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Showing 201–300 of 399 results

  • Unleader : The Surprising Qualities Of A Valuable Leader


    What kind of leader would you be if you were suddenly handed more power? What if you got that promotion you wanted or a headhunter called tomorrow offering you your dream job? Would your leadership be an example of servanthood and justice, or would you give in to the temptations that power always presents?

    In the time it took Samuel to pour oil on each of their heads, Saul and David both moved from unknown kids to kings of Israel. Their responses to that promotion had radically different outcomes. Saul made God sorry he had made him king. David brought joy to God as a man after his own heart.

    What about you? What would happen if God suddenly promoted you? A simple way to find out is to evaluate what your leadership looks like right now, and this book gives you the opportunity to do just that. Read about the intriguing similarities between Saul and David and the different choices they made that shaped their leadership. Then compare basic qualities of your leadership to each of theirs. You may be surprised at the qualities God values in a leader.

    Leadership development is a lifetime process. No matter your age or leadership experience, there is still time to grow into a leader that brings more joy to God’s heart. Take the journey. It could have some wonderful rewards.

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  • Maxwell Daily Reader


    The Maxwell Daily Reader draws its unique power from an ageless truth: the heart of leadership is created through actions, put into practice one day at a time. Each entry delivers a powerful leadership principle, ready for real-world practice. Featuring timeless wisdom from fourteen of John C. Maxwell’s (New York Times best-selling author) leadership books, this is a must have for any Maxwell fan or the perfect gift to introduce others to his writing.

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  • Women Who Lead


    Let’s face it; we need leaders. The Church is a place of ministry where not only males are needed, but females too. But sometimes, we re afraid. Will there be room for us in ministry? What will people s reactions be? Will we lose our femininity?

    Women are called to a life in ministry, even leadership roles. God calls both men and women to guide Christians towards truth, understanding, love, and discipline. Mary Paul explores the obstacles that women face and the myths about women leadership that have been fed to both genders for generations. Women Who Lead uncovers them, reveals God s call to women for leadership, and celebrates all who are led to lead.

    Talitha cum means Little girl, get up! in Aramaic. This book helps women everywhere know how to do just that.

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  • Llamado A Liderar – (Spanish)


    John MacArthur, best-selling author and renowned pastor and teacher, draws 26 powerful leadership characteristics from the Life of the apostle Paul. Is leadership a title? Authority? Charisma? Whatever gets the best results? More than ever, Christians need a model of leadership that is based on God’s Word, that brings Him glory while accomplishing success, growth, service to others, personal and professional development, and more. In Called to Lead, best-selling author, pastor, and teacher John MacArthur explains the characteristics of a leader drawn from one of the Bible’s most renowned leaders, the apostle Paul. Focusing on Paul’s epistles, Called to Lead gives a biblically sound explanation of the twenty-six key qualities of a leader who can achieve results without forfeiting faith and obedience.

    ?Es el liderazgo un titulo?, ?Autoridad?, ?Carisma?, ?Lo que obtiene los mejores resultados?
    John MacArthur, autor de best sellers, pastor y maestro, senala las 26 caracteristicas poderosas del liderazgo en la vida del apostol Pablo.

    Mas que nunca, los cristianos necesitan un modelo de liderazgo que se basa en la Palabra de Dios, que le de gloria a El pero que al mismo tiempo alcance el exito, crecimiento, servicio a los demas, desarrollo personal y profesional, y mucho mas.

    En Llamado a liderar, John MacArthur explica las caracteristicas de un lider usando como perfil a uno de los lideres mas reconocidos de la Biblia, el apostol Pablo. Centrandose en las epistolas de Pablo, Llamado a liderar provee una explicacion biblica racional de las veintiseis cualidades fundamentales de un lider para que pueda lograr resultados sin perder la fe y la obediencia.

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  • Becoming The Pastor You Hope To Be


    Becoming the Pastor You Hope to Be unapologetically urges clergy readers to develop practices that will help them become more excellent ministers. A long-time field educator, now serving as a denominational staff person responsible for ministerial formation, Barbara Blodgett believes excellence is a matter of doing simple things with care and consistency. Ministers who commit themselves to excellence will grow and flourish, and even become happier in ministry.Blodgett urges ministers to resist praise and instead to ask for feedback, to seek the company of mentors who are better than the reader is at what he or she does, to be vulnerable before their peers in order to learn from them, and to define themselves as a leader who does not merely take activist stances but risks entering into deep, transformative relationships. Improvement in ministry, Blodgett argues, comes about not through extraordinary leaps and bounds but rather through adopting simple habits and carrying through on small but thoughtfully made choices.

    Blodgett urges ministers to resist praise and instead to ask for feedback, to seek the company of mentors who are better than the reader is at what he or she does, to be vulnerable before their peers in order to learn from them, and to define themselves as a leader who does not merely take activist stances but risks entering into deep, transformative relationships. Improvement in ministry, Blodgett argues, comes about not through extraordinary leaps and bounds but rather through adoptingsimple habits and carrying through on small but thoughtfully made choices.

    Addressed to ministers, Becoming the Pastor You Hope to Be is also a valuable resource for discernment committees, Christian educators, leaders of continuing education and lay education programs, and all those who partner with theological schools to help form ministers, both lay and ordained.

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  • Advancement Leadership Love


    Dare to do the impossible! Live Beyond all you have known! Step in the Open Space of Possibility!

    The Spirit of truth guides you into all truth: and will show you things to come. (John 16:13)

    ADVANCE It is the Lord that advanced Moses and Aaron. (1 Samuel 12:6)

    LEAD The Holy Spirit is your friend who knows everything about you, lives within you, and leads you to your divine purpose. Dream it and Work it!

    LOVE The Royal Law is “Love your neighbor as yourself” (James 2:8)

    Confess: I AM made in the likeness and image of God. I AM created by Him, for Him, and to His Glory.

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  • Reframing Hope : Vital Ministry In A New Generation


    Much has been written about the changing landscape the church finds itself in, and even more about the church’s waning influence in our culture. From her vantage point as an under-40 pastor, Carol Howard Merritt, author of Tribal Church, moves away from the handwringing toward a discovery of what ministry in, with, and by a new generation might look like. What does the substance of hope look like right now? What does hope look like when it is framed in a new generation? Motivated by these questions, Merritt writes Reframing Hope with the understanding that we are not creating from nothing the vital ministry of the next generation. Instead, we are working through what we have, sorting out the best parts, acknowledging and healing from the worst, and reframing it all.

    She explores the spirit of collaboration that has grown up in our culture as the diffusion of authority continues to move toward a network of sharing resources and information. She shares the spiritual longing she sees in those of her generation and acknowledges that people will no longer settle for one-way preaching and entertaining services-they want their worship to become meaningful; they want their spirituality to lead to action. Merritt believes that if we can manage to navigate many of these important shifts, the years ahead are full of hope, but only if we recognize and welcome the changes that will come and open ourselves to what new adaptations will bring to us.

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  • Abraham Lincoln Su Liderazgo – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602557987ISBN10: 1602557985Language: SpanishCesar VidalBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2010Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • IMPACT Leadership


    Leadership is the process by which men and women influence others to follow them by showing them the way, directing them through various activities, and providing purpose, meaning, and motivation to accomplish the task set before them. No one is born to lead, for leadership is an art that must be developed and honed for the good of others. Impact Leadership is leadership that produces an impact not only on those who follow, but also impacts the organization and the leader as well. Impact is something that is felt, observed, and noticed for all who are under its influence. God has called us to be leaders in our homes, our church, our community, and in the organization that we support. Many do not accept the challenge to lead, but to those who step up, may you find the reward of influencing others for the common and spiritual good of mankind.

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  • Journey In The Wilderness


    The last forty years have seen transitions in mainline churches that feel, for many, like a journey into the wilderness. Yet God is calling us in this moment, not to grieve over the changes we have experienced, but to hear the call to a new mission, and a new faithfulness. Gil Rendle draws on decades as a pastor and church consultant to point a way into a hopeful future. The key to embracing the wilderness is to learn new skills in leading change, to reach beyond a position of privilege and power to become churches that serve God’s hurting people.

    Empowers readers to minister more faithfully, and joyfully, in a situation of congregational and denominational transition

    A careful analysis of the changes that have taken place in mainline Protestant churches over the last decades.

    Thorough review of the lessons learned, both inside and beyond the church, about leading organizations during times of social upheaval.

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  • Leading The Congregation (Revised)


    Leading the Congregation is a complete and definitive guide to the practice of church leadership. The book describes essential paradigms for the leader that integrate spiritual integrity and service within a “systems” view of the congregation and its ministry.

    This revised and updated version focuses on the challenges of congregational leadership in a culture that has fewer ties to Christian faith. The authors lay out the dual contexts in which church leaders must function-within the congregation, and as the congregation’s representative to the community-and they explain the very different skill sets required to flourish in each. Underlying the revised edition is an insistence on the congregational leader’s call from God, and cultivation of her or his relationship with God. Leadership is not the same thing as charisma, they explain; it is rather a set of attitudes and practices that each of us can and must master if we are to be worthy servants of Christ.

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  • When God Changes A Church


    When God changes a church, He begins with the leader. He changes him from the inside out. That person is known to us as the pastor. This role is pivotal to any real redemptive work that God will ultimately do in the life of a particular congregation. In this book, we will see how God changed a particular African American Church in Birmingham, Alabama. The pastor chronicles how God inspired a vision that changed a traditional church with traditional values into an outward focused ministry with real worldwide reaching possibilities.

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  • For The Parish


    Fresh Expressions of Church are most significant development in the Church of England in recent decades. Many have called for a thorough theological engagement with the movement. The Church of England is engaging in radical new departures when the ecclesiological thinking for such experiments is far from complete. Parishes are the mainstay of the ‘inherited church’. Frequently they are belittled and cast as either unhelpful or irrelevant. The authors argue for the vitality of the parish, both for mission and for discipleship. The authors argue that the forms of the church are to be an embodiment of her faith. They should therefore be more determined by our theological traditions than by the surrounding culture. They show that the traditions of the parish church represent ways in which time, space, community are ordered in relation to God and the gospel.

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  • Dwight D Eisenhower Su Lideraz – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602557994ISBN10: 1602557993Language: SpanishGeoff LoftusBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2010Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Autosuperacion 101 – (Spanish)


    Another great little book packed with wisdom and instruction to add to the successful Maxwell 101 series.

    Drawing from the wisdom in his books El mapa para alcanzar el exito, El talento nunca es suficiente, Desarrolle los lideres alrededor de usted, El lado positivo del fracaso, Lider de 360, Como ganarse a la gente, and Liderazgo, principios de oro, John C. Maxwell provides in Autosuperacion 101 the essentials all leaders need to keep striving for excellence no matter where they are or what they are doing. After all, great leaders who are growth oriented rather than goal oriented never “arrive,” they just keep building upon what they are learning.

    Otro gran librito repleto de sabiduria e instruccion para aadir a la exitosa serie Maxwell 101.

    Haciendo uso de la sabiduria de sus libros El mapa para alcanzar el exito, El talento nunca es suficiente, Desarrolle los lideres que estan alrededor de usted, El lado positivo del fracaso, Lider de 360, Como ganarse a la gente y Liderazgo, principios de oro, John C. Maxwell ofrece en Autosuperacion 101 los principios esenciales que necesitan todos los lideres para seguir esforzandose en alcanzar la excelencia independientemente de donde se encuentren o que esten haciendo. Despues de todo, los grandes lideres que estan orientados hacia el desarrollo en lugar de las metas, nunca “llegan”, ellos simplemente se mantienen edificando a base de lo que estan aprendiendo.

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  • Real Life Discipleship Training Manual (Teacher’s Guide)


    What’s the most effective way to make disciples? By following this step-by-step game plan! Designed to equip small groups to multiply followers of Christ, this 12-week course helps you assess spiritual maturity, understand what it means to be an intentional leader, learn how Jesus used relationships purposefully, discover how the training process works, and more.

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  • Something More : A Devotional Dimension For The Joseph-Daniel Calling


    For those chosen, the Joseph-Daniel calling requires “something more.” The “something more” marks true Kingdom leadership with a maturity that endures. It demands a cost far beyond spoon feeding, or the good intentions, ambitions, or any other notion of man. While the more easily digestible milk mode referred to in Hebrews comes primarily from absorbing information, the meat or proactive mode to maturity takes time, dedication and a first-priority commitment. It is the dividing asunder between the many who are called and the few who are chosen. This book outlines a pathway to steward your calling. It is not designed for those focused on their comforts, the lusts of the flesh or the love of the world. If taken seriously and acted on; it will release the meat of maturity leading to “something more” than might ever come from the best of human efforts.

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  • Hidden Power Of Informal Leadership


    Tap Into a Hidden Gold Mine!

    Are you looking for creative ways to improve your team’s performance? Do you have to work harder and smarter, or produce more with the same or less resources? Informal Leadership uncovers a valuable human resource hidden inside your group.

    In this simple and practical book you will discover who these influential leaders are and what drives them, and will be able to increase your success by learning how to tap their talents and skills to:

    * Increase innovation and performance
    * Stay ahead of the game
    * Make more impactful changes
    * Exceed expectations

    Informal Leadership provides a short and effective route to mobilize your people-and produce outstanding results. It also provides fresh insights on how to inspire your Informal Leaders and leverage their strengths to achieve results way beyond what is expected.

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  • Burden : Leadership With A Cross At The Center


    Author Charles Jackson has served as a pastor for over forty years. He was converted to Christ under the ministry of Dr. A.W. Tozer in Toronto at age twenty. In this series of articles, he seeks to answer some of the following questions: * Why is ministry a burden most of the time? * Is there a dark and light side to the cross? * Should we expect more from God? * How can we see through the fog of the contemporary scene? * Is there a secret to moving leadership from overwork to overflow? Read the challenging answers to these questions and be inspired to learn what it means to carry the cross of Christ and be blessed.

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  • Seguirazgo – (Spanish)


    Seguirazgo: (sustantivo) El acto de seguir y liderar simultaneamente.A lo largo del mundo, se escriben libros acerca del “liderfuerte” que vence a su oposicion con una mera mirada. En el pulpito, se vemucho el fenomeno del lider macho, intocable, casi no humano. Pero el liderazgo que Dios ha levantado tiene como finprincipal servir a otros. Como el de Jesus, es un liderazgo compartido en dondepor muy alta que sea la posicion el lider todavia entiende que es saludabledarles cuentas a otros. Los lideres verdaderos saben seguir para poder entoncesliderar. Esta frase no necesariamente tiene que ser consecutiva: mientras lideran,pueden y deben seguir a otros. La idea no es pasar algun tiempo siguiendo paraluego dejarlo para poder liderar. Seguimos siguiendo para poder liderar.

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  • Habilidades De Comunicacion Es – (Spanish)


    Escribir para ser leido.Para un liderazgo mas asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicacion. Empoderar al funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicacion lleva a la empresa a un mayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince anos como consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia Gonzalez ha desarrollado una metodologia muy practica para lograr la claridad, fluidez y concrecion de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales. Este libro, numero uno de la serie Comunicacion inteligente, ofrece claves practicas para eliminar los bloqueadores comunes de la expresion escrita, tales como claves para ordenar las ideas; profundizacion para una transmision de ideas mas asertiva y persuasiva; puntuacion como clave de oro para alcanzar ritmo y armonia de los textos; y casos concretos para apreciar el efecto sorprendente “antes y despues” de los textos.

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  • Habilidades De Comunicacion Ha – (Spanish)


    Vale mas saber poco pero decirlo bien, que saber mucho y no tener idea de comunicarlo. Para un liderazgo mas asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicacion. Empoderar al funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicacion lleva a la empresa a un mayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince anos como consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia Gonzalez ha desarrollado una metodologia muy practica para lograr la claridad, fluidez y concrecion de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales. Este libro, numero dos de la serie Comunicacion inteligente, ofrece una metodologia practica, de comprobados resultados, que permite corregir las debilidades comunes de los lideres en sus presentaciones. Con claves sencillas y aplicables, se efectuara un cambio extremo a la comunicacion hablada, tanto en el fondo de que se dice como en la forma de como se lo dice.

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  • Habilidades De Comunicacion Y – (Spanish)


    Hablar para ser escuchado.Para un liderazgo mas asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicacion. Empoderar al funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicacion lleva a la empresa a un mayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince anos como consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia Gonzalez ha desarrollado una metodologia muy practica para lograr la claridad, fluidez y concrecion de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales. Este libro, numero tres de la serie Comunicacion inteligente, expone la virtud superior de la gente inteligente, el escuchar. El escuchar es la capacidad de atender en forma dinamica, de desarrollar el “musculo” de guardar silencio o callar los pensamientos, para atender y entender al otro. Es mucho mas que apenas oirlo, es poder escuchar no solo lo que dice, sino lo que no dice pero lo transmite con el metalenguaje de sus actitudes, expresiones y gestos.

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  • Terrific Tips For Tired Teachers


    Be transformed from tired to inspired, and bring your students along with you! Teaching is never easy. Learn how to filter your daily choices through the L.A.U.G.H.T.E.R. grid and you will experience: more positive participation in your classroom; more energy for your day, with less stress; more time to do things you enjoy; more laughter, more focus; and more fun!!

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  • Spiritual Formations Of Leaders


    Why do the demands of leadership often draw leaders away from intimacy with God? How can I keep from burning out and bailing out? How can we develop effective lifelong leaders who are being spiritually transformed as they abide in Christ? Spiritual leadership formation happens only in God’s presence by meeting with Him in the soul room and then walking with Him into the leadership room where He further works in you and through you. Gain seasoned insights for God’s transformation process.

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  • Spiritual Formations Of Leaders


    Why do the demands of leadership often draw leaders away from intimacy with God? How can I keep from burning out and bailing out? How can we develop effective lifelong leaders who are being spiritually transformed as they abide in Christ? Spiritual leadership formation happens only in God’s presence by meeting with Him in the soul room and then walking with Him into the leadership room where He further works in you and through you. Gain seasoned insights for God’s transformation process.

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  • Spirit Driven Leader


    So, what do Bill Gates, King Solomon, and Lincoln have in common? They’re all excellent examples of how leaders under pressure manage to succeed.
    Former Pittsburgh Seminary president Sam Calian outlines seven keys to effective leadership under pressure: creativity, competence, commitment, character, collegiality, compassion, and courage. Filled with telling anecdotes, Calian’s book asks readers to look not only within themselves but to reach out to others to inspire hope and build stronger communities in trying times.

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  • Where Would Jesus Lead


    Jesus modeled leadership by living and walking with His disciples, everyday people, and the religious leaders of His day.

    You can emulate His leadership style by changing the traditional hierarchical, pulpit-based leadership model of most Western churches to a more relational form of leading from among the people. This leadership style involves participating in the chaos of real, two-way relationships, yet bringing order by training and discipling-in the midst of chaordic interaction.

    Where Would Jesus Lead? is about leading among-rather than leading from, or leading over, or leading from titles, positions, or assumed roles. Author and ministry leader Gary Goodell believes it is time to transition to a more collaborative style of leading, one of coming alongside people, for the people’s sake, and empowering them to achieve their personal God-given destiny. Thinking prophetically, the author courageously contends that interactive relationships that are purposeful yet inherently chaotic are ones to be joyfully embraced.

    …But as He went, the multitudes thronged Him [Jesus]. Now a woman…touched the border of His garment. …She declared to Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately. And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer, your faith has made you well. Go in peace” (Luke 8:42-48 NKJV).

    Practical ideas and applications regarding how to carry out this vision in one-on-one relationships and in small groups are expertly presented. Emphasis on deeper, more effective relationships is God’s heart for the Church in America today.

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  • Discipulado E Interpretacion – (Spanish)


    “Discipulado e interpretacion” es un llamado a realizar la gran comision de nuestro Seor Jesucristo: “id y haced discipulos”. Pero hacer discipulos requiere que todo cristiano tenga un esquema hermeneutico para entender el texto escrito de la tradicion cristiana. Si entendemos bien, podremos ensear bien y asi formar discipulos buenos que se reproduzcan en otros discipulos, y estos en otros, y estos en otros. Pero si nos desviamos, estaremos propensos a perder el gozo de nuestra mision.

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  • Understanding The Will Of God


    Understanding the Will of God is not only a spiritual book, but a practical one. Whether Professor Alexander is preaching, teaching, or writing, he takes hold of Bible text and extracts more truth than you can imagine! I appreciate this book because it deals with living life-in its many facets-according to God’s will.

    Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10)
    Do you have a Question about your Education, Profession, Business, Church, Ministry, Vision, Life Partner, Family life, Relationships, your Feelings, Desires and Sex Life etc.?
    Then This Book
    “Understanding The Will Of God”
    is for you.

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  • Beyond Accessibility : Toward Full Inclusion Of All People In The Body Of C


    A church has built an accessibility ramp and perhaps refitted its restrooms to accommodate a wheelchair. Now what? This new resource by a noted author of several books on people with disabilities offers a theological and practical approach for congregations, with clear, targeted strategies for full inclusion of all members, recognizing and using the gifts that each member brings to the congregation’s life together.

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  • Sticky Teams : Keeping Your Leadership Team And Staff On The Same Page


    Larry Osborne exposes the hidden roadblocks, structures, and goofy thinking that all too often sabotage the health and harmony of even the best intentioned ministry teams. Then with practical and seasoned advice he shows what it takes to get a leadership board, ministry team, and an entire congregation headed in the same direction, sticking together, unified and healthy for the long haul.

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  • Hermanos No Somos Profesionale – (Spanish)


    In this book, John Piper pleads with pastors to abandon the secularization of the role of pastor and to be dedicated to the prophetic, Biblical calling to a radical ministry.

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  • Steward Leader : Transforming People Organizations And Communities


    In this book R. Scott Rodin offers a unique and profoundly theologically informed model of leadership forged out of his extensive experience and theological studies. This model is personal, dynamic and transformative for the leaders themselves, for the people they work with and for the institution or organizations in which they serve.

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  • Leadership Ellipse : Shaping How We Lead By Who We Are


    The Leadership Ellipse by Bob Fryling is designed to help Christian leaders embrace both halves of the tension of being in leadership–our internal relationship with God and our external relationship with others–to find a truly authentic, integrated way to lead.

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  • Poder De Las Conexiones – (Spanish)


    The world’s most respected leadership expert gives five principles and five practices to expose and break the invisible barrier to leadership and personal success.

    You have a good idea but can’t convince your peers of its merit. You crafted a groundbreaking strategy, but the team trudges on in the same old way. Certain people seem to moving forward in their career while you seem to be stuck. If this describes you or someone you know, the problem is not the quality of what you have to offer. The problem is how you connect with people to create the results you desire.

    In The Irresistible Power of Connection, John Maxwell takes readers through the Five Connecting Principles and the Five Connecting Practices of top-notch achievers. He believes that a person’s ability create change and results in any organization, be it a company, church, nonprofit, or even a family, are directly tied to their ability to use the teachings of this book.

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  • Turning Point That Changed Everything


    In every person’s life, there comes a moment in time when circumstances or events require decisions and responses that greatly determine the future. This book has no design to be another volume on leadership techniques. Rather, it is a candid exploration of those unexpected turns birthed out of the experience of being confronted with a reversal of circumstances in the life of an individual. Frankly, it is a study about the drama of life. The intention of the author is to give a sincere and straightforward examination of why turnabouts often get high-jacked and fail to live up to people’s expectations. Even more, individuals will find a plea for courage and faith when things do not occur as they once envisioned they would. Consequently, it is a clarion call for courage to go further than some would desire, but also a caution to impatient leaders to be watchful of their own intentions to push a change further than would be wise. In the end, some leaders must be willing to consider a more contemplative life built on valuing people above their own ideological mindset.

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  • 2nd In Command


    SECOND IN COMMAND addresses the leadership and accountability of any company large or small through the Chief Operating Officer position down the corporate ladder to reach all employees. Through Second In Command, employee value is identified by the employee and the manager so that the employee begins to operate in Excellence thereby producing greater value of the employee to the organization. This additional value to the company generates promotable employees.

    This book will guide you in moving with the New Market direction, unleashing the power of the leaders in your organization. This is accomplished through Excellence and Integrity which generates Trust among it’s customers and employees. The Trust that is developed generates Loyalty within and without the organization, therefore producing greater revenues for the company and more satisfied customers. The Board of Directors of these companies are “speechless” when they look at the bottom line profits generated through the companies ran with these core values.

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  • Turning Point That Changed Everything


    In every person’s life, there comes a moment in time when circumstances or events require decisions and responses that greatly determine the future. This book has no design to be another volume on leadership techniques. Rather, it is a candid exploration of those unexpected turns birthed out of the experience of being confronted with a reversal of circumstances in the life of an individual. Frankly, it is a study about the drama of life. The intention of the author is to give a sincere and straightforward examination of why turnabouts often get high-jacked and fail to live up to people’s expectations. Even more, individuals will find a plea for courage and faith when things do not occur as they once envisioned they would. Consequently, it is a clarion call for courage to go further than some would desire, but also a caution to impatient leaders to be watchful of their own intentions to push a change further than would be wise. In the end, some leaders must be willing to consider a more contemplative life built on valuing people above their own ideological mindset.

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  • Generosity Factor : Discover The Joy Of Giving Your Time Talent And Treasur


    Want to discover the secret of true success? Here’s a hint: it’s what Jesus told us about giving away our time, talent, and treasure, and it is packaged for you in mega-bestseller form by One-Minute Manager author Ken Blanchard and the entrepreneur and founder of Chic-Fil-A restaurants, S. Truett Cathy. Read this book – find the secret.

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  • NEW Outreach : Doing Good The Better Way


    This is not a book about why people give; it is a guide for how to create outreach partnerships to provide better aid and assistance, more efficiently and responsibly. Written in clear, concise language and complemented by practical worksheets, it explores the entire step-by-step process of outreach, from motivations and documentation of available resources, to desired outcomes and proven methods to achieve goals.

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  • Introducing The Missional Church (Reprinted)


    Many pastors and church leaders have heard the term “missional” but have only a vague idea of what it means, let alone why it might be important to them. But what does it actually mean? What does a missional church look like and how does it function? Two leading voices in the missional movement here provide an accessible introduction, showing readers how the movement developed, why it’s important, and how churches can become more missional.
    Introducing the Missional Church demonstrates that ours is a post-Christian culture, making it necessary for church leaders to think like missionaries right here at home. Focusing on a process that allows a church to discern its unique way of being missional, it guides readers on a journey that will lead them to implement a new set of missional practices in their churches. The authors demonstrate that living missionally is about discerning and joining God’s work in the world in order to be a witness to God’s kingdom on earth.

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  • 21 Leyes Irrefutables Del Lide (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


    What would happen if a top expert with more than 40 years of leadership experience were willing to distill everything he had learned about leadership into a handful of life-changing principles just for you? It would change your life. John C. Maxwell has done exactly that in The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. He has combined insights learned from his thirty-plus years of leadership successes and mistakes with observations from the worlds of business, politics, sports, religion, and military conflict. The result is a revealing study of leadership delivered as only a communicator like Maxwell can.

    ?Que sucederia si un gran experto con mas de cuarenta anos de experiencia en liderazgo estuviera dispuesto a compilar todo lo que ha aprendido acerca del tema en unos cuantos principios innovadores y todo por usted? Su vida cambiaria.John C. Maxwell ha hecho eso exactamente en Las 21 leyes irrefutables del liderazgo. Ha combinado varias observaciones de mas de cuarenta anos de exitos y fracasos personales en el liderazgo con historias del mundo de los negocios, la politica, los deportes, la religion y los conflictos militares. El resultado es un estudio revelador acerca del liderazgo como solo un comunicador de la talla de Maxwell lo puede hacer.

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  • Spirit Filled Small Group


    Small group resources tend to overlook the spiritual side of small group leadership. And yet most would agree that spiritual preparation is the most important aspect of leading a small group. Only Gods supernatural power can draw people to the truth and liberate them to be all that God wants them to be. Only through the Spirits power can we expect to see the miracles that Jesus talked about when He said that if we would abide in Him, we would bear much fruit and even do greater works than He did while He was on earth. The key distinction of this book is the spiritual perspective it gives to small group ministry. So much of the literature about small groups that is already published relates to small group technique and only touches briefly on the Spirits power. This book is a practical reference guide to help small group leadership begin to move in the supernatural realm. The books first priority is to help small group leaders and members trust the Holy Spirit to lead them, empower them and work in their group. Small group facilitators often sense a lack of guidance, power and spiritual authority. Jesus knew His disciples would be powerless without a touch from the Holy Spirit, and so He told them to wait in Jerusalem, saying, You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth Acts 1:8. Small group leaders need a power boost to make small group ministry relevant and exciting. The second priority of this book is to help the facilitator identify and mobilize each small group member to use his or her own spiritual gifts. Small group facilitators often feel ill-prepared to identify spiritual gifts of the people in the group. I firmly believe that the small group atmosphere is the perfect place to develop the gifts of the Spirit in each members life, and so it is essential that the facilitator know how to do this. Whatever denominational or non-denominational label a church wears, the most important characteristic, in my opinion, is promoting individual sensitivity, devotion and dependence on the Holy Spirit. In a Holy Spirit-charged atmosphere, cell leaders are best raised up and members are encouraged to minister in their giftedness. Some churches are better at empowering lay people than others. Those that are less adept often make lay people feel they must possess a theological degree much like the pastor has before they can successfully minister to a

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  • Lider De 360 Cuaderno De Ejerc (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


    In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I’m not the boss? In The 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes the discussion even further. You don’t have to be the main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell’s principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.

    Durante sus mas de cuarenta anos en ensenar acerca del liderazgo, John Maxwell se ha enfrentado a la siguiente pregunta una y otra vez: ?Como pongo en practica principios de liderazgo si no soy el jefe? En Lider de 360, cuaderno de ejercicios, Maxwell trata esta pregunta y profundiza la conversacion aun mas. Usted no tiene que ser el lider principal para causar un impacto en su organizacion. Los buenos lideres no son capaces unicamente de dirigir a sus seguidores, sino tambien son expertos en dirigir a sus supervisores y sus contemporaneos.John Maxwell ofrece principios especificos para delegar, dirigir y supervisar que acabaran con los mitos sobre el liderazgo y ofreceran una luz mas clara sobre los retos futuros. Los lideres de 360 grados pueden dirigir efectivamente, sin importar su posicion en una organizacion. Si aplica los principios de Maxwell, usted podra ampliar su influencia y poder trabajar en equipo de una manera mas eficiente.

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  • Ignite : How To Spark Immediate Growth In Your Church (Reprinted)


    Ignite is the ultimate how-to book for church leaders who want to reach more people for Jesus Christ. Pastor and founder of Church Leader Insights, Nelson Searcy, will provide practical, inventive guidelines for bringing first-time guests through the doors.

    This book sets forth a step-by-step, biblically grounded, proven plan for creating immediate church growth by utilizing a “Big Day” to mobilize the church for evangelism. This user-friendly guide will show church leaders what they need to do to reach the unchurched in their communities and break through the debilitating growth barriers that are holding them back.

    Through the inspiration of testimonies and stories, combined with the down-to-earth, applicable teaching that Searcy readers have come to expect and appreciate, Ignite will give church leaders the tools they desperately need to reach and keep modern-minded, unchurched people to create and sustain growth momentum.

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  • Relational Leadership : What I Learned From A Fisherman About Leading A Chu


    This engaging and insightful book contains a baker’s dozen of realistic expectations written for those who desire to lead in the local church. Based on principles from his father, a shrimp boat captain, author Kerry Willis guides readers on a journey to discovering some simple yet profound rules of relationships.

    With solid biblical examples, Relational Leadership outlines thirteen expectations that leaders should use to clearly communicate to and with their teams support systems. These non-negotiable rules of servant leadership, as Willis calls them, are designed to help guide leaders as they effectively model and communicate leadership.

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  • Toy Box Leadership


    Reach back into your childhood and recapture the leadership principles you learned from your favorite toys.

    What can LEGOS teach you about building your business through connection? How can Slinky Dog demonstrate the value of patience when you’re growing your organization? What has every little boy learned from his Little Green Army Men that he can use in business strategy? Whether you are an executive, a manager, or a parent, in Toy Box Leadership you will find the toy box a great place for lessons to successfully influence and lead others.

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  • All Shall Be Well


    Approaches emotional and vocational wellness from a faith perspective, unlike majority of general-market wellness books.
    Uses established and well-recognized CREDO model as framework.
    CREDO has established partnerships with the Presbyterian Church and othe rmainline denominations.
    This relevatn, timely, and substantive book addresses the CREDO approach to wellness.

    Chapters explore the theology of wellness and identity, core values, creativity and passion, renewal, emotional health, spiritual practices, balance, transformation, and fitness.

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  • 7 Deadly Spirits


    T. Scott Daniels, pastor of a Los Angeles megachurch, contends that corporate bodies like churches form an individual spiritual personality of sorts. Cultural influences can impact the collective spirit or attitude of a congregation, either hindering it from becoming all God intends it to be or setting it free to glorify God.

    In this practical work, Daniels examines the nature of the seven representative “angels” of the churches addressed in Revelation to show how congregations can escape the principalities and powers that hold them captive. The book encourages working pastors, church leaders, and ministry students to consider a systems approach to church leadership–one that takes seriously the powers at work within local congregations–and offers suggestions for transformation.

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  • Actitud 101 – (Spanish)


    Great leaders understand that the right attitude will set the right atmosphere, which enables the right responses form others. Author John C. Maxwell addresses what shapes a person’s attitude and whether or not attitude can be changed. He addresses the common feeling of failure and shows how to overcome obstacles. Understanding success as a journey rather than a destination, he explains, is the key to good leadership.

    Los grandes lideres comprenden que la actitud correcta brinda el ambiente adecuado que posibilita que los demas tengan las respuestas apropiadas.

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  • Leaders Who Last


    Is helping others overrated? Is ministry a recipe for burnout? How can pastors last the course? Author and pastor Margaret Marcuson introduces the notion of “sustainable ministry,” which trains and empowers pastors to focus on their inner resources for proactive leadership, instead of trying harder to help, fix or change others.

    Leaders Who Last draws upon the author’s own pastoral experience and leadership, plus a significant analysis of leadership in both families and churches over generations. Interviews with current church leaders punctuate chapters on stress, spiritual practice, church triangles, relationships, selfawareness, money, and creating a climate where true change can take place.

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  • Strategic Leadership For A Change


    Many congregations are experiencing significant change both within and beyond their walls, and both members and leaders feel a sense of loss in the midst of these changes. In the midst of change, loss, and grief, congregations yearn for leadership-typically with differing expectations of what constitutes effective leadership in response to their needs, hopes, and priorities. At the same time, congregations resist leadership. After all, leadership assumes those who follow will be open to more change.

    Strategic Leadership for a Change provides congregational leaders with new insights and tools for understanding the relationships among change, attachment, loss, and grief. It also helps to facilitate the process of grieving, comprehend the centrality of vision, and demonstrate theological reflection in the midst of change, loss, grief, and attaching anew. All this occurs as the congregation aligns its vision with God’s and understands processes of change as processes of fulfillment.

    Drawing on attachment theory, leadership studies, and biblical and theological resources, McFayden’s work is invaluable for leaders whose congregations face change, experience loss, wonder about their future, and yearn for leadership.

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  • Making Room For Leadership


    MaryKate Morse looks at how leaders can exhibit presence, openness and power through the way they take up physical space in group situations. Through greater awareness of their use of personal space, leaders can effectively invite others in.

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  • Leadership Game : Winning Principles From Eight National Champions


    Whether you are coaching football, running a business, leading a charitable organization, or organizing a ministry team, the first step to success is in building a winning team. Author Tom Mullins, a winning college football coach himself, sought input from eight national champion football coaches for their approaches in building balanced and cohesive teams. Their responses are the Key Principles shared in The Leadership Game.Coaches Osborne, McCartney, Stallings, Fulmer, Stoops, Bowden, Coker, and Spurrier share insights, anecdotes, and real-life experiences here. Having won 11 of the last 13 national championships collectively, these coaches have what it takes to equip any leader to strategically build a successful team.

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  • Aqua Church 2.0 (Revised)


    We live in a fast-paced, fluid world. A postmodern place where people are drifting, making mid-course corrections in every aspect of life, from careers, to relationships, to beliefs.

    Church leaders must continually reshape their ministries to reach a society adrift. They must move from being adaptive to being proactive, remaining flexible while delivering an uncompromising message.

    AquaChurch is a guide for developing responsive and relevant church leadership. Fusing biblical wisdom and modern-day insights, acclaimed author Leonard Sweet explores the essentials of leadership arts, including vision, creativity, and teamwork. Thus updated and revised edition will enable ministries to navigate today’s cultural currents, provide a beacon to their community, and connect with a postmodern world.

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  • Remarkable Practice : Developing Leaders Personally And Professionally


    Former GM CEO Jack Welch stated, “We build great people, who then build great products and services.” A Remarkable Practice assumes that any organization’s greatest asset is her people. By developing people to do remarkable things both personally & professionally, there is no limitation on what the organization may achieve. A Remarkable Practice uses a music analogy to help communicate business & leadership principles. The first five chapters deal with the characteristics of remarkable organizations, they include: teamwork (musicians), purpose (melody), communication (harmony), systems (rhythm), and customer service (audience). Chapter six is slightly different as it introduces an Action Plan to help stimulate personal leadership ability. It then examines six key relationships for leadership development & suggestions on how to improve these relationships. A Remarkable Practice is intended for those who want to better understand the aspects that make up a healthy organization. It is also targeted at those of us who have a sincere desire to become better leaders. It will benefit those in leadership in any organization, small business, home, church, & etc. A Remarkable Practice is written in a way that is informative, inspirational, & a pleasure to read.

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  • Naploeon On Project Management


    What is it about Napoleon Bonaparte that has led recognized leaders such as General George S. Patton to study his principles-and countless books on management and leadership to quote his maxims? What lessons can today’s project managers and leaders learn from Napoleon’s successes and failures?

    Napoleon on Project Management explores the key principles behind Napoleon’s successes, the triggers that led to his downfall, and the lessons to be learned from his ultimate demise-and applies these lessons to modern-day project management and leadership at all levels.

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  • Reverse Mentoring : How Young Leaders Can Transform The Church And Why We S


    Earl Creps is known for his work in connecting the younger generation of postmoderns with their Boomer predecessors. The author of Off-Road Disciplines, Creps, in this new book, takes up the topic of how older church leaders can learn from younger leaders who are more conversant with culture, technology, and social context. In addition to making the benefits of what he calls “reverse mentoring” apparent, he also makes it accessible by offering practical steps to implement this discipline at both personal and organizational levels, particularly in communication, evangelism, and leadership.
    Creps’ new book is a topic of interest both inside and outside the church as older leaders realize that they’re not “getting it” when it comes to technologies (iPod, IM, blogging) or cultural issues such as the fact that younger people see the world in an entirely different way. Creps has been personally involved in reverse mentoring for several years and has spoken and written on the subject extensively. He has pastored three churches (one Boomer, one Builder, on X’er) and is currently a church planter in Berkeley, California. He has also served as a consultant and and a seminary professor and administrator, holding a PhD in Communication Studies and a D.Min. from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary.

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  • Transforming Disciples


    Making disciples through Christian formation too often looks like a limited number of educational programs offered to child, teen, and adult “consumers” who move on if they don’t find what they want. How can we make the transition from consumer religion to participatory faith by building congregational relationships that nourish people spiritually and empower them to risk living, worshipping, learning, and serving God and each other in new and enlivening ways?

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  • 360 Degree Leader Workbook (Workbook)


    In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I’m not the boss? In The 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes the discussion even further. You don’t have to be the main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell’s principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.

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  • Integridad – (Spanish)


    Drawing on experiences from his work with Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, and individual leaders, Dr. Henry Cloud, a clinical psychologist and nationally syndicated radio host, shows how our character can keep us from achieving all we want to (or could) be.

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  • Unlearning Church


    How many things does your church do just because that’s the way it’s always been done? Does your congregation value tradition over passion and stability over creativity? If so, it’s time to unLearn. Leading congregations into a dynamic and prophetic future requires unLearning what you thought you knew about the church, leadership, and life. Pastor Michael Slaughter casts a vision for innovative and authentic congregations, and for the kind of leadership that can bring congregations to greater vitality and impact in today’s postmodern culture. Readers will be challenged to gaze boldly beyond franchised church models to a dynamic embodiment of God’s unique vision for each leader and each congregation. UnLearning congregations embrace new media and cultural trends, value transformation over information, and create a safe space for the tough and unanswerable questions of life. These are churches that lovingly dare to shoulder spiritual and prophetic leadership in our rapidly changing culture, re-articulating God’s ancient purposes to create high-tech, high-touch environments in which people can become radical followers of Jesus Christ.

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  • Gerente Por Primera Vez: Como – (Spanish)


    The tools you need to lead your team to success
    Gerente por primera vez: Como desarrollar a tu equipo helps you discover your own leadership and management style and shows you how to use it to create and maintain a high-powered, results-oriented team that will get the job done. Designed for immediate use by both you and your team members, the book covers team-building essentials, including decision making, goals and standards, honest communication, clear roles and responsibilities, and celebrating success. Written in the same conversational style and packed with the same brand of practical strategies and sage advice found in the classic best-seller Gerente por primera vez, this guide is essential for any new manager.

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  • Show Us The Father


    “Show us the Father and it will satisfy us,” is more than another scripture, it’s a prophetic key to your future. The cry for recognition can be heard in every facet of our society. Children always perform better when a parent is watching. The interest of a parent or even a spiritual parent lifts the confidence of a child. In this book we will raise the hearts of the displaced sons and daughters. Preparation must never be underemphasized. In the sports world, if an athlete is placed in a competitive environment that is below him, it can hurt his future. In the developing years it’s important to have ‘A’ level people around you before the bad habits set in. World class Christians are developed in the right atmosphere. “Show Us the Father” will reveal the significance of a fathering environment for today’s leaders.

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  • Tough Calls : Game Winning Principles For Leaders Under Pressure


    In Tough Calls, pastor and high school football official Travis Collins offers encouragement and inspiration to Christian leaders. Travis selects famous and infamous moments from sports history to bring to life key principles of spiritual leadership. Written for both men and women, this easy-to-read book mixes stories and quotes from the sports world together with biblical wisdom and input from leadership experts to encourage and challenge all Christian leaders. The book addresses many crucial issues of spiritual leadership including: taking risks, maintaining poise under pressure, handling conflict, dealing with criticism, managing an organization through change, and confronting disruptive people. Written for Christians in any profession, Tough Calls includes a special word to pastors at the end of each chapter. Taking into account the unique challenges pastors face, these bonus sections will help ministers refocus and recharge. Tough Calls will be an invaluable resource for any Christian who must regularly make difficult decisions.

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  • You Can Lead Effectively


    Mathew Philip has done a fine job of producing a much-needed study of Christian leadership derived from the context of his own ministry experience. It is a healthy balance between Biblical investigation on the subject on one hand and practical everyday concerns and issues on the other. The topics addressed are laid out quite independently from each other and this makes for easy reading. For this reason, lecturers in Bible schools will find it especially useful. Graham Houghton, Ph.D. Cambridge, New Zealand. Recent years saw the publication of scores of books on leadership, both in Christian circles and in the secular world of politics and business. But this book fills in some gaps and will be a valuable addition to them. It is written in a style and format that is very reader-friendly. The ideas are communicated well. This book could serve as a good textbook in classes on leadership in theological institutions. Saphir Athyal, Ph.D. World Vision International, Asia Pacific Region.

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  • Maintaining Balance When Winds Of Doctrine Blow


    In nearly 40 years of ministry, Pastor Iverson has seen many a church “shipwrecked” due to divergent doctrines. Now he helps you discern the signs of trouble—and the truth of the gospel—so that you can stay on God’s course for the church. Gain a balanced perspective on doctrine, and maintain stability in the Body

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  • Experiencing LeaderShift


    SKU (ISBN): 9781434768544ISBN10: 1434768546Don CousinsBinding: Cloth TextPublished: May 2008Publisher: David C. Cook

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  • Present Day Truths


    Present Day Truths seeks to bring into focus all that God is doing in the earth today. It seeks to demonstrate the Lordship of Christ and how he has everything under his control. It shows us that the people of God have nothing to fear in these days of turmoil and distress in the nations. It seeks to show from the Word of God how that all we are experiencing today on every side is in perfect agreement with the eternal plan and purpose of God.

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  • Building Churches That Last


    Receive the biblical blueprints of God’s plan for His people to build the Body of Christ. This book addresses misconceptions about church growth and gives you keys for building a triumphant church

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  • Overcoming The Dark Side Of Leadership (Revised)


    Timely resource offers valuable guidance in confronting the inherent risks of leadership.

    Using biblical and current examples, the authors describe the characteristics of five types of leaders and the problems that are most likely to develop if their particular dysfunctions develop unrestrained. This edition includes a new introduction, updated information throughout, a self-assessment tool, and other additional material.

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  • Leadership Essentials : Shaping Vision Multiplying Influence Defining Chara


    Introduction: The Art Of Multiplying Influence

    Part One: The Character Of A Leader
    1 Holy
    Developing A Vision Of Christlike Character
    2 Habitual
    Cultivating Spiritual Disciplines To Sustain Our Leadership
    3 Humble
    Keeping Watch Over Our Souls

    Part Two: The Posture Of A Leader
    4 Kneeling
    Embracing Servant Love As Our Primary Model
    5 Teaming
    Building Teams To Accomplish Our Corporate Mission
    6 Stewarding
    Stewarding Our Gifts, Passions And Personality

    Part Three: The Vision Of A Leader
    7 The Compelling Christ
    Loving Passionately The Compelling Christ
    8 Embracing The Kingdom
    Engaging People In Mission
    9 Helping Others See
    Lifting People Out Of Lethargy And Inertia

    Part Four: The Shaping Of A Leader
    10 Taming Temptation
    Facing The Dangers Of Money, Sex And Power
    11 Conquering Criticism
    Handling Criticism With Humility And Fortitude
    12 Defeating Dragons
    Addressing Disappointment, Frustration, Anger And Depression

    Additional Info
    As essential as the leadership itself is the preparation beforehand, which is why Greg Ogden, a seasoned leader himself, has created this interactive guide that will give you the tools you need to lead well, using your unique gifts and experience.

    Divided into four sections, this workbook will help you develop character, postures, vision and skills as you participate in the following elements in each chapter:

    a memory verse
    a Bible study
    a reading
    a leadership exercise

    By working through these multiple channels of learning you’ll be equipped not just with head knowledge about leadership but with true character formation and awareness of your own abilities that will prepare you for the challenges and choices of leadership.

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  • Leadership From The Inside Out


    The appalling number of church leaders who have fallen in recent years shows the critical need to maintain integrity in all areas of your own life as a leader. Kevin Harney shows you the power living an examined life: why and how to do it, how to fix what’s ailing, and how to ensure the ongoing rewards of inner health.

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  • Crucifixion Of Ministry


    Today, there is a crisis in pastoral ministry. Andrew Purves explores the true and essential nature of Christian ministry, rooting it in Christ’s own example. He provides vision and direction for students and practicing ministers to reclaim the connection between Christ, themselves, and their ministries.

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  • 21 Most Powerful Minutes In A Leaders Day


    While a few people appear to be born leaders, the ability to lead is actually a collection of skills, nearly all of which can be learned and sharpened. Based on his New York Times bestseller The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, author John C. Maxwell presents a daily plan to help you grow as a leader in your personal, professional, and spiritual life.

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  • 21 Indispensable Qualities Of A Leader


    In the tradition of his million-seller The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, author John C. Maxwell provides a concise, accessible leadership book that helps readers become more effective leaders from the inside out. Daily readings highlight twenty-one essential leadership qualities and include “Reflecting On It” and “Bringing It Home” sections that help readers integrate and apply each day’s material.

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  • Discover : Use Your Gifts And Help Others Find Theirs


    Everyone has at least one spiritual gift, according to the Bible. But many don’t know what that gift is or how to use it. Discover provides clear steps and guidelines to find and activate your spiritual gift. This book is an invaluable resource for any individual to discover his or her spiritual giftedness. It will especially help those leading a small group to know how to discern the different gifts among group members-and then to help each person activate that gift. The eight lessons offer biblical insight on the different spiritual gifts as well as practical suggestions on how to use them. Discover is a great resource to use individually, in a small group, or in a classroom teaching setting.

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  • Coach : Empower Others To Effectively Lead A Small Group


    Coaching is the key to helping small group leaders succeed over the long haul. Yet those who are willing to coach often lack information on how to do it. This book provides step-by-step information on how to coach a small group leader. Someone who is already coaching a small group leader will find the eight lessons in the book invaluable to empower others to lead fruitful cell groups. And even those who have never coached before will receive clear information on how to take the small group leader to the next level. Coach is a great resource to use individually, in a small group, or in a classroom teaching setting.

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  • 2nd Resurrection : Leading Your Congregation To New Life


    1. When It’s Not A Matter Of Sickness
    2. Are We Spiritually Dead?
    3. How Churches Die Spiritually
    4. Turnaround Is An Eternal Issue
    5. Leaders: It’s Time To Die To Yourself
    6. A Life Worth Watching
    7. Resurrection Begins With You
    8. Rolling Away The Stone
    9. Life Beyond The Tomb
    10. Pastor, Are YOU Ready For Resurrection?
    Epilogue: The Meaning Of Faithfulness

    Additional Info
    For many congregational and denominational leaders, the goal for churches experiencing declining worship attendance is to turn those congregations around. The “turnaround church” is one that has stagnated or is in decline. The old trends are reversed, new members are added, and everyone rejoices in this story of a congregation restored to health and vitality. But what if the metaphors of decline, stagnation, and loss of health just aren’t getting to the problem? What if the situation is much worse than what those ways of describing it imply? What if the congregation is spiritually dead? The only solution is resurrection. Churches that have lost their sense of mission, that exist only to provide fellowship for the “members of the club,” that expect their leaders to focus solely on ministering to the members’ personal spiritual needs; these churches have died to the purpose of the New Testament church, to make disciples of Jesus Christ. They cannot be turned around; they must come to life again. The key to that resurrection is leaders who are not afraid to diagnose the problem for what it really is, and who realize that resurrection is what being a Christian is about.

    The goal of this book is to guide the leaders of these churches through the painful, yet ultimately life-giving work of leading a church to new life in the Spirit. If you want to find new life for your church, read on . . .

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  • From Members To Disciples


    The Book of Acts is really a first-century journal of the early development of congregational Christianity. Foss explores Acts as a guidebook for helping pastors and other church leaders move people from merely being members to becoming disciples. He provides stategies, lessons, and steps for creating a disciple-making ministry. By delving into early Christianity, participants can learn how to become purposeful disciples of the faith and experience the unstoppable power of passion, disciplined growth, vision, and purpose.
    Foss also shows how to use crises and setbacks (inevitable as they are) as opportunities to sharpen participants’ focus for disciple-making ministry and empower them to become agents for change in the world.

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  • Microempresa Megavida – (Spanish)


    Don’t let your business run your life; run your business to give you and your family a good life.

    Creating and owning a successful business is part of the American dream. Written for “ordinary folk who have more dreams than education, capital or resources,” Microempresa, Megavida promises not just professional and financial success but also a fulfilling life. Louis Barajas shows how to create a business that enriches your life as well as your wallet, that creates both money and meaning, and that provides a legacy for yourself and your family.

    Barajas has a unique integrated approach that deals with life as well as business. The four cornerstones of getting a big life from a small business are Truth, Responsibility, Awareness, and Courage. The five steps of building a small business that will lead to a big life are the following:
    Your life blueprint
    *Your vision
    *Your business blueprint
    *Your business systems
    *Your team

    Este libro es concreto, facil de leer, facil de aplicar como una guia que ayudara al lector a tomar la chispa del deseo de una vida mejor y convertirla en un fuego abrasador de una microempresa exitosa. Estos negocios proveeran mas libertad economica y personal, mas felicidad y satisfaccion para los empresarios y sus familias. Esto se muestra a traves de cinco pasos, los cuales son: Vida: el proposito de un negocio es darle a usted mas vida. Liderazgo: el precio de la grandeza es la responsabilidad. Su negocio es su negocio, no su producto. Sistemas uniformes: el sistema es la solucion. Su equipo: entre mas grande sea el sueno, mejor el equipo que necesitara.

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  • Organic Community : Creating A Place Where People Naturally Connect (Reprinted)


    Offers practical help for church leaders who are ready to make the switch from developing programs to shaping environments-where communities may emerge more naturally.

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  • John F Kennedy On Leadership


    Today’s business leaders have much in common with President Kennedy. They face monumental decisions in unpredictable times; their actions have implications far beyond their own organizations; and they are judged mercilessly and incessantly by both their constituents and the media. Professionals, then, would do well to study the leadership traits that made Kennedy one of the most respected, beloved, and influential world leaders in modern history. John F. Kennedy on Leadership analyzes what made Kennedy, both before and during his Presidency, a unique and dominant force who would serve as the standard by which future leaders would be judged. Readers will learn the value of: * Planning and decision making: Consult widely, then act. * Crisis management: Don’t let events manage you. * Building a team: Find your own “Bobby.” * Independence: Don’t follow the crowd. * Mistakes: Learn from them and move on. This timely (and timeless) book will be of interest to anyone involved in leadership.

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  • Hand Me Another Brick Bible Companion


    Most of us could benefit from wise advice on how to be a more effective leader at work and at home. In Hand Me Another Brick Bible Companion, Charles Swindoll delves deep into the life of Nehemiah to show how to handle the issues of motivation, discouragement, and adversity with integrity. Features include: Perfect for small group study or individual study alike Questions for reflection Helpful and insightful discussion of Scripture Discussion questions to facilitate group study

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  • Leadership Promises For Every Day


    Applauded as one of the world’s most popular leadership experts, John C. Maxwell distills many of his winning concepts and scriptural meditations into a daily devotional, following the phenomenally popular format of Grace for the Moment and Hope for Each Day. Delivered with his trademark style of confidence and clarity, Maxwell addresses a host of relevant topics including success, stewardship, teamwork, and mentoring.

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  • By Design Or Default


    You can be intentional about creating the right God-given culture for your church. This book is intended to help both pastors and members engage in the never-ending process of creating a purposeful church culture that flows with the synergy of their vision for reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can create a culture that supports and champions the message you want to communicate to your city.

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  • More Than Serving Tea


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830833719ISBN10: 0830833714Editor: Nikki Toyama | Editor: Tracey Gee | Editor: Jeanette YepBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2006Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Innovative Planning : Your Church In 4-D


    For leaders of small organizations – churches and businesses – who do not have a regular, ongoing planning process, this book will be your guide to becoming an innovative planner for your group’s future.

    This book presents a solid process for developing complete organizational planning – from vision, to mission, to strategies. It also includes the day-to-day operations – the level at which the vision ultimately comes to fruition.

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  • Book On Leadership


    In The Book on Leadership, best-selling author, pastor, and teacher John MacArthur sets the record straight: Leadership does not come from a job title, but from a much deeper source. Based on the writings of the apostle Paul, MacArthur presents the “26 Characteristics of a True Leader” for anyone at work, church, school, or home.

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  • Balancing Work And Life


    Life is more like a marathon than a sprint. Here’s how to stay well conditioned.

    Bill Butterworth will make you laugh-and learn while you’re doing it! In the opening chapter of this powerful little book, Bill shares with you how, while running his rotund body in a nightmarish 440-yard dash, he learned a great lesson:
    Life is much more like a marathon than a sprint.

    The attitudes and actions that result in steady success over the long haul are what make for long-term satisfaction and achievement. To experience this for yourself, you need to understand how to deal with life’s inevitable challenges:
    *The “Hazies”-losing sight of long-term goals
    *The “Lazies”-lacking the self-discipline to bring life back into focus
    *The “Crazies”-allowing life to run out of control

    Each of these can be conquered by three “clarifying triangles:” setting clear priorities, learning the discipline of endurance, and reaching the finish line through skillful pacing. It all adds up to a succinct and inspiring guide to balancing excellence at work with fulfillment in all of life.

    Also look for the On-the-Fly-Guide to Building Successful Teams!

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  • 4 Elements Of Success


    Laurie Beth Jones, management expert and business consultant extraordinaire, noticed that none of the personality/temperament profiles in the market today, none of them provided a tool that was simple, visual, intuitive, and powerful enough to create a shift in thinking as well as relating. So she developed The Path Elements Profile (PEP), which can be used in recruitment, placement, retention, team building, and customer relations as businesses transform many individuals into a harmonizing, humming force for good. Within the framework of the book will be scriptural examples as well as modern day business stories.

    Based upon the elements of Earth, Water, Wind and Fire, the Path Elements Profile helps determine both individual and team behavioral tendencies that affect everything from career choice to daily “to do” lists. We choose to act on what we value, and each element type values very different things:

    Fire personality types love and thrive on challenge
    Water personality types thrive on harmony and calm
    Wind personality types love chaos and change
    Earth personality types love order and structure
    PART I of this book provides an overview of the elements themselves as individual personality types. Jones will explain each element’s strengths and challenges and will have the readers identify their own as well as those of their team members.

    Then in PART II, readers will assess their teams. There are 28 one-day principles, that, if followed will take readers on a simple yet radical journey to a transformed workplace.

    INCLUDES an Assessment Test for Your Team’s Elemental Strengths and Weaknesses

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  • Leadership Lessons From The Bible


    Provides a guide for the application of 40 timeless principles that are necessary for successful leadership in all organizations – the church, business, or government. Secular examples are included to enable the reader to apply these principles to modern-day situations.

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  • Am I A Priest Servant Leader


    A “how-to” book written to help stop generational dysfunction by giving the man practical application tools as he becomes the spiritual and servant leader to his family and local church.

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  • Practicing Greatness : 7 Disciplines Of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders


    About Leadership Network.
    Foreword By Ken Blanchard.


    Introduction Needed: Great Spiritual Leaders.

    1. The Discipline Of Self-Awareness.

    2. The Discipline Of Self-Management.

    3. The Discipline Of Self-Development.

    4. The Discipline Of Mission.

    5. The Discipline Of Decision Making.

    6. The Discipline Of Belonging.

    7. The Discipline Of Aloneness.

    Conclusion Choosing Greatness.


    About The Author.


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    Based on his extensive experience as coach and mentor to many thousands of Christian leaders across a broad spectrum of ministry settings, Reggie McNeal helps spiritual leaders understand that they will self-select into or out of greatness. In this important book, McNeal shows how great spiritual leaders are committed consciously and intentionally to seven spiritual disciplines, habits of heart and mind that shape both their character and competence:

    The discipline of self-awareness-the single most important body of information a leader possesses

    The discipline of self-management-handling difficult emotions, expectations, temptations, mental vibrancy, and physical well-being

    The discipline of self-development-a life-long commitment to learning and growing and building on one’s strengths

    The discipline of mission-enjoying the permissions of maintaining the sense of God’s purpose for your life and leadership

    The discipline of decision-making-knowing the elements of good decisions and learning from failure

    The discipline of belonging-the determination to nurture relationships and to live in community with others, including family, followers, mentors, and friends

    The discipline of aloneness-the intentional practice of soul-making solitude and contemplation

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  • Christian Reflections On The Leadership Challenge


    Christian Reflections on The Leadership Challenge gathers together in one place a remarkable collection of leaders who share insights on faith and leadership. Well-grounded in research, this reflective and practical book shows how Christian leaders – no matter the setting – put into place The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart.

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  • New Pastors Guide To Leading Worship


    14 Chapters

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    This practical book is for new pastors as they move into the role of worship leader and planner. When faced with the weekly rhythm of planning and leading worship, new pastors sometimes find themselves overwhelmed with the tasks. Barbara Day Miller centers on pastors and their identity as worship leader, on guidelines for leadership, and on the “why” and “how” of the worship service. She also explores the pastor’s role in guiding the planning of the worship service and the connecting of the congregation with the historical practices of the church. Brief narratives from other church leaders provide encouragement and useful guidelines for grounding worship-leading in the historic model of the liturgy.

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  • 5 Keys For Church Leaders


    A no-nonsense guide to church leadership and parish development. The book examines the five aspects of congregational life that are key to the development and growth of strong congregations.

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  • Winning On Purpose


    Using an innovative sports analogy, John Kaiser provides proven biblical principles of leadership to help board members, pastors, lay leaders, denominational executives, consultants, and dedicated church members succeed in their respective missions. He also discusses how these strategies can be tailored to fit the requirements of specific denominations.

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  • 78 Important Questions Every Leader Should Ask And Answer


    Great leaders have many talents, but one critical skill — often unrecognized — is the ability to ask and answer questions. This unique book offers 78 questions that leaders at all levels need to ask and answer both inside and outside the organization. Leaders who master this question-response technique will gain much useful information about what is really going on in their businesses, as well as the admiration of employees, customers, and others with whom they interact. The questions and answers cover a range of common and uncommon situations, including: the need to connect employees’ efforts to company goals; layoffs, business downturns, and mergers; personal crises of employees; coaching and mentoring sessions; and customer retention. The book even includes advice on answering questions when the answer is “I don’t know” or “I can’t tell you.” With worksheets in each chapter, it prepares leaders to ask important questions of: * Customers (“Why do you do business with our competition?”) * Employees (“What’s a recent management decision you didn’t understand?”) * And even themselves (“What do I want to be remembered for?”)

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