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Biblical Studies

Showing 101–200 of 1162 results

  • From Prisoner To Prince


    The story of Joseph is prominent in the book of Genesis and yet is rarely mentioned in the rest of Scripture.

    How then do we understand Joseph’s significance in redemptive history? When Christians have addressed this question, the conversation has frequently turned toward typology: Is Joseph a type of the Messiah?

    Messianic interpretations of the Joseph narrative have often lacked methodological rigor or have simply failed to make a convincing case. Most often interpreters have simply noted historical correspondences between Joseph and Jesus, without considering the narrative’s function in the context of Genesis, its redemptive-historical significance, or its appropriation by later biblical authors.

    In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Samuel Emadi offers a more comprehensive canonical treatment of the Joseph narrative. He considers Genesis 37-50 in its own literary and theological context, intra-canonical development of the Joseph story via inner-biblical allusion, and New Testament references and allusions. Emadi defends the notion that Joseph functions as the resolution to the plot of Genesis and that this story typologically influences how later biblical authors narrate redemptive history, culminating in the New Testament’s portrayal of Jesus as an antitypical, new and final Joseph.

    Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • After The Rapture


    What if you or someone you loved missed out on the Rapture? What happens to those who are left behind? Trusted and beloved Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah shares the help and hope people will need as they face unfolding events during the End Times.

    From one of the world’s most beloved Bible teachers comes a timely, easy-to-understand guidebook about the Rapture and End Times and how to prepare yourself and your loved ones.

    In After the Rapture Dr. David Jeremiah equips you to understand End-Times theology and Bible prophecy. Many people want to understand how the Rapture unfolds, and this is the perfect handbook to share with your unsaved friends and loved ones so they can prepare themselves before or cope with the challenges they’ll face after the Rapture. With trusted biblical insight, this book will provide the hope and confidence you need and can share with your loved ones.

    This life-changing book includes:
    *End Times, Rapture, Judgment Day, and Great Tribulation sections
    *Guidance for preparing your heart
    *How to share with loved ones
    *Life application to strengthen understanding
    *Highlighted questions and answers
    *Relevant Scripture verses

    An epic and vital guide to life after the Rapture, this book is a must-have resource for you to buy for those you fear might be left behind. Help your loved ones understand the End Times and guide them to accept Christ as their Savior.

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  • Biblical Reasoning : Christological And Trinitarian Rules For Exegesis


    Two experts in exegesis and dogmatics show how Christology and the Trinity are grounded in Scripture and how knowledge of these topics is critical for exegesis. The book outlines key theological principles and rules for the exegesis of Christian Scripture, making it an ideal textbook for hermeneutics and interpretation courses. The authors explore how the triune God revealed in Christ shapes Scripture and its readers and how doctrinal rules intrinsic to Scripture help guide exegesis.

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  • Revealing Revelation : How God’s Plans For The Future Can Change Your Life


    God Wants Us to Know How It Ends

    Revelation is the only book of the Bible that promises a blessing for its readers. It was written because God wants us to know what the future holds and how these prophetic truths provide wisdom, reassurance, and discernment for today–more so now than ever.

    From bestselling author Amir Tsarfati, Revealing Revelation examines what the Bible’s final book makes known about the end times and beyond. With accessible teaching that allows Scripture to speak for itself, you’ll take a closer look at the:

    *timeline of God’s plan for both believers and unbelievers before, during, and after the tribulation

    *process that the Lord has uniquely and intentionally prepared for Israel in the end times

    *encouragements, challenges, and warnings Jesus gave to prepare us for His return

    Revealing Revelation will inspire you to look at the days to come with hope and excitement as you realize that this final book of the Bible is Jesus’ love letter to the church. Get ready to grow stronger in your faith as you celebrate Christ’s soon return and the magnificent eternity He has promised you.

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  • Letters To Early Churches


    See how the earliest Christians lived out their story.

    As Christianity grew, Christians sought to support unity, communication, pastoral care, and teaching through letter writing. Some books, like 2 John, largely follow predictable letter writing patterns. Others like the Book of Revelation or Hebrews draw on other written genres. But in each case, authors wrote in response to the specific concerns and needs of their first-century audience. Volume 5 of the Transforming Word Series offers probing insight into the first century and its world, showing how you can apply this important portion of God’s Word to your daily life.

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  • Jesus And The Church


    The life and work of Jesus Christ must not be overlooked.

    Born under Roman occupation, Jesus lived his entire life without writing anything down. His earliest followers, the Christians that were shaped by his life and teachings, carefully recorded his words as good news. They also experienced his resurrection and believed that he had entrusted them with a mission to transform the world.

    Use Volume 4 of the Transforming Word Series to explore the first five books of the New Testament. Guided by the best of recent scholarship, you can better understand Jesus’s teachings, his call to discipleship, and the nature of the early church.

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  • Enigmaticas Parabolas De Jesus – (Spanish)


    Los estudiosos modernos de las parabolas se han preocupado durante mucho tiempo de preguntar que dijo Jesus y que pretendia con sus parabolas. Ruben Zimmermann va mas alla en su libro Las enigmaticas parabolas de Jesus y explora la dinamica del discurso parabolico en toda su rica complejidad. Usando la historia de la investigacion y la distincion de los enfoques historicos de los literarios y los orientados al lector; a continuacion, se expone una hermeneutica posmoderna que analiza los elementos narrativos y el contexto, traza el trasfondo sociohistorico.

    En esta obra el autor se centra en las parabolas de las primeras fuentes cristianas (Marcos, Mateo, Lucas, Juan y el Evangelio de Tomas) para explorar como funcionan las parabolas en cada contexto literario. Por encima de todo reina el principio de que el significado o mensaje teologico de una parabola no puede extraerse de la forma parabolica; asi, las parabolas siguen invitando a la participacion de oyentes y lectores hasta nuestros dias.

    El estudio de las parabolas de Jesus representa tambien un reto con respecto a su significado, pues existe una tendencia creciente entre los eruditos de las parabolas para reconocer la imposibilidad de reducir el significado de estos textos a una unica interpretacion. La estructura de su libro se divide en dos partes.

    En la primera se acerca al estudio de las parabolas desde tres diferentes enfoques, que aplica en diferentes parabolas. En la segunda se acerca al estudio proponiendo una metodologia integral para el estudio de las parabolas, que aplica nuevamente de forma practica en diferentes parabolas.

    Indices que se incluyen:

    *bibliografia amplia del libro y de cada capitulo,
    *Indice muy util de temas
    *indice de otros de texto antiguos

    The Enigmatic Parables of Jesus

    Modern parable scholars have long been concerned with asking what Jesus said and what he intended by his parables. Ruben Zimmermann goes further in his book The Enigmatic Parables of Jesus and explores the dynamics of parabolic discourse in all its rich complexity. The introductory chapters address the history of the research and distinguish historical from literary and reader-oriented approaches, followed by a postmodern hermeneutic that analyzes narrative elements and context, traces the sociohistorical background.

    Subsequent chapters focus on a parable from early Christian sources (Mark, Matthew, Luke, John, and the Gospel of Thomas) to explore how parables function in each

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  • Foreshadows : 12 Megaclues That Jesus’ Return Is Nearer Than Ever


    “‘Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.'”
    –Matthew 24:42

    In Matthew 24, Jesus gives His disciples a profound, detailed description of what will happen during the end times prior to His return. As we strive to follow His command to keep watch, how can we know that we are drawing nearer to that day?

    Foreshadows explores 12 major trends that point toward the ever-nearing of earth’s final days–and how these trends reveal God’s breathtaking love, faithfulness, wisdom, and strength. As you read, you will…

    *identify events happening in today’s world that align with prophecies described in the Bible

    *discern between the prophetic truths God reveals in His Word and the common misbeliefs about the end times based on speculation

    *look with confidence and rejoicing toward the future God has promised you

    Foreshadows will inspire you to be filled with hope as God holds our chaotic world firmly within His control. Behind the scenes, He is at work–setting the stage for Christ’s return and the glorious future that follows!

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  • Jesus Christ : A Study Of God


    As we see before us a world getting darker and darker, Christians sense an urgency to strengthen our faith, knowing in whom we believe. This study focuses on Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that we might see the invisible and know the unknowable God of heaven. A multitude of names and titles are found in both the Old and the New Testaments. They show a progressive revelation of the Son of God, and of our heavenly Father. We look into the Greek and Hebrew origins to discover amazing truths not seen in the English translation, and bring clarity to the language of the King James Bible (1611), the best expression of God’s Word available to us. A fascinating study for the Christian who wants to look deeper into the Word of God.

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  • Let My People Live


    Let My People Live reengages the narrative of Exodus through a critical, life-affirming Africana hermeneutic that seeks to create and sustain a vision of not just the survival but the thriving of Black communities. While the field of biblical studies has habitually divided “objective” interpretations from culturally informed ones, Kenneth Ngwa argues that doing interpretive work through an activist, culturally grounded lens rightly recognizes how communities of readers actively shape the priorities of any biblical interpretation. In the Africana context, communities whose identities were made disposable by the forces of empire and colonialism-both in Africa and in the African diaspora across the globe-likewise suffered the stripping away of the right to interpretation, of both sacred texts and of themselves. Ngwa shows how an Africana approach to the biblical text can intervene in this narrative of breakage, as a mode of resistance. By emphasizing the irreducible life force and resources nurtured in the Africana community, which have always preceded colonial oppression, the Africana hermeneutic is able to stretch from the past into the future to sustain and support generations to come.

    Ngwa reimagines the Exodus story through this framework, elaborating the motifs of the narrative as they are shaped by Africana interpretative values and approaches that identify three animating threats in the story: erasure (undermining the community’s very existence), alienation (separating from the space of home and from the ecosystem), and singularity (holding up the individual over the collective). He argues that what he calls “badass womanism”-an intergenerational and interregional life force and epistemology of the people embodied in the midwives, Miriam, the Egyptian princess, and other female figures in the story-have challenged these threats. He shows how badass womanist triple consciousness creates, and is informed by, communal approaches to hermeneutics that emphasize survival over erasure, integration over alienation, and multiplicity over singularity. This triple consciousness surfaces throughout the Exodus narrative and informs the narrative portraits of other characters, including Moses and Yahweh. As the Hebrew people navigate the exodus journey, Ngwa investigates how these forces of oppression and resistance shift and take new shapes across the geographies of Egypt, the wilderness, and the mountain area preceding their passage into the promised land. Fo

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  • 50 Final Events In World History


    How much do you know about the end of the world?

    In The 50 Final Events in World History, beloved and respected pastor Robert J. Morgan takes readers on a journey through end-times prophecy, walking step-by-step through the end of the world to the dawn of the new kingdom of heaven.

    Heard of worldwide pandemics? Weapons of mass destruction flashing through the air? Global water and air contamination? The nation of Israel restored after 2,000 years, encircled by hostile nations and buffered by the nation of Jordan? Air evacuations with machines having two wings? Threats from Russia and Asia? Extremism in Turkey? Clamor for globalization? Hand implants for commerce and security? The gospel penetrating unreached places? Violent persecution? Cascading wickedness? The world falling apart?
    All of this is predicted in the book of Revelation.

    If you find yourself baffled and maybe even a little intimidated by end times and the book of Revelation, The 50 Final Events in World History will be a:

    *comprehensive yet easy-to-understand overview of the book of Revelation,
    *resource you can turn to again and again,
    *helpful tool that translates the events of Revelation both literally and sequentially, and
    *guide to interpret present circumstances as well as future events.

    Revelation is the Bible’s final words on the world’s last days. The key is understanding its simple sequence of events-one after another, clearly laid out­-the fifty final events in world history.

    This is information we need to know now since we might soon be on the doorstep of event #1.

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  • Godly Kings Of Judah


    What will your legacy be?

    Long ago, God’s people were divided into two kingdoms. The land of Judah–with Jerusalem as its capital–was led by twenty kings, only eight of whom were good. Not even half! What does that tell you? That it’s hard to follow God to the end and leave a legacy that’s remembered well.

    Bible teacher Cynthia Cavanaugh wants you to meet the good kings of Judah who earned a reputation for godliness and received the Lord’s favor. Though their names aren’t well known to us, their examples should be celebrated. Cynthia takes you deep into the Word of God, heading into the often-overlooked corners of 1-2 Kings and 1-2 Chronicles to uncover these ancient rulers whose lives–full of ups and downs–have hidden lessons for us today.

    In The Godly Kings of Judah, you’ll embark on an 8-week Bible study that leads you through a process of repentance, renewal, and revival. The Old Testament kings will be your companions as you fight the Lord’s battles, topple the idols that claw at our hearts, and bring reformation to the holy people of God. Don’t miss out on this exciting adventure! Because when all is said and done, you want the legacy of the godly kings to be your own as well: “She did what was right in the Lord’s eyes.”

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  • Old Testament Exegesis Fifth Edition


    For years, Douglas Stuart’s Old Testament Exegesis has been one of the most popular ways to learn how to perform exegesis-the science and art of interpreting biblical texts properly for understanding as well as proclamation. This new edition includes a major revision and expansion of online and other resources for doing biblical research and updates past editions by including a helpful configuration of the format for the exegesis process. Stuart provides guidance for full exegesis as well as for a quicker approach specifically tailored to the task of preaching. A glossary of terms explains the sometimes-bewildering language of biblical scholarship, and a list of frequent errors guides the student in avoiding common mistakes. No exegetical guide for the Old Testament has been more widely used in training ministers and students to be faithful, careful interpreters of Scripture.

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  • Returning From The Abyss


    The Pivotal Moments in the Old Testament series helps readers see Scripture with new eyes, highlighting short, key texts-pivotal moments-that shift our expectations and invite us to turn toward another reality transformed by God’s purposes and action.

    The book of Jeremiah tells the story of a prophetic mission that seems doomed to fail. God instructs Jeremiah to call to account a people who refuse to turn from their unfaithfulness until it is too late, and they encounter destruction at the hands of the Babylonians. Yet underlying the themes of warning and judgment is a steady refrain: God’s desire to draw God’s people back into covenant, even when things seem past the point of no return. What lessons can contemporary readers draw from the narrative of a stubborn people who cling to their exploitative ways and a God who, even so, relentlessly pursues them? In Returning from the Abyss, Walter Brueggemann explores the historical and literary context of the book of Jeremiah to illuminate the dual themes of Israel’s long walk into, and out of, the trauma and devastation of exile.

    Throughout, Brueggemann points out the role of the prophet in overturning a people’s illusory sense of security in unjust structures that are not of God and leading those same people toward the hope of restoration and return. He also highlights the persistent themes of empire, self-sufficiency, and withholding from neighbor that inform the narratives of both Israel and “American exceptionalism” and examines how the holiness of God is at work in untamed historical processes that point us toward a costly hope for a just economic and political future.

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  • Caesar And The Church



    Since the arrival of Covid-19, governments around the world have been imposing mandates, lockdowns, and other restrictions. Churches were told to close, or, if they could remain open, to do so outside, or with masks, or social distancing, or without singing, or in limited numbers, or even all of the above. And yet despite that the response from churches has been incredibly varied.

    CAESAR AND THE CHURCH takes us on a brief overview through the biblical teaching on authority, and in particular how it relates to the relationship between Caesar (that is, civil government) and the Church.

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  • Introducing The Pseudepigrapha Of Second Temple Judaism


    2020 Center for Biblical Studies Book Award (Reference Works)

    This book introduces readers to a much-neglected and misunderstood assortment of Jewish writings from around the time of the New Testament. Dispelling mistaken notions of
    “falsely attributed writings” that are commonly inferred from the designation “pseudepigrapha,”

    Daniel Gurtner demonstrates the rich indebtedness these works exhibit to the traditions and scriptures of Israel’s past. In surveying many of the most important works, Introducing the Pseudepigrapha of Second Temple Judaism shows how the pseudepigrapha are best appreciated in their own varied contexts rather than as mere “background” to early Christianity or emerging rabbinic Judaism. Foreword by Loren T. Stuckenbruck.

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  • Mysteries Of The Messiah


    Now available in trade paper! Are you settling for half the story? Highlighting connections that have been hidden from non-Jewish eyes, Rabbi Jason Sobel will connect the dots between the Old and New Testament, helping you see the Bible with clarity as God intended.

    Most people–even people of faith–do not understand how the Bible fits together. Too many Christians accept half an inheritance, content to embrace merely the New Testament, while Jewish people may often experience the same by embracing only the Old Testament. But God has an intricate plan and purpose for both the Old and the New.

    In Mysteries of the Messiah, Rabbi Jason Sobel reveals the many connections in Scripture hidden in plain sight. Known for his emphatic declaration “but there’s more!” he guides us in seeing the passion and purpose of the Messiah. Mysteries of the Messiah:

    *uncovers connections between the Old and New Testaments,

    *connects the dots for readers with details about Jesus, the Torah, and biblical characters, and

    *is written with the unique perspective of a rabbi with an evangelical theological degree.

    No matter how many times you have read the Bible, Mysteries of the Messiah will bring fresh perspective and insight. God’s Word, written by many people over thousands of years, is not a random selection of people and stories. Rabbi Jason Sobel connects the dots and helps us see with clarity what God intended.

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  • 40 Days Through The Bible


    Find the better you’ve been longing for.

    Lysa TerKeurst, the First 5 team and the Online Bible Studies team have come together to write a Bible study just for YOU!

    We know the Bible is a big book and can oftentimes feel overwhelming. Lysa and Proverbs 31 team wanted to create a study that would help you understand the story of the Bible from start to finish.

    In 40 Days Through the Bible: The Answers to Your Deepest Longings, you will:

    *Take a journey through the storyline of the Bible in 40 days so you can see major themes, how they are all connected and what that means for us as we read the Bible today.

    *Discover the eight major things humanity longs for and how Jesus fulfills all of them for us.

    *Stop the endless cycle of seeking and searching for satisfaction and find the answers to your deepest longings.

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  • Road Maps For The Pauline Epistles


    This book is intended as an initial set of roadmaps (detailed expository outlines of each of Paul’s epistles) for others to explore the infinitely beautiful terrain of this portion of God’s Word.

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  • Glory Of God And Paul


    The apostle Paul’s theology of glory has its foundations in the biblical drama of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation, and in the identity of Jesus as revealed in his teachings, life, death, and resurrection.

    The triune God, who is intrinsically glorious, graciously and joyfully displays his glory, largely through his creation, human image-bearers, providence, and redemptive acts. God’s people respond by glorifying him. God receives glory and, through uniting his people to Christ, he shares his glory with them–all to his eternal glory. Christopher Morgan and Robert Peterson explore the glory of God in Paul’s letters with regard to the Trinity, salvation, the resurrection, the new covenant, the church, eschatology, and the Christian life. God intends his glory to impact many areas of believers’ lives: their gradual transformation from glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18) occurs as they meditate and reflect on the splendor of the Lord.

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  • Samaritan Womans Story


    Most Christians have heard a familiar description of the Samaritan woman in John 4: she was a sinner, an adulteress, even a prostitute.

    Throughout church history, the woman at the well has been seen narrowly in terms of her gender and marital history. What are we missing in the story? And what difference does our interpretation of this passage make for women and men in the church? Caryn A. Reeder calls us to see the Samaritan woman in a different light. Beginning with the reception history of John 4, she pulls back layers of interpretation entangled with readers’ assumptions on women and sexuality. She then explores the story’s original context, describing life for women and expectations regarding marriage and divorce in the first century. With this clarified lens, Reeder’s exegesis of the passage yields refreshing insights on what the Gospel says–and does not say–about the woman at the well. Throughout the book, Reeder draws connections between interpretations of this text and the life of the church. The sexual objectification of the Samaritan woman and minimization of her positive contribution has ongoing consequences for how women are seen and treated–including in the failure of many Christian communities to respond well to accusations of abuse. In the age of #MeToo and #ChurchToo, The Samaritan Woman’s Story offers a bold challenge to teach the Bible in a way that truly honors the value and voices of women.

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  • You Need A Better Gospel


    Too often, the church hasn’t done justice to its own gospel because it has neglected how much the New Testament message is about deep involvement in life with God. Senior New Testament scholar Klyne Snodgrass offers a corrective, explaining that the church will never be what it is supposed to be without a recovery of the gospel.

    This brief, accessibly written, and timely book shows that the biblical message is about attachment to Christ, participation in his death and resurrection, and engagement in his purposes. Snodgrass demonstrates that understanding and appropriating the gospel of participation conforms with what the church’s great thinkers have emphasized throughout history and enables the church to recover its true identity.

    This book brings the notion of participation in the gospel to a wider church audience. While other studies on this topic focus mostly on Paul’s writings, You Need a Better Gospel shows that participation is the emphasis of the entire Bible, including the Old Testament. The real gospel, which offers participation in life with God, is astounding in its beauty and its power for life.

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  • Father Abrahams Many Children


    Reframing religious diversity through the stories of Cain, Ishmael, and Esau

    The way we read the Bible matters for the way we engage the pluralistic world around us. For instance, if we understand the book of Genesis as narrowly focused on primary characters like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, we’ll miss the larger story and end up with the impression that God only cares about those who are “chosen.” In fact, the narratives of marginalized biblical characters reveal that God protects and provides for them also. What might this mean for Christians living in a world of religious difference today?

    In Father Abraham’s Many Children, Tyler Mayfield reflects on the stories of three of the most significant “other brothers” in the Bible–namely, on God’s continued engagement with Cain after he murders Abel, Ishmael’s circumcision as a sign of God’s covenant, and Esau’s reconciliation with Jacob. From these stories, Mayfield draws out a more generous theology of religious diversity, so that Christians might be better equipped to authentically love their neighbors of multiple faith traditions–as God loves, and has always loved, all humanity.

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  • Where Are The Missing People


    In this unique, practical book–written to be read by those remaining on earth after the Rapture–Jimmy Evans reveals the truth of the Bible about the end times. With compassion and deep insight into the prophecies of Scripture, he explains the disappearance of millions of believers around the world and gives future readers a glimpse into the events of the Tribulation. From the rise of the Antichrist to the ultimate redemption provided by Jesus, this hopeful book is a must-read for anyone navigating the future. Buy it for family members or friends. Leave it on your desk or coffee table. Put it in a place where a future reader can find it. The truths in this book will literally transform their lives. And it may be necessary sooner than you think.

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  • God Behaving Badly (Expanded)


    God has a bad reputation.

    Many think of God as wrathful and angry, smiting people right and left for no apparent reason. The Old Testament in particular seems at times to portray God as capricious and malevolent, wiping out armies and nations, punishing enemies with extreme prejudice. But wait. The story is more complicated than that. Alongside troubling passages of God’s punishment and judgment are pictures of God’s love, forgiveness, goodness, and slowness to anger. How do we make sense of the seeming contradiction? Can God be trusted or not? David Lamb unpacks the complexity of the Old Testament to explore the character of God. He provides historical and cultural background to shed light on problematic passages and bring underlying themes to the fore. Without minimizing the sometimes harsh realities of the biblical record, Lamb assembles an overall portrait that gives coherence to our understanding of God in both the Old and New Testaments. This expanded edition includes an updated preface, afterword, and appendix addressing the story of Noah and the flood.

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  • Now And Not Yet


    For various reasons, the books of Ezra and Nehemiah have suffered comparative neglect in Old Testament scholarship.

    However, as Dean Ulrich demonstrates, Ezra-Nehemiah as a literary unit is part of the Christian Bible that tells God’s grand story of saving activity. It focuses not so much on how to be an effective leader but on how to be a godly participant in God’s story. God may be concerned about human conduct, but the moral imperatives appear in the larger context of God’s acts and promises. However exemplary Ezra and Nehemiah the men may be, Ezra-Nehemiah has an interest in how God’s people contribute to building the new (and New) Jerusalem-God’s redeemed community that is bigger than any single person. Mission-that is, participation in God’s purpose for his world-factors into the message of these books.

    In this NSBT volume, Ulrich views Ezra-Nehemiah as the record of the beginning of a new work of God among his people after the exile. This new work, which led eventually to the first coming of Jesus, enables God’s people to be restored presently (‘now’) in their relationship with God. Such restoration involves a combination of hope in God’s promises (‘not yet’) and obedience to his instruction concerned with mission.

    Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Abrahams Silence : The Binding Of Isaac, The Suffering Of Job, And How To T


    It is traditional to think we should praise Abraham for his willingness to sacrifice his son as proof of his love for God. But have we misread the point of the story? Is it possible that a careful reading of Genesis 22 could reveal God was not pleased with Abraham’s silent obedience?

    Widely respected biblical theologian, creative thinker, and public speaker J. Richard Middleton suggests we have misread and misapplied the story of the binding of Isaac and shows that God desires something other than silent obedience in difficult times. Middleton focuses on the ethical and theological problem of Abraham’s silence and explores the rich biblical tradition of vigorous prayer, including the lament psalms, as a resource for faith. Middleton also examines the book of Job in terms of God validating Job’s lament as “right speech,” showing how the vocal Job provides an alternative to the silent Abraham.

    This book provides a fresh interpretation of Genesis 22 and reinforces the church’s resurgent interest in lament as an appropriate response to God.

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  • Christology In Marks Gospel


    Gain Insights on Mark’s Christology from Today’s Leading Scholars

    The Gospel of Mark, widely assumed to be the earliest narrative of Jesus’s life and the least explicit in terms of Christology, has long served as a worktable for the discovery of Christian origins and developing theologies. The past ten years of scholarship have seen an unprecedented shift toward an early, high Christology, the notion that very early in the history of the Jesus movement his followers worshipped him as God. Other studies have challenged this view, arguing that Mark’s story is incomplete, intentionally ambiguous, or presents Jesus in entirely human terms.

    Christology in Mark’s Gospel: Four Views brings together key voices in conversation in order to offer a clear entry point into early Christians’ understanding of Jesus’s identity: Sandra Huebenthal (Suspended Christology), Larry W. Hurtado (Mark’s Presentation of Jesus; with rejoinder by Chris Keith), J. R. Daniel Kirk (Narrative Christology of a Suffering King), and Adam Winn (Jesus as the YHWH of Israel in the Gospel of Mark).

    Each author offers a robust presentation of their position, followed by lively interaction with the other contributors and one “last-word” rejoinder. The significance of this discussion is contextualized by the general editor Anthony Le Donne’s introduction and summarized in the conclusion.

    The CriticalPoints Series offers rigorous and nuanced engagement between today’s best scholars for advancing the scholarship of tomorrow. Like its older sibling, the CounterPoints Series, it provides a forum for comparison and critique of different positions, focusing on critical issues in today’s Christian scholarship: in biblical studies, in theology, and in philosophy.

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  • Discovering Biblical Equality


    There is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.

    The conversation about the relationship between women and men and their roles in the Christian life and the church has evolved, but the topic continues to inspire debate and disagreement.

    The third edition of this groundbreaking work brings together scholars firmly committed to the authority of Scripture to explore historical, biblical, theological, cultural, and practical aspects of this discussion. This fresh, positive defense of gender equality is at once scholarly and practical, irenic yet spirited, up-to-date, and cognizant of opposing positions. In this edition, readers will find both revised essays and new essays on biblical equality in relation to several issues, including the image of God, the analogy of slavery, same-sex marriage, abortion, domestic abuse, race, and human flourishing.

    Discover for yourself God’s vision for gender equality.

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  • Enjoying The Old Testament


    Is it really possible to enjoy the Old Testament?

    Christians know they are supposed to read the Old Testament. Yet many struggle to do so. They often find it confusing, theologically troubling, or just uninteresting. Eric Seibert understands this dilemma and provides a solution. His goal is to help people learn to love the Old Testament and actually want to read it. Seibert demonstrates how this part of the Bible is extremely valuable for Christians and offers dozens of practical suggestions and creative activities for hands-on interaction with the biblical text. Equipped with a variety of tools and approaches, readers discover how even the most seemingly dry passages can come to life. With Enjoying the Old Testament, readers of all ages will be inspired to pick up the Old Testament over and over again.

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  • Spirituality According To John


    Through all of John’s works, a consistent message is woven: being a Christian is about abiding in Christ and in his words.

    The Gospel of John, the epistle of 1 John, and the Apocalypse all begin in the same way: by pointing to the importance of knowing the Word, both written and incarnate. Using an artistic, storytelling approach to spirituality, John relies heavily on readers’ imaginations to help them see what it takes to become disciples by abiding in Jesus. Rodney Reeves combines exegesis with spiritual reflection to explore how the only biblical writer to employ three different genres presents a consistent vision of Christian spirituality. Rather than focusing on detailed instructions, John uses evocative metaphors and illustrations so that readers can envision how to follow Jesus–as disciples, in community, and even at the end of the world. Filled with stories and implications for today’s readers, Spirituality According to John provides an accessible introduction to the rich spiritual world of the Johannine literature that makes up much of the New Testament. In John’s era and now, anyone who has ears to hear can learn to truly abide in Christ.

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  • Tamar : Rediscovering The God Who Redeems Me


    If God can choose the Canaanite Tamar to continue the line through which Christ would come, can anything keep Him from weaving your story into His redemptive plan?

    Tamar, daughter-in-law of Judah, is the first woman listed in the lineage of Christ. Mistreated, widowed twice, betrayed, and used as a prostitute . . . it seems impossible that God could redeem her story, but His plan of redemption was prewritten for all eternity-and nothing can get in His way.

    Through this six-week, in-depth Bible study, you will discover that no matter life’s twists and turns or your sins and failures, there is a God working behind the seen, redeeming it all for His glory.

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  • Why Did Jesus Live A Perfect Life


    How does Christ’s obedience relate to our salvation? Speaking into current conversations about the nature of salvation, respected New Testament scholar Brandon Crowe argues that we are saved by Christ’s perfect obedience, which has implications for understanding the gospel message, Christian hope, and discipleship. Jesus is not only the quintessential model of faithfulness in a fallen world, but his unique work frees us from the burden of perfect obedience.

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  • Hayford Bible Handbook


    A Companion to the Spirit-Filled Life Bible. A Resource for Kingdom Living.

    Are you a Spirit-filled Christian who longs for fresh insights from the Bible? Do you want God’s truth to challenge you, and change you, and bless others through you in ways you never thought possible?

    The updated and revised Hayford Bible Handbook is an unparalleled resource that unveils the keys to Scripture uniquely, providing not only a wealth of information but also a spiritual stimulus that will encourage your faith and service to Christ. More than 400 Kingdom Dynamics notes, offering wisdom, insight, and spiritual instruction for life in God’s Kingdom have been collected into 41 thematic articles.

    The Hayford Bible Handbook continues to offer charismatic and Pentecostal Christians a major reference tool that provides easy access to a wealth of biblical and practical information.

    Within the Handbook are a variety of ‘keys’ to help readers study God’s Word:

    The Kingdom Key: The Executive Editor’s assessment of each book

    *The Timeline Key: Places the events of each book in the chronological context of history and the whole of Scripture

    *The Master Key: Points out the place of the Lord Jesus Christ within each book

    *The Power Key: Focuses on the Holy Spirit’s action and activities in each book

    *The Word-Text Key: Most books include (1) a key verse, (2) a key chapter, and (3) a key word that tend to define each book.

    Other important features include:

    *An informative Survey section for each book of the Bible with hundreds of Kingdom Life Insights, offering Spirit-filled life perspectives on individual verses

    *A Truth-in-Action chart for each Bible book, highlighting practical principles and specific actions that might grow out of them

    *The unique Spirit-Filled Life Encyclopedic Dictionary with over 1,300 entries, including word studies, explanations of important biblical and doctrinal terms, and Kingdom Dynamics articles

    *The Visual Survey of the Bible

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  • Evolution Of Adam


    Can Christianity and evolution coexist? Traditional Christian teaching presents Jesus as reversing the effects of the fall of Adam. But an evolutionary view of human origins doesn’t allow for a literal Adam, making evolution seemingly incompatible with what Genesis and the apostle Paul say about him. For Christians who both accept evolution and want to take the Bible seriously, this can present a faith-shaking tension.

    Popular Old Testament scholar Peter Enns offers a way forward by explaining how this tension is caused not by the discoveries of science but by false expectations about the biblical texts. In this 10th anniversary edition, Enns updates readers on developments in the historical Adam debate, helping them reconcile Genesis and Paul with current views on evolution and human origins. This edition includes a foreword on the need for a new edition and an afterword that explains Enns’s own theological evolution since the first edition released.

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  • Temple And The Tabernacle


    Grasp the Majesty, Beauty, and Significance of God’s Dwelling Places
    At various points in Israel’s history, God dwelt in specific, significant places, most notably in the tabernacle and the temple. These structures, meticulously planned, extravagantly furnished, and regularly frequented by the devout, were more than just places of worship and sacrifice. They were pictures of God’s relationship with his chosen people and of the atoning work that would be done by the Messiah. To understand the tabernacle and the temple, then, is to understand how we are brought into God’s family through the sacrifice of his only Son, Jesus.

    Visually stunning and theologically rich, this full-color resource brings together the latest scholarship and archeological discoveries to bring God’s dwelling places alive for modern believers. It places these important structures in their historical and theological contexts, connects them with the overall biblical story, and shows how they bring meaning and depth to the faith of Christians today.

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  • 8 Old Testament Passages That Changed The World


    If you hear the word ‘Goliath,’ what name do you immediately want to pair it with?If someone says ‘Jonah,’ what animal pops into your head?If you hear the word ‘Commandments,’ what number comes to mind?

    The Old Testament has shaped and continues to shape our lives in profound ways. 8 Old Testament Passages That Changed the World looks at the many ways culture has treated, mistreated, distorted, and brought to life the most well-known portions of the Old Testament. Joseph Bentz examines these inescapable passages and asks why they continue to have such a grip in every arena of life.

    If these words hold such power, what difference could they make in our own lives if we delved into them even deeper? Explore the familiar scriptures about David, Adam and Eve, Noah, Ruth, Abraham, the Shepherd’s Psalm, Moses, and Jonah-and discover in them new meaning for your life.

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  • Holy Spirit In The New Testament


    In the early church, miraculous workings of the Holy Spirit were normal and normative.
    Today an ever-increasing number of Christians worldwide self-identify as Pentecostal or charismatic. William A. Simmons argues that this means the church needs a Spirit-centered interpretation of Scripture informed by a Pentecostal lens. In The Holy Spirit in the New Testament, Simmons provides an accessible New Testament introduction that discusses themes and passages of particular interest to Pentecostal readers. Each chapter explores the presence of the Spirit in a biblical book, then offers devotional applications to help readers respond to the text. In Matthew, for example, we discover that there is no Messianic era apart from the Spirit. For Paul in Romans, the Holy Spirit is the authenticating power and emotive heart of God. And Revelation is permeated with the illuminating voice of the Spirit from beginning to end. A Spirit-centered reading breaks down divisions between reason and spirit, mind and emotion. This book opens a dialogue between the academy and the church, demonstrating how sound exegesis speaks to Spirit-filled Christians. In the world and writings of the New Testament authors, we continue to encounter the revelatory presence of God.

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  • Goat For Yahweh Goat For Azazel


    This book explores the influence of the Day of Atonement on the Gospels. Hans M. Moscicke investigates how the gospel writers utilized the Yom Kippur traditions of the Second Temple period to craft Christological goat typologies and examines how scapegoat and Azazel traditions in first-century Judaism shaped the theology of the Gospels.

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  • Piercing Leviathan : God’s Defeat Of Evil In The Book Of Job


    One of the most challenging passages in the Old Testament book of Job comes in the Lord’s second speech (40-41). The characters and the reader have waited a long time for the Lord to speak-only to read what is traditionally interpreted as a long description of a hippopotamus and crocodile (Behemoth and Leviathan). The stakes are very high: is God right to run the world in such a way that allows such terrible suffering for one of his most loyal servants? Is Job right to keep trusting God in the midst of much criticism? But it is difficult for modern readers to avoid a sense of frustrating anticlimax as the book ends.

    Eric Ortlund argues that Behemoth and Leviathan are better understood as symbols of cosmic chaos and evil-that a supernatural interpretation fits better exegetically within the book of Job and within Job’s ancient Middle Eastern context. It also helps modern readers to appreciate the satisfying climax the narrator intended for the book: in describing Behemoth and Leviathan, God is directly engaging with Job’s complaint about divine justice, implying to Job that he understands the evil at loose in his creation better than Job does, is in control of it, and will one day destroy it.

    In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Ortlund considers different interpretations of the Lord’s second speech and their potential exegetical and pastoral weaknesses. He shows how a supernatural interpretation of Behemoth and Leviathan puts modern readers in a position to appreciate the reward of Job’s faith (and ours) as we endure in trusting God while living in an unredeemed creation.

    Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Deep Calls To Deep


    Deep Calls to Deep demonstrates a new and generative way of reading the Bible, which looks for differences among texts to engage in dialogue over critical issues that are not only biblical but also are relevant to our contemporary crises. Bill Brown explores uncharted territory in the Bible with a particular focus on the Psalms, the most diverse book of the Bible. By taking his cue from Martin Luther, Brown explores how the “little bible” (the Psalter) engages the larger Hebrew Bible in dialogue, specifically how the Psalms counter, complement, reconstrue, and transform biblical traditions and themes across the Hebrew canon, from creation and law to justice and wisdom.
    In this deep study of the Psalms, Brown asks What is humanity’s place and role in creation? What makes for a credible leader? What is “law and order”? What is the role of wisdom in the life of faith? What is the shape of justice in a society polarized by power and fear? These and other questions, such as a chapter that offers a fresh look at the authority of Scripture, are hosted by the Psalms with the aim of prompting dialogue, the kind of dialogue that is most needed in a time of deep division and disruption.

    Deep Calls to Deep can be used as the primary text for a class on the Psalms (at any level from a small group to a seminary class) and as a secondary text in a general Old Testament or Hebrew Bible introductory course, since it covers all major parts of the OT through the lens of the Psalms. It also is an ideal text for an intermediate course that is needed after any introduction to the Old Testament.

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  • 5 Things Biblical Scholars Wish Theologians Knew


    The disciplines of biblical studies and theology should serve each other, and they should serve both the church and the academy together.

    But the relationship between them is often marked by misunderstandings, methodological differences, and cross-discipline tension. New Testament scholar Scot McKnight here highlights five things he wishes theologians knew about biblical studies. In a companion volume, theologian Hans Boersma reflects on five things he wishes biblical scholars knew about theology. With an irenic spirit as well as honesty about differences that remain, in these books McKnight and Boersma seek to foster understanding between their disciplines so they might once again serve hand in hand.

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  • Dream Of God


    A beloved teacher helps modern people live the Bible’s message more fully.

    Respected teacher and author Verna Dozier explores the ways that humanity and the institutional church have strayed far from Jesus’s original message. To help us get back on track, she examines the Bible: a theological and historical record of hundreds of years in which two communities of faith (Jewish and early Christian) explored their own life experiences. Our task now is not to ask which interpretations are correct, but to ask “what did it mean to them” and “what does it mean for us?” Dozier encourages us to see Christianity not as creed or institution, but as “the vision of a new possibility for human life rooted in an ancient understanding of God and lived out by a Nazarene carpenter.”

    Through adept storytelling and study, Dozier reawakens our sense of calling and our desire for truth.

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  • Genesis 28-50 : Your Name Will Be Israel


    Genesis, as the first book of the Bible, is the foundational book for the entire biblical canon. In Genesis we find the themes of creation, relationship, covenant, hope, and redemption that will come to characterize God’s grand story throughout the rest of the Bible, all the way to Revelation. The end of Genesis focuses largely on the family of Jacob as they work out what it means to be God’s covenant people in the world around them. Journey through seven weeks of study that will cover Jacob’s encounters with God and his son Joseph’s journey from slavery to the center of power.

    Shaped by ScriptureA faithful reading of God’s Word leads to a faithful response from God’s people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.

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  • 30 Minute Bible


    We know about the Bible. We may know some Bible stories, or maybe we’ve even read large portions for ourselves. But what it’s really all about? How do all the different pieces fit together? Without a sense of the big story the Bible is telling, we’ll miss out on the good news God has for us. In The 30-Minute Bible, experienced Bible teachers Craig Bartholomew and Paige Vanosky present the story of Scripture in thirty short readings, each designed to take about half an hour. Each includes a passage from the Bible and a short chapter explaining how the passage fits into the Bible’s wider narrative. Written in straightforward and clear language, the readings are accompanied by Brother Martin Erspamer’s lovely illustrations. Discover the timeless story of the Bible–in thirty minutes a day for thirty days.

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  • Changed Into His Likeness


    When it comes to the Christian life, what exactly can we expect with regard to personal transformation?

    Gary Millar addresses this most basic question in this NSBT volume. After surveying some contemporary psychological approaches to the issue of change and discussions of biblical anthropology, he explores the nature of gospel-shaped change, exposing the dangers of both promising too much and expecting too little. The central part of his study focuses on “life in the middle”–between the change that is brought about when we become Christians and the final change in which we will be raised with Christ. Millar presents a case for reading the “character studies” of major Old Testament figures from Noah to Solomon as depicting a declension throughout their lives and their innate sinfulness and lack of change. This problem is resolved in the establishment of a new covenant, which promises both individual and corporate transformation in the power of the Spirit. This transformation is presented in the New Testament as a rich and complex process, which cannot be contained or adequately described by one set of images. Transformation is real, deep-rooted and far-reaching. In developing an integrated biblical theology of transformation, Millar draws on the contributions of key thinkers, including Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin, Edwards, Owen, Newton, James K. A. Smith and the Biblical Counselling movement. He concludes with a careful synthesis, charting a middle way between the errors of over-realized and under-realized eschatology. Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Jesus According To Scripture


    Updated Edition of a Bestselling Study of Jesus and the Gospels

    In this work Darrell Bock, a leading evangelical New Testament scholar who speaks and teaches around the world, and Benjamin Simpson show that a coherent portrait of Jesus emerges from the four Gospels when they are taken seriously as historical documents. When read together, the Gospels provide a clear picture of Jesus and his unique claims to authority. This book surveys all the Gospel units and relates them to their parallel passages, showing how the literary and canonical relationships work. Offering up-to-date interaction with the latest discussions about Jesus, the second edition has been substantially revised and updated throughout and includes three new chapters on how we got the Gospels.

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  • Cross Of Christ


    ?The Cross is the universal symbol of the Christian faith. But what does the Cross mean? Why did Jesus have to die?

    In this magisterial and best-selling book, John Stott explains the significance of Christ’s cross and answers objections commonly brought against biblical teaching on the atonement.

    Stott will help you discover how Jesus himself understood the cross, and how ‘Christ in our place’ is at the heart of its meaning. Understand what the cross achieved, and learn what it means to live under the cross.

    This modern classic combines excellent biblical exposition, and a characteristically thoughtful study of Christian belief, with a searching call to the church to live under the cross.

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  • Knowing Me Knowing God


    In the Bible, God gives us knowledge of himself and of ourselves, so that through these two intertwined strands we may receive what Calvin called ‘true and sound wisdom’. In pursuit of this wisdom, many Christians have learned to interpret Scripture chrono-logically, following the Bible’s developing story from creation, through fall, to redemption, and ultimately to restoration. But what of a complementary theo-logical approach to Scripture, one which focuses on the Bible’s main ‘characters’ ? God and human beings ? and the nature of their relationship? Richard Brash presents such an approach, introducing six theological keys to Scripture which help us better to know God and ourselves in the three fundamental areas of being, knowing, and acting. At each stage, he develops the theme of the gracious condescension of the infinite, incomprehensible, and holy God in his relation to finite human beings: creating us as his image, establishing a proportion between his own knowledge and ours, and overcoming sin to take a people for himself through the love-gifts of his Son and his Spirit. If you are looking for an enlarged vision of God and a renewed understanding of your own vocation before the Lord, take up this book and be refreshed in your love for God in heart, soul, and mind.

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  • I Am : The Answers To Lifes Biggest Questions


    Bold claims. Answers which many are searching for today. This is Jesus in his own words, using metaphors and pictures which are concrete, simple and profound. Meaning: what is the meaning of life? I am the bread of life. Enlightenment: where can I find light? I am the light of the world. Freedom: how can I be truly free? I am the door, Evil: isn’t religion evil? I am the good shepherd. Destiny: is this life all there is? I am the resurrection. Reality: what is ultimate reality? I am the way. Value: how can I make my life count? I am the vine. Time: how can we escape being finite? ‘I am.’ Bold claims – and they are also true. The ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus are highly relevant. Jesus is uniquely qualified to meet our deepest needs and answer our biggest questions. Find out for yourself.

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  • Cross Of Christ


    “I could never myself believe in God, if it were not for the cross. . . . In the real world of pain, how could one worship a God who was immune to it?”

    With compelling honesty John Stott confronts readers with the centrality of the cross in God’s redemption of our pain-filled world. Can we see triumph in tragedy, victory in shame? Why should an object of Roman distaste and Jewish disgust be the emblem of our worship and the axiom of our faith? And what does it mean for us today? From one of the foremost preachers and Christian leaders of his generation, The Cross of Christ is a classic, accessible, and compelling look at the work of Christ. At the cross Stott finds the majesty and love of God disclosed, the sin and bondage of the world exposed. More than a study of the atonement, this book brings Scripture into living dialogue with Christian theology and contemporary issues. What emerges is a pattern for Christian life and worship, hope and mission. In honor of John Stott’s one hundredth birthday, this centennial edition includes an updated foreword by Alister McGrath and a new timeline of Stott’s life. A study guide equips individuals and groups to more deeply reflect on and apply the book’s message.

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  • 5 Views On The Exodus


    Five Views on the Exodus looks at competing views on the historicity, chronology, and theological implications of the exodus. The biblical account of the Israelite exodus from Egypt is one of the most enduring narratives ever told and is a foundational event for several world religions. It resonates across cultures with its timeless themes of redemption and deliverance. It is also the only explanation the Bible gives for Israel’s origin.

    Despite its unique legacy, many scholars regard the exodus as fictitious or a cultural memory that may not be a historical event. Even among those who believe the exodus happened, there is no consensus regarding its date. Five Views on the Exodus brings together experts in the fields of biblical studies, Egyptology, and archaeology to discuss and debate the most vexing questions about the exodus. Each offers their own view and offer constructive responses to other leading views on the exodus.

    The five views presented here include:
    *Early Date: The Exodus Took Place in the Fifteenth Century BC (Scott Stripling)
    *Late Date: A Historical Exodus in the Thirteenth Century BC (James K. Hoffmeier)
    *A Hyksos Levite Led Exodus in the Time of Ramesses II (Peter Feinman)
    *Alternative Late Date: The Exodus Took Place in the Twelfth Century BC (Gary A. Rendsburg)
    *The Exodus as Cultural Memory: A Transformation of Historical Events (Ronald Hendel)

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  • John : In Him Was Life


    John is unique among the New Testament Gospels. More than a record of Jesus’s life, it is the eyewitness account of a passionate disciple who sought to shout Jesus’s name from the rooftops. Bursting with theology, poetry, miracles, and intense discourses, the Gospel of John guides us through the whirlwind of Jesus’s earthly ministry, death, and resurrection. Over the course of this seven-week study, lean into John’s invitation to meet the one who is the Word, the Bread of life, the Light of the world, the Resurrection and the Life, and more-Jesus, the Son of God.

    A faithful reading of God’s Word leads to a faithful response from God’s people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.

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  • Eye Of The Beholder


    Why is the Gospel of John different from Matthew, Mark, and Luke? Many scholars have suggested that John felt more free than the other evangelists to massage the facts in the service of his theological goals and to put embellishments into the mouth of Jesus. Such freedom supposedly accounts for the discourses in John, for Jesus’ way of speaking in John, and for (at least) the time, place, and manner of various incidents. Analytic philosopher Lydia McGrew refutes these claims, arguing in detail that John never invents material and that he is robustly reliable and honestly historical.

    The Eye of the Beholder: The Gospel of John as Historical Reportage is unique in several respects. 1) It delves in more detail than previous works do into the meaning of common scholarly phrases like “Johannine idiom” and applies careful distinctions to defend the recognizable historicity of Jesus’ spoken words in John. 2) It focuses especially on arguments that have impressed some prominent evangelical scholars, thus refuting the unspoken assumption that if a scholar dubbed “conservative” is moved by an argument against full Gospel historicity, it must be strong. 3) It argues positively for the historicity of John’s Gospel using evidences that are not commonly discussed in the 21st century, including undesigned coincidences, unexplained allusions, and the unified personality of Jesus. 4) While the body of the book will be congenial to many who accept Richard Bauckham’s “elder John” theory of authorship, The Eye of the Beholder features a lengthy appendix on that question, including original arguments for authorship by the son of Zebedee.

    Meticulously argued and engagingly written, The Eye of the Beholder contains a wealth of material that will be helpful to seminarians, pastors, and laymen interested in the reliability of the Gospel of John.

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  • Exploring The New Testament Volume 2 Third Edition


    Written by scholars who have extensive experience teaching in colleges and universities, the Exploring the Bible series has for decades equipped students to study Scripture for themselves.

    Exploring the New Testament, Volume Two provides an accessible introduction to the Letters and Revelation. It’s filled with classroom-friendly features such as discussion questions, charts, theological summary sidebars, introductory and intermediate-level essay questions, and further reading lists. This volume introduces students to:
    *Jewish and Greco-Roman background
    *ancient letter writing
    *Paul’s life, mission, and theology
    *the structure and major themes of each book
    *issues of authorship, date, and setting
    *methods in reading and interpreting the Letters and Revelation
    *the intersection of New Testament criticism with contemporary issues of faith and culture

    This textbook is a valuable guide for anyone seeking an orientation to studying the New Testament. Now in its third edition, Exploring the New Testament, Volume Two has been updated throughout to engage recent sources and issues in New Testament scholarship.

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  • Kids Guide To The Names Of Jesus


    Help Your Kids Get to Know Jesus

    The story of Jesus isn’t confined to the Gospels. He is mentioned throughout the Old Testament, as prophets and scholars eagerly awaited His blessed arrival in Bethlehem.

    Each of Jesus’s names and positions holds a special promise for believers and reveals a part of His human and divine nature. Popular pastor, speaker, and author Dr. Tony Evans helps children (ages 8 to 12) learn what these names mean and how they apply to kids’ everyday lives.

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  • Exploring The New Testament Volume 1 Third Edition


    Written by scholars who have extensive experience teaching in colleges and universities, the Exploring the Bible series has for decades equipped students to study Scripture for themselves.

    Exploring the New Testament, Volume One provides an accessible introduction to the Gospels and Acts. It’s filled with classroom-friendly features such as discussion questions, charts, theological summary sidebars, introductory and intermediate-level essay questions, and further reading lists. This volume introduces students to:
    *Jewish and Greco-Roman background
    *literary genres and forms
    *debated issues such as authorship, date, and setting
    *the structure and major themes of each book
    *various approaches to the study of the Gospels and Acts
    *tools such as narrative criticism, reader-response approaches, and reception history
    *the intersection of New Testament criticism with contemporary faith and culture

    Especially suited as a textbook for courses on Jesus, the Gospels, or Acts, this book is a valuable guide for anyone seeking an orientation to studying the New Testament. Now in its third edition, Exploring the New Testament, Volume One has been updated throughout to engage recent sources and issues in New Testament scholarship.

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  • Letters For The Church


    The Catholic Epistles often get short shrift. Tucked into a few pages near the back of our Bibles, these books are sometimes referred to as the “non-Pauline epistles” or “concluding letters,” maybe getting lumped together with Hebrews and Revelation. Yet these letters, Darian Lockett argues, are treasures hidden in plain sight, and it’s time to give them the attention they deserve. In Letters for the Church, Lockett reveals how the Catholic Epistles provide a unique window into early Christian theology and practice. Based on evidence from the early church, he contends that the seven letters of James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, and Jude were accepted into the canon as a collection and should be read together. Here Lockett introduces the context and content of the Catholic Epistles while emphasizing how all seven letters are connected. Each chapter outlines the author, audience, and genre of one of the epistles, traces its flow of thought, and explores shared themes with the other Catholic Epistles. The early church valued the Catholic Epistles for multiple reasons: they defend orthodox faith and morals against the challenges of heretics, make clear that Christianity combines belief with action, and round out the New Testament witness to Christian faith and life. By introducing the coherent vision of these seven epistles, Letters for the Church helps us rediscover these riches.

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  • Inerrancia Biblica – (Spanish)


    La inerrancia biblica de Andres Messmer y Jose Hutter seala que la doctrina de la inspiracion conlleva, por lo menos, cuatro consecuencias: autoridad, claridad, necesidad y suficiencia.

    Por eso, en la autoridad se encuentra la relacion entre la Biblia y la verdad. Es decir, la inspiracion conlleva la autoridad, la cual a su vez conlleva afirmaciones con respecto a la verdad. La doctrina especifica que trata este tema se llama la inerrancia y es el tema de este libro.

    Por que escribir sobre la inerrancia?

    El tema de la inerrancia merece la pena, pues los cristianos deben saber que tienen en las manos cuando abran la Biblia. La Biblia es el libro mas importante para los cristianos, sobre el cual muchos han basado su fe y practica, y deben saber si contiene errores –por ejemplo, de tipo cientifico, arqueologico, filosofico, religioso, etc.– o no.

    El libro se divide en estos capitulos:

    1. Inerrancia y la naturaleza de la Biblia
    2. Una exegesis de los textos clasicos de la inspiracion
    3. La inerrancia segun la Iglesia primitiva
    4. El canon de la Biblia
    5. Documentos relacionados con la Conferencia Internacional de la Inerrancia Biblica

    Muy interesante y practico es el capitulo que presenta una exegesis profunda sobre los dos textos clasicos sobre la inspiracion: 2 Timoteo 3:14-17 y 2 Pedro 1:19-21.

    El libro esta, tambien, enfocado en la aplicacion practica que la inerrancia tiene para nuestras iglesias. Trata con la Palabra que leemos, estudiamos y predicamos y sobre la cual basamos nuestra fe en Jesucristo.

    The Biblical Inerrancy of Andres Messmer and Jose Hutter points out that the doctrine of inspiration has at least four consequences: authority, clarity, necessity, and sufficiency.

    That is why authority finds the relationship between the Bible and the truth. That is to say, inspiration implies authority, which in turn implies affirmations regarding the truth. The specific doctrine that addresses this issue is called inerrancy and this is the subject of this book.

    Why write about Inerrancy?

    The issue of Inerrancy is worth it because Christians should know what they have in their hands when they open the Bible. The Bible is the most important book for Christians, on which many have based their faith and practice, and should know whether it contains errors – for example, of a scientific, archaeological, philosophical, religious, etc. type – or not.

    The book is divided into these chapters:

    1. Documents related to t

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  • Mysteries Of The Messiah


    Highlighting connections that have been hidden from non-Jewish eyes, Rabbi Jason Sobel pulls back the curtain to shed God’s light on the holy scriptures.

    Most people do not understand how the Bible fits together–even people of faith. Too many Christians accept half an inheritance in that they are content to embrace merely the New Testament. On the flip side, Jews often experience this by embracing only the Old Testament. But God has an intricate plan and purpose for both.

    In Mysteries of the Messiah, Rabbi Jason Sobel, raised in a Jewish home in New Jersey but now a follower of Yeshua, pulls back the curtain to show the many connections in Scripture hidden in plain sight. Known for his emphatic declaration “but there’s more!” he guides readers from the story of creation through Revelation to see the passion and purpose of the Messiah, the Torah, and several of the patriarchs and prophets.

    God’s Word, written by many people over thousands of years, is not a random selection of people and stories, but they have intricate connections. Rabbi Jason connects the dots for readers, helping them see with clarity what God intended.

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  • Jesus And The Forces Of Death


    Although most people acknowledge that Jesus was a first-century Jew, interpreters of the Gospels often present him as opposed to Jewish law and customs–especially when considering his numerous encounters with the ritually impure. Matthew Thiessen corrects this popular misconception by placing Jesus within the Judaism of his day. Thiessen demonstrates that the Gospel writers depict Jesus opposing ritual impurity itself, not the Jewish ritual purity system or the Jewish law. This fresh interpretation of significant passages from the Gospels shows that throughout his life, Jesus destroys forces of death and impurity while upholding the Jewish law.

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  • Moses : In The Footsteps Of The Reluctant Prophet


    Join Adam Hamilton as he travels from Egypt to Mt. Sinai, the Nile, the Red Sea and the wilderness exploring the sites of Moses’ life. Using historical information, archaeological data, and biblical text, Hamilton guides us in the footsteps of this reluctant prophet who grew in his relationship with God and by the end of life had successfully fulfilled the role he was given.

    Turn your own reluctance into boldness as you examine the significant challenges facing Moses and how God shaped his character and life in powerful ways.

    Additional components for a six-week study include a comprehensive Leader Guide and a DVD featuring author and pastor Adam Hamilton. For a church-wide study, youth and children resources are also available.

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  • Womens Stories From The Bible Two Volume Set


    For too long the women of the Bible have been depicted in one-dimensional terms. On one side are saints, such as Mary, while on the other are bad girls, such as Eve and Jezebel. Just as often, the female characters of the Bible are simply ignored. However, the women of the Bible are complex, multidimensional individuals whose lives are inspiring, funny, and tragic in ways too many of us never hear.

    In the first book, From Widows to Warriors, Lynn Japinga acquaints us with the women of the Old Testament. From flawed heroes like Ruth and Rahab to fierce fighters like Deborah and Jael to tragic characters like Jephthah’s daughter and the unnamed concubine of the book of Judges, readers will encounter a wealth of foremothers in the faith in all their messy, yet redeemable, humanity. This Bible study introduces and retells every female character who contributes to one or more Old Testament stories, diving deeply into what each woman’s story means for us today with questions for reflection and discussion.

    In the second book, From Daughters to Disciples, Lynn Japinga acquaints readers with the women of the New Testament. From faithful forerunners like Anna and Elizabeth to female disciples like the sisters Mary, Martha, and Mary Magdalene to first-generation followers like Lydia and Dorcas, readers will encounter a wealth of foremothers in the faith in all their messy, yet redeemable, humanity. This Bible study introduces and retells every female character who contributes to one or more New Testament stories, diving deeply into what each woman’s story means for us today with questions for reflection and discussion.

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  • Conspicuous In His Absence


    In the biblical canon, two books lack any explicit reference to the name of God: Song of Songs and Esther. What is the nature of God as revealed in texts that don’t use his name? Exploring the often overlooked theological connections between these two Old Testament books, Chloe T. Sun takes on the challenges of God’s absence and explores how we think of God when he is perceived to be silent.

    In the biblical canon, two books lack any explicit reference to the name of God: Song of Songs and Esther. God’s peculiar absence in these texts is unsettling, both for theological discourse and for believers considering implications for their own lived experience. Chloe T. Sun takes on the challenges of God’s absence by exploring the often overlooked theological connections between these two Old Testament books. In Conspicuous in His Absence, Sun examines and reflects on the Song of Songs and Esther using theological interpretation. She addresses three main questions: What is the nature of God as revealed in texts that don’t use his name? How do we think of God when he is perceived to be absent? What should we do when God is silent or hidden? The experience of God’s absence or silence is an important part of the human condition. By exploring the distinct themes and perspectives of Song of Songs and Esther, as well as how they’ve been received in Jewish and Christian history, Sun demonstrates how both books serve as counter texts to the depiction of God and his work in the rest of the Hebrew Scriptures. Thus both contribute to a fuller picture of who God is and what it means to know him.

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  • Flawed Family Of God


    Today’s families face challenges not too different from the first families of the Bible. The drama experienced in Genesis happens within stories about families, and the issues they raise–married vs. single life, sibling rivalry, infertility, family relocation, blended families, and the like–and are startlingly relevant to families of today. This book examines the families of Genesis, starting with how the Adam and Eve story encompasses far more ways of being family–including singleness–than most of us think, and shows us that the ups and downs of the relationship between Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, and Ishmael can help us understand the complicated dynamic of blended families. It also looks at the sibling rivalry of the Cain and Abel story and points to the jealousy and violence to which the whole human family seems addicted. The final chapter exploring death in the family argues that death leaves a hole, not simply in the hearts of loved ones but within the ongoing stories that families tell about themselves. Carol Helsel and Suzie Park invite readers to consider these connections as they reexamine modern family life as well.

    This engaging Bible study includes questions for individual reflection or group use.

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  • Lies My Preacher Told Me


    Discover why stories and laws written thousands of years ago, centuries before Christ, are enriching and indispensable for modern Christians. Written by a leading scholar in Old Testament and designed for easy reading and group discussion, this book will expand your thinking about the Bible’s First (and largest) Testament.

    In this concise volume, Brent Strawn addresses ten common “lies” or mistruths about the Old Testament, from perceptions of God’s personality (the “angry Old Testament God”) to the relevance of the Old Testament for Christians. Discover why stories and laws written thousands of years ago, centuries before Christ, are enriching and indispensable for modern Christians. Written by a leading scholar in Old Testament and designed for easy reading and group discussion, this book will expand your thinking about the Bible’s First (and largest) Testament.

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  • Theology Of Jeremiah


    How do we think about the theology of the book of Jeremiah? John Goldingay considers the prophet Jeremiah himself, his individual circumstances and those of Judah, and his message. As we view the book of Jeremiah in its entirety, we learn about God, Israel as the people of God, the nature of wrongdoing and prophecy, and what we know about the future.

    How do we think about the theology of the book of Jeremiah? Do we consider themes section by section, or do we step back and look at the whole? John Goldingay says “both.” In The Theology of Jeremiah, Goldingay considers the prophet Jeremiah himself, his individual circumstances and those of Judah, and his message. Though Jeremiah’s message varies throughout the book, we gain insights into Jeremiah’s theology by viewing the book in its entirety. In doing so, we learn about God, Israel as the people of God, the nature of wrongdoing and prophecy, and what we know about the future.

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  • Servant Of The Lord And His Servant People


    It is often recognized that the title “servant” is applied to key figures throughout the Bible, culminating in Jesus Christ.

    In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume Matthew Harmon carefully traces this theme from Genesis to Revelation with the intention of seeing how earlier servants point forward to the ultimate Servant. While this servant theme certainly is significant in its own right throughout redemptive history, it also plays a supporting role, enhancing and enriching other themes such as son, prophet, and king. Harmon shows how the title “servant” not only gives us a clearer understanding of Jesus Christ but also has profound implications for our lives as Christians. When we grasp what it means to be servants of Christ, our love for him and our obedience to him deepen. Understanding that the ultimate Servant Jesus Christ indwells his people to empower them to serve others in love has the potential to transform how we interact with fellow believers and the world around us. Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Introduction To The Old Testament Third Edition


    Incorporating the most current scholarship, this new edition also includes concrete tips for doing close readings of the Old Testament text, and a chapter on ways to read Scripture and respond in light of pressing contemporary issues, such as economic inequality, racial and gender justice, and environmental degradation.

    In this updated edition of the popular textbook An Introduction to the Old Testament, Walter Brueggemann and Tod Linafelt introduce the reader to the broad theological scope of the Old Testament, treating some of the most important issues and methods in contemporary biblical interpretation. This clearly written textbook focuses on the literature of the Old Testament as it grew out of religious, political, and ideological contexts over many centuries in Israel’s history. Covering every book in the Old Testament (arranged in canonical order), the authors demonstrate the development of theological concepts in biblical writings from the Torah through postexilic Judaism.

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  • Paul Politics And New Creation


    Paul, Politics, and New Creation: Reconsidering Paul and Empire nuances Paul’s relationship with the Roman Empire. Using rhetorical, sociohistorical, and theological methods, Najeeb T. Haddad reevaluates claims of Paul’s anti-imperialism by situating him in his proper Hellenistic Jewish and Greco-Roman contexts.

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  • Journey Into Gods Word Second Edition


    A guide to learn the skills you need to understand and apply God’s Word. Now revised and updated!

    Life is a journey, and like any journey, it requires an accurate, reliable roadmap to get us where we need to go. God has provided such a guide in his Word. But just as a navigator needs to learn how to interpret all the contours and symbols of a map, so also we need to be able to understand how the Bible communicates its directions to us.

    In Journey into God’s Word, Second Edition reader’s will:

    *Be introduced to the Interpretive Journey, a five-step framework for understanding how to read any Bible passage

    *Learn vital reading skills that aid in their comprehension of not just the Bible, but of any piece of literature

    *Discover the importance of understanding historical-cultural and literary contexts

    *Receive guidance on choosing a Bible translation for their study

    *Be given practical tips for reading specific genres in the Bible like, Gospels, letters, Law, prophecy, poetry, and more

    Journey into God’s Word, Second Edition helps Bible readers acquire these skills and become better at reading, interpreting, and applying the Bible to life. Based on the bestselling college/seminary textbook Grasping God’s Word it takes the proven principles from that book and makes them accessible to people in the church. It starts with general principles of interpretation, then moves on to apply those principles to specific genres and contexts. Hands-on exercises guide readers through the interpretation process, with an emphasis on real-life application. This second edition has been revised and updated to match the fourth edition of Grasping God’s Word with a five-step Interpretive Journey.

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  • Elements Of Biblical Exegesis


    World-renowned scholar Michael Gorman presents a straightforward approach to the complex task of biblical exegesis. This third edition of Gorman’s widely used and trusted textbook (over 60,000 copies sold) has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect developments in the academy and the classroom over the past decade. The new edition explains recent developments in theological interpretation and explores missional and non-Western readings of the biblical text. Adaptable for students in various settings, it includes clear explanations, practical hints, suggested exercises, and sample papers.

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  • Gods Messiah In The Old Testament


    Two respected Old Testament scholars offer a fresh, comprehensive treatment of the Messiah theme throughout the entire Old Testament and examine its relevance for New Testament interpretation. Addressing a topic of perennial interest and foundational significance, this book explores what the Old Testament actually says about the Messiah, divine kingship, and the kingdom of God. It also offers a nuanced understanding of how New Testament authors make use of Old Testament messianic texts in explaining who Jesus is and what he came to do.

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  • Pauls Works Of The Law In The Perspective Of Second Century Reception


    When Paul wrote that we are justified by faith apart from “works of the law” what did he mean? Matthew J. Thomas examines how Paul’s second-century readers understood the conflicting interpretations, how their readings relate to “old” and “new” perspectives, and what their collective witness suggests about the apostle’s own meaning.

    What did Paul mean by “works of the law”? Paul writes that we are justified by faith apart from “works of the law,” a disputed term that represents a fault line between “old” and “new” perspectives on Paul. Was the apostle reacting against the Jews’ good works done to earn salvation, or the Mosaic law’s practices that identified the Jewish people? Matthew J. Thomas examines how Paul’s second-century readers understood these points in conflict, how their readings relate to “old” and “new” perspectives, and what their collective witness suggests about the apostle’s own meaning. Surprisingly, these early witnesses align closely with the “new” perspective, though their reasoning often differs from both modern viewpoints. They suggest that Paul opposes these works neither due to moralism, nor primarily for experiential or social reasons, but because the promised new law and covenant, which are transformative and universal in scope, have come in Christ.

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  • Misreading Scripture With Indivdualist Eyes


    The Bible was written within collectivist cultures. When Westerners, immersed in individualism, read the Bible, it’s easy to misinterpret important elements-or miss them altogether. In any culture, the most important things usually go without being said. So to read Scripture well we benefit when we uncover the unspoken social structures and values of its world. We need to recalibrate our vision. Combining the expertise of a biblical scholar and a missionary practitioner, Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes is an essential guidebook to the cultural background of the Bible and how it should inform our reading. E. Randolph Richards and Richard James explore deep social structures of the ancient Mediterranean-kinship, patronage, and brokerage-along with their key social tools-honor, shame, and boundaries-that the biblical authors lived in and lie below the surface of each text. From Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar to Peter’s instructions to elders, the authors strip away individualist assumptions and bring the world of the biblical writers to life. Expanding on the popular Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes, this book makes clear how understanding collectivism will help us better understand the Bible, which in turn will help us live more faithfully in an increasingly globalized world.

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  • Perspectives On Paul


    This five-views work brings together an all-star lineup of Pauline scholars to offer a constructive, interdenominational, up-to-date conversation on key issues of Pauline theology. The editors begin with an informative recent history of biblical tradition related to the perspectives on Paul. John M. G. Barclay, A. Andrew Das, James D. G. Dunn, Brant Pitre, and Magnus Zetterholm then discuss how to interpret Paul’s writings and theology, especially the apostle’s view of salvation. The book concludes with an assessment of the perspectives from a pastoral point of view by Dennis R. Edwards.

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  • Reading Scriputre As The Church


    The Bible is meant to be read in the church, by the church, as the church. Although the practice of reading Scripture has often become separated from its ecclesial context, theologian Derek Taylor argues that it rightly belongs to the disciplines of the community of faith. He finds a leading example of this approach in the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who regarded the reading of Scripture as an inherently communal exercise of discipleship. In conversation with other theologians, including John Webster, Robert Jenson, and Stanley Hauerwas, Taylor contends that Bonhoeffer’s approach to Scripture can engender the practices and habits of a faithful hermeneutical community. Today, as in Bonhoeffer’s time, the church is called to take up and read.

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  • Salvation To The Ends Of The Earth


    The saving mission of Jesus constitutes the foundation for Christian mission, and the Christian gospel is its message. This second edition of a classic NSBT volume emphasizes how the Bible presents a continuing narrative of God’s mission, providing a robust historical and chronological backbone to the unfolding of the early Christian mission.

    Few biblical topics are as important as mission. Mission is linked inextricably to humanity’s sinfulness and need for redemption and to God’s provision of salvation in the person and work of Jesus Christ. This good news of salvation must be made known. The saving mission of Jesus constitutes the foundation for Christian mission, and the Christian gospel is its message. This second edition of New Studies in Biblical Theology volume Salvation to the Ends of the Earth emphasizes the way in which the Bible presents a continuing narrative of God’s mission-ranging from the story of Israel to the story of Jesus and that of the early Christians. At the same time, it provides a robust historical and chronological backbone to the unfolding of the early Christian mission. The apostle Paul’s writings and the General Epistles are incorporated with the Gospel with which they have the closest and most natural canonical and historical affinity. Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Resurrecting Justice : Reading Romans For The Life Of The World


    The theme of justice pervades the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

    And all Christians agree that justice is important. We often disagree, however, about what justice means, both in Scripture and for us today. Many turn to Old Testament laws, the prophets, and the life of Jesus to find biblical guidance on justice, but few think of searching the letters of Paul. Readers frequently miss a key source, a writing in which justice is actually the central concern: the book of Romans. In Resurrecting Justice, theologian Douglas Harink invites readers to rediscover Romans as a treatise on justice. He traces Paul’s thinking on this theme through a sequential reading of the book, finding in each passage facets of the gospel’s primary claim–that God accomplishes justice in the death and resurrection of Jesus Messiah. By rendering forms of the Greek word dikaiosyne as “just” or “justice,” Harink emphasizes the inseparability of personal, social, and political uprightness that was clear to Paul but is obscured in modern translations’ use of the words “righteous” and “righteousness” instead. Throughout this book, Harink includes personal reflection questions and contemporary implications, helping readers connect Paul’s teaching to issues in their world such as church life, politics, power, criminal justice, and violence. Romans demands nothing less than a fundamental rethinking of all things in the light of the gospel. And in Romans the life, death, resurrection, and exaltation of Jesus makes all the difference in how we think about justice. Resurrecting Justice makes clear that the good news of a justice that can come only from God is crucial not only for individual lives but for all peoples and nations of the world.

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  • Ancient Jewish And Christian Scriptures


    Ancient Jewish and Christian Scriptures examines the writings included in and excluded from the Jewish and Christian canons of Scripture and explores the social settings in which some of this literature was viewed as authoritative and some was viewed either as uninspired or as heretical. John J. Collins, Craig A. Evans, and Lee Martin McDonald examine how those noncanonical writings demonstrate the historical, literary, and religious aspects of the culture that gave rise to the writings. They also show how literature excluded from the Jewish and Christian canons of Scripture remains valuable today for understanding the questions and conflicts that early Jewish and Christian faith communities faced. Through this discussion, contemporary readers acquire a broader understanding of biblical Scripture and of Jewish and Christian faith inspired by Scripture.

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  • Here Are Your Gods


    When the Israelites exclaimed, “Here are your gods!” at the sight of the golden calf, they were attempting to hold on to the God of their history while fashioning idols for their own purposes. In today’s Western world, plenty of shiny false gods still hold power-idols of prosperity, nationalism, and self-interest. Christians desperately need to name and expose these idols. We must retrieve the biblical emphasis on idolatry and apply it anew in our journey of following Jesus. In “Here Are Your Gods,” Old Testament scholar Christopher J. H. Wright combines a biblical study of idolatry with practical discipleship. He calls readers to consider connections between Old Testament patterns and today’s culture, especially recurring temptations to trust in political power. Now as much as ever, we need a biblically informed understanding of the many ways humans make gods for themselves, the danger of idols, and how God calls us to join him in the battle against idolatry as part of his ongoing mission to be known and worshiped by all peoples.

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  • Siete Fiestas De Jehova – (Spanish)


    Las siete fiestas de Jehova de Eduardo Cartea Millos, es un estudio basado en Levitico. Es uno de esos textos en la Biblia como Isaias 53, Salmo 23 que tiene una importancia y trascendencia mayor en toda la Biblia.

    El libro amplia el tema para estudiar y explicar esas celebraciones de las siete fiestas y entender la interrelacion que existe en la cultura Judia, el Dios del Antiguo Testamento, Jehova y su relacion con el Nuevo Testamento. Tambien analiza sus simbolismos, el propio caracter de Dios; y asi mucho otros temas que aparecen en las 7 fiestas solemnes de Jehova.

    Las siete fiestas de Jehova de Eduardo Cartea Millos basado en Levitico, es un estudio amplio de las siete fiestas solemnes de la cultura Judia; su simbolismo, tipologia y la interrelacion con el Nuevo Testamento.

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  • From Widows To Warriors


    This Bible study introduces and retells every female character who contributes to one or more Old Testament stories, diving deeply into what each woman’s story means for us today with questions for reflection and discussion.

    For too long the women of the Bible have been depicted in one-dimensional terms. On one side are saints, such as Mary, while on the other are “bad girls,” such as Eve and Jezebel. Just as often, the female characters of the Bible are simply ignored. However, the women of the Bible are complex, multidimensional individuals whose lives are inspiring, funny, and tragic in ways too many of us never hear.

    In this first of two volumes, Lynn Japinga acquaints us with the women of the Old Testament. From flawed heroes like Ruth and Rahab to fierce fighters like Deborah and Jael to tragic characters like Jephthah’s daughter and the unnamed concubine of the book of Judges, readers will encounter a wealth of foremothers in the faith in all their messy, yet redeemable, humanity. This Bible study introduces and retells every female character who contributes to one or more Old Testament stories, diving deeply into what each woman’s story means for us today with questions for reflection and discussion.

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  • Acts : And You Will Be My Witnesses


    Acts is a goldmine of adventure, filled with spellbinding stories interlaced with sermons and speeches. The theology of Acts arises from the drama that unfolds a drama that invites us to step in and join a narrative that is still unfolding. Study the story of God as told by Luke about the spark of the Christian church as it expanded and spread like wildfire throughout the ancient world. Over the course of seven weeks, gain deeper insight into stories about the mission of God, the Day of Pentecost, the sermon of Simon Peter, the healing of a lame man, the conversion of Saul, Peter’s rooftop experience, and the debate at the Council of Jerusalem. And remember, the ACTion does not end when the book of Acts ends. We are still called to be God’s witnesses in the world today.

    A faithful reading of God’s Word leads to a faithful response from God’s people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.

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  • Helplessness Of God


    Many people are uncomfortable with the way in which leadership has been exercised within Christianity, and in this book Nicholas King looks at what the Bible tells us about the exercise of authority. The message is that human beings, with the exception of Jesus, always get it wrong, unless they are prepared to ‘lead by listening’ or exercise authority as an act of loving service. For the only absolute authority is God. Why speak of ‘the helplessness of God’? Because God is voluntarily dependent on our response, helpless until we make our decision, and will not force us to choose our own good. God’s love is never tyrannical, always utterly respectful of human freedom. That must be the way ahead for authority in the Church.

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  • Biblical Theology According To The Apostles


    How did the apostles understand the Old Testament?

    Although relatively few in number, the New Testament’s explicit summaries of the Old Testament story of Israel give readers direct access into the way the earliest Christians told this story-that is to say, into the way they did biblical theology.

    This stimulating New Studies in Biblical Theology volume examines the passages in the Synoptic Gospels, Acts, Paul’s letters, and Hebrews which recount the characters, events, and institutions of Israel’s story in chronological order and at substantial length. The authors demonstrate just how valuable a lens these summaries provide for a clearer vision of the earliest Christians’ practice of biblical theology. In doing so, they also show how contemporary readers can and should follow the apostles’ example.

    Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Gospels As Stories


    Popular writer and teacher Jeannine Brown shows how a narrative approach illuminates each of the Gospels, helping readers see the overarching stories. This book offers a corrective to tendencies to read the Gospels piecemeal, one story at a time. It is filled with numerous examples and visual aids that show how narrative criticism brings the text to life, making it an ideal supplementary textbook for courses on the Gospels. Readers will gain hands-on tools and perspectives to interpret the Gospels as whole stories.

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  • How To Read Daniel


    Beyond the familiar lions’ den and fiery furnace, much of the book of Daniel seems baffling to modern readers.

    The first half recounts stories full of ancient Near Eastern protocol and imperial court drama; the second half features apocalyptic visions of monstrous beasts and cosmic conflict. Many Christians misunderstand or simply avoid the book. But failing to read Daniel well means missing a critical part of God’s message to us. According to Tremper Longman III, when we read Daniel on its own terms and in its original context, we’ll discover that all of the book is easier to understand than we might think. In this volume of the popular How to Read Series, Longman brings his expertise as an Old Testament scholar and teacher to orient readers to a proper engagement with Daniel. He examines the book’s genre, structure, historical background, and major theological message before diving deeper into each of the stories and visions. As we learn how to enter the world of Daniel, we find a message not only for his generation but also for ours: even in hostile circumstances, God is in control, and he will have the final victory. Longman draws out this theme of Daniel for the twenty-first century, finding help for faithful living in a toxic culture and hope in a troubled world. How to Read Daniel is the perfect starting point for anyone studying, teaching, or seeking a reliable guide to this ancient book.

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  • No Half Truths Allowed Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    When it comes to proclaiming the Gospel message, half-truths, vague notions, and generalizations can be dangerous.

    In today’s Church, many people are spreading a gospel that is full of half-truths, unaware that they are believing lies about Who God is and what our roles as Christians are. Our responsibility as Christians is to dive into God’s Word and find His truths for ourselves. In this study guide, you will be directed to explore the Scriptures for yourself to find the true Gospel.

    Designed as a companion piece to No Half-Truths Allowed: Understanding the Complete Gospel Message by Christine Paxon and Rose Spiller, No Half-Truths Allowed Study Guide is an interactive study guide with questions and Scriptures to help readers delve even deeper into understanding the complete Gospel message.

    Though this study guide can stand alone without the book, it is designed as a supplement to give a richer and deeper understanding of the Gospel message and is easily adaptable for individual or small group study. Learning is enriched and more fun when we do it together!

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  • No Half Truths Allowed


    When it comes to proclaiming the Gospel message, half-truths, vague notions, and generalizations can be dangerous.

    What are the important truths we need to know and share with others? Is it enough to believe that God loves us and wants a relationship with us? Is it enough to “ask Jesus into our hearts”? Is it enough to recite the “sinner’s prayer,” or do we need to repent of our sin? Is going to church and serving others enough? Is what Jesus suffered more than a gruesome death on a cross? If Jesus, who is fully God, was crucified, did God die on Good Friday? Is God mad at us when we sin and happy when we’re behaving? Can we lose our salvation?

    If you’re not sure of the answers to any of these questions, you are not alone. Join Christine Paxson and Rose Spiller as they explore the answers to these and many other questions about the true Gospel message in No Half-Truths Allowed: Understanding the Complete Gospel Message. Learn what Jesus did for you, why He did it, and how you can articulate the Gospel to others. Also available is the companion No Half-Truths Allowed Study Guide, an interactive study guide with questions and Scriptures to help readers delve even deeper into understanding the complete Gospel message.

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  • Demons : What The Bible Really Says About The Powers Of Darkness


    The truth about demons is far stranger–and even more fascinating–than what’s commonly believed.

    Are demons real? Are they red creatures with goatees holding pitchforks and sitting on people’s shoulders while whispering bad things? Did a third of the angels really rebel with Satan? Are demons and “principalities and powers” just terms for the same entities, or are they different members of the kingdom of darkness? Is the world a chaotic mess because of what happened in Eden, or is there more to the story of evil?

    What people believed about evil spiritual forces in ancient biblical times is often very different than what people have been led to believe about them today. And this ancient worldview is missing from most attempts to treat the topic.

    In Demons, Michael Heiser debunks popular presuppositions about the very real powers of darkness. Rather than traditions, stories, speculations, or myths, Demons is grounded in what ancient people of both the Old and New Testament eras believed about evil spiritual forces and in what the Bible actually says. You’ll come away with a sound, biblical understanding of demons, supernatural rebellion, evil spirits, and spiritual warfare.

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  • Figural Reading And The Old Testament


    Don Collett, an experienced Old Testament teacher, offers an account of Old Testament interpretation that capitalizes on recent research in figural exegesis. Collett examines the tension between figural and literal modes of exegesis as they developed in Christian thought, introduces ongoing debates and discussions concerning figural readings of Scripture, and offers theological readings of several significant Old Testament passages. This book will work well as a primer on figural exegesis for seminarians or as a capstone seminary text that ties together themes from courses in Bible, exegesis, and theology.

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  • Defending Shame : Its Formative Power In Paul’s Letters


    Our culture often views shame in a negative light. However, Paul’s use of shame, when properly understood and applied, has much to teach the contemporary church. Filling a lacuna in Pauline scholarship, this book shows how Paul uses shame to admonish and to transform the mind of his readers into the mind of Christ. The author examines Paul’s use of shame for moral formation within his Jewish and Greco-Roman context, compares and contrasts Paul’s use of shame with other cultural voices, and offers a corrective understanding for today’s church. Foreword by Luke Timothy Johnson.

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  • Pauline Eschatology : The Apocalyptic Rupture Of Eternal Imperialism


    When seeking to understand what Paul and his coworkers were trying to accomplish, it is no longer possible to ignore Graeco-Roman cultural, economic, political, and religious beliefs and practices. Nor can one ignore the ways in which colonized and vanquished peoples adopted, developed, subverted, and resisted these things. Therefore, in order to properly contextualize the Pauline faction, the traditional background material related to Paul and politics must be developed in the following ways: Pauline eschatology must be examined in light of apocalyptic resistance movements; Pauline eschatology must be understood in light of the realized eschatology of Roman imperialism; and the ideo-theology of Rome (its four cornerstones of the household unit, cultural constructs of honor and shame, practices of patronage, and traditional Roman religiosity now all reworked within the rapidly spreading imperial cult[s]) must be explored in detail. This is the task of Pauline Eschatology, the second volume of Paul and the Uprising of the Dead. In it, we will witness how Pauline apocalypticism ruptures the eternal now of empire, and this, then, paves our way for the detailed study of Paulinism that follows in volume 3, Pauline Solidarity.

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  • James : Consider It Pure Joy


    In James, we find one of the clearest examples of the Jewish contributions to Christianity-a strong ethic. First-century Jews believed that body, soul, and spirit were one. Therefore, one could not act contrary to how one believed. Over the course of seven weeks exploring the concepts of practical Christian living presented in the book of James, you will discover: the secret of living a joy-filled life in the midst of trouble, the tools for finding salvation through obedient faith, how to keep the commandments by loving your neighbor, and how God wants you to live in Christian fellowship.

    A faithful reading of God’s Word leads to a faithful response from God’s people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.

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  • Genesis 12-27 : And God Said To Abraham


    Genesis is the foundational book for the entire biblical canon. In Genesis we find the themes of creation, relationship, covenant, hope, and redemption that will come to characterize God’s grand story throughout the rest of the Bible, all the way to Revelation. Grab a Bible and a pen and explore what our response should be to these family- and relationship-centered stories. Journey through seven weeks of study that will cover both well-known and lesser-known narratives, including God’s call of Abraham, Abraham and Lot, God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, God’s test of Abraham, Isaac and Abimelek, and Jacob and Esau.

    A faithful reading of God’s Word leads to a faithful response from God’s people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.

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  • Studies In The Deeper Life


    This outstanding Bible study course by legendary teacher E. W. Kenyon was written to lead Christians into a deeper walk with the Master. Profound scriptural truths are presented in a simple and east-to-understand manner. As it takes you through the pages of the Bible, you will begin to see who you are in Christ, what He has done for you, and your standing before God the Father. An ideal study for both groups or individuals.

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  • Bible In The Light Of Our Redemption


    Written by beloved Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon, this challenging study course covers the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, highlighting the long view of God’s unfolding plan of redemption. Appropriate for groups or individuals, both the new believer and the mature Christian, it lays out the legal claim for who and what we are in Christ. This course will build your faith and challenge you to a deeper walk with our Redeemer.

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  • Rapture Part 2


    This second part of the book explains about the signs of heaven that are related to the second coming of the Lord Jesus.

    His first coming is marked by a sign in the sky in the form of a star in the east as explained in Matthew 2:2:

    Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

    God also gave signs in the sky relating to His second coming:

    The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: (Acts 2:20)

    From 2014-2019 there were sixteen sky signs referred to the verse, in the form of nine solar eclipses and seven total lunar eclipses (moons like blood), thirteen of which occur right on the feast days of the people of Israel and three on the days that we interpret related to end-time events, that are on the day would be the beginning of great tribulation, on the day of the cessation of daily sacrifices, and the last day of great tribulation in Jerusalem.

    Furthermore, the eclipses of years 2018 have the same interval of days with the ones in 2015, especially when reckoned from the calendar year beginning on the 1st day of Nissan and the other calendar year beginning on the 15th day of Shevat.

    The Bible records that the end times will occur when conditions are safe and peaceful, but they will suddenly turn into chaos accompanied by severe persecution.

    “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” (1 Thessalonans 5:3)

    In medical science, the normal gestation period lasts 266 days, and the Lord gave a lot of signs similar to pregnancy (266).

    In addition, the book also explains the Israelite festivals and their meanings and prophecies. The Israelites have seven main feasts which are divided into two, namely the festivals of Rainy Season and the festival of Summer. The three festivals of the Rainy Season were fulfilled at the time of the first coming of the Lord Jesus. The four summer festivals in the form of the feast of the Trumpet, the day of Atonement, the feast of Tabernacles and the day of Hanukkah have not yet been fulfilled. Many theologians believe that the holidays will be fulfilled in connection with the second coming of the Lord Jesus.

    Surprisingly, when we interpreted end-time events based on data of solar eclipses and total lunar eclipses , Israel’s feasts and Bible verses, it turns

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  • 4 Portraits One Jesus 2nd Edition


    To Christians worldwide, the man Jesus of Nazareth is the centerpiece of history, the object of faith, hope, and worship. Even those who do not follow him admit the vast influence of his life. For anyone interested in knowing more about Jesus, study of the four biblical Gospels is essential.

    The second edition of Four Portraits, One Jesus has been updated throughout to meet the needs to today’s students. It is a thorough yet accessible introduction to the four biblical Gospels and their subject, the life and person of Jesus. Like different artists rendering the same subject using different styles and points of view, the Gospels paint four highly distinctive portraits of the same remarkable Jesus.

    With clarity and insight, Mark Strauss illuminates these four books addressing the following important areas:
    *First he addresses the nature, origin, methods for study, and historical, religious, and cultural backgrounds of the Gospels.
    *He then moves on to closer study of each narrative and its contribution to our understanding of Jesus, investigating things such as plot, characters, and theme.
    *Finally, he pulls it all together with a detailed examination of what the Gospels teach about Jesus’ ministry, message, death, and resurrection, with excursions into the quest for the historical Jesus and the historical reliability of the Gospels.

    This textbook together with its workbook, video lectures, and laminated sheet gives students everything they need for a thorough and enriching study of Jesus and the Gospels.

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