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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Biblical Hermeneutics : Five Views


      The latest in the Spectrum Multiview series, this book provides a forum for proponents of five approaches to biblical hermeneutics to state their case, respond to the others, and then provide a summary response and statement. Five seasoned scholars contribute to the multifaceted discussion over this contested discipline: Craig Blomberg with the historical-critical/grammatical approach, Richard Gaffin with the redemptive-historical approach, Scott Spencer with the literary/postmodern approach, Robert Wall with the canonical approach and Merold Westphal with the philosophical/theological approach.

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    • Ethics In The New Testament


      This book puts forward a controversial argument which has not been countered in the decade since it first appeared. Underlying its approach la the view that the New Testament may be of less relevance to the modem world than is commonly supposed. The ethical perspective of Jesus, Professor Sanders argues, is so Inescapably linked to his expectation of the imminent coming of the kingdom of God that the two cannot be separated. Paul shares Jesus’ expectation of an imminent end, and consequently makes frequent use of arbitrary divine pronouncements, and so on. Professor Sanders makes it quite clear that the years have not made him change his mind over essentials. Of course, scholarship has moved on. but, ‘If I were revising the present work I would still continue to hold that Jesus provides no guide for ethics today, that Paul’s ethics are equally eschatotogically orientated, except for his brief glimpse of the transcendence of love; and also that John’s simple ethics are intended to be valid only in the church, not generally. I would also still maintain that James offers more promise for providing a continuing Christian ethical base than do the other New Testament writers, for it is James who best points beyond the disappointment of eschatological hopes to the real world and to everyday problems.’ Controversial this thesis may be, but there is much to be said for it and it cannot be pushed aside. Jack T. Sanders was Professor of Religious Studies In the University of Oregon,

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    • Hell A Final Word


      The discussion of the afterlife has become a very popular subject. Recent books like Rob Bell’s Love Wins followed by Francis Chan’s Erasing Hell have brought this topic to the “front burner.” Believers and non-believers alike are re-evaluating their understanding of heaven and hell.

      “No doubt about it … HELL is a hot topic” (p. 11). With that opening line, Edward William Fudge joins the conversation with an unparalleled mastery of this subject. In Hell A Final Word: The Surprising Truths I Found in the Bible, Fudge steps onto the stage of this discussion as a maestro–a master director. In fact, if Fudge’s scholarly, 500 page work The Fire That Consumes: A Biblical and Historical Study of the Doctrine of Final Punishment was like Beethoven’s 5th symphony, his latest project is like “Ode to Joy.”

      With a hopeful, good-natured, and sometimes playful tone, Fudge articulates the Bible’s message. It is this: God offers eternal life to everyone, but those who reject God’s offer will be completely destroyed in hell. The Bible does not teach a hell of endless conscious torment, nor a hell of purification where everyone ends up in heaven.

      The voice of the author often sounds like he has a gracious smile, and a knowing twinkle in his eye. This especially comes through when he discusses the apostle’s message in the book of Acts. Some advocates of the traditional view think that the fear of an endless hell is needed for successful evangelism or missionary work. Fudge shows that the evangelists in Acts focus on the resurrection of Christ, and never mention hell. With that knowing smile, he says: “One begins to suspect that the apostles motivated people with something better than fear” (p. 120).

      Thoughout the book, Fudge weaves the events of his personal life between chapters that teach the Scriptures. We see Fudge as a child, struggling with the death of a friend. We move through his early Christian education, his masters in Biblical languages, and two other seminary opportunities. He even humbly reveals how his thinking had changed as he studied, being refined as he embraced the clear message of the Bible. He says: “What a mess I made. But as my friend Jeff Walling says, if there were no mess, we would not need a Mess-iah!” (p. 38).

      Fudge’s love for the Bible and his devotion to God is evident on every page of this book. His father taught him, “If the Bible says it, it’s true, no matter what any person may say” (p. 148). His writing shows that he is

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    • Killing Calvinism : How To Destroy A Perfectly Good Theology From The Insid


      Something wonderful is happening in Western Evangelicalism. A resurgence of Calvinism is changing lives, transforming churches, and spreading the gospel. The books are great, the sermons are life-changing, the music is inspirational, and the conferences are astonishing. Will this continue or will we, who are part of it all, end up destroying it? That depends on how we live the message. As “insiders” of the Calvinist resurgence, there are at least eight ways we can mess everything up. -By loving calvinism as an end in itself -By becoming theologians instead of disciples -By loving God’s sovereignty more than God himself -By losing an urgency in evangelism -By refusing to learn from non-Calvinists -By tidying up the Bible’s “loose ends” -By being a bunch of arrogant know-it-alls -By scoffing at the emotional hang-ups others have with Calvinism.

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    • God Land And Man


      “The land” has a significant role from Genesis 1 through Revelation 22 in the unfolding of God’s plan for mankind. In the book the author traces that plan from creation to the fall, from the fall through the nation of Israel, from the nation of Israel to Jesus Christ and from Jesus Christ to the consummation of all things in the New Heaven and the New Earth. What a glorious plan God has for his people on the earth!

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    • Changing Signs Of Truth


      Part I: Signs Of This Book
      Preface –
      The Problem: Christianity Versus Culture Introduction
      The Solution: Exorcising And Exercising Signs
      Part II: Signs Of Christ And Culture
      1. Signs Of The Times: On The Edge Of Cultural Change
      2. Signs Of Gods Word: Following Jesus
      Part III: How Signs Work
      3. Identifying Signs: From Rhetoric To Semiology
      4. Under Signs: Structuralism
      5. Controlling Signs: Ideology And Cultural Studies
      Part IV: Signs Of Faith
      6. Signs Of Deconstruction: Maintaining The House Of Faith
      7. A Place For The Coin: Charles Sanders Peirce
      8. Placing The Coin On Edge: The Trinity
      Part V: Communication In A Pluralistic World
      9. Si(g)ns Of Communication: (In)tolerance Versus The Gift
      10. Antiseptic Bakhtin: Healing Communication
      11. Communicating On The Edge: A Conclusion

      Additional Info
      Do you send the wrong signals when you share the gospel? The importance of signs for communicating truth has been recognized throughout the ages. Crystal L. Downing traces this awareness from biblical texts, through figures from church history like John Wycliffe and William Tyndale, to more recent writers Samuel Taylor Coleridge and C. S. Lewis. In the nineteenth century, this legacy of interest in the activity of signs brought about a new field of academic study. In this book, Downing puts the discipline of semiotics within reach for beginners through analysis of the movements key theorists, Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles Sanders Peirce, Mikhail Bakhtin and others. She then draws out the implications for effective communication of the gospel of Jesus Christ within our shifting cultural landscape. Her fundamental thesis is that “Failure to understand how signs work–as effects of the cultures we seek to affect–inevitably undermines not just our political and moral agendas but, worse, the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Writing with humor, clarity and flare, Downing lucidly explains the sophisticated thinking of leaders in semiotics for nonexperts. Of value to all those interested in communication in any context, this work will be of special interest to students majoring in communications or English or to students in evangelism and preaching courses at the undergraduate and graduate level.

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    • Eternal Generation Of The Son


      Should all Christians, especially evangelicals, hold on to the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son? What is lost if we don’t? Theologian Kevin Giles defends the historically orthodox and ecumenical doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son of God. He argues on biblical, historical and theological bases that, given its fundamental meaning, this formulation is indispensable, irreplaceable and faithful to Christian revelation. The book will be especially helpful in the current discussion of this doctrine. It will also be of interest to students, pastors and laypersons who want to delve into the Christian understanding of the identity of the Son of God and serious study of trinitarian theology.

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    • Christless Christianity : The Alternative Gospel Of The American Church


      Is it possible that we have left Christ out of Christianity? Is the faith and practice of American Christians today more American than Christian? These are the provocative questions Michael Horton addresses in this well-received, insightful book. He argues that while we invoke the name of Christ, too often Christ and the Christ-centered gospel are pushed aside. The result is a message and a faith that are, in Horton’s words, “trivial, sentimental, affirming, and irrelevant.” This alternative “gospel” is a message of moralism, personal comfort, self-help, self-improvement, and individualistic religion. It trivializes God, making him a means to our selfish ends. Horton skillfully diagnoses the problem and points to the solution: a return to the unadulterated gospel of salvation. Now available in trade paper.

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    • Passionate Armor


      The insights Vince has received from his daily reading of the Bible from 1974 to the present day are quite different than ninety-five percent of what is taught in churches of all denominations today. He will challenge Christians to re-examine some of the most commonly held beliefs today, such as; God loves you unconditionally, By faith only are you saved, and God hears all prayers. Vince asks, “What does the Bible really say about these statements?” and concludes that perhaps “obedience is better than gratitude or worship,” and that “with love you actually can fulfill the Law!”

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    • God Who Makes Himself Known


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface

      1. Introduction
      2. The Name Of The Redeemer (Exodus 1:1-15:21)
      3. Training In The Wilderness (Exodus 15:22-18)
      4. The Law And The Mission Of God (Exodus 19-24)
      5. The Tabernacle Instructions (Exodus 25-31)
      6. The Golden Calf (Exodus 32-34)
      7. The Tabernacle Construction (Exodus 35-40)
      8. Conclusion

      Index Of Authors
      Index Of Scripture References

      Additional Info
      The Lord’s commitment to make himself known throughout the nations is the overarching missionary theme of the Bible and the central theological concern of Exodus.

      Countering scholarly tendencies to fragment the text over theological difficulties, Ross Blackburn contends that Exodus should be read as a unified whole, and that an appreciation of its missionary theme in its canonical context is of great help in dealing with the difficulties that the book poses. For example, how is Exodus 6:3 best understood? Is there a tension between law and gospel, or mercy and judgment? How should we understand the painstaking detail of the tabernacle chapters?

      From a careful examination of Exodus, Blackburn demonstrates that

      *the Lord humbled Pharaoh so the world would know that only God can save
      *the Lord gave Israel the law so that its people might display his goodness to the nations, living in a state of order and blessing
      *the Lord dealt with Israel’s idolatry severely, yet mercifully, for his goodness cannot be known if his glory is compromised

      In the end, Exodus not only sheds important light on the church’s mission, but also reveals what kind of God the Lord is, one who pursues his glory and our good, ultimately realizing both as he makes himself known in Christ Jesus.

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    • Faith Seeking


      Denys Turner is one of the most accomplished thinkers in contemporary theology. His distinctive contribution to topics as diverse as theology and politics and mysticism and theology is characterized by an incisive iconoclasm and a fervent desire to get at the truth of things. Time and again the author offers striking and original observations, which put new perspectives on familiar subjects.aWhile Faith Seeking originated as talks given to a wide variety of audiences, it uniformly attempts to reconcile the apparently conflicting u but as the author sees it, complementary u outlooks of head and heart. Its fundamental theme is that the mind cm love just as the heart needs to understand and that a proper use of intellect is a way of being truly alive.

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    • Trial Of Jesus


      Many important issues are connected with the trial and death of Jesus, not least the question of who was mainly instrumental in seeking his death; and the manifest tendency of the Gospels to put the blame on the Jews and play down the role of the Romans has had pernicious effects throughout history. A clear historical understanding is obviously of the utmost importance and that is what this new book aims to provide. Taking account of all the most recent literature, from both the historical and the legal side, it clearly sets out the main issues that arise, and the most likely answers to the questions they pose. How reliable are the sources? Why was Jesus arrested? Was his trial primarily a Jewish affair or a Roman affair? Does greater knowledge of Jewish and Roman law illuminate the proceedings? Beginning with the arrest of Jewsus it goes through the events of his last days in Jerusalem as related by the Gospels, covering them in detail right through the legal processes to Jesus’ scouring, crucifixion and burial.

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    • Great Last Days Deception


      As the great deceiver, Satan’s primary goal is to blind the hearts of mankind to the truth. Hixson examines Satan’s agenda of deception in great detail, discussing how his deception has grown more and more powerful with each passing generation.

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    • Gospel For Muslims


      Steve Bell has distilled three decades of experience in cross-cultural communication of the Gospel to ordinary Muslim people.

      Gospel For Muslims asserts that all theology – including Western theology – is influenced by the culture of those who write it. Help is therefore needed to move beyond the western understanding of the Bible in order to tell Muslims the good news about Jesus in more accessible ways and enable them to believe and follow him in culturally appropriate ways – even if it means doing so from outside institutionalized Christianity.

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    • Fractured Church : Denominations And The Will Of God


      There are literally tens of thousands of Christian denominations in the world today. A visitor to a typical city will find churches scattered all over the landscape, all with different names and doctrinal beliefs, each proclaiming to the world just how divided Christians truly are.
      Who are those people attending all those other churches, the ones you pass by on your way to your church? If they are perhaps fellow believers, do you somehow need them or can you get along just fine without them? Where did all of those denominations come from anyway? Who started them and why? Are denominations scriptural, or do they somehow contradict the will of God merely by existing? Is it possible that some church divisions are justifiable, or even necessary? Will Jesus Christ return for a deeply divided church, or does He have a plan to end our divisions before He returns?
      Author Bill Sizemore, a former Bible college professor, addresses these challenging issues head on in The Fractured Church, a book that is easily the boldest discussion to date of the topic of church unity.
      Jesus prayed that all who believe in Him would be perfectly one, just as He and the Father are one. The apostle Paul wrote that Christians were not to be divided, but were to maintain the unity of the faith, speaking the same things and being of the same mind and judgment. Is such a thing really possible, or are our fallen natures and the power of all those denominational giants simply too much to overcome?
      Somewhere in the middle of reading The Fractured Church you will find yourself deeply stirred and believing, perhaps for the first time, that genuine church unity is not only possible, but inevitable.

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    • Christ Our Passover Lamb


      This book is written in line with apostolic orthodoxy of Scripture. It gives clear theological thought why only Jesus Christ qualifies as our Passover Lamb, showing how the sacrificial death of Christ negates the effect of the Fall of Adam and Eve. The book reviews the sacrifices of Old Testament patriarchs, priests, prophets and kings. It narrates in detail the origin and events of the Jewish Passover, which also foreshadows the New Testament Passover instituted by Christ. In this book you will understand clearly why other sacrifices by mankind are not enough for sin atonement. The book brings to light why believers should share in the elements of the covenant at the Holy Communion Table with reverence and hearts of gratitude to God for the finished work of Christ on the cross.

      Christ Our Passover Lamb is a must for anyone who wants to know more why grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, giving you an insight into the mystery of His sacrifice hidden in the mind of God before the world began. This book will certainly bless and inspire you to share in the marriage supper of the Lamb with other saints in His coming Kingdom.

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    • Christ Our Passover Lamb


      This book is written in line with apostolic orthodoxy of Scripture. It gives clear theological thought why only Jesus Christ qualifies as our Passover Lamb, showing how the sacrificial death of Christ negates the effect of the Fall of Adam and Eve. The book reviews the sacrifices of Old Testament patriarchs, priests, prophets and kings. It narrates in detail the origin and events of the Jewish Passover, which also foreshadows the New Testament Passover instituted by Christ. In this book you will understand clearly why other sacrifices by mankind are not enough for sin atonement. The book brings to light why believers should share in the elements of the covenant at the Holy Communion Table with reverence and hearts of gratitude to God for the finished work of Christ on the cross.

      Christ Our Passover Lamb is a must for anyone who wants to know more why grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, giving you an insight into the mystery of His sacrifice hidden in the mind of God before the world began. This book will certainly bless and inspire you to share in the marriage supper of the Lamb with other saints in His coming Kingdom.

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    • Christ Centered Biblical Theology


      The appeal of biblical theology to Christians is that it provides a “big picture” that makes sense of the bulk and variety of the biblical literature. It seeks to view the whole scene of God’s revelation of his one mighty plan of salvation. The Bible ceases to be a mass of unconnected texts, and begins to look like a unity that connects the narratives of Israel with those of the four Gospels; that shows up in the progression from creation to new creation; and that highlights the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the primary focus of the whole Bible. If the Bible is indeed the one word of the one God about the one way of salvation through the one Savior, Jesus Christ, it is biblical theology that reveals this to us. Over the last fifty years, Graeme Goldsworthy has refined his understanding of biblical theology that came about as a result of his experiences as a student, pastor and teacher in theological education. His approach was first presented in Gospel and Kingdom, and more comprehensively in According to Plan. It has been welcomed in some circles, but has not been without its critics. In this valuable complement to his volume Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics, Goldsworthy defends and refines the rationale for his approach, which has drawn particularly on that developed by the Australian biblical scholar Donald Robinson. Goldsworthy’s conviction is that biblical theology is foundational for evangelical hermeneutics, indispensable in expository preaching, and life-giving to pastoral ministry.

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    • Dying To Be One


      his book, by a Methodist minister with wide experience of churches in Britain and abroad, has arisen out of a consuming interest in the ecumenical movement in England over a period of years. Written in an open and attractive way, it describes the history of relations between churches since their earlier divisions, and focusses particularly on the situation at the present time. Was the church united in New Testament times, and what were the problems which caused divisions? After looking at these questions against the background of the early church and the Reformation, David Butler then looks at beliefs which have so often been in conflict in the past as they appear to others. What are the ‘strange ideas’ of Protestants and Catholics and why is each side so suspicious of the other? Why can’t Anglicans and Methodists agree, and what about Catholics and Anglicans, Methodists and Catholics? Of course great progress has been made, and in particular growing convergence on understanding the Bible is highlighted, and the reconcilia

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    • Spirit In Creation And New Creation


      How does the Spirit relate to the world in which we live? How does the Spirit relate to the world to come, also known as the new creation? In this volume fifteen scholars – experts in physics, biology, mathematics, psychology, sociology, and theology – come together to ponder these questions, each one using his own disciplinary tools and unique perspective. The contributors represent a variety of countries, including Germany, Greece, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the Ukraine, and a number of faith traditions – from Russian and Greek Orthodox to Roman Catholic to Pentecostal. Discussing scientific and theological perspectives on the Spirit’s role in creation and in the new creation, the contributors produce a fruitful dialogue that will lead to a deeper understanding of and respect for the Spirit’s creative work.

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    • Global Theology In Evangelical Perspective


      Introduction Gene L. Green
      Part I: Setting The Stage
      1. The Rise Of Global Theologies Andrew Walls
      2. The Significance Of The Translation Principle Lamin Sanneh
      3. The Challenge Of Global Hermeneutics Gene L. Green
      Part II: Non-Western Theologies
      4. Doing Theology On Christs Road Samuel Escobar
      5. Songs Of Hope Out Of A Crying Land: An Overview Of Contemporary Latin American Theology Ruth Padilla DeBorst
      6. Christian Chinese Theology: Theological Ethics Of Becoming Human And Holy K.K. Yeo
      7. Some Insights Into Indian Christian Theology Ken Gnanakan
      8. African Theology James Kombo
      9. Middle Eastern Theology In Evangelical Perspective Martin Accad
      Part III: North American Theologies
      10. New Old Perspectives: Theological Observations Reflecting Indigenous World Views Terry LeBlanc
      11. “Outside The Gate”: Evangelicalism And Latino Protestant Theology Juan Martnez
      12. Asian American Evangelical Theology Amos Yong
      13. African American Theology: Retrospect And Prospect Vince Bacote
      Part IV: Next Steps
      14. Some Implications Of Global Theology For Church, Ministry And Mission Mark Labberton 15. Learning And Teaching Global Theology Jeffrey P. Greenman
      Name And Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      Jeffrey P. Greenman edits this collection of essays from the proceedings of the 2011 Wheaton Theology Conference. The essays explore the past, present and future shape of biblical interpretation and theological engagement in the Majority World. Leading scholars from around the world interact with the key theological issues being discussed in their regions. In addition, some theological voices from minority communities in North America address issues particular to their context and which often overlap with those central in Majority World theology. Contributors include Vince Bacote, Samuel Escobar, Ken Gnanakan, James Kombo, Mark Labberton, Terry LeBlanc, Juan Martnez, Ruth Padilla DeBorst, Lamin Sanneh, Andrew Walls, K. K. Yeo and Amos Yong.

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    • Mapping Modern Theology


      Mapping Modern Theology: A Thematic and Historical Introduction has something to offer everyone’s theological interests and provides a fresh approach to modern theology by approaching the field thematically. Covering the most hotly debated topics in Christian theology that over the last two hundred years. The editors, both leading authorities on the history of nineteenth- and twentieth-century theology, have assembled a respected team of international scholars to offer substantive treatment on a wide variety of topics critical for modern theology. The volume enables undergraduate and graduate students in modern theology, twentieth-century theology, and contemporary theology courses to trace how key doctrinal questions have been discussed, where the emphases and questions lie, and how ideas were developed.

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    • 4 Views On Christian Spirituality


      Amid a culture that is both fascinated by spirituality and inundated by a dizzying variety of options for pursuing it, many Christians long for a deeper, more historically rooted spiritual life. In Four Views on Christian Spirituality, general editor Bruce Demarest presents an invaluable resource for study and comparison of the major Christian perspectives on spiritual formation. Contributors’ chapters on Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, Evangelicalism, and Liberal Protestantism, collected side-by-side, easily allow for the beliefs and emphases of the viewpoints to be thoughtfully considered—all in pursuit of greater understanding and spiritual growth. The four viewpoints are given equal opportunity in the hands of the following capable scholars, and each proponent’s chapter is followed by responses from the other three. * Brad Nassif (Eastern Orthodoxy) * Scott Hahn (Roman Catholicism) * Evan Howard (Evangelicalism) * Joe Driskill (Liberal Protestantism) In the end, an increased familiarity with each of the different schools of Christian thought will aid readers seeking spiritual transformation for themselves, their family members, and their churches.

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    • Pop Ologetics : Popular Culture In Christian Perspective


      Is popular culture sinful or an imperfect reflection of God’s creativity? Turnau helps us understand popular culture from a biblical perspective; why Christian approaches often fail; and how to engage its challenges.

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    • Real Kosher Jesus


      Jesus-Yeshua.The most influential Jew who ever lived. The most controversial Jew who ever lived.

      He has been called a rabbi, a rebel, a reformer, a religious teacher, a reprobate sinner, a revolutionary, a redeemer. Some have claimed he was a magician, others the Messiah. Some say he was a deceiver; others say he was divine. Who is this Jesus-Yeshua, and why are we still talking about him two thousand years later?

      Recently a prominent Orthodox Jewish rabbi presented a new version of Jesus, a “Kosher Jesus” that Jews can accept. By reclaiming Yeshua as a fellow Jew and rabbi, he has taken a very major and truly wonderful step in the right direction, but by re-creating Jesus, he has also robbed him of his uniqueness.

      The Real Kosher Jesus takes you on a journey to uncover the truth. It is a journey filled with amazing discoveries and delightful surprises, a journey that is sometimes painful but that ends with joy, a journey through which you will learn the real story of this man named Yeshua: the most famous Jew of all time, the Jewish nation’s greatest prophet, the most illustrious rabbi ever, the light of the nations-and Israel’s hidden Messiah.

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    • Jesus Alone : The Quest For The Living Oracle


      Lucas Park Books
      The Restoration, defined by Alexander Campbell in the 1800s, continues in the 21st century as the context unfolds and changes, and God’s will is made manifest for new generations. Jesus Alone Quest for the Living Oracle makes a carefully reasoned argument for renewing the Restoration and switching from a “Bible-only” paradigm championed by the Restoration Fathers, to a “Jesus-only” strategy informed by modern scholarship, comparative religion, psychology, and textual studies. Included is a clearly presented rationale, a reconstruction of the historical gospel, a conclusion of thdings, and many helpful charts and appendices for discerning the historical accretions in the canonical Gospel.

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    • Genesis And Christian Theology


      In recent years, the disciplines of biblical studies and systematic theology have grown apart and largely lost the means of effective communication with one another. Unfortunately, this relational disconnect affects more than just these particular fields of study – it impacts the life of the church as a whole. The third St. Andrews Conference on Scripture and Theology brought together leading biblical scholars and systematic theologians, seeking to bridge the gap between them, and this book is the result.

      In Genesis and Christian Theology sixteen scholars consider Genesis – one of the richest resources for Jewish and Christian theological reflection – in dialogue with historical and contemporary theological reflection. The essays offer new vistas on familiar texts, reawakening past debates and challenging modern cliches.

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    • On Moral Medicine


      In print for more than two decades, On Moral Medicine remains the definitive anthology for Christian theological reflection on medical ethics. This third edition updates and expands the earlier award-winning volumes, providing classrooms and individuals alike with one of the finest available resources for ethics-engaged modern medicine.

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    • Kingdom Of God As Liturgical Empire


      In The Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire bestselling author and theologian Scott Hahn views the author of Chronicles as the first biblical theologian.

      Chronicles, argues Hahn, offers the first attempt to understand and interpret the entire sweep of Old Testament history from the creation of the world to the Israelites’ return from exile. Thus Hahn’s commentary presents 1-2 Chronicles as a liturgical and theological interpretation of Israel’s history. Hahn emphasizes the liturgical structure and content of Chronicles and provides fresh insight on salvation history: past, present, and future. He also shows how Chronicles provides important insights into key New Testament concepts. The book gives professors, students, and pastors a better understanding of Chronicles, salvation history, and makes a significant contribution to teh growing field of Old Testament theological interpretation.

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    • Theological Reflection For Human Flourishing


      This book is aimed at those training for ministry, those in ministry and lay people wishing to reflect upon their work. It seeks to enable those in pastoral ministry to reflect upon their institutional encounters and to enable lay people who work in institutions as professionals or managers to reflect upon their pastoral encounters. By generating shared encounters of theological reflection between these two groups the authors identify points of solidarity and tension between them.The book seeks to address the commonly voiced concern that clergy and laity talk past each other and don’t engage on the issues that they find perplexing. Readers of the book will gain an increased confidence in reflecting upon their own practice and engaging with others in theological reflection.

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    • Journeys Of Faith


      Research indicates that on average, Americans change their religious affiliation at least once during their lives. Today, a number of evangelical Christians are converting to Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Anglicanism. Longtime Evangelicals often fail to understand the attraction of these non-Evangelical Christian traditions.

      Journeys of Faith examines the movement between these traditions from various angles. Four prominent converts to Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Evangelicalism and Anglicanism describe their new faith traditions and their spiritual journeys into them. Response chapters offer respectful critiques.

      Contributors include Wilbur Ellsworth (Eastern Orthodoxy), with a response by Craig Blaising; Francis J. Beckwith (Roman Catholicism), with Gregg Allison responding; Chris Castaldo (Evangelicalism) and Brad Gregory’s Catholic response; and Lyle Dorsett (Anglicanism), with a response by Greg Thorbury.

      This book will provide readers with first-hand accounts of thoughtful Christians changing religious affiliation or remaining true to the traditions they have always known. Pastors, counselors and students of theology will gain a wealth of insight into current faith migration within the church today.

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    • From Sin To Amazing Grace


      Throughout the history of Christianity, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (“LGBT” or”queer”) people have been condemned as unrepentant sinners who are in dire need of God’s saving grace. As a result of this condemnation, LGBT people have been subjected to great spiritual, emotional and physical abuse and violence. This issue has taken on a particular urgency in light of the horrific string of suicides over the last year of young LGBT people who were subjected to harassment and bullying by their classmates. Cheng argues that people need to be liberated from the traditional legal model of thinking about sin and grace as a violation of divine and natural laws in which grace is understood as the strength to refrain from violating such laws. Rather Cheng proposes a Christological model based upon the theologies of Irenaeus, Bonaventure and Barth, in which sin and grace are defined in terms of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. This book will serve as a useful resource for all people who struggle to make sense of the traditional Christian doctrines of sin and grace in the context of the 21st century.

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    • We Have Been Believers (Expanded)


      Seeking to overcome the chasm between church practice and theological reflection, James H. Evans Jr., a major and distinctive voice in American religion, situates theology squarely in the nexus of faith with freedom. There, with a sure touch, he uplifts revelatory aspects of black religious experience that reanimate classical areas of theology, and he creates a theology with a heart, soul, and voice that speak directly to our condition. Edited and introduced by Stephen G. Ray Jr., the second edition, published on the twentieth anniversary of the first, includes three new essays that identify the value of the book for womanist, evangelical, and black church audiences. The new edition concludes with an Afterword by the author himself.

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    • Luther And The Stories Of God


      Martin Luther read and preached the biblical text as the record of God addressing real, flesh-and-blood people and their daily lives. He used stories to drive home his vision of the Christian life, a life that includes struggling against temptation, enduring suffering, praising God in worship and prayer, and serving one’s neighbor in response to God’s callings and commands. Leading Lutheran scholar Robert Kolb highlights Luther’s use of storytelling in his preaching and teaching to show how Scripture undergirded Luther’s approach to spiritual formation. With both depth and clarity, Kolb explores how Luther retold and expanded on biblical narratives in order to cultivate the daily life of faith in Christ.

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    • Metaphysics : The Creation Of Hierarchy


      “This book does nothing less than to set new standards in combining philosophical with political theology. Pabst’s argument about rationality has the potential to change debates in philosophy, politics, and religion.” (from the foreword) This comprehensive and detailed study of individuation reveals the theological nature of metaphysics. Adrian Pabst argues that ancient and modern conceptions of “being” – or individual substance – fail to account for the ontological relations that bind beings to each other and to God, their source. On the basis of a genealogical account of rival theories of creation and individuation from Plato to “postmodernism,’ Pabst proposes that the Christian Neo-Platonic fusion of biblical revelation with Greco-Roman philosophy fulfills and surpasses all other ontologies and conceptions of individuality.

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    • God Truly Worshipped


      Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556) played a critical, formative role in the creation and development of the Church of England, from his sudden and dramatic appointment as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1532, through his granting of Henry VIII’s divorce from Queen Katharine, his emergence under Edward VI as a determined reformer in the mould of his European contemporaries, and to his memorable death under Mary Tudor in 1556. He is best remembered as the prime editor and creator of the two Books of Common Prayer of 1549 and 1552, and these indeed stand at the head of Anglican liturgical identity and tradition. Their influence and importance cannot be overstated. This book seeks to offer a survey of his growth and development as theologian and leader of the church through the lens of his written work: not only liturgy, but also homilies, correspondence and official doctrinal statements. This volume introduces Cranmer as a churchman, theologian and liturgist whose original contribution to Anglican spirituality in its earlie

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    • Art Of Tentmaking


      In The Art of Tentmaking an illustrious line up of international contributors from Anglican, Roman Catholic, Methodist and Lutheran traditions, share their insights on essential aspects of liturgy and liturgical renewal including: Paul Bradshaw on the history of Christian worship Rosalind Brown on participation and the priesthood of all believers Stephen Cottrell on sacramental spirituality Steven Croft on simplicity in the liturgy Carol Doran on the renewal of church music Martyn Percy on openness and inclusivity and many more. This book will appeal to all who practice presidency in Christian worship, and have responsibilities for shaping Christian assembly: architects, artists, musicians, as well as clergy and all with focal roles.

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    • Evangelism And The Sovereignty Of God


      1. Divine Sovereignty
      2. Divine Sovereignty And Human Responsibility
      3. Evangelism
      4. Divine Sovereignty And Evangelism

      Additional Info
      If God is in control of everything, can Christians sit back and not bother to evangelize? Or does active evangelism imply that God is not really sovereign at all?

      J. I. Packer shows in this new edition to the popular IVP Classics how both of these attitudes are false. In a careful review of the biblical evidence, he shows how a right understanding of God’s sovereignty is not so much a barrier to evangelism as an incentive and powerful support for it.

      With over 100,000 copies in print, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God is truly a classic that should be read by every Christian.

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    • Created To Worship


      For pastors and worship leaders, planning a meaningful, relevant, and theologically rich communal worship experience for their local churches is of the upmost importance. They are forced to consider how to meet the demands of the modern congregation without getting in the way of what God is doing through worship.

      Created to Worship: God’s Invitation to be Fully Human is a resource that provides a theology of worship in the Wesleyan tradition that will help church leaders consider and be discerning in both how they plan for a worship service, as well as the actual planning that goes into crafting a meaningful and authentic experience. It will teach them to ask, and answer the question, What does God want to say and do today?

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    • Recovery Of A Contagious Methodist Movement


      Methodism started out as a missional alternative to establishment Christianity, but is now like the establishment Christianity it once critiqued. In this book, Dr. Hunter asks whether enough New Testament Christianity exists in any institutional form of Christianity, including The United Methodist Church, to change the world. If United Methodism is to survive, it must recover bold directions in ministry, in addition to Wesley’s theological vision. If only it was so simple as to stand on Wesley’s shoulders to see our way forward. This means that laity and clergy must be biblically informed, spiritually energized, and systematically organized. If United Methodism is to thrive, it needs to focus on mission, recalling that early Methodism was an extravagant expression of missional Christianity. Net membership decline is not from losing more people but from reaching fewer people than it used to. The need for the gospel of Jesus Christ is greater than ever. United Methodists must create structures and serve God and neighbor in order to spread, as Wesley admonished, scriptural holiness throughout the land. George G. Hunter III is Distinguished Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. He is the author of several books, including Radical Outreach and The Celtic Way of Evangelism, both published by Abingdon Press.

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    • Religion And Culture


      This rich, broad-reaching anthology explores everyday religious practices across several of the world’s religious traditions. Organized thematically-politics, ethics, and aesthetics-the volume examines topics of: war, civil religion, science, women and children, capitalism, nature, education, death and dying, visual art, music, sport, humor, film, and more, with engaging and provocative photographs throughout. A useful resource for diverse courses in religious studies and the social sciences.

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    • Faith In A Changing World


      This book brings together chapters from two of Lesslie Newbigin’s classic works: Discovering Truth in a Changing World and Living Hope in a Changing World. Combined, they present the Christian story as a lens through which to view and understand God and the world, demonstrating that Christianity is a viable way to live one’s life today, and that Christians need not retreat to a private world where faith is presumed to be ‘mere opinion’. With his unerring focus on placing the Christian faith squarely at the centre of public life and contemporary debate, Newbigin deftly traces a path between Scripture, philosophy and scientific thought to present the gospel as public truth by which our society can find coherence and direction.

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    • Back To Zero


      The lifeblood of the United Methodist is passion rather than organizational neatness, entrepreneurial freedom rather than denominational restraint, and agility rather than staid institutional dependence. But if United Methodists want to change and be the church we say we want to be, what must we risk and how can we challenge current practices? At the heart of becoming a spiritual movement once again is the requirement that we develop a new understanding of connection as Christians and as United Methodists. We are currently at a time in which United Methodists are reinventing denominational connectionalism. One way of framing the issue is to distinguish between members and disciples, or consumers (those who wait for the institution to care for their needs) and citizens (those who are willing to commit themselves to and be held accountable for the whole of the community). United Methodism has nurtured generations of leaders and congregations that see themselves as consumers of the resources and attention of the denomination. The impulse toward movement is challenging spiritually purposeful leaders and congregations to risk becoming citizens who fully expect to make a difference in the lives of individuals and also in the world through an encounter with Christ.

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    • Icons And The Name Of God


      In Orthodox theology both the icon and the name of God transmit divine energies, theophanies, or revelations that imprint God’s image within us. In Icons and the Name of God renowned Orthodox theologian Sergius Bulgakov explains the theology behind the Orthodox veneration of icons and the glorification of the name of God. In the process Bulgakov covers two major controversies – the iconoclastic controversy (sixth to eighth centuries) and the “Name of God” controversy (early twentieth century) – and explains his belief that an icon stops being merely a religious painting and becomes sacred when it is named. This translation of two essays “The Icon and Its Veneration” and “The Name of God” – available in English for the first time – makes Bulgakov’s rich thinking on these key theological concepts available to a wider audience than ever before.

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    • Joy Of Calvinism


      A positive guide to the principles of Calvinism that shows how God’s love and our joy lie at the heart of this often misunderstood theology.

      The Bible’s command to “rejoice continually” seems impossible and, frankly, unreasonable. Yet despite the apparent difficulty in fulfilling this commandment, Gregory Forster argues that Calvinism holds the key-namely that “real Calvinism is all about joy.”Forster passionately holds to this belief, and systematically demonstrates it by addressing popular misconceptions of what Calvinism is and is not. Dismantling negative expressions of Calvinist theology, Forster positively reiterates its fundamental tenents, showing how God’s love is the driving force behind every facet of Calvin’s doctrine of salvation.

      Written accessibly, The Joy of Calvinism is an important addition to the conversation surrounding Calvinism and its advocates. Skeptics and those who have had negative perceptions of Calvinism, as well as Calvinists themselves, will find this a helpful resource for clearing up the controversies and grasping the winsomeness of the doctrines of grace.

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    • Introduccion A La Historia De – (Spanish)


      Introduccion a la historia de la iglesia es una obra formidable en la que de manera amena, entretenida y sin dejar de ser academica, el Dr. Justo Gonzalez repasa los acontecimientos fundamentales que sucedieron en la historia de la iglesia y que le han dado cuerpo. Este libro es fundamental como introduccion para entender el porque la iglesia tiene la forma que tiene en la actualidad, y servira de base para cualquiera que desee adentrarse en los detalles de tan extensa y a veces complicada historia.

      Written in Spanish by the renown Hispanic author Justo L. Gonzalez, this easy-to-understand and entertaining, yet academic introduction to the history of the church reviews the major events that happened in the history of the church and how they shape today’s church. This book is ideal for helping readers understand today’s church structure, and serves as guide for those interested in the extensive, and at times, complicated history of the church.

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    • Changing Churces : An Orthodox Catholic And Lutheran Theological Conversati


      Sharp controversies – about biblical authority, the ordination of women, evangelical “worship styles,” and the struggle for homosexual “inclusion” – have rocked the Lutheran church in recent decades. In Changing Churches two men who once communed at the same Lutheran Eucharistic table explain their similar but different decisions to leave the Lutheran faith tradition – one for Orthodoxy, the other for Roman Catholicism. Here Mickey L. Mattox and A. G. Roeber address the most difficult questions Protestants face when considering such a conversion, including views on justification, grace, divinization, the church and its authority, women and ministry, papal infallibility, the role of Mary, and homosexuality. They also discuss the long-standing ecumenical division between Rome and the Orthodox patriarchates, acknowledging the difficult issues that still confront those traditions from within and divide them from one another.

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    • Sacraments And Worship


      The church’s development and use of sacraments has evolved in many ways from the days of the early church to the present. This sourcebook presents key theological texts that played a role in those movements. Johnson traces the history and theology of individual sacraments along with their liturgical context in the church’s worship, while contributing helpful background notes to give the reader the full breadth and depth of the church’s thought on these important topics. The book will be a useful resource to those studying the history of Christian worship and the development of the sacraments.

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    • Is There More


      Think you know everything there is to know about the life that lies beyond this one?

      Think again.

      Questions about life beyond death are always with us. In this classic volume, Leslie Weatherhead answers personal and important questions about heaven, hell, and the future God has in store for us.

      “Eternal life is . . . a quality and not just a quantity; . . . a quality of communion with God that clearly begins now.
      You know, people talk about the afterlife and they say, ‘He’s gone to be with God.’ But he has always been with
      God, and the highest heaven doesn’t mean that God exists in any fuller measure. It can only mean that our power
      of communion deepens. But one of the marvelous things about the Christian gospel is that the offer of eternal life is
      here and now.” -from chapter 1

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    • Practicing Theological Interpretation


      Can theological inquiry co-exist with rigorous academic study of the Bible? Examining how theological interpretation works at an exegetical level, Green explores the relationship between hermeneutics and Christian formation, history’s role in interpretation, the tension between ecumenical creeds and witness of Scripture, and the ways our faith communities shape our reading of the biblical text.

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    • Why Jesus : Rediscovering His Truth In An Age Of Mass Marketed Spirituality


      The author believes that over the past forty years movements like New Age spirituality and society’s obsession with human potential have combined like a “perfect storm” to redefine for popular culture what has been for centuries the classic biblical definition of the person, work, and teaching of Jesus Christ.

      In WHY JESUS?, Ravi Zacharias looks at the impact of this “storm” by discussing the 60s-70s “Age of Aquarius,” actor Shirley MacLaine’s book and TV series Out On a Limb, author James Redfield (The Celestine Prophecy), Rhonda Byrne (The Secret), Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code), and other books by Eckart Tolle, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, the Dali Lama, and Marianne Williamson. Special attention will be given to the influence of Oprah Winfrey’s media platform in reshaping society by introducing and promoting certain books and authors.

      Major new age and human potential tenets will be discussed like: the belief that we are all gods and have to discover our divinity; Jesus was only a good teacher; Christianity is but one among many ways to eternal life; reincarnation is real; Jesus was married; truth is relative; there is no sin; and perfection is possible.

      The truth of and the arguments for the bodily resurrection of Jesus will be presented as the most important argument for the exclusive claims about Jesus and Christianity.

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    • Christian Theology In Practice


      For the past fifty years, scholars in both pastoral and practical theology have attempted to recapture human religious experience and practice as essential sites for theological engagement – redefining in the process what theology is, how it is done, and who does it. In this book Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore shows how this trend in scholarship has led to an expanded subject matter, alternative ways of knowing, and richer terms for analysis in doing Christian theology.Tracing more than two decades of her own search for a more inclusive discipline – one that truly grapples with theology in the midst of life – Christian Theology in Practice shows not only where Miller-McLemore herself has traveled in the field but also how pastoral and practical theology has developed during this time. Looking forward, Miller- McLemore calls on the academy and Christian congregations to disrupt conventional theological boundaries and to acknowledge the multiplicity of shapes and places in which the “wisdom of God” appears.

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    • Mere Apologetics : How To Help Seekers And Skeptics Find Faith (Reprinted)


      Throughout history there have been great and articulate defenders of the faith, from Augustine and Aquinas to Jonathan Edwards, G. K. Chesterton, Francis Schaeffer, and C. S. Lewis. But with new challenges comes the need for a fresh apologetic that specifically addresses the arguments levied against faith in our time of scientific atheism and skepticism.

      In the spirit of C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity, Alister McGrath’s Mere Apologetics seeks to equip readers to engage gracefully and intelligently with the challenges facing the faith today while drawing appropriately on the wisdom of the past. Rather than supplying the fine detail of every apologetic issue in order to win arguments, Mere Apologetics teaches a method that appeals not only to the mind but also to the heart and the imagination. This highly accessible, easy-to-read book is perfect for pastors, teachers, students, and lay people who want to speak clearly and lovingly to the issues that confront people of faith today.

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    • Anabautismo Al Desnudo – (Spanish)


      Los cristianos anabautistas existen desde hace alrededor de 500 aos. Como se ve un anabautismo sin el ropaje de las tradiciones Amish y Menonitas? Stuart Murray intenta quitar las capas que se han acumulado a lo largo de la historia para llegar a los componentes centrales de la fe Anabautista. Intenta explorar lo que esto significa para su propio contexto y el nuestro. El seguimiento de Jesus nos desafia, nos inspira y nos anima a adorarle y seguirle con todo nuestro corazon. Lea este libro y contagiese de una vision de fe radical para su vida!

      Anabaptist Christians have been around for almost five hundred years. But what does Anabaptism look like when not clothed in Mennonite or Amish traditions? Writing from Great Britain, Stuart Murray peels back the layers to reveal the core components of Anabaptism – and what they mean for faith in his context and ours. It’s a way of following Jesus that challenges, disturbs, and inspires us, summoning us to wholehearted discipleship and worship.
      This popular 2010 book – over ten thousand sold – is now available in Spanish.

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    • From Sacrament To Contract (Expanded)


      This newly revised and enlarged edition of John Witte’s authoritative historical study explores the interplay of law, theology, and marriage in the Western tradition. Witte uncovers the core beliefs that formed the theological genetic code of Western marriage and family law. He explores the systematic models of marriage developed by Catholics, Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, and Enlightenment thinkers, and the transformative influence of each model on Western marriage law. In addition, he traces the millennium-long reduction of marriage from a complex spiritual, social, contractual, and natural institution into a simple private contract with freedom of entrance, exercise, and exit for husband and wife alike.

      This second edition updates and expands each chapter and the bibliography. It also includes three new chapters on classical, biblical, and patristic sources.

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    • Best Of The Reformed Journal


      For four decades, from 1951 to 1990, The Reformed Journal set the standard for top-notch, venturesome theological reflection on a broad range of issues. With a lively mix of editorial comment, articles, and reviews, it addressed topics as diverse as the civil rights movement, feminism, the Vietnam War, South African apartheid, the plight of Palestinian Christians, and the rise of the Christian Right, all from a Reformed perspective. In this anthology James Bratt and Ronald Wells have assembled select pieces that exemplify the Journal’s position at the cutting edge of thoughtful Christian engagement with culture.

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    • Atonement Justice And Peace


      Reconciles a Christian understanding of salvation with Christian ethics…

      In Atonement, Justice, and Peace Darrin W. Snyder Belousek offers a comprehensive and critical examination of penal substitution, the most widely accepted evangelical Protestant theory of atonement, and presents a biblically grounded, theologically orthodox alternative.

      Attending to all of the relevant biblical texts and engaging with the full spectrum of scholarship, Belousek systematically develops a biblical theory of atonement that centers on restorative–rather than retributive–justice. He also shows how Christian thinking on atonement correlates with major global concerns such as economic justice, capital punishment, “the war on terror,” and ethnic and religious conflicts. Thorough and clearly structured, this book demonstrates how a return to biblical cruciformity can radically transform Christian mission, social justice, and peacemaking.

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    • Holy Spirit In Mission


      The church has been called to participate in God’s mission in the world. But without a robust, biblical sense of the Spirit’s action, how can we be sure we’re fulfilling that call? In this innovative work of missional pneumatology, Gary Tyra synthesizes charismatic and evangelical perspectives to flesh out the nature and purpose of the church’s preaching, proclamation and service.

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    • Friends Of The Law


      Charges of forgery, heresy, legalism, and immorality turn on the question of whether Martin Luther taught a third use of the Law for the Christian life. For the past sixty years, well-meaning scholars believed they settled the question-with dire consequences.

      Friends of the Law sets forth a completely new body of evidence that shows how little Luther’s teaching was understood. This new book looks at the doctrine of the Law and invites a new consensus that could change the way Christians view the Reformation and even their daily walk with God.

      *data tables
      *translations of passages not available in English
      *bibliography on Law and Gospel

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    • Like Spring Rain


      Looking at key concepts such as sealing, regeneration, indwelling, filling, baptism, spiritual gifts and speaking in tongues, this book seeks to set the Pentecostal and Toronto experiences on a biblical, doctrinal basis which is both evangelical and conservative.

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    • ESV And The English Bible Legacy


      Describes the chief characteristics of historic English Bible translation, and places the ESV in this classical stream.

      Modern Bible translations are at a crossroads as multiple translation philosophies argue that Bible translations ought to be done a certain way. So who’s right? And what has been the historic view of English Bible translators?

      Leland Ryken, an expert on the literature of the Bible, brings clarity to questions of how modern Bible translations should be viewed in their historical context. He begins by tracing the history of English Bible translation from William Tyndale to the King James Bible, outlining important distinctions. In the view of these historic translators, there is a right way and a wrong way to translate the Bible.

      Ryken concludes that essentially literal Bible translations best adhere to the legacy of classic English Bible translation. He contends that the English Standard Version is a true heir of this classical stream and concludes with an argument on why the ESV can serve as the translation of choice for Christians in all walks of life. This book will be a great resource for Christians who have questions about why we have different Bible translations and how to choose between them.

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    • Eerdmans Reader In Contemporary Political Theology


      After decades of modernist secularism, religion is making a stunning comeback in public life – not as a deracinated abstraction but as theologically informed, committed faith.An Eerdmans Reader in Contemporary Political Theology brings together forty-nine essential readings in political theology from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, presenting them thematically, pairing them with insightful new introductions from expert scholars, and providing an important resource for scholars and students alike.

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    • Like Spring Rain


      Looking at key concepts such as sealing, regeneration, indwelling, filling, baptism, spiritual gifts and speaking in tongues, this book seeks to set the Pentecostal and Toronto experiences on a biblical, doctrinal basis which is both evangelical and conservative.

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    • Calvin : Institutes Of The Christian Religion


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      Now available in paperback, this is the definitive English-language edition of one of the monumental works of the Christian church. All previous editions-in Latin, French, German, and English-have been collated; references and notes have been verified, corrected, and expanded; and new bibliographies have been added.The translation preserves the rugged strength and vividness of Calvin’s writing, but also conforms to modern English and renders heavy theological terms in simple language. The result is a translation that achieves a high degree of accuracy and at the same time is eminently readable.

      Long recognized for the quality of its translations, introductions, explanatory notes, and indexes, the Library of Christian Classics provides scholars and students with modern English translations of some of the most significant Christian theological texts in history. Through these works-each written prior to the end of the sixteenth century-contemporary readers are able to engage the ideas that have shaped Christian theology and the church through the centuries.

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    • Justification : Five Views


      James Beilby and Paul R. Eddy moderate this five-way discussion on the Pauline doctrine of justification. The traditional Reformed view, the progressive Reformed view, the new perspective, the deification/theosis view and the Roman Catholic view are each given a fair hearing.

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    • Union With Christ (Reprinted)


      Accomplished theologian J. Todd Billings recovers the biblical theme of union with Christ for today’s church, making a fresh contribution to the theological discussion with important applications for theology and ministry. Drawing on Scripture and classic Reformed theology, Billings shows how a theology of union with Christ can change the way believers approach worship, justice, mission, and the Christian life. The book connects to current debates on the New Perspective on Paul and justification and illuminates how union with Christ can change the theological conversation about thorny topics such as total depravity and the mystery of God. It offers a unique, lively exploration of what’s so amazing about being united to the living Christ.

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    • Character Of Christian Scripture


      The early church received the Scriptures of Israel as Christian Scriptures and did not change them. The older testament was received as a witness to God, and when a newer testament emerged, the older was not dismissed, harmonized, or edited. Rather, the church moved forward with a two-testament witness. Christopher Seitz, an internationally renowned expert in canonical criticism, illuminates the two-testament character of Scripture and its significance for the contemporary church. He interacts critically with current interest in the New Testament’s use of the Old Testament and addresses an issue of perennial concern: how to hear both testaments as Christian witness.

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    • Beyond The Pale


      How should Origen, Anselm, Luther, Wesley, Kierkegaard, Barth, and Whitehead be read today, in light of postcolonial theory and twenty-first-century understandings? This book offers a reader-friendly introduction to liberation theology by having scholars “from the margins” explore how questions of race and gender should be brought to bear on thirty classic theologians. Each short chapter gives historical background for the thinker, describes that thinker’s most important contributions, then raises issues of concern for women and persons of color.

      Contributors include Rita Nakashima Brock,Cheryl Kirk-Duggan, Harold Recinos, M.Shawn Copeland, Kwok Pui-Lan, Edward Antonio, and many others.

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    • Gods Grand Design


      Jonathan Edwards produced a comprehensive theology of the Christian life that started with God’s glory and ended with all creation returning to that glory. It was a vision that remains quite simply magnificent. And yet it is a theological vision that has not been adequately explored until now.

      Professor and pastor Sean Michael Lucas has converted his years of teaching into this valuable overview of Edwards’s theology, exploring both redemption history and the application of God’s redemptive work in the individual. As Lucas unpacks Edwards’s vision in this accessible, two-part framework, the resulting revelation of God’s glorious work will strengthen our understanding of Edwards and of our own Christian life.

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    • For Calvinism


      The system of theology known as Calvinism has been immensely influential for the past five hundred years, but it is often encountered negatively as a fatalistic belief system that confines human freedom and renders human action and choice irrelevant.

      Taking us beyond the caricatures, Michael Horton invites us to explore the teachings of Calvinism, also commonly known as Reformed theology, by showing us how it is biblical and God-centered, leading us to live our lives for the glory of God.

      Horton explores the historical roots of Calvinism, walking readers through the distinctive known as the ‘Five Points,’ and encouraging us to consider its rich resources for faith and practice in the 21st Century.

      As a companion to Roger Olson’s Against Calvinism, readers will be able to compare contrasting perspectives and form their own opinions on the merits and weaknesses of Calvinism.

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    • Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 1


      This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies.Beginning with “father,” and continuing through the alphabet, the TDOT volumes present in-depth discussions of the key Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Old Testament. Leading scholars of various religious traditions (including Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish) and from many parts of the world (Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States) have been carefully selected for each article by editors Botterweck, Ringgren, and Fabry and their consultants, George W. Anderson, Henri Cazelles, David Noel Freedman, Shemaryahu Talmon, and Gerhard Wallis.The intention of the writers is to concentrate on meaning, starting from the more general, everyday senses and building to an understanding of theologically significant concepts. To avoid artificially restricting the focus of the articles, TDOT considers under each keyword the larger groups of words that are related linguistically or semantically. The lexical work includes detailed surveys of a word’s occurrences, not only in biblical material but also in other ancient Near Eastern writings. Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Ethiopic, Ugaritic, and Northwest Semitic sources are surveyed, among others, as well as the Qumran texts and the Septuagint; and in cultures where no cognate word exists, the authors often consider cognate ideas.TDOT’s emphasis, though, is on Hebrew terminology and on biblical usage. The contributors employ philology as well as form-critical and traditio-historical methods, with the aim of understanding the religious statements in the Old Testament. Extensive bibliographical information adds to the value of this reference work.This English edition attempts to serve the needs of Old Testament students without the linguistic background of more advanced scholars; it does so, however, without sacrificing the needs of the latter. Ancient scripts (Hebrew, Greek, etc.) are regularly transliterated in a readable way, and meanings of foreign words are given in many cases where the meanings might be obvious to advanced scholars. Where the Hebrew text versification differs from that of English Bibles, the English verse appears in parentheses. Such features will help all earnest studen

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    • Genesis : A Theological Commentary On The Bible


      This volume in the Belief series provides a new and interesting theological interpretation of Genesis through the themes of liberation and the concerns of the poor and marginalized. De La Torre remembers Jacob’s wrestling at Peniel (Gen. 32:24-32), and finds that “there are consequences when we truly wrestle with the biblical text, struggling to see the face of God.” This commentary provides theological and ethical insights that enables the book of Genesis to speak powerfully today.

      The volumes in Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible from Westminster John Knox Press offer a fresh and invigorating approach to all the books of the Bible. Building on a wide range of sources from biblical studies, the history of theology, the church’s liturgical and musical traditions, contemporary culture, and the Christian tradition, noted scholars focus less on traditional historical and literary angles in favor of a theologically focused commentary that considers the contemporary relevance of the texts. This series is an invaluable resource for those who want to probe beyond the backgrounds and words of biblical texts to their deep theological and ethical meanings for the church today.

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    • Methodist Doctrine : The Essentials (Revised)


      In this concise, accessible book, Dr. Ted Campbell provides a brief summary of the major doctrines shared in the Wesley family of denominations. Writing in concise and straightforward language, Campbell organizes the material into systematic categories: doctrine of revelation, doctrine of God, doctrine of Christ, doctrine of the Spirit, doctrine of humanity, doctrine of “the way of salvation” (conversion/justification/sanctification), doctrine of the church and means of grace, and doctrine of thing to come. He also supplies substantial buy simplified updated references in the margins of the book that allow for easy identification of his sources.

      John Wesley distinguished between essential doctrines on which agreement or consensus is critical and opinions about theology or church practices on which disagreement must be allowed. Though today few people join churches based on doctrinal commitments, once a person has joined a church it becomes important to know the teachings of that church’s tradition. In Methodist Doctrine: The Essentials, Ted Campbell outlines historical doctrinal consensus in American Episcopal Methodist Churches in a comparative and ecumenical dialogue with the doctrinal inheritance of other major families of Christian tradition. In this way, the book shows both what Methodist churches historically teach in common with ecumenical Christianity and what is distinctive about the Methodist tradition in its various contemporary forms.

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    • Role Of Women In The Church (Revised)


      Out of print in recent years, this newly revised edition of Charles Ryrie’s The Role of Women in the Church, featuring a new foreword by Dorothy Kelley Patterson, proves its ongoing relevance in addressing what is still a divisive issue at the forefront of Christendom: What can a woman do in the church of God?

      With clarity and depth, Ryrie recounts the status of women in ancient Greece and Rome. He looks at the significance of Mary as Christ’s mother, the attitude of Jesus toward women, and at women as ministers to Jesus. There are Scripture based chapters on marriage, celibacy, and divorce as well as a woman’s place in church life. The book’s final section examines the status of women in the church during the second and third centuries.

      In sum, Patterson views Ryrie’s work as “a masterpiece of blending both historical records with biblical exegesis to present a well-reasoned biblical answer to the burning question from this generation and those to come.”

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    • Against Calvinism


      Calvinist theology has been debated and promoted for centuries. But is it a theology that should last? Roger Olson suggests that Calvinism, also commonly known as Reformed theology, holds an unwarranted place in our list of accepted theologies.

      In Against Calvinism, readers will find scholarly arguments explaining why Calvinist theology is incorrect and how it affects God’s reputation. Olson draws on a variety of sources, including Scripture, reason, tradition, and experience, to support his critique of Calvinism and the more historically rich, biblically faithful alternative theologies he proposes. Addressing what many evangelical Christians are concerned about today—so-called ‘new Calvinism,’ a movement embraced by a generation labeled as ‘young, restless, Reformed’

      Against Calvinism is the only book of its kind to offer objections from a non-Calvinist perspective to the current wave of Calvinism among Christian youth. As a companion to Michael Horton’s For Calvinism, readers will be able to compare contrasting perspectives and form their own opinions on the merits and weaknesses of Calvinism.

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    • Reading Scripture With The Reformers


      1. Why Read The Reformers?
      2. Ad Fontes!
      3. The Erasmian Moment
      4. Whose Bible? Which Translation?
      5. Doctor Martinus
      6. Lutheran Ways
      7. Along The Rhine
      8. Preach The Word

      Additional Info
      In Reading Scripture with the Reformers, Timothy George takes readers through the exciting events of the sixteenth century, showing how this dynamic period was instigated by a fresh return to the Scriptures. George immerses us in the world of the Reformation, its continuities with the ancient and medieval church, and its dramatic upheavals and controversies. Most of all, he uncovers the significant way that the Bible shaped the minds and hearts of the reformers. This book shows how the key figures of the Reformation read and interpreted Scripture, and how their thought was shaped by what they read. We are invited to see what the church today can learn from the fathers of the Reformation, and how these figures offer a model of reading, praying and living out the Scriptures.

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    • Theological Turn In Youth Ministry


      What haunts your youth group? So often we avoid talking about doubts and fears because we feel inadequately equipped to address them in any meaningful way. The crisis of existence can’t be answered with pat Sunday school formulas or a few Bible verses, let alone another relay race. The questions our youth have are often the same ones that perplexed the great theologians, driving them to search for God in the places God didn’t appear to be–places of brokenness, suffering and confusion. What if we let these questions drive our search for God too? Andrew Root and Kenda Creasy Dean invite you to envision youth ministries full of practical theologians, addressing the deep questions of life with a wonderfully adolescent mix of idealism, cynicism and prophetic intolerance for hypocrisy. Follow them into reflection on your own practice of theology, and learn how to share that theology through rich, compassionate conversation and purposeful experience.

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    • Heaven On Earth


      With the coming of Jesus the Christ, the covenant of the New Testament is created. Therein can be found new spiritual guidelines that those who love God will gravitate to as a consequence of being saved. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus specifically identifies eight states of blessedness that are pleasing to God. In other verses of Scripture contained in the New Testament, additional spiritual attitudes and responses are described that help believers to live in accordance with the will of God.

      The degree to which we live in accordance with God’s will, (presented herein as codes) is the degree to which we attain heaven on earth, leading to perfect happiness with Jesus in the world to come. The codes consist of commandments and other rules of behavior; kernels of wisdom and truths revealed by Jesus; and spiritual guidelines intended to assist us on the road to salvation. They will be numbered and discussed as encountered sequentially in the New Testament, starting with the gospel according to Matthew and ending with the book of Revelation.

      The appropriate verses of Scripture from which each code is derived will accompany them and be highlighted. Explanatory remarks are included whenever greater clarity or additional emphasis is needed. All codes and commentary are derived from the words of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

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    • Heaven On Earth


      With the coming of Jesus the Christ, the covenant of the New Testament is created. Therein can be found new spiritual guidelines that those who love God will gravitate to as a consequence of being saved. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus specifically identifies eight states of blessedness that are pleasing to God. In other verses of Scripture contained in the New Testament, additional spiritual attitudes and responses are described that help believers to live in accordance with the will of God.

      The degree to which we live in accordance with God’s will, (presented herein as codes) is the degree to which we attain heaven on earth, leading to perfect happiness with Jesus in the world to come. The codes consist of commandments and other rules of behavior; kernels of wisdom and truths revealed by Jesus; and spiritual guidelines intended to assist us on the road to salvation. They will be numbered and discussed as encountered sequentially in the New Testament, starting with the gospel according to Matthew and ending with the book of Revelation.

      The appropriate verses of Scripture from which each code is derived will accompany them and be highlighted. Explanatory remarks are included whenever greater clarity or additional emphasis is needed. All codes and commentary are derived from the words of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

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    • What Episcopalians Believe


      The most recent and accessible introduction to Episcopalian beliefs

      Episcopalian identity tends to focus on history and worship, and sometimes on ethics – but “cradle” and new Episcopalians – plus seekers – will benefit from having a brief, accessible summary of the Christian faith as seen through an Episcopalian lens.

      There are two underlying convictions behind the book: FIRST, that ecumenism is at the heart of the Episcopal faith. Episcopalians are well placed to offer themselves as a place of convergance between Roman Catholics and Protestants, and even between Roman Catholics and the Orthodox. SECONDLY, in the current conflicts both within the Episcopal Church and between the Episcopal Church and some of its Anglican Communion partners, there is no fundamental difference in doctrine. The book is an attempt to portray what all parties have in common.

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    • Life In God


      Readers of John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion often regard this masterwork of doctrine as a cold, sterile, and merely intellectual project. But Matthew Myer Boulton reads it very differently. In Life in God: John Calvin, Practical Formation, and the Future of Protestant Theology Matthew Myer Boulton argues that for Calvin, Christian doctrine is properly conceived and articulated primarily for the sake of practical Christian formation–the immersive, restorative training for wholeness and holiness embodied in the church’s disciplinary treasury.

      Although Calvin famously opposed the cloister, Boulton shows that his purpose was not the eradication but the democratization of monastic spiritual disciplines. Just as Calvin endorsed the “priesthood of all believers,” so too did he envision that ordinary disciples could live with God daily, consecrate themselves to the art of knowing God, and embrace spiritually formative practices including scriptural and theological study, daily prayer and worship, regular Psalm singing, frequent reception of the Lord’s Supper, renunciation of “the world,” rigorous moral accountability, and the like.

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    • Ordering Love : Liberal Societies And The Memory Of God


      David Schindler’s book Ordering Love: Liberal Societies and the Memory of God is a metaphysical study of God, love, technology, and culture in modern society.

      Schindler argues that “reality” most basically and properly considered, is an order of love; a gift that finds its objective only in an entire way of life. Love is what first brings things into existence, and everything exists in, through, and for love. With this understanding of reality, Schindler explores how modern culture marginalizes love, regarding it at best as a matter of piety or goodwill rather than as the very stuff that makes our lives and the things of the world real.

      Schindler examines how Western civilization’s fixation with technology – especially its displacement of experience with experiment and its privileging of knowing and making – has undermined its capacity to build an authentic human culture. Schindler sees this as a technological age not simply because of technological advancements but because of the way we think as the result of our technological orientation. He shows, within the context of politics, economics, science, and cultural and professional life generally, that God-centered love is what gives things their deepest and most proper order and meaning.

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    • Hebrews : A Theological Commentary On The Bible


      The book of Hebrews is a fascinating extended sermon which has nurtured and challenged the church for centuries. It stands in tension with our sensibilities but provides guidance for the church’s life and for individual Christians. In this theological commentary, D. Stephen Long explores this captivating book. He finds Hebrews extremely relevant for today since it integrates doctrine, ethics, and politics while helping faithful Christians find their ways through troubled times. It invites us into a robust world beyond the assumptions of today’s scientific worldviews. Hebrews also helps us understand how to read Scripture after the triumph of Jesus Christ. Long’s expert theological guidance helps us understand Hebrews and hear its message for our contemporary world.

      The volumes in Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible from Westminster John Knox Press offer a fresh and invigorating approach to all the books of the Bible. Building on a wide range of sources from biblical studies, the history of theology, the church’s liturgical and musical traditions, contemporary culture, and the Christian tradition, noted scholars focus less on traditional historical and literary angles in favor of a theologically focused commentary that considers the contemporary relevance of the texts. This series is an invaluable resource for those who want to probe beyond the backgrounds and words of biblical texts to their deep theological and ethical meanings for the church today.

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    • Only One Way


      This book presents three different, influential and representative theological approaches towards the world religions. Students are not only introduced to the field, but get three passionate and intelligent ‘takes’ on what is at stake. By means of a response to each of the primary essays, the authors are put into interaction with each other, and are also engaged with the most contemporary scholarship in the field of theology of religions. This sustained and high level critical interaction between the authors provides a feature that is not to be found in any other current work in theology of religions. The three views represent: conservative Roman Catholic Christianity (D’Costa), Reformed evangelical Christianity (Strange) and liberationist liberal Christianity (Knitter). This book will therefore appeal to a very wide theological market from all sections of the theological spectrum.

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    • Divine Names And The Holy Trinity


      Few things are so vital to Christian life yet so mired in controversy as the language we use to name the mystery of the Trinity. By drawing on new developments in biblical studies, Soulen offers a fresh map of Trinitarian language that is simple, yet profound in its implications for theology and practice. He proposes that sacred Scripture gifts us with three patterns of naming the persons of the Trinity: a theo-logical pattern, a christo-logical pattern, and a pneumato-logical pattern. These patterns relate in a Trinitarian way: they are distinct, interconnected, and, above all, equally important. The significance of this thesis resides in its power to map the terrain of Trinitarian discourse in a way that is faithful to scripture, critically respectful of tradition, and fruitfully relevant to a broad range of contemporary concerns.

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    • Turns Of Phrase


      In 40 years of writing Don Cupitt has coined many new words and phrases to communicate his ideas, but he has written so much that critics have split him up into stages, and readers complain of obscurity. Piqued, he here represents an entertaining Devils Dictionary of his own ideas, with cross-links from entry to entry guiding the reader around his system. Cupitts teaching is a form of religious naturalism based, not like Spinozas on geometrical reasoning, but upon the more biological idea of an uprush of energies pouring out into symbolic expression. He points out that the non-arrival of the Kingdom left the early Christians looking up vigilantly towards a better world that was yet to come. Today, people no longer expect any further world after this one, and Church-religion no longer works. It is too inhibited. Instead, we need to work out, and start living out, the philosophy and the ethic of the final world, now. It is a world in which the original spirituality of the inner life is replaced by a new religion of

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    • 4 Views On The Spectrum Of Evangelicalism


      Four Views on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism compares and contrasts four distinct positions on the current fundamentalist-evangelical spectrum in light of the history of American fundamentalism and evangelicalism. The contributors each state their case for one of four views on the spectrum of evangelicalism:
      -Kevin T. Bauder: Fundamentalism
      -R. Albert Mohler Jr.: Conservative/confessional evangelicalism
      -John G. Stackhouse Jr.: Generic evangelicalism
      -Roger E. Olson: Postconservative evangelicalism

      Each author explains his position, which is critiqued by the other three authors. The interactive and fair-minded nature of the Counterpoints format allows the reader to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each view and draw informed, personal conclusions. The Counterpoints series provides a forum for comparison and critique of different views on issues important to Christians. Counterpoints books address two categories: Church Life and Bible and Theology. Complete your library with other books in the Counterpoints series.

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    • Theology In The Public Sphere


      Theology in the Public Sphere discusses the nature, methodology and issues in formulating public theology, the engagement of living religious traditions with their public environment – the economic, political and cultural spheres of common life.Public theology has emerged as theologians wrestle with the problem of the privatisation of Christian faith and seek to engage in dialogue with those outside church circles on various issues, urging Christians to participate in the public domain. It provides an alternative mode of engagement to any form of monopoly in public life by promoting critical inquiry and open debate. This landmark volume outlines a constructive model of doing theology in the public sphere. UIt draws on the author’s extensive experience in a number of different international contexts and shows how public theological thinking is applied to a number of recent case studies such as the Danish cartoon affair, the debate about Sharia Law and the churches involvement in reconciliation.

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    • Gospel According To Twilight


      The Twilight saga has become one of the most successful fiction series ever written, with more than one hundred million copies in print and several blockbuster films. Despite the tremendous commercial success Twilight has generated, few readers have analyzed its theological teachings or the messages Stephenie Meyer might be sending to women and teenage girls. This book offers both a feminist critique of Twilight and a theological review of the stories’ ideas about salvation, heaven and hell, power, reconciliation, resurrection, and organized religion.

      Elaine Heath writes in an accessible voice, calling attention to both the “good news” of Twilight’s theology and the “bad news” of its gender stereotypes and depictions of violence against women.

      The book includes questions for youth and adult groups or for classroom discussions.

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    • Mind Your Faith


      Part 1: Mind
      Part 2: Faith
      Part 3: Character

      Additional Info
      At its best, the culture of suspicion so characteristic of today’s universities is intended to challenge half-baked values and easy belief. But since this culture can also undermine legitimate values and belief, a thoughtful Christian will bring a healthy suspicion of easy relativism as well.

      For young Christians about to embark on the collegiate experience, David Horner provides a guide to thinking as a Christian. Carefully exploring how ideas work, he gives students essential tools for thinking critically, contextually and coherently, unpacking worldviews and discerning truth. He addresses faith and reason and how to handle doubts, with an eye toward not just thinking clearly but also living faithfully and morally.

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    • Beyond Bumper Sticker Ethics (Expanded)


      Preface And Acknowledgments
      1. Bumper Stickers And Ethical Systems
      2. When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do: Cultural Relativism
      3. Look Out For Number One: Ethical Egoism
      4. I Couldn’t Help Myself: Behaviorism
      5. Survival Of The (Ethical) Fittest: Evolutionary Ethics
      6. The Greatest Happiness: Utilitarianism
      7. It’s Your Duty: Kantian Ethics
      8. Be Good: Virtue Ethics
      9. The Moral Of The Story Is . . . : Narrative Ethics
      10. All You Need Is Love: Situation Ethics
      11. Doing What Comes Naturally: Natural Law Ethics
      12. God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It: Divine Command Theory
      13. Unraveling The Options

      Additional Info
      Ideas have consequences. And sometimes those ideas can be squeezed in to slogans, slapped on bumper stickers and tweeted into cyberspace. These compact messages coming at us from all directions often compress in a few words entire ethical systems. It turns out that there’s a lot more to the ideas behind these slogans–ideas that need to be sorted out before we make important moral decisions as individuals or as societies.

      In this revised and expanded edition of Steve Wilkens’s widely-used text, the author has updated his introductions to basic ethical systems:

      cultural relativism
      ethical egoism
      situation ethics
      Kantian ethics
      virtue ethics
      natural law ethics
      divine command theory

      He has also added two new chapters:

      evolutionary ethics
      narrative ethics

      With clarity and wit Wilkens unpacks the complicated ideas behind the slogans and offers Christian evaluations of each.

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    • Relics And Miracles


      Esteemed translator Boris Jakim here presents for the first time in English two major theological essays by Sergius Bulgakov. In “On Holy Relics,” Bulgakov’s 1918 response to Bolshevik desecration of the relics of Russian saints, he develops a comprehensive theology of relics, connecting them with the Incarnation and showing their place in sacramental theology in general. In “On the Gospel Miracles” (1932), Bulgakov presents a Christological doctrine of the Gospel miracles, focusing on the question of how human activity relates to the works of Christ. Both works are suffused with Bulgakov’s faith in Christian resurrection – and with his signature “religious materialism,” where the corporeal is illuminated by the spiritual and the earthly is transfigured into the heavenly.

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    • Rethinking Faith : A Constructive Practical Theology


      What can practical theology contribute to other theological disciplines and the church about the nature of God and the church’s witness to Jesus Christ in the world? What can we learn about the love and power of God in Jesus Christ from the community of survivors of violence? Rethinking Faith urges all Christians to consider themselves practical theologians by drawing on their own experiences in making theological assertions. Poling couples his understanding of the tradition with his work with survivors of violence to demonstrate the resilience of Christianity.

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    • Gathering Those Driven Away


      Wendy Farley presents a powerful expression of Jesus Christ as experienced by those who are marginalized and persecuted in contemporary society. Drawing on broader theological sources, Farley compellingly argues that the doctrine of the Incarnation is the basis for a radical inclusivity and defense of the preciousness of all human beings, especially those the church marginalizes.

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    • Jesus Factor In Justice And Peacemaking


      This concise book addresses the impact of Jesus on the practice of conflict resolution interventions, such as restorative justice, peacebuilding, mediation, and trauma healing. Those who claim to be Christ’s followers must ask, What is “the Jesus Factor” in justice and peacebuilding?

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    • Karl Barth And American Evangelicalism


      This book brings together essays first presented at the second annual conference on Karl Barth’s theology cosponsored by the Center for Barth Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and the Karl Barth Society of North America, which took place at Princeton in 2007. The insights offered here have much to say about the current situation in theology, and they provide a basis for moving evangelical engagement with Barth to a new stage in its history.

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    • Women And Redemption (Expanded)


      Rosemary Radford Ruether’s authoritative, award-winning critique of women’s unequal standing in the church, which explored the complex history of redemption in evaluating conflict over the fundamental meaning of the Christian gospel for gender relations, is now in an updated and expanded edition. Ruether highlights women theologians’ work to challenge the patriarchal paradigm of historical theology and to present redemption linked to the liberation of women. Ruether turns her attention to the situation of women globally and how the growing plurality of women’s voices from multicultural and multireligious contexts articulates feminist liberation theology today.

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    • Quest For The Historical Satan


      The figure of Satan has for centuries embodied or incarnated absolute evil. Existing alongside more intellectualist interpretations of evil, Satan has figured largely in Christian practices, devotions, popular notions of the afterlife, and fears of retribution in the beyond. Satan remains an influential reality today in many Christian traditions and in popular culture. But how should Satan be understood today?

      De La Torre and Hernandez’s volume probes the murky origins of the satanic legends and beliefs back to their pre-Christian roots in the Middle East. They unearth the Satan’s roots in Egyptian and Babylonian understandings of evil. They also show, however, that the ancient Satan has some characteristics we would hardly recognize, especially his appearance in most ancient cultures and survival in many traditional religions as the “trickster” figure. While a minor tradition in historic Christianity, the authors argue, seeing Satan as trickster is historically accurate and holds real promise for Christian rethinking in “theology, philosophy, and practice of evil” and how it can be dealt with. This is a fascinating story that helps the reader reframe basic elements of our worldview of good and evil.

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    • 25 Great Philosphers From Plato To Sartre


      SCM Briefly 25 Great Philosophers offers a brief guide to the lives, writings and principal philosophical ideas of some of the worlds great philosophers, from Plato to Jean Paul Sartre. Here is a brief and accessible introduction to philosophy and its main proponents. In only five pages, readers get an introduction to the life, the context and the writing of each philosopher. A glossary of philosophical terms is provided at the end of the book. aaPhilosophers covered in this book include: Plato (c. 429-347 BC), Aristotle (384-22 BC), Marcus Aurelius (121-80), Augustine (354-430), Anselm (1033-1109), Aquinas (1224/5-74), Montaigne (1533-92), Hobbes (1588-1679), Descartes (1596-1650), Locke (1632-1704), Spinoza (1632-77), Leibniz (1646-1716), Berkeley (1685-1753), Hume (1711-76), Rousseau (1712-78), Kant (1724-1804), Bentham (1748-1832), Hegel (1770-1831), Mill (1806-73), Kierkegaard (1813-55), Russell (1872-1970), Moore (1873-1958), Wittgenstein (1889-1951), Sartre (1905-80), Ayer (1910-89).

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    • Acts Of The Risen Lord Jesus


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface

      Reassurance Concerning God’s Purposes: The Purpose(s) Of The Book Of Acts
      Excursus: Assumptions Concerning Authorship, Audience, And Interpreting Acts

      1. Living ‘between The Times’: The Kingdom Of God
      2. The Hope Of Israel: The Resurrection And The Arrival Of The Last Days
      3. Israel And The Gentiles: The Kingdom And God’s Promises Of Restoration
      4. The Promise Of The Father: The Gift Of The Holy Spirit
      5. The End Of An Era: The Temple System And Its Leaders
      6. The End Of An Era: The Law Is No Longer The Direct Authority For God’s People
      7. Concluding Summary

      Index Of Authors
      Index Of Scripture References
      Index Of Ancient Sources

      Additional Info
      When the book of Acts is mentioned, a cluster of issues spring to mind, including speaking in tongues and baptism with the Holy Spirit, church government and practice, and missionary methods and strategies. At the popular level, Acts is more often mined for answers to contemporary debates than heard for its natural inflections.

      Instead of using Acts as a prooftext, this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume brings a biblical-theological framework to the account to expose Luke’s major themes as they relate to the book as a whole. With this framework in place, Alan Thompson argues that Acts is an account of the ‘continuing story’ of God’s saving purposes. Consequently we find that Luke wants to be read in light of the Old Testament promises and the continuing reign of Christ in the inaugurated kingdom.

      Read in this way as a snapshot of God’s dynamic, unfolding kingdom, the book of Acts begins to regain the deep relevance it had in the first century.

      Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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