Pastoral Helps
Showing 101–164 of 164 resultsSorted by latest
Hechura De Un Lider – (Spanish)
$23.99Add to cartHistory shows us: nations rise and fall according to how effective their leaders are. Frank Damazio tells us: so do churches! In The Making of a Leader, Damazio provides a deep discussion of what it means to be responsible for a group of “followers.” He explains the philosophy, history, qualifications, preparation, and practice of Christian leadership—and equips you to rise above the evil forces competing for lost souls.
Zona Biblica En El Desierto – (Spanish)
$22.99Add to cartBibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).
Zona Biblica En El Desierto (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)
$22.99Add to cartBibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).
Zona Biblica En El Desierto (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)
$22.99Add to cartBibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).
Zona Biblica En La Case De Dio (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)
$22.99Add to cartBibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! Each BibleZone Live! kit includes a teacher’s guide with accompanying CD and the zillies kids love. With each kit comes three transparencies, which you can project onto the wall or duplicate and hand out to the class. BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).
Zona Biblica En La Casa De Dio (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)
$22.99Add to cartBibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! Each BibleZone Live! kit includes a teacher’s guide with accompanying CD and the zillies kids love. With each kit comes three transparencies, which you can project onto the wall or duplicate and hand out to the class. BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).
Generacion De Adoradores – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartMusic is a powerful healer, but worship is more than healing. We are tired of hearing that young people think that meetings are boring. In this book, you will find keys for worship leaders and youth pastors who wish to lead the new generation to the throne of God. Emmanuel Espinosa, Lucas Leys and Danilo Montero bring many years of experience in worship and discipling young people to the table.
Iglesia Como Un Equipo – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartDescripcion (Description): Su iglesia puede tener muchos miembros, pero, tiene cada miembro un proposito? En La iglesia como un equipo, el pastor Wayne Cordeiro recalca que los miembros de la congregacion son insignificantes si no se involucran. No obstante, si trabajan unidos en equipo con una meta claramente definida, todo es posible y ademas todos comparten el gozo y la gratificacion del exito.
Your church may have many members, but does every member have a purpose? In La iglesia como un equipo, Pastor Wayne Cordeiro underscores that church members are insignificant when every individual is not involved. However, if the team members work together as one toward a single, clearly defined goal, anything is possible – and everyone shares in the joys and rewards of success!
Comunion Y Comunidad Introducc – (Spanish)
$22.99Add to cart“La vida en comunidad es lo mas esencial de la espiritualidad cristiana, y es la esencia misma del reino de Dios… La espiritualidad cristiana consiste en un nuevo modo de relacionarnos en amor, pues es precisamente esto lo que claramente distingue a la comunidad creyente de cualquier otra comunidad humana”. Al definir asi la espiritualidad cristiana, el Dr. Cassese derriba el obsoleto paradigma que intentaba buscar la perfecta relacion con Dios a traves del aislamiento, de la pura relacion personal e individual con Dios. En particular porque en realidad es en la comunidad donde la espiritualidad se realiza, se prueba, se evalua, crece y se perfecciona. Este libro, por lo tanto, nos ayudara a comprender y vivir la espiritualidad desde la vida cotidiana en comunidad, desde la inter-relacion e inter-accion con nuestros hermanos y hermanas, desde la inmersion profunda en la vida misma.
Por Roberto Amparo Rivera, PhD
La iglesia como institucion tradicionalmente ha reflejado en la practica las tendencias y valores de la sociedad en que se desenvuelven. Por eso no es de maravillarse encontrar hoy dia creyentes individualistas y congregaciones que son mas grupos de individuos que comunidades integradas. A pesar de que el amor de Dios, que supuestamente distingue la comunidad, “no busca lo suyo”, los miembros de estas iglesias se preocupan mas de sus propios intereses que del bienestar comunitario. En este estado de cosas, el libro Comunion y comunidad, de Giacomo Cassese, es un grito de alerta y una invitacion a recobrar el sentido comunitario de la fe cristiana.
Hay una opinion generalizada de que la cultura occidental es cada vez mas espiritualista. En este contexto, la espiritualidad se mide en terminos de practicas esotericas de meditacion, ayuno, contemplacion de la naturaleza y lecturas de documentos misteriosos de religiones orientales. La contraparte cristiana percibe la espritualidad solo en su dimension vertical; “el alma en relacion con Dios”, mientras que el resto de la vida no hace ninguna aplicacion a las relaciones diarias con los semejantes.
En marcado contraste, Cassese define espiritualidad como un estilo de relacionarse y de vivir en comunidad. Para los cristianos, afirma el autor, espiritualidad conlleva vivir la vida en su plenitud y con proposito. Solo en la comunion con Cristo nos entendemos como personas de comunidad. Y es a partir de la persona de Crist
Introduccion Al Aseoramiento P – (Spanish)
$22.99Add to cartLa perdida de valores morales que llevan a considerar todo desde una perspectiva groseramente relativista; la situacion social y economica tan critica que lleva a tratar de protegernos de cualquier manera posible; el materialismo contemporaneo que nos hace creer que teniendo mas cosas seremos mas felices; y otros muchos aspectos similares, han provocado una crisis que se refleja y tiene sus efectos en la pareja y familia contemporanea. La sociedad ha contagiado su enfermedad a la familia.
Asi pues, esta unidad basica sufre los devastadores efectos del tiempo y sociedad en que nos ha tocado vivir. Hay algo que se pueda hacer? Hay remedio que alivie esa enfermedad?
El Dr. Maldonado nos muestra que para que la familia pueda procesar cualquier situacion critica que esten viviendo y salir avante por el camino de la recuperacion y el crecimiento, la mayor parte del tiempo requiere de orientacion, consejo, o asesoria. Asi pues, y desde la perspectiva cristiana, en este libro el Dr. Maldonado presenta los elementos basicos de la asesoria, los criterios que serviran para identificar a una familia sana e ir hacia ella, y las metas que se deben perseguir al asesorar y que serviran al asesor o consejero para promover el sano crecimiento tanto de la pareja como de la familia. Porque, a final de cuentas, la familia no es solamente el lugar donde encontramos refugio y alimento. La familia, por sobre todo, es el lugar donde nos formamos como y donde somos verdaderamente humanos y cristianos.
Juegos Para Refrescar Tu Minis (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)
$13.99Add to cartA library of ideas Do you want games that are dynamic, that make you run or exercise until you fall exhausted? Here’s a place to find them. Do you need quiet games for a small or passive group? You will find those here as well. In Games To Refresh, you will find more than 400 recreational activities, both indoor as well as outdoor, that adolescents will love. Ball games: Twice the fun for a meeting of the church leadership, with only half the heat. Basketball and volleyball games: Everything about throws and baskets. They go crazy over these extravagant transformations of the sports. Indoor games for large groups: Reserve the church gymnasium or another large room for an evening to develop camaraderie. Parlor games: Great for parties or informal reunions. And much more!
Dialogo Ministerial – (Spanish)
$7.99Add to cartThe complexity, demands and pressure of ministry are the main topic in many studies and debates. However, only a pastor knows about the defeats and victories of the ministry. This is a dynamic and inspirational book written for ministers with the purpose of clarifying some of the confusing aspects of the job.
Principios De Educacion Cristi – (Spanish)
$22.99Add to cartThis book invites anyone, regardless of their profession, to participate in the great adventure of teaching Scripture. It stresses the importance of Christian education as it relates to the church’s mission, and provides a profile that Sunday school teachers should strive toward. It also provides instruction for developing an effective and attractive class plan, as well as techniques and activities that make the gatherings more interesting and transformational.
Bosquejos Selectos Para Predic – (Spanish)
$10.99Add to cart: If you are a: _ Pastor or evangelist _ Minister or layman _ Student of homiletics _ Bible teacher You will find practical and inspirational help in the two works included in this book. In this study of homiletics, Jay E. Adams focuses on the need for messages that flow from a heart devoted to God so that the words may penetrate the heart of the listener. This book will help you to receive the Biblical message of God for the church and to preach it from the heart.
Lecciones Biblicas Creativas D – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartIn Creative Bible Lessons on the Life of Jesus, you will find 12 solid lesson plans and lists to use in teaching about Jesus’ short ministry here on the earth. These lessons will help make your teaching more entertaining and will take your students to the central theme: Jesus’ life is relevant and timely for Christians today. Contains teaching aids that help stimulate small groups discussions, learning games, humorous scripts, sketches and, many more creative study resources. The lessons explore the life of Jesus as: God, Man, Savior, Healer, Servant, Shepherd, Provider, Redeemer and Hero.
En Sus Manos – (Spanish)
$10.99Add to cartIn God’s dwelling place there are different types of vessels. Evangelist David Greco explains how God works with us to transform our lives and turn us into vessels. The divine Potter turns us each into a different vessel. He makes vessels of honor, mercy, chosen, clean, broken, of dishonor, and of hate. And He molds each one to make them useful and for His glory. Do you know which type of vessel you are?
17 Leyes Incuestionables Del T – (Spanish)
$17.99Add to cartTodo el mundo es parte de un equipo.
Si usted esta casado, usted y su conyuge son un equipo. Si es un empleado, usted y su compaeros de trabajo son un equipo. Si usted da su tiempo a una iglesia u otra organizacion, es parte de un equipo de voluntarios. En su estilo unico y facil de entender, el Dr. Maxwell explica de una manera sencilla de retener el proceso de construir un equipo ganador y como ponerlo en practica.
17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
Everyone is part of some team.
This book contains laws that you can count on when it comes to getting people to work together, but it tells them in such a way that you can start applying them to your life today. -
Principios De Predicacion – (Spanish)
$22.99Add to cartSe requiere una habilidad poco usual en el manejo del idioma literario para combinar profundidad y sencillez para definir terminos profesionales en lenguaje laico y a la vez hacer un libro de texto y manual de inspiracion. Pablo Jimenez tiene esa capacidad. Su tratado sobre la predicacion esta redactado en lenguaje sencillo y ampliamente ilustrado. Es suficientemente ameno como para servir de material suplementario o de inspiracion a quienes solo quieren disfrutar un poco de buena lectura y de la cual sacar ideas para su uso personal. Sin embargo a la vez esta obra es suficientemente profunda como para convertirse en libro de texto para institutos teologicos, colegios o seminarios.
17 Cualidades Escenciales De U – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cart288 Paginas
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Las cualidades que Maxwell ensena, lo lleva a uno rapidamente al corazon del trabajo en equipo. Cualquier persona puede entenderlas y aplicarlas en su vida – ya sea en la casa o en el trabajo, en la iglesia o en el parque de beisbol. Si aprende las 17 cualidades esenciales de un jugador de equipo, podra convertirse en la clase de persona que todo equipo desea. Si todos en su equipo lo hacen, no habra quien los detenga. -
Lecciones Biblicas Creativas P – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartThink of it as a lean, mean, Bible doctrine course_without the lecture; but it doew have lots of options, music and drama, small-group work, and reproducible, interactive worksheets with eye-catching designs and soul-searching content. In these 12 clear, complete sessions, author Chap Clark guides kids (and you) through the Big Ideas in this first-century letter to Christians trying their darndest to live godly lives in an ungodly culture. Here are topics made to order for teenagers living at the turn of the 21st century. Teach your way through Romans with these ready-to-go sessions. Or scanvege whatever you want of the creative scripts, handouts, and other options to customize a lesson of your own. Any way you use it, this book is your no-doze ticket to solid Bible doctrine.
Teologia Practica Pastoral – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartWould you like to know how to prepare your vision and present it to writing to the church? How to give specific job functions to each of your collaborators? How many types of leaders there are? How to write thankful notes to thankful offerings? Which are the critical phases in the pastoral ministry? What place the pastor’s wife occupies? How many different ecclesiastic governments exist? How to celebrate different ceremonies, from funerals to dedicating babies? These and other topics are discussed in this practical guide for pastors.
Iglesia Celular – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartThe cell-church model is a powerful tool that can help any size church contain, nurture and pastor a large number of new believers. It’s a tool that equips the average Christian to do the work, rather than letting it all fall on the shoulders of the pastor.
La iglesia celular es un instrumento formidable que puede ayudar a cualquier iglesia a retener, alimentar y pastorear a un gran numero de nuevos creyentes.
Secretos Del Crecimiento De La – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartThis is truly the age of church growth, not only small church growth, but great church growth. It’s the responsibility of the church to continue to grow, but this is only possible with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Estamos en la era del crecimiento de la iglesia, no solo pequenos crecimientos sino grandes crecimientos. La iglesia mundial tiene la responsabilidad de continuar con estos crecimientos, pero esto solo es posible con la ayuda del Espiritu Santo.
Ministerio De Jovenes Con Prop – (Spanish)
$18.99Add to cartIf you long to reach kids and see their lives changed by God, this comprehensive guide shows you how.
Moving to the fundamental purpose of evangelism, discipleship, friendship, ministry and worship, “Purpose Driven Youth Ministry” uses the experience of Saddleback Church to illustrate what a youth ministry can do. Here are nine basic principles that will help you: -Connect the power of God with an enthusiastic and committed leadership -Define the purpose of your ministry and communicate it effectively -Identify your potential audience -Create programs that reach your audience and fulfill God’s purposes -Implement processes that move students to maturity -Enhance your ministry with clearly defined values -Team up with parents to involve the whole family -Find volunteers and help develop them into participating leaders -Persevere through tough times and thrive in an ever-changing environment.
Balancing both theory and practice, “Purpose Driven Youth Ministry” can be applied to any church setting, regardless of size, denomination, facilities, resources, and existing leadership.
This book will help you develop a ministry that equips students rather than a ministry that coordinates events. Doug Fields says, “My goal for this book is to coach through a plan to build a healthy youth ministry that isn’t dependent on one great youth leader and won’t be destroyed when the youth worker leaves the church. It’s not a book on how to grow your youth ministry with six easy steps; it’s about identifying, establishing, and building health into your church’s youth ministry.”
Cartas A Mi Amiga Maltratada – (Spanish)
$11.99Add to cartDavid Hormachea takes on a very hot topic in today’s society: abuse. Without compromising the privacy of his confidants, Hormachea allows us to enter the world of abuse through the testimonies he has received from abused people who face this unfortunate situation daily.
David Hormachea aborda un tema verdaderamente candente en nuestros dias: el maltrato. Sabiamente, y sin lastimar la privacidad de sus confi-dentes, nos permite entrar a traves de los testimonios que ha recibido al mundo de las personas maltratadas y que a diario soportan las mas crueles heridas de este flagelo.
Iglesia Con Proposito – (Spanish)
$19.99Add to cartEvery church is driven by something. Tradition, finances, programs, personalities, events, seekers, and even buildings can each be the controlling force in a church. But Rick Warren believes that in order for a church to be healthy it must become a purpose-driven church with Jesus in the lead. The founding pastor of Saddleback Church shares a proven five-part strategy that will enable your church to grow. . .- Warmer through fellowship – Deeper through discipleship – Stronger through worship – Broader through ministry – Larger through evangelism. Discover the same practical insights and principles for growing a healthy church that Rick has taught in seminars to over 22,000 pastors and church leaders from sixty denominations and forty-two countries. The Purpose-Driven Church(R) shifts the focus away from church building programs to emphasizing a people-building process. Warren says, “If you will concentrate on building people, God will build the church.”
Tres Meses En La Escuela De Lo (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$14.99Add to cartEach of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers.
Tres Meses En La Escuela De Da (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$14.99Add to cartEach of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers
Antropologia Cultural – (Spanish)
$17.99Add to cartThis book presents the field of anthropology from the Christian point of view. The authors with their experience as pastors, missionaries and academics offer an introduction to the appreciation of the different cultures created by God. Some of the subjects are anthropology and missions, verbal and non-verbal communication, economy and technology, marriage and family, group and communities, religions.
Tres Meses En La Escuela Del E (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$14.99Add to cartEach of the volumes in this series contains 13 major Bible studies, one for each week during a three-month period. In between each week’s study are six short, personal daily studies.
Written in Spanish, the volumes are adaptable for use in various Bible study settings, including Sunday school, week-night studies, retreats, and personal Bible study. -
Tres Meses En La Escuela De Ma (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$14.99Add to cartEach of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers.
Vida Cristiana Victoriosa – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartIn this conference the author starts by examining the personal experience of every Christian that shamefully, leaves a lot to be desired. Then he describes the kind of Christian life that God told us to have. Some of the themes that he covers are to commit and believe; these are the conditions for victory. But also the author advises about the tests of faith that will follow. He exhorts all the believers to grow in the grace of Jesus Christ.
Guia Pare El Estudio En Grupo (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study G
$17.99Add to cartThis book offers a study of the Bible divided into units and weekly lessons that facilitate the study individually as well in groups. Each lesson ends with suggestions for our daily lives. In this book you will find an analysis of the creation, the fall, the promise of redemption, Jesus Christ God-man and his ministry
Exegesis Del Nuevo Testamento – (Spanish)
$12.99Add to cartThis manual is an exhaustive study, a process in which reasons for undertakings will be examined. Methodically study an entire text of the Bible, to attempt to resolve the difficulties on a problematic passage, or to prepare a sermon or a Bible Study.
Como Estudiar La Biblia – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartJames Braga has written this book using the techniques of the study of the Scripture and has exposed the concepts in a clear and simple style. He presents a variety of methods of biblical study from a wide and careful view, so that the reader doesn’t need a previous knowledge of the Bible. This makes this book an ideal book for a group or individual study.
Fundamentos Para El Educador E – (Spanish)
$12.99Add to cartIn response to a need of Sunday school teachers, William Martin has condensed the most important principles from the series Fundamentals for Sunday School Workers, and so building a brief but efficient program for the formation of teachers.
Grupos Familiares Y El Crecimi – (Spanish)
$9.99Add to cartThe lesson of this very interesting project will provide you with all the materials you need to accomplish what the Holy Spirit has already accomplished in Seoul and many other parts of the world including through the author, David Yonggi Cho.
Bosquejos Homilecticos – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartThis book presents two topics.
First, HOMILETIC I, is for teachers and students in Biblical Institutes through local studies and correspondence courses. Second, CHOSEN OUTLINES presents a collection of carefully selected sermon outlines from the heart of people who have devoted themselves to the work behind the pulpit.
With the help of the Holy Spirit, the reader will find a variety of abundant material for the preparation of their messages and other subjects that can be presented and studied in the church. It’s our hope that this volume will help inspire and give direction to the
person who is willing to utilize the context of this book and also to those who will listen to the glorious message of the Lord.