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Family Concerns

Showing 1001–1036 of 1036 results

  • Happiness Is A Choice For Teens


    When you think you’ve been given nothing but raw deals in your life, remember that you can choose to be happy. That’s not just a pat theory but a truth that you really can discover and use for your life. Dr. Paul and Jan Meier work with thousands of teens struggling with the same dilemmas … feelings of stress, worried that there’s no future, tempted to check out on reality. They will show you how to deal with issues such as: anger, grief, goal-setting, the opposite sex, siblings, self-image … to name a few.

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  • Religion Feminisim And The Family


    Despite the tension between some proponents of feminism and organized religion, particularly in regard to family life, little has been written to view religion, feminism, and the family simultaneously. Drawing on history, theology, and the social sciences, the contributors to this volume analyze the impact of feminism on the experience of family life in its religious dimension. Religion, Feminism, and the Family is designed to stimulate discussion on both the contemporary women’s movement and the future of the American family.

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  • For The Love Of Children


    Choices in reproductive technology have multiplied at a staggering rate. Is our society prepared to decided on issues about procreation such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, or genetic engineering such as “designer children,” or selective abortion? How can we protect children – both born and unborn – who are conceived in these ways from being regarded as merchandise in the expanding marketplace of genetic services? Ted Peters sets out the challenges of these new technologies with clarity and precision. He looks anew at Christian theology and proposes an ethic “for the love of children.” Peters contends that only by affirming all children and their claims upon parents will society deal constructively and ethically with the many reproductive choices available now and in the future.

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  • Portable Mother : Advice Encouragement And Friendly Reminders From Mom


    This is the perfect memory book of childhood, containing the collected wisdom of generations of moms. Written by a young mother who found herself repeating the words and ideas she first heard from her own mother, it is illustrated with 26 humorous cartoons.

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  • 5 Cries Of Grief


    On August 12, 1986 twenty five year old David Strommen was struck and killed by a bolt of lightning. The tradedy sent his parent reeling with grief. Out of that grief came a journey toward healing; a journey that is chronicled in this extraordinry book. The Strommens encountered five cries of grief: The cry of pain from the awareness of their devastating loss; the cry of longing, from missing their son; the cry for supportive love, from the extreme sense of vulnerability they experienced; the cry for understanding, as they tried to attribute meaning to a meaningless loss; and the cry for significance, as they strove to see some good result from this tragedy. As they wrote accounts of their journey, they recognized that the grief of a father may differ significantly from that of a mother. Their stories, voiced in alternating chapters launch a journey that can provide strength, insight, and renewal for all who experience the heartbreak of a loved one’s death.

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  • Strong Willed Child Or Dreamer



    239 Pages/17 Chapters

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    Your child may be a dreamer if…
    *He forgets to follow instructions, no matter how clear and simple you make them.
    *She craves praise and positive attention, yet refuses to conform to what’s expected.
    *He complains often about feeling misunderstood, picked on, or persecuted.
    *She tells more than her share of fibs, lies, or tall tales.

    If these statements describe your child, you know the frustration of turning to parenting experts for advice only to find that with your child, the systems don’t work, the rules don’t stick, and the strong boundary setting seems to make the situation worse. What’s even more frustrations is seeing that these methods do work-with strong-willed children.

    According to child and family counselors, Ron L. Braund and Dana Scott Spears, the problem may be that you don’t have a strong-willed child. Your child’s behavior may actually indicate that he or she is a creative-sensitive child, a dreamer: principle-oriented rather than rule-oriented, highly creative, sensitive to the point of taking offense where none is intended, and frustrated at a world that fails to live up to the ideal.

    In this book, the authors explain the differences between the dreamer and the strong-willed child. They also provide advice on parenting your dreamer child from infancy through adolescence, plus a special chapter on the dreamer child with attention deficit disorder.

    Whether you are the teacher, coach, clergy, or parent of a dreamer, this book will help you understand how these enigmatic children view the world and teach you how to give them what they need to thrive.

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  • Promising Again


    The authors contend that one of the best preventatives to divorce and separation is recommitment at vital junctures in a couple’s life together: job change, death of a parent, severe illness, a child leaving home, infidelity, and so on.

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  • Discovering The Mind Of A Woman


    In Discovering the Mind of Women husbands learn to understand their wives as Christ would. From this point they learn to respond to their wives in a consistent Christlike manner. A radically transformed and renewed marriage is the result. Drawing from his own story and the stories of husbands whose marriages were dissolving, Ken Nair reveals major problems in life and marriage. After discussing the problems, he reveals relationship altering concepts which not only will revive a marriage, they will radiate throughout couple’s lives as well.

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  • Home Field Advantage


    “From the Publisher” A vital, encouraging book for men whose children are influenced by media heroes. Teachers how to be role models children can rely on by seizing relational, home-field advantage. Includes stories of popular athletes.

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  • Building Your Mates Self Esteem


    287 Pages In 18 Chapters
    8 Chapters

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    This eloquent source of instruction for anyone seriously committed to a strong, meaningful marriage will teach you how to:

    Appreciate your role in building your partner’s self-esteem.
    Learn practical and effective ways to love and support your mate.
    Repair past hurts in your spouse’s life.
    Build mutual intimacy through unconditional acceptance.
    Work together to build a vision for the years ahead.

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  • Te Amo Pero Por Que Somos Tan – (Spanish)


    If you are married, you already know that opposite poles are attracted. But the day of your wedding did you think of how different both of you were? Even more important, is there still hope even though some of your illusions have been revealed? After being a counselor to so many marriages the answer is still yes. This book helps on how to understand the difference of temperament and can help spouses resolve conflicts, control their emotions, avoid frustration, find God’s will in their marriages.

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  • Reforming Marriage


    1. A Practical Theology Of Marriage
    2. Headship And Authority
    3. Duties Of Husband, And Wives
    4. Efficacious Love
    5. Keeping Short Accounts
    6. Miscellaneous Temptations
    7. The Marriage Bed Is Honorable
    8. Multiplying Fruitfully
    9. Divorce And Remarriage

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    How would you describe the spiritual aroma of your home? The source of this aroma is the relationship between husband and wife. Many can fake an attempt at keeping God’s standards in some external way. What we cannot fake is the resulting, distinctive aroma of pleasure to God. Most marriage books address the mere externals of marriage, without seeking to understand the heart issues. Godly marriages proceed from an obedient heart, and the greatest desire of an obedient heart is the glory of God, not the happiness of the household.

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  • Discipline Book : How To Have A Better-Behaved Child From Birth To Age Ten


    From the bestselling authors of The Baby Book and The Birth Book comes The Discipline Book, the definitive guide to raising happy, well-adjusted, well-behaved children. Seasoned parents of eight, Bill and Martha Sears draw on personal experience and their professional knowledge as childcare experts to provide an authoritative approach to a broad range of disciplinary issues and practices.
    With focus on preventing behavior problems as well as managing them when they arise, the Searses offer clear, practical advice on everything parents need to know about disciplining young children. Believing that discipline starts at birth, the Searses discuss baby discipline, disciplining the toddler, mother-father roles in modern parenting, saying no, self-esteem as the foundation of good behavior, helping a child to express feelings, the constructive use of anger, good nutrition for good behavior, and sleep discipline.

    On handling problem behavior, the Searses cover sibling rivalry, spanking and alternatives to spanking, breaking annoying habits, and eliminating bothersome behaviors like whining and talking back. The Searses strongly advocate teaching children values like apologizing and sharing, and explain how to deal with such issues as lying, stealing, and cheating. In addition, the Searses address building healthy sexuality and discipline in special situations such as after divorce and in the single-parent household.

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  • Also A Mother


    As the twentieth century closes, the cry for equality between the sexes is provoking unprecedented conflicts between women and men in the workplace and in the family. Women of all colors and classes continue to carry out an enormous amount of indispenable, unrenumerated caring labor, which at once undergirds and is peripheral to human life, as men have defined it and therefore without value. Also a Mother protests this defined it, and therefore without value. Also a Mother protests this definition of work and value, and claims that beneath the everyday scuffles over gender roles and child care lies an essential religious crisis of work and love. Drawing on her situation as seminary professor and mother of three sons, Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore argues that Christian ideals of mother self-sacrifice and fatherly hard work, as they have been interpreted by church tradition and promoted in society at large, not only fail the lives of many people today, but misrepresent both the intent of God’s creation and the promise of the gospel message itself. She asks: How might theological doctrines of love, self sacrifice, creation, procreation, vocation, and community better respond to women and men who want to work in fulfilling ways and to love in intimate relationships, including those that involve raising children?

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  • Andrew You Died Too Soon



    43 Chapters
    Total Pages 138

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    Grieving parents will find this forthright documentary written by a loving mother in deep grief to be more than just supportive – it glows with spiritual insights. Corinne Chilstrom has opened her heart, mind, and spirit to all people who are struggling with seemingly unendurable grief. At the same time challenging and comforting, Chilstroms’s book speaks to Christians who want to know what to do in the face of sudden tragedy. This is a book for us as we learn to grieve, for all of us as we learn to live.

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  • Atrevete A Disciplinar (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    This is a completely expanded and revised edition of the 20-year best seller.

    The first edition was written in the early 1970s by Dr. James Dobson. His first of many books was an instant susscess that continued as a best seller for nearly twenty years. Although the principles on which it is based are timeless, The New Dare To Discipline is revised and expaned to address parenting in today’s modern context.

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  • Sexual Character A Print On Demand Title


    Aiming to combat the confusion today regarding sexual issues, theologian Marva Dawn offers a fresh biblical understanding of human sexuality, dealing with such issues as marriage, divorce, teenage dating, and homosexuality.

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  • Children Of Divorce


    15 Chapteres

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    The adults who love them want to know, “How can I help?” Based on research and interviews with single parents and children, Children of Divorce provides a sympathetic, insightful answer to their question. It shows:

    *How to tell your child about divorce
    *How children respond to divorce according to their age
    *How to help children grow spiritually
    *How parents, grandparents, church workers, and teachers can help children of divorce

    This realistic yet compassionate book tells the truth about divorce–how it forever changes the lives of those it touches. It speaks candidly about how children respond to divorce and the changes it imposes on their lives. But Children of Divorce also tells the truth about how Christianity in action can make a difference.

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  • Christian Parenting


    This book is practical, realistic, and biblically based help that Christian parents need to raise children in today’s world.

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  • Helping Teenagers Grow Morally


    How can church members help teenagers acquire Christian moral standards? C. Ellis Nelson views morals as a practical outgrowth of beliefs about the meaning of life, and outlines seven strategies that help adults influence young adults. He emphasizes what Christians can do in congregations to create a caring community that encourages young people to embody virtues that build a better society.

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  • Dos Caras Del Amor – (Spanish)


    A guide to help you find the adequate balance between the tough and the gentle aspects of love.

    Una guia para hallar el balance adecuado entre los aspectos fuertes y tiernos del amor.

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  • Helpmates


    In this excellent book written by a caregiving spouse for other caregivers, author Harry Cole recognizes that caregivers who provide hlep for dependent loved ones are often unprepared to cope with the physical and emotional effects that accompany long term illness. they are frequently overwhelmed by their responsibilities and often need help themselves.

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  • Unplug The Christmas Machine


    1. “A Christmas Carol” Revisited
    2. Women: The Christmas Magicians
    3. Men: The Christmas Stagehands
    4. The Four Things Children Really Want For Christmas
    5. The Homecoming
    6. Inside The Christmas Machine
    7. The Gift Of Joy
    8. A Simple Christmas
    9. Christmas Revival

    Appendix: Resources For A Simple Christmas

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    Nine years and thriteen printings later, Unplug The Christmas Machine is still the undisputed guide to creating a joyful, stress-free holiday season. Revised and filled with new material, this book will enjoy even greater popularity in the years to come.

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  • From Father To Son


    The family narratives in the book of Genesis are important in understanding the meaning of the book and are fundamental to the unfolding story of the birth of the Israelite nation. Devora Steinmetz sees kinship in ancient narratives as a symbolic structure representing the ability of the emerging culture to survive despite conflict that threatened society’s existence. The family narratives in Genesis reflect a culture’s capacity to survive as a united people.

    The Literary Currents in Biblical Interpretation series explores current trends within the discipline of biblical interpretation by dealing with the literary qualities of the Bible: the play of its language, the coherence of its final form, and the relationships between text and readers. Biblical interpreters are being challenged to take responsibility for the theological, social, and ethical implications of their readings. This series encourages original readings that breach the confines of traditional biblical criticism.

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  • Amor Debe Ser Firme – (Spanish)


    Love must be tough not only offers practical advice for couples that are on the verge of divorce but also to every person that is in search of a better understanding of human conduct and the complexities in relationships between men and women.

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  • God Images And Self Esteem


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664251994ISBN10: 0664251994Carroll SaussyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1991Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Como Orar Por Los Hijos – (Spanish)


    Do you have hope for your children? Do you want them to be faithful to God? Do you want them to be capable of resisting the temptations that surround us? As a mother, Quin Sherrer had the same worries, but she didn’t know how to pray for her sons. Is there a method of how to pray for them? Are there some prayers more efficient than others are? Quin asked other mothers how they prayed for their children and what results they had. In this book, Quin tell us what she learned. She shows the importance of getting together to pray in the Spirit and with faith. She shows us how to pray for our children that are faithful and those that are not. This book will teach you and inspire you in your prayers for them.

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  • Art Of Understanding Your Mate


    If you’ve ever wondered exactly what is going on in your mate’s mind, you can probably find it somewhere in the pages of The Art of Understanding Your Mate. Cecil Osborne casts a clinical eye on the underlying psychological forces that drive married relationships. His common sense outlook on counseling troubled couples is based on a solid understanding of human behavior. Illuminating insights tumble from the pages of his book. In addition, Osborne has a keen ear for the spoken word. Through a liberal injection of actual dialogue, he captures the feelings of drama and tensions between husband and wife. Osborne advocates a realistic approach to marriage. He cautions couples to expect to encounter problems of incompatibility. Men and women are different. Their needs are different, as are the emotions that accompany those needs. The wonder is, Osborne points out, that there are so many successful marriages.

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  • How To Live With Your Parents Without Losing Your Mind


    If you think How to Live with Your Parents . . . Without Losing Your Mind! was written to teach you how to change your parents, think again. This book helps you change your family by starting where the power to change really begins – with yourself and the way you view your folks.

    Ken Davis cuts through the complexities of living with parents. He uses the Bible to drive home the importance of family harmony. He encourages you that God is the “Wizard of Odds” who can help you overcome any family problem, no matter how big or small. And Ken shows you communication skills that can really make a difference
    But don’t get the idea this book is for teens only. Parents should read it, too. They’ll find new understanding of how they really make decisions, how they assert their authority, and how they express their love.

    This warm, funny book will help moms and dads do a better job of parenting their teenagers – and it will help young adults improve the way they “teenage” their parents. Read it, let your family read it . . . and watch good things start to happen.

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  • Together Till Death Us Do Part


    How can pastors help couples make a solid beginning as they launch out into the rocky waters of marriage? How can the pastor speak briefly but effectively to them when they approach the altar?
    John M. Braaten provides 21 well-crafted homilies for marriage in a Christian context. A wide variety of scripture and circumstances are represented in this choice collection. This single-volume library will serve the busy parish pastor well as he or she ministers to couples coming to make their wedding promises.
    “Things I like about these sermons include… the up-beat spirit of them… the emphasis on the embrace of the community of faith… the mellow realism…”
    Gerhard Frost, Professor Emeritus
    Luther-Northwestern Seminary
    “I like this little book. In a day when wedding homilies have become incidental to the marriage service and are sometimes omitted altogether, Pastor Braaten gives us short, warm, and practical sermons that would enhance any wedding.”
    Alvin Rogness
    Author, pastor, President Emeritus
    Luther-Northwestern Seminary
    “These sermons include an astouding variety of material and text, yet they all present the gospel to those who are beginning their life together.”

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  • Sexual Happiness In Marriage (Revised)


    Sexual Happiness in Marriage is for those who are missing the fulfillment God intended marriage to provide and who are unaware of the true joy and love that can be achieved through understanding basic sexual principles. In this frank, honest, discussion of the role of sex in marriage, Dr. Herbert J. Miles thoroughly and carefully examines attitudes and techniques essential to sexual compatibility. Those who read it and follow its suggestions will be able to analyze and correct sexual problems in their marriages. Topics include: – sexual expectations – first sexual experiences – sexual adjustment – contraceptives – sexual problems – keeping marriage fresh and exciting.

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  • Beloved Unbeliever : Loving Your Husband Into The Faith (Student/Study Guide)


    Discover positive ways to approach the problem of being unequally yoked. Now there’s help, truly godly help! Using the scriptural framework of love, Beloved Unbeliever shows how to love your husband into the faith. Jo Berry interviewed dozens of women who are married to unbelievers. They shared the greatest difficulties they encounter and practical ways to handle problems. You’ll learn: – How to be a suitable helper – How to deal with hurts, heartaches, and hindrances – How to shoulder spiritual responsibility — In addition, you’ll find workshop questions on each chapter, so you can follow up on the chapter with individual or group study. Beloved Unbeliever will reassure you: happiness is possible in an unequally yoked situation.

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  • God And Marriage A Print On Demand Title


    Offering a new look at the increasingly unfashionable institution of marriage, Geoffrey Bromiley presents here a timely theological study which, unlike others books on marriage, aims exclusively to relate marriage to God as Creator, Son, and Holy Spirit. Bromiley observes that God’s work on reconciliation makes it possible for his people also to achieve reconciliation with one another, particularly in the marriage relationship.

    In addition to thoroughly discussing the relationship of the Trinity to marriage, Bromiley examines such topics as incest, adultery and fornication, celibacy, the permanency of marriage, and remarriage after the death of a partner.

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  • Love Life For Every Married Couple


    1. A Love Affair: It Can Happen To You!
    2. Discoveries: The False And The True
    3. Does The Plan Still Work?
    4. Love: Solving The Mystery
    5. The Five Ways Of Loving
    6. How To Love Your Partner Sexually
    7. Romantic Love-The Thrill Factor
    8. The Gift Of Belonging
    9. Becoming Best Friends
    10. The Agape Way
    11. The Secret Of Staying In Love (Especially For Newlyweds)
    12. A Pattern For Lovers
    13. Prescription For A Superb Marriage
    14. Removing The Barriers
    15. How To Save Your Marriage Alone
    16. Resources For Change
    256 Pages

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    Physician Ed Wheat has helped thousands of couples improve their love lives and build happier marriages. In Love Life for Every Married Couple he’ll help you improve your marriage through sharing, touching, appreciating, and focusing healing attention on your mate.

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  • Committed Marriage


    Shedding a new light on perennial questions, Mrs. Actemeier examines the contemporaty state of marriage and family life from a Biblical point of view. With candor, clarity, and passion, the author provides insight into many sources of conflict within a marriage. Viewing Christian marriage as a form of discipleship, she finds in it the key to freedom, order, and fulfillment.

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  • Christian Family


    1. God’s Order For Mates
    2. God’s Order For Wives
    3. God’s Order For Children
    4. God’s Order For Parents
    5. God’s Order For Husbands
    6. Jesus, The Family’s Savior And Lord
    7. The Priesthood Of Parents
    8. Our Family, A Witness For Jesus

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    America’s bestselling book on Christian family living.

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