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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 301–400 of 1916 results

  • Cosmology In Theological Perspective


    A leading expert in science and theology introduces the topic of cosmology from a “state of the question” perspective, showing what the stakes are for religion and theology in the rise of modern science.

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  • Luther For Evangelicals


    A leading Lutheran theologian offers a brief introduction to Luther’s theology that corrects common misconceptions and connects Luther with the evangelical tradition.

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  • Seasons And Self


    Seasons and Self is a courageous exploration into religious naturalism as well as contemporary critical biblical studies by one of Australia’s leading progressives, Rex A E Hunt. A self-professed religious naturalist, progressive liturgist, and social ecologist, he belongs squarely within a post-liberal/ ‘progressive’ orientation.

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  • 2 Ways : The Early Christian Vision Of Discipleship From The Didache And Th


    How did earliest Christians receive and understand the teaching of Jesus and the apostles? These writings, among the earliest used in training new disciples, show a clear, vibrant, practical faith concerned with all aspects of discipleship in daily life–vocation, morality, family life, social justice, the sacraments, prophesy, citizenship, and leadership.

    For the most part, these writings have remained buried in academia, analyzed by scholars but seldom used for building up the church community. Now, at a time when Christians of every persuasion are seeking clarity by returning to the roots of their faith, these simple, direct teachings shed light on what it means to be a follower of Christ in any time or place.

    The Didache, an anonymous work composed in the late first century AD, was lost for centuries before being rediscovered in 1873. The Shepherd was written by a former slave named Hermas in the second century AD or possibly even earlier.

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  • Explorers Guide To Julian Of Norwich


    “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.”

    Julian of Norwich’s Revelations of Divine Love is truly an amazing work: an example of Christian mysticism, a unique contribution to Christian theology, the first book in English known to have been written by a woman.

    But it can also be a daunting work. Veronica Mary Rolf, who has been studying Julian’s text for decades, serves as a guide for readers willing to take up and read Revelations of Divine Love by setting it in its fourteenth-century context and illuminating our understanding of this enduring work and its claim that “all shall be well.”

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  • Joy Project : An Introduction To Calvinism With Study Guide (Expanded)


    True happiness is not found. It finds you.

    We think of our chase for joy as a fundamental right-and it’s no surprise. By nature we are pleasure-seekers, though chronically unsuccessful at finding the type of joy that will endure for more than a passing moment.

    But what if long-lasting joy isn’t found at all? What if the deepest and most durable happiness breaks into our lives, overcomes our boredom, and ultimately finds us? What if true joy is out of our reach, but reaches for us?

    (This updated edition now includes a Study Guide for each chapter.)

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  • Quivering Families : The Quiverfull Movement And Evangelical Theology Of Th


    American evangelicals are known for focusing on the family, but the Quiverfull movement intensifies that focus in a significant way. Often called “Quiverfull” due to an emphasis on filling their “quivers” with as many children as possible (Psalm 127:5), such families are distinguishable by their practices of male-only leadership, homeschooling, and prolific childbirth. Their primary aim is “multigenerational faithfulness” – ensuring their descendants maintain Christian faith for many generations. Many believe this focus will lead to the Christianization of America in the centuries to come.Quivering Families is a first of its kind project that employs history, ethnography, and theology to explore the Quiverfull movement in America. The book considers a study of the movement’s origins, its major leaders and institutions, and the daily lives of its families. Quivering Families argues that despite the apparent strangeness of their practice, Quiverfull is a thoroughly evangelical and American phenomenon. Far from offering a countercultural vision of the family, Quiverfull represents an intensification of longstanding tendencies. The movement reveals the weakness of evangelical theology of the family and underlines the need for more critical and creative approaches.

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  • Apostles Creed : A Guide To The Ancient Catechism


    Do you believe?

    Today, we’re flooded with opinions and ideas. And they all might be interesting, but are they true? Would you die for them?

    Benjamin Myers re-introduces the Apostles’ Creed, helping us to see how difficult and counter-cultural the Creed really is. It doesn’t give us sweet, empty words. It’s a faith that demands we die so that we might live.

    In the early church, many converts died for their faith so they needed to have a good idea what they might die for. Early church pastors and theologians used the Apostles’ Creed as the essential guide to the basics of the Christian life.

    The Apostles’ Creed has united Christians from different times, different places, and different traditions. The truths proclaimed in the Creed are eternal.

    Will you trust them?

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  • Old Testament Wisdom Literature



    1. An Introduction To Old Testament Wisdom
    2. The Ancient World Of Wisdom
    3. The Poetry Of Wisdom And The Wisdom Of Poetry
    4. Proverbs
    5. Women, Wisdom And Valor
    6. Job
    7. Where Can Wisdom Be Found?
    8. Ecclesiastes
    9. For Everything There Is A Season
    10. Jesus, The Wisdom Of God
    11. The Theology Of Old Testament Wisdom
    12. The Theology Of Wisdom Today

    Author Index
    Subject Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    The books of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes are rooted in the order created by the one true God. Their steady gaze penetrates to the very nature of created reality and leads us toward peace and human flourishing. Craig Bartholomew and Ryan O’Dowd tune our ears to hear once again Lady Wisdom calling in the streets.Old Testament Wisdom Literature provides an informed introduction to the Old Testament wisdom books Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job. Establishing the books in the context of ancient Near Eastern wisdom traditions and literature, the authors move beyond the scope of typical introductions to discuss the theological and hermeneutical implications of this literature.

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  • Covenantal Priesthood : A Narrative Of Community For Baptist Churches


    This work in practical theology begins with an exploration of the psychosocial issues at play in Australian Baptist churches as communities. Many of those who attend such churches, and those like them in Britain and North America, often find a warm sense of welcome and belonging. What follows builds on this positive subjective experience through the lens of Christian community framed by the rich scriptural narrative of covenantal priesthood. Such corporate priesthood, as demonstrated by our early Baptist forebears, comes to joint expression in worship and sharing God’s blessing with his world, and affirms the mutual priestly service of covenanted church community.

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  • In Gods Image


    In God’s Image: Recognizing the Profoundly Impaired as Persons is a bold Catholic argument in defense of the profoundly impaired. While a range of theological voices can now be heard speaking up on behalf of those who live their lives at the extremes of the human condition, few voices have been explicitly Catholic. Comensoli draws on the irreplaceable contribution of St. Thomas Aquinas to forge an engagement with one of the leading thinkers in the theology of the disabled, Professor Hans Reinders. While recognizing the crucial contribution that Reinders has made, Comensoli situates our perception of the cognitively impaired within the horizon of God’s own image, refusing a reduction of the substantialist position the Catholic tradition has always valued. This is linked to the fresh and countercultural community life pioneered by Jean Vanier, founder of the L’Arche communities. For Comensoli, the profoundly impaired are persons whose personhood cannot be recognized outside of the condition of their impairment, and through which God’s Image is perceived in all its paradoxical implications.

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  • Sacred Look Becoming Cultural Mystics


    How should a follower of Christ engage the popular media culture? By becoming a mystic! Sr. Nancy challenges Christians today to delve deep into the rich theological tradition of the church as the root and foundation for recognizing the beauty of God present in all that is truly human. The artists of popular culture sometimes unwittingly seek transcendence while grappling with some of humanity’s most profound existential longings. The cultural mystics of today point out those needs of humanity in the culture’s artifacts in order to enter into dialogue with those who seek something beyond what this world satisfies. The anthropological-sacramental-incarnational paradigm presented gives us this ability to take a sacred look of the culture and offer the joy of the Gospel, Christ who is the answer of all humanity’s yearnings!

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  • After The Election


    The role of Evangelical Christianity in American public life is controversial. The mythology of America as a “”Christian nation”” and the promissory note of secularism have proved inadequate to cope with the increasing pluralism, the resilience of spirituality, and the wariness toward formal religion that mark our post-secular age. Christianity and democracy have a complex history together, but is there a future where these two great traditions draw the best out of one another? What does that future look like in a heterogeneous society? Sanders argues that democracy is stronger when it allows all of its religious citizens to participate fully in the public sphere, and Christianity is richer when it demonstrates the wisdom of God from the ground up, rather than legislating it from the top down. In this reality, the Evangelical church must return to Christianity’s prophetic roots and see itself as a “”community in exile,”” where participation in the political is important, but not ultimate–where the substantive work of the church happens “”after the election.

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  • Penumbra Of Ethics


    Rev. Vigo Auguste Demant (1893-1983) was a significant theologian and social commentator of the first half of the twentieth century. This book contains his up-until-now unpublished Gifford Lectures, in which Demant provides cultural analysis as he attempts to address why humanity struggles so much with modernity and living in the contemporary world. The lectures have additional notes and commentary to make them comprehensible, since not all of them are complete. The first chapters set Demant in his context and the final section provides assessment of both his ideas and his impact. Although Demant died in 1983, his ideas continue to prove influential to thinkers and theologians today.

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  • Penumbra Of Ethics


    Rev. Vigo Auguste Demant (1893-1983) was a significant theologian and social commentator of the first half of the twentieth century. This book contains his up-until-now unpublished Gifford Lectures, in which Demant provides cultural analysis as he attempts to address why humanity struggles so much with modernity and living in the contemporary world. The lectures have additional notes and commentary to make them comprehensible, since not all of them are complete. The first chapters set Demant in his context and the final section provides assessment of both his ideas and his impact. Although Demant died in 1983, his ideas continue to prove influential to thinkers and theologians today.

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  • Letters To Young Scholars 2nd Edition


    Letters to Young Scholars is designed primarily for college students, advanced high school students, and church and parachurch study groups on spiritual development. As a college text, the book introduces beginning students to the general education (or liberal arts) portion of a Christian college education. It gives major emphasis to the humanities and social science disciplines, the integration of the Christian faith with those disciplines, and the application of Christian thought to daily living (applied Christianity). It seeks to challenge the students to become broader in perspective and appreciation, more compassionate toward all of God’s creatures, and more confident and committed as they develop their worldviews and personal values.

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  • Holding Faith : A Practical Introduction To Christian Doctrine


    Luther once wrote: “Faith takes hold of Christ and has Him present, enclosing Him as the ring encloses the gem.” The idea that we hold faith because faith holds us, and that faith holds us because faith holds Christ, is vital. We hold faith as we seek to know Christ better, exploring Christian doctrines and deepening our understanding of the impact and relevance to our day-to-day lives. Faith holds us as we respond to Christ’s calling, negotiate life’s challenges, and join in the work of bringing in God’s kingdom. The book conveys the content of core Christian doctrines and then addresses the “so what?” of each, its take away, how it matters to our everyday living, and how it shapes our spiritual and ethical practices. Using theological literature and Scripture but also current events, sociology, fiction, and movies, the author shows that theology matters. It matters to our lives and it matters to the life of the world. How we understand theology and its core beliefs has an impact on who we know ourselves to be and how we relate to God and to one another. Holding Faith concretely shows how various and diverse understandings of particular doctrines play out in relation to the way lives are lived and ethical systems put forward. It holds that some approaches to Christian doctrine are preferable to others, making persuasive arguments for better approaches by drawing from the theological literature and also from the news, sociology, general literature, and movies. Scripture is consistently used and sourced throughout the book as arguments are developed.

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  • 1689 Baptist Confession Of Faith And The Baptist Catechism


    This is the finest edition available in the English language of the original 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith along with the 1695 edition of the Baptist Catechism. This is the paperback version of the bonded-leather edition that has been available for nearly 10 years.

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  • Jesus Vs Caesar


    When we observe a tension between Jesus and Caesar, we acknowledge that a fundamental tension remains at the heart of Christianity. When this tension is poorly understood, Christians face disastrous consequences. The tension is not between religion and atheism or secularism. Nor is it between organized religion and personal spirituality. The tension is located within the heart of Christianity itself because it is a radical conflict between true and false forms of Christian faith. Jesus embodies and exposes this tension in ways that illuminate both how God is with us and what must change for a world that participates in God’s life. This book serves as an indictment of the pieties of empire, whether government, corporate or any other forms of the faith that dominate and exclude. One form of Christian faith (Jesus) versus another form of Christian faith (Caesar). Whom and what will we trust and serve? What did Jesus disclose to the religious, economic, and political worlds of Israel and Rome? This tension between true and false forms of religion is also deeply rooted in the Jewish traditions. The Hebrew prophets were gravely concerned about established forms of Jewish religion that appear to be respectable but result in oppression. The prophet Isaiah hears the voice of God pronouncing judgment: “You serve your own interest on your fast day, and oppress all your workers” (Isaiah 58:3). True religion loosens “the bonds of injustice” (Isa 58:6) while self-serving religion is false religion. This tension between true religion and false religion is a critical opportunity for those who would follow Jesus instead of “Caesar.”

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  • Why You Shouldnt Kill Yourself


    Suicide, for years, has been a public health crisis in the Western world. Yet more and more states and countries are allowing physician assisted suicide or euthanasia. Have you wondered whether it is actually wrong to end your life if you are mortally ill? Susan Windley-Daoust engages in an extended discussion with a game dialogue partner who thinks that there are five good reasons to employ physician-assisted suicide–and proves those common reasons (or “”tricks of the heart””) may be well-intended, but make no moral or spiritual sense. She argues that PAS is based in medical ignorance, a utilitarian understanding of the human, and a spiritual vacuum–and the Christian Church needs to engage these realities quickly and directly by recovering the art of dying well. This book is written to all those considering the issue, from those considering PAS as an option in their own lives, to those called upon to vote on the legality of PAS in their states, to those who minister to the dying.

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  • Why You Shouldnt Kill Yourself


    Suicide, for years, has been a public health crisis in the Western world. Yet more and more states and countries are allowing physician assisted suicide or euthanasia. Have you wondered whether it is actually wrong to end your life if you are mortally ill? Susan Windley-Daoust engages in an extended discussion with a game dialogue partner who thinks that there are five good reasons to employ physician-assisted suicide–and proves those common reasons (or “”tricks of the heart””) may be well-intended, but make no moral or spiritual sense. She argues that PAS is based in medical ignorance, a utilitarian understanding of the human, and a spiritual vacuum–and the Christian Church needs to engage these realities quickly and directly by recovering the art of dying well. This book is written to all those considering the issue, from those considering PAS as an option in their own lives, to those called upon to vote on the legality of PAS in their states, to those who minister to the dying.

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  • Baptism Of Your Child 5 Pack


    There are few things more joyous in a congregation than the presentation of a new baby or small child for baptism. But even lifelong Christians can lack an understanding of the theology and terminology surrounding baptism. The Baptism of Your Child answers common questions new parents and new members with small children may have about having their children baptized, and it includes prayers and ideas for helping children grow in their faith.

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  • Three Forms Of Unity


    We are honored to be able to use the edition of the Three Forms edited and introduced by Dr. Joel Beeke of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan. In addition to the Three Forms, this edition also includes: THE APOSTLES’ CREED, THE NICENE CREED and THE ATHANASIAN CREED.

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  • Eternal Israel


    In Eternal Israel author Barry Horner presents a variety of biblical, theological, and historical studies that argue for the distinctive, eternal destiny of Israel. Like Horner’s 2004 work Future Israel, Eternal Israel pushes back against replacement and supersessionist theology and adds further historical, exegetical, biblical and theological weight to the fundamental proposal that God has a glorious eternal destiny for Israel.

    Addressing such helpful topics as Jewish evangelism, eschatology, and Islamic views of Israel, Horner presents a wealth of information that compels readers to remember that Israel holds a key role in God’s plan for eternity.

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  • End Is Music


    Robert Jenson has been praised by Stanley Hauerwas, David Bentley Hart, Wolfhart Pannenberg, and others as one of the most creative and important contemporary theologians. But his work is daunting for many, both because of its conceptual demands and because of Jenson’s unusual prose style. This book is an attempt to give Jenson the kind of hearing that puts his creativity and significance on display, and allows newcomers to and old friends of his theology the opportunity to hear it afresh.

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  • Death And The Afterlife (Student/Study Guide)


    Significant aspects of death and the afterlife continue to be debated among evangelical Christians. In this NSBT volume Paul Williamson surveys the perspectives of our contemporary culture and the biblical world, and then highlights the traditional understanding of the biblical teaching and the issues over which evangelicals have become increasingly polarized.

    Subsequent chapters explore the controversial areas: what happens immediately after we die; bodily resurrection; a final, universal judgment; the ultimate fate of those who do not receive God’s approval on the last day; and the biblical concept of an eschatological “heaven.”

    Taking care to understand the ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman backgrounds, Williamson works through the most important Old and New Testament passages. He demonstrates that there is considerable exegetical support for the traditional evangelical understanding of death and the afterlife, and raises questions about the basis for the growing popularity of alternative understandings.

    Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Walk In Love


    Take a journey through The Book of Common Prayer, the Christian life, and basic beliefs of our faith, guided by two Episcopal priests – Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe. Walk through the liturgical year, the sacraments of the church, habits of daily prayer, and the teachings of Anglican Christianity. See how our prayer shapes our belief and our lives and how our beliefs lead us into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

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  • Getting Real


    Some reputable sociological research indicates that a surprising number of evangelical churchgoers are living out a version of the Christian life that’s more informed by the values of the surrounding culture than by the discipleship teachings of Jesus and his apostles. Viewing the cause of this disturbing trend in the church to be a “”discipleship deficit”” that’s exacerbated by a “”pneumatological deficit,”” Gary Tyra has written a book that addresses both. In this work, Tyra encourages evangelical Christians of all stripes to become more fully aware of the tremendous difference it makes when the Holy Spirit is experienced in ways that are real and existentially impactful, rather than merely theoretical, conceptual, and/or ritualistic. Intended to be read by church leaders as well as by students in Christian colleges and seminaries, the message here is that the cure for the ministry malady currently confronting us is the recovery of a robust, fully Trinitarian doctrine of the Spirit. A pneumatological realism, says Tyra, combined with an understanding of just how important a spiritual, moral, and missional faithfulness is to a genuine Christian discipleship, can revitalize the lives of individual Christians and churches, making it possible for them to reach their post-Christian peers for Christ!

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  • Your Jesus Is Too Small


    We can make Jesus look very small if we are not careful. Your Jesus Is Too Small explores how a trivialized Jesus contributes to a collapsed Christian moral character. The 2016 election exposed the truth that for many Christians character does not count, or is a very low priority. Eighty-one percent of white evangelicals voted for President Trump, not known as a man of high moral character. This collapse of character is especially troubling since Christians claim to seek after the mind and character of Jesus Christ. What’s more, the ingrained and unrelenting cultural values–combined with our inescapable self-centered pursuits–bombard us every moment and blight our character. After noting how we belittle Jesus, this book explores ways we can exalt him, allowing his character traits to inform and then transform our hearts and minds. A credible Jesus also means that more tongues will confess him and more knees bow before him and that more people will desire his compassionate character. Then we will be morally equipped to address the great crises of our day: persistent poverty, the marginalizing of out-groups, raging violence, and our planet’s lingering woes.

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  • Suffering And The Goodness Of God


    Famine. Sickness. Terrorist Attacks. Natural disasters.

    Each day horrific scenes of suffering are streamed before us through television, the Internet, and newspapers. Believers are taught that God is good, and they believe this truth. Yet when they are faced with suffering and hardships, the one question believers most often asked is, Why?

    Suffering and the Goodness of God brings insight to many contemporary concerns of suffering by outlining Old and New Testament truths and tackling difficult questions concerning God’s sovereignty, human freedom, and the nature of evil.

    This book offers believers biblical truths concerning suffering and then challenges them to promote justice in the harsh, unsure world around them and to emulate God’s grace as they minister to those who are suffering.

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  • Landscape Of Faith


    Taking a nondenominational approach similar to the “mere Christianity” advocated by C. S. Lewis, Alister McGrath uses the creeds as framework with which to explore the teachings of the Christian doctrines and what it means to live a life of faith.

    In this new book, he tells of his discovery of Christianity while a student at Oxford University and takes readers on a panoramic tour of the landscape of the Christian faith. Using the story of his own crisis of faith, he looks at why Christians believe what they do, how we can best understand these ideas, and the difference they make to the way we think about ourselves and our world so that readers can find their own map to navigate the landscape of faith.

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  • Trinity And Humanity


    Colin Gunton is regarded by many as one of the most important English theologians of the twentieth century. A prolific writer and creative thinker, Gunton taught at King’s College, London, for over thirty years, until his untimely death in 2003. In this first single-authored introduction to Gunton’s theology, Uche Anizor traces the key theological themes, major contributors, and criticisms of his work. Each chapter provides a synthesis and overview of Gunton’s thought on a particular doctrine or set of doctrines, calling attention to the Trinitarian shape of his theology. In Trinity and Humanity, Anizor provides a handy entree into the corpus of this major thinker.

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  • Your Jesus Is Too Small


    We can make Jesus look very small if we are not careful. Your Jesus Is Too Small explores how a trivialized Jesus contributes to a collapsed Christian moral character. The 2016 election exposed the truth that for many Christians character does not count, or is a very low priority. Eighty-one percent of white evangelicals voted for President Trump, not known as a man of high moral character. This collapse of character is especially troubling since Christians claim to seek after the mind and character of Jesus Christ. What’s more, the ingrained and unrelenting cultural values–combined with our inescapable self-centered pursuits–bombard us every moment and blight our character. After noting how we belittle Jesus, this book explores ways we can exalt him, allowing his character traits to inform and then transform our hearts and minds. A credible Jesus also means that more tongues will confess him and more knees bow before him and that more people will desire his compassionate character. Then we will be morally equipped to address the great crises of our day: persistent poverty, the marginalizing of out-groups, raging violence, and our planet’s lingering woes.

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  • Theology After Christendom


    Christianity must be understood not as a religion of private salvation, but as a gospel movement of universal compassion, which transforms the world in the power of God’s truth. Amid several major global crises, including the rise of terrorism and religious fundamentalism and a sudden resurgence of political extremism, Christians must now face up fearlessly to the challenges of living in a “”post-truth”” age in which deceitful politicians present their media-spun fabrications as “”alternative facts.”” This book is an attempt to enact a transformative theology for these changing times that will equip the global Christian community to take a stand for the gospel in an age of cultural despair and moral fragmentation. The emerging post-Christendom era calls for a new vision of Christianity that has come of age and connects with the spiritual crisis of our times. In helping to make this vision a reality, Searle insists that theology is not merely an academic discipline, but a transformative enterprise that changes the world. Theology is to be experienced not just behind a desk, in an armchair, or in a church, but also in hospitals, in foodbanks, in workplaces, and on the streets. Theology is to be lived as well as read.

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  • Strong Delusion : Fallen Angels And Demons Revealed


    A Strong Delusion is a result of thousands of hours of research over many years into the direct and indirect influence and manipulation of Satan and fallen angels upon human history, pertaining to both pre-flood and post-flood eras.

    Journey to uncover revelations within God’s Word, many not commonly taught in Christian institutions or on Sunday mornings. Drill deep into the Word of God through many Hebrew and Greek word translation origins.

    Discover what Jesus really meant when He stated in Matthew 24:37:40.

    “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”

    What was the exact reason God found it necessary to destroy the majority of life forms on Earth? What are the exact origins of fallen angels and demons? Is modern society being set up for greatest deception since the ultimate lie told at the Garden of Eden-is the world under A Strong Delusion?

    Answers to these ultimate questions-and many more-await.

    The facts are presented. You decide.

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  • Sermon On The Mount And Human Flourishing


    The Sermon on the Mount, one of the most influential portions of the Bible, is the most studied and commented upon portion of the Christian Scriptures. Every Christian generation turns to it for insight and guidance.In this volume, a recognized expert on the Gospels shows that the Sermon on the Mount offers a clear window into understanding God’s work in Christ. Jonathan Pennington provides a historical, theological, and literary commentary on the Sermon and explains how this text offers insight into God’s plan for human flourishing. As Pennington explores the literary dimensions and theological themes of this famous passage, he situates the Sermon in dialogue with the Jewish and Greek virtue traditions and the philosophical-theological question of human flourishing. He also relates the Sermon’s theological themes to contemporary issues such as ethics, philosophy, and economics.

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  • Participating In Gods Mission


    Explores how the church has engaged-and should engage-the American context

    What might faithful and meaningful Christian witness look like within our changing contemporary American context?

    After analyzing contemporary challenges and developing a missiological approach for the US church, Craig Van Gelder and Dwight Zscheile reflect on the long, complex, and contested history of Christian mission in America. Five distinct historical periods from the beginning of the colonial era to the dawn of the third millennium are reviewed and critiqued.

    They then bring the story forward to the present day, discussing current realities confronting the church, discerning possibilities of where and how the Spirit of God might be at work today, and imagining what participating in the triune God’s mission may look like in an uncertain tomorrow.

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  • Esther And Daniel


    The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible advances the assumption that the Nicene creedal tradition, in all its diversity, provides the proper basis for the interpretation of the Bible as Christian scripture. The series volumes, written by leading theologians, encourage Christians to extend the vital roots of the ancient Christian tradition to our day. In this addition to the acclaimed series, two respected scholars offer a theological exegesis of Esther and Daniel. As with other volumes in the series, this book is ideal for those called to ministry, serving as a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups.

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  • Longing


    Longing is a universal human experience, born of the inevitable gulf between dream and reality, what we need and what we have. While the experience of longing may arise from loss or the awareness of a void in one’s life, it may also become a powerful engine of spiritual growth, prompting one to draw closer to the hidden yet present “”Other.”” Across the range of Jewish teachings, longing takes center stage in one’s spiritual life. From the Bible through current frontiers in Jewish belief and practice, God is both known and unknown, immediate and remote, present and in constant eclipse. This book captures the sense of longing in Jewish tradition by creating a dialogue between the author’s own struggles with an estranged father and a wide range of traditional and contemporary sources. Focusing on the story of the Hebrew prophet Elisha, the book takes the reader through a journey of abandonment, creative destruction, and ultimately repair and healing, engaging with currents in biblical theology, rabbinic thought, Kabbalah, and contemporary Jewish philosophy. Written in a familiar yet probing style, this book is an accessible introduction to Jewish thought and spirituality as well as a thoughtful companion for more experienced students.

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  • Being Human In Gods World


    A Biblical Perspective on What It Means to Be Human
    This major work by a widely respected Old Testament scholar and theologian unpacks a biblical perspective on fundamental questions of what it means to be human. J.Gordon McConville explores how a biblical view of humanity provides a foundation for Christian reflection on ethics, economics, politics, and church life and practice. The book shows that the Old Testament’s view of humanity as “earthed” and “embodied” plays an essential part in a well-rounded Christian theology and spirituality, and applies the theological concept of the “image of God” to all areas of human existence.

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  • Farewell Discourse And Final Prayer Of Jesus


    Respected scholar and cofounder of The Gospel Coalition presents an illuminating study of Jesus’s message to his disciples after the Last Supper, the night before his crucifixion (John 14-17), in which Jesus proclaims the coming of the Holy Spirit and prays for himself, his followers, and the world.

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  • Still Evangelical : Insiders Reconsider Political Social And Theological Me


    Introduction: Still Evangelical? (Mark Labberton)
    1. Will Evangelicalism Surrender? (Lisa Sharon Harper)
    2. Why I Am An Evangelical (Karen Swallow Prior)
    3. A Way Forward: Recapturing Evangelical Identity And Mission (Mark Young)
    4. Evangelical Futures (Soong-Chan Rah)
    5. Theology And Orthopraxis In Twenty-First-Century Global Evangelicalism (Allen Yeh)
    6. Looking For Unity In All The Wrong Places (Mark Galli)
    7. Evangelicalism Must Be Born Again (Shane Claiborne)
    8. The Importance Of Listening In Today’s Evangelicalism (Jim Daly)
    9. Hope For The Next Generation (Tom Lin)

    Additional Info
    Evangelicalism in America has cracked, split on the shoals of the 2016 presidential election and its aftermath, leaving many wondering if they want to be in or out of the evangelical tribe. The contentiousness brought to the fore surrounds what it means to affirm and demonstrate evangelical Christian faith amidst the messy and polarized realities gripping our country and world. Who or what is defining the evangelical social and political vision? Is it the gospel or is it culture? For a movement that has been about the primacy of Christian faith, this is a crisis.

    This collection of essays was gathered by Mark Labberton, president of Fuller Theological Seminary, who provides an introduction to the volume. What follows is a diverse and provocative set of perspectives and reflections from evangelical insiders who wrestle with their responses to the question of what it means to be evangelical in light of their convictions.

    Contributors include:

    Shane Claiborne, Red Letter Christians
    Lisa Sharon Harper,
    Soong-Chan Rah, North Park University
    Jim Daly, Focus on the Family
    Karen Swallow Prior, Liberty University
    Mark Galli, Christianity Today
    Tom Lin, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
    Allen Yeh, Biola University
    Mark Young, Denver Seminary

    Referring to oneself as evangelical cannot be merely a congratulatory self-description. It must instead be a commitment and aspiration guided by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. What now are Christ’s followers called to do in response to this identity crisis?

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  • Goldilocks Zone : Collected Writings Of Michael J Ovey


    The untimely passing of Mike Ovey, the former principal of Oak Hill College, in January 2017 was met with a wave of appreciation for his theological contribution to evangelicalism in the UK and across the world. It was said that his students were his writing-indeed he wrote few books. So here, for the first time together, are a collection of articles that Mike wrote for theological journals and conferences. They show the breadth and depth of his intellect and originality.

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  • Cross And Christian Ministry


    Respected New Testament scholar and cofounder of The Gospel Coaltion unpacks what the death of Christ means for ministry, emphasizing that it is utterly imperative for the focus to be on what is central–the gospel of Jesus Christ–compelling us to share the Good News of Christ’s death and triumph.

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  • Willing To Believe


    R. C. Sproul traces the free will controversy throughout history, unpacking how theologians have explained original sin, human free will, and faith. He carefully explains the nuances separating the views of Protestants and Catholics, Calvinists and Arminians, the Reformed and Dispensationalists.

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  • Remembering The Reformation


    In 1517, Martin Luther set off what has been called, at least since the nineteenth century, the Protestant Reformation. Can Christians of differing traditions commemorate the upcoming 500th anniversary of this event together? How do we understand and assess the Reformation today? What calls for celebration? What calls for repentance? Can the Reformation anniversary be an occasion for greater mutual understanding among Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants? At the 2015 Pro Ecclesia annual conference for clergy and laity, meeting at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, an array of scholars–Catholic and Orthodox, Evangelical Lutheran and American Evangelical as well as Methodist–addressed this topic. The aim of this book is not only to collect these diverse Catholic and Evangelical perspectives but also to provide resources for all Christians, including pastors and scholars, to think and argue about the roads we have taken since 1517–as we also learn to pray with Jesus Christ “”that all may be one”” (John 17:21).

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  • Jonah


    Pastors and leaders of the classical church–such as Augustine, Calvin, Luther, and Wesley–interpreted the Bible theologically, believing Scripture as a whole witnessed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Modern interpreters of the Bible questioned this premise. But in recent decades, a critical mass of theologians and biblical scholars has begun to reassert the priority of a theological reading of Scripture.

    The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible enlists leading theologians to read and interpret Scripture for the twenty-first century, just as the church fathers, the Reformers, and other orthodox Christians did for their times and places.

    In the sixth volume in the series, Phillip Cary presents a theological exegesis of Jonah.

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  • Meta


    Meta chronicles the journey of Andrew Murtagh and Adam Lee in their uncommon exchange turned friendship. Why is there something rather than nothing? Does God exist? What of goodness, free will, and consciousness – what is the ultimate nature of reality and how does that extend into the public square? In this treatise, two young corporate professionals aim to change the way the discussion is being had from the vantage points of Christianity and atheism. Is theism or atheism more compelling? If theism, why Christianity? Did Jesus even exist? After theism/atheism, then what? What is the good life? Is morality objective? What does abortion, education, and healthcare look like in the just city? Embarking on a quest for truth on the big questions, their worldviews clash in a philosophical tour de force. In their discord, a blossoming friendship; in their agreement, vows to change the world…

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  • Teaching The World


    More and more seminaries, Bible colleges, and Christian universities are opting to train future ministers and missionaries online-and yet, the factors that have driven this choice have typically been pragmatic and financial. What the movement toward online ministry training has lacked is a theological foundation. As a result, practices of online ministry training have been shaped in most institutions by a hodgepodge of institutional pressures and secular learning theories.

    This book asks and answers the question, “How might online ministry training look different if biblical and theological foundations were placed first?” Teaching the World Foundations for Online Theological Education brings together educators from a wide range of backgrounds and from some of the largest providers of online theological education in the world. Together, they present a revolutionary new approach to online theological education, highly practical and yet thoroughly shaped by Scripture and theology.

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  • Infants And Children In The Church


    Infants and Children in the Church: Five Views on Theology and Ministry addresses an important, but often overlooked, theological and ministry issue facing the church today: How should churches receive and minister to the infants and children God has entrusted to their care?

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  • Defense Of Free Grace Theology


    Grace Theology Press

    “A Defense of Free Grace Theology” is a rejoinder to Dr. Wayne Grudem’s critique of “Free Grace Theology” and a response to other Reformed theologians’ articulations and conclusions. The contributors to this book seek to biblically describe and defend a true Grace Theology and answer the deficiencies and criticisms that have been expressed.

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  • Barth In Conversation Volume 1 1959-1962


    Karl Barth is widely regarded as the most important theologian of the twentieth century, and his observations about the church and its place in a modern world continue to engage religious scholars nearly fifty years after his death. This English translation of the Swiss-published Conversations is a three-volume collection featuring correspondence, articles, interviews, and other short-form writings by Barth from 1959-1962. Among them are dialogues with representatives of the Evangelical Community Movement (1959); conversations with prison chaplains and a question-and-answer session with the Conference of the World Student Christian Federation (1960); discussions with Methodist preachers, Zurich pastors, and Catholic students of theology (1961); press conferences in New York and Chicago (1962); and an interview at the United Nations (1962). Within these pages, scholars and students will find a comprehensive view into Barth’s life and thinking about theology and its role in society today.

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  • Gods Mediators : A Biblical Theology Of Priesthood


    There are many investigations of the Old Testament priests and the New Testament’s appropriation of such imagery for Jesus Christ. There are also studies of Israel’s corporate priesthood and what this means for the priesthood of God’s new covenant people. However, such studies are less frequently connected with each other: key interrelations are missed, and key questions are not addressed.

    In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Andrew S. Malone makes two passes across the tapestry of Scripture, tracing these two distinct threads and their intersection with an eye to the contemporary Christian relevance of both themes in both Testaments.

    Malone shows how our Christology and perseverance as God’s people in an unbelieving world are substantially enhanced by the way the book of Hebrews pastorally depicts Christ’s own priesthood. Furthermore, Christians better understand their corporate identity and mission by discerning both the ministry of individual Old Testament priests and Israel’s corporate calling. Combining the various biblical emphases on priesthood in one place provides synergies that are too easily disregarded in atomizing, individualistic Western societies.

    Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Systems Of Evil


    How can a Christian off er a unique, attractive path for
    understanding and defeating evil among the world religions?

    “It is my conviction that for Christians to eff ectively communicate with non-Christians regarding the supremacy of God over evil and suff ering, they must be well informed about the relationship between Christian theodicy and the explanations for evil and suff ering found in other belief systems.”

    In Systems of Evil, Dr. Odell-Hein provides an unbiased examination of how each of the major religions in the world deals with the problem of evil. Th e study fi rst looks at the concept of evil in Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Next it develops a framework for comparing the systems to each other based strictly on unbiased data and native sources.

    Finally, the Christian system of evil is examined to discover the key ministry points for explaining that it is a suffi cient explanation for the problem of evil while being uniquely attractive to prospective adherents.

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  • 4 Views On Creation Evolution And Intelligent Design


    Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design presents the current “state of the conversation” about origins among evangelicals representing four key positions: Young Earth Creationism – Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis) Old Earth (Progressive) Creationism – Hugh Ross (Reasons to Believe) Evolutionary Creation – Deborah B. Haarsma (BioLogos) Intelligent Design – Stephen C. Meyer (The Discovery Institute) The contributors offer their best defense of their position addressing questions such as: What is your position on origins – understood broadly to include the physical universe, life, and human beings in particular? What do you take to be the most persuasive arguments in defense of your position? How do you demarcate and correlate evidence about origins from current science and from divine revelation? What hinges on answering these questions correctly?

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  • Paul And The Person


    In this book Susan Grove Eastman presents a fresh and innovative exploration of Paul’s participatory theology in conversation with both ancient and contemporary conceptions of the self. Juxtaposing Paul, ancient philosophers, and modern theorists of the person, Eastman opens up a conversation that illuminates Paul’s thought in new ways and brings his voice into current debates about personhood.

    Eastman devotes close attention to the Pauline letters within their first-century context, particularly the Greco-Roman fascination with questions of performance and identity. At the same time, she draws out connections to recent trends in psychology and neurobiology in order to situate Paul’s insights in deep dialogue with contemporary understandings of human identity.

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  • Genesis


    The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible enlists leading theologians to read and interpret Scripture for the twenty-first century, just as the church fathers, the Reformers, and other orthodox Christians did for their times and places. In this addition to the well-received series, esteemed theologian R. R. Reno offers a theological exegesis of Genesis. This commentary, like each in the series, is designed to serve the church–providing a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups–and demonstrate the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of the Bible.

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  • Old Testament Theology For Christians


    1. Introduction And Foundations
    2. God And The Gods
    3. Cosmos And Humanity
    4. Covenant And Kingdom
    5. Temple And Torah
    6. Sin And Evil
    7. Salvation And Afterlife
    8. Conclusions
    Author Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    The Old Testament was written for us, but not to us. We will fully grasp its theology only when we are immersed in the ancient cultural river of Israel and the broader cultural river of the ancient Near East.

    In Old Testament Theology for Christians, John Walton invites us to leave our modern (and even many of our Christian) preconceptions at the threshold as we enter the world of the Old Testament. He challenges us to see it anew-as if for the first time-as guests in a strange and foreign land.

    Walton offers a theology of the Old Testament that is consistently guided by what the ancient authors intended as they wrote within their cognitive environment. As we engage with their world, questions arise:

    Why was the law given to Israel and how should we view it today?
    How does the Old Testament understand sin and salvation?
    Did God command Israel to commit genocide?
    What was the role of the temple and its sacrifices in God’s covenant with Israel?
    Is there an integrating and central theme of Old Testament theology?
    What did God require of Israel and how does that apply to Christians today?
    Should we look to the Old Testament for solutions to twenty-first century issues?
    How should we read the Old Testament in light of Christ?

    In this capstone to a career of studying and teaching the Old Testament, Walton’s answers take unexpected turns. Viewed within its ancient Near Eastern cognitive environment, the text blossoms into fresh and challenging insights. No matter how you are accustomed to approaching the Old Testament, Old Testament Theology for Christians will challenge and sharpen your perceptions.

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  • Introduction To Christian Worldview


    This comprehensive textbook on Christian worldview and worldview analysis is the perfect starting point for students and inquiring laypeople. Well rounded in its coverage, it brings incisive clarity and informed arguments to a foundational subject in Christian education.

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  • Sanctification


    New Studies in Dogmatics seeks to retrieve the riches of Christian doctrine for the sake of contemporary theological renewal. Following in the tradition of G. C. Berkouwer’s Studies in Dogmatics, this series will provide thoughtful, concise, and readable treatments of major theological topics, expressing the biblical, creedal, and confessional shape of Christian doctrine for a contemporary evangelical audience. The editors and contributors share a common conviction that the way forward in constructive systematic theology lies in building upon the foundations laid in the church’s historic understanding of the Word of God as professed in its creeds, councils, and confessions, and by its most trusted teachers.

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  • Engaging The Powers (Anniversary)


    In this brilliant culmination of his seminal Powers Trilogy, now reissued in a twenty-fifth anniversary edition, Walter Wink explores the problem of evil today and how it relates to the New Testament concept of principalities and powers. He asks the question, “How can we oppose evil without creating new evils and being made evil ourselves?”Winner of the Pax Christi Award, the Academy of Parish Clergy Book of the Year, and the Midwest Book Achievement Award for Best Religious Book.

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  • Sufficient


    Romans Chapter 8 contains a treasure of Biblical information declaring the finished work of Christ, blessings for today, and assurances for eternity. From ‘no condemnation’ to ‘no separation, ‘ readers of all levels of Biblical understanding will be enriched by this book

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  • Saviour


    Saviour is a Biblical study of the last words of Christ from the cross. Illustrations and lines from some of the great hymns of all times help to demonstrate the insight given by McCarrell. The texts show Christ’s heart and reveal a portait of the Saviour.

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  • Shepherd


    This exposition of Psalm 23 was originally a radio broadcast in the 1940s. Dr. William (Billy) McCarrell relates the beauty and truth of this Psalm verse by verse.

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  • Messiah Comes To Middle Earth


    Introduction To The Hansen Lectureship Series (Walter Hansen)
    1. The Prophetic Ministry Of Gandalf The Grey
    Response: Sandra Richter
    2. Frodo, Sam, And The Priesthood Of All Believers
    Response: Jennifer Powell McNutt
    3. The Coronation Of Aragorn Son Of Arathorn
    Response: William Struthers
    Author Index
    Subject Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    How can we grasp the significance of what Jesus Christ did for us? Might literature help us as we seek further understanding of the Christian faith?

    Since at least the fourth century, with church historian Eusebius of Caesarea, the threefold office of Christ as prophet, priest, and king has served as one way for Christians to comprehend the gospel narrative of his life, death, and resurrection.

    Another story that has generated much reflection is J. R. R. Tolkien’s classic, The Lord of the Rings. It is well known that Tolkien disliked allegory. Yet he acknowledged that his work is imbued with Christian symbolism and meaning.

    Based on the inaugural Hansen Lectureship series delivered at the Marion E. Wade Center by Philip Ryken, president of Wheaton College, The Messiah Comes to Middle-Earth mines the riches of Tolkien’s theological imagination. In the characters of Gandalf, Frodo, and Aragorn, Ryken hears echoes of the one who is the true prophet, priest, and king. Moreover, he considers what that threefold office means for his service as a college president as well as the calling of all Christians.

    Guided by both Tolkien and Ryken, things of first importance come alive in a tale of imaginary prophets, priests, and kings.

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  • Living Wisely With The Church Fathers


    Introduction: Living Wisely With The Church Fathers
    1. “They Looked Like Flaming Angels”: Martyrdom
    2. “A Solid Drop Of Gold”: Wealth And Poverty
    3. “The Misery Of These Evils”: War And Military Service
    4. “The Closest Of Relationships”: Sex And The Dynamics Of Desire
    5. “One Hope, One Desire, One Way Of Life”: Life As Male And Female, And The Goodness And Beauty Of Marriage
    6. “From The Cradle To The Grave”: Life And Death
    7. “Let The Races Begin!”: Entertainment
    8. Learning To Live A Good Life With God: The Well-Ordered Heart
    Subject Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    In this final in a four-volume series on the church fathers, Christopher Hall follows the contours of ethical living in conversation with leading voices of the early church. The topics range from entertainment to wealth and poverty. Exploring these ancient and deeply Christian perspectives illuminates forgotten corners in our own lives.

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  • Roman But Not Catholic (Reprinted)


    This clearly written, informative, and fair critique of Roman Catholicism spells out the differences between Protestants and Catholics and offers recommendations for future ecumenical discussions.

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  • Between Wittenberg And Geneva


    Two highly regarded scholars compare and contrast the history and theological positions of the Lutheran and Reformed traditions.

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  • Martin Luther And The Seven Sacraments


    This introduction to Luther’s sacramental theology explores the medieval church’s understanding of the seven sacraments, the Protestant rationale for keeping or eliminating each sacrament, and implications for contemporary theology and worship.

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  • If God Then What


    A profound, quirky and amusing take on life’s biggest questions.People encounter truth by sharing stories and asking questions. Andrew Wilson asks nine big questions about truth, origins and redemption, and wonders aloud about the possible answers, representing a new fresh way of communicating the gospel.

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  • Known By God


    Who are you? What defines you? What makes you, you? In the past an individual’s identity was more predictable than it is today. Life’s big questions were basically settled before you were born: where you’d live, what you’d do, the type of person you’d marry, your basic beliefs, and so on. Today personal identity is a do-it-yourself project. Constructing a stable and satisfying sense of self is hard amidst relationship breakdowns, the pace of modern life, the rise of social media, multiple careers, social mobility, and so on. Ours is a day of identity angst. Known by God is built on the observation that humans are inherently social beings; we know who we are in relation to others and by being known by them. If one of the universal desires of the self is to be known by others, being known by God as his children meets our deepest and lifelong need for recognition and gives us a secure identity. Rosner argues that rather than knowing ourselves, being known by God is the key to personal identity. He explores three biblical angles on the question of personal identity: being made in the image of God, being known by God and being in Christ. The notion of sonship is at the center – God gives us our identity as a parent who knows his child. Being known by him as his child gives our fleeting lives significance, provokes in us needed humility, supplies cheering comfort when things go wrong, and offers clear moral direction for living.

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  • What Kind Of God


    How can God be good when he allows suffering, authorizes war, limits my sexuality, excludes people of other religions and even sends them to hell?Michael Ots responds with clarity and warmth to these and other moral objections to the character of God. He shows that in spite of some common perceptions, God really is good and can be trusted.

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  • Philosophical Foundations For A Christian Worldview (Expanded)


    Outline Of The Book
    An Invitation To Christian Philosophy

    Part I: Introduction
    1 What Is Philosophy?
    2 Argumentation And Logic

    Part II: Epistemology
    3 Knowledge And Rationality
    4 The Problem Of Skepticism
    5 The Structure Of Justification
    6 Theories Of Truth And Postmodernism
    7 Religious Epistemology

    Part III: Metaphysics
    8 What Is Metaphysics?
    9 General Ontology: Existence, Identity, And Reductionism
    10 General Ontology: Two Categories?Property And Substance
    11 The Mind-Body Problem Part IA: Consciousness And Property Dualism Or Mere-Property Dualism
    12 The Mind-Body Problem Part IB: Alternatives To Property Dualism Or Mere-Property Dualism
    13 The Mind-Body Problem Part IIA: Arguments Regarding And Versions Of Substance Dualism
    14 The Mind-Body Problem Part IIB: The Main Physicalist Alternatives To Substance Dualism
    15 Free Will And Determinism
    16 Personal Identity And Life After Death

    Part IV: Philosophy Of Science
    17 Scientific Methodology
    18 The Realism-Antirealism Debate
    19 Philosophy And The Integration Of Science And Theology
    20 Philosophy Of Time And Space

    Part V: Ethics
    21 Ethics, Morality, And Metaethics
    22 Ethical Relativism And Absolutism
    23 Normative Ethical Theories: Egoism And Utilitarianism
    24 Normative Ethical Theories: Deontological And Virtue Ethics

    Part VI: Philosophy Of Religion And Philosophical Theology
    25 The Existence Of God I
    26 The Existence Of God II
    27 The Coherence Of Theism I
    28 The Coherence Of Theism II
    29 The Problem Of Evil
    30 Creation, Providence, And Miracle
    31 Christian Doctrines I: The Trinity
    32 Christian Doctrines II: The Incarnation
    33 Christian Doctrines III: Atonement
    34 Christian Doctrines IV: Christian Particularism

    Suggestions For Further Reading
    Name Index
    Subject Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    Winner of a 2004 ECPA Gold Medallion Award! Winner of an Award of Excellence in the 2003 Chicago Book Clinic! What is real?What is truth? What can we know? What should we believe? What should we do and why? Is there a God? Can we know him? Do Christian doctrines make sense? Can we believe in God in the face of evil? These are fundamental questions that any thinking person wants answers to. These are questions that philosophy addresses. And the answers we give to these kinds of questions serve as the the foundation stones for consrtucting any kind of worldview. In Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview J.P. Moreland and William Lane Craig offer a comprehensive introduction to philosophy from a Christian perspective. In their broad sweep they seek to introduce readers to the principal subdisciplines of philosophy, including epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, ethics and philosophy of religion. They do so with characteristic clarity and incisiveness. Arguments are clearly outlined, and rival theories are presented with fairness and accuracy. Philosophy, they contend, aids Christians in the tasks of apologetics, polemics and systematic theology. It reflects our having been made in the image of God, helps us to extend biblical teaching into areas not expressly addressed in Scripture, facilitates the spiritual discipline of study, enhances the boldness and self-image of the Christian community, and is requisite to the essential task of integrating faith and learning. Here is a lively and thorough introduction to philosophy for all who want to know reality.

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  • Better Story : God Sex And Human Flourishing


    The architects of the sexual revolution won over the popular imagination because they knew the power of story. They drew together radical new ideologies, often complex and hard to grasp, and melded them into the simpler structure of narrative. Crucially, they cast narratives that appealed to the moral instincts of ordinary, decent people.This moral vision overwhelmed the church and silenced its faltering apologists.The author argues that if Christians still believe they have have good news in the sphere of sexual ethics, then two big tasks lie ahead. Our first priority is to work out what has gone so badly wrong, both in our understanding and application of what the Bible teaches and the way we have presented our case to the non-churched. And then we must offer a better story, one that fires the imagination with such force that people will say, ‘I want that to be true.’This book offers a confident, biblically rooted moral vision which needs to be shared with prayer and courage.

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  • Planetary Solidarity : Global Womens Voices On Christian Doctrine And Clima


    Planetary Solidarity brings together leading Latina, womanist, Asian American, Anglican American, South American, Asian, European, and African woman theologians on the issues of doctrine, women, and climate justice. Because women make up the majority of the world’s poor and tend to be more dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods and survival, they are more vulnerable when it comes to climate-related changes and catastrophes. Representing a subfield of feminist theology that uses doctrine as interlocutor, this book ask how Christian doctrine might address the interconnected suffering of women and the earth in an age of climate change.

    While doctrine has often stifled change, it also forms the thread that weaves Christian communities together. Drawing on postcolonial ecofeminist/womanist analysis and representing different ecclesial and denominational traditions, contributors use doctrine to envision possibilities for a deep solidarity with the earth and one another while addressing the intersection of gender, race, class, and ethnicity. The book is organized around the following doctrines: creation, the triune God, anthropology, sin, incarnation, redemption, the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology, and eschatology.

    Contributors include: Ivone Gebara, Fulata Moyo, Melanie Harris, Sallie McFague, Sharon Bong, Nancy Pineda-Madrid, Heather Eaton, Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, Barbara Rossing, and many other fine woman liberationists.

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  • Enjoying God : Finding Hope In The Attributes Of God


    Confused, angry, and hurt after the death of his father, a young R. C. Sproul began his personal search for ultimate truth with these piercing questions: Who are you, God? And why do you do the things you do?

    In Enjoying God, readers journey with R. C. Sproul to discover the attributes of God through the questions many of us have asked: Where are you, God? Can I trust you, God? and more. In this warm, personal account, Dr. Sproul communicates deep truths in a fresh and easy-to-understand style as he shares his passion to know God and urges the reader to dig deep and seek the God who is alive, who is real, and who loves each one of us.

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  • Book Of Enoch


    The Book of Enoch is an invaluable resource for all who are interested in the origins of Christianity. It was known and used by the earliest churches and sheds light on many concepts found in the New Testament, such as demonology, future judgment, the Messiah and the Messianic Kingdom, the title ‘Son of Man’ and the resurrection.

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  • Theater Of Gods Glory


    A theological framework for the liturgical arts rooted in John Calvin

    Both detractors and supporters of John Calvin have deemed him an enemy of the physical body, a pessimist toward creation, and a negative influence on the liturgical arts. But, says W. David O. Taylor, that only tells half of the story.

    Taylor delves deeply into Calvin’s work and shows that his theology of the material creation actually offers itself as a rich resource for the use of art in Christian worship. As he pursues the implications of Calvin’s trinitarian theology, Taylor illuminates the larger landscape of Calvin’s views and argues that his work opens up a way to understand the purposes of the liturgical arts.

    Drawing on Calvin’s Institutes, biblical commentaries, sermons, catechisms, treatises, and worship orders, this book represents one of the most thorough investigations available of John Calvin’s theology of the physical creation–and the rich possibilities it opens up for the arts in worship.

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  • Problem Of God


    The Problem of God is written by a skeptic who became a Christian and then a pastor, all while exploring answers to the most difficult questions raised against Christianity. Growing up in an atheistic home, Mark Clark struggled through his parents’ divorce, acquiring Tourette syndrome and OCD in his teen years. After his father’s death, he began a skeptical search for truth through science, philosophy, and history, eventually finding answers in Christianity.

    In a disarming, winsome, and persuasive way, The Problem of God responds to the top ten God questions of our present age, including:
    *Does God even exist?
    *What do we do with Christianity’s violent history?
    *Is Jesus just another myth?
    *Can the Bible be trusted?
    *Why should we believe in Hell anymore today?

    The book concludes with Christianity’s most audacious assertion: how should we respond to Jesus’ claim that he is God and the only way to salvation.

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  • Right Here Right Now


    Christians have always practiced mindfulness. Yet, from the popular landscape of mindfulness movement, you’d never know that. Where is the Christian voice in this fast-growing movement? Many Christians practice mindfulness outside of church and believe it does not belong to our faith tradition. This book reveals the Christian roots of mindfulness and the actual practices that, when reclaimed, deepen the life of faith and the power of our mission of love in the world. When we understand how radical it is to live in God’s presence right here, right now, our lives are transformed toward mercy, justice and abundant life. In her new book, Amy Oden shows how the practice of Christian mindfulness begins with the teachings of Jesus and continues throughout Christian history. It also includes step-by-step instructions for the practice of Christian mindfulness today. Pastors and leaders will find this book useful on the ground as they curate current culture and guide Christians in spiritual practices.

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  • Our Deepest Desires


    Introduction: Making Sense Of Our Desires

    Part I: Persons
    1. Persons And Happiness
    2. People Matter Most
    3. We Flourish In Relationships

    Part II: Goodness
    4. Looking For Goodness
    5. Goodness Is Primary
    6. Goodness Is Good For Us

    Part III: Beauty
    7. The Startling Presence Of Beauty
    8. The Artist
    9. Beauty Points The Way Home

    Part IV: Freedom
    10. Personal Freedom
    11. Freedom And Truth
    12. Freedom And Hope

    Epilogue: Human Aspiration And The Christian Story
    General Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    How does the Christian story compare to our shared experience as humans? Philosopher and apologist Greg Ganssle explores this question by considering Christianity in light of our widely-shared human aspirations such as our relationships, goodness, beauty, and freedom, showing that the Christian story explains and grounds these deeply-held values.

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  • Protestant Reformation And World Christianity


    The sixteenth-century Reformation in all its forms and expressions sought nothing less than the transformation of the Christian faith. Five hundred years later, in today’s context of world Christianity, the transformation continues. In this volume, editor Dale Irvin draws together a variety of international Christian perspectives that open up new understandings of the Reformation.

    In six chapters, contributors offer general discussions and case studies of the effects of the Protestant Reformation on global communities from the sixteenth century to the present. Together, these essays encourage a reading and interpretation of the Reformation that will aid in the further transformation of Christianity today.

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  • God In The Movies (Reprinted)


    Foremost experts on faith and film explore forty leading movies from the last four decades, helping readers reflect critically and theologically on their film choices.

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  • Augustinian Alternative : Religious Skepticism And The Search For A Liberal



    1. Political Liberalism And Its Theological Opponents

    2. Political Liberalism And The Possibilities Of Augustinian Skepticism

    3. The Liberal State: An Augustinian Defense

    4. Montaigne And The Notion Of “The Secular”: An Alternative To Radical Orthodoxy

    5. Obeying, Believing, And Rebelling: Montaigne’s Theology As Liberal-Christian Politics

    6. Contemporary Political Landscapes: Augustine Against Neoliberalism

    Conclusion: Augustinian Epistemology And The Prospect Of Christian Liberalism



    Additional Info
    This book’s central claim is that a close reading of Augustine’s epistemology can help political theologians develop affirmative accounts of political liberalism. This claim is set in a scholarly context that is profoundly hostile to constructive theological readings of liberal culture. As a corrective to such antagonism, this book suggests that, far from being natural opponents, Christian communities can work fruitfully with political liberals based on common principles. A key component in this argument is the theological reevaluation of the ancient skeptical tradition. While the ancient skeptics are habitually treated by scholars as minor characters in the story of Augustine’s theological development, this volume argues that they played a significant role in shaping both Augustine’s theology and the subsequent character of the Augustinian tradition. By placing Augustine’s reading of the skeptics in dialogue with contemporary culture, this book constructs a viable form of liberal Christian politics that is attentive both to his sin-sensitive account of public life and his eschatological vision of the church.

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  • Old Earth Or Evolutionary Creation


    11 Chapters

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    Old-earth and evolutionary creationists differ on important subjects, but they also share more than one might expect. In this exciting and groundbreaking volume, representatives from Reasons to Believe and BioLogos engage in a charitable, informed debate over key issues on the relation of Christianity and modern science.

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  • Embodied Hope : A Theological Meditation On Pain And Suffering


    A Necessary Prelude

    Part I: The Struggle
    1. Hard Thoughts About God
    2. Don’t Answer Why
    3. Longing And Lament
    4. Embracing Embodiment
    5. Questions That Come With Pain

    Part II: The Strangeness Of God
    6. One With Us: Incarnation
    7. One For Us: Cross
    8. Risen And Remaining

    Part III: Life Together
    9. Faith, Hope, And Love
    10. Confession And The Other
    11. Faithful

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    This book will make no attempt to defend God. . . . If you are looking for a book that boasts triumphantly of conquest over a great enemy, or gives a detached philosophical analysis that neatly solves an absorbing problem, this isn’t it. Too often the Christian attitude toward suffering is characterized by a detached academic appeal to God’s sovereignty, as if suffering were a game or a math problem. Or maybe we expect that since God is good, everything will just work out all right somehow. But where then is honest lament? Aren’t we shortchanging believers of the riches of the Christian teaching about suffering? In Embodied Hope Kelly Kapic invites us to consider the example of our Lord Jesus. Only because Jesus has taken on our embodied existence, suffered alongside us, died, and been raised again can we find any hope from the depths of our own dark valleys of pain. As we look to Jesus, we are invited to participate not only in his sufferings, but also in the church, which calls us out of isolation and into the encouragement and consolation of the communal life of Christ. Drawing on his own family’s experience with prolonged physical pain, Kapic reshapes our understanding of suffering into the image of Jesus, and brings us to a renewed understanding of-and participation in-our embodied hope.

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  • Christian Ethics : Four Views


    The field of Christian ethics is the subject of frequent conversation as Christians seek to understand how to live faithfully within a pluralistic society. The range of ethical systems and moral philosophies available can be confusing to people seeking clarity about what the different theories mean for everyday life. Christian Ethics: Four Views presents a dialogue between four main approaches to ethics in the Christian tradition. Virtue ethics focuses less on the action itself and more on the virtuous character of the moral agent. A divine command approach looks instead at whether an action has been commanded by God, in which case it is morally right. Natural law ethics argues for a universal, objective morality grounded in nature. Finally, prophetic ethics judges what is morally right in light of a biblical understanding of divine justice and shalom. The four views and their proponents are as follows: Brad J. Kallenberg: Virtue EthicsJohn Hare: Divine Command EthicsClaire Peterson: Natural Law EthicsPeter Heltzel: Prophetic EthicsChristian Ethics: Four Views, edited by noted ethicist Steve Wilkens, presents an accessible introduction to the key positions in Christian ethics today.

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  • Parish : An Anglican Theology Of Place


    The Anglican parish is uniquely embedded in English culture and society, by virtue both of its antiquity and close allegiance with secular governance. Yet it remains an elusive and surprisingly overlooked theme, whose ‘place’, theologically, is far from certain. Whilst ecclesiastical history has long formed a pillar of academic training for ordained ministry, ecclesiastical geography has not contributing to the often uninformed assumptions about locality in contemporary church debate and mission strategy. At a time when its relevance and sustainability are being weighed in the balance and with plans progressing for the Church in Wales’ abandonment of parochial organisation, there is an urgent need for a clear analysis of the parish’s historical, geographical and sociological – as well as theological significance.?

    “Parish” examines the distinctive form of social and communal life created by the Anglican parish: applying and advancing, the emerging discipline of place theology by filling a conspicuous gap in contemporary scholarship. Andrew Rumsey will help in forming a vision for the future of the English parish system, contribute towards the Church’s strategy for parochial ministry and also inform the broader national conversation about ‘localism’ and cultural identity.

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  • Henry Chadwick : Selected Writings


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802884305ISBN10: 080288430XEditor: Henry Chadwick | Editor: William RuschBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2017Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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  • Wholly Citizens : God’s Two Realms And Christian Engagement With The World



    ?1. The Legacy Of Luther
    2. The Two Realms: Interpreters Of Luther, Faithful And Otherwise
    3. Two Realms For Today: Suitable And Wholly Relevant
    4. Applying The Teaching To The Church And Her Pastors
    5. Applying The Teaching To The Individual Christian Believers
    6. An Essay Grounded In The Two Realms: “Story Time In America”


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    Wholly Citizens addresses the relation between the church and the world in light of the Reformation teaching of the two realms-especially as presented by Luther. Rather than exploring again the usual texts of Luther from the 1520’s, this book begins with a careful reading of Luther’s Commentary on Psalm 81 (1531), and then considers subsequent interpreters of Luther, both faithful and otherwise, and the dubious legacy they have left the church. The book argues that both the corporate church as well as individual believers are responsible for the world, and that each must speak directly about and to the world in meaningful ways. The final section of the book addresses the concrete situation facing believers in the early 21st century in light of faithful Reformation teaching about the two realms. Following this path leads to conclusions not entirely expected, including the forthright rejection of “a wall of separation” between church and state, and also a rebuke of the familiar clamor for the preservation of the rights of Christians and the church. Heedless of the status quo, Wholly Citizens offers an engaging and bracing picture of Christian life in today’s world-a picture framed in theological truth.

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  • Double Particularity : Karl Barth Contextuality And Asian American Theology



    1. Particularity: Defining The Context
    2. Contextuality: The Logic Of Contextual Engagement
    3. Reconciliation: Dialectical Grammar For Cultural Engagement
    4. Missionality: Asian American Ecclesiologies


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    Double Particularity is a constructive proposal for theological methodology addressing the Asian American context using the theology of Karl Barth. It focuses primarily on employing Barth’s theology to develop a methodology for engaging the Asian American context. This methodological focus means that it is an integrative and synthetic work, bringing seemingly disparate thoughts and concepts together. Here, the Asian American context serves as an important case study.

    With the center of worldwide Christianity moving to the global South, and even as American Christianity becomes more reflective of immigrant populations, the theological need for a deeper engagement with context is more urgent than ever. Karl Barth, particularly his thought on election, Christology, and reconciliation, offers much wisdom and insight for the churches of the majority world and for these ethnic churches, even though he is often seen as just a figure in the Western historical tradition. Hence, this study is a contribution to the development of a connection between Barth and contextual theology, to the stimulation and enrichment of both.

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  • Peril And Promise Of Christian Liberty


    How do Christians determine when to obey God even if that means disobeying other people? In this book W. Bradford Littlejohn addresses that question as he unpacks the magisterial political-theological work of Richard Hooker, a leading figure in the sixteenth-century English Reformation.

    Littlejohn shows how Martin Luther and other Reformers considered Christian liberty to be compatible with considerable civil authority over the church, but he also analyzes the ambiguities and tensions of that relationship and how it helped provoke the Puritan movement. The heart of the book examines how, according to Richard Hooker, certain forms of Puritan legalism posed a much greater threat to Christian liberty than did meddling monarchs. In expounding Hooker’s remarkable attempt to offer a balanced synthesis of liberty and authority in church, state, and conscience, Littlejohn draws out pertinent implications for Christian liberty and politics today.

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  • Doctrine Of God 2nd Edition


    An internationally respected scholar offers a global survey of understandings of God in Scripture, Christian history, and contemporary theology. Now substantially updated throughout.

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  • Getting The Gospel Right


    Beloved theologian R. C. Sproul calls Christians to greater unity in the gospel with this thorough, point-by-point discussion and explanation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the foundation of evangelical unity.

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  • Triune God And Unity In Diversity


    Timothy Miller defends and further develops the foundationally Trinitarian, multiperspectival theological method of John Frame and Vern Poythress, an eminently useful, historically Reformed tool for understanding all created reality.

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  • Explorations In Asian Christianity


    Asia is the birthplace of Christianity. If Christianity is not usually seen as an Asian religion, that is because the history of Christianity in Asia has long been a difficult one. Whereas Christianity in the West received royal support, Asian Christianity has led a more nomadic and exilic existence. Today it is the least Christianized region of the world. Scott W. Sunquist is a recognized expert on the history of the Christian faith in Asia. Over the years he has published and spoken frequently on this theme. Explorations in Asian Christianity gathers his key writings on the topic and organizes them into four main categories: surveys that look at Asian Christianity in broad perspective, historical investigations that look at how Christianity shapes our understanding of history and historiography, missiological studies that look closely at issues of place, and finally essays on theological education. Topics explored in this volume include Ecumenism in AsiaThe cruciform nature of ChristianityA missiology of placeThe Christian view of timeGlobal migrationExplorations in Asian Christianity sheds light on one of the most important but least well-known areas in Christian history.

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  • God And The Problem Of Evil


    Introduction Chad V. Meister And James K. Dew Jr.

    Part 1: Perspectives On The Problem Of Evil
    1. The Classic View Phillip Cary
    2. The Molinist View William Lane Craig
    3. The Open Theist View William Hasker
    4. The Essential Kenosis View Thomas Jay Oord
    5. The Skeptical Theist View: A Journey Stephen Wykstra

    Part 2: Responses
    6. Response To Other Contributors Phillip Cary
    7. Response To Other Contributors William Lane Craig
    8. Response To Other Contributors William Hasker
    9. Response To Other Contributors Thomas Jay Oord
    10. Response To Other Contributors Stephen Wykstra

    Author Index
    Subject Index

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    Evil abounds. And so do the attempts to understand God in the face of such evil. The problem of evil is a constant challenge to faith in God. How can we believe in a loving and powerful God given the existence of so much suffering in the world? Philosophers and theologians have addressed this problem countless times over the centuries. New explanations have been proposed in recent decades drawing on resources in Scripture, theology, philosophy, and science. God and the Problem of Evil stages a dialogue between the five key positions in the current debate: Phillip Cary: A Classic ViewWilliam Lane Craig: A Molinist ViewWilliam Hasker: An Open Theist ViewThomas J. Oord: An Essential Kenosis ViewStephen Wykstra: A Skeptical Theism View According to the classic position, associated especially with the Augustinian tradition, God permits evil and suffering as part of the grand narrative of divine providence to bring about the redemption of creation. Molinism modifies the classic view by adding God’s middle knowledge to the picture, in which God has knowledge of what creatures would do in all possible worlds. Open theism rejects the determinism of the classic view in favor of an account of God as a risk-taker who does not know for sure what the future holds. Essential kenosis goes further in providing a comprehensive theodicy by arguing that God cannot control creatures and thus cannot unilaterally prevent evil. Skeptical theism rejects the attempt to provide a theodicy and instead argues that, if God exists, we should not expect to understand God’s purposes. Edited, with an introduction, by Chad Meister and James K. Dew Jr., God and the Problem of Evil hosts a generous and informative conversation on one of the most pressing issues in the Christian life.

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  • Theologies Of The American Revivalists


    1. Moderate Evangelical Revival Theology In The First Great Awakening
    2. First Great Awakening Alternatives: The Revival Theologies Of Andrew Croswell And Jonathan Edwards
    3. Revival Theology In The New Divinity Movement
    4. Congregationalist And New School Presbyterian Revival Theology In The Second Great Awakening
    5. Methodist Revival Theology In The Second Great Awakening
    6. Revival Theologies Among Early American Baptists
    7. The New Measures Revival Theology Of Charles Finney
    8. Two Responses To Modern Revival Theology: Princeton Seminary And The Restoration Movement

    General Index
    Scripture Index

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    For centuries, revivals-and the conversions they inspire-have played a significant role in American evangelicalism. Often unnoticed or unconsidered, however, are the particular theologies underlying these revivals and conversions to faith. With that in mind, church historian Robert Caldwell traces the fascinating story of American revival theologies from the First Great Awakening through the Second Great Awakening, from roughly 1740 to 1840. As he uncovers this aspect of American religious history, Caldwell offers a reconsideration of the theologies of figures such as George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, Joseph Bellamy, Samuel Hopkins, and Charles Finney. His scope also includes movements, such as New Divinity theology, Taylorism, Baptist revival theology, Princeton theology, and the Restorationist movement. With this study, we gain fresh insight into what it meant to become a Christian during the age of America’s great awakenings.

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  • Heartbeat Of Old Testament Theology


    A highly-respected scholar explores the theological heart of the Old Testament by examining three big ideas that communicate the Old Testament’s redemptive theology.

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  • Acts : A Theological Commentary On The Bible


    In this new commentary for the Belief series, award-winning author and theologian Willie James Jennings explores the relevance of the book of Acts for the struggles of today. While some see Acts as the story of the founding of the Christian church, Jennings argues that it is so much more, depicting revolution-life in the disrupting presence of the Spirit of God. According to Jennings, Acts is like Genesis, revealing a God who is moving over the land, “putting into place a holy repetition that speaks of the willingness of God to invade our every day and our every moment.” He reminds us that Acts took place in a time of Empire, when the people were caught between diaspora Israel and the Empire of Rome. The spirit of God intervened, offering new life to both. Jennings shows that Acts teaches how people of faith can yield to the Spirit to overcome the divisions of our present world.

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