Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm

R. Paul Stevens

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  • Service : Ministry With Heart And Hands (Student/Study Guide)


    This LifeGuide Study includes ten sessions exploring service in a variety of contexts: family, the physical creation, society, the city, neighbors, relationships, the church and the workplace. Looking inside ministry specifically, R. Paul Stevens examines examples of service that were motivated by imagination, passion, faith, hope and love-from Genesis to Revelation. Out of these studies you will discover how to live and serve wholeheartedly. No matter what your profession, you are a full time minister of Jesus Christ.

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  • Spiritual Gifts : 8 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Revised)


    In this study, R. Paul Stevens leads you to explore what spiritual gifts are, what their role is in the church and how to discover which gifts God has given you. You’ll dig into key passages on spiritual gifs and look at specific examples of how they were manifested in the early church.

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  • Living The Story


    This instructive, practical book explores the meaning of “biblical spirituality,” a spirituality rooted in the Scriptures, in the grand story of God.
    Writing to promote genuine discipleship and an everyday sense of God’s presence, R. Paul Stevens and Michael Green show that biblical spirituality is based on down-to-earth principles meant to foster righteous living at home, at work, wherever one is. They highlight the importance of our being in relationship with the Triune God and discuss how we can be worshipers of Abba God, disciples of Jesus, and temples of the Holy Spirit. The book proceeds through the Old and New Testaments, engaging readers with the discoveries and struggles of people of faith from Adam and Eve to those gathered around the Lamb in the new Jerusalem. Stevens and Green focus throughout on how we can truly live the Word of God so that our own stories become part of God’s great story of love.

    Filled with biblical wisdom and a pleasure to read, “Living the Story” is a winsome invitation to follow God wholeheartedly in every dimension of life.

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  • Down To Earth Spirituality


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Most books on spirituality focus on disciplines like prayer and Bible study. But this can mislead us into thinking that God can only be experienced when we are doing something “spiritual.” Apart from private devotional times or church on Sundays, God may seem distant and even irrelevant to our daily lives. R. Paul Stevens has a radically different view of Christian spirituality. True spirituality, he says, is down-to-earth–we encounter God in the ordinary, common stuff of everyday life. Taking his cue from the biblical story of Jacob, Stevens explores the Genesis narrative and uncovers how ordinary moments are made extraordinary, transformed by the presence of God in the midst of the mundane. Dreamer, schemer, worker and entrepreneur, Jacob embodies a multifaceted life of earthy passion and gritty spirituality. Jacob encounters the sacred not only through visions of ladders to heaven and mysterious wrestling matches with angles. Jacob also meets God at home and at work, at meals and in sleep, in solitude and in relationships. From birth to death, through every passage of life, Jacob sees God in the routine details of his everyday experience. “Everyday life is the spiritual discipline in which God continuously and graciously meets us,” Stevens writes. And in this book, Stevens helps us see that what appears commonplace on the surface actually has great spiritual significance. When we least expect it, God surprises us by re-enchanting our daily experience and making every moment an opportunity to experience his blessing.

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  • 2 Corinthians : Finding Strength In Weakness (Student/Study Guide)


    Do you despise your weaknesses? Do you hate hardships? Do you beg God to remove obstacles from your life? The apostle Paul delighted in his weaknesses, welcomed hardship as a friend and thanked God for obstacles that offered opportunities to experience God’s power. Was he crazy? In this study guide Paul Stevens shows you how this foundational Christian disciple and church leader will turn your thinking upside down! In everything Paul teaches you to rely, as he did, on God’s great promise: “My grace is sufficient for you.” (Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, 2 Corinthians features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.)

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  • 1 Corinthians : The Challenges Of Life Together (Student/Study Guide)


    Life among Christians can be great. But it can also be exasperating! The joys of fellowship in Christ too often give way to division and debate. You may find yourself drawn into arguments over such things as the correct form of worship or the proper role of charismatic gifts. Perhaps you wonder, Why don’t we get along together as we should? Or How can we recapture the unity of the early church? Surprisingly, the first Christian believers didn’t always live in harmony either! As Paul Stevens and Dan Williams lead you through this study of 1 Corinthians, you will see that the issues facing the Corinthian church are little different from the ones your church struggles with year after year. Here in 1 Corinthians is a portrait of Christian community not as it was meant to be, but as it often really is. But here too is practical advice for overcoming the challenges of life together.

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  • Satisfying Work : Christian Living From Nine To Five (Student/Study Guide)


    This study guide focuses on such issues as workplace ethics, success and prosperity, creativity, rest, the value of homemaking, and meaningful ministry.

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  • Revelation : The Triumph Of God (Student/Study Guide)


    In every age people have felt sure that the book of Revelation described events in their time. As nations arm themselves for war, we think of Armageddon. As evil rulers grow in power, we look for the antichrist. As the powers of darkness threaten to overwhelm us, we cry, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Amid the uncertainties of our age, Revelation asures us of the triumph of God. 14 studies for individuals or groups.

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