Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm


Showing 501–600 of 23636 results

  • Girls Of The World


    Encourage children to use their voices, talents, and intelligence to help the world and raise awareness of girls and all the amazing things they do! An inspiration for readers of all ages, Girls of the World: Doing More Than Ever Before calls attention to the truth that it’s never too soon to become aware of and speak up about things that are important to you. Now is the perfect time for girls to show the world just who they are and what they’re capable of!

    Written by ABC News anchor and New York Times bestselling author Linsey Davis, together with co-author Michael Tyler, Girls of the World invites us to celebrate the equality and fairness we should all experience. It encourages girls to be strong, brave, and curious about the world and their place in it.

    Girls of the World:

    *Features inspiring, motivating rhymes from Emmy award-winning ABC News anchor and New York Times bestselling authors Linsey Davis and Michael Tyler

    *Includes whimsical illustrations by bestselling artist Lucy Fleming

    *Is a great read-aloud for children ages 4-8

    *Has a message that celebrates equality, fairness, and is meant to spur girls (and boys) on to be brave and take their place in a challenging world

    *Concludes with a personal note from Linsey Davis

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  • No Te Detengas – (Spanish)


    El autor de Radical, un exito de ventas del New York Times, desafia a los cristianos a liberarse del evangelio actual que prostituye a Jesus por comodidad, poder, prosperidad y politica, y a buscar por completo el verdadero evangelio que exalta a Jesus por encima de todo. El pastor David Platt cree que nos hemos vuelto muy buenos siguiendo un evangelio realmente malo, uno que adora las ideas estadounidenses sobre la verdad biblica. Es hora de que los cristianos desilusionados, desalentados y divididos, y la proxima generacion, sigan a Jesus hacia un futuro diferente. Tenemos que elegir: un evangelio estadounidense o el evangelio biblico. Division mundana o unidad de otro mundo. Compromiso con los idolos de nuestro pais o compromiso con el llamado de Dios en nuestras vidas. En No te detengas, Platt alienta a los seguidores de Jesus a tomar los riesgos necesarios y encontrar una recompensa inimaginable mientras:

    *Trabajamos a favor, no en contra, unos de otros, especialmente cuando no estamos de acuerdo.

    *Cambiamos el rumbo de siglos de division racial en la Iglesia

    *Confiamos en toda la Palabra de Dios con conviccion mientras amamos con compasion a todos los que nos rodean

    *Hacemos justicia con bondad y experimentamos la buena vida segun Dios

    *Hacemos nuestra parte en la difusion del evangelio a todas las naciones del mundo

    Podemos experimentar la maravilla completa de Jesus y la belleza trascendente de su Iglesia aqui y ahora. Pero para hacerlo, algunas cosas deben ser diferentes. Empecemos no con “esa gente”, sino con cada uno de nosotros. Con el evangelio en nuestros corazones y Dios como nuestro premio, sigamos adelante y no nos detengamos.
    The New York Times bestselling author of Radical challenges Christians to break free from an American gospel that prostitutes Jesus for comfort, power, prosperity, and politics–and fully pursue the true gospel that exalts Jesus above all.

    Pastor David Platt believes we’ve gotten really good at following a really bad gospel–one that worships American ideas over biblical truth. It’s time for disillusioned, discouraged, and divided Christians, and the next generation, to follow Jesus into a different future.

    But we have to make a choice: an American gospel or the biblical gospel, worldly division or otherworldly unity, compromise with the idols of our country or commitment to God’s call in our lives. In Don’t Hold Back, Platt encourages followers of Jesus to take necessary risks and find u

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  • Nearing A Far God


    Experience Transformation When You Pray the Psalms with Your Whole Self

    Feeling hopeless? Lonely? Anxious? Do you want to experience the presence and love of God through every joy and struggle of life? Do you long to enrich your prayer life and grow your relationship with God? The Psalms will guide you into fresh encounters and a lasting deeper attachment to God.

    You may have read or studied the Psalms. In Nearing a Far God: Praying the Psalms with Our Whole Selves, you’ll experience the Psalms in fresh, personal, and life-changing ways:

    *Discover how the Psalms can draw you into dialogue with God no matter your pain, struggle, or doubt

    *Practice transformative writing and prayer exercises that engage and impact the whole brain and the whole self

    *Reclaim ancient practices of movement and bodily postures to heighten your worship and deepen attachment to God

    Masterful teacher and award-winning author Leslie Leyland Fields has helped thousands of God-seekers around the world experience spiritual breakthroughs by expressing their life stories through the lens of Scripture. Whether you read and practice Nearing a Far God on your own, with a local group, or with a cohort organized by Fields, you too can experience profound change, hope, and the always near presence of a loving God.

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  • Letters Of Wisdom


    Friendship Letters Series — Doretta Schwartz has always enjoyed writing letters and feels her letters can be a bit of a ministry to her friends. In this series, exchanging letters that contain open and honest feelings and struggles helps Doretta and two of her best friends through the darkest challenges of their lives.

    Letters and Prayers Between Friends Become a Balm for Healing

    Irma Miller thought having a family of her own would bring her joy and a sense of accomplishment, but she struggles with memories of the abuse she suffered as a child at the hand of her stepfather. When she becomes physically and emotionally abusive to her own children, she reaches out to her friend Doretta for prayer and wisdom. But Irma may find herself at an even darker emotional place before she will admit she needs professional help to heal the past traumas. Will Doretta’s letters of wisdom help Irma and her family, or will too much be broken to ever be repaired?

    Find out in the third book of The Friendship Letters series by New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter.

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  • Easter On The Farm


    Spring is here, and the farm is waking up to new life!

    A young girl and her family are ready to celebrate the new life of spring. She meets baby animals, helps prepare the garden for planting, and collects pussy willows by the marsh. As they get ready to host a community Easter egg hunt on the farm, the family also decorates eggs with natural dyes and makes funny gifts from egg shells and grass.

    From the bestselling author of Thanksgiving in the Woods and A Simple Christmas on the Farm, this bright, hopeful story invites readers to gather and celebrate the beauty of spring. Backmatter includes handmade Easter craft activities, including coloring eggs with natural dyes and making eggshell critters. Easter on the Farm is the fourth in the Countryside Holiday series.

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  • Enfoque Del Reino – (Spanish)


    !Mas de un millon de copias vendidas en la serie del reino!

    Busquen el reino de Dios por encima de todo lo demas y lleven una vida justa, y el les dara todo lo que necesiten (Mateo 6:33).

    Tener el enfoque correcto lo cambia todo en la vida. Si nos ocupamos en enfocarnos en frivolidades externas o en ambiciones personales en vez de en el reino de Dios, terminamos perdiendonos de servir al reino de Dios… y nos perdemos tambien de mucho mas que esperamos obtener en la vida. Sin embargo, cuando alineamos nuestras vidas con la Palabra de Dios, llegamos a experimentar la mejor libertad posible.

    En Un enfoque del reino, Tony Evans les ensea a los lectores como enfocarse en las cosas en las cuales Dios mismo se enfoca en las Escrituras, y explora que es lo que deleita el corazon de Dios. Es al hacerlo que podemos descubrir el gozo y el poder de deleitarnos en las mismas cosas. Permita que Dios agudice su enfoque, transforme su mente y lo empodere a vivir cada aspecto de su vida a la luz del reino al cual ha sido llamado y para el cual ha sido elegido: para un momento como este. Aprenda como:

    *examinar los habitos espirituales que podemos utilizar para agudizar nuestro enfoque en el reino de Dios,

    *maximizar la vida terrenal,

    *profundizar en el caracter y el corazon de Dios y

    *reconocer como nos guia paso a paso el amor de Dios.

    Over 1 million books sold in the Kingdom series!

    “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you” (Matthew 6:33, NASB).

    Having the right focus makes all the difference in life. If we are busy focusing on external frivolities or personal ambitions rather than on the Kingdom of God, we wind up missing out on serving God’s Kingdom-as well as many of the other things we hope to attain in life. However, when we align our lives with God’s Word, we get to experience the greatest freedom we could ever know.

    In Kingdom Focus, Tony Evans teaches readers how to focus on the things God Himself focuses on in Scripture and explores the issues that delight His heart. It is by doing so that we can discover the joy and the power of delighting in the same things. Allow God to sharpen your focus, transform your mind, and empower you to live every aspect of your life in light of the Kingdom to which you have been chosen and called, for such a time as this.

    Learn how to:

    *examine the spiritual habits we can employ to sharpen our focus for God’s Kingdom,
    *fully maximize life w

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  • Caregiving : Taking Care Of Yourself While Caring For Someone Else


    Packed with practical advice, diagrams, statistics, photos, quizzes, and scannable outlines, this compact guide to caregiving is easy to read and gives you key information at a glance. Get expert knowledge distilled into easy-to-follow steps and apply them immediately to refresh and recharge your caregiving journey.

    Enjoy having:

    *Trustworthy advice for both seasoned and new caregivers (and everyone in between)

    *A Scale of Burden quiz to assess your current level of self-care

    *12 Signs of Stress & specific steps to manage them (PLUS: 3 happiness boosters for caregivers)

    *How to Build Your Team: step-by-step instructions to get help (and exactly what to say)

    *And much more

    Caregiving is draining-emotionally and physically. From changing bandages and diapers, to managing medical appointments and picking up prescriptions, caregiving can feel like an endless journey. But here’s the great news: the caregiving experience doesn’t have to be like that. When caregiving tasks are shared and caregivers understand how to take good care of themselves too, the whole experience can be much brighter for everyone.

    Trusted Help for Caregiving from Those Who’ve Been There

    In Caregiving: Taking Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Someone Else, award-winning author and speaker, Debbie Barr, writes with compassion and understanding, taking an honest look at the ups and downs of caregiving. She shares the real-life experiences of caregivers and the things they’ve learned along their journeys. This book will help caregivers like you know how to gather a team to help shoulder the caregiving load. You will be able to:

    *Identify when you’re nearing burnout
    *Discover the help available to you (and what to say)
    *Take specific action steps to cope wisely and learn to thrive
    *Know when the caregiving needs to change (and why it DOESN’T mean failure)

    Key Features of Caregiving: Taking Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Someone Else

    Caregiving will provide everything you need-from the basics to step-by-step details-to not only get you started on your journey, but to make the most out of your time and talents. Key features include:

    *Reliable-Award-winning author and speaker Debbie Barr unpacks real-life experiences and seasoned advice into trustworthy nuggets of caregiving gold you can carry with you throughout your day. Get refreshed and revitalized with compassion and truths from those who have experienced the emotions and journeys you are

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  • Quirky Critter Devotions


    Quirky Critter Devotions is specially designed for curious minds interested in God’s animal kingdom.

    Formatted to look like an explorer’s field journal, this book will encourage kids to embark on their own expedition and discover wildly weird animal facts with full-color snapshots, record their thoughts in the journaling space, and gain hands-on experience with zoo-tastic activities. They’ll discover a wide range of crazy-cool critters spanning seven animal categories-mammals, insects, amphibians, birds, fish, reptiles, and spiders. From familiar faces like turtles and honey bees to quirky creatures like the Goliath bird-eating spider, this devotional is sure to cultivate a passion for God’s Word and his creation. Each devotion features:

    *Fast facts highlighting the animal’s scientific name, animal family name, size, and diet
    *An animal-themed devotional bursting with astounding discoveries and spiritual truths
    *Journaling space to unpack real-life applications
    *A memory verse and sample prayer to connect with God
    *A wild wonder fun fact with a humorous animal doodle
    *A creature connection activity like a craft, game, or snacks

    The perfect blend of Scripture and science, this exciting and informative devotional will expand the minds and grow the curiosity of your young ones. A fantastic gift for the little animal lover in your life.

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  • Precious In His Sight


    A beautiful devotional guide to help us pray for our kids throughout their whole lives.

    We all want to pray for our children–but so often, we’re busy, overwhelmed, exhausted, or at our wits’ end. Making it through the day is a victory, let alone finding the energy, time, and intentional words to lift our kids up before the Lord.

    Precious in His Sight will guide you in prayer for specific areas of your child’s life. You’ll find hundreds of prayer prompts, organized by topics including:

    *Stages of Life
    *Talents, Interests, Callings, and Careers
    *Salvation and Spiritual Growth
    *Family Life

    Precious in His Sight offers a helpful structure for praying for kids in each chapter, including:

    *The PRAY acronym (praise, repent, ask, yield), created specifically for moms
    *A section for praying Scripture for your kids
    *A list of specific powerful prayers to pray for your kids

    A perfect gift for moms, Precious In His Sight offers encouragement from God’s Word to turn your worries into prayers that will plant spiritual seeds in your child’s life and bear fruit that will last for generations.

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  • I Could Be Wrong But I Doubt It


    Discover the completely unique qualifications and accomplishments of Jesus Christ–the Creator of everything, the King who will set you free, and the best friend you could ever have.

    Over nearly five decades of walking with God, podcaster, author and Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has learned a thing or two about why Jesus is the only one worth following. Of all the things we could put our trust in, only Jesus has the answers to our questions and the solutions for our problems.

    Plenty of people claim to have the answers for a better life. Politicians claim they can fix our nation. Scientists and technologists trumpet the latest and greatest discoveries that’ll make everything right. Self-help gurus offer one pathway to peace after another. But it’s no secret that our world is increasingly divided and broken–and we’ve got the fear, anxiety, and hopelessness to prove it. Jesus alone can make good on the promise of lasting peace, real freedom, and life eternal.

    With his trademark directness, humor, and insight, Phil will help you:

    *experience Jesus as the Creator and all-powerful Sustainer of all creation;

    *reconcile your own brokenness and sinfulness with Jesus’ unending well healing, forgiveness, and peace;

    *develop the eyes to see Jesus for who he really is: the friend who will always be there for you, no matter what mistakes you’ve made; and

    *look to the Bible to get to know Jesus and better understand His grace and love for you.

    Politics won’t save you. Science can’t give you the power to sidestep death. The pleasures and joys of this world are fleeting at best, damaging counterfeits at worst. But Phil has good news for you: Jesus offers life, joy, and peace, and he’s never more than a prayer away.

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  • Return Of The Kingdom


    In this ESBT volume, Stephen Dempster traces the themes of kingship and kingdom throughout Scripture, illuminating the challenges, pain, and ultimate hope that the Bible offers. The story of God’s kingship is ultimately the fulfillment of a promise to deeat sin and death and to establish a world of peace and justice.

    The biblical story begins and ends with God as king. Human beings rebel, however, rather than fulfilling their royal calling to rule creation on behalf of their Sovereign-and the world became enslaved to the rule of a dark, serpentine lord.

    In this volume of IVP Academic’s Essential Studies in Biblical Theology, Stephen Dempster traces the themes of kingship and kingdom throughout Scripture, illuminating the challenges, pain, and ultimate hope that the Bible offers. The story of God’s kingship is ultimately the fulfillment of a promise, a promise to restore the rightful rule of humanity over creation by defeating sin and death and to establish a world of peace and justice.

    Essential Studies in Biblical Theology (ESBT), edited by Benjamin L. Gladd, explore the central or essential themes of the Bible’s grand storyline. Taking cues from Genesis 1-3, authors trace the presence of these themes throughout the entire sweep of redemptive history. Written for students, church leaders, and laypeople, the series offers an introduction to biblical theology.

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  • Field Notes For The Wilderness A Guided Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    Make the breakthrough you need to gently and creatively transform your faith, with this practical companion journal to Field Notes for the Wilderness, Sarah Bessey’s meditation on finding God in the mystery.

    Field Notes for the Wilderness is a nurturing and hopeful collection of practices for the emerging generation of faith followers-the wounded, the curious, the lost, and the miraculously hopeful.

    This guided journal companion to Sarah Bessey’s transformative spiritual guide walks you through practical activities, questions, and challenges following the principles for an evolving faith, including:

    * practicing wonder and curiosity as spiritual disciplines
    * learning to mother yourself with empathy
    * making space for lament and righteous rage
    * finding good spiritual teachers

    Take the groundbreaking concepts from Field Notes for the Wilderness and encounter additional shepherding and viable wisdom to apply them intentionally and impactfully to your life.

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  • Field Notes For The Wilderness


    It’s hard to leave a faith that has raised us. Maybe it’s even harder to stay. But what can feel impossible is living in the tension. Living with a faith that evolves.

    Sarah Bessey is an expert at faithfully stumbling forward. As a New York Times bestselling author and co-founder of Evolving Faith, the foremost community for progressive Christians, she has been trusted by thousands of people to pursue a reconstruction of faith centered on compassion, truth, and inclusion. Bessey has found a deeply underserved and underestimated remnant in the wilderness of Christianity who are still devoted to Jesus, deeply rooted in the Gospel, fascinated with Scripture, and committed to reimagining their faith.

    Field Notes for the Wilderness guides us through multiple principles to live by for an evolving faith, including:

    * practicing wonder and curiosity as spiritual disciplines
    * mothering ourselves with compassion and empathy
    * making space for lament and righteous rage
    * finding good spiritual teachers
    * discovering what we are for in this life, and moving in that direction

    In this groundbreaking and nurturing book, Bessey becomes a shepherd for our curiosity, giving us a table for our questions, tools to cultivate what we crave, and a blessing for what was-even as we leave it behind.

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  • Enduring Friendship : Sticking Together In An Age Of Unfriending


    Friendships are difficult.

    Sometimes it can seem as if friends are more work and pain than they’re worth, with friendship challenges that we have to endure and struggle through. Life gets in the way of our well-intentioned efforts to connect. Conflicts and differences over serious issues divide us and make us think that we could never be close to a person ever again. In today’s cancel culture, it’s easy to give up on people and just walk away, leaving us all more isolated than before. How can we build real relationships that are life giving and pass the test of time?

    Bryan Loritts mines one of the Bible’s least-known books for insights into how friendships can flourish even in the midst of sin and brokenness. With careful exposition and insight, he unpacks how the apostle Paul helped Philemon and Onesimus reconcile a most unlikely relationship with truth, repentance, and grace. With God’s work and steadfast love, even the most painful relationships that have ruptured are not beyond the reach of forgiveness and reconciliation. Discover how friendships that are hard can be transformed into friendships that endure.

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  • Hear Ye The Word Of The Lord


    Long before the words of the Bible were written, God’s communication through the spoken word rang out loud and clear. Jesus in particular commissioned representatives to speak on his behalf even during the time of his earthly ministry. And yet today we are a reading culture. It is easy for modern Christians to take for granted that the Bible was handed down in written form, but the way we receive God’s message is far different from how the original hearers would have heard it. These differences not only shape the way that we hear God’s message to his people, but they put us at risk of misunderstanding his revelation.

    In Hear Ye the Word of the Lord, biblical scholar D. Brent Sandy explores how oral communication shaped the ways that biblical writers received God’s message-and even more importantly, how the ancient and modern faithful receive it through hearing. Filled with helpful biblical insights related to oral communication and constructive ways for modern readers to become better hearers and performers of Scripture, Hear Ye the Word of the Lord provides a constructive way forward for readers interested in exploring how we can better hear God’s Word.

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  • Zion Learns To See


    Every person matters to God. And that means every person should matter to us.

    Zion has no idea what she’s getting into when she decides to join her dad at his work on Saturday. But she quickly discovers that a day at the community center brings new and wonderful people into her life. Join Zion as she learns about people experiencing homelessness, and see how she is moved to respond as she recognizes that all people matter to God.

    Inspired by real-life events, this story written by Terence Lester and Zion Lester, and illustrated by Subi Bosa, will be enjoyed by children and the adults who read with them. Also included is a note from the author to encourage further conversation about the content.

    Discover IVP Kids and share with children the things that matter to God!

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  • Sharing Jesus Showing Kindness


    How You Act Matters

    Many churches struggle with the impact of the dramatic and sweeping changes that mark our time. People identify as nones (no religious affiliation) or dones (formerly churched but now dechurched). So how do we reach people and disciple believers in this cultural shift? How does the church have a positive impact for Christ in a broken world? The answer is found in history!

    Go back to what the early church did: show kindness to a broken world–the Great Commandment. Go back to the church’s mission: share the good news of Jesus Christ–the Great Commission.

    Filled with practical applications and stories of real impact, Sharing Jesus, Showing Kindness will encourage and equip you and others to get out of the church building and into the community. You’ll be inspired to make an impact with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

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  • Birdies Bogeys And Blessings


    See You on the 19th Hole

    Golf is one of the most difficult sports to play well. But practicing the sport can promote honesty, integrity, and patience. Golf can be enjoyed in an afternoon with your buddies, your family, or even business partners. A golfer can experience both euphoria and disappointment on the same hole.

    Being good at this sport requires endurance, humility, and practice. The same can be applied to your daily walk with the Lord. Read about what some of the most famous golfers to play the game have to say about the sport, the God they love, and the faith required to hit a hole-in-one on and off the course.

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  • Guts For Glory


    A dramatically illustrated biography of Private Rosetta “Lyons” Wakeman, the only soldier whose letters capture the Civil War from a woman’s perspective.

    In 1862, the war between North and South showed no signs of stopping. In rural New York, nineteen-year-old Rosetta Wakeman longed for a life beyond the family farm. One day she made a brave, bold choice: she cut her braid and disguised herself as a man. No one suspected that “Lyons” was a woman–not even when she signed up to fight for the Union. As Rosetta’s new regiment traveled to Virginia, Washington, D.C., and Louisiana, she sent letter after letter home to New York. Army life wasn’t easy, but Rosetta knew it was where she belonged–keeping her family safe and her country free.

    Through intricately detailed scratchboard art and excerpts from Rosetta’s letters, this fascinating biography introduces young readers to an unconventional woman who was determined to claim her own place in history. Memorable and inspiring, Guts for Glory is a stirring portrait of the Civil War and the courage of those who fought on its front lines.

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  • Jesus Is Your Healer


    Jesus Wants You Healed and Made Whole!

    There is nothing in the heart or the will of God that wants you to stay sick or in pain. He doesn’t use sickness or infirmity as a means to teach you a single thing! In fact, God sent His Son to bear the punishment for every sickness and disease known and unknown to man so that you could live strong and disease-free all the days of your life.

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  • Summoning The Demon


    Confront Satan’s End-Time Deceptions Head-On!

    In this era of unparalleled technological advances, as Artificial Intelligence reshapes our world, believers are faced with urgent, soul-stirring questions: Is there a trace of AI in Biblical prophecy? Could the Antichrist manipulate this technology to dominate our era? Above all, how should the Church, armed with ancient wisdom, respond to this modern revolution?

    Asking these same questions, Alan DiDio, a formidable apostolic and prophetic leader, and the dynamic force behind the Encounter Today YouTube channel, embarked on a quest for truth. Through extensive research and revelatory interviews, he brings to light a balanced narrative, juxtaposing the potentials of AI against the unchanging truths of Biblical prophecies and the unfolding of global events.

    The devil is the author of confusion. He seeks to muddle your mind, making you doubt God’s sovereignty over technology. By discerning his end-time playbook, you can step fully into your God-ordained role and purpose, standing tall against the tide of societal deception.

    Prepare to dive deep with prophetic precision and groundbreaking research. Alan DiDio offers profound, scriptural insights into contemporary issues, allowing you to:

    *Uncover the shocking parallels between AI and the Tower of Babel.
    *Discover AI’s prophesied role in Scripture.
    *Unveil the truth behind UFOs: angelic visitations or demonic deceptions?
    *Explore the resurgence of Nephilim in the digital age.
    *Learn to identify the antichrist spirit lurking in technology.
    *Unmask Satan’s devious End-Time strategy.

    Armed with this prophetic insight, you are called to rise, unshakable in your crucial end-time role. In a time veiled by technological deceit and spiritual turmoil, seize your destiny and light the way in this revolutionary age of Artificial Intelligence and spiritual warfare!

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  • Welcome To The Basement


    If Jesus is the chief cornerstone of everything God is building in the world–what floor do you want to be on? In Welcome to the Basement, podcaster Tim Ross shows readers how they can achieve true greatness in the upside-down kingdom Jesus is building.

    When Jesus came to earth, his first-shall-be-last teachings turned the world upside-down. So it’s no surprise that when some of the earliest Jesus-followers started spreading the Good News, they were accused by the powers-that-be of having “upset the world” (Acts 17:6). They were labeled disrupters and troublemakers because they were preaching a new king, a new kingdom, and a new way of life.

    Christians today are still called to upset the world. In Welcome to the Basement, Tim Ross gives both a rallying cry and a practical guide for becoming great in God’s kingdom. In a conflict-ridden world that values celebrity, visibility, and self-promotion, Jesus invites you to join him in “the basement,” where ordinary acts of intentional love, service, empathy, and kindness have extraordinary power to welcome people into Jesus’ kingdom of peace, joy, and life to the fullest. Readers of Welcome to the Basement will:

    *discover that they are God’s masterpiece, called to a great identity and a great mission;

    *learn to receive God’s unstoppable love and grace that is always reaching out to the lost and hurting;

    *experience for themselves the good that God has for them–because only people whose lives have been turned upside-down by God can become true world upsetters; and

    *gain step-by-step guidance for identifying the people, places, and pieces that they’ve been called to disturb, disrupt, and shower with God’s love.

    Sometimes the humblest acts of goodness have the greatest power. And sometimes the lowest floor of the building is where the real party is. Jesus is the cornerstone of a new kind of kingdom–will you step into the good things God is doing in the world?

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  • Just In Case You Ever Feel Alone


    Even children experience lonely moments. When they do, this book reminds them that you will always be there, and God is right there too. Max Lucado’s comforting words reinforce the thought that no matter what happens–the good and bad, the firsts and lasts–children will never be alone . . . just in case they ever wonder.

    To a child, a day can last forever, and hurt feelings sink in deep. Whether they’re having trouble making friends, struggling to learn something new, or just having a sad day, children need daily reminders of how much they’re cherished. Just in Case You Ever Feel Alone soothes away loneliness by promising children that their parents or caregivers will always make time for them–they will squeeze away the sad and welcome back the glad every single day.

    A follow-up to the classic children’s book Just in Case You Ever Wonder, which has sold more than 1.8 million copies, this jacketed picture book for boys and girls ages 3 to 7.

    *addresses a child’s feelings of loneliness and uncertainty;

    *assures children that their parents are there for them and that God is always with them;

    *includes tender rhymes and endearing artwork from Eve Tharlet of a loving parent and baby bear; and

    *is a perfect gift for Easter or for children who need reassurance that they will always have someone to turn to, someone to talk to, and someone who will love them no matter what.

    Draw your little ones close as you affirm your unconditional love for them and God’s never-ending presence and desire to be with His children.

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  • Jesus Calling : Enjoying Peace In His Presence (Large Type)


    Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever. With Scripture and personal reflections, New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus’ message of peace–for today and every day.

    Jesus Calling is your yearlong guide to living a more peaceful life. The Jesus Calling(R) brand has impacted more than 40 million lives!

    By spending time in the presence of the Savior with the much-loved devotions in Jesus Calling, you will:

    *Feel comforted by words of hope and encouragement
    *Be reassured of Jesus’ unending love for you
    *Receive gentle guidance based on Scripture
    *Strengthen your faith with Scripture verses
    *Connect with Jesus further with reflection and meditation based on God’s Word

    Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you, Jesus Calling invites you to experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you.

    This edition features 365 devotions and is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling(R) line. The vibrant teal cover with foil has feminine floral touches, giving a gorgeous, elegant feel, along with large text, and full Scripture verses, not just the reference, in each devotion. This edition resonates with women and makes a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day, Easter, birthdays, or for self-purchase.

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  • Bible Atlas : A Pictorial Guide To The Holy Lands


    Discover where events in the Old and New Testaments took place and see how people lived in Biblical times in this illustrated guide.

    Take a trip around the Holy Land with this collection of beautifully drawn maps, which show where events from the Bible took place.

    Introducing The Bible Atlas – a beautifully illustrated guide to the geography, events and people of the Old and New Testaments for children aged 9-12. In illustrated guide, follow the journeys of the patriarchs, view inside Solomon’s Temple, witness Jesus’ miracles, and see exactly where Paul traveled while spreading the message of Christianity.

    Dive straight into this pictorial Bible guide for kids, offering:

    – An illustrated guide to key events of the Old and New Testaments for children.
    – A variety of maps showing in detail where events from the Bible took place.
    – An original and retro-feel illustration style combined with modern fonts, which creates a different approach compared to photographic or CGI-based books.

    As well as recapping many of the stories from both the Old and New Testaments, each page in this Bible guide provides additional information, illustrations, and photos explaining how people lived, who ruled the lands, and what places look like today. The information is presented in a visual and accessible way for children to grasp, immersing themselves in each map as they follow the stories and read summaries from the Bible.

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  • Transfiguration Of Christ


    All three Synoptic Gospels tell the story of Jesus’s transfiguration. Yet there has been surprisingly little written about this key event, and many readers struggle to understand its significance and place in redemptive history, let alone how it might be applied.

    Here, Patrick Schreiner provides a clear and accessible study of the transfiguration with an eye toward its theological significance and practical application. Namely, this event points to Jesus’s double sonship, revealing the preexistent glory of the eternal Son and the future glory of the suffering Messianic Son. Further, the transfiguration points to Christians’ own formation and transfiguration. Schreiner traces the transfiguration theme through Scripture and employs hermeneutical, trinitarian, and christological categories to assist his exegesis, thus challenging modern readings.

    This enlightening study will be of interest to students, pastors, and serious lay readers.

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  • Peg Gets Crackin


    Time to get crackin’!

    Peg is perfectly content within the safe, contained shell of her egg. While her siblings hatch around her, she imagines all the scary things waiting in the outside world–things that make her happy to stay an egg.

    But even Peg must hatch. She grows, and grows, and one day . . . CRACK! Peg takes her first hesitant steps into the big, frightening world and discovers . . . the world isn’t so bad after all. In fact, it’s actually pretty wonderful!

    Bursting with spirit and humor, Peg Gets Crackin’ is packed with entertaining illustrations and perfect for read-aloud storytime. Young readers will giggle at Peg’s antics and resonate with her journey to conquer her fears. You never know what exciting adventures are waiting just outside of your shell!

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  • Smallbatch Disciplemaking : A Rhythm For Training The Few To Reach The Many


    Recover Jesus’ strategy of training the few to reach the many.

    What if rather than funneling people through church programs, you invested in their growth? Would this kind of intentional investment help you discover a new kind of Christian purpose and spiritual legacy? And, what if you already have what it takes to develop your spiritual growth as a disciple while apprenticing others?

    As Christians, we should all participate in spiritual leadership by seeking to make spiritual investment in the lives closest to us. It’s time for us to move away from institutionalized, Sunday morning faith and toward a more relationally driven, culturally friendly, and doable approach to disciple-making. What you will discover is how discipleship is not about learning more but learning to give away what you already have in Christ.

    Small-Batch Disciplemaking by David Sunde is a compelling field guide for Christians looking to make a difference in the world by sharing their faith. With practical and empowering strategies for navigating the intimidating Biblical mandate of making disciples, this book equips and empowers readers to:

    *Grow in faith in order to give faith away
    *Learn intentional spiritual practices like hospitality, compassion, and gratitude
    *Confidently go out and make a difference in the world

    Get ready for a deeply pragmatic, culturally informed disciple-making faith.

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  • Sustain The Flame


    The Secret to Shaping the World and Impacting Generations

    “If you are reading this right now, that means God is wooing you deeper. He is inviting you to go deeper into the rivers of living waters. He wants to take you past your ankles, past your knees, past your waist, and over your head.” — Heidi Baker, bestselling author of Birthing the Miraculous

    Do you long to live in continual power and passion for Jesus, but feel yourself being pulled away by distractions and responsibilities? Do you dread the spiritual lows that inevitably come after powerful encounters?

    If you are reading this right now, you are not here by accident. You are chosen by God to be set apart, consumed by the fire of His love as a warrior in the remnant army of Jesus lovers He is raising up right now.

    With contagious passion and prophetic insight, international minister and revivalist Dr. Jennifer Miskov–with contributing chapters from Heidi Baker–ignites a fire to pursue Jesus with total abandonment, revealing how to keep the passion and fervor for God burning in your life in a sustained way and spread the flames of His love and power wherever you go.

    Through Spirit-filled insight, provoking testimony, and scriptural foundations, Jennifer awakens, equips, and calls you into your God given assignment, empowering you to:

    *Access the anointing of this kairos moment.
    *Discover the secrets of sustained revival from the Moravians, John Wesley, and more.
    *Be seen, known, and loved within a vibrant spiritual family.
    *Step into the fullness of your God-given destiny.
    *Create a new normal for the next generation.
    *Partner with the Body of Christ to keep the fires of revival burning for generations to come.

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  • 365 Prophetic Revelations From The Hebrew Calendar


    Experience Untapped Dimensions of Blessing, Fullness, and Encounter!

    Is it possible modern believers are missing out on the fullness of Heaven by neglecting God’s prophetic calendar? Is there something the saints of old knew that we don’t?

    With nearly two decades spent studying the dates recognized in the Hebrew and Christian calendars, internationally respected minister and teacher Dr. Candice Smithyman has found that, yes, we are indeed missing out.

    Here she offers powerful, grace-filled instruction on how to align your life with Heaven’s prophetic timeline and unlock greater dimensions of His revelation, blessing, and supernatural insight. By accessing all Jewish major and minor holidays, Shabbats, new moon celebrations, and minor fasts, you’ll gain an in-depth understanding of the prophetic importance of the coming 2,000 years: God’s next age.

    With warm encouragement and practical application for each day’s connection to God’s prophetic calendar, you’ll be empowered to:

    *See the ancient plans and purposes of God being carried out right before your very eyes.

    *Decode the 12 Hebrew months, plus the 13th month, and their alignment with the 12 tribes of Israel and constellations.

    *Discern prophecy correctly, recognize the movement of the Spirit, and partner with Heaven’s activity on Earth.

    *Set yourself up for life-changing God-encounters.

    *Understand unique times and seasons of supernatural visitation.

    *Sow and invest finances in times of unique abundance and blessing.

    Don’t fall for the lie that the Jewish and Christian calendars are outdated or legalistic rituals. Come and meet with God on His appointed days and experience the completeness of His presence and blessings.

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  • Heaven Stormed : A Heavenly Encounter Reveals Your Assignment In The End Ti


    Live Boldly and Fearlessly in these Last Days

    Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of evil in the world today? Do you long to know God’s plan for these turbulent times and your vital role in them?

    After clinically dying in a hospital, Randy Kay experienced a life-altering, firsthand encounter with Jesus where he received crucial end times revelations. And now, with the last days upon us, God has given Randy renewed clarity and urgency of what he witnessed in Heaven.

    For the first time ever, Randy reveals not only these astounding, prophetic end-of-days revelations, but also the magnitude of their significance for the unprecedented times we’re in, equipping you to fulfill your role in God’s plans for the end times.

    With supernatural insight and accuracy, Randy guides you through the confusion and fear of these last days, equipping you to:

    *Discern and partner with what God is doing.
    *Discover the truth about the final days.
    *Recognize biblical prophecies being fulfilled in real time.
    *Prepare for the coming divine judgment.
    *Take your place in the end times harvest.

    Yes, the last days are upon us. But it’s time to stop living in fear! Instead position yourself for the imminent Holy Spirit outpouring and step confidently into your end times Kingdom destiny!

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  • Rescue Story : Faith, Freedom, And Finding My Way Home


    From a hard-rocking life fueled by substance abuse to a hope-filled life of freedom and joy–this is music star Zach Williams’s bold and vulnerable story of faith and redemption.

    Before two-time GRAMMY Award winner Zach Williams penned heartfelt, faith-filled ballads like “Chain Breaker,” “There Was Jesus (featuring Dolly Parton),” and “Fear Is a Liar,” there was darkness. A rock-and-roll singer who thought he had all he ever wanted to make him happy, Zach instead felt empty. The drugs, alcohol, and late-night gigs played around the world couldn’t satisfy the longing in his heart for a place to belong. He was desperate for change.

    It came while on tour in Spain with his band, and in this powerful and poignant memoir, Zach shares in vivid detail his personal Rescue Story. He reflects on his childhood and the prophecy that kept his parents from giving up hope, his descent into the substance abuse that held him captive for so long, and ultimately the rescue he didn’t think was possible but embraced with open arms.

    A compelling, honest story of God’s unconditional love, grace, and redemption, Rescue Story shares the intimate journey of a beloved music artist and challenges you to seek resilient hope in the trials of your own life–because Jesus offers real freedom and joy, despite the mistakes of your past.

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  • It Is Finished


    Across forty days of vivid storytelling, It Is Finished offers you a unique and vital roadmap to trace the power and necessity of the cross throughout the Bible, from the book of Genesis all the way to your present-day reality.

    Through forty slices of the story of Calvary, master storyteller and vivid Bible teacher Charles Martin, will walk you back to the cross to look up at it from a different angle each day and ask the Father to reveal to you:

    *What exactly did he mean when the dying Jesus said, It is finished-what was finished at the cross?

    *When did what Jesus finish at the cross even begin?

    *What does this man’s death 2,000 years ago have to do with me today?

    *What is God offering at the cross that I so easily forget and take for granted?

    *What do I not realize about myself that the Father God has never forgotten?

    Whether it is your first, tenth, or ten thousandth time looking up at the cross of Christ, you can trust New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin, to wrap an arm around your shoulder, come alongside and walk with you as a fellow pilgrim headed in the same direction and answering the same question: What will I do with this man, Jesus?

    Because before we can celebrate the resurrection, we need to backtrack to where Jesus has been, how He got there, and what His presence there accomplished. And while Satan can’t change what happened on that Friday, he has been working ever since to hide what happened there. To obscure the work of the Cross. To avert our eyes. But on this 40-day pilgrimage your eyes will open wide and your heart will race as you discover the answer to the question that can change your life, Lord, why me? Why would you endure the cross and despise the shame, for me?

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  • Just In Case You Ever Feel Alone


    Even children experience lonely moments. When they do, this book reminds them that you will always be there, and God is right there too. Max Lucado’s comforting words reinforce the thought that no matter what happens–the good and bad, the firsts and lasts–children will never be alone . . . just in case they ever wonder.

    To a child, a day can last forever, and hurt feelings sink in deep. Whether they’re having trouble making friends, struggling to learn something new, or just having a sad day, children need daily reminders of how much they’re cherished. Just in Case You Ever Feel Alone soothes away loneliness by promising children that their parents or caregivers will always make time for them–they will squeeze away the sad and welcome back the glad every single day.

    A follow-up to the classic children’s book Just in Case You Ever Wonder, which has sold more than 1.8 million copies, this board book for boys and girls ages 0 to 4.

    *addresses a child’s feelings of loneliness and uncertainty;

    *assures children that their parents are there for them and that God is always with them;

    *includes tender rhymes and endearing artwork from Eve Tharlet of a loving parent and baby bear; and

    *is a perfect gift for Easter or for children who need reassurance that they will always have someone to turn to, someone to talk to, and someone who will love them no matter what.

    Draw your little ones close as you affirm your unconditional love for them and God’s never-ending presence and desire to be with His children.

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  • Untangle Your Emotions Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Gui


    What does the Bible tell us about our emotions?

    Does the Bible really tell us that our emotions are untrustworthy? God made us to feel our emotions, to examine and share them–not manage or suppress them. We can learn what it means to live emotionally-healthy lives from studying Jesus’ life and how He cared for and responded to the people around Him.

    Join Jennie Allen for the Untangle Your Emotions Bible Study as she helps you discover that emotions that are submitted to God and used for the purposes God intends connect us to each other and to Him.

    This six-session study will equip you to:

    *Be encouraged through the examples of emotion in Scripture by God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

    *Identify the unhealthy ways you might be coping with emotions.

    *Learn a biblical step-by-step method to help you process, name, and notice what you are feeling.

    *Move from apathetic to articulate when it comes to sharing what you feel.

    This study guide includes:

    *Individual access to six streaming video sessions
    *Personal study between sessions
    *Leader’s Guide

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  • Do The New You Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In this companion study guide to the New York Times bestselling Do the New You, follow along with pastor Steven Furtick as you discover your God-given identity and grow into the person God designed.

    Do you ever get a glimpse of yourself that is exactly who you want to be, but always seems just out of reach? The happier, kinder, less stressed, more courageous you? The ideal version of you isn’t imaginary at all. It’s actually the authentic you trying to break through. And it’s not a future version of yourself you have to chase. The true you may be new to you, but it’s not new to God. It’s the you he knew all along.

    In Do the New You, New York Times bestselling author and pastor Steven Furtick speaks directly to the challenge of living out your God-given identity and calling. He explores and unpacks six practical mindsets everyone can adopt to get from who you are today to where God is taking you. These six statements are truths you can speak over yourself any time and anywhere:

    – I’m not stuck unless I stop.
    – Christ is in me. I am enough.
    – With God there’s always a way and by faith I will find it.
    – God is not against me, but he’s in it with me, working through me, fighting for me.
    – My joy is my job.
    – God has given me everything I need for the season I’m in.

    These simple, powerful, memorable phrases will shift your focus, feelings, and actions to align with God’s vision of you. God isn’t just calling you to do you. He’s calling you to do the new you–the unique and powerful person he created you to be.

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  • Chosen Novels1-3 : I Have Called You By Name – Come And See – And I Will Gi


    The Chosen Novel Collection

    Based on the acclaimed video series The Chosen, the life of Jesus gets a fresh, new telling in this novel series from New York Times bestselling author Jerry B. Jenkins. This special edition boxed set contains the first three novels in the series.

    I Have Called You By Name
    What was it like to encounter Jesus face-to-face? Journey to Galilee in the first century. See the difference He made in the lives of those He called to follow Him and how they were forever transformed.

    Come and See
    As Jesus’ ministry grew, more people wanted to hear and be healed. All, by encountering Jesus, were forever changed. Follow along with Jesus’ disciples as they witness miraculous healings, confrontations with the religious establishment, growing concern among Roman officials over Jesus’ popularity, and, most of all, love personified.

    And I Will Give You Rest
    In this third installment, we see Jesus healing the sick, preaching, feeding the five thousand, and raising the dead. His enemies grow more determined to silence him. And his very human disciples struggle with their own questions and concerns, believing in but not yet understanding their Messiah.

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  • Worthy : How To Believe You Are Enough And Transform Your Life – Simple Ste


    What has self-doubt already cost you in your life?

    Imagine what you’d do if you FULLY believed in YOU! When you stop doubting your greatness, build unshakable self-worth and embrace who you are, you transform your entire life! WORTHY teaches you how, with simple steps that lead to life-changing results!

    Author Jamie Kern Lima’s first, instant New York Times bestselling book, Believe It, captured her journey of going from Denny’s waitress to billion-dollar entrepreneur by learning to believe in herself. And now her second, much anticipated, upcoming book
    WORTHY, is the playbook for how YOU can believe in YOU!

    If you’ve ever struggled with self-doubt, felt like you don’t have what it takes…or that who you truly are isn’t enough, even if you’re really good at hiding it from the world, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve been underestimating your talent and gifts, or battle imposter syndrome,

    WORTHY is for you. If you’ve been letting fear of failure and rejection hold you back,

    WORTHY is for you. If you’ve learned to please others so much that you end up betraying yourself, WORTHY is for you. If you’re sick and tired of what self-doubt has already cost you in your life, in your goals, in your relationships, and in your hopes and dreams, WORTHY is for you! If you’re ready to expand your self-love, ignite your self-confidence and wakeup your self-worth, WORTHY is for you!!

    When you change what you believe you’re worthy of, you change your entire life.
    This book is about how to do that.


    *Get Unstuck from the Things Holding You Back
    *Build Unshakable Self-Love
    *Unlearn the Lies the Lead to Self-Doubt
    *Embrace The Truths That Wakeup Worthiness
    *Stop Dimming Your Light and Doubting Your Greatness
    *Let Go of Past Mistakes and Restore Self-Confidence
    *Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Embody Empowering Ones
    *Eliminate Your Fear of Rejection and Failure
    *Learn to Believe You’re Enough Exactly as You Are
    *Transform the Meaning You Give to Your Own Story and Identity
    *Follow the Roadmap for Achieving True Fulfillment in Life
    *Achieve Your Hopes and Dreams by Believing You Are Worthy of Them
    *Embrace Who You Truly Are
    *And much more…

    Are you ready to unleash your greatness and believe in the power that is YOU? Are you ready to finally stop believing the lies that you’re unlovable, unqualified or not (fill in the blank) enough? Are you ready to triumph over the thoughts holding you back, destroy self-d

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  • Harriets Reflections


    An imaginative tale about a rambunctious lion reflection and the fierce little girl he decides to mirror.

    One day the reflection of a lion decides to reflect someone different. He picks a little girl named Harriet, who eagerly accepts the new face staring back at her. Harriet loves how ferocious she is now at school: she’s not afraid to speak up in class, and she can romp around the playground like a wild beast. But soon Harriet starts to miss the reflection she had before, the one who looked like her. Can Harriet find a way to balance her old reflection and her new one?

    This whimsical story explores themes of confidence and identity with colorful illustrations and a sly sense of humor. Delightful and unconventional, Harriet’s Reflections is the perfect read-aloud for anyone who’s ever wondered about the face on the other side of the mirror–and what they might do next.

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  • Chasing The Horizon


    Upon uncovering her tyrannical father’s plot to commit her to an asylum, Beth Rutledge fabricates a plan of her own–she will rescue her mother, who had already been sent to the asylum by her father, and escape together on a wagon train heading west. Posing as sisters, Beth and her mother join forces with other travelers and hope they can make it to Idaho before the others start asking too many questions.

    Wagon train scout Jake Holt senses that the mysterious women in his caravan are running from something. When rumors begin to spread of Pinkerton agents searching relentlessly for wanted criminals who match the description of those on his wagon train, including Beth, she begins to open up to him and he learns something much more sinister is at hand. Can they risk trusting each other with their lives–and their hearts–with danger threatening their every step?

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  • Milkweed For Monarchs


    Bold, gold, the chrysalis gleams. And deep down inside . . . the butterfly dreams.

    Every year, monarch butterflies migrate to warmer climates for overwintering months. However, changing environments make it continually more difficult to find food and places to lay eggs. In this nonfiction picture book, the monarch’s life cycle is detailed in lyrical verse as stunning art accompanies each stage in the butterfly’s life.

    The most recognizable butterfly, monarchs are classified as a vulnerable species by the IUCN, and face drastic challenges when it comes to locating food sources–milkweed. Milkweed for Monarchs is the perfect resource for young readers to learn more about these beautiful insects and how they can foster monarch-friendly environments in their own backyard. Backmatter includes actionable ways for readers to help this vulnerable species.

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  • True Sweetness : Growing In The Fruit Of The Spirit


    A devotional that showcases the power of God’s Spirit within us.

    From a day-to-day perspective, it can be difficult to see how God is at work in our lives. Through stories and uplifting quotes, this devotional reveals how the Holy Spirit changes us and brings forth fruit that gives life -?the virtues of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. New experiences, challenges, and even the smallest decisions reveal the state of our hearts. If we pay attention, we can see how far we come, and where we’re still hindered. This book will help readers learn to identify how the Spirit is at work, inspiring them to dig their roots down further so that they can experience greater richness in Christ (and share it with others)!

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  • Grieving Room : Making Space For All The Hard Things After Death And Loss


    When we lose someone we love, we are forever changed. When our person dies, our grief needs room.

    People long to reduce the enormity of our grief. “”Time heals all wounds,”” they tell us, or “”At least she isn’t in pain anymore.”” Yet no matter how hard others try to stuff our grief into a process or a plan, grief cannot be willed away.

    Leanne Friesen thought she knew a lot about bereavement. She had studied it in school and preached at memorial services. But only when her own sister died from cancer did she learn, in her very bones, what grieving people don’t need–and what they do. In Grieving Room, Friesen writes with vulnerability, wisdom, and somehow even wit about the stark and sacred lessons learned at deathbeds and funerals. When someone dies, we need room for imperfect goodbyes, she writes, and room for a changing faith. We need room for regret and room to rage at the world. Room for hard holidays and room in our schedules. We need room for redemption and room for resurrection–and we also need room to never “”get over it.””

    In this poignant account of a sister’s mourning and a pastor’s journey, Friesen pushes back against a world that wants to minimize our sorrow and avoid our despair. She helps those of us walking with the grieving figure out what to say and what not to say, and she offers practical ways to create ample space for every emotion and experience. Reflection questions, practices, and prayers at the end of the book offer guidance and ideas for individuals and groups.

    In a world that wants to rush toward closure and healing, Grieving Room gives us permission to let loss linger. When the very worst happens, we can learn to give ourselves and others grieving room.

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  • You Are A Tree


    In a world dominated by technology and efficiency, we speak of ourselves as computers: we process things, we recharge. But theologian and podcaster Joy Marie Clarkson suggests that people are more tree than computer. Pushing back against the impersonal way of viewing ourselves and the world, this book examines how metaphorical descriptions of our life and experiences shape the way we think, pray, and live. Weaving together personal stories, Scripture, poetry, and art, Joy offers a series of meditations on metaphors we use in everyday life to understand things like wisdom, security, love, change, and sadness. These reflections will inspire you to

    *live with more joy, gratitude, and God-given purpose
    *create healthier expectations of ourselves and others
    *embrace the beauty of being a human crafted by God
    *infuse the world with new meaning

    When we grow more attentive to the words we use, our experiences of the world will become more rich and meaningful. We will see God, ourselves, our relationships, and the world in a new light and with a tapestry of scriptural imagery, full of hope, promise, and beauty.

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  • Celebrating My Baptism


    The perfect gift for any child being baptized, with prayers, hymns, scriptures and more to help joyfully welcome them into God’s family!

    This beautifully illustrated book with ribbon marker and presentation page includes timeless hymns, poems, prayers, Bible verses, and child-friendly explanations about baptism, the Holy Trinity, God the Father, Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit, and more. As the perfect for any baby or child’s special baptism or christening day, the entire family of God can celebrate with a child and their parents by giving this well-written, thoughtful keepsake at the start of any spiritual journey.

    This sweet book will be treasured for years as it shares the knowledge of God’s love as a starting point to faith and a warm welcome to the community of believers. With biblically sound text, this book does not need to be read straight through, yet every page points to the relevance of being part of a church family and how baptized people can enjoy peace and forgiveness every day.

    Celebrating My Baptism contains:

    *Timeless favorites of the Christian faith including The Lord’s Prayer, Psalm 23, Jesus Loves Me, and more

    *Child-friendly explanations of church terms such as baptism, the Holy Trinity, communion and more, appropriate for ages 0-8

    *Bible verses that encourage faith development and memorization

    *Easy-to-understand life application around the significance of baptism, the Bible, and the church family

    *Bright and warm illustrations

    A presentation page and a ribbon marker, 5.75 by 7 inches

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  • Pure Joy : 90 Devotions On The Book Of James


    A 90-day devotional exploring the mystery of attaining joy through suffering.

    In the book of James, we’re told in no uncertain terms that the testing of our faith will result in perseverance, bringing us to a point where we “lack nothing.” But how can we really treat our trials with a spirit of “pure joy”? In this 90-day devotional, readers will embark on a journey through James’ enigmatic appeal, encouraging them to witness the profound transformation that unfolds when we embrace Christ’s power amidst our anguish, bewilderment, discontent, and hardship. Readers will gain a new perspective so that when life comes crashing in, they will experience a greater willingness to rejoice and trust the One who uses all suffering to make us mature and complete in Him.

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  • Finding The Extra In Ordinary


    Break free from mediocrity and start living the vibrant life God has for you.

    Most people settle for an ordinary existence a predictable schedule, easily attainable goals, reasonable expectations. While there’s comfort in the ordinary, there’s also the risk of getting stuck in a life that lacks meaning, purpose, and joy. And God doesn’t want you to get stuck especially when He has so much more for you!

    Finding the Extra in Ordinary by Jeff Simmons explores the extraordinary stories of people from all walks of life who have managed to transform their ordinary lives into something truly remarkable. From everyday people to celebrities, entrepreneurs, and sports stars, Simmons captures the inspiring stories of those who have found the extra in ordinary.

    In this book, you will learn how to:

    *live out God’s plan for loving others
    *invest wisely in the things that really matter
    *choose joy and share that joy freely with the world
    *discover your passion and purpose in life
    *start living every day with motivation and meaning

    Stop playing it safe. Step out and surpass the ordinary and start living an extraordinary life for Christ.

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  • Even If He Doesnt


    How can I approach God if I’m struggling to believe in His goodness?

    So much of our belief can be formulaic. We often think that if we do A, B, and C, then God will do X, Y, and Z. We check things off the “Good Christian Checklist,” trusting we’ll be okay, and our trials will be minimal. But when our experiences inevitably deviate from that belief, our trust in God often crumbles. After a series of life-altering trials–including a devastating diagnosis–uncovering faith in the cracks of pain is something Kristen LaValley knows well.

    In Even If He Doesn’t, Kristen will:

    *share her vulnerable and honest story

    *unpack the nuances of suffering and faith, holding space for the tension between the two

    *reveal how engaging the gentleness and grace of Christ in our suffering offers a surprising path to healing

    *remind us that when our belief is reduced to a formula, we rob ourselves of a faith that’s enriched by suffering, not crippled by it

    Those in the midst of heartache will find strength and renewal as Kristen approaches the complexity of suffering with compassion, guiding us to endure while not forsaking the joy, hope, and peace of those marked by Jesus.

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  • Light For Today


    God is always with you.

    When you’re feeling overwhelmed or lost in the dark, it can be tough to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    In Light for Today, Lauren Green offers 365 days of hope and encouragement to ground you in God’s saving grace and unending faithfulness. Combining stories and wisdom found in Scripture with true stories from Green’s personal life and illustrious journalism career, this devotional will inspire you to:

    *strengthen your spirit,
    *find silver linings,
    *persevere through turbulent times, celebrate peaceful seasons, and
    *become a shining beacon of Christ for those around you.

    God promises that he will never leave or forsake you. Let these daily messages from his lighthouse brighten your days and open your eyes to see him fulfilling that promise every moment of every day.

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  • Quilted Life : Reflections Of A Sharecropper’s Daughter


    Catherine Meeks shares the wisdom she garnered over the journey of her life, from her father’s sharecropping fields to the academy and beyond.

    Today, Catherine Meeks is a national leader of racial healing and an esteemed retired professor of African American studies. But being a Black woman in America can be difficult. Join Meeks as she describes the adventures and adversity she encountered on her path to becoming an empowered voice for change.

    Growing up in Arkansas under the terror of Jim Crow, Meeks learned firsthand about injustice and the desperation it causes. But with the support of her family, she moved to LA to study at Pepperdine. When a Black teenager was killed by a campus security guard, Meeks awakened to her prophetic voice, and a local women’s group gave her hope that racial reconciliation was possible.

    She later led a group of students to West Africa, where she met her husband. Yet her years-long battle with rheumatoid arthritis severed their relationship, leaving her a single mother.
    Meanwhile, she worked tirelessly at Mercer University to expand the African American studies program, all while earning her MSW and PhD.

    Quilting together these memories–bitter and sweet, traumatic and triumphant–Meeks shares her hard-earned wisdom: Learn how to discern the Creator’s work. Listen to the voice saying “yes” to opportunity. Become a wounded healer. Know when to practice silence and when to speak out. Readers will leave the pages of A Quilted Life enriched by Meeks’s unique perspective and insight.

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  • Cross Our Glory


    The Cross, Our Glory Reflections on Christ’s Triumphant Sacrifice is a rich collection of messages by Charles H. Spurgeon on the Jesus’ journey from the garden of Gethsemane to Calvary. Spurgeon’s direct, compassionate, deep words surrounding Christ’s passion and His death will engage any reader eager to grow in their knowledge of Christ’s love for humankind.

    Sample of selected sermon themes:

    *Mourning at the Sight of the Crucified
    *The Crown of Thorns
    *The Believing Thief
    *The Messages of Our Lord’s Love
    *The Cross, Our Glory

    Spurgeon published over two thousand of his sermons, as well as numerous books, which constitute the largest collection of work by a single author. His printed Sunday sermons were so popular that they were literally sold by the ton. He continually appealed to his audiences to allow the Lord to minister to them individually. Highlighted with splashes of spontaneous, delightful humor, his teachings still provide direction to all who are seeking true joy and genuine intimacy with God.

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  • Invisible War : A Novel


    Beginning with the emergence of the New Left out of the tumultuous 1960s, the first two installments of Tribulation Cult stretch over three generations, climaxing with the election of 2048. Center stage are four college friends who follow divergent life paths– two Christians who become ministers, their liberal counterparts who rise to the summit of world politics. The journeys of the four focus many interconnected themes in the lives of men and women who must decide where they stand as the nation increasingly splits along liberal and conservative lines, and what role the church is meant to play in that divide. Will true Christians be viewed as a cult, ostracized from mainstream society, culture, and politics?

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  • All My Secrets


    Bestselling author Lynn Austin returns with a luminous work of historical fiction set amid the opulence of Gilded Age New York, where three generations of women in one family must reckon with the choices they have made and their hopes for the future.

    New York, 1898. The only thing more shocking than Arthur Stanhope III’s unexpected death is the revelation that his will bestows his company and most of the vast fortune that goes with it to the nearest male heir, leaving his mother, wife, and daughter nearly impoverished. His widow, Sylvia, quickly realizes she must set aside her grief to ensure their daughter, Adelaide, is launched into society as soon as the appropriate mourning period passes. If Sylvia can find a wealthy husband for Addy before anyone realizes they’re practically destitute, there will be little disruption to the lifestyle they’re accustomed to.

    Sylvia’s mother-in-law, Junietta, believes their life could use a little disruption. She has watched Sylvia play her role as a society wife, as Junietta once did, despite what it cost them both. Junietta vows to give her granddaughter the power to choose a path beyond what society expects.

    But for Addy to have that chance, both mother and grandmother must first confront painful truths about their own choices. Only in bringing their secrets to light can they hope to reshape their family inheritance into a legacy more fulfilling than they ever dared dream.

    *Stand alone Christian historical romance from Christy Award Hall of Fame author
    *Historical drama full of complex family dynamics
    *Perfect for fans of Eve’s Daughters and other family sagas
    *Includes discussion questions for book clubs

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  • Mostly What God Does


    Mostly what God does is love you.

    If we could believe this, really believe this, how different would we be? How different would our lives be? How different would our world be?

    If you ever struggle with your connection to God (or whether you even feel connected to a faith at all!), you’re not alone. Especially in our modern world, with its relentless, never-ending news cycle, we can all grapple with such questions. Do we do that alone, with despair and resignation? Or do we make sense of it with God, and with hope? In these uncertain times, could believing in the power of divine love make the most sense?

    In this collection of essays, Savannah Guthrie shares why she believes it does. Unspooling personal stories from her own joys and sorrows as a daughter, mother, wife, friend, and professional journalist, the award-winning TODAY show coanchor and New York Times bestselling author explores the place of faith in everyday life.

    Sharing hard-won wisdom forged from mountaintop triumphs, crushing failures, and even the mundane moments of day-to-day living, Mostly What God Does reveals the transformative ways that belief in God helps us discover real hope for this life and beyond.

    A perfect companion to your morning cup of coffee, this incisive volume–not a memoir but a beautiful tapestry of reflections crafted as a spiritual manual–includes:

    *a fresh, biblically rooted look at six essentials of faith: love, presence, grace, hope, gratitude, and purpose;

    *an honest exploration of questions, doubts, and fears about the love of God;

    *a dose of encouragement for the faith-full, the faith-curious, and the faith-less; and

    *…and much more.

    This deeply personal collection is designed to engage the practical ways that God loves you–not just the world, but you–and to inspire you to venture down a path of faith that is authentic, hopeful, destiny-shaping, and ultimately life-changing.

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  • Embers In The London Sky


    As the German army invades the Netherlands in 1940, Aleida van der Zee Martens escapes to London to wait out the Occupation. Separated from her three-year-old son, Theo, in the process, the young widow desperately searches for her little boy even as she works for an agency responsible for evacuating children to the countryside.

    When German bombs set London ablaze, BBC radio correspondent Hugh Collingwood reports on the Blitz, eager to boost morale while walking the fine line between truth and censorship. But the Germans are not the only ones Londoners have to fear as a series of murders flame up amid the ashes.

    The deaths hit close to home for Hugh, and Aleida needs his help to locate her missing son. As they work together, they grow closer and closer, both to each other and the answers they seek. But with bombs falling and continued killings, they may be running out of time.

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  • You Are Free


    You don’t have to keep striving for freedom–instead, you can live in the freedom you already have in Christ. In these pages, Rebekah Lyons walks you through her journey of releasing stress, anxiety, and worry to uncover the peace that comes from Jesus Christ.

    Have you bought into the lie? So many of us do. We measure our worth by what others think of us. We compare and strive, living our lives for the approval of others. Pressure rises, fear and anxiety creep in, and we hustle to keep up.

    But Jesus tells us that he gave his life to set us free, giving us purpose and calling us to live in that God-given freedom and purpose. Yet we’re still afraid to live in this truth because we can’t even believe it. Rebekah reminds us that Christ doesn’t say we can be or may be or will be free. He says we are free. Do you dare to believe it?

    In You Are Free, Rebekah invites you to:

    *Overcome the exhaustion of trying to meet others’ expectations and rest in the joy that God’s freedom brings

    *Find permission to grieve past experiences, confess your areas of brokenness, and receive strength in your journey toward healing

    *Throw off self-condemnation and step boldly into what our good God has for you

    *Discover the courage to begin again and use your newfound freedom to set others free
    Freedom is for everyone who wants it–the lost, the wounded, and those weary from all of the striving. It’s for those of us who gave up trying years ago and for those of us who are angry and hurt, burnt out by the Christian song and dance. You are the church, the people of God. You were meant to be free.Join Rebekah as she helps you discover the freedom that comes when we learn that God is enough.

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  • Country Faith : 70 Inspired Stories From Leading Country Music Stars


    With personal stories from Carrie Underwood, Alan Jackson, Trisha Yearwood, Steven Curtis Chapman, and dozens of other top and rising country music stars, Country Faith is a perfect gift for music lovers or an attractive full-color coffee table book for guests. Each artist answers which Bible verse has been most meaningful to them and why, leading to heartwarming stories of their values and beliefs. Readers will enjoy the mix of encouraging vignettes alongside crisp photographs of their favorite artists and the up-and-coming stars they’ve yet to discover. This unique compilation is destined to entertain and inspire those who cherish the authentic soul and roots of faith behind today’s country music scene.

    Product Features:

    *”Country Faith” is a vibrant compilation of 70 inspired stories from top country music stars, including Carrie Underwood, Alan Jackson, Trisha Yearwood, and more, sharing their favorite Scriptures and faith experiences.

    *Discover the perrsonal stories, values, and beliefs of these renowned country artists as they reveal which Bible verses have been most meaningful to them and why, offering a heartwarming glimpse into their faith journeys.

    *This full-color coffee table book, measuring 6.25 x 6.25 inches, is not only a perfect gift for music lovers but also a beautiful addition to your own collection, featuring crisp photographs of your favorite artists and rising stars.

    *With 160 pages of encouraging vignettes and a four-color interior, “Country Faith” provides an engaging and inspirational exploration of the authentic faith at the heart of today’s country music scene.

    *This unique compilation, presented in a hardcover format with a ribbon bookmark, is an ideal gift to inspire friends and family on any occasion, celebrating the genuine soul and roots of faith within the country music world.

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  • Cultivating A Year Of Kindness DayBrightener


    One of the strongest forces for changing lives is simple, free, and fulfilling: kindness.

    Through these pages, Dr. Tony Evans shares compelling insights about being contagiously kind. Not only do we have the help of the Holy Spirit and the example of our Savior, but we have every reason to engage others with kindness based on the results that it provides. Come discover the power and passion to be relentlessly kind-and see what happens next.

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  • Holy Care For The Whole Self


    Maintaining mental and spiritual well-being can be hard, especially if you don’t have biblically based resources for developing a health mind and spirit. With personal stories and practical strategies, Laura L. Smith gently guides you through simple practices like prayer, gratitude, Bible memorization, exercise, sleep, counseling, journaling, and so many more, all to help you find rest and peace in God’s unconditional love.

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  • Do The New You


    New York Times bestselling author and pastor Steven Furtick shows readers how to find their God-given identity and to grow into the person God designed them to be all along.

    Do you ever get a glimpse of yourself that is exactly who you want to be, but always seems just out of reach? The happier, kinder, less stressed, more courageous you? The ideal version of you isn’t imaginary at all. It’s actually the authentic you trying to break through. And it’s not a future version of yourself you have to chase. The true you may be new to you, but it’s not new to God. It’s the you he knew all along.

    In Do the New You, New York Times bestselling author and pastor Steven Furtick speaks directly to the challenge of living out your God-given identity and calling. He explores and unpacks six practical mindsets everyone can adopt to get from who you are today to where God is taking you. These six statements are truths you can speak over yourself any time and anywhere:

    – I’m not stuck unless I stop.
    – Christ is in me. I am enough.
    – With God there’s always a way and by faith I will find it.
    – God is not against me, but he’s in it with me, working through me, fighting for me.
    – My joy is my job.
    – God has given me everything I need for the season I’m in.

    These simple, powerful, memorable phrases will shift your focus, feelings, and actions to align with God’s vision of you. God isn’t just calling you to do you. He’s calling you to do the new you–the unique and powerful person he created you to be.

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  • Why Cant I Get It Together


    We’re trying to “get it together” in areas we have no control over. We keep trying, but we’ll never move the needle to a better future because it has nothing to do with us or anything we can do.

    You don’t always have to give in to what the world, your family, or your own self declares is the way things are “supposed” to be. God desires goodness and joy for us. God, Jesus, and the Spirit went to great lengths to offer you and me the best good news ever.

    In Why Can’t I Get It Together?, Jamie Ivey, host of The Happy Hour podcast, shares how to:

    *Define the reality of your current circumstances
    *Ponder the areas of your life that are out of control
    *Stop self-shame
    *Create better expectations for yourself
    *Move forward in an effort to chase holiness

    Jamie guides us through six areas of our lives that are affecting our perception of God’s love in our realities. Dig deep into God’s Word to see what it says about why we keep sinning, how to stop, and what God feels about us in the midst of it all.

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  • Life Is Messy God Is Good


    Cynthia Yanof knows how sloppy, slippery, and downright hard life can be. But as she reminds us through her laugh-out-loud stories and heartfelt companionship, God’s not surprised when we drop the ball, lose our cool, or struggle to put our Spanx on in the morning. He can use our ridiculous messes and even the really difficult I-didn’t-sign-up-for-this losses to shape us.

    In Life Is Messy, God Is Good, Cynthia invites us to reframe our perspective on the challenges we face so we can see God at work–and laugh more along the way. Join her in discovering how:

    *We can be faithful to God’s purposes right where we are–baseball carpool, dog groomer, and even chaperoning the dreaded zoo field trip.

    *We come to realize one of life’s greatest blessings is a handful of crazy, godly friends (who aren’t afraid to tell you to retire your outfit).

    *When we let go of who the world says we should be, we are free to become who God created us to be.

    Whether you are navigating a difficult new season, working late on another deadline, or simply horrified that your morning routine now includes plucking chin hair, Life Is Messy, God Is Good offers an encouraging and hilarious reminder that God is at work in you–even in the mess.

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  • Sugarcoated : Finding Sweet Release From Cravings That Control Us


    All around the world, women yearn for a perfect life they can never grasp. They want to be successful, attractive, sexually fulfilled, and free from distress.

    Rather than turning to God, too many try to feast on everything under the sun–diet pills, pornography, shopping sprees, one-night stands, and social media–anything to hit that sweet spot.

    In the end, they are left with a deep sense of shame that can draw them further down into a spiral of bingeing, hiding, and emotional self-flagellation. They totally get Paul’s woeful lament, “I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing” (Romans 7:19).

    Consequently, these women build a wall between themselves and God. They fear divine retribution for their chosen form of gluttony while simultaneously operating under the false assumption that God doesn’t want to have anything to do with them.

    As author Angie Haskell notes, “This dangerous form of beratement worms its way into every facet of women’s lives. It burrows into their psyche, making them believe that demeaning treatment from others, as well as themselves, is perfectly normal. And if they dare throw caution to the wind, stepping out in their stilettos to stand up for what they need, it is often met with assumptions from others that their morals and values have flown out the window.”

    These women feel alone, unseen and unsatisfied, but Angie wades into their despair. With disarming wit and boldness, she empowers readers to take a hard look at their secret cravings, understand where they are coming from, and get on a path that leads to emotional and physical health.

    In a society that has become dangerously divisive, Angie reassures women that they’re still deserving of a relationship with God while also standing up for themselves and their needs.

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  • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Lunch Box Notes


    A winning edition of our popular Prayers-to-Share series made to encourage school-aged kids.

    The formative years of school are filled with highs and lows. As kids break for lunch during busy school days, these Prayers-to-Share notes can brighten their spirits with a word of encouragement, a prayer, and a Bible verse. Parents, guardians, and siblings can easily tear out a hope-filled message and tuck it inside a lunchbox as a pleasant surprise. As they read these notes, children will be reminded just how much they are loved by God and the important people in their lives.

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  • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Reminers You Are Never Alone


    A comforting edition of our popular Prayers-to-Share series for the anxious and disconnected.

    Feelings of isolation can come from anywhere – grief, loss, disappointment, rejection, or simply down days. They can turn our difficulty into despair. This edition of Prayers-to-Share is designed to comfort the lonely and remind them that because of God’s great love, they are never forsaken. Filled with comforting pass-along prayers, along with selected Scripture verses and encouraging quotes from Max Lucado, readers can easily send a message of hope that can change the course of someone’s day.

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  • 100 Days Of Strength In Any Struggle


    What if you could see God clearer and know Him deeper in the middle of your struggles? You don’t have to keep trying to muster up more grit, willpower, or wisdom on your own. You can tap into the source of true, unfailing strength. How? In this 100-day devotional, you’ll discover where strength really comes from?Jesus, who holds everything together. As you experience pain, move through daily challenges, or get bogged down by anxieties big or small, you’ll learn to find Him right in the middle of it, ready to strengthen you and give you rest. You are stronger than you think because God is closer than you know. (in)courage is an online community of women who seek Jesus together. Each day we meet you right where you are, as one of our writers shares what’s going on in her everyday life, and how God is right in the middle of it all. They bring their unique experiences – joys and struggles equally – so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives. Founded in 2009 by DaySpring, (in)courage comes alongside women through daily devotions, podcasts, books, and Bible studies.

    *This Devotional Journal by (in)courage offers genuine support amidst life’s challenges, reminding us that God is with us when life doesn’t go as planned.

    *Each day, readers can dive into authentic stories, empowering Scriptures, and thought-provoking prompts, providing the guidance needed to harness strength and resilience regardless of changing circumstances.

    *Perfect for those seeking to navigate life’s challenges with faith and strength, or a thoughtful gift for loved ones.

    *This devotional journal is brought to you by the (in)courage community, an online community of women who share their everyday life and how God is right in the middle of it, so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope of Jesus.

    *This paperback journal features an elegant gold foil design, contains 208 pages of inspiration, and measures 6.5 x 8 inches. It also includes a ribbon bookmark for easy tracking and a beautiful 4-color interior.

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  • Resting In Jesus


    A 30-day devotional on the art of letting go of daily chaos to find perfect peace in Christ.

    When our phones are pinging, children are crying, emails are pouring in, and the refrigerator is empty, finding time to rest in Jesus can seem like a near impossible task. If we aren’t being productive, we feel like missing out and falling behind. But Christ invites us to sit at His feet, especially in the midst of our daily chaos. The example of Mary and Martha offers us a picture of how God understands not only what we’re going through, but where our priorities really need to be. Resting in Christ is not a luxury, it’s a necessity… and it informs everything else that we do. This devotional will guide readers in the journey to discovering the art of being still before God – and releasing their cares to the One who cares for them.

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  • Doing Justice Together


    Transform your church with grace. Doing Justice Together introduces a process using Scripture as a souce of inspiration and instruction for pastors and church people to move through together, to re-envision and reorient themselves away from old, harmful habits. Beck and Hand show pastors how they can, over time, lead the congregation to become a place where racial harmony, justice, and liberation are intrinsic to the structure and life of the church. The authors lay out four pathways for discerning and correcting the unjust patterns that often sneak into church life unnoticed. They also share other leaders’ stories from a variety of settings where this process has led to healing, revival, and hope. Following the pathways, pastors and congregants will be equipped to thoughtfully transform their church. They’ll make changes with grace and care, honoring and including longtime members. And they’ll begin new ministries–perhaps reaching people they could never have imagined reaching before–becoming a fresh expression of church in their community.

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  • Lexham Geographic Commentary On The Pentateuch


    Walk in the footsteps of the patriarchs.

    *Why do mountains play such important roles in the Bible?
    *Why do altars and wells matter?
    *How do the patriarchs’ lives foreshadow Israel’s story?

    From the four rivers of Eden to Israel’s wilderness wanderings, the biblical narratives in the Pentateuch are filled with geographical details. God’s story of redemption takes place in the real, but often unfamiliar, world of the ancient Near East.

    Written by a team of experts on biblical geography and culture, the Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch is a guide to the world of the patriarchs. Each article addresses a particular story, event, or subject in Genesis through Deuteronomy, with full-color maps and photos providing deeper layers of context. Historical and cultural insights give readers a richer understanding of the biblical story.

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  • How Ableism Fuels Racism


    As a Black autistic pastor and disability scholar, Lamar Hardwick lives at the intersection of disability, race, and religion. Tied to this reality, he heeded the call to write How Ableism Fuels Racism to help Christian communities engage in critical conversations about race by addressing issues of ableism.

    Hardwick believes that ableism–the idea that certain bodies are better than others–and the disability discrimination fueled by this perspective are the root causes of racial bias and injustice in American culture and in the church. Here, he uses historical records, biblical interpretation, and disability studies to examine how ableism in America led to the creation of images, idols, and institutions that perpetuate both disability and racial discrimination.

    He then goes a step further, calling the church into action to address the deep-seated issues of ableism that started it all and offering practical steps to help readers dismantle ableism and racism both in attitude and practice.

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  • How Ableism Fuels Racism


    As a Black autistic pastor and disability scholar, Lamar Hardwick lives at the intersection of disability, race, and religion. Tied to this reality, he heeded the call to write How Ableism Fuels Racism to help Christian communities engage in critical conversations about race by addressing issues of ableism.

    Hardwick believes that ableism–the idea that certain bodies are better than others–and the disability discrimination fueled by this perspective are the root causes of racial bias and injustice in American culture and in the church. Here, he uses historical records, biblical interpretation, and disability studies to examine how ableism in America led to the creation of images, idols, and institutions that perpetuate both disability and racial discrimination.

    He then goes a step further, calling the church into action to address the deep-seated issues of ableism that started it all and offering practical steps to help readers dismantle ableism and racism both in attitude and practice.

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  • Strange Religion : How The First Christians Were Weird, Dangerous, And Comp


    The first Christians were weird. Just how weird is often lost on today’s believers.

    Within Roman society, the earliest Christians stood out for the oddness of their beliefs and practices. They believed unusual things, worshiped God in strange ways, and lived a unique lifestyle. They practiced a whole new way of thinking about and doing religion that would have been seen as bizarre and dangerous when compared to Roman religion and most other religions of the ancient world.

    Award-winning author, blogger, speaker, and New Testament teacher Nijay Gupta traces the emerging Christian faith in its Roman context in this accessible and engaging book. Christianity would have been seen as radical in the Roman world, but some found this new religion attractive and compelling. The first Christians dared to be different, pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable, transformed how people thought about religion, and started a movement that grew like wildfire.

    Brought to life with numerous images, this book shows how the example of the earliest Christians can offer today’s believers encouragement and hope.

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  • Mara Hears In Style


    Mara takes on the world with her flashy purple hearing aids and sassy, hot pink earmolds.

    Mara’s first day at her new school is filled with ups and downs surrounding her hearing aids: her teacher doesn’t remember to turn on her microphone, the lunchroom is too chaotic for lip-reading, and she keeps reading the same question over and over on her classmates’ lips: “What’s in her ears?” After a morning spent navigating these challenges, Mara makes a connection on the playground and finds that her hearing aid superpowers are perfect for making new friends.

    Accessible and engaging, Mara Hears in Style will encourage readers to respect hearing differences and inspire kids who worry about making new friends. The book is filled with American Sign Language depictions–including a full alphabet spread–so readers can sign alongside Mara as they discover new ways to bridge communication gaps in their own communities.

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  • Crisis Of Confidence


    Carl Trueman Analyzes How Ancient Creeds and Confessions Protect and Promote Biblical Christianity in a Culture of Expressive Individualism

    Historic statements of faith-such as the Heidelberg Catechism, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Westminster Confession of Faith-have helped the Christian church articulate and adhere to God’s truth for centuries. However, many modern evangelicals reject these historic documents and the practices of catechesis, proclaiming their commitment to “no creed but the Bible.” And yet, in today’s rapidly changing culture, ancient liturgical tradition is not only biblical-it’s essential.

    In Crisis of Confidence, Carl Trueman analyzes how creeds and confessions can help the Christian church navigate modern concerns, particularly around the fraught issue of identity. He contends that statements of faith promote humility, moral structure, and a godly view of personhood, helping believers maintain a strong foundation amid a culture in crisis. This is a revised edition of Trueman’s The Creedal Imperative, now with a new section on the rise of expressive individualism.

    *Updated Edition of The Creedal Imperative: Includes fresh cultural insights on modern individualism

    *Written by Carl Trueman: Author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self (100,000+ copies sold)

    *Theological and Historical: Explains why creeds and confessions are necessary, how they have developed over time, and how they can function in the church of today and tomorrow

    *Ideal for Pastors, Professors, and Those Interested in Liturgical Tradition

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  • Overflowing Joy : What Jesus Says About A Joy-Filled Life


    Whether you’re facing the ordinary, daily pressures of squaring away today’s to-do list or an unexpected season of suffering that seems to have no end, sometimes it feels like Jesus’s promise of “overflowing joy” is simply not within reach for your real life.

    But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    By journeying with you through Jesus’s words in John 15, author and Bible teacher Tara Dew reveals three surprising paths to a truly joy-filled life. If you’re willing to take Jesus up on His teaching, you’ll find that God’s pruning, God’s presence, and God’s commands have the power to deliver not just a taste of joy as a fruit God is developing in your life, but an overflowing bushel of it! The question is, are you willing?

    If so, prepare to experience a truly, fully, and genuinely joy-filled life–no matter the season or circumstance!

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  • Sexpectations : Reframing Your Good And Not-So-Good Stories About God, Love


    Redefine the Way You Look at God, Love, and Relationships

    Sex is a big deal–yet many Christians struggle to make sense of their sexual story in light of their faith. Porn addiction, hooking up, hating sex, same-sex attraction, fighting about sex, or past sexual harm become part of a cycle of shame you can’t escape.

    Offering a redemptive, practical path to sexual wholeness, physician and minister Dr. Carol Tanksley shows how to understand both the good and not-so-good parts of your sexual story. Drawing from real-life stories, biblical truth, and contemporary research, Dr. Carol empowers you to

    *reinterpret your sexual story with honesty and compassion
    *find freedom from shame, compulsive behaviors, past harm, and hiding
    *redefine the way you look at God, sex, love, and relationships
    *orient your sexuality as God intended and embrace what he has for your future

    Regardless of your relationship status, don’t let your past keep you from experiencing what you were created for: true intimacy with God and others. Reclaim his vision of sexuality and intimacy so you and He together can write your next chapter with hope.

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  • Irish Matchmaker


    As daughter of a well-known matchmaker, Catriona Daly is no stranger to the business of love–and sees it as her ticket away from the sleepy village that only comes alive during the annual matchmaking festival. Enter Lord Osborne’s son, Andrew, who has returned to the festival after being disappointed by a rival matchmaker’s failed setup. Catriona seizes the opportunity to make a better match for the handsome man–and for herself!

    Cattle farmer Donal Bunratty is in desperate need of a wife after loss left him to handle the farm and raise his daughter on his own. Shy and lacking the finer social graces, he agrees to attend the matchmaking festival to appease his daughter. But when he arrives, it’s not any of the other merrymakers that catch his eye but rather his matchmaker–who clearly has eyes for someone else.

    Catriona will have to put all her expertise to work to make a match that could change her life forever. Will her plan succeed? Or will love have its own way?

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  • Irish Matchmaker


    As daughter of a well-known matchmaker, Catriona Daly is no stranger to the business of love–and sees it as her ticket away from the sleepy village that only comes alive during the annual matchmaking festival. Enter Lord Osborne’s son, Andrew, who has returned to the festival after being disappointed by a rival matchmaker’s failed setup. Catriona seizes the opportunity to make a better match for the handsome man–and for herself!

    Cattle farmer Donal Bunratty is in desperate need of a wife after loss left him to handle the farm and raise his daughter on his own. Shy and lacking the finer social graces, he agrees to attend the matchmaking festival to appease his daughter. But when he arrives, it’s not any of the other merrymakers that catch his eye but rather his matchmaker–who clearly has eyes for someone else.

    Catriona will have to put all her expertise to work to make a match that could change her life forever. Will her plan succeed? Or will love have its own way?

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  • Ark And The Dove


    Zara and Noah have walked together with the Creator for their entire lives, and they have done their best in an increasingly wicked and defiant world to raise their three sons to follow in their footsteps. It has been a challenge–and it’s about to get much, much harder.

    When the Creator tells her husband to build an ark to escape the coming wrath against the sins of humankind, Zara steps out with him in faith. But the derision and sabotage directed their way from both friends and extended family are difficult to bear, as is knowing that everyone she interacts with beyond her husband, her sons, and their wives is doomed to destruction. And when the ark is finally finished and the animals have been shut up inside, Zara and her family embark on an adventure that will test their patience and their faith as they await deliverance and dry ground.

    Experience the story of Noah and the flood like you never have before. With bestselling and award-winning author Jill Eileen Smith as your guide, you’ll never look at a rainbow the same way again.

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  • While The City Sleeps


    Katherine Schneider’s workaday life as a dentist in 1913 New York is upended when a patient reveals details of a deadly plot while under the influence of laughing gas. As she is plunged into danger, she seeks help from the dashing Lieutenant Jonathan Birch, a police officer she has long admired from afar.

    Jonathan has harbored powerful feelings toward Katherine for years but never acted on them, knowing his dark history is something she could never abide. Now, with her safety on the line, he works alongside her through the nights as they unravel the criminal conspiracy that threatens her. And throughout it all, Jonathan fears what will happen should Katherine ever learn his deepest secrets.

    Join award-winning author Elizabeth Camden for a sweeping and romantic adventure of dangerous secrets and wounded hearts fighting to overcome the darkness while the rest of the city sleeps.

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  • Chasing The Horizon


    Upon uncovering her tyrannical father’s plot to commit her to an asylum, Beth Rutledge fabricates a plan of her own–she will rescue her mother, who had already been sent to the asylum by her father, and escape together on a wagon train heading west. Posing as sisters, Beth and her mother join forces with other travelers and hope they can make it to Idaho before the others start asking too many questions.

    Wagon train scout Jake Holt senses that the mysterious women in his caravan are running from something. When rumors begin to spread of Pinkerton agents searching relentlessly for wanted criminals who match the description of those on his wagon train, including Beth, she begins to open up to him and he learns something much more sinister is at hand. Can they risk trusting each other with their lives–and their hearts–with danger threatening their every step?

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  • Ladys Guide To Marvels And Misadventure


    When Clara Marie Stanton’s ex-fiance begins to spread rumors that her family suffers from hereditary insanity, it’s all Clara can do to protect them from his desperate schemes and society’s prejudice. Her family may be eccentric, yes, but they certainly aren’t insane. Then Clara’s Grandfather Drosselmeyer brings on an apprentice with a mechanical leg, and all pretense of normalcy takes wing.

    Theodore Kingsley, a shame-chased vagabond skilled in repairing clocks, wants a fresh start far from Kingsley Court and the disappointed father who declared him dead. Upon returning to England, Theodore meets clockmaker Drosselmeyer, who hires him as an apprentice, much to Clara’s dismay. When Drosselmeyer spontaneously disappears in his secret flying owl machine, he leaves behind a note for Clara, beseeching her to make her dreams of adventure a reality by joining him on a merry scavenger hunt. Together, Clara and Theodore set off to follow Drosselmeyer’s trail of clues, but they will have to stay one step ahead of a villain who wants the flying machine for himself–at any cost.

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  • While The City Sleeps


    Katherine Schneider’s workaday life as a dentist in 1913 New York is upended when a patient reveals details of a deadly plot while under the influence of laughing gas. As she is plunged into danger, she seeks help from the dashing Lieutenant Jonathan Birch, a police officer she has long admired from afar.

    Jonathan has harbored powerful feelings toward Katherine for years but never acted on them, knowing his dark history is something she could never abide. Now, with her safety on the line, he works alongside her through the nights as they unravel the criminal conspiracy that threatens her. And throughout it all, Jonathan fears what will happen should Katherine ever learn his deepest secrets.

    Join award-winning author Elizabeth Camden for a sweeping and romantic adventure of dangerous secrets and wounded hearts fighting to overcome the darkness while the rest of the city sleeps.

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  • You Are A Tree


    In a world dominated by technology and efficiency, we speak of ourselves as computers: we process things, we recharge. But theologian and podcaster Joy Marie Clarkson suggests that people are more tree than computer. Pushing back against the impersonal way of viewing ourselves and the world, this book examines how metaphorical descriptions of our life and experiences shape the way we think, pray, and live. Weaving together personal stories, Scripture, poetry, and art, Joy offers a series of meditations on metaphors we use in everyday life to understand things like wisdom, security, love, change, and sadness. These reflections will inspire you to

    *live with more joy, gratitude, and God-given purpose
    *create healthier expectations of ourselves and others
    *embrace the beauty of being a human crafted by God
    *infuse the world with new meaning

    When we grow more attentive to the words we use, our experiences of the world will become more rich and meaningful. We will see God, ourselves, our relationships, and the world in a new light and with a tapestry of scriptural imagery, full of hope, promise, and beauty.

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  • Arise And Shine


    When the darkness of the world feels overwhelming, we wonder, Where can I find light?

    And even more, How can I be the light?

    Pediatric nurse Allyson Golden faces the hardest realities of life-and death-every day. She longed to be a light for Christ in every patient’s room, but she didn’t know what that looked like when she could hardly find that light herself.

    As Allyson immersed herself in Scripture, she began to understand the transformative truth that we have no power to shine on our own, but the Light of the World shines through us-and no darkness can overcome it.

    In Arise and Shine, Allyson explores our deepest questions:

    * Can Jesus shine through me even when I doubt His presence?
    * Does shining God’s light mean being cheerful all the time?
    * How can I hold on to God’s light-and is that even a thing?
    * Why is it so hard to give my burdens to God?
    * Is the darkness ever going to go away?

    With practical action steps at the end of every chapter, Arise and Shine helps you renew your mind, recharge your spirit, and take a positive step forward, because nothing can dim the light inside of you.

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  • Defiant Joy : Find The Hope To Light Your Way, Even In The Darkness


    When Jennifer Greenberg escaped her abusive childhood home at the age of twenty-one, she found that few Christians knew how to encourage her. Platitudes such as, “God won’t give you more than you can handle,” “Forgive and forget,” and “Have faith!” left her feeling misunderstood and alone. Would she ever be whole again? Could joy exist for someone so broken?

    By discarding false theology and toxic positivity, Greenberg discovered joy beyond anything she was taught in church: joy that’s a gift from God. In her new book, Defiant Joy, Greenberg shares this groundbreaking hope as she explores:

    – why philosophies like the prosperity gospel and legalism fail us
    – how Jesus is with us amid our sadness, disappointment, anger, and anxiety
    – how God’s joy far exceeds any emotion we can muster

    God doesn’t want you to pretend you’re okay. Discover the freedom of living beyond performance faith. Embrace a joy that shines in defiance of the darkness.

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  • Sharing Too Much


    The #1 New York Times bestselling author and “king of Christmas fiction” (The New York Times) delivers a charming and inspirational collection of personal essays.

    Before he was the #1 New York Times bestselling author of holiday classics such as The Christmas Box, Richard Paul Evans was a young boy being raised by a suicidal mother and dealing with relentless bullying. He could not fathom what the future held for him.

    Now, in this intimate and heartfelt collection of personal essays, Evans shares his moving journey from childhood to beloved author. With his signature “seasoned finesse” (Booklist), he offers the insightful lessons he’s learned and engaging advice about everything from marriage to parenthood and even facing near-death experiences. This is a charming essay collection that is the perfect gift all year round.

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  • Even When : Experiencing God’s Presence During Difficult Days – 40 Devotion


    From award-winning author Sara Cormany, Even When is a raw and reflective devotional that ushers readers into God’s presence during difficult times and reminds us that even our hardest stories are written by the hand of a good God.

    In these uniquely challenging and unprecedented post-pandemic times, the notion that God’s goodness ensures an easy journey has been met by the unfaltering truth that life is hard. It’s not a question of if there will be trials, but when. Sara Cormany knows this reality all too well. However, through personal health complications and family tragedy, she has chosen to believe that Jesus is enough.

    Even When beautifully weaves together the inevitability of hard times with the unyielding heart of God’s goodness and inspires readers to experience His presence amid the storm in their lives. Each devotion begins with an “Even when…” statement, followed by a poignant personal story, a Bible verse, and a thought-provoking question that will encourage readers to embrace the truth that God is enough — even in our darkest moments.

    This powerful devotional helps readers to:

    *Become more comfortable with the difficult truth that life not only can, but will be hard.
    *Reflect on where God has shown up in their own hardships.
    *Experience God’s goodness while enduring life’s challenges.
    *Explore what it looks like to “suffer well” and trust God as Jesus did on the Cross.
    *Love God and know God’s love in a fallen world.

    Vulnerable and authentic, Even When strikes a universal chord and points readers toward the heart of God’s goodness in even the most challenging of circumstances, knowing that even when life is hard, He is always good

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  • Fight The Good Fight


    Hard choices lie ahead, Christians. The bestselling team of James Robison and Jay Richards show what’s at stake in our post-Christian society, how to prepare, and why we must never forget that the battle, above all, is spiritual.

    Our rulers have kicked aside our Constitution and common sense. They have demonized our heroes. Now they’re trying to erase the difference between male and female. All while running up unimaginable and catastrophic debt.

    What’s left for Christians in such a society, where dissent invites ruinous retribution? Should they retreat? Fight back? Something else?

    God is not finished with us as a nation, but if we’re going to get off the road to ruin, we must do more than slow down and conserve whatever good remains: We must repent. That means a hard, 180-degree turn–and fast.

    If we’ll pray, think straight, persuade other lovers of truth to join us, and fight together–wise as serpents and innocent as doves–then there’s still hope.

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  • End Of The World As You Know It


    Thinking about the end times isn’t supposed to terrify you

    Christians rightly turn to the Bible to make sense of our times. But so often we get the wrong answers because we ask the wrong questions.

    In The End of the World as You Know It, Matthew L. Halsted challenges common end-times assumptions and points us back to Scripture. Each chapter reevaluates a popular question in light of the Bible’s own concerns: Will Christians be raptured? What is the mark of the beast? When we let Scripture direct our questions, we get better-and more hopeful-answers.

    The Bible was written for us, but not to us. We must bridge the gap between Scripture’s ancient context and our own. Reading end-times texts in their ancient context helps us understand our present and future. And when we do, we find that God’s word brings peace, not fear and confusion.

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  • Unshakable Moxie A 6 Session Womens Bible Study With Video Access


    See God’s faithfulness through the lives of other women and understand how your identity in Christ can strengthen your faith. Combined with the Unshakable Moxie video series, this powerful study explores biblical lessons around the themes posed in each episode. Hosts Moriah Smallbone and Toni Collier press deeply into the tough topics–forgiveness, disillusionment, hardship–with notable guests to reveal how they have grown their faith during challenging circumstances.

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  • Think Ahead Workbook (Workbook)


    We all want to make great decisions, but frequently, we don’t. When the moment of truth arrives, we make choices that we later regret. It causes us to wonder if we actually can begin to make better decisions for our lives.

    Pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel understands this dilemma that we all face. From both personal experience and as a minister and counselor to others, he knows what it is like to be trapped in a cycle of bad decision-making. But over time, he has discovered how to short-circuit the bad-decision cycle, make wise decisions, and begin to become the person God wants us to be.

    In the Think Ahead Workbook, which accompanies the book of the same name, Craig draws on the truth of Scripture and the latest research in human behavior to reveal the power of making decisions in advance–what we might call “pre-deciding”–to position ourselves to make the choices we really want to make and avoid those choices that we do not want to make. In the process, he reveals:

    *The science behind many of our decision-making habits
    *How our small choices shape the kind of people we become
    *Practical steps we can employ to combat decision fatigue
    *How to develop the ability to diminish the role of emotions in decision-making

    Are you ready to choose who you will become and live the life you really want to live? If so, this workbook will provide you with a clear biblical path on how to get there and think ahead.

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  • Gift Of Thorns


    Today’s follower of Jesus exists at a moment in history when our desires, longings, and wants are being weaponized against us by cultural, spiritual, and relational forces. “Follow your heart” and “You do you” has become our moment’s mantras. The result, for too many, is feeling torn asunder by the raging desires within. What do we do with our desire? What about our unwanted desires? And how do we cultivate desires which bring life and freedom and lead to Christ? The Gift of Thorns, by A. J. Swoboda, addresses these questions and more.

    The path forward is anything but easy. It is assumed by too many in the Christian community that desire is in and of itself bad or dangerous and must be crucified for simply existing. Desire is demonic for some. But, for many others–particularly in the secular West–desire must be followed through and through. This side deifies desire. But these two options sidestep the joy in the great challenge of finding God in our desire. There exists an ancient and sacred way that is forged around the life, wisdom, and power of Jesus and his Spirit. In short, what makes a follower of Christ is not whether or not we have desires. Rather, it is what we do with the desires we have.

    Near the end of the story of humanity’s rebellion, the theme of “thorns” is introduced. As readers will discover, the thematic repetition of “thorns” pops up over and over throughout the Bible. What are the thorns for? They will be, in the words of God, “for you” (Gen. 3:18). The premise of this book is that a world where we do not get all that we want is, well, the greatest gift ever.

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  • Oraciones Y Salmos Para Cada D – (Spanish)


    Presentamos Oraciones y Salmos para cada dia: un viaje de fe de Freddy DeAnda, un libro que le inspirara a conectarse con su espiritualidad todos los dias.

    En esta hermosa coleccion, Freddy DeAnda ofrece una poderosa combinacion de oraciones diarias y fragmentos de los Salmos para guiarle en su viaje de fe. Ya sea que este buscando consuelo durante momentos dificiles o simplemente desee profundizar su conexion con Dios, este libro le brindara la inspiracion y la guia que necesita.

    Cada dia, encontrara una oracion que llegara a su corazon y le ofrecera consuelo, esperanza e inspiracion. Estas oraciones abordan una amplia gama de temas, desde el amor y la gratitud hasta el perdon y la resiliencia. Ademas, para enriquecer aun mas su experiencia espiritual, DeAnda ha complementado cada oracion con un fragmento de los Salmos, proporcionando una comprension mas profunda del mensaje y una oportunidad para la reflexion.

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  • Ciencia Del Logro Personal – (Spanish)


    Del autor del exito de ventas Piense y hagase rico y La ley del exito nos llega una clase magistral sobre el logro individual. Aprende a implementar el sistema de exito responsable de los logros extraordinarios de los mejores empresarios, innovadores y lideres de Norteamerica.

    Tras dedicar mas de 20 aos de su vida a estudiar los secretos del exito de mas de 500 de las personas mas prosperas de Norteamerica, Napoleon Hill organizo sus descubrimientos en la primera filosofia practica del mundo acerca del logro humano. Los 17 principios basicos forman la Ciencia del Logro Personal y se presentan aqui para que los estudies y los pongas en practica. Usa las tecnicas de este libro para desarrollar el dominio sobre tus pensamientos, para que puedas disfrutar de la “riqueza” en su sentido mas amplio: financiera, espiritual, mental y material. Descubre los componentes fundamentales del exito, como:

    *Las 12 grandes riquezas de la vida
    *Los 7 factores que contribuyen a la definicion de proposito
    *Los 8 fundamentos para edificar la fe
    *Las 7 reglas para pensar acertadamente
    *Y mucho mas

    Los mayores logros de la humanidad comenzaron como material del pensamiento. Con las percepciones de la investigacion exhaustiva de Hill, podras establecer habitos mentales que conducen a la seguridad financiera, la salud y la paz mental necesarias para la felicidad.

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  • Glimpses : A Comedy Writer’s Take On Life, Love, And All That Spiritual Stu


    From the award-winning creator of Roseanne, Home Improvement, and several blockbuster films, comes Glimpses, a collection of stories filled with hope, humanity, and humor and an invitation to see goodness and grace in our everyday moments.

    Matt Williams never focused on red carpets and glitzy parties during his successful Hollywood career–writer/producer of The Cosby Show and A Different World, creator of Roseanne and Home Improvement, producer of successful movies and plays. Looking back, Williams realized that throughout his life what sustained him, guided him, and inspired him were divine glimpses of goodness and grace .

    Williams says, “When I started my quest to find little glimpses of God in everyday life, the clouds didn’t open, and a voice like rolling thunder didn’t call down to me. But I did start noticing simple acts of kindness, moments of grace that reflected God’s loving presence in the world. . . . This practice of noticing these glimpses changed my life. Instead of blasting my way through the week–competing, hurrying and scurrying, fighting for my personal space, my self-care, and my ego-based impulses–I started consciously looking for God’s goodness. And I found it everywhere.”

    From a stranger in a casting office predicting Matt would succeed at a time when he felt like giving up, to deciding to work with Tim Allen after vowing not to work with another comedian after Roseanne, to learning what love really meant after “Spirit” told him he would marry Angelina–Williams realized that these “glimpses of God” have served as the loving, quiet providence that watched over him. Our job, then, is to pay attention to our lives. Regardless of your beliefs, Glimpses will inspire you to look for and find God in your daily life.

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  • 1 Of A Kind


    For fans of All-of-a-Kind Family, here is the true story of how Sarah Brenner, a poor girl from New York City’s Lower East Side, became Sydney Taylor: dancer, actress, and successful children’s book author.

    Sarah Brenner might have come from an all-of-a-kind family (five sisters who all dressed alike), but she was always one of a kind. Growing up in a Jewish immigrant family on New York’s impoverished Lower East Side, Sarah loved visiting the library, celebrating holidays with her family, and taking free dance classes at the Henry Street Settlement. But she was always aware of things that weren’t fair–whether it was that women couldn’t vote, or how girls were treated in her school, or that her parents had had to leave Europe because they were Jewish. When she grew up, Sarah changed her name to Sydney and became an actress and a dancer, but she never forgot the importance of fighting unfairness, whether it was anti-Semitism at her job or the low wages of workers. And when her daughter complained that it wasn’t fair that there were no books about Jewish children like her, Sydney put pen to paper and wrote a one-of-a-kind children’s book.

    From well-known Jewish children’s author Richard Michelson, this is the story of how Sarah became Sydney and how she showed children the joy of seeing their culture reflected on the page.

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  • Transfiguration Of Christ


    All three Synoptic Gospels tell the story of Jesus’s transfiguration. Yet there has been surprisingly little written about this key event, and many readers struggle to understand its significance and place in redemptive history, let alone how it might be applied.

    Here, Patrick Schreiner provides a clear and accessible study of the transfiguration with an eye toward its theological significance and practical application. Namely, this event points to Jesus’s double sonship, revealing the preexistent glory of the eternal Son and the future glory of the suffering Messianic Son. Further, the transfiguration points to Christians’ own formation and transfiguration. Schreiner traces the transfiguration theme through Scripture and employs hermeneutical, trinitarian, and christological categories to assist his exegesis, thus challenging modern readings.

    This enlightening study will be of interest to students, pastors, and serious lay readers.

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  • Crossing Cultures With The Gospel


    Southwestern Journal of Theology 2023 Book Award (Honorable Mention, Evangelism/Missions/Global Church)

    Drawing on forty years of teaching and mission experience, leading missiological anthropologist Darrell Whiteman brings a wealth of insight to bear on cross-cultural ministry.

    After explaining the nature and function of culture and the importance of understanding culture for ministry, Whiteman addresses the most common challenges of ministering across cultures. He then provides practical solutions based on lived experience, helping readers develop healthy patterns so they can communicate the gospel effectively. Issues addressed include negotiating differences in worldview, the problem of nonverbal communication, understanding cultural forms and their meanings, and the challenge of overcoming culture shock.

    Professors, students, and anyone ministering cross-culturally will benefit from this informed yet accessible guide. Foreword by Miriam Adeney.

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  • Are We Living In The Last Days


    Will Jesus’s return be preceded by a single world government?

    Will every person have a government-issued ID or mark?

    Does Christ return once or twice?

    Will believers go through a Great Tribulation?

    Will there be a literal battle of Armageddon?

    Does it even matter what we believe about future events?

    Biblical prophecies about the end times have confused, confounded, and even divided God’s people for centuries. But the reason Scripture gives us hints about the future is to provide the encouragement we need to endure the present, confident that God keeps his promises.

    In this balanced look at four major views of the end times, bestselling author Bryan Chapell explains the primary ways Christians have interpreted biblical prophecy about the last days, not so that we might pick a hill to die on but so that we can cling to what unites us in Christ.
    No matter what end times view we find most compelling, in God’s plans we can find strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

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