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    Christian Living

    • Ein Christlicher Leitfaden Zur – (Other Language)


      A T2Pneuma Publishers LLC Title

      Spiritualitat ist gelebter Glaube ob im Gebet, in der Andacht, oder in der Begegnung mit unseren Mitmenschen. Dabei verleiht unser Glaube unserer Spiritualitat eine Struktur, ahnlich wie die Knochen der Haut, die sich uber sie erstreckt, eine Struktur geben.

      Christliche Spiritualitat beginnt bei Gott, nicht bei uns.

      Die folgenden Seiten beleuchten die christliche Spiritualitat im Kontext von taglichen Andachten. Zu jedem Thema gibt es biblische Textstellen, Reflexion, Gebet, und Diskussionsfragen. Wo es angebracht ist, werden Hinweise fur weitere Studien angeboten. Die ersten vier Kapitel (Einfuhrung, das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntnis, das Vaterunser, und die Zehn Gebote) umfassen vierzig Tage und eignen sich daher zum Studium wahrend der Fastenzeit.

      Die gesamte Studie umfasst funfzig Tage, und kann an Ostern begonnen und bis Pfingsten fortgefuhrt werden.

      Hore die Worte; gehe die Schritte; erlebe die Freude!

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    • Deliez Le Et Laissez Le Aller – (Other Language)


      Believers across this nation and around the world are overwhelmed, oppressed, struggling, and defeated in their attempt to live the abundant life Christ came to give them. I am convinced, however, that if more churches would embrace the ministry of deliverance and employ a systematic approach in offering deliverance, the results would be phenomenal. Instead of an army of weak and ineffective believers, a new generation of bold conquerors set free by God and empowered to set others free world arise.

      Dr. Moussa Toure has released a powerful weapon against the prince of darkness in his new book, Loose Him and Let Him Go, intellectually prepared to analyze the problems and research the issues, Dr. Toure is experienced in the subject of deliverance and addresses herein the controversies that unfortunately surround and hinder the ministry of deliverance
      If you, and an individual, or your church need theological and practical help to remove one of the major obstacles to spiritual growth- demonic oppression- this is the book for you!

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    • 16 Fatos Sobre A Presenca De D – (Other Language)


      16 Facts About The Presence Of God B233 God Is Not A Presence…He Is A Person With A Presence. His Presence Is Evidence of His Person. You Will Learn: > Your Focus Is Corrected In The Presence of God > The Presence of God Is Critical To Your Spiritual Life > Heaven And Earth Respond To The Presence of God > You Must Pursue The Presence of God > And Much More!

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    • Tres Regras Simples – (Other Language)


      Now available in Portuguese, in Three Simple Rules – A Wesleyan Way of Living, Rueben Job offers an interpretation of John Wesley’s General Rules for today’s readers. For individual reading or group study, this insightful work calls us to mutual respect, unity and a deeper daily relationship with God.

      This simple but challenging look at three commands, “do no harm, do good, stay in love with God,” calls us to mutual respect, unity, and a deeper relationship with God.

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