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Showing 1–100 of 165 results

  • Good Kids Gone Bad


    Good Kids Gone Bad: Straight Talk from a Prodigal Who Came Home focuses on themes of addiction prevention and recovery geared towards caregivers, parents or individuals caring for those caught in the struggles of substance abuse. The text ties in practical and anecdotal stories along with how God can do the miraculous in helping to change and redeem lives caught in addiction.

    Author Joe Maxim, has firsthand experience dealing with the darkness of addiction. Both he and his wife Chris, have sought to help others recover from their personal battles through their organization Young Overcomers United (YOU).

    Maxim sees great benefit from sharing these prevention techniques. He testifies that, “Having witnessed hundreds of situations and from walking with recovering addicts, I believe there are clear warning signs and actionable steps that can be taken long before recovery is necessary.”

    For those who may require additional care, steps to recovery are available, and it’s here that Maxim spends more time to better deal with this vital, difficult work. Maxim mentions, “All of the work I do in my ministry is in recovery. While you may not share my calling to help hundreds of young people recover from addictions, you may very well have an addict in your life who you long to see set free from the chains of addiction that bind them.”

    This book from Joe Maxim is passion project that will be a great aid in ministering to the souls, minds, and bodies of those dealing with addiction and the people that care for them.

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  • Beyond The Clinical Hour


    The global mental health crisis is growing faster than our existing mental health care system can address. To meet the scope of human need, we need new models of care. The good news is that there is an institution uniquely positioned with the resources and the heart to help: the church.

    Psychologists James Sells and Amy Trout and journalist Heather Sells know firsthand the urgency of the situation-but they have also witnessed creative partnerships between churches and mental health professionals springing up across the United States. In this book, they call clinicians, students, and educators to collaborate with churches and lay leaders to envision and then create innovative solutions in their own communities.

    Challenging the dominance of the traditional “clinical hour” as a one-size-has-to-fit-all model, Sells, Trout, and Sells give concrete guidance on how mental health professionals can work with churches to provide consultation, train lay leaders, and develop and evaluate programs to expand a continuum of care. They also explore the skills, theological foundations, and research-based knowledge that both Christian counselors and church leaders need to integrate their spheres of expertise.

    Both a call to action and an encouraging roadmap, this book charts the way forward for combining the science of the mental health discipline with the service of Christian ministry.

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) Books explore how Christianity relates to mental health and behavioral sciences including psychology, counseling, social work, and marriage and family therapy in order to equip Christian clinicians to support the well-being of their clients.

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  • Integrating Psychology And Faith


    This textbook updates the conversation about models of psychology and faith integration, helping students understand the range of options for Christian engagement. Drawing from themes developed in Paul Moes’s well-received Exploring Psychology and Christian Faith (coauthored with Donald J. Tellinghuisen), Integrating Psychology and Faith develops a set of worldview dimensions that serve to organize a variety of psychology-faith integration models.

    Paul Moes and Blake Riek set forth principles and themes and establish historical context to help students explore where different views fit on a continuum of approaches to integration and understand the perspectives of other Christians in the field of psychology. In this way, students come to better understand the organizing principles for various views about psychology that they encounter. The book also shows how theological traditions and positions shape views on natural science, social science, and psychology.

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  • Uncovery : Understanding The Power Of Community To Heal Trauma


    When it comes to Christ-centered recovery, we, the church, have work to do.

    Our legalistic, box-checking, one-size-fits-all programs produce astonishingly high failure rates–which means far too many people are left to fight addiction, mental health problems, and suicidal thoughts on their own.

    This begs some critical questions of the church:

    – Do we really believe transformational recovery and healing is possible?
    – Do we really have the right systems and structures to support struggling people?
    – Do we really carry a kingdom responsibility to restore people gently?
    – Do we really take time to ask God what more He would have us do in the recovery space?

    This book is for anyone who can’t offer a resounding yes and amen to each of those questions.

    With hearts that beat for those struggling with addictions and mental health issues, authors George A. Wood and Brit Eaton present:

    – A critical reframing of the word “recovery” and an invitation to answer God’s call for more spirit-led, trauma-informed ministry

    – Deeper exploration into the origins of addiction, mental health problems, and suicidal thoughts–and the church’s responsibility to bring God’s healing

    – Powerful supernatural testimonies and stories of hope, healing, and life restoration as a result of embracing The Uncovery

    – Practical strategies to help Christ-centered recovery leaders bridge the gap between spiritual and scientific communities to better serve struggling people

    – A loose and helpful framework for embracing The Uncovery message

    – Inspiration for recovery leaders to love and lead in a more inclusive, sacrificial, and Christlike manner while maintaining healthy self-care

    The goal of The Uncovery is to help the church–and the world–see recovery through a grace- laced, gospel lens. Some say recovery is the civil rights movement of our generation because believe it or not, recovery is for everyone. And if that statement bothers you? Recovery might be for you, too.

    Every single one of us has some trauma or issue from our past that may still be affecting our life today. This book offers readers a not-so-subtle nudge to go deeper in the recovery space for a transformative encounter with Father God to heal from those wounds and lead the promised land life He has planned for us.

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  • Gender Identity And Faith


    Helping people navigate gender identity questions today is complex and often polarized work.

    For clients and families who are also informed by their faith, some mental health approaches raise more questions than answers. Clinicians need a client-centered, open-ended approach that makes room for gender exploration while respecting religious identity.
    Gender Identity and Faith carves out clinical space for mental health professionals to help people who wish to take seriously their gender identity, their religious identity, and the relationship between the two. Drawing from their extensive research and experience with clients, Mark Yarhouse and Julia Sadusky provide a timely, practical resource for practitioners. This book:

    *emphasizes respect for clients’ journeys, without a single fixed outcome, toward congruence between their gender identity and faith

    *describes effective clinical postures, assessment and therapeutic tools, and numerous case studies

    *covers needs and characteristics of children, youth, and adult clients

    *includes worksheets and prompts for clients and family members

    “Integrating personhood and values is no easy feat, especially in our current cultural landscape,” the authors write. Those navigating this intersection need clinicians who seek to understand their unique context and journey with them with empathy. This book helps point the way.

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  • Person In Psychology And Christianity


    Integral to a Christian worldview and to psychology are foundational questions about personhood: What characteristics are essential? What is our purpose? Do we naturally incline toward good or bad? Are we accountable for self and responsible for others?

    In The Person in Psychology and Christianity, developmental psychologist Marjorie Gunnoe demonstrates how the integration of theological and psychological perspectives offers a more comprehensive understanding of personhood than either approach alone. Gunnoe opens with a brief summary of biblical and theological perspectives on four organizing themes (human essence, purpose, moral tendency, and accountability). She then examines the intersection of this faith-based depiction with five theories of social development proposed by:

    *Erik Erikson
    *John Bowlby
    *B. F. Skinner
    *Albert Bandura
    *Evolutionary Psychology

    For each, Gunnoe includes a biography, a summary of the theorist’s broad perspective on personhood, and an analysis of the theorist’s stance on the four specific themes. This book is written for a general audience and suitable for undergraduate and graduate instruction.

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  • Theology For Psychology And Counseling


    This book explores the significance of theology and the Christian faith for the practice of psychology. The authors demonstrate how psychology and the Christian faith can be brought together in a mutually enriching lived practice, helping students engage in psychology in a theologically informed way. Each chapter includes introductory takeaways, individual and group reflection questions, and resources for further study and reading.

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  • Counseling : How To Counsel Biblically


    Gain a knowledge of counseling methods that are practical and consistent with Christian theological convictions.

    What do the Scriptures say about counseling? What is the biblical basis for using Scriptures in counseling? What does it mean to think biblically about counseling-related issues?

    At the root of this book is the confidence that Christ and his Word are not only sufficient for effectively handling the personal and interpersonal challenges of life but are superior to the resources found in the world. The practice of psychological counseling is a ministry and should not belong only to the realm of humanistic and secular theories of the mind.

    Written to pastors, elders, deacons, seminary students, and laypeople; well-known pastor John MacArthur and contributors present a system of biblical truth that brings together people, their problems, and the living God. This kind of counseling is based on the convictions that:

    *God’s Word should be our counseling authority.
    *Counseling is a part of the basic discipling ministry of the local church.
    *God’s people can and should be trained to counsel effectively.

    Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically provides biblical guidelines to counsel people who are struggling. The contributors represent some of America’s leading biblical teachers and counselors, including: Ken L. Sarles, David Powlison, Douglas Bookman, David B. Maddox, Robert Smith, William W. Goode, and Dennis M. Swanson.

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  • Christian Meditation In Clinical Practice


    Christians are hungry for a return to their own tradition to cultivate meditation practices that are both psychologically and spiritually fruitful.

    In recent decades, mindfulness meditation, which originates from the Buddhist tradition, has been embraced in many settings as a method for addressing a plethora of symptoms. What would it look like to turn instead to the Christian faith for resources to more effectively identify and respond to psychological suffering? Over the last decade, Dr. Joshua Knabb has conducted a variety of empirical studies on Christian meditation, focusing on both building theory and testing specific, replicable practices. In this overview and workbook he presents the foundations of a Christian-sensitive approach to meditation in clinical practice. Filled with practical features for immediate use by Christian clients and their therapists, Christian Meditation in Clinical Practice provides:

    *an introduction to the rich resources on meditation from eight major streams of the Christian tradition

    *practices from the early desert Christians, Ignatius of Loyola, Celtic Christians, the Puritans, contemporary writers, and many others

    *guidance for targeting transdiagnostic processes–patterns of cognition, affect, behavior, the self, and relationships that may lead to psychological suffering

    *research-based evidence for the benefits of Christian meditation

    *client-friendly tools for practicing meditation, including step-by-step instructions, worksheets, journaling prompts, and links to tailored audio resources

    Using the approach of Christian psychology, Knabb’s model dually builds on a biblical worldview and integrates the latest research in clinical psychology. As clients engage the variety of meditative exercises in this book, they will move toward healthier responses to difficult experiences and a deeper awareness of, and contentment in, God.

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  • Not Quite Fine


    A practical guide for people who care

    There is no time in history and no place in the world where so many people have understood themselves to be suffering from mental health problems. There is also virtually no time and no place in the world where people who are suffering have been so readily ostracized.

    In Not Quite Fine, author Carlene Hill Byron tackles the mounting dilemmas that pastors and churches face around mental health. Medicines and therapies have their roles in supporting those who live with mental health problems or mental illness. But God’s own body as the church is intended to be our greatest support in this world. How can the church step up for such a time as this? How can the body of Christ become a healing community for its members in pain–a place where the weary find strength for the journey, a place where those who mourn are raised up as rebuilders of the cities left in ruins?

    Drawing on her own history of mental health problems and her experience as a teacher and lay counselor, Byron offers words of hope for those who struggle as well as practical insights to equip congregations to better support those who are suffering in their midst.

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  • Integration Of Psychology And Christianity


    Over the course of recent decades, scholars and practitioners have been working to integrate contemporary psychology-related fields and Christianity.

    This project continues to move forward, evidenced in associations, publications, degree programs, and conferences around the world. While much progress has been made, there are still foundational issues to be worked out and aspects of integration the community is just now venturing into. In this expert overview, psychologists William L. Hathaway and Mark A. Yarhouse take stock of the integration project to date, provide an introduction for those who wish to come on board, highlight work yet to be done, and offer a framework to strategically organize next steps. The authors’ attention encompasses five domains:

    *worldview integration
    *theoretical integration
    *applied integration
    *role integration
    *personal integration

    Their comprehensive approach yields insights relevant for non-clinical areas of psychological science as well as for counseling, social work, and other related mental health fields. Done properly, integration enriches our understanding of both Christianity and psychology. Through biblical and theological grounding and numerous examples, Hathaway and Yarhouse demonstrate how synthesis can continue to serve the field and make a difference in caring for individual lives.

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  • I Love Jesus But I Want To Die


    What happens when loving Jesus doesn’t cure you of depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts? You might be crushed by shame over your mental illness, only to be told by well-meaning Christians to “choose joy” and “pray more.” So you beg God to take away the pain, but nothing eases the ache inside. As darkness lingers and color drains from your world, you’re left wondering if God has abandoned you.

    You just want a way out.

    But there’s hope.

    In I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die, Sarah J. Robinson offers a healthy, practical, and shame-free guide for Christians struggling with mental illness. With unflinching honesty, Sarah shares her story of battling depression and fighting to stay alive despite toxic theology that made her afraid to seek help outside the church. Pairing her own story with scriptural insights, mental health research, and simple practices, Sarah helps you reconnect with the God who is present in our deepest anguish and discover that you are worth everything it takes to get better.

    Beautifully written and full of hard-won wisdom, I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die offers a path toward a rich, hope-filled life in Christ, even when healing doesn’t look like what you expect.

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  • Freedom Starts Today


    Every church is filled with people who are struggling–often secretly–with addictions of all kinds. Porn, pills, food, money, alcohol, social media, body image, status, sex, anxiety–the list goes on and on. John Elmore is no stranger to addiction. Fifteen years ago, he put a loaded shotgun to his head and later had three doctors tell him he was going to die of alcoholism. More than 15 sober years later, he leads the world’s largest weekly recovery gathering, re:generation, where people journey toward healing in Christ.

    In Freedom Starts Today, he makes a huge promise to the addicted: you can be free from your struggle, and much sooner than you may think. Through easily digestible readings grounded in Scripture and the practice of daily surrender, Elmore shows you how to break the cycle of addiction, make war against sin, and find your identity in who you are and not the shame of what you have done–one day at a time.

    Leave behind struggles, addiction, and shame as you walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the love, mercy, and forgiveness of the God who is not only by your side but on your side.

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  • Restoring The Shattered Self


    Nearly every professional counselor will encounter clients with a history of complex trauma.
    Yet many counselors are not adequately prepared to help those suffering from complex posttraumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD), including survivors of child abuse, religious cult abuse, and domestic violence. A lack of consistent terminology in the field makes finding resources difficult, but without reliable training counselors risk inadvertently retraumatizing those they are trying to help. In this second edition of Restoring the Shattered Self, Heather Davediuk Gingrich provides an essential resource for Christian counselors to help fill the gap between their training and the realities of trauma-related work. Drawing on over thirty years of experience with complex trauma survivors in the United States, Canada, and the Philippines, she ably integrates the established research on trauma therapy with insights from her own experience and an intimate understanding of the special concerns related to Christian counseling. In addition to presenting a three-phase treatment model for C-PTSD based on Judith Herman’s classic work, Gingrich addresses how to treat dissociative identity disorder clients, respond to survivors’ spiritual issues, build resilience as a counselor in this taxing work, and empower churches to help in the healing process. This new edition is updated throughout to match the DSM-5 and includes new content on how the body responds to trauma, techniques for helping clients stay within the optimal zone of nervous system arousal, and additional summary sidebars. With this thoughtful guide, counselors and pastors will be equipped to provide the long-term help that complex trauma survivors need to live more abundantly.

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  • Embodying Integration : A Fresh Look At Christianity In The Therapy Room


    Discussing spirituality and religion in the therapy room is increasingly accepted, some even forgetting that integration of psychology and Christianity was once a rare thing.

    Yet even as the decades-long integration movement has been so effective, the counselor’s lived context in which integration happens grows increasingly complex, and the movement has reached a new turning point. Christian practitioners need a fresh look at integration in a postmodern world. In Embodying Integration, Megan Anna Neff and Mark McMinn provide an essential guide to becoming integrators today. Representing two generations of counselor education and practice, they model how to engage hard questions and consider how different theological views, gendered perspectives, and cultures integrate with psychology and counseling. “Many students,” they write, “don’t want models and views that tend to simplify complexity into categories. They are looking for conversation that helps them dive into the complexity, to ponder the nuances and messiness of integration.” More than focusing on resolving issues, Neff and McMinn help situate wisdom through personally engaging, diverse views and narratives. Arising from conversations between an up-and-coming practitioner and her veteran integrator father, this book considers practical implications for the day-to-day realities of counseling and psychotherapy. Personal stories, dialogues between the coauthors, and discussion questions throughout help students, teachers, mental health professionals, and anyone interested in psychology and faith to enter–and continue–the conversation.

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  • Healing The Wounds Of Sexual Abuse


    This accessibly written book illuminates the good news of healing and liberation the Bible offers survivors of sexual abuse. As an expert in pastoral ministry and a survivor of abuse herself, Elaine Heath handles this sensitive topic with compassion and grace. The book is illustrated with stories and insights from survivors, and each chapter ends with reflection questions and recommended activities. Previously published as We Were the Least of These, this repackaged edition includes a new contextualized introduction that explores how the book speaks into a vital cultural conversation (#MeToo).

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  • Assessment For Counseling In Christian Perspective


    Assessment in counseling?like its biblical counterpart, discernment?is an ongoing and dynamic routine to encourage movement in a productive direction toward what is truly best. In Assessment for Counseling in Christian Perspective, Stephen P. Greggo equips counselors to put assessment techniques into practical use, particularly with clients who are looking to grow in their identity with Jesus Christ. As a Christian perspective on assessment, this book is designed to supplement standard resources and help counselors navigate challenges at the intersection of psychotherapy and Christian ministry. Greggo charts a course for care that brings best practices of the profession together with practices of Christian discipleship. Key topics include:

    Does a Christian worldview offer distinguishing parameters for assessment practice?
    Can clinical proficiency in assessment bring glory to God?
    How can the crucial psychometric construct of validity be translated into our Christian faith?
    In what ways can the inclusion of objective procedures be transformed into a message of hospitality and affirmation?
    How can counselors maximize the benefits of a therapeutic alliance to attend to immediate concerns and foster spiritual formation?
    How can formal personality measures add depth and substance to the counseling experience?
    How can assessment contribute to client retention, treatment completion, and aftercare planning?

    With Assessment for Counseling in Christian Perspective, clinical and pastoral counselors can bring the best of assessment into counseling that reflects the essence of the Christian faith.

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  • Your Companion Through Chronic Illness


    The Out of the Depths series addresses common pastoral crises in a faithful, encouraging, and factual manner that provides support to parishioners in crisis beyond the initial pastoral conversation. These inexpensive booklets can be given out to parishioners when they bring their recent diagnosis, crisis, or trauma to the pastor as a way to continue to provide care throughout the difficult season. Each booklet begins with a thoughtful consideration of the topic at hand, which is followed up by 30 brief devotions. These devotions are designed to be manageable in an overwhelming time, encouraging, and honest. This Chronic Illnessedition is authored by Lauren Dunkle Dancey, a United Methodist chaplain and pastor who lives with chronic illness. The Out of the Depths booklets are essential care resources to be given out by pastors, Stephen Ministers, and congregational care teams. Key Features:
    Written by metal health professionals and pastors to help the reader process their trauma both psychologically and theologically.
    Includes accessible material describing the dynamics of the crisis situation and typical reactions, which provides the reader with a sense of grounding and direction through increased knowledge.
    The thirty short devotions creates a sense of companionship and hope in a difficult and lonely time.
    Knowing they are sharing a resource written by mental health professionals and pastors with personal experience provides pastors a trustworthy source of information.
    Easy for pastors/churches to keep in stock and distribute as needed, serves as a tangible reminder of the faith community’s care.

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  • Your Companion Through Depression And Anxiety


    The Out of the Depths series addresses common pastoral crises in a faithful, encouraging, and factual manner that provides support to parishioners in crisis beyond the initial pastoral conversation. These inexpensive booklets can be given out to parishioners when they bring their recent diagnosis, crisis, or trauma to the pastor as a way to continue to provide care throughout the difficult season. Each booklet begins with a thoughtful consideration of the topic at hand, which is followed up by 30 brief devotions. These devotions are designed to be manageable in an overwhelming time, encouraging, and honest. This Depression and Anxiety edition is authored by Jim Hightower and features insightful devotions by Harriet Bryan. The Out of the Depths booklets are essential care resources to be given out by pastors, Stephen Ministers, and congregational care teams. Key Features: Written by metal health professionals and pastors to help the reader process their trauma both psychologically and theologically. Includes accessible material describing the dynamics of the crisis situation and typical reactions, which provides the reader with a sense of grounding and direction through increased knowledge. The thirty short devotions creates a sense of companionship and hope in a difficult and lonely time. Knowing they are sharing a resource written by mental health professionals and pastors with personal experience provides pastors a trustworthy source of information. Easy for pastors/churches to keep in stock and distribute as needed, serves as a tangible reminder of the faith community’s care.

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  • Glimpsing Resurrection : Cancer Trauma And Ministry


    In Glimpsing Resurrection, Deanna A. Thompson combines recent trauma research with compelling first-person narrative to provide insight into the traumatic dimensions of living with a serious illness. Her aim is to help those who are ill and those who care for and minister to them deepen their understanding of how best to offer support.

    “The tendency for Christians to move almost immediately from death to proclamations of new life risks alienating those for whom healing and new life seem out of reach,” says Thompson. Glimpsing Resurrection focuses less on the “why” to help readers instead come to terms with the “how” of living with a serious disease. In particular, Thompson provides a framework and concrete suggestions for how to be a church where those who are undone by illness can be undone, as well as a place that can love and support them to hope.

    “Finding space within the psalms, the story of Job, Jesus’ cry of God-forsakenness on the cross, and even Christ’s descent into hell helps us imagine how Christian communities can be spacious enough to acknowledge and hold those who are undone by illness,” Thompson says. “Only then does it become possible to identify the hope that can emerge from our not-yet-resurrection reality to imagine more in life today as well as in the life to come.”

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  • Treating Trauma In Christian Counseling


    Introduction (Heather D. Gingrich And Fred C. Gingrich)

    Part I: Foundational Perspectives On Trauma
    1. The Crucial Role Of Christian Counseling Approaches In Trauma Counseling (Fred C. Gingrich And Heather D. Gingrich)
    2. Theological Perspectives On Trauma: Human Flourishing After The Fall (Richard Langer, Jason McMartin, And M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall)
    3. The Neurobiology Of Stress And Trauma (William M. Struthers, Kerryn Ansell, And Adam Wilson)
    4. Trauma, Faith, And Care For The Counselor (Cynthia B. Eriksson, Ashley M. Wilkins, And Nikki Frederick)

    Part II: Interpersonal Contexts Of Trauma
    5. A Developmentally Appropriate Treatment Approach For Traumatized Children And Adolescents (Daniel S. Sweeney And Madeline Lowen)
    6. Treating Sexual Trauma Through Couples Therapy (Debra Taylor)
    7. Assessment And Treatment Of Intimate Partner Violence: Integrating Psychological And Spiritual Approaches (Terri S. Watson)
    8. Strengthening Family Resilience To Trauma (Fred C. Gingrich)
    9. Responding To Survivors Of Clergy Sexual Abuse (David K. Pooler And Amanda Frey)

    Part III: Complex Trauma And Dissociation
    10. Beyond Survival: Application Of A Complex Trauma Treatment Model In The Christian Context (Jana Pressley And Joseph Spinazzola)
    11. Sexual Abuse And Dissociative Disorders (Heather D. Gingrich)
    12 The Treatment Of Ritual Abuse And Mind Control (Alison Miller And Heather D. Gingrich)
    13. Sex Trafficking: A Counseling Perspective (Shannon Wolf)

    Part IV: Global Contexts Of Trauma
    14. Faith And Disaster Mental Health: Research, Theology, And Practice (Jamie D. Aten, Alice Schruba, David N. Entwistle, Edward B. Davis, Jenn Ranter, Jenny Hwang, Joshua N. Hook, David C. Wang, Don E. Davis, And Daryl R. Van Tongeren)
    15. Improving Trauma Care In Developing Nations: Partnerships Over Projects (Phil Monroe And Diane Langberg)
    16. Trauma Counseling For Missionaries: How To Support Resilience (Karen F. Carr)
    17. Preventing And Treating Combat Trauma And Spiritual Injury (Laura Schwent Shultz, Jesse D. Malott, And Robert J. Gregory)

    Part V: Conclusion And Appendix
    18. Reflections On Christian Counseling’s Engagement With Trauma (Heather D. Gingrich And Fred C. Gingrich)

    Appendix: Religion, Spirituality, And Trauma: An Annotated Bibliography (Fred C. Gingrich)
    List Of Contributors
    Author Index
    Subject Index

    Additional Info
    Traumatic experiences are distressingly common. And the risks of developing posttraumatic stress disorder are high. But in recent years the field of traumatology has grown strong, giving survivors and their counselors firmer footing than ever before on which to seek healing. This book is a combined effort to introduce counseling approaches, trauma information, and Christian reflections to respond to the intense suffering people face.

    With extensive experience treating complex trauma, Heather Gingrich and Fred Gingrich have brought together key essays representing the latest psychological research on trauma from a Christian integration perspective.

    Students, instructors, clinicians, and researchers alike will find here

    an overview of the kinds of traumatic experiences
    coverage of treatment methods, especially those that incorporate spirituality
    material to critically analyze as well as emotionally engage trauma
    theoretical bases for trauma treatment and interventions
    references for further consideration and empirical research

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  • Spiritual Secrets About Suicide


    Do you struggle with suicidal thoughts? Do you know someone who is depressed? Do you minister to people who are contemplating suicide? Then Spiritual Secrets About Suicide was written for you! Spiritual Secrets About Suicide will put spiritual tools into your suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention toolbox.

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  • Grace For The Afflicted


    Why has the church struggled in ministering to those with mental illnesses? Each day men and women diagnosed with mental disorders are told they need to pray more and turn from their sin. Mental illness is equated with demonic possession, weak faith, and generational sin. As both a church leader and a professor of psychology and behavioral sciences, Michael S. Stanford has seen far too many mentally ill brothers and sisters damaged by well-meaning believers who respond to them out of fear or misinformation rather than grace. Grace for the Afflicted is written to educate Christians about mental illness from both biblical and scientific perspectives. Stanford presents insights into our physical and spiritual nature and discusses the appropriate role of psychology and psychiatry in the life of the believer. Describing common mental disorders, Stanford probes what science says and what the Bible says about each illness. Consistent with DSM-5 diagnoses, this revised and expanded edition is thoroughly updated with new material throughout, including eight new chapters that cover bipolar disorderstrauma- and stressor-related disordersdementiacerebrovascular accidents (stroke)traumatic brain injurysuicidea holistic approach to recoverymental health and the church

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  • Family Therapies : A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal (Revised)


    Part 1: Foundational Considerations
    1. A Christian Understanding For Family Therapy
    2. Historical Foundations Of Family Therapy

    Part 2: Models Of Family Therapy
    3. Bowenian Family Therapy
    4. Strategic Family Therapy
    5. Structural Family Therapy
    6. Psychodynamic Family Therapy
    7. Contextual Family Therapy
    8. Experiential Family Therapy
    9.. Solution-Focused Family Therapy
    10. Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy
    11. Narrative Family Therapy
    12. Toward An Integrative Christian Family Therapy

    Part 3: Integration Of Family Theory With Critical Issues In Psychotherapy
    13. Crisis And Trauma
    14. Attending To Marital Conflict
    15. Separation, Divorce And Remarriage
    16. Individual Psychopathology
    17. Substance Abuse
    18. Gender, Culture, Economic Class And Race
    19. Sexual Identity

    Part 4: Casting A Vision
    20. Casting A Vision For Christian Family Therapy
    Author Index
    Subject Index

    Additional Info
    Christian therapists doing family therapy have never had a resource to help them navigate the various family therapy theories from a Christian perspective–until now. In this book Mark A. Yarhouse and James N. Sells survey the major approaches to family therapy and treat, within a Christian framework, significant psychotherapeutic issues. The wide array of issues covered includes crisis and traumamarital conflictseparation, divorce and blended familiesindividual psychopathologysubstance abuse and addictionsgender, culture, economic class and racesexual identity Calling for an integrated approach of “responsible eclecticism,” they conclude with a vision for Christian family therapy. A landmark work providing critical Christian engagement with existing models of family therapy, this volume was written for those studying counseling, social work, psychology or family therapy. Family Therapies will also serve as an indispensable resource for those in the mental health professions, including counselors, psychologists, family therapists, social workers and pastors.

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  • Brief Guide To Ministry With LGBTQIA Youth


    Despite our best efforts to create welcoming and affirming congregations, the reality is that church can still be a harmful place to LGBTQIA youth.

    Inside A Brief Guide to Ministry with LGBTQIA Youth, author Cody J. Sanders challenges pastors and church leaders to reflect on the various trials that adolescence brings for LGBTQIA youth. Designed for congregations that currently have a theologically and biblically affirming stance toward the LGBTQIA community, this unique resource provides insight and practical advice for tough questions like:

    How does an affirming stance toward LGBTQIA people affect the day-to-day experience of teenagers in a church setting?
    In what ways can a church’s youth ministry have a positive impact on the lives of LGBTQIA youth who want to fully live out their Christian faith and their gender identity?
    How can a pastor, youth minister, or youth ministry volunteer embrace, nurture, and provide skillful care for LGBTQIA youth in a congregation or community?

    A glossary of terms to use when talking about LGBTQIA issues and a list of national and location resources that can be used to support LGBTQIA youth are included.

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  • Confident Identity : Christian Strategies To Forget Who You Aren’t And Disc


    A Christian counselor walks readers through the steps to find emotional healing when they feel insignificant or not good enough. Multiple assessments and exercises help people discover exactly who God made them to be.

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  • Grieving A Suicide (Expanded)


    Introduction: For Survivors-the Other Victims Of Suicide

    Part I: When Suicide Strikes
    1. Shock
    2. Turmoil
    3. Lament
    4. Relinquishment
    5. Remembrance

    Part II: The Lingering Questions
    6. Why Did This Happen?
    7. Is Suicide The Unforgivable Sin?
    8. Where Is God When It Hurts?

    Part III: Life After Suicide
    9. The Spirituality Of God
    10. The Healing Community
    11. The Lessons Of Suicide

    Epilogue: Going On

    Appendix: Resources For Suicide Survivors And Suicide Prevention
    Questions For Reflection And Discussion
    A Single-Session Discussion Guide For Suicide Survivor Groups

    Additional Info
    A 2003 Finalist in the United Kingdom Christian Book Awards! “Albert,” the neighbor said, “your mom needs you to come home.” That’s how it began for Albert Hsu when his father died. Anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide experiences tremendous shock and trauma. What follows is a confusing mix of emotions-anger, guilt, grief, and despair. Suicide raises heartrending questions: Why did this happen? Why didn’t we see it coming? Could we have done anything to prevent it? How can we go on? Many also wonder if those who choose suicide are doomed to an eternity separated from God and their loved ones. Some may even start asking whether life is worth living at all. After his father’s death, Hsu wrestled with the intense emotional and theological questions surrounding suicide. While acknowledging that there are no easy answers, he draws on the resources of the Christian faith to point suicide survivors to the God who offers comfort in our grief and hope for the future. For those who have lost a loved one to suicide and for their counselors and pastors, this book is an essential companion for the journey toward healing. This revised edition incorporates the latest statistics, has expanded resources for suicide prevention and mental health ministry, and now includes a discussion guide for suicide survivor groups.

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  • 30 Days Toward Healing Your Grief


    Practical, gentle, compassionate, wise, tested, program – Christ-centered support for healing from loss – Ideal for individual or group use, includes a study guide

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  • Integrative Psychotherapy : Toward A Comprehensive Christian Approach


    12 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Mark McMinn and Clark Campbell present an integrative model of psychotherapy that is grounded in Christian biblical and theological teaching and in a critical and constructive engagement with contemporary psychology.

    Now in paperback, this foundational work integrates behavioral, cognitive, and interpersonal models of therapy within a Christian theological framework. Not only do the authors integrate Christian faith and spirituality with the latest thinking in behavioral science at a theoretical level, they also integrate the theoretical and academic with the pastoral and clinical, offering a practical guide for the practitioner.

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  • Modern Psychopathologies : A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal (Revised)


    14 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Modern Psychopathologies is addressed to students and mental health professionals who want to sort through contemporary secular understandings of psychopathology in relation to a Christian worldview. Written by well-known and respected scholars, the book, in nine core chapters, provides an introduction to a set of disorders along with overviews of current research on etiology, treatment and prevention. Prior chapters give a context for the integration of Christianity and the scientific study of psychopathology, and articulate integrative themes discussed throughout the book, providing a foundation for the concluding vision for Christian health professionals and the church. This is a unique and valuable resource for Christians studying psychology and counseling, or providing counseling services, pastoral care, Christian healing ministries or spiritual direction. Though fully capable of standing on its own, it is also a useful companion volume to Modern Psychotherapies by Stanton L. Jones and Richard E. Butman.

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  • Skills For Effective Counseling


    Effective counseling depends on mastering basic relationship skills. In this integrative text, Elisabeth Nesbit-Sbanotto, Heather Davediuk Gingrich and Fred Gingrich break these skills into manageable microskills and connect them to insights and practices from Scripture, theology and spiritual formation.

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  • Face Of Forgiveness


    1. Whatever Happened To The Forgiveness Of Sins?
    2. Covering Our Nakedness: Healing Through Therapy
    3. Guilt And Shame
    4. Opened Eyes And Downturned Faces
    5. The Shame Of The Cross
    6. “As One From Whom Others Hide Their Faces . . .”
    7. Living Before Christ’s Face
    Epilogue: Answer To Jane
    General Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    The struggle to offer and receive forgiveness is not helped by theologies that focus solely on guilt and a therapeutic environment focused on human agency. Philip Jamieson argues that Christians need to think about the way Christ takes on human shame and restores our ability to face God and each other as redeemed persons.

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  • Do This Remembering Me


    What do I do to help? Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, almost everyone knows someone with some form of dementia, yet few know how to answer that question, and very little material exists on providing spiritual care to adults with dementia-related diseases. Even seminaries rarely provide training or clinical pastoral education in this field. This book is an answer. It provides a hands-on manual that will give clergy, spiritual care providers, and family members an understanding of the ongoing spiritual needs of individuals with dementia, as well as practical tools such as how to create a religious service in a memory care unit and how one might plan a nursing home visit. Accessibly written, with real life applications and sample services for a variety of settings. More than just useful, the book inspires with shared stories that are tender, sad, funny-and sometimes all three at once, encouraging readers to develop spiritual care ministries for people with memory loss in congregations, homes, nursing facilities, or other communities-a ministry that will only gain in importance in the coming decade, as Baby Boomers age and the number of people with Alzheimer’s and dementia skyrockets.

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  • Help Me Help Others


    “Help Me Help Others” was written for compassionate individuals who are looking for biblically-based, relational truths to use as they help those in distress. Dr. Wagner’s use of real-life examples, end-of-chapter contemplations, and easy-to-follow diagrams increase the ease with which these concepts can be understood and applied.

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  • Consejeria Y Confesion – (Spanish)


    For more than 25 years this book, originally published by Concordia Seminary Press in 1982, has served as an authentically Christian resource that has helped to enrich the field of pastoral counseling and deepen its ministry of reconciliation. Koehler unpacks the interconnectedness of psychology, pastoral counseling, and the theology of private confession and absolution, sparking a lingering dialogue. The introduction by Dr. Rick Marrs underscores developments that have only recently made their way into the conversation, lending undeniable relevance to this classic work.

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  • Paraklasis Counseling Theory


    Learn how to stand by hurting people in their darkest hours and help them discover the root of problems quickly, touch their hearts, and help them: * Find Security * Discover Safety * Develop Significance Anxiety, frustration, tears, and anger can be replaced by peace and confidence.

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  • Couple Therapy : A New Hope Focused Approach


    Why You Need This Book
    Part I: A Theory Of Change
    1. Wanted: A Wise And Humble Counselor
    2. A Sensible, Tested, And Effective Approach To Helping Couples
    3. Make Therapy A Positive Growth Experience For Couples
    4. Addressing The Couple’s Context

    Part II: Beginning Counseling
    5. Pre-counseling Interventions
    6. The Intake
    7. After The Intake

    Part III: Case Studies In Treatment Planning
    8. The Wounded But Hopeful Couple
    9. The Cool Virtues Couple
    10. The Enrichment Couple
    11. The “Should We Marry?” Couple
    12. The Complicating Factor Couple
    13. The Couple With A Psychological Disorder
    14. The High Conflict Couple
    15. The “Accept The Things I Cannot Change” Couple
    16. The Kitchen Sink Couple

    Part IV: Interventions Within The Sessions
    17. Session Management In The Hope-focused Couples Approach To Counseling
    18. HOPE Interventions (Handling Our Problems Effectively)
    19. BOND With Me: Bind Our Nurturing Devotion
    20. Addressing Hurts In Relationships
    21. Forgiving And Reconciling Through Experiencing Empathy (FREE)
    22. Reconciliation And Rebuilding Trust With Couples

    Part V: Conquering The Difficulties You’ll Face
    23. Assessing Change Throughout Treatment
    24. Resistance And Roadblocks
    27. Pornography Use And Internet Sexuality

    Part VI: Concluding Treatment Using The Hope-Focused Couples Approach
    28. Termination
    29. Post-Counseling Check Ups
    30. It Works, But Is It True?

    Additional Info
    Following on the heels of the successful Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling, Jennifer Ripley and Everett Worthington Jr. have written a new book that expands upon their previous theoretical approach while describing in detail many new practical interventions for couple counseling and enrichment. Weaving together classic cases outlined in Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling and over 75 brand new practical interventions, Ripley and Worthington root their practical examples in an even deeper theoretical framework and research in attachment and intimate bonds. Written with the couple counselor in mind, this book occupies a rare niche that is accessible not only to therapists and counselors but also to pastors and married couples alike. Both licensed clinical psychologists and experienced counselors, the authors base this follow-up work on the pillars of their Hope-Focused Couples Approach. The assessment tools included help facilitate improved marriages in many settings, and the combination of theory and real-life case studies easily integrates into the practices of professional counselors and researchers as well as into the lives of couples.

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  • Black Dog


    This book describes one man’s life experiences as he struggled with anxiety and depression. The book describes the mental, physical but most importantly the power of the Holy Spirit that eventually enabled John to develop resilience, and thus led him into the sunlight of a full and meaningful life. Anxiety and depression have always been taboo in society. Frequently, the subjects cannot be touched with a “ten-foot pole”, let alone be a subject for family discussion. Depression is seen as neither worthy of compassion nor understanding. For the author of this book, a familiar record plays. “Young man, depressed? Nonsense; you have everything you need; just buck up and face the world the way we all have to.” The message in this book is one of hope and of love, but most of all it demonstrates what is possible when you place your life, unconditionally, in the hands of Jesus Christ.

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  • Preventing Suicide : A Handbook For Pastors Chaplains And Pastoral Counselo


    Many pastors, chaplains and pastoral counselors play a unique and vital role in suicide prevention, but most of them lack the necessary knowledge and skills for working with suicidal persons. Informed by her work as a psychologist, Karen Mason’s guide to suicide prevention is an essential resource for pastors.

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  • Helping The Struggling Adolescent (Expanded)


    Helping the Struggling Adolescent is your first resource to turn to when a teen you know is in trouble. Whether you’re a youth worker, counselor, pastor, or teacher, this fast, ready reference is a compendium of insight on teen problems from abuse to violence and everything between. Help starts here for thirty-six common, critical concerns. Topics are arranged in alphabetical order. Each chapter gives you essential information for several vital questions: What does the specific struggle look like? Why did it happen? How can you help? When should you refer to another expert? Where can you find additional resources? Arranged in three sections, this book first gives you the basics of being an effective helper, Then it informs you on the different struggles of adolescents. The final section–a key component of this book–supplies more than forty rapid assessment tools for use with specific problems. Helping the Struggling Adolescent organizes and condenses biblical counseling issues for teens into one extremely useful volume. Keep it in arm’s reach for the answers you need, right when you need them.

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  • Christianity And Developmental Psychopathology


    1 Overview Of Developmental Psychopathology And Integrative Themes Kelly S. Flanagan And Sarah E. Hall
    Section I: Intrapersonal Influences
    2 Temperament Amy Mezulis, Kaitlin A. Harding And Melissa R. Hudson
    3 Emotion Regulation Sarah E. Hall
    Section II: Interpersonal Influences
    4 The Parent-Child Relationship Winston Seegobin
    5 The Marital And Parental Dyad Mari L. Clements, Tara A. Guarino And Laura C. Bartos
    6 Peer Relationships Kelly S. Flanagan, Sarah L. Kelly And Amy Peeler
    Section III: Treatment And Prevention
    7 Prevention And The Promotion Of Thriving Pamela Ebstyne King And Casey Erin Clardy
    8 Intervention: Applying A Developmental Psychopathology Framework Sally S. Canning, Kelly S. Flanagan, Jennifer Hailey And Emely De La O
    Section IV: Application From Theoretical Orientations
    9 Psychodynamic And Attachment-Based Approaches To Treatment Jana D. Pressley And Kristin K. Vanden Hoek
    10 Behavioral Approaches To Treatment Amanda M. Blackburn, Christine Weisgerber And Michelle Shelley
    11 Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches To Treatment Donald F. Walker, Katherine Partridge, Anastasia Whitesell, Brittany Montes And Sarah E. Hall
    12 Family Systems Approaches To Treatment Sandra Y. Rueger And David Van Dyke Appendix A
    Appendix B
    Appendix C

    Additional Info
    Since its origin in the early 1980s, the field of developmental psychopathology has become a highly influential framework for approaching the clinical treatment of children. Until now there has been no effort to integrate this framework with a Christian understanding of psychopathology. The essays in this volume break new ground by providing Christian mental health professionals with a theoretically and empirically sound basis for working with children, adolescents and families. Throughout the book, the authors explore three integrative themes, looking at children as divine gifts, as persons and as agents in their own development. Given the deep biblical and theological interest in children and the “least of these,” there is great potential in this integrative work for mutual enrichment. Christian insights help to prevent the scientific study of the developmental process from being reductive. At the same time, research into the biological, sociocultural and psychological dimensions of human development can serve to inform and guide Christian practices of care and hospitality toward children and families. Christianity and Developmental Psychopathology makes an important contribution to a conversation that is still in its infancy.

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  • Please Dont Tell


    “I’ve never told a soul, and you have to promise not to tell anybody.” “Pastor, I wanted you to know before we tell the kids, just in case they come to you.” “I’m so happy. Yes, finally, I’m pregnant. I just had to tell someone.” “Yes, it’s terrible, but am I going to explain it to our friends here at church?”

    People need trusted persons as sounding boards and confidants. Not many weeks go by that someone does not confide a secret to a church leader, whether pastor, youth director, church secretary, choir director, or board member. While pastors have a unique role when it comes to confidentiality, listening to secrets is something that every church leader does. But there are both privileges and responsibilities in reporting, discerning the truth, and helping people bear the deep sins or temper the anger that threatens to overflow.

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  • Foundations For Soul Care


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830840540ISBN10: 0830840540Eric JohnsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2014Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Violent Takers 1


    The biblical concept of faith has remained incomprehensible to many Christians, yet the concept and the practice of it is fundamental to a successful Christian life. Faith is the single most important weapon that God has given believers to overcome life challenges. When we know it and use it, we make God happy. In other words, God wants us to overcome life challenges and has provided us with faith as a tool to do that.

    The Violent Takers uses real life stories to teach faith, perseverance and taking of bold actions towards obtaining any good thing that one desires. It teaches believing in oneself through believing in God. It encourages one to exploit the abilities, gifts, talents, ideas and opportunities at one’s disposal and use such to break out of the box and change whatever undesirable circumstance there may be in one’s life. This book does not teach or encourage violence or violent behaviors. It is, rather, intended to inspire the readers to emulate the characters in the stories by taking Godly bold actions that can forever change
    their circumstances and the world.

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  • Evidence Based Practices For Christian Counseling And Psychotherapy


    Are Christian treatments as effective as secular treatments? What is the evidence to support its success? Christians engaged in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy and counseling are living in a unique moment. Over the last couple decades, these fields have grown more and more open to religious belief and religion-accommodative therapies. At the same time, Christian counselors and psychotherapists encounter pressure (for example, from insurance companies) to demonstrate that their accommodative therapies are as beneficial as secular therapies. This raises the need for evidence to support Christian practices and treatments. The essays gathered in this volume explore evidence-based Christian treatments, practices, factors and principles. The authors mine the relevant research and literature to update practicing psychotherapists, clinical researchers, students, teachers and educated laypersons about the efficacy of certain Christian-accommodative therapies. Topics covered in the book include: devotional meditationcognitive-behavior therapypsychodynamic and process-experiential therapiescouples, marriage and family therapygroup intervention The book concludes with a review of the evidence for the various treatments discussed in the chapters, a guide for conducting clinical trials that is essential reading for current or aspiring researchers, and reflections by the editors about the future of evidence-based Christian practices. As the editors say, “more research is necessary.” To that end, this volume is a major contribution to a field of inquiry that, while still in its infancy, promises to have enormous implications for future work in Christian counseling and psychotherapy.

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  • Finally Free : Fighting For Purity With The Power Of Grace


    If you have struggled personally against the powerful draw of pornography, or if you have ever tried to help someone fighting this battle, you know how hard it is to break free. But real freedom isn’t found by trying harder to change. Nor is it found in a particular method or program. Only Jesus Christ has the power to free people from the enslaving power of pornography.

    In Finally Free, Dr. Heath Lambert, a leader in the biblical counseling movement, lays out eight gospel-centered strategies for overcoming the deceitful lure of pornography. Each chapter clearly demonstrates how the gospel applies to this particular battle and how Jesus can move readers from a life of struggle to a life of purity.

    If you or someone you care about is fighting this battle, there is good news: No matter how intense or long-standing the struggle, Jesus Christ can, will, and does set people free from the power of pornography.

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  • Christian Counseling Ethics (Revised)


    1. Embracing Our Ethical Mandate
    2. Psychotherapy & Christian Ethics

    Part 1: The Christian Practitioner
    3. Essential Elements For Ethical Counsel
    4. Qualifications Of The Christian Mental Health Professional
    5. Pastors Who Counsel
    6. Sexual Misconduct & The Abuse Of Power

    Part 2: Issues In Counseling Ethics
    7. Christian Responses To The Unethical Healer
    8. Ethics In Marital Therapy & Premarital Counseling
    9. The Homosexual Client
    10. The Child Client
    11. Clients With Chronic Conditions
    12. Deprogramming

    Part 3: Counseling Contexts
    13. Business Ethics In Mental Health Service
    14. Lay Counselor Training
    15. Ethical Issues In Special Settings
    16. Forensic Psychology

    Part 4: Current Trends In Ethics Education
    17. Training Programs
    18. A Model For Ethical Decision-Making
    19. Christian Codes: Are They Better?

    Appendix A: The Ethical Behavior Of Christian Therapists
    Appendix B: Ethical Codes & Guidelines
    Appendix C: Sample Consent Forms

    Additional Info
    A client raises spiritual questions. Can a Christian therapist working in a government agency talk with a client about faith? A young couple with two children asks a Christian counselor to help them negotiate an end to their marriage. What responsibility does the counselor have to try to repair the relationship? A youth group member confidentially reveals to the pastor that he is taking drugs. Should the pastor tell the boy’s parents? A counselor who teaches a college course has a client show up for class. What should she do? These are just a few of the complex dilemmas that therapists, counselors and pastors face nearly every day. Handling these situations appropriately is critical for both the client’s progress and the professional’s personal credibility and protection from liability. State and federal codes, professional association statements and denominational guidelines have been drawn up to address ethical issues like competence, confidentiality, multiple relationships, public statements, third parties and documentation. In this book you’ll find them all compiled and interpreted in light of Christian faith and practice. Written by qualified professional counselors and respected academic instructors, this book is an indispensable resource for understanding and applying ethics in Christian counseling today.

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  • Seeing In The Dark


    Life is joyful, beautiful and a rich blessing, but also difficult, painful and mysterious. This profound and practical book looks at how the Christian spiritual tradition has tried to understand the part suffering plays within human growth and our experience of God. Suffering can ask questions of us and impel us to live for what is really important – it can also diminish us and stunt our growth. What makes the difference? This book helps all engaged in pastoral care or spiritual direction explore that question for themselves and with others. From Julian of Norwich gazing at Christ entering the depths of our difficulty, to the terrors of the `dark night of the soul’ experienced by St John of the Cross, to the poets George Herbert and Gerard Manley Hopkins who, like Jacob, wrestled with God, this rich book helps us see that even in a desolate and trackless wasteland, we are in the company of pilgrims across time and can glimpse a hidden Promised Land. Through these different windows we are encouraged not to cling to suffering, nor to flee from its threat, but to discover within it the work of a resourceful, creative and compassionate God.

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  • Empowering Couples : A Narrative Approach To Spiritual Care


    Editor’s Foreword: Howard W. Stone
    Introduction: Getting Started: A Frame For What Follows
    1. Mutuality And Partnership: Theological Norms
    2. Destructive Passions
    3. A “SMART” Approach To Couples Care
    4. Separating People From Problems And Passions
    5. Mapping Mutual Influence
    6. Attending To Teamwork
    7. Reclaiming Partnership
    8. Telling A New Story

    Additional Info
    Couples can make significant progress toward resolving their own problems when they receive appropriate guidance from a caring person. This book outlines five tasks focused on identity, agency, and meaning that spiritual caregivers can use to empower couples for significant change in just three to five conversations. Critically integrating desert spiritual theology with empirical data about successful marriages, Bidwell advocates for mutuality and partnership within covenanted relationships, which allows partners to create an alliance strong enough to resist the forces that threaten relationships-especially the negative influences of criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and withdrawal.

    Pastors who adopt the approach outlined in the text will “travel lightly” in terms of pastoral power, decentering themselves so that couples can identify and build on their unique strengths and relationship with the divine.

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  • Theology For Better Counseling


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830839728ISBN10: 0830839720Virginia HolemanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2012Christian Association For Psychological StudiesPublisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Counseling And Christianity


    1 Setting The Stage For The Five Approaches
    2 Moving Models Into Practice
    3 A Levels Of Explanation Approach By Thomas G. Plante
    4 An Integration Approach By Mark McMinn
    5 A Christian Psychology Approach By Diane Langberg
    6 A Transformational Approach By Gary Moon
    7 A Biblical Counseling Approach By Stuart W. Scott
    8 Distinctives And Dialogue
    9 Conceptualization And Contextualization
    10 Case Scenarios For Further Exploration
    Author Index
    Subject Index

    Additional Info
    What does authentic Christian counseling look like in practice? This volume explores how five major perspectives on the interface of Christianity and psychology would each actually be applied in a clinical setting. Respected experts associated with each of the perspectives depict how to assess, conceptualize, counsel and offer aftercare to Jake, a hypothetical client with a variety of complex issues. In each case the contributors seek to explain how theory can translate into real-life counseling scenarios. This book builds on the framework of Eric L. Johnson’s Psychology & Christianity: Five Views. These include the Levels-of-Explanation Approach, the Integration Approach, the Christian Psychology Approach, the Transformational Approach and the Biblical Counseling Approach. While Christianity and Counseling can be used independently of Johnson’s volume, the two can also function as useful companions. Christians who counsel, both those in practice and those still in training, will be served by this volume as it strengthens the connections between theory and practice in relating our faith to the mental health disciplines. They will finally get an answer to their persistent but unanswered question: “What would that counseling view look like behind closed doors?”

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  • When The One You Love Is Gone


    When a loved one dies, you don’t get over it, but you can move on.

    The bad news is that we never fully “get over” the loss of those we hold most dear; we bear those scars to the grave. The good news is that God is at work in us turning our loss and pain into something beautiful. God can take the scars and the mess and the heartache of our lives– yours and mine– and use it to give new life, new life to us and new life to others.

    God is not in the business of zapping our loved ones and stealing them away from us. But in a world where death waits for every person, God stands ready. God stands ready to receive our beloved dead as they cross over; and God stands ready to guide us through the saddest days, to walk with us through our grief, and to take us into places we never could have imagined places of hope and renewal. If God could take a cross and broken body and make of them redemption, God can take your pain and heartache and fashion them into new life.

    This book is composed of the reflections that point to broader lessons that will help those who find themselves passing through grief, as well as the pastors, counselors, and friends whose job is to accompany the traveler.

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  • Modern Psychotherapies : A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal


    1. The Integration Of Psychology And Christianity
    Stanton L. Jones And Richard E. Butman
    2. A Christian View Of Persons
    Stanton L. Jones, Laura Miguelez And Richard E. Butman
    The Psychodynamic Psychologies
    3. Classical Psychoanalysis
    Stanton L. Jones, Robert Watson And Richard E. Butman
    4. Contemporary Psychodynamic Psychotherapies
    Michael W. Mangis, Stanton L. Jones And Richard E. Butman
    The Cognitive And Behavioral Psychologies
    5. Behavior Therapy
    Stanton L. Jones, Kelly Flanagan And Richard E. Butman
    6. Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
    Mark R. McMinn, Stanton L. Jones, Michael J. Vogel And Richard E. Butman
    The Humanistic And Experiential Psychologies
    7. Person-Centered Therapy
    Terri Watson, Stanton L. Jones And Richard E. Butman
    8. Experiential Therapies
    Terri Watson, Tracey Lee, Stanton L. Jones And Richard E. Butman
    The Systemic Psychologies
    9. Family Systems Theory And Therapy
    David Van Dyke, Stanton L. Jones And Richard E. Butman
    10. Community Psychology And Preventative Intervention Strategies
    Sally S. Canning
    Toward Christian Psychologies
    11. Responsible Eclecticism And The Challenges Of Contemporary Practice
    Richard E. Butman And Stanton L. Jones
    12. Christian Psychotherapy And The Person Of The Christian Psychotherapist
    Richard E. Butman And Stanton L. Jones

    Additional Info
    The wide variety of psychotherapies that psychologists and students of psychology face can make for a confusing picture. The level of complexity is multiplied for Christians since they must ask how a particular psychotherapy fits (or doesn’t fit) with a Christian understanding of persons and their suffering. In this expanded and thoroughly update edition, Stanton Jones and Richard Butman continue to offer a careful analysis and penetrating critiques of the myriad of psychotherapies now current in the field of psychology including:

    Classical Psychoanalysis
    Contemporary Psychodynamic Psychotherapies
    Behavior Therapy
    Cognitive Therapy
    Person-Centered Therapy
    Experiential Therapies
    Family Systems Theory and Therapy
    Two valuable new chapters have been added: “Community Psychology and Preventative Intervention Strategies” and “Christian Psychotherapy and the Person of the Christian Psychotherapist.” Opening and closing chapters discuss foundational concerns on the integration of psychology and theology and present the authors’ call for a “responsible eclecticism.” Modern Psychotherapies remains an indispensable resource.

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  • Many Voices : Pastoral Psychotherapy In Relational And Theological Perspect


    Many Voices is a must-read textbook for pastoral psychotherapists and pastoral counselors in clinical training as well as a guide for those in professional practice. In it Cooper-White harvests the great potential of postmodern sensibilities to help, accompany, and support individuals, couples, and families in recognizing and healing especially painful psychic wounds or longstanding patterns of self-defeating relationships to self and others. In Part 1 she shows how multiplicity and relationality provide a dynamic way of viewing human potential and pain. In Part 2 she unfolds the practical applications of this paradigm for a strongly empathic therapeutic relationship and process.

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  • Addiction And Virtue


    1. Addiction And Disease
    2. Addiction And Incontinence
    3. Addiction And Habit
    4. Addiction And Intemperance
    5. Addiction And Modernity
    6. Addiction And Sin
    7. Addiction And Worship
    8. Addiction And The Church

    Additional Info
    What is the nature of addiction? Neither of the two dominant models (disease or choice) adequately accounts for the experience of those who are addicted or of those who are seeking to help them. In this interdisciplinary work, Kent Dunnington brings the neglected resources of philosophical and theological analysis to bear on the problem of addiction. Drawing on the insights of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, he formulates an alternative to the usual reductionistic models. Going further, Dunnington maintains that addiction is not just a problem facing individuals. Its pervasiveness sheds prophetic light on our cultural moment. Moving beyond issues of individual treatment, this groundbreaking study also outlines significant implications for ministry within the local church context.

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  • Hippo That Fell Off The Seesaw And Other Parables From Christian Counseling


    The Hippo that Fell Off the Seesaw and Other Parables from Christian Counseling, written by author and Christian counselor Dr. Rita Huang, is filled with true life stories-real situations from Christian counseling sessions and how parables were used to illuminate new insights and coping strategies. Dr. Rita provides a fresh, godly perspective on how to wisely navigate the challenges of life. It is Dr. Rita’s prayer that through these stories you will be uplifted in your daily struggles, all the while growing closer to Jesus Christ.

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  • Counseling Couples In Conflict


    Most therapeutic approaches, especially those of a cognitive orientation, are not very effective in dealing with high conflict relationships–couples often heading toward divorce by the time they seek help. Counseling Couples in Conflict is a resource for counselors and therapists who want to be ready for these uniquely difficult cases. Utilizing a relational conflict and restoration model Mark Yarhouse and James Sells point the way beyond the cycle of pain towards marital healing.

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  • Psychology And Christianity (Revised)


    1. A History Of Christians In Psychology – Eric L. Johnson

    2. A Levels-of-Explanation View – David G. Myers
    An Integration Response
    A Christian Psychology Response
    A Biblical Counseling Response
    A Transformational Psychology Response

    3. An Integration View – Stanton L. Jones
    A Levels-of-Explanation Response
    A Christian Psychology Response
    A Biblical Counseling Response
    A Transformational Psychology Response

    4. A Christian Psychology View – Robert C. Roberts And Paul J. Watson
    A Levels-of-Explanation Response
    An Integration Response
    A Biblical Counseling Response
    A Transformational Psychology Response

    5. A Biblical Counseling View – David Powlinson
    A Levels-of-Explanation Response
    An Integration Response
    A Christian Psychology Response
    A Transformational Psychology Response

    6. A Transformational Psychology View — John H. Coe And Todd W. Hall
    A Levels-of-Explanation Response
    An Integration Response
    A Christian Psychology Response
    A Biblical Counseling Response

    7. Finding One Truth In Five Views – Eric L. Johnson

    Name Index
    Subject Index

    Additional Info
    How are Christians to understand and undertake the discipline of psychology? This question has been of keen interest (and sometimes concern) to Christians because of the importance we place on a correct understanding of human nature. Psychology can sometimes seem disconnected from, if not antithetical to, Christian perspectives on life. How are we to understand our Christian beliefs about persons in relation to secular psychological beliefs? This book presents four models for understanding the relationship between psychology and Christianity. David Powlison (Westminster Theological Seminary) offers the biblical counseling model. The levels-of-explanation model is advanced by David G. Myers (Hope College), while Stanton L. Jones (Wheaton College) introduces the integration model. The Christian psychology model is put forth by Robert C. Roberts (Baylor University). Each of the contributors responds to the other essayists, noting points of agreement as well as problems they see. This second edition includes an entirely new chapter by Stanton L. Jones presenting the integration model, along with new responses from the other contributors. It also includes a revised introduction by Eric L. Johnson, describing the history of Christians and psychology, as well as a conclusion that considers what might unite the four views and how a reader might evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of each view. Psychology and Christianity: Four Views has become a standard introductory textbook for students and professors of Christian psychology. This revision promises to keep it so.

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  • No Stones : Women Redeemed From Sexual Addiction


    In this book Marnie C. Ferree offers a unique resource for women struggling with sexual addiction. Written by a counselor who understands the condition from the inside out, No Stones offers practical help for those battling sexual addiction and those who want to come alongside women as they seek help. Important for pastors and church leaders, this book will also be a much sought-after resource for Christian counselors and therapists counseling women who grapple with this type of addiction.

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  • Quick Reference Guide To Marriage And Family Counseling


    We all know of families or marriages in crisis. When those suffering in such situations turn to us for help, where do we turn? The Quick-Reference Guide to Marriage and Family Counseling provides the answers. It is an A-Z guide for assisting people-helpers–pastors, professional counselors, youth workers, and everyday believers–to easily access a full array of information to aid them in (formal and informal) counseling situations. Issues addressed by Clinton and Trent include affairs and adultery, communication in marriage, parenting, sibling rivalry, and many more. Each of the forty topics covered follows a helpful eight-part outline and identifies: 1) typical symptoms and patterns, 2) definitions and key thoughts, 3) questions to ask, 4) directions for the conversation, 5) action steps, 6) biblical insights, 7) prayer starters, and 8) recommended resources.

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  • Pastoral Care Of Alcohol Abusers


    Over 120 million American teens and adults use alcohol at one time or another. While in most situations these individuals are able to use it responsibly and with moderation, no one is immune to its destructive use – which makes it a significant public health issue. Many drinkers find that their otherwise responsible use turns problematic and abusive when faced with depression, trauma, grief, undue social pressures, or other tempting and potentially addictive behaviors. Not all of these people become full-fledged alcoholics, but they do develop an alcohol problem that needs careful and sensitive pastoral care to understand the underlying issues for their alcohol abuse. Because of this, clergy and other pastoral counselors need to develop competence in recognizing alcohol abuse problems, including alcoholism, identifying when to make referrals, helping persons to find available community resources, and training congregational members to provide support to affected individuals and families.

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  • Introduction To Pastoral Counseling


    Grounded in empirical research and richly illustrated with case studies, this introduction continues the theoretical, practical, and theological expansion of Pastoral Care and Counseling. Because of increasing cultural diversity and the fact that more training is done outside of seminaries in non-seminary related colleges and universities, there is fragmentation in the discipline. This makes a coherent orientation to pastoral care and counseling as a ministry increasingly difficult. To address this confusion, author, Loren Townsend, calls us to readdress basic understandings. He also makes the case that pastoral identity can function as a unifying concept.

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  • Shame And Grace


    1. The Heaviness Of Shame
    2. The Varieties Of Shame
    3. The Sources Of Shame
    4. Grace And The Healing Of Our Shame
    5. The Lightness Of Grace

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    Recognizing and remedying the undeserved shame that burdens our spirit and crushes our joy-from the author of Forgive and Forget.

    If you persistently feel you don’t measure up, you are feeling shame-that “vague, undefined heaviness that presses on our spirit, dampens our gratitude for the goodness of life,” and diminishes our joy. The good news is that shame can be healed.

    With warmth and wit, Lewis B. Smedes examines why and how we feel shame, and presents a profound, spiritual plan for healing. Step by step, Smedes outlines the road to well-being and the peace that comes from knowing we are accepted by “the grace of One whose acceptance of us matters most.”

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  • Chrysalis : The Hidden Transformation In The Journey Of Faith


    Drawing on the three principal phases of a butterfly’s life and the transformations between these phases, this book suggests subtle similarities with the Christian faith.

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  • Cuidado Pastoral Dios En Medio – (Spanish)


    Los ancianos, los pacientes con SIDA, los moribundos, los que estan de luto, los enfermos mentales, los deprimidos. Si usted es pastor, capellan, consejero cristiano, enfermero, medico, o trabajador social, seguramente estan en contacto con estas personas. Si usted es profesor o estudiante en algunas de estas areas del ministerio, usted sabe que tiene que estar preparado para aconsejar a las personas que confrontan estas dificultades.
    Con la certeza de que Dios tiene un proposito a partir del sufrimiento de las personas y de quienes las rodean, el autor examina el cuidado pastoral en relacion a la teologia de la cruz, ofreciendo un acercamiento practico al ministerio del cuidado cristiano.
    Richard C. Eyer sirvio como pastor en una iglesia local, director de cuidado pastoral en hospitales, profesor universitario, y como director del Instituto de Bioetica Concordia. Aunque retirado, es profesor emerito de la Universidad Concordia Wisconsin. Es tambien autor de Holy People, Holy Lives (Personas santas, vidas santas) y Marriage is Like Dancing (El matrimonio es como danzar), publicados por Concordia Publishing House en 2000 y 2007.

    Solo disponible en espaol.

    The elderly, AIDS patients, the dying, mourners, the mentally ill, the depressed. If you are a pastor, chaplain, Christian counselor, nurse, doctor, or social worker, you regularly come into contact with these people. If you are a professor or student in one of these areas of ministry, you need to know how to councel people facing these difficulties.
    With the certainty that God has a plan for people who are suffering and those around them, the author examines pastoral care in relation to the theology of the cross, offering a practical treatment of the ministry of pastoral care.
    Richard C. Eyer has served as a parish pastor, hospital director of pastoral care, university professor, and as Director of Concordia Bioethics Institute. In his retirement he serves as Professor Emeritus, Concordia University Wisconsin. He is the author of Holy People, Holy Lives(Concordia, 2000) and Marriage Is Like Dancing(Concordia, 2007).

    Only available in Spanish.

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  • Sin And Grace In Christian Counseling




    1. Divided By Sin
    2. The Weight Of Sin
    3. The Healing Power Of Grace
    4. Holding Sin And Grace Together–Three Perspectives
    5. Sin And Grace In Integrative Psychotherapy
    6. Sin And Grace In The Functional Domain
    7. Sin And Grace In The Structural Domain
    8. Sin And Grace In The Relational Domain

    Name Index
    Subject Index
    Scripture Index

    Read More: Http://

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    Sin. Grace. Christian Counseling. How do these fit together?

    In Christian theology sin and grace are intrinsically interconnected. Teacher and counselor Mark McMinn believes that Christian counseling, then, must also take account of both human sin and God’s grace. For both sin and grace are distorted whenever one is emphasized without the other.

    McMinn, noting his own tendencies and the temptation to stereotype different Christian approaches to counseling along this theological divide, aims to help all those preparing for or currently serving in the helping professions. Expounding the proper relationship of sin and grace, McMinn shows how the full truth of the Christian gospel works itself out in the functional, structural and relational domains of an integrative model of psychotherapy.

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  • Christian Counseling Casebook


    This book is a companion to the third edition of Christian Counseling. Whereas that book is a compilation of knowledge concerning basic counseling issues and skills, this casebook will help readers apply their knowledge to real cases. Each chapter presents at least one story that illustrates the material that is discussed in a more factual way in Christian Counseling. Each chapter begins with a brief introduction followed by the case story or stories and three sets of questions designed by Gary Collins to help the reader or group explore the subtleties and details of Christian Counseling. The Discussion Questions focus primarily on the case and raise questions about how the counselee might best be helped. The General Questions focus more broadly on relevant issues that are suggested by the presented case but may extend beyond the case. The Personal Reflection Questions are written for the reader/counselor to reflect on ways in which the case and the topics under discussion could apply personally to the reader.

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  • Christian Counseling : An Introduction


    Christians who counsel, counselors who are Christian – what is the difference? What makes Christian counseling distinctive from secular counseling approaches? Malony and Augsburger introduce the substance and method, including family systems methodology, of Christian counseling as a major voice. The book also includes how to do a faith assessment; how to collaborate, consult, and refer; the centrality of Christ in the counseling process; how to address issues of sexual and cultural diversity with sensitivity; and the destiny of Christian counseling.

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  • Christian Counseling 3rd Edition


    This proven “course” in pastoral counseling has been extensively expanded and revised by the author to include recent developments and research, new resources, and attention to newly urgent needs such as AIDS and eating disorders. Written with clarity and warmth, this volume builds on biblical foundations and reflects the author’s practical experiences.

    –This text refers to the Paperback edition.

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  • Transfiguring Loss : Julian Of Norwich As A Guide For Survivors Of Traumati


    Maynard explores the contributions that 15th century Julian of Norwich’s (who lost her own family to the Plague) theology and spirituality may offer to survivors of traumatic loss – the losses suffered by survivors of September 11 and the Tsunami as well as by those who have lost a loved one to Aids. Reading Julian’s work taught Maynard that a transcendent experience of love offers hope in the midst of loss, and she shares that inspiration in this resource.

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  • Touch One : How Much Is One Soul Worth To God


    Touch One is about Chris Schimel’s experience with a dropin client while Chris was pastor of a church in Northridge, California. This client was “on the edge” from stresses at his job. The counseling experience, based on a true story, lasted more than two years. Chris is forced to focus his attention upon the bizarre antics of this unique visitor, seemingly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. You will feel this strange caller’s pain as he unfolds his tragic circumstances. Chris finds himself caught in the tension between successfully growing a church and feeling compelled to help this one lost soul who keeps showing up at the most inconvenient times. But as Chris reluctantly submits to these awkward visits from this mysterious individual, God teaches him lessons about true success, big and growing ministries, and reaching the masses, as opposed to touching “the one.” Touch One is a moving story that entertains while it gently pierces the soul, changes the heart, and heals emotional wounds. Its biblical soundness is unmistakable, and the honesty it exudes will rejuvenate the spirit. This unique account of one pastor’s encounter with a troubled soul will make you laugh and cry and reevaluate many of your ideals concerning ministry. The author’s honesty and perspectives on the lessons God taught him through the experiences he shares are refreshing, uplifting, and eye opening. Other writings may broach similar ideas, but none addresses these subjects as directly and with such brutal honesty as this book does. Furthermore, Touch One is a fluid story helping to make it and the lessons it contains readable and entertaining to a wide audience beyond pastors and ministry leaders. Through the circulation of Chris’ experience, it is hoped that God might impress upon His church what His heart is concerning ministry motives. This book contains a message that is crucial for the church culture of our day.

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  • Cant Wait To Go Back To Prison


    Why would anyone want to spend time in prison? Why do people visit strangers behind bars? Inspiration and answers to these questions are found in the pages of this book.

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  • Cant Wait To Go Back To Prison


    Why would anyone want to spend time in prison? Why do people visit strangers behind bars? Inspiration and answers to these questions are found in the pages of this book.

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  • Ministering To The Mourning


    Ministering to the grief of those left behind following the death of a loved one is never an easy task. Our world is growing more complicated, teh challenges are becoming greater, and the situations people face, more intense. This comprehensive resource provides pastors and church leaders of all levels of experience with insightful and practical advice for dealing with grief process and learn to recognize the sings of both healthy and unhealthy grief. Full of scriptural insight and wisdom, here is a competent guide for pastors and lay leaders, chaplains and funeral directors, hospice workers and emergency responders alike…anyone called on to comfort those who mourn.

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  • Pastoral Care And Counseling With Latinos


    Centers a presentation on families and rituals at the heart and soul of the Hispanic community as the key to cargiving.

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  • Mans Question Gods Answer (Revised)


    Filled with discussions on more than 200 topics and issues that separate us from the perfect will of God, Man’s Question, God’s Answer is not just a book for counsellors. It is also a vital and powerful tool for personal evangelism. LuAnn Bransby has designed this book to reveal the consequences of sin as well as the blessings of God to those who overcome. Its easy-to-use format will help you take control over your life and circumstances, and help others who face similar problems and issues. If you are searching for the right answer to a difficult situation or sinful behavior, this is the book to read!

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  • Touch One : How Much Is One Soul Worth To God


    Touch One is about Chris Schimel’s experience with a dropin client while Chris was pastor of a church in Northridge, California. This client was “on the edge” from stresses at his job. The counseling experience, based on a true story, lasted more than two years. Chris is forced to focus his attention upon the bizarre antics of this unique visitor, seemingly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. You will feel this strange caller’s pain as he unfolds his tragic circumstances. Chris finds himself caught in the tension between successfully growing a church and feeling compelled to help this one lost soul who keeps showing up at the most inconvenient times. But as Chris reluctantly submits to these awkward visits from this mysterious individual, God teaches him lessons about true success, big and growing ministries, and reaching the masses, as opposed to touching “the one.” Touch One is a moving story that entertains while it gently pierces the soul, changes the heart, and heals emotional wounds. Its biblical soundness is unmistakable, and the honesty it exudes will rejuvenate the spirit. This unique account of one pastor’s encounter with a troubled soul will make you laugh and cry and reevaluate many of your ideals concerning ministry. The author’s honesty and perspectives on the lessons God taught him through the experiences he shares are refreshing, uplifting, and eye opening. Other writings may broach similar ideas, but none addresses these subjects as directly and with such brutal honesty as this book does. Furthermore, Touch One is a fluid story helping to make it and the lessons it contains readable and entertaining to a wide audience beyond pastors and ministry leaders. Through the circulation of Chris’ experience, it is hoped that God might impress upon His church what His heart is concerning ministry motives. This book contains a message that is crucial for the church culture of our day.

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  • Prayers From The Darkness


    The “difficult psalms” shock us with their cries of pain, anger, and alienation. Lyn Fraser, following the lead of Walter Brueggemann, shows how to integrate these “psalms of disorientation” in Sunday morning worship, pastorla care, and any situation of extreme need.

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  • Pastoral Care In Hospitals (Reprinted)


    Bringing comfort to the sick or dying is never easy. Drawing from his own experience, Kirkwood shows laypeople and clergy what’s helpful—and what’s not—and provides a “theology of visitation” to guide your time with friends and patients. Includes an all-new section on the best practices for hospital chaplains; and prayers for specific circumstances.

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  • Christian Shrinks Answer All Your Questions


    Practically everyone would welcome an anonymous consultation with a Christian “shrink”-a counselor devoted to God’s Word as the basis of all support and advice. Christian Shrinks Answer ALL Your Questions…(No Couch Required) invites the reader into the counseling room with engaging questions, life examples, and biblical answers that illuminate many challenging issues affecting the family today. The reader receives wise counsel concerning: The Christian Single Life Marriage God’s Way Relationship Crisis Divorce and Remarriage The Extended Family Friendship and Fellowship Work and Career Unholy Alliances Written in an accessible, easy-to-understand, question/answer format, Christian Shrinks… is a much-needed resource for anyone seeking God’s wisdom on matters of love and relationship, and for pastors, counselors, and lay leaders who care for individuals in need.

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  • Christian Shrinks Answer All Your Questions


    Practically everyone would welcome an anonymous consultation with a Christian “shrink”-a counselor devoted to God’s Word as the basis of all support and advice. Christian Shrinks Answer ALL Your Questions…(No Couch Required) invites the reader into the counseling room with engaging questions, life examples, and biblical answers that illuminate many challenging issues affecting the family today. The reader receives wise counsel concerning: The Christian Single Life Marriage God’s Way Relationship Crisis Divorce and Remarriage The Extended Family Friendship and Fellowship Work and Career Unholy Alliances Written in an accessible, easy-to-understand, question/answer format, Christian Shrinks… is a much-needed resource for anyone seeking God’s wisdom on matters of love and relationship, and for pastors, counselors, and lay leaders who care for individuals in need.

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  • Outside Of Eden 1


    OUTSIDE OF EDEN: Part One is an aspect of God’s Love story. This is a great resource for ministry in pastoral care and counseling and healing, restoration, and transformation. The discourse examines the process and application of the Love of God in the African American Pentecostal Church, specifically toward those who have transgressed church dogma and Biblical instruction. Psychological crucifixion, “the process” of propelling pregnant teens before the church to express penitence while the impregnator remains seated, is cross-examined. Church dogma, spirituality, sexuality, genderism, penitence, forgiveness, and Christian and secular education are engaged while examining “the process.” Statistics reveal that transgressors often become repeat offenders; therefore, spiritual nourishment is essential. This discourse is brimming with information for seminarians, parents/guardians, youth, parishioners, and church leaders. Prayerfully, persons whose soul-state saunters or who have a zeal to help those who are Outside of Eden will also find this discourse resourceful.

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  • Experiencing Healing Prayer


    One restless night Rick Richardson was disturbed throughout his sleep by an image of a man coming at him with a knife. Taking that image seriously set Rick on a profound journey of healing and prayer around issues of masculinity and relationships.

    Sometimes we feel spiritually numb, find ourselves emotionally dependent, struggle with addictive behavior, or see a trail of broken relationships behind us. These can be signs that we are in need of God’s healing touch in our lives through prayer–prayer that we can learn and practice in community. In this biblical and very human book, Richardson walks us through the steps we need to receive this gift of healing from God as well as to begin praying for others in their pain.

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  • Narrative Pastoral Counseling


    The unique contribution of this book is the practical approach to counseling through the use of the stories of counselees. It integrates the revolutionary techniques developed by pioneers in the field of narrative therapy and solution-focused counseling with a Christian perspective on counseling. The conversational style of writing helps the reader understand both the theory and practice of narrative counseling. The stories in the book paint word pictures of the process and effects of story-telling, story-listening, and storycreation in counseling. Special attention is given to the art of asking good, timely questions while hosting the stories of counselees in a manner that expands the bits and pieces and helps create hope for the future. Grief issues, faith conversations, and the importance of integrity in counseling are also addressed in this book.

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  • Living Together : A Guide To Counseling Unmarried Couples


    Offers a biblical perspective on the explosive and growing social phenomena of couples moving in together instead of marrying-a common trend even among Christian couples. Biblical, practical, and competent help for those who counsel and minister to unwed couples.

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  • Siblings By Choice


    How is it possible for women, men, and children from different cultural and spiritual backgrounds to come together and struggle against common forms of oppression? How can we create relationships and make connections as teachers and practitioners of pastoral care and counseling while we acknowledge and find value in differences? Archie Smith Jr. and Ursula Riedel-Pfaefflin turn to Mark 3:33, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” and Mark 3:35, “Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother,” to propose a vision for living creatively within the realities of an intercultural world.
    Exploring the historical, social, political, economic, and ecological dynamics that shape who we are and how we relate to one another, Smith and Riedel-Pfaefflin uncover the many layers and complexities of race, gender, class, and violence that make change difficult to achieve and sustain, and discuss the significance of an intercultural sibling metaphor for the teaching and training of pastoral care and counseling. They incorporate art, myth, history, social sciences, and scripture to demonstrate how the concepts of intercultural realities, systemic thinking, and narrative agency help us to understand historical processes that still have an influence on today’s problems of violence between cultures, races, gender, and religions. Smith and Riedel-Pfaefflin offer their own life experiences, enlightenment from theological giants, teaching tools, group exercises, and case studies to build more culturally competent counseling and teaching and to enhance personal and social transformation.

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  • Spiritual Direction And The Care Of Souls


    Gary W. Moon and David G. Benner, along with a team of expert contributors, provide a comprehensive survey of spiritual direction in its myriad Christian forms. Specific chapters offer careful historical perspective and contemporary analysis of how Christians from various backgrounds have practiced spiritual direction, with particular attention to each tradition’s definition of spiritual direction, the process of authentic transformation, the role of the spiritual direction, indicators of mature spirituality and other aspects of the spiritual direction process. Chapters also provide psychological and clinical insight into how spiritual direction is similar to, different from and can be integrated with psychotherapy and pastoral counseling. Spiritual direction holds the potential to revolutionize how soul care is practiced in our troubled society. This volume is an extraordinary resource for understanding and helping others experience spiritual transformation and union with God.

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  • Introduccion Al Aseoramiento P – (Spanish)


    La perdida de valores morales que llevan a considerar todo desde una perspectiva groseramente relativista; la situacion social y economica tan critica que lleva a tratar de protegernos de cualquier manera posible; el materialismo contemporaneo que nos hace creer que teniendo mas cosas seremos mas felices; y otros muchos aspectos similares, han provocado una crisis que se refleja y tiene sus efectos en la pareja y familia contemporanea. La sociedad ha contagiado su enfermedad a la familia.

    Asi pues, esta unidad basica sufre los devastadores efectos del tiempo y sociedad en que nos ha tocado vivir. Hay algo que se pueda hacer? Hay remedio que alivie esa enfermedad?

    El Dr. Maldonado nos muestra que para que la familia pueda procesar cualquier situacion critica que esten viviendo y salir avante por el camino de la recuperacion y el crecimiento, la mayor parte del tiempo requiere de orientacion, consejo, o asesoria. Asi pues, y desde la perspectiva cristiana, en este libro el Dr. Maldonado presenta los elementos basicos de la asesoria, los criterios que serviran para identificar a una familia sana e ir hacia ella, y las metas que se deben perseguir al asesorar y que serviran al asesor o consejero para promover el sano crecimiento tanto de la pareja como de la familia. Porque, a final de cuentas, la familia no es solamente el lugar donde encontramos refugio y alimento. La familia, por sobre todo, es el lugar donde nos formamos como y donde somos verdaderamente humanos y cristianos.

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  • Short Term Spiritual Guidance


    A significant departure from other treatments, this unique resource combines deep appreciation for the great classic discipline of spiritual guidance with a very practical focus on meeting the specific needs of the person seeking direction. Through case studies, sample dialogues, and practical tips for the spiritual director, Bidwell’s lucid work shows what directors can learn from the short-term therapy model, enabling people briefly but effectively to listen for God’s presence and to formulate authentic responses. He also shows how such techniques can be helpfully applied not only to individual direction but to group settings, vocational discernment, and family counseling.

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  • Modeling The Master


    This book presents an intriguing integration of the use of parables by Jesus, the Master Teacher, and the therapeutic approach of Milton Erickson, the master of metaphor. The author reviews much counseling literature that involves the use of metaphor to understand and influence counselees, and considers numerous examples in Scripture of indirect, metaphoric communication. Insights gained from both Scripture and counseling literature are incorporated into an approach appropriate for use in contemporary Christian counseling. Several basic principles emerge that facilitate the formulation and delivery of metaphoric stories that are empathic, engaging, earthy, efficient, and enigmatic. Examples are presented along with suggestions to help the reader develop therapeutic stories from his or her own experience. Attention is also given to the use of metaphoric activities that may augment the counseling process. Practical concerns are addressed, including timing and frequency of stories and activities, interpretation, and seeding. The hope of the author is to challenge Christian counselors to access the powerful potential of effectively using metaphoric stories and activities to increase positive outcomes. The book is designed to serve as a supplemental text in a variety of Christian counseling courses at all levels.

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  • Strategic Pastoral Counseling (Reprinted)


    Gives pastoral counselors practical guidance in developing a short-term model for helping congregants.

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  • Basics Of Hospital Chaplaincy


    This book contains information that can help you reach a deeper understanding and richer appreciation for hospital chaplains. It also shares the value and role of the professional hospital chaplain.

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  • Wounds That Heal


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830832255ISBN10: 0830832254Stephen SeamandsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Restoring Sexual Identity


    1. Three Stories
    2. Where Does Same-Sex Attraction Come From?
    3. Classic Development Of Lesbian Attraction
    4. Healthy Female Gender Development
    5. Establishing A Support System
    6. Healing From Abuse
    7. Overcoming Temptation
    8. Healthy Female Friendships
    9. Men: Friendships, Singleness, And Marriage
    10. Parenthood And The Ex-Gay Woman
    267 Pages

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    Harvest House Print On Demand Title

    Can a lesbian change? Yes says author Anne Paulk, who left her lesbian lifestyle twenty years ago as she responded to Christ’s invitation to an abundant life.

    “Very early, I felt the tug of sexual attraction toward some members of my gender. I remember being both confused and excited by these feelings. After many years of having been attracted to other women, I embraced a lesbian identity and lifestyle. Later, after an encounter with God, I began my journey out of homosexuality. . .”

    Restoring Sexual Identity offers answers to the difficult and often wrenching questions asked by both women desiring change and by friends and relatives of women struggling with same sex attraction.
    * Is lesbianism a genetic predisposition or is it developed during childhood?
    * Does becoming a Christian immediately eliminate all desire for members of the same sex?
    * Can a woman be a lesbian and a Christian at the same time?
    * How does childhood sexual abuse relate to the development of lesbianism?
    * What support is available for women who struggle with lesbianism?

    For every woman sexually attracted to other women, here’s another choice.

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  • Battle For The Soul


    “This book is extremely helpful in ministering to others. It will give you the information to get past the game playing, guessing, and excuses and get right to the bottom-line issues in a person’s life. Clear and simple. Best of all, the focus is total reliance on the Person of Jesus Christ and His being in every way, shape, and form, all in all, to each individual believer.” –Mrs. Janie Glover, Christian Worker, Nampa, ID “I am amazed at the deep level of inspiration and revelation in Battle for the Soul. God is using GSM to reveal truths and depth that He has entrusted with few others on the face of the earth. The completed book will be a must-have for any minister seeking to break enemy strongholds in others’ lives, and I highly recommend it to any Christian who is ready to stand up and fight the good fight, move to another level with God, and get serious about letting Christ control his or her life. I asked one co-worker what he thought of a certain passage, and this was his response: ‘Again, another bottom line–sounds like Watchman Nee or possibly Francis Schaffer.’ He had no idea where the passage originated.” –Crystal Garvin, Editor, Patrick AFB, FL “Chapter 5 quite frankly about blew my mind–about Adam needing to be transfigured. WHOA. Totally new concept here.” –Trent Glover, Data Warehouse Manager, Nampa, ID

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  • Healing Violent Men


    Domestic violence is a widespread, though largely invisible, problem, often exacerbated by the pastoral urge to “keep the family together” at all costs. Yet if that is not a solution, how should the church relate to batterers?

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  • Dying And Grieving


    SKU (ISBN): 9780281055265ISBN10: 0281055262Alan BillingsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2002Publisher: SPCK Print On Demand Product

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  • Faith Under Fire


    Daniel Simundson shows how the Bible can speak to the universal human experience of suffering. He examines various biblical responses to suffering and explains what the New Testament can add to the thought of such classic works as the books of Job, Ecclesiastes, and the prophets.

    This book, written for the general reader, is full of wisdom also for caregivers, including clergy, counselors, and laypersons.

    1.The Basic Biblical View of Suffering
    2.The Power of Negative Thinking
    3.Suffering for Others
    4.God, Job, and the Counselors
    5.Is There Any Hope?
    6.What Is New in the New Testament?
    7.Comfort and Hope

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  • Many Faces Of Evil Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Evil and suffering are a part of everyone’s experience. Kenneth Cauthen breaks new ground in exploring the torments and terrors of this life. Some of his positions may be considered daring and controversial. But his approach, while creative, is rooted in a deeply biblical faith as he interprets the meaning of suffering and the relationship of God to human anguish.

    This book will be a useful resource for counselors, pastors, teachers and others who are called upon to help people cope with tragedy. It will be helpful to individuals who are attempting to understand the torment or suffering in their own lives.

    The author addresses many difficult questions and illustrates his answers with fascinating real-life examples:
    * How is evil related to suffering?
    * What is God’s responsibility in causing and overcoming evil?
    * How does faith provide a basis for hope in the midst of suffering?
    * Why is evil a part of our world?

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  • Letting Go Of Worry And Anxiety


    Attention, chronic worriers: it is possible to reduce the intensity, frequency, and duration of painful episodes of anxiety without medication. Licensed counselor Pam Vredvelt draws from twenty years of clinical experience, scientific research, and scriptural insight to offer the reader tools for living a more peaceful and tranquil life. While worrying is for many a deeply embedded habit, because it was learned, it can be “unlearned,” and with compassion and sound advice, Pam shows how.

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