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Grief and Consolation

Showing 1–100 of 187 results

  • Abuelos Flower Shop


    Te recuerdo y te extrano. I remember you, and I miss you.

    Elena is finally old enough to sell flowers with her abuelo in his shop. But she notices that many of the people who visit have tears in their eyes. Abuelo tells her the shop is the last stop before people visit the garden beyond the gate. A place for telling the ones you’ve loved and lost, Te recuerdo y te extrano, I remember you, and I miss you.

    Tender and insightful, Abuelo’s Flower Shop celebrates the beauty of intergenerational love while gently teaching readers about grieving the loss of a loved one. Grandparents and grandchildren will delight in Elena and Abuelo’s heartfelt relationship, and readers of all ages will be inspired to find their own ways to say, I remember you, and I miss you. This thoughtful story is the perfect resource for navigating difficult conversations about grief.

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  • As Long As You Need


    Veteran hospital chaplain to the sick, dying, and bereaved, J.S. Park offers you both the permission and the process for how to grieve and heal at your own pace.

    In As Long As You Need, J.S. offers an honest and unrushed engagement with grief, decoding four types of grieving–spiritual, mental, physical, and relational–and offering compassionate self-care and soul-care along the way.

    If you are struggling to process loss, pain, or grief from the last few years or the last few minutes, J.S. is an experienced and deeply empathetic listener and grief catcher who has held the pain and questions of thousands of patients. While social and cultural narratives about grief are dominated by “letting go, moving on, or turning the page” in his nearly decade of service as a chaplain at a major hospital with a designated level one trauma center J.S. understands firsthand how rushing or suppressing grief only adds a suffocating layer of pain on top of the original wound.

    From his unique window into the stories of the ill, injured, dying, and their families, J.S. offers you:

    *Permission to dismantle all too common myths about grief and replace them with a guilt-free and unrushed approach to navigating your losses.

    *Encouragement for how entering grief, rather than avoiding it, leads to a hard but meaningful holding of your loss.

    *Empathy and hope if you are struggling with a crisis of faith in the midst of grief.

    *Recognition that grief spans a wide narrative of loss: loss of future, faith, mental health, worth, autonomy, connection, and loved ones.

    *Affirmation that your grief is your own. While the DNA of grief might be universal to the human condition, how you experience and process grief is unique to you.

    From the ER to deliveries to deathbeds across every sort of illness and injury imaginable, J.S. Park has provided meaningful counseling for people in all walks of life and death. Now, through his book he wants to assure you that, while everybody else might rush past your pain, grief is the voice that says, take as long as you need.

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  • Looking Up : A Birder’s Guide To Hope Through Grief


    “Look at the birds”

    Through the painful days of the pandemic stuck in her home, Courtney Ellis found herself looking down in despair. Soon after, her beloved grandfather died unexpectedly.

    It was around this same time that Ellis took up watching birds. “Took up” might not be exactly right–as she puts it, “the switch flipped,” and she’s been borderline obsessed with birds ever since.

    Looking Up is a meditation on birding as a practice of hope. Weaving together stories from her own life, including the death of her grandfather, with reflections on birds of many kinds, Ellis invites us to open our eyes to the goodness of God both in the natural world and in our own lives. By “looking up” to the birds, Ellis found the beauty and wonder of these creatures calling her out of her darkness into the light and hope of God’s promises.

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  • Prayers For A Widows Journey


    “I don’t want a future, Lord. I want my past. But ahead lie Your plans. Ahead lies life.”

    Life after a husband’s death is full of grief, uncertainty, and loneliness. Who can possibly understand the heavy ache of this new life that must be lived alone? Only someone who has lived this experience too.

    In Prayers for a Widow’s Journey, a collection of more than 100 reflective prayers, author Gayle Roper talks to the Lord about what it feels like to be caught in the unsought solitude of widowhood. Each prayer is accompanied by a verse from Scripture that grounds the prayer not in self-pity, but in an awareness of the boundless care of the God of all comfort. Rather than explaining grief away, Gayle acknowledges the pain and invites you to trust God even in these darkest of days.

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  • Grieving Room : Making Space For All The Hard Things After Death And Loss


    When we lose someone we love, we are forever changed. When our person dies, our grief needs room.

    People long to reduce the enormity of our grief. “”Time heals all wounds,”” they tell us, or “”At least she isn’t in pain anymore.”” Yet no matter how hard others try to stuff our grief into a process or a plan, grief cannot be willed away.

    Leanne Friesen thought she knew a lot about bereavement. She had studied it in school and preached at memorial services. But only when her own sister died from cancer did she learn, in her very bones, what grieving people don’t need–and what they do. In Grieving Room, Friesen writes with vulnerability, wisdom, and somehow even wit about the stark and sacred lessons learned at deathbeds and funerals. When someone dies, we need room for imperfect goodbyes, she writes, and room for a changing faith. We need room for regret and room to rage at the world. Room for hard holidays and room in our schedules. We need room for redemption and room for resurrection–and we also need room to never “”get over it.””

    In this poignant account of a sister’s mourning and a pastor’s journey, Friesen pushes back against a world that wants to minimize our sorrow and avoid our despair. She helps those of us walking with the grieving figure out what to say and what not to say, and she offers practical ways to create ample space for every emotion and experience. Reflection questions, practices, and prayers at the end of the book offer guidance and ideas for individuals and groups.

    In a world that wants to rush toward closure and healing, Grieving Room gives us permission to let loss linger. When the very worst happens, we can learn to give ourselves and others grieving room.

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  • Where Is Poppy


    In this heartwarming Passover story, a young Jewish child learns to work through grief with the help of family, memory, and tradition.

    It’s Passover time and everything seems the same, but there’s one major problem. Poppy is gone. And it’s just not Passover without Poppy. Mama says he’s still here, and Aunty says to keep looking, but where? This young child searches and searches but can’t find Poppy anywhere.

    All of Poppy’s favorite people are here though, and so are the special traditions he taught them. Suddenly she starts to realize that maybe, just maybe, Poppy is here, too…and always will be.

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  • Matter Of Little Losses


    Life is full of love, but it is also full of loss. Like paper cuts to the heart, every big and seemingly insignificant loss–the loss of friendships, faith, dreams, health, community, and everything in between–grieves us more than we think it will, and often more than we let on. Why? Because they matter.

    In this compassionate and deeply personal book, Rachel Marie Kang invites you to see and be seen in the midst of your sorrow, your suffering–your story. Through prose and poetry that gives voice to all the things we lose along the way, this gracious book will help you:

    – ponder your loss without judgment
    – remember what was and make meaning of your memories
    – reflect on what is yet to be as you heal with hope

    You don’t have to bury your pain, and you don’t have to pretend you’re over it just because the world thinks you should be. Let Rachel walk hand in hand with you, giving space for sorrow and welcoming you as you find your way along the path to healing.

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  • Think Youll Be Happy


    A spirit-lifting memoir on how to turn pain into purpose, how to live always in gratitude, and how to face down tragedy and turn it into love.

    Nicole Avant–diplomat, philanthropist, filmmaker–grew up surrounded by some of the most extraordinary artists of our time: Bill Withers, Oprah Winfrey, Quincy Jones, Sidney Poitier. Her parents–entertainment mogul, Clarence Avant, and legendary philanthropist, Jacqueline Avant–turned their home into a place of refuge and inspiration for a generation of geniuses. Nicole drew on that magical upbringing to create a stellar career in the music business, become the U.S. ambassador to the Bahamas, and produce critically acclaimed award-winning films and documentaries. Then, an unthinkable tragedy struck: her mother was fatally shot in December 2021.

    In this searing and inspiring memoir, Nicole turns the pain of her family’s loss into the fuel that pushes her forward into an even more committed life of love and activism: “We can’t banish evil,” she writes. “We have to learn to swim through trauma and live for all of those who can’t.” Turning tragedy into inspiration, Think You’ll Be Happy–her mom’s last words to Nicole–provides a roadmap for anyone working to remain positive and anchored in hope.

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  • Hopeful Lament : Tending Our Grief Through Spiritual Practices


    We need to rediscover lament to heal and hope again.

    We’ve lost the practice of lament. Most people don’t know how to process personal or communal mourning and instead struggle to honor their tears, vulnerability, and the full weight of these disillusioning times. But tending our grief might be exactly what we need to reimagine a way forward.

    Tracing her difficult experiences of a catastrophic home fire, a threat to her child’s well-being, and other devastating losses and upheavals, Terra McDaniel offers a clear framework for expressing heartache and burdens. McDaniel says, “Lament is surprisingly hopeful. As strange as that may sound now, I promise it’s true. It’s an act of trust both that we can face pain and survive, and that God cares about our anger, confusion, doubt, grief, and fear. Lament refuses to bury pain or, just as dangerous, to give in to despair.”

    Hopeful Lament makes space for the powerful act of crying out before a loving God and offers provoking reflection questions, embodied practices, and applications for families with children. Learn how to journey gently through suffering.

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  • Quiet House : Reflections On The Loss Of A Spouse


    Find comfort in a message of hope and healing.

    The loss of a spouse is a devastating experience, but pastor Ron Greer invites readers into his own grief journey with messages of hope and healing. The Quiet House calls on the image of a home silenced by absence but also speaks about the possibility of moving forward together through the heartache of loss toward hope. Through an elegant series of personal reflections, Greer, a pastoral counselor, offers steps and reflections of healing while tending to marriage memories. Pastors may find this book a profound help and comfort for grieving members.

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  • Can You Just Sit With Me


    “Why are you still sad about that?”

    It takes time and space to grieve well, but often our culture doesn’t afford us these things. Drawing from her own experience with grief, Natasha Smith invites us into a reflection on what it means to grieve and how to cling to hope even in our darkest moments. Instead of providing quick-fix solutions, this book creates space for us to take time to just sit and grieve, learn, and heal in healthy ways.

    In Can You Just Sit with Me? Smith provides personal stories, biblical reflections, relevant research, practical tools, and prayers that point us to God, who always sits with us in our grief. Whether we are grieving a loss or supporting a friend who is grieving, this book reminds us that every loss is worthy of the space and grace to grieve.

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  • Estaciones Sde Afliccion – (Spanish)


    Una mirada honesta al dolor y los miedos, la fe y la esperanza. Combinando narrativa personal, teologia solida y escritura hermosa, este es un libro para cualquiera que haya amado y perdido.

    El 3 de noviembre de 2020, Tim y Aileen Challies recibieron la impactante noticia de que su hijo Nick habia muerto. Un estudiante de 20 aos, del Seminario Teologico Bautista del Sur en Louisville, Kentucky, habia estado participando en una actividad escolar con su prometida, su hermana y amigos, cuando quedo inconsciente y se desplomo en el suelo.

    Ni los estudiantes, ni un medico que estaba de paso, ni los paramedicos pudieron reanimarlo. Sus padres recibieron la noticia en su casa en Toronto e inmediatamente partieron hacia Louisville para estar juntos en familia. Mientras estaba en el avion, Tim, autor y bloguero, comenzo a procesar su perdida a traves de la escritura. En Estaciones de afliccion, Tim comparte reflexiones en tiempo real en el primer ao de duelo, a traves de las estaciones, desde el otoo hasta el verano, presentando a los lectores lo que el describe como el “ministerio del dolor”.

    Estaciones de afliccion beneficiara tanto a aquellos que estan yendo a traves del dolor como a aquellos que consuelan a otros:

    *Vea como Dios es soberano sobre la perdida y es bueno en la perdida

    *Descubra como puede pasar por momentos de dolor manteniendo su fe

    *Aprenda como la doctrina biblica puede funcionar incluso en las situaciones mas dificiles de la vida

    *Comprenda como es posible amar a Dios mas despues de la perdida de lo que lo amaba antes

    Seasons of Sorrow

    An honest look at grief and fears, faith and hope. Combining personal narrative, sound theology, and beautiful writing, this is a book for anyone who has loved and lost.

    On November 3, 2020, Tim and Aileen Challies received the shocking news that their son Nick had died. A twenty-year-old student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, he had been participating in a school activity with his fiancee, sister, and friends, when he fell unconscious and collapsed to the ground.

    Neither students nor a passing doctor nor paramedics were able to revive him. His parents received the news at their home in Toronto and immediately departed for Louisville to be together as a family. While on the plane, Tim, an author, and blogger, began to process his loss through writing. In Seasons of Sorrow, Tim shares real-time reflections from the first year of grief–throu

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  • I Used To Be


    Navigate Through Grief with Biblical Mental Health Tools

    When you suffer a loss, you enter the realm of “used to be.” You used to be married. You used to be employed. You used to be pregnant, secure, healthy, sober, thin. You used to be a son or daughter, a brother or sister, a mother or father. And in that used-to-be space there is deep emptiness, loneliness, and sorrow. It’s a place we all dwell for a while. But it’s not a place in which we are meant to remain.

    The path forward includes exploring the unseen elements of grief. With this book, pastor Chuck Elliott and counselor Ashley Elliott light the way to a better future. Sharing biblical advice and proven mental health techniques, they help you learn how to fully feel and face your grief, hold onto your faith, and develop healthy ways to see yourself, your life, and your loved ones. They offer coping strategies for when moving forward seems impossible and guide you toward building new thinking patterns that will result in true healing and growth.

    Maybe you “used to be” something–but there is a future waiting when you “will be” once more.

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  • Grandpas Window


    Every window at the hospital faces dull, gray buildings–except the one in Grandpa’s room.
    Grandpa can see the ocean every day! When Daria visits, she and Grandpa look out at the beach, hoping they will build sandcastles and fly kites together again.

    This touching exploration of a child’s experience of loss offers an unexpected ending, encouraging creativity and self-expression in the midst of grief.

    Grandpa’s Window addresses the grieving process, both as a family member approaches the end of life as well as after death. The book includes a note for adults by Dr. Sharie Coombes (, child and family psychotherapist, about how to support children who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

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  • Shadowlands And Songs Of Light


    The Bible tells Christians not to grieve as the world grieves and to rejoice in their sufferings.

    Yet when Christian author Kevin Ott lost his mother unexpectedly in 2010, he sank into a wintry depression. When life seemed the darkest, something surprising happened: while exploring eighteen C.S. Lewis books and thirteen U2 albums, he experienced tremendous “stabs of joy”-the unusual heaven-birthed joy that Lewis wrote about -in the midst of grief. This revelation not only pulled Kevin out of depression, it forever changed the way he experienced the love and joy of Christ. Discover Lewis’s unique definition of joy, understand how to apply his revelations about joy to suffering, and learn to recognize and cooperate with God’s strategic use of joy.

    Learn fascinating biographical details about C.S. Lewis collected from some of the best Lewis biographies and see how Lewis encountered joy in suffering.

    Enjoy a grand tour of U2’s discography, with a special emphasis on their exploration of joy and suffering.

    Clearly understand, from the perspective of music theory explained in layperson terms, why the music of U2 is so emotionally powerful and how it serves as a perfect analogy for Lewis’s concepts of joy and the Christian ability to rejoice in suffering.

    Find inspiration from the personal stories of U2, especially the tragedies that engulfed their youth in Dublin, and see how they worked through that grief and discovered a joy that has kept the band together for 35 years.

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  • Learning To Be Me Without You


    Learning to Be Me Without You is a love story about a diagnosis, one last adventure, a crisis of faith, and a transformed life. With stunning authenticity, Paula Freeman chronicles her journey into widowhood, the club no one wants to join. Yet in the journey, she discovers how God recovers life from loss.

    When doctors confirm that Paula’s husband of forty years has an uncurable lung disease, fear and grief overwhelm her, and she begins to journal. This memoir is a vulnerable and sometimes humorous account-in real time-of a terminal illness, a cross-country move, her husband’s untimely death, and an unscripted road to healing during a set-apart season by the sea. It’s a story of God’s faithfulness in the crucible of grief and what can happen when we say yes to his invitation to Follow me . . . I want to recover your life.

    This book offers gentle guidance and insight toward personal growth through grief and can also be used as a support group, widows’ ministry, or church group resource.

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  • Among The Ashes


    How can we hold fast to the hope of life eternal when we lose someone we love? In this book William Abraham reflects on the nature of certainty and the logic of hope in the context of an experience of devastating grief.

    Abraham opens with a stark account of the effects of grief in his own life after the unexpected death of his oldest son. Drawing on the book of Job, Abraham then looks at the significance of grief in debates about the problem of evil. He probes what Christianity teaches about life after death and ultimately relates our experiences of grief to the death of Christ.

    Profound and beautiful, Among the Ashes tackles the philosophical and theological questions surrounding loss even as it honors the experience of grief.

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  • Hope For The Hurting


    Life is painful.

    Everyone’s story comes with unique challenges, difficulties, bumps, and bruises that leave you lost and drowning in their wake. It could be a financial disaster, a health issue, a broken relationship, or the loss of a loved one.

    Dr. Tony Evans, bestselling author and pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, understands life’s hardships firsthand. In a span of less than two years, he lost his brother, sister, brother-in-law, two nieces, father, and wife. At the same time, both of his daughters received cancer diagnoses. In the wake of all this pain, Dr. Evans had to put into practice, at the deepest levels, the truths he has preached about God for more than forty years.

    God’s Word doesn’t promise us a life free from pain and trouble. It promises us something else-Someone else. Someone who will walk with us through all of life’s trials and troubles.

    There is hope for the hurting: His name is Jesus.

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  • Beyond The Broken Heart 10th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    How do you understand grief when your heart is broken by the death of a loved one?

    To survive and live forward, you must find answers. Beyond the Broken Heart is for anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one. Author Julie Yarbrough chronicles her personal experience combined with a deep love of Scripture and shares an authentic and deeply personal journey through grief. The book explains both the spiritual and practical issues of grief and suggests specific strategies to guide you back to fulness of life. This book is also designed to be used as the participant book for grief support groups and grief ministry programs.This edition celebrates the 10th anniversary of this profoundly helpful guide through the journey of grief.

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  • Unexpecting : Real Talk On Pregnancy Loss


    When your baby dies, you find yourself in a life you never expected. And even though pregnancy and infant loss is common, it’s not common to you. Instead, you feel like a stranger in your own body, surrounded by well-meaning people who often don’t know how to support you.

    What you need during this time is not a book offering easy answers. You need a safe place to help you navigate tough issues, such as:
    – coping with a postpartum body without a baby in your arms
    – facing social isolation and grief invalidation
    – having faith when you feel let down by God
    – dealing with the overwhelming process of making everyday decisions
    – learning to move forward after loss, and
    – creating a legacy for your childIn

    Unexpecting, bereaved mom Rachel Lewis is the friend you never hoped to need, walking you through the unique grief of baby loss. When nothing about life after loss makes sense . . . this book will.

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  • Through A Season Of Grief


    If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you’ve discovered that few people understand the deep hurt you feel.

    Where do you turn for daily comfort and help? Where do you find the tools to move forward? Through a Season of Grief is the first 365-day devotional designed to support and uplift you in that first, most difficult year of bereavement.

    These devotions offer biblical comfort and practical teaching that will enable you to take steps forward toward healing each and every day. You will better understand the grieving process and will receive needed encouragement along the way.

    More than thirty respected Christian professionals-including Kay Arthur, Jack Hayford, and Luis Palau-share their insights on how to walk through the devastation of grief toward wholeness and hope. You will also hear from people like you who lost a loved one and found God’s healing presence in the midst of despair.

    This unique devotional is based on GriefShare , a national grief recovery support group program that has helped more than 100,000 families.

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  • Getting Through Grief


    In Getting Through Grief, look to the Word to wrestle and watch as God’s promise to make all things new and His promise of life transform hope. While heartbreak will always be a part of our lives, God pursues, draws near, and gives us gifts to get through it.

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  • Silent Cries : Experiencing God’s Love After Losing A Baby


    When Edith was stillborn without warning, Jonny and Joanna were stunned and confused. Why wasn’t anyone talking about this? Where could they turn for help? Who would answer their burning questions?

    When Edith was stillborn without warning, Jonny and Joanna were stunned and confused. Why wasn’t anyone talking about this? Where could they turn for help? Who would answer their burning questions? One in in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage; one in 200 in stillbirth. And yet, while the church offers resources to cope with suffering generally, there is often an echoing silence when it comes to the trauma of baby loss. ‘When we lost our daughter Edith,’ say Jonny and Joanna, ‘it was painful indeed to find the lack of biblically rooted and pastorally sensitive resources.’ Nothing really hit the mark, so, though tears, they wrote this book. It comes to you, or someone close to you, with a massive hug. It is the authors’ prayer and passion that you will be amazed by our great God as you connect with deep truths from the Bible, bringing healing to your heart, mind and soul.

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  • Surviving The Holidays While Grieving


    The loss of a loved one can change our lives forever.

    Healing from the pain of losing a loved one doesn’t happen overnight. Each day can be a battle to keep unpredictable emotions under control-especially around holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, which can bring losses into full focus. Traditions and expectations often add more stress to an already grieving heart. Even simple tasks, such as walking through a store during the holidays, can surface memories that turn on emotions like a light switch. Finding joy may seem impossible.

    Janet Johnson knows. She lost a brother to murder, a son to a car accident, and a brother-in-law to suicide. She has experienced firsthand how the holidays have a peculiar way of activating emotions-and why it’s important to process those emotions, not ignore them.

    In Surviving the Holidays While Grieving, Janet comes alongside readers who have lost a loved one or are journeying with someone dealing with grief. With tenderness and compassion, she offers ideas for managing emotions, hands-on activities for expressing feelings in tangible ways, and tips for communicating those feelings to others. Readers will be encouraged to remember meaningful traditions and create new memories about their loved ones with others.

    Through the pages of this tenderly composed book written from a Christian perspective, readers will find hope for healing and a toolkit for taking steps forward with joy.

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  • Grief The Unwanted Journey


    Grief is no stranger in life. Sometimes it strikes unexpectedly, as in the death of a child or through an accident. At other times, though expected due to age or long-term illness, it still comes bringing with it a multitude of emotions. Janet’s reflections on events that brought grief into her life and the lives of others help the reader understand there are similar emotions we all face, yet no one grieves the same. Through these reflections, readers are encouraged to journey from hurt and pain to find God’s inner joy and peace, recognizing the ability to grieve is a gift given by God to help us heal.

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  • Beautiful And Terrible Things


    With deep faith, knowledge of Scripture, and the wisdom that comes only from experience, Brady guides readers grieving losses and setbacks of all kinds in voicing their lament to God, reflecting on the nature of human existence, and persevering in hope. Brady finds that rather than an image of God managing every event and action in our lives, the biblical account describes the very real world in which we all live, a world full of hardship and calamity that often comes unbidden and unmerited. Yet, it also is a world into which God lovingly intrudes to bring comfort, peace, and grace.

    Bible scholar Christian Brady, an expert on Old Testament lament, was as prepared as a person could be for the death of a child-which is to say, not nearly well enough. When his eight-year-old son died suddenly from a fast-moving blood infection, Brady heard the typical platitudes about accepting God’s will and knew that quiet acceptance was not the only godly way to grieve.

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  • Chronicle Of Grief


    “Eva not breathing. Pray.” That text message was Mel Lawrenz’s entry into the harsh reality of losing his thirty-year-old daughter. Things would never be the same. How could he and his family cope with this devastating loss? You or someone you care about may have experienced a terrible, unexpected loss. You are stunned, shocked, leveled. You feel surges of sadness and fear. You have questions and regrets. You keep wondering “what if . . . ?” These are common experiences of anyone whose life has been turned upside down by a traumatic loss. In this narrative of grief, Pastor Mel Lawrenz chronicles how his family struggled to survive the sudden death of their beloved daughter. In raw, vivid episodes, he describes the immediacy of the pain and the uncertainty of what comes next. In the agony of loss, Lawrenz apprehends the realities of love and life and offers insights on how any of us can arrange our life priorities before tragedy hits. You are not alone. You too can find a way forward.

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  • Road To Joy


    A WIPF And Stock Title

    In The Road to Joy, Kevin McClone invites us to join him in a personal and professional journey exploring eight core psychospiritual pathways that lay the foundation for more joyful living. Inspired by the death of his beloved wife, Grace Chen-McClone, this book seeks to integrate core pathways of psychospiritual transformation. Each chapter explores one pathway in depth, utilizing psychological and spiritual sources, and ends with concrete practical action plans. McClone draws heavily from psychology research and spirituality embedded in various spiritual and mystical traditions including the wisdom rooted in the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

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  • Companions In Suffering


    Have you experienced an ongoing trial that left you wrung out emotionally? Do you feel alone in your pain? Though suffering often leaves us feeling isolated, God invites us into the community of the Trinity and offers us many companions in Scripture. We experience loneliness alongside the exiled Israelites. We journey with David as he pleads to God for rescue. With Asaph we confess our unbelief. With Job we learn to lament. With Mary and Martha we learn to wait. In God’s community, there is sweet fellowship, even in the hardest of circumstances. Journey in these pages with Wendy Alsup through her story of suffering, and more importantly, with the God who walks with us in the wilderness. This warm and contemplative book also includes a helpful appendix for those who companion a suffering loved one.

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  • Healing Journeys With The Shepherd


    Healing Journeys with the Shepherd guides readers through the road of painful and desperate times by helping them to experience complete healing through a deeper connection with Jesus, The Shepherd.

    The journey of grief is raw and messy. In those painful and desperate times, travelers need a guide who understands the road and knows intimately the goodness of Jesus, The Shepherd. Healing Journeys with the Shepherd draws from Mary Kay McCauley Stone’s personal experience and journal entries to create a heart to heart connection. In sharing some of the real and often silent struggles of the valley, she serves as a caring guide with practical suggestions to help tender hearts process through the hard questions.

    Together, readers move from the ache of loss to the joyful discovery of bright new life landscapes. Healing Journeys with the Shepherd includes a 40-day devotional and provides practical life coaching for daily care while exploring the restoration process as described in Psalm 23. The goal is to experience complete healing through a deeper relationship with Jesus as the Good Shepherd.

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  • Lets Be Real


    Let’s Be Real exposes the depths of honest grief as a 22-year-old girl says goodbye to her father after holding his hand as her family sang him happy birthday.

    At only 22, Emily Katherine Dalton never imagined her story would take such a turn, losing every sense of family and home she had ever known. The secure faith she had formed felt shattered. In Let’s Be Real, she shares her honest, gritty journey of fighting to believe all she had ever known until her world turned upside down. Fighting to name the depths of new emotions and questions she had never before held, wrestling to somehow let the people around her into the chaos, and relentlessly trying to run toward a God she had to learn to relate to all over again after facing the greatest trauma she had ever known. Let’s Be Real offers readers insight into processing emotional trauma and what authentic friendship really looks like as Emily Katherine relates and reframes stories that taught her the greatest lessons about the faith that follows trauma, grief, and loss–a faith that has to be real.

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  • Learning To Live Again In A New World


    Loss brings with it many layers of grief that need to be addressed. Healing from losses requires more than just talking about our pain; it involves working through the twists and turns of conflicting emotions and confronting questions that often have no satisfactory answers. It is reassembling the pieces of life that have been shattered by assumptions and expectations in order to create a new beginning. Within the process we begin to heal and recover. But as we close one chapter of life, we need tools and information to begin a new chapter and make that transition from what was to what is now. It requires challenging old assumptions and creating a new identity and road map for life going forward.

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  • Walking At The Speed Of Light


    Walking at the Speed of Light is a perceptive offering of memoir and reflections that can be taken one at a time and provide insight and healing for all kinds of darkness. Although many books have addressed grief and depression related to Christian faith, a book that gives readers a Christian perspective on these subjects through forward thinking including organ donation and positive life building offers a unique opportunity. Walking at the Speed of Light begins with the death of Cheryl J. Heser’s thirty-three-year-old son, Joshua, the grief experiences that followed, and the organ donation that affected the lives of over 100 people. Cheryl then provides chapters related to the Light of the World, sharing insight and nurturing for grief and depression as well as an enthusiastic embracing of all aspects of the enlightened Christian faith journey.

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  • Respuestas De Dios A Las Dific – (Spanish)


    Mucha gente sabe que las respuestas a las preguntas mas dificiles de la vida se encuentran en la Biblia, pero no entienden como encontrarlas. Este libro ayuda al lector a descubrir los pasos biblicos basicos para lidiar con temores y problemas. No solo ayudara al lector sino que el lector podra ayudar a otros.

    Se ha preguntado alguna vez… Como lidio con el estres? Como me recupero del fracaso? Como supero la depresion? Como vivo por encima de la mediocridad? Como obtengo tranquilidad? Como supero mis problemas? Como tengo fe en medio de la crisis? -Como me meti en este lio? Por que me sucede esto? Como supero la soledad?

    Rick Warren te lleva a la Biblia para encontrar respuestas a doce de las preguntas mas dificiles de la vida. Basado en ejemplos de diferentes personajes biblicos que enfrentan los mismos problemas, Warren ofrece ideas concisas y practicas de facil comprension y aplicacion para superar dificultades y experimentar una vida de proposito y significado.

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  • God Help Me Im Grieving


    Have you lost someone–or something–dear to you?

    At some point, whether through the loss of a friend or family member, a decline in health, or the end of a career or a relationship, everyone will encounter grief. After nearly twenty-five years in the mental health field, author and licensed professional counselor Katherine B. Barner is well-acquainted with the ways grief can impact a life.

    While grief is unavoidable, it is also a valuable aspect of the human experience. Utilizing Biblical examples of human grief–and God’s acceptance of its complicated rawness–Barner demonstrates how a person’s response to loss does not indicate a lack of faith but testifies instead to their humanity and the life-affirming choice to love and be loved. Filled with practical tips for handling loss and avoiding contention with those who lack compassion or grieve differently, this valuable resource includes a section dedicated to navigating holidays and events while grieving.

    Crafting this guide from her professional experience as well as from lessons learned during her own seasons of mourning, Barner offers compassion and guidance to those suffering a loss.

    Designed not only to assist readers through the process of grief but to grant them permission to fully experience it, God Help Me, I’m Grieving validates each reader’s unique response to loss, allowing it to become a vehicle of inner change and spiritual and emotional growth.

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  • Fellowship Of The Suffering



    Part 1: Welcome To The Fellowship
    1. Suffering Comes With The Territory
    2. The Worst Suffering: Paul’s Story
    3. Learning To Trust Anyway: Dave And Erin’s Story

    Part 2: Fellowship With Christ
    4. The Sun Comes From The Dark: Prayer Through Suffering
    5. Becoming The Kind Of People The World Needs: Transformation Through Suffering
    6. Not What I Expected: Joy Through Suffering

    Part 3: Fellowship With Others
    7. It’s Our Family: Solidarity Through Suffering
    8. Pain As Common Ground: Neighboring Through Suffering

    Part 4: Fellowship With The World
    9. The Seed Must Die To Multiply: Mission Through Suffering
    10. Are You Really Passionate? Calling Through Suffering

    Recommended Reading

    Additional Info
    “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings.” Philippians 3:10 (ASV)

    If we follow Jesus, we will experience pain. It comes with the territory. We might face hardship because of our Christian commitment, or we may have challenges just from living in a fallen world. Either way, Christians follow in the footsteps of our suffering Savior and participate in his suffering.

    But that’s not the whole story. Missionary Paul Borthwick and pastor Dave Ripper show how transformation through our personal pain enables us to minister faithfully to a hurting world. They candidly share about their own struggles and how they have seen God’s kingdom advance through hardship and suffering. Though we naturally avoid suffering, Christians throughout church history have become powerful witnesses to Christ as a result of their brokenness.

    Life is painful, but pain need not have dominion over us. Instead, it can propel us in missional solidarity with our suffering world. Come find comfort and renewed purpose in the fellowship of the suffering.

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  • Perdida Preciosa – (Spanish)


    la muerte de un niNo como resultado de un aborto espontAneo, sIndrome de muerte sUbita del lactante (SIDS), muerte infantil debido a una enfermedad o un nacido muerto crea para los padres una pErdida devastadora y cargada de dolor. Una Perdida

    Preciosa ofrece una ventana al proceso de duelo para aquellos que no solo han experimentado la muerte trAgica de un niNo sino tambiEn su sueNo de la vida del niNo


    El modelo de duelo bIblico

    QuE emociones esperar despuEs de una pErdida

    Pasos concretos para avanzar hacia la paz y la satisfacciOn

    Sugerencias para sobrellevar pensamientos y preguntas difIciles

    TerminologIa para aplicar a los sentimientos Unicos de los padres

    Ideas Utiles para alcanzar la esperanza y la recuperaciOn

    Reconociendo que la experiencia de cada padre es Unica, este libro estA escrito con perspicacia y profunda compasiOn para brindar esperanza y aliento a travEs de un doloroso capItulo de la vida. La consolaciOn amorosa de Dios para aquellos que lloran es apoyada a travEs del libro con las Escrituras para reflejar las promesas eternas de su amor divino.

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  • Quiet Times For Those Who Grieve


    Let Comfort Find You in the Quiet

    There are no words to instantly take away the deep pain of your loss. Grieving is a personal path-one that takes time to cross. But genuine expressions of comfort and understanding can help you make gradual steps toward healing.

    H. Norman Wright, a respected Christian counselor, offers these daily devotions from a heart that has endured difficult loss-yet found God faithful through it all. In these profound and practical reflections, you’ll find…
    *gentle guidance through the grieving process
    *comforting reminders that you’re not alone
    *hope-and the space you need to uncover it

    When you’re grieving, give yourself quiet moments to receive God’s limitless love and peace.

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  • Cancer : A Pilgrim Companion


    A cancer diagnosis is a seismic event. It divides life into before and after, and propels the diagnosed into places of suffering, pain and isolation; life is turned upside down in the present while the future horizon clouds with uncertainty and fear. Despite someone getting diagnosed with cancer in the UK every two minutes, cancer is a disease that is often described as lonely as the sufferer sets out on a tough journey through waiting, treatment and recovery. In this wise and compassionate book, cancer survivor Gillian Straine proposes that this journey through illness, pain and anxiety be reconceptualised as a pilgrimage of discovery. The Christian faith is that we are never abandoned by God, and this promise holds wherever we might find ourselves, whether that is in the doctor’s waiting room, in a chair receiving chemotherapy or lying on the surgeons table. Following the journey of Jesus through the darkness of Gethsemane, to the cross and into the silent waiting of Holy Saturday, this book invites the reader to seek God in their experience of cancer and, by pointing to the glimmers of resurrection hope in remission and beyond, to find healing in their own story of illness.

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  • Our Last Awakening


    “Bring us, Lord our God,at our last awakening,into the house and gate of heaven . . .’ John Donne’s prayer speaks of the hope and promise of a life with God that embraces us beyond death as well as during our time on earth. However, people of faith are not exempt from fears, fantasies and speculation, nor from the normal sequence of grief reactions that afflict bereaved human beings. Poetry, whether or not it is consciously religious, can help. In this selection of poems and thoughtful commentaries, Janet Morley offers an enriching approach to a subject we might prefer to avoid contemplating – our ordinary mortality. Here you will find the work of Dylan Thomas, Gillian Clarke, Philip Larkin, U. A. Fanthorpe, Seamus Heaney, Ann Griffiths, Jane Kenyon, Anne Stevenson, A. K. Ramanujan, Richard Baxter, George Herbert, Roger McGough and many more. Ranging in tone from joyful and ecstatic to gentle, ironic, despairing and even hilarious, these writers help us to look at death, accompany the dying, celebrate those who have died, and articulate our hope about what lies beyond. As a result, we have an opportunity to experience the whole range of human emotions about what it means to live, to love and to be loved.

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  • Grieving A Suicide (Expanded)


    Introduction: For Survivors-the Other Victims Of Suicide

    Part I: When Suicide Strikes
    1. Shock
    2. Turmoil
    3. Lament
    4. Relinquishment
    5. Remembrance

    Part II: The Lingering Questions
    6. Why Did This Happen?
    7. Is Suicide The Unforgivable Sin?
    8. Where Is God When It Hurts?

    Part III: Life After Suicide
    9. The Spirituality Of God
    10. The Healing Community
    11. The Lessons Of Suicide

    Epilogue: Going On

    Appendix: Resources For Suicide Survivors And Suicide Prevention
    Questions For Reflection And Discussion
    A Single-Session Discussion Guide For Suicide Survivor Groups

    Additional Info
    A 2003 Finalist in the United Kingdom Christian Book Awards! “Albert,” the neighbor said, “your mom needs you to come home.” That’s how it began for Albert Hsu when his father died. Anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide experiences tremendous shock and trauma. What follows is a confusing mix of emotions-anger, guilt, grief, and despair. Suicide raises heartrending questions: Why did this happen? Why didn’t we see it coming? Could we have done anything to prevent it? How can we go on? Many also wonder if those who choose suicide are doomed to an eternity separated from God and their loved ones. Some may even start asking whether life is worth living at all. After his father’s death, Hsu wrestled with the intense emotional and theological questions surrounding suicide. While acknowledging that there are no easy answers, he draws on the resources of the Christian faith to point suicide survivors to the God who offers comfort in our grief and hope for the future. For those who have lost a loved one to suicide and for their counselors and pastors, this book is an essential companion for the journey toward healing. This revised edition incorporates the latest statistics, has expanded resources for suicide prevention and mental health ministry, and now includes a discussion guide for suicide survivor groups.

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  • Suffering Of Innocents


    Sam and Laura Job have the perfect life. They have a wonderful marriage. Beautiful children. Two great careers. They have a beautiful house in the suburbs. The Jobs are bestowed with all the blessings modern life has to offer. Their life was idyllic until a moment of tragedy changed everything for them, forever. As their family tries to rebuild after this life-altering calamity they struggle to define their relationships with themselves, their relationships with each other and their relationship with God. The Suffering of Innocents looks at the age old question posed in the Old Testament’s Book of Job, “Why do innocents suffer?”

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  • When Tragedy Strikes


    After the death of a child, there is no closure. It is like learning how to live with an amputation–you are forever changed and need to learn how to live a new normal. There can be a feeling of desperation to find someone farther ahead on the path who can understand the crushing pain that makes you feel like you can t even breathe at times.

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  • Lord Willing : Wrestling With Gods Role In My Childs Death


    Does God’s perfect plan really include this?

    When her young son was diagnosed with brain cancer, Jessica Kelley couldn’t stomach Christian cliches. God’s will? Divine design? The Lord’s perfect plan? In Lord Willing?, Kelley boldly tackles one of the most difficult questions of the Christian life: if God is all-powerful and all-loving, why do we suffer? For Kelley, this question takes an even more painful and personal turn: did God lack the power or the desire to spare her four-year-old son?

    For those dissatisfied with easy answers to why evil and tragedy occur, Lord Willing? offers a refreshing, hopeful journey straight to the heart of God. Be prepared for something more beautiful, more pure, and more healing than you can dare to imagine.

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  • Joy In The Mourning


    Only God knows what it takes to walk down dark roads and to fight the good fight of faith. Ruby and her family have walked a close walk with God in direct opposition to hopelessness and the ugliness of cancer, and through “Joy in the Mourning,” have brought us with her. This is a book of the faithfulness of God Almighty. This is a book of compassion, understanding, and hope for those who have faced and are face-to-face with the ugliness of cancer.

    Daren and Angie Werk, Newlife Victory Fellowship, Senior pastors

    You’re looking forward to the best years of your life. Retirement isn’t far away, the kids are grown up, and the grandchildren are coming along. Life is looking good!

    Suddenly your dreams and plans take a nosedive and it’s all you can do to breathe deeply and take one step at a time.

    Is it possible to hold onto faith in the face of dire circumstances? Will you ever feel joy bubbling up inside you again? When a hope-filled solution is presented to you your spirits soar, only to come crashing down again when failure raises its ugly head.

    You go to the only place where faith, hope, and joy can be restored. Even there you find you will need to make a choice: walk or wallow? Sing or sigh? Help or hurt? What will you choose?

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  • Broken Hallelujahs : Learning To Grieve The Big And Small Losses Of Life


    26 Chapters

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    The losses in our lives are both big and small, and cover a range of experiences. We leave home. We experience physical illness and disabilities. We struggle with vocation and finances. We may long for a spouse or child. We lose people we love to addiction or illness and death. All of these losses can build into questions and doubts about faith. We may experience depression or other mental health struggles. Where is God in the midst of our losses? In this book spiritual director Beth Slevcove shares stories from her own life about losses and struggles. Along the way, she offers distinctive spiritual practices that can guide us back to God and, in the end, to ourselves.

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  • Anchored : A Bible Study For Miscarriage Stillbirth And Infant Loss


    Anchored is a Bible study that directs grieving moms to God’s truth where they can find hope regarding their loss. One in four pregnancies ends in devastating loss. Grief hits like a tidal wave. Endless questions batter your soul. Why me? How could God allow this to happen? Did I do something wrong? Where is my baby now? Can I survive this? Anchored invites you to grieve in an honest and faith-filled way. With personal stories, seasoned insight, and gentle questions, you are invited to lay your deepest hurt at the foot of the cross and allow God to anchor your brokenness.

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  • Inside The Shadow


    Can a mother continue to live when her child dies? I thought not. I believed this sorrow would bring my death. The years of cancer treatment had been filled with a mixture of uncertainty and hope, an unshakable hope in God’s healing. Yet now, the heart beat that had been formed within me had stopped and the gaping wound it had left would surely cause my own heartbeat to cease. Somehow, my lungs continued to take in air and my heart continued to beat. When a child dies, a parent undergoes a rapid free fall into the valley of the shadow of death. Whether through tragic accident, suicide, or prolonged illness, such as Kristen’s, the descent into the valley is a headlong dive into the solitary, expansive valley of grief. To me, the valley appeared to be bleak and sunless; I realized I was inside the shadow that death had created. This was a place that I could not possibly traverse on my own. I did not wish to be inside the shadow yet I could see no way out.

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  • Tell Those Who Mourn


    When my oldest son, Tony, was killed, I knew I desperately needed God. I felt lost. It was uncharted territory for me, and I needed guidance. In this book, I share how God guided me through my days of mourning and revealed truths from His Word that gave me hope and continues to sustain me today. Throughout this book, you will also read other testimonies from people who have lived through the crushing reality of losing a loved one. My prayer is that this book will be a blessing and a help to everyone who reads it. This book is, at its heart, my testimony-the reality that our God understands and meets us in the midst of our grief and offers us great hope!

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  • Tell Those Who Mourn


    When my oldest son, Tony, was killed, I knew I desperately needed God. I felt lost. It was uncharted territory for me, and I needed guidance. In this book, I share how God guided me through my days of mourning and revealed truths from His Word that gave me hope and continues to sustain me today. Throughout this book, you will also read other testimonies from people who have lived through the crushing reality of losing a loved one. My prayer is that this book will be a blessing and a help to everyone who reads it. This book is, at its heart, my testimony-the reality that our God understands and meets us in the midst of our grief and offers us great hope!

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  • No Tengas Miedo – (Spanish)


    El temor a los accidentes o a las acciones terroristas, a la enfermedad o la muerte, a la soledad o el dolor por la muerte de un ser querido . . . Si es usted como la mayoria de la gente, quiza esas ansiedades le esten privando de una paz que deberia ser suya. En “No tengas miedo, ” Arnold, un curtido asesor pastoral, que ha acompanado a muchas personas hasta el umbral de la muerte, narra como hombres, mujeres y ninos corrientes encuentran la fortaleza para superar sus mas grandes temores. Salpicado de anecdotas de maestros tan sabios como Tolstoi, Dickens y Dorothy Day, las palabras de Arnold ofrecen la seguridad de que, incluso en una epoca de ansiedad, se puede vivir la vida plenamente y salir al encuentro de la muerte con total seguridad en si mismo.

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  • Dance With Jesus


    Would you think differently about how God comforts His children in their grief if you could meet someone who had felt the gracious hand of God touch them-literally?

    When we are lost in the storms of grief, only God can pierce the darkness. How can a broken, bewildered woman who lost . . . Her sister, a brilliant PhD nurse, to suicide Her youngest son to respiratory distress caused by an accidental drug-alcohol interaction, on the night of her brother-in-law’s memorial service Her sister-in-law to cancer, four years to the day after her son’s death . . . want to get out of bed and live-out loud and in color? Simple. God revealed Himself to her and breathed life back into every nook and cranny of her very being. In Dance with Jesus: From Grief to Grace, author Susan B. Mead shares her personal story of how God came to her in the midst of grief with a display of love, insight and comfort far beyond her expectations. Have you ever: Held the Hand of God? Felt God caress your broken heart? Heard Him speak out loud? Seen Jesus dancing with your lost loved one? Seen your loved one in the holy presence of God-on His Mercy Seat? Do you want to? In her vibrant, inspiring, and up-close-and-personal style, Susan freely shares how her encounters with God in the midst of overwhelming grief led her to a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him that truly restored her soul. Are you ready to laugh through the tears and dance-with Jesus? Susan B. Mead, a medical technologist with an MBA, spent 22-plus years in the diabetes sector with Johnson & Johnson prior to founding the blog After Susan lost her youngest son, she came to realize that even when things get broken, discarded, or replaced, people matter most. Susan is a Charter Blogger on the Bible Gateway Blogger’s Grid, has been published in Medical Laboratory Observer (MLO), is on the path to becoming a Chaplain with the IFOC and has been described as a solid, comforting voice in a messy world. 10% of the profit from Dance with Jesus: From Grief to Grace will benefit Water for LIFE to help dig water wells in remote locations around the world. People Matter! Dance with Jesus: From Grief to Grace is a quick read for the grief-stricken individual who needs to know that God is still alive and restoring His fragile, broken sons and daughters today. Susan Mead tells the story of her personal experience with God after the unexpected loss of her youngest son, when He restored her from broken and bewildered to

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  • My Secret Loss


    We were told it would be easy. We thought it was the best choice; but now we suffer with the consequences, the regular reminders, a sense of guilt, and a sense of shame. Through abortion, we now face the death of our babies, death by choice. We try to hide our choice and we try to escape the emotional pain. We seek forgiveness, acceptance, and consolation; yet, we find no solace. Our fears drive us into a life of secrecy, hiding our loss. We suffer a secret loss.

    My Secret Loss will:
    Enable the reader to accept the truth about abortion
    Provide permission and encouragement to grieve the loss of your baby
    Validate your emotional and psychological harm that has been caused by abortion
    Discover the path to peace, healing that is only possible through the saving grace of Jesus

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  • And He Will Lift You Up


    “And He Will Lift You Up” is the remarkable story of Zanina Jacinto, a woman who is painfully familiar with disabilities–her precious daughter, Danielle, was born with cerebral palsy; several years later, Zanina was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and bipolar disorder. Faced with these setbacks, Zanina turned to the Lord, and He lifted her up when her own strength failed. Zanina raised Danielle, who today is a vibrant young woman, and an honor student with a bachelor of science in special education. Zanina became a teacher of special needs children, but eventually, had to leave her job when multiple sclerosis consumed her body with relentless fatigue, and muscle weakness made walking and standing difficult. During this dark and frightening time, Zanina battled depression and soon discovered that she also had bipolar disorder. But as Zanina and Danielle persevered and held tightly to the Lord’s promises, again and again, God graciously and miraculously supplied all of their needs. Travel with mother and daughter to the Promised Land of Israel where they experience the fullness of God’s grace, power, and love; and rejoice with them as they return home with renewed strength and vision. Be encouraged as Zanina shares how she successfully deals with life’s challenges and shows you how to do the same. “And He Will Lift You Up” will speak to your heart as a testimony of the enduring power of faith, and will light the way for you to find the hope and joy that comes from the One who is constant and loves you with an everlasting love.

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  • Experiencing The Loss Of A Family Member (Reprinted)


    Losing a family member is one of life’s most difficult experiences. Whether you are facing the death of a spouse, parent, child, sibling, close friend or pet, the weeks and months that follow such a loss can be overwhelming. Experiencing the Loss of a Family Member is a trustworthy companion for your journey through grief. With gentle honesty and wisdom, bestselling author and respected family therapist H. Norman Wright shares about the process of mourning, the disruption and re-ordering of family life, and the conflicting and confusing emotions that follow a death in the family. He also shows how it’s possible to grow closer to God and other family members as you face the darkness together. You are not alone through the valley-God’s Spirit, the Comforter, walks with you every step of the way, and will guide you toward true peace and renewed hope.

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  • Wild Things : Poems Of Grief And Love Loss And Gratitude


    How does a person tolerate the intolerable, bear the unbearable? For Roberta Bondi, a more specific question arose. “How will I continue my life when my mother is not in it?” As Bondi put pen to paper, she gave voice to her grief – and created a resource for others who grieve. She articulates her pain so others can know that they are not crazy in their emotions, that they can live beyond the grief and pain and find a measure of comfort. Bondi loses a physical presence but comes to find her mother’s presence in new ways in her life. Just as the “light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:5), Bondi shines a light on the dark face of grief, reminding us of God’s enduring love.

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  • Be Not Afraid


    Fear of accidents or acts of terror, illness or dying, loneliness or grief if you re like most people such anxieties may be robbing you of the peace that could be yours. In “Be Not Afraid, ” Johann Christoph Arnold, a seasoned pastoral counselor who has accompanied many people to death s door, tells how ordinary men, women and children found the strength to conquer their deepest fears. Drawing on stories of people he has known as pastor, relative or friend, Arnold shows how suffering can be given meaning, and despair overcome. Interspersed with anecdotes from such wise teachers as Mother Teresa, Henri Nouwen, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Arnold’s words offer the assurance that even in an age of anxiety, you can live life to the full and meet death with confidence.”

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  • Living Thoughtfully Dying Well


    As we grow older we start to wonder about death, asking, How will I die? Will I have a good death? Will I suffer? How will my family respond? How can we manage the dying process better?

    Dr. Glen E. Miller, a retired physician who also has theological training, had his own wake-up call when he suffered a heart attack and determined to help himself and his patients go gently into that good night. In a candid way, Miller invites readers into conversation about the spirituality of dying as he explores a variety of beliefs about death and dying.

    With personal advice gleaned from his work with Mother Teresa among the dying of Calcutta, India, Miller provides rich guidance for those who are aging on the process of dying and how to make it better.

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  • Pilgrimage Through Loss


    The death of a child immerses parents into a life-long challenge of living with one of life’s most heartbreaking losses. Pilgrimage through Loss tells the story of one family’s journey, along with interviews from thirty other mothers and fathers who add their voices to the silences that often surround suffering in our ‘mourning-avoidant’ culture. Hunt illuminates the varied pathways parents eventually discover that open their lives to strength and healing. Rather than prescribing a path that will lead to recovery, Hunt encourages parents to find the pathways that work for them as they seek to engage life again with meaning and hope. Each chapter includes questions for reflection and discussion, plus recent research on grief and loss. Pilgrimage through Loss not only helps grieving parents, it also provides an insightful resource for those wanting to understand and come alongside a family in grief.

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  • Amor Nunca Muere – (Spanish)


    Aligera tu carga pena cambiando la forma de ver el dolor.
    El Amor Nunca Muere: Aceptando Duelo con Esperanza y Promesa ayuda a dolientes, cuidadores y profesionales que ayudan a entender lo siguiente:
    * El duelo es la expresion constante de amor a la persona que ha muerto. Dolientes no necesitan ser fijados, curados, diagnosticados, lastimados o corregidos.
    * Dolor saludable abraza y experimenta la perdida. El dolor sirve a un proposito. Evitar el dolor retrasa la curacion.
    *Mantener una relacion continua con la persona que ha muerto es saludable y la curacion. Los dolientes no tienen que dejar de lado sus seres queridos con el fin de progresar en su dolor.
    Notas tecnicas de diseadores expertos dolor pueden aliviar la presion de olvidar a un ser querido o dejarlas en el pasado. Dado que el dolor es una expresion de amor, es saludable y apropiado para recordar a un ser querido, extraar a el o ella , y llorar.

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  • Will I Ever Find Love Again


    51 Chapters

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    When your world falls down around you . . .

    *A friend’s wife just died. Your mind is blank; you do not know what to say to him.

    Your loved one is starving to death; dying from cancer and you cannot do anything to help. You are the chief caregiver, the problem solver, now absolutely helpless.

    You pray, the heavens are silent. Your anger is deep. God is somewhere else; you have been abandoned. When you needed him most, he took a hike.

    Your loved one left this planet and you feel hurt and angry; the dreams you’ve had are forever gone. And your desperate loneliness is just too much to bear.

    *You wonder, is it possible to find new love on the Internet?

    This Stauffer Story will help you or your friend find the way through extreme difficulties. Learn how to look for and discover God’s fingerprints and hear God’s footsteps while seemingly stuck in the darkened valley. Discover how to find light, love and happiness.

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  • Biblical Antidotes To Lifes Toxins (Anniversary)


    14 Chapters

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    This illuminating and challenging book is filled with sound biblical counsel, engaging illustrations, and practical suggestions as to how, with God’s enabling, we can face and overcome some of life’s most vexing – and universal – challenges. Glenn Gunderson’s pastoral wisdom and compassionate spirit shine through on every page of this eminently readable guidebook.

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  • Good Funeral : Death Grief And The Community Of Care


    Two of the most authoritative voices on the funeral industry come together here in one volume to discuss the current state of the funeral. Through their different lenses–one as a preacher and one as a funeral director–Thomas G. Long and Thomas Lynch alternately discuss several challenges facing “the good funeral,” including the commercial aspects that have led many to be suspicious of funeral directors, the sometimes tense relationship between pastors and funeral directors, the tendency of modern funerals to exclude the body from the service, and the rapid growth in cremation. The book features forewords from Patrick Lynch, President of the National Funeral Directors Association, and Barbara Brown Taylor, highly praised author and preacher. It is an essential resource for funeral directors, morticians, and pastors, and anyone else interested in current funeral practices.

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  • Life Lost And Found (Reprinted)


    Are you reeling from loss? Mired in grief and despair? Is your heart breaking? Do you long for just a moment’s relief from the pain of your circumstances? Do you feel as though life will never be normal again? If you or someone you love has experienced the heartbreak of death or divorce, this practical guide will take you from those deep valleys of despair to blue skies and rainbows – from sorrow and heartache to hope and healing!

    Writing with compassion, empathy, and encouragement, authors Wilson Adams and David Lanphear answer these questions and more:
    Why did this happen to me?
    How do I rely on God?
    How do I help my children?
    What about my loved one’s room and belongings?
    How do I face holidays and other days on the calendar?
    Can I heal and move on?
    Is there hope for happiness?
    Packed with Scripture and insight from two who have walked the path of grief and suffering, A Life Lost…and Found will help anyone on the journey toward healing, wholeness, and joy.

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  • Everlasting Life


    Biblical view of what it means to live forever and how it makes a difference now.

    Teaches how to care for others during times of grief and loss, and how to overcome the fear of death and dying.

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  • When Loved Ones Are Called Home (Reprinted)


    This classic on grieving offers the sure and steadfast hope that separation from a loved one is not the end. It helps readers make the physical, emotional, and relational adjustments needed when a loved one departs this life, and it gives honest answers to the most difficult questions and doubts we have. With comforting Scriptures about death, life, and resurrection, as well as beautiful poetry that expresses our deepest emotions, When Loved Ones Are Called Home walks with readers as a friend through their pain and grief. Now with a beautiful, contemporary cover.

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  • Grieving Gods Way


    A 90-day devotional healing experience for the grieving spirit. The death of a family member or friend is devastating. In fact, it can take five years or more for a person to adequately work through his or her grief, but because we live in a fast-paced society, we often sweep it under the rug or ignore it altogether. God has another plan.
    Man’s Way: Numb the pain God’s Way: Heal the pain
    Man’s Way: Don’t talk about it God’s Way: Share your pain
    Man’s Way: Time heals God’s Way: Faith heals

    Grieving God’s Way is a 90-day reader designed to bring hope and healing to those who have experienced loss. Each thoughtful devotional begins with a scripture and ends with a haiku, written to affirm the positive theme of the text. Divided into four categories-body, soul, heart, and spirit-each day’s entry offers insight into the grieving process that increases understanding of God’s purposeful plan for healing the heart and soul.

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  • Im Fat And Nobody Cares


    The stares, the mocking laughter, the hurt, and the pain; this is one woman’s journey of learning that being fat really does matter to everyone. In “I’m Fat and Nobody Cares”, Kathleen Frank tackles the many issues that face people who battle obesity and the reasons why they do. This is the author’s personal testimony of how she overcame sexual and emotional abuse, her constant struggle with weight and how she was able to find the Lord amidst every temptation to turn against Him.

    Through her own battle and heartbreak, Kathleen attempts to uncover the roots of this rampant issue and bring to light the pain that she and many others have experienced through weight gain. She sheds light on the real reasons why many people have become obese and how there is hope for them. The author could have very easily used this book as an outlet for her emotions, anger especially, but instead this book is very tactfully written.

    A rough childhood, two bumpy marriages with one ending in an affair that changed her life forever, Kathleen details her own struggle of weighing over 330 pounds and how through the love of Christ and the practical implementation of His Word in her life she has been able to come to terms with her weight and believe God for a miracle.

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  • Joyful Reunion


    Joyful Reunion is the touching story of a young woman who kept an unplanned pregnancy and subsequent abortion a secret from her family for nearly a decade. There was good reason for keeping this secret and no good reason to reveal it, until a life changing revelation emerged through the fog of heartache, fear and pain that gave her the reason, the courage really, to expose it to the light. When she did, it opened the door to healing and changed her life forever.

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  • When The One You Love Is Gone


    When a loved one dies, you don’t get over it, but you can move on.

    The bad news is that we never fully “get over” the loss of those we hold most dear; we bear those scars to the grave. The good news is that God is at work in us turning our loss and pain into something beautiful. God can take the scars and the mess and the heartache of our lives– yours and mine– and use it to give new life, new life to us and new life to others.

    God is not in the business of zapping our loved ones and stealing them away from us. But in a world where death waits for every person, God stands ready. God stands ready to receive our beloved dead as they cross over; and God stands ready to guide us through the saddest days, to walk with us through our grief, and to take us into places we never could have imagined places of hope and renewal. If God could take a cross and broken body and make of them redemption, God can take your pain and heartache and fashion them into new life.

    This book is composed of the reflections that point to broader lessons that will help those who find themselves passing through grief, as well as the pastors, counselors, and friends whose job is to accompany the traveler.

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  • Grieving The Loss Of Someone You Love (Reprinted)


    Few losses are as painful as the death of someone close. No valley is as vast as grief, no journey as personal and life changing. Compassionate and wise guides Raymond Mitsch and Lynn Brookside shine a light on the road through grief. They can help you endure the anguish and uncertainty; understand the cycles of grief; sort through the emotions of anger, guilt, fear, and depression; and face the God who allowed you to lose the one you love. A series of thoughtful daily devotions, Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love shares wisdom, insight, and comfort that will help you through and beyond your grief.

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  • Dying Death And Destiny


    Too often, the somber inevitability of death and dying is something we push into the background of our everyday thoughts and actions-until it becomes something we can avoid no longer.

    Because death will touch the life of everyone, it is essential, as a believer, that you possess the full confidence that when you, or your loved ones, meet this final reality, it is without fear or doubt of the life that awaits you beyond the grave.

    Best-selling author Dr. Herbert Lockyer has provided this valuable resource to provide eternal assurance to comfort the Christian, and a message of hope for those who have not yet called on the name of Jesus Christ as their Savior.

    As believers, we need not fear death. Thanks to the victory that was won on the cross, death is not a leap in the dark or a gateway into the great unknown, but a quick journey home to Christ, whose glorified body will be the pattern for our deathless new bodies.

    I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. (Revelation 1:18 KJV)

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  • When A Child You Love Is Grieving 2nd Edition


    Acts of caring and compassion can make all the difference in a grieving child’s life. Adults can often worry about saying and doing the right thing, and too often giving children quick answers instead of the support they really need.

    Widely recognized grief specialist, Harold Ivan Smith explains that quick answers are not what children need when they are grieving. They need support, and most of all they need to be allowed to grieve-for as long as it takes.

    With an ABC-like approach, Smith offers insights and activities for the parent, teacher, or friend-anyone who loves a child and wants to offer his or her support. This new and revised edition of When a Child You Love is Grieving will help insure that the child is receiving the healthy and necessary outlets during the loss of a loved one.

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  • Grief : Gods Help In Times Of Sorrow (Student/Study Guide)


    A friend moves away. You get laid off. Cancer takes the life of a family member. We all experience grief and loss in some form. Whether you’re supporting a grieving friend or mourning a loss of your own, these nine studies from Psalms will help you express what you’re feeling and lead you to the arms of our compassionate God, who weeps with us, listens to our cries and understands our pain.

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  • Grieve Like A Man


    Grief. Its a messy, hard path yet its a journey everyone will take at some point in life.

    When men walk that road, they often find they’re not given the freedom to grieve as they need to. Author Jonathan Fann has been there, having lost two children and his father in less than 18 months.

    Grieve like a Man offers men a practical guide to navigating the path of grief in a culture where men are taught to be tough.

    The author also provides insight for wives, mothers, sisters, and friends into how men grieve differently than women and how they can come alongside the men in their lives who are hurting from a loss.

    Readers will learn how to face grief that occurs, not just in the case of death, but also during the loss of a marriage, jobs, and even a mans hopes and dreams. An encouraging book for every man dealing with loss.

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  • When You Dont Know What To Say (Revised)


    An updated version and 2nd edition!

    For those who have a friend that has been devastated by the loss of a loved one. When others care enough to rub shoulders with grieving friends and are willing to be inconvenienced. It requires someone to care enough to put aside clichA(C) condolences and stick close through a long grieving process.

    An individual s grief can never be fixed . But friends can wash a sink full of dishes. One can listen. Or they can go along on a cemetery visit. Sharing another’s grief is not about “fixing it”-it’s about showing up.

    Harold Ivan Smith, popular speaker and grief educator, guides others to respond with their heart. He shows tangible, meaningful ways to make a significant difference as one journeys through grief with someone they care about.

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  • Life After Suicide


    The death of a loved one by suicide is a life-changing and traumatic event that affects many people. Over the past several years, suicide has been the eleventh leading cause of death for Americans. It is estimated that there are over 4.5 million Americans who have lost a loved one to suicide.

    In, Life after Suicide: Survival, Hope and Healing, Cynthia L. Long offers direction and resources to suicide survivors and to those who want to be supportive to survivors. This resource is full of stories of individuals who have embraced their grief and “survived” following a suicide death. Despite the stigma of suicide in America, this invaluable resource was written because many survivors wanted their stories to be told in hopes that their experience might help others who are walking a similar path.

    Written from a Christian perspective, this resource will help the reader learn that survival, hope, and healing are attainable. The author covers such topics as:

    Misconceptions and Risk Factors about Suicide

    Stories and Emotions of Survivors

    Faith, the Church, and Suicide

    Survival, Hope, and Healing

    God empowers us to companion those who are hurting. Life after Suicide gives tips on how to avoid cliches and euphemisms when talking to the bereaved and offers study guide questions at the end of each chapter. This resource is a “must buy” for anyone who knows someone whose life has been affected by a suicide death — both survivors and friends who want to support survivors.

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  • Grieving With Hope (Reprinted)


    Practical and straightforward, yet warm and compassionate, Grieving with Hope clarifies the popular misconception that people move through stages of grief. This will be an encouragement to many, as grieving people often think something is wrong with them when their grief doesn’t proceed neatly through stages. The reality is that grieving people jump back and forth between different emotions, sometimes wrestling with multiple emotions at once.

    This book is packed with short, biblically based, gospel-centered, topical chapters addressing the issues grieving people face but are often hesitant to mention to others. It helps readers accurately interpret the message their emotions are sending them and gently guides them to determine whether they’re grieving in a way that leads to hope and ultimate healing. Developed from interviews with over 30 well-respected Christian counselors, teachers, and authors, as well as numerous personal testimonies, Grieving with Hope helps the bereaved discover how hope and peace are available amidst their heartache and pain.

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  • Love Never Dies


    Lighten your grief burden by changing how you view grief.

    Love Never Dies: Embracing Grief with Hope and Promise helps mourners, caregivers and helping professionals understand that:

    * Grief is the expression of love for the person who has died. Mourners do not need to be fixed, cured, diagnosed, pitied or corrected.
    * Healthy grief embraces the loss experience. Grief serves a purpose. Avoiding grief delays healing.
    * Maintaining a relationship with the person who has died is healthy and healing. Mourners do not have to “let go” of their loved one in order to progress successively in their grief.

    Learn insights from mourning experts that show there is:

    * HOPE for today and the future
    * PROMISE that the resources needed to get through grief are available

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  • Gone But Not Lost (Reprinted)


    We all expect our parents to precede us in death. No one expects to have to make their child’s funeral arrangements. And the loss of a child brings with it a special and persistent manifestation of grief that can feel “like a stomachache that never ends.”

    Gone but Not Lost is a thoughtful gift for a family that has experienced the death of a child. Each of its brief chapters covers one element of grieving, bringing readers through sorrow and helping them deal with feelings of anger or guilt, as well as the marital strain that may follow the loss of a beloved child.

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  • Covered And Kept


    Karen Johnson has managed to convey her deepest fears, pain, faith and joy in this intimate and honest account of her journey in her walk with Christ… She holds nothing back, hoping the reader will gain an insight to what it means to be a true woman or man of God in spite of loss and tragedy. This book will take you from Karen’s earliest experiences of her life up to the senseless and brutal murder of her late husband, Jon Johnson. You will undoubtedly learn, as she has, how God has always had his hands on her life assuring her she is, “Covered…& Kept.” – F. Byrd As I read “Covered & Kept,” my heart and head were glued to the story as if I was watching a movie. I think Karen has done an excellent job bringing honor to our heavenly Father. Blessed Be His Name, forever! – Angle Thomas “Oh, God, please tell me why?” This desperate cry rings out from the lips of two women from two distinct walks of life as their worlds are turned upside down. One was celebrating the 84th birthday of her mother-in-law while the other was out on a date night with her husband. The nightmare begins when gun shots ring out leaving two husbands dying in pools of their own blood just a mile apart. Horrified bystanders ducked for cover while witnessing police engaged in a deadly shootout that left many people asking, “Why?” This riveting book is a true story about how Satan suddenly snatched a woman’s husband without giving her “time to say goodbye.” Karen and her husband’s romantic date night suddenly ended in the tragic death of TV Cameraman Jon Johnson. The story includes the trial and verdict of the Aaron Dunn Case, Sacramento CA, 2010.

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  • More Glimpses Of Heaven (Reprinted)


    Following her successful Glimpses of Heaven, Trudy Harris has collected even more true stories of the tender beauty and pain of life’s end. Through her own stories and those of medical professionals and hospice workers, Harris brings readers with her on the search for God, forgiveness, faith, repentance, and ultimate acceptance and peace. The perfect gift for someone who has experienced the death of a loved one, More Glimpses of Heaven will bring peace and comfort to all who read it.

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  • Journey To Joy


    Journey to Joy takes its readers along twists and turns as the author walks through the tunnel of grief while dealing with the loss of her husband of 44 years. It is not easy to accept life when God takes something cherished from your grasp. As you read through the pages and the pathway traveled, you will find that God does not punish us; rather, He opens our hands and hearts to receive what He has for those of us who remain until our own journey comes to an end. You will learn that the will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you.

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  • Christ A Sheltering Tree


    Carol Scarbrough attended Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, University of New Mexico, Central New Mexico Community college both in Albuquerque and got her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Azusa Pacific University in California. She graduated with honors: Alpha Chi, awarded most outstanding student in Psychology and nominated for Who’s Who. Carol was in ministry for over fifteen years She worked in a counseling center for troubled youth abusing drugs and alcohol. She also worked in Mexico as a summer intern. She taught art at Ozark Christian College and traveled with the Singing Strings doing chalk drawings for churches, juvenile homes, Indian reservations and a prison farm. Carol with her professor Husband at Azusa Pacific University helped co sponsor The International Fellowship of international students. Carol is now active in Missionary Care at her church and she enjoys working in computer graphics and design. Psalms 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

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  • What Was Lost


    United Methodist Pastor Elise Erikson Barrett draws on her own painful experiences as well as on interviews with others who have gone through the devastation of miscarriage in an effort to help women grieve and, in time, to think theologically about pregnancy loss.
    Barrett also offers some much-needed practical advice about breaking the news to others, coping with insensitive comments, and grieving what is often a private loss, unmarked by the world.

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  • Twisted Logic


    Twisted Logic:The Shadow of Suicide, is a book that all pastors should have in their library. At one time or another, pastors will encounter suicide, and they need to be equipped to help those who are dealing with a loved one who has committed suicide, or a person who is being tempted to commit suicide. Twisted Logic covers the warning signs and provides a “how to guide in dealing with the people who are suffering. This book gives basic steps and does not leave you wondering what the next step is; it reminds the reader that they need to walk with God. It is with God’s help that the one who suffers will find strength to overcome the temptation of suicide. For the family that is walking in the grief of the painful reality of suicide, Twisted Logic will bring them hope and understanding.”

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  • When A Pill Wont Reach The Pain


    Author Rev. Judy Correll Hames grew up thinking that if she was good enough, she would be protected from the pain and tragedy of life. That proved unfortunately false on November 15, 1998, when she was faced with the death of her beloved son, John. She turned to God for peace and healing. Now, in her new title, When A Pill Won’t Reach The Pain, she offers readers a survival guide for dealing with all sorts of pain.

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  • Photos Of The Heart


    Out of my hopelessness and desperation, I realized I couldn’t go on living with this terrible pain that had taken over my life. I needed help, but I didn’t know who could help me deal with this grief I was going through. I knew I couldn’t do it in my own strength, and it had to be someone much stronger than me. It had to be someone who could understand and know the pain in my heart. I found that someone who took away this pain that was choking the life out of me. I found strength in his loving arms. Without Him, I could not have made it on my own. He knew what I was going through because He could feel my pain. This is my story about my grief journey and how someone rescued me from my grief. He gave me so much of Himself that the only way I could share it with you is to take you through the ‘Photos of The Heart.”

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  • Still Healing


    Still Healing!
    Pastor Lloyd Wright Sr.:

    Jesus tells us in the gospel of Luke chapter 4:18 that he comes to heal the broken hearted. Many people hearts are broken and crushed after losing a spouse. If you want to be healed, look to God. God still wants to heal you no matter how unbearable your pain may be.

    For those of you struggling with a sick child and going through a divorce or remarriage, I strongly encourage you to embrace my words of encouragement and the many experiences I share in this book.

    Reverend Lloyd Wright is the Senior Pastor of the Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church-in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is married and has a son.

    Pam Battle:
    I want to share with you how God, is definitely my healer. Walking through the dark journey of losing my spouse to cancer and then being diagnosed with breast cancer, I call this double jeopardy.

    Raising three small children without their father truly was a trying time for me because my heart was truly broken. I didn’t want to live, but God came through and helped me to trust and have faith in him. As you read Still Healing, you will see how God has helped me to heal in many areas of my life. My prayer for you is that you let God help you through this difficult time in your life.

    The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Psalm 34:18

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  • Heaven Bound : Know Where Your Saved Loved One Has Gone And Recovering From






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  • Making Sense Of Life And Death


    Have you ever wondered why you are here, or what possible difference your life might make in the world? Have you ever been frustrated in trying to find meaning or purpose in your life? Or have you ever wondered what happens when you die?

    This book addresses those questions, and more, about life and death. More importantly, it points you to the proof that your life is important, and that the best is yet to come.

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  • Too Soon To Say Goodbye


    Tragically, every 16 minutes someone in the United States chooses death by selfmurder. Particularly affecting young people, suicide was recently determined to be the third leading cause of death for those aged 10-24.Too Soon to Say Goodbye offers a renewal of courage and faith for families andfriends grieving this inconceivable loss.Written by three women all uniquely affected by suicide, the book explores theaftermath from a wide range of real stories.Specially selected Scripture passages and Bible stories demonstrate God’s loveand compassion in times of sorrow. Additional insights from those who have walked on the brink of suicide address difficult questions.And for those who may be considering suicide, the authors offer encouragement to choose life over death.

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  • Widowed


    Widowed is the true story of how our family lost my wife and her father. It is a deep and personal look at living with illness, realizing you can be left alone and having to make sense of the death of a spouse. Widowed contains excerpts of some of the most personal conversations, prayers and feelings I took part in before and after my wife passed away. In reading it, I hope you come to realize that no matter what life throws at you, you will be ok and that God will see you through any ordeal. No matter what lies Satan whispers in your ear or how bad things may seem, always remember that God truly does care.

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  • Widowed


    Widowed is the true story of how our family lost my wife and her father. It is a deep and personal look at living with illness, realizing you can be left alone and having to make sense of the death of a spouse. Widowed contains excerpts of some of the most personal conversations, prayers and feelings I took part in before and after my wife passed away. In reading it, I hope you come to realize that no matter what life throws at you, you will be ok and that God will see you through any ordeal. No matter what lies Satan whispers in your ear or how bad things may seem, always remember that God truly does care.

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  • Ministries Of The Holy Spirit


    The Struggle of the sudden death of his thirty-five year old daughter, Kelley, motivated Pastor Duncan to enter into a daily study of the Holy Bible seeking answers, understanding, and comfort from the Holy Spirit. Those studies greatly aided Pastor Duncan in healing his broken heart. As a result of those studies, this book, Ministries of the Holy Spirit was written. Ministries of the Holy Spirit is a book for anyone searching for faith, God’s grace, salvation, understanding, hope, comfort, strength to withstand the trials, and assurance. It is an humble work about the great work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of God’s children through His various ministries.

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  • Gift Of Presence


    Unfortunately, suffering is a part of living. None of us have escaped this fact. Even so, it’s difficult to know how to console someone going through a broken place.

    In The Gift of Presence, Bishop Joe Pennel offers practical help to give confidence and skill to clergy and laity serving the broken hearted. With a central message on the importance of simply being there, Pennel combines practical “how-to’s” with prayers, readings, and services. This small, casebound book outlines real ways to help through planning visits, writing notes, finding scriptures and prayers to read, avoiding cliches, and thinking through the theology of God, humans, and suffering.

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  • It Just Doesnt Make Sense


    Healing in the aftermath of a great loss is not easy. When the love of my life was lost to a brain tumor, grief recovery became unimaginable. Through the process of writing, I am helping myself to heal and documenting information that may help others. This book records the events and feelings we experienced during the three months and two weeks from diagnosis to the death of my wife. The role of doctors, friends, family, and pastors is presented, along with the tools and techniques that helped us to traverse this “valley of the shadow of death.” If you do not share our Christian faith, the tools, techniques, and experiences are still worth reading. The battle with cancer is difficult. Shared experience is a useful weapon in battle.

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  • Grief To Grace


    How does someone cope with the knowledge that she almost killed her son with her own truck? How does someone recover from guilt after her little girl’s life is cut short because of a silly mother-daughter game? How does someone overcome flashbacks of a head on collision? These were the questions I had to ask after three separate automobile accidents shattered my world. The emotional pain they inflicted on me was unrelenting, causing me to cry out, “Lord, when will bad things stop happening to me?” I didn’t think I could endure the wounds caused by these tragedies, but God helped me walk through the dark valley and back into the light. He can do the same for you. With His help, you can see the sunshine again. I invite you to read my story and see how God’s grace is more than sufficient for your grief.

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  • Gods Little Sunflower


    The death of a child. In the blink of an eye your life is changed forever. What do you do when you are left with a pain too deep for words? God’s Little Sunflower takes you through a grief journey, expressing the rawness of every emotion. On this journey, you will travel down many roads. You will be taken to a place where true comfort can be found, in the arms of the loving Savior, Jesus Christ. There you will find empathy, encouragement, understanding, and peace as you travel this difficult road.

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  • Naming The Child


    SKU (ISBN): 9781557255853ISBN10: 1557255857Jenny SchroedelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2009Publisher: Paraclete Press Print On Demand Product

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