our hostility with gentleness;
      *nurture a renewed, softened heart in light of Christ’s gentleness toward us;
      *and catch a vision to forsake us-against-them mentalities, put down our swords, and “infect” a hostile world with gentleness.

      For those who long for a more civil way of being, A Gentle Answer reveals why answering hostility with gentleness is essential, how we can nurture our hearts to do so, and what a gentle answer looks like, both in the church and in the world.

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    • Unshackled : Breaking The Strongholds Of Your Past To Receive Complete Deli


      Jesus didn’t come to earth just to save us from hell. He suffered, died, and rose again for the complete deliverance and healing you long for. Soul wounds affect each of us and leave broken places in our lives that need healing. When we seek inner healing but don’t also close demonic doorways to the enemy, we simply mask the issue temporarily and may find ourselves in more bondage than we experienced previously.

      A respected minister of deliverance, Kathy DeGraw will show you through biblical insights, real-life examples, and practical instruction how you can:
      * discern and destroy the root of fear, anger, addictions, rejection, and other strongholds that just won’t go away
      * use repentance, forgiveness, and robust spiritual warfare prayers and declarations to possess freedom
      * minister deliverance and inner healing to others
      * and more

      The Holy Spirit wants to open your eyes to the strongholds that have kept you stuck. It’s time to be unshackled and free!

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    • Searching For Seven


      A Clay Bridges Press Title

      It’s hard to find what we’re not actively searching for. The Christian life is meant to be an adventure-a search for our Maker and a search for truth. Searching for Seven takes readers on a journey of looking for God through every aspect of life-seven days a week.

      In ministry, coaching, fatherhood, and writing, Tyler D. Smith has been in pursuit of a faith that lasts beyond Sundays. Through his shared experiences, storytelling, and captivating use of Scripture, you’re invited to join him in the search of a lifetime. In this quick read, you will learn:

      *What it looks like to search for God every day
      *How to apply God’s Word to daily situations
      *Why every part of your story matters

      Let the search begin.

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    • Jesus Of The East


      The Jesus of the Gospels is a revolutionary who stands with the sinned against, the wounded, and the marginalized. In Jesus of the East, author Phuc Luu re-narrates the life of Jesus to show how he made it his work to topple systems that privileged the few and disregarded the many, especially the poor and lowest.

      Why is there a theology for the sinner but not a theology for the sinned against?

      Much of Western Christianity has subdued the narrative of Jesus as a Palestinian Jewish healer and liberator who served the sick and oppressed. But the Jesus of the Gospels is a revolutionary who stands with the sinned against, the wounded, and the marginalized. In Jesus of the East, author Phuc Luu re-narrates the life of Jesus to show how he made it his work to topple systems that privileged the few and disregarded the many, especially the poor and lowest.

      In this provocative book, Luu offers a counter-narrative to Western Christianity, which for centuries has legitimized colonization and violence to prop up the powerful at the expense of the masses. Pulling from the tradition of the early Eastern church, the present work of theologians of the oppressed, and Luu’s own experiences as a Vietnamese immigrant, Jesus of the East offers a transformative vision of healing for the world.

      For those living in the land between pain and hope, Luu’s prophetic words will renew our imaginations and draw us closer to the heart of God.

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    • Women In A Patriarchal World


      The United Kingdom’s leading Christian feminist takes a closer look at twenty-five stories of women in the Bible, how they responded to the crises they faced, and how they can act as models for today.

      The Bible includes many stories about women: some well-known, others lesser known; some named, others whose names are not given. In some of these stories, men are depicted negatively by the storyteller; in other men barely feature at all, except in the background or as powerful outsiders. All the compilers of these narratives were probably men, and all of them are set within an ancient world of patriarchal norms and conditions. And yet many of these narratives express the authentic voices of women, and in some cases the original sources will have been the women themselves. In Women in a Patriarchal World Elaine Storkey focuses on the stories of women who faced a range of challenges and life-changing decisions. Her investigations will lead you to fully appreciate the authenticity of these accounts. They will prompt you to see the connections with our own lives and times. And above all they will empower you to respond more faithfully and intelligently to the many challenges that women are still confronted with today.

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    • Healthy Faith And The Coronavirus Crisis


      Healthy Faith in the Coronavirus Crisis is a briefing on how to thrive in a world of restrictions. Twenty leading Christian thinkers have come together to help you begin to navigate this strange reality.

      COVID-19 has transformed our everyday lives. It’s as if another world has arrived in the blink of an eye. Yet life is not on pause. We still need to live. The pandemic, like any other time, is a moment both of opportunity as well as challenge. Healthy Faith in the Coronavirus Crisis is a briefing on how to thrive in a world of restrictions. Twenty leading Christian thinkers have come together to help you begin to navigate this strange reality. Each contributor writes on their area of expertise, and topics covered include prayer, loneliness, work, singleness, marriage, parenting, grief, death, imagination, conversations, humour, and much more. They offer practical advice as well as helpful perspective from Scripture. This is an essential resource for anyone looking to cultivate a healthy faith which infuses all areas of life during this disorienting time.

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    • Reconnect : Spiritual Resotration From Digital Distraction


      Reconnect grounds readers in the influence of the Christian contemplative tradition that makes space for an always present God. Today’s pervasive technology and social media tools have invaded each waking moment and trained users to expect constant stimulation and interaction, resulting in competing forces for personal and spiritual formation.

      What if we’d pray as often as we check our phones?

      Technology teaches us to crave the hum and buzz of activity and the dopamine hit of notifications. Yet social media and technology have rewired our attention spans, our connections with others, and even our spirituality.

      In Reconnect, contemplative author and retreat leader Ed Cyzewski investigates the crisis of attention that is leading to mental health challenges and extending to our souls. Yet the Christian contemplative tradition–deeply rooted in the spiritual traditions and practices of the church–offers a way forward, grinding the gears of this frenetic activity and thinking to an unspectacular halt. For all its benefits and promises, technology trains its users to pursue the exact opposite of contemplative pray practices every day, claims Cyzewski.

      Grounded in current research into the impact of technology, Reconnect helps Christians rewire their technology addictions and train themselves to be present and aware of God rather than tuned into the constant distractions and deceptions of this digital age. When phones go dark and social media feeds stop scrolling, can we step into a deeper stillness and presence with an always present God?

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    • True Riches : What Jesus Really Said About Money And Your Heart


      How Are Your Finances Shaping Your Heart?

      Jesus knew that how we think about money shapes our character. Our approach can make us more like him-full of contentment, purpose, and freedom-or it can cause a tragic separation from God and the joy he offers. We need a firm foundation for faith and finances. In True Riches, John Cortines and Gregory Baumer invite us to experience four transformations in our financial lives, moving from:

      *pride to gratitude so that we see everything as a gift;
      *coveting to contentment so that we spend wisely;
      *anxiety to trust so that we save appropriately; and
      *indifference to love so that we give extravagantly.

      Full of scripture, personal stories, and practical application, True Riches offers a clear path away from the empty pursuit of wealth and into more intimate relationship with God.

      All author proceeds donated to charity.

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    • No More Excuses Devotional


      A 90 Day Devotional for Men – Exploring the examples of men of God throughout the Bible, this 90-day devotional will challenge you to lay down your excuses, stop compromising, and fight to be a man of character and commitment that God has called you to be.

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    • Why Would Anyone Go To Church


      There are plenty of reasons to criticize, judge, and even walk away from the church. Many of us have been hurt and rejected. We may see church as insular and irrelevant. Despite this, Kevin Makins believes that the church still matters–perhaps more than ever.

      When Kevin was 23 and didn’t know any better, he started a congregation with some friends who were on the edge of faith. Together they hoped to discover if the church was worth fighting for. In this brutally honest account, he shares their story of becoming a community of misfits, outcasts, and oddballs who would learn that, even with all its faults, the church is worth being a part of . . . and must be reclaimed for good.

      If you’ve been burned or burned out by the church, if you’ve been silenced or misunderstood, if you’ve left or never even joined in the first place, this candid, hopeful book is your invitation to consider what you miss out on when you give up on church–and what the church misses out on when it gives up on you.

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    • Let Them Be Kids


      As every parent hopes to raise kids with good manners and values, Jessica Smartt’s practical guide fills the gaps of uncertainty and provides tips on how parents can equip their children in purity, faith, and creativity.

      Former English teacher and homeschooling mother of three, Jessica Smartt felt the weight of helping prepare her kids for life, especially with all the outside pressures and influence of the world. She struggled with how she could raise her children with a sense of adventure, self-confidence, manners, faith, and the ability to utilize technology wisely.

      Let Them Be Kids is Jessica’s offering of grace and confidence to moms, giving them practical ideas to meet these challenges. Her well-researched, tested methods, woven together with her personal stories and witty humor, deliver wisdom on the tough topics of life, such as:
      *family time vs. outside activities,
      *being “cool” or not,
      *technology usage
      *sexual purity, and
      *showing grace when kids disobey.

      Part story and part guidebook, every chapter includes doable strategies and encouragement for the journey.

      Let Them Be Kids helps moms feel confident and equipped with ways to provide a safe, healthy, Christ-centered childhood for their children. It leads them to conquer fear and find truth that transforms them and their families as it reminds them how to enjoy and cherish the special memory-making moments of building family values together.

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    • Healing Family Relationships


      Every family is hurting, and the wounds that come from our relatives can be deeper than all others. Conflict within a family can range from daily frictions and annoyances to rage and hatred and eventually estrangement. We want things to be different but have no idea where to start.

      After 25 years of ministering to families, Rob Rienow believes reconciliation is at the heart of the gospel–reconciliation with God and one another. You will come away with specific steps you can take in your relationships with your family members to pursue peace and healing in your homes. Each chapter includes key biblical examples as well as present-day stories of families who have experienced God’s help and healing–including the author’s own miraculous healing of his relationship with his father.

      Our families can bring out the best, as well as the worst, in all of us. May this book guide you in making your home and family a blessing in a broken world.

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    • Touching The Hem


      These 52 meditations explore in a fresh and imaginative way what it must have been like to be a contemporary of Jesus. We hear from characters both familiar and unknown to us–from Mary and Martha to the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. These meditations can be used to aid and inspire both personal prayer and group Bible study.

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    • To Be A Pilgrim


      A wide-ranging and comprehensive resource which informs, instructs and inspires those looking to take on the spiritual, mental and physical challenge of pilgrimage, both in its traditional sense of a journey to a sacred place, and also in the broader sense of retreats, exposure to new ideas, people and cultures and the pilgrimage of life itself.

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    • Joy Of Spiritual Fitness


      Most fitness programmes concentrate on physical fitness–they start from the outside and stop there. To achieve total fitness of the mind, body and soul we need to start on the inside and work outwards. Beginning with a spiritual health test.

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    • Prayerfully Yours : Prayers For Daily Life


      Arranged thematically to assist the reader, each of these prayers has been carefully adapted and revised for individual use from Nick’s Prayers for Public Worship books. Prayerfully Yours is offered not as a substitute for, but as a supplement to, personal prayer.

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    • Life Shaping Spirituality


      Life events shape our perspective on God and on life itself. We change, we grow, we mature. Behaviour changes, political or social views change, values change; but we are not always aware that our spirituality and its expression in prayer has changed too. This is a book for all who seek a deeper relationship with God and an authentic spirituality. It is a helpful resource for those who have questions about God and prayer. It is also a useful book for those who guide or accompany others.

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    • Are You Listening


      Taking the form of a dialogue with God, this collection of prayers deals with many aspects of human experience and emotion, providing inspiration to those who desire a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God.

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    • Waymarks For The Journey


      ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.’ Jesus did not call people to join an organisation, but to follow a way of life. Under the guidance of Ray Simpson, renowned for his expertise in Celtic spirituality, this daily prayer book is structured according to the way of life adopted by the Community of Aidan and Hilda. Along with a short Bible reading and reflection, each day includes a step to enable readers to move away from what is destructive toward what is life-giving. There is also a unique spiritual breathing exercise following the rhythm with which our bodies breathe, allowing us to pray with our very core, wherever we are.

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    • Large Print Prayer Book (Large Type)


      This collection of favourite Christian prayers, poems and Bible readings has been designed and printed in accordance with the RNIB clear print guidelines for people with sight problems.

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    • Prayers For Inclusion And Diversity


      Inclusion and diversity have become central issues for churches and communities, bringing joy to many and angst to some. These prayers reflect the needs and concerns of our own time and culture as we come to terms with these issues and embrace the fresh opportunities they open up to us. They also seek to draw on the timelessness of our Lord’s teaching and the resonances in the stories of the Bible for us today.

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    • All Sorts Prayer 2


      All-Sorts Prayer 2 offers an imaginative and often surprising collection of prayer ideas. Who would have thought that feathers, mirrors, ping pong balls, sand and mints could be used in prayer? All these and more are arranged in different sections to help worship leaders vary the prayers they offer. Here are prayers which use music, gesture, action, the senses, creative responses, silence or tangible objects. By popular demand, the biggest section (‘Prayers Where We Are’) contains interactive prayers for those people who physically can’t get up easily during a service–and for those congregations who simply won’t! All-Sorts Prayer 2 also offers a fresh collection of seasonal prayers for the Church’s special occasions.

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    • God Did Not Do This To Me


      Lisa and Doug Stringer were ministering in Massachusetts in March 2015 when a lump in Doug’s throat started to bother him. “I don’t feel well,” he told his wife. “The lump I felt in my throat a few days ago feels larger.” When they were able to see a doctor, they were horrified to learn that Doug had Stage 4 large B-cell lymphoma that was 80 percent aggressive. Doug spent the rest of the day sitting in his car, alone in prayer. Finally, he called Lisa to tell her that he was on his way home and he wanted a family meeting and communion. Emotionally exhausted and noses still running from crying, Lisa, her mom, and Ashley gathered in the family room as Doug told them about his time with God. “God did not do this to me-and if He did not do this to me, then it doesn’t belong to me!” he told them emphatically. It was just what they need to hear. God Did Not Do This to Me is Lisa’s story of the family’s trials and triumphs through a cancer diagnosis. Putting on the armor of God, Doug was determined to turn his battle with cancer into an intercession for the country, even joking that the chemotherapy treatments made him resemble a bald eagle. By the end of the year, Doug’s cancer was in remission. “We know that the Great Physician heard the numerous prayers of our friends and spiritual family from all over the world, and blessed us all with a testimony of His healing power,” Lisa says. “We are forever changed through this experience. He has expanded my heart of compassion, taught me to pour out more grace, to be an even bigger giver, and to appreciate the little things all the more.”

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    • Fight : A Practical Handbook For Christian Living


      There is joy and triumph in the Christian life. But victory often comes through struggle.

      John White knows this tension well, and he gives us encouragement to persevere. The Fight is an accessible, classic guide to the basics of Christian living: faith, prayer, temptation, evangelism, guidance, Bible study, interpersonal relationships, and work. Beginning with an exploration of what happens at conversion, White offers refreshing insights into the challenges and joys of freedom in Christ that will benefit both new and experienced Christians. Along with numerous stories from White’s own journey of faith, each chapter includes suggested Bible study passages and questions. Now redesigned as part of the IVP Signature Collection, with a new foreword by Tom Lin, The Fight has for more than forty years served as a powerful resource to help thousands of Christians fight the good fight of faith.

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    • Is Christianity The White Mans Religion


      Among many young people of color, there is a growing wariness about organized religion and Christianity in particular.

      If Christianity is for everyone, why does the Bible seem to endorse slavery? Why do most popular images of Jesus feature a man with white skin and blue eyes? Is evangelical Christianity “good news” or a tool of white supremacy? As our society increases in ethnic and religious diversity, millennials and the next generation of emerging adults harbor suspicions about traditional Christianity. They’re looking for a faith that makes sense for the world they see around them. They want to know how Christianity relates to race, ethnicity, and societal injustices. Many young adults have rejected the Christian faith based on what they’ve seen in churches, the media, and politics. For them, Christianity looks a lot like a “white man’s religion.” Antipas L. Harris, a theologian and community activist, believes that biblical Christianity is more affirmative of cultural diversity than many realize. In this sweeping social, theological, and historical examination of Christianity, Harris responds to a list of hot topics from young Americans who struggle with the perception that Christianity is detached from matters of justice, identity, and culture. He also looks at the ways in which American evangelicalism may have incubated the race problem. Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion? affirms that ethnic diversity has played a powerful role in the formation of the Old and New Testaments and that the Bible is a book of justice, promoting equality for all people. Contrary to popular Eurocentric conceptions, biblical Christianity is not just for white Westerners. It’s good news for all of us.

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    • Dream Big : Know What You Want, Why You Want It, And What You’re Going To D


      From New York Times bestselling author Bob Goff, the creator of the popular Dream Big conferences, a wildly inspiring yet utterly practical blueprint for helping readers find and reach their biggest dreams.

      Bob Goff is on a mission to shake people into the version of their lives they dreamt about before someone told them it was impossible or incorrect. He wants people to reconnect with the seat of their passion and their person. He wants them to dream big.

      In this revelatory new book, Goff takes readers on a life-proven journey to rediscover their dreams and turn them into reality. Based on his popular Dream Big workshop, Bob draws on a lifetime of living and dreaming large to help guide readers to reaching their larger-than-life dreams. In Dream Big he shows us how to:
      *learn to define clearly your dreams for yourself,
      *identify the obstacles holding you back,
      *come up with a specific plan for reaching goals, and
      *develop the tools that will help you act on the plan.

      Dream Big is the only book you need to uncover the wild and exciting dream for your life you’ve hidden from yourself–and help you take the steps necessary to achieve it.

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    • Ready For Anything


      There are those who’ve prepared, and those who wish they had. Let Ready for Anything be your go-to guide for facing any unexpected crisis with confidence.

      Bad stuff happens all the time–big stuff like hurricanes and wildfires, and smaller-scale yet no less devastating disasters like a sudden injury, job loss, or a computer crash. But this doesn’t mean we have to live in constant fear.

      For anyone who falls somewhere between “I’ll just trust God” and stocking a ten-year supply of canned pinto beans in the pantry, Ready for Anything gives finite simple steps for being proactive rather than reactive–preparing your mind, your heart, and your home for any unfortunate circumstance. Full of stories and humor along with facts, tips, and lists, Kathi offers a down-to-earth guide that will show you how to face the unexpected with confidence, relying on God’s strength and plan rather than giving in to our fear and anxiety. Her step-by-step plan is easy to implement and will help any Christian become a better steward of their resources as well as be the neighbor who can help in a crisis rather than needing help themselves.

      Ready for Anything will show you:
      *Practical strategies for building an emergency fund
      *Indispensable tips for safeguarding your physical and digital valuables
      *How to mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepare your kids
      *The power of pre-deciding your actions in response to an unexpected event
      *How to create a five-minute plan and why you need it
      *And so much more!

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    • Walking To The Promised Land


      A Kalo Publications Inc. Title

      It’s not enough for us to have a destination in mind and a desire to get there, we must walk! We have to walk with purpose and with determination, but the devil isn’t going to make it easy. He’s going to discourage us by filling the wilderness with threats and dangers, or he’ll create an oasis as delightful as possible to lure us in and keep us from moving ahead. It takes strength to resist the temptations and to keep walking. Sometimes, though, the wilder- ness is difficult because that’s the nature of the wilderness. Life can be hard; it can be cruel even. In those times, when our sorrow tells us to push away, it takes faith to reach for the Father’s hand and keep walking, trusting that God is always present and feels the pain of his children.

      I took a random poll not too long ago and asked people what they thought was the greatest challenge to daily Christian living. The overwhelming answer was “time.” Most of the responders said that the day goes by so quickly that before they know it, it’s time for bed and they’ve not done anything to strengthen their relationship with God, grow their faith, or share Jesus Christ with some- one else. We have to decide to make our spiritual lives a priority.

      The goal of this study is to help us become intentional in our daily spiritual walk. We make choices every day of our lives. We choose when to wake up, what to wear, what we eat, how we will respond to people, and what we will do for exercise. We also choose how we will live for Christ each day. We can choose how we will walk!

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    • Book Of Uncommon Prayer


      Woven together are natural and biblical imagery and the traditions of liturgical prayer, to resource us in relating to creation, God and one another in deep, dynamic and relevant ways.

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    • Ray Simpson : His Complete Celtic Prayers


      Over 1,500 prayers have been selected from more than twenty of Ray Simpson’s published titles and many have been freshly written for this book. These prayers reconnect us with the seasons and the streets, the scriptures and the saints, the struggles and the silence; all created life is included. The exhaustive index will enable all who lead worship to find a prayer for every occasion.

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    • Prayers For Occasions


      Prayers for Occasions offers an abundant selection of over 250 prayers. Bringing together words of warmth and contemplation for a variety of different occasions, ranging from Advent and Christmas to weddings and funerals, this helpful collection provides a wealth of resources for both personal and group prayer.

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    • Food For Prayer


      Food for Prayer offers an imaginative prayer suggestion for every day of the year, rejoicing in the fact that the ordinary stuff of life can be food for prayer. It follows the changing seasons and the Church’s cycle of feasts and festivals so that whenever we begin, prayer may find its place in the rhythm of our days.

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    • Daily Reflections


      Nick Fawcett’s Daily Reflections is a devotional resource with a difference. Simply structured, with a Bible reading, meditation and prayer for every day of the year (including a seasonal supplement), it invites you, the reader, to become part of what you are reading so that God, in turn, can become part of you. Scripture, in other words, is not just read but entered into, lived and breathed. Here is a compilation that will help to deepen your faith and enrich your prayer life.

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    • 24 7 Christianity


      In a world bursting with sorrow, Christians are called to be hope-filled. This is a book full of hope. 24/7 Christianity helps us to focus on the real nature of Christ present with his people.

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    • Telling A Better Story


      The practice of offering reasons for the Christian faith, or apologetics, strikes many unbelievers today as offensive, an attempt to proselytize, while Christians themselves often view apologetics as unsophisticated or even faith-undermining. After all, shouldn’t a believer focus on presenting the gospel rather than attempting to argue people to belief?

      In Telling a Better Story, author Joshua Chatraw presents a new and better way to do apologetics, an inside-out approach that is attuned to our late-modern moment and respectful of unbelievers, all the while remaining focused on Jesus. With chapters on cultural understanding, dealing with the difficult issues, and presenting Jesus in a holistic, contextual manner, Telling a Better Story offers a roadmap to effective apologetics both for experienced apologists and those new to sharing their faith with others.

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    • Companions In Suffering


      Have you experienced an ongoing trial that left you wrung out emotionally? Do you feel alone in your pain? Though suffering often leaves us feeling isolated, God invites us into the community of the Trinity and offers us many companions in Scripture. We experience loneliness alongside the exiled Israelites. We journey with David as he pleads to God for rescue. With Asaph we confess our unbelief. With Job we learn to lament. With Mary and Martha we learn to wait. In God’s community, there is sweet fellowship, even in the hardest of circumstances. Journey in these pages with Wendy Alsup through her story of suffering, and more importantly, with the God who walks with us in the wilderness. This warm and contemplative book also includes a helpful appendix for those who companion a suffering loved one.

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    • Because The Lord Is My Shepherd


      No matter the challenges, troubles, or losses you may face in life, you have a hope that will not be denied summed up in five simple words: The Lord Is My Shepherd. These words from the cherished 23rd Psalm are why you are never alone, never without help, and never
      without hope!

      In Because the Lord is My Shepherd, respected author and teacher Tony Cooke explores the meaning and significance of the 12 powerful blessings of following the Great Shepherd:

      Provision – Rest – Peace – Restoration – Guidance – Security – Comfort – Sustenance – Anointing – Abundance
      – Confidence – Union

      As this psalm flowed out of David’s heart, he reflected on the goodness of God, and it will encourage you to do the same. Secure your trust in a Shepherd who compassionately and tenderly cares for you in good times and bad!

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    • Roadmap To Reconciliation 2.0


      We can see the injustice and inequality in our lives and in the world.

      We are ready to rise up. But how, exactly, do we do this? How does one reconcile? What we need is a clear sense of direction. Based on her extensive consulting experience with churches, colleges and organizations, Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil has created a roadmap to show us the way. She guides us through the common topics of discussion and past the bumpy social terrain and political boundaries that will arise. In this revised and expanded edition, McNeil has updated her signature roadmap to incorporate insights from her more recent work. Roadmap to Reconciliation 2.0 includes a new preface and a new chapter on restoration, which address the high costs for people of color who work in reconciliation and their need for continual renewal. With reflection questions and exercises at the end of each chapter, this book is ideal to read together with your church or organization. If you are ready to take the next step into unity, wholeness and justice, then this is the book for you.

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    • Flourishing Teacher : Vocational Renewal For A Sacred Profession


      Teaching is a sacred profession to which you have been called. But sometimes you feel burned out: the relentless pace, the overload of classes, the grading, the advising, the additional committee work.

      Drawing on more than twenty years of teaching experience, Christina Bieber Lake writes to encourage you to rediscover your passion for your profession, to help you move from surviving to thriving, and to remind you why you chose this vocational path. Creatively structured around the typical rhythms of the academic calendar, this book offers refreshing and practiced advice about how to flourish in the midst of the teaching life. Lake also takes on several pressing questions:
      *How do I balance work and family time?
      *Where do I fit in time for my research and writing?
      *What particular challenges do female faculty face, and how should they navigate them?

      Remind yourself why you teach. Rediscover your passion for this vocation.

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    • Study Guide For The NIV Bible


      The Study Guide for the NIV Bible is designed to help you to study the Bible as you read through the Bible. The author is gifted with the gift of teaching and has devised this study guide based on her desire to encourage Christians to read and study the Bible.

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    • Every Moment Holy Volume 1 Pocket Edition


      This “Pocket Edition” is smaller in size and made with a flexible cover. It fits easily in a bag or glovebox or coat pocket–perfect for everyday use while on the move.

      It includes all the liturgies from the Volume I hardcover edition plus a new liturgy from the forthcoming book featuring liturgies for seasons of dying and mourning.

      -over 100 liturgies for daily life (including liturgies for meals)
      -beautiful leather-bound flex-cover
      -silk bookmark

      Also includes two new illustrations by Ned Bustard.

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    • Healing Journeys With The Shepherd


      Healing Journeys with the Shepherd guides readers through the road of painful and desperate times by helping them to experience complete healing through a deeper connection with Jesus, The Shepherd.

      The journey of grief is raw and messy. In those painful and desperate times, travelers need a guide who understands the road and knows intimately the goodness of Jesus, The Shepherd. Healing Journeys with the Shepherd draws from Mary Kay McCauley Stone’s personal experience and journal entries to create a heart to heart connection. In sharing some of the real and often silent struggles of the valley, she serves as a caring guide with practical suggestions to help tender hearts process through the hard questions.

      Together, readers move from the ache of loss to the joyful discovery of bright new life landscapes. Healing Journeys with the Shepherd includes a 40-day devotional and provides practical life coaching for daily care while exploring the restoration process as described in Psalm 23. The goal is to experience complete healing through a deeper relationship with Jesus as the Good Shepherd.

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    • Peace For Your Mind Hope For Your Heart


      Regain emotional and spiritual balance in a Post-Pandemic World This book will equip you to reclaim emotional and spiritual balance in a post-COVID world.

      As we enter a new normal after the peak of COVID-19, we are left with fears, questions, and anxiety. While the biological virus has taken an untold toll on lives worldwide-medically and economically-the “new virus” going forward may be summed up in two words: anxiety and worry. While our immediate attention is on our health and that of friends and loved ones, there is a perhaps a greater need: How do we practice healthy emotional and spiritual “hygiene” as we emerge from arguably the greatest crisis the world has seen since World War II? With his more than four decades of professional experience as a therapist and trusted counseling leader, Dr. Tim Clinton brings a timely message of health and hope to a stressed out, fearful world.

      Dr. Clinton examines science, psychology, physiology, and other concepts to help us cope with anxiety, but the primary focus is on the consistency of God’s power, goodness, and love. Clinton adds, “It’s my prayer that as you continue reading, you’ll increasingly sense God’s peace for your mind and hope for your heart.”

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    • Glittering Vices Second Edition


      Drawing on centuries of wisdom from the Christian ethical tradition, this book takes readers on a journey of self-examination, exploring why our hearts are captivated by glittery but false substitutes for true human goodness and happiness. The first edition sold 35,000 copies and was a C. S. Lewis Book Prize award winner. Now updated and revised throughout, the second edition includes a new chapter on grace and growth through the spiritual disciplines. Questions for discussion and study are included at the end of each chapter.

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    • Divine Collision : An African Boy, An American Lawyer, And Their Remarkable


      In a Ugandan prison for two murders he didn’t commit, Henry is losing hope. He pleads with God for a sign. Jim, in California, finds himself saying a small yes to God, who brings their two lives together with momentous results.

      Jim Gash, former Los Angeles lawyer and current president of Pepperdine University, tells the amazing story of how, after a series of God-orchestrated events, he finds himself in the heart of Africa defending a courageous Ugandan boy languishing in prison and wrongfully accused of two separate murders. Ultimately, their unlikely friendship and unrelenting persistence reforms Uganda’s criminal justice system, leaving a lasting impact on hundreds of thousands of lives and revealing a relationship that supersedes circumstance, culture, and the walls we often hide behind.

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    • Jesus Of The East


      The Jesus of the Gospels is a revolutionary who stands with the sinned against, the wounded, and the marginalized. In Jesus of the East, author Phuc Luu re-narrates the life of Jesus to show how he made it his work to topple systems that privileged the few and disregarded the many, especially the poor and lowest.

      Why is there a theology for the sinner but not a theology for the sinned against?

      Much of Western Christianity has subdued the narrative of Jesus as a Palestinian Jewish healer and liberator who served the sick and oppressed. But the Jesus of the Gospels is a revolutionary who stands with the sinned against, the wounded, and the marginalized. In Jesus of the East, author Phuc Luu re-narrates the life of Jesus to show how he made it his work to topple systems that privileged the few and disregarded the many, especially the poor and lowest.

      In this provocative book, Luu offers a counter-narrative to Western Christianity, which for centuries has legitimized colonization and violence to prop up the powerful at the expense of the masses. Pulling from the tradition of the early Eastern church, the present work of theologians of the oppressed, and Luu’s own experiences as a Vietnamese immigrant, Jesus of the East offers a transformative vision of healing for the world.

      For those living in the land between pain and hope, Luu’s prophetic words will renew our imaginations and draw us closer to the heart of God.

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    • Reconnect : Spiritual Resotration From Digital Distraction


      Reconnect grounds readers in the influence of the Christian contemplative tradition that makes space for an always present God. Today’s pervasive technology and social media tools have invaded each waking moment and trained users to expect constant stimulation and interaction, resulting in competing forces for personal and spiritual formation.

      What if we’d pray as often as we check our phones?

      Technology teaches us to crave the hum and buzz of activity and the dopamine hit of notifications. Yet social media and technology have rewired our attention spans, our connections with others, and even our spirituality.

      In Reconnect, contemplative author and retreat leader Ed Cyzewski investigates the crisis of attention that is leading to mental health challenges and extending to our souls. Yet the Christian contemplative tradition–deeply rooted in the spiritual traditions and practices of the church–offers a way forward, grinding the gears of this frenetic activity and thinking to an unspectacular halt. For all its benefits and promises, technology trains its users to pursue the exact opposite of contemplative pray practices every day, claims Cyzewski.

      Grounded in current research into the impact of technology, Reconnect helps Christians rewire their technology addictions and train themselves to be present and aware of God rather than tuned into the constant distractions and deceptions of this digital age. When phones go dark and social media feeds stop scrolling, can we step into a deeper stillness and presence with an always present God?

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    • Rejoice With Me


      Psalm 23, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd,’ describes the psalmist as a trusting sheep, traveling through both pleasant and difficult terrain, always in the reassuring presence of God. The psalm is for all of us, yet when troubles come–which they inevitably do–rather than feeling God’s loving presence we may start to doubt his love; instead of feeling safe, we experience fear, guilt, hurt and loneliness–the loneliness of a lost sheep. In Rejoice with Me Annie Heppenstall draws on the parable of the lost sheep and other imagery from the Bible and the natural world. She writes from her own personal experience to offer reflections, prayers and questions for self-development for anyone with an interest in considering life’s difficulties from a biblical perspective.Ideal as a spiritual accompaniment for individuals as well as pastoral support groups and churches asking how to meet the needs of individuals and communities and how to live lovingly and with integrity in the twenty-first century.

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    • Prayers For Saints


      Most church traditions recognise the special Christian witness of individual men and women over the ages. Whether formally termed ‘saints’ or celebrated as pioneers and ‘game-changers,’ many of whom were put to death for their faith, their lives are often astonishing and frequently inspiring. Rupert Bristow has put together the stories of these people, more than 670 in all, ranging from household names to almost forgotten figures, for every day of the year and has written an accompanying prayer for each one. Faithful to the dates these saints are commemorated, Prayers for Saints is an invaluable resource for church and home, study and worship–or as a start to further exploration of the impact made by these extraordinary people.

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    • Men On Fire


      From the author of The Faith of George W. Bush, The Faith of Barack Obama, and The Character and Greatness of Winston Churchill comes an insightful analysis of the crisis in contemporary masculinity. Drawing on Scripture and history, Mansfield rekindles seven fires he believes should burn in men’s souls: destiny, heritage, friendship, love, battle, legacy, and God. 192 pages, softcover from Baker.

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    • Power Of The Decree


      The spiritual exercise of making decrees finds its precedent in both Old and New Testaments–the practice means simply quoting God’s promises back to him, “reminding” him of what he has said. This kind of prayer is one of the most vital forms of intercession. In fact, the practice of decreeing God’s Word not only builds our faith but transforms our lives.

      In this powerful and enlightening book, bestselling author and entrepreneur Patricia King helps readers grasp the power of inspired and finely tuned prayer. King explains how to:
      * find specific texts of Scripture for your need
      * counter problems with God’s Word
      * speak truth into reality
      * understand the difference between confessing the Word, proclaiming the Word, and decreeing the Word
      * and more

      Join countless believers who love the Word of God and honor its authority through their prayers. Accept the challenge to pray the words of Scripture boldly–in God’s timing, for his will and purposes.

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    • Why Am I Not Healed


      Two common questions generally rise to the surface for those seeking healing: Is it God’s will to heal? And is it God’s will to heal me?

      From his personal story of suffering with coronary artery disease, to the loss of his sister to cancer, and his daughter’s diagnosis of arthritis at a young age, Pastor Glen Berteau approaches these life-altering events with firsthand insight and revelation. He explains how, even in the most challenging circumstances, God can turn the worst into the best and use it all for our good.

      By countering seventeen hindrances to prayer for healing, Pastor Berteau breaks through possible misunderstanding regarding God’s good intentions for his children. This book can initiate in your heart the faith that moves mountains–why settle for anything less?

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    • Victory Over The Darkness (Revised)


      “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32 niv).

      It’s Jesus’s promise to you–the promise that you will live triumphantly. But what keeps you from really walking in the joy of the Lord? The powers of darkness attack us daily. But, as Dr. Neil Anderson shows in Victory Over the Darkness, you can have the power to conquer them by knowing who you are in Christ. In this book, you will learn how to:
      * realize the power of your identity in Christ
      * find freedom from the burdens of your past
      * stand against the spiritual forces of this world
      * win the battle for your mind
      * become the victorious person you want to be
      * discover the truth about God’s view of you

      Victory Over the Darkness spells out practical ways to experience Christian growth based on Christ’s promise. Learn to apply the truths of Scripture as a base from which to renew your mind and become the person Christ empowers you to be.

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    • Godbothering : A Spiritual Commentary On Our Lives And Times


      Bestselling novelist and broadcaster, Rhidian Brook, presents a spiritual commentary on our lives and times, drawn from his popular broadcasts on Radio 4’s Thought for the Day.

      Why bother with God? More to the point, why is God bothering with us? For the past two decades, award-winning novelist and screen writer, Rhidian Brook, has pondered those questions on Radio 4’s Thought for the Day. Over 100 of his Thoughts are now presented here, inviting you to reflect with him on the deeper spiritual dimensions of our lives and times. What is God’s favorite movie? How would Jesus vote? Why do leaders fail? Do you know what matters in life? What is love? Through his reflections on these and many other questions, Rhidian Brook has encouraged millions to think about the underlying truths and values that we need to make sense of our lives in the twenty-first century This absorbing, perceptive and elegantly crafted collection of his Thoughts will enable you to do the same – to think about what you truly value, and how to live it out from day to day.

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    • Baby Change : Navigating The Mess


      Navigating (with Jesus) the changes that hit you when you bring a child into the western world.

      I thought having a baby would complete me. I was wrong. I believed I would be a great parent and a natural ‘mum’. I wasn’t. I thought I’d know what to do. I didn’t. What happens when two become three? When sleep is a myth? When friends used to see you – but now see your baby? Is your identity lost in motherhood? Does your brain still work? ‘In those early years I could barely follow an episode of Peppa Pig,’ says Anne,’let alone pick up a Bible.’ This book helps you make wise decisions over their children. It addresses the challenges of parenthood – for instance, should you return to work? Anne uses examples from her own struggle, together with biblical insights and other people’s experiences, to help you know you are not alone. A droll and insightful companion for all who wrestle with parenthood.

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    • Glory Of Gods Light


      “Darkness represents anything that is inconsistent with God’s nature, character, and manifestation.”

      It appears humanity has lost its connection with God, but finding a relationship with God can bring us into the light of His love. In The Glory of God’s Light, Brother Raymond shows how to have a relationship with God through His Light, His Love, and His Word.

      Brother Raymond digs deeper into Scripture and takes examples from his own life to show how God’s light is present in every circumstance and points those in darkness into the glory of God’s light.

      Could you relish a great relationship with God, our Heavenly Father? Yes, you can!

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    • 100 Ways To Love Your Son


      With simple, practical ideas based on scriptural truth, bestselling authors offer 100 easy ways to love your son well and understand what he needs to thrive–and to create a lasting, loving relationship.

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    • Diligence Of Discipleship


      During his years of pastoral/teaching ministry Pastor John has bemoaned the erosion of the Church, of Western Civilization in general, and the American culture in particular. He attributes much of this erosion to a general weakness in the Church of making Biblical disciples of Jesus Christ. This book is not primarily about showing that weakness; rather, he will define Biblical discipleship and provide a simple-to-grasp but difficult-to-do five-step process to transform converts into maturing disciples of Jesus Christ. The will of God for the Christian is sanctification, to be holy. Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote of The Cost of Discipleship; Pastor John gives a workable process to be holy. The stated goal is to look like the Biblical Jesus to a watching world.

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    • Rendered For More


      “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” Being an orphan that is often banned from the social norms. Love is not a concept easily perceived. Yet, we find ourselves being orphans in life and not feeling a sense of belonging. We see little engagement from others that can be trusted and begin questioning ourselves the possibility of love. Taking a walk with God not knowing where it may lead you requires trust and being vulnerable to allow scars to be seen by many. We see as the story unfolds love leads to an unlock door that seems unfathomable. The fingerprints of the askew lines between trust and hate vanishes. When we see the main characters chooses to open their hearts to a love that is indescribable. We will see if they sell their heart for more

      Esther, meaning star, rises the matter is she really is, or there was a master hand at play. Often judged by outer beauty. It’s the inner beauty within that positions the opportunity of a lifetime to not only be seen but reign.

      While going through life feeling blacklisted. The temptation to wanting to do wrong is tamed by the pure fire than burns within the hearts for wanting more than this life has to offer. The mystery has been revealed that the women held confidential weapon possess inwardly to offset the outwardly demises. In the rendering finding purpose and a perception.

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    • Rendered For More


      “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” Being an orphan that is often banned from the social norms. Love is not a concept easily perceived. Yet, we find ourselves being orphans in life and not feeling a sense of belonging. We see little engagement from others that can be trusted and begin questioning ourselves the possibility of love. Taking a walk with God not knowing where it may lead you requires trust and being vulnerable to allow scars to be seen by many. We see as the story unfolds love leads to an unlock door that seems unfathomable. The fingerprints of the askew lines between trust and hate vanishes. When we see the main characters chooses to open their hearts to a love that is indescribable. We will see if they sell their heart for more

      Esther, meaning star, rises the matter is she really is, or there was a master hand at play. Often judged by outer beauty. It’s the inner beauty within that positions the opportunity of a lifetime to not only be seen but reign.

      While going through life feeling blacklisted. The temptation to wanting to do wrong is tamed by the pure fire than burns within the hearts for wanting more than this life has to offer. The mystery has been revealed that the women held confidential weapon possess inwardly to offset the outwardly demises. In the rendering finding purpose and a perception.

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    • Exonerated : Women Exonerated Through Christ


      Are you bleeding emotionally due to unpleasant circumstances in your life? Have you lost all hope in life? Are you bleeding internally due to being sexually abused while young? Perhaps you are the victim of domestic violence. You may even be bleeding due to your financial situation. Are you too ashamed or afraid to talk about it with anyone for fear of being judged? Maybe you know of someone who is struggling with internal bleeding in their lives. Look no further. Exonerated: Women Exonerated through Christ is the book for you. There is hope. God can exonerate you from whatever you are struggling with in life.

      This book introduces you to women who grappled with emotional bleeding in their lives. They each experienced as different issue. Readers will connect with women who struggled with physical and mental disorders. You will meet a woman who struggled with promiscuity in her life. You will be introduced to women who bled emotionally due to situations concerning their children. You will even be introduced a woman who wrestled with low self-esteem.

      In the midst of the suffering and angst, God intervened in the lives of these women. He relieved them from their dilemma. As you read this book, you will realize how the power of prayer and faith will ignite the power of God to move in your life.

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    • Human Life Priority


      As for this first book, each topic of the books explains the following matters:

      Human Life Priority

      The writer thought of this topic because when he came to a funeral, a question would often pop up: “Actually, what is a human being’s main task in this life?” And it turned out that it has also been thought over by Solomon and discussed in the book of Ecclesiastes.

      The Value of Salvation

      Many God’s children falling away; they give up their faith and become followers of another religion due to persecutions, positions, wealth, and life partner, and one of the main reasons is because they do not know how invaluable the salvation they have gained when they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

      The Rights and Responsibilities of God’s Children

      As Christians, we are God’s children. However, we often assume those terms “children of God” and “Father” just as “titles” not as “status”. That’s why we are less aware that we truly have the status or position as God’s children with their rights and responsibilities. We would be overwhelmed when we know how wonderful the rights God gives us as His children.

      The Foundations of Christianity

      We often heard of some Christians or even activists who were amazingly diligent in serving the Lord, suddenly left their faith for another belief. How could this happen? One of the main reasons is that their foundations of faith were not strong. Therefore, this topic is very important and fundamental for us to comprehend and possess.

      The Characteristics of Children of God,

      We know that the ones who will go to Heaven are God’s children, not merely people who like to go to church. Therefore, it is important for us to know whether we are God’s children, because if we turn out not to be His, then we will go to hell. The Lord Jesus describes in detail the characteristics of God’s children.

      4 Types of Christians

      The Parable of the Sower explains about four types of Christians where only the fourth types who will survive. Therefore, we need to study them while looking at which type of Christian we are today. If we are not yet the fourth type, then we must immediately change ourselves, so that we can enter the kingdom of God.

      Jesus versus Mammon

      As we live in an age wealth and riches are idolized like today, it is necessary for us to know what the characteristics of Christ’s followers are referring to money or wealth. If mammon becomes primal in our lives, we will expel our Lord Jesus Christ from

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    • Search And Rescue


      A Zoweh Inc. Title

      We desperately need to recover the critical components of a much Larger Story, the pieces of a Larger Gospel that have been lost, misplaced, misunderstood, underestimated or worse, stolen. Search and Rescue is an invitation to look for what has been lost in our lives and more importantly, to actually be the one that needs to be searched for, rescued and restored. In Search and Rescue, Michael Thompson encourages Believers and those curious to the faith to accompany him in the quest to find the Life and the Love we were meant for… There is a Life and a Love that is looking for you. Are you ready to be found?

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    • Anyone But Me


      Fear is the primary reason we fail to share the gospel with our friends, family, and coworkers. We’re afraid of looking weird or out of touch. We’re afraid we won’t have the right answers to their questions. We’re afraid that if they reject the gospel, they’re really rejecting us. We don’t want to make things awkward or strain our relationships. So we say nothing because our discomfort feels bigger than our loved ones’ ultimate destination if they remain outside of the body of Christ. We know it’s not, but it’s just so hard to get over our fear.

      Apologist Ray Comfort can help. In Anyone but Me, he shows you how to overcome your fears by developing ten critical, biblical characteristics so that you can confidently share the message of salvation with those you care about most. If you’ve been longing to see a dear friend, family member, or coworker come to Christ, now is the time to begin becoming the faithful witness they need. Because we never know how much more time we will have to proclaim God’s good news.

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    • My Good Life


      After giving birth to her daughter Taylor at the age of 20, Eraina decided she would live a good life despite her circumstances. Even after receiving a diagnosis of profound hearing loss and autism for her daughter Taylor, she went on to earn three academic degrees including one from Yale University. In the process of living in three different cities and navigating education and personal hurdles, she discovered something profound and universal: this isn’t a normal life, it’s a good life. My Good Life is the story of perseverance, faith, and hope. It is a story wrapped in goodness and love.

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    • Power Of Prayer And The Prayer Of Power


      The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, But the prayer of the upright is His delight. – Proverbs 15:8

      Prayer is the key that unlocks all the storehouses of God’s infinite grace and power. All that God is, and all that God has, is at the disposal of prayer; but we must use the key. Prayer can do anything that God can do, and since God can do anything, prayer is omnipotent. No one can stand against the person who knows how to pray, who meets all the conditions of prevailing prayer, and who really prays, and if they are willing to pay the price. The price is prayer, much prayer, much real prayer, prayer in the Holy Spirit.

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    • Joy : 30 Day Devotional


      With trusted teachers Michael Baughen, Alistair Begg, Don Carson, Peter Maiden, Paul Mallard, Alex Motyer, John Risbridger, Derek Tidball and others by your side, discover how the Bible (Nehemiah, Habakkuk, John, Romans, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Peter and 1 John), not just the Psalms, speaks of joy, whatever and whenever. Tailored for real people in the real world today.

      We all want joy for ourselves and those we love – naturally. But all too often it eludes us. Joy in the Bible if far greater, far more robust, than happiness. It persists through hard times. In fact, we’re encouraged to rejoice in God ‘always’. Joni Eareckson Tada knows more than most what this joy looks and feels like. Severely disabled and confined to a wheelchair since a diving accident in her teens, she knows the defiant ‘yet’ of Habakkuk – in spite of everything life throws at her, she can rejoice! With trusted teachers Michael Baughen, Alistair Begg, Don Carson, Peter Maiden, Paul Mallard, Alex Motyer, John Risbridger, Derek Tidball and others by your side, discover how the Bible (Nehemiah, Habakkuk, John, Romans, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Peter and 1 John), not just the Psalms, speaks of joy, whatever and whenever. Tailored for real people in the real world today.

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    • Flunking Sainthood Every Day


      In her memoir, Flunking Sainthood, Riess failed twelve different spiritual practices over the course of a year but discovered to her surprise that even the ones she failed most spectacularly taught her something important. In this beautiful daily devotional, readers who want to go deeper into the twelve spiritual practices will find 365 days of guidance, arranged according to monthly practices such as gratitude, generosity, prayer, Sabbath-keeping, and hospitality. Each day includes a short scripture verse, an inspirational reading from a contemporary or classic spiritual thinker, and a brief prayer, reflection, or follow-up action related to the day’s theme. These daily devotions help readers understand that spiritual growth is a lifelong journey without a fixed destination-and that there is great compassion for all of us who are flunking sainthood.

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    • Beautiful Adventure Marriage


      Grab your bags! We are going on an adventure! Marriage is a gift from the Father. It is an adventure we get to share with the one the Lord created just for us. Like any great adventure, there is work we must do, that is necessary, if it is going to be successful! Let’s be real! Marriage is beautiful, but it is also hard. Godly guidance is needed along the way if we are going to happily arrive at our destination. What is our destination!?! Till death do us part! Let’s be the generation that ends divorce! Let’s be the generation that shines a positive light on marriage! Let’s be the generation that uses our marriage as a platform for God’s glory! It’s going to take some work, but it will be so worth it!

      Here’s the good news, we don’t have to go on this adventure alone! We have not been left to figure this out on our own! God has given us His Word as the ultimate road map to a happy marriage. He has also put people in our path to guide us along the way which make this adventure even more beautiful.

      A Beautiful Adventure Marriage is a “guide” that when followed will help you to have a godly, happy marriage. We are going to dig into God’s Word to see what He says about marriage. We will also go through some practical wisdom and daily steps that can transform your relationship. Let’s empty our baggage of anything that is holding us back and fill it with items that will get us further down the road together. We will learn to partner with our spouse and with God to be intentional every day. We will learn to plan and pace ourselves so we can enjoy the journey and joyfully arrive at our destination. Marriage was God’s idea and it is a good idea. It can also be a beautiful adventure.

      Who is ready for the adventure of a lifetime? You can do this! You can have a happy marriage! It is going to be beautiful! Grab your spouse, your God, and your guide! Your destination awaits! Let’s go!

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    • Living Hope : An Inclusive Vision Of The Future


      We are living in a world desperately in need of hope.

      Do you yearn to live into a future filled with hope as a beloved child of God?

      Rooted in this great gift of God, Living Hope explores life in an inclusive vision of the future. This book offers you an opportunity to reflect on the witness of hope, the legacy about hope, the reason for hope, and helps you to engage in the practice of hope. Living Hope celebrates the possibility of restored hope in the church and the world and invites you to become a bearer of hope to others in our time.

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    • Lifelong Leadership : Woven Together Through Mentoring Communities


      What helps leaders break through to new levels of impact? What sustains leaders in the unrelenting work of Christian ministry? What guides leaders through difficult transitions and perplexing challenges?

      While many leadership books focus on the individual, Lifelong Leadership offers a comprehensive Mentoring Community model to support and develop Christian leaders, extending the work of God in and through ministry. This model was inspired by Leighton Ford as a way to inspire and support young leaders. MaryKate Morse is the inheritor of this leadership legacy. Her team has developed the Mentoring Community model, which is easy to replicate in a variety of settings.

      Lifelong Leadership has been field-tested throughout the world by leaders of various ages, contexts, and experiences and includes testimonials about the enduring impact of this collaborative approach to leadership development. If you’re looking for a successful leadership model in which people trust one another and share each other’s burdens, commit to personal growth over time, and integrate the abiding presence of God, you’ll want to implement Lifelong Leadership with your team.

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    • Stronger Together Weaker Apart


      “There will be no divisions among you.” 1 Corinthians 1:10

      We know that Satan is continuously at work trying to stir up strife between believers in the body of Christ. His dominant strategy is division. And why wouldn’t it be? It works. Whatever he can divide, he will conquer.

      The good news is Satan’s influence is never the last word for those who are in Christ Jesus.

      You can know true unity with your fellow believers, and Pastor Tony Evans stands ready to help you. In this collection of spiritually empowering prayers and devotions, you’ll find victory for your struggles and the strength to overcome negative self-talk, envy, fear, doubt, isolation, worry, apathy, and more–through the freedom found in prayers lifted up in our Lord’s name.

      Win the battle over division and let love and unity reign in your life . . . through the power and authority of Jesus Christ.

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    • Shifting Shadows : How A New York Drug Lord Found Freedom In The Last Place


      Herman Mendoza built his kingdom in Queens, New York. He made a fortune selling cocaine with his brothers up and down the Eastern Seaboard. He had apartments around the city for his mistresses and a home in the Poconos for his beautiful nuclear family. But when he and his brothers were busted in a large-scale crackdown, his kingdom crumbled. Ready to kill himself rather than live behind bars, Herman instead came face-to-face with the all-consuming love of God. He would never be the same.

      Today, Herman shares his story at every opportunity, knowing that it may play a part in someone else’s journey into a relationship with Jesus. An engaging and fast-paced read, Shifting Shadows offers hope to those in despair, and shows all of us the lengths to which God will go to bring a troubled soul home. Also available in Spanish as Sombras cambiantes.

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    • 3 Pieces Of Glass


      Addressing the crisis of loneliness from a fresh perspective, this book shows how three pieces of glass–car windshields, TVs, and cell phones–are emblematic of significant cultural shifts that have created a cultural habit of physical isolation and helps us rediscover what belonging in a place looks like.

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    • Beyond Hashtag Activism


      The world is not as God intends it to be.

      God’s heart is to make things right, and for the world to be just. But complex problems warrant more sustained attention than quick posts on social media. How can we actually make a difference? Activist Mae Elise Cannon takes us beyond the hashtags to serious engagement with real issues. God calls the church to respond substantively to the needs of the poor, the realities of racial inequity, and the mistreatment of women and the marginalized. We can accomplish change through a range of strategic avenues–spiritually, socially, legally, politically, and economically. And addressing the domestic and international injustices of our day takes us on a journey of spiritual transformation that brings us closer to God and those around us. Channel your passion to care effectively for your neighbor and the world. This book will help you understand and put into action what it means for the church to be a place of peace, justice, and hope.

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    • Hybrid World : Diaspora, Hybridity, And Missio Dei


      Linking… Blending… Intermixing with Divine Purpose.

      People are on the move. As individuals and people groups are constantly migrating, the un-reached have become part of our communities. This reality provides local Christ-followers with the challenge and opportunity of navigating both the global diaspora and mixed ethnicities.

      A Hybrid World is the product of a global consultation of church and mission leaders who discussed the implications of hybridity in the mission of God. The contributors draw from their collective experiences and perspectives, explore emerging concepts and initiatives, and ground them in authoritative Scripture for application to the challenges that hybridity presents to global missions.

      This book honestly wrestles with the challenges of ethnic hybridity and ultimately encourages the global church to celebrate the opportunities that our sovereign and loving God provides for the world’s scattered people to be gathered to himself.

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    • Broken Roads : Returning To My Amish Father – A Memoir


      In this insightful memoir, the New York Times bestselling author of Growing Up Amish tries to reconcile with his father, family, and heritage after leaving his faith behind.

      With his singular voice, Ira reveals his experience in BROKEN ROADS. Through difficult reunions, struggles confronted, and betrayals revisited, Ira explores burning questions of faith and identity shared by millions, whether Amish or not. Readers may recognize themselves along these paths with Ira, as he grapples with choices, faith, family, the past, and the future.

      Ira unapologetically, but compassionately, illuminates the inner world of the Amish community through his story of life after leaving, returning to his Amish father, and how they might mend the broken roads between them before it’s too late.

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    • Praying Women Study Guide


      Prayer is one of the most powerful, life-changing things we will ever do, and yet we often struggle. It’s hard to find the time. It’s repetitive, we get distracted and sometimes even bored. And the answers often feel few and far between. In this companion study guide to Praying Women, bestselling author Sheila Walsh shares practical helps directly from God’s Word, showing you how to know what to say, how to pray as a joy-filled warrior, and how to let go of the past and stand on God’s promises for you now.

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    • Love Like That


      Find the revolutionary path to success in the ultimate human challenge: truly loving other people. In this groundbreaking new book, #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr. Les Parrott weaves together insights from theology, psychology, and sociology to show ordinary believers how to radically change their relationships.

      Psychologist and relationship expert Dr. Les Parrott provides a revolutionary path to success in the ultimate human challenge: truly loving other people. Let’s be honest. How many times have you fallen short at being a good friend, a wise parent, or a self-giving spouse because you didn’t love–truly love–at the highest level? It’s tough. We’re bound to fail. The bar is so high, especially if you aspire to love like Jesus. But it’s not impossible. In Love Like Jesus, Dr. Parrott takes the latest findings from sociology and psychology and blends them with biblical understanding to reveal practical and often counter-intuitive ways of loving like never before. He breaks them down into five factors–being mindful, being approachable, being a grace-giver, being vulnerable, and being empathetic–and shows how to practice them in daily life. The result will be deeply fulfilling and meaningful connections with nearly anyone you encounter–but especially in the relationships that matter most.

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    • Its Okay Not To Be Okay Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Life is not always as we imagined it would be. Sheila Walsh wants you to face the pain of yesterday head-on and then start again, from right where you are. In this companion study guide to It’s Okay Not to Be Okay, she helps you overcome the same old rut of struggles and pain by changing the way you think about God, yourself, and your everyday life. Her practical, doable, daily strategies will help you move forward one step at a time, knowing God will never let you down.

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    • Secret Fame Or Failure


      Generations past and present have always debated gender role and gender stereotype with much variance. What is paradoxical is that many of the concepts governing women in society do not originate among women. Sad but true, in some cultures the value placed on women is equal to that of a commodity or a product used by consumers. Female bias can be less remuneration than their male counterpart for the same job. Within religious circles, although women and men received the same theological training, women are not recognized in the same manner.

      As a health professional, personal conversations with thousands of women from around the world revealed one trend. They had little self-worth, were not empowered and others saw them similarly. It must be noted that even historians portray no ancient writing as unique as the bible, whose successful female characters existed within an exclusively male dominant culture when women were excluded from the population statistic of their times (Exodus. 11:37) and (Matt.14:21 and 15:38).

      Significant changes are occurring in some areas of the world as women struggle for their rights to freedom and equity. While writing this book, British Broadcasting Cooperation (BBC) highlighted areas of breakthrough, the first story women drivers in Saudi Arabia allowed obtaining driver’s license. The second story featured a stewardess on a Turkish Airline taking legal action against the Airline for been paid less than her male counterpart. The third Malala Yousafzai (Noble Peace Prize Winner) who was shot in her head by the Taliban 2012 for campaigning for education among girls was fit to return home after six years. The fourth a major historical land mark; her campaign for women’s right to vote during the 19th Century was memorialized in 2018 more than one hundred years later. In her honor Millicent Farcet the first female statue was erected and unveiled in London.

      Secret: Fame or Failure provides unbiased, biblical solutions, empowering women by positive role models (although not exclusively for women). It features life in the palace and life among ordinary people who did uncommon things. This unique book enhances the knowledge of men and women who have read and studied the bible for many years creating a hunger for cultural, ancestral heritage within scriptures. It is saturated with revelation and teachings linking the lives of the biblical women to women today.

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    • Secret Fame Or Failure


      Generations past and present have always debated gender role and gender stereotype with much variance. What is paradoxical is that many of the concepts governing women in society do not originate among women. Sad but true, in some cultures the value placed on women is equal to that of a commodity or a product used by consumers. Female bias can be less remuneration than their male counterpart for the same job. Within religious circles, although women and men received the same theological training, women are not recognized in the same manner.

      As a health professional, personal conversations with thousands of women from around the world revealed one trend. They had little self-worth, were not empowered and others saw them similarly. It must be noted that even historians portray no ancient writing as unique as the bible, whose successful female characters existed within an exclusively male dominant culture when women were excluded from the population statistic of their times (Exodus. 11:37) and (Matt.14:21 and 15:38).

      Significant changes are occurring in some areas of the world as women struggle for their rights to freedom and equity. While writing this book, British Broadcasting Cooperation (BBC) highlighted areas of breakthrough, the first story women drivers in Saudi Arabia allowed obtaining driver’s license. The second story featured a stewardess on a Turkish Airline taking legal action against the Airline for been paid less than her male counterpart. The third Malala Yousafzai (Noble Peace Prize Winner) who was shot in her head by the Taliban 2012 for campaigning for education among girls was fit to return home after six years. The fourth a major historical land mark; her campaign for women’s right to vote during the 19th Century was memorialized in 2018 more than one hundred years later. In her honor Millicent Farcet the first female statue was erected and unveiled in London.

      Secret: Fame or Failure provides unbiased, biblical solutions, empowering women by positive role models (although not exclusively for women). It features life in the palace and life among ordinary people who did uncommon things. This unique book enhances the knowledge of men and women who have read and studied the bible for many years creating a hunger for cultural, ancestral heritage within scriptures. It is saturated with revelation and teachings linking the lives of the biblical women to women today.

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    • Come Back : Returning To The Life You Were Made For


      Are there places in your life you need to come back from? Maybe it’s around family brokenness or a friend’s betrayal. It could be classmate drama or a family divorce. Perhaps money problems or health issues have caused a loss. Whatever the case, it feels like life has been against you. Come Back: Returning to the Life You Were Made For offers five elements that are crucial to renewal. Each element is paired with an ancient practice that has helped people for thousands of years in countless cultures navigate the tricky waters of transformation. These five practices are designed for everyday people. It’s not too late and you’re not too far gone. You were made for a turnaround. You don’t need a spiritual pedigree to start the journey. Here’s what you do need: A heart-felt desire to see your life change and an openness to the process. That’s it. The rest will be revealed along the way.

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    • Hope In Any Crisis


      A Crisis Is a Privileged Time to Be Alive

      Times of disaster are unavoidable. We don’t get to choose whether or not to live in such times. We can only choose what to do with the time that we live. Will we let fear and darkness overwhelm us, or will we choose to shine the light of hope?

      In HOPE in Any Crisis, pastor and best-selling author Bill Johnson reveals the powerful divine protection offered to you as a believer, three responses you can experience in times of uncertainty, and your responsibility to have hope in all things. You’ll discover the following:

      *Kingdom solutions that bring hope in times of crisis
      *How to stay sane in the midst of craziness and bring peace to a fearful world
      *How to rest in God’s protection as you pray the authority of Scripture

      As Christians, we have the answers the world is looking for, and times of crisis give us the opportunity to show them just how good God is.

      After reading this book, you will find rest in the safety of God’s protection and be inspired to share His peace and comfort with others who are gripped by fear during uncertain times.

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    • Bible And Borders


      With so many people around the globe migrating, how should Christians and the church respond? Leading Latino-American biblical scholar M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas) helps readers understand what the Bible says about immigration, offering accessible, nuanced, and sympathetic guidance for the church.

      After two successful editions of Christians at the Border, and having talked and written about immigration over the past decade, Carroll has sharpened his focus and refined his argument to make sure we hear clearly what the Bible says about one of the most pressing issues of our day. He has reworked the biblical material, adding insights and broadening the frame of reference beyond the US. As Carroll explores the surprising amount of material in the Old and New Testaments that deals with migration, he shows how this topic is fundamental to the message of the Bible and how it affects our understanding of God and the mission of the church.

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    • Love Riot : A Teenage Call To Live With Relentless Abandon For Christ


      Young people are walking away from the church and those still in the church often struggle with indifference about their faith. But it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s time for a revolution, a holy uprising. A riot.

      With passion and authenticity, teen author Sara Barratt calls on her generation to reject apathy and embrace a daring, costly faith. Not content with safe religion that demands nothing of us, Sara shows teens how they can stop giving in to the status quo and devote themselves fully to Christ, following him no matter what their friends do or the culture around them does. She challenges them to give everything over–their comfort zones, their time, their loyalties, their pride–and discover that in losing control they are gaining the life that was meant for them all along. Love Riot is a battle cry from one teen to another to embrace a life of wholehearted commitment and relentless abandon for Christ . . . no matter the cost.

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    • Prophetic Warrior : Operating In Your True Prophetic Authority


      When God gives prophetic words, we must fight for their manifestation!

      Many believers receive encouraging prophetic words, but grow increasingly discouraged as time passes, and the word goes unfulfilled.

      Emma Stark believes that there is one missing ingredient preventing prophetic words from becoming reality: boldness.

      Growing up in Northern Ireland, prophet Emma Stark was raised in an environment that cultivated boldness. In her ministry, she has become known for a no-nonsense approach to the prophetic. Now, she releases an impartation of boldness, courage, and faith to help you war for every promise from God.

      In The Prophetic Warrior, you will learn to:
      *Conquer the spirit of timidity and fear when it comes to the prophetic
      *Operate in supernatural boldness to move mountains, release miracles, and enter into new realms of divine encounter
      *Break free from passivity, and war for God’s promises
      *Prophesy the changes that God longs to release into impossible situations.
      *Expect responses from Heaven
      *Receive a “spiritual determination” to see measurable breakthrough

      You carry words from God that are meant to transform earth. Step out in boldness and manifest Heaven’s realities!

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    • Covenant Of Marriage


      God’s plan for Marriage is built upon the defining reality of Covenant relationships–the sharing and merger of identity; God’s plan to build the deepest love and strongest relationships is explored.

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    • Gospel Of Matthew


      Come and experience the Scriptures in a fresh and life-giving way. In this collaboration between Alabaster Co. and IVP, the full text of the Gospel of Matthew is presented alongside beautiful full-color photographs and fourteen guided meditations by Bible teacher, author, and spiritual director Jan Johnson. Carefully designed as a practical, study-focused version of Alabaster’s other bible books, the Alabaster Guided Meditations invite readers into deeper reflection by incorporating the church’s ancient lectio divina and visio divina traditions. Though the intersection of New Living Translation Bible passages, photography, thoughtfully designed layouts, and meditations, readers are invited to experience the Gospel of Matthew anew.

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    • Experiencing The Secret Place


      Discover the secrets of Heaven through Heart-to-Heart times with God.*

      This 40-day devotional is a journey into encountering the deep places of God’s presence. Each entry contains specific, actionable steps for cultivating a closer relationship with the Lover of Your Soul. These powerful devotionals invite you into a deeper friendship with God than you ever thought was possible.

      In these supernatural encounters discover the peace, strength, and life-change He promises:
      *In the midst of confusion, find the clarity from hearing God’s voice.
      *When fear comes your way, rest secure in His presence.
      *When impossible situations present themselves, confront them with confidence in His miracle-working power.

      The secrets to victory in everyday life come from the secret place of God’s Presence. Encounter Him today!

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    • Kings Decree : Throne Room Declarations That Release Supernatural Answers T


      Declarations That Carry the Thunder of Heaven

      When it comes to prayer, many believers don’t know where to begin. But what if your prayers were transformed from a one-sided conversation into a dynamic, supernatural encounter with the King of Heaven?

      Jodie and Ben Hughes were key leaders in the Pineapple Revival–a powerful Holy Spirit outpouring in Australia. But during this time of spiritual breakthrough, Jodie found herself in the midst of intense personal struggle, including a major battle for her health. It was through this adversity that the principles in this book were tested and proven.

      The King’s Decree is an invitation to enter Heaven’s throne room through prayer, hear God’s thunderous voice, and echo His Words. When we pray the words of Heaven, God will transform Earth!

      In this powerful book Jodie Hughes teaches you how to…
      *Experience a “tent of meeting” encounter with God through prayer
      *Partner with God by making declarations that represent His voice
      *Translate Heaven’s words into powerful Kingdom decrees
      *Release life over areas of darkness and oppression
      *Receive practical mentorship in making effective declarations

      Prepare for a major upgrade in your prayer life. The King wants to use your voice to transform your world as you echo The King’s Decree!

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    • This Too Shall Last


      Every Christian lives between pain and redemption. Some face suffering more acutely, but we all suffer at times, whether due to health, relational stress, loss, finances, trauma, or any other of a myriad of problems this life presents us. In a culture obsessed with ease, it’s difficult to make sense of our suffering. As Christians, we can sometimes feel betrayed: Why does God allow us to hurt?

      Ten years ago chronic illness plunged therapist and writer K.J. Ramsey directly into this paradox. Before her illness, faith made sense. But after pain’s intrusive debut, K.J. had to find a way across the widening canyon that seemed to separate God’s goodness from her excruciating circumstances.

      What she discovered was a new place and source of surprising joy. In the midst of suffering she encountered the God who willingly took on broken, human flesh, the God who so united himself to the human experience that he is never far from our pain.

      This Too Shall Last offers an antidote to the Western and Christian idolatry of ease. For anyone who suffers or cares about someone who suffers, it points to a surprising comfort, beauty, and joy available in the midst of hard times. Discover afresh the God who stands in solidarity with us and is always enough, whatever challenges we face.

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    • Living With The Psalms


      John L. Bell writes luminously on the Psalms – poems Jesus knew and quoted – which have blessed the most unsuspecting of people.

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    • Wait With Me


      “To be human is to be lonely.”

      When his seventy-something spiritual director Friar Ugo spoke these words in a voice cracking with age, Jason Gaboury felt a deep sense of their truth. To the observer, Jason, a campus minister, active church member, and father with a young family, might not have seemed lonely. But it’s how he felt. He has wrestled with loneliness ever since he can remember, perhaps before he can remember . . . through childhood, college, and into adulthood. When Friar Ugo challenged him to see loneliness as a context for friendship with God, things began to change. In these pages God invites you to stop and wait with him in your own moments of isolation and anxiety. It’s an invitation into a journey through loneliness into a deeper life with God.

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    • Soul Care In African American Practice


      In the midst of our hectic, overscheduled lives, caring for the soul is imperative.

      Now, more than ever, we need to pause–intentionally–and encounter the Divine. Soul care director Barbara Peacock illustrates a journey of prayer, spiritual direction, and soul care from an African American perspective. She reflects on how these disciplines are woven into the African American culture and lived out in the rich heritage of its faith community. Using examples of ten significant men and women–Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Darrell Griffin, Renita Weems, Harold Carter, Jessica Ingram, Coretta Scott King, James Washington, and Howard Thurman–Barbara offers us the opportunity to engage in practices of soul care as we learn from these spiritual leaders. If you’ve yearned for a more culturally authentic experience of spiritual transformation in your life and community, this book will help you grow in new yet timeless ways. Come to the river to draw deeply for your soul’s refreshment.

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