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Keith Miller

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  • Wrestling With The Text (Student/Study Guide)


    Through its reporting of young adults wrestling anew with that ancient text, the Bible, this volume marks an important occasion of and for Mennonite conversation about identityy and scriptural authority. When Jacob wrestled with God’s messenger in Genesis, he did not let go until he received a blessing. So Jacob was renamed Israel, or “God Wrestles.” A theme uniting this book’s 16 stories plus responses is this reality of wrestling in search of blessing.

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  • My Name Is Keith


    This is a book about my life and how God changed it. I refer to individuals in the Bible and their situations to illustrate how God helps us and guides us by His divine direction. No matter how deep in the pit of sin we sink, the Lord’s arm is always long enough to pull us out of any calamity, if we are obedient to Him. I believe this book will inspire wives to keep lifting up their husbands to the Lord in prayer, no matter how long it takes or how frustrating it becomes. It should help people who feel hopeless and downhearted to realize that it is never too late to turn to the Lord. He’s standing right beside each of us, waiting for us to respond to His call. I trust the book will bring a smile, or perhaps a tear, to the reader. More importantly, I believe it will serve to strengthen the faith of each one who reads it.

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