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Showing 101–125 of 125 results

  • Cross Resurrection And Ascension Cycle A


    This book of sermons moves from the desert of Ash Wednesday to the cross of Calvary on Good Friday, to the empty tomb on Easter, and finally to Jesus’ return to the Father. Richard Gribble’s preaching style is vibrant and relevant to the person in the pew. The deeply spiritual content is punctuated by poignant story illustrations that illustrate the scriptural text and enlighten the listener.

    Preachers will find this book inspiring for their own sermons, while lay readers will discover rich insights to the Bible for their personal study and devotions.

    Contents include:
    Ash Wednesday: The Journey To Freedom Begins
    First Sunday In Lent: Greed Leads To Destruction
    Fourth Sunday In Lent: Looking To The Heart
    Maundy Thursday: Carrying On The Tradition
    Easter Sunday: Our Need To Talk With The Son
    Seventh Sunday Of Easter: The Community Of Life
    Ascension Sunday: Completing The Master’s Work
    … and others.

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  • Desert : An Anthology For Lent


    The desert, with its great emptiness and silence, has long been a symbol of solitude. In our Spiritual lives, we sometines seek such isolation as a means of abandoning ourselves completely to God. At other times, solitude comes upon us uninvited and unwelcome, as we find ourselves totally alone and desolate. In facing the silence and the vast expanses of loneliness, we test our courage, deepen our faith, and hear the voice of God anew. This book explores the tradition and relevance of desert spirituality in the life and worship of the church today and offers a collection of pertinent writings in a daily format, by many acient and contemporary authors.

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  • In The Upper Room


    Requiring no memorization, this drama can be performed by any size congregation. Most of the reading is done out of sight while the 15 participants portray what the narrators are reading.

    The primary narrator is a Greek woman named Sophia who is drawn to the Christian church and community in Ephesus. She is preparing to become baptized in the church which the Apostle Paul had started approximately 50 years earlier. Her instructors in the faith are none other than the Gospel writers Mark and John, who share in the narration of this drama.

    Highlights include a footwashing and communal meal. Following the Communion by the disciples, the bread and chalice are shared with the congregation.

    This is a very useful resource for pastors or worship and music committees looking for something a little out of the ordinary for the Lenten season. Little rehearsal is needed.

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  • Bread And Broth (Student/Study Guide)


    Serve a different kind of soup and bread each week as you study the lives of Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Elisha, John the Baptist and Jesus in this six-part series. Each study provides a recipe for the soup of the week. Members can be invited to prepare the soup and bake breads to share. This program allows congregations to enjoy a fellowship meal together as they learn about a biblical character.

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  • Visions Of Lent Year 3


    A new and unusual service for Lent…!

    At the beginning of Lent each family in the congregation is invited to lend a plant from home (silk or live), following a Jewish Shavuot custom. The following Sundays in Lent build on this focal point as an object is added each week. Two readers participate in a dialogue explaining the symbol for that day. A child brings the symbol forward and holds it during the dialogue. In this way several families are able to participate.

    Visions of Lent Year 3 also includes:
    * Sample bulletin insert prior to Lent
    * Example of plant reminder that can be used in bulletin
    * Sample Torah for bulletin inserts
    * A suggested worship service for Palm/Passion Sunday

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  • Whispering The Lyrics Cycle A


    Based on texts from the Revised Common and Catholic lectionaries, Thomas Long provides inspirational messages to motivate and help preachers through their most difficult preaching time of the year, the seasons of Lent and Easter.

    The road to Easter takes us through the most sacred stretch of the Gospel story, and the narratives simply overwhelm us … Congregations who blithely assume that their pastor eagerly relishes the chance to preach the passion and resurrection of Jesus are, for the most part, mistaken. To be sure the pews are more crowded as Easter approaches, the choirs are well-rehearsed and in full voice, and an electric charge courses through the sanctuary, but the preacher stands there with the obligation to proclaim the truths of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and it seems, at one and the same time, to be a set of claims too little to go on in a secular and cynical age and a range of mysteries too profound to speak. (from author’s foreword)

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  • Visions Of Lent Year 2


    Visions of Lent Year 2 — Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) offers congregations a weekly presentation to be included in the regular Lenten worship service. This follow-up to Volume 1 (which concentrated on the Feast of Passover) focuses on the Palm Sunday story and six elements within that story that were significant parts of the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles or Booths. The festival is rooted in Leviticus 23:33f, where God commanded Moses to declare the festival to the people of Israel as a reminder of the temporary shelters they lived in when He delivered them out of Egypt.

    Preparation for this worship series is very simple. Lent I begins with a plain, “symbolic” booth which is placed somewhere within the sanctuary. For the next five weeks objects are gradually added inside the booth.

    Objects include:
    Lent 2 — citron (or other citrus fruit) in an attractive yet simple container
    Lent 3 — musical instruments (flute, cymbal, lyre, harps, trumpets, etc.)
    Lent 4 — donkey figure or picture
    Lent 5 — a large crown
    Lent 6 (Palm Sunday) — palm branches

    Each presentation involves four participants including: minister, a youth and two other readers. Parts are brief and need not be memorized.

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  • Visions Of Lent Year 1


    “Worship in Lent provides an opportunity for a congregation to reflect significantly on our faith. Unlike Advent and Christmas, Lent is free from the excitement busyness and commercialism that distract us as worshipers. We need to hear Gods voice afresh. The Passover tradition is a wonderful vehicle for that kind of listening,” writes Betty Lynn Schwab.

    Visions Of Lent, Year 1 (three-book series) is a resource for congregational worship on each of the six Sundays in Lent. Special to Year 1 is a Maundy Thursday communion service.

    The series provides congregations with a weekly presentation, which may be placed in the worship service. Each presentation offers a symbol. Symbols for Year 1 are Passover-related.

    Symbols are:
    The bitter herbs
    The scorched shank bone
    The green herbs
    The fruits and nuts
    The unleavened bread
    The roasted egg

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  • They Followed The Master


    They Followed The MasterM gives power and vividness to the Lenten experience for participants and spectators.

    Characters are carefully based on the scriptural evidence, supplemented by imaginative re-creation of what they might have said.

    The plays may be performed by any size congregation. Even so, the author kept in mind small churches during her writing, saying she has great sympathy for small churches — those with limited budgets and big ideas.

    Plays include settings for:
    Sundays of Lent
    Palm Sunday
    Maundy Thursday
    Good Friday

    Depending upon the drama, characters include Mary, John, Andrew, Martha, Lazarus, Judas, Judas’ mother, Matthew, Cornelius, and a host of other familiar and not-so-familiar biblical personalities.

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  • Kneeling In Jerusalem (Large Type)


    In a powerful and creative way, renowned author and speaker Ann Weems brings new insights into the Lenten season by providing seventy-one poems of inspiration. With her intutive and heartening poems, Weems takes the reader on a pensive journey through Lent and Easter.

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  • Power To Change Cycle B


    “Christians today need to hear more about the possibility that we don’t have to stay the way we are,” writes Durwood L. Buchheim. “God is not finished with us or with our world. So, Christians can live hopefully, expectantly and boldly. There is power to change. The Lent-Easter texts point in that direction.”

    The 15 sermons in this book are based on First Lesson texts. Lenten season sermons are based on six Old Testament books. Except for Easter Sunday, Easter season sermons are based on The book of Acts. The sermons follow the Revised Common Lectionary.

    Christianity is about caring and sharing … We are the people of God’s future. We are to be signs of hope to those around us. Under the power of God’s great grace, we can begin to live that way now. (from the Easter 2 sermon)

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  • Jesus The Servant King


    Good morning boys and girls. How would you like to use your imaginations and visit some of the places that Jesus visited during the last week of his life? If you look closely, you will see, with my help, the streets, the palaces, the gardens, the dining room, the church and even the place where Jesus died and was buried. (from the lesson “The Temple”)

    Jesus, The Servant King offers six object lessons for Lent. Each lesson focuses on a place where Jesus visited during the critical final week of his life. Each lesson includes a drawing, which you may use to show children while telling your story.

    The lesson themes are:
    The temple
    The upper room
    The garden
    The streets of Jerusalem
    The empty tomb

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  • Symbols Of Sacrifice Year 3


    The sacrificial life of Christ is a major focus of Lent. Symbols Of Sacrifice provides the congregations with opportunities to create visual worship aids representing Christ’s life during worship.

    Each weekly presentation builds a growing reminder of Christ’s sacrifice for the congregation.

    This series offers a list of symbols and explanation of the symbols. These are provided for the Sundays of Lent and Easter Sunday.

    Symbols are:
    A globe of the world
    A lantern
    A grain of wheat
    A cloak
    A white robe

    This is one book in a three-part series of Symbols Of Sacrifices. Other books in this series are Year 1 and Year 2.

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  • Grace Words From The Cross


    “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they are doing.” –Luke 23:34

    As in Luke 23:34, John R. Brokhoff offers “words of grace” in this series of sermons for Lent, Holy Week, or Good Friday. The messages are based on passages from Luke, John, and Matthew.

    This book offers four options: as a series of six messages for Lent and one for Holy Week; a series of sermons for each day of Holy Week; a three-hour Good Friday service; for personal meditation and reflection.

    Themes are:
    The first word — mercy.
    The second word — promise.
    The third word — concern.
    The fourth word — fidelity.
    The fifth word — need.
    The sixth word — completion.
    The seventh word — commitment.

    Scriptures are from, the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.

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  • Called To Jerusalem Sent To The World Cycle A


    In the broken places of our lives, when hope is lost and courage falters … in that moment God comes to those who will listen. Always he meets us in our desolation, offering us an alternative to our defeat. (from the sermon “A Chance To Live Again”

    The 17 sermons in this book are based on First Lesson texts, from six Old Testament books and the book of Acts. They follow the Revised Common Lectionary.

    “In a culture increasingly driven to receive more than it gives, self-sacrifice is less and less popular,” writes Theodore F. Schneider. “We want much, but we are willing to risk little…. We are called to join with God for good, taking the risks, carrying the cross.”

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  • Preparation And Manifestation Cycle A


    There really is good new! God is still eager to save. Prepare yourself for his coming into your life. He is already present. It is all here; the secret to the good and happy life is already manifest and present. (from the sermon “We Must Be Blind!”)

    The 21 sermons in this book are based on Gospel texts, primarily from Matthew and John. Sermons follow the Revised Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic lectionaries.

    In his messages, Mark Ellingsen connects preparation through penitence and the new life given in baptism. “The gospel lessons assigned for the season provide excellent occasions to practice such liturgical proclamation,” writes Ellingsen. “Penitence and preparation happen in the presence of Christ and the new life he gives. Thus they are Gods work.”

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  • Come And See Cycle C


    As a Cycle C Lenten-based resource, Come And See provides many opportunities for congregations.

    It offers a pre-Lenten Mission Fair, which may be held during the second Sunday of Epiphany. The Fair is an invitation to deeper discipleship during Lent.

    It offers mid-week Lenten programs. These are playlets and inductive Bible studies. Each playlet has parts for three adults. Each Bible study follows Scriptures from Mark with helpful study questions. Playlets and Bible studies focus on evangelism worship, education, social concerns and stewardship.

    It offers six sermons to be used for Ash Wednesday and the five Sundays of Lent.

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  • Greatest Wonder Of All Cycle C


    ohn Braaten takes biblical passages from the Lent and Easter season and weaves them into messages for today’s Christians. This book of sermons follows Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic Lectionaries. The 17 messages include texts from Matthew, Luke, and John.

    Sermon titles include:
    The Pitfalls Of Practicing Piety — Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
    Our Christian I.D. — Luke 4:1-13
    The King Who Came To Die — John 19:16b-22
    A Strange Kind Of Glory — John 13:31-35

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  • Palms And Thorns Cycle B


    “Liturgy,” which literally means “the work of the people,” sums up all the ways people have responded to God, including hymns, prayers, laments, invocations and confessions of faith.

    14 Worship Services The Liturgical Witness Of The New Testament contemporizes and brings to life these various forms of worship as the author draws unique canticles, prayers, hymns and responsive petitions from the books of the New Testament. Each New Testament book is allowed to speak with its own voice. For example, the service based on Luke gives voice to the Gospel by the use of four canticles (psalms), and Luke’s own version of the Words of Institution and his truncated version of the Lord’s Prayer are included.

    Also included are a helpful index listing the worship services according to their use in the lectionary and ten sermons for use with these liturgies.

    Contents include:
    Through The Desert Clear A Highway! — The Liturgical Witness Of Luke
    One Lord, One Body — The Liturgical Witness Of The Corinthian Letters
    Lordship And Unity — The Liturgical Witness Of Colossians
    God Is Love — The Liturgical Witness Of First John
    Worthy The Lamb — The Liturgical Witness Of Revelatio

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  • Alive For Everymore


    Alive For Evermore is a collection of seven worship services compiled by CSS. It recognizes the need of pastors to have in one volume, orders of service for important celebrations of the church during Lent and Easter.

    You will find in this compact volume complete services for:
    Ash Wednesday
    Palm Sunday
    Maundy Thursday
    Good Friday (two services)
    Easter Sunrise
    Easter Morning

    Each suggested service includes an order of worship, liturgy, scripture, and hymn possibilities. Copy privileges are available with each service. The seven services include congregation involvement in various forms. The Sunday sunrise service invites participation from a family in the congregation.

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  • Glimpses Through The Dark Glass


    This collection of forty meditations for the days during Lent is a treasury of insightful reflections on the state of Christianity — and challenges to the state of our Christianity.

    Glimpses Through The Dark Glass is the perfect resource for Lenten study groups, pastoral reflections, or personal Bible study.

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  • Parents Of The Passion


    We have heard from the disciples of our Lord. Each has told us his story time and time again. But what of those who knew Our Lord and his disciples because they had given them their life and nurtured them in Godly homes?

    William Grimbol takes us into the homes of seven families in Palestine. With an eye to stressing values of a godly home and upbringing, the author helps us to imagine how the parents of Thomas, Simon the Zealot, Nathanael, Peter, Judas, James the Less, and Jesus must have felt, seeing their adult children give themselves to a cause which they did not understand — nor, in some cases, appreciate.

    These seven monologs are appropriate for use at Sunday or mid-week worship during the season of Lent. Each is matched with an accompanying order of worship, which the purchaser of this publication may duplicate in quantity for use in the local congregation.

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  • Channeling Grace : Sermons For Lent And Easter Sundays In Ordinary Time Cyc



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  • Sevenfold Path To Peace


    Jesus made peace by the blood of his cross. What more appropriate theme for a Lenten preaching series could there be than “The Sevenfold Path to Peace”? Here is a sample of this skillful proclaimer’s insight (from the first sermon):
    “I saw a sixth grader, on his way up the alley to school, throw a firecracker over the fence of our yard and into the chicken coop. I was as angry as I ever have been in my whole life. The chase was on! Down the alley, a hesitating wonder as to how he had vanished into thin air, spotting him darting from under a bush like a rabbit, over a five-and-a-half foot wall, then over a six-and-a-half foot back wall, I took the gate, across the church parking lot, and finally trapped him under the camper parked in a neighbor’s yard. Winded and outaged, I yelled that I wanted to “kill” him, but instead took him to the school principal to do the disciplining. I didn’t like the feeling that raged in me. I was even frightened by it. I certainly experienced the truth of the words of Eleanor of Aquitaine: “We are the origin of war.””
    Messages include:
    – Is Peace Attainable?
    – Desire Peace
    – Peacemaking: Active, not Passive
    – Peace as Shalom
    – The Gift of Peace
    – Peace Through Sacrifice
    – Proclaim Peace

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  • Passion Play


    Passion Play offers a series of six brief sketches for Lent or Holy Week which focus on three people who knew Jesus very well: Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Through their eyes we see some of the major events of the Gospel, in particular those final days in the life of Jesus. Passion Play is a simple production; characters wear modern day dress and there is only one “set.” Passion Play presents a sensitive insight concerning Jesus’ affect on others, in his life and in his death on a cross.

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