Mon, Tue & Thur. 10 am - 6 pm, Wed, 10am-7pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm




    Family Concerns

    • Love No Matter What


      How will you respond when your child makes a decision you don’t agree with?

      Parents and kids will never agree on everything but what can mom and dad do when that decision – whether a matter of preference, spirituality, or morality – is something they think is totally wrong? Author and speaker Brenda Garrison knows all too well that how parents respond will either build a wall or a bridge between them and their child.

      Brenda and her husband were forced to answer this question when their oldest daughter Katie abruptly moved out of the house with no means of support. It was not an illegal or immoral decision, but it was one that wasn’t good for her. Their determination to keep an open door of communication is documented not only by their story, but by comments from Katie in each chapter as she offers insights from her own perspective.

      Also included are other family scenarios – everything from matters of preference to foolish, immoral, and even illegal decisions – as well as insights into different styles of parenting such as servant, checked-out, gotcha, scared, and controlling parents.

      With practical tips and relatable stories, Brenda shares how to model God’s parenting style and explains the difference between the parent’s responsibilities and the child’s, then helps mom and dad discover ways to develop and nurture a relationship with their child that will last a lifetime.

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    • 31 Horrores Que Cometen Las Mu – (Spanish)


      Family counselor Norma Pantojas unveils strategies to deal with the most common mistakes that men and women make.

      This book discusses the most common relationship mistakes that men and women make, using real case studies from Pantojas’ counseling practice. It offers tools for identifying and overcoming these problem areas. Men and women can complement each other and be happy together if they understand the hidden struggles in their lives and realize that these issues are what drive them to act without thinking. By putting the strategies described in this book into practice, couples will see their relationships renewed and flourish.

      Every man can be renewed and every woman can flourish with the loving touch of God in his or her heart!

      La consejera de familia Norma Pantojas revela estrategias para lidiar con los errores mas comunes que cometen los hombres y las mujeres.

      Este libro nos presenta los errores mas comunes que cometen los hombres y las mujeres en sus relaciones mostrandonos como ejemplo diferentes casos reales atendidos en consejeria. Ofrece herramientas para que pueda identificarlos y superarlos. Hombres y mujeres pueden complementarse y ser felices si descubren los conflictos ocultos que hay en sus vidas y que son los que les impulsan a actuar sin conciencia. Poniendo en practica las estrategias que se ofrecen en este libro lograran hacer renacer y florecer su relacion.

      !Todo hombre puede renacer y toda mujer puede florecer con el toque amoroso de Dios en su corazon!

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    • Upside Down Prayers For Parents


      Discover how to entrust your children’s past, present, and future to God, who loves them best! Wrestling with 31 issues that drive moms to their knees, a month’s worth of meditations, Scripture verses, prayers, and discussion starters will help you equip your kids to live a deep, rich, and holy life.

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    • No Greater Love


      Which road are you on for your marriage-yours or God’s?

      Inspired by the heartwarming movie No Greater Love, executive producer Russ Rice and co-writer and director Brad Silverman have created this 90-day devotional for couples to help husbands and wives dig deeper into the mystery of marriage, addressing what it means to truly love your spouse in the sacrificial and unconditional way God loves us. Each devotion invites couples to keep God at the center of their relationship, to improve their communication skills, and to strengthen their commitment to each other. Topics include commitment, trust, truth, forgiveness, reconciliation, and more. Each devotion offers a real-life snapshot from marriage, questions for discussion, and action points. A couple’s marriage will not be the same after these ninety days. Why? Because there is no greater love between two people than a love grounded in and empowered by God’s love.

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    • Married But Lonely


      Seven Steps to a New Husband!

      You married a good man. He loves you. He’s committed to you. He treats you well. You fully and sincerely appreciate who he is and what he does for you and for the family. The problem is, he does not meet some of your most important, God-given needs. Eighty-five percent of all husbands are intimacy-challenged. Your conversations are brief, safe, and superficial. He does not reveal what he’s really thinking and feeling inside. He believes your marriage is great. He’s perfectly happy…and the intimate, romantic, emotional part of you is dying a slow death. Working together, the two of you can create an intimate marriage. In Married…but Lonely Dr. David Clarke will show you seven steps that you as the wife can implement with or without your husband’s cooperation and begin to experience the kind of marriage you’ve always wanted.

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    • Parenting In The Pew (Revised)


      Foreword By Ruth Bell Graham
      Preface To The 3rd Edition (2013)
      Preface To The Expanded Edition (2001)
      Thank You
      1. Daddy, I’d Like You To Meet My Children
      2. Worship B.C. And A.D.
      3. Praise And Puppies
      4. Sunday Morning Starts Saturday Night
      5. Counting Bricks Or Encountering God
      6. Make A Joyful Noise
      7. Prayer, Confession And Canned Goods
      8. Just How Long Was That Sermon?
      9. Saving Up For Something Special
      10. The Holy Hug
      Discussion Questions And Reflections
      Appendix A: Parenting In A Wiggly Pew, The Challenge Of An Overactive Child
      Appendix B: Childrens Worship For Seeker Churches
      Appendix C: Guidelines And Ideas For The “Children’s Sermon” In Worship
      Appendix D: Developing An Intergenerational Approach To Ministry

      Additional Info
      Daddy, I’d like you to meet my children. That’s Robbie Castleman’s attitude about taking her children to church. She believes that Sunday morning isn’t a success if she has only managed to keep the kids quiet. And she knows there’s more to church for kids than trying out their new coloring books. Children are at church for the same reason as their parents: for the privilege of worshiping God. Worship, Castleman writes, is “the most important thing you can ever train your child to do.” So with infectious passion, nitty-gritty advice and a touch of humor, she shows you how to help your children (from toddlers to teenagers) enter into worship. In this significantly revised and updated third edition Castleman includes a new preface and two new appendices that provide new perspectives on children’s sermon and intergenerational community. She also provides a study guide for personal reflection or group discussion. More than ever, Parenting in the Pew is essential reading for parents and worship leaders who want to help children make joyful noises unto the Lord.

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    • I Do What


      Dennis Fulton has served in local church ministries for sixty years. He served the Chapel Rock Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, when the megachurch movement was in its infancy in Christian churches and Churches of Christ. After a two-year hiatus for renewal and restoration, Dennis was returned to local ministries. During all of his ministry, however, his interest in world missions found him preaching or teaching in twelve different nations, with an extended stay “down under.” While in Australia, he completed the manuscript for this book. Over his lengthy ministry, there have been over five hundred couples who have stood before him to declare “I do.” Among those have been his five children and, to this date, four of his grandchildren. It has been at the insistence or encouragement of them that this book has become a reality. They think it is important for others to know what it means when they say: FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE. Surely marriage will bring those things that are better. But just as surely, there will be those things that are worse. How much worse? Is it ever worse enough to throw in the towel? FOR RICHER, FOR POORER. Two family backgrounds are coming together in a marriage. One family grabs that dollar bill and squeezes George Washington to death on the way to the bank. The other may run to Dairy Queen and lick the life out of old George. What should be done in a marriage to merge these money matters? SICKNESS AND HEALTH. Some couples have found the stress of preparation for a wedding, the ceremony, the reception, and even the honeymoon leaving them exhausted and near sickness. There are, however, those big words like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and chronic diabetes that could be future tests of this part of the vow. What if? A good understanding of what is contained in that “I do” can help many couples toward the goal of a “they all lived happily ever after” marriage.

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    • Fit To Burst


      18 Chapters

      Additional Info
      I don’t pull punches or hold back in this book, because I am writing to myself as much as to you. If something in this book strikes a little close to home for you, know that it struck in my home first. I am not writing about other people’s problems, although I know many of them are common. I write about what I know, and what I know is the challenges, the joys, and the work involved in raising little people.

      In this follow-up to Loving the Little Years, Rachel Jankovic pushes her parenting “field notes” out onto the skinny branches of motherhood. Fit to Burst is chock-full of humorous examples and fresh advice covering issues familiar to every mom such as guilt cycles, temptations to be ungrateful or bitter, and learning how to honor Jesus in the mundane things. But this book also addresses less familiar topics, including the impact that moms have on the relationships between dads and kids, the importance of knowing when to laugh at kid-sized sin, and more.

      Fit to Burst will help us be moms who parent with the story in mind rather than the snapshot, who know how to both give and require much from their children in the everyday mayhem, and who understand the importance of biscuits.

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    • 5 Dias Para Un Matrimonio Feli – (Spanish)


      5 dias para un matrimonio feliz is for anyone who needs help organizing a family, whether their own or someone else’s, including couples, young singles seeking advice about how to establish a home, educators, family support organizations, etc. This book’s main objective is to provide principles that give a framework for married life, and its approachable, narrative style reads almost like a novel.

      With true wisdom from above, 5 dias para un matrimonio feliz gives us the fundamentals for a happy marriage in 4 parts as follows:
      Part 1: A wise man and my crisis
      Part 2: Columns of marriage
      Part 3: Communication as a great column for the family
      Part 4: How to deal with hurts and crisis in the family

      5 dias para un matrimonio feliz va orientado a todos aquellos que buscan la forma de consolidar la familia. Sea la suya o la de otros. Matrimonios, jovenes solteros que buscan principios para establecer su hogar, educadores, instituciones de apoyo a la familia, etc. El objetivo fundamental es proveer de principios que sirvan de columnas para el matrimonio, y hacerlo en un estilo narrativo que resulte facilmente asimilable, de ahi la forma novelada de este trabajo. Con la verdadera sabiduria de lo alto, 5 dias para un matrimonio feliz nos da los fundamentos para un matrimonio feliz en 4 partes de la siguiente manera:
      Parte Primera: El sabio y mi crisis
      Parte Segunda: Columnas del matrimonio
      Parte Tercera: La comunicacion es una gran columna para la familia
      Parte Cuarta: ?Como gestiono mi familia?

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    • Love Dare (Revised)


      Unconditional love is eagerly promised at weddings, but rarely practiced in real life. As a result, romantic hopes are often replaced with disappointment in the home. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.The Love Dare, the New York Times No. 1 best seller that has sold five million copies and was major plot device in the popular movie Fireproof, is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take. It’s time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage.This second edition features a special link to a free marriage assessment survey, a new preface by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, minor text updates, and select testimonials from The Love Dare readers. Take the dare!

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    • I Do What


      Dennis Fulton has served in local church ministries for sixty years. He served the Chapel Rock Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, when the megachurch movement was in its infancy in Christian churches and Churches of Christ. After a two-year hiatus for renewal and restoration, Dennis was returned to local ministries. During all of his ministry, however, his interest in world missions found him preaching or teaching in twelve different nations, with an extended stay “down under.” While in Australia, he completed the manuscript for this book. Over his lengthy ministry, there have been over five hundred couples who have stood before him to declare “I do.” Among those have been his five children and, to this date, four of his grandchildren. It has been at the insistence or encouragement of them that this book has become a reality. They think it is important for others to know what it means when they say: FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE. Surely marriage will bring those things that are better. But just as surely, there will be those things that are worse. How much worse? Is it ever worse enough to throw in the towel? FOR RICHER, FOR POORER. Two family backgrounds are coming together in a marriage. One family grabs that dollar bill and squeezes George Washington to death on the way to the bank. The other may run to Dairy Queen and lick the life out of old George. What should be done in a marriage to merge these money matters? SICKNESS AND HEALTH. Some couples have found the stress of preparation for a wedding, the ceremony, the reception, and even the honeymoon leaving them exhausted and near sickness. There are, however, those big words like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and chronic diabetes that could be future tests of this part of the vow. What if? A good understanding of what is contained in that “I do” can help many couples toward the goal of a “they all lived happily ever after” marriage.

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    • Desperate : Hope For The Mom Who Needs To Breathe


      For mothers of young children, this book is a lovely offering of hope, truth, freedom, wild grace, friendship, and the knowledge that they are not alone. Many moms have dreamed of life with children, and yet the reality seems far away from their dreams. Their hearts are committed, but their spirits are sagging. This book is a coffee-talk from one woman who is still “figuring-it-out-in-the-mess” (Sarah Mae) and much-needed counsel from one who is older and wiser (Sally Clarkson).

      The book’s message speaks to the hearts of desperate women who need a friend to come alongside and encourage them, give them hope, and remind them of who they are. Desperate is a tremendous source of compassion and information for any mama of young children who:
      Feels she’s going under
      Is isolated and lonely
      Has lost to the beast of housework
      Is suffering from depression and a feeling of desperation

      Each mother will know she has a woman who can relate with her in the daily struggles of mama-hood, and will receive wisdom from an older woman who has gone through the struggles and made it to the other side.

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    • Raise Him Up


      There is no greater hope for single mothers than to watch their sons succeed, and African-American single mothers face more adversity than most. Raise Him Up delves into the challenges faced by African-American single moms and offers advice, scriptural support, and helpful prayers. Each chapter relates a spiritual point taken from the book of Acts, a mother’s story, and draws parallels to the struggles of the modern day African-American mother. Chapters also offer stories of African-American athletes who were raised by single moms, and against all odds, succeeded.

      Moms will learn to give encouragement, push their boys to try new things, and keep them out of trouble. Raise Him Up is essential reading for single African-American moms who want nothing more than to see their sons grow into happy, successful men.

      Features include:
      Helpful tips and tools for raising successful men
      Hopeful stories of success in the face of adversity
      Scripture from the book of Acts

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    • Those Loving Feelings


      This marriage-enrichment book explores how God, in the Song of Solomon, instills in his human creatures the passion to create within the marital bond a life of joy and commitment. The author structures his inspiring applications to take readers verse by verse through this classic love poem from the Old Testament. Each chapter candidly interprets the verses and enables couples to apply these to their own marriages.

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    • Art Of Falling In Love


      Find, keep, and renew the love of your life! The culmination of years of research, Joe Beam’s guide reveals four concrete steps – attraction, acceptance, attachment, and aspiration – that anyone can follow. Offering a tried-and-true process for creating a lasting relationship, he explains why we crave caring, the stages of commitment, dynamics of differences, and more. Previously titled Your Lovepath. The Group Discussion Guide at the back of the book makes it suitable for a Reading Group selection or Book Club choice.

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    • Those Loving Feelings


      This marriage-enrichment book explores how God, in the Song of Solomon, instills in his human creatures the passion to create within the marital bond a life of joy and commitment. The author structures his inspiring applications to take readers verse by verse through this classic love poem from the Old Testament. Each chapter candidly interprets the verses and enables couples to apply these to their own marriages.

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    • His Needs Her Needs Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      For over twenty-five years, His Needs, Her Needs has been transforming marriages all over the world. Now this life-changing book is the basis for an interactive six-week study designed for use in couples’ small groups or retreats, pre-marital counseling sessions, or by individual couples.

      Willard F. Harley, Jr. and his wife, Joyce, explain the important concept of the Love Bank, and teach them to meet each other’s emotional needs for affection, sex, intimate conversation, companionship, family commitment, physical attractiveness, honesty and openness, and admiration. As couples walk through the study together they will remember why they fell in love in the first place, renew their commitment to their marriage, and rediscover their passion.

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    • Respect Dare : 40 Days To A Deeper Connection With God And Your Husband


      Wives who choose to follow Ephesians 5:33-“and the wife shall respect her husband”-make a dramatic impact on their marriages. But many married women struggle with the concept of respecting their husbands. What does respect actually look like? Why should wives respect their husbands? Shouldn’t they have to earn it?

      The Respect Dare is a forty-day guide that will take away the confusion. Utilizing a unique and proven experiential training method, the reader develops a more intimate connection with her husband and God by doing a series of dares. The book is filled with stories of struggle and success, and many practical applications of respect that have dramatically impacted marriages.

      This book is for women who want to:
      *understand the biblical model for healthy marriages
      *reconcile the Bible’s teaching about respect in marriage with a culture that values something completely different
      *enjoy stronger marriages and stronger families

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    • How To Love A Man Forever


      The institution of marriage is under attack. These days, many marriages are unstable and unhealthy, and divorce has become commonplace. Is love that lasts forever a thing of the past?Author Olapeju Otsemobor offers God’s remedy for solving the issues of married life. She provides godly insight on how to improve communication, deal with conflict, respect your spouse, and handle money matters to help your marriage survive the test of time.Do not lose heart; a godly woman has the power to change the course of her marriage and keep it on the right path. Whether you are married or single, How to Love a Man Forever provides the tools you need to become a confident, virtuous woman of God, and pass on a legacy of godly marriage relationship to your children and generations to come.

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    • Como Criar Jovenes De Fe Solid – (Spanish)


      Nearly every Christian parent in America would give anything to find a viable resource for developing within their kids a deep, dynamic faith that ‘sticks’ long term. Sticky Faith delivers. Research shows that almost half of graduating high school seniors struggle deeply with their faith. Recognizing the ramifications of that statistic, the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) conducted the ‘College Transition Project’ in an effort to identify the relationships and best practices that can set young people on a trajectory of lifelong faith and service. Based on FYI findings, this easy-to-read guide presents both a compelling rationale and a powerful strategy to show parents how to actively encourage their children’s spiritual growth so that it will stick to them into adulthood and empower them to develop a living, lasting faith. Written by authors known for the integrity of their research and the intensity of their passion for young people, Sticky Faith is geared to spark a movement that empowers adults to develop robust and long-term faith in kids of all ages.

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    • Welcome To Grandparenting


      Being a grandparent is a special opportunity and a blessing from the Lord. Whether you are a first time grandparent or a grandparent many times over, you’ll find lots of ideas for creative activities that nurture your grandchildren at every age. Learn to be a “spontaneous grandparent” and enrich your relationships with your grandchildren and their parents. Welcome to Grandparenting, Christian Edition is a wonderful, clever way to announce one’s pregnancy to the grandparents-to-be. It’s a treasured gift that makes grandma and grandpa part of the nine month journey and more. It’s a special resource that makes raising a baby a total family experience.

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    • 55 And Counting


      “Without personal responsibility there can be no personal prosperity.” – Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. In this reflective work, Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. shares timeless truths and life lessons that will position parents and leaders to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. You will learn: * Why work is about more than just paying the bills. * One simple way fathers can immediately change our culture * How platforms alleviate pressure (and how you can leave one behind) * and much more… Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. is a pastor, scholar, entrepreneur, artist, and motivational speaker. Dearest to his heart, he is a loving husband and dedicated father. Since 1983, Bishop Hilliard has served as Senior Pastor of Cathedral International (the Historic Second Baptist Church) in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Bishop Hilliard is a man of many hats and he wears them all well.

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    • 5:25 Man


      5:25 Man is a light-hearted, step by step instructional manual for men to improve their relationships with the women in their lives. Scot Ferrell, “America’s Behavior Expert”, shares the results of his interviews with over 350 women regarding what they want from men and their relationships. This entertaining read takes a unique approach to relationships by addressing physiology, faith, communication, science, the need for behavioral changes and family issues.

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    • Love Triangle : What Every Couple Needs For A Successful Marriage


      The Love Triangle, What Every Couple Needs for a Successful Marriage exposes God s design for holy matrimony as detailed in Ephesians 5:22-33. Strife in the home ends as husbands love sacrificially and wives submit humbly, but how is this lived out? Explore faith-building testimonies and scriptural truths that speak hope to troubled marriages and wisdom for all couples.”

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    • Dancing With Death


      In a small North Texas town a family is devastated when their son is diagnosed with a life-threatening heart disease. In the lowest time of their lives, God works through

      Michael Jordan, Derek Harper, Coach Grant Teaff, Dino, Joe Montana, J. D. Hill, a camel, and the local community to give strength and support to the Martin family. Dancing with Death illustrates the power of faith, hope, love, Christian friends, and family.

      The authors’ details are gripping. Readers will feel a bond with the authors through reading about their inner feelings. The Martin’s bravely make themselves vulnerable to their audience, even including such questions as, “God, don’t you think we’ve been through enough?” It’s a question we all ask in our minds but are usually too intimidated to say aloud. Things like this make the book unique, touching and very valuable reading for everyone.

      The authors give God credit, glory and praise throughout the book, terrifically conveying how God was with them every step of the way.

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    • Organic Outreach For Families


      In Organic Outreach for Families, Kevin and Sherry Harney share insights from the Scriptures and give practical advice from their own experience to help you learn how to transform your home into a lighthouse of God’s amazing grace.

      The Harneys discuss five ways you can naturally share your faith with others: Reaching your own children with the message of Jesus Sharing God’s grace with your extended family Raising your children to be beacons of light in their schools and in the neighborhood Opening the doors of your home to make it attractive and welcoming Shining the light of grace into your broader community The Harneys balance a concern for developing your home into a safe, secure environment with the biblical mandate for believers to be salt and light in the world. Pastors and parents will discover creative ways families can become a natural and winsome presence in their schools, through community activities, and as a witness in their neighborhoods.

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    • What Your Husband Isnt Telling You (Reprinted)


      It’s the rare woman who isn’t perplexed by her husband. What’s going on inside his man-brain? What secrets is he keeping? What is he afraid of? Why is he so obsessed with (fill-in-the-blank)? Why do men see things so differently? And what about his spiritual life (or lack of it)?

      David Murrow leads women on a groundbreaking tour of a man’s heart, mind, and soul. More than just a book about what men think, it explores the deep forces that determine what they say, do, and believe–secrets most men do not give voice to. Readers will be surprised, fascinated, and encouraged by what they find.

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    • Dancing With Max


      Meet a remarkable young man. Max doesn’t communicate like we do. But he communicates better than we do about the most important things. Max doesn’t think like we do. But his actions reflect deep spiritual truths. With candor and wit, Emily Colson shares about her personal battles and heartbreak when, as a suddenly single mother, she discovers her only child has autism. Emily illuminates the page with imagery—making you laugh, making you cry, inspiring you to face your own challenges. Chuck Colson, in his most personal writing since Born Again, speaks as a father and grandfather. It is a tender side Max brings out of his grandfather, a side some haven’t seen. As Emily recalls her experiences, we discover that Max’s disability does not so much define who he is, but reveals who we are. Dancing with Max is not a fairy tale with a magical ending. It’s a real life story of grace and second chances and fresh starts in spite of life’s hardest problems. And Max? Max will make you fall in love with life all over again, leaving you dancing with joy.

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    • When Your Parent Becomes Your Child


      Hope and inspiration for helping parents through the aging process and the decline that comes with dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.Dementia is one of the world’s fastest growing illnesses. Without a major medical breakthrough, the estimated 24 million people living with some form of the disease could easily jump as high as 84 million by the year 2040. It is rapidly becoming everyone’s problem.

      When Your Parent Becomes Your Child tells the story of one family who reluctantly began to recognize and then deal with the common issues found in caring for their elderly loved one:
      memory loss
      physical decline
      personal hygiene
      dangers of driving and living alone
      aberrant behavior
      uncharacteristic attitudes

      As he chronicles his own mom’s degenerative condition, New York Times bestselling writer Ken Abraham not only educates but offers inspiration to help readers cope with and manage their family circumstances.

      With humor and spiritual reminders of God’s command to honor our parents, Abraham encourages readers, helping them shoulder the additional, often difficult responsibilities. And though patients will not recover this side of heaven, he suggests many practical things that families can do to make the experience safer, kinder, and more endurable for everyone involved.Helping our loved ones live out their remaining years in dignity paves the way for a rewarding and enriching experience for our families, and for the people whose lives they have affected for all eternity.

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    • Communication Key To Your Marriage (Reprinted)


      What does it take to make a marriage intimate, loving, and fun? It all starts with communication, the key to a vibrant, happy, lifelong partnership. In this new updated edition of the bestselling classic, trusted marriage and family counselor Dr. Norman Wright does not just show readers the different ways men and women communicate. He shows how to do it right! Readers will find practical ways to reduce marital conflict, manage anger, build up one another’s self-esteem, and listen and understand each other at deeper and more satisfying levels. This updated edition also includes all-new reflection questions at the end of each chapter for couples or groups.

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    • 101 Questions To Ask Before You Get Remarried


      Respected Christian counselor H. Norman Wright draws from his extensive experience to help couples establish strong, loving marriages. Whether divorced or widowed, people who marry again face unique challenges. Through 101 questions, Norm helps readers know their own views and understand where they agree and disagree with their future mates on finances, roles, sexuality, children, responsibilities, and previous relationship issues. Couples will work together to:
      make sure they’re ready for a new marriage
      discover the essentials for successful remarriages
      clearly communicate personal and family needs
      establish realistic expectations for their new marriage
      handle common problems in remarriage: previous partners, in-laws (past and present), merged families, money, sexual issues

      Offering plenty of room for written responses, this essential premarriage guide helps couples work through problem areas before they become issues. They will also discover areas of strength and agreement that will help them establish a solid foundation for success. Ideal for couples, study groups, ministers, and counselors.

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    • Ministerio Del Matrimonio – (Spanish)


      En El Ministerio del Matrimonio, el Dr. Jim Binney ofrece soluciones biblicas a las comunes luchas conyugales. El afirma que los matrimonios fracasan porque estan fundamentados en el egoismo en lugar del servicio. El mundo presenta el matrimonio como felicidad a cualquier coste, sin embargo, la Biblia presenta el matrimonio como compromiso a cualquier coste.

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    • Dancing With Death


      In a small North Texas town a family is devastated when their son is diagnosed with a life-threatening heart disease. In the lowest time of their lives, God works through

      Michael Jordan, Derek Harper, Coach Grant Teaff, Dino, Joe Montana, J. D. Hill, a camel, and the local community to give strength and support to the Martin family. Dancing with Death illustrates the power of faith, hope, love, Christian friends, and family.

      The authors’ details are gripping. Readers will feel a bond with the authors through reading about their inner feelings. The Martin’s bravely make themselves vulnerable to their audience, even including such questions as, “God, don’t you think we’ve been through enough?” It’s a question we all ask in our minds but are usually too intimidated to say aloud. Things like this make the book unique, touching and very valuable reading for everyone.

      The authors give God credit, glory and praise throughout the book, terrifically conveying how God was with them every step of the way.

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    • Excellence In Marriage


      Married and Happy?

      Yes, it is possible! Your marriage can be all that you ever dreamed it would be-no matter what season you are in. In this honest, open, down-to-earth book, Diane Hampton explores the wonders of married life, as well as the woes. For those who want make their marriages better, Excellence in Marriage offers life-changing principles that are easy to put into practice.

      Learn to live in true unity by using these biblical principles. Enduring love, stored-up treasures, intimate communication, and true forgiveness are just a few of the marital building blocks you will be able to establish in your home. Your marriage can be transformed and flourish, far exceeding the expectations you had on your wedding day.

      Are you ready to be blessed with the “marriage made in heaven” that God desires for you? Keep reading-this book has the answers!

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    • Trophy Child : Saving Parents From Performance Preparing Children For Somet


      Our culture’s obsession with achievement often leads parents to form expectations for their kids based on the world’s standards, not on the Bible. As a result, their kids feel they never measure up.

      Trophy Child will help modern Christian parents create a home where children find success in following their heavenly Father’s leading for them-and readers know the joy of seeing their children embrace their full potential as children of God.

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    • 52 Creative Family Time Experiences


      Parents want to connect with their kids and pass along their faith as part of those connections. Timothy Smith gives the ideal tool to parents making this possible using 20 minutes a week. This book provides 52 experiences for families to share time together with lasting benefits. Each experience includes a short Scripture reading, games, activities, and guided discussion that will draw families closer together and closer to God. The author also includes adaptation for younger children and teens with many of the activities. Timothy Smith writes with creativity and experience in family ministry. Fun is the key ingredient in the family time experience and allows for a natural process of sharing faith to develop between parents and kids.

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    • Daddy Dates : Four Daughters One Clueless Dad And His Quest To Win Their He


      One day motivational leader Greg Wright realized that the four set of pretty young eyes under his own roof were looking to Dad to be strong, fearless, and wise.

      The reality was, the lone male in an all-girl household (“heck, even the dog was female”) was only thirty years old and felt like he had been shoved into the deep end of the estrogen pool without swimming lessons.

      That’s when the love-struck father of four gorgeous pre-teens started searching for a plan for how to be a successful Dad, and did what any sensible guy would do. He bailed. Not only on his family, but into the woods, to seek a “solution.”

      Daddy Dates is an entertaining and practical look at how one American father found his sea legs and is navigating through the tricky waters of parenting girls. In this game-changing book, Greg shares his easy-to-follow secrets for how married and single dads can go beyond high-fiving to bridge the gender gap and become the clued-in man who knows his daughter best.

      Dads have more influence on their girls than anyone. Learn what makes your daughter tick, how to talk to her effectively and connect more profoundly, at any age.

      If being their hero is your mission, it’s not impossible. Daddy Dates is your road map to get there.

      “Hi honey. It’s Daddy. I’m calling to see if you’d like to go on a date with me tonight.”

      “Um, yes, Daddy I think I would.”

      It’s a phone call Greg Wright has made over and over again. By age thirty, Greg was the overwhelmed father of four beautiful little girls, with one thought running through his mind over and over again: Don’t Screw Up.

      Daddy Dates is about a guy taking his best shot at being a successful dad by trying to know his girls-really know their fears, dreams, and opinions-and how he stumbled across an incredible strategy to do that with daughters of any age or stage. This funny, insightful, and relatable book poses the wildly original concept that should be a “duh” for most dads-but isn’t. In order to raise a confident woman-to-be, show your daughter what it feels like to be treated with love, respect, and true interest by a man who loves her.

      Daddy Dates is not another “how to” book from a parenting expert. It’s a personal, eye-opening, often humorous look at an Average Joe’s intentional pursuit of his daughter’s hearts and minds, and the love-inspired steps he is taking to solidify Dad’s place in each of their lives, forever.

      Whether married or single, Daddy Dates can help you

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    • Pequeno Manual Para Novios – (Spanish)


      This is a fantastic guide for couples who already are engaged and want to be well prepared for married life. This book is also designed as a resource for pastors and leaders, to serve as a foundation for counseling and follow up with the couples. The author discusses the most important factors that contribute to the healthy development of a romantic relationship and to adequate preparation for a future with God.

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    • Letters To Karen


      Every bride wants her father’s blessing and to have the wisdom that comes from more than forty years of happy marriage. In this classic book, a father writes letters of love, encouragement, and advice to his newly engaged daughter. In his letters are the hopes and dreams that all parents share for their children as they begin a new chapter of their lives. Beloved for its thoughtfulness and insight, the advice found in Letters to Karen is a sound and relevant today as when it was originally written in 1965.

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    • Declutter Now : Uncovering The Hidden Joy And Freedom In Your Life


      We all have too much STUFF! Not just tangible things, but also the harmful clutter we allow to take up residence in our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. Every area of your life must be decluttered for you to live with the joy and freedom God desires!

      * We’ll clean out closets, relationships, and finances.
      * We’ll share ideas on decluttering your children’s lives from the get-go, and how to instill tools they’ll need to keep them that way.
      * We’ll navigate through challenges at work and critical career decisions.
      * Are you burdened by emotional ties that bind or physical problems which keep you in bondage?
      * We’ll tackle those too! Does your spiritual life feel empty or stalled?

      We desire to help! Declutter what you don’t need to make room for what really matters. Less can truly be more!

      * Do you long for more peace and harmony in your life?
      * Do you desire more quality time with family?
      * Are you seeking relief from financial burdens?
      * Are you ready to release the grip of guilt and obligation?
      * Do you yearn for an increased ability to serve God?

      Declutter Now! is for REAL people dealing with REAL life! Discover the tremendous joy possible when living a decluttered life for Christ.

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    • Winning Together : His Needs Matter Her Needs Are Important


      Heavenly Realm Publishing Company

      Winning Together is for the married couple who is pursuing a better, closer relationship, and intimacy within their marriage. It is a guide to help the Covenant Marriage to build, re-build, and rekindle the fire within their marriage again as they seek to exercise the promises and expectations of God’s Covenant love within the marriage. Stephanie helps the married couple to reach deep within themselves first, then within their relationship and offer steadfast love, loyalty, forgiveness, and commitment to resolving conflict to a peacemaking communion as they both seek spiritual growth within the marriage. In Winning Together, Stephanie helps the couple to win in every area of their marriage. She shows how communication and sexual intimacy are one of the most important aspects in developing a successful winning relationship and Covenant marriage. It provides lifelike scenarios, examples, and biblical principles that answer the most common questions the couple or those seeking marriage may have. Winning Together provides a vehicle to understand that sex is not the only answer to a successful marriage, it also involves the couple’s personal commitment, spiritual, emotional, social, and love lasting oneness.

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    • Living Together : Myths Risks And Answers


      Since the late 1960s, the number of couples living together before marriage has increased significantly, as this phenomenon was thought to be the answer to obtaining a successful marriage. The theory that couples could “practice” seemed a perfect solution to an increasingly higher divorce rate. “After all,” many argued, “if we live together first, we will really know if we’re compatible.”

      Mike and Harriet McManus, co-founders of the Marriage Savers(R) organization, argue in this important book that theory and reality are often not the same. They take a fundamental position that one can not practice permanence, and unless a marriage is established as permanent, a couple will not approach it the same way. This significant finding has come from the McManuses’ fifteen years of studying marriage and divorce and their desire to help couples build strong marriages that last a lifetime.

      In the pages of this book, you will discover that the divorce rate is actually higher among couples who live together before marriage, as well as important principles that really do give couples the necessary tools for a successful marriage.

      Consider this book an investment in yours or someone else’s marriage. Whether you are a counselor seeking to help others in their marriage, a parent helping a child as he or she is contemplating living with someone, a pastor who needs a reliable tool to help couples in his ministry, or a person considering living with someone yourself, “this book is for you!”

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    • MoneySmart Family System


      SKU (ISBN): 9781400202843ISBN10: 1400202841Steve Economides | Annette EconomidesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2012Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Raising Financially Confident Kids (Reprinted)


      It’s natural to want your kids to have a secure future. But when it comes to teaching the next generation how to handle money, parents are failing. Still there is hope! Financial expert Mary Hunt shows parents how to raise kids who have a healthy relationship with money–even if the parents themselves have made financial mistakes along the way or are struggling financially right now.

      Drawing from solid statistics and her own hard-won knowledge and experience, Hunt helps parents protect their children from the financial pitfalls of easy credit, an attitude of entitlement, and our culture’s chummy relationship with debt. From preschool through the teen years, every stage of a child’s development is covered, including how to talk to them about money, how to help them start saving money and giving it away, and how to manage money wisely.

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    • 7 Things Children Need (Revised)


      This is a revised edition of a Herald Press classic that has sold over 125,000 copies.
      It has been translated into nearly twenty languages.
      The author discusses seven of the most basic needs of the growing child. The seven are
      significance, security, acceptance, love, praise, discipline, and God. This is a practical,
      personal, down-to-earth book for people who care about children as persons.

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    • Planned Purity : Creating An Environment For Sexual Purity Starting With Th


      A successfully planned parenthood starts with Planned Purity.

      Saving a kiss like the young people in The Princess and the Kiss is just the beginning. In this groundbreaking purity training method for parents, best-selling children’s author Jennie Bishop shares the key to sexual purity and an honorable life: a good heart. Using Planned Purity, any reader can construct a household of purity for themselves, a child or a family. A resource section with parent/child scripts, object lessons and more makes this guide a must-have for any mom or dad planning for purity in today’s sexualized culture.

      What’s inside:

      * The simple secret of a pure life that even a child can understand.

      * Family strategies for nurturing pure hearts, leading directly to the pursuit of sexual purity.

      * Keys to raising children who refuse to view pornography.

      * Initiative to overcome personal struggles as you evaluate your own pursuit of purity.

      * Encouragement to help others live free of the effects of selfishness and sexual license.

      Planned Purity goes beyond teen sex issues to a definition of purity that addresses heart and body, birth to legacy. Plan for that purity first, and see how not only parenthood, but all of life falls into place!

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    • Please Pass The Faith


      By 2030, almost one-third of North Americans will be over age 65. How will this affect the church?

      Author Elsie Rempel believes that the swelling ranks of new seniors represent a huge spiritual resource. In Please Pass the Faith she draws from real life and from Christian formation experts in helping seniors and other adults foster relationships with children and youth. She also offers practical ideas for integrating children and youth into church life – all the while nurturing one’s own spiritual life as an elder.

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    • Instant Family Devotions (Reprinted)


      Parents want their children to grow closer to God, but may not always know the best way to facilitate that growth. Mike Nappa and Jill Wuellner take the guesswork out of family devotional time with this practical, imaginative resource. They provide a year’s worth of engaging, transforming, and easy-to-lead Bible discussion guides for parents and children. Combining biblical depth with entertaining and educationally sound teaching techniques, this book will both challenge and inspire families toward lasting spiritual growth.

      All 52 studies require zero pre-session preparation and can be used in a variety of settings and times–around the dinner table, during family-night activities, or just before bedtime. They are also perfect for impromptu lessons in Sunday school classes and elementary-aged youth groups.

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    • Predators Live Among Us


      In the time it took for Ward Cleaver and the Fonze to morph into Homer Simpson and his South Park neighbors, the fiber of humanity changed. Once-safe sidewalks, filled with active children, emptied into avenues where anxious parents now drive their children to school. Child molestation is epidemic in our society-even in our churches. Protecting our children is of utmost importance to every parent. “Predators Live Among Us” offers insight into how to recognize a potential molester, raises awareness regarding the ripple effects of child sexual abuse, contains suggestions on how to keep kids safe, exposes the connection between pornography and child molestation, reveals new findings with regard to the role of the brain in child molestation, points the way to healing for victims and offers solutions regarding reintegration of convicted predators when they’re released back into the church and community.

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    • Planned Purity : Creating An Environment For Sexual Purity Starting With Th


      A successfully planned parenthood starts with Planned Purity.

      Saving a kiss like the young people in The Princess and the Kiss is just the beginning. In this groundbreaking purity training method for parents, best-selling children’s author Jennie Bishop shares the key to sexual purity and an honorable life: a good heart. Using Planned Purity, any reader can construct a household of purity for themselves, a child or a family. A resource section with parent/child scripts, object lessons and more makes this guide a must-have for any mom or dad planning for purity in today’s sexualized culture.

      What’s inside:

      * The simple secret of a pure life that even a child can understand.

      * Family strategies for nurturing pure hearts, leading directly to the pursuit of sexual purity.

      * Keys to raising children who refuse to view pornography.

      * Initiative to overcome personal struggles as you evaluate your own pursuit of purity.

      * Encouragement to help others live free of the effects of selfishness and sexual license.

      Planned Purity goes beyond teen sex issues to a definition of purity that addresses heart and body, birth to legacy. Plan for that purity first, and see how not only parenthood, but all of life falls into place!

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    • Tough Guys And Drama Queens


      Are you ready for your child’s teen years?

      If you’ve ever lain awake at night wondering what might be around the corner of your child’s adolescence, this book is for you! After more than thirty-eight years of working with more than 2,500 years, Mark Gregston, founder of heartlight, a Christian residential counseling center, introduces Tough Guys and Drama Queens?a must-read “how-to” book for parents of pre-teens and teens with time-tested, biblical techniques to guide you through these unavoidably challenging years.

      Mark helps parents realize that some natural parenting approaches are actually counter-productive and therefore totally ineffective.In place of those, he offers tried and true wisdom on the vital importance of relationship, forgiveness, and explains how conflict is actually the precursor to change.

      Everyday your child is bombarded by highly sexualized culture and over-exposed to words and images that can influence them beyond your reach.your connection to them during these years is critical as is your response to tough issues such as appearance, performance, authority and respect, boundaries, and many more.

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    • How To Raise Your Boy In A Dying World


      * It is markedly notable that the author uses the term “Biblical principle” to indicate a verse is going to be shared. This subtly communicates to the reader, whether Christian or not, that the Scriptures are not stories or ideas, but principles on which to base our characters, decisions and actions.

      * The author shares that his father and stepfather did not lead him spiritually, and in so doing creates a bond with the audience. The topic of this book is a sensitive subject, and people tend to assume that those who speak about godly father figures are those who had one. By including himself in the audience, the author demonstrates that this book is coming from a unique angle that holds credibility.

      * The author’s clarity in drawing concrete correlations between social problems and the state of one’s spirituality is invaluable. Many feel Christianity is airy, and often are told they need to pray or have faith, which sounds abstract and unrealistic. The author discusses real life scenarios and suggests changes in behavior for the reader who sincerely wants to have a better life.

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    • Left Alone To Living Strong


      Do you know everything about your home, your family and your life?
      Could there be a dark side?

      For eleven years research was secretly being compiled on the powers behind child porn, until one morning twenty-two federal, state and local agents swarmed the front door, guns drawn with a search warrant.

      An arrest was made. Arrangements prepared for closing the case.

      But things were not always as they appeared. Who would foresee the twists and turns as the suspects and victims took on new emerging roles? No one was safe from investigation as events unfolded.

      Shocking truths were revealed and mysterious pasts uncovered.

      Nothing was normal. Every day became more dangerous as suspense increased, conspiracies were conceived
      and a complex story exposed.

      Only God was capable of never losing control.

      Share this S-W-A-T Recruit’s true story and learn not to fear what you don’t know.

      This book falls into two parts:

      Part One: A true story.
      Part Two: The S-W-A-T Recruit Boot Camp: A 4-week hope and recovery study guide.

      Join God’s elite task force.
      Sign up to become a secretive S-W-A-T Recruit. Complete recruit boot camp, and graduate a highly trained, secretive S-W-A-T Agent.
      What is S-W-A-T? Sanctified Women Against Trash.

      What does being a secret agent mean? Working through Part Two, the hope and recovery guide, making a private, personal, pledge to fight Satan’s sly attacks on your life using the 3 Rs: Recovery, Restitution and Reconciliation, the tactical techniques you trained on in boot camp to protect your home turf against any future immoral trash attack.

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    • Left Alone To Living Strong


      Do you know everything about your home, your family and your life?
      Could there be a dark side?

      For eleven years research was secretly being compiled on the powers behind child porn, until one morning twenty-two federal, state and local agents swarmed the front door, guns drawn with a search warrant.

      An arrest was made. Arrangements prepared for closing the case.

      But things were not always as they appeared. Who would foresee the twists and turns as the suspects and victims took on new emerging roles? No one was safe from investigation as events unfolded.

      Shocking truths were revealed and mysterious pasts uncovered.

      Nothing was normal. Every day became more dangerous as suspense increased, conspiracies were conceived
      and a complex story exposed.

      Only God was capable of never losing control.

      Share this S-W-A-T Recruit’s true story and learn not to fear what you don’t know.

      This book falls into two parts:

      Part One: A true story.
      Part Two: The S-W-A-T Recruit Boot Camp: A 4-week hope and recovery study guide.

      Join God’s elite task force.
      Sign up to become a secretive S-W-A-T Recruit. Complete recruit boot camp, and graduate a highly trained, secretive S-W-A-T Agent.
      What is S-W-A-T? Sanctified Women Against Trash.

      What does being a secret agent mean? Working through Part Two, the hope and recovery guide, making a private, personal, pledge to fight Satan’s sly attacks on your life using the 3 Rs: Recovery, Restitution and Reconciliation, the tactical techniques you trained on in boot camp to protect your home turf against any future immoral trash attack.

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    • Abuse Of Christian Women In India And Remedy (Student/Study Guide)


      Jane McNally, who spent most of her life in India, uncovers the problem of abuse in Indian Christian homes with accuracy and authority as well as with pain and passion. The outlined Bible studies help the reader to understand the true biblical and God-given relationship of woman and man, which is the only hope for the redemption of family life, in India and the world.

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    • Mothers And Daughters


      You love your mother…

      You hate your mother…

      Mothers and daughters. In perhaps no other relationship are our hopes so high, and the dysfunction so disappointing. You feel locked into a hurtful relationship that you must deal with, and it’s wearing you down. But Jesus knew the brokenness we would face in the world, even in close places such as family relationships, and still He promised the Counselor would come alongside us.

      As a daughter who has struggled to maintain a healthy relationship with her mother, author Teena Stewart will help you name your hurts, face the barriers that stand in the way of a healthy relationship, and forgive even the unforgivable. Learn how to cultivate a friendship, communicate more effectively, and become the change you want to see. There is hope for restoration and renewal.

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    • Praying Gods Word For Your Husband (Reprinted)


      Women often offer up polite prayers to God without any real hope of seeing change in their marriage, their husbands, or themselves. Kathi Lipp directs women to Scripture and shows wives how to pray God’s Word boldly and in full confidence of seeing God-sized results. With a light touch and an approachable style, Lipp shows women what a blessing it is to pray for their husbands, addressing specific concerns, like praying for his:
      career and finances
      relationship with God and others
      emotional health
      and more

      Lipp shows readers how to stop feeling helpless and start making a difference in their husbands’ lives through bold, expectant prayer, whether they are new believers or have been walking with God for years.

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    • Oma Tells HIStories


      Do you want to teach your children the stories of the Bible in a way that will honor God? Do you want your children to get excited about God in learning His stories? “Oma tells Histories” does just that by relating these Bible classics in a way that is understandable for children and will get them asking questions and wanting to know more. Wonderfully illustrated, “Oma tells Histories” shows: -The story of Noah, his family and their faith and obedience to God. -Hannah’s promise to God. -Samuel imparting God’s blessing on David. -Jonah trying to hide from God. s Mary and Joseph and the first Christmas, God’s promise to all of us. -The Good Shepherd who went to find the lost sheep. And many other stories, with prayers included to further enrich the experience of parents and grandparents reading with their children and grandchildren.

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    • It Started In The Garden


      Does God really have a plan for marriage? Can a book written thousands of years ago still be relevant for marriages today? It Started in the Garden invites you to take a biblical journey back to the Garden of Eden to discover God’s amazing design for marriage. This book will help you discover God’s basic rules for marriage, understand communication fundamentals, recognize and defeat five of the major enemies attacking marriage, identify differences between men and women, and their roles in marriage. God, the Creator of marriage, has provided the ultimate operating manual. Are you a newly engaged couple looking to lay a good foundation? Have you been married for many years and just need a refresher? Is your marriage in trouble? Are you ready to give up? It Started in the Garden is a great resource for pre-marriage counseling, marriage seminars, marriage enrichment, small groups, and for marriages in crisis. Individuals, couples, pastors, lay leaders, and counselors will benefit from the wealth of teaching in this book. If you want your marriage to work the way God designed it then start following His plan. After all, it started in the Garden! “Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel: ‘I am the LORD your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go.'” Isaiah 48:17.

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    • Cleaning House : A Moms 12 Month Experiment To Rid Her Home Of Youth Entitl


      A self-described “enabling mother” embarks on a one-year experiment of empowering her five kids to master the basic tasks of independence, gaining valuable insights for every parent who wants to rid their home of youth entitlement.

      Today’s well-intentioned parents go to great lengths to make their children’s lives easier. But instead of leading to happy kids, such hovering instills dependency and helplessness. When parents arrange for a child’s success, the resulting message is, “I’ll do it for you because you can’t.” But as author Kay Wills Wyma discovered, what kids really need to hear is, “I believe in you so I’m going to make you work.” For one year she focused on training her children in key life skills, beginning with making their own beds right on through yard work, hospitality, and community service. In this book she shares her experiences along with practical tips and wisdom from other parents and experts.

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    • Home Improvement Series 2


      This follow-up to the first book in the author’s series on marriage and relationships focuses on how to maintain a healthy home by practicing Biblical principles. Following the format of Volume One, this book is a compilation of articles written by the author on This volume looks to provide Biblical insight on various relationship topics.

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    • Future Men : Raising Boys To Fight Giants (Revised)


      Future Men has undergone minor revisions throughout, including a fresh new cover. Order it now, and look for the rest of the revised Family Series, coming soon! (Reforming Marriage up next.)

      How do we build our sons to be tough but not arrogant? mannered but not soft? imaginative but not lazy? bold but not hollow? Future Men is a Christian guide to raising strong, virtuous sons, contrary to the effeminacy and sentimentalism of contemporary culture.

      When Theodore Roosevelt taught Sunday school for a time, a boy showed up one Sunday with a black eye. He admitted he had been fighting and on a Sunday too. He told the future president that a bigger boy had been pinching his sister, and so he fought him. TR told him that he had done perfectly right and gave him a dollar. The stodgy vestrymen thought this was a bit much, and so they let their exuberant Sunday school teacher go. What a loss.

      Unbelief cannot look past surfaces. Unbelief squashes; faith teaches. Faith takes a boy aside and tells him that this part of what he did was good, while the other part of what he did got in the way. “And this is how to do it better next time.”

      As they grow up, boys will encounter a staggering array of issues. In Future Men, Douglas Wilson begins with a call to fathers, and then addresses the importance of things such as athletics and intellectual tenacity, respecting girls, developing a robust work ethic, avoiding money traps, fighting idols, and secret sin. This book pushes scriptural patterns for masculinity into all the corners of a boy’s life.

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    • Divorce And Remarriage


      There are many views today on morality, relativity and right and wrong. Dr. Tony Evans refuses to let the voice of God be drowned out amidst the clamor of the crowd. In the age where people can get a “no-fault” divorce (When is it ever nobody’s fault’) believers who claim to live by God’s word cannot dodge the issue: we cannot skip it, run from it, or ignore it. God has spoken clearly on this subject and while it is far from easy to address, it must be dealt with. Combining a high view of marriage, compassion, and biblical authority, Tony Evans gives invaluable insight into divorce and remarriage as he explores real-life fears and questions by looking at the issue from God’s vantage point, not from our emotional one.

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    • Be A Better Dad Today (Reprinted)


      Be a Better Dad Today! was a national bestseller for a reason: it’s one of the best books on fatherhood you will ever read. Warmly endorsed by dozens of America’s best-known and most respected fathers, the book lays out the “Ten Tools of Fatherhood” that will help every dad who uses them. The book is the product of Slayton’s thirty year study of fatherhood on five different continents, his research, and his own experience raising four children with his wife of twenty-five years. Slayton’s easy-to-read, friendly style makes it a fun read, and the many great stories and real life examples bring it to life.

      Be a Better Dad Today! is an inspirational, encouraging, and down-to-earth guidebook for every father who wants to be a better dad–for his family’s sake and his own. With humor, empathy, common sense, and engaging stories, Slayton reveals proven, powerful tools and techniques that will help every dad fulfill his God-given responsibilities. Whether parenting younger or older kids, boys or girls, blended families or as a single dad (or even a father-to-be), readers will find wise insights and practical, doable action steps for becoming the best dad they can be.

      The book makes a great gift for Father’s Day, Christmas, birthdays, or any day. And since the Slaytons are dedicating 100% of all royalties from the book to fatherhood and family charities serving the US Military, your purchase will a blessing to the fathers and families who serve our nation every day.

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    • Your Home Is Not Broken


      This book will inspire the single parent family to understand the deep Love God has for them.
      It will give forward vision and hope to those caught in the web of confusion and pain.
      Those who are on the outside looking in, they will gain an understanding of How God views these precious folks and what they can do to help them to wholeness.

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    • Daddy Look


      Fathers, how many times on a weekly basis do you hear the expression from your children: “Daddy Look?” Have you ever wondered why they want you to look so badly? Do you know how much power exists in Daddy’s Look? Authors, Battle, Sanders and Watts tackle these questions and more in this temendous book destined to change the lives of all who read it and truly want to make a difference in their children’s lives.

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    • 1st Gentleman : Role Of The Female Pastor’s Husband


      Female leadership has been a topic of debate for centuries between theologians and laity, Christians and non-Christians, as well as men and women. This study will present a theological analysis of the debate concerning male and female roles in leadership positions and ministry. An analysis of the role of the female pastor’s spouse, the effects of sexism in religion, and how it has influenced the ecclesiology of the church will be examined as well. Reflections of case studies employing biblical narratives of couples in the Bible will be used to substantiate the roles of women leaders and their spouses. Each scenario identifies the particular role of the husband and the wife, specifically when the wife is the spiritual leader.

      Read with anticipation the outcome of biblical interpretation of the roles of the female leader and their spouses.

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    • Healing Together : Alphabet Book


      Healing Together is written especially for the adult and child grieving together. Age does not make it easier or harder to cope with the anguish of losing a loved one. It is a time to grieve.

      This alphabet book on recovery from grief is presented from the perspective of the adult and that of the child. It is not written in a sequential format, but rather, the thoughts, reflections, and lessons stem from the collected experiences of mother, Karen Chouinard, and daughter, Holly Carpenter, over a span of many years, from the earliest stages of mourning to the present.

      As an added tool, Karen and Holly have listed additional words to encourage thoughtful and meaningful discussions between the adult and child, both of whom are embarking on their own personal journeys from grief to healing.

      Scripture has also been included as references for spiritual encouragement.

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    • Is This The One


      In Is This the One?, Steve Arterburn—an award-winning author and the founder and chairman of New Life Ministries, the largest faith-based broadcast counseling and treatment ministry—has created a ‘how to’ plan for happier, stronger marriages. He contends that living in a ‘no regrets’ relationship can be as simple following this spiritually solid and personally drawn plan before the first ‘I do’ is even spoken. Host of the number one Christian radio broadcast, ‘New Life Live!,’ Arterburn draws a painfully personal portrait of the devastation divorce has on a family. Rather than aiming at marriages already in jeopardy, Arterburn focuses attention on the beginning of relationships—before the commitment, before the emotional investment, before the children. He prescribes three sets of ten carefully devised dates designed to help couples reveal their true colors and clarify whether or not they are a compatible match. This practical, personal, and positive plan can impact marriages—and ground the skyrocketing divorce rate—as no other book has.

      Is This the One? is a must read for engaged or dating couples, happy singles, concerned parents, and anyone who wants to make better decisions about who to marry and who to leave behind.

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    • What The Bible Says About Love Marriage And Sex


      With roughly a third of all marriages ending in divorce, there’s never been a better time for this refresher course in the true meaning of a successful union. As New York Times bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah reminds us, it’s a biblical truth: Sex and passionate, romantic love are God’s ideas!

      Nothing rivals the beauty of the writing in the Song of Solomon– and nothing rivals the wisdom of Solomon on matters of love, romance, marriage, and sexual intimacy. Dr. Jeremiah’s thoughtful interpretation of Solomon and Shulamith’s relationship provides all of us– whether married or single– with valuable lessons for a better, happier, more fulfilling life and a long, loving marriage.

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    • Family Theology : Finding God In Very Human Relationships


      1. Naked And Confused – Bad Parenting 101
      2. Children In Conflict – We Barely Left The Garden
      3. Inheritance And Tradition – Eating With Pigs Again
      4. Marriage And Fidelity – Finding Love In All The Wrong Places
      5. Aging Gracefully – Only Martyrs Still Look Marvelous
      6. Embracing The Child Of God – Time To Run With Scissors

      Additional Info
      Bible-based Christian formation resource for teens and adults

      The author blends spiritual narratives and biblical stories with behavioral theory to explain modern family life and its unique contributions to faith formation. This book offers hope and encouragement for people who have thought that God could not possibly bless them in their contemporary insights of cognitive scientists, including Gardner, Eisner and others.

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    • Tu Matrimonio Si Importa – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9788482677330ISBN10: 8482677330Language: SpanishBinding: UnknownPublished: April 2012Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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    • For Better Or For Best


      In this newly revised edition of the classic bestseller For Better or for Best, Gary Smalley speaks to women and explains what motivates men and how wives can use their natural qualities and abilities to build a better marriage.

      Using case histories and biblical illustrations, as well as stories from his own marriage, Smalley offers empathy, humor, and wisdom to women who wish to more fully understand their husbands and love them better.

      With over 750,000 copies in print and now updated and expanded to integrate the latest research and cultural changes for today’s readers, For Better or for Best offers women an insider’s perspective into the world of men, including practical help and application so they can deepen their relationships with their husbands and build a lasting marriage.

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    • Have A New Kid By Friday (Reprinted)


      Family out of control? Thinking of calling Nanny 911? Try Dr. Leman’s action plans instead! His straightforward advice offers doable day-by-day strategies to change your child’s attitude, behavior, and character—and help you become the parent you’ve always wanted to be. Includes indexed section on how to handle everything from rolling eyes to punching walls!

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    • All Pro Dad


      Gentlemen, this is a football, Vince Lombardi famously told his players at the beginning of each season. Just as knowing the fundamentals of football is the key to a player becoming an All-Pro, knowing the fundamentals of fatherhood is the key to a father becoming an All Pro Dad. The most important fundamental of fatherhood starts with one word-love. Love isn’t weak; it’s strong. If a father wants to lead well in his home, he must expand his capacity to love. All Pro Dad is a journey with Mark Merrill-husband of more than 20 years, father of five children, and the president of Family First. Mark’s journey includes exclusive, one-on-one, in-depth interviews with approximately 20 well-recognized leaders who share their personal stories and wisdom. These influential leaders understand the “7 M’s”-Makeup, Master, Mission, Message, Motive, Method, and Model-that each man must know about himself to truly love and lead his family. This journey and exploration is for parents, especially fathers, who want to lead and love their families and need practical ways to do so.

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    • I Love You To God And Back


      One hundred prayers from a child and one hundred poignant reflections from her mom show women everywhere how to deepen the bond with their children and build faith together. Sleepy, rubbing her eyes, and ready for bed, Chloe looked up at her Mom, author Amanda Lamb, and said, “Mommy, I love you to God and back.” In a way that only a child could express, Chloe did her level best to show her mom just how much she loved her. In this charming, useful book, readers get a heartwarming look at the bond between mother and child and how bedtime prayers deepened their bond and built their faith together. I Love You to God and Back shares one hundred of Chloe’s bedtime prayers and the deep spiritual reflections they ignited in her Mom. It showcases what the Bible speaks of when it talks about childlike faith. And it helps any mother lead her child intentionally into faith while deepening their bond. For any mother who longs to love her children, longs to see their bond deepen, and needs a road map to get started, I Love You to God and Back is exactly what she needs. Any mother can experience the sweetness of the moment when her child looks up and says, “I love you to God and back.”

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    • Where Did All The Good Men Go


      *Why you can’t find a good man?
      *Why “I Do” turns into “I Don’t”?
      *Why first sex together changes a good man forever? (And not in a good way!)
      *Why when you seek a good man’s commitment, you prevent his devotion?
      *Why submission to your husband as described in scripture is actually optional?
      *Why you fail in your relationships because you are searching for “Mr. Right”?
      *Why once you find a good man, he ends up leaving you?
      If you become wives, you eventually face a Two-Year Glitch, Seven-Year Itch, and Twenty-Year Ditch & Switch. Plus, you must daily navigate and negotiate hundreds of situations described throughout this book. You can find, capture, and keep the good man of your dreams-if you first learn how to restore and refine your natural relationship expertise that has already been provided to you by a loving God.

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    • Father Hunger : Why God Calls Men To Love And Lead Their Families


      We live in a culture in which absentee fatherhood is the norm. Pastor and parenting authority Douglas Wilson brings a powerful message about its true costs to our families and society and encourages men to be the fathers God calls them to be. When we hear the word fatherless, our minds usually turn to orphans, to children who have lost their fathers to tragic accidents. For most of us, that seems to be a problem outside our own families, a painful reality with which others must deal. “Not so,” says Douglas Wilson. “Most of our families are starving for fathers, even if Dad is around, and there’s a huge cost to our children and our society because of it.” Why Fathers Really Matter is a thoughtful and timely excursion into our culture of fatherlessness, what Wilson calls “the central malady of our time.” Central because it is the cause of so many of the ills we face-everything from atheism and crime to joyless feminism and paternalistic government expansion-but most important because of the effect it has on families, children, wives, and husbands. Bottom line: when fathers are checked out, left out, or ruled out, it hurts literally everyone.

      We need our fathers, and all too often they are nowhere present. Indispensible Dad has one basic goal: to encourage and empower men to be the fathers that God calls them to be and that their families and culture desperately need them to be.

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    • 1st Gentleman : Role Of The Female Pastor’s Husband


      Female leadership has been a topic of debate for centuries between theologians and laity, Christians and non-Christians, as well as men and women. This study will present a theological analysis of the debate concerning male and female roles in leadership positions and ministry. An analysis of the role of the female pastor’s spouse, the effects of sexism in religion, and how it has influenced the ecclesiology of the church will be examined as well. Reflections of case studies employing biblical narratives of couples in the Bible will be used to substantiate the roles of women leaders and their spouses. Each scenario identifies the particular role of the husband and the wife, specifically when the wife is the spiritual leader.

      Read with anticipation the outcome of biblical interpretation of the roles of the female leader and their spouses.

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    • Raising Wise Children


      Culture expert and veteran youth pastor Mark Matlock will teach you to line your family’s story up with God’s story in the world around you, helping you raise wise children who have the character, values, and mission that allows them to go out into the real world and live out a real faith.

      Raising Wise Children explores such issues as:
      * Helping your child make decisions
      * The importance of failure
      * Knowing God’s story for your family
      * Changing the story your family is in
      * The pursuit of wisdom, and much more

      God has placed us here to interact with and represent him to the world by engaging with the culture—not retreating from it. Rather than trying to isolate your children from the world or draw lines that keep them from truly engaging with what God has called us to help and heal, you can learn how to lead your family towards an integrated life where your story and God’s story come together to make a difference in the world around you.

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    • Lessons Kids Need To Learn


      Dave Staal brings his experience as a parent and a nationally respected children’s ministry leader to help equip other parents and mentors to teach their children the most important lessons in life. With a dozen life-building lessons, parents and mentors will be able to teach their kids to have a balanced, healthy perspective about themselves and other people, and how to honor God with the way they live. Based on Staal’s own experiences as a parent as well as original research done nationwide through focus groups with parents and children, Lessons Kids Need to Learn is a valuable resource for parents, grandparents, teachers, children’s ministry workers, and mentors who care about teaching children how to live into their God-given identities.

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    • Whats A Mother In-Law To Do


      Just about everyone has heard a terrible joke or a horror story about someone else s mother-in-law. Blending two families together often creates new and uncomfortable dynamics that will take some time to get used to, and sometimes mothers-in-law behave badly during these transitions. But these don t need to be “wildly” uncomfortable transitions, and you don t need to become the butt of everyone s jokes.
      With “What s a Mother (In Law) to Do?, ” author Jane Angelich (a mother-in-law herself) teaches readers how to become the mother-in-law they ve always wished they had. Rich with sidebars, practical suggestions, and stories of love and encouragement, this is the perfect book for anyone facing this new role or for those seasoned mother-in-laws who are simply seeking tips for improvement. Welcoming your child s spouse into your life doesn t have to be difficult, as long as you re excited about building and nurturing respectful family relationships.”

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    • Now That They Are Grown


      We don’t stop being parents when our kids are grown…but some things do change. Life is filled with change. As our sons and daughters move into young adulthood, our role of what it means to be loving parents changes dramatically. This book aims to help readers miss as many potholes as possible in making the transition from parenting children to being parents of young adults. Here are ways to nurture our adult children while encouraging their independence and maturity. Learn to have balance. Here is how to respond to them in times of struggle. Readers will see how to be supportive, yet not intrusive, caring without enabling dependency. The questions are important. The answers are not obvious. It is a new day in our relationships with our children. The page has been turned, and we are now writing the new chapter in the life of our family. It is important that we get it right.

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    • Parenting Teenagers Course Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      The Parenting Teenagers Course consists of five sessions (or ten shorter ones), designed to equip those parenting or caring for 11 to 18-year-olds with the tools to build healthy relationship with their teenagers while guiding them into adulthood. Drawing on their own experience of bringing up four children and having talked to thousands of parents over the years on their parenting courses, Nicky and Sila Lee bring fresh insights and time-tested values to the task of parenting. The DVDs include film clips of parenting experts and of parents and teenagers sharing their own experiences of parenting or being parented, and they include breaks for practical exercises and discussions. This Leaders” Guide offers a concise yet thorough overview of the Parenting Teenagers” Course, session by session. It includes timetables for each session, suggested reading, details on how to set up and run the course, and practical tips for making your Parenting Teenagers” Course successful. The course is designed to be flexible and provides full instructions on how to use the material over five longer sessions or ten shorter sessions, depending on what suits your group. This Guide is also included in the DVD Set (SKU 100905).

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    • Parenting Children Course Leaders Guide


      The Parenting Children Course consists of five sessions (or ten shorter ones), designed to equip those parenting or caring for 0 to 10-year-olds, as well as parents-to-be, with long-term strategies to build a healthy family life. Drawing on their own experience of bringing up four children and having talked to thousands of parents over the years on their parenting courses, Nicky and Sila Lee bring fresh insights and time-tested values to the task of parenting. The DVDs include film clips of parenting experts and of parents and children sharing their own experiences of parenting or being parented, and they include breaks for practical exercises and discussions. This Leaders” Guide offers a concise yet thorough overview of the Parenting Children Course, session by session. It includes timetables for each session, suggested reading, details on how to set up and run the course, and practical tips for making your Parenting Children Course successful. The course is designed to be flexible and provides full instructions on how to use the material over five longer sessions or ten shorter sessions, depending on what suits your group. This Guide is also included in the DVD Set (SKU 100902).

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    • My Daddy Calls Me Princess


      “Any man can be a father, but it takes a special man to be a Daddy.” Author unknown

      My Daddy Calls Me Princess is a collection of ten fun-filled, beautifully illustrated stories for girls.

      The short stories, about the adventures a young girl and her Daddy share, will delight every girl and teach her Daddy what she needs from him on an emotional and spiritual level.

      A loving, secure and unconditional relationship with her own father is critical for a daughter to be able to relate to a loving, heavenly Father.

      The book has an extraordinary message and provides fathers with a wonderful opportunity to establish and grow their relationship with their daughters.

      My Daddy Calls Me Princess is a gift of love.

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    • Chase The Challenge And Conquer


      “April has it made; she has everything.” It wasn’t uncommon for April J. Ford to hear this compliment, but what people didn’t know is that even with everything-husband, kids, house, career, cars, and a well-stamped passport-her soul was craving for settlement. She knew what would satisfy her soul for peace, but was she ready for the process? Chase the Challenge and Conquer with April’s life story, and you’ll begin to see why her unveiling process was a true transformation with her “4 R’s”: Rubble, Recovery, Rebuild, and Relationships.

      Through her difficult and painful childhood, dealing with both failures and success in her adult life, April always persevered, relying on her faith and intuition. She unveils her inner pain, emotions, experiences, and beliefs that got her through having the perfectly matched marriage to transitioning from motherhood to widowhood.

      Just as she was empowered and awakened by her true gift and abilities, you can also! Don’t ignore your soul speaking to you toward your life purpose and seek distractions or disruptive outlets in filling that void. If it’s left ignored or misinterpreted, it may ultimately disrupt your foundation, humanity, relationships, goals, and more.

      Chase The Challenge and Conquer will not only empower you but it equips you on finding the right answers for you; have you felt that your soul was craving for something when you thought you had everything, are soul mates real, how do you find your purpose in life, what is success, what is spiritual awakening. Just as April J. Ford was empowered and awakened by her true gift and abilities, you can also!

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    • Can This Marriage Stuff Work


      Can This Marriage Stuff Work? is designed to help couples who are involved in a committed relationship by offering them the necessary tools to build a strong and lasting relationship. It helps enable them to weather the storms that committed relationships can bring. Whether you’ve been married for many years, are just recently married, or in anticipation of journeying down the road of marriage, this book will offer assistance to you. Pastor Lee provides his readers with both practical and spiritual insight to strengthen them on their relationship journey. He shares some intimate details about his own successes and failures, pulling the mask off those long-held myths concerning marriage and the marriage bed. God never intended for marriage to become stale or boring. Pastor Lee gives helpful tips on how to heal past hurts and put the spice back into your relationship.

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    • Can This Marriage Stuff Work


      Can This Marriage Stuff Work? is designed to help couples who are involved in a committed relationship by offering them the necessary tools to build a strong and lasting relationship. It helps enable them to weather the storms that committed relationships can bring. Whether you’ve been married for many years, are just recently married, or in anticipation of journeying down the road of marriage, this book will offer assistance to you. Pastor Lee provides his readers with both practical and spiritual insight to strengthen them on their relationship journey. He shares some intimate details about his own successes and failures, pulling the mask off those long-held myths concerning marriage and the marriage bed. God never intended for marriage to become stale or boring. Pastor Lee gives helpful tips on how to heal past hurts and put the spice back into your relationship.

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    • Separation Survival Guide For Military Couples


      Families and friends learn how to better understand the dilemma faced by military couples and how to help them cope.

      Explore the interconnectivity of critical issues many military families are confronted with.

      Consider practical solutions to one of the most crucial threats facing relationships in the military and potentially the world.

      Learn how to protect your relationship from extramarital affairs while maintaining commitment to your spouse.

      Learn how to successfully survive the devastation associated with family separation.

      Learn how to use a necessary tool for any couple to strengthen their relationship during short- and long-term times of separation.

      Explore the painful journey of many families.

      Help yourself understand the extreme difficulties of family separation; assist others with simple practical principles in coping and successfully surviving the experience.

      Learn how to help others avoid pitfalls that can ruin their relationship.

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    • Daddy Devos Today


      “Some things can be ignored and there are others that simply demand our attention. This book is the result of one of those things that arose out of an unignorable circumstance.” Have you ever struggled with how to be the spiritual leader of your house? Would you like the respect of your family, especially of your kids? Want to make yourself sexier to your spouse? Want an easy way to have a more consistent ‘devotional’ life? How about simply beginning a ‘devotional’ life? Maybe you want a more intimate time with the Lord? Discouraged with Bible reading programs? Would you like an easy way to apply what you’re reading? How about a quick, easy way to encourage your family and friends spiritually, on a daily basis? Then look no further, take this manual home, you will never ever regret it, and your family and friends will be forever grateful.

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    • Spiritual Parenting


      Your Child Is Worth All The Time, Money, Heartaches, And Effort Because Your Child Can Make A Difference In This World. From The Depths Of His God-given Wisdom, Charles Spurgeon Shows How You Can Establish A Secure, Nurturing, Christ-centered Home In Which To Grow Strong, Healthy, Happy Families. Here Is Encouragement And Advice To Parents On Guiding The Spiritual Development Of Children From Infancy Through Young Adulthood.

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    • Heroes At Home (Revised)


      This encouraging book is more than just a helpful guide for families on active duty. Ellie offers today’s generation of families the encouragement they need as they encounter the challenges military families face, whether they’re Reserves, National Guard, or full-time active duty. As the wife of an Air Force pilot and the mom of five kids, Ellie has an inside perspective on how to cope with frequent moves, be ready for imminent deployment, and stay in touch over long distances. Her sage advice and witty humor give families some sense of comfort when military life seems chaotic. Ellie is “bent on ensuring our military members and families are thanked, loved, and know they are serving with support” (Command Chief Master Sergeant Vance M. Clarke, USAF).

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    • Matrimonio Verdadero – (Spanish)


      Pastor Mark Driscoll and his wife, Grace, talk about sex and marriage in down-to-earth terms, hitting issues other Christian books won’t.

      Pastor Mark Driscoll and his wife, Grace, want you to finish well on the last day. From the importance of date nights to answers to the most tricky “can we do that?” sex questions, they share practical help and hope with people just like them-who entered marriage a complete mess-or who are planning to be married someday and want to avoid some sticky pitfalls.

      Together Pastor Mark and Grace tackle the tough issues, such as:
      *Why being your spouse’s best friend changes everything and how to achieve it.
      *Pornography and sexual sin inside and outside of marriage.
      *Submission and respect – marriage’s most misunderstood tenets-and what they should really look like.
      *Honoring your spouse emotionally, technologically, and financially.
      *What the Bible says about masturbation and oral sex.
      *The “Can we do that?” questions you’re too embarrassed to ask your pastor.
      *How to deal with intimacy issues and create the joyful and fun sex life God intended you to have.
      *What type of man or woman are you? What type of lover are you? And what type of marriage do you have?

      El pastor Mark Driscoll y su esposa, Grace, hablan sobre sexo y matrimonio en un tono realista, con temas que no abordan otros libros cristianos.

      En Matrimonio verdadero, el pastor Mark Driscoll y su esposa, Grace, comparten temas privados y dolorosos que afectaron su propio matrimonio el contacto que tuvo el con la pornografia en la primaria y el abuso sexual que sufrio ella en la adolescencia por parte de un novio y como lo superaron hasta cicatrizar sus heridas y poder volver a disfrutar entre si.

      Juntos abordan temas dificiles, como:

      Debo confesarle a mi conyuge el pecado sexual cometido antes del matrimonio?
      Esta bien tener un “conyuge laboral”?
      Que dice la Biblia sobre la masturbacion y el sexo oral?
      Desde consejos para tener una cita entretenida hasta las preguntas mas delicadas sobre “podemos hacer eso?” Mark y Grace ofrecen una ayuda practica y dan esperanza a personas que viven circunstancias similares a las de ellos que llegaron al matrimonio hechos un desastre o que estan planeando casarse algun dia y no quieren caer en la trampa.

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    • Satan You Cant Have My Marriage


      Biblical principles and declarations to confront the devil and cast his evil influence out of your relationships.Christian Family Counselor Iris Delgado wants Satan to know that marriage is a territory that Christians can take back from demonic interference and control-and that it never needs to become the devil’s territory. This book reveals what makes marriage work-and what destroys it. Delgado tackles nearly fifty important marriage issues from an understanding of covenant, relationships with in-laws and children, household behaviors and chores, all the way to deeper issues of intimacy, integrity, finances, workaholics, habits, and communication. She gives biblical principles and declarations to confront the devil and cast his evil influence out. She includes interactive thought-provokers and an index of relevant words. She answers questions like:
      Who will pay the bills and keep the financial records?
      How do I handle an argument?
      Whose house do we visit on holidays?
      What are the hidden secrets of unresolved things in my life?
      How can God help when my spouse doesn’t want any help?
      What are the secret, bad habits that could tear us apart?

      This book will be a mentoring handbook you won’t want to be without! It will be useful for dating and engaged couples as well as for married couples who want to eliminate Satan’s influence from their marriage and lives.

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    • Blessing Your Children


      The seeds we plant in the lives of children will grow into good, healthy fruit or into weeds that choke out their potential and promise. But parents, grandparents, and mentors don’t always know how to speak life into a child or teen. Now Pastor Jack Hayford shows adults how to bless the kids in their lives with words of encouragement, nurture, protection, and challenge. In Blessing Your Children, Hayford shares Jesus’ tender heart for children and offers a biblical blueprint for passing on God’s blessing to future generations. This warm, insightful book, which includes an application and prayer at the end of each chapter, will be a treasured resource for parents and grandparents, children’s pastors and family counselors, and mentoring programs.

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    • 365 Ways To Organize Everything


      Bestselling author Emilie Barnes teams up with fellow home-management expert and author Sheri Torelli to provide readers with an all-in-one collection of ideas, shortcuts, and inspiration to bring beauty and order to every aspect of their lives and homes.

      These creative, experienced coauthors of the popular More Hours In My Day (over 240,000 copies sold) offer women proven ways to:
      organize, clean, and maintain every room in the house
      prioritize time to best serve their families, and God
      clear clutter and create space for more peaceful living
      simplify meal planning, preparation, and cooking with fast tips
      plan efficiently for daily needs, special trips, and family activities

      Readers will refer to this practical resource again and again to discover the freedom and gift of conserving energy, space, and time and turning those resources toward richer, more joyful living.

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    • No Easy Choice


      In No Easy Choice, Ellen Painter Dollar tells her gut-wrenching story of living with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)-a disabling genetic bone disorder that was passed down to her first child-and deciding whether to conceive a second child who would not have OI using assisted reproduction. Her story brings to light the ethical dilemmas surrounding advanced reproductive technologies. What do procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) say about how we define human worth? If we avoid such procedures, are we permitting the suffering of our children? How do we identify a “good life” in a consumer society that values appearance, success, health, and perfection?

      Dollar considers multiple sides of the debate, refusing to accept the matter as simply black and white. Her book will help parents who want to understand and make good decisions about assisted reproduction, as well as those who support and counsel them, including pastors and medical professionals.

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    • Understanding Your Young Teen


      Between the ages of 11-14, adolescents experience one of the most significant periods of change they’ll face during their lifetimes—physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally and spiritually. Mothers and fathers of young teens are presented with new challenges in understanding, communicating with and parenting their kids during this time in their lives. Understanding Your Young Teen offers insights on early adolescent development, new research and cultural changes, and practical applications for parenting and living with young teens.

      Mark Oestreicher has worked with young teens for nearly three decades, and is also the parent of two teenagers. Based on his research and experience, this book is presented to parents of young teens as a conversation from one parent to another. With transparency about his own experience parenting, and examples from his extensive involvement with thousands of other young teens and parents, Understanding Your Young Teen dives into the developmental realities of early adolescence. Oestreicher educates parents on the latest research and cultural shifts that affect their children, revealing opportunities for faith formation in the lives of young teens.

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    • Padre Herido – (Spanish)


      Christian parents are not exempt from the struggle and heartbreak caused by rebellious children.

      The Hurting Parent takes a realistic approach to the problems young people face today-peer pressure, easy access to drugs and alcohol, and cultural influences that pull them from their family’s faith. The Lewises acknowledge there are no simple formulas or simple answers. But the biblical insight, emotional understanding, and practical encouragement they offer will be life changing.

      Written by a hurting parent for other hurting parents, this book, by ministering to hundreds of thousands of families over the past thirty years, has earned a prominent spot not only on the personal bookshelves of countless parents and their family and friends, but also on the professional shelves of pastors, youth ministers, and Christian counselors.|Christian parents are not exempt from the struggle and heartbreak caused by rebellious children.

      This softcover version of the classic resource The Hurting Parent by Margie Lewis, written with her son, bestselling author Gregg Lewis, for the first time offers the rest of the story that inspired the original edition of this book.

      The Hurting Parent takes a realistic approach to the problems young people face today-peer pressure, easy access to drugs and alcohol, and cultural influences that pull them from their family’s faith. The Lewises acknowledge there are no simple formulas or simple answers. But the biblical insight, emotional understanding, and practical encouragement they offer will be life changing.

      Written by a hurting parent for other hurting parents, this book, by ministering to hundreds of thousands of families over the past thirty years, has earned a prominent spot not only on the personal bookshelves of countless parents and their family and friends, but also on the professional shelves of pastors, youth ministers, and Christian counselors.

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