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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 1001–1100 of 1947 results

  • Trinitarian Theology For The Church


    Table Of Contents

    Part One: Scripture: The Bible And The Triune Economy
    1.Triune Discourse: Theological Reflections On The Claim That God Speaks, Part 1
    Kevin J. Vanhoozer
    2.Triune Discourse: Theological Reflections On The Claim That God Speaks, Part 2
    Kevin J. Vanhoozer
    3. The Gift Of The Father: Looking At Salvation History Upside Down
    Edith M. Humphrey

    Part Two: Community: The Trinity And Society?
    4. God Is Love: The Social Trinity And The Mission Of God
    John R. Franke
    5. The Trinity Is Not Our Social Program: Volf, Gregory Of Nyssa And Barth
    Mark Husbands
    6. Does The Doctrine Of The Trinity Hold The Key To A Christian Theology Of Religions?
    Keith E. Johnson
    7. Trinity And Missions: Theological Priority In Missionary Nomenclature
    Robert K. Lang?at

    Part Three: Worship: Church Practices And The Triune Mission
    8. The Sacraments And The Embodiment Of Our Trinitarian Faith
    Gordon T. Smith
    9. Preaching As A Trinitarian Event
    Philip W. Butin
    10. The Church?s Proclamation As A Participation In God?s Mission
    Leanne Van Dyk
    11. What To Do With Our Renewed Trinitarian Enthusiasm: Forming Trinitarian Piety And Imagination Through Worship And Catechesis
    John D. Witvliet

    Additional Info
    These select essays, brought together from the 2008 Wheaton College Theology Conference by editors Daniel J. Treier and David Lauber, show both the substance and the importance of the doctrine of the Trinity for our worship, our reading of Scripture and the mission of the church.

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  • New Testament Theology


    In this volume in the Library of Biblical Theology series, James D.G. Dunn ranges widely across the literature of the New Testament to describe the essential elements of the early church’s belief and practice. Eschatology, grace, law and gospel, discipleship, Israel and the church, faith and works, and most especially incarnation, atonement, and resurrection; Dunn places these and other themes in conversation with the contemporary church’s work of understanding its faith and life in relation to God’s self-revelation in Jesus Christ.

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  • Transformation By Integration


    “A growing number of people experience their own spiritual lives as being inspired by more than one religious tradition. Multi-religious identity formation and double-belonging are obvious signs of a process of significant transformation as a result inter-faith encounter – a transformation that had been expected and positively willed by various inter-faith theologians. “”Transformation by Integration”” looks more deeply at a number of issues involved, including: What does it mean theologically to move beyond tolerance towards a genuine appreciation of other religions? How can multi-religious identity be assessed theologically? And, will we have to reconsider the widespread dismissal of syncretism? Perry Schmidt-Leukel takes the next theological step on the basis of a pluralist paradigm within the theology of religions.”

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  • Hybrid Church In The City


    There has been a growing interest in the rapidly evolving nature of cities in the past 10-15 years, but especially in the last 5 years, and the profound impact this is having upon our understanding of community, belonging and church. This book shows that theology in an urban context has developed way beyond the inner-city nostaligia. It is a challenging, critical and constructive study of the role of the church in cities.

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  • Another More Excellent Way


    My report, Another More Excellent Way, reveals biblical truths never been told about God’s specific instructions: “This they shall give”. This book explains what’s discussed all throughout the Holy Bible in both Old and New Testaments but has never been taught in the common Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish assembly in the Church Age. I have reasoned with the Lord and am proposing that “Another More Excellent Way” will provide over $100,000 a month to every Church for all of the building, repairs, services and administration. All of these “things that be of God” will be possible under the mission of 1 John 5:7-11 and the auspice of Exodus 30:15. “The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel, when they give an offering unto the LORD, to make an atonement for your souls.” My purpose is to restore the truth concerning all of the financial support that God so required for His house. This Half a Shekel Ministry Program Act will be distributed nationally, administered and managed by the Church in a cooperative agreement under the guidelines that God established for His nation and for His people, the chosen and the highly favored!

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  • Trabajos De Investigacion – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780829755718ISBN10: 0829755713Language: SpanishNancy VyhmeisterBinding: Cloth TextPublished: April 2009Biblioteca Teologica Vida # 12Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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  • Calvin On The Ropes


    At the moment, there are two powerful trends developing within evangelicalism: * a pernicious postmodernism that demeans moral and intellectual certainty and presses for accommodation among competing “truths” – a postmodernism that’s now “institutionalizing” itself among many of the so-called “emerging churches;” and * a resurgent five point Calvinism that casts itself in opposition to postmodernism and, therefore, appeals to college Christians who are desperately looking for a spiritual and intellectual mooring that will safeguard their beliefs from being swept into a sea of relativism. In short, the one, postmodernism and the relativism it’s producing among American intellectuals, has led to the other, a resurgence of five point Calvinism. Calvinism is closely argued, tightly bound, and scrupulously logical. Its logic, however, is its undoing – because it argues Calvinist conclusions from Calvinist premises that don’t always line up with the Biblical text. The whole edifice rests on a flawed foundation that a careful exegesis of Romans reveals to anyone who is equipped with a little background in pre-modern thought. _________________________________________ Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum writes: This book is highly recommended to both Dispensational Calvinists and Covenantal Calvinists as well as to Arminians, and also to all of those who do not see themselves in any of these categories for an honest evaluation of what the Book of Romans really says about God’s program for salvation and God’s program for Israel. Arnold Fruchtenbaum Ariel Ministries

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  • Burning Bush : On The Orthodox Veneration Of The Mother Of God


    The Burning Bush is the first component in Sergius Bulgakov’s “minor” theological trilogy, followed by The Friend of the Bridegroom and Jacob’s Ladder. This book offers a refutation to the Roman Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Bulgakov tempers the potential narrowness of such a focus in order to offer an exposition of Orthodox veneration of the Mother of God. The book that results is a consideration of the personal sinlessness of Mary, the truth of which he finds grounded in both gospel witness and the liturgical tradition of the church. Though his most controversial legacy to the theological community, Bulgakov’s Sophiology nevertheless is critical to understanding his Mariology. More than mere sophiological speculation, however, anthropology, eschatology, original sin, human sanctity, and sexuality all find their way into his exploration of the mystery of the woman chosen by God to give birth freely to the Christ.

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  • Introducing Covenant Theology (Reprinted)


    Since biblical times, history is replete with promises made and promises broken. Pastors and teachers know the power of the covenant, and they know that understanding the concept of covenant is crucial to understanding Scripture. They also know that covenant theology provides the foundation for core Christian beliefs and that covenants in their historical context hold significance even today. But to laypeople and new Christians, the eternal implications of “cutting” a covenant with God can be complicated.

    Now available in trade paper, Introducing Covenant Theology unwinds the intricacies of covenant theology, making the complex surprisingly simple and accessible to every reader. With keen understanding, careful scholarship, and insight, Michael Horton leads all believers toward a deeper understanding of crucial covenant concepts.

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  • Christology : Key Readings In Christian Thought


    Focusing on specific doctrines and themes, the book includes selected primary readings that track the development of the doctrine of Jesus Christ, including the important questions and debates surrounding it. Selections consider both the person and the work of Christ. Topics include the development of classic Christology from its biblical roots through patristic debates, responses to the modern distinction between the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith, the understanding of incarnation as kenosis, and the critical and constructive developments of liberation and feminist theologies. The book includes a bibliography, and each chapter includes topics for further discussion.

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  • Recalcitrant Imago Dei


    The Veritas Series brings to market original volumes all engaging in critical questions of pressing concern to both philosophers, theologians, biologists, economists and more. The series aims to illustrate that without theology, something essential is lost in our account of such categories u not only in an abstract way but in the way in which we inhabit the world. The Veritas Series refuses to accept disciplinary isolation: both for theology and for other disciplines. The Recalcitrant Imago Dei offers a critical discussion of naturalism, the idea that all phenomena can be explained by the physical sciences.

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  • Tongues Inside Out


    Framed within an inspiring true story of spiritual awakening and deliverance from the clutches of organized crime, Tongues Inside-Out is a practical Biblical guide regarding why Christians can, but most don’t resume Man’s lost friendship with God by exercising his gift of speaking in tongues. Like Abraham’s willingness to take a sign of the righteousness he had by faith, the book makes the case why tongues is likewise a voluntary sign of the circumcision of the heart that all born again Christians already received by grace. The book challenges all Christians that Christ Jesus has never stopped calling for us to step out in faith from our dispensational boats to walk on spiritual waters with unfailing trust that will allow their born again human spirits to pray and worship from the inside-out, causing a never ending spiritual conversation with God in the cool of the day in his Garden.

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  • Tongues Inside Out


    Framed within an inspiring true story of spiritual awakening and deliverance from the clutches of organized crime, Tongues Inside-Out is a practical Biblical guide regarding why Christians can, but most don’t resume Man’s lost friendship with God by exercising his gift of speaking in tongues. Like Abraham’s willingness to take a sign of the righteousness he had by faith, the book makes the case why tongues is likewise a voluntary sign of the circumcision of the heart that all born again Christians already received by grace. The book challenges all Christians that Christ Jesus has never stopped calling for us to step out in faith from our dispensational boats to walk on spiritual waters with unfailing trust that will allow their born again human spirits to pray and worship from the inside-out, causing a never ending spiritual conversation with God in the cool of the day in his Garden.

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  • Power And Poverty


    InterVarsity Press Publication

    In this wide-ranging, challenging book Dewi Arwel Hughes unpacks a convicting thesis: that poverty has to do with the way in which we human beings use and abuse the power God gave us when he created us. He then provides biblical perspectives to enable you to both understand the causes of poverty and help in overcoming it.

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  • Way Of Perfection (Anniversary)


    The most accessible translation of this book by the great St. Teresa of Avila, The Way of Perfection includes her rich theological insight as well as her infectious humor and light-heartedness. Throughout, her subject is how to make progress in the contemplative life- that is, in fact, what she calls the “way of perfection.”

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  • Testing The Spirits


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802807403ISBN10: 0802807402Editor: Patrick KeifertBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2009Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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  • If God Does Not Permit A Woman To Preach Then God Must Be A Sexist


    Revelatory and persuasive, a must read Minister Lamont McLaurin unveils what he coins as the 8th SEAL about a hotly debated controversial topic in Christendom whether a woman can or cannot preach. What sets the book apart from most apologetic pro-women pastoring theology is that he doesn’t use Garden Variety biblical characters such as Deborah, Mary Magadalene, The woman at the well, Esther and the like. A fresh hot button 2008 revelation that will promote intense dialogue at home, church, college campuses, airports, workplace, lunchroom settings, Theological Seminars, etc. Finally a book that contains irrefutable Biblical evidence that a woman can and should preach if called by GOD to do so..

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  • Endtime Powerful Revelation Of Water Baptism


    This book is a book for those who have knowledge of God’s Word yet are hungry to receive new revelations. It is for those who have wondered about Christ’s return for His bride, and how this spiritual marriage is consummated.

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  • Son Of Man


    Pastor Flores’ book dispels several widely held convictions about the believer’s ability to live a victorious life in the Messiah, Yeshua. He uses the truth of the Word to illuminate what the early apostles had to say about living a “sinless” life in the Messiah and tries to restore the example that Jesus and the apostles gave to the Ecclesia.

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  • Theory Of LIVEvolution


    There is a drive for a “New World Order” afoot and it’s not an accident. The modern day descendants of the Moneychangers and allied fake religious leaders or Pharisees of Jesus’ day are tying up some loose ends (2008). The introduction lays the groundwork for the rest of the book. Section 1 (posted on my website for length purposes) establishes the unique reality of Biblical Christianity. This is very important since a firm belief in a benevolent Creator is the only thing that stands between us and “Them” at this point. Section 2 points out the world is about to be plunged into a “New World Order” of Biblical proportions. If you think this scenario is outlandish, the “free” U.S., non-coincidentally, meets every one of the criteria for atheistic Communism listed in Marx’s “Communist Manifesto.” As Section 3 discusses, what “They” have planned for you on “Mother Earth” (if you’re worthy of “evolution” at least) is the Nazis on steroids.

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  • Fine Tuned Universe


    Are there viable pathways from nature to God? Natural theology is making a comeback, stimulated as much by scientific advance as by theological and philosophical reflection. There is a growing realization that the sciences raise questions that transcend their capacity to answer them-above all, the question of the existence of God. So how can Christian theology relate to these new developments?

    In this landmark work, based on his 2009 Gifford lectures, Alister McGrath examines the apparent “fine-tuning” of the universe and its significance for natural theology. Exploring a wide range of physical and biological phenomena and drawing on the latest research in biochemistry and evolutionary biology, McGrath outlines our new understanding of the natural world and discusses its implications for traditional debates about the existence of God.

    The celebrated Gifford Lectures have long been recognized as making landmark contributions to the discussion of natural theology. A Fine-Tuned Universe will contribute significantly to that discussion by developing a rich Trinitarian approach to natural theology that allows deep engagement with the intellectual and moral complexities of the natural world. It will be essential reading to those looking for a rigorous engagement between science and the Christian faith.

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  • Life Together In The Way Of Jesus Christ


    Dan Stiver has crafted an engaging one-volume introduction to Christian beliefs, based on his experience teaching introductory theology courses. While describing how traditional theology came to be, he explains for both undergraduates and graduate students how theology is already a part of their life of faith.
    As he examines traditional theological issues and such current topics as globalization and ecology, Stiver treats theology as a living, dynamic activity. Employing useful case studies, his groundbreaking approach helps students understand what theology is–and shows them that they are participants in creating an ongoing, vigorous theology that will remain at the center of their faith for the rest of their lives.

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  • Early Narrative Christology


    Despite the striking frequency with which the Greek word for kyrios (Lord) occurs in Luke’s Gospel, this study is the first comprehensive analysis of Luke’s use of this word. Rowe offers a careful exegetical discussion of all the passages in the Gospel that use kyrios for Jesus in order to trace the complex and deliberate development in Luke’s narrative of Jesus’s identity as Lord. Detailed attention to Luke’s artistry and use of Mark demonstrates that Luke has a nuanced and sophisticated christology. For Rowe, Luke’s use of kyrios for Jesus not only after the resurrection but throughout shows Jesus’s close association with the God of Israel. This book, now available in paperback, was first published in hardcover by Walter de Gruyter.

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  • Will Of God


    How are we to know the will of God? In this honest discussion, veteran pastor and theologian James C. Howell considers a number of issues relating to God’s will, how it is known, how it is done, and how we respond when bad things happen and we feel God is absent or has turned away from us. In this sensitive presentation, Howell explores these questions and provides ways of recognizing the true things to which we can hold in the midst of hard times. Howell proceeds simply and practically to consider personal understandings of God, God’s will for our lives, and ways in which God’s will is lived. He reflects on what to do and believe when bad things happen, “why” they happen, and the quest for God in the midst of it all, recognizing that God’s will is for good.

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  • Apologetics Of Jesus


    Apologetics books abound, but how did Jesus defend the faith? The Apologetics of Jesus presents the Savior at his convincing best. The most tentative Christian–or belligerent skeptic–will find meaty arguments for the godhead of Christ through his parables, prophecies, and more. This hard-hitting resource shows how Christ led the curious to commitment.

    In this original book, readers will find a new way of looking at the message and miracles of Christ and will be revived by the example of Christ’s caring approach to dealing with doubters. Recommended for both laypeople and ministry leaders alike.

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  • Human Nature Human Evil And Religion


    Part I – Becker’s Early Anthropological Perspective

    Chapter 1. The Human Situation And The Development Of The Individual Personality

    Chapter 2. The Vagaries Of Human And Cultural Construction

    Chapter 3. Human Evil And Religion

    Part II – Becker’s Mature Anthropological Perspective

    Chapter 4. The Human Situation And The Development Of The Individual Personality Revisited

    Chapter 5. Successes And Failures In Individual And Cultural Formation

    Chapter 6. Human Evil And Religion In Becker’s Mature Thought

    Part III – Ernest Becker’s Anthropology And Christian Theology

    Chapter 7. Classical Christian Perspectives On The Human Problem

    Chapter 8. Contemporary Christian Perspectives On The Human Problem

    Chapter 9. Christian Perspectives On The Solution To The Human Problem

    Chapter 10. The Human Problem And Its Solution: Ernest Becker And Christian Theology

    Additional Info
    In this book, Jarvis Streeter details Ernest Becker’s anthropological theories and compares them with traditional and contemporary Christian thought on human nature, sin, and salvation in order to see how the two approaches compare and where Becker might have insights to offer contemporary Christian thinkers.

    Ernest Becker was a pioneer in the interdisciplinary study of human nature and motivation, drawing from the fields of evolutionary biology, psychology, psychiatry, cultural anthropology, sociology, philosophy and religion to create what he termed a Science of Man. His goal was to understand the most basic human motives, particularly those that led to evil behavior in order to ameliorate them and create a more humane world. He concluded, following the thought of Alfred Adler, Otto Rank and philosophical and religious existentialism, that the related urges to avoid death anxiety, gain self-esteem and symbolically deny death were the key human motives–ones which were also responsible for human evil–and that religion has had a complex role to play for both good and ill in human history.

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  • Medici Et Medicamenta


    Foreword By Daniel P. Sheridan
    Part One: A Survey Of Modern Historiography Of Penance (ca. 1500-2000)
    Penance As Construct In The Modern History Of Religions
    From Dogmatic History To The History Of Dogma (ca. 1520-1920)
    Convergences And New Directions (ca. 1920-2000)
    Paradigms In The New Contemporary Historiography Of Penance
    Part Two: A Survey Of The Literature Of Penance (ca. 1650 B.C.-A.D. 650)
    Penance In Pre-Christian Antiquity
    The Origins Of Ritual Penance In Christian Antiquity
    The Transformation Of Penance In Late Antiquity
    The Monasticization Of Penance (ca. 450-650)

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    This book is a comprehensive historiographical survey on Christian penance and confession from the early sixteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. The author charts the change from medieval practices of penance to the modern rites of penance.

    The book’s title refers to the latin phrase medici et medicamenta, or, “spiritual doctors and medicines,” to indicate a unifying theme of this study.

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  • Living At The Crossroads (Reprinted)


    How can Christians live faithfully at the crossroads of the story of Scripture and postmodern culture? In Living at the Crossroads, authors Michael Goheen and Craig Bartholomew explore this question as they provide a general introduction to Christian worldview.

    Ideal for both students and lay readers, Living at the Crossroads lays out a brief summary of the biblical story and the most fundamental beliefs of Scripture. The book tells the story of Western culture from the classical period to postmodernity. The authors then provide an analysis of how Christians live in the tension that exists at the intersection of the biblical and cultural stories, exploring the important implications in key areas of life, such as education, scholarship, economics, politics, and church.

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  • Word Of Life


    John’s gospel is one of the richest and most provocative theological writings in the New Testament. While its language is often simple, its thought is engaging and complex, opening readers to the world of God through the story of Jesus. Craig Koester here sketches the shape of John’s gospel and illustrates how debates about its meaning have profoundly shaped Christian life and thought. The Word of Life explores the questions that have been important for generations, including John’s understanding of God, the character of the world and its people, the elusive activity of the Spirit, and what it means to believe. Expressions like being “born again” and the idea that Jesus is “the way” can evoke both interest and uneasiness. Special sections are devoted to these and other disputed aspects of John’s theological language. Through these, readers can see how the gospel’s own context can shape a more vital and nuanced understanding of what such expressions mean. Koester interacts with the best of current research and makes creative proposals about ways in which to understand the many aspects of John’s theology. Clear and highly readable, this guide to the theology of John’s gospel will appeal to a wide range of readers.

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  • Zizek : A Very Critical Introduction


    Slovenian philosopher Slavojek is known for his brilliant tendency to weave together theology, psychoanalysis, and politics in a unique fashion to provide stunning commentary on contemporary culture. Assuming little prior knowledge of the controversial philosopher, Marcus Pound provides a general introduction – the first of its kind – to Slavojek’s work as it relates specifically to theology and religious studies. Pound begins by exploring Slavojek’s background in Lacan and German philosophy. That exploration is followed by a critical engagement of Slavojek’s concept of God, the mechanics of belief, metaphysics of faith, the role of religious ideology, and why a political act must necessarily assume the form of a religious act. Finally Pound considers the impact of this philosopher’s work on currently theological thought concerning gift and sacrifice, gender and sexuality, and the politics of inter-religious debate. This introduction, though brief, nevertheless provides a comprehen-sive account of Slavojek’s theological, political, and psychological lexicon. Pound’s work here renders the contours of the philosopher’s project in clear, accessible terms, perfect for any student of philosophy.

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  • Theological Interpretation Of The Old Testament (Reprinted)


    The groundbreaking Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible (DTIB) introduced readers to key names, theories, and concepts in the field of biblical interpretation. It has been well received by pastors and students, won book awards from Christianity Today and the Catholic Press Association, and was named the ECPA 2006 Christian Book of the Year. Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament features key articles from DTIB, providing readers with a book-by-book theological reading of the Old Testament. The articles are authored by leading scholars, including Daniel I. Block, Tremper Longman III, J. Gordon McConville, Walter Moberly, Richard Schultz, and Gordon J. Wenham. This handy and affordable text will work particularly well for students in Old Testament/Bible survey courses, pastors, and lay readers.

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  • Unlocking Romans : Resurrection And The Justification Of God


    If the God of Israel has acted to save his people through Christ, but Israel is not participating in that salvation, how then can this God be considered righteous? Unlocking Romans is an intriguing study of Paul’s letter that is directed in large extent toward answering this question in order to illuminate the righteousness of God the book of Romans reveals. J. R. Daniel Kirk explains that this God is best understood not in abstractions, but in the particularity of Israel’s story. This story contextualizes the identity of God and the quality of God’s righteousness. The answer here, Kirk claims, comes mainly in terms of resurrection. Even if only the most obvious references in Romans are considered – and Kirk certainly delves more deeply than the obvious – the theme of resurrection still appears not only in every section of the letter, but also at climactic moments of Paul’s argument. The network of connections among Jesus’ resurrection, Israel’s Scriptures, and redefining the people of God, serves to affirm God’s fidelity to Israel. This, in turn, demonstrates Paul’s gospel message to be a witness to the revelation of the righteousness of God. Unlocking Romans is a clear and inviting theological study of what many consider the Bible’s most theological book.

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  • Preparing For Ministry


    Most seminaries now require their students to get real world training by way of supervised theological field education. This volume presents the wide array of issues that must be understood in order to integrate theological education and practical ministry, including the importance of theological field education, its purpose and challenges, the need for flexibility in meeting different students’ needs, and the resources available to create a meaningful and educational experience.

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  • Erosion Of Inerrancy In Evangelicalism


    Examines recent postmodern efforts to redefine the traditional evangelical view of scriptural authority and counters with sound logic that resoundingly supports inerrancy. Due to recent popular challenges to evangelical doctrine, biblical inerrancy is a topic receiving an increasing amount of attention among theologians and other scholars. Here G. K. Beale vigorously and even-handedly examines the writings of one leading postmodernist, Peter Enns, whose writings challenge biblical authority. In resounding support of inerrancy, Beale presents his own set of formidable challenges to the postmodern suppositions of Enns and others, citing contradictions, dichotomies, oversights, and faulty reasoning. This book repeatedly demonstrates the implausibility of compromise or striking a balance in the matter of inerrancy-not merely as a debate between academics, but as an issue that affects the entire body of Christ. How can the Bible be historically inaccurate while still serving as the authoritative word on morality and salvation? Beale concludes that it cannot, and his work will aid all who support biblical inerrancy in defending their position against postmodern attacks.

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  • Story Of God


    1. How God’s Story Gets Told
    2. The Beginning Of God’s Story : The Doctrine Of Creation
    3. The Tragedy Of God’s Story : The Doctrine Of Sin
    4. The Jewish People In God’s Story : The Doctrine Of Covenants
    5. A New Twist In God’s Story : The Doctrine Of Christ
    6. Living In God’s Story : The Doctrine Of The Church
    7. The End Of God’s Story : The Doctrine Of Last Things

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    Since its publication in 1994, The Story of God has played an important role in implementing and advancing the study of narrative theology. One of the first books to formulate and examine Wesleyan theology using the Bible’s overarching story, it continues to serve as a popular text in colleges and universities and as a reliable resource for ministers and theologians.

    Unlike other books, which use a topical or systematic approach to understanding theology, The Story of God uses the flesh-and-blood stories of the Bible to help readers see the complete picture of God s love for the world and in doing so, gain a better understanding and appreciation for the Christian faith.

    Updated and revised to include current language and ideologies, this new edition provides readers with an even more engaging and accessible introduction to Christian theology. Drawing from Scripture, everyday experience, and contemporary reflection, Michael Lodahl weaves together the stories and themes of the Bible to present a compelling picture of the grand story of God and the amazing love He has for His people.

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  • We Become What We Worship


    The heart of the Biblical understanding of idolatry, argues Gregory Beale, is that we become like what we worship. Employing Isaiah 6 as his interpretive lens, Beale demonstrates that this understanding of idolatry permeates the whole canon, from Genesis to Revelation.

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  • Methodisms Founder John Wesley Believed In Angels


    Do we have good angels assigned to us as well as evil angels? Author Don R. Harper shares true stories about angels and how they influence our lives from the cradle to the grave. Enjoy quotations from Methodism’s founder John Wesley including why and how you must be born again.

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  • Everyone Who Acts Responsibly Becomes Guilty


    Everyone who acts responsibly becomes guilty was a basic premise that Dietrich Bonhoeffer expressed in various ways in his theology and ethics. Even Bonhoeffers own actionsin praying for the defeat of his country in World War II and in participating in a plot to assassinate Hitlerdemonstrate the tension between the reality of guilt and Bonhoeffers ethical decisions. In this study, Christine Schliesser examines the problem of guilt in Bonhoeffers writings, arguing that the concept of accepting guilt emerges from Bonhoeffers understanding of Christology. Since Jesus Christ has accepted the guilt of humankind, so the disciple must also be willing to accept guilt for the sake of the other. In addition, Schliesser reveals the unresolved tensions that emerge in the concept of accepting guilt and discusses the extent to which Bonhoeffers concept is still relevant to Christian ethics today.

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  • God As Poet Of The World


    Process theology has been a major theological innovation of the last hundred years, and its influence on American theology has been pervasive. But process thought is far from being simply an American phenomenon. Throughout the last few decades, some of the most exciting work in process theology has been undertaken in Asia and Europe. Now that process theology is a truly international movement, all theologians need to reconsider this school of thought. In this book, world-recognized expert in process thought Roland Faber presents a systematic exploration of process theologys roots and development, its chief concerns and concepts, and its opportunities for new contributions to todays theological scene. This book is a superb resource for those who want to know more about this important theological movement.

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  • Before The Kings Majesty


    “Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626) was a towering figure in the formative years of the Church of England. Averse to the puritanical spirit of the age, he helped to create a distinctive Anglican theology, moderate in outlook and catholic in tone. He believed that theology should be built on sound learning, he held a high doctrine of the Eucharist and he emphasised dignity and order in worship. His influence defines Anglicanism to this day.A devout scholar and gifted linguist, he served as Dean of Westminster and under James I became Bishop of Chichester, then Ely and finally Winchester. In 1604 he was appointed as one of the translators of the Authorized Version and became responsible for most of the Old Testament. It was as a preacher that he achieved the greatest fame and he was a favourite of Elizabeth I, James I and Charles I. His spiritual classic, “”The Private Devotions of Lancelot Andrewes”” was for personal prayer what the “”Book of Common Prayer”” was for the worship of the Church. Here is a wide selection from his writings and a general introduction.

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  • Concise New Testament Theology


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    A Concise New Testament Theology is an abridgment of I. Howard Marshall’s celebrated and award-winning New Testament Theology: Many Witnesses, One Gospel. This condensed version packages for students and laypeople the luminous considered conclusions and insights of one of the most respected evangelical New Testament scholars of our day. It is the perfect entrance into New Testament theology, and its author-by-author approach will also make it an attractive supplement for courses in New Testament survey or introduction.

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  • Teologia Del Nuevo Testamento – (Spanish)


    Covers the theological study of the entire New Testament. The 1993 revision includes two new chapters: one by R.T. France titled “Matthew, Mark and Luke” and another by David Wenham titled “Unity and Diversity in the New Testament”.

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  • Monoteismo Y Cristologia En El – (Spanish)


    Contains the information necessary to understand the Jewish monotheistic belief system. The idea of Jesus as God was perfectly matched to this belief. You will see that the earliest study of Christ was the highest – Jesus is God.

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  • Happiness And Holiness


    The 17th century writer Thomas Traherne is increasingly being recognised and studied as a theologian as well as a poet. The discovery, in 1997, announced by the author of this volume, of five new prose works and a poetic work has given huge impetus to the study of Traherne in literature and theology. Two editions of Complete Works are in preparation (OUP and Boydell & Brewer) and a major autobiography is due in 2006.

    This affordable, concise introduction to Traherne’s life and work concerns Traherne primarily as a theologian and places him in an historical and intellectual context he has thus far lacked. It demonstrates his distinctive contribution to Anglican theology.

    Consisting of a 10,000 word introductory essay and biography it is followed by extracts from Traherne’s work under the following headings: Creatures and Powers, Holiness and Happiness, Sin and Salvation, Christian Liberty, Advice on Ministry, Prayers.
    This affordable, concise introduction to Traherne’s life and work concerns Traherne primarily as a theologian and places him in an historical and intellectual context he has thus far lacked. It demonstrates his distinctive contribution to Anglican theology.

    Consisting of a 10,000 word introductory essay and biography it is followed by extracts from Traherne’s work under the following headings: Creatures and Powers, Holiness and Happiness, Sin and Salvation, Christian Liberty, Advice on Ministry, Prayers.

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  • Stories From The Edge


    This is not a book about the stages of grief, or the 10 steps to overcoming it. In fact, it’s more about suffering in general than bereavement in particular. Garrett (The Gospel According to Hollywood) draws on a summer he spent doing clinical pastoral education-a kind of boot camp for hospital chaplains-to discuss age-old theodicy questions. The book challenges certain myths that American Christians have swallowed about God-e.g., that God is a transactional ATM who is obligated to dispense good things to the faithful, or that it’s Satan, not God, who makes rotten things happen. Some of these myths are eloquently debunked, while others-such as Americans’ persistent faith in consumerism and their ability to “buy” health and happiness-deserve more ink. Garrett scores points with the powerful stories of the hospital patients he prayed alongside as well as his own autobiographical discussions of dealing with severe depression. Christians who are looking for theologically nuanced ways of thinking about suffering can learn much from this brief book.

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  • Christianity And The Social Crisis In The 21st Century


    First published in 1907, this book became the mainstay for Christians and other religious people seriously interested in social justice. New essays by leading public theologians are included in this modern edition.

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  • Doctrinas De La Gracia – (Spanish)


    Biblical teaching about salvation and freedom from the spiritual slavery of humankind. Even though we are imperfect and corrupt, we can stand justified before God and reconciled to Him through the plan carried out by Jesus.

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  • Reading The Hebrew Bible After Shoah


    SKU (ISBN): 9780800638498ISBN10: 0800638492Marvin SweeneyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2008Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • Quest Of The Hermeneutical Jesus


    1. A Brief History Of Hermeneutical Methods In Previous Quests
    2. John Dominic Crossan
    3. N.T. Wright

    Additional Info
    The Quest of the Hermeneutical Jesus is a study in how reading documents referring to Jesus influences conclusions as to who Jesus was as a figure in history. In this book, author Robert B. Stewart leads his readers through the projects of two of the most important and influential scholars in the field of historical Jesus research, in order to show his readers how the philosophical presuppositions and hermeneutical methods of Crossan and Wright impact their respective historical conclusions concerning Jesus. There is arguably no more important question in religious studies than: What can we know about Jesus? Stewart takes on the task of filling the void in this area by addressing how hermeneutics influences history. In addition to highlighting the work of two great scholars, Stewart also provides a useful introduction and guide through much of the maze of contemporary literary criticism.

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  • Iglesia Cuerpo De Cristo – (Spanish)


    Roman Catholicism overemphasizes the priesthood while protestantism focuses on personal salvation. In the 20th century, the topic of the church has acquired special theological revelation regarding Christian confessions.

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  • Postmodernidad – (Spanish)


    Special edition for the Latin American Fraternity of Theological Studies. Includes questions, a teacher’s guide and student guide.

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  • Dios En Tres Personas – (Spanish)


    A comprehensive study on who God is through the revelation contained in Scripture.

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  • Introduccion A La Teologia – (Spanish)


    The understanding of who God is is the backbone of the Christian life. It is what gives consistency and balance to every person and ministry. Covers characteristics of theology, theological systems, general revelation and special revelation.

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  • Invocation And Assent


    In the seventeenth century the adoption of a new rule of faith forever changed the way many English-speaking Protestants perceive the doctrine of the Trinity. Instead of the proper personal name by which Christians come to know and love their God, English-speaking Christians increasingly began to think of the Trinity as a network of propositions in need of evaluation for rationality and intelligibility. Suddenly, it was no longer clear that the Trinity mattered for salvation. Invocation and Assent by Jason Vickers charts the effects of this crucial shift in the identity and function of the rule of faith.

    Examining this turning point in seventeenth-century theological thought, Vickers illuminates the origins of indifference to the Trinity found in many quarters of Christianity today.

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  • Great Is The Lord


    In imitation of classic tradition, Great is the Lord sets out the Christian doctrine of God in a way designed to illumine the mind, move the heart, and stir the soul to praise the triune God. Here, Ronald Highfield introduces students, ministers, and others to the doctrine of God held by the majority of the church from the second to the twentieth century. This traditional opinion reveals God to be triune, loving, merciful, gracious, patient, wise, one, simple, omnipotent, omniscient, eternal, omnipresent, immutable, impassible, and glorious. Highfield draws on scripture, tradition, and widely esteemed theologians to correct common misunderstandings and superficial criticisms. He examines the modern practice, even among evangelical or conservatives, of first rehearsing the shortcomings of “traditional” theological teaching and then claiming that classical doctrines paint God as uncaring, uninvolved, and a threat to human freedom. Great is the Lord revisits this classic doctrine so accused to discover that, far from being the creator of such an unpleasant god, it actually preserves our confidence in God’s love and his liberating action better than its opponents do. That traditional doctrine, Highfield argues, grounds our dignity and freedom in the center of reality, the Trinitarian life of God. Highfield’s work here maintains the highest intellectual standards, while offering a true theology for the praise of God.

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  • Making A Way Out Of No Way


    A womanist theology of change.

    Integrates postmodern thought, womanist theology, and process philosophy.

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  • Quest Of The Hermeneutical Jesus


    1. A Brief History Of Hermeneutical Methods In Previous Quests
    2. John Dominic Crossan
    3. N.T. Wright

    Additional Info
    The Quest of the Hermeneutical Jesus is a study in how reading documents referring to Jesus influences conclusions as to who Jesus was as a figure in history. In this book, author Robert B. Stewart leads his readers through the projects of two of the most important and influential scholars in the field of historical Jesus research, in order to show his readers how the philosophical presuppositions and hermeneutical methods of Crossan and Wright impact their respective historical conclusions concerning Jesus. There is arguably no more important question in religious studies than: What can we know about Jesus? Stewart takes on the task of filling the void in this area by addressing how hermeneutics influences history. In addition to highlighting the work of two great scholars, Stewart also provides a useful introduction and guide through much of the maze of contemporary literary criticism.

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  • Dismantling The Myths (Revised)


    1. Getting Started: Setting The Stage
    2. Say ‘Cheese’: Snapshots From Our Culture
    3. A Penny For Your Thoughts: The Way We Think Becomes The Way We Live
    4. On Guard: Preparing For The Culture Battle
    5. Here We Stand: What Christians Believe About Making Moral Choices
    6. A Lamp And A Light: What The Bible Teaches About Making Moral Choices
    7. Line ’em Up: Part 1: Strategies For Lining Up Your Personal Life With Your Faith
    8. Line ’em Up: Part 2: Strategies For Lining Up Your Community Life With Your Faith
    9. Line ’em Up: Part 3: Strategies For Your Relationship With The World
    10. Wrapping Up: Where Is Our Hope?

    Additional Info
    This is a difficult time for the Church. Our world is undergoing significant change. Systems and methods that have been in place for centuries are being replaced and rebuilt; culture is being redefined; and questions of faith, morality, tolerance, and belief are causing discontent, uncertainty, and distraction within the walls of the church.
    In this uncertain movement toward generational shifts and sociological change, is there still a system of objective thought? Do we still have a moral compass that we can rely on-one that accommodates change without compromising truth?

    Dismantling the Myths rises above the confusion of our time and penetrates the darkness with a rational light of verifiable truth. Providing a sane interpretation of current trends in contemporary thought, Frank Moore offers readers in-depth understanding and sound answers to the difficult questions of ethics, morality, and faith. In a world searching for identity and coherence, this book provides a positive and proven handbook of standards and procedures that are relevant, reliable, and founded on God s Word.

    For those struggling to find truth and definition in the muddled beliefs of a post-Christian society, Dismantling the Myths will clarify their confusion and show them the solid, eternal Rock on which to stand.

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  • Heritage In Crisis




    1. The Identity Crisis Facing Churches Of Christ

    2. The Generation Gap In The Church Of Christ

    3. Where We Are In The Discussion Or “Desecularizing The Church Of Christ In The 21st Century”

    4. The Holy Spirit And Christian Union

    5. Baptism And Our View Of Other Denominations

    6. Hermeneutics

    7. Instrumental Music

    8. Purpose And Style In Worship

    9. Women’s Roles

    10. The Qualification And Selection Of Elders

    11. Missionary Societies And Denominational Structures

    12. Theological Trends From 1960 To The Present




    Additional Info
    The Churches in Christ are in growing disagreement about the direction that the Restoration Movement should take. A Heritage in Crisis introduces the background of this “identity crisis,” evaluates nine specific issues that threaten to divide the Churches of Christ today–such as worship styles and women’s roles–and suggests changes Churches in Christ can make in order to facilitate the change back to God’s original intent for the church. More than simply an academic examination of doctrinal issues, A Heritage in Crisis seeks to identify a path by which the Churches of Christ might move into a future illuminated by the light of God’s Word.

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  • Theology You Can Count On


    Figure you need to attend seminary to effectively study theology? Think again! You can learn about God and important Bible doctrines—in language that’s easy to understand. Written in an approachable, engaging tone, this extensive volume features “Personal Application for Life” items, “Picture This” chapter summary charts, and small-group discussion questions.

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  • Salvation Belongs To Our God


    Christopher J. H. Wright sets the concept of salvation in its biblical context, showing its global implications for how God’s redeemed people relate to one another and the world they inhabit.

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  • Renewing The Face Of The Earth


    This important and timely study provides a much needed theological framework for considering and responding to the challenges of climate change. In a highly readable and clear style, it explores the spiritual questions being opened up by this issue: questions about human life and destiny, about our relationship to the planet and to each other, about altruism and selfishness, about the place of technology, about justice, our values and hopes. A practical exploration of these questions is set in the context of the biblical notions of covenant – God’s commitment to creation which David Atkinson sees as the ‘inner meaning’ of creation, and sabbath – regular times of rest and replenishment for humans and for the earth itself. Seeing climate changes in the light of these biblical concepts reveals a strong moral imperative to act in ways that are help to bring about the New Testament hope that the whole of creation will one day be renewed in Christ.

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  • Connection Between Salvation And Mail


    The majority of people in America and other countries are considered to be Christians having the expectation of going to heaven when they die. However, Jesus says not everyone who calls him Lord will go there (Matthew 7:21). Regardless of what type of church you are affiliated with, if you profess to be a Christian and view the issue of where you will spend eternity seriously, this book is for you whether you are active in your church or not. It covers the most popular deceptions that take place today, as well as the process and results of salvation based on the only infallible Word of God, the Bible.

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  • Barth


    According to Eberhard Busch, Karl Barth’s theology is “characterized by being…in constant movement and transformation.” And a Christian’s path is marked by self-correction in order to learn how to live out the same thing again and again in a better and more appropriate way. Likewise the church, like her God, is always on the move.

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  • Groaning Of Creation


    Pain, suffering, and extinction are intrinsic to the evolutionary process. In this book Christopher Southgate shows how the world that is “very good” is also groaning in travail and subjected by God to that travail. Southgate then evaluates several attempts at evolutionary theodicy and argues for his own approach-an approach that takes full account of God’s self-emptying and human beings’ special responsibilities as created co-creators.

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  • World Christianity In The 20th Century


    “The SCM Core Text to “”World Christianity in the 20th Century””, and the accompanying “”Reader in World Christianity in the 20th Century””, are a genuine introduction to the subject. The Core Text is made up of seventeen chapters on key topics in twentieth century Christianity, together with an extended Introduction and a reflective Conclusion. The editors have consulted friends and colleagues worldwide to advise them on local and regional issues and resources. The books serve primarily as a guide to the history of Christianity in the century and as such they examine theological issues that have often been at the heart of key historical events and developments.Part One in both volumes provides a broad introduction to main developments across the regions of the globe affected by Christianity and introduces Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical and Pentecostal streams of thought. Part Two explores themes which have had an impact on all Christian life and thought, such as Christianity and scientific deve

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  • Year With John Wesley And Our Methodist Values


    Aging faithfully is a blessing and a challenge and Richard Gentzler is an expert on the subject. In his newest book on aging, Gentzler offers church leaders a structured approach to implementing strong ministries by, with, and for older adults. In addition to the practical issues of programming, the book takes on more difficult topics of aging including chronic conditions, depression, and death. He also recommends that churches pay special attention to the needs of the boomer generation, since they are now becoming the older adults who will determine the church’s path for years to come.

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  • Bonds Of Freedom


    This book proposes that Christian worship is a key source for any theology seeking to understand the covenant between God and human beings in the Christian tradition. Through a detailed examination of phenomenological, biblical, and theological
    sources, the author seeks to write a theology in which the selfhood of God and human beings is seen as essentially “vowed” or “covenantal”. This claim is then explored through a detailed examination of eucharistic and baptismal practices within the worship life of the church. Here, then, is a theology that understands Christian worship as mutual acts of promise and commitment between God and human beings.

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  • Father Son And Spirit


    Series Preface
    Authors’ Preface

    Introduction: John’s Gospel And The Church’s Doctrine Of The Trinity

    Part I: Historical Context
    Part II: Biblical Foundations
    Part III: Theological Reflections


    Index Of Authors
    Index Of Scripture References
    Index Of Ancient Sources

    Additional Info
    From the patristic period until today, John’s Gospel has served as a major source for the church’s knowledge, doctrine and worship of the triune God. Among all New Testament documents the Fourth Gospel provides not only the most raw material for the doctrine of the Trinity, but also the most highly developed patterns of reflection on this material-particularly patterns that seek to account in some way for the distinct personhood and divinity of Father, Son and Spirit without compromising the unity of God.

    While there have been recent, fine studies on aspects of John’s doctrine of God, it is surprising that none summarizes and synthasizes what John has to say about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In order to fill this gap, Kostenberger and Swain offer a fresh examination of John’s trinitarian vision in this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume.

    Part One situates John’s trinitarian teaching within the context of Second Temple Jewish monotheism. Part Two examines the Gospel narrative in order to trace the characterization of God as Father, Son and Spirit, followed by a brief synthesis. Part Three deals more fully with major trinitarian themes in the Fourth Gospel, including its account of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and mission. A final chapter discusses the significance of John’s Gospel for the church’s doctrine of the Trinity, and a brief conclusion summarizes some practical implications.

    Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Work Of Jesus Christ In Anabaptist Perspective


    How have Anabaptists traditionally understood the work of Christ? How should Mennonites and other Christians think today about the saving work of God in Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection? In this book, 20 leading theologians, biblical scholars, pastors, and others offer their reflections.

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  • Monkeys Orientation : A Book About Holiness


    Holiness is totally about our orientation to a Holy, perfect God who sees us, calls out our name and blesses us abundantly. Holiness is often taught as being about how well we live out our Christian faith and what we should and shouldn’t do. This makes it about how well we perform as a believer. In A Monkey’s Orientation holiness is unpacked and looked at as more about orientating ourselves to the Fathers blessing, making it about where we are rather than what we do.

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  • Gospel Of Deliverance


    The End Times Are Here! Are you prepared? Through this First Seal God warns His creation of the days ahead and reveals satan’s hidden agenda to His beloved Elect. Discover Powerful Insights into: * What Really Happened When Adam Fell * Satan’s Secret Agenda * The True Nature of Water Spirits * God’s Blueprint on How to Deal with Unclean Spirits * How Healing and Deliverance Can Work for You * How to Make the Most of God’s Life in You * God’s End Time Survival Strategy for You Gospel of Deliverance explains biblical principles with new insight reaching beyond mere theology to offer practical advice on how today’s Christians can get the best out of God’s salvation. You cannot read this explosive book and ever be the same again! “But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the Kingdom of God is come upon you.” Luke 11:20

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  • Sabbath Breaker : The Church Jesus Christ Will Not Rapture


    Is there something missing in your Church life? This book reveals what may be missing. The Sabbath Breaker is a message to the Sunday worshiping churches. The author experienced the transition from Sunday to Sabbath worship and its blessings! So, we journey in faith and confidence under God’s righteousness and will, taking this message to God’s people. Millions are in churches. Some are homeless, living under viaducts, and bars unknowingly looking for Jesus. Some are caught up in drugs and prostitution. Some are educators, corporate executives and politicians. Others are performers, athletes, atheists, and agnostics. Millions are in false religions, and prison cells. Some are in colleges and universities and don’t know Jesus Christ. Millions are at home, lost, and fed up with church. These people want to know God! May the Lord bless you exceedingly abundantly above all you could ever hope for in the blessings of the Sabbath.

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  • Sabbath Breaker : The Church Jesus Christ Will Not Rapture


    Is there something missing in your Church life? This book reveals what may be missing. The Sabbath Breaker is a message to the Sunday worshiping churches. The author experienced the transition from Sunday to Sabbath worship and its blessings! So, we journey in faith and confidence under God’s righteousness and will, taking this message to God’s people. Millions are in churches. Some are homeless, living under viaducts, and bars unknowingly looking for Jesus. Some are caught up in drugs and prostitution. Some are educators, corporate executives and politicians. Others are performers, athletes, atheists, and agnostics. Millions are in false religions, and prison cells. Some are in colleges and universities and don’t know Jesus Christ. Millions are at home, lost, and fed up with church. These people want to know God! May the Lord bless you exceedingly abundantly above all you could ever hope for in the blessings of the Sabbath.

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  • Replacement Theology : Dishonesty Envy Covetousness Conceitedness Presumptu


    Whoever calls himself/herself a Christian needs to understand and accept the fact that God Covenanted with Abram (later, Abraham), and his seed after him, about 2000 years before there was a people called Christians (see Acts 11:26). Further, most of the religions that are classified as “Christians” came into existence recently, and are as diverse as the autumn leaves on trees in a forest, and are at war, covertly or overtly, with one another over many things; especially money and power. True-thinking Christians, then, should rejoice that God is so merciful and longsuffering, that He has endured with a vacillating people called Israel for such a long time, then, in the “Fullness of time,” incorporated Gentiles into the ‘same’ Abrahamic Covenant of Salvation. God is in the business of “Reconciling the World unto Himself ” (11 Cor. 5: 19), not just Christians.

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  • Engaging With The Holy Spirit


    Despite today’s growing charismatic movement, many Christians remain unclear about the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Cole offers biblical answers to six common questions—what is blasphemy against the Spirit; how do we resist, quench, and grieve him; how does he fill us; and should we pray directly to him? Reader-friendly and reassuring.

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  • Preaching To A Post Everything World


    Zack Eswine starts this unique pastoral resource with a captivating question: Could I now reach who I once was? Challenging the idea that today’s preachers must do away with biblical or expository preaching if they are to reach non-Christian people, Eswine offers a way of preaching that embraces biblical exposition in missional terms. Recognizing all of the different cultural situations in which the gospel must be preached, he gives preachers practical advice on preaching in a global context while remaining faithful to the Bible.

    Pastors, seminarians, and church and ministry leaders who speak in various contexts will welcome this fresh, thoughtful examination of bringing the Word to today’s multi-everything, post-everything world.

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  • Responsibility Of The Church For Society


    This collection of essays from one of America’s great theological minds explores the nature and meaning of Christian community. First published between 1945 and 1960, these essays make clear for the first time H. Richard Niebuhr’s moral theology of the church. Understanding Christianity itself as a movement-and not an institution-Niebuhr argues that, at their best, Christian communities should express and move forward with the ongoing, transforming relation of God and the world.

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  • Last Trumpet


    If you have been confused when studying end time theology, this book is for you. What sets this book apart is that it organizes end time events in easy to understand chronological order. By studying prophecy this way, patterns and parallels mentioned throughout the Bible relating to the second coming of Jesus become clear. Christ stated that we are to keep watch because he will be returning soon (Rev. 22:20), but was he really speaking of an imminent return? What did Jesus mean when he told his disciples that his second coming would be at a time believers were not expecting (Mt. 24:44)? I invite you to broaden your horizons by learning the scriptural truth about the 70th week of Daniel, when Christ comes back to redeem the earth for himself. “For every eye will see him as he returns in the clouds” (Rev.1:7) – at the Last Trumpet!

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  • New Climate For Theology


    Climate change promises monumental changes to human and other planetary life in the next generations. Yet government, business, and individuals have been largely in denial of the possibility that global warming may put our species on the road to extinction. Further, says Sallie McFague, we have failed to see the real root of our behavioral troubles in an economic model that actually reflects distorted religious views of the person. At its heart, she maintains, global warming occurs because we lack an appropriate understanding of ourselves as inextricably bound to the planet and its systems.

    A New Climate for Theology not only traces the distorted notion of unlimited desire that fuels our market system; it also paints an alternative idea of what being human means and what a just and sustainable economy might mean. Convincing, specific, and wise, McFague argues for an alternative economic order and for our relational identity as part of an unfolding universe that expresses divine love and human freedom. It is a view that can inspire real change, an altered lifestyle, and a form of Christian discipleship and desire appropriate to who we really are.

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  • Rise And Demise Of Black Theology


    Black Theology emerged in the 1960s as a response to black consciousness. In South Africa, it is a critique of power; in the UK it is a political theology of black culture. The dominant form of Black Theology has been in the USA, originally influenced by Black Power and the critique of white racism. Since then, it claims to have broadened its perspective to include oppression on the grounds of race, gender and class. In this book, Alistair Kee contests this claim, arguing that Black and Womanist Theologies present inadequate analysis of race and gender and no account at all of class or economic oppression.With a few notable exceptions, Black Theology in the USA repeats the mantras of the 1970s, the discourse of modernity. Content with American capitalism, it fails to address the source of the impoverishment of black Americans at home. Content with a romantic image of Africa, this ‘African-American’ movement fails to defend contemporary Africa against predatory American global ambitions. Blacks in the West, Kee claims here,

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  • Indispensable Guide To Pastoral Care


    1. What Makes Care “Pastoral”?
    2. Being In Right Relationship
    3. The Practice Of Presence
    4. Hearing Others Into Speech
    5. Godward Listening
    6. Sacred Words, Sacred Actions
    7. Are Any Among You Sick?
    8. A Time To Weep
    9. A Time To Dance

    Additional Info
    This guide presents a basic description of both theological and practical dimensions of pastoral care, what makes care distinctly pastoral, as compared to other kinds of caregiving. The teaching approach used here is both conceptual and practical. Readers will explore basic concepts important in understanding each area of care, and learn how to use both traditional and contemporary resources in improving the care they offer.

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  • Know Why You Believe (Revised)


    Paul Little responds to the toughest intellectual questions posed to Christians, including: Do science and Scripture conflict? Are miracles possible? Is Christian experience real? Why does God allow suffering and evil?

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  • Know What You Believe (Revised)


    What does the Christian faith teach about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? What place should the Bible or a church have in my life? With these and other core questions, bestselling author Paul E. Little leads you into greater appreciation of a God who has done great things to bring you into a relationship with him through Jesus Christ.

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  • Modern Church History


    “This is the SCM Core Text: “”Modern Church History”” provides an introduction to global Christianity from 1700 to the mid 20th C. The book aims to help students understand the processes, movements and individuals who have contributed to making the contemporary Christian landscape the shape it is in the 21st century. Theologically it takes a wide and inclusive approach to provide a balanced survey of Christianity in all its forms – Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox. Geographically it focuses on the Christian church in the UK, continental Europe and North America, and examines in each location the social movements, campaigns and campaigners, scientific and political challenges that have shaped the Christian Church throughout the period.Beginning with the reaction to Lutherism, it charts the rise of Pietism in Europe throughout the late 17th and early 18th centuries, the influence of John Wesley and the Methodists, in the UK and the ‘Great Awakening’ in North America. The early chapters summarize the developments within th

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  • God And The New Atheism


    In God and the New Atheism a world expert on science and theology gives clear, concise, and compelling answers to the charges against religion laid out in recent bestselling books by Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion), Sam Harris (The End of Faith), and Christopher Hitchens (God Is not Great). For some, these new atheists appear to say extremely well what they believe to be wrong with religion. But, as John Haught shows, the treatment of religion in these books is riddled with logical inconsistencies, shallow misconceptions, and crude generalizations. Can God really be dismissed as a mere delusion? Is faith really the enemy of reason? And does religion really poison everything? God and the New Atheism offers a much-needed antidote to the extremist claims of scientific fundamentalism. This provocative and accessible little book will enable readers to see through the rhetorical fog of this recent phenomenon and come to a clearer understanding of the issues at stake in this crucial debate.

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  • Biblical Critique Of Infant Baptism


    This book looks at the various arguments for infant baptism and critiques them through the use of biblical exegesis. Though gracious in its tone, it does come to the conclusion that infant baptism is not found in the Scriptures. It provides an excellent defense of believer’s baptism. It is clear, precise and well documented.

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  • Substance Of The Faith


    This useful and insightful volume aims to illustrate, espouse, and renew the discipline of doctrinal theology, particularly as exemplified historically by Martin Luther and his theological reflection on the Trinity.

    The authors, steeped both in Luther’s works and in the doctrinal tradition, show how dogmatics in the Lutheran tradition entails a delicate juxtaposition of credal commitment, scriptural interpretation, and doctrinal elaboration. Their respective chapters retrieve surprising historical insights about Luther’s own practice of doctrinal theology, the interaction of the credal and doctrinal dimensions with a nuanced hermeneutic of scripture, and the future shape of a doctrinal theology genuinely responsive to the gospel and the present age.

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  • Israel Gods Servant


    Historically antiSemitism has been ingrained in much Christian theology and practise. Is this the result of NT teaching or an alien intrusion into Christianity? What is a Christian attitude towards the Jewish people and towards the State of Israel? What is currently going on in the Middle East and does Israel still play a role in Gods purposes for the redemption of the world? This book seeks to set out a biblical and theological case for the ongoing importance of the Jewish people in Gods plans for creation and to explain something of the complex and controversial situation in the modern day Israeli state.

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  • Adam And The Woman


    God began with one divine man and woman in Genesis, Adam and Eve, who were holy and without sin. In the Gospels, God restored all through one divine Man. Revelation will end with one divine Man, Jesus, and His divine Bride, just as the Bible began with the first man and woman. At the wedding of the first Adam, God presented the woman to Adam without spot or blemish. God will present Jesus with His Bride without spot or blemish also when Jesus comes to gather her to Himself.

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  • Voices Crying In The Wilderness


    In 2003, Alison Teed answered the call to deliver one more message. “Write in a book all you have seen and heard…” After a year of waiting on God, Alison began writing this book. It is an account of 30 years of prophetic obedience. It is an account of the obedience, trials, testing, and growing up of a prophet. It is a testament to God calling out His prophets – great and small – for this hour, and more importantly, the hour to come.

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  • Voices Crying In The Wilderness


    In 2003, Alison Teed answered the call to deliver one more message. “Write in a book all you have seen and heard…” After a year of waiting on God, Alison began writing this book. It is an account of 30 years of prophetic obedience. It is an account of the obedience, trials, testing, and growing up of a prophet. It is a testament to God calling out His prophets – great and small – for this hour, and more importantly, the hour to come.

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  • Thinking Theologically : The Preacher As Theologian


    Preachers are not simple representatives of a particular theological world. Each preacher manifests characteristics that arise from that person’s particular approach to life, theology, and preaching. Rather than teaching how one can preach theology or deal with particular theological issues from the pulpit, Ronald J. Allen shows how preaching is informed by the preacher’s own theology.

    A valuable introduction to preaching, Thinking Theologically does not advocate for, nor is it written from, a particular theological stance. Rather it provides historical background and explores major theological perspectives so that preachers can grasp their own understanding of authority, the Bible, the relationship of God to the sermon, and the purpose of the sermon.

    Finally, the book illustrates the unique characteristics of sermons preached from a particular theological viewpoint and shows what is gained and lost in each approach. Each chapter features a brief bibliography for further reading in its topic area.

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  • Being United Methodist In The Bible Belt


    Written in a humorous, accessible style, Being United Methodist in the Bible Belt is an easy-to-understand guide to the kinds of theological questions that many United Methodist youth and others ask. This concise book is an engaging and insightful resource for any United Methodist youth, parent, or educator seeking to better understand their unique brand of Christianity in light of the understandings of those from the evangelical tradition. With helpful sidebars explaining United Methodist history and polity and questions after each chapter for reflection and action, this book is ideal for Christian education courses for youth and adults, new member classes in United Methodist churches, as well as personal reading. This is an ideal book for adolescents and young adults and those who nurture them.

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  • God Against Religion


    In God against Religion Matthew Myer Boulton outlines a Christian theology that takes worship as its basic framework, conceiving worship as the occasion of not only an approach toward God in piety, but also separation from God in sin. Drawing on the thought of Martin Luther, John Calvin, and especially Karl Barth, Boulton rethinks the broadest themes of Christian theology through the lens of Christian worship. He offers three groundbreaking thoughts: that the catastrophe of “sin” is liturgy’s original and continual work, that the miracle of “reconciliation” is liturgy’s decisive transformation in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and that the glory of “redemption” is and will be liturgy’s end. The result is a fascinating proposal of a systematic, liturgical theology in the Reformed tradition. It will lead scholars, pastors, and anyone interested in thinking about Christian theology and Christian worship in fresh, critical, challenging directions.

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  • Your Peace Piece With God


    This is a cutting edge look at the Kingdom of God. It answers the questions “Who will be in the kingdom of God and how will they get there?” ” What about our loved ones?” “Who are the nations in Revelation 21:24?” “What is the ministry that believers are to do in eternity?” These and many other points are discussed and there is a 13-point description of the world in the Kingdom of God. Everyone is eager to get into the Kingdom, but no one knows what we will be doing when we get there, because there is not enough teaching on eternal life in the Kingdom. Finally, an answer is come that will explain itself through the Bible. Taking truths in Revelation, we can find their roots through the Bible and know what God meant when He said “Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

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  • Divorce And Remarriage


    Product Description
    Dr. Joseph A. Webb, Patricia Lane Webb, Joseph is an ordained minister, evangelist, author, counselor and pastor-teacher. He continues to preach and teach seminars across the USA and the World in person and through his extensive library of media teaching. His ministry experience and heartfelt interest in the church’s response to marriage and family crisis is the driving force behind the ministry. Joseph and Patricia know well the heartache in the loss of a loved one by death and separation. Both have been happily married and widowed. Married to each other late in life both families had been active in ministry and found themselves searching for Gods plan within the heartache. As a result life brought about all new situations, adjustments and yes– problems. These circumstances have required a new focus and time to reflect. Their ministry and literature is influenced by their own personal experiences. “I have been pleased to receive and review your manuscript on Divorce and Remarriage- The Trojan Horse Within the Church. The readers cannot help but be impressed with the scholarly research that you have done on this subject…for those who sincerely want the truth, your book will be a valuable resource.” -Bill Gothard

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  • Crossing : Reclaiming The Landscape Of Our Lives


    Illuminates the spiritual journey we all take and the choices we make by focusing on five of the monastic hours, from Vigils which reflect on the edges of the day and our own difficulty in choosing to begin the journey, through Compline or night prayer, the time for letting go and remembering the reality of death. Full of humor and eloquently written, Crossing shows Christians how to bring faith and human experience together.

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  • Lamb Of God


    What is our participation in the divine humanity? According to Bulgakov, humans “consist of an uncreated, divine spirit . . . and of a created soul and body.” Prior to Christ’s coming, humans do not have the power to realize in themselves the new spiritual birth that is not of flesh and blood, but of God. In explaining this important doctrine, Bulgakov begins by surveying the field of Christology with special reference to the divine humanity. He then considers the role of the Divine Sophia, examines the foundations of the Incarnation, explores the nature of Christ’s divine consciousness, and ponders Christ’s ministries while on Earth. A profound discussion of Christ’s kenosis as a model for humanity rounds out this comprehensive and valuable study. The Lamb of God is one of the greatest works of Christology in the twentieth century and a crowning achievement in the examination of the theology of divine humanity.

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  • Controversies In Body Theology


    Controversies in Body Theology will be the third volume in SCM’s Controversies in Contextual Theology series, aimed at drilling down further into the arguments and discussions taking place amongst theologians within contextual theologies, which can often be presented as wholesale agreements.Controversies in Body Theology is a collection edited by Marcella Althaus Reid and Lisa Isherwood and brings together authors from around the world, who specialise in this area. Its contents are – unsurprisingly – very controversial. The book dares to examine some of the most extreme approaches to the body that our society engages with. What makes this book unique is that it does not dismiss what may be the more difficult and challenging areas of the body and society, rather it embraces them as an embodied resource for the ever-expanding task of considering the nature of incarnation through the lens of body theology.Topics range from cosmetic surgery and the bible to sacramental nature of self harm in young girls. Along the way the book looks at the Puritan heritage of ‘Extreme Makeover’ programmes and the pernicious theology inherent in ‘Slim for Him’ programmes. All the authors engage with academic honesty and personal courage. This is a challenging and worthwhile read for any student embarking on a course in Body Theology.

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