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Showing 1301–1400 of 23550 results

  • Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song Of Songs


    “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
    a time to be born, and a time to die…”

    When the reformers of the sixteenth century turned to this well-known text from the Book of Ecclesiastes, they did not find a reason to despair, but rather confirmation of their hope and faith in God. For example, Martin Luther pointed to the comfort offered through this text: “You cannot live any longer than the Lord has prescribed, nor die any sooner. . . . To Christians this is a great comfort, so that they know that death has not been placed into the power of tyrants nor into the hands of any creature,” but in the hands of God.

    In this volume of the Reformation Commentary on Scripture, Reformation scholar David Fink guides readers through a wealth of early modern commentary on three Old Testament books: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. Readers will hear from familiar voices and discover lesser-known figures from a diversity of theological traditions, including Lutherans, Reformed, Radicals, Anglicans and Roman Catholics. Drawing upon a variety of resources-including commentaries, sermons, treatises, and confessions-much of which appears here for the first time in English, this volume provides resources for contemporary preachers, enables scholars to better understand the depth and breadth of Reformation commentary, and seeks to help readers find comfort in God’s Word.

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  • Low Anthropology


    Many of us spend our days feeling like we’re the only one with problems, while everyone else has their act together. But the sooner we realize that everyone struggles like we do, the sooner we can show grace to ourselves and others.

    In Low Anthropology, popular author and pastor David Zahl explores how our ideas about human nature influence our expectations in friendship, work, marriage, and politics. We all go through life with an “anthropology”–ideas about what human beings are like, our potentials and our limitations. A high anthropology can breed perfectionism, anxiety, burnout, loneliness, and resentment. Meanwhile, Zahl invites readers into a biblically rooted and life-giving low anthropology, which fosters hope, deep connection with others, lasting love, vulnerability, compassion, and happiness.

    Zahl offers a liberating view of human nature, sin, and grace, showing why the good news of Christianity is both urgent and appealing. By embracing a more accurate view of human beings, readers will discover a lasting hope for others–and themselves.

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  • Message Of Ecclesiastes (Revised)


    What is life all about? In the end, is it no more than a wisp of vapor, a puff of wind, a mere breath? So says the Preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes. But is this the whole message of Ecclesiastes?

    With imagination and clarity, Derek Kidner introduces this unusual Old Testament book that speaks so powerfully to each new generation. He reveals how the Preacher confronts difficult questions and examines extremes of human experience, facing the fear that God is distant and nothing has meaning. Finally, however, we are led to encounter the God who was present all along, who cares about the details of our lives.

    Part of the beloved Bible Speaks Today series, The Message of Ecclesiastes offers an insightful, readable exposition of the biblical text and thought-provoking discussion of how its meaning relates to contemporary life. Used by students and teachers around the world, the Bible Speaks Today commentaries are ideal for those studying or preaching the Bible and anyone who wants to delve deeper into the text. This revised edition of a classic volume features lightly updated language and current NRSV Scripture quotations with a new interior design.

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  • Doctrine Of Good Works


    In Titus, Paul says Christ redeemed a people “zealous for good works.” Despite this declaration and others like it, the doctrine of good works has fallen on hard times in contemporary Protestant theology and practice. At best, it’s neglected–as in most systematic theologies and in too much church teaching. At worst, it’s viewed with suspicion–as a threat to salvation by grace alone through faith alone.

    In this important work addressing a significant gap in current theological literature, the authors argue that by jettisoning a doctrine of good works, the contemporary church contradicts historical Protestantism and, more importantly, biblical teaching. They combine their areas of expertise–exegesis, systematic and historical theology, and practical theology–to help readers recover and embrace a positive doctrine of good works. They survey historical Protestant teaching to show the importance of the doctrine to our forebears, engage the scriptural testimony on the role of good works, formulate a theology of salvation and good works, and explore pastoral applications.

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  • Well All Be Free


    Never doubt your worth again

    You’re not good enough. How many of us internalize this belief before we even reach adulthood? How many of us feel unworthy and unable to live up to what seem like impossible, completely arbitrary standards? Where do these toxic beliefs about ourselves come from? And who told us there is a way we are “supposed” to be, anyway?

    With passion and compassion, educator and podcaster Caroline J. Sumlin reveals the force that keeps all of us, whether we are part of a marginalized group or not, from freely expressing who we are as image bearers of God: white supremacy culture. Sharing her own story, she helps us:

    ? see the wide-ranging effects of living in a culture of white supremacy
    ? identify the damaging beliefs we internalize from our very earliest days
    ? find clarity and freedom as we dismantle the oppressive structures that hem us in and force us to conform

    If you have struggled with perfectionism, self-doubt, unworthiness, or the unrelenting pressure to pursue someone else’s version of “success,” you will find here the tools you need to silence the voices that seek to keep you down and to value yourself as never before.

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  • Last Hour Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    As the last hour approaches, it’s time to topple misconceptions and discern God’s plan.

    We all have questions about the end times. But as Israeli Christian and respected Bible teacher Amir Tsarfati explains, biblical prophecy is a mystery, not a secret. Understanding is available to anyone who takes the time to study it.

    Designed as a companion to the bestselling and eye-opening book The Last Hour, this study guide is full of thought-provoking:

    * reflection questions
    * discussion starters
    * Scripture studies
    * bonus reading material
    * and practical application

    As the last hour approaches, rather than engaging in speculation and playing on people’s fears, Amir poses real-life scenarios grounded in biblical truth and helps you explore biblical prophecy–and its modern-day application and fulfillment–in fresh and fascinating ways.

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  • Offensive Church : Breaking The Cycle Of Ethnic Disunity


    Crises around race have put the church in a defensive posture, always reacting to racial conflicts in society. But Jesus wants more. He wants Christians to play offense by discipling people into a new humanity, where we push beyond mere diversity and into a biblical vision for ethnic unity.

    Bryan Loritts calls Christians to proactively and intentionally live out the embodied reality of a people at one with one another. We play offense by practicing a robust gospel, preparing reliable leadership, and providing relational environments so that the church becomes the aroma of Christ to our culture and gains ground against the demonic foothold of racism in all its forms.

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  • Creating The Canon


    Despite the profound influence of the New Testament, a variety of questions related to its background and history remain common. Contemporary readers often find the subject of the canon’s origin and formation to be complicated and confusing, while scholars continue to struggle to find agreement about basic elements of the canon’s development. In this engaging study, Benjamin P. Laird explores several misunderstood, disputed, and overlooked topics in order to provide fresh insight and clarity about the canon’s creation and modern relevance. The volume addresses questions such as:

    *Was there a single “original autograph” of each New Testament writing?

    *Who exactly were the “original readers” of the New Testament writings?

    *Did theological controversies play a decisive role in prompting the canon’s formation?

    *How did such a diverse body of writings come together to form a single canonical collection?

    *Is there a basis for the canon’s ongoing authority?

    Wide-ranging yet accessible, Creating the Canon offers an illuminating treatment of the composition, formation, and authority of the New Testament and serves as a valuable guide to those with limited prior study.

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  • Finding Us (Large Type)


    While taking photographs at an exposition in Seattle in 1909, Camera Girl Eleanor Bennett snaps an image of a woman in widow’s clothes with deep sorrow etched in her expression and a young infant in her arms. Eleanor longs to study botany at the University of Washington and soon becomes fast friends with botanist Bill Reed, but she can’t stop thinking about the widow in the photograph. She is stunned to learn Bill recognizes the woman as the sister-in-law he believed lost in a shipwreck.

    As Eleanor and Bill hunt for Amelia Reed to reunite her with her grief-stricken husband, they must stand together to face the danger that follows and learn to trust that God will direct their paths.

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  • Morning By Morning


    Experience the profound and practical insights of Charles Spurgeon, the revered “Prince of Preachers,” through the Morning by Morning Softcover One-Minute Devotions. This delightful paperback volume presents 366 simple yet deeply spiritual reflections that will enrich your daily life.

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  • Well All Be Free


    Never doubt your worth again

    You’re not good enough. How many of us internalize this belief before we even reach adulthood? How many of us feel unworthy and unable to live up to what seem like impossible, completely arbitrary standards? Where do these toxic beliefs about ourselves come from? And who told us there is a way we are “supposed” to be, anyway?

    With passion and compassion, educator and podcaster Caroline J. Sumlin reveals the force that keeps all of us, whether we are part of a marginalized group or not, from freely expressing who we are as image bearers of God: white supremacy culture. Sharing her own story, she helps us:

    ? see the wide-ranging effects of living in a culture of white supremacy
    ? identify the damaging beliefs we internalize from our very earliest days
    ? find clarity and freedom as we dismantle the oppressive structures that hem us in and force us to conform

    If you have struggled with perfectionism, self-doubt, unworthiness, or the unrelenting pressure to pursue someone else’s version of “success,” you will find here the tools you need to silence the voices that seek to keep you down and to value yourself as never before.

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  • In Jesus Name


    Whoever Controls the Altar Controls the Outcome

    Throughout Scripture, God’s leaders built altars where He met them in powerful, miraculous ways. God still longs to pour out His power at those altars. But we’ve been seduced away by worldly wisdom and man-made distractions and plans, leaving us ineffective against the evil sweeping across our land.

    With insight and humility, international leader and pastor Rick DuBose shows the path back to five forgotten altars–and ultimately, the path to your place in heaven’s throne room. Full of real-world application and encouraging inspiration, this book will help you:

    * ignite a fire for effective prayer
    * stand your ground in five key areas
    * create a culture of prevailing prayer in your church
    * build spaces to repent, receive, and encounter God

    It’s time to storm the altars and pray with humble authority that moves heaven–and unleashes victory here on earth.

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  • All American : A Novel


    Two sisters discover how much good there is in the world–even in the hardest of circumstances

    It is 1952, and nearly all the girls 16-year-old Bertha Harding knows dream of getting married, keeping house, and raising children in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. Bertha dreams of baseball. She reads every story in the sports section, she plays ball with the neighborhood boys–she even writes letters to the pitcher for the Workington Sweet Peas, part of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.

    When Bertha’s father is accused of being part of the Communist Party by the House Un-American Activities Committee, life comes crashing down on them. Disgraced and shunned, the Hardings move to a small town to start over where the only one who knows them is shy Uncle Matthew. But dreams are hard to kill, and when Bertha gets a chance to try out for the Workington Sweet Peas, she packs her bags for an adventure she’ll never forget.

    Join award-winning author Susie Finkbeiner for a summer of chasing down your dreams and discovering the place you truly belong.

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  • Following The Footsteps Of Rabbi Jesus Into The Courts Of Heaven Study Guid (Stu


    An Interactive Guide to Experiencing Miraculous Answers to Every PrayerAre your prayers for breakthrough met with silence? Do you pray the right way only to wonder if your prayers are even being heard?Too often we approach prayer as a formula, failing to understand that the Courts of Heaven are a dimension in the Spirit…where unanswered prayers are answered! Trained to operate in this realm, global apostolic leader and bestselling author Dr. Francis Myles has seen incredible, miraculous results and now he shares how you can too.Walking you through Scripture’s ultimate model of intercession, Dr. Myles helps you navigate the Courts of Heaven, empowering you to partner with Rabbi Jesus and employ His proven methods to secure breakthrough results with this impactful study guide.Full of dynamic, Bible-based revelations and real-world teachings, this interactive study guide offers a practical guide to help you:Apply the finished work of Jesus, our Advocate in God’s Heavenly Courtroom.Experience a deeper intimacy and dynamic partnership with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.Silence the accuser.Trace the footsteps of Rabbi Jesus into the Courts of Heaven.Receive every blessing Jesus made available as our High Priest.Don’t settle for silence when answers are your legal right through Jesus Christ. It’s time to pray with power, partnering with the Holy Spirit to enter the Courts of Heaven and experience the supernatural results waiting for you.Perfect for personal study or study groups.

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  • What Jesus Intended


    Have you lost your footing in church? Or has the church lost its footing?

    Many of us feel unsteady, disoriented, even crushed after an endless string of scandals within the walls of a place meant to offer compassion and safety. Others feel forced to draw back or distance ourselves from the church. All the while, our instincts tell us this is not what Jesus wanted for his people. But what did he intend?

    After four decades of ministry, Anglican bishop Todd Hunter is no stranger to betrayal and pain in the church. Still, he has hope. He believes more than ever that Jesus is who the world needs and that Jesus has plans for his followers. In What Jesus Intended, Hunter offers a vision for emerging from the rubble of bad religion and rebuilding faith among a community of sincere believers. By unpacking the purposes of Jesus, we can expose twisted, toxic religion for what it is and embrace the true aims of the gospel.

    Come for a fresh hearing of Jesus-one that offers us the healing and goodness we’ve always longed for.

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  • Power Of Thank You


    Adopt a lifestyle of thanksgiving and discover that no matter how messy life gets, God will make it good.

    Each moment that you’re given is a precious gift from God. You can choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of joy, simply because God is good. In The Power of Thank You, renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer encourages us to take a look at ourselves and the importance of being thankful.

    Living life with a heart of gratitude for who God is and what He has done lifts your burdens and allows you to see everything in a different light. Regularly giving thanks to God not only helps you fully realize how He’s working in your life, it gives you a new perspective–your mind is renewed, your attitude is improved, and you’re filled with joy.

    Things will certainly happen to you that don’t seem fair, and it’s much easier to make excuses and feel sorry for yourself. Keep saying, “I trust You, God, and I believe You will work it all out for my good.” If you find The Power of Thank You in every situation, truly believing that God is working everything out for your good, you will end up with the victory every single time.

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  • Practicing Christian Doctrine Second Edition


    This introductory theology text helps students articulate basic Christian doctrines, think theologically so they can act Christianly in a diverse world, and connect Christian thought to their everyday lives of faith.

    Written from a solidly evangelical yet ecumenically aware perspective, this book models a way of doing theology that is generous and charitable. It attends to history and contemporary debates and features voices from the global church. Sidebars made up of illustrative quotations, key Scripture passages, classic hymn texts, and devotional poetry punctuate the chapters.

    The first edition of this book has been well received (over 25,000 copies sold). Updated and revised throughout, this second edition also includes a new section on gender and race as well as new end-of-chapter material connecting each doctrine to a spiritual discipline.

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  • All American : A Novel


    Two sisters discover how much good there is in the world–even in the hardest of circumstances

    It is 1952, and nearly all the girls 16-year-old Bertha Harding knows dream of getting married, keeping house, and raising children in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. Bertha dreams of baseball. She reads every story in the sports section, she plays ball with the neighborhood boys–she even writes letters to the pitcher for the Workington Sweet Peas, part of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.

    When Bertha’s father is accused of being part of the Communist Party by the House Un-American Activities Committee, life comes crashing down on them. Disgraced and shunned, the Hardings move to a small town to start over where the only one who knows them is shy Uncle Matthew. But dreams are hard to kill, and when Bertha gets a chance to try out for the Workington Sweet Peas, she packs her bags for an adventure she’ll never forget.

    Join award-winning author Susie Finkbeiner for a summer of chasing down your dreams and discovering the place you truly belong.

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  • Centering Discipleship : A Pathway For Multiplying Spectators Into Mature D


    Discipleship without mission is discipleship without Christ.

    The church often lacks maturity and missional impact because discipleship is at its periphery. In order to get discipleship to the center, leaders need a locally rooted, culturally contextual discipleship pathway to tether disciples who are disciplemakers to the neighborhood or network around them.

    Pastor and discipler E. K. Strawser shows that when discipleship becomes central to your leadership and community, then discipleship becomes central to congregational mission and cultural renewal. Centering Discipleship is a gutsy practice-based guidebook for leaders who are doing the hard work of re-imagining and re-structuring their churches and communities to turn spectators into missional, mature followers of Jesus.

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  • Break Of Day


    Annie Pederson’s happily ever after is finally within sight . . . If she can stay alive long enough to grasp it.

    Law enforcement officer Annie Pederson’s life has been rocked by tragedy, but things finally seem to be heading in the right direction. Her relationship with the love of her life–who’s also the biological father of her precious daughter–has never been better, and it looks like an engagement ring is in Annie’s future. She’s also slowly building back trust with her sister, Sarah, after a separation that lasted for decades.

    When a man escapes law enforcement custody and Sarah’s safety is suddenly in question, Annie’s personal and professional lives once again merge. Meanwhile, her investigation of hikers who have gone missing in the remote woods of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula puts her in the crosshairs of a deadly game.

    Now, Annie is the one being hunted. When she discovers the terrible truth about the men who are stalking her, she realizes that she’s in for the fight of her life if she’s going to redeem the sister she once lost, build the family she dreams of, and keep all those she loves safe.

    Return to the beloved town of Rock Harbor in the final installment of the Annie Pederson trilogy by bestselling suspense author Colleen Coble.

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  • Finding Us


    While taking photographs at an exposition in Seattle in 1909, Camera Girl Eleanor Bennett snaps an image of a woman in widow’s clothes with deep sorrow etched in her expression and a young infant in her arms. Eleanor longs to study botany at the University of Washington and soon becomes fast friends with botanist Bill Reed, but she can’t stop thinking about the widow in the photograph. She is stunned to learn Bill recognizes the woman as the sister-in-law he believed lost in a shipwreck.

    As Eleanor and Bill hunt for Amelia Reed to reunite her with her grief-stricken husband, they must stand together to face the danger that follows and learn to trust that God will direct their paths.

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  • Berenstain Bears Color By Sticker


    Make the Berenstain Bears come to life by coloring many of your favorite characters with stickers! Featuring Papa, Mama, Brother, Sister, Honey Bear, and the Bear Country gang, children will love using the stickers in this book to create their masterpieces.The Berenstain Bears Color by Sticker also includes fun and engaging activities, such as mazes, crosswords, wordsearches, and more! This interactive addition to the Living Lights series of The Berenstain Bears books will provide young readers with hours of fun.The Berenstain Bears Color by Sticker is perfect for:Readers ages 4-8Holiday gift exchanges, boredom busters, stocking stuffers, or road tripsKids who love stickers, puzzles, and other paper-and-pencil activities The Berenstain Bears Color by Sticker is an addition to the Living Lights series that:Features the hand-drawn artwork of the Berenstain familyContinues in the much-loved footsteps of Stan and Jan Berenstain’s The Berenstain Bears series of booksIs part of one of the bestselling children’s book series ever created, with more than 250 books published and impacting nearly 300 million readers

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  • Oraciones Diarias Para Encontr – (Spanish)


    Que es el gozo? Podemos recibir momentos fugaces cuando vemos la luz del sol atravesar las nubes, o ver a un nio pequeo reir mientras sopla la pelusa de un diente de leon gastado. Pero solo hay una fuente de gozo verdadero y duradero, y ese es nuestro Salvador, Jesus.

    Durante una temporada de incognitas, Dios abrio Su Palabra a la autora Gina L. Smith y le enseo Su definicion de gozo para que pudiera experimentarlo en lo profundo de su corazon. El la ayudo a darse cuenta de que habia estado encontrando gozo en Sus bendiciones, en lugar de en El, la fuente de esas bendiciones. Y aprendio a “tenerlo por sumo gozo” (Santiago 1:2) pase lo que pase.

    Oraciones diarias para encontrar el gozo es un viaje de treinta dias a traves de la Palabra de Dios que te ayudara a descubrir el gozo que Dios quiere compartir contigo. El esta contigo siempre y puede resolver todas las cosas para bien. !Llenate hasta rebosar del gozo de Dios!

    What is joy? We can receive fleeting moments of it when we watch sunlight break through the clouds, or see a little child laugh as he blows apart the fluff of a spent dandelion. But there is only one source of true, lasting joy, and that’s our Savior, Jesus.

    During a season of unknowns, God opened His Word to author Gina L. Smith and taught her His definition of joy so that she could experience it deep in her heart. He helped her realize that she had been finding joy in His blessings, rather than in Him, the source of those blessings. And she learned how to “count it all joy” (James 1:2) come what may.

    Everyday Prayers for Joy is a thirty-day journey through God’s Word that will help you discover the joy that God wants to share with you. He is with you always and can work out all things for good. Fill yourself to overflowing with God’s joy!

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  • Como Enfrentar Momentos Difici – (Spanish)


    Todos enfrentamos y enfrentaremos momentos dificiles. La adversidad, muchas veces, se presenta de manera inesperada, y puede ser temporal, o nos acompaa por largos periodos de tiempo. La adversidad podria alterar el proyecto de vida que teniamos planeado o producir cambios inmediatos en nuestro estilo de vivir. Sin embargo, siempre deja lecciones maravillosas y conocemos a Dios de una forma diferente, profunda y personal. Toda adversidad tiene solo una ruta: la de ser superada.

    Como enfrentar momentos dificiles le ayudara a convertir la adversidad en oportunidades. Sus recomendaciones son claras y sencillas, entre otras: enfrente los pensamientos negativos; piense bien la situacion y sus posibilidades; no se detenga, avance; rodeese de personas que lo animen; admita sus limitaciones; desarrolle estrategias; y descubra las oportunidades de la vida.

    We all face and will face difficult times. Adversity often occurs unexpectedly. It can be temporary, or accompany us for long periods of time. Adversity could alter the life project we had planned or produce immediate changes in our lifestyle. However, it always leaves wonderful lessons, and we know God in a different, deep, and personal way. All adversity has only one route: we are to overcome it.

    How to Face Difficult Moments will help you turn adversity into opportunities. Sixto Porras’s recommendations are clear and simple; among others, he suggests: face negative thoughts; think well about the situation and its possibilities; don’t stop, move forward; surround yourself with people who encourage you; admit your limitations; develop strategies; and discover life’s opportunities.

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  • Come Out From Among Them


    If God’s chosen people were meant to be set apart, then why are we staying trapped by the world?

    After reading this book, you will have the boldness and the integrity to make an impact for the Kingdom of Heaven by tearing down the dark deceptions of the enemy that are plaguing our culture today.

    In 2021, evangelist Todd Coconato had an angelic visitation that rocked him to the core. The angelic messenger told him two things: “Come out from among them,” and, “Be consecrated.” For the next year, Coconato sought God to understand the message for himself and the body of Christ.

    In Come Out From Among Them, Coconato shares what he believes God is calling the body of Christ to in this season: to come out of the Babylon system and truly be set apart, not participating in the wickedness of this hour or listening to the modern-day prophets of Baal–the “fake news” media! This is a time of great shaking and awakening, and the church can no longer be a silent majority. This is a time for action.

    In this book, Coconato shows God’s remnant warriors how to:

    *Truly be set apart;
    *Refuse to conform to the wickedness of this hour; and
    *Take back the culture for the kingdom of God.

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  • Seeing God As A Perfect Father Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study G


    The renowned pastor and author A.W. Tozer once said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing to us . . . the most portentous fact about any man is not what he at a given time may say or do, but what he in his heart conceives God to be like.” Our image of God shapes everything about us. It informs everything about who we are and who we are becoming.

    In Seeing God as a Perfect Father, bestselling author and pastor Louie Giglio challenges each of us to consider our perceptions and thoughts about God. When we think about him, do we imagine a ruler who demands absolute loyalty from us? Or a coach who expects us to perform up to his high expectations? Or even a virtual assistant who is always there to help us when every other option is exhausted?

    Louie invites us to consider God in a different way: as a perfect Father who wants us to live under the waterfall of his blessing. He points us to a God who is not absent or ambivalent, but available and affectionate, ready to shower us with his approval and love. He challenges us to consider:

    *How the way that we are seeing God is influencing what we feel about his character
    *How our perceptions of God’s perfection is creating misperceptions of his care for us
    *How our relationship with our earthly father is creating distance in our relationship with him
    *How our lives would be different if we truly were able to see God as a perfect father

    When we take hold of the truth that our God has spanned heaven and earth to reach us, we will no longer be defined by our past but by the love of a perfect Father. Learn how God wants us to experience his unique, unconditional love and to live in the freedom, abundance, and blessing He freely gives.

    Sessions and video run times:

    1. The Universal Craving (18:00)
    2. It’s About What You Think (15:30)
    3. Unclouding Your View (14:30)
    4. A Better Name (17:30)
    5. Finding Freedom (19:00)
    6. We Have Seen His Glory (19:30)

    This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:

    *The study guide itself–with discussion and reflection questions, video notes, and a leader’s guide.

    *An individual access code to stream all video sessions online. (You don’t need to buy a DVD!)

    Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2028. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Int

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  • My Biggest Questions About God


    Activity Books, Tony Evans

    Additional Info
    Pastor and trusted Bible teacher Dr. Tony Evans answers fundamental questions about the Christian faith to help children understand who God is and why they can trust Him with their lives.

    Is there a child in your life who needs to learn about God? Dr. Tony Evans provides easy-to-understand answers to the most important questions about Christianity, so that kids can come to know and trust the Lord. Topics include:

    *Who is God and what is He like?
    *Where did the world come from?
    *How can I follow God?
    *Why do bad things sometimes happen?
    *How am I part of God’s plan?

    My Biggest Questions About God is a valuable resource for parents and youth leaders who want to help children build a firm foundation of faith.

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  • Who Can Be Against Us


    Whether one is mining the apostle Paul’s letters for theology, for preaching, for mission strategy, or for an entrepreneurial model, there is a little something for everyone–but the student of leadership will find the biggest payload. Paul’s life and ministry are full to brimming with demonstrations of leadership lessons and qualities. In Who Can Be against Us?, Eddie Estep returns to share about the five C’s of Paul’s life as a leader of the budding movement that came to be called the Christian church. Leadership development questions in each chapter make this book an easy-to-use resource for individuals or small groups.

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  • R E D Marketing


    Cree campaas de marketing innovadoras aprovechando el poder de R.E.D. Marketing: una metodologia transparente y flexible directamente de la potencia de marketing Yum! Brands.

    Ignore los libros de marketing, los cursos e incluso las charlas TED que ofrecen explicaciones hipoteticas que suenan sensatas y adopte el enfoque sistematico y probado de R.E.D. Marketing, que el reciente CEO y actual director de marketing de Yum! Brands llevo a cabo para dirigir Taco Bell y KFC a un crecimiento de dos digitos. Este libro, repleto de marcos sencillos e historias interesantes, ayudara a todos los miembros de su empresa a comprender que funciona realmente para impulsar el crecimiento sostenible de la marca y el exito empresarial.

    En 2011, Greg Creed acababa de ser elevado de presidente a director ejecutivo de Taco Bell, una marca en crisis en ese momento. Estaba sobre sus hombros cambiar las cosas rapidamente junto con el coautor y director de marketing, Ken Muench. Juntos, desarrollaron el metodo R.E.D. (Relevancia, Facilidad, Distincion).

    Su metodologia simple no requiere terminos complicados y un doctorado para comprenderla, en realidad es bastante simple: el marketing funciona de tres formas muy diferentes:

    *Relevancia: es relevante para el mercado?
    *Facilidad: es facil de acceder y utilizar?
    *Distincion: Se destaca de la competencia?

    Combinando ejemplos reales de Yum! y otras marcas conocidas de todos los tamaos en todo el mundo con los ultimos descubrimientos en marketing, neurociencia y economia del comportamiento, y la propia experiencia del autor comercializando tres marcas diferentes en 120 paises, su marca puede establecer y lograr una verdadera campaa de marketing revolucionario usando R.E.D. Marketing.

    R.E.D. Marketing

    Create innovative marketing campaigns by leveraging the power of R.E.D. Marketing: a transparent and flexible methodology directly from the marketing powerhouse Yum! Brands marketing powerhouse.

    Ignore the marketing books, courses and even TED talks that offer hypothetical explanations that sound sensible and adopt the systematic and proven R.E.D. Marketing approach, which the recent CEO and current chief marketing officer of Yum! Brands took to lead Taco Bell and KFC to double-digit growth. Packed with simple frameworks and interesting stories, this book will help everyone in your company understand what really works to drive sustainable brand growth and business success.

    In 2011, Greg Creed had just been eleva

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  • Prevenient Grace : A 4-Week Study


    God’s immense love goes before us, beckoning us, preparing us, and patiently waiting for us to respond before we ever have any idea of our need for God. God has chosen us to partner in his mission of saving and restoring the world, and he has prepared our way before us. All we have to do is respond! Each chapter has a short reflection on the nature of Prevenient Grace, followed by journaling and prayer prompts and closing with discussion questions for small groups.

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  • Finding God Faithful Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Trace the path of Joseph’s life in the book of Genesis to observe how God’s sovereignty reigns, even in our darkest moments. Learn to recognize when God is working during periods of waiting, trust God’s plan when life doesn’t make sense, and rest in the sufficiency of His presence in every circumstance. His provision is enough, His presence is constant, and His purpose is unstoppable. (8 sessions)

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  • How To Stay Married


    One gorgeous autumn day, Harrison discovers that his wife–the sweet, funny, loving mother of their three daughters, a woman “who’s spent just about every Sunday of her life in a church”–is having an affair with a family friend. This revelation propels the hysterical, heartbreaking events in How to Stay Married, casting our narrator onto “the factory floor of hell,” where his wife was now in love with a man who “wears cargo shorts, on purpose.” What will he do? Kick her out? Set fire to all her panties in the yard? Beat this man to death with a gardening implement? Ask God for help in winning her back?

    Armed only with a sense of humor and a hunger for the truth, Harrison embarks on a hellish journey into his past, seeking answers to the riddles of faith and forgiveness. Through an absurd series of escalating confessions and betrayals, Harrison reckons with his failure to love his wife in the ways she needed most, resolves to fight for his family, and in a climax almost too ridiculous to be believed, finally learns that love is no joke.

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  • Fairest Of Heart


    Once upon a time in Texas . . .

    Beauty has been nothing but a curse to Penelope Snow. When she becomes a personal maid for a famous actress whose troupe is leaving Chicago to tour the West, she hides her figure beneath shapeless dresses and keeps her head down. But she still manages to attract the wrong attention, leaving her prospects in tatters–and her jealous mistress plotting her demise.

    After his brother lost his life over a woman, Texas Ranger Titus Kingsley has learned to expect the worst from women and is rarely disappointed. So when a young lady found in suspicious circumstances takes up residence with the seven old drovers living at his grandfather’s ranch, Titus is determined to keep a close eye on her.

    With a promotion hanging in the balance, Titus is assigned to investigate a robbery case tied to Penelope’s acting troupe, and all evidence points to Penelope’s guilt. But Titus might just be convinced that the fairest woman of all has a heart as pure as her last name . . . if only he can prove it.

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  • Keeping Creation : A 5-Week Study


    Creation care is political but not partisan.What occurs on one side of the planet affects the other side of the planet.As citizens of the kingdom of God, we were created to be citizens of the earth.Creation care is not an isolated cause that Christians can set apart from the rest of life. Creation involves everything we see (and some things we don t see). So to talk about caring for creation is to talk about politics, economics, food, energy, freedom, and our faith.Across five weeks of scriptural study, interpretation, and contemporary application, Keeping Creation offers a biblical exploration of the call on God s people to tend and serve the earth. Authors Caleb Cray Haynes, Ryan Fasani, Megan Pardue, and Todd Womack offer a Scripture-based guide for small groups who are ready not only to think and reflect but also to act. Each chapter includes discussion questions and suggestions for new, creation-serving habits and practices that participants can begin to work on together.God has created a beautiful world that is meant to be interconnected, each piece dependent on all the other pieces, and it brings God joy to see creation working as intended. Keeping Creation will help Christians prioritize and understand humanity’s role on the interconnected planet that teems with the life God created.

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  • Managing Your Emojis


    God calls us to live lives of joy, but sometimes we feel mad, sad, or scared. Managing Your Emojis, a 100-day devotional, teaches kids that God loves them no matter what they’re feeling, and Scripture can empower them to manage their emotions.

    Learning to manage our emotions is a critical life skill, yet we’ve often missed equipping kids with these valuable skills before situations intensify into mental health issues.
    Managing Your Emojis will help kids discover that emotional control and happiness come from God’s love for them. Through short, accessible devotions kids will be encouraged to observe, name, and release their emotions while turning to God for the strength, love, and care they need as they begin the fast-moving process of growing up.

    Managing Your Emojis, for boys and girls ages 8-12:

    *Teaches kids they can accept and manage their God-given emotions.

    *Refers to specific Scriptures that speak to our emotions and help children realize God accepts all their emotions.

    *Creates freedom in families to discuss emotions and know they are part of God’s design.

    *Includes stories that present a problem, a Scripture that provides a solution, a practical application, and a closing prayer.

    *Is written by bestselling author Lynn Cowell and licensed professional counselor Michelle Nietert.

    Managing Your Emojis will empower your child to find acceptance and approval from God as they come to know that God made them just as they are; intense emotions and all.

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  • Persistent Road : A Novel


    An Open Road Press Title

    There’s always an escape. Sometimes you need to search long and hard for the right one.

    After losing all he once cherished, Doug Zimmer follows his wife’s parting bread crumbs and rides up the Pacific coast-on a bicycle. Armed with a revolver and only a vague plan to get through the months ahead, he aims to end his depression one way or the other.

    As spiritual forces wrangle for his soul, he pedals eastward across America. He meets Lauren Baumgartner-a younger adventurer with a vibrant spirit-and a band of zealots who confront his aversion to religion. Accompanying Doug are not only sunny days and the beauty of nature but also the perils of the road, fellow travelers with their own stories, and the hollow silence of solitary campsites playing host to unseen creatures of the night.

    A jarring episode on a climb through a treacherous pass brings Doug face-to-face with life and death. Will Doug’s adventure deliver him from loneliness and lament . . . or hurtle him to an abrupt end?

    TIM BISHOP has bicycled many of the roads that Doug Zimmer travels in The Persistent Road. And having coached people struggling with similar issues, the author is familiar with his protagonist’s problems. Tim and his wife, Debbie, are coauthors of the award-winning Wheels of Wisdom.

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  • Memoir Of Moses


    In Memoir of Moses, A. J. Culp explores the role of the book of Deuteronomy as the chief memory producer of Israel’s covenant with Yahweh instead of a product of memory from ancient Israel.

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  • Stroke Of Heaven


    After surviving a stroke while playing college volleyball, author Malori Rogers learned how to find God and his will by seeing life through a spiritual lens.

    With the overarching theme of the importance of faith and family, Rogers provides a look into her experience and how living with a brain injury takes an immense amount of motivation and discipline every day. It’s not something Rogers ever envisioned experiencing, but she has learned it’s possible to have contentment, drive, purpose, and motivation even when our world is shattered.

    A Stroke of Heaven offers encouragement to everyone who faces the trials that come with life and a transparent, spirit-filled, honest testimony to the heavenly father and his powerful nature.

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  • Introduction To Spirituality


    This introduction explores Christian spirituality as a pursuit of the global church today. It encourages students to adopt a lifestyle spirituality, which involves relational intimacy with the triune God.

    Gary Tyra is well known for his work in the field of Christian spirituality and has years of experience in the classroom and in the church. In this book, Tyra encourages us to adopt a Pauline lifestyle spirituality, whereby we keep in step with the Holy Spirit so that we might experience an ongoing mentoring relationship with the Son in order to faithfully and fruitfully engage in the mission of the Father. Keeping in step with the spirit unfolds in a “lifestyle spirituality,” a collection of convictions, commitments, and customs that constitute the disciple’s lifelong journey with the triune God.

    This book is part of a new series that reflects the changing face of global Christianity. Series volumes are written by leading Pentecostal/Charismatic scholars who highlight themes of interest to Pentecostal/Charismatic students; however, the books are respectful, appreciative, and inclusive of a variety of church families and traditions. Series editors are Jerry Ireland, Paul W. Lewis, and Frank D. Macchia.

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  • Spacious Path : Practicing The Restful Way Of Jesus In A Fragmented World


    A simple invitation into a life ordered around listening and love

    As we live through cycles of change and disruption, our familiar pathways crumble and we find ourselves in fragmented relationships with God, others, and our own souls. We are not the first to experience this disorientation: When Jesus offered the stunning invitation to come to him to learn how to work from a place of rest, he was talking to people weighed down by ill-fitting political, economic, and religious systems. And his life and ministry offer a glimpse of a better way.

    For centuries a practice called the Rule of Life-built around rhythms of prayer, work, study, hospitality, and rest-has provided a loving pathway for anyone who desires to live out the whole gospel. More than a historic primer on an ancient practice, an aspirational overview of spiritual life, or a personal inventory focused on habits, The Spacious Path offers companionship through personal narrative, meaningful reflection, and guided prayer for readers to return to as often as needed.

    Rediscover an ancient Christian practice to reorient your life around the unforced rhythms of Jesus, not by adding another ill-fitting system but by walking freely and lightly on the pathways of listening and love in the way of Jesus.

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  • Theological Lexicon Of The Old Testament Volume 3


    An indispensable and incomparable reference work, this translation of the Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament makes accessible in English a wealth of theological insight. In these volumes, outstanding scholars provide in-depth and wide-ranging investigations of the historical, semantic, and theological meanings of Old Testament concepts.

    Well-organized and clearly written articles analyze a significant portion of the Old Testament vocabulary. This reference work can serve a wide audience, from professors and researchers to pastors and students of the Bible. Even readers with little or no knowledge of Hebrew can use it profitably.

    Whereas traditional lexicons do little more than offer possible translations in the light of etymological and grammatical evidence, the Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament goes further, evaluating each term’s theological relevance by clearly describing its actual usage in the language. In the process, it makes available to readers many form- and tradition-critical insights hitherto buried in scattered commentaries, monographs, Old Testament theologies, journal articles, etc. Thus the individual articles serve as concise, well-structured histories of research with conclusions, discussion of controversies, and references to the most important literature.

    The methodological repertoire of the TLOT is deliberately broad because today it is generally agreed that no single approach can fully illuminate a term’s meaning. Assumptions that led to ill-advised short-cuts–e.g., the chimera of a basic meaning from which all other meanings developed–have given way to a methodological pluralism that considers a term’s significance from several points of view and thus does more justice to actual usage.

    Words were included because of their importance within the Hebrew Bible, not their suitability as elements of a secondary system of Old Testament theology. Since the entries are generally ordered according to roots–the traditional and sensible approach for Semitic languages–and many words are treated as derivatives, synonyms, or antonyms of the terms listed in the article titles, thousands of words are covered in about 330 articles. These other words can easily be found in the index. Besides examining the key verbs, nouns, and adjectives, the TLOT examines theologically noteworthy pronouns and particles in their own entries.

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  • Confessing Christ As Lord Of All In A Pluralistic World


    Is Christianity outdated? Has it become just like other world religions, which postmodernists accept as equally valid ways to know God? Can Christians still confess that Jesus is Lord of all?Drawing on the work of biblical scholars, Confessing Christ as Lord of All in a Pluralistic World offers sound reasons for affirming Christ’s universal lordship and the Christian mission. Divided into two parts, the book first surveys several world religions, striving to represent each faith at its best. The second part delves deeply into the historical and biblical witness to Jesus, with special attention given to the resurrection and the mission of God. By the final page, Christian readers no doubt will find this book to be a reliable resource to help them confidently confess and practice their faith wherever they may be.

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  • With Every Memory


    Is the Life She Can’t Remember One She’d Rather Forget?

    One year after her family was in a tragic car accident that killed her teenage son, Lori Mendenhall returns home with a traumatic brain injury that has stolen the last eight years of memories from her. She is shocked to find that the life she was leading before the accident is unrecognizable. Her once-loving husband, Michael, is a distant workaholic she isn’t sure she can trust and her once-bubbly daughter, Avery, has spent the last year hidden away in her room.

    For Avery, life stopped when she lost her twin. Now, if she wants to graduate high school, she’ll have to accept help from Xander Dixon, her brother’s best friend and the boy who relentlessly teased her for years. And if Lori wants to reconnect with her husband, she’ll have to grapple with information her brain is trying to keep secret. With every memory that returns, she can’t help but wonder if the life she can’t remember is one she’d rather forget.

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  • Rocky Mountain Rendezvous


    In 1837, Juniper Collins and her sisters are shocked by their father’s deathbed request for them to return a special set of beads to a Piegan Blackfoot woman he credits with saving his life during his travels West. Together, the sisters set out for the trapper rendezvous to find the woman, but their mission turns more daunting when they come upon the mass of men and lodges spread out in the Green River Valley.

    Riley Turner came West to find peace and quiet and live off the land, but when four unprotected women arrive at the rendezvous, he feels compelled to help them and is more fascinated by Juniper than any other woman he’s known.

    As their search brings only empty leads and dead ends, the sisters must decide whether to return East or stay in the mountains to continue looking–and that’s if the mystery woman is even still alive. Is the risk to honor their father’s last request worth the danger they find at every turn?

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  • Saving Grace : A 4-Week Study


    As we yield to prevenient grace, a relationship with God becomes possible. The grand news of the gospel is that saving grace is present at the very point of human confession. God’s saving grace compels us to live with a posture toward others that reflects what God has done for us. Each chapter has a short reflection on the nature of Saving Grace, followed by journaling and prayer prompts and closing with discussion questions for small groups.

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  • Breaking The Shadows


    Bengay. Increasing hair loss. And pretty wigs. A large number of people struggle with low self-esteem and self-hatred. For singer-songwriter Carol Chisolm, this identity consumed her. Living in the shadows of shame, fear, and captivity, she was a victim of alopecia, an autoimmune disorder that resulted in hair loss.

    For thirty years she tried every hair-growing product available, and into adulthood, she hid her increasing baldness underneath fancy wigs. Not even her family was allowed to see her bald shame. Until one day, after years-long inner battle, she emerged with a sheer confidence that only God could give, revealing her baldness as a gift from God. She realized that her identity came not from hair products and wigs but from a deep, inner peace, joy, and freedom.

    If you question your identity, your worth, your purpose, Breaking the Shadows will help you:

    *accept your flaws and imperfections,
    *let go of insecurities caused by perceived flaws and imperfections,
    *accept that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by God,
    *understand that God doesn’t make any mistakes, and
    *walk in liberty understanding who you are in Christ.

    This book will show you how to move out from behind the shadows as it gently and courageously leads you on a freedom path, with action steps to reclaim your inner self. Like Carol, you too can lift your voice and sing, becoming the beautiful, thriving soul you are meant to be.

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  • Anti Communist Manifesto



    A rallying cry striking at the roots of today’s major issues, Jesse Kelly uses his trademark bombast, intelligence, and humor to take down the most dangerous philosophy in history and address its resurgence in America. The Anti-Communist Manifesto is for anyone who feels alienated by political and popular culture in the United States and recognizes the danger of communism as it threatens to rip apart America’s social fabric.
    Discover a fresh look at the daily assault on our freedoms from the insidious communist movement in this country. More than a political statement, this book is an insightful drive through history, philosophy, and current events with one of the most entertaining and fearless conservatives in America at the wheel.

    From weaponizing race, sex, and gender to hijacking our schools, communism threatens to destroy our cherished American way of life. Featuring practical tools and tactics to not only identify communists but also defend the United States from this malicious enemy, The Anti-Communist Manifesto is an instructive guide for all patriots.

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  • Preaching To Nazi Germany


    In Preaching to Nazi Germany, William Skiles argues that clergy expressed various messages that aimed to limit Nazi interference in church affairs and at times even to undermine the Nazi state and its leaders and policies.

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  • Life He Saved Us For


    In the Fall of 2021 Joelaan, her husband Devin, and their pup Enya were hit by street racers in a head on collision. While this book offers a play by play through the lens and eyes of that awful night; there’s so much more that God allowed to take place both before and after that evening.

    This book isn’t just about the accident.

    If you are walking through grief, physical pain, disability, or a war with mental health; A Christ follower or a skeptic; if you’ve lost someone, or are lonely and need hope, this book it for you.

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  • Vamos Mas Profundo – (Spanish)


    !Crece en tu caminar con Jesus!

    Seguir a Jesus no tiene por que ser dificil; !solo tienes que estar dispuesto a dar el primer paso! Este libro proporciona un mapa para ayudarte a comenzar tu aventura espiritual.

    Como complemento de Sigueme, de J. Lee Grady, esta coleccion de treinta breves lecciones sobre los fundamentos de la fe cristiana te ayudara a entender quien es Jesucristo, como pago por nuestros pecados, por que resucito de entre los muertos, por que la Biblia es un libro tan especial, que hace el Espiritu Santo por nosotros, como nos guia Dios, y mucho mas.

    Puedes estudiar Vamos mas profundo por tu cuenta o utilizarlo como herramienta para discipular a otros, ya sea de forma individual o en un grupo pequeo. Una vez que profundices con Jesus, nunca volvera a satisfacerte una relacion superficial con El. !No tengas miedo de sumergirte!

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  • Christs Message To Pergamum (Student/Study Guide)


    Courage Without Compromise

    In Jesus’ words to the church of Pergamum, He acknowledged the dark, spiritual environment and the intense pressure these believers faced on a daily basis. Making it a point to let them know that He was acutely aware of their situation, Jesus commended their courage to hold fast to their faith.??

    However, despite this congregation’s outstanding commitment to resist pressures from without, a deadly spiritual infection had begun to spread inside the church. Jesus defined the intolerable doctrines the church had begun to embrace and called for repentance.

    Christ’s message concluded with a promise of specific rewards for those who overcame not only the onslaught of external persecution, but also the internal pressure. Destructive doctrines and practices had begun to proliferate, so Christ addressed this serious problem.

    Like the church in ancient Pergamum, it can be easy for the Church today to view itself as progressive, exempt from the more “primitive,” exclusionary views found in the Bible. However, Jesus views ideas of inclusion and compromise at the expense of truth as a menace to the sanctity, power, and effectiveness of His Church!

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  • Apostles Creed Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    What Do You Believe?

    “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord….”??

    Every week churches around the world quote The Apostles’ Creed – but they often don’t stop to really think about what they’re saying or what the words mean. So for many years, Rick wanted to teach every single point in The Apostles’ Creed to help people understand these powerful truths. Finally, it’s done.

    Rick says: “The Apostles’ Creed contains the non-negotiable tenets of the Christian faith. And by studying every point and backing it up with teaching from the New Testament, this series will really anchor believers in what they believe. I studied intensively for this series, and it’s like a banquet set on the table for those who want to pull up a chair and partake of these powerful truths. I’ve done all the work for them!”

    Understanding the core beliefs of the Christian faith will help you emphatically know why you believe what you believe. So pull up a chair and partake of these powerful truths!

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  • Beware Of Deceptive Times Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Do Not Be Deceived!

    We’re living in the perilous season prophesied by Jesus and Paul – a time when deception will run rampant, and people will depart from the faith. And while many question their moral beliefs and slowly distance themselves from the biblical standards they once embraced, rebellion, anarchy, and lawlessness have reached unprecedented levels. But it is the Holy Spirit in the Church that is restraining evil from engulfing humanity. ??

    In this power-packed study Beware of Deceptive Times, Rick will show you:

    *The connection between the end-time passages “deception and the falling away” and “what is stopping the advancement of evil.”

    *The importance of the disciples’ questions concerning the end times and Jesus’ answers to those questions.

    *The apostle Paul’s warning to the last-days Church.

    *How to stay the course!

    This dynamic and engaging study will help you unpack key scriptures that will equip you to stand strong and live victoriously in these last days.

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  • Holy Spirit : Experience Permanent Deliverance From Mental, Emotional, And


    You Can Get Free–and Stay Free

    Do you have trouble breaking sinful habits or suffer from mental and emotional struggles? Do you desire to get free and stay free from the enemy’s cycles of bondage?

    David Hernandez has more than 20 years of ministry experience dedicated to the Holy Spirit, prayer, and spiritual warfare. He has seen thousands permanently set free from the enemy’s crippling attacks.

    In Holy Spirit: The Bondage Breaker, David Hernandez, evangelist and bestselling author, teaches you to break the demonic strongholds of bondage over your life through a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit’s power and biblical truth.

    You can be free of any stronghold–no matter how intense the issue or how long you’ve battled it. Holy Spirit: The Bondage Breaker shows you how.

    In this book, you will learn to…

    *Address spiritual bondage at its deceptive root
    *Partner with the Holy Spirit to experience freedom
    *Avoid the wrong approaches that just make the problem worse
    *Win the battle for your mind
    *Build your foundation of freedom on the Word of God
    *Experience lasting, sustained deliverance
    *Minister freedom to others
    *Overcome torment, addiction, sinful habits, and confusion
    *And more

    Break free of the endless, soul-crushing cycles of bondage and sin. Put into practice the biblical truths revealed here, and you will finally get free, stay free, and be equipped to take on any attacks of the enemy!

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  • All Gods Children


    The more you understand someone’s history, the better you can see their humanity. This is true for individuals as well as for society at large. Race relations have suffered because of the erasure of important Black history and cultural context. As we fill in the gaps of our collective knowledge, communities can grow in understanding, empathy, and solidarity.

    Terence Lester shares the buried history of the struggles Black people have faced against unjust systems. He tells powerful stories of courage, injustice, pain, and triumph, including ones from his own history. He also unpacks the sociological and cultural dynamics of unconscious bias and inattentional ignorance that keep us apart, and how they can be overcome. This honest account of what it’s like to be Black in America paves the way for the church to move beyond showing support from a distance toward loving one another in long-term solidarity, advocacy, and friendship.

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  • 2nd Testament A New Translation


    Experience the New Testament afresh in Scot McKnight’s bold translation. Typical translations of the New Testament make the biblical text as accessible as possible by using the language of our own day. At times this masks the distance between the New Testament text and modern readers. Scripture continues to speak to us but it speaks as an ancient text to the modern world.

    New Testament scholar Scot McKnight offers a translation of the New Testament with a daring approach to the ancient text. Clever in its expression and at times stunning in its boldness, The Second Testament will challenge readers to experience God’s Word anew.

    God blesses the beggars in spirit because theirs is Heavens’ Empire.

    God blesses the grievers because they will be consoled.

    God blesses the meek because they will inherit the land.

    God blesses the ones hungering and thirsting for the rightness because they will be satisfied. (Matthew 5:3-6)

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  • Depth By Drama


    Michael Merker’s personal experience with a touring production of the popular musical Godspell, a dramatization of God’s Word, led him to experiment with the adaptation of Bible literature into performance material. Through directing and performing these works, he not only grew in his own understanding of the Word but shared the gospel with his audiences and fellow performers.

    With the desire to spark a movement of committed practitioners who aim to reach the entire world for Jesus Christ, Michael has created a practical guide for others who share his love for theater and discipleship. Depth by Drama is for missionaries, group leaders, pastors, and anyone who wants to create and present Bible-based shows for the evangelism of the lost and the discipleship of performers and others involved in the productions. With the help of this thorough guidebook, readers can discover the great blessings gained from rehearsing and performing the Word of God and biblical literature, both for the actor and the audience.

    Whether it’s for your personal Bible study, an exercise for a group, or a full-scale performance for an audience, this book-along with the Bible-will be all you need to learn how to put together a production based on Scripture. Now, break-a-leg for Jesus!

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  • Infinite Fountain Of Light


    Christians need to pause once in a while to get their bearings. For perspective on our own times and how we got here, it helps to listen to wise guides from other eras. In An Infinite Fountain of Light, the renowned American historian George Marsden illuminates the landscape with wisdom from one such mentor: Jonathan Edwards.

    Drawing on his deep expertise on Edwards and American culture, Marsden explains where Edwards stood within his historical context and sets forth key points of his complex thought. By also considering Benjamin Franklin and George Whitefield, two of Edwards’s most influential contemporaries, Marsden unpacks the competing cultural and religious impulses that have shaped our times. In contrast, Edwards offered us an exhilarating view of the centrality of God’s beauty and love. Christians’ love for God, he taught, can be the guiding love of our lives, opening us to transformative joy and orienting all our lesser loves.

    “There is an infinite fullness of all possible good in God, a fullness of every perfection, of all excellency and beauty, and of infinite happiness,” wrote Edwards. “This infinite fountain of light should, diffusing its excellent fullness, pour forth light all around.”

    With Marsden’s guidance, readers will discover how Edwards’s insights can renew our own vision of the divine, of creation, and of ourselves.

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  • Resilience Factor : A Step-By-Step Guide To Catalyze An Unbreakable Team


    Want to unleash the “remarkable” in your team?

    The potential of a team of God-inspired, talented, committed people is boundless. But without resilience–including the savvy and skill to get up again (and again) when the going gets tough–teams simply cannot thrive or lead well. Resilience is what sets great leaders and teams apart from those that literally fall apart. It’s what’s missing when great organizations lose steam.

    Ryan T. Hartwig, Leonce B. Crump Jr., and Warren Bird have worked with team members in many kinds of churches and Christian organizations, served on numerous teams, and surfaced the best research on teams. In The Resilience Factor, they distill this wisdom into a series of practical steps that promise to both inspire and equip teams to move from floundering to flourishing.

    Filled with examples of top-performing teams, individual and group reflection questions, diagnostic tools, and team activities, The Resilience Factor promises to become the go-to resource for leaders who want to release remarkable resilience in their teams.

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  • In Church As It Is In Heaven


    Heaven is multiethnic. Are you ready for that?

    The Bible tells us that the congregation gathered around God’s heavenly throne will be “a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language,” all singing the praises of the Lamb. God’s intention has always been to delight for all eternity in a redeemed community of ethnic diversity.

    But this diverse community shouldn’t have to wait until eternity to begin! It can be a reality in our own local churches here and now. Patterned after a worship service, In Church as It Is in Heaven gives biblical warrant for such a community and shows how multiethnic churches provide a unique apologetic for the gospel. Along the way, the authors tell the story of their own church–a majority-white congregation which is being transformed into a family that reflects the diversity of heaven.

    The multiethnic kingdom is not just a nice idea, or an abstract theory. It’s a reality–one we can enter into today.

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  • Lords Supper : Our Promised Place Of Intimacy And Transformation With Jesus


    From the very beginning, the Lord’s Supper has stood at the heart of Christian worship. But over the years we’ve trivialized it, squeezing it in between “real” worship. If Jesus lives in us, and the Holy Spirit is poured out on us, why do we need to eat bread and drink grape juice or wine? Does it really matter?

    It does matter-and it’s life-changing, says leading Pentecostal theologian Jonathan Black. With warmth and depth, he explores not only how the table is still a powerful place of transformation and encounter with Jesus, but also how we can experience Christ’s promise of presence, glory, healing, forgiveness, victory, and intimacy when we answer His call to come to the table.

    Whether you’re feeling the lack of His presence, are ashamed of sin in your life, or have never felt anything during Communion, Christ’s invitation to partake in His feast is your invitation to taste and see that the Lord is good.

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  • Better Than Okay


    Divorce is not the end of your story

    Some seasons of life can seem far more difficult than one human should have to endure. For Brandi Wilson, that was the year her husband–and a megachurch pastor–walked away from her and her family. Suddenly, her church community dissolved, and her dreams and identity were shattered.

    Yet God transformed this heartbreaking time into an invaluable lesson on the gift of healing.

    And now, Brandi beautifully tells her courageous story of confronting grief and heartache head-on and learning how to rise from the pain. Filled with aha moments and laugh-out-loud humor, this book reminds you that your story is always evolving and that you can move forward with hope after divorce. Brandi helps you:

    * rely on and find comfort in the promises of God
    * begin a new journey toward healing
    * find freedom in your new identity

    While your life looks drastically different now, there is hope for renewed joy and redemption. Your pain doesn’t get the final say. Through God’s grace and healing power, you will be better than okay.

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  • Intergenerational Christian Formation


    “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.” –Psalm 145:4

    Most churches and faith communities segment their ministries by age and generation. In some congregations, people may never interact with those of other ages. But it was not always so. Throughout biblical tradition and the majority of history, communities of faith included people of all ages together in corporate worship, education, and ministry. The church was not just multigenerational; it was intergenerational, with the whole church together as one family and people of all ages learning from one another in common life.

    The process of becoming Christlike does not happen alone, and intergenerational faith communities are designed for Christian formation. All generations are gifted parts of the body, and churches need all the parts. In this comprehensive text, Holly Allen, Christine Lawton, and Cory Seibel offer a complete framework for intentional intergenerational Christian formation. They provide the theoretical foundations for intergenerationality, showing how learning and spiritual formation are better accomplished through intergenerational contexts. Then the authors give concrete guidance for intergenerational praxis on how worship, learning, community, and service can all be achieved intergenerationally. Case studies of intergenerational congregations provide models for how a culture of intergenerationality can be created in local churches.

    This second edition has been revised and updated throughout with new empirical research, intergenerational spiritual practices, and Gen Z realities, with fresh stories of intergenerational formation both in the US and around the world. Discover the riches of intergenerational ministry, and let all generations commend the works of God to one another.

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  • Healing Rain : Immersing Yourself In Christ’s Love To Find Wholeness Of Min


    Do you long for health, wholeness, and freedom?

    Do you continue to hit walls of resistance as you pursue healing? Sue Detweiler, prophet and host of the popular Healing Rain podcast, has helped thousands of believers move from the trenches of despair and sickness into the fields of freedom–and she wants to empower you, too.

    Full of wisdom, incredible testimonies, discussion questions, prayers, and keys to healing, this biblical guide points to the words, actions, and miracles of Jesus, giving you the confidence to trust His presence and discover how to:

    * overcome trauma and destructive thoughts
    * open pathways to spiritual encounters with Jesus
    * receive the power of His blood to heal every area of your life
    * and more

    Here is everything you need to tend to your heart and experience healing in your body, mind, and emotions.

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  • Great Reset Christianity


    Why did nearly every church come out as woke between the death of George Floyd and the Covid-19 pandemic? Great Reset Christianity exposes the political agenda behind the “great awokening” of the church.

    “This is what God requires of you, do justice,” “love your neighbor,” “submit to the government.” These Biblical texts and many others have become widely used by the modern social justice movement to advance a woke political agenda. Words have been redefined by evangelical leaders in the broader movement known as “Big Eva” in order to advance a global political conspiracy known as The Great Reset.

    This book addresses the connection between woke evangelicalism and the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” while explaining several of the passages of Scripture that have been redefined to support this conspiracy.

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  • Courageous : 10 Strategies For Thriving In A Hostile World


    Christians face relentless attacks from an ungodly culture, a formidable adversary, and our own fallen natures. Yet we cannot afford to surrender to these very real enemies.
    Just as survivalists use 10 specific strategies to overcome threatening situations, Courageous explains 10 biblical strategies for surviving–and thriving–in a world that is hostile to our faith. As A.W. Tozer said, “A scared world needs a fearless church.” Courageous is a clarion call for Christians to boldly live out their faith.

    If you’ve felt your faith is under attack, if you’re struggling with the temptation to follow the crowd despite biblical teaching to the contrary, or if you’re just feeling weary, the 10 strategies in Courageous will provide fresh fire and new hope.

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  • Cold Pursuit


    Ex-FBI profiler River Ryland still suffers from PTSD after a case went horribly wrong. Needing a fresh start, she moves to St. Louis to be near her ailing mother and opens a private investigation firm with her friend and former FBI partner, Tony St. Clair. They’re soon approached by a grieving mother who wants them to find out what happened to her teenaged son, who disappeared four years ago. River knows there’s almost no hope the boy is still alive, but his mother needs closure, and River and Tony need a case, no matter how cold it might be.

    But as they follow the boy’s trail, which gets more complicated at every turn, they find themselves in the path of a murderer determined to punish anyone who gets in his way. As River and Tony race to stop him before he kills again, an even more dangerous threat emerges, stirring up the past that haunts River and plotting an end to her future.

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  • Composition As Conversation


    Teaching writing is not for the faint of heart, but it can be a tremendous gift to teachers and students. Students often approach writing courses with trepidation because they think of writing as a mystical and opaque process. Teachers often approach these same courses with dread because of the enormous workload and the often-unpolished skills of new writers. This approachable composition textbook for beginning writers contends that writing can be a better experience for everyone when taught as an empathetic and respectful conversation. In a time in which discourse is not always civil and language is not always tended carefully, a conversation-based writing approach emphasizes intention and care.

    Written by a teacher with more than fifteen years of experience in the college writing classroom, Composition as Conversation explores what happens when the art of conversation meets the art of writing. Heather Hoover shows how seven virtues–including curiosity, attentiveness, relatability, open-mindedness, and generosity–inform the writing process and can help students become more effective writers. She invites writers of all skill levels to make meaningful contributions with their writing.

    This short, accessible, and instructive book offers a reflective method for college-level writing and will also work well in classical school, high school, and homeschool contexts. It demystifies the writing process and helps students understand why their writing matters. It will energize teachers of writing as they encourage their students to become careful readers and observers, intentional listeners, and empathetic arguers. The book also provides helpful sample assignments.

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  • This Is Where It Ends


    Award-Winning Author Pens a Unique Southern Tale

    When Minerva Jane Jenkins was just 14 years old, she married a man who moved her to the mountains. He carried with him a small box, which he told her was filled with gold. And when he died 50 years later, he made her promise to keep his secret. She is to tell no one about the box or the treasure it contains.

    Now 94, Minerva is nearing the end of what has sometimes been a lonely life. But she’s kept that secret. Even so, rumors of hidden gold have a way of spreading, and Minerva is visited by a reporter, Del Rankin, who wants to know more of her story. His friend who joins him only wants to find the location of the gold. Neither of them knows quite who they’re up against when it comes to the old woman on the mountain.

    As an unlikely friendship develops, Minerva is tempted to reveal her secret to Del. After all, how long is one bound by a promise? But the truth of what’s really buried in the box may be hidden even from her.

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  • Relentless Joy : Finding Freedom, Passion, And Happiness – Even When You Ha


    Finding Joy Even When You Have to Fight for It

    Do you feel like life’s kind of kicking you around a bit? Do you feel yourself sinking, trying to get back to the surface but weighed down by regret, frustration, or grief? This book is for you. Or maybe life is great–the job, the kids, the house, the partner–but you want more. You know there is more joy, more abundance, more peace. This book is for you too!

    Award-winning storyteller and former national sportscaster Rachel Joy Baribeau is the friendly hand reaching for you right now. She knows what those dark moments are like. And she knows the profound joy of healing and finding happiness again. With gut-level honesty, she shares her own story of changing the narrative of her life from stuck, overwhelmed, and anxious to confident in her identity and joyful in her life’s purpose. Then she helps you do the same with your one precious life.

    Inspired by Rachel’s contagiously indomitable spirit, you’ll be encouraged and equipped in your journey to finding joy, peace, and inspiration in your own new narrative. Because your story’s not done yet–and the best parts are yet to come.

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  • This Is Where It Ends


    Award-Winning Author Pens a Unique Southern Tale

    When Minerva Jane Jenkins was just 14 years old, she married a man who moved her to the mountains. He carried with him a small box, which he told her was filled with gold. And when he died 50 years later, he made her promise to keep his secret. She is to tell no one about the box or the treasure it contains.

    Now 94, Minerva is nearing the end of what has sometimes been a lonely life. But she’s kept that secret. Even so, rumors of hidden gold have a way of spreading, and Minerva is visited by a reporter, Del Rankin, who wants to know more of her story. His friend who joins him only wants to find the location of the gold. Neither of them knows quite who they’re up against when it comes to the old woman on the mountain.

    As an unlikely friendship develops, Minerva is tempted to reveal her secret to Del. After all, how long is one bound by a promise? But the truth of what’s really buried in the box may be hidden even from her.

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  • Introduction To Theology


    This systematic theology textbook introduces students to the complexity and beauty of theology as a pursuit of the global church today. It views theology as an ongoing conversation with many voices about the wonders of God that is faithful to Scripture but is also attentive to the wisdom of tradition and the relevance of context.

    The book first summarizes the nature and necessity of theological thinking and discusses theological method. Chapters then unfold in creedal order through the various regions of Christian teaching, with units on revelation, God, creation and providence, Christology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, anthropology, soteriology, and eschatology.

    This book is part of a new series that reflects the changing face of global Christianity. Series volumes are written by leading Pentecostal/Charismatic scholars who highlight themes of interest to Pentecostal/Charismatic students; however, the books are respectful, appreciative, and inclusive of a variety of church families and traditions. Series editors are Jerry Ireland, Paul W. Lewis, and Frank D. Macchia.

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  • Navigating Gospel Truth Teen Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    The Gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John–are 4 accounts of 1 extraordinary life. Each book tells the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These book aren’t fairytales, fiction, or legend; they are gospel truth. Our eternal future hinges on whether or not they are trustworthy testimonies of events that actually occurred and on whether Jesus meant what he taught.

    While exploring the terrain of the gospels, you’ll learn to identify and understand the different kinds of writing in these ancient texts, including narrative, poetry, parable, and more. Through this journey, you’ll gain a clearer and more captivating view of the Savior. And along the way you’ll acquire skills that will help you become a better student of all of Scripture.


    *8 small-group sessions; 7 weeks of personal study

    *8 introductory videos featuring author Rebecca McLaughlin

    *Leader Guide in the back of the Bible study book to guide questions and discussion with small groups

    *Biblically rooted and gospel-centered

    *Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth

    *Free leader resources, including promotional video and social media assets, available for download at


    This book will help teens…

    *Affirm that the accounts of Jesus’s life in the Gospels are reliable and true.?

    *Gain a clearer and more captivating view of Jesus’ ministry and purpose.

    *Cultivate an ability to read, understand, and interpret the different types of genres in the Bible.?

    *Develop a desire to be a diligent and confident student of Scripture.

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  • Her Only Wish


    Return to Pinecraft, Florida, for a Sweet Amish Romance

    Sheltered yet adventurous, Betsy Detweiler is on a mission to get out of Kentucky and experience new things in life. She’s got a list–a life list. What better place to start than with her friends in beautiful Pinecraft, Florida?

    From the moment Betsy walks into the Snow Bird Golf Course to sign up for lessons, August Troyer is mesmerized. Betsy is a mass of contradictions–beautiful yet awkward, outgoing yet unsure, joyful yet hesitant. She’s like no one he’s ever met before, and as the only child of missionary parents, he’s met a lot of people.

    As Betsy and August embark on a month of enjoying life to the fullest, they’ll encounter several reasons to back off and play it safe. But playing it safe has its own consequences. This tender romance reminds us that life–and love–requires a fair amount of risk.

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  • Infinite Influence : Captivate, Connect, And Compel Anyone, Anytime


    Unintentional or not, choosing the wrong actions while interacting with people will rob you of your ability to captivate, connect with, and compel someone to make decisions in a way that is mutually beneficial. Instead, move forward intentionally to capitalize on priceless moments using the seven simple actions that create Infinite Influence. With limitless influence, you harness your power to wake up wealthier every single day.

    In a world moving and evolving at breakneck speed, your ability to authentically connect with people from all walks of life in every interaction matters. The challenge of building trust quickly–knowing what to think, say, and do–might seem impossible. However, the solution is rather simple, often overlooked, and wildly undervalued.

    As someone born under-resourced and underestimated, Alyson Van Hooser discovered exactly how to build influence with anybody…and now she is sharing her top seven secrets with you. Alyson experienced firsthand how the right mindset behind simple actions enables you to attract people who become invested in you. In this book, she reveals her immediately actionable, proven approach you can use to create endless opportunity.

    Infinite Influence delivers the eternal perspective and behaviors to create instant connections that endure a lifetime. Because we know that success is neither built nor destroyed by one person, you must intentionally and precisely assemble relationships with friends, family, teams, customers, and communities to advance together. Without the right strategy, you choose self-sabotage–people will disengage from you, resulting in averted attention, fading loyalty, lost sales, and more.

    Others have succeeded in applying these simple actions to create Infinite Influence and wake up wealthier every day. Will you?

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  • On The Road With The Holy Spirit


    You are only one story away from seeing the miraculous unfold in your life.

    After reading this book, you will understand how to slow down and savor the moments that you have seen the Holy Spirit working and moving in miraculous ways, and you will live expectantly to see even greater things come to pass.

    More than a hundred years ago, healing minister Maria Woodworth-Etter chronicled the work of the Holy Spirit through her ministry in a book she titled A Diary of Signs and Wonders. That book ushered in a healing revival before anyone had ever heard of such a thing, and it has become a reference standard among many modern Christians. In On the Road With the Holy Spirit, author Ken Fish takes a page from Woodworth-Etter and chronicles how he has seen the Holy Spirit move in modern times through his own ministry.

    In addition to sharing the miraculous signs and wonders he has witnessed, Fish creates a theological lens through which to view the events recorded. This not only empowers readers to understand why miraculous signs take place but also will help them experience the miraculous in their own lives. Focusing on the importance of God’s presence, prophecy, power, purity, and prayer in seeing the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, this book will inspire readers to live the life of the miraculous and help usher in an unprecedented move of God in our day.

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  • With Every Memory


    Is the Life She Can’t Remember One She’d Rather Forget?

    One year after her family was in a tragic car accident that killed her teenage son, Lori Mendenhall returns home with a traumatic brain injury that has stolen the last eight years of memories from her. She is shocked to find that the life she was leading before the accident is unrecognizable. Her once-loving husband, Michael, is a distant workaholic she isn’t sure she can trust and her once-bubbly daughter, Avery, has spent the last year hidden away in her room.

    For Avery, life stopped when she lost her twin. Now, if she wants to graduate high school, she’ll have to accept help from Xander Dixon, her brother’s best friend and the boy who relentlessly teased her for years. And if Lori wants to reconnect with her husband, she’ll have to grapple with information her brain is trying to keep secret. With every memory that returns, she can’t help but wonder if the life she can’t remember is one she’d rather forget.

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  • Her Only Wish


    Return to Pinecraft, Florida, for a Sweet Amish Romance

    Sheltered yet adventurous, Betsy Detweiler is on a mission to get out of Kentucky and experience new things in life. She’s got a list–a life list. What better place to start than with her friends in beautiful Pinecraft, Florida?

    From the moment Betsy walks into the Snow Bird Golf Course to sign up for lessons, August Troyer is mesmerized. Betsy is a mass of contradictions–beautiful yet awkward, outgoing yet unsure, joyful yet hesitant. She’s like no one he’s ever met before, and as the only child of missionary parents, he’s met a lot of people.

    As Betsy and August embark on a month of enjoying life to the fullest, they’ll encounter several reasons to back off and play it safe. But playing it safe has its own consequences. This tender romance reminds us that life–and love–requires a fair amount of risk.

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  • Laws Of Attraction


    Can they risk giving in to the attraction between them while their lives are on the line?

    If widowed seamstress Nell Armstrong has to make one more pair of boring chaps for the cowboys in her tiny Wyoming town, she might just quit the business altogether! So meeting Brand Nolte, a widower struggling to raise three girls on his own, seems like her dream come true. Brand has no idea how to dress the girls properly, and Nell finally has a chance to create beautiful outfits while also teaching the girls to sew.

    But Nell is much more than a seamstress, and the investigative skills and knowledge she picked up alongside her late lawman husband soon become critical when a wounded stagecoach-robbery survivor is brought to town. As danger closes in from all sides, Nell and Brand must discover who has a target trained on them before it’s too late.

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  • Rocky Mountain Rendezvous


    In 1837, Juniper Collins and her sisters are shocked by their father’s deathbed request for them to return a special set of beads to a Piegan Blackfoot woman he credits with saving his life during his travels West. Together, the sisters set out for the trapper rendezvous to find the woman, but their mission turns more daunting when they come upon the mass of men and lodges spread out in the Green River Valley.

    Riley Turner came West to find peace and quiet and live off the land, but when four unprotected women arrive at the rendezvous, he feels compelled to help them and is more fascinated by Juniper than any other woman he’s known.

    As their search brings only empty leads and dead ends, the sisters must decide whether to return East or stay in the mountains to continue looking–and that’s if the mystery woman is even still alive. Is the risk to honor their father’s last request worth the danger they find at every turn?

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  • When Your Way Isnt Working


    When you are worn-out, when you feel discouraged, when you think you don’t have what it takes, what is the one thing that Jesus wants you to never forget? When Your Way Isn’t Working equips you to discover authentic connection to God and others so you are free to live the life you long for.

    In some of his final words to his closest friends, Jesus didn’t suggest a five-year plan for success or a checklist of things to do. Instead, he offered a metaphor about what the good life really looks like: I am the vine. You are the branches. Abide in me. In other words, No matter what happens next, the most important thing is to stay connected to me.

    In When Your Way Isn’t Working, pastor and bestselling author Kyle Idleman offers a unique exploration of John 15 for all of us who are going through the motions and feel frustrated. Idleman reminds us that it’s connection, not production, that leads to a fruitful life–relationships, not circumstances, that bring joy. He offers his distinctive, biblical perspective on how to:

    *Find greater rest, depth, and connection in your life
    *Embrace freedom from the pressures of performance and production
    *Recognize what you can’t do makes room for what God can do
    *Step out of isolation even when it feels scary
    *Discover the top distractions that keep you from connecting to God–and how to counter them

    In the end, the fruit of your life won’t have to do with what you accomplished but with whom you stayed connected. Because no matter what happens next in this uncertain world, what matters most, lasts the longest, and brings the greatest joy is staying connected to the God who never leaves you.

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  • Happy : Psalm 92


    Inspired by Psalm 92, Happy’s lyrical text celebrates all that God gives his children and the joy found in giving him gratitude. From the author of the bestselling The Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones, and the award-winning illustrator Jago, comes an uplifting board book that encourages even the smallest believer to share in God’s great love for them.

    All through the day I give my happy songs to you. Happy reminds children to be grateful to God for his many gifts and his Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.

    Happy is perfect for babies and infants ages 0-4 and features:

    *lyrical text inspired by Psalm 92
    *a joyful message that God gives us great gifts for which we can be eternally grateful
    *a padded cover that is a perfect fit for little hands
    *beautiful, colorful illustrations that area great gift for a new baby, First Communion, or birthday

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  • Llegar Mas Alto Con Dios En Or – (Spanish)


    Aprender a orar es uno de los mayores desafios en la vida de un cristiano. A. W. Tozer sealo que la mayor maldicion de la Iglesia es la oracion sin respuesta, y que a mucha gente no parece importarle eso. Tal vez no entiendan de que se trata la oracion contestada. Tozer describe esto como solo el puede hacerlo, describiendo el tipo de oracion que Dios responde y el tipo de oracion que lo deja en silencio. En ultima instancia, debe preguntarse: Mis oraciones de hoy son mas poderosas y efectivas que hace un ao? !Nuestro buen Padre quiere que lo sean!

    El libro comienza con la escalera de Jacob y su tema de ascender a la misma presencia de Dios. Que mejor lugar para comenzar a dialogar con Dios? Solo El puede ensearnos lo que esta en Su corazon, cual es Su voluntad y cual podria ser nuestra parte en ella.

    Learning how to pray is one of the greatest challenges in a Christian’s life. A. W. Tozer pointed out that the church’s greatest curse is unanswered prayer and that many people do not seem bothered by that. Maybe they don’t understand what answered prayer is all about. Tozer outlines this as only he can, describing the kind of prayer God answers and the kind of prayer that leaves Him silent. Ultimately, you have to ask yourself: are my prayers today more powerful and effective than they were a year ago? Our good Father wants them to be!

    The book opens with Jacob’s Ladder and its theme of ascending into God’s very presence. What better place to begin dialoguing with God? Only He can teach us what is on His heart, what His will is, and what our part in it could be.

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  • God Right Here


    God, right here.

    God, right there.

    God’s handiwork is everywhere.

    Yellow daffodils, flying seagulls, bright orange pumpkins, and swirling snowflakes–God’s handiwork can be found all throughout nature, and every season is full of beauty and wonder. Everywhere we look, no matter the time of year, the wonders of creation remind us that God is always with us, always right here.

    Written by Kara Lawler and beautifully illustrated by Jennie Poh, this celebration of God’s creation and the changing seasons can be enjoyed by children and the adults who read with them. Also included is a note from the author to encourage further conversation about the content.

    Discover IVP Kids and share with children the things that matter to God!

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  • Night Night Ocean


    Splash your way to bedtime by joining a young manatee saying “night night” to the amazing sea animals God created to swim in the ocean. Amy Parker’s delightful rhymes and Virginia Allyn’s sweet illustrations make Night Night, Ocean the perfect read-aloud to help transition toddlers and preschoolers to a restful night.

    This adorable board book in the popular Night Night bedtime storybook brand for children 0 to 4

    *follows a little manatee saying good night to ocean friends
    *gives families a fun way to calm down for bedtime
    *teaches first learning concepts about sea life
    *features rich illustrations of dolphins, sea turtles, sharks, seahorses, and fish
    *celebrates how diversity and differences make the world a beautiful place

    From the creators of Night Night, Farm; Night Night, Train; and Night Night, Jungle, this vibrant bedtime story makes a sweet gift for birthdays, Christmas, and Easter. It’s also a fun addition to a summer beach vacation, trip to the aquarium, or learning unit on the ocean. Treat your little one to a sleepy underwater exploration as you watch God’s amazing creatures drift off to sleep and say “night night.”

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  • Being Gods Image


    What does it mean to be human? This timeless question proves critical as we seek to understand our purpose, identity, and significance. Amidst the many voices clamoring to shape our understanding of humanity, the Bible reveals important truths related to our human identity and vocation that are critical to the flourishing of all of creation.

    Carmen Joy Imes seeks to recover the theologically rich message of the creation narratives starting in the book of Genesis as they illuminate what it means to be human. Every human being is created as God’s image. Imago Dei is our human identity, and God appointed humans to rule on God’s behalf. Being God’s Image explores the implications of this kinship relationship with God and considers what it means for our work, our gender relations, our care for creation, and our eternal destiny. The Bible invites us into a dramatically different quality of life: a beloved community in which we can know God and one another as we are truly known.

    Includes a discussion guide for personal reflection or group study, as well as links to related video material through the BibleProject.

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  • Hearts Choice


    After witnessing a wrongful conviction as a young girl, Rebecca McCutcheon–the first female court reporter in Montana–is now determined to defend the innocent. During a murder trial, something doesn’t sit well with her about the case, but no one except for the handsome new Carnegie librarian will listen to her.

    Librarian Mark Andrews’s father sent him off to college hoping he would take over the business side of the family ranch. Mark would rather wrangle books than cows, but when a patron seeks help with research in hopes of proving a man’s innocence, Mark is immediately drawn to her and her cause.

    In a race against time, will Rebecca and Mark be able to find the evidence to free the man before it’s too late?

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  • Wrong Place Wrong Time


    Can you stop a murder after it’s already happened?

    It is midnight on the morning of Halloween, and Jen anxiously waits up for her 18-year-old son, Todd, to return home. But worries about his broken curfew transform into something much more dangerous when Todd finally emerges from the darkness. As Jen watches through the window, she sees her funny, seemingly happy teenage son stab a total stranger.

    She doesn’t know who the victim is, or why Todd has committed such a devastating act of violence. All she knows is that her life, and Todd’s, have been shattered.

    After her son is taken into custody, Jen falls asleep in despair. But when she wakes up…it is yesterday. The murder has not happened yet–and there may be a chance to stop it. Each morning, when Jen wakes, she is further back in the past, first weeks, then years, before the murder. And Jen realizes that somewhere in the past lies the trigger for Todd’s terrible crime…and it is her mission to find it, and prevent it from taking place.

    Both the story of a mother’s love and the sacrifices she will make for her child, and a thriller with a brilliant twist, Wrong Place Wrong Time is a one-of-a-kind novel that begs to be read in one sitting.

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  • Sleep Psalms : Nightly Moments Of Mindfulness And Rest


    Devotions that helps readers wind down from their day and reconnect with God before they go to sleep. Sleeplessness is a problem for so many in our world today, but peaceful, deep, and restful sleep is possible. Sleep Psalms: Nightly Moments of Mindfulness and Rest will help readers prepare for this restorative sleep, calming their mind and re-centering them on God. Throughout the 100 entries, readers will discover deep peace and be reminded that God is in control. Each entry focuses on the lyrical poetry of the Psalms, along with a short devotion and prayer. He is working for our good even as we sleep.

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  • Probiotic Diet : Improve Digestion, Boost Your Brain Health, And Supercharg


    Effective, Natural Ways to Revolutionize Your Gut Health

    Are you tired of suffering from stomach discomfort and digestive issues? Do you want to be free from pain, pills, and prescriptions?

    From ulcers and constipation to IBS and GERD, these common issues can have uncommonly debilitating effects on your life. But don’t despair-there is hope and healing for even the most stubborn gut ailments by experiencing the true power of probiotics.

    In The Probiotic Diet, leading natural health experts and bestselling authors Jordan Rubin, Dr. Josh Axe, and Dr. Joseph Brasco give you practical, natural and effective strategies on how to overcome any gut issue and experience a vibrant, healthy life.

    In these pages you’ll discover how to:

    Prepare easy, delicious “gut friendly” probiotic meals.Reduce common digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, constipation and diarrhea.Fight serious gut issues such as Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS and Celiac Disease.

    Don’t be one of the millions who suffer in silence. Become more-than-a conqueror and experience true healing by following this revolutionary diet! It’s time to take control of your gut and unlock your health potential.

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  • Economy Edition Bible Revised Text 2022


    Fácil de leer, fácil de llevar contigoLa Biblia NVI a un bajo costo y con un tamaño de letra legible, es ideal para iglesias y ministerios que compran grandes cantidades; disponible además en un paquete con 28 unidades. Esta Biblia incluye un plan de salvación, así como encabezados útiles, es perfecta como obsequio y para consulta personal.Características:Texto complete de la NVI (2022)ConcordanciaPlan de salvaciónTexto bíblico legible de 7 puntosFormato a dos columnasExclusivo tipo de letra fácil de leer Comfort PrintNVI, Holy Bible, Economy edition, Revised text 2022, SoftcoverThe NIV Holy Bible is easy to read and easy to share. The NVI Holy Bible at a low cost and with a legible font size, it is ideal for churches and ministries that buy in large quantities; also available in a 28-unit package. This Bible edition is perfect for gift giving and for personal reference.Characteristics:Complete text of the NVI (2022)ConcordancePlan of SalvationLegible biblical text size of 7 ptsDouble column formatUnique easy-to-read Comfort Print typeface

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  • Calm Moments For Anxious Days


    In an uncertain world, it’s not always easy to put our worries into God’s hands. Beloved author and pastor Max Lucado weaves together biblical promises, gentle illustrations, and thoughtful practices to help you exchange your anxieties for God’s peace.

    Calm Moments for Anxious Days includes Scripture, devotional thoughts, and practical tools to help you release your anxieties one by one, breath by breath, into the safe hands of a God who will never leave you. Each brief but powerful entry includes:

    *A heartfelt devotion with ideas for applying God’s Word to your circumstances
    *A biblically-based promise or affirmation to replace your spiraling thoughts
    *Space for you to write out prayers, worries, and reminders of God’s faithfulness

    Including a quick-reference list of God’s promises, this 90-day devotional is ideal for seasons of stress, depression, and anxiety. Whether you’re facing grief or trauma, questioning your value or purpose, fatigued by the everyday trials of life, or wondering if that cloud of fear will ever leave you, Calm Moments for Anxious Days brings you back to truth and hope. Never minimizing your emotions and experiences, Lucado lovingly reminds you that there is Someone big enough to take away every anxious thought so you can know a peace that is beyond understanding.

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  • Counter Attack


    A brand new heart-stopping series from a USA Today bestselling author

    No sooner has Alexis Stone been sworn in as the interim sheriff for Russell County, Tennessee, when a serial killer dubbed the Queen’s Gambit Killer strikes again–this time in her hometown. Pearl Springs is just supposed to be a temporary stop along the way to Alex’s real dream: becoming the first female police chief of Chattanooga. But the killer’s calling card–a white pawn and a note with a chess move printed on it–cannot be ignored.

    Pearl Springs chief of police Nathan Landry can’t believe that his high school sweetheart Alexis (he refuses to call her Alex) is back in town, and he can’t help wanting to protect the woman he never stopped loving. But as the danger mounts and the killer closes in, can Nathan come through on the promises he makes to himself to bring a killer to justice before it’s too late.

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  • In Feast Or Famine


    Thrust into an arranged marriage, the daughter of ancient Egypt’s high priest plays a pivotal role in Joseph’s biblical narrative in this powerful novel from the award-winning author of Potiphar’s Wife.

    After four-year-old Asenath’s mother is murdered by Egypt’s foreign rulers, the child is raised to be a priestess by her overprotective father-high priest of Egypt’s sun god. For fifteen years, Asenath is sequestered in the upper levels of Ra’s temple, convinced it is her destiny to heal the land by becoming queen to the next Egyptian pharaoh. But when Egypt’s foreign king instead gives her as a bride to the newly appointed vizier-a Hebrew named Joseph-her entire world is shaken.

    Beyond the walls of her tower, Asenath discovers treachery, deceit, and conspiracy that force her to redefine her destiny and weigh where her true loyalties lie. Can she still trust the gods of Egypt? Or is Elohim, the foreign God of her husband, the one who will heal her nation during the feast and famine to come?

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  • Libyan Diversion : A Marcus Ryker Novel


    From New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestselling author Joel C. Rosenberg comes the fifth military and international political thriller in the Marcus Ryker series.

    The world’s most wanted terrorist is dead. Marcus Ryker recommended the drone strike himself. The intelligence was rock-solid. But what if it was wrong?

    Abu Nakba the man responsible for lethal attacks in Washington, D.C., London, and Jerusalem is finally dead. Marcus Ryker has been tasked with hunting down and destroying what’s left of the terror group Kairos.

    But before Ryker can mobilize his team of CIA operatives with their new assignment, a disturbing report from Libya suggests all may not be as it seems. The U.S. bombing that should have taken out Nakba’s headquarters now appears to have been a disastrous mistake and Ryker himself may be responsible.

    With Kairos gearing up for a major retaliatory strike against the U.S., time is short, and terror cells may already be inside American borders. But Ryker won’t be able to stop this threat until he clears his own name, and his closest ally inside the White House can no longer help him.

    The Libyan diversion threatens to leave Ryker on the sidelines just when his country needs him most.

    Packed with action and intrigue, this thriller novel is everything Joel’s fans have come to expect.

    *A high-stakes suspense novel for fans of Jack Carr, Ryan Steck, and Kyle Mills
    *Perfect for fans of geopolitical thrillers

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  • Nigeria Jones : A Novel


    Coretta Scott King Author Award Winner!

    Warrior Princess. That’s what Nigeria Jones’s father calls her. He has raised her as part of the Movement, a Black separatist group based in Philadelphia. Nigeria is homeschooled and vegan and participates in traditional rituals to connect her and other kids from the group to their ancestors. But when her mother–the perfect matriarch of their Movement–disappears, Nigeria’s world is upended. She finds herself taking care of her baby brother and stepping into a role she doesn’t want.

    Nigeria’s mother had secrets. She wished for a different life for her children, which includes sending her daughter to a private Quaker school outside of their strict group. Despite her father’s disapproval, Nigeria attends the school with her cousin, Kamau, and Sage, who used to be a friend. -There, she begins to flourish and expand her universe.

    As Nigeria searches for her mother, she starts to uncover a shocking truth. One that will lead her to question everything she thought she knew about her life and her family.

    From award-winning author Ibi Zoboi comes a powerful story about discovering who you are in the world–and fighting for that person–by having the courage to be your own revolution.

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  • Sound Of Leadership


    Build healthy rhythms and harmonize your team: everything I wish I’d known as a young leader.

    A collection of leadership insights from former university president Jules Glanzer, The Sound of Leadership will show you how to become a Kingdom-minded leader who lives out their vision and inspires those around them to join in the song.

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  • Beginning And End Of All Things


    Many Christians think of the doctrine of creation primarily as relating to the world’s origins. In The Beginning and End of All Things, Edward W. Klink III presents a more holistic understanding of creation–a story that is unfolded throughout all of Scripture and is at the core of the gospel itself.

    From beginning to end, the theme of creation and new creation not only directs the movement of the entire biblical story but also unifies its message. Klink explores the goodness of the physical world and how it will be perfected in the new creation of heaven and earth. Along with offering rich insights about God and his purposes for the world, a biblical theology of creation guides how we engage nature, culture, and life as embodied beings.

    Essential Studies in Biblical Theology (ESBT), edited by Benjamin L. Gladd, explore the central or essential themes of the Bible’s grand storyline. Taking cues from Genesis 1-3, authors trace the presence of these themes throughout the entire sweep of redemptive history. Written for students, church leaders, and laypeople, the ESBT offers an introduction to biblical theolog

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  • Rise And Fall Of Dispensationalism


    A fascinating history of dispensationalism and its influence on popular culture, politics, and religion

    In The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism, Daniel G. Hummel illuminates how dispensationalism, despite often being dismissed as a fringe apocalyptic movement, shaped Anglo-American evangelicalism and the larger American cultural imagination.

    Hummel locates dispensationalism’s origin in the writings of the nineteenth-century Protestant John Nelson Darby, who established many of the hallmarks of the theology, such as premillennialism and belief in the rapture. Though it consistently faced criticism, dispensationalism held populist, and briefly scholarly, appeal-visible in everything from turn-of-the-century revivalism to apocalyptic bestsellers of the 1970s to current internet conspiracy theories.

    Measured and irenic, Hummel objectively evaluates evangelicalism’s most resilient (and contentious) popular theology. As the first comprehensive intellectual-cultural history of its kind, The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism is a must-read for students and scholars of American religion.

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  • Midlife Battle Cry


    In a culture where so many people think of middle age as a downward slope into comfy sneakers and quiet, meaningless existence, we can redefine the second half of life, shaping it into decades of fulfillment, fun, strength, and purpose.

    In our forties, fifties, and beyond, we’re wrestling with new questions. Is this it? Did I do what I wanted to do in my life? Who am I now that my kids have moved out? Will my sagging skin eventually hang all the way down to my feet? We feel a little like the world has nudged us aside for the younger crowd.

    But God still has much in store for us.

    God doesn’t bring us to the middle of our lives so we can park in front of the TV and binge-watch home makeover shows. There is no “midlife” to him! We are his gift to this world at every age and in every season, and it’s time to embrace it like never before. Right now, we are the best we’ve ever been. We know more, we’ve done more, we’ve lost and loved more. We’ve figured out that all tweezers are not created equal for chin hairs and, best of all, we’ve crossed into a space of feeling more ourselves than ever before. These are exhilarating and empowering years.

    In Midlife Battle Cry, bestselling author Dawn Barton will inspire you to:

    *realize that God isn’t done with you (honestly, he’s just getting started),
    *view midlife as a pivot point, the start of a bold and powerful season,
    *embrace who you are physically, spiritually, and emotionally,
    *learn to share your experiences and wisdom with a younger generation, and
    *accept that sometimes adding arch support to your cutest shoes is a really good idea.

    Blending lots of humor, honesty, stories, and insights, Dawn will walk you through redefining the mighty second half of life. It’s time to rediscover your passions, pursue your dreams–and know your actions can cause not just a ripple effect but a magnificent tidal wave.

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