Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm


Showing 101–200 of 663 results

  • Be Angry But Dont Blow It


    Move from destructive to constructive anger; recapture the healthy passion God wants you to have! Bevere shows women how to say things so they’ll be heard; move beyond apologies into genuine confession; and find forgiveness. Using scriptural truths, practical examples, and the power of prayer, she’ll teach you to effectively channel your emotions.

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  • Romans Womens Bible Study Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    We live in a world full of bad news. The media recounts stories of natural disasters, violence, and conflict. In the midst of all this heartbreak, we can’t lose sight of the fact that God has given us good news. We call it the gospel. It reminds us that God loves us and longs to redeem our suffering. He stepped out of eternity and into time to send us His one and only Son. The gospel truths shared with the early church at Rome echo into our day, reminding us that we still have good news to embrace personally and to share with others.

    In this six-week study of the Book of Romans, we will be highlighting significant concepts regarding the good news about faith, grace, daily life, God’s plan, relationships, and eternity. Whatever bad news we may receive, in Romans we will find good news to encourage and transform us.

    Join Melissa in taking a posture of listening and learning as we approach this powerful book packed with good news? Let’s ask God to do a mighty work in and through us as we study so that we might be inspired with a spiritual renewal that spreads to those around us!

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  • Its Not About The Pie


    A fresh look at hospitality through a Biblical perspective giving ideas for being hospitable, decorating, and recipes.

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  • Romans Womens Bible Study Participant Workbook (Student/Study Guide)


    We live in a world full of bad news. The media recounts stories of natural disasters, violence, and conflict. In the midst of all this heartbreak, we can’t lose sight of the fact that God has given us good news. We call it the gospel. It reminds us that God loves us and longs to redeem our suffering. He stepped out of eternity and into time to send us His one and only Son. The gospel truths shared with the early church at Rome echo into our day, reminding us that we still have good news to embrace personally and to share with others.

    In this six-week study of the Book of Romans, we will be highlighting significant concepts regarding the good news about faith, grace, daily life, God’s plan, relationships, and eternity. Whatever bad news we may receive, in Romans we will find good news to encourage and transform us.

    Join Melissa in taking a posture of listening and learning as we approach this powerful book packed with good news? Let’s ask God to do a mighty work in and through us as we study so that we might be inspired with a spiritual renewal that spreads to those around us!

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  • Women Gods Secret Weapon Updated (Revised)


    It was in the Garden of Eden where the first battle of global spiritual war unfolded between Eve and the devil. Ever since, God has gifted all women to be powerful adversaries of the enemy. He has provided you with practical tools to equip you for your incredible destiny. You have a unique and pivotal role to play in Satan’s ultimate ruin.

    This revised and updated edition of Ed Silvoso’s bestseller includes a study guide for individuals or groups. In this timeless message for every generation of women, Silvoso encourages you to take hold of God’s grace and accept the authority he has given you to battle the devil. As you rise against the ancient enemy, the invincible power of the undivided church will make way for the eternal reign of God’s kingdom. Are you prepared to answer God’s call and step into your destiny?

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  • Beautiful Warrior : Finding Victory Over The Lies Formed Against You


    Beautiful Warrior empowers you to break free from the insecurity that has you trapped. Pick up your shield-the Word of God, your identity in Christ, and healthy thought patterns-and become the divine heroine you were destined to be. With therapeutic tips, a solid biblical foundation, and empowering questions, women will be able to:
    – Free themselves from ongoing negative patterns.
    – Overcome common obstacles to healthy self-esteem.
    – Deepen awareness and comprehension of Christ-centered identity.
    – Embrace divine esteem.

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  • Jesus Who Surprises


    Join beloved Bible teacher and best-selling author Dee Brestin in discovering the surprising places Jesus shows up in the Old Testament and the unexpected ways He speaks into our lives today.

    Offering a fascinating perspective on the historic, poetic, and prophetic books of the Old Testament, Brestin draws on her deep understanding of the full scope of the Bible to explore the timeless story of God’s quest to rescue each of us. She combines rich teaching, memorable storytelling, and an in-depth Bible study component to create a resource that shows readers how the story began (the books of Moses), how to live in the story (the poetic books), and how the story will end (the prophets).

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  • Zeal : A Bible Study On Titus For Woman


    This 9-week study covers the entire book of Titus, and is ideal for personal or group use. Meant to be written in extensively, they have extra white space and are spiral-bound for ease of use.

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  • Exhale : Lose Who You’re Not, Love Who You Are, Live Your One Life Well


    Exhale is for the woman who is suffocating under the pressures of being all things to all people. The pressure of filling every unfilled spot at church, the kids’ school, and work. The pressure of trying to do it all right, make decisions that benefit everyone else, and keep everyone happy.

    Rather than adding more to your to-do list, in this book Amy Carroll and Cheri Gregory show you how to- lose who you’re not- love who you are- live your one life wellThis isn’t a time management book filled with how-to lists and calendar tools. Rather, it walks you through a process that releases you from the things that have created unbearable pressure. Then you’ll be free to start investing your life in ways that fulfill the desires of your heart, benefit your people, and bring glory to God. Includes Now Breathe activities that correspond to each chapter’s content and interactive assessments to help identify strengths based on both inborn personality and spiritual gifting.

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  • Undaunted : Daring To Do What God Calls You To Do (Expanded)


    You have a calling to fulfill. Are you ready to take the risk of moving past your past to fulfill it? Christine Caine faced hurdles that seemed insurmountable–abuse, abandonment, and the loss of a child. Yet she decided to answer God’s call on her life no matter where it would lead her. Many times, the only thing that kept her going was knowing that she was God’s beloved. She was God’s chosen. Secure in those truths, she moved beyond her pain so she could live the adventure of bringing God’s light and love to others around the world.

    In Undaunted, Christine challenges you to embrace the reality of God’s love so you can speak it to others as you live out your own unique calling. As Christine writes, “Love like Christ’s can lift you out of betrayal and hurt. It can deliver you from any mess. Love like that can release you from every prison of fear and confusion. And love like God’s can fill you up till it spills out of you, and you have to speak about it, share it, spread it around.”

    You already have all you need to bring hope to others. With additional biblical teaching, new stories, and a new epilogue, this revised edition of Undaunted will awaken you to how God wants to work through you and in you as you dare to become who God created you to be.

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  • Mujer De Proposito Y Poder – (Spanish)


    El autor de exitos de venta, el Dr. Myles Munroe, ofrece consejos practicos y biblicos diarios para mujeres. Basado en dos de sus libros mas populares, Entendiendo el proposito y el poder de las mujeres y Entendiendo el proposito y el poder de los hombres, este devocional de 90 dias te ayudara a entender verdaderamente el proposito y el poder que Dios te dio como mujer. La lectura de cada dia incluye enseanza y aliento, una lectura de las Escrituras del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento, y un pensamiento del dia para acercarte mas a Dios. Explora la naturaleza y el rol de las mujeres como Dios lo hizo, abordando temas como: En que se diferencia una mujer de un hombre? Cuales son el proposito y el diseo de la mujer? Cuales son las necesidades emocionales y sexuales de una mujer? Cual es el papel de una mujer como lider? Que ensea realmente la Biblia acerca de las mujeres? Como el Dr. Munroe escribe: “Una mujer no puede cumplir su proposito a menos que este en relacion con Dios”. A traves de este devocional, puedes profundizar en tu relacion con tu Padre celestial, y realizar tu potencial como parte integral de Sus propositos eternos.

    Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for women. Based on two of his most popular books, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women and Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men, this 90-day devotional will help you truly understand your God-given purpose and power as a woman. Each day’s reading includes teaching and encouragement, a Scripture reading from both the Old and New Testaments, and a thought for the day to draw you closer to God. Explore the nature and role of women as God intended, addressing such issues as: How is a woman uniquely different from a man? What are the purpose and design of the woman? What are a woman’s emotional and sexual needs? What is a woman’s role as a leader? What does the Bible really teach about women? As Dr. Munroe writes, “A woman cannot fulfill her purpose unless she is in relationship with God.” Through this devotional, you can deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father and fulfill your potential as an integral part of His eternal purposes.

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  • Grateful Praise : A Gratitude Journal For Women Of Faith


    An Althea Press Title

    Write your way to a grateful & faithful heart.

    Womanhood is a gift that bears countless blessings each and every day. Family, friends, and God’s presence in our lives-the only question is: what are you grateful for today? Let faith be your guide to finding an answer inside this gratitude journal.

    Grateful Praise! is the key to unlocking a thankful heart with Bible verses, prayers, and thought-provoking questions to guide your writing. By showing you the role faith plays in your day-to-day, this journal cultivates true joy and loving kindness at every age and stage of life.

    With this gratitude journal, you’ll:
    *Be guided to grateful praise-Open your heart to give daily thanks with Bible verses, reflective prompts, and hymns.
    *Discover timeless truths-Every line of every verse in this gratitude journal speaks to the milestones of womanhood for all time.
    *Find space for reflection-Explore your thoughts fully with plenty of space for writing.

    Deepen your connection to God’s heart and let your own overflow with thankfulness with this gratitude journal.

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  • Determined Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    LEADER GUIDE – Imagine waking up every single day convinced that the twenty-four hours ahead of you are a precious gift to be used wisely. Now imagine that you know exactly how to spend them to be a force for God’s good. All too often we wander through life without appreciating the gift of every moment we’ve been given. The result? An unsatisfying life, missed opportunities to experience the joy of being in sync with God, and days marked with apathy instead of passion. Our time on earth is measured. We should want to make every moment count-not only because we aren’t guaranteed the next one, but also because this is exactly how our Savior spent His time here. How, then, do we walk out unwavering joy-filled faith every day, determined to let go of the things that keep us from experiencing abundant life and fulfilling the plans God has for us? The answers are found in following the footsteps of the One who lived fully, because He was determined that we might do the same. In this six-week study of Luke, we will follow the life and ministry of Jesus as we consider the choices He made on His way to the cross. We’ll intimately connect with a Savior who remained laser-focused on His mission to love the world. In return, we’ll receive a model for intentional living that we can replicate to ensure we are living each day to the fullest and making a difference for God’s kingdom. And together we’ll determine to embrace the abundant life we are promised in Jesus. It’s time to stop wandering and start living!

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  • Uncion De Ana – (Spanish)


    Reciba inspiracion de Ana. Fe inquebrantable. Perseverancia. Devocion.

    La resiliencia de Ana no nacio de experimentar la victoria, sino de esperar en Dios.

    En La uncion de Ana, Michelle McClain-Walters revela un poder especial que permanece inquebrantable de cara a la decepcion y a las burlas del enemigo.

    Aprenda como:

    *Liberar el clamor de la esteril, orar en fe y captar la atencion de Dios

    *Superar los celos, el rechazo, la verguenza, los espiritus de critica y la tentacion de rendirse

    *Tener la perspectiva correcta de la soberania de Dios

    *Permanecer dentro de las tres posturas espirituales que garantizan la victoria

    *Hacerle a Dios un nuevo voto que desata un incremento desbordante

    La uncion de Ana le ensea como clamar hasta que la productividad regrese a su vida e incluye oraciones y declaraciones para que las pronuncie sobre su situacion. Funcione en una uncion como la de Ana y vea las promesas de Dios manifestarse.

    In The Hannah Anointing Michelle McClain-Walters reveals a special kind of spiritual power that stands unwaveringly in the face of recurring disappointment and the enemy’s taunts.

    With her unique and empowering prophetic, McClain-Walters tackles issues women face on the road to seeing her destiny and purpose, including how to:

    *Release the cry of the barren, pray in faith, and get God’s attention
    *Overcome jealousy, rejection, temptation to compromise, critical spirits, and shame
    *Find healing and purity of heart
    *Get the right perspective of God’s sovereignty and find strength to preserve
    *Remain within three spiritual postures that guarantee victory
    *Make a new vow to God and unlock an overflow of multiplication and increase

    These are the women who will see the promise of God in their lives and in generations to come.

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  • This Life That Is Ours


    This Life That Is Ours offers 40 gentle meditations with guidance for reflection on the spiritual journey of motherhood. These practical, soul-affirming meditations nurture a mother’s heart and spiritual life in a season fraught with overwhelm, exhaustion, and loss of identity. Through the lens of Burdette’s real-life stories, the reader is invited to ponder her experience and to contemplate where God might be present. This book is divided into three sections. Reflections in the first section, “Becoming a Mother,” explore the dynamics of being a new mother and the whirlwind experience of those early months and years. The second section, “Becoming Yourself,” considers what it means to return home to yourself-to begin to find your identity again, both within the realm of motherhood and outside of it. The third section, “Becoming Holy,” names the holy paradoxes of motherhood-the ways it can be both extraordinary and mundane, both gift and sacrifice-ultimately deepening one’s experience of the holiness of motherhood. This Life That Is Ours includes an introduction, a preparatory guide for the reflective journey, a closing spiritual practice, and a conclusion. This book can be used in communities of mom groups, intergenerational groups of women, or spouse groups and would make a great gift for new mothers and mothers-to-be.

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  • Determined Participant Workbook (Student/Study Guide)


    GROUP PARTICIPANT WORKBOOK – Imagine waking up every single day convinced that the twenty-four hours ahead of you are a precious gift to be used wisely. Now imagine that you know exactly how to spend them to be a force for God’s good. All too often we wander through life without appreciating the gift of every moment we’ve been given. The result? An unsatisfying life, missed opportunities to experience the joy of being in sync with God, and days marked with apathy instead of passion. Our time on earth is measured. We should want to make every moment count-not only because we aren’t guaranteed the next one, but also because this is exactly how our Savior spent His time here. How, then, do we walk out unwavering joy-filled faith every day, determined to let go of the things that keep us from experiencing abundant life and fulfilling the plans God has for us? The answers are found in following the footsteps of the One who lived fully, because He was determined that we might do the same. In this six-week study of Luke, we will follow the life and ministry of Jesus as we consider the choices He made on His way to the cross. We’ll intimately connect with a Savior who remained laser-focused on His mission to love the world. In return, we’ll receive a model for intentional living that we can replicate to ensure we are living each day to the fullest and making a difference for God’s kingdom. And together we’ll determine to embrace the abundant life we are promised in Jesus. It’s time to stop wandering and start living!

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  • Sex Purity And The Longings Of A Girls Heart


    For the modern Christian woman living in today’s sexually charged society, embracing God’s design for sex and purity can often feel like an impossible pursuit. As the culture seeks to normalize things such as pornography, erotica, and casual sex, both single and married women of all ages feel immense pressure to conform. With alluring temptations constantly inviting them to join in, they might even begin to question whether God’s design is truly good. They wrestle with questions like- What is the purpose of my sexuality?- What does it mean to pursue purity?- Are my sexual longings good or bad?In this encouraging book, Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal share honestly about their own struggles and victories, and invite women on a personal journey to discover and reclaim a biblical vision for their sexuality. Kristen and Bethany help women understand why God’s design for sexuality is good, relevant, and leads to true hope and lasting freedom.

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  • Worry Less Pray More


    Worry-Free Devotional Guide for Women Offers You Calm for an Anxiety-Filled Soul

    This purposeful devotional guide features 180 readings and prayers designed to help alleviate your worries as you learn to live in the peace of the Almighty God, who offers calm for your anxiety-filled soul. Inspired by this promise from God’s Word: “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life” (Philippians 4:6-7 MSG), Worry Less, Pray More reinforces the truth that with God, you can live anxiety-free every single day–whether you worry about your work, relationships, bills, the turmoil of the world, or something more.

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  • StormProof : Weathering Life’s Tough Times


    Go “storm chasing” through the pages of the greatest Book ever written! What storm has blown into your circumstances? Are you–or someone you love–suffering from the trauma of plans that have been washed away, relationships that have been uprooted, or security that has been devastated? Many believers have been known to ask, “God, where are You in this storm?” or, “Lord, did You send this storm into my life?” Just what does a believer do during a stormy season? StormProof: Weathering Life’s Tough Times tackles these and other tumultuous questions.

    Author Carol McLeod is a storm survivor–more than that, a victor–over infertility, depression, and cancer. She understands the spiritual, emotional, and physical challenges of the trials we face in our lives. A gifted Bible teacher, she provides “life preservers” of hope and faith through the eternal, practical wisdom found only in God’s Word.

    By examining key storms in the Bible, and the lives of those affected by them , Carol guides you to uncommon comfort for your own storms, offering the shelter of hope, joy, and faith. In StormProof, you will step out of the boat to walk the waves with Peter, knowing that Jesus always comes to be with you in the midst of your storms; you will be rocked aboard a wind-driven ship with the apostle Paul, in danger of being smashed against the rocks, but be preserved by God’s power; you will watch the gathering storm clouds with Noah, holding on to faith in God’s purposes. You will also experience Jonah’s self-inflicted tempest while affirming God’s unconditional love, sit in silence with Job and ponder his questions about the greatest storm of testing, and huddle with the disciples as their boat is swamped by surging waves–only to hear Jesus’s eternal words, “Peace, be still.” You will also hear about storms of harsh circumstances that others from recent history have encountered and overcome.

    Storms are common in every season of life. Yet, for a believer in Christ, the damage such storms cause can be contained, depending on how we navigate their tumultuous waves. There is a way–a triumphant way–to encounter the fierce gales of life and then exit the tempests with strength and resilience. There is a definitive way to walk through the most devastating of circumstantial tornadoes and emerge with grace, empowered for the future. There is a way to be StormProof.

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  • Chayil : Release The Power Of A Virtuous Woman



    Influence and power are not just for men.

    The fight was never intended to be man vs. woman. Both men and women are strong and mighty in the Lord. Chayil is a Hebrew word that is connected to strength, wealth, power, influence, wisdom, and military might, and it happens to be the word translated “virtuous” in Proverbs 31. Since the beginning of time chayil, or “virtuous,” women have been created to fight for and defend their homes, families, and other kingdom entities against evil influences. Chayil women have been empowered to organize and activate those under their authority so that everything to which they are assigned runs smoothly and with excellence.
    A chayil woman is strong, mighty, and efficient; valiant, virtuous, and victorious. We were created to war together, man and woman, side by side, tearing down demonic strongholds of wickedness and advancing the territory of the kingdom of God. If you want to be empowered to accomplish your kingdom destiny and purpose in Christ, this book is for you! Using numerous examples from Scripture, this book shows women how to tap into the essence of the chayil anointing so they will be:
    *endued with power to defend and take back what is theirs;
    *strengthened and motivated to tap into their God-given abilities and power to build and influence the areas they occupy;
    *activated with supernatural wisdom and power to get wealth and to overtake the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy;
    *able to take authority and defend their families, possessions, destinies, property, and dignity;
    *encouraged to have an edge against the forces that try to destroy their vision and success in business or ministry.

    The chayil anointing manifests in the woman who is anointed for ministry, business, and marketplace influence.

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  • Developing Female Leaders


    Kadi Cole, world-class creative thinker and 30-year veteran in leadership and people development, offers a practical strategy to help church and organizational leaders intentionally craft work and volunteer cultures that facilitate the development of women leaders.

    Christian leaders use only a small portion of their female volunteer potential for several reasons. Some don’t know how to intentionally and professionally develop and deploy women’s talents and abilities. Others don’t have the staff or resources. Then there are those who can’t get past unfortunate cultural traditions and organizational systems that commonly leave women with the choice to either limit their potential or go outside their church or volunteer organization for training and then invest their skills elsewhere. Developing Female Leaders by Kadi Cole is the book for leaders who face these challenges.

    Using contemporary interviews with and about women in key church and organizational roles combined with more than 30 years of research on the development of professional women leaders, the author has created eight easy to implement “best practices” that help accelerate a woman’s organizational contribution. Thorough appendices and references make this book a one-of-kind publishing event.

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  • Divine Invitation : Entering The Dance Of Becoming Fully Alive


    An inspiring, profound guide that beckons women longing for more in their lives and a relationship with Jesus to enter into the dance of becoming fully alive.

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  • Whispers And Wildflowers


    How many of us find ourselves constantly busy and, deep down, constantly soul-weary? By striving to keep up our busy pace, we can easily miss out on a deeper connection with God. So many of us are overwhelmed and underfed. But there is hope.In this inspiring and practical book, Sarah Beth Marr helps women develop a regular practice of withdrawing from busyness to realign and refresh their hearts, minds, and souls. She helps them

    – discover Scripture that will lead them to peace
    – connect with God on a deeper level
    – run to God rather than other things that do not satisfy
    – experience less stress and more contentment
    – be fully present in their lives

    Any woman who feels distracted, burnt out, depleted, or overwhelmed will find in Marr a gentle and uplifting guide to greater personal peace and simplicity.

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  • Inesperado – (Spanish)


    Es posible tener paz en un mundo incierto? Es posible no solo esperar lo inesperado, sino abrazarlo?

    La mayoria de nosotros queremos tener la vida bajo control. Pero Dios quiere que anticipemos lo inesperado con una fe profundamente enraizada en su bondad. El quiere que sepamos que porque El tiene el control, no es necesario que lo tengamos nosotros.

    En Inesperado, la autora Christine Caine nos ayuda a caminar hacia la vida que Dios tiene para nosotros: lo desconocido y todo. Usando ejemplos dramaticos de su propio viaje, Christine ofrece estrategias de la vida real e inspiracion biblica para ayudarnos a pasar del miedo y la preocupacion, a la esperanza y la confianza en Dios. A medida que aprendemos nuevas formas de manejar la decepcion, fortalecer nuestros corazones y construir nuestra fe, podemos disfrutar de una nueva aventura con Dios que es mas satisfactoria que cualquier dia que pasemos tratando de anticipar lo que sucedera a continuacion.

    Entrar en nuestro destino dado por Dios significa adentrarse en lo desconocido, pero podemos abrazar ese llamado porque Dios ya lo conoce. Nada en nuestras vidas toma a Dios por sorpresa. Incluso en medio de una turbulencia personal, desafios relacionales, tensiones financieras, transiciones familiares, decepciones profesionales y caoticos asuntos mundiales, podemos esperar que Dios sea bueno y haga lo bueno. Que otra expectativa necesitamos tener? Escucha el desafio de Dios para confiar en El en todos los aspectos desconocidos de tu vida de hoy.

    Is it possible to have peace in an uncertain world? To not only expect the unexpected but embrace it?

    Most of us want to have life under control. But God wants us to anticipate the unexpected with a faith deeply rooted in his goodness. He wants us to know that because he is in control, we don’t have to be.

    In Unexpected, author Christine Caine helps us walk into the life God has for us-unknowns and all. Using dramatic examples from her own journey, Christine offers real-life strategies and biblical inspiration to help us move from fear and worry about ourselves to hope and trust in God. As we learn new ways to manage disappointment, strengthen our hearts, and build our faith, we can enjoy a new adventure with God that is more fulfilling than any day we spend trying to anticipate what will happen next.

    Stepping into our God-given destiny means stepping into the unknown, but we can embrace that calling because God knows it already. Nothing in our lives

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  • Prayer Journal For Women


    Explore your faith with thought-provoking verses from the Prayer Journal for Women.

    Write the story of your faith inside these pages. No matter where you are on your life’s path–graduating, embarking on a career change, getting married or spoiling grandchildren–you’ll discover a treasure trove of timeless truths.

    Filled with verses chosen by women and for women, this journal offers endless inspiration and guidance for daily practice. Each entry allows you to explore the scripture from your heart.

    The Prayer Journal for Women includes:

    *Inspirational scripture that offers thought-provoking prompts for writing, prayer, and deepening your faith.
    *A flexible design as a journal, devotional, or companion to bible study.
    *Illustrations leaving you with a beautiful record of your life’s journey and everlasting faith.

    Invite faith into your life every day with Prayer Journal for Women.

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  • Women Rise Up (Revised)


    God has gifted women with beautiful and unique calls on their lives. Unfortunately, many never step into their roles because of doubt, discrimination, fear, and insecurity. But in a world fraught with gender and relationship issues, the gifts and voices of women are needed more than ever.

    In this fully revised and updated edition of her breakthrough book, Women of Destiny, bestselling author and speaker Cindy Jacobs reveals the biblical foundation for women in ministry and leadership. Through sharing her own story, successes, and failures, she speaks to the doubts, fears, and insecurities women have about stepping up and speaking out.

    She shows how to navigate discrimination with grace, strength, and
    confidence, and she empowers women everywhere to press into God
    to discover their unique purpose. Whether you step across the street or into a new role altogether, you can serve God faithfully, love others boldly, and change the world around you.

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  • Rahab Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Good enough, as is. God redeems.

    Women’s hearts are exposed and the truth of our nature is revealed as we explore the lives of women in the Bible who asked the same three questions every woman still asks today: How does everyone see me? How do I see myself? How does God see me?

    Rahab was not the typical woman, but she displayed very typical female characteristics. She was nurturing and protective, vulnerable, and hopeful. Where we learn the most from Rahab is the one character trait she lacked: self-doubt. Rahab is our sister in Scripture who considered her worthiness in God against the cultural odds and standards then, and still today. Regardless of your personality, past, present, or position, there is a place in God’s plan for you. He doesn’t want your personality-He wants to redeem and use for His plan, just as you are.

    Learn from Rahab in this four-session video Bible study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately), the subtle and apparent differences between what we think of ourselves, what society projects on us, and what God’s final word about us says! This study will take you into the heart of Rahab as the everyday woman in modern culture through drama, expose the truth of our behaviors through strong Biblical psychoanalysis, and reveal the solid truth each of us longs for, to know that we are known by a God who considers us good enough, as is, and wants to redeem us!

    Designed for use with the Known by Name: Rahab Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Hermanas : Deepening You Identity And Growing Our Influence


    Prologue: Bienvenidos A La Mesa
    Part 1: Identify And Intimacy
    1. Esther: Who Am I? A Mestiza For God’s Mission, Kristy Garza Robinson
    2. The Shulamite Woman: Amada, First And Foremost, Natalia Kohn
    3. The Bleeding Woman And Mija Leadership, Noemi Vega Quiones
    4. Hannah: Forsaken To Faithful, Natalia Kohn
    5. Mary Of Bethany: A Vulnerable Leader Choosing Intimacy, Kristy Garza Robinson
    6. Rahab: Atrevida, Allied, And Faithful Liberator, Noemi Vega Quiones
    Part II: Influence And Impact
    7. The Canaanite Woman: Breakthrough At The Margins, Natalia Kohn
    8. Ruth: Crossing Borders And The Hesed Of God, Kristy Garza Robinson
    9. Tabitha: Mision Integral Y En Conjunto, Noemi Vega Quiones
    10. Lydia: Women And Men In Gospel Partnership, Natalia Kohn
    11. Deborah: A Warrior Woman Fighting For Her Gente, Kristy Garza Robinson
    12. Mary: The Word Within, Noemi Vega Quiones
    Epilogue: Levantense Hermanas

    Additional Info
    God calls Latinas to lives of influence. He created his Latina daughters to partner with him, live into the incredible plans he has for each of us, and walk in his grace and strength to help change this world. But many of us have heard cultural messages that make us doubt our adequacy. We have not seen many Latina women in positions of leadership, and we need more mentors and role models.

    Natalia Kohn, Noemi Vega Quiones, and Kristy Garza Robinson share their own journeys as Latinas and leaders. They find mentorship in twelve inspirational women of the Bible, including Esther, Rahab, Mary, and Lydia, who navigated challenges of brokenness and suffering, being bicultural, and crossing borders. As we deepen our spiritual and ethnic identities, we grow in intimacy with God and others and become better equipped to influence others for the kingdom. The insights here will help any who seek to empower Latinas in leadership.

    You are not alone on this journey. Join your sisters and partner with our heavenly Father as you become the Latina leader God has called you to be.

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  • Gods View Of You Includes Leaders Guide (Revised)


    “Join in a refreshing journey alongside Colleen as she guides you to discover and live according to God’s View of You.” Elizabeth George, bestselling author of A Woman after God’s Own Heart

    Do you struggle with feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, fear, or anxiety? Do you ever feel like you’re just not enough? Trying to live up to others’ expectations and your own standards of performance can leave you feeling anxious and exhausted.

    God’s View of You: Discovering Your Biblical Worth equips you to address the root causes of your struggles and inspires you to cultivate and maintain a lifestyle of biblical worth. Utilizing true-life stories from women just like you, as well as action steps, guided study features, and introspection prompts, author Colleen Mehrer provides practical application strategies, creating a safe haven in which lies are revealed and truth is proclaimed.

    Well-suited for both individual and small group use, this book includes a Leader’s Guide designed to help facilitators guide others toward the discovery of their true biblical worth.

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  • In The Middle Of The Mess


    How do you turn your struggles into strengths? Beloved Bible teacher Sheila Walsh teaches readers how the daily spiritual practices of confession, meditation on God’s Word, and prayer result in fresh freedom in Christ.

    In her long-awaited new book, Sheila Walsh equips women with a practical method for connecting with God’s strength in the midst of struggle. From daily frustrations that can feel like overwhelming obstacles to hard challenges that turn into rock-bottom crises, women will find the means to equip themselves for standing strong with God. Using the spiritual applications of confession, prayer, and meditation on Scripture to form a daily connection to Jesus, women will learn how to experience new joy as a child of God who is fully known, fully loved, and fully accepted.

    In In the Middle of the Mess, Walsh reveals the hardened defenses that kept her from allowing God into her deepest hurts and shares how entering into a safe place with God and practicing this daily connection with him have saved her from the devil’s prowling attacks. Though we will never be completely “fixed” on earth, we are continually held by Jesus, whatever our circumstances.

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  • Women In Gods Mission



    Part 1: Appreciating Their Stories
    1. God’s Amazing Daughters
    2. Navigating Power When Serving
    3. Being Authentic When Leading

    Part 2: The Faithful Connected Leader
    4. A Distinctive Foundation
    5. Connected In Different Ways
    6. Persevering With Wisdom
    7. Prioritizing Impact And Excellence

    Part 3: Realities Of Gender Discrimination
    8. Caring About Challenges
    9. Strategies That Accommodate Others
    10. When Accommodation Hinders Faithfulness

    Part 4: What Women Need To Do Their Best Work
    11. Husbands Who Act Like Jesus
    12. A Healthier Metaphor In The Workplace
    13. Men Courageously Opening Opportunities
    14. Cultivating Encouragement And Growth
    15. Addressing Remaining Issues

    Conclusion: What Might This Mean For The Future?
    Appendix: Research Details And Methodology

    Additional Info
    Women have advanced God’s mission throughout history and around the world. But women often face particular obstacles in ministry. What do we need to know about how women thrive?

    Mission researcher Mary Lederleitner interviewed and surveyed respected women in mission leadership from across the globe to gather their insights, expertise, and best practices. She unveils how women serve in distinctive ways and identifies key traits of faithful connected leaders. When women face opposition based on their gender, they employ various strategies to carry on with resilience and hope. Real-life stories and case studies shed light on dynamics that inhibit women and also give testimony to God’s grace and empowerment in the midst of challenges.

    Women and men will find resources here for partnering together in effective ministry and mission. Organizations can help women flourish through advocacy, mentoring, and addressing structural issues. Wherever God has invited you to serve and lead, discover that you are not alone as you answer the call.

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  • Its Not Supposed To Be This Way


    New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst unveils her heart amid shattering circumstances and shows readers how to live assured when life doesn’t turn out like they expected.

    Life often looks so very far from the reality we long for. Lysa TerKeurst deeply understands. But she’s also discovered that whether we’re dealing with daily disappointments or life-altering loss, we can find unexpected strength as we wrestle well between our faith and feelings.

    This book offers a safe guide, fresh biblical insight, and life-giving perspectives for living in between Eden and eternity. With grit, vulnerability, and honest humor, Lysa helps readers:
    *Stop being pulled into the anxiety of disappointment by discovering how to better process unmet expectations and other painful situations.
    *Train themselves to recognize the three strategies of the enemy so they can stand strong and persevere through unsettling relationships and uncertain outcomes.
    *Discover the secret of being steadfast and not panicking when God actually does give them more than they can handle.
    *Shift their suspicion that God is cruel or reckless to the biblical assurance that God is protecting and preparing them.
    *Know how to encourage a friend and help them navigate hard realities with real help from God’s truth.

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  • Adorned : Living Out The Beauty Of The Gospel Together


    Woman to woman. Older to younger. Day to day. Life to life.
    This is God’s beautiful plan.

    The Titus 2 model of older women living out the gospel alongside younger women is vital for us all to thrive. It is mutually strengthening, glorifies God, and makes His truth believable to our world.

    Imagine older women investing themselves in the lives of younger women, blessing whole families and churches. Imagine young wives, moms, and singles gaining wisdom and encouragement from women who’ve been there and have found God’s ways to be true and good. Imagine all women–from older women to young girls–living out His transforming gospel together, growing the entire body of Christ to be more beautiful.

    This is Christian community as God designed it. Read this book and take your relationships to new depths, that your life might find its fullest meaning as you adorn the gospel of Christ.

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  • Preach To Yourself


    Break the cycle of doubting yourself, believe God at His Word, and talk back with truth.

    We know Christ came to speak life, but then how come our inner critic keeps showing up and stealing the mic? If we’re honest, she’s a harsh one, saying things we’d never dream of saying to others: You’ll never measure up, you’ll fail again tomorrow, you just can’t get it right.

    It has been said that the eighteen inches from head to heart is the soul’s longest journey. Our head knows the good news is true, but our heart struggles to believe it, and it is in this gap that we battle to believe the promises of God.

    Hayley Morgan, coauthor of bestselling book Wild and Free, has wrestled with this tension her whole life. In Preaching to Yourself, she tackles it head-on to discover how we can renew our minds to renew our lives. For every woman who struggles with repetitive, negative self-talk, this book will show you how to identify the toxic loops where you get stuck and replace them with the truth of God we can believe with our whole selves.

    This is not a “try harder” reprimand, it’s a “believe better” invitation: to take God at His word when He tells you who you are. Come along and learn a simple practice to break free from the lies holding you back, and step forward into the fullness of life God has planned.

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  • 1 Minute Money Mentor For Women


    Let Your Biggest Money Fears…Disappear

    Money-and all the fears that come with it-can easily consume your days. That’s why Deborah Smith Pegues, a certified public accountant and bestselling author, wants to give you the financial know-how and insider secrets that will set you free.

    No matter your stage of life-single or married, young or not-so-young-and no matter how much you make, you’ll find useful tips and answers to your difficult questions, such as…
    *What am I really worth in the workplace?
    *Can I find lasting freedom from debt?
    *What’s the difference between a CD and a 401(k)?
    *How can I overcome emotional spending?
    *What will it take to prepare for the future?

    With warmth and wisdom, Deborah empowers you to take charge of your money and conquer the bad habits, fears, and uncertainties that thwart stability and success.

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  • What Happens When Women Walk In Faith


    LysaTerKeurst knows what it means to walk in faith, starting from the cry she uttered years ago, “How do I take my broken life and allow God to use it for His glory,” to her current position as president of Proverbs 31 Ministry.

    Walking in Faith will change the way the reader…
    *recognizes God’s opportunities for growth
    *hears God speak through His Word
    *understands herself as a unique creation of her Heavenly Father
    *survives life’s hardest places

    Lysa’s new book is filled with stories, Scripture, and encouragement for readers to discover the deeper truths of God.

    As a bonus, Lysa has provided a Bible study section to help readers apply the principles in Walking by Faith

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  • Dare To Begin Again


    Is your life where you want it to be?
    We all have struggles and challenges in life. Whether they are of our own making or not, things don’t always work out. Sometimes, we just give up on our dreams and goals.
    But it doesn’t have to be that way! God is a God of new beginnings, and throughout the entire Bible, we read about people who were stuck, disappointed, and faced impossible situations–people God freed.

    Rosalinda Torres Rivera challenges us to Dare to Begin Again. Using stories from her own life, other people, and biblical times, Rosalinda offers inspirational, down-to-earth advice on beginning again. Each chapter tackles a different issue where you may be “stuck”–such as an inability to forgive, trust, or hope–and examples of people who overcame similar challenges. Practical tasks at the end of each chapter walk you through a DARE challenge (Decide, Allow, Rise, Enjoy) to help you move closer to a fresh start.

    Rosalinda is the daughter of Victor Torres, an ex-gang member from Brooklyn, New York, and his wife, Carmen, founders of the New Life For Youth ministry. She has seen more than twenty thousand people get out of tough situations and turn their lives around.

    “They’re people whose tales of transformation prove God is still at work,” she says. “He’s written and re-written their life’s chapters–and He’s willing to do the same for you.”
    It takes a commitment, but with the help of God, inspiring, true stories, and practical applications, you can Dare to Begin Again.

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  • Messy People Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Every life gets messy at times. Sometimes these messes are literal, like a house that would be easier to condemn than to clean. But sometimes they are intangible messes such as illness, conflict, depression, abuse, bankruptcy, divorce, and job loss. And these messes can be painful, hurting our hearts and our homes. But as we see in the Bible, God loves to use messy people! In this six-week study, we will dig into the lives of biblical heroes who were messy people just like us but who were used by God in powerful ways. Together we will examine the stories of five wonderful but messy people and one messy parable character: Rahab, the Prodigal Son, Josiah, Mary, David, and Daniel. From their stories, we will learn how God can use broken people, restore damaged hearts and relationships, give us power to handle our critics, and help us deal with the hard moments of life. Along the way we’ll discover that we don’t have to just endure messy lives but can actually learn to thrive with God’s guidance and help. In the hands of God, our messes can become His masterpieces! The Leader Guide, to be used along with the study’s workbook and DVD, contains six session plan outlines, complete with discussion points and questions, activities, prayers, and more-plus leader helps for facilitating a group. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Participant Workbook, DVD with six 10-15 minute sessions, and boxed Leader Kit (an all-inclusive box containing one copy of each of the Bible study’s components).

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  • Woman Of Purpose And Power


    Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for women. Based on two of his most popular books, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women and Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men, this 90-day devotional will help you truly understand your God-given purpose and power as a woman. Each day’s reading includes teaching and encouragement, a Scripture reading from both the Old and New Testaments, and a thought for the day to draw you closer to God. Explore the nature and role of women as God intended, addressing such issues as: How is a woman uniquely different from a man? What are the purpose and design of the woman? What are a woman’s emotional and sexual needs? What is a woman’s role as a leader? What does the Bible really teach about women? As Dr. Munroe writes, “A woman cannot fulfill her purpose unless she is in relationship with God.” Through this devotional, you can deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father and fulfill your potential as an integral part of His eternal purposes.

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  • Unique Woman : Insight And Wisdom To Maximize Your Life


    There are opportunities everywhere for women who have the courage to seize them! You have more than you think you have. You can do more than you think you can. You alone are responsible to use the intelligence, talents, abilities, and gifts God has given you.

    Edwin and Nancy Cole took the truths and experience gathered from over half a century of marriage and ministry together to write Unique Woman. In one of Christianity’s modern classics, the Coles furnish tools to achieve the image God holds for women. In the same upfront and honest style that made Ed Cole an internationally known minister to men, he learned with his wife Nancy, whom he called “The Loveliest Lady in the Land,” to answer the heart’s cry of women around the world who said, “Write us a book!”

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  • Elijah Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Life is like a rollercoaster. One day it seems that everything in life is good, and the next day it can feel like everything is falling apart. Then there are those in between days when we’re coasting along without much thought to the highs or lows. The prophet Elijah experienced this rollercoaster ride as well. One moment he was hiding out in the wilderness during a famine, being fed by the ravens, and the next he was on the mountaintop where God showed up in a powerful way with fire and then rain. Even Elijah grew weary of all the ups and downs, telling God, “I have had enough” (1 Kings 19:4). He needed spiritual stamina in order to keep on going and fulfill all the plans God had for his life. We do too! In this six-week study grounded in 1 and 2 Kings, we will examine the life of the prophet Elijah, an ordinary man who did extraordinary things for God in the midst of the highs and lows of life. We’ll learn some of the spiritual stamina secrets that helped him to hold on and persevere in faith, including practical habits related to making decisions, caring for the soul, accepting his circumstances, mentoring, and finishing well-which was his ultimate legacy. Whether we’re currently in a mountaintop season where we’re experiencing God’s power and blessing, a valley season where we feel like running away, or somewhere in between, Elijah’s life will inspire us to go the distance in the life of faith. Best of all, his story will challenge us but not shame us, because we’ll discover that Elijah was just as human as we are. He doubted and struggled just as we do, but ultimately, he chose to believe God. As we study his life, we will grow in faith and develop spiritual stamina that will help us not only to survive but actually thrive in every season. The Leader Guide, to be used along with the study’s workbook and DVD, contains six session plan outlines, complete with discussion points and questions, activities, prayers, and more-plus leader helps for facilitating a group. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Participant Workbook, DVD with six 20-25 minute sessions, and boxed Leader Kit (an all-inclusive box containing one copy of each of the Bible study’s components).

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  • More Than Just Pretty



    1. Value
    Am I Who I Know? Friendships/popularity/family/boys
    Am I What I Achieve? School
    Am I What I Look Like? We Are More Than Our Image
    Be You: You Are A Masterpiece (illustration And Exploration)

    2. Beauty
    Am I Enough? Model Culture-nobody’s Perfect
    Am I Pretty? Instagram Perfection Culture, Comparison
    Am I A Selfie Queen? Social Media
    Be Beautiful: You Are A Masterpiece (illustration And Exploration)

    3. Purpose
    Am I What Has Happened To Me?
    Am I Happy? Inner Critic, Don’t Worry
    Am I Significant? Future Plans, Dreaming, The Journey
    Be A Dreamer: You Are A Masterpiece (illustration And Exploration)

    4. #AskJessie – Social Media Wave, Final Advice, Further Support

    Additional Info
    In today’s world, youth are growing up in a society where social media is an integral part of their sense of self. But what are the repercussions of this, and how can we teach young girls where their true worth and identity is found?Jessie Faerber sets out to put the record straight and redefine how girls see themselves. Highlighting the pervasiveness of selfies, the distortion of beauty on social media, and the chase after perfectionism, she offers hope amidst the pressures of internet perfection and reaffirms our identity as God’s masterpiece: original, exquisite, and of infinite value.

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  • What Happens When Women Say Yes To God


    The God of the Universe Wants to Use You

    Does the thought of stepping out in absolute obedience feel too overwhelming-simply too much?

    Don’t let fear keep you from knowing the unparalleled joy and satisfaction of following God’s lead! In this book, Lysa TerKeurst will help you…
    *determine what holds you back so you can release excuses and receive God’s best
    *uncover five questions to ask when you need to distinguish between God’s will and your own thoughts
    *find inspiration to serve God in delight-not out of duty-so you will stay the course

    With the encouragement you need and an included Bible study to walk you through each powerful lesson, you’ll be prepared to embrace the growth and blessings God has just for you.

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  • Demasiado Bendecida Para Estar – (Spanish)


    Got 3 minutes to spare? You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you desire in Too Blessed to Be Stressed: 3-Minute Devotions for Women. 180 uplifting readings from bestselling author Debora M. Coty pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, humor, and inspiration into your day. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a short devotional reading; Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God. This portable package makes a fabulous any-occasion gift for every woman.

    Hallaras el estimulante espiritual que deseas en Demasiado bendecida para estar estresada: Devocionales de 3 minutos para mujeres. 180 lecturas edificantes de la autora superventas Debora M. Coty, que contienen una poderosa dosis de consuelo, aliento, humor e inspiracion para tu dia.

    Minuto 1: texto biblico en el que meditar

    Minuto 2: una breve lectura devocional

    Minuto 3: una oracion para arrancar una conversacion con Dios.

    Este manejable formato es un fabuloso regalo para todas las mujeres, en cualquier ocasion.

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  • Son Of God 2 (Workbook)


    This Bible study workbook is designed to assist you in examining

    the second half of the Gospel of Mark in an inductive way. Inductive study means to read the passage in context and ask

    questions of the text with the purpose of deriving the meaning and

    significance from the text itself. We do this automatically every day

    when we read the newspaper, blogs, or even recipes. When we study the Bible inductively we are after the author’s original intent; i.e., what the author meant when he wrote the passage to his original audience. In this workbook, you will unpack the meaning by answering a series of questions about the text, paying close attention to the words and context of the passage. After discovering the meaning of the text, there will be questions to help you apply it to your life.

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  • Unashamed : Drop The Baggage Pick Up Your Freedom Fulfill Your Destiny


    Shame takes on many forms. It hides in the shadows of the most successful, confident, and high-achieving woman who struggles with balancing her work and children, as well as in the heart of the broken, abused, and downtrodden woman who has been told that she will never amount to anything. Shame hides in plain sight and holds us back in ways we do not realize. But Christine Caine wants readers to know something: we can all be free.

    “I know. I’ve been there,” writes Christine. “I was schooled in shame. It has been my constant companion from my very earliest memories. I see shame everywhere I look in the world, including in the church. It creeps from heart to heart, growing in shadowy places, feeding on itself so that those struggling with it are too shamed to seek help from shame itself.”

    In Unashamed, Christine reveals the often-hidden consequences of shame-in her own life and the lives of so many Christian women-and invites you to join her in moving from a shame-filled to a shame-free life.

    In her passionate and candid style, Christine leads you into God’s Word where you will see for yourself how to believe that God is bigger than your mistakes, your inadequacies, your past, and your limitations. He is not only more powerful than anything you’ve ever done but also stronger than anything ever done to you. You can deal with your yesterday today, so that you can move on to what God has in store for you tomorrow-a powerful purpose and destiny he wants you to fulfill.

    Join the journey. Lay ahold of the power of Jesus Christ today and step into the future-his future for you-a beautiful, life-giving future, where you can even become a shame-lifter to others. Live unashamed!

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  • Unexpected


    Is it possible to have peace in an uncertain world? To not only expect the unexpected but embrace it?

    Most of us want to have life under control. But God wants us to anticipate the unexpected with a faith deeply rooted in his goodness. He wants us to know that because he is in control, we don’t have to be.

    In Unexpected, beloved author Christine Caine helps us walk into the life God has for us–unknowns and all. Using dramatic examples from her own journey, Christine offers real-life strategies and biblical inspiration to help us move from fear and worry about ourselves to hope and trust in God. As we learn new ways to manage disappointment, strengthen our hearts, and build our faith, we can enjoy a new adventure with God that is more fulfilling than any day we spend trying to anticipate what will happen next.

    Stepping into our God-given destiny means stepping into the unknown, but we can embrace that calling because God knows it already. Nothing in our lives takes God by surprise. So even in the midst of personal upheaval, relational challenges, financial stresses, family transitions, career disappointments, and chaotic world affairs, we can expect God to be good and do good. What other expectation do we need to have? Listen to God’s dare to trust him in every unknown of your life today.

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  • Girls Guide To Conquering Life (Reprinted)


    Packed full of practical, step-by-step instructions and helpful advice from successful women, this illustrated guide helps girls gain confidence and develop life skills.

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  • Son Of God 1 (Workbook)


    This Bible study workbook is to assist you in studying the first

    half of the Gospel of Mark in an inductive way. Inductive study is

    reading the passage in context and asking questions of the text

    with the purpose of deriving the meaning and significance from

    the text itself. We do this automatically every day when we read

    the newspaper, blogs, or even recipes. When we study the Bible

    inductively we are after the author’s original intent; i.e., what the

    author meant when he wrote the passage to his original audience. In this workbook, you will figure out the meaning by answering a series of questions about the text, paying close attention to the words and context of the passage. After figuring out the meaning of the text, there will be questions to help you apply it to your life

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  • Ruth Anointing : Becoming A Woman Of Faith Virtue And Destiny


    This book will give me keys on how to activate the anointing to propel me into a new level of power, strength, insight, and vision for the plan God has for my life and for those whom I influence.

    God is bubbling up a prayer movement all over the earth that will usher in the greatest revival the planet has ever seen. The remarkable life of Ruth is a prophetic picture for the church today. The beautiful picture of redemption told through the story of Ruth and Boaz is a foreshadow of the Father’s redemptive work in our lives.

    Author Michelle McClain-Walters expands her popular Women of Prayer series with this fourth installment, which sheds light on how an entire generation of women today will operate in an anointing similar to Ruth’s to reveal the redemptive work of Jesus in the earth.

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  • Begin Again : Brave Practice Of Releasing Hurt And Receiving Rest (Reprinted)


    With compassion and vulnerability, Leeana Tankerlsey invites readers to begin again every day, leaving behind the failures and frustrations of yesterday to experience a truer and freer today.

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  • Finding The Love Of Jesus From Genesis To Revelation (Reprinted)


    In this sweeping overview of the Bible, Elyse Fitzpatrick reveals how each section–the Law, history, poetry, epistles–points to God’s eternal love for you and the good news of redemption through Christ. You’ll find yourself drawn to the Bible like never before as you begin to see Jesus on every page.

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  • Joshua Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Have you ever tried to fight worry with faith and felt you were losing the battle? Have comments like “God’s got this!” or “Just pray about it” only left you feeling more burdened? We know we shouldn’t worry, but the reality is that we all do at times. And whether it’s personal worries about loved ones and daily circumstances or broader concerns about what’s happening in the world, we long for something more than platitudes that will help us put real feet to our faith and win the worry battle. In this six-week Bible study on the Book of Joshua, we will join God’s people as they arrive on the edge of the promised land only to find themselves in hostile territory, faced with fear and uncertainty. As we dig into the story of how Joshua and the Israelites claimed God’s promised victory, we’ll discover that winning the worry battle requires more than having faith; it requires learning to fight in faith! Following their bold, courageous footprints, we’ll learn how to fight in faith as we internalize God’s promises, draw strength from God’s faithfulness, act in obedience to God’s commands, and believe what our limitless God can do. Through in-depth study of how God gave the Israelites victory over their enemies and generously blessed them, too, we’ll be equipped with biblical wisdom, encouragement, and practical tools that will enable us to overcome our daily worry struggles as well as the bigger battles of fear that we face. This comprehensive leader guide includes full session outlines featuring discussion questions, activities, prayers, leader helps, and more. Other available components, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook with five days of lessons per week, DVD with six 20-25 minute sessions (with closed captioning), and boxed Leader Kit containing one of each component.

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  • Just Open The Door


    For many of us women, inviting people into our lives and homes feels like inviting judgement of our entertaining skills and stress on our already maxed-out schedules. But what if you knew that opening your front door was a simple and radical way to change the world? Just Open the Door is for seasoned hosts, nervous newbies, and everyone in between. It is a personal yes-you-can invitation. Through Jen’s hilarious fails, personal tales, and practical tips, you’ll start to see your home as the most likely location for changing the world around you.

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  • Enough : Silencing The Lies That Steal Your Confidence


    Will You Reject Lies and Embrace Truth?

    Are you quick to believe the lie that you are broken beyond repair but hesitant to embrace the truth of your incredible value and purpose? How can you move past Satan’s deceptions and into your confident identity in Christ?

    Popular author and international speaker Sharon Jaynes exposes the lies that keep you and other women bogged down in guilt, shame, and unforgiveness. You will learn how Scripture can help you powerfully respond to the hurtful voice inside that whispers
    *I’m not good enough
    *I can’t forgive myself
    *God is punishing me
    *My life is hopeless

    Satan gives his best efforts to undermine your potential and worth. By intentionally replacing those lies with God’s truth, you will grow in confidence and learn to rest in your identity as an imperfect-but wholly and beautifully redeemed-woman of value.

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  • From Fatherless To Fearless


    Charismatic Publishing

    Join Candice Crear, a coach for fatherless women, as she leads eight women to tackle the silent epidemic of fatherlessness. With our culture dividing us by race, age and other demographics, these amazing stories close the gap to a universal problem. This golden book of truth will leave you empowered to take life by the horns and leave fear behind.

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  • Everyday Holy : Finding A Big God In The Little Moments 100 Devotions


    It is a rite of passage for every woman: the day you wake up and say, “Wait, THIS is the life I signed up for?!?”We’ve all been there-Melanie Shankle is just brave enough to say it out loud. Everyday Holy is your invitation to reexamine your life and find the beautiful little pieces that create a picture of a beautiful big God.

    Nobody is more surprised about this devotional than Melanie Shankle, but enough people have asked her The Questions that it is finally time to address them:

    Is Instagram making me crazy, or am I actually supposed to live like that?
    How can I tell if I’ve permanently damaged my children by sharing their lives on Facebook?
    Doubts with my faith and concerns with the church are normal, right?
    Is cookie dough straight from the fridge fine if it’s organic?
    Common theme: Am I okay? Is my life significant? How do we measure significance, anyway? Melanie’s hilarious and poignant insight offers you the deep breath of relief that God is working in all of the moments, no matter how big or how small. Everyday Holy: Finding a Big God in the Little Moments invites you to see your life as God intended: rich with opportunity, significance, and beauty, even on days that feel overwhelmingly ordinary.

    Everyday Holy is for you if you’re looking for the line that connects the dots. It’s for you if you wonder where God is in this mess-or how, exactly, He’s working behind the scenes. Whether you feel overwhelmed or disillusioned or frustrated by how your life feels, there’s room for you at this table, and good news! We’re all in this together.

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  • Searching For Spring


    Popular blogger offers women practices for recognizing beauty in both familiar and unexpected places, awakening their love for the Creator and arming them to fight despair and hopelessness in the difficulties of life.

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  • Sex Jesus And The Conversations The Church Forgot (Reprinted)


    Inspired by a blog series that received nearly two million views, New York Times bestselling author and speaker takes on topics such as pornography, promiscuity, virginity, purity, “sex-pectations,” and sex in marriage, boldly sharing her own testimony and urging readers to look at God’s original design for sex.

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  • Breaking The Fear Cycle (Reprinted)


    Using compassion, conviction, and the Word of God, this women’s ministry leader shows readers why we don’t need to fear, how to battle fear when it comes, and what to do about recurring fears.

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  • In Over Your Head


    Sometimes You Have to Slow Down to Hear God’s Plan

    Do you spend your days rushing from one task to the next, frantically checking things off your list? It’s easy to become so consumed with keeping it all together that you forget that was never God’s plan for your life. He has a much better vision for you-fulfillment and peace that only His grace can provide.

    Author, speaker, and radio host Susie Larson helps you find balance within your hectic life. You will learn that being at your best doesn’t mean taking on every task, and meaningful satisfaction can’t be bought with a completed to-do list. Be inspired to move past halfhearted living and second bests into a kingdom of rejuvenation, health, and eternal nourishment.

    Let this book encourage you to cultivate balance and savor moments of work and rest-both of which He has lovingly created.

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  • Embraced : 100 Devotions To Know Gods Is Holding You Close


    Embraced is the beautiful new devotional from Lisa TerKeurst, the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave. Embraced features 100 devotions that will resonate with women in all stages of life.

    Lysa’s Most Powerful Insights
    Together for the First Time
    in a Devotional

    Lysa TerKeurst is one of the world’s most influential Christian authors and speakers. She is president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of more than 4 million books, including Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave.

    Favorite themes from Lysa’s bestselling books have been brought together for the first time in a beautiful new devotional. The 100 readings were chosen for their relevance to the issues women face in matters of faith, marriage, motherhood, career, and church.

    The devotions include Lysa’s trademark “sticky statements” on a variety of topics such as:

    personal identity
    our gifts and God’s glory
    intimacy with God
    cleaning clutter from our lives
    negative thoughts
    the Holy Spirit
    feelings of isolation
    making good decisions
    A handy topical index gives you the freedom to flip directly to areas of interest, or you can read chronologically each day. Lysa’s hope is that with every devotion, you will know God’s love exactly where you are, no matter where that may be.

    With an exquisite cloth cover, highly designed interior, ribbon marker, and stained page edges, Embraced will be a treasured keepsake for you as well as a meaningful gift for those you love.

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  • Dreaming With God


    Weaving together her unique story as a professional ballerina as well as a wife and mother, author inspires women to keep dreaming and fully experience that God’s dreams are better than the plans they have for themselves.

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  • Courageous Women Of The Bible (Reprinted)


    Living courageously is not about mustering up willpower or forcing yourself to take one more step. It’s about choosing to draw near to God, no matter how stressed, exhausted, or fearful you feel. The eleven stories in these pages show how God uniquely positions women for success and equips you with the supernatural ability to live confidently no matter what.

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  • Scars Across Humanity


    Across the globe, acts of violence against women produce more deaths, disability, and mutilation than cancer, malaria, and traffic accidents combined.

    The truth is that violence on such a scale could not exist were it not structured in some way into the very fabric of societies and cultures themselves. It could not continue if it were not somehow supported by deep assumptions about the value of women, or some justification of the use of power. In many cultures such assumptions are reiterated every day in the absence of legal protection for women, or indifference toward issues of human rights.

    In Scars Across Humanity, Elaine Storkey offers a rigorously researched overview of this global pandemic. From female infanticide and child brides to domestic abuse, prostitution, rape, and honor killings, violence against women occurs at all stages of life, and in all cultures and societies. How and why has this violence become so prevalent? It seems ambitious to hope that we can find an answer to this question, but if violence to women is ever to be eliminated, we need to know what we are up against.

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  • Dream Of You


    With a strong teaching voice evoking comparisons to Christine Caine and Jennie Allen, speaker and leader Jo Saxton confronts women on the fractured pieces of their identities and points them to help and hope in Scripture and through recognition of self-worth.
    Working from the core promise in Ephesians 1:11, Jo Saxton looks at the vision a woman has of herself at an early age–and how the world distorts, changes, breaks, and alters that dream. By taking personal stories from her own life, growing up the child of Nigerian immigrants in the UK, for a time in foster care and then, later, a newlywed immigrating to the US, Jo helps identify key scenarios where identities develop that are not true to God’s design. Chapters focus on themes of knowing one’s name, embracing the gifts each person has been given, addressing body issues, experiencing seasons of depression or grief, and letting go of perfectionism. Through thorough examination of Biblical heroes who also experienced broken identities, Jo invites readers to live their experience, yet grasp their purpose, understanding that they are seen by a loving God, known by Him, and He promises to redeem them.

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  • Fierce Faith : A Womans Guide To Fighting Fear Wrestling Worry And Overcomi


    Sometimes Jesus’s call to “fear not” seems like the hardest instruction to follow.

    Some days you faultlessly juggle everything that is your life-kids, husband, house, job, church, friendships, school, pets, appointments, and on and on. Other days the very thought of which ball you’re going to drop puts your anxiety level through the roof. You’re afraid you’re forgetting something.

    And you are: God’s advice to fear not.

    Alli Worthington knows all about the ways a woman can be hard on herself. She shares her own fear struggles with humor and honesty-while offering real strategies for coping with life’s big fears as well as those little everyday worries. She’s got tips to identify fear-based thinking and manage your anxiety, as well as biblical solutions to live a more confident, less worried life.

    Grab a cup of coffee and sit down for some encouragement from a friend. Alli’s no-nonsense, wise advice will lighten your heart and help you cut through the daily clutter of fear and worry to reconnect with your own fierce faith

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  • Unveiling Pauls Women


    Whether people realize it or not, the ideas in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 have had a huge impact on the role of Christian women in the church through the centuries. These fifteen verses have shaped worship practices, church structures, church leadership, marriages, and even relationships between men and women in general. They have contributed to practices that have consistently placed women in a subordinate role to men, and have been used to justify the idea that a woman should not occupy a leadership or teaching position without being under the authority or “”covering”” of a man. It is strange, therefore, that academics and pastors alike continue to note how confusing and difficult it continues to be to make sense of these very verses. In this little book, Lucy Peppiatt not only highlights the problems associated with using this text to justify the subordination of women, but offers a clear and plausible re-reading of the text that paints the apostle Paul as a radical, visionary, church planter who championed women in all forms of leadership.

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  • Womanist Sass And Talk Back


    Womanist Sass and Talk Back is a contextual resistance text for readers interested in social (in)justice. Smith raises our consciousness about pressing contemporary social (in)justice issues that impact communities of color and the larger society. Systemic or structural oppression and injustices, police profiling and brutality, oppressive pedagogy, and gendered violence are placed in dialogue with sacred (con)texts. This book provides fresh intersectional readings of sacred (con)texts that are accessible to both scholars and nonscholars. Womanist Sass and Talk Back is for readers interested in critical interpretations of sacred (con)texts (ancient and contemporary) and in propagating the justice and love of God while engaging those (con)texts.

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  • Womanist Sass And Talk Back


    Womanist Sass and Talk Back is a contextual resistance text for readers interested in social (in)justice. Smith raises our consciousness about pressing contemporary social (in)justice issues that impact communities of color and the larger society. Systemic or structural oppression and injustices, police profiling and brutality, oppressive pedagogy, and gendered violence are placed in dialogue with sacred (con)texts. This book provides fresh intersectional readings of sacred (con)texts that are accessible to both scholars and nonscholars. Womanist Sass and Talk Back is for readers interested in critical interpretations of sacred (con)texts (ancient and contemporary) and in propagating the justice and love of God while engaging those (con)texts.

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  • Yes You Can


    Sandy Ellyn Hunt

    The Yes, You Can Devotional is a 40 day journaling devotional that will launch you into a lifestyle of intimacy with Jesus and empower you to walk boldly and confidently in your God-given identity as a daughter of the King.

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  • Other Side Of Beauty


    Former America’s Next Top Model contestant and Christian speaker Leah Darrow challenges readers not to settle for popular culture’s distorted idea of beauty but to discover how their natural desire for beauty is a good thing, revealing a deep desire for God.

    Starting in preschool and continuing through adulthood, young women are told both explicitly and subliminally that their worth depends on their appearance, leading to an explosion of eating disorders, body image distortion, and many other significant issues. Leah Darrow was one of those girls, but after appearing on America’s Next Top Model and reaching her goal of a modeling career, she discovered in painful ways how a desire for physical beauty alone leads to a culture of use and abuse. In The Other Side of Beauty, Leah invites readers to delve deeply into the very meaning of beauty, and to learn that true and lasting beauty can be found only in a relationship with God. The desire for beauty resident in all our hearts is actually a desire for the Beautiful One, and only knowing him can satisfy us.

    Leah writes as one who understands the pressures and lies that come at us from all sides and helps readers live truly beautiful lives that ultimately point to God.

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  • Leading Wisdom : Asian And Asian North American Women


    Discussions about leadership, even those centered on women, often overlook contributions made by Asian and Asian North American women. Now, Su Yon Pak and Jung Ha Kim share stories of Asian and Asian North American women who found their ways, sometimes circuitously, sometimes unexpectedly, into leadership roles.

    Divided into three sections-“Remembering Wisdom,” Unsettling Wisdom,” and “Inciting Wisdom”-the book presents narratives of leadership experiences in the fields of social activism, parish ministry, teaching, U.S. Army chaplaincy, religious history, Christian denominational work, theology, nonprofit organization, theological social ethics, clinical spiritual care education in healthcare systems, and community organizing.

    Leading Wisdom challenges conventional understanding through its creative reimagining of what it means to lead.

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  • Reconstructed : Finding Christian Identity In A Postmodern World


    The media, our friends, and our own minds demand we look, act, and think as society dictates. This has shifted our minds to believe perfection is attainable. Moral relativity has brainwashed us to believe that whatever we think is right for us, is, in fact, right for us. But what happens when what I think is right for me is actually destructive?

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  • When I Said Yes To The Holy Spirit


    Salvation. Freedom. Victory. Where there is a need in the world and where your passion lies is your life’s purpose. The need for the truth about homosexuality and JM Stellar’s passion for writing led her to discover her purpose-to author this life-changing book.

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  • Faith Of Our Mothers Living Still


    This book presents an overview of the ministry of women associated with Princeton Theological Seminary over the last two hundred years. Beginning with a historical overview of early pioneering women at the seminary and a chapter highlighting selected trailblazers in ministry, it goes on to showcase twenty-eight first-person narratives by women from diverse racial-ethnic, geographical, and denominational backgrounds in a variety of ministry settings. It concludes by developing new understandings and directions for Christian ministry and theological education to challenge the twenty-first-century church. The book includes the newly commissioned hymn “Faith of Our Mothers, Living Still,” along with several appendixes that feature time lines and highlight Princeton Seminary faculty and alumnae. Faith of Our Mothers, Living Still celebrates the diverse ministries in which women are called to serve God and others, which inspire a holistic vision for theological education that can benefit seminaries, the church, and the world.

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  • Wilderness Wanderings : Finding Contentment In The Desert Times Of Life


    25 devotionals for women, reflecting on our journey to the Promised Land. Are you wandering in the wilderness of life? Losing your battle for contentment? Come follow the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land, and see the parallel struggles in your own life. Find hope and encouragement for your desert times of want and uncertainty.

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  • When Im On My Knees 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    The Million-Copy Bestseller Is Back in a Beautiful 20th Anniversary Edition

    When I’m on My Knees has blessed more than a million readers since its 1997 release. Now this inspiring devotional is available in a 20th anniversary edition in a beautiful new package. With themes like praise, forgiveness, healing, trials love, God’s faithfulness, and worship, Anita Corrine Donihue’s encouraging devotional thoughts touch all aspects of your life.

    “Great things happen when I’m on my knees,” Anita writes. “Forces of heaven are released when one person goes to prayer.”

    The heartfelt prayers, devotional thoughts, and poetry that made When I’m on My Knees a bestseller are all here, complemented by a lovely new design-a joyful reminder of God’s many blessings and His wondrous works.

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  • Beautiful In Gods Eyes


    Beautiful in God’s Eyes (more than 200,000 sold) has a brand-new cover and fresh inside look! Guiding women through Proverbs 31, beloved Bible teacher Elizabeth George shows how God defines beauty and reveals how His “plan for success” is totally achievable.

    Insightful and practical, this book reveals how women can make each day meaningful and delight in what God accomplishes through them. Readers will discover how to…
    *experience progress toward goals
    *manage daily life more effectively
    *tap into unlimited energy
    *apply God’s principles to relationships

    Women will feel greater confidence and enjoy rich daily rewards as they realize who they are in Christ and what they can do when they follow His formula for true beauty.

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  • Live Save Spend Repeat


    Are You Tired of the Cycle of “Work…Spend…Worry…Repeat”?

    When life feels like a perpetual treadmill rather than a grand adventure, you know something is off. As bills increase, income decreases, and the stock market wavers unreliably, you have to figure out how to live with the money you have rather than wish you had.

    Kim Anderson-whose blog, Thrifty Little Mom, has been featured on,, and a simple-to-implement plan that merges your unique life goals with your money. Using scientific research, personal stories, and Scripture, Kim helps you make strategic money moves that will build your confidence in your current financial standing and pave the way to achieving your most meaningful dreams.

    Move beyond the last-minute scramble and the daily grind. Instead, embrace life’s adventure and spend without regrets as you learn how to manage your money-starting today.

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  • Popes And Feminists


    Before the time of the Reformation, in the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church, a wife or mother was not a holy vocation. The only spiritual calling for women was to be found in a convent. The Reformers confronted the bad theology which lead to this (and other worse abuses, like priest-patronized brothels) and returned to the Bible to develop a theology of vocation that began to free women to be “holy” no matter their occupation. But today, modern feminist claims about vocation have more in common with the pre-Reformation popes than anything else — except feminists have replaced the nunnery with the hallowed corporate workplace. Christian women wondering about their place in society and comparing feminism with the Bible should start with the teaching of the Reformers and the lives of many exceptional women of the Reformation.

    Part history and part contemporary reflection, Popes and Feminists argues that women today have some of the same choices facing them as women in the sixteenth century. In this fascinating book, published on the five hundredth anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, Elise Crapuchettes shows how the Reformation changed the lives of Christian women as it turned them away from trying to earn their salvation in the convent towards a joyful, liberating view of vocation and work. And that changed their families and the world.

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  • Lavender Hair : 21 Devotions For Women With Breast Cancer


    A happy heart is good medicine.

    On October 8, 2015, Victoria Jackson was getting ready for her 45-minute stand up routine at Zanie’s Comedy Club in Nashville. But instead of enjoying the pre-show excitement, she was laying on the couch in the green room coughing nonstop, drinking tea with lemon and honey, and sucking on cough drops.

    Vicki had many scary moments growing up: doing a back handspring on the four-inch balance beam; performing stand up comedy; auditioning for Saturday Night Live; and getting held up by a robber with a gun in a parking lot in downtown Los Angeles.

    But being told she had cancer was her scariest moment. Join Vicki as she:
    * wonders “why me?” and if her lollipop addiction caused the cancer
    *writes a ukulele song in the MRI waiting room
    *undergoes a double mastectomy with secret messages written in permanent marker to her doctor on her chest and stomach
    *goes through chemotherapy, radiation, baldness, and lavender hair
    *discovers that Jesus is enough
    *performs at Zanie’s to a standing ovation nearly one year after her diagnosis

    If you are one of the one-in-eight women who’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, or if you know someone who has, this 21-day devotional is full of humor, insight, and comfort as you walk with God through this dark valley.

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  • Pink Toolbelt A Devotional


    Carpenters Guide Publishing Title

    At a time when Mary Dodd’s life was careening out of control, God gave her an epiphany: Be a true disciple of Christ.

    Too simple to bring about much change? Mary was desperate enough to try it. She began to apply that simple principle in every area of life, every day of her life, and her life began to transform.

    Making that change required a set of tools. Not the physical hammer and tape measure she was used to, but figurative and spiritual tools that Mary used to bring her life more in line with Christ’s teachings.

    In The Pink Toolbelt, Mary describes those tools so that other women can use them too. A few of these tools include:

    The spiritual safety harness
    Spiritual safety goggles
    The beatitude building blocks
    And many more

    In 70 daily readings, Mary Dodd guides readers through not a construction project, but a remodeling project: Remaking their lives to more closely match the life Jesus Christ taught us to live.

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  • Emboldened : A Vision For Empowering Women In Ministry


    Foreword By Scot McKnight
    Introduction: A Burden For The Church

    Part I: Emboldened Women
    1. This Is Our Story
    2. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
    3. Breaking Stereotypes
    4. Overcoming Opposition
    5. An Emboldened Sisterhood
    6. Marriage, Family, And Singleness In Ministry

    Part II: A Vision For An Emboldened Church
    7. An Emboldened Mission
    8. An Emboldened Imagination
    9. Emboldened Colaborers
    10. An Emboldened Church

    Appendix: Books To Read

    Additional Info
    Throughout Scripture and church history, women have been central to the mission of God. But all too often women have lacked opportunities to minister fully. Many churches lack visible examples of women in ministry and leadership.

    Tara Beth Leach, senior pastor of her denomination’s flagship church, issues a stirring call for a new generation of women in ministry: to teach, to preach, to shepherd, and to lead. God not only permits women to minister-he emboldens, empowers, and unleashes women to lead out of the fullness of who they are. The church cannot reach its full potential without women using their God-given gifts. Leach provides practical expertise for how women can find their place at the table, escape imposter syndrome, face opposition, mentor others, and much more.

    Women who read this book will be inspired to use their gifts to edify the body of Christ and advance the kingdom of God. Men who read it will be inspired to embolden the women in their midst. When women teach, preach, lead, evangelize, pastor, and disciple, the church’s imagination expands to better reflect God’s story and hope for the world.

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  • God Hears Her


    You need to know that God hears you. The story of Hannah in 1 Samuel tells of one woman’s personal heartache and trust in the One who could fulfill her desires. She poured her heart out to God, and He heard her. The Our Daily Bread devotionals selected for this collection reassure you that God is with you, God is for you, and God hears you. The personal stories, Scripture passages, and inspirational quotes lift you up and remind you that God is bigger than the trials you face.

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  • Dare To Believe Again


    Everyone has a dream, but far too many settle for the status quo. Death to a dream can cause death to the life you were possibly meant to live, but it’s never too late to begin again and dare to believe again. Be the person who doesn’t just dream dreams, but actually lives them. Dare to Believe Again will give you step-by-step guidelines for living an audacious, adventurous life when abandoned to God’s call. It also includes “The Dream Plan” guide, powerful life-changing stories, biblical instruction, and challenging questions; it is perfect for individuals or groups. Fan the embers of your dreams into a blazing fire of reality!

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  • Planetary Solidarity : Global Womens Voices On Christian Doctrine And Clima


    Planetary Solidarity brings together leading Latina, womanist, Asian American, Anglican American, South American, Asian, European, and African woman theologians on the issues of doctrine, women, and climate justice. Because women make up the majority of the world’s poor and tend to be more dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods and survival, they are more vulnerable when it comes to climate-related changes and catastrophes. Representing a subfield of feminist theology that uses doctrine as interlocutor, this book ask how Christian doctrine might address the interconnected suffering of women and the earth in an age of climate change.

    While doctrine has often stifled change, it also forms the thread that weaves Christian communities together. Drawing on postcolonial ecofeminist/womanist analysis and representing different ecclesial and denominational traditions, contributors use doctrine to envision possibilities for a deep solidarity with the earth and one another while addressing the intersection of gender, race, class, and ethnicity. The book is organized around the following doctrines: creation, the triune God, anthropology, sin, incarnation, redemption, the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology, and eschatology.

    Contributors include: Ivone Gebara, Fulata Moyo, Melanie Harris, Sallie McFague, Sharon Bong, Nancy Pineda-Madrid, Heather Eaton, Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, Barbara Rossing, and many other fine woman liberationists.

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  • Arise : A 40-Day Journey For Women


    City On A Hill Press

    ARISE will take you on a soul-searching journey of self-examination using deep biblical truths combined with real-life stories, humor, and practical action steps to empower you to walk in lasting freedom. Each day features an easy-to-read devotional, which will take you one step closer to victory.

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  • Shine : Stepping Into The Role You Were Made For (Reprinted)


    Popular speaker and former Broadway actor invites women to stop performing roles for others and dares them to step into the role of a lifetime–the person God created them to be.

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  • GraceLaced : Discovering Timeless Truths Through Seasons Of The Heart


    Revive Your Hope and Thrive in Every Season

    In every part of your life journey-be it motherhood, education, a career, healthier living, or your walk with the Lord-seasons alternately difficult or full of joy arise.

    Let this gorgeous book encourage you through each one. Layered words, visual imagery, and grounding verses direct your heart to unshakeable, enduring truths as you:
    *rest in God’s character in times of hardship
    *rehearse God’s truth in times of renewal
    *respond in faith in times of growth
    *remember God’s provision in times of abundance or need

    Each page offers your soul space to drink in God’s loving care. Return again and again to reflect on the ribbon of grace that runs through every part of your life.

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  • Hidden Souls : A Bible Study For Women Seeking Healing From Abuse


    Whether the evil encountered was physical, mental, emotional, or sexual abuse, the lessons in this book answer some hard questions. Readers will be encouraged to discover how God has loved them and walked with them. They will see how God has healed women who have walked in their shoes.

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  • Shes Still There Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Poor decisions, a lack of intentionality or planning, or a long-term denial of deep hopes and dreams can leave a woman, old or young, reeling from the realization that she is lost, disappointed, or simply numb. What’s a woman to do, if her life is not taking shape the way that she thought that it would despite all of the knowledge available and possibly even consumed? What happens when she looks at herself in the mirror, lingering just a little longer than usual and realizes that she no longer recognizes the person staring back at her? What does she do when she sees that, somehow, her life has drifted away from her hopes, dreams, or plans? How does she find the part of herself that she’s lost and realign her daily actions to the system of belief to which she subscribes? In this six-session study, Chrystal Evans Hurst will walk alongside women to simply hold their hand, to cheer them on, and to believe with them that they’re capable of still being the person she intended to be or discovering the girl she never knew was there in the first place. In each session, Chrystal will help women aim for godly womanhood, focusing not so much on a program, plan, or prize but instead shining the light on the journey. In this study guide, group discussion material and personal study questions emphasize the importance of the personal process and the beauty of that path as it is shared authentically from one girlfriend to another. It’s one thing to “know” you were created and designed for a purpose and have the power to reach the potential that lies within. It’s another thing to “do” what you were created to do. This study guide is designed to use with the She’s Still There DVD (sold separately).

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  • Bouquets From My Beloved


    Each of us has a hole inside our hears, something our Creator put within us before we were even conceived. A place that is waiting to be filled, perfectly completing us. We can spend our entire lives searching, never finding peace. Or, we can respond to His invitation to turn to Jesus.

    Do you believe that your Creator knew from the beginning where you would find yourself right at this moment? Do you have faith that He has been anxiously waiting for you to understand His passionate love for you?

    Author Judy Lokits honestly addresses these quesitons in Bouquets from My Beloved–a study book for divorcees, widows, and all single women. Using humor and candid accounts of personal frailties, Judy brings to life the divine romance to which all are called but few partake. Singleness is meant to be a blessing, a source of peace, fulfillment, and fruitfulness beyond your wildest dreams; but you have to first accept it. Bouquets from My Beloved is a journey into a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as the Bridegroom. Along the way He offers reminders of His love–beautiful bouquests for His beloved.

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  • Guide Your Mind Guard Your Heart Grace Your Tongue


    Christian women tend to have regrets the size of Mount Rushmore. They regret how they have used their time; they regret how they have spent their money; they regret how much chocolate they have eaten; and most of all, they regret the hurtful words they have spoken to the people they love the most and know the best.

    Every woman with a heart that beats has spoken words “under the influence” of warped feelings and slurred thinking. And every woman wishes that she had the magical power to take those words back. This book may just be the solution.

    Carol McLeod reveals that before the words are spoken, they brew in the heart and are formed in the mind. It’s our thoughts and emotions that determine what words will come out our mouths. Guide Your Mind, Guard Your Heart, Grace Your Tongue is an innovative blueprint that will enable all women to take back control of their minds and feelings in order to grace their tongues. You won’t find pat answers here, but rather powerful strategies based on the Word of God to reroute disordered thinking and cure rotten emotions so your words can be humbly grateful instead of grumbly hateful.

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  • Every Piece Of Me


    Bestselling author and speaker uses Jesus’s I Am statements to help women identify and expel toxic thoughts buried deep in their hearts and minds, pointing them to God’s truth about who they are and helping them experience authentic, vibrant, and exuberant lives.

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  • Shes Still There


    What’s a woman to do if her life is not taking shape the way that she thought that it would? What happens when she looks at herself in the mirror, lingering just a little longer than usual and realizes that she no longer recognizes the person staring back at her? What does she do when she sees that, somehow, her life has drifted away from all her original hopes, dreams, or plans? Speaker, blogger and writer Chrystal Evans Hurst wrote this book because she was that woman. One day she realized that she had somehow wandered away from the life that she had purposed to live a long time ago. Chrystal since discovered that this moment of awareness happens to lots of women at different seasons of their lives. Poor decisions, a lack of intentionality or planning, or a long-term denial of deep hopes and dreams can leave a woman, old or young, reeling from the realization that she is lost, disappointed, or simply numb. And she just needs encouragement. This woman simply needs someone to hold her hand, to cheer her on, and to believe with her that she is capable of still being the person she intended to be or discovering the girl she never knew was there in the first place. Chrystal uses her poignant story of an early and unexpected pregnancy, as well as other raw and vulnerable moments in her life, to let readers know she understands what it’s like to try and find your way after some missteps or decisions you didn’t plan on. In She’s Still There Chrystal emphasizes the importance of the personal process and the beauty of that path as it is shared authentically from one girlfriend to another. It’s a book of “me toos”, reminders of the hoped for, and challenges for the path ahead-to find direction, purpose, and true satisfaction.

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  • Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Women Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    To live successfully in the world, women need to know who they are and what role they play today. They need a new awareness of who they are, and new skills to meet today’s challenges. Best-selling author Myles Munroe examines societies’ attitudes toward women and helps women to discover who they are. He addresses vital issues such as: Are women and men equal? What are the purpose and design of the woman? Are women meant to be leaders? Whether you are a woman or a man, married or single, this book will help you to understand the woman as she was meant to be.

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  • Bible Sisters : A Year Of Devotions With The Women Of The Bible


    These Bible passages, reflections, and prayers will lead women through the Bible, from Eve to the women at the empty tomb and in the early church. Bible Stories: A Year of Devotions with the Women of the Bible is perfect for daily personal devotions or for small group discussions that explore women’s perspectives in the Bible. This volume is also an excellent companion resource to the CEB Women’s Bible (ISBN 9781609261887).

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  • Sisterhood : How The Power Of The Feminine Heart Can Become A Catalyst For


    As Co-founder and Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church and founder of The Colour Sisterhood, Bobbie Houston paints a vision of God’s plan for women of all ages and backgrounds to flourish, empower each other, and unite to change the world.

    We don’t need to look far to realize that not all women live with the same opportunities and confidence. THE SISTERHOOD invites women to explore and expand what they believe about God, themselves, and their responsibility to the world around them. Tracing the rise of Hillsong Church’s global Sisterhood movement, author Bobbie Houston challenges women to join her in creating a new era of outreach. Readers will learn how to embrace their individual gifts and value as women, growing seeds of change into greater possibilities for women everywhere. If one woman can change her world, then only heaven truly knows what an entire company of women can achieve.

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  • Hideaway


    When her grandmother’s will wrenches Sara back home from New Orleans, she learns more about Margaret Van Buren in the wake of her death than she ever did in life. After her last remaining family member dies, Sara Jenkins goes home to The Hideaway, her grandmother Mags’s ramshackle B&B in Sweet Bay, Alabama. She intends to quickly tie up loose ends then return to her busy life and thriving antique shop in New Orleans. Instead, she learns Mags has willed her The Hideaway and charged her with renovating it-no small task considering Mags’s best friends, a motley crew of senior citizens, still live there. Rather than hurrying back to New Orleans, Sara stays in Sweet Bay and begins the biggest house-rehabbing project of her career. Amid Sheetrock dust, old memories, and a charming contractor, she discovers that slipping back into life at The Hideaway is easier than she expected. Then she discovers a box Mags left in the attic with clues to a life Sara never imagined for her grandmother. With help from Mags’s friends, Sara begins to piece together the mysterious life of bravery, passion, and choices that changed Mags’s destiny in both marvelous and devastating ways. When an opportunistic land developer threatens to seize The Hideaway, Sara is forced to make a choice-stay in Sweet Bay and fight for the house and the people she’s grown to love or leave again and return to her successful but solitary life in New Orleans.

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