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    Pastoral Helps

    • Antropologia Cultural – (Spanish)


      This book presents the field of anthropology from the Christian point of view. The authors with their experience as pastors, missionaries and academics offer an introduction to the appreciation of the different cultures created by God. Some of the subjects are anthropology and missions, verbal and non-verbal communication, economy and technology, marriage and family, group and communities, religions.

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    • Tres Meses En La Escuela De La (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      Each of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers.

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    • Tres Meses En La Escuela Del E (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      Each of the volumes in this series contains 13 major Bible studies, one for each week during a three-month period. In between each week’s study are six short, personal daily studies.
      Written in Spanish, the volumes are adaptable for use in various Bible study settings, including Sunday school, week-night studies, retreats, and personal Bible study.

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    • Tres Meses En La Escuela De Ma (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      Each of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers.

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    • Vida Cristiana Victoriosa – (Spanish)


      In this conference the author starts by examining the personal experience of every Christian that shamefully, leaves a lot to be desired. Then he describes the kind of Christian life that God told us to have. Some of the themes that he covers are to commit and believe; these are the conditions for victory. But also the author advises about the tests of faith that will follow. He exhorts all the believers to grow in the grace of Jesus Christ.

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    • Guia Pare El Estudio En Grupo (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study G


      This book offers a study of the Bible divided into units and weekly lessons that facilitate the study individually as well in groups. Each lesson ends with suggestions for our daily lives. In this book you will find an analysis of the creation, the fall, the promise of redemption, Jesus Christ God-man and his ministry

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    • Exegesis Del Nuevo Testamento – (Spanish)


      This manual is an exhaustive study, a process in which reasons for undertakings will be examined. Methodically study an entire text of the Bible, to attempt to resolve the difficulties on a problematic passage, or to prepare a sermon or a Bible Study.

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    • Como Predicar Expositivamente – (Spanish)


      “Liefeld takes us through some tricky topics. This book had an agreeable and warm tone, in reverence to the Sacred Scriptures but without avoiding the problems and challenges of our day and age. I’m convinced that seminary graduates within the last decade will come to use this book as a useful guide for the major problems that a preacher in any congregation will face.” David L. Larsen, President of the faculty of the Institute of Theology Evangelical Trinity

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    • Como Estudiar La Biblia – (Spanish)


      James Braga has written this book using the techniques of the study of the Scripture and has exposed the concepts in a clear and simple style. He presents a variety of methods of biblical study from a wide and careful view, so that the reader doesn’t need a previous knowledge of the Bible. This makes this book an ideal book for a group or individual study.

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    • Fundamentos Para El Educador E – (Spanish)


      In response to a need of Sunday school teachers, William Martin has condensed the most important principles from the series Fundamentals for Sunday School Workers, and so building a brief but efficient program for the formation of teachers.

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    • Respuestas A Preguntas Dificil – (Spanish)


      Why does a good God allow evil to continue? This and other tough questions asked by skeptics of the Christian faith are tackled by McDowell and Stuart.

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    • Mucho Mas Que Numeros – (Spanish)


      The term “Church growth” has quickly become popular, yet what is it? Who shares from his own personal experience in pioneering the largest church in the world.

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    • Grupos Familiares Y El Crecimi – (Spanish)


      The lesson of this very interesting project will provide you with all the materials you need to accomplish what the Holy Spirit has already accomplished in Seoul and many other parts of the world including through the author, David Yonggi Cho.

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    • Administracion En La Iglesia C – (Spanish)


      This book, apart from being an excellent text for biblical institutes with exercises and workbooks at the end of each chapter, will assist every pastor and leader or a church.

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    • Pastor Como Consejero – (Spanish)


      This book presents what pastoral counseing is all about: basic psychology concepts, knowledge of how the human mind works and a sound biblical foundation.

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    • Escuela Domincal Dinamica – (Spanish)


      Written by one of the nation’s foremost Christian education writers, this book addresses the biblical philosophy behind the Sunday School ministry. It also develops the practical aspects that are imperative to any successful program.

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    • Brujula Para El Ministerio Eva – (Spanish)


      Twenty-three distinguished evangelical leaders from Latin America with a solid biblical formation have worked on this book. Although all of them write from their own point of view and based on the needs of their own country, this book will help everybody in Latin America in general.

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    • Escalera De La Predicacion – (Spanish)


      The biggest problem beginning ministers face is acquiring the right technique to do their work right. This resource will help you carry the important task of preaching the Gospel.

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    • Bosquejos Homilecticos – (Spanish)


      This book presents two topics.

      First, HOMILETIC I, is for teachers and students in Biblical Institutes through local studies and correspondence courses. Second, CHOSEN OUTLINES presents a collection of carefully selected sermon outlines from the heart of people who have devoted themselves to the work behind the pulpit.

      With the help of the Holy Spirit, the reader will find a variety of abundant material for the preparation of their messages and other subjects that can be presented and studied in the church. It’s our hope that this volume will help inspire and give direction to the

      person who is willing to utilize the context of this book and also to those who will listen to the glorious message of the Lord.

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    • Edificare Mi Iglesia – (Spanish)


      Supported by a large fruit-bearing ministry, the Rev. Melvin L. Hodges contributed to this book by sharing his broad knowledge regarding the methods of biblical propagation, government and support of the church.

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    • Mensajero Y Su Mensaje – (Spanish)


      This is a simple and practical manual of how to organize sermons, with the purpose of helping pastors and all those who want to present in an auditorium the message that God has given you.

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    • Curso Para Novios Diario Perso – (Spanish)


      Este Diario Personal esta diseado para ser usado con la serie de videos del Curso Para Novios/Prematrimonial. Este curso fue desarrollado por Nicky y Sila Lee, quienes lideran los ministerios de familia en la Iglesia HTB en Londres. El Curso Para Novios/Prematrimonial esta diseado para ayudar a las parejas comprometidas o que estan explorando el matrimonio a construir los cimientos para una relacion duradera. Aunque el curso se basa en principios cristianos, esta diseado para parejas con o sin antecedentes religiosos.

      Este Diario Personal para invitados esta diseado para ser utilizado junto con la serie de videos del Curso Para Novios/Prematrimonial. La serie de cinco sesiones esta diseada para ayudar a las parejas que estan comprometidas o estan pensando prepararse para un futuro.

      Las sesiones cubren:

      *La Comunicacion
      *El Conflicto
      *El Compromiso
      *La Conexion
      *Iniciando la Aventura

      Esta guia para lideres esta incluida con la serie de videos del Curso Para Novios/Prematrimonial (9780310122470), la cual se vende por separado.

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