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Practicas De La Predicacion Cr – (Spanish)
$29.41Leading homiletician Jared Alacntara offers a Spanish edition of his practice-centered, intentionally collaborative, technologically innovative, next-generation introductory preaching textbook.
The English edition broke new ground by adopting a practice-based approach to teaching preaching and by using innovative technological delivery to enhance the educational experience of learners. Now Alcantara brings his unique approach to Spanish-speaking pastors in training, Spanish-language Bible institutes, and bilingual classrooms.
Alcantara introduces the basics of Christian preaching and emphasizes the skills preachers can cultivate throughout their lives. The book features the perspectives of a diverse team of collaborators, helping preachers stay attuned to the multicultural world we inhabit. Call-outs direct readers to a companion website for further information or practice. The online resources include audio and video sermons, video responses from the author, and contributions from collaborators. These ancillary materials are available in either English or Spanish, with reciprocal subtitles, to facilitate a variety of educational uses.
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Ministros De Jesucristo – (Spanish)
$19.99Ministros de Jesucristo del Curso de Formacion Teologica Evangelica volumen 11 de Jose Maria Martinez, examina de manera practica y amplia el termino “ministro”.
Pensando no solo en los pastores; tambien se dirige a los ancianos, diaconos, consejeros, evangelistas, misioneros, lideres de grupos de jovenes o de mujeres y laicos; que tienen las responsabilidades de la enseanza y predicacion en la iglesia y el liderazgo Cristiano.
Este libro pertenece a la coleccion del Curso de Formacion Teologica Evangelica, dirigido a seminarios e institutos biblicos.
Los libros se dividen en tres grandes areas:
1. La primera parte se enfoca en la forma mas practica de interes para el ministro, la labor de predicacion y enseanza.
2. La segunda parte se centra en la forma mas practica del trabajo pastoral y la salud de las almas, para formar al pastor como consejero y lider en la Iglesia. Detalla los problemas que suele plantear una congregacion y la respuesta pastoral que corresponde a cada caso.
3. La tercera parte, tambien de forma muy practica, se ocupa de los temas administrativos y de organizacion.
Este libro pertenece a la coleccion del Curso de Formacion Teologica Evangelica, dirigido a seminarios e institutos biblicos.
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Como Preparar Y Predicar Mejor – (Spanish)
$13.99Tras analizar muchos sermones ajenos y propios, el autor, descubre que hay una epidemia que ha estado matando la predicacion de la iglesia durante decadas: la frialdad, la abstraccion, la entretencion, el espectaculo y el academicismo desabrido. Como descubrir, entonces, el secreto para transformar sermones comunes y aburridos en sermones extraordinarios? Como elaborarlos? El Reverendo Galvez, despues de servir muchos aos en el Ministerio de La Palabra, consigue elaborar y predicar sermones destacados. Procurando construir un buen titulo en cada sermon, una acertada introduccion, divisiones solidas, cuerpo y formas de contornos definidos, con unidad coherente en las diferentes partes del sermon, destacando las verdades esenciales, trasladandolas de manera sencilla, interesante, entendible, creible, con pasion, conviccion, dependiendo del auxilio del Espiritu Santo.
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Predicacion Que Aviva – (Spanish)
$17.99El Reverendo Klassen esta en una situacion excelente para proveer esta introduccion acerca de Edwards y la predicacion que aviva, especialmente a pastores y lideres religiosos del mundo de habla hispana. Como misionero de larga trayectoria, predicador, y pastor en Sudamerica, Canada y Espana, Ernie aporta su propio llamamiento y experiencia para esta tarea. Tambien aporta una profunda apreciacion acerca de Edwards dirigida a traves de la lectura independiente de sus escritos y de su asistencia a series de cursos estivales.
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Poder De La Predicacion Y La E – (Spanish)
$15.99Most preaching and teaching in the church engages only one of the senses-hearing. In The Power of Multisensory Preaching and Teaching, Rick Blackwood shows how recognizing and engaging the multiple senses of the congregation can lead to greater impact.
Blackwood presents both biblical evidence and scientific research showing that the more senses we stimulate in teaching and preaching, the greater the levels of learner attention, comprehension, and retention. Blackwood addresses both the “why” and the “how” of multisensory communication. Regardless of one’s current skill level, this practical book can help anyone add multi-sensory elements to messages in order to take communication to the next level-more compelling, clear, and memorable. As a result of reading this book readers can be more effective as a communicator and teacher. The book includes tools, examples, and worksheets.
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Bosquejos Para Predicadores 4 – (Spanish)
$15.99Sermon outlines on social action, spiritual growth, special days, Holy Week, leadership, the Parables in Matthew, the Our Father, apostles creed, the family, prophecy, and the Fruit of the Spirit.
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Bosquejos Para Predicadores 5 – (Spanish)
$18.99This volume of sermon outlines is dedicated to the topics of pastoral formation and the role of the Christian pastor. Also included are outlines on such topics as the spiritual armor of the believer, doctrines, the death of Jesus and allegorical themes in the Bible.
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Pulpito – (Spanish)
$24.99Only book available that addresses the distinctive issues and character of preacing in Hispanic congregations. The authors discuss important historical, theoretical, and methodological issues in Hispanic homiletics. Includes ten sermons.
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Bosquejos Selectos Para Predic – (Spanish)
$10.99: If you are a: _ Pastor or evangelist _ Minister or layman _ Student of homiletics _ Bible teacher You will find practical and inspirational help in the two works included in this book. In this study of homiletics, Jay E. Adams focuses on the need for messages that flow from a heart devoted to God so that the words may penetrate the heart of the listener. This book will help you to receive the Biblical message of God for the church and to preach it from the heart.
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Principios De Predicacion – (Spanish)
$22.99Se requiere una habilidad poco usual en el manejo del idioma literario para combinar profundidad y sencillez para definir terminos profesionales en lenguaje laico y a la vez hacer un libro de texto y manual de inspiracion. Pablo Jimenez tiene esa capacidad. Su tratado sobre la predicacion esta redactado en lenguaje sencillo y ampliamente ilustrado. Es suficientemente ameno como para servir de material suplementario o de inspiracion a quienes solo quieren disfrutar un poco de buena lectura y de la cual sacar ideas para su uso personal. Sin embargo a la vez esta obra es suficientemente profunda como para convertirse en libro de texto para institutos teologicos, colegios o seminarios.
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Bosquejos Homilecticos – (Spanish)
$13.99This book presents two topics.
First, HOMILETIC I, is for teachers and students in Biblical Institutes through local studies and correspondence courses. Second, CHOSEN OUTLINES presents a collection of carefully selected sermon outlines from the heart of people who have devoted themselves to the work behind the pulpit.
With the help of the Holy Spirit, the reader will find a variety of abundant material for the preparation of their messages and other subjects that can be presented and studied in the church. It’s our hope that this volume will help inspire and give direction to the
person who is willing to utilize the context of this book and also to those who will listen to the glorious message of the Lord.
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