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Pastoral Helps

Showing 3201–3300 of 3710 results

  • Have You Ever


    Have you ever. . .? -Thought you were going to die? (When? Where? What brought you through it? – Been a teacher’s pet? (What grade? How did you feel?) – Had a miracle happen to you? (What happened? Who did you tell?) – Said something you didn’t mean just to be polite? (Why did you do it? What situation would cause you to do it again?) Inside are 442 more zingers like these, that nudge your kids’ memories and get them talking — perfect for launching small-group discussion, building community, getting a laugh and triggering hard thinking about situations and people that matter most to teenagers. Keep Have You Ever . . .? handy — stick it in your pocket, your backpack, your car’s glovebox — because you’ll never know when you need a leading question to get conversation rolling with an individual or a group.

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  • Evangelism Made Slightly Less Difficult



    15 Chapters In Four Parts
    Total Pages 178

    Additional Info

    They are quite satisfied with their lives, quite content with their beliefs and see no need to change.

    So how can we get them interested and make evangelism just slightly less difficult? Nick Pollard has been doing this for years and has some ideas on how we can do it too.

    This book explains why people think the way they do and offers some practical suggestions on how to reach them. The author shows how we can break through the barrier of disinterest and help people want to know about Jesus and why he can and should make a difference in their lives. He also provides ways to answer their tough questions and lead them in their first steps to faith in Christ.

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  • Biblical Period


    “The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church” is a multivolume study by Hughes Oliphant Old that canvasses the history of preaching from the words of Moses at Mount Sinai through modern times. In Volume 1, “The Biblical Period,” Old begins his survey by discussing the roots of the Christian ministry of the Word in the Worship of Israel. He then examines the preaching of Christ and the Apostles. Finally, Old looks at the development and practice of Christian preaching in the second and third centuries, concluding with the ministry of Origen.

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  • Foundations Of Ministry (Limited)


    Successful ministry is built on strong foundations. Each generation in the church must recover these historic foundations, as well as discover contemporary innovations and applications. If you are ready to investigate these timeless biblical truths and integrate them with the latest insights from the social sciences and contemporary thought, then Foundations of Ministry: An Introduction to Christian Education for a New Generation is for you.

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  • Pastoral Diagnosis : A Resource For Ministries Of Care And Counseling


    Pastoral Diagnosis is the first book-length analysis of pastoral assessment of parishioners’ presenting problems to be published in the last two decades. This pioneering book retrieves the theological and ethical foundations of the Judeo-Christian tradition for pastoral care, opens up lines of communication between pastoral theology and the other theological disciplines, and helps clergy and other pastoral care and counseling professionals move beyond the current preoccupation with secular psychotherapy and the other social sciences.

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  • Where Gratitude Abounds Cycle A


    In each of the chapters of this book Freeman carefully opens up the text with an introductory statement. He then shares the historical background and the theological theme of the text and continues with commentary that amplifies and illustrates the passage for contemporary preaching.

    Chapters include:
    The Marvelous Style Of Jesus: Truth And Love — Matthew 22:1-14
    Spiritual Armchairs vs. Mature Discipleship — Matthew 22:34-36
    Authenticity vs. Showmanship — Matthew 23:1-12
    Terminally Distracted Or Decisively Prepared? — Matthew 25:1-13
    Commitment One Way Or The Other — John 8:31-36

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  • Man From Galilee


    This worship resource for Lent contains:

    A morning pastoral prayer
    A children’s sermon
    An order of worship with scriptural readings and responses
    Discussion questions (for printing in the Sunday bulletin or for study sessions)
    A series of sermons for Lent and Easter

    This volume contains a complete pastoral resource for an integrated Lenten program of worship and study. Typical of Pilgrim’s style, the sermons are lively and well illustrated.

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  • Handbook Of Theological English


    A clear guide to the concepts and language used by contemporary theologians.

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  • Tres Meses En La Escuela De Da (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


    Each of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers

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  • Coming Home


    After many years of preaching from the first three chapters of Luke and the first two chapters of Matthew, Frank Ramirez decided to preach about something a little different around Christmastime. What evolved was this series of seven messages for the Sundays beginning with Advent and ending with Epiphany.

    Why a sermon series based on the Old Testament book of Haggai? Ramirez writes, “I’ve always been fascinated by the lesser known books of the Old Testament, partly because I’m afraid of being embarrassed in heaven if I don’t recognize some of these people!”

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  • Preaching From The Minor Prophets A Print On Demand Title


    Despite the authority and theological richness of the twelve books of the Minor Prophets, these Old Testament writings are perennially neglected by the church and the pulpit. This volume was written to provide clergy with the tools to once again preach from these important texts with confidence and relevancy.

    For each of the twelve Minor Prophets, Elizabeth Achtemeier provides a wealth of information useful for preparing a sermon: recommended commentaries, historical context, theological context, and sections dealing with selected texts. These sections include (1) a brief treatment of linguistic and rhetorical features to note, (2) suggested sermon titles designed to arouse the interest of a congregation, and (3) homiletical exposition intended to stimulate preachers as they develop their sermons.

    An excellent guide to the books of the Minor Prophets, this volume is unique for its theological depth, presented in clear and simple language for clergy and laity alike.

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  • When God Says Let Me Alone Cycle A


    A man who has delivered sermons on every continent, Dr. William Augustus Jones is a superlative preacher and has been cited as “The Dean of New York’s Great Preachers” by the New York Daily News.

    The son and grandson of Baptist ministers, Dr. Jones graduated from the University of Kentucky and Crozer Theological Seminary, and earned a doctoral degree from Colgate Rochester Divinity School. He has done special studies at the University of Lagos (Nigeria) and the University of Ghana at Legon. He has served as pastor of Bethany Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York since September 1962 and led his congregation in the construction of a Neo-Gothic edifice completed in October 1967. Bethany conducts a multi-faceted program with a full-time staff of 27 persons. Included in the outreach ministries is a national radio and television ministry.

    Among the many honors he has received is the New York Urban League’s prestigious Frederick Douglass Award. He holds honorary doctorates from Benedict College, Simmons University, Shaw University, and Campbell University. He received an honorary Doctor of Humanities Degree from his alma mater, the University of Kentucky. Recently he was awarded the Doctor of Literature Degree by Evangelical Reformed School of Theology, Toledo. Ohio.

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  • Cross Resurrection And Ascension Cycle A


    This book of sermons moves from the desert of Ash Wednesday to the cross of Calvary on Good Friday, to the empty tomb on Easter, and finally to Jesus’ return to the Father. Richard Gribble’s preaching style is vibrant and relevant to the person in the pew. The deeply spiritual content is punctuated by poignant story illustrations that illustrate the scriptural text and enlighten the listener.

    Preachers will find this book inspiring for their own sermons, while lay readers will discover rich insights to the Bible for their personal study and devotions.

    Contents include:
    Ash Wednesday: The Journey To Freedom Begins
    First Sunday In Lent: Greed Leads To Destruction
    Fourth Sunday In Lent: Looking To The Heart
    Maundy Thursday: Carrying On The Tradition
    Easter Sunday: Our Need To Talk With The Son
    Seventh Sunday Of Easter: The Community Of Life
    Ascension Sunday: Completing The Master’s Work
    … and others.

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  • Between Gloom And Glory Cycle A


    Between Gloom And Glory is an example of Old Testament preaching at its most powerful and effective. Each of the 15 sermons contains heart-rending illustrations and each sermon builds to a climax of meaning and emotion.

    Titles include:
    A Baby Isn’t Quite What We Expected Isaiah 2:1-5
    What Do You Want For Christmas — Isaiah 35:1-10
    Rejoice! — Isaiah 9:2-7
    Whispered Preaching — Isaiah 42:1-9
    What Does God Want From Us — Micah 6:1-8
    Getting It Right For All The Wrong Reasons — Isaiah 58:3-9a
    When Conviction And Culture Collide — Deuteronomy 30:15-20
    On Turning On The Lights In The Church Building — Exodus 24:12-18

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  • Key To Life


    11 Chapters

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    I am a child of God. You are a child of God. That’s what “”Our Father”” means. No one is an orphan. We have a Father: He is powerful; He is eternal; He is loving; He is close by; He knows our thoughts; He knows our needs; He can handle any situation, and He will. (from Chapter One)

    The eleven chapters of this book provide a resource of new insights into the prayer Jesus taught to His disciples. It could be used for a sermon series, for private devotions, or for small study groups.

    Chapter titles include:
    Who’s In Charge
    God Provides Day By Day
    Can I Ever Be Forgiven?
    Am I A Forgiving Person?
    Standing Strong In Time Of Testing
    The Ultimate Dimension

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  • Reshaping Religious Education


    Celebrated religious educators Harris and Moran challenge the religious education community to risk change. They identify a process of creative and imaginative education, moving beyond traditional solutions while incorporating ecumenical and international perspectives.

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  • Equipping The Saints


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664257545ISBN10: 0664257542Sara JuengstBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1998Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • They Walked In The Spirit


    Many people believe that American Protestantism has been divided into two groups: those concerned with the impact of religion in the public sphere and those concerned with private faith, individual morality and personal evangelism. In his new book, Douglas Strong provides examples of people who built bridges over the apparent chasm between these two groups during the last 150 years, people who were able to develop a deep personal piety while working simultaneously to transform society. Selections from William Goodell, Julia Foote, William Seymour, Charles Stelzle, Vida Scudder, E. Stanley Jones, Clarence Jordan, and Orlando Costas are included.

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  • Foolishness Of Preaching A Print On Demand Title


    What is the foundation of good preaching? How should preachers prepare themselves to faithfully and effectively address the church? And, just as importantly, what ought congregants, who come to church to hear a word from God, hope for from their preachers? These are often asked – and often answered – questions. But Robert Farrar Capon tackles them with a freshness and a frankness that make both the questions and the answers new.

    In Part 1 of the book, “The Bedrock of Preaching,” Capon discusses how essential it is to have “a passion for the Passion” (to believe passionately in the Good News of salvation in Christ), how to overcome the stumbling blocks to genuinely accepting grace, and how to relinquish a false sense of control over our salvation. This part of the book also has important things to say to those of us who listen to sermons and who look to the pulpit for words of grace and hope that are truly meaningful to our lives today.

    In Part 2, “The Practice of Preaching,” Capon concentrates on the mechanics of preaching in anything but a mechanical way. He begins by discussing the ingredients of preaching, emphasizing the importance of not just reading but really hearing the Word in the original Greek and Hebrew, and offers some pointed comments on the Common Lectionary. He then goes on to illustrate how to preach effectively from notes, giving specific, day-by-day suggestions for preparation. He also shows, using the full text of one of his sermons as an example, how to preach from a more fully written manuscript and explains how to move from first notes to final notes for a sermon, again using some of his own notes as an example.

    In Capon’s creative hands these instructions are not just a nuts-and-bolts exercise; they are lively, challenging lessons in preaching that, for all their practical advice, never lose touch with the center of preaching and belief – the astonishing grace of Jesus Christ.

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  • Tres Meses En La Escuela De Pa (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


    Each of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These adaptable Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers.

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  • Martin Luthers Easter Book


    The late Roland Bainton, author of the much-respected Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther, has translated excerpts from Luther’s Easter sermons and included 18 handsome engravings from Luther’s 1562 Bible, depicting real human beings agonizing and exulting over the mysteries of faith.

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  • Deeply Woven Roots


    Improving the quality of life in your community. Gunderson takes the eight major strengths of congregations and shows how they can be used to fill the gap between what a health care system will pay for and what it won’t in caring for their members. Help your church become a more imaginative, courageous, and effective enabler of healing and well-being in personal and societal life.

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  • Counseling Troubled Youth


    Counseling Troubled Youth Each volume in this series focuses on practical ways to respond to a serious and difficult pastoral concern within clinical and congregational settings. Offering fresh insights from pastoral theology, each volume integrates the most up to date information in psychology and the human sciences. All the authors write out of firsthand counseling experiences as well as the most recent research on their topics. The result is an invaluable series for counselors and pastors who regularly face tough issues as they offer care to clients and congregants. Others in the Series: 4256678, Counseling Depressed Women 425666X, Counseling People with Cancer 4256562, Counseling African American Marriages and Families

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  • Antropologia Cultural – (Spanish)


    This book presents the field of anthropology from the Christian point of view. The authors with their experience as pastors, missionaries and academics offer an introduction to the appreciation of the different cultures created by God. Some of the subjects are anthropology and missions, verbal and non-verbal communication, economy and technology, marriage and family, group and communities, religions.

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  • Starting Small Groups


    In Starting Small Groups: Building Communities That Matter, Jeffrey Arnold discusses small groups and details step-by-step the method for designing a small-group ministry to fit a congregation’s unique situations. Adapted from a workbook format that allows each congregation to identify its own particular needs and character, this resource includes ways to plan, envision, and strategize for the formation of small groups.

    The author looks at significant issues related to designing or revamping a small-group ministry, including group types; group structure; leadership training and support; marketing; recruiting people into groups; answering the why, when, how, and what of groups; and evaluating so that positive changes can be continually made. Ending each chapter is a series of workbook-style questions. The answers to these questions form the structure and content of each church’s unique ministry design. While individuals, committees, and churches work their way through the questions, they may consult the sample strategy contained in an appendix at the end of the book.

    The writing style employed in this resource is simple, graphic, and easy to read. It is written so that both laypersons and pastors will be comfortable using it. Stories abound so that a process that may seem difficult comes to life in these pages.

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  • Preaching Doctrine : For The 21st Century


    SKU (ISBN): 9780800629656ISBN10: 0800629655Robert Hughes | Robert KysarBinding: Cloth TextPublished: November 1997Fortress Resources For PreachingPublisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • Cadences Of Home


    Many of today’s churchgoers wander in a world that was once structured and reliable, but now feels meaningless and incoherent. In this book, Walter Brueggemann argues for a dynamic transformation of preaching to help people find their spiritual home and to proclaim to the world that there is a home for all people.

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  • Crowd Breakers And Mixers


    1. Gags & Skits
    2. Mixers
    3. Meeting-Opening Contests
    4. Musical Crown Breakers
    5. Quizzes & Word Games
    6. Stunts
    7. Whole-Group Participation
    121 Pages

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    Welcome to the Ideas Library From Youth Specialites!
    So what’s the Ideas Library? Simply the most complete collection of practical youth ministry programming ideas on this planet. The ideas books set the pace for 20th-century youth ministry. And now they’re updated for 21st century youth groups-reorganized from the inside out for busy youth workers who need the perfect idea, and need it now.

    * Games
    * Games 2
    * Creative Meetings, Bible Lessons, & Worship Ideas
    * Holiday Ideas
    * Crowd Breakers & Mixers
    * Discussion & Lesson Starters
    * Discussion & Lesson Starters 2
    * Administration, Publicity, & Fundraising
    * Drama, Skits, & Sketches
    * Special Events
    * Camps, Retreats, Missions, & Service Ideas

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  • Camps Retreats Missions And Service Ideas


    Nearly 200 ideas for planning meaningful, memorable experiences for your kids! -Camps & Retreats . . . The drive up the mountain . . . The opening talk . . . The outdoor activities . . . The closing fireside — here’s a lodgeful of ideas for organizing successful camps and retreats. – Missions . . . Because even foreign mission work can start within our own borders, you’ll find dozens of ideas for helping overseas missionaries right here at home. A used-Bible drive, a scavenger hunt for missionary supplies — activities like these not only benefit missionaries, but also help your kids understand the personal, local aspects of mission work. – Service . . . Expose your students to others’ needs! Inside you’ll find ways to help children, the community at large, the elderly, the poor and homeless, shut-ins, and the sick and disabled Whether you’re a youth worker or recreation director in a church, school, club, or camp — Camps, Retreats, Missions, & Service Ideas is your storehouse of proven, youth-group tested ideas.

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  • Special Events


    1. Games And Sports Events
    2. Scavenger Hunts
    3. Treasure Hunts
    4. Other Hunts
    5. Theme Events
    6. Food Events
    7. Special Events With A Point
    8. Outings & Overnighters
    9. Races & Rallies
    10. Other Parties & Special Events

    207 Pages

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    More than 400 creative events for community building, outreach, and fun!

    * FOOD EVENTS: If there’s one thing kids know and appreciate, it’s food. Here’s everything from elegant feasts to slobfests galore.
    * GAMES AND SPORTS EVENTS: You don’t have to be a jock to have fun playing these sporting events.
    * OUTINGS AND OVERNIGHTERS: If you’re crazed enough to take a group of adolescents on the road-whether across town or across the state-here are plenty of trip ideas.
    * RACES AND RALLIES: Your group have a need for speed? Whether it’s cars, bikes, buses, or toilets-if it can be raced, you’ll find an idea for it here.
    * SPECIAL EVENTS WITH A PURPOSE: More than fun. These events carry significant spiritual, moral, or community value.

    And more-hunts and parties and theme events of all kinds!

    Whether you’re a youth worker or recreation director in a church, school, club, or camp-SPECIAL EVENTS is your storehouse of proven, youth-group tested ideas.

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  • Holiday Ideas


    Over 200 festive ideas for cranking up celebrations for every holiday imaginable! – Christmas . . . Here’s your one-stop Christmas programming center. You’ll find everything you need for the merriest Advent and Christmas season ever — goofy games, crazy carols, outrageous outings, and silly skits to fill even the biggest Christmas stocking. And, of course, Christmasy meetings and lessons to help your kids focus on the real reason for the season. – Easter & Lent . . . Worship activities, reenactments, Bible lessons, meeting plans, and service projects, all designed to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Plus games, puzzles, craft projects, and scavenger hunt ideas — all tied to an Easter theme. – Valentine’s Day . . . Play a memorable February 14th with these icebreakers, games, songs, activities, and Bible lessons — all about love, whether human or divine. – Thanksgiving . . . Wait until you see the potful of ideas that youth workers from Cape Cod to all points west have cooked up for you — Thanksgiving craft projects, skits, outings, parties, service projects, and Bible lessons. Plus More . . . All kinds of party and meeting ideas for St. Patrick’s Day, New Year’s, Halloween, Super Bowl Sunday, April Fool’s Day, Mother’s and Father’s Day celebrations, and graduation. Whether you’re a youth worker or a recreation director in a church, school, club, or camp — Holiday Ideas is your storehouse of proven, youth-group tested ideas.

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  • Discussion And Lesson Starters 2


    Nearly 150 more riveting, attention-getting openers that will pull your kids into animated discussion!
    *A PRIMER ON LEADING DISCUSSION-Starting a discussion, and keeping it going…the importance of confidentiality…asking questions that get responses…and working with different personalities.
    *35 CREATIVE WAYS TO START A DISCUSSION OR LESSON ON ANY TOPIC-Techniques general enough to fit just about any subject, but still quirky enough to attract adolescent attention.
    *DISCUSSION & LESSON STARTERS, BY TOPIC-What subject are you teaching this week? First, look up your subject-advertising ethics, atheism, the Bible, church, death and dying, discipleship, evangelism, priorities, spiritual gifts, television…or 30 more topics, all arranged alphabetically. Then choose the opener that fits your purposes and your group.

    In fact, many of these are virtually complete lessons in themselves, with questions, activities, parables, object lessons-all designed to draw opinions, thoughts, and feelings from your students.

    Whether you’re a youth worker or recreation director in a church, school, club, or camp-Discussion & Lesson Starters 2 is your storehouse of proven, youth group tested ideas.

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  • Games 2


    166 Pages In 11 Sections

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    So what’s the Ideas Library? Simply the most complete collection of practical youth ministry programming ideas on this planet. The Ideas books set the pace for 20th – century youth ministry. And now they’re updated for 21st century youth groups – reorganized from the inside out for busy youth workers who need the perfect idea, and need it now.

    Whether you’re a youth worker or recreation director in a church, school, club, or camp – GAMES 2 is brimming with notoriously wild, creative, and youth-group tested games!

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  • When Faith Is Tested


    When a religious caregiver visits a person who is suffering and dying or who is grieving a tragic death, questions arise concerning faith in God’s goodness and power.This book deals with the pastor’s preparation to deal with personal and cosmic issues of suffering and justice. Zurheide includes suggestions for conducting conversations with the dying.

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  • Martin Luthers Christmas Book


    The pain of childbirth, a defenseless babe lying in a cold manger, the violent slaughter of innocent children—Luther vividly portrayed the human reality surrounding God’s birth on Earth. Featuring 30 excerpts from Luther’s Christmas sermons, along with elegant engravings by Durer, Schongauer, and Altdorfer, this gift edition captures the timeless truths of the Christmas story.

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  • Discussion And Lesson Starters



    159 Pages In 4 Parts

    Additional Info
    More than 200 proven openers, questions, and activities that get students involved in your lessons!

    *A Primer On Leading Discussions-starting a discussion, and keeping it going…the importance of confidentiality…asking questions that get responses…and working with different personalities.
    *35 creative ways to start a discussion or lesson on any topic—techniques general enough to fit just about any subject, but still quirky enough to attract adolescent attention.
    *Discussion & lesson starters, by topic-what subject are you teaching this week? First, look up your subject-apologetics, attitude, dating, disabilities, family, the will of God…and more than 30 topics, all arranged alphabetically. Then choose the opener that fits your purposes and your group.

    In fact many of these openers are virtually complete lessons in themselves, with questions, activities, parables, object lesson-all designed to draw opinions, thoughts, and feelings from your students.

    Whether you’re a youth worker or recreation director in a church, school, club, or camp—Discussion & Lesson Starters is your storehouse of proven, youth group tested ideas.

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  • Childrens Sermons For The Revised Common Lectionary Year A


    “From the Publisher:” CHILDREN’S SERMONS FOR THE REVISED COMMON LECTIONARY YEAR A by Philip D. Schroeder How to use the five senses in delivering sermons. Each volume contains 52 sermons

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  • Introduction To Pastoral Care


    With 50 years of experience in the field of Christian counseling, Gerkin is eminently qualified to pen this introductory text on the art and science of pastoral care. With his emphasis on striking a balance between faith, culture, community, and individual well-being, Gerkin moves beyond conventional psychotherapeutic models. A memorable work and significant resource.

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  • Building For Effective Mission


    SKU (ISBN): 9780787938727ISBN10: 0787938726Kennon CallahanBinding: Cloth TextPublished: August 1997Publisher: Jossey-Bass, Inc./Wiley Print On Demand Product

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  • Childrens Sermons For The Revised Common Lectionary Year C


    “From the Publisher:” CHILDREN’S SERMONS FOR THE REVISED COMMON LECTIONARY YEAR C by Philip D. Schroeder How to use the five senses in delivering sermons. Each volume contains 52 sermons

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  • Childrens Sermons For The Revised Common Lectionary Year B


    “From the Publisher:” CHILDREN’S SERMONS FOR THE REVISED COMMON LECTIONARY YEAR B by Philip D. Schroeder How to use the five senses in delivering sermons. Each volume contains 52 sermons.

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  • Crisis In The Church


    Drawing on his wealth of experience as both a seminary professor and minister, John Leith identifies and confronts the contemporary crisis in theological education. He argues that the crisis in the seminaries is interwoven with the crisis in the church, and that the secularization of educational institutions has led seminaries to move away from their primary responsibility – preparing pastors for ministry.

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  • Sermon : Dancing The Edge Of Mystery


    This introductory-level textbook offers an overview of the sermon. The reader will learn of the revolution in homiletics of the past 25 years, and will be helped to understand the sermon in terms of the movement of time, place, shape, space, conflict, complication, and the “sudden shift” of the text.

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  • You Can Preach To The Kids Too


    A variety of ideas for making any sermon suitable for both children and adults.

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  • Leadership Is The Key


    Every clergyperson has a persona: the public role he or she assumes in performing ministry for a congregation or organization. For example, the roles of preaching, pastoring, and church administration “go with the territory” in most congregations. These tasks are part of the employment contract.

    Every clergyperson also has an anima: the true inner self, reflecting deeply held ideals of conduct. Because this inner core of being controls how a pastor lives out the details of ministry, anima determines how effectively he or she fits the needs of a particular congregation or ministry role. For example, a minister who relates poorly to youth is seldom productive as a youth minister.

    Listing twelve elements of the pastor’s anima mix, Herb Miller asserts that clergy are effective to the extent that the conscious and unconscious choices they make in developing each of these elements fit the needs of the congregation or church organization they serve. In Leadership Is the Key, he offers practical ways to influence these choices and maximize effectiveness in ministry.

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  • Teaming Up


    A comprehensive quide and workbook that involves youth in their own ministry and encourages them to become tomorrow’s church leaders.

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  • How Long Is Gods Nose


    Just how long is God’s nose anyway? And why would that have anything to do with controlling your temper? Why are you better off owning a dog or a cat than a pet walrus? Is the Big Dipper just a constellation — or a story of compassion written in starlight? You’ll find the answers in this delightful collection of children’s sermons by storyteller John Timmer. Bible story and fairy tale, true life and myth — Timmer shares each in turn in ninety jewel-like messages that children ages 5- 9 will take to heart . . . and whose freshness and imagination youth workers, teachers, and parents will love.

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  • Pastoral Record (Revised)


    This beautiful casebound record book allows pastors to keep a permanent record of special events in their ministry, marriages, funerals, and baptisms. Gift-boxed.
    Records for 40 years
    Acid-free paper

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  • Called Out With


    Heterosexuals tell their stories of the struggle for sexual justice in their congregations and their worlds. Inspiring stories of how twenty-seven Presbyterians decided to stand for the inclusion of sexual minorities in the church. Each person’s story is a testament to the struggle to live out personal faith in a public world.

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  • Interim Pastors Manual (Revised)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664500023ISBN10: 0664500021Alan GripeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1997Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Student Ministry For The 21 Century


    Why settle for a “youth group” . . . . . . when you can build a dynamic student ministry that keeps more and more students coming — and keeps them growing! From the director of Student Impact, one of the country’s largest and most effective student ministries, here is a clear, step-by-step approach that takes you for a quantum leap beyond merely:
    Maintaining a Youth Group . . . to Building a Student Ministry
    Activity-driven . . . To purpose-driven
    Unclear vision . . . To clear vision Inward focus
    Content with the “clique” . . . To outward focus, compassion for lost people
    Minimum growth . . . To consistent growth
    Songs and games . . . To worship and prayer
    Keeps the traditions . . . To evaluates for effectiveness
    “Baby-sitting” . . . To impacting the world.

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  • Counseling Lesbian Partners


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664255329ISBN10: 0664255329Joretta MarshallBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1997Counseling And Pastoral TheologyPublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Shoulder To Shoulder



    1. Thought My Pastor Was Supposed To Support Me’
    2. Champion Your Pastor’s Humanity
    3. Don’t Pick Up Your Marbles And Go Home
    4. “I’m Not Sure I Even Like My Pastor”
    5. Ten Keys To Connecting With Your Pastor
    6. The Power Of Priorities
    7. The ‘On Purpose” Prayer Partner
    8. “But I Don’t Want To Teach The Four-Year-Olds”
    9. God Loves A Cheerful Giver
    10. For Eagles Only
    About The Author P. 178

    Additional Info
    In this book you are about to learn many life-changing principles, insights, and practical tips. Here are just a few highlights:

    * Thought-provoking insights on the life of a pastor
    * The power of a partner
    * The five components of a winning team
    * The blessings of speaking the truth in love
    * How to find your place on the ministry team
    * Living with a spirit of generosity
    * The essential role of leadership in the church

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  • More Welcome Speeches


    Some General Words Of Welcome
    Welcome Speeches And Responses For Specific Occasions
    Children’s Day
    Youth Sunday
    Mother’s Day
    Father’s Day
    Graduate Recognition Day
    Deacon Ordination
    Pastor Anniversary/Appreciation
    Choir Day
    For Christian Unity
    Welcome Speeches Given By Children
    So Glad
    A Secret
    Too Little
    About To Start
    Poetry And Prayers

    Additional Info
    Sample speeches and responses for a variety of special occasions are included in this book, along with appropriate Scripture verses. These samples reflect the ways we honor God in both celebration and meditation. Use them as a handle when you are asked to give a speech or a response. You will find speeches for Pastor Appreciation Day, Church Anniversary, Choir Anniversary or Appreciation Day, Usher Board Day, Women’s Day, Men’s Day, and more. Another section contains poetry and prayers for use in speeches or short devotionals.

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  • Living Alone


    This series examines major changes that occur in the life cycle of a family: leaving home, becoming married, raising children, recommitting to a relationship–or committing to a new one–and living alone. Books address the major tasks of the family; rituals that enable effective transitions as those tasks change; beliefs and values from the Christian tradition that shape and are shaped by those family tasks; and pastoral opportunities in response to family life-cycle generations.

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  • Accountable Leadership : A Resource Guide For Sustaining Legal Financial An (Rev


    With reports of financial impropriety and clergy misconduct making headlines, accountable leadership and sound management practices have become priority concerns in congregations of every faith. Accountable Leadership speaks to congregation leaders, both clergy and laity, and to individuals who love the worshiping community and seek the tools that can enable everyone in it to better care for one another.

    This is a practical compAndium of resources for creating and managing a sound, effective, and fair congregation. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to include contemporary topics such as disturbing trAnds in reduced giving, new church-state issues, clergy misconduct and troublesome members, and legal issues associated with the congregation’s role as employer and provider of pastoral counseling.

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  • Theology For Preaching


    The heart of the postmodern mind-set is an awareness of the relativity of all human thought and action. In Theology for Preaching, three authors collaborate to discuss the implications for proclamation when the culture behaves as if all human thought and practices are relative. Tips for sermon composition and theme are proposed. Sample sermons are supplied to demonstrate awareness of the cultural shifts that make preaching a worthwhile challenge in a postmodern ethos.

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  • Clergy Killers : Guidance For Pastors And Congregation Under Attack


    In a startling survey by Leadership, it was discovered that 23 percent of Protestant clergy have been fired at least once, and, even more significantly, 41 percent of congregations have fired at least two pastors. Rediger offers conflict management tactics for these “abusive” congregations.

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  • Contemporary Worship : A Sourcebook For Spirited Traditional Praise And See


    This handbook contains everything a congregation needs in order to plan, launch, and stabilize contemporary worship services. Three formats for contemporary worship are shown: spirited-traditional, contemporary praise, and contemporary seeker (or outreach-oriented) services. The resources include sample formats, sample messages that are appropriate for the format, sample skits, interviews, or dramas, and a database of worship choruses that are appropriate to each of the three contemporary formats.

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  • Woman Battering


    This is a comprehensive resource for pastoral care in response to the trauma of woman-battering. Theologically grounded and practically applied, Woman Battering is the perfect combination to equip pastors and pastoral counselors to minister with battered women and battering men.

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  • Care Of Men


    “From the Publisher:” THE CARE OF MEN by Christie Cozad Neuger and James Newton Poling Provides new ideas for caregivers in helping men forge identities in a world of changing roles and expectations.

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  • Tres Meses En La Escuela Del E (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


    Each of the volumes in this series contains 13 major Bible studies, one for each week during a three-month period. In between each week’s study are six short, personal daily studies.
    Written in Spanish, the volumes are adaptable for use in various Bible study settings, including Sunday school, week-night studies, retreats, and personal Bible study.

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  • Mapping Christian Education


    Ecumenical approaches to congregational learning. Includes chapters on schooling, faith communities, social transformation, and future agenda. For CE directors and for use as text.

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  • Graying Gracefully : Preaching To Older Adults


    When pastors look out over their congregations, there’s a good chance that they see a lot of gray hair. This book gives practical instruction and examples of biblical and theological sermons to this growing population, enabling the preacher to proclaim the gospel more clearly for older adults. Covering topics from biblical and historical views of age to older adults’ need for social justice, each chapter concentrates on the practical issues for preaching to this group and contains a sermon to illustrate the application of the principles discussed.

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  • Learning Congregation : A New Vision Of Leadership


    Congregations today face an adaptive challenge of immense proportions. Many respond with classic signs of work avoidance: holding to past assumptions and blaming authority. Thomas Hawkins’s new vision of church leadership can provide a way to break through these defensive routines. The Learning Congregation is a must read for all pastors and church leaders.

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  • Deep Joy For A Shallow World Cycle C


    For those of you who have come here feeling lost, I have good news for you. For those of you who have come here willing to get lost, I have even better news. The good news is “fear not.” The God we worship specializes in finding lost people. (from Chapter 2)

    I would like to invite you to do the most difficult thing that can he asked of our culture, and that is to do nothing. I invite you to approach this night with open hands and hearts and do nothing. (from Chapter 5, Christmas Eve)

    I bring you good news of deep joy in a shallow world. No matter how many fears and failures you bring to this place … no matter how difficult it has been to get through an average day … no matter what … God is leading us to deep joy that is eternal in a world that is focused on entertainment. (from Chapter 10)

    Dr. Richard Wing captures the listener’s attention from the opening line in each of his sermons. But it doesn’t end there. His gripping messages continue to lift and inspire as he brings new depth of understanding to old texts.

    Sermon titles include:
    Made New By Interior Design — Luke 21:25-36, Advent 1
    Made New By Getting Lost — Luke 3:1-6, Advent 2
    Made New By Taking A Different Road Home — Luke 1:39-45, Advent 4
    Yours For The Asking — Luke 2:1-20, Christmas Eve/Day
    Living By The Calendar Instead Of The Clock — Luke 2:41-52, Christmas 1
    Is It Better To Catch Or Be Caught? — Luke 5:1-11, Epiphany 5
    … and more!

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  • Reckoning With Aggression


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664256685ISBN10: 0664256686Kathleen GreiderBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1997Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Grief Transition And Loss


    In Grief, Transition, and Loss, author Wayne Oates calls Christian caregivers to the task of attending to people facing moments of emergency and crisis. Throughout the book Oates draws on his own experiences of loss, and his extensive work with grieving people to build a theological and biblical understanding of the ways in which people encounter challenging times. The book covers a variety of losses–illness, death, separation and divorce, and even a range of work related issues–with sensitivity and grace, and equips caregivers with the tools needed to respond in helpful and lifegiving ways.

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  • Chain Of Command Cycle C


    These messages based on the Gospel of Luke are presented in a variety of styles:
    First person monologues
    Short tales to prove a point
    Traditional three-point manuscript
    A style unique to the author
    The focus is always on the scriptural passage and Wales always attempts to provide a strong exposition of its meaning.

    Sermon titles include:
    So Much To Say, So Little Time — John 16:12-15
    The Chain Of Command — Luke 7:1-10
    The Other Resurrection — Luke 7:11-17
    Simply Simon — Luke 7:36–8:3
    The Demons Within — Luke 8:26-39
    Ya Can’t Make Me — Luke 9:51-62
    Were We Surprised! — Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
    Who Was That Masked Man? — Luke 10:25-37

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  • All Stirred Up Cycle C


    Richard Patt’s sermons enable the reader/listener to perceive new truths in old stories. As one reads them, it might be tempting to challenge Patt’s observations, to argue against him, to debate his approach … but one is never bored. Only “stirred up” at times.

    Sermon titles, based on the Gospel of Luke, include:
    It’s Okay To Stir Up God — Luke 11:1-13
    The Fear Of Taking The Plunge — Luke 12:32-40
    Sabotaging The Sabbath — Luke 13:10-17
    The Crux Of Being A Christian — Luke 14:25-33
    Nobody Owes You Anything — Luke 17:5-10
    … and more!

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  • Good News Among The Rubble Cycle C


    Ormond looks at scripture in a new way and uncovers extraordinary inspiration through his penetrating insights. There is a surprise for the reader/listener in each sermon/chapter as the author explores the Bible passages.

    Sermon titles include:
    An Extremely Odd Couple — Luke 18:1-8
    When Self-Esteem Gets Out Of Hand — Luke 18:9-14
    Topsy-Turvy Christianity — Luke 6:20-31
    One Bride For Seven Brothers — Luke 20:27-38
    Good News Among The Rubble — Luke 21:5-19

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  • Preaching From The Pew


    In this deeply spiritual and prophetic collection of sermons, meditations, and prayers, Pat Brown takes the reader on a personal journey into and out of some of the most critical challenges facing the church in these turbulent and confusing times. She unveils her story of God’s handiwork in shaping her life as a child of the Reformed tradition and as the mother of a special needs son. In a time when the call for justice withers on the vine as the church struggles with itself, this book is required reading for every perplexed servant of Jesus Christ.

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  • Evangelism Is


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664500139ISBN10: 0664500137Clinton MarshBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1997Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Counseling African American Marriages And Families


    Counseling African American Marriages and Families Each volume in this series focuses on practical ways to respond to a serious and difficult pastoral concern within clinical and congregational settings. Offering fresh insights from pastoral theology, each volume integrates the most up to date information in psychology and the human sciences. All the authors write out of firsthand counseling experiences as well as the most recent research on their topics. The result is an invaluable series for counselors and pastors who regularly face tough issues as they offer care to clients and congregants. Others in the Series: 4256678, Counseling Depressed Women 425666X, Counseling People with Cancer 4256546, Counseling Troubled Youth

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  • Connecting To God


    Although spiritual growth occurs within an individual, Ware explains that it is the calling of the congregation to be a community of support and encouragement. Indeed, it is amidst the support of a group that an individual learns how to live out personal faith. Ware provides a very practical and accessible model of spiritual formation for self-directing groups that can be led by clergy or laity. Includes thorough guidelines, do’s and don’ts, and ground rules for the successful pursuit of spiritual growth in small groups. See also Ware’s helpful book on spiritual type on next page.

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  • Good Time To Be The Church


    “A good time to be the church is right now,” declares Bishop H. George Anderson. Rather than lamenting the lost influence of the church or dreaming of some golden age, Christians can see the spiritual hunger of our time as a special opportunity to speak and act boldly. Solidly grounded in the Bible and Christian history, and keenly aware of contemporary issues, the Lutheran bishop identifies Christian truths that are especially needed in our time. He recalls his own spiritual journey and encourages readers to tell their faith stories. In an engaging question-and- answer format, Anderson helps readers clarify their own beliefs and discover ways to share the Christian faith with others. With questions for reflection and discussion, along with suggested prayers and hymns, this book is a stimulating study guide for congregations, church councils, evangelism committees, and other Christian groups.

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  • Models For Christian Higher Education A Print On Demand Title


    This timely look at the state of Christian higher education in America contains descriptive, historical narratives that explore how fourteen Christian colleges and universities are successfully integrating faith and learning on their campuses despite the challenges posed by the increasingly pluralistic nature of modern culture. Written by respected representatives from seven major faith traditions – Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Mennonite, Evangelical, Wesleyan/Holiness, and Baptist/Restorationist – these narratives are also preceded by introductory essays that define the worldview and theological heritage of each given tradition and ask what that tradition can contribute to the task of higher education.

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  • Lectionary Tales For The Pulpit Series 2 Cycle C


    Readers will find 53 gripping stories that will amplify and illustrate the scriptural text for the lectionary for each Sunday. Many are adaptations from literature, while others are original.

    Preachers will use this resource to hold their listeners’ attention and help them understand the text. Many others will read it for their own inspiration.

    A topical and scriptural index at the back of the book will further aid preachers in using this resource for preaching and public speaking. The index covers subjects from “advice” to “work.”

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  • In The Carpenters Workshop 1


    As a seminary student Jerry Eckert listened to his seminary professor, Dr. W.J.A. Power, encourage his students to realize how much of scripture is story. “Let that reality enter your preaching,” he instructed them.

    Jerry Eckert became a master storyteller and began writing church members’ voices into his story sermons. The result of this involvement on the part of the congregation became a source of joy and fascination to both young and old at “sermon time.”

    Have you tried preaching story sermons? If you are interested in learning more ways in which this preaching style can be used, this book will become the most useful resource in your library.

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  • Its A Matter Of Faith And Life 3


    This book, one of a three-part series, is a narrative reflection on Dr. Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. Its uses are many:
    A companion guide for catechism classes.
    A manual for new adult member classes.
    A preaching resource.
    Inspirational reading for those who want to know more about the faith-life of a Christian.

    The book began as a video series broadcast on the Michigan City, Indiana, cable system. The series was also used in the catechetical instruction of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Michigan City, where Dr. Albertin is pastor.

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  • Its A Matter Of Faith And Life 2


    This book, one of a three-part series, is a narrative reflection on Dr. Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. Its uses are many:
    A companion guide for catechism classes.
    A manual for new adult member classes.
    A preaching resource.
    Inspirational reading for those who want to know more about the faith-life of a Christian.

    The book began as a video series broadcast on the Michigan City, Indiana, cable system. The series was also used in the catechetical instruction of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Michigan City, where Dr. Albertin is pastor.

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  • Its A Matter Of Faith And Life 1


    This book, one of a three-part series, is a narrative reflection on Dr. Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. Its uses are many:
    A companion guide for catechism classes.
    A manual for new adult member classes.
    A preaching resource.
    Inspirational reading for those who want to know more about the faith-life of a Christian.

    The book began as a video series broadcast on the Michigan City, Indiana, cable system. The series was also used in the catechetical instruction of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Michigan City, where Dr. Albertin is a pastor.

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  • 12 Keys To An Effective Church (Teacher’s Guide)


    In this indispensable companion volume to Twelve Keys to an Effective Church, Kennon Callahan offers a practical, step-by-step guide for the most productive long-range planning. This guide will help both pastors and church leaders assess the strengths and weaknesses of their churches in 12 areas — ranging from specific mission objectives to solid financial resources — and shows leaders how to determine which methods will work best to advance their church and move their congregations toward action, accomplishment, and success.

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  • Yoke Of Obedience


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687466603ISBN10: 0687466601Binding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1997Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Interventionist


    The most effective way to influence both individual and institutional behavior is to ask questions. The Interventionist provides a conceptual framework for asking questions about congregations, and it classifies various syndromes that prevent a church from making the changes that are needed for new life. It will help church leaders find a good match between the needs of the congregations and the gifts, skills, experience, personality, leadership style, and priorities of the candidate. The book is also a productive guide for the trained, career interim minister who comes purposely for six to twenty-four months to sort out the issues and syndromes that plague a congregation.

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  • Preaching As Local Theology And Folk Art


    Good preaching not only requires its practitioners to become skilled biblical exegetes. It also requires them to become adept in “exegeting” local congregations and their contexts, so that they can proclaim the gospel in relevant and transformative ways for particular communities of faith. Unfortunately, however, homiletical texts and courses have not always attended as carefully or thoughtfully to the exegesis of contexts as they have to the exegesis of the texts. While preachers have been provided with detailed methods for biblical interpretation, congregational interpretation has frequently been left to the intuition and hunches of the local pastor. This book seeks to correct that imbalance.

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  • Preaching As A Theological Task


    How do particular world situations impact preaching? How does a preacher use the gospel and Scripture to speak to those situations? This volume, in honor of homiletician David Buttrick, explores the complex and important relationships between world, gospel, and Scripture and their relevance for preaching theology.This book is for those seeking thoughtful and challenging new ways to approach the preaching task now and into the twenty-first century.

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  • Tres Meses En La Escuela De Ma (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


    Each of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers.

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  • Wrestling With The Patriarchs


    The voices of women in religious history are examined. Practical exercises and strategies, along with a six-session educational program, are offered for women clergy in general, for women preachers in particular, and for congregations as a whole. All of these focus on reclaiming women’s voices in the church and infusing the proclamation of God’s word with their individual, unique styles.

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  • 10 Habits For Effective Ministry


    Many pastors are stressed out, discouraged, and tempted to leave the ministry. Erdahl identifies 10 lifetime habits that can improve your effectiveness, including how to be lifelong learners, respect boundaries, encourage spiritual gifts, bond with your people, live by grace, and exercise pastoral/prophetic leadership.

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  • Healing Homiletic : Preaching And Disability


    In A Healing Homiletic: Preaching and Disability, Kathy Black offers a unique and effective approach for preaching about disabilities. By going to the heart of the gospel and drawing on the healing narratives or miracle stories, Black shows how preaching affects the inclusion or exclusion of forty-three million persons with disabilities from our faith communities. A Healing Homiletic provides a new method of preaching about healing, based on Scripture, for understanding the needs of the disability community.

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  • Victims And Sinners


    More than one million Americans participate in nearly 50,000 Alcoholics Anonymous groups in America. Addiction recovery groups such as A.A. often rely on religious themes in their work, offering a form of spirituality as a way to deal with life’s problems. Many recovery groups borrow selectively from theology because the full Christian doctrine of sin can be alienating for those in recovery. Linda Mercadante offers a theological critique of addiction recovery programs and proposes an alternate view of addiction that avoids both excessive blame and excessive victimization. This book is for pastoral counselors, clergy, laypersons, and recovery group members wanting to reassess addiction recovery from a theological perspective. It offers a wake-up call to the church to take seriously the need to establish recovery groups and to construct a language for better dialogue.

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  • Making Of A Leader


    History shows us: nations rise and fall according to how effective their leaders are. Frank Damazio tells us: so do churches! In The Making of a Leader, Damazio provides a deep discussion of what it means to be responsible for a group of “followers.” He explains the philosophy, history, qualifications, preparation, and practice of Christian leadership—and equips you to rise above the evil forces competing for lost souls.

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  • Joy Of Living


    Manufactured On Demand Title

    The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Philippi in order to help “make their joy complete.” In this practical exposition of the letter to the Philippians, J. Dwight Pentecost helps the reader discover a joy that transcends any circumstance and a contentment that is greater than any trial.

    Dr. Pentecost observes that “knowing Christ, walking in fellowship with Him, and being obedient to Him floods the life and heart and mind of the apostle Paul with an incomparable joy…so that in Christ he has found perfect rest, satisfaction, and contentment.”

    This commentary on the English text can be used for personal Bible study of sermon preparation. Helpful study and review questions are included at the end of each chapter. Some of the topics included are the antidote for worry, the secret of contentment, and the way to find joy in the midst of suffering.

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  • Pitfalls In Preaching A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    This informal yet substantive guidebook is designed to help clergy and pastors identify and avoid the major pitfalls that plague the preaching task. Richard Eslinger discusses with insight, humor, and concision what he sees as the most critical pitfalls in the various contexts of preaching and offers practical strategies for avoiding them. His book is also studded with highlighted quotations, pertinent references to a wide range of homiletical thinkers and concepts, boxed hints and suggestions, and brief bibliographies.

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  • Wild Truth Bible Lesson


    Ready to introduce your junior highers to wild examples of spiritual maturity? Check out biblical adventures of these people and the character qualities they exemplify — real people who, in wild Bible stories, did really wild things for God: – Kid King . . . Josiah (influencing others) – Wise Guy, the King of Good Decisions . . . Solomon (wise decisions) – Little Timmy, the Teenage Teacher . . . Timothy (living for God while still a young teen) – Dave’s posse . . . David’s mighty men (doing outrageous things for God) – Whiney Bro, the Fair-Share Demander . . . the Prodigal Son’s brother (demanding your rights) – Moe’s Mom, the Cruise Director . . . Moses’ mother (trusting God in difficult situations) – Pete, the Second-Chance Wonder . . . Peter (God’s forgiveness) – Samantha, the Water Woman . . . the woman at the well (racism). You won’t believe all the off-the-wall discussion starters, video ideas, scripts, games with a point — and, of course, Bible passages you can use to springboard junior highers into topics that don’t just mean the world to them, but are the world. Friendship. Embarrassment. Rights. Racism. Each lesson reaches back into history to underline for junior highers the reality of Old and New Testament people and principles — and then reaches forward, challenging your students to make better decisions, better friends, better lives. Each lesson thoroughly preps you to teach it, including convenient reminders of what materials you need and when you need them. And in each lesson students dig into Wild Pages that bring scriptural principles right into the kids’ own experience.

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  • Threat Of Life


    These twenty-two sermons from a master interpreter demonstrate how ancient texts can speak to the whole gamut of human experience even now. Included in Walter Brueggemann’s purview are keen observations about the timeless issues of human life, both personal and social: the pain we face, often inflicted on each other; the use and abuse of power; the weakness and fragility of life; the redemptive power of faith; and much more.

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  • African American Special Days


    15 Chapters

    Additional Info
    By blending the traditional elements of the worship service with African American culture, Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan provides a practical resource for planning those special Sundays that congregations celebrate throughout the year. African American Special Days contain fifteen services for special occasions, including:

    Children and Youth Days
    Sunday School, Graduation, and Promotion Days
    Homecoming and Family Reunions
    Mother’s and Father’s Days
    Women’s and Men’s Days
    Pastor’s Appreciation Day
    Officers’ Rededication Day
    Board and Auxiliary Days
    Choir Anniversary
    Black History Celebration

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  • How To Speak To Youth And Keep Them Awake At The Same Time


    Speaking to youth is challenging. Here’s the help you’ve been looking for. . . . How to Speak to Youth is packed with tons of tips to make you a better speaker with any size group large or small.
    You’ll enhance your communication skills with – A proven system for preparing dynamic talks – Exercises to improve your voice, gestures, and eye contact – Techniques to use the humor you find in everyday life – Ideas to make Scriptures come alive. And you’ll discover ways to- Prepare with focus – Speak with clarity – Communicate with power. Plus, you’ll enjoy the many humorous illustrations peppered throughout the book. You’ll discover your potential to speak to kids and keep them awake at the same time.

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  • Preparing For Christian Ministry (Limited)


    Students preparing for vocational ministry in seminaries and colleges encounter unique challenges and opportunities. Preparing for Christian Ministry assists students by providing seasoned advice from professors on a variety of themes: the call and transition into ministry training, personal and professional developmental issues, the tasks of ministry, and contemporary social and ethical issues.

    This text was written by former and current professors at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary who were commissioned to write articles in their area of expertise that would be appropriate for use in the seminary’s first-year “Formation for Christian Ministry” classes.

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