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    Christian Living

    • What Is Man


      This book speaks to you about you… about man from a Orthodox Christian perspective. It speaks about man’s capabilities and instincts and the way to control them.

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    • To Forgive Is Human


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      Forgiving can be one of the hardest things we’ll ever do. We sense deep down that it will be good for us and others to put the past in the past. But sometimes no matter what we do, we just can’t seem to forgive and get on with life. We still feel hurt, bitter and angry. How can we break the cycle? Grounding their analysis and advice in the latest psychological research, the authors of To Forgive Is Human reveal how we can forgive and begin to repair broken relationships

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    • Care Of Men


      “From the Publisher:” THE CARE OF MEN by Christie Cozad Neuger and James Newton Poling Provides new ideas for caregivers in helping men forge identities in a world of changing roles and expectations.

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    • Doctrine Of Humanity


      At the end of the twentieth century the forces of race, gender, ethnicity, culture, social status, life-style and sexual preference threaten to disassemble any notion of universal “human nature” or “human condition.” In light of this historical moment, the Christian doctrine of human nature is ripe for rethinking and reformulation.

      Charles Sherlock sees this theological task as demanding a “double focus.” To reflect on the subject of human nature, he says, is like “moving around the different areas of an ellipse with two focal points”: humans as made in the image of God and the particular realities of human existence. Both must be brought into sharper, more detailed focus in our quest to understand human nature.

      The result of Sherlock’s “double focus” is The Doctrine of Humanity, a new volume in IVP’s Contours of Christian Theology. Sherlock notably engages the communal dimension of humanity in its social, creational and cultural aspects before examining the human person as individual, as male and female, and as whole being. He offers a timely and engaging look at what it means to be human on the continuum between our creation in the divine image and our recreation in the image of Christ.

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    • Runway


      Suppose you are flying alone at night. It is stormy and you are lost. Your fuel is running low…. You are about to give up when suddenly there is a break in the clouds and there below you is a narrow string of lights. A place to land! Thank God! Would you be angry because the path between the lights is narrow? No! It guides you to life! With this opening statement in his introduction, Dr. Robert Tuttle leads to a fascinating study of the Ten Commandments.

      These much-needed messages will become sermon fodder for pastors preparing a series on the commandments. Each one is well illustrated to hold both reader and listener interest.

      Chapters include:
      The Ten Commandments And The New Morality
      False Gods And False People
      The Rediscovery Of Reverence
      The Christian Home, Our Hope For A New World
      Life Yields Only To The Honest Man
      Uncontrolled Desires Will Wreck Your Life
      … and more!

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    • Happiness Is A Choice For Teens


      When you think you’ve been given nothing but raw deals in your life, remember that you can choose to be happy. That’s not just a pat theory but a truth that you really can discover and use for your life. Dr. Paul and Jan Meier work with thousands of teens struggling with the same dilemmas … feelings of stress, worried that there’s no future, tempted to check out on reality. They will show you how to deal with issues such as: anger, grief, goal-setting, the opposite sex, siblings, self-image … to name a few.

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    • Challenge Of Diversity


      David Rhoads examines the four Gospels and the letter to Galatians and finds a suprising amount of material that relates to diversity. By looking at these passages, and explaining their relevance to contemporary Christianity, Rhoads hopes to create better understanding of diversity, thus facilitating respect for differing Christian groups. The volume also includes a study guide, references for further reading, and suggestions for parish study. David Rhoads is Professor of New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago.

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    • Are Miraculous Gifts For Today


      Are the gifts of tongues, prophecy, and healing for today? NO, say cessationists. Yes, say Pentecostal and Third Wave Christians. Maybe, say a large sector of open-but-cautious evangelicals. What’s the answer? Is there an answer? Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? takes you to the heart of the charismatic controversy. It provides an impartial format for comparing the four main lines of thinking: Cessastionist, Open But Cautious, Third Wave, and Pentecostal/Charismatic. The authors present their positions in an interactive setting that allows for critique, clarification, and defense. This thought-provoking book will help Christians on every side of the miraculous gifts debate to better understand their own position and the positions of others.

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    • Shepherd Trilogy : A Shepherd Looks At The 23rd Psalm A Shepherd Looks At T


      Trilogy Includes:
      A Shepherd Looks At The 23rd Psalm
      A Shepherd Looks At The Good Shepherd
      A Shepherd Looks At The Lamb Of God

      Additional Info
      The late W. Phillip Keller was born in East Africa and always loved the out-of-doors. He was trained in agronomy and subsequently spent many years on ranches in British Columbia. He lived among and observed sheep and their relationship to the shepherd. Out of this rich, practical experience, came the best-selling book from which this book was excerpted.

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    • Conocimiento Del Dios Santo – (Spanish)


      In this classic testimonial the author presents God’s attributes with words that touch our hearts. This masterpiece helps readers strengthen and deepen their spiritual lives.

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    • Spirituality Of Mark


      Mitzi Minor offers a reading of the Second Gospel that emphasizes the book’s instruction for a life of faith. Mark, according to Minor, provides extensive guidance to Christians on how to live authentically – even radically – in Christ. Its messages of profound faith and boundless love are timeless. The only comprehensive examination of Markan spirituality currently available, this book is of immense value to those preaching and teaching the Gospel of Mark, as well as to all who seek to expand their life in faith.

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    • Holy Spirit My Senior Partner


      1. Communion With The Holy Spirit-Why?
      2. Who Is The Holy Spirit? Spirit
      4. Unbelievers And The Holy Spirit
      5. Believers And The Holy Spirit
      3. Names And Symbols Of The Holy
      6. The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
      7. Receiving The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
      8. Discerning Evil Spirits In A Person
      9. Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
      10. The Gifts Of Revelation
      11. The Vocal Gifts
      12. The Gifts Of Power
      175 Pages

      Additional Info
      Every morning when I awake I greet the Holy Spirit and invite Him to go with me through the day and take the lead in all my afairs, and He does. I say. “Good morning, Holy Spirit. Let’s work together today and I will be Your vessel. Every evening before retiring I say again, “It’s been a wonderful day working with You, Holy Spirit.”

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    • Laymans Guide To The Apostles Creed


      Next to Scripture, the statement of faith most often used to communicate the essence of Christianity is the Apostles’ Creed. Paper.

      88 pages.

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    • Discovering The Mind Of A Woman


      In Discovering the Mind of Women husbands learn to understand their wives as Christ would. From this point they learn to respond to their wives in a consistent Christlike manner. A radically transformed and renewed marriage is the result. Drawing from his own story and the stories of husbands whose marriages were dissolving, Ken Nair reveals major problems in life and marriage. After discussing the problems, he reveals relationship altering concepts which not only will revive a marriage, they will radiate throughout couple’s lives as well.

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    • Sufrir Por Que Yo – (Spanish)


      This is a testimony by David Yonggi Cho after suffering for so long. Some of his ailments were tuberculosis, heart problems, and heartburn that required a complicated surgery. Many times he was close to death. Every time that he had to be in bed he examined the Word of God, determined to conquer his illness through the grace of God.

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    • Cost Of Discipleship


      What can the call to discipleship, the adherence to the word of Jesus, mean today to the businessman, the soldier, the laborer, or the aristocrat? What did Jesus mean to say to us? What is his will for us today? Drawing on the Sermon on the Mount, Dietrich Bonhoeffer answers these timeless questions by providing a seminal reading of the dichotomy between “cheap grace” and “costly grace.” “Cheap grace” Bonhoeffer wrote, “is the grace we bestow on ourselves…grace without discipleship…. Costly grace is the gospel which must be sought again and again, the gift which must be asked for, the door at which a man must know…..It is costly because it costs a man his life, and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life.”

      The Cost of Discipleship is a compelling statement of the demands of sacrifice and ethical consistency from a man whose life and thought were exemplary articulations of a new type of leadership inspired by the Gospel, and imbued with the spirit of Christian humanism and a creative sense of civic duty.

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    • Psalms : Heart To Heart With God (Student/Study Guide)


      The Psalms are the Bible’s book of music-without-notes whose “lyrics” portray the greatness of God. Ranging the spectrum of human experience and emotion, the Psalms acclaim God’s majesty and righteousness and reveal his everlasting love for his people. Your heart will feel the psalmists’ passion — and your prayer and worship life will deepen as Israel’s sacred songbook brings you “heart to heart with God.”

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    • Proverbs : Wisdom For Everyday Life (Student/Study Guide)


      The book of Proverbs is the world’s greatest treasury of wisdom. It offers practical insights for day-to-day discussions and provides moral guidelines for living in an immoral world. As you unearth the riches of Proverbs, you will discover why “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” for all the affairs of everyday life.

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    • Modelos Para Orar – (Spanish)


      If you have a deep desire to cultivate the quality of your prayers and increase the time you spend in prayer, this book will help you develop your communion with the heavenly Father.

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    • 12 Steps : A Spiritual Journey (Revised)



      259 Pages In 8 Parts (weeks 1 – 30 And 3 Appendices)

      Additional Info
      A Spiritual Journey
      A Working Guide for Healing Damaged Emotions
      Revised Edition
      He sent his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. Psalm 107:20

      The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey, Revised Edition is the ideal working guide for adults who seek healing from the brokenness of damaged emotions. Through the use of biblical principles, Twelve-Step wisdom, and the power of self-disclosure, The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey becomes a road map on the journey toward lasting change and healing. The path toward wholeness is one of surrender and The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey gently leads the reader to a proper dependence upon God, rather than a false trust in self.

      This book was written by people who have experienced the healing love of God and the transforming power of the Twelve Steps. The authors approach recovery from a traditional Twelve-Step perspective, but they also understand the spiritual basis and Christian roots of the Twelve Steps and recognize Jesus Christ as their Higher Power.

      The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey, Revised Edition has a number of new elements that enrich an already effective tool. (See inside front cover.)

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    • 12 Steps For Christians (Revised)



      240 Pages In 12 Chapters In Twelve Steps

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      The Twelve Steps for Christians, Revised Edition is a powerful resource for merging the practical wisdom of the Twelve Steps with the spiritual truths of the Bible. This combination of recovery and spirituality offers Christians an effective way to work a traditional Twelve-Step program and name Jesus Christ as their Higher Power.

      The authors have a theoretical understanding of the Twelve Steps as well as a personal understanding as a result of their own recovery journeys. They know from first-hand experience how God can use the spiritual essence of the Twelve Steps to transform broken lives, heal damaged emotions, and mend shattered relationships.

      The Twelve Steps for Christians, Revised Edition has a number of new elements that enrich an already effective tool. Among them are:

      –Ideas for choosing and working with a recovery partner
      –“Step Overviews” to assist in understanding, working, and preparing for the step
      –“Helpful Hints” to aid the reader in areas of prayer, meditation, and Bible study
      –Expanded examples for “Common Behavior Characteristics”
      –“Key Ideas” in each step to reinforce central concepts.

      A truly great book has just become better!

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    • Never Alone : A Personal Way To God


      Here, in his most intimate book to date, the author unveils his personal way to God.

      This way of wisdom, sympathy, and generosity is a path anyone can follow to find satisfaction, happiness, and serenity. Father Girzone guides the reader toward a God who is neither silent nor condemning, but a patient God who heals gently and thoroughly, a realistic God who knows quite well how we function. We may be shocked or ashamed by what we see in ourselves, but God understands. In Never Alone, Joseph Girzone unfolds the spirituality of love and forgiveness, and directs his readers toward peace.

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    • Tenemos Hambre De Cristo – (Spanish)


      This moving book is for believers who already know Christ but are hungry to know him better. It is also for believers who want to know Christ in a way that they never knew they could.

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    • Healing And Christianity


      Reissue! “Of inestimable value to those who wish to understand the historical roots of the present attitudes toward healing. Prophetic and timely,”—Union Seminary Quarterly. The role of healing in western Christianity from N.T. to modern times.

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    • Wisdom : Gods Golden Key To Success


      God is Determined that you succeed in every area of life! The secret is out and time has proven that your heavenly Father is intent on blessing you. Miracles, provisions, ideas and vision are being released from heaven everyday to believers just like you. Once you determine that it is God’s will that you succeed, then it is only a matter of you learning the principles that govern the God-kind of success. In this book,Dr. Murdock shares his insight into the Wisdom of God that will remove the veil of ignorance and propel you into the abundant life!

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    • Making Of A Champion


      This Treasury of Powerful Wisdom Principles Will Inspire You To Overcome Mediocrity And Pursue Excellence In Every Area of Your Life. Discover The Keys To Breaking Old Patterns / Unlock Your God-Given Potential / Stop Taking Journeys Into Yesterday / Decisions Create Destinies / Failure Is Not Fatal. A 31 Chapter Daily Devotional.

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    • Cual Camino (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


      This handbook satisfies two needs: that of knowing what false doctrie is so as to remain firmly in the truth, and that of learning to reclaim those who are held captive in darkness by solid arguments and large doses of love.

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    • 6 Weeks To A Simpler Lifestyle


      Do you feel overworked and overextended? Does your life feel overloaded? Are you tired of being too busy? Six Weeks to a Simpler Lifestyle moves you gently but deliberately toward a simpler, more satisfying life.

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    • Social Reading Of The Old Testament


      In A Social Reading of the Old Testament author Walter Brueggeman raises a variety of contemporary and intriguing questions on the relation of society and text in the Old Testament. Some of the topics discussed are, the conflictual tension in ancient Israel, the political dimension of mercy, theodicy, violence, horses and chariots and the cry to God of the oppressed and God’s response. He opens to a variety of readers a compelling picture of subversive paradigm and social possibility in the Hebrew Bible.

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    • Outdoor Moments With God


      48 Chapters
      191 Pages

      Additional Info
      For more than thirty years W. Phillip Keller has enlightened and encouraged readers with his rare combination of insight into God’s Word coupled with a celebration of God’s presence in everyday life. Once again he has turned his attention to the spiritual lessons learned from the simple experiences of life – working in the yard, hiking in the mountains, or surveying some magnificent expanse of land and sky.

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    • Let Go Of Whatever Makes You Stop (Revised)


      Go From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be!

      HOLD ON! You’re on the verge of discovering new momentum for your life. God wants you to let go of whatever makes you stop.

      In this book you’ll find 52 new nuggets of truth that will break down the barriers to excellence in your life.

      * Don’t belittle … be big
      * Impatience is one big “get-ahead ache
      * Bite off more than you can chew
      * Constantly frustrate tradition with your creativity and imagination
      * Stay out of your own way
      * When you’re trying to be like someone else, the best you can be is number two
      * Paths without obstacles don’t lead anywhere

      JOHN MASON’s practical principles, scriptural motivation and Godly wisdom will put unfulfilled dreams where they belong – out of your life!

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    • Esposa De Cristo – (Spanish)


      The promise of the coming of Christ is awaiting us in the shadows of the horizon. Maybe only a couple of hours remain before daybreak, the darkest part of the night is immediately before the dawn. For the bride of Christ it is time to start the fire, light the lamps and to dissipate the shadows.

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    • Listening Hearts : Retreat Designs And Meditation Exercises


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819216212ISBN10: 0819216216Suzanne Farnham | R. Taylor McLeanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 1994Listening HeartsPublisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Healing Touch


      In this helpful book, the author shows how clergy, friends, and congregations can reclaim the ancient practice of healing touch. He presents biblical principles that encourage wholesome behavior and protect against unhealthy touch. He provides a model for reflecting on touch in pastoral care, offers case studies that demonstrate how and when clients should be referred to body-work therapies, and provides congregations with guidance in designing appropriate healing services that include laying on of hands.

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    • My God My Glory


      This classic spiritual collection is available in a new edition with prayers for different times, days, moods and seasons.

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    • Biblical Christian Ethics


      After examining what Scripture teaches about the goals and motives of Christian living, the author addresses moral dilemmas, human-life issues, sexuality, economic justice, and truthfulness.

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    • Complete In Christ


      Harvest House Print On Demand Title

      Sadly, the art of discipleship is often missing in churches today. Here is an excellent tool that clearly and deeply grounds believers in the basics of the faith, including: the deity of Christ, the authority of the Bible, Christ’s finished work on the cross, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, abiding in Christ, and the fruits of the Spirit. Ideal for a small-group Bible study, new church members’ classes, one-on-one discipling, or personal study, Complete in Christ sets a solid foundation for growth and learning in the Christian life.

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    • Reino De Dios Es Una Fiesta – (Spanish)


      Now in paperback from Tony Campolo!

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    • 31 Secrets Of The Unforgettable Woman


      This Study Will Give You A Whole New Perspective. Learn The 31 Wisdom Secrets from the life story of Ruth, a woman memorialized for her persistence, teachable spirit and pursuit of intimacy. Discover how these practical Wisdom Keys can be applied to your life today in…Making The Right Choices / Being Willing To Wait / Respecting Mentorship and many more. You Are Close To Seeing Your Dreams Fulfilled.

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    • Blessing Workbook (Workbook)



      281 pages in 3 parts

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      These important questions and others are examined in depth in The Blessing Workbook. Through personal stories and interactive questions and exercises, authors Gary Smalley and Dr. John Trent help you look at all sides of giving and receiving the approval, affirmation, and affection which all human beings need – the blessing.

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    • Covenant Of 58 Blessings


      In This book “The Covenant Of Fifty-Eight Blessings”, Dr. Murdock gives a list of 58 Blessings promised in the scriptures. He explains the mystery and Miracle Of the 58 Dollar Seed, The 14 Most Important Facts You should know about the blessing of God, Personal testimonies from those who have planted a seed of 58 dollars,what occurs when you ignore the instruction of a Man of God and much more…….. This book will change your life!!

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    • 31 Facts About Wisdom


      The Bible Refers to Wisdom 479 times. Wisdom is the Master Key to every Miracle and Blessing you will receive during your life time. Wisdom enables you to see your circumstances through the eyes of God. It is the Door to harmony and happiness in the home. It enables you to see God’s purpose in your problems. Wisdom unlocks opportunity. ” Wisdom is The Principal Thing ” (Prov. 4:7) In this power-packed book focusing on what God says about the rewards and blessings of Wisdom, Dr Murdock has creatd an ideal study guide or family devotional you can use each day of the month. Sow These Seeds of Wisdom into your life, and into your family’s life, and watch them grow into priceless treasures.

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    • Alter Your Life


      For unhappiness, frustration, loneliness, and other afflictions of the spirit, Dr. Emmet Fox prescribes a powerful remedy based on the life and message of Jesus. In Alter Your Life, Fox explains that these “dreary” problems are actually bad habits of mind — habits from which we can free ourselves.

      “There is no necessity for anything but success, good health,prosperity, and an abounding interest and joy in life,” Fox writes

      Through a series of brief meditations, Fox shows us how to exchange our bad habits of mind for the healthy ones demonstrated by Jesus. Based upon biblical texts, Alter Your Life offers a progressive, life-changing course designed for all readers, whether or not they have read a religious book before.

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    • End Of The American Gospel Enterprise


      From the publisher: This book brings an urgent word to the contemporary Church. It is a fiery call for repentance with a promise of great revival yet to come. The message of this book will bring you to your knees and challenge you to look deep into your own life. It will move you to sell out for the Lord.

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    • Roads From Bethehem


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664221577ISBN10: 0664221572Editor: Edna TroianoBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1993Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Quest For Character


      41 Chapters

      Additional Info
      So many voices today tell us that avoiding pain and dodging trouble are the best we can expect from life. Yet God is at work in us. He doesn’t call us to a bland vanilla existence but to an exciting quest for the best thing in life — a heart that reflects the character qualities of Jesus Christ. Let Chuck Swindoll show you the building blocks of character that God wants to develop in you and how these traits can help you achieve lasting fulfillment. The Quest for Character offers forty encouraging meditations on character qualities that can significantly change your life. Each brief devotional ends with helpful suggestions for refining your character and scripture readings to draw you into God’s Word.

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    • Encourage Me : Caring Words For Heavy Hearts


      Part One:

      Psalm 61:1-2
      Searching for Shelter
      You Are Important
      You Are Not a Nobody
      Call for Help!
      The Hammer, the File, and the Furnace
      An Antidote for Weariness
      “Final Descent … Commence Prayer”

      Part Two:

      Philippians 2:1 – 5
      Take Time to Be Tender
      A Bridge Called Credibility
      Stay in Circulation
      The Fine Art of Blowing It
      The Heart of Encouragement
      Dress Your Dreams in Denim
      “The Opra ain’t Over’
      Be an Encourager!
      96 Pages

      Additional Info
      Are you discouraged? Do your shoulders ache with the weight of carrying your problems alone? Do you wish you could find someone who understands, someone who won’t condemn you for your failures or ridicule you for your mistakes? Let Chuck Swindoll put a friendly arm around your shoulders and show you how the burdens can be lifted from your heart. Encourage Me offers tender insight into the needs of the human heart and how God wants to meet those needs through the gift of encouragement. Swindoll says, “Encouragement is awesome. Think about it: It has the capacity to lift a man’s or a woman’s shoulders. To breathe fresh air into the fading embers of a smoldering dream. To actually change the course of another human being’s day . . . or week . . . or life.” This classic devotional is a treasury of thoughts on finding the encouragement you need — and learning to share that encouragement with others.

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    • Atrevete A Disciplinar (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


      This is a completely expanded and revised edition of the 20-year best seller.

      The first edition was written in the early 1970s by Dr. James Dobson. His first of many books was an instant susscess that continued as a best seller for nearly twenty years. Although the principles on which it is based are timeless, The New Dare To Discipline is revised and expaned to address parenting in today’s modern context.

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    • With The Word


      With the Word, a conversational survey of the Bible, guides you through each book, chapter by chapter, and encourages you to: Discover rich, life-changing applications fromthe Scriptures, Develop your own personal Bible reading program, Meditate on the Scriptures – seeking the truths God has for you, and to Apply the spiritual truths you discover. It is a fresh approach to learning and applying the truths God’s Word has for your life.

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    • Ministry : Its Not Just For Ministers


      SKU (ISBN): 9780834115101ISBN10: 0834115107Gary Morsch | Eddy HallBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1993Publisher: The Foundry Publishing – formerly Beacon Hill Pres Print On Demand Product

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    • Beyond Establishment


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664253967ISBN10: 0664253962Editor: Jackson Carroll | Editor: Wade RoofBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1993Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Hard Living People And Mainstream Christians


      If you can’t stand four-letter words, you shouldn’t read this book. This book contains expletive language used by hard living people, so that readers will better understand the hard living culture and discover ways to minister within it. “Through stories of hard-living people and pastors who minister with them, Tex Sample challenges mainline churches to break the yoke of middle-class captivity and join with the Christ who lives among the poor and marginalized. The book is inspirational, analytical, and practical in its treatment of an issue too long ignored by contemporary church leadership.” – Kenneth L. Carder, Resident Bishop, Nashville Area, The United Methodist Church

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    • Ambition In Ministry


      AMBITION IN MINISTRY by Robert Schnase Explores the struggles pastors experience with success, achievement, and competition. Also helps them achieve a healthy, non-destructive ambition.

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    • Divorcing With Dignity


      This practical guide provides an alternative to the standard methods of arbitration and litigation used by divorcing couples–and shows how mediation can be utilized instead. Based on the author’s professional experience in law and as a minister who has mediated for more than five hundred couples, Tim Emerick-Cayton provides illustrations on how to survive the pain and anguish of divorcing while maintaining personal integrity and faith. With case examples of those who have experienced successful mediation, Emerick-Cayton shows how mediation reduces cost, hostility, and confusion. Emerick-Cayton says mediated agreements are complied with almost twice as often as court-rendered judgments.

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    • When All Else Fails Read The Instructions (Student/Study Guide)


      In When All Else Fails, Read the Instructions, Mooer takes a close look at three sections of the Bible which dramatically underscore key “instructions” for living: 1. Instructions for Meaningful Living- The Beatitudes, 2. Instructions for Moral Living- The Ten Commandments, 3. The Bottom Line Instruction- The New Commandment of Jesus, “Love One Another.” Drawing upon rich stories and personal experience, Moore illustrates how these Bible passages can help you find meaning and fulfillment in life.

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    • To Know As We Are Known


      This primer on authentic education explores how mind and heart can work together in the learning process. Moving beyond the bankruptcy of our current model of education, Parker Palmer finds the soul of education through a lifelong cultivation of the wisdom each of us possesses and can share to benefit others.

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    • Truth Unchanged Unchanging


      What is man? What is wrong with the human race? Unless we answer these questions correctly, we can not hope to solve the problems in our world – problems such as crime, exploitation, greed, proverty, pollution and war. Obviously those who shape social policy today are offering the wrong answers. In this masterful apologetic for the gospel, Dr Lloyd-Jones exposes these flaws in modern thinking, especially in the “scientific approach.” In this volume we see a doctor make a penetrating diagnosis of the human condition and show decisively that the true remedy for our ills is in Jesus Christ – and Him alone.

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    • Good News Of Jesus


      SKU (ISBN): 9781563380501ISBN10: 1563380501L. William CountrymanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 1993Publisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Church Confident : Christianity Can Repent But It Must Not Whimper


      Keck shows how the church is suffering from malaise brought on by oversecularization in aspects of church life including worship, theology, ethos, and communication.

      This penetrating clarion call to renewal cuts through the conventional ideological labels of “liberal” and “conservative.” Keck argues with passion that mainline churches today must neither pretend to be culturally triumphant nor whimper in fear. Rather, the church has grounds to be confident about its proper nature and mission.

      Keck envisions a renewed church that has recovered a sense of what is basic to its nature and purpose–restoring the praise of God to the center of worship.

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    • Mi Companero El Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


      You can enjoy a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Dr. Cho sees himself as the junior partner of the Holy Spirit in his daily work of accomplishing the portion of God’s plan assigned to him. Learn how to be guided by the Holy Spirit every day, receive inspiration through the testimony of David Yonggi Cho, understand and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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    • Passion Of Interpretation


      W. Dow Edgerton reviews narratives from the Bible, Talmud, Greek mythology, and modern fiction in order to provide a better understanding of the nature and work of interpretation. He demonstrates that interpretation is a passionate act, using such stories as the binding of Isaac in Genesis 22 and the story of the road to Emmaus in Luke 24. Weaving a vivid and surprising tapestry with thread spun of hermeneutics, poetry, exegesis, reverie, poetics, memory, narrative, ritual, and literary criticism, the author invites the reader to examine the foundations of interpretation. He considers the interpretive situation of the religious leader, bringing new insight into the role and purpose of interpretation in our chaotic times. Disclosed are rich, complex, and compelling possibilities for imagining the work of interpretation and what it means to do that work in a time when so much is needed and so much is possible.

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    • Persuade Us To Rejoice


      Studying such literary figures as W.H. Auden, Samuel Beckett, Frederick Buechner, Albert Camus, Ursula K. LeGuin, C.S. Lewis, Alan Paton, Ignazio Silone, Alice Walker, Elie Wiesel, and Charles Williams, Brown illustrates “the liberating power of fiction” by enabling the reader to enter their worlds. Brown asserts that although there is no faith that offers ironclad guarantees against future struggles, the wisdom of these authors can help us toward praising and rejoicing

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    • Ready Defense : The Best Of Josh McDowell


      5 Sections

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      Be prepared “in season and out” with this handy reference book of faith. Timely and biblically based, Josh McDowell’s work offers defenses in 60 of the most-challenged areas of faith. All in one easy-to-reference volume, this book will strengthen your commitment and help you stand firm against challenges to the truth.

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    • Jesus Weeps : Global Encounters On Our Doorstep


      How can the church respond to the divisions within society that leave many persons marginalized? This book refocuses our notions of what mission is and suggests how local churches can immerse themselves in other cultural contexts.

      North American Christians have become concerned with justice and human rights struggles of the third-world poor, but such “globalization” has not made connections with the poor of the first-world society who are overwhelmingly rooted in the inner cities of the nation. Recinos examines the meaning of globalization as reflected in Biblical and specific social histories.

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    • Dios Se Acerco – (Spanish)


      Here is a new and marvelous way to see the life of our Savior. This is not just a book full of information on the life of Jesus Christ but a book that takes you to a full encounter with the Master himself.

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    • Su Manifesta Presencia – (Spanish)


      Part I – The Heart Cry Of The Lord
      1. God’s Desire – To Dwell With His People
      2. God’s Fire – His Means Of Preparation
      3. God’s Ministry – From The Sanctuary
      4. God’s Plan – His Word Within
      5. God’s Type – Solomon’s Temple

      Part II – Moving To Solomon’s Temple
      6. God’s Provision – Fulness Of Salvation

      Part III – Fit For The Master’s Use
      7. God’s Workmanship – Changing The Inner Realm
      8. God’s Goal – The Restoration Of Hearts

      Additional Info
      His Manifest Presence is:
      * Abiding intimacy with God
      * A refuge from the coming storm
      * Where genuine worship touches God
      * His fulness manifested in Solomon’s Temple
      * Where the constant miraculous is experienced daily

      We must move from David’s Tabernacle worship to Solomon’s Temple, where His Manifest Presence is experienced, if we are to live in His fulness and in His protection through the tumultuous days ahead. Here are some ways in which you can enter His presence.

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    • Passion For His Presence


      A Passion for His Presence distinguishes between the omnipresence and the manifest presence of the Lord. THis book helps to defive the manifest presence of God. It assists the reader in fulfilling his quest to live in God’s presence.

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    • Tentado No Cedas – (Spanish)


      Trata todos los aspectos de la tentacion y la manera en que podemos resistirla.

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    • Wisdom For Crisis Times


      Packed With Answers To The Struggles You Are Facing Now, And Any Struggle You Could Ever Face. Learn these Wisdom Seeds for your crisis…

      Crisis Always Occurs At The Curve Of Change
      4 Steps To Take For A Successful Life
      6 Essential Facts That Must Be Faced When Recovering From Divorce
      How To Predict 6 Seasons Of Attack On Your Life
      …And Much More!

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    • Kingdom Of God Is A Party


      The Christianity of the early days was infectious, energetic and full of joy. In Kingdom of God is a Party, sociologist Tony Campolo, shows why Christians should be the ones who are starting parties wherever they are. Whether with words, actions or mere presence, Christians can turn life into a party that attracts the needy, lonely, sick and oppressed into the loving arms of Heavenly Father.

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    • Stake Your Claim


      In this classic text, the master teacher whose works have moved and inspired millions presents inspirational advice and simple self-help that will bring true success and happiness. These seventy-two meditative essays, each accomplished by a brief affirmation and a biblical quotation, are the keys to have a better and more prosperous life.

      When one becomes depressed or discouraged, nervous or frightened, when one needs to change one’s mental and physical habits of living, Fox’s direct and easy techniques help overcome life’s difficult stretches and bring on health, happiness, and peace of mind.

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    • Peculiar Speech A Print On Demand Title


      Willimon writes with passion about the dynamics and implications of preaching to a congregation, to those who, having been called, are either baptized or yet to be baptized. The preacher, says Willimon, needs to address the people in a congregation with “peculiar speech”, letting the biblical text call them to live a transformed life in keeping with their baptism.

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    • Following The Master


      What is it that makes a person a true disciple of Jesus Christ? Following the Master clarifies the objective of Jesus in making disciples by focusing on the historical context of Jesus’ ministry and then finds the perspectives of the different biblical authors. The pragmatic type of book on discipleship that has abounded over the past fifteen years has tended to cause much confusion in the church. Although most authors have sought to be objective in their treatment, the imagined needs of the church often take precedence over objectivity. The author’s experience as a pastor, professor, and scholar has prepared him to provide the objective treatment that is needed. He avoids the theological and pragmatic agendas that have characterized most books on discipleship and instead relies on biblical and historical data to reveal the intentions of Jesus.

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    • Thine Is The Power And The Glory


      This book has contemplations by His Holiness Pope Shenouda III on the prayer that is chanted during The Holy Passion Week, -Thine is the Power and the Glory and the Blessing and the Honour, forever Amen-. Pope Shenouda was Pope and Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church

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    • Preparing For Marriage


      This workbook provides helpful guidance, useful inventories, places to jot down responses, and discussion starters that will help a couple learn more about themselves, their relationship, and their hopes for the future.

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    • Tis A Gift To Be Simple


      Often we find ourselves busier than we want to be and buying more than we really need. This book offers help for all of us who would like to make our lives less complicated but aren’t sure how to begin. We are invited to a look at our own lives and begin with the things that seem within our reach, knowing that the rewards will be great.

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    • Earthkeeping In The 90s A Print On Demand Title


      Ever since its original publication over a decade ago, Earthkeeping has presented a thought-provoking, biblically based call for responsible stewardship. In view of the continuing environmental crisis worldside and in light of the increased ecological awareness in recent years, the book’s message regarding “earthkeeping” is now more pertinent than ever.

      This greatly revised and augmented edition of Earthkeeping updates the original edition while retaining the same breadth of perspective, reflecting the combined insights of Christian scholars in biology, physics, economics, literature, and philosophy. The book begins by laying out, with scientific precision, the state of the planet. Several chapters then carefully examine various historical and contemporary views of creation. Next the authors survey biblical and theological teaching relative to humanity’s use of creation. The book concludes by offering helpful, practical guidelines for an earthkeeping ethic.

      Besides providing an updated “state of the planet” analysis, this revised edition of Earthkeeping deals with recent cultural and religious developments, incorporating new material, for example, on the “Deep Ecology” and “new age” movements, the Gaia hypothesis, and ecofeminism. This edition also takes into account the recent wealth of Christian thinking about the earth, including the recovery of important but neglected voices from the Christian tradition, such as Hildegard of Bingen and Celtic spirituality. At the end of the book, an expanded and updated annotated bibliography, organized according to subject area, and new indexes (of names and subjects and of Scripture references) enhance the value of Earthkeeping as a significant resource fostering better human stewardship of God’s creation.

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    • As One With Authority


      This book is an effort to recover a valid meaning of authority in an age that for a variety of reasons has rejected old hierarchical notions of authority. It proposes a way of reconceiving nd exercising authority for ministry that takes seriously the ministry that the whole people of God share.

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    • Unplug The Christmas Machine


      1. “A Christmas Carol” Revisited
      2. Women: The Christmas Magicians
      3. Men: The Christmas Stagehands
      4. The Four Things Children Really Want For Christmas
      5. The Homecoming
      6. Inside The Christmas Machine
      7. The Gift Of Joy
      8. A Simple Christmas
      9. Christmas Revival

      Appendix: Resources For A Simple Christmas

      Additional Info
      Nine years and thriteen printings later, Unplug The Christmas Machine is still the undisputed guide to creating a joyful, stress-free holiday season. Revised and filled with new material, this book will enjoy even greater popularity in the years to come.

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    • Yearning To Know Gods Will (Workbook)


      A desire to know the will of God is, as it should be, the top priority of any serious Christian. But how are you to find out what God’s will is? Who hasn’t agonized, questioned, and then doubted and questioned again? But here is Danny Morris to the rescue with an eight-week workbook on knowing God’s will. Each weeks’ exercise begins with an account of a personal experience of the author from which he brings forth biblical, theological, and historical principles to help you in your search. As you respond, God’s will is certain to become clearer. During the first five weeks, you will learn about the nature of spiritual discernment, discernment for the individual, spiritual intuition, ways in which God communicates with believers, and discernment as a spiritual gift. In the second part, the author shifts his focus to corporate discernment; that is, discernment within and for the church, the body of Christ. At issue here is consensus: how consensus is possible, why it is difficult, and how it works in church boards and committees. Danny Morris insists that consensus is not only biblical but practical, despite skepticism on the part of those whose experience would lead them to believe that disagreement is a way of life in church. Some maintain that consensus would never work in their congregation. But the author points the way to diminish and eventually eliminate such conflict. The third part of the workbook details a workable plan for church retreat, a time away from phones and schedules, where your group will learn how to make decisions by consensus, by group discernment of the will of God for the congregation. What better way to help move forward the work of God?

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    • God And Nothing Else


      Do you know God? Have you started your relationship with Him? Is your relationship with God growing to the extent that He is the priority in all your cares and feelings? This book deals with these issues from an Orthodox Christian perspective.

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    • Soul Under Siege


      What happens when a pastor becomes seriously depressed? Some continue working, since ”the show must go on.” Gaddy didn’t. In his intensely personal book, he tells how he ”stopped the show,” entered a modern psychiatric hospital, and discovered there a more honest and vulnerable community than he’d ever known in the church. Along the way, Gaddy looks realistically at aspects of pastoral ministry that promote depression and other destructive behaviors.

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    • Creative Ministry


      According to Henri Nouwen, the bestselling spiritual writer, every Christian is a minister-trying to live his life in the light of the Gospel. Creative Ministry is a thoughtful examination of the various complex tasks that are part of that way of life.Separate chapters treat each of the five areas that Nouwen considers the primary responsibilities of the minister: teaching, preaching, counseling, organizing, and celebrating. He shows how these main functions are inextricably tied to the minister’s spiritual life and why they must be directed toward a creative dialogue with other Christians if they are to be rewarding. It is also essential, he maintains, that the minister leave himself open, take risks, and “lay down his life for his friends” in order to give new life.”There is today a great hunger for a new spirituality,” observes Nouwen, a hunger that requires new and creative forms of ministry. Citing numerous examples from his rich experience, the author offers practical advice for infusing daily pastoral work with meaning. The result is an insightful presentation and a resonant spiritual guide for every man and woman who wants to be of service.

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    • Vida En El Redil – (Spanish)


      El salmo 23 esta lleno de terminos y descripciones cuyos verdaderos y profundos significados a veces escapan de quien jamas ha sido pastor de ovejas. Que verdades mas profundas hay tras esas imagenes que apenas comprendemos a medias? Cual es el alcance y los limites de las promesas de Dios? Dejemos que sea precisamente un pastor de ovejas quien nos vaya senalando los tesoros escondidos en este amado salmo.

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    • Pinches Of Salt


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251598ISBN10: 0664251595Peggy Shriver | William CoffinBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1991Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Hungry For More Of Jesus (Reprinted)


      A passionate call to a deeper walk of daily communion with Jesus. It is for those who know Christ and are hungry to know him better . . . and for others who want to know him as they may never have.

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    • How To Get Along With Almost Anyone


      In this book, Norman Wright offers practical, step-by-step help in dealing with all the different people who affect our lives. In a thought-provoking and anecdotal style, Wright shows how to translate biblical wisdom into practical ways of relating to those around us. This book is filled with case histories, dialogue, self inventories and practical suggestions for building better loving and lasting relationships.

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    • Christian Basics A Print On Demand Title


      A critically acclaimed resource perfect for your membership classes—and a lively refresher for long-time believers. The Fackres begin their introduction to Christianity by answering the question “Who is God?” From there they explain—in clear language—the creation, the fall, the covenant, Jesus, the church, salvation, and consummation. Includes a study guide, challenging questions, and more.

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    • Pagan And Christian In An Age Of Anxiety


      Drawing on the abundant material available for the study of religious experience in late antiquity, Professor Dodds examines the personal religious attitudes and experiences common to pagans and Christians in the period between Marcus Aurelius and Constantine. World-hatred and asceticism, dreams and states of possession, and pagan and Christian mysticism are all discussed. Finally, Dodds considers both pagan views of Christianity and Christian views of paganism as they emerge in the literature of the time. Although primarily written for social and religious historians, this study will also appeal to all those interested in the ancient world and its thought.

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    • Cerdos En La Sala – (Spanish)


      A practical guide to free people from satanic oppression and possession.

      Guia practica de liberacion para personas con opresion y posesion satanicas.

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    • Armed And Dangerous


      Arm your teenagers with Bible truths and they’ll become quite dangerous—they’ll possess the knowledge that changes attitudes, hearts, and lives! Let the transformation begin with this handy-sized book that arranges key Scripture verses by topic, so teens can consult God’s Word regarding self-control, temptation, dating, loneliness, and many more relevant issues.

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    • Amor Debe Ser Firme – (Spanish)


      Love must be tough not only offers practical advice for couples that are on the verge of divorce but also to every person that is in search of a better understanding of human conduct and the complexities in relationships between men and women.

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    • Making Moral Decisions


      The question “what am I to do?” needs the balance and completion of “what are we to do?” With clarity and insight Jersild addresses the particular need of our time; a greater awareness of our interdependence as a world community. Using critical incidents or cases to illustrate ethical points, Jersild examines such contemporary issues as euthanasia, employment and one’s sense of vocation, homosecuality, and more.

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    • Becoming Christian


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251192ISBN10: 0664251196Bill Leonard | Editor: Roy HoneycuttBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Taking Flight : A Book Of Story Meditations


      Best-selling author Anthony de Mello presents over 250 story meditations to be used as stepping stones to a spiritual life based on self-knowledge and understanding.

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    • Pilgrims Way


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664250676ISBN10: 066425067XJ. Barrie ShepherdBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • When You Need To Take A Stand


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664250515ISBN10: 0664250513Carolyn BohlerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Success Is Never Ending


      Each of us has experienced “down times”–setbacks at work, in relationships, in our inner lives–times where nothing seems to go right. Most of us have also felt as if we’ve failed at times, as well. But what is the difference between those who succeed and those who fail? The answer is simple: attitude.

      In this practical and empowering new book, Dr. Robert H. Schuller, the host and master of possibilities” of the weekly telecast The Hour Of Power shows how to overcome the fear-and the groundless excuses-that keep us from success, fulfillment, and happiness. Here Dr. Schuller reveals his own unique formula for never-ending success:
      – The 10 steps for tuming your dreams into reality
      – The amazing power of possibility thinking
      – The 22 stops on the road map to success
      – The 4 Cs of “success thinking”
      – How to banish “impossibility thinking” from your life
      – The “miracle ingredients” of faith and hope… and much more

      Your dreams, Dr. Schuller tells us, no matter how impossible, are the seeds of your success! Now you can learn how to nurture and cultivate your possibilities, uproot the negatives, and watch your dreams blossom into reality.

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    • When You Are Alone


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664250508ISBN10: 0664250505William Arnold | Margaret Fohl | Editor: Andrew LesterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Spiritual Man


      The Spiritual Man is a translation of the only book of any substantial size which brother Watchman Nee himself ever wrote. At the time of writing it he felt this work might be his last contribution to the church, although since then God has graciously overruled. Long after the books initial publication in Chinese our brother once was heard to express the thought that it should not be reprinted because, it being such a “perfect” treatment of its subject, he was fearful lest the book become to its readers merely a manual of principles and not a guide to experience as well. But in view of the urgent need among the children of God today for help on spiritual life and warfare, and knowing our brother as one who is always open to God’s way and most desirous to serve His people with all that God has given him, we conclude that he would doubtless permit it to be circulated in English. Hence this translation.

      Translations used. The Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible has been used throughout the text unless otherwise indicated. Additional translations where employed are denoted by the following abbreviations-.
      Amplified-Amplified Old Testament
      ASV-American Standard Version (1901)
      AV-Authorized Version (King James)
      Darby-J. N. Darby, The Holy Scriptures.. a New Translation
      Young’s-Young’s Literal Translation

      Soulical and Soulish. The adjectives “soulical” and “soulish” have been used to convey distinctly different meanings. “Soulical” as herein employed pertains to those proper, appropriate, legitimate, or natural qualities, functions, or expressions of man’s soul which the Creator intended from the very beginning for the soul uniquely to possess and manifest. “Soulish” appears in these pages to describe that man in toto who is so governed by the soulical part of his being that his whole life takes on the character and expression of the soul.

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