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Chad Veach

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  • I Bet You Think This Book Is About You


    The pastor and founder of Zoe Church reveals the Church’s role in the rising levels of narcissism today and the Bible’s countercultural call to humility.

    Popular author, speaker, and pastor of Zoe Church in Los Angeles, Chad Veach tackles one of the Christian’s greatest foes: an obsession with self. Ego often sneaks up on us in varying forms of narcissism, subtly turning so much of our attention to our needs and desires that we fail to recognize other people’s.

    A self-proclaimed recovering narcissist, Veach has learned the power of humility. He wants to destigmatize the humility journey by normalizing the need for regular ego checks. A quick reset in attitude in any situation will create a delicate balance between self-denial and self-absorption.

    Amongst the alarming and increasing levels of narcissism in society and the Christian church today, Veach delivers a passionate call for making a simple but fundamental shift in perspective that cultivates humility.

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  • Preocupado Por NADA Porque Oro – (Spanish)


    Que te viene a la mente cuando piensas en la oracion? Se siente como algo para las personas santas, pero no para ti? O como una experiencia mistica que nunca podrias esperar lograr en la vida real? O tal vez solo un deber aburrido con poca recompensa.
    En este libro, el autor y pastor Chad Veach desmitifica el concepto de oracion al explicar en terminos practicos como es la oracion en nuestra vida cotidiana. !Resulta que no es dificil!
    Este enfoque apasionado y personal de la oracion elimina la presion de “orar correctamente” y la reemplaza con la tranquila seguridad de que Dios quiere escucharnos y respondernos con amor.

    Ademas de desarrollar un caso sobre la importancia de la oracion, Chad utiliza historias y percepciones convincentes de la Biblia para brindar consejos practicos sobre como hacer que sus oraciones sean mas efectivas. Destaca donde podemos y debemos orar, y ofrece estrategias tangibles para implementar un estilo de vida de oracion dentro del ajetreo de la vida moderna.

    !La oracion funciona! Aqui le mostramos como conectarse con Dios como El siempre ha querido.

    What comes to mind when you think about prayer? Does it feel like something for holy people but not for you? Or like a mystical experience you could never hope to achieve in real life? Or maybe just a boring duty with little payoff.

    In this book, author and pastor Chad Veach demystifies the concept of prayer by explaining in practical terms what prayer looks like in our day-to-day lives. It turns out, it’s not hard! This passionate, personal approach to prayer removes the pressure to “pray right” and replaces it with the calm assurance that God wants to hear from us and respond to us in love.

    Along with building a case for the importance of prayer, Chad uses stories and compelling insights from the Bible to give practical advice on how to make your prayers more effective. He highlights where we can and should pray and offers tangible strategies to implement a praying lifestyle within the busyness of modern life.

    Prayer works! Here’s how to connect with God just like He’s always wanted.

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  • Worried About Everything Because I Pray About Nothing


    Say Good-bye to Stress and Burnout, and Hello to Peace and Purpose

    What comes to mind when you think about prayer? Does it feel like something for holy people but not for you? Or like a mystical experience you could never hope to achieve in real life? Or maybe just a boring duty with little payoff.

    In this book, author and pastor Chad Veach demystifies the concept of prayer by explaining in practical terms what prayer looks like in our day-to-day lives. It turns out, it’s not hard! This passionate, personal approach to prayer removes the pressure to “pray right” and replaces it with the calm assurance that God wants to hear from us and respond to us in love.

    Along with building a case for the importance of prayer, Chad uses stories and compelling insights from the Bible to give practical advice for how to make your prayers more effective. He highlights where we can and should pray and offers tangible strategies to implement a praying lifestyle within the busyness of modern life.

    Prayer works! Here’s how to connect with God just like He’s always wanted.

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  • Pray About Everything Devotional Journal


    A Lifeline to the Peace and Joy You’ve been Looking for

    What if prayer was more than just something you mumbled before going to sleep, or said quickly when your team takes the field or you’re about to take a test? What if prayer was a gateway to the best relationship you’ve ever had? An energizing, joy-filled, peace-giving connection to God?

    This devotional provides regular readings to help connect you to God through prayer. It also contains journaling prompts and questions that will bring the book’s concepts to life, taking you to the next step in your faith.

    Join pastor/author Chad Veach as he guides you day-by-day to a closer walk with God. You’ll be so glad you did.

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  • Faith Forward Future


    Popular Southern California millennial pastor Chad Veach casts a vision for a future beyond what most dare to imagine and guides readers toward the abundant plans God has for his children.

    Pastor Chad Veach lives in Los Angeles, a place many have dubbed the “City of Broken Dreams.” Each year, thousands of people move there, hoping to make it big, but most fall short of achieving their dreams. This is reflective of the wider world as well. In fact, only 6 percent of people actually end up doing what they dreamed of as a child. The hard truth is, dreams–whether they have to do with relationships, career, or world impact–often don’t pan out. So many are left to wonder, Where do I go from here?

    In this new book, Veach meets readers in the middle of their disappointments, introduces them to the God who throws his arms around them, and offers a new way to define success. He takes them through the words of Jesus and helps them to understand what the Bible says about ambition, purpose, and fulfillment. Then he casts a vision that inspires readers to reach for a better dream than all the broken ones they tried to pursue on their own, challenging them to put their faith in the person of Jesus every day and follow his lead to a brighter future.

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