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    Ana Ferrell

    • High Level Warfare (Revised)


      God has established Dr. Ana Mendez Ferrell as one of His top Generals of war. In this revised version she reveals strategies for warfare at the highest levels without fear of counterattacks. High Level Warfare Safe from Counter Attack is a masterpiece of revelations filled with amazing encounters that contain treasures of wisdom, knowledge, and personal experiences accumulated from her battles around the world. God’s army has been infiltrated with wrong teachings that have produced fear, frustration, and confusion from those who have never been in spiritual combat. Through this book, you will be encouraged, equipped, and inspired to move forward to deeper levels of victory and glory from one who has been in hand to hand combat. These teachings are for those brave warriors, whose purpose is to understand God’s methods of fighting and the right weapons to use to establish God’s kingdom through Christ our Lord. This new edition of High Level Warfare includes a new chapter Different Types of War: *This new chapter includes four basic principles to conquer your city and nation: The Cleansing of the Land, Establishing the Territory, Strategic Wars at the Prophetic Act Level, Wars in the Dimension of the Spirit.

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    • Spirit Of Man


      In the Spirit of Man written by Dr. Ana Mendez Ferrell, you will discover the anatomy of your invisible being, how you were conceived by God, and the different functions of your spirit, soul and heart. You will learn how to reach your highest spiritual potential, how your Tri-part being functions and interacts in the spiritual and physical dimensions, and the spiritual origins of sickness and health. The Spirit of Man is a true legacy of knowledge that will spiritually develop you in ways you have always longed for.

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    • Regions Of Captivity


      Traditional methods of deliverance requires time, dedication, physical and spiritual strength. This is a price few are willing to pay. Jesus taught and demonstrated a more profound way. This book explains His methods in amazing detail.

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    • Comed De Mi Carne Bebed De Mi – (Spanish)


      This book is filled with the live, fresh revelation of the inheritance of Jesus through communion. The Lord revealed His profound work powerfully to Ana. What we do as a ritual today is without life. The Lord clearly intended this act to release the most powerful and victorious manifestations in the lives of every believer. This book will unlock the key to your moving in power and knowledge like never before.

      Este libro es una revelacion viva y fresca del sacramento de la Santa Cena.

      Uno de los temas mas malentendidos por la iglesia tradicional y por ende la Iglesia contemporanea.

      Nuestro Seor se revela poderosamente a la autora de esta obra, para manifestarle la mas poderosa herencia que El nos dejo a traves de comer de su carne y de beber de su sangre.

      Lo que hoy tenemos como un ritual sin vida, el Seor lo torna en una revelacion que revolucionaa la vida espiritual de la iglesia del hoy.

      Entender este tema llevara a sus lectores a la mas eficaz manifestacion del poder de Dios en sus vidas y les abrira la puerta a las revelaciones mas extraordinarias de Dios.

      Descubrira en estas paginas dimensiones de la sangre y del cuerpo de Jesus que jamas habian pasado por su mente.

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