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Love and Marriage

Showing 1–100 of 357 results

  • 3 2 1 Marriage Participant Guide Semester 1 (Student/Study Guide)


    God designed marriage as one of His greatest gifts to us.

    321 Marriage Ghelps couples discover the hidden gems awaiting them when they let God define how they walk out their marriages. Only when you follow His plan can you discover the true joy and fulfillment He had in mind. Whether you are just laying the early foundation as newlyweds or desiring fresh wind in the seasoned sails of your marriage, we want to encourage you on the journey and help you discover that God’s plan for a dynamic marriage is possible!

    Developed oby a couple for couples, this unique 12-week course is designed to encourage couples toward healthy and thriving God-honoring marriages. Session topics cover the foundational areas where most couples struggle, including:

    *Prayer–how to build your marriage on prayer togetherd
    *Kindness–what that really looks like in a marriage
    *Needs–how each partner is different
    *Love–how to provide security and connection to each other
    *Money–how to act as one while thinking individually
    *Family–how to prevent or navigate volatile dynamics

    The leader guide offers exclusive digital content, including supporting biblical commentary for each lesson. You can find it at

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  • How To Build A Thriving Marriage As You Care For Children With Disabilities


    Building a vibrant and joyful marriage is always a challenge. When you add the stresses inherent in parenting children with disabilities, it becomes both more difficult and more critical.

    Once on the brink of divorce, Kristin and Todd Evans uncovered the unique set of skills critical for growing a fulfilling relationship amid the extraordinary challenges of caring for their two children with special needs. Now they are sharing their hard-won discoveries and inspiring marriage story with you. Weaving together insights from Scripture, research, and clinical and personal experience, Kristin and Todd offer you the practical relationship tools you need to save, strengthen, and enjoy your marriage. They help you:

    – identify your unique needs
    – assess your strengths and weaknesses
    – set your priorities
    – develop healthy stress management skills
    – deepen your communication and connection
    – tackle problems as a team
    – find ways to rest and recharge
    – nurture sexual intimacy
    – build a strong support network
    – and so much more

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  • How To Build A Thriving Marriage As You Care For Children With Disabilities


    Building a vibrant and joyful marriage is always a challenge. When you add the stresses inherent in parenting children with disabilities, it becomes both more difficult and more critical.

    Once on the brink of divorce, Kristin and Todd Evans uncovered the unique set of skills critical for growing a fulfilling relationship amid the extraordinary challenges of caring for their two children with special needs. Now they are sharing their hard-won discoveries and inspiring marriage story with you. Weaving together insights from Scripture, research, and clinical and personal experience, Kristin and Todd offer you the practical relationship tools you need to save, strengthen, and enjoy your marriage. They help you:

    – identify your unique needs
    – assess your strengths and weaknesses
    – set your priorities
    – develop healthy stress management skills
    – deepen your communication and connection
    – tackle problems as a team
    – find ways to rest and recharge
    – nurture sexual intimacy
    – build a strong support network
    – and so much more

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  • How To Stay Married


    One gorgeous autumn day, Harrison discovers that his wife–the sweet, funny, loving mother of their three daughters, a woman “who’s spent just about every Sunday of her life in a church”–is having an affair with a family friend. This revelation propels the hysterical, heartbreaking events in How to Stay Married, casting our narrator onto “the factory floor of hell,” where his wife was now in love with a man who “wears cargo shorts, on purpose.” What will he do? Kick her out? Set fire to all her panties in the yard? Beat this man to death with a gardening implement? Ask God for help in winning her back?

    Armed only with a sense of humor and a hunger for the truth, Harrison embarks on a hellish journey into his past, seeking answers to the riddles of faith and forgiveness. Through an absurd series of escalating confessions and betrayals, Harrison reckons with his failure to love his wife in the ways she needed most, resolves to fight for his family, and in a climax almost too ridiculous to be believed, finally learns that love is no joke.

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  • Love Busters : Protect Your Marriage By Replacing Love-Busting Patterns Wit


    End-Times Prophecy Does Not Need to Be Complicated Or Confusing… “Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.” –Matthew 24:42The words of Jesus remind Christians that–even though we do not

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  • Home Built From Love And Loss


    Grieving is part of every blended family.

    Sabrina and her new husband were both widowed when their families blended, so grieving was expected. They recognized the losses suffered in their families would take time to heal. What they have since learned is that every blended family experiences grieving whether you are widowed or divorced. And the process usually takes longer than expected.

    Sabrina vulnerably shares her personal experiences and struggles, revealing her mistakes and fears that she had early on in her new marriage and with her new family. In A Home Built from Love and Loss, you’ll learn to:

    *work through different parenting styles as a stepmother or stepfather;

    *parent kids in different ages and stages of development (hormones, personalities, and power dynamics);

    *compassionately address chaos and hurt feelings together and independently;

    *deal with feelings of guilt;

    *handle initial rejection from stepchildren;

    *glean biblical wisdom on how to do life together with grace;

    *connect better on an emotional level with your newly-formed family while keeping traditions that have grounded your family; and

    *honor the bereaved or divorced spouse.

    For anyone facing the challenges of blended families, A Home Built from Love and Loss offers practical advice and spiritual guidance to find hope in the midst of grief.

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  • New Marriage Same Couple


    “For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.” We say those words and mean them. Until we don’t. This is a book about creating a different, better, new kind of marriage with the exact same person–no matter how dire the circumstances–with vision, commitment, and hope in the Lord.

    Remember those early days of love? When your heart felt all fluttery, and you saw your person through rose-colored glasses? They could do no wrong. You were going to have the most beautiful life with big adventures and lots of sex. Of course, everyone says marriage is work, you knew that. But that was okay; you could get through anything together. It was going to be great.

    Until it wasn’t.

    Something happened. Or maybe nothing happened. Maybe it was one big something, or a lot of little somethings over many years that landed you in a marriage you hardly recognize. For Josh and Katie Walters, it was a big something: infidelity. Now they counsel couples who find themselves exactly where they were: lost, hopeless, and unsure of how to fix their marriage.

    This book lays out the principles Josh and Katie learned in that season when God healed and restored their marriage. This process is broken into four parts and is an acronym for the word STAY:

    *S–start with you. (Discovering that when one person changes, the entire relationship changes.)

    *T–take quitting off the table. (Bringing your whole self to the solution and not checking out mentally and emotionally.)

    *A–allow others to be a part of your journey. (Trusting the right people, in the right ways, at the right time.)

    *Y–yield to vision. (Looking past what is and imagining what could be.)

    New Marriage, Same Couple is a book about hope. It’s about how to create a brand-new marriage with your spouse, whether you’ve been married for a short time, or for decades.

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  • 4 Relationship Styles


    Whether we know it or not, relationship styles cause some people to naturally thrive in relationships and others to struggle. According to attachment theory, we tend to experience love in predictable ways–some of which are healthy and some of which are not–based on our style and that of our partner.

    The good news is, whatever relationship style you have naturally, you’re not stuck with it! Using the strategies found in this book, you can:

    – identify your relationship style (and your partner’s)
    – understand the strengths and challenges of that style
    – overcome feelings of rejection and failed relationships
    – recognize the patterns and behaviors that are affecting your relationships
    – develop better ways to express and receive love

    If you’ve been caught in a cycle of unsatisfying relationships, discover how attachment theory can help you take the guesswork out of understanding why people behave the way they do–especially in times of stress–so you can find and sustain a love that lasts.

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  • 4 Relationship Styles


    Whether we know it or not, relationship styles cause some people to naturally thrive in relationships and others to struggle. According to attachment theory, we tend to experience love in predictable ways–some of which are healthy and some of which are not–based on our style and that of our partner.

    The good news is, whatever relationship style you have naturally, you’re not stuck with it! Using the strategies found in this book, you can:

    – identify your relationship style (and your partner’s)
    – understand the strengths and challenges of that style
    – overcome feelings of rejection and failed relationships
    – recognize the patterns and behaviors that are affecting your relationships
    – develop better ways to express and receive love

    If you’ve been caught in a cycle of unsatisfying relationships, discover how attachment theory can help you take the guesswork out of understanding why people behave the way they do–especially in times of stress–so you can find and sustain a love that lasts.

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  • Enneagram In Marriage


    Most books exploring the Enneagram are focused on understanding oneself. But how does the Enneagram lend insight to our relationships? Specifically, your relationship with your spouse and the unique pairing you share?

    In this incredibly practical and easy-to-understand book, counselor and psychologist Christa Hardin combines her expertise in psychological assessment and marriage and family counseling to explore all 45 possible Enneagram pairings in relationships. She calls it the Enneagram Glow–the unique, mutual influence of two types in intimate relationship across the seasons and shifts that every couple experiences. She helps you learn to

    * understand your partner’s emotions and reactions
    * extend more grace to your partner and yourself
    * have productive conversations that foster connection
    * build a legacy together with intention

    You’ve never read a relationship book or an Enneagram book like this before! Discover how you and your partner can build on your shared gifts, overcome the shadows, and shine a bright and beautiful light on each other and everyone you encounter.

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  • How To Put Love First


    Do you feel your relationships are lacking deep connections? Do you feel your time with God could be more rewarding? New York Times bestselling author Sadie Robertson Huff and her husband, Christian, invite you on a 90-day journey to embrace a life-giving relationship with God and experience authentic, healthy relationships with your people and your community.

    You are meant to be in relationships that bring joy and connection–that help you know soul-deep peace and leave you feeling loved instead of lonely. Instead, surface-level friendships, filtered social media feeds, unresolved conflicts, and unhealthy relationships can often seem to harm our self-worth, spiritual growth, and mental health–and keep us from the very relationships that could bring that true connection.

    How to Put Love First reminds you that prioritizing and deepening your love relationship with God is the key to growing healthy relationships in every area of life. Through personal stories of their own walks with God, their pitfalls and victories in relationships of all kinds, and biblical encouragement, Sadie and Christian will help you:

    *Find peace and connection in your relationship with God
    *Enjoy healthier, happier relationships with close friends and family
    *Learn how to resolve conflict, offer forgiveness, and endure loneliness
    *Reap the mental and spiritual health benefits of thriving in community

    As an added bonus, Dr. Josh Kirby, a psychologist and life coach, joins Sadie and Christian to speak into some of the key themes in the book to offer informed, practical counsel to further help you incorporate these important teachings into your life.

    If your relationships feel more frustrating than life-giving or if you feel like something deeply important is missing in your life, join Sadie and Christian on this 90-day challenge to discover the joy and freedom of being loved and loving well.

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  • Enneagram In Marriage


    Most books exploring the Enneagram are focused on understanding oneself. But how does the Enneagram lend insight to our relationships? Specifically, your relationship with your spouse and the unique pairing you share?

    In this incredibly practical and easy-to-understand book, counselor and psychologist Christa Hardin combines her expertise in psychological assessment and marriage and family counseling to explore all 45 possible Enneagram pairings in relationships. She calls it the Enneagram Glow–the unique, mutual influence of two types in intimate relationship across the seasons and shifts that every couple experiences. She helps you learn to

    * understand your partner’s emotions and reactions
    * extend more grace to your partner and yourself
    * have productive conversations that foster connection
    * build a legacy together with intention

    You’ve never read a relationship book or an Enneagram book like this before! Discover how you and your partner can build on your shared gifts, overcome the shadows, and shine a bright and beautiful light on each other and everyone you encounter.

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  • How To Stay Married


    One gorgeous autumn day, Harrison discovers that his wife–the sweet, funny, loving mother of their three daughters, a woman “who’s spent just about every Sunday of her life in a church”–is having an affair with a family friend. This revelation propels the hysterical, heartbreaking events in How to Stay Married, casting our narrator onto “the factory floor of hell,” where his wife was now in love with a man who “wears cargo shorts, on purpose.” What will he do? Kick her out? Set fire to all her panties in the yard? Beat this man to death with a gardening implement? Ask God for help in winning her back?

    Armed only with a sense of humor and a hunger for the truth, Harrison embarks on a hellish journey into his past, seeking answers to the riddles of faith and forgiveness. Through an absurd series of escalating confessions and betrayals, Harrison reckons with his failure to love his wife in the ways she needed most, resolves to fight for his family, and in a climax almost too ridiculous to be believed, finally learns that love is no joke.

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  • Praying The Scriptures For Your Marriage


    Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage equips you with powerful and life-changing prayers that will strengthen your marriage and help you discover the peace, provision, and joy that comes from trusting God with your most important relationship.

    God has good things planned for your marriage. He wants to fill you with joy in his presence. And he invites you to partner with him, through your prayers, to experience his richest blessings.

    Whether you’re newly engaged or celebrating a golden anniversary, navigating an exciting new season or just barely hanging on, brand new to prayer or have been talking to God your whole life, Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage helps you find ways to pray for every part of your most important relationship. From praying through a health crisis, parenting issues, job loss, a move, or simply daily love and communication, bestselling author Jodie Berndt covers some of the most common marriage struggles in this helpful, powerful, and thoughtful guide.

    Jodie vulnerably shares stories from her own marriage of almost forty years, as well as wisdom gleaned from teaching marriage courses and mentoring other couples, to guide you to:

    *Pray specifically and powerfully for the top struggles married couples face
    *Approach crisis situations with God’s promises and perspective
    *Discover simple and natural ways to support and pray with your spouse
    *Develop a more loving, joyful, and deeply connected marriage through scriptural prayers personalized for your own relationship

    Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage is the latest addition to the bestselling Praying the Scriptures series. With short, easy-to-read chapters, this book invites you to read, reflect, and respond as you pray the Scriptures over every part of your marriage–whether you choose to do it individually or together with your spouse. Discover the provision and peace of God as you pray his Word over your marriage.

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  • Together For A Purpose


    A unique story of two seasoned travelers who find each other and marry later in life is told from two viewpoints with openness and candor. This engaging and often humorous narrative written by a high-powered Christian woman publisher and a ready-for-retirement widowed pastor deals with change and criticism, blended families, issues of compatibility, and meshing as a couple. More than just a love story, this growing-in-faith story touches on what we all long for-belonging, being loved for who we are, and finding a place of service to God and purpose in our everyday lives.

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  • Together For A Purpose


    A unique story of two seasoned travelers who find each other and marry later in life is told from two viewpoints with openness and candor. This engaging and often humorous narrative written by a high-powered Christian woman publisher and a ready-for-retirement widowed pastor deals with change and criticism, blended families, issues of compatibility, and meshing as a couple. More than just a love story, this growing-in-faith story touches on what we all long for-belonging, being loved for who we are, and finding a place of service to God and purpose in our everyday lives.

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  • Hope Is Where The Heart Is


    In Hope Is Where the Heart Is, Jim Pourteau shares the story of how he and his wife, Shannon, found healing and restoration in their marriage after betrayal and brokenness.
    Have you made mistakes, wrong choices, or foolish decisions that have negatively affected your life and the people you love?

    Jim Pourteau has you beat.

    Jim was the guy who did everything “right.” He was a spiritual leader in one of the largest congregations in the Northeast, the go-to guy when others needed advice. Yet he nearly destroyed his marriage by having an affair with one of his wife’s best friends.

    But Hope Is Where the Heart Is is about much more than the demise of Jim’s marriage and how he and his wife, Shannon, discovered how to put it back together. It is a roadmap for overcoming hardships, for finding strength to face another day–or to make it through the long, dark night of your soul–forging ahead in faith, and persevering despite the circumstances or opinions of others.

    This story will cause you to ask, “What would I do in a similar situation? How can I better handle betrayal and rejection?” Most of all, it will evoke the question, “What really matters?”

    Whether you have a great marriage, or your relationship is in trouble, Hope Is Where the Heart Is offers a different approach to facing your challenges. Within these pages, you will find one of life’s most valuable assets– hope!

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  • Loving Your Husband Well


    Imagine if, at the end of the year, despite your busy schedules and all the demands on your time and attention, you and your husband were more in sync, more connected, and more in love than ever before. Sounds amazing, right?

    That kind of marriage is what is waiting for you as you read through the 52 weekly devotions in Loving Your Husband Well. Each entry includes a specific theme, related Scripture, a powerful devotion, a prayer, thoughts for further reflection, and practical ideas, all designed to help you love, cherish, and serve the man who shares life’s journey with you.

    Perfect when read alongside your husband’s Loving Your Wife Well, this devotional will still transform your relationship even if you work through it on your own.

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  • Loving Your Husband Well


    Imagine if, at the end of the year, despite your busy schedules and all the demands on your time and attention, you and your husband were more in sync, more connected, and more in love than ever before. Sounds amazing, right?

    That kind of marriage is what is waiting for you as you read through the 52 weekly devotions in Loving Your Husband Well. Each entry includes a specific theme, related Scripture, a powerful devotion, a prayer, thoughts for further reflection, and practical ideas, all designed to help you love, cherish, and serve the man who shares life’s journey with you.

    Perfect when read alongside your husband’s Loving Your Wife Well, this devotional will still transform your relationship even if you work through it on your own.

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  • Loving Your Wife Well


    Imagine if, at the end of the year, despite your busy schedules and all the demands on your time and attention, you and your wife were more in sync, more connected, and more in love than ever before. Sounds amazing, right?

    That kind of marriage is what is waiting for you as you read through the 52 weekly devotions in Loving Your Wife Well. Each entry includes a specific theme, related Scripture, a powerful devotion, a prayer, thoughts for further reflection, and practical ideas, all designed to help you love, cherish, and serve the woman who shares life’s journey with you.

    Perfect when read alongside your wife’s Loving Your Husband Well, this devotional will still transform your relationship even if you work through it on your own.

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  • Why Marriage Counseling Fails


    Like life itself, marriage has moments of joy…and sorrow. As difficult as marriage can be, many who have said “I do” try to stick it out when problems arise because the alternative–being alone–is not very appealing. If the couple truly wants to save their marriage, they usually turn to counseling.

    Unfortunately, most marriage counseling ends with the couple dropping out and then, more often than not, ending their relationship. In some cases, the problem is not the couple but their choice of counselor. One who is poorly trained, disinterested, or obviously biased can destroy a marriage.

    Why Marriage Counseling Fails explores different scenarios that cause problems for couples as well as the different types of counselors who can help or harm a marriage. Dr. David B. Hawkins has more than forty-five years of experience as a marriage counselor and has helped thousands of couples save their marriages.

    “Sadly, when it comes to reaching out for help for marriage counseling, few have a sense of trust and confidence in their counselor,” he says. “Stories abound about how they came out of a counseling session worse than when they went in.”

    Dr. Hawkins defines the “five I’s” of a qualified marriage counselor as one who:

    *Offers wise instruction
    *Takes an active interest in the couple
    *Offers insight into why problems recur
    *Is willing to work intensively
    *Works in-depth to help the couple find long-term solutions

    Why Marriage Counseling Fails offers insights into marital issues, the brokenness of the counseling system, how to find good help, and how to insist upon effective help when turning to a counselor.

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  • Preparing For Marriage (Revised)


    Created by FamilyLife, one of America’s leading marriage and family ministries, Preparing for Marriage is a dynamic, comprehensive program designed to help you prepare for life together after the cake is cut and the guests head home. That is when the real adventure begins–the adventure of creating an intimate, lasting, and biblical marriage!

    This third edition is again restructured and refreshed for today’s young couples, while still offering the solid, dependable information it has since first published.

    Centered around five essential conversations about God, finances, sex, and more, inside you’ll find a fun, romantic study that will help you target areas for growth in your relationship. You can work through Preparing for Marriage as a couple or with a mentoring couple, pastor, or premarital counselor.

    Don’t just plan your wedding . . . prepare for your marriage!

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  • Conversation Starters For Couples


    Become a student of your partner, find out what makes them tick, reconnect, or simply have some fun when you engage using the Conversation Starters for Couples Boxed Set. Relationships require time and effort, so set some time aside to purposefully connect with the one you love.

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  • 5 Steps To Romantic Love (Workbook)


    Five Steps to Romantic Love will help you and your spouse to know and meet each other’s needs and overcome the habits that destroy your love. This workbook takes the proven concepts found in Dr. Harley’s His Needs, Her Needs and Love Busters and helps you make them a reality in your marriage. All of the worksheets, inventories, and questionnaires that Dr. Harley recommends in these two bestsellers are available here in a full-sized and easily reproducible format. Fall in love again and enjoy an intimate, passionate marriage that lasts.

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  • Intended For Pleasure


    God gave humankind the gift of sex. But many couples don’t experience the kind of joy and fulfillment God intended. If you’ve ever been frustrated with a lack of intimacy in your marriage, or if you just want to know more about how you can get the most out of your relationship, Intended for Pleasure is for you. This honest and frank resource will answer your questions about sex and sexuality, improving sexual response, sex techniques for pregnancy, birth control, sex at any age, solutions for sexual problems, and much more. All of the questions you’ve been afraid to ask (or didn’t even know to ask!) are answered right here.

    A perfect gift for newlyweds and a trusted resource for pastors and marriage counselors, this classic book has helped more than a million people understand and enjoy the gift God intended for pleasure.

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  • No I Cant Make Your Wife Disappear


    Your marriage can be magical.

    World-renowned illusionist Danny Ray pulls back the curtain and shares the biblical truths he has discovered in his career to expose the secrets of a successful marriage. Drawing from his own experiences of building an enduring, magical marriage, Danny, together with his wife Kimberly, will help you unlock the secrets to:

    *Experience effective communication
    *Overcome impossible situations
    *Thrive in your marriage

    No, I Can’t Make Your Wife Disappear is a lighthearted, practical, and sometimes hard-hitting guide to building a stronger relationship with your spouse. So don’t ask the magician to make your spouse vanish! Instead embrace his secrets for a magical marriage and enjoy a lifelong, loving, fun-filled relationship.

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  • Married Sex : A Christian Couple’s Guide To Reimagining Your Love Life


    A unique, comprehensive guide to sexual intimacy for Christian couples in every season of marriage.

    A great sex life is something you make, not something you find. If you feel confused or frustrated about your sex life–or simply wonder, Is there more to it than this?–Married Sex is exactly what you need to make your marriage stronger, in and out of the bedroom.

    Including the stories of real-life couples, research results from hundreds of comprehensive surveys, and professional perspective from a bestselling spiritual writer and a licensed counselor, Married Sex will:

    *Help you understand why married sex is one of God’s best ideas
    *Teach you the inner workings of your body and your spouse’s body in order to achieve optimal pleasure
    *Guide you through the most common sexual problems couples have and what to do about them
    *Help you see how your past experiences and expectations influence your present sex life
    *Give you practical suggestions and techniques to enhance your sexual experience
    *Encourage you to take ownership in the process of making love, seeing a great sex life as a beautiful opportunity to honor both God and your spouse

    Psychology, theology, research, story, and let’s-get-started ideas combine to make Married Sex a resource for you and your spouse like no other book you’ve read before. Discover practical, biblically informed answers to your questions about intimacy as you find more satisfaction in your marriage than ever.

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  • Dating With Discernment


    Done with dating? Don’t know where to start? Wondering if your date is the one to marry? Pastor-scholar Sam Andreades brings single Christians in that vulnerable life moment the practical, theological help to make the dangerous decision confidently. Bringing the Bible’s wisdom on relationships to bear on the dating scene, he helps you lay a foundation for a love that lasts.

    This book will teach you how to:

    *Confidently say good-bye to ill-suited suitors

    *Deepen your relationship with God as you date

    *Find, and make a lifelong commitment to, a worthy, compatible mate

    *Understand the role of gender in developing intimacy

    *Form a strong foundation for marriage in your dating as you grow into what marriage is about

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  • Grace-filled Marriage : Strengthened And Transformed Through God’s Redempti


    Marriage is a beautiful expression of love. Yet it can also sometimes cause us pain. We need God’s help and grace to navigate this most precious of relationships well.

    Interwoven with biblical teaching and practical application, Claire and Steve Musters honestly share their own story of rebuilding a marriage after loneliness, betrayal and separation as well as telling the stories of other couples who have faced specific challenges such as infertility, physical and mental ill health.

    Whether you want to lay good foundations in your marriage, or feel you are struggling and need help, Grace-Filled Marriage will encourage you that God has a new portion of grace and mercy for you each day.

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  • Strengthen Your Marriage


    Bestselling authors and trusted relationship experts Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott help you strengthen and enhance your unique marriage with the perfect companion to your SYMBIS+ Assessment Report.

    The SYMBIS+ Assessment is a powerful and personalized marriage insight tool that covers 17 key areas in your marriage, including well-being, social support, finances, personality, sex, communication, conflict, spirituality, time styles, and more.

    Whether you are debriefing your SYMIBS+ Report one-on-one with your certified Facilitator or in a small group or class, this guidebook is an ideal companion to the SYMBIS+ Assessment. Each chapter perfectly correlates to a page of your report–and they are sure to enhance your experience by helping you deepen your understanding of your results, personalize the concepts, and apply the valuable insights you learn.

    Chock-full of real-life action steps, no-guilt exercises, and fun discussion starters, you’ll discover how to:

    *Utilize the strengths you and your spouse bring to your marriage
    *Navigate your hot-button issues
    *Cultivate deeper intimacy and lifelong passion
    *Kick financial worries to the curb
    *Engage in heartfelt and meaningful conversations free of the usual tension

    Whether you have already debriefed your SYMBIS+ Report with a certified SYMBIS Facilitator, or you are about to, don’t miss out on what Strengthen Your Marriage will do for your relationship.

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  • Womans Influence : Own Your WORTH, Cultivate Your POWER, And Change Your RE


    From celebrity life coach and motivational speaker, Tony Gaskins Jr. and his wife, Sheri, comes an essential guide with hard-hitting truths about a woman’s undeniable influence on a relationship–and the power she has to change her man for the better.

    Tony Gaskins has inspired others by sharing his truth–drawing millions of followers online and making him one of America’s foremost experts on love and relationships. Now, he and his wife explore a woman’s positive impact on a relationship in this practical and accessible guide that walks you through a series of irreplaceable lessons on making personal changes that foster healthy relationships. Tony and his wife, Sheri, draw on their own relationship successes and failures as they examine the eighteen time-tested truths about how a woman’s influence can shift a relationship for the better–if used correctly.

    Including advice for women such as “you are not a maid,” “show don’t tell,” and the “72-hour rule”–where the woman makes herself totally unreachable to her partner–Tony and Sheri tackle all of today’s important topics such as misogyny and the “grown boy syndrome,” while never losing the empowering and empathetic tone that Tony’s loyal following has come to love and trust.

    Whether you are single, dating, engaged, or married, A Woman’s Influence is a hopeful response to a culture where men behave badly and women are victimized all too often. By providing a vision that empowers women to know their worth and simultaneously bring out the best in men, this guidebook can help you make a lasting, positive change to your relationship.

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  • Lifelong Love : Discovering How Intimacy With God Breathes Passion Into You (Rev


    A good marriage isn’t something found; it’s something made. In this revised and updated edition of the bestselling book A Lifelong Love, author Gary Thomas shares that when couples pursue spiritual purpose and worship it builds lasting intimacy and friendship between them.

    In A Lifelong Love, Thomas takes couples on three essential journeys leading to a strong marriage:
    *The journey toward each other
    *The journey toward God
    *The journey toward love

    Whether readers are feeling discouraged about their marriage or simply want to infuse their relationship with greater spiritual and relational passion, A Lifelong Love offers the guidance they need to embrace the eternal intentions that God has for them.

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  • Vertical Marriage : The One Secret That Will Change Your Marriage


    Honest to the core and laugh-out-loud funny, marriage coaches Dave and Ann Wilson share the one key secret that brought them from the brink of divorce to a healthy and vibrant relationship.

    He never saw it coming. It was the night of Dave and Ann’s tenth wedding anniversary and if asked how their marriage was doing, Dave would have said a 9.8 out of 10 and he even guaranteed Ann would say the same. But instead of giving a celebratory kiss, Ann whispered, “I’ve lost my feelings for you.”

    Divorce seemed inevitable. But starting that night, God began to reveal to Dave and Ann the most overlooked secret of getting the marriage we are looking for: the horizontal marriage relationship just doesn’t work until the vertical relationship with Christ is first.

    As founders of a multi-campus church and marriage coaches with 30 years of experience, Dave and Ann share the hard-earned but easy-to-apply biblical principles that ensure a strong marriage. Written in a funny and highly relatable dialogue between both husband and wife, Vertical Marriage will guide you toward building a vibrant relationship at every level including communication, conflict, intimacy, and romance–though Dave is still figuring that last one out. Through their unique perspectives, they share an intimate, sometimes hilarious and at times deeply poignant narrative of one couple’s journey to reconnecting with God and discovering the joy and power of a vertical marriage.

    For anyone who is married, preparing for marriage, or desperate to save a relationship teetering on the edge of disaster, Dave and Ann offer hope and strategies that really work. Vertical Marriage will give you the insight, applications, and inspiration to reconnect with God together and to transform your marriage to everything you hoped it would be.

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  • Great Sex Rescue


    What if it’s not your fault that sex is bad in your marriage?

    Based on a groundbreaking in-depth survey of 22,000 Christian women, The Great Sex Rescue unlocks the secrets to what makes some marriages red hot while others fizzle out. Generations of women have grown up with messages about sex that make them feel dirty, used, or invisible, while men have been sold such a cheapened version of sex, they don’t know what they’re missing. The Great Sex Rescue hopes to turn all of that around, developing a truly biblical view of sex where mutuality, intimacy, and passion reign.

    The Great Sex Rescue pulls back the curtain on what is happening in Christian bedrooms and exposes the problematic teachings that wreck sex for so many couples–and the good teachings that leave others breathless. In the #metoo and #churchtoo era, not only is this book a long overdue corrective to church culture, it is poised to free thousands of couples from repressive and dissatisfying sex lives so that they can experience the kind of intimacy and wholeness God intended.

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  • Covenant Of Marriage Study Guide


    Join us as we explore the historic understanding of Covenant, and see how this understanding can be used to build a love-for-a-lifetime marriage.

    What is Marriage?
    Does it shift with every-changing cultural values?
    Is it a contract written by God?
    Do the two just figure it out?

    Instead, marriage is a Covenant, a very definite thing. Sadly, its historically correct understanding has virtually disappeared from our culture. When questioned about Marriage, Jesus answered, “…in the beginning….” To understand marriage, consult God’s original definition. When two enter a Covenant, their identities are exchanged and changed; the two are joined by a bond of shared identity. This change and bond explain everything else we are to do. The two are to love each other as they love themselves–because the other has become an extension of one’s self. We love with actions when we feel the love, but feelings vary. Covenant is God’s detailed plan to bring our approach to our mate into line with reality. To love consistently, which builds the best marriage, many things within each must change. To build the relationship to its potential we must also learn to build ourselves–to grow, and grow together.

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  • Before You Split


    Is it possible to turn a bad marriage into a happy one? A former divorce attorney lays out the hidden benefits of staying together in an age when separation and divorce are common.

    “I can’t do this anymore…”

    “I didn’t sign up for this…”

    “I’m so done with this…”

    If you’ve ever said one of those things out of frustration with your marriage, you’re not alone.

    In this practical and insightful guide, former divorce attorney Toni Nieuwhof shows that even if you feel disconnected, stuck, or worried about the impact of an unhappy marriage on your kids, there may be more hope than you think.

    Before You Split helps you find what you really want for your marriage and shows you how to move forward by:

    *helping you see yourself and your spouse more clearly
    *dealing with unrealistic expectations
    *empowering you with constructive ways to respond to emotions
    *engaging the power of forgiveness
    *increasing your peacemaking skills
    *advancing your journey of personal growth

    Even if it feels like it’s over, it’s not too late. Change starts with a single step at a time. Is it possible to leave your unhappiness instead of your spouse? Before You Split will help you make choices with your eyes wide open.

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  • Road To Love And Laughter


    ANYONE can look like they have it all together in a 3-minute edited video clip.

    But like they’ve shared in their popular YouTube videos, Kristin and Danny have weathered more than their hilarious lip-sync mashups might lead you to think. While they wholeheartedly believe their motto “laughter is the best medicine,” behind the scenes Kristin and Danny live a much different life than what you see onscreen.

    Through honest and vulnerable stories recounting all the embarrassing details–like falling down on national television at an American Idol audition (Kristin), and facing the threat of murder after having a “man-to-man” talk with his future father-in-law (Danny)–the Adamses show that often the terrible experiences we fear are actually the beginning of greatness.

    Life is going to take you for twists and turns. You will hit potholes and bumper-to-bumper traffic, detours, construction zones and . . . you get it. But with the Adamses as your fearless–or almost fearless–guides, you’ll gain the roadmap that has kept them from turning the car around or driving off a cliff.

    So keep going, keep laughing, and turn up the music!

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  • Talking Back To Purity Culture


    The generation born into evangelical purity culture has grown up, but many still struggle with its complicated legacy. Examining purity culture’s teachings through the lens of Scripture, Rachel Joy Welcher charts a path forward in the ongoing debates about sexuality-one that rejects legalism and license alike, steering us back instead to the good news of Jesus.

    It’s time to talk back. The generation born into evangelical purity culture has grown up, and many have started families of their own. But as time goes on, it’s becoming more evident that many still struggle with purity culture’s complicated legacy-its idolization of virginity, its mixed messages about modesty and lust, and its promise of a healthy marriage and great sex for those who follow the rules. In Talking Back to Purity Culture, Rachel Joy Welcher reviews the movement carefully, examining its teachings through the lens of Scripture. Compassionate, faithful, and wise, she charts a path forward for evangelicals in the ongoing debates about sexuality-one that rejects legalism and license alike, steering us back instead to the good news of Jesus. It’s time to talk back to purity culture-and this book is ready to jump-start the conversation.

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  • Marriage After God


    What if God has purposed your marriage for something so much more than happily ever after?

    Since the very beginning, God’s design for marriage is for husbands and wives to be ambassadors of holy love to a hurting world. Still, so many couples stop short at happy and wonder why they feel unsatisfied. Rather than “you and me against the world,” God calls each couple to the rich and meaningful mission of “you and me for the world.”

    Aaron and Jennifer Smith, popular marriage bloggers at and, transparently share their journey from a marriage in crisis to a marriage built on Christ’s redemptive love. Through fresh biblical insight and intimate stories of their own struggles and victories, this book will guide you toward a God-centered, ministry-minded, and thriving marriage. You will discover the signature marks of a marriage after God, find principles for building an unshakable marriage foundation, learn how to let God’s story take the lead in your love story, and recognize the tools God has already equipped you with for a missional life together. Filled with helpful illustrations, this thorough and practical book will empower you and your spouse to dream, decide, and do as you step hand-in-hand into God’s ultimate purpose for your marriage.

    Your oneness is also meant for witness. God has purposed your remarkable, romantic, and redemptive relationship to be a powerful light to a dark and hurting world. This is your invitation to marriage as God intended–a life-saving, hope-inspiring, and transforming force of God’s love.

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  • Covenant Of Marriage


    God’s plan for Marriage is built upon the defining reality of Covenant relationships–the sharing and merger of identity; God’s plan to build the deepest love and strongest relationships is explored.

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  • See Through Marriage


    Marriage is all about sharing: sharing space, sharing joys and sorrows, sharing hopes and dreams. Yet we often hold back a part of ourselves because we fear that being wholly transparent–about our past, our desires, our failures, our faults–will bring judgment, rejection, or even just unwanted friction to our relationship. We are afraid to be fully known. As a result, we never experience being fully loved.

    Fierce Marriage authors Ryan and Selena Frederick think your marriage deserves better. In this new, paradigm-shifting book, they show you how to develop a see-through marriage, one that is marked by full transparency and confident vulnerability. Through personal stories, testimonies from other couples, and biblical truth, they make the case that living authentically in front of each other is the only way to experience love the way we were designed to.

    If you desire an honest, no-holding-back marriage where you are fully known, fully accepted, and fully loved, you need this book.

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  • Emotionally Healthy Marriage


    When it comes to a successful, satisfying marriage, it’s not about how many workshops you’ve attended, how many counseling sessions you’ve experienced together, or which conflict resolution tools you’ve been taught. What it really all comes down to is emotions–understanding your own and your partner’s, and then walking hand in hand through those inevitable situations where emotions run high.

    In The Emotionally Healthy Marriage, Drs. David and Jan Stoop take you and your spouse through a 5-step process of developing the emotional intelligence you need to stay strong and stay together. With personal inventories that help you discover where you are doing well and where you need improvement, as well as practical action steps you can take now to implement what you’ve learned, this book is perfect for couples, counselors, and pastors.

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  • Como Amarme Y Amar A Los Demas – (Spanish)


    EEl verdadero amor es un estilo de vida, mas que una emocion. Involucra la expresion de nuestro mas profundo aprecio por otro ser humano. Es una manera especial de actuar, de sentir, y de pensar. Es la mejor forma de darnos a la otra persona, sin herir, humillar ni lastimar. Porque el amor piensa, razona, reflexiona y nos conduce a una relacion extendida en el tiempo.

    “El amor crece a partir de verme como una persona realizada, plena, llena, feliz y completa. Esto es lo que me potencia para buscar a una persona con las mismas caracteristicas y asi compartir un proyecto de vida donde no dependamos, sino que nos complementemos. Entonces el amor hacia los demas se inicia en el amor hacia mi mismo”, resume Sixto Porras al presentar el tema de su nuevo libro, Como amarme y amar a los demas, un analisis profundo y aleccionador de lo que es en verdad el amor. Este libro te llevara a conocer los fundamentos de lo que hasta hoy pensaste que era tan solo una emocion que puede causarte una gran felicidad o sumirte en una triste decepcion.

    “El amor se aprende mientras caminamos juntos, es una decision que hay que cultivar, defender y proteger.”

    True love is a lifestyle, rather than an emotion. It involves the expression of our deepest appreciation for another human being. It is a special way of acting, feeling, and thinking. It is the best way to give ourselves to the other person, without hurting, humiliating or hurting. Because love thinks, reasons, reflects and leads us to an extended relationship in time.

    “Love grows from seeing me as a fulfilled, full, full, happy and complete person. This is what empowers me to look for a person with the same characteristics and thus share a life project where we do not depend, but complement each other. Then love for others begins in love for myself”, summarizes Sixto Porras by presenting the theme of his new book, How to love myself and love others, a deep and sobering analysis of what love really is. This book will take you to know the basics of what until today you thought it was just an emotion that can cause you great happiness or plunge you into a sad disappointment.

    “Love is learned while walking together, it is a decision that must be cultivated, defended and protected.”

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  • Reconnected : Moving From Roommates To Soulmates In Marriage


    Over time, the business of life creeps in and even the most deeply committed couples can feel like they’re living parallel lives rather than enjoying life together. Their once happily-ever-after can quickly turn into an endless grind of work, chores, errands and carpool. And the pull of social media becomes more compelling than engaging with one’s spouse. In this book, Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley offer practical ways to rekindle the passionate, intimate, heart-to-heart spark of connection between husbands and wives.

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  • Simple Habits For Marital Happiness


    A healthy, happy marriage is built day by day through the specific, small actions that show our love. The good news is that anyone can learn the habits that create a gratifying marriage!

    SIMPLE HABITS FOR MARITAL HAPPINESS is an incredible book that covers every aspect of a marriage to help you create a vibrant, rewarding relationship that grows stronger every day. Backed by over thirty years of experience, Dr. Randy Schroeder – a pastor and marriage counselor – helps you develop the habits your marriage needs.

    These straightforward, easy-to-understand lessons will show you how to…
    *Apologize and forgive.
    *Stay in love after the honeymoon.
    *Communicate effectively with your spouse.
    *Safeguard your oneness.
    *Maintain emotional and physical closeness.
    *Disagree without hurting your relationship.
    *Budget, save, and spend together.

    Instead of talking about marriage generalities, this book gives all the precise, practical answers necessary for achieving a satisfying relationship. And the implementation of just one healthier habit often makes the difference between marital happiness and divorce. Whether you’ve been married for years, are a newlywed, or are still looking for that special someone SIMPLE HABITS FOR MARITAL HAPPINESS can teach you how to have the marriage you’ve been praying for.

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  • Your Time Starved Marriage


    Connect your time styles–and your hearts.

    The moments you miss together are irreplaceable, gone forever. Now, just in time, relationship experts Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott help you better manage this priceless resource. They show you how to reclaim the time you’ve been missing and how to maximize the moments you have together. This is not a book about being more productive, but a book about being more connected.

    After resolving communication meltdowns, finding time together is the number one relational need of most couples. Where does it go? We try to make it. Save it. Seize it. Buy it. And borrow it. And yet time continues to elude too many couples. At the heart of this book is the Internet-based Time-Style Marriage Assessment, which helps you uncover your unique time style. Once you know your time style and that of your spouse, this book will show you how to leverage them for powerful results. Your Time-Starved Marriage helps you:
    *Dispel the two lies every time-starved couple believes.
    *Maximize the minutes that matter most in your marriage.
    *Recoup the time you’ve been leaving on the table.
    *Understand why “loving on borrowed time” is lethal to your love life.
    *And discover how to “get a grip on the time of your life.”

    Your Time-Starved Marriage gives you tools to feed your time-starved relationship, maximizing the moments you have together and enjoying them more than you ever imagined.

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  • Marriage Triggers : Exchanging Spouses’ Angry Reactions For Gentle Biblical


    A husband-wife team offers practical advice for married couples to end the cycle of reactionary arguments by examining the most common issues that trigger disagreements and applying God’s Word to radically transform relationships.

    Many couples know their marriage has room for improvement, but it is hard to pinpoint exactly why a relationship is suffering. Often times everyday triggers are the culprit. If you are wondering how to break out of the cycle of reactionary outbursts, cold shoulders, resentment, and pain that harms your relationship, you are not alone. Experiencing peace and joy rather than anger and frustration is not as hard as you think!

    Marriage Triggers walks you through thirty-one of the most common marital issues that sabotage great relationships, like poor communication, lack of spiritual leadership, busy schedules, and different parenting styles. Married for fourteen years, authors Amber and Guy Lia are your typical couple and they share tips for countering negative reactions to triggers with gentle, biblical responses.

    Rather than run from the things that cause conflict, Amber and Guy believe these triggers are opportunities for growth, both individually and as a couple. They challenge you to let Marriage Triggers renew your commitment to responding gently and biblically towards your partner.

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  • Us Against The World


    David and Tamela Mann have been married for thirty years, but the singers, actors, and entrepreneurs are just as, if not more than, happily in love as they were in the early days of their relationship. The couple relates the story of their first encounters as teenagers, the importance of communication, and how they’ve been able to keep that spark burning through all these years.

    The Manns have delighted and inspired audiences through music and a string of plays and movies, as well as several television series: Meet the Browns, The Manns, and Mann & Wife. In Us Against the World they reveal their often hilarious and sometimes controversial interactions with each other as well as their blended family of five grown children and ten grandchildren, and how these relationships enrich their lives. Given their recording careers, touring, filming, and managing an outrageous family, the Manns share with readers the day-to-day challenges, successes, and joys that happen behind the scenes.

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  • Acceptance : What Brings And Keeps Lifelong Love


    Drawing from the latest research, top experts, and 25 years of experience helping couples, Jon R Anderson reveals what is at the core of what motivates us to desire a mate, and how those dynamics continue to play out for the duration of the relationship. The Acceptance will provide you with numerous “Ah-ha” moments and bring clarity to many practical ways you can actively bring about positive change and establish a relationship that will keep growing for a lifetime.

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  • What Is A Covenant Relationship


    God’s plan for Marriage and for a relationship with Himself is built upon the fundamental reality of Covenant relationships; this plan–to build the best relationships– is explored in detail.

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  • Acceptance : What Brings And Keeps Lifelong Love


    Drawing from the latest research, top experts, and 25 years of experience helping couples, Jon R Anderson reveals what is at the core of what motivates us to desire a mate, and how those dynamics continue to play out for the duration of the relationship. The Acceptance will provide you with numerous “Ah-ha” moments and bring clarity to many practical ways you can actively bring about positive change and establish a relationship that will keep growing for a lifetime.

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  • Becoming Us : Using The Enneagram To Create A Thriving Gospel-Centered Marr


    Becoming Us is a wake-up call for couples who feel stagnant, revealing what happens when two people in a committed relationship risk seeing each other from a fresh perspective.

    Couples often enter into marriage with a potentially harmful assumption: they assume they “know” themselves and their spouse. The reality is that whether a couple’s been married a few months or many decades, conflict and misunderstandings happen. Beth and Jeff McCord provide a glimpse into how the Enneagram, used from a biblical perspective, brings astonishing clarity to couples so they can break free from self-condemnation, fear and shame, by knowing and experiencing the unconditional love, forgiveness, and freedom they have in Christ. Beth and Jeff guide couples through discovering their Enneagram type and core motivations, as well as those of their spouse, gaining insight into how their family of origin shapes the way they relate to their spouse, and understanding what “assumicide” is and how to put a stop to it. Couples are made for an intimate and thriving marriage relationship. For those baffled by the person sleeping beside them and looking for an instruction manual, Becoming Us serves as a roadmap for couples to transform into the best versions of themselves–together.

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  • 100 Ways To Love Your Husband


    Couples with great marriages know one simple truth: the best marriages are made up of many everyday decisions that say “I love you” rather than those that say “I love me.” When we put the other person first, even in little ways, we find true fulfillment.

    This book offers wives powerful, practical, hands-on advice to start applying immediately. Maybe you are just entering into marriage and want to start off on the right foot. Maybe you have made some mistakes along the way and are struggling to connect. Or maybe you want your marriage to go from good to great. Wherever you currently are in your relationship, let Lisa Jacobson help you learn how to love your husband well.

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  • 100 Words Of Affirmation Your Husband Needs To Hear


    Bestselling author and founder of offers biblically based daily words of affirmation, love, and encouragement for your husband to help you cultivate a positive relationship and enjoy the marriage God designed for you.

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  • Dancing In The Kitchen


    Dancing in the Kitchen is a lighthearted, yet honest look at what it takes to build lasting love in marriage, even through adversity.

    As a Jazz recording artist, Debbie Cunningham has entertained couples with songs of love and romance for more than a decade. Married to her high school sweetheart for more than thirty years and unwilling to sit idly by while divorce rates climb in today’s society, she began writing songs about the journey and celebration of committed love. That writing led to her search for and gleaning wisdom from married couples who had gone through hard circumstances and stayed together, all to provide hope for other couples in their journey of making love last.

    In Dancing in the Kitchen, Debbie shares her own marriage experience through seasons of grief and her daughter’s unexpected health issues, weaving in stories of other couples who have stayed together through infidelity, terminal illness, loss, infertility, addiction, and, in an unusual twist, even the journey of an arranged marriage. These couples have found connecting points that allowed them to stay in love and defeat the rising divorce statistic. Ultimately, every married couple has seasons of struggle, which can either bring a couple together or push them apart. With lighthearted candor, Dancing in the Kitchen reveals to readers how to cultivate connection with their spouse in the hard seasons and stay in love for a lifetime.

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  • Love Is Patient Love Is Kind


    An Althea Press Title

    Your faith can heal your marriage.

    In marriage and in life, there are times that test our strength and commitment to ourselves, our partners and our faith. Know this-you can overcome any obstacle when you turn to the true source of healing. This marriage devotional reminds you of the promises you made to each other and God on your wedding day-and shows you how live these promises.

    April and Aaron Jacob’s marriage devotional invites you and your spouse to take time each week to deepen your connection to each other and Christ. With compassionate guidance from the scriptures, you’ll find resolution to tough issues and build a strong marriage with Christ at the center.

    In this marriage devotional, you’ll find:
    *52 weekly devotionals- Reconnect with your spouse using quotes from the scriptures, questions for guided discussions, and weekly exercises.
    *Scripture in real life-Tackle trouble like trust, forgiveness, money, communication and all the travails of daily life with God’s words to guide you.
    *Rebuild and restart-Re-commit to growing your faith and the bonds of your relationship with each marriage devotional.

    “Love never gives up; and its faith, hope and patience never fail.”-Corinthians 13:7. Rediscover the unwavering power of love and faith with this marriage devotional.

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  • Male And Female Made In Gods Image


    In this era of distorted ideas about our inherent roles, identities, and purposes as men and women, it has never been as important that we seek reconciliation in marriage and families so there can be a more rational approach to the real problems the whole world suffers. We must disseminate God’s truth and extinguish the lies and myths that Satan has embedded into the hearts and minds of many people.

    Building on these ideas, in Male and Female Made in God’s Image, author Frances O’Dair offers her perspective on dating, marriage, and family, which she believes reflects the experiences of most married couples before the sexual revolution of the 1960s. She encourages men and women to reflect on the wise or self-serving natures of their past dating and mating choices. If we can stop the reckless self-gratifying use of human sexuality with our children, our loving direction and understanding of God’s truth can set them free from the temptations that have been passed down to recent generations. We must be ready to admit that sexual freedom is a myth and isn’t intended for the well-being of men, women, children, and the unborn.

    This faith-inspired treatise explores the true source of happiness, meaning, and fulfilment that God has planned for everyone within the sacrament of marriage and the family circle.

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  • Before You Say I Do Devotional


    You’re engaged or thinking about getting engaged–how exciting! Now you’re ready to dig deeper and really get to know each other. Through noted Christian counselor Norm Wright’s interactive questions and insights, you’ll explore the interests you have in common, identify the qualities you appreciate in each other, and discover important areas worthy of further discussion. You’ll also find biblical wisdom, practical advice, and time-tested principles to help you

    -make Jesus the cornerstone of your relationship
    -create special times for the two of you
    -establish a healthy sexual relationship
    -understand each other’s role expectations
    -clarify how you’ll handle joint finances

    As you and your partner enjoy reading the Before You Say “I Do” Devotional, you’ll also be cultivating tools to help you keep your relationship vibrant and strong.

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  • Before You Say I Do


    Is marriage on your mind? Have you found “the one”? This popular and helpful interactive workbook is designed to strengthen your love relationship and deepen your bond. You’ll find all you need for fun and thoughtful discussions as you explore vital areas, including:

    -What does the Bible teach about marriage?
    -What makes you feel loved?
    -How do you handle conflicts?
    -Do you plan to have children? Why or why not?
    -What are your priorities when it comes to money?

    Drawn from years of marriage preparation seminars and counseling sessions, these insightful questions will help you build a solid future together. With Jesus as your cornerstone, your partner and you can create a loving, successful marriage.

    More than 500,000 couples helped!

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  • Communication Sex And Money (Reprinted)


    Three Essential Elements to Build Relationships that Last!

    Most men would do almost anything to overcome their three primary problems in relationships with women. Communication, Sex & Money has solid solutions for all three. Filled with everyday examples, the book will teach readers how to defeat difficulties and create a satisfying, peace-filled, and long-lasting marriage.

    For years, men have called this Christian bestseller the “sex and money” book, while wives have bought it for husbands in hopes of improving communication. Whatever the motivation, thousands of men have turned their relationships around by applying these time-proven patterns and principles.

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  • Sex Is : How Strong Marriages Cultivate Stronger Churches


    Sex Is… provides the path to a more satisfying and nourishing intimacy with your spouse. Learn how you and your spouse can make sex a magnificent feast.

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  • Ready Or Knot


    The wedding day is just one day in the life of a couple. But God’s design is for marriage to last a lifetime. So how can someone know that the person they’re with is the one they can truly build a life with–especially when so few marriages around them work?

    Pastor Scott Kedersha has worked with more than 5,000 premarital couples to prepare them for the biggest decision of their lives. In Ready or Knot? he offers practical and Christ-centered guidance for couples for all of the days after the wedding day. Through authentic stories from real couples about the decisions they made (or wish they’d made), Scott asks the hard questions so his readers can break free from the watered-down Hollywood version of marriage and build their lives together on the right foundation–the unchanging Word of God.

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  • In Sickness And In Health


    Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

    Fear can make our hearts race and our palms sweat. So why is it so hard for us to see the connection between our physical health and our emotional well-being?

    If your emotional pain feels physical and your physical pain feels emotional, your marriage may be making you sick–literally. Join Dr. David Hawkins and his sons, an internist and a surgeon, as they explore the effects relational stress and trauma can have on our bodies. You will learn to . . .

    recognize the connection between emotional and physical pain embrace the power of choice to become empowered by hope find a path forward to ultimate healing and regain your life
    No matter what kind of pain you’re experiencing, or how long your health has been in decline, you don’t have to stay stuck. Discover hope and healing when you take control of your life.

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  • Emptied : Experiencing The Fullness Of A Poured Out Marriage


    For a Marriage That Brims Over

    Maybe you entered marriage with some pretty high expectations–most couples do. Jonathan and Wynter Pitts did. Until the reality of married life spilled into their expectations.

    Jonathan and Wynter invite you on a journey to explore a different approach to your happily-ever-after marriage. They have navigated the ups and downs of early marriage, while raising four daughters, and learned it is only when they are emptied of their own self-focused motivations that God can pour new life into each of them to bless their marriage.

    Here you will…

    be encouraged to remove the pressure of a keeping-up-with-the-Jones’s marriage learn to let go of assumptions and embrace your role as servant-leader to your spouse experience how God can pour His purpose, passion, and fullness into your relationship
    Emptied is a way of life. It’s not about trying harder, it’s about thinking differently. Are you ready to approach your marriage poured out, ready to be filled up?

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  • Defending Your Marriage


    Introduction: When Your Marriage Is A Target
    1. The First Step: Making Sense Of Our Adversary
    2. Why Would Satan Care About My Marriage?
    3. How Can I Tell If This Is Spiritual Warfare?
    4. The Serpent Was Crafty: Understanding The Tactics Of Satan
    5. Fighting Back: Utilizing Our Spiritual Protection
    6. Prayer: Energizing Our Spiritual Protection
    7. Taking The Devil’s Perspective: Insights From C. S. Lewis

    Additional Info
    Is your marriage under attack?

    Sometimes it can feel like the world is trying to tear your marriage apart. Internal conflicts or external pressures might make you wonder if something sinister is going on. How can you tell if you’re facing spiritual opposition? And what can you do about it?

    Tim Muehlhoff provides a straightforward resource for protecting your marriage from the threats of the evil one. He looks at what Scripture says about spiritual warfare and how our everyday struggles have deeper spiritual realities. And he provides practical steps for guarding our marriages with the whole armor of God.

    In our marital challenges, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities that try to separate us from God and each other. But fear not. Learn to stand firm in Christ and trust in the Lord to deliver us from evil.

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  • Happily


    In the beginning, marriage doesn’t seem as though it should be all that difficult. But it doesn’t take long for trouble to seep in and for bad habits to become entrenched. Before long, many married couples may be wondering when the “worse” part ends and the “better” part starts.

    Pastor and author Kevin A. Thompson has good news for couples: the “better” part is always within reach when they practice eight specific commitments to each other. These commitments have the power to solve almost any problem a marriage faces, and to prevent new ones from occurring. With biblical insights and engaging personal stories, Thompson shows couples how to see their marriage as bigger than themselves, avoid both apathy and aggression, release the desire for power, make and maintain peace, endure difficult times, and more. Perfect for newlyweds and for married couples at any stage of life, Happily is the gateway to a more loving, more joy-filled marriage.

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  • Bless Your Husband


    Sometimes, choosing to love your husband is hard. Whether you’ve been married one year or 31 years, chances are he’s done things that have frustrated you, angered you, hurt you, or flabbergasted you. But after arguing over how to load the dishwasher yet again, you might be wondering how you can show him that you really do love him.

    In as little as 15 minutes a day, you can do something meaningful for your husband and grow in your faith. From washing his car to writing a positive post about him on social media to watching his favorite movie with him, these pages are full of creative, simple, and interactive ideas on how to bless your husband. You’ll discover daily Scripture verses, inspirational readings, and journaling prompts to encourage you as well!

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  • 6 Hearts Of Intimacy


    Understand the way your spouse gives and receives love to bring greater passion to your marriage.

    The 6 Hearts of Intimacy is a “Love Languages” for sex in marriage. Rather than focusing on techniques, it unlocks the secret to true sexual fulfillment by revealing the unique way each spouse gives and receives love. Various books describe the distinct ways in which people express and accept love, but this idea has never before been specifically applied to intimacy in marriage.

    Marriage experts Bob and Cheryl Moeller present six biblically based and proven ways to enhance your relationship with your spouse as they describe the Romantic Heart, the Giving Heart, the Guardian Heart, the Companion Heart, the Worshiping Heart, and the Ecstatic Heart. They also expose the “counterfeit hearts” that are present in many people’s marriages, leaving their sexual relationship self-focused and empty. Many couples spend a lifetime attempting to express their love yet fail to achieve true intimacy. Sensitively written with practical advice and humor, The 6 Hearts of Intimacy shows husbands and wives how to successfully resolve conflicts in their relationship and how to care daily for their spouse’s unique heart of sexual love.

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  • True Love Dates


    It is possible to find true love through dating.

    In True Love Dates, Debra Fileta encourages singles not to “kiss dating goodbye” but instead to experience a season of dating as a way to find real love. Through powerful, real-life stories and Fileta’s personal journey, this book offers profound insights from the expertise of a professional counselor.

    Christians are looking for answers to finding true love. They are disillusioned with the church that has provided little practical application in the area of love and relationships. They’re bombarded by Christian books that shun dating, idolize courting, fixate on spirituality, and in the end, offer little real relationship help.

    True Love Dates provides honest help for dating by providing a guide into vital relationship essentials. Debra is a professional Christian counselor who reaches millions with her popular blog,, and her book offers sound advice grounded in Christian spirituality. She delivers insight, direction, and counsel when it comes to entering the world of dating and learning to do it right the first time around. Drawing on the stories and struggles of hundreds of young men and women who have pursued the search for true love, Fileta helps readers bypass unnecessary pain while focusing on the things that really matter in the world of dating.

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  • Marriage Challenge : A Finance Guide For Married Couples


    God has a plan for your marriage and your money. It starts with a challenge. Will you accept?

    For many couples, the collision of marriage and money is the beginning of relational havoc. But does it have to be this way?

    What if the collision of marriage and money no longer tore couples apart but brought them together? What if money was no longer a topic to argue about but a topic around which couples rallied? What if the collision of marriage and money actually helped couples find contentment and purpose?

    In The Marriage Challenge: A Finance Guide for Married Couples, financial expert and author of The Money Challenge Art Rainer takes you on a journey to a financially healthy marriage. Get started on the right foot, or get back on the right track, by accepting the challenge and realizing God’s design for money and marriage.

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  • Your Marriage Today And Tomorrow


    Build a marriage now that your kids will thank you for later

    Your parents’ marital choices have greatly affected your own attitudes and actions in marriage, for better or worse. Your choices will affect your children, and grandchildren, and so on. It’s time to get proactive about your marriage legacy.

    Dr. Crawford and Karen Lorritts have been married 45 years and have spent the last 30 years speaking on marriage. This book contains their most successful, proven material. Interlaced with personal stories and letters from their four children this book will teach you:
    –the biblical and theological foundation for marriage
    –godly disciplines and habits that will improve your marriage
    –how to use your marriage to shape future generations

    Whether you’ve been married 40 years or just got engaged, this book is for you. Your marriage will change the lives of countless people. Start thinking about the kind of legacy you’ll leave, today.

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  • Amandolo Bien – (Spanish)


    En este libro confiable y comprobado, escrito por Gary Thomas, ganador del Medallon de oro, muestra como las mujeres pueden inspirar a sus esposos, influir en ellos y ayudarlos a avanzar en una direccion positiva. Sustituir el plan de accion de la esposa por el plan de Dios conduce a una transformacion matrimonial en la cual ambos se enfocan el uno en el otro, de la manera que Dios quiere.Gary se basa en conceptos de su best seller Matrimonio sagrado y presenta aplicaciones practicas que las esposas pueden comenzar a usar hoy mismo, mostrando como estos metodos transforman los matrimonios.En estas paginas, las mujeres encontraran tambien una nueva perspectiva que les ayudara a comprender a sus esposos: la vision de la relacion matrimonial a traves de los ojos de un hombre. Thomas brinda informacion valiosa a las esposas sobre la forma en que los hombres piensan, sienten y se les puede motivar.

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  • Preparing For A Kingdom Marriage (Workbook)


    Engaged Christian couples want to learn more about each other and prepare for a successful and God-honoring marriage. Based on Kingdom Marriage (2016), this workbook joins the successful Kingdom series of books by Tony Evans. It is interactive and can be used by both members of the couple, preferably in a pre-marriage counseling course led by a church pastor or other church leader.

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  • Bed And Board


    Republished for the first time, these musings on marriage and family life come from renowned theologian-chef Robert Farrar Capon. With an emphasis on grace and forgiveness, this “anti-marriage-manual marriage manual” is a uniquely accessible and beautifully written tool for those wanting a deeper understanding of relationships.

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  • Stronger Knot : Tying Together A United Marriage


    Being a Christ-like spouse is a daunting challenge that can feel impossible. Throughout his years of marital counseling, the author provides a manual for how two broken people can love God and each other in the midst of their imperfections.

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  • Venus And Virtue


    Venus and Virtue are a match made in heaven. While popular culture often tends to think of Christianity as negative about sexuality and sexual pleasure, the fact is that Christians have the best of reasons to joyfully celebrate sex as a gift. Unfortunately, there is as much confusion about sex in Christian circles as there is in the culture at large. The authors of this book believe that this confusion can only be adequately addressed by drawing from the deep wells of biblical truth and traditional theology. The writers, however, are not only experts in biblical scholarship, theology, and philosophy, but also pastoral ministry, counseling, pop culture criticism, and women’s issues. This book is not sexy in the typical sense of that word, but by situating sexuality within the cosmic drama of biblical revelation, the true beauty and goodness of sex most clearly emerges. And as that beauty emerges, we can begin to see why Christian morality not only makes profound sense, but also why it positively enriches the meaning of sex in ways that far outstrip the sexy secular alternative.

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  • Kingdom Marriage : Connecting Gods Purpose With Your Pleasure


    What happens when a kingdom man marries a kingdom woman? Kingdom Marriage: Connecting God’s Purpose with Your Pleasure helps couples grow together as a kingdom couple to fulfill God’s design and purpose for their marriage. Through practical insights and powerful stories, Dr. Tony Evans inspires and instructs so couples will discover the hope, challenge, and guidance God’s Word provides for their journey together.

    “You can reflect the glory of God and the unity of the Trinity through your shared purpose, honor, and love as a true kingdom couple.” -Tony Evans

    Kingdom Marriage shows couples that the key to influencing our society and world with lasting impact is found in solidifying biblical marriage in the way God intended. It starts with both wife and husband reflecting God and His image and modeling that reflection within the roles and responsibilities of their union. This is based on a correct understanding of God’s kingdom and their responsibilities in it. Kingdom Marriage and the Kingdom Marriage devotional and video resources are part of an entire line of Kingdom products by Tony Evans, including Kingdom Man, Kingdom Woman, Raising Kingdom Kids, and the Kingdom Quest strategy guides for kids and teens.

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  • Together Forever Gods Design For Marriage 2nd Edition (Revised)


    Marriage By God

    As you begin preparing for your big wedding day, this Marriage by GOD program is designed to assist you in preparing for a BIG MARRIAGE. Using the companion counselor’s guide, a mature Christian couple can come beside you and mentor you through biblical principles and time-tested techniques for fulfilling God’s great plan for marriage.

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  • When Loving Him Is Hurting You


    It’s Okay to Have Needs of Your Own

    You fell in love with him. But over time you’ve come to realize he’s in love with himself-and you feel trapped. His needs, his problems, and his plans always seem to take precedence over yours.

    Dr. David Hawkins, counselor with the Marriage Recovery Center, offers a guide to help you identify signs of narcissism, understand how your loved one’s issues are affecting you, and prepare a biblical game plan for freeing yourself to live courageously in light of God’s love.

    Whether the man in your life can be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) or merely has arrogant and self-centered tendencies, the emotional pain his behavior causes you is all too real. Discover the truths, wisdom, and grace you need to spark change in your relationship, set boundaries, and experience healing.

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  • 101 Conversation Starters For Couples


    Your spouse is a treasure trove of meaningful, humorous, and profound experiences, thoughts, memories, dreams and beliefs. These 101 questions celebrate the depth and wonderful mystery of your mate. So have fun, get to know your spouse and watch intimacy grow in your marriage. Marriage and family experts Gary Chapman author of “The 5 Love Languages” and Ramon Presson bring you 101 questions to facilitate this process.

    These 51 double sided cards ask questions and prompt conversations. They can be enjoyed over dinner, on date night, or any time you’d like to dig a little deeper in getting to know your spouse.

    Size: 3.57″ (L) x 1.21″ (W) x 4.7″ (H)
    51 Cards
    Glossy Card Stock
    Packaged in Sturdy Lidded Box

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  • Staying Together : Marriage A Lifelong Affair


    You’ve done it; you’ve taken the plunge and said, “I do” to one another. Couples face some daunting marriage statistics these days. When so many marriages fail, how do you know yours won’t?

    So, now what? What’s next for your marriage?

    Staying Together is a unique book that’s been written for you to read as a couple. Together, you’ll hear from us and what we’ve learned over more than 40 years of marriage, as well as from other couples whose marriages have endured heartbreak, hardship, and even infidelity. You’ll read about their solutions and healing, applicable to your marriage oneness.

    You will be confronted with questions about what it looks like to walk out your vows on a daily basis as life partners. Whether it’s communication, trust, or sex; money, loss, or mission; kids, jobs, or insecurities, Staying Together has insight on how to better navigate waters when they’re rough and better enjoy them when they’re smooth.

    Whether you’ve been married for months, years, or decades, now is the time to make sure you’re in a marriage that’s not just surviving, but thriving.

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  • Cinco Lenguajes Del Amor (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    Mantener vivo el amor en nuestros matrimonios es un asunto muy serio. Al aprender los cinco lenguajes del amor, t y tu cnyuge descubrirn sus lenguajes nicos del amor y aprendern pasos prcticos para amarse de verdad el uno al otro. Sin embargo, con toda la ayuda disponible de los expertos en los medios de comunicacin, por qu es que tan pocas parejas parecen haber encontrado el secreto para mantener vivo el amor despus de la boda?

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  • How We Love Workbook Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    Practical Help for Building a Stronger, More Passionate Marriage

    Every adult bears an “imprint of intimacy”-an inner sense of how much emotional vulnerability they can risk based on childhood lessons about handling their feelings and needs. Those past experiences shape your behavior, beliefs, and expectations of all current relationships, especially marriage.

    This powerful companion guidebook-perfect for use on your own or in a group setting-will help you apply the principles from How We Love and break free of the harmful imprints of the past. Inside you’ll find practical, solution-focused tools for building a stronger, more passionate marriage, including…
    *specific questions to help you and your spouse pinpoint barriers to intimacy
    *an assessment tool for identifying your intimacy imprint
    *strategic guidance in applying the principles for increasing intimacy
    *effective techniques to kickstart the process of lasting change
    *a plan for developing clear, personalized goals for your marriage relationship

    Let relationship experts Milan and Kay Yerkovich guide you through a process of discovery that has transformed countless relationships, taking your marriage to a whole new level of intimacy as you learn to change How We Love.

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  • Prayers For Victory In Your Marriage


    Seek God’s Grace and Power for Your Marriage Journey

    What are the issues you struggle with in your marriage?
    *Do you find it difficult to show love when you feel your needs aren’t being met?
    *Have you held on to resentment for so long that it seems impossible to forgive?
    *Do you desire God’s blessing and extra encouragement for the hard days?

    As a believer in Christ’s victory on the cross, you are not left defenseless against the enemy who seeks to destroy your union. You have authority, and it’s time to draw on the power of God to strengthen your relationship with your spouse.

    Covering topics such as communication, conflict, and healing, this collection of spiritual warfare prayers from Dr. Tony Evans will revive your prayer life and help you put on the armor of God for every issue you and your spouse face. Let Christ reign victorious in your home!

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  • Making Love Last


    A licensed marriage and family therapist offers couples practical tools for building healthy patterns during the often difficult early years of marriage.

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  • How We Love Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    Are you tired of arguing with your spouse over the same old issues? Do you dream of a marriage with less conflict and more intimacy? Are you struggling under a load of resentment?

    The key to creating a deeper bond in your marriage
    may lie buried in your childhood.

    Your early life experiences create an “intimacy imprint”-an underlying blueprint that shapes your behavior, beliefs, and expectations of all future relationships, especially your marriage. In How We Love, relationship experts Milan and Kay Yerkovich help you pinpoint the reason your marriage is struggling-and they reveal exactly what you can do about it.

    Drawing on the powerful tool of attachment theory, the Yerkoviches identify four types of injured imprints that combine in marriage to trap couples in a repetitive dance of pain. As you discover how your relationship has been guided by these imprints, you’ll gain the insights you need to stop stepping on each other’s toes and instead allow yourselves to be swept along by the music of a richer, deeper relationship.

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  • Friends Partners And Lovers (Reprinted)


    Helps couples have a healthy and lasting marriage by intentionally fulfilling three essential roles: friends, partners, and lovers.

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  • Staymarried A Couples Devotional


    Althea Press

    Strong marriages don’t just happen. They require commitment, time, and faith-which can often be difficult to achieve amid the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. But this kind of dedication is essential, not just to getting married, but to staying married.

    After five years of marriage, Michelle Peterson discovered that many of the couples she knew were separating or getting divorced, and found herself asking a question that would become the foundation of her life’s work: What does it take to stay married? From this question Michelle developed the popular blog and podcast, #staymarried, which has helped hundreds of thousands of couples improve their marriages.

    #staymarried: A Couple’s Devotional combines everything Michelle has learned in one welcoming and applicable couple’s devotional. In #staymarried: A Couple’s Devotional, scripture-based devotions help you and your spouse work together to strengthen your relationship-to each other and God.

    In this couple’s devotional, you’ll find:

    -Devotions that require only 30 minutes per week and address everything from finances and arguments to trust and intimacy.
    -Wisdom from the Bible incorporated with up-to-date research from research-based sources such as The Gottman Institute.
    -Inclusive, open-minded guidance that applies to a diverse range of couples.

    With #staymarried: A Couple’s Devotional, you and your spouse will learn to connect meaningfully and communicate honestly while renewing your shared commitment to your marriage and faith.

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  • Youre The Husband


    Your wife needs you.

    God calls men to be exceptional, extraordinary, and exemplary. Somewhere between the Garden of Eden and the invention of the latest video game console, this concept got completely lost on a huge population of young men in our modern society.

    You’re the Husband seeks to provide a road map for men as they navigate through marriage. God did not design it to be easy, nor did He design it to be perfect or everlasting. Instead, He designed marriage to be full of commitment, sacrifice, and service. He has designed marriage to sanctify. You’re the Husband examines the biblical pillars of being a husband-where love and responsibility come together to produce a godly marriage.

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  • Spiritual Mismatch : Hope For Christians Married To Someone Who Doesnt Know


    Someone came between Lee and Leslie Strobel, threatening to shipwreck their marriage. No, it wasn’t an old flame. It was Jesus Christ.

    Leslie’s decision to become a follower of Jesus brought heated opposition from her skeptical husband. They began to experience conflict over a variety of issues, from finances to child-rearing. But over time, Leslie learned how to survive a spiritual mismatch. Today they’re both Christians – and they want you to know that there is hope if you’re a Christian married to a nonbeliever.

    In their intensely personal and practical book, they reveal:
    *Surprising insights into the thinking of non-Christian spouses
    *A dozen steps toward making the most of your mismatched marriage
    *Eight principles for reaching out to your partner with the gospel
    *Advice for raising your children in a spiritually mismatched home
    *How to pray for your spouse, along with a 30-day guide to get you started
    *What to do if you’re both Christians but one lags behind spiritually
    *Advice for single Christians to avoid the pain of a mismatch

    With these trusted principles and helpful suggestions, Lee and Leslie Strobel share God’s peace and hope for your marriage.

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  • Wait : A Powerful Practice For Finding The Love Of Your Life And The Life Y


    In this New York Times bestseller, Hollywood power couple DeVon Franklin and Meagan Good candidly share their courtship and marriage, and the key to their success-waiting.

    President/CEO of Franklin Entertainment and former Sony Pictures executive DeVon Franklin and award-winning actress Meagan Good have learned firsthand that some people must wait patiently for “the one” to come into their lives. They spent years crossing paths but it wasn’t until they were thrown together while working on the film Jumping the Broom that their storybook romance began.

    Faced with starting a new relationship and wanting to avoid potentially devastating pitfalls, DeVon and Meagan chose to do something almost unheard of in today’s society-abstain from sex until they were married.

    DeVon and Meagan share the life-changing message that waiting-rather than rushing a relationship-can help you find the person you’re meant to be with. The Wait is filled with candid his-and-hers accounts of the most important moments of their relationship and practical advice on how waiting for everything-from dating to sex-can transform relationships, allowing you to find a deep connection based on patience, trust, and faith.

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  • Love Is Waiting


    Whether everyone admits it or not, we all want to have a Hollywood romance. We want someone to race to the airport to stop us because of love they have for us. We want the one we love to rush in and stop us from marrying someone else. We want that special someone to run toward us and say those three amazing words I LOVE YOU! We are all old time romantics.

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  • Happily Ever After


    Harder than you imagined. Better than a fairy tale. Marriage between sinners has its inevitable messes. If you’ve been married longer than a week or two, you know how the hard realities of life in a fallen age can come crashing in. Perhaps you had a season of “once upon a time,” but soon enough you realized that this marriage, in this world, is not yet your “happily ever after.” We want to help. We believe that God designed marriage not as a trial to be endured, but as a pointer to and catalyst for your greatest joy. God didn’t design marriage to be your storybook ending, but a fresh beginning, to help get you ready for the true “happily ever after” when together we see our great Bridegroom face to face. The thirty devotional readings in Happily Ever After have been assembled to shape, challenge, and inspire you and your spouse’s (or fiance’s) vision of marriage.

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  • Honey We Need To Talk


    Take your communication from superficial to super-intimate in order to build a healthy, lasting relationship.

    If a woman is in a relationship with a man, she wants to talk with him. She actually needs to talk with him. She believes-and she is correct-that if they can talk on a deeper level regularly, they will be much closer and much happier.

    In an intensely practical, workbook style Honey, We Need to Talk will guide you through each of these ten essential areas:
    *Emotional intimacy
    *Spiritual intimacy
    *Past pain experienced with others
    *Past pain experienced as a couple
    *Each partner’s needs
    *Sins and areas of weakness
    *Physical intimacy

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  • Smart Love


    The principles of emotional intelligence have long been applied to the business world with remarkable results. But what would happen if they were applied to that most important of relationships–marriage?

    SMART Love is a system for understanding emotions–both your own and your spouse’s–managing those emotions, and walking hand in hand through those situations when emotions run high. Drs. David and Jan Stoop break the book into five sections:
    – Self-awareness of your emotions
    – Managing your emotions
    – Accountability to yourself, your spouse, and others
    – Reading the other person’s emotions
    – Together in the land of emotions

    A SMART Love inventory helps readers see where they are strong and where they need improvement, and each section includes action steps couples can take to implement what they’ve learned. Perfect for couples’ counseling, small groups, and anyone who wants to connect with their spouse more deeply.

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  • 4 Things Women Want From A Man


    After decades of preaching, teaching, and counseling, influential Christian leader A.R. Bernard reveals the four qualities women want in a man qualities that contribute to a satisfying and happy relationship.

    As a longtime pastor of a big-city church, A.R. Bernard has witnessed couples in every stage of life. He s been with them as they experienced dizzying joys, unspeakable tragedies, and everything in between.

    As men and women have come to Bernard for spiritual counseling and advice, he s learned patterns of behavior that are repeated time and again. After almost four decades of preaching, teaching, and counseling, he s seen that while every situation is unique, people s behaviors and consequences are amazingly consistent. With this in mind, Bernard has developed a simple system for understanding how couples relate to each other.
    Maturity, decisiveness, consistency, and strength these are the four things women want and need most from a man. In his book, Bernard teaches readers how to identify and cultivate these traits toward a happy and long-lasting relationship one built to weather any storm.

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  • Matrimonio Del Reino – (Spanish)


    Que pasa cuando un hombre del reino se casa con una mujer del reino? Un matrimonio del reino: Uniendo el proposito de Dios con nuestro placer ayudara a parejas a crecer juntos como una union del reino para cumplir con el diseno y el proposito de Dios para su matrimonio. A traves de consejos practicos e historias de gran impacto, el Dr. Tony Evans inspira e instuye a parejas en como descubrir la esperanza, el desafio y la orientacion que la Palabra de Dios tiene para su viaje en esta vida juntos.Un matrimonio del reino demuestra a las parejas que la clave para influir en nuestra sociedad y en el mundo con impacto duradero se encuentra en cimentar un matrimonio con fundamentos biblicos como Dios lo establecio desde un principio. Inicia con ambos, marido y mujer, reflejando a Dios, a su imagen y asi modelando esa misma reflexion dentro de los roles y responsabilidades de su union. Esto se basa en una correcta comprension del reino de Dios y de sus responsabilidades en el mismo.”Ustedes pueden reflejar la gloria de Dios y la unidad de la Trinidad a traves de su proposito compartido, el honor y el amor como una verdadera pareja del reino.” – Tony Evans

    What happens when a kingdom man marries a kingdom woman? Kingdom Marriage: Connecting God’s Purpose with Your Pleasure helps couples grow together as a kingdom couple to fulfill God’s design and purpose for their marriage. Through practical insights and powerful stories, Dr. Tony Evans inspires and instructs so couples will discover the hope, challenge, and guidance God’s Word provides for their journey together.

    Kingdom Marriage shows couples that the key to influencing our society and world with lasting impact is found in solidifying biblical marriage in the way God intended. It starts with both wife and husband reflecting God and His image and modeling that reflection within the roles and responsibilities of their union. This is based on a correct understanding of God’s kingdom and their responsibilities in it. Kingdom Marriage and Kingdom Marriage resources are part of an entire line of Kingdom products by Tony Evans, including Kingdom Man, Kingdom Woman, Raising Kingdom Kids, and the Kingdom Quest strategy guides for kids and teens.

    “You can reflect the glory of God and the unity of the Trinity through your shared purpose, honor, and love as a true kingdom couple.” -Tony Evans

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  • Cherish : The One Word That Changes Everything For Your Marriage


    “Most marriages survive by gritting teeth and holding on. But marriages can and will not only survive but thrive when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another.”

    Those are the powerful words of bestselling author Gary Thomas in his newest book-Cherish. And in a world desperate for marriage redemption, it is needed now more than ever.

    Thomas shows that although there are a countless number of marriages consisting of two people just going through the motions, there are real ways this pattern can be reversed: when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another in proven, loving, and everyday actions and words.

    Through personal stories and real world examples, Thomas proves what husbands and wives can begin doing today to turn their marriage around-even a marriage marred by neglect and disrespect.

    So how do you cherish your spouse? Thomas will show you how going out of your way to notice them, appreciate them, honor them, encourage them, and hold them close to your heart will bring hope, light, and life into your marriage.

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  • 14 Day Romance Challenge


    A Happier Marriage Is Just Two Weeks AwayShake up and spice up your marriage with some simple ideas for showing your husband how much you really love him. Respected speaker and Bible teacher Sharon Jaynes offers you the inspiration you need, a variety of action steps you can choose from, and some words straight from the mouths of husbands (so you can know what your man longs for).Get ready to… surprise your husband in fresh ways and put a smile on his face identify the words or actions that speak straight to your spouse’s heart find that special spark you’ve been missing in your relationshipTake the 14-Day Romance Challenge–and watch the romance reignite!

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  • Men Are Like Waffles Women Are Like Spaghetti


    Let Your Differences Make You Irresistible to Each Other

    Who knew the differences between you and your spouse could be so delicious?

    For men, compartmentalizing-moving from waffle square to waffle square-and dealing with one problem or purpose at a time is the key to maintaining sanity.

    For women, every aspect of life is connected by common emotional “noodles.” Like a plate of spaghetti, each thought intersects with every other thought, all flowing together.

    Once you understand how your spouse processes feelings and thoughts, you’re on your way to a happy and healthy relationship! Join more than 150,000 other readers as you…
    *discover new perspectives to help you communicate effectively and avoid unnecessary frustration
    *identify new romance ideas to spice up your marriage when sparks aren’t flying
    *apply your combined insights into learning how to parent as a team rather than competing

    Find all the basic ingredients for loving, working, and winning together in Men Are Like Waffles-Women Are Like Spaghetti.

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