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    Eschatology (End Times)

    • 9781615796458 Pre Trib Rapture

      Pre Trib Rapture


      If you are interested in the events surrounding the second coming of our Jesus Christ; this book is a must read.

      Daniel’s 70th week is harvest time; you don’t take your workers home during harvest time.

      “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me”(Ezekiel 3:17).

      Jesus said, “But he who endures to the end shall be saved”(Matthew 24:13).

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    • 9781607919230 Revelation Verse By Verse

      Revelation Verse By Verse


      The book of Revelation has, for many, been a mystery to those who have read or studied it. In Revelation: A Verse by Verse, simple and concise explanations are given with the backing of scriptural references to help those who have questions to better understand the final book of God’s Word.

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    • 9781615797585 Right At The Door

      Right At The Door


      At no time in history has it become more apparent we are in the final days before Jesus Christ’s return. Weary from fear of terrorism, violence, and an unknown future, we battle against despair. But we have a loving Heavenly Father who does not leave us in the dark and alone. Through the revelations of God’s Word, the author reveals God’s plan for these final days and a timeframe for Jesus’ long-awaited return. In a world besieged by hopelessness, this is a great hope. Jesus is near. He is right at the door.

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    • 9781615794218 Right At The Door

      Right At The Door


      At no time in history has it become more apparent we are in the final days before Jesus Christ’s return. Weary from fear of terrorism, violence, and an unknown future, we battle against despair. But we have a loving Heavenly Father who does not leave us in the dark and alone. Through the revelations of God’s Word, the author reveals God’s plan for these final days and a timeframe for Jesus’ long-awaited return. In a world besieged by hopelessness, this is a great hope. Jesus is near. He is right at the door.

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    • 9781852405052 Why Pray For Israel

      Why Pray For Israel


      Out of a lifetime’s experience of inspiring and leading people to pray for Israel, the author illustrates the hope we should all have in God’s covenant with Israel. Yet Israel is a conundrum, not only for world politicians and leaders, but also for the Church. Whatever political position one may take with Israel, or the indignation felt through the policies of this tiny nation, one thing is made absolutely clear in the Old and New Testament of the Bible: Israel was and still is a chosen nation, set apart as a beacon for God’s redemptive plans as we move towards the End of the Age. Whilst the world’s critical attention is focused on the conflict raging within and around Israel, this book will inspire you to be part of God’s plans for Israel through prayer and intercession.

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    • 9781935265009 2 Minute Warning

      2 Minute Warning


      SKU (ISBN): 9781935265009ISBN10: 1935265008Bill McCartneyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2009Publisher: Deep River Books

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    • 9781607910138 Glimpse Of Forever

      Glimpse Of Forever


      If we could conceive what eternity will bring, would it change the way that we make everyday decisions? If we think about standing before God after this life, do we feel regret? If God laid out the past before you and then allowed you a new start, how would you change the way you live?

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    • 9781607910121 Glimpse Of Forever

      Glimpse Of Forever


      If we could conceive what eternity will bring, would it change the way that we make everyday decisions? If we think about standing before God after this life, do we feel regret? If God laid out the past before you and then allowed you a new start, how would you change the way you live?

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    • 9781615791576 Post Rapture Survival Guide

      Post Rapture Survival Guide


      Christians know that the signs are everywhere that oint to the rapture as being imminent. In this book, author Jeffrey Harbin proves that the rapture could occur literally at any minute. Relying only upon Scripture, this book lays out a simple plan of salvation that everyone can follow to guarantee an eternity in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ.

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    • 9781615790388 Antichrist And The Second Coming

      Antichrist And The Second Coming


      What if the commonly held beliefs concerning the Antichrist are mistaken? The Antichrist and the Second Coming looks at the Antichrist and the Second Advent of Christ from a preterist (i.e., past fulfillment) perspective and provides a unified interpretation of the little horn, the prince to come, the king of the North, and the man of lawlessness. McKenzie shows how the Antichrist was ultimately a spiritual ruler from the abyss (Rev. 11:7) that worked through Titus in his three-and-a-half-year destruction of the Jewish nation (AD 67-70; cf. Dan. 9:26). This spirit of Antichrist was about to come out of the abyss in the first century (Rev. 17:8 NASB) and was destroyed by the Second Advent of Jesus in AD 70 (a spiritual event). Continue reading to see how McKenzie convincingly makes the biblical case for this fascinating and controversial position, and what it means for us today.

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    • 9781615790371 Antichrist And The Second Coming

      Antichrist And The Second Coming


      What if the commonly held beliefs concerning the Antichrist are mistaken? The Antichrist and the Second Coming looks at the Antichrist and the Second Advent of Christ from a preterist (i.e., past fulfillment) perspective and provides a unified interpretation of the little horn, the prince to come, the king of the North, and the man of lawlessness. McKenzie shows how the Antichrist was ultimately a spiritual ruler from the abyss (Rev. 11:7) that worked through Titus in his three-and-a-half-year destruction of the Jewish nation (AD 67-70; cf. Dan. 9:26). This spirit of Antichrist was about to come out of the abyss in the first century (Rev. 17:8 NASB) and was destroyed by the Second Advent of Jesus in AD 70 (a spiritual event). Continue reading to see how McKenzie convincingly makes the biblical case for this fascinating and controversial position, and what it means for us today.

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    • 9781607918899 Horror To Glory

      Horror To Glory


      “Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy Mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the LORD is coming, for it is at hand: a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness… “For the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; who can endure it?” Joel 2:1-2, 11 Why is most of the world clueless as to what God has on the drawing board for the earth in the years ahead? How might biblical prophecy unfold? Just how bad will it get? Will you be caught unaware? Read Randy and Nancy Moy’s companion book titled Covenant Partnership for revelations as to why Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jews are so important to the LORD-and why it is vital for Christians to stand with them in the end-times.

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    • 9781607918318 What On Earth Is God Up To

      What On Earth Is God Up To


      This book examines six major passages of scripture dealing with the second coming within their context. Included in this is an overview of the Book of Revelation. Most books on the subject bounce from verse to verse making the study of end-time prophecy difficult to follow. The subject of the second coming and the rapture has proven to be confusing to many, but, by keeping the pasages in focus, the reader can more easily follow what the Lord and the Apostles are teaching. In this book, two primary teachings are dealt with: the rapture and how it impacts the future role of Jewish people with the Gospel of Christ. Understanding when the rapture occurs: before, during, or after the Great Tribulation is crucial to our undestanding of what God has planned for Israel in the coming future. If we don’t understand the timing of the rapture, we absolutely cannot understand the future role of Israel in the Kingdom of God. If we don’t understand Israel, we cannot adequately understand the Second Coming of Christ and its related events. Also addressed in this book is the emerging Messianic movement within Christianity; what role it will come to play in the gospel, and what some of the issues are confronting the movement.

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    • 9781607916239 Revelation Apostasy End Times And This Generation

      Revelation Apostasy End Times And This Generation


      No one knows the day of Christ’s return. But Christ, in His own words in Scripture, gives us the exact window of time during which He will return, and we now living in that window of time. This book features a chapter by chapter study if the book of Revelation, end-time events, prophecy, and our place in eternity.

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    • 9781607914549 Rapture : A Dangerous Deception

      Rapture : A Dangerous Deception


      Many who teach the “rapture” theory increase the confusion by using terms such as “the coming of Christ,” “the return of Jesus,” “the appearance if Jesus,” and “the second coming of Jesus.” This book is about the idea the all Christians will be physically removed from the earth to heaven, along with the resurrected dead Christians, to be with the Lord Jesus Christ.

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    • 9781589302372 Lost In Translation Book Of Revelation 2

      Lost In Translation Book Of Revelation 2


      Lost in Translation The Book of Revelation Through Hebrew Eyes is a worthy follow-up to its predecessor, Rediscovering the Hebrew Roots of Our Faith. This is the second in a three-volume series that will cover the entire book of Revelation in awe-inspiring detail, expounding and expanding on familiar verses in Gods Word that have been misunderstood and misconstrued for many years. Or, in some cases, linking together verses and concepts that have been repeatedly overlooked. In this volume the authors explore the first half of Revelation from the perspective they established so clearly in Volume 1 that of a Hebrew God speaking through a Hebrew believer to an audience that was intimately familiar with the Hebrew language, culture, customs, and concepts that form both the literal and the metaphorical foundation for vast portions of Revelation. *Who are the 144,000, anyway? What will be their true function in the End Times? *Who is the Bride of Messiah? Does that designation automatically include everyone who accepts salvation, no matter when or where? *What does the book of Revelation really tell us about two vastly different and completely separate sequences of events that transpire at one and the same time, in entirely different places yet all as integral parts of the same vast panorama of end-times happenings? How do the Wedding and the Judgments fit together if they even DO? These are just some of the questions to which youll find plausible, sensible, biblically sound answers in this volume. Please join us, right now, for another voyage of discovery unlike anything youve embarked on before, even if you’ve already read volume 1

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    • 9781607918103 I Never Knew You

      I Never Knew You


      This book is based upon Christ’s words and tells you how you can know for sure that you are saved and will spend eternity in heaven. There are many false plans of salvation being taught by the great preachers of today which will not save you or prevent you from standing before Christ at the Great White Throne Judgement. When one stands before Christ at this judgement, they will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity.

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    • 9781607912811 End Time Prophecy

      End Time Prophecy


      ‘End Time Prophecy’ focuses on the core messages of the books of Daniel and Revelation, which are enshrined in the Holy Bible. Although they were written hundreds of years apart, these two books chronicle events that should characterize socio-political, economic and religious life on this planet-earth. While history proves that several of the prophetic messages in both books have already been fulfilled, we are all witnesses of the current world order that synchronizes with some of these revelations. This gives credence to the authenticity of the books of Daniel and Revelation so that there is every reason to believe that the future of our world is already determined and encoded in these prophecies. In ‘End Time Prophecy’ Dr. Fred Opoku-Gyimah the author, unveils the hidden truths behind these prophetic scriptures that often pose a challenge to Christians as well as Bible Scholars alike. He carefully analyses each of these prophecies by invoking relevant scriptural principles as well as significant historical and current affairs to bring clarity to the reader.

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    • 9781607915379 Gods Preparations For His Heroes

      Gods Preparations For His Heroes


      God’s Will, being executed based on His Preparations, Plan and Purpose. It’s a correlation of the Men of the Bible, (Joseph, Moses, Elijah, David, Joshua), and the present generation of Men, (Martin L. King, Jr. and President Barack H. Obama). The Spirit of God is emerging on the scene of a new generation who will champion God’s cause in these end-times. Whenever God decides to do something new, He releases new revelations, zeal, and anointing through men and women. This is captured in “God’s Preparation for His Heroes.”

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    • 9781607915362 Gods Preparations For His Heroes

      Gods Preparations For His Heroes


      God’s Will, being executed based on His Preparations, Plan and Purpose. It’s a correlation of the Men of the Bible, (Joseph, Moses, Elijah, David, Joshua), and the present generation of Men, (Martin L. King, Jr. and President Barack H. Obama). The Spirit of God is emerging on the scene of a new generation who will champion God’s cause in these end-times. Whenever God decides to do something new, He releases new revelations, zeal, and anointing through men and women. This is captured in “God’s Preparation for His Heroes.”

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    • 9781607910909 Revelation For Today

      Revelation For Today


      The first six chapters give the Revelation of the exalted Saviour as King of Kings who is able to carry out the judgments during the Tribulation Period. Chapter seven starts with the judgments contained in the Seven Sealed Book. The end result of these Judgments is to destroy the power and institutions of the Devil. After the judgments are completed, the millennium will start and finally the establishment of the New Heaven and the New Earth which will last forever.

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    • 9781607915980 Guided Tour Through The Revelation

      Guided Tour Through The Revelation


      NO KIDDING! The Revelation Is Meant To Be Understood! The Bible’s last book is not a puzzle, mystery or myth, but God’s clear foretelling of the conclusion of His predetermined history of the universe and the human race in their perfected state. Unfortunately, well-meaning interpreters have blurred and distorted it’s message by imposing their biased eschatologies upon it rather than allowing the Revelation text to tell its own exciting and encouraging story. As we journey along with John on his visionary tour into the future the Lord’s angel will keep us abreast of the sights and sounds we encounter at each new location until we are awe-stricken upon arriving at its destination, the new heaven and earth which God will have created in which we shall live eternally with Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit. A scholarly, readable, new and different but valid commentary on the Revelation.

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    • 9781607912507 And The Word Was Made Flesh

      And The Word Was Made Flesh


      The much awaited event in the Biblical prophecy is the rapture of the Church. Knowledgeable teachers and preachers of the Bible and those who are serious followers of world events are convinced that this the generation that will see the return of Jesus Christ. This book shows the way to be saved, to escape the great tribulation that will follow immediately after the rapture and not be left behind!

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    • 9781607914341 Automated Cars : Prophesied By William Branham

      Automated Cars : Prophesied By William Branham


      Since the beginning of times man always had a deep longing to know the future. As God forbids fortune telling, he nevertheless sends prophets to prepare his people. One of the prophets in the twentieth century was a Pentecostal Pastor called William Branham. In 1933 he received seven prophetic visions on end time events. In the fourth vision he saw cars running automatically on American highways. Cars had no steering wheel and the front passengers were turned backwards playing some kind of game. The roof was completely transparent and cars were egg shaped. This prophecy is now in the process of being fulfilled. In 1997 a dozen of cars moved automatically on a Californian highway. The technology is now present to help establish these highways. Science will soon accomplish what God foretold. This book explains scientifically how and when science will fulfill this prophecy in the twenty first century.

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    • 9781606479513 Final Trumpet : How Jewish Feasts Accurately Predict The Rapture And The Se

      Final Trumpet : How Jewish Feasts Accurately Predict The Rapture And The Se


      Bernard O. Tutu grew up in the country of Ghana, where he became involved in the Christian movement at an early age. He was known for his teaching gift and started teaching adult Sunday school class at the age of 14. He was instrumental in starting the Power House Group from which renowned Preachers and Teachers of the Gospel have come through both in Africa and in the United States. After graduating from the University of Minnesota he taught for a while and has since decided to use his God given talent in writing and educating Christians about “What the Lord requires of us.” In this book he shows the need to be prepared for the changes about to happen to this world.

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    • 9780801035968 Case For Historic Premillennialism (Reprinted)

      Case For Historic Premillennialism (Reprinted)


      Twentieth- and twenty-first-century American evangelicalism, particularly at the popular level, has been virtually saturated with the eschatology of dispensational premillennialism. The distinctive teachings of that system, in particular its affirmation of the pretribulation rapture of the church, have become so pervasive that many evangelicals would be hard pressed to identify an alternative approach. Popular novels that disseminate dispensationalism to a wider readership have only furthered that trend.

      The contributors to this volume provide a thoughtful alternative. They present compelling arguments for historic or classic premillennialism–a position widely held throughout church history (and popularly advanced in the writings of George Eldon Ladd).

      An introductory chapter examines the differences within premillennial eschatology and considers reasons for the widespread popularity of dispensationalism in the twentieth century. This is followed by biblical, theological, historical, and missiological studies that reexamine classic premillennialism, particularly with regard to its understanding of the return of Christ.

      The authors, all respected scholars in their fields, present arguments for a return to an eschatological theology that was widely held for many centuries. Their engaging studies should be of great interest to evangelical readers–both within the academy and in the church.

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    • 9781607912293 Thy Kingdom Come

      Thy Kingdom Come


      Thy Kingdom Come is a panoramic overview of the present reign of Jesus Christ at the right hand of God the Father and of the future consummation of that reign. It presents three authoritative apostolic New Testament guidelines for the interpretation of the Old Testament prophecies. It fairly examines the three main positions on the millennium and offers scriptural conclusions that incorporate elements of truth from all three. Detailed expositions of the 110th Psalm and the book of Revelation are based on the apostolic guidelines.

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    • 9781606476499 Illuminating Revelation : A Study In The Book Of Revelation (Student/Study Guide

      Illuminating Revelation : A Study In The Book Of Revelation (Student/Study Guide


      God has revealed Himself in the Word of God as well as in the world around us. And that is what makes the book of Revelation so amazing; that God has revealed the plan for the end of an age, a plan that spells out what will happen to mankind when we refuse to accept the wonderful gift of salvation that God has offered through the death and resurrection of His Son Christ Jesus. In this book, the author sets out to illuminate what God has already revealed, providing enough information for the reader to grasp what is at stake for their eternal state.

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    • 9781606476482 Illuminating Revelation : A Study In The Book Of Revelation (Student/Study Guide

      Illuminating Revelation : A Study In The Book Of Revelation (Student/Study Guide


      God has revealed Himself in the Word of God as well as in the world around us. And that is what makes the book of Revelation so amazing; that God has revealed the plan for the end of an age, a plan that spells out what will happen to mankind when we refuse to accept the wonderful gift of salvation that God has offered through the death and resurrection of His Son Christ Jesus. In this book, the author sets out to illuminate what God has already revealed, providing enough information for the reader to grasp what is at stake for their eternal state.

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    • 9781604770520 Living In The Times Of The Signs

      Living In The Times Of The Signs


      LIVING IN THE TIMES OF THE SIGNS Bible Prophecy for the 21st Century We are living in exciting times. The present generation has witnessed the fulfillment of more prophetic signs than any generation in history; and no more significant sign has been fulfilled than the return of the Jews to the reestablished State of Israel. This book explains Bible prophecy as it applies to events unfolding in the 21st century. The foundations of our culture, our churches and our nation are being shaken by those who would have us all worship at the altar of the politically correct god. But the Lord calls His people to walk in love, obedience and faithfulness. FIND ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS: What is Israel’s place in end-time events? What is Islam’s role in Bible prophecy? When and where will the Temple be rebuilt? How will the Israeli/Palestinian conflict be resolved? How close are we to a global religion and a global government? Does the Bible teach about the rapture and the tribulation?

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    • 9781606478011 Red Skys A Blazin

      Red Skys A Blazin


      Product Description
      To reach souls for Christ and counter the philosophies of those advocates of church growth that eliminate such scriptural doctrines as sin, judgment, and Hell, Red Sky’s a Blazin’ is presented to you. This book is a collection of awesome, prophetic end-time events recorded in the Bible that not even Hollywood with all its money and technology could come anywhere near dramatizing. If you have had difficulties understanding prophecy, Norm Sharbaugh’s simple, no-nonsense, straightforward approach to God’s Word in Red Sky’s a Blazin’ is an absolute must read book. The author brings to this work over 130 illustrations from his 39 year preaching ministry. Many are from his personal experiences. For those that are busy in the ministry, this book could be a great aid in preparing Bible lessons and sermons. Norm Sharbaugh is a graduate of St. Joseph’s College in Rennsselaer, Indiana, with a degree in biology. While teaching religion and science related subjects at a catholic high school and coaching basketball at a local college in Grand Rapids, he received Christ as his Savior. He attended Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary. He met and married Teri Hubble and they now have six children and fifteen grandchildren. Norm has been an evangelist for 39 years and has held over 1400 revival, evangelistic, prophecy, and creation meetings. He has authored three books: The present one, Red Sky’s a Blazin’, The Treasure in Earthen Vessels, and Ammunition: For Piercing the Armor of the Philosophy of Evolution. His wife Teri has authored an exciting novel, Compelled to Love a Stranger. The two presently live in Brownsburg, Indiana. Check out Norm’s website at

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    • 9781606475461 Living To Live Again

      Living To Live Again


      The world is becoming more and more an unsafe, unreliable place to live. As you look around you, you will see signs of the last days becoming visible more readily than ever. Storms are appearing one after the other; finance companies are taking advantage of people who can’t help themselves, gas prices are skyrocketing, and the rich are getting richer, while the poor are getting poorer. To everything, there must be an end. Where will we go when the world as we know it comes to an end? Living to Live Again is a lively book that assists readers in living today to prepare for the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. There is no doubt we will leave this world. If we are not living like God wants us to live on this side of life, we will not be in that place of comfort called Heaven for eternity.

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    • 9780800794378 Israels Anointing (Reprinted)

      Israels Anointing (Reprinted)


      As the biblical clock counts down, the destinies of Israel and the Church are converging. As God’s people, both Jew and Gentile, make themselves ready as his warrior bride, Christians will face increasing spiritual warfare that intersects with warfare in the natural realm. Sandra Teplinsky calls Jewish believers to stand firm in these times of intensified opposition and make themselves ready as the bride of Christ. Israel’s Anointing encourages believers to take up the biblical mandate to make Israel jealous, to help God’s chosen people see this company of militant lovers in whose midst Yeshua dwells–and want him at last. Anyone with a love for Israel and an eye toward the end times will connect with this powerful book.

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    • 9788472287815 Escatologia 2 - (Spanish)

      Escatologia 2 – (Spanish)


      Specially written for pastors and Bible students, this volume presents the doctrine of the 2nd coming from a premilenial point of view.

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      This book is a wealth of information, which is interestingly written and justified with documents. It is very thorough and informative, whilst also discussing a delicate issue courageously. No matter what you think about the Millennium, you won’t be bored with this book! In addition, you will learn many facts about the situation in the Middle-East and Israel, which the newspapers refuse for some reason to reveal. The Finnish Christian TV-7, January 2008 One has to admire the author’s knowledge of the Middle-East and the people living there; few have such expertise. When we add his knowledge of the Bible, there certainly aren’t many people who can boast to know equally much. The book covers the basic Gospel too, and thus is also suitable for anyone who is still seeking. In all, this book is very extensive and it can be warmly recommended to anyone. The Finnish Christian Weekly magazine, December 2007

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    • 9781602550377 Codigo Del Apocalipsis - (Spanish)

      Codigo Del Apocalipsis – (Spanish)


      ?Estamos en los ultimos dias? ?Cuales senales debo estar buscando? “La mayoria de lo que has escuchado, leido o aprendido acerca de los ultimos dias es incorrecto”, dice el popular presentador radial y apologista, Hank Hanegraaff. “Hemos llegado a aceptar una gran variedad de creencias y ensenanzas acerca del futuro, sobre la batalla final entre el bien y el mal, los ultimos dias y de como va a ser el fin del mundo. Y la mayoria de estos conceptos y ensenanzas se basa en malas interpretaciones fundamentales de lo que las Escrituras dicen acerca de los ultimos dias”. El codigo del Apocalipsis ayuda a los lectores a comprender lo que la Biblia dice realmente acerca de los ultimos dias y explica la manera en que nuestros conceptos sobre los ultimos dias influyen directamente en nuestros pensamientos, opiniones y decisiones politicas con respecto al estado actual de Israel, la guerra contra el terrorismo y nuestra participacion en los asuntos vitales del Medio Oriente.

      Are we living in the end times? What are the signs I should be looking for?

      “Most of what you’ve heard, read, or been told about the end times is wrong,” says popular radio host and best-selling apologist, Hank Hanegraaff. “We have come to accept a wide range of beliefs and teachings about the future, about the ultimate battle between good and evil, about the last days, and about how our world will end. And most of these beliefs and teachings are based on fundamental misinterpretations of what the Scriptures really say about the end times.” El codigo del Apocalipsis helps readers understand what the Bible really says and shows how our beliefs about the end times directly influence our thoughts, opinions, and political decisions about the current state of Israel, the war on terror, and our involvement in critical issues in the Middle East.

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    • 9781604777772 Pretrib Rapture : Choreographed In The Gospels

      Pretrib Rapture : Choreographed In The Gospels


      Jesus told His disciples (that includes us) to Watch for His return (Matt. 24:42) ? The rapture is a subject of much controversy. Since scholars cannot agree on the timing of the rapture, how can we know what to believe? ? Is the rapture “pie in the sky” theology? ? This book does not tread a well-worn path. The Bible has more to say about the rapture than has been previously realized. ? This oft-surprising, ground-breaking book reveals the choreographed, pretrib answer from none other than Jesus Himself. While we in the church have been arguing amongst ourselves about the timing of the rapture, some no longer look for it. Others rip the spirit from the imminent return of the Lord, teaching that He only returns at the end of human history. The Pretrib Rapture Choreographed in the Gospels can resolve doubt, bring back hope, and instill confidence in the pretrib rapture.

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    • 9781604776850 Partial Rapture Theory Explained

      Partial Rapture Theory Explained


      The Rapture of the Bride of Christ is the next event scheduled inside the plan of God which was spoken into existence complete from beginning to end in a “moment” before time. With its occurrence the Church Age will come to its conclusion and the final chapter of the history of the world will begin with The Great Tribulation. All who have failed to heed the warnings clearly stated by the Word of God that would have pointed each to an escape of this gruesome period of history, will be engulfed by the horrors it will bring. Deceit, betrayal and perversion will be the norm. No one will be safe or can be trusted. Once entered, the only available exit will be through the passageway of physical death which will be so common as to not be a second thought on the mind of a twisted and bloodthirsty world.

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    • 9781604776843 Partial Rapture Theory Explained

      Partial Rapture Theory Explained


      The Rapture of the Bride of Christ is the next event scheduled inside the plan of God which was spoken into existence complete from beginning to end in a “moment” before time. With its occurrence the Church Age will come to its conclusion and the final chapter of the history of the world will begin with The Great Tribulation. All who have failed to heed the warnings clearly stated by the Word of God that would have pointed each to an escape of this gruesome period of history, will be engulfed by the horrors it will bring. Deceit, betrayal and perversion will be the norm. No one will be safe or can be trusted. Once entered, the only available exit will be through the passageway of physical death which will be so common as to not be a second thought on the mind of a twisted and bloodthirsty world.

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    • 9780979087301 End Times Scripture Handbook For Powerful Strategic Praying

      End Times Scripture Handbook For Powerful Strategic Praying


      Olive Press Publisher
      Many people today view prayer as a world-changing adventure with God. If you are one of them, here is a new tool from God’s Word to help intensify your prayer power and excitement. This handbook has lists of scriptures and scripture-filled prayers to use to do global, intercessory praying. There is a list of prophecies about Israel that haven’t yet been fulfilled, and another about things that must happen before the Second Coming. There are also lists to pray for the nations, for the coastlands, for secular world leaders, and for Kingdom workers. There are even lists for combating pride and evil. These are fighting, Biblical prophetic Words to use for earth-shaking prayers like you may have never prayed before.

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    • 9780975391488 Vindication Of Jesus Christ

      Vindication Of Jesus Christ


      Although Revelation is said to give a blessing to those who read it and hear it (Revelation 1:3), it often results in confusion as well.

      Revelation is applicable to all times and occasions in the Church, and because of that it has been interpreted as predicting many different events in history. Naturally, these interpretations all contradict one another, which leads many believers to decide that the book is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, and that efforts to understand it are a waste of time.

      In fact, however, Revelation is not all that difficult to interpret. It completes the history begun in the book of Acts, and is closely tied to everything else that is going on in the apostolic age. It deals with the end of the Old Creation and the ful arrival of the New, and then looks forward to the final return of Jesus and the bodily resurrection at the end of history.

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    • 9781607910558 Understanding Revelation

      Understanding Revelation


      Revelation is the most prominent book in the Bible when it comes to revealing the events of the end times, yet it has been misunderstood by ministers and laymen alike since its canonization. Many today make little or not attempt to understand its truths. Understanding Revelation uses a different method to interpret this fascinating book: the 39 books of the OT and the 27 books of the NT. Scripture interpreting Scripture. You see, God has hidden the symbols and mysteries of Revelation within the Bible itself.

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    • 9781602666504 Understanding Revelation

      Understanding Revelation


      Revelation is the most prominent book in the Bible when it comes to revealing the events of the end times, yet it has been misunderstood by ministers and laymen alike since its canonization. Many today make little or not attempt to understand its truths. Understanding Revelation uses a different method to interpret this fascinating book: the 39 books of the OT and the 27 books of the NT. Scripture interpreting Scripture. You see, God has hidden the symbols and mysteries of Revelation within the Bible itself.

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    • 9781842274378 Eschatology And Pain In Saint Gregory The Great

      Eschatology And Pain In Saint Gregory The Great


      Hester shows that the spirituality of Pope Gregory the Great (c. 540-604) is that of a contemplative looking for Christ and finding him in the pain of this world. The coming judge who punishes is also the God who saves and he does so often through the very pain of human existence. Gregory’s Christ is always the suffering servant and always the j…

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    • 9781601780072 Eternity Realized : Guide To The Thoughtful

      Eternity Realized : Guide To The Thoughtful


      1. Duty Of Realizing Eternity
      2. The Possibility Of Realizing Eternity
      3. The Excuses For Not Realizing Eternity
      4. Nominal Faith, From Not Realizing Eternity
      5. Spiritual Declension, From Not Realizing Eternity
      6. Faith, Believing Unto Eternal Life
      7. Eternity Realized In The Sanctuary
      8. Eternity Realized At The Sacrament
      9. Eternity Realized At Home
      10. Christ, The Glory Of Eternity

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      Print on demand
      In “Eternity Realized: A Guide to the Thoughtful,” Philip guides the reader to the borders of Immanuel’s land. Too often, Christians neglect the practise of being heavenly minded. Philip reminds us of our duty to meditate on heaven and the danger we place our soul in when we disregard this task. Yet, more than just pointing out a mere duty, Philip places key aspects of the Christian life in the light of eternity and gives practical helps in cultivating a delight in heavenly things. Read, ponder, and experience how developing the habit of realizing the eternal world to come will help you keep this world in its proper place.

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    • 9781600348570 Revelation And The Rapture

      Revelation And The Rapture


      ARE WE THE TERMINAL GENERATION? This book is a much needed valid and Scripturally correct alternative interpretation of Biblical eschatology. In the process of presenting a Scriptural depiction of the future it critiques the popular dispensational view of the End-Times. Contrary to what many have been taught, the Bible does not teach that the second coming is divided into two trips seven years apart or that the rapture is as sudden as the blink of an eye or unobserved by the world. Nor does the Bible anywhere affirm a seven year tribulation period. While the familiar themes of the second coming, the rapture and the great tribulation are presented, this is not a rehash of what others have popularly taught. I present valid new insights from the Scriptures that give an exciting new perspective to these familiar themes. I also expose some of the deceptions and errors that are popularly taught by the leading gurus of pretribulationalism.

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    • 9781842273203 Mission And The Coming Of God

      Mission And The Coming Of God


      Chester explores the theology and missiology of the influential contemporary theologian, Jurgen Moltmann. It highlights the important contribution Moltmann has made while offering a critique of his thought from an evangelical perspective. The conclusion proposes “an eschatology of the cross” which offers a critique of the over-realized eschatologies in liberation theology and certain forms of evangelicalism.

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    • 9780801066061 Man Of Sin

      Man Of Sin


      Who is the Antichrist and when will he come? Find out with this thorough, biblical examination of the doctrine of the Antichrist. From the author of A Case for Amillenialism.

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    • 9781597817547 Rapture : Fact Of Fiction

      Rapture : Fact Of Fiction


      As each year passes there arises one relentless question concerning the rapture: “Where is the rapture?” This question will always be answered by those who teach the rapture with a statement like “it could happen anytime, so be ready-it will come as a thief in the night.” But will it? Does God’s Word teach that Jesus will come on a secret trip to snatch His Bride from this planet? If so, why is there so much confusion concerning the rapture? Is our God a God of confusion? If Jesus is coming on a secret trip, why did He not say so clearly and unmistakably? The truth is simple. Jesus did make perfectly clear the events surrounding His return, and it has nothing to do with a secret trip. In this book you will discover the truth of God’s Word concerning the rapture

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    • 9781590527887 Coming Islamic Invasion Of Israel

      Coming Islamic Invasion Of Israel


      Writing 2,500 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel predicted a Russian-Islamic invasion of Israel in the last days. The third book in Mark Hitchcock’s fascinating prophecy series explains the relevance of this prediction to today’s world. First, he establishes how the current global scene sets the stage for this event and focuses on the identity of the invading nations (those mentioned in Ezekiel are like a Who’s Who of Israel’s current enemies). Hitchcock then considers the time and motives for their attack. Finally, he discusses God’s dramatic intervention that will pave the way for the Antichrist’s worldwide empire.

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    • 9781594679599 Mysteries Of The Universe

      Mysteries Of The Universe


      Are you searching for answers to the mysteries of the universe? You’ve finally arrived at the right place at the right time. As this eon draws to a close and the new age dawns, God is revealing frank answers to the scientific and spiritual phenomena that fascinate mankind. And He is not afraid to tackle the tough questions and controversial issues of our day. The “truth is out there,” but it is almost the polar opposite of the mainstream illusion. In fact, the revolutionary insights that you now hold in your hand will catapult you into an entirely new reality. This radical paradigm shift is the Great Awakening. So don’t miss your wake-up call. You do not have to stay in the dark-come into the Light and experience an extreme renaissance of thought. Welcome to the REVOLUTION. “Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 1:18)

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    • 9781591280262 Promise Of His Appearing

      Promise Of His Appearing


      The book of Second Peter has long troubled biblical scholars and interpreters who have disputed its authorship and its claims about the imminent return of Christ. Leithart offers a preterist reading of the epistle, arguing that it describes first-century events rather than the end of history. He maintains orthodoxy, avoiding hyper-preterism, affirming both the real future return of Christ and the epistle’s authenticity.

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    • 9780800637361 Apocolypse Now And Then

      Apocolypse Now And Then


      SKU (ISBN): 9780800637361ISBN10: 0800637364Catherine KellerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2004Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • Placeholder

      Taking A 2nd Look At The 2nd Coming


      SKU (ISBN): 9781594676512ISBN10: 1594676518Les BrittinghamBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2004Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • 9781594675720 Going Against The Tide Prophetically

      Going Against The Tide Prophetically


      When Appolos (in Acts 18) proclaimed the message contained in Scripture, but knowing only the baptism of John, Aquila and Priscilla explained the way of God more accurately to him. The purpose of this book is to explain the prophetic Scriptures more accurately. Written from the pretribulation rapture view point this is a re-examination of the events, personalities and doctrinal issues of the end time.

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    • 9780849991257 Road To Armageddon

      Road To Armageddon


      SKU (ISBN): 9780849991257UPC: 023755024862Charles Swindoll | John Walvoord | J. Dwight PentecostBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2004Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • 9780830830725 End Times : Practical Heavenly Mindedness (Student/Study Guide)

      End Times : Practical Heavenly Mindedness (Student/Study Guide)


      Do you wonder about the “end times”–when it will come? What it will be like? What will happen to you? As R. Paul Stevens leads you to examine for yourself what the Bible says about end times, you’ll learn what you can do now to be ready for the future–whatever it holds.

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    • 9780971756885 Revelation 20 And The Millennial Debate

      Revelation 20 And The Millennial Debate


      Often quoting the propronents of each view regarding premillennialism, amillennialism, and postmillennialism, this book summarizes and contrasts the arguments of the three positions as they relate to Revelation 20. Though premillennial in its conclusions, it provides a valuable and clear resource as to how each school of prophecy deals with this watershed passage.

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    • 9781594671265 Planetary Exodus

      Planetary Exodus


      Stunning biblical predictions will unmask a future world tyrant’s identity just before the Rapture. The counterfeit Elijah will come. Israel’s future sacrificial Temple will play a major role in world events. Also included are the following subjects: Babylon and world government. Did the Apostles exclusively teach the Rapture? Did Jesus speak of the Rapture? Is the Rapture a non-blessed hope? The Rapture’s relation to modern Charismatic/Pentecostal signs. Views about the restrainer linked to the world pharaoh’s unmasking. Forgotten early church fathers’ words and the Rapture. The “any-moment Rapture” is tested against Scripture. Why the Rapture has been delayed for centuries. Rapture imminency and events that fanned its popularity. Two miracle workers and the world pharaoh. A Rapture word pun from Scripture. The future world pharaoh’s demonic anointing. When the Rapture will take place. Daniel E. Almonz holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and pastoral

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    • 9781594670824 Decoding The Apocalypse

      Decoding The Apocalypse



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    • 9781591608165 Rapture Before Or After

      Rapture Before Or After


      This book attempts to present the Lord’s return in a clear, simple, impartial manner. It is my heartfelt desire to present this teaching as simply and clearly as possible. Also, I wanted to present as clearly as possible the popular opposing doctrine. I believe I have presented these teachings along with most of the New Testament proof texts, which are used for the “Pre-Tribulation Doctrine.” It was placed in my spirit to determine what the Gospels and the Epistles recorded concerning the “order of events” leading up to Christ’s coming and thereafter. Parts of the book of the Revelation can be subjectively interpreted; therefore, only a few references are made from it. With this approach, I’ve therefore studied and have drawn certain conclusions concerning this matter. Be reminded that I am presenting only the “order of events” and that I am not interpreting events relative to where we are in God’s Plan.

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    • 9780142003503 Bible Code 2

      Bible Code 2


      The Bible code-the ancient code encrypted in the Bible that may reveal our future-was made known to the world by investigative reporter Michael Drosnin. Now he reveals startling new predictions warning that we may have only three years to stop the countdown to Armageddon. This dramatic account opens on the morning of September 11, 2001, when Drosnin witnessed the attack on the World Trade Center-and then found the terrible event predicted in detail in the 3,000-year-old Bible code. But according to the code, September 11 was only the beginning. The Bible code says we are already in the “End of Days,” the Apocalypse foretold by all three major religions of the West. Drosnin has traveled the globe to meet with world leaders to prevent the impending danger-and to search for the “Code Key,” a long-buried ancient object that may completely unlock the Bible code, just in time to save our world.

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    • 9781591608615 Road Map To The Future

      Road Map To The Future


      An easy-to-read study of the events relating to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Road maps are used every day. A Road Map to the Future will show you how to discover the future that God has in store for our world and its people. This handbook/sourcebook, designed for worldwide distribution, will permit you to peer into the future by means of hundreds of Bible texts. The thirty-one “bite-sized” chapters will rapidly make you aware of the great future events. Tied to the teaching about the Second Coming of Christ are many major Bible doctrines. You will read current events with greater perception. It will be a pastor’s helper and an excellent tool for small group study and discussion. It has a strong evangelistic emphasis, and it will encourage believers to live holy lives in the light of Christ’s Coming. “I have had the privilege and honor of knowing the author as a friend, mentor, missionary, minister, prayer warrior, and even as a patient. Now, after reading his book, I also know him as a teacher and scholar. A Road Map to the Future provides an excellent ‘nuts and bolts’ approach to the study of the ‘end time’ events. I wholeheartedly and enthusiastically endorse this book.” -C. Jake Lambert, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.S. “The author haas provided a basic and thorough outline of prophetic events, in language that all are able to comprehend. It will help every Christian to work through the maze. This book is interesting, true to the Bible, and highly recommended.” -John H. Stoll, Th.M., Ph.D, Founder and Director, ASK, Inc. “I have known Dr. Fogle (pastor, missionary and professor) for many years. I believe this book will be helpful to believers today around the world and that it can lead some to accept Christ.” -George Verwer, Founder and International Director, Operation Mobilization

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    • 9781591608295 Gathering Over Jerusalem

      Gathering Over Jerusalem


      SKU (ISBN): 9781591608295ISBN10: 1591608295Joel GravesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • 9781590522080 What Jesus Says About Earths Final Days

      What Jesus Says About Earths Final Days


      “Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock brings Jesus’ great speech about the end times to life, urging readers to live expectantly.”

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    • 9780768421866 From Iraq To Armageddon

      From Iraq To Armageddon


      176 Pages

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      What is the mystery behind Babylon? How does Jerusalem fit into Middle East prophecy? Does the Bible help clarify the Iraqi War—and events that lie beyond? Get in-depth analysis on these and other questions. A pastor and messianic Jewish scholar, Intrater offers intriguing insights suggesting that time is winding down on the end-times clock.

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      Chosen For Greatness


      This book unveils the truth of our ultimate destiny in God. There is a great deal of misinformation in the Body of Christ concerning the believer’s purpose and destiny in God’s ultimate intentions. Dr. Varner strips away the religious veneer clouding the issues. With a stroke of the prophetic pen he draws a dramatic picture of the greatness of your place in Jesus. With one shake of the spiritual kaleidoscope Dr. Varner brings clear and prophetic focus to the Biblical drama surrounding God’s divine purposes for the church. You will be stunned by the significant part you play in God’s plan for the end of days.

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    • 9781591602149 Prophecy That Is Shaping History

      Prophecy That Is Shaping History


      Millions of Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe that a 2,500-year-old prophecy is about to be fulfilled: a global, apocalyptic jihad of many nations against the tiny state of Israel, whose recent re-emergence in its traditional land has sparked unrelenting rage and attack. Repeated resolutions passed in the United Nations reflect world-wide and nearly unanimous hostility against the so-called “Zionist entity”-even to the point of denying its right to exist. Most news media and political analysts seem unaware of the ancient prophecy that not only predicts this apocalyptic war, but also, amazingly, how this prophecy by Ezekiel (chapters 36-44) provides the scenario for numerous best-selling books in both the English-speaking and Muslim worlds! These best sellers not only describe this great conflagration, but actually also motivate their readers to prepare for it! The Prophecy That Is Shaping History represents a major advance in research and scholarship in examining the historical and contemporary impact of Ezekiel’s prophecy on world events. This academic monograph also offers a wealth of new evidence in tracing the identities, origins, and ultimate destinies of the key nations of Ezekiel’s prophecy who are seen to participate in what millions believe will be the most horrific battle the world will ever witness.

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    • 9781591603825 Wrath Of The Lamb

      Wrath Of The Lamb


      The Event – Imagine the world standing still for a few moments. During these few moments, all the people in the world intuitively understand with complete clarity how their sinful actions and thoughts have displeased God and how they have affected their souls, weakening them and staining their beauty. And all the people in the world fear that God is about to pour out His wrath on them. The experience is so captivating that each person is completely unaware that the same thing is happening to everyone else. Though the experience is brief, it seems to last an eternity. Then, to everyone’s relief, the experience ceases. God does not pour out His wrath. History does not end. Instead, life returns to normal. Three Assertions – The purpose of this book is to defend three assertions. The first is that the sixth seal of the Apocalypse, in the final book of the Bible, prophesied this event, which I refer to throughout this book as a “worldwide illumination of conscience,” more than nineteen hundred years ago. The second assertion is that various Christian prophets have also prophesied this event. The third assertion is that this event is going to happen soon.

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    • 9781591602798 Revelation The End Time Story

      Revelation The End Time Story


      Revelation-The End Time Story is a verse-by-verse devotional commentary divided up into short segments designed to take the reader through the book of Revelation within two months in a user-friendly style. After all, Revelation is so relevant to current events that it needs to be studied on a regular basis. John wrote, “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” The time is very near. The story is unfolding before our very eyes. This commentary, therefore, will shed insight into the happenings of the world and its future.

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    • 9781591602644 Revelation The End Time Story

      Revelation The End Time Story


      Revelation-The End Time Story is a verse-by-verse devotional commentary divided up into short segments designed to take the reader through the book of Revelation within two months in a user-friendly style. After all, Revelation is so relevant to current events that it needs to be studied on a regular basis. John wrote, “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” The time is very near. The story is unfolding before our very eyes. This commentary, therefore, will shed insight into the happenings of the world and its future.

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    • 9780800634926 Apocalypse Recalled : The Book Of Revelation After Christendom

      Apocalypse Recalled : The Book Of Revelation After Christendom


      The Book of Revelation has often been read as a set of endtime scenarios, glorifying a vengeful God and predicting and even fomenting apocalyptic violence. Yet it continues to exert a profound hold on the dreams and visions, fears and nightmares of our contemporary, first-world, secular culture. Harry Maier insists that, however much one is skeptical of its misuse or awed by its influence, Revelation still harbors a powerful and important message for Christians today. His fascinating book, erudite yet also intensely personal, asks us to recall Apocalypse through a careful exegesis of Revelation’s deeper literary currents against the backdrop of imperial Rome. He explores the narrrator’s literary identity, the plot or journey of the text, its many ocular and aural dimensions, and the ambiguous temporal dimensions of its “past vision of a future time.” Revelation, he believes, “offers an inversion of the violent and militaristic ideals of a first-century Roman Empire by offering a highly ironical political parody of imperial politics and insisting the true power belongs to the hero of the Apocalypse, the Slain Lamb.” In the end, Apocalypse Recalled seeks to free the imprisoned John of Patmos and employ his massively influential and controversial text to awaken a sleeping, sidelined, and culturally assimilated church to new imperatives of discipleship.

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    • 9781591600183 Time Of Travail

      Time Of Travail


      A Time of Travail, a simple study into the book of Revelation and the Hebrew prophets, brings to light the sequence of events that must occur prior to, as well as those that will occur during the Tribulation. By taking both the Old and New Testament scriptural passages and bringing them together, it demonstrates to the reader that prophetic scripture cannot be separated into two books, but rather it is a single book that was given to the Jew first and then reiterated for the benefit of the rest of mankind as a warning of things to come. This book will not always give earthly rational answers to an event because we truly serve a God who is beyond earth’s confinement and it’s associated physical laws. A Time of Travail is intended for those: Who desire to understand the sequence of events that must precede the tribulation and why, as well as those events that will occur during the tribulation. Wishing to understand the correlation between Old and New Testament prophetic scriptures in a simple way. Who would like to meet the players during this period of time with all the symbolism peeled away. Offering some non-earthy answers and corresponding rationale to some of the events that will be administered by a God not bound by our physical laws.

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    • 9780664225018 Covenant And Eschatology

      Covenant And Eschatology


      In this innovative work in theological method and hermeneutics, Michael S. Horton uses the motif of the covenant as a way of binding together God’s “word” and God’s “act.” Seeking an integration of theological method with the content of Christian theology, Horton emphasizes God’s covenant as God’s way of working for redemption in the world. Horton maintains a substantial dialogue with important philosophical figures and Christian theologians, ultimately providing scholars and serious students a significant model for approaching and understanding Christian theology.

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    • 9781931232265 Beasts Of Eschatology And Related Subjects

      Beasts Of Eschatology And Related Subjects


      The most important one is represented by the scarlet-colored beast of Revelation 17. His activities are given in verse 8. This is Satan’s demon king who demonizes two of the seven that are represented by the seven heads on the beast. This conclusion is reached by giving equal value to every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. (Matt. 4:4) We realize that wisdom only comes from God. He gives it according to His will. So we rejoice in the Spirit, as Jesus did, when the seventy returned with joy. He said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and revealed them unto babes; even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight. (Luke 10:21)

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    • 9780788013362 Is He Coming Soon

      Is He Coming Soon


      With the millennium and prophetic pronouncements about the Second Coming fast approaching, Piper provides a well-crafted examination of one of the most misunderstood books of the Bible, guiding readers through Revelation and offering “Points to Ponder” for more in-depth consideration.

      This book offers a solid but easy-to-follow explanation of the text, and a scholarly but easy-to-understand approach to this important subject of “the last things.”

      As your stack of millennium reading grows, put it all into perspective with Piper’s important reader’s guide to the Book of Revelation. Read and understand Revelation with the help of this well-crafted examination.

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    • 9781576739525 101 Answers To The Most Asked Questions About The End Times

      101 Answers To The Most Asked Questions About The End Times


      For many believers, the subject of the End Times stirs confusion, apprehension, and dread. No longer! This user-friendly manual answers 101 of the most frequently asked questions about everything from the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, the Antichrist, and Tribulation to the Second Coming and the Millennium. Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock offers a biblically authoritative resource for understanding God’s plan and a reason for peace instead of anxiety about each believer’s role in it.

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    • 9781879998216 Thy Kingdom Come

      Thy Kingdom Come


      First published in 1970, this book helped spur the modern rise of postmillennialism. Revelation’s details are often perplexing, even baffling, and yet its main meaning is clear . it is a book about victory. It tells us that our faith can only result in victory. “This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4). This is why knowing Revelation is so important. It assures us of our victory and celebrates it. Genesis 3 tells us of the fall of man into sin and death. Revelation gives us man’s victory in Christ over sin and death. The vast and total victory, in time and eternity, set forth by John in Revelation is too important to bypass. This victory is celebrated in Daniel and elsewhere, in the entire Bible. We are not given a Messiah who is a loser. These eschatological texts make clear that the essential good news of the entire Bible is victory, total victory.

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    • 9780849940439 Final Mysteries Unsealed

      Final Mysteries Unsealed


      12 Chapters

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      For centuries Daniel has been a book of mystery. Its larger-than-life statues, dreams that baffled Babylonian seers, and the enigma of a disembodied hand inscribing messages of warning on the palace wall have intrigued Bible readers for ages. Only in our day have these end time mysteries been unsealed. As he examines Daniel’s prophecies, world-renowned teacher and respected Bible Scholar Dr. Jack Van Impe blows away the cobwebs of confusion and presents the reader with what is virtually a manual on events in ages past, as well as irrefutable end time predications.

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    • 9780664258061 At The Last Trumpet

      At The Last Trumpet


      In this book, William Barclay addresses the end time passages from the New Testament to help inquirers better understand and appreciate their place in scripture. In characteristically lucid prose, Barclay engages each verse of pertinent scripture to both challenge and comfort the reader.

      The William Barclay Library is a collection of books addressing the great issues of the Christian faith. As one of the world’s most widely read interpreters of the Bible and its meaning, William Barclay devoted his life to helping people become more faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.

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    • 9780825421624 10 Sermons On The Second Advent

      10 Sermons On The Second Advent


      1. The Importance Of Prophetic Study
      2. The Interpretation Of Prophecy
      3. The Second Advent Premillennial
      4. No Millennium Without Christ
      5. The Calling And Hope Of The Church Of God
      6. The Church’s Motive For Serice
      7. The Second Advent In Relation To The Jew
      8. The Second Advent In Relation To The Gentile
      9. The Resurrection Of The Just And Unjust
      10. The Judgement Of The Quick And The Dead

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      Manufactured On Demand Title

      Noted biblical scholar and dispensational author E. W. Bullinger explores the Bible’s teaching concerning the second coming of Jesus Christ in these ten sermons originally published in 1892.

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    • 9780914936107 Interpreting The Book Of Revelation

      Interpreting The Book Of Revelation


      Full of insights developed from a lifetime spent studying, teaching and modeling God’s Word, Interpreting the Book of Revelation promises to become an indispensable resource in any library. It is the author’s assurance that despite one’s eschatological persuasion or opinion regarding the contents of this book, the reader will gain valuable insight into the interpretation and understanding of this miraculously inspired Book of Revelation.

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    • 9780834120570 2nd Coming : A Wesleyan Approach To The Doctrine

      2nd Coming : A Wesleyan Approach To The Doctrine


      A conspicuous silence on eschatology-the study of last things-pervades the ranks of Wesleyan scholars, which has led to some unfortunate circumstances.
      H. Ray Dunning notes with concern, “While we have been busy with other themes, foreign ideas have virtually stolen the store in this area of theology, with the odd phenomenon that eschatological teachings that are contrary to both good biblical scholarship and Wesleyan theology have virtually assumed the status of orthodoxy among Wesleyans, as well as among other evangelical Christians.”

      This book is an attempt to break the silence. Ten noted Wesleyan scholars probe both the historical and contemporary influences that have shaped the prevailing evangelical view of end-time events.

      You will be challenged to take a more thoughtful and discerning look at what is widely held today in the study of last things, while keeping a strong focus on what Scripture clearly presents as undebatable: Christ will come again.

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    • 9780800618094 Dawn Of Apocalyptic

      Dawn Of Apocalyptic


      The Phenomenon Of Apocalyptic In Israel: Its Background And Setting
      Excursus: Apocalyptic Eschatology In The Later Apocalyptic Writings
      Excursus: The History Of Prophecy In Israel
      Isaiah 56-66 And The Visionary Disciples Of Second Isaiah
      A. A Third Isaiah?
      B. The Ideal Community Envisioned By The Disciples Of Second Isaiah
      1. Isaiah 60-62
      Excursus: Textual Reconstruction And Prosodic Analysis
      2. Isaiah 57:14-21
      C. The Ideal Undermined By Opposition (63:7-64:11)
      D. Tension Within The Community Grows (58 And 59)
      1. Isaiah 58:1-12
      2. Isaiah 59:1-20
      E. The Schism Widens, Vindictiveness Increases, Hope Is Deferred, And The Seeds Of Apocalyptic Eschatology Are Sown (65:1-25)
      F. Controversy Over The Building Of The Temple And Expulsion From The Cult (66:1-16)
      G. The Conflict Grows Acrimonious (56:9-57:13)
      H. The Other Edge Of The Sword: Judgment Against The Nations (63:1-6)
      The Origins Of The Post-Exilic Hierocracy
      A. The Second Group Competing For Control Of The Restoration Cult
      B. The Sociological Background Of The Post-Exilic Struggle
      C. The Rise Of The Hierocratic Party Of The Zadokites
      D. Ezekiel: The Pre-Exilic Zadokite Temple Structures Transformed Into A Hierocratic Program Of Restoration
      E. Haggai And Zechariah: The Hierocratic Temple Program Receives Prophetic Legitimation
      F. Bitter Controversy And The Zadokite Move To Reform The Hierocratic Tradition Along Narrowly Exclusive Lines
      G. The Chronicler: The Victorious Hierocratic Party Returns To A More Conciliatory Position
      Zechariah 9-14 And The Development Of The Apocalyptic Eschatology Of The Visionaries
      A. The Historical And Sociological Background Of The Continued Struggle
      B. In Defense Of A New Approach To The Oracles Of Zechariah 9-14
      Excursus: Past Biblical Research On Zechariah 9-14
      C. A Divine Warrior Hymn Drawing On The Ritual Pattern Of The Conflict Myth (9:1-17)
      D. The Divine Warrior Hymn Applied To The Inner-Community Polemic (10:1-12)
      E. A Taunt Against Foreign Nations Redirected Against Israel’s Leaders (11:1-3)
      F. A Commissioning Narrative Transformed Into A Prophecy Of Doom (11:14-17 And 13:7-9)
      G. An Apocalypse Molded By The Inner-Community Struggle (12:1-13:6)
      Excursus: The Textual Problem Of Zechariah 12:2 And An Alternate Interpretation
      H. An Apocalypse Structured Upon The Ritual Pattern Of The Conflict Myth And Reflecting Bitter Inner-Community Conflict (14:1-21)
      Excursus: Revealed Secrets
      Excursus: The Redactional Framework Of Third Isaia

      Additional Info
      In challenging both traditional and contemporary notions of the nature and history of the Biblical apocalyptic literature, Professor Hanson begins by saying that the origins of apocalyptic cannot be explained by a method which juxtaposes seventh and second century compositions and then proceeds to account for the features of the latter by reference to its immediate environment. “The apocalyptic literature of the second century and after is the result of a long development reaching back to pre-exilic times and beyond, and not the new baby of second century foreign parents. Not only the sources of origin, but the intrinsic nature of late apocalyptic compositions can be understood only by tracing the centuries-long development through which the apocalptic eschatology developed from prophetic and other even more archaic native roots.”

      In this ground breaking study, Professor Hanson focuses on one strand which can be seen running through the heart of many of the so-called apocalyptic works, the strand of apocalyptic eschatology. He seeks to demonstrate that the rise of apocalyptic eschatology is neither sudden nor anomalous, but follows the pattern of an unbroken development from preexilic and exilic prophecy.

      By means of a detailed analysis of the Hebrew text and a new translation of it into English, Professor Hanson demonstrates why scholars must look again at the apocalyptic eschatology. This contextual-typological approach will call for a reexamination of many opinions about this literature.

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    • 9780802817273 Last Things A Print On Demand Title

      Last Things A Print On Demand Title


      Scriptural prophecies about the end times have been the subject of a great number of books. Many of them, however, are popularized accounts containing little thoughtful biblical scholarship. Yet the serious studies available are often too difficult for the average reader to understand. George Eldon Ladd has endeavored to rectify this situation with a serious discussion of eschatology written for the layperson.

      Two radically different interpretations of the relationship between the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments have been offered. One view sees separate programs for Israel and the Christian church, while the other recognizes progressive revelation and a unity of the Testaments.

      Professor Ladd holds the latter position, basing his doctrine of the last things on the conviction that “our final word . . . is to be found in the New Testament reinterpretation of Old Testament prophecy.” Only as the prophecies are seen in the light of God’s revelation through Christ can we clearly comprehend what they mean in relation to the end times.

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    • 9780802814555 Apocalyptic A Print On Demand Title

      Apocalyptic A Print On Demand Title


      The study of apocalyptic – the body of ancient literature dealing with the end of the world – is vital to an understanding of the New Testament. Most of us, however, know very little about the subject – and if Leon Morris is correct, much of what we think we know is wrong.

      In this brief introduction to apocalyptic, Morris brings together the results of a great deal of work that has been done on the subject by himself and others. In a clear and lucid style, he addresses himself to the characteristics of apocalyptic writings, the world from which they arose, and their relation to the gospel. “Apocalyptic is not a good medium for expressing the cruciality of the cross,” Morris concludes, “and in fact it does not express it . . . We cannot understand important sections of the New Testament without some knowledge of apocalyptic. But we cannot hold that apocalyptic contains the key to the whole. . . .”

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