Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm

Earl Nightingale

Showing all 3 results

  • Master Your Inner World


    Welcome to a transformational journey towards self-discovery and personal empowerment with Earl Nightingale’s profound guide, Master Your Inner World. Nightingale, the legendary motivational speaker and author, brings you an illuminating exploration of emotions, happiness, and the hidden depths of human potential.

    Delve into your emotional landscape with Nightingale’s deep, insightful exploration of human emotions. Learn how to identify, understand, and effectively manage negative emotions, leading to a healthier, happier life.

    Nightingale offers robust tools and strategies to help you navigate the complexities of your emotional world, teaching you how to replace negativity with positivity, fear with courage, and anxiety with peace.

    Discover the true essence of happiness and how to cultivate it in your life. Nightingale presents compelling arguments and practical techniques to embrace joy, gratitude, and serenity in daily life.

    Master Your Inner World isn’t just about overcoming negativity; it’s about unleashing the power of your potential. Learn how to harness your unique abilities and gifts, and stride confidently towards your goals.

    Earl Nightingale’s inspirational guidance is the beacon that lights your path towards personal growth and inner peace. His words inspire, motivate, and empower, encouraging you to take control of your life.

    “Earl Nightingale’s Master Your Inner World is more than just a book – it’s a masterclass in personal growth and emotional intelligence. Learn to navigate your emotional world, unshackle from negative feelings, and unearth the happiness that lies within. This is your opportunity to seize control, unleash your true potential, and embark on a journey towards a life of fulfillment and joy.”

    Start your journey to inner peace and maximum potential today!

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  • Your Greatest Asset


    Has the “daily grind” diminished your enthusiasm for your various pursuits, both personal and professional? Are you in need of some fresh inspiration and motivation–some tangible strategies to help you rediscover your passions and break through mental blocks and other obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goals? Let Earl Nightingale, one of the most successful radio broadcasters of all time and an expert on joyful, purposeful living, help you actualize your dreams by showing you the importance of creative thinking and impactful communication. As you’ll discover, these two elements hold the key to healthy relationships, excellence in leadership, success in business, and effectiveness in public speaking.

    Your Greatest Asset contains some of Nightingale’s most inspiring broadcasts on the subjects of brainstorming, problem-solving, decision-making, goal achievement, and interpersonal communication. Its simple yet incisive messages will teach you techniques and attitudes, which, if practiced regularly, will result in your living an even more creative, rewarding life. In this volume, you’ll learn how to:
    *Become a better conversationalist (hint: it’s not about your speaking skills)
    *Strengthen your friendships and marriage
    *Handle disagreements in the most effective manner possible
    *Cultivate the essential qualities of leadership
    *Identify your employees’ talents and develop them accordingly
    *Persuasively sell your ideas and/or products
    *Form habits that help you overcome writer’s block and channel your creative powers
    *Expand your perspective through lateral and vertical thinking
    *Create more engaging presentations
    *And enhance your public speaking skills

    Rediscover the joy that the critical power of imagination and creative thinking can bring when applied to the three “departments of living”–your family life, your work life and leisure activities, and your income–with this invigorating collection from “the Dean of Personal Development.”

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  • Transformational Living : Positivity, Mindset And Persistence


    Do you feel like you’re merely surviving each day, doing everything you can just to make it through your daily routine? In Transformational Living, Earl Nightingale will help you go from the modern limbo of “survival” to exuberant living by teaching you the cognitive reframing techniques necessary to approach life with positivity, curiosity, and gratitude. Once you overhaul your mindset by discovering how to remain excited about all your endeavors, you will realize that there is no such thing as an unsurmountable obstacle and no reason to be negative or downtrodden when you encounter what you perceive as failure. You’ll see that your opportunities are often in exact proportion to your problems–you simply have to transform your outlook to identify the conditions for success already present in your life.

    This collection contains some of the greatest messages ever delivered on the subject of success psychology. Having spent decades studying what separates high achievers from the rest of the population, Nightingale understood the crucial role that self-actualization plays in an individual’s ability to attain goals, form relationships, build wealth, and find lasting happiness. In this life-changing volume, you’ll learn how to:
    *Harness the power of language to change your outlook;
    *Use visualization techniques to enlarge your self-image;
    *Regain enthusiasm through learning and goal-setting;
    *Overcome two of the most destructive forces in life–fear and worry;
    *Embrace the therapeutic effect of daydreaming and laughter;
    *Make friends and be an impactful leader;
    *And much more.

    Return the luster to your life with Transformational Living!

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