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Showing 301–400 of 577 results

  • Thoughts And Prayers Of A World Changer


    We all go through trials and tribulations. Many of us think that we are the only ones going through certain hard times. Others of us just have no outlet when it comes to these hard times. Well for some this book is going to show you that you aren’t alone and for others it will give you a way to put your feelings on paper. This book may also serve as a devotional, an encourager, and sometimes pose a challenge for you to rise to. So whether you need encouragement, to be uplifted, or just challenged in your everyday life this book has something for you.

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  • Power And Potential Of Prayer


    “Certainly there are many other books on prayer, so what should you expect to be different from what is already in the market on this topic? I believe the Lord has gifted me with some deep revelations about prayer for the body of Christ and others who would like to have a deeper understanding of it.”
    Author Worldshaker Koach Odoom

    This book examines the deepest levels of the Christian prayer life, equipping believers with all the tools necessary to glean fresh revelation from their devotional time, stimulate communication with the Holy Spirit, and come to a richer, more robust understanding of the Almighty God. The author coaches his readers on how to measure the health of their heavenly communication, presents them with a foundation to build upon, and examines some of the common traps which hinder even the most seasoned believer. Join Koach Odoom as he brings new insight on the purpose, power and biblical truth about the Christian prayer life.

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  • Most Significant Prayer Secrets


    With so much changing around us from year to year and even day to day, it’s easy to forget that God does not change. Things we count on shift and let us down-what we learned in college becomes outdated, technology becomes obsolete, economic patterns and methods in the workforce continue to fluctuate. What can we depend on over the course of our lives? We can depend on God, but only if and when we make an effort to be led by Him. His true children will seek His presence and find the answers they need through prayer.

    Presenting a mix of what he has learned as a reverend and a doctor with what he has learned through personal experiences in his own relationship with God, Chukwuma Iroezi truly gives his readers unique insight that will not be found elsewhere.

    “As the world becomes more opposed to the teachings of Jesus, believers can still call down to the earth the God of Elijah, Moses, Paul, Peter, and the early Church. He still answers the effective, fervent prayers of the righteous. You can pray and God can answer you today.”

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  • Praying For Your Husband From Head To Toe


    This practical prayer guide offers a memorable and reproducible pattern for any woman who wants to strengthen her marriage and deepen her prayer life.

    Regardless of where a marriage falls on the continuum of terrific to tolerable to terrible, there is always room for improvement. Prayer can make a bad marriage good, and a good marriage great. This book for wives removes the mystery of what and how to pray, and establishes an easy-to-remember prayer pattern for focused prayer that covers a husband from head to toe.

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  • Guidebook To Prayer


    Explores 24 different prayer methods while also exploring prayer in light of each person of the Trinity.

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  • Necessity Of Prayer


    Prayer is the Christian’s lifeline, the Christian’s weapon, the Christian’s assurance of victory over every spiritual enemy. E. M. Bounds will lead you into a greater understanding of the importance of a healthy prayer life. The writings of this great man of prayer have left a legacy of intimate and powerful communication with God that can also be yours.

    Here, E. M. Bounds will show you how to…

    *Remove hindrances to answered prayer
    *Receive prompt and abundant answers to prayer
    *Develop joyfulness in prayer
    *Make the promises of God a reality in your life

    Experience a greater depth and power in your prayer life as you defeat every spiritual enemy. The victory is already yours!

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  • Prayer Warrior : The Power Of Praying Your Way To Victory


    No one can sit on the sidelines today when it comes to spiritual matters. A war is going on between good and evil, and every believer is involved. For every Christian who wants a meaningful prayer life that is more than just asking for blessings, bestselling author Stormie Omartian shows how to pray with strength and purpose–prayers resulting in great victory, not only personally but also in advancing God’s kingdom and glory.

    Readers will find help and encouragement in 12 practical and significant chapters that address

    *knowing your Commander and standing on His side
    *being certain of your authority in prayer
    *becoming skilled with your spiritual weapons
    *following God’s orders to resist the enemy
    *seeing what’s happening from God’s perspective

    Stormie also provides many powerful prayers on numerous subjects that concern people today. For anyone eager to answer the call of God on his or her life to pray while responding to the desire of his or her heart to see people and situations change, Prayer Warrior is a must-read.

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  • 5 Things You Can Do To Have A Faithful Prayer Life


    We want to be faithful in our prayers, but even if we know how to pray, how can we make time to pray? How can we be faithful in our prayers? How often should we pray? For whom should we pray?

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  • It Happens After Prayer


    We can’t control the disasters of life, but we can control how we respond to life’s challenges. Job loss, natural disasters, crime and so many other difficulties plague the lives of believers. So, what do we do when facing tragedies and triumphs? We pray. And then we pray some more. Looking at various principles throughout the Bible, Pastor HB Charles writes a passionate and masterful treatise on the topic of prayer and the importance this discipline must have in the life of every Christian.

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  • Heaven Hears


    On June 19, 2001, Ryan Corbin, grandson of Pat Boone, accidently stepped through a skylight and fell three stories onto a cement floor. When he broke through that roof, Ryan fell into a very different life from the one he had before as the beloved son of Lindy Boone Michaelis and first grandson of entertainment icon Pat Boone. As Ryan lingered between life and death in intensive care at UCLA Medical Center, Pat and Lindy decided to take action, in a big way; they went on Larry King Live, shared their faith, and asked millions of TV viewers to pray for Ryan. And so, they prayed. Heaven Hears is an unbelievable story of answered prayer-and it’s not over yet. This book will inspire you to look for answers to prayer and to see God’s miracles.

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  • He Prayed : The Power Of Prayer In Making Life Choices


    Laurus Books
    William Ray Houston was twenty-six years old when he knelt by the side of his bed and prayed aloud. He addressed his prayer to the Holy Spirit, firmly believing that Jesus Christ had ascended to the right hand of the Father and that He had sent a Comforter to be within those who had accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Having been born again at a young age, William learned that including God in his decisions and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct his path often opened doors that he could not have known about. From where he lived and worked to choosing the right wife, William always called on the Lord and was often led in simple, but sometimes almost miraculous, ways. Part Two of He Prayed is a deliberately simple explanation of how he did it and how you can, too!

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  • Prayer Warrior Mom


    Any mom can become a prayer warrior!

    In Prayer Warrior Mom, author Marla Alupoaicei helps moms break through to blessing for themselves and their children using life-transforming principles. Readers learn to: pray Scripture, stand in the gap for their kids, discern God’s will, pray with power and authority, satisfy the conditions for answered prayer, cultivate an attitude of gratitude, arm their children against the powers of darkness, and much more.

    Today’s Christian moms earnestly want to be godly parents, but many of them have not been equipped with the prayer skills, scriptural knowledge, and practical strategies needed to effectively fight a spiritual battle for themselves or their children. Prayer Warrior Mom inspires modern-day moms looking for a biblical, fun-to-read, and relevant resource for navigating the challenges of parenting in a new generation.

    In Prayer Warrior Mom, author Marla Alupoaicei encourages and guides moms to:
    Be equipped to effectively pray for their children, no matter what age they are
    Feel empowered to positively impact the spiritual lives of their children
    Experience a greater depth and richness in their own spiritual lives
    Prayer Warrior Mom draws moms closer to God and empowers them to entrust their precious children to him through effective, life-transforming prayer.

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  • Why O Lord


    This work provides an understanding of lament psalms and how they can assist people to engage with their experiences of distress in prayer.

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  • Easter Prayer


    Little ones learn they have much to thank God for when spring arrives – bunnies, flowers, and Easter eggs are fun, but the best of all is Jesus! Preschoolers can’t help but notice all the new wonders of springtime, and An Easter Prayer emphasizes that God is the One to thank! Sweet rhymes and adorable art are perfect for young listeners, who will ask to read this colorful, die-cut board book even when spring is long past. Families will want to collect all the titles in the Time to Pray series, including A Pumpkin Prayer and An “I Love You” Prayer.

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  • Draw The Circle


    Do you pray as often and as boldly as you want to? There is a way to experience a deeper, more passionate, persistent, and intimate prayer life. Drawing from forty days of true stories, Mark Batterson applies the principles of his New York Times bestselling book The Circle Maker to teach us a new way to pray. As thousands of readers quickly became many tens of thousands, true stories of miraculous and inspiring answers to prayer began to pour in, and as those stories were shared, others were bolstered in their faith to pray with even more boldness. In Draw the Circle, through forty true, faith-building stories of God’s answers to prayer, daily scriptures and prayer prompts, Batterson inspires you to pray and keep praying like never before. Begin a lifetime of watching God work. Believe in the God who can do all things. Experience the power of bold prayer and even bolder faith in Draw the Circle.

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  • Prayers At Nights Approaching


    Seekers and church members today are rediscovering the power of many of Christianity’s ancient traditions, such as Evening Prayer. For many years now, in England, they have turned to the writing of Jim Cotter. In fact, the New Zealand Prayer Book’s Evening Prayer section comes largely from Prayer at Night’s Approaching.

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  • Pocket Prayers For Healing


    Church House Publishing

    This is a new paperback edition of one of the most popular titles in the Pocket Prayers series. Almost more than anything else, the experience of illness in ourselves or in those close to us – can throw us off course. Realising our vulnerability, prayer is a natural response. This short collection of prayers contains familiar and loved prayers and blessings such as the Lord’s Prayer and Psalm texts, plus a mix of traditional modern prayers that cover:?Being in hospital ?Prayers for medical staff and carers?Healing prayers for others?Healing prayers for ourselves ?Prayers for anointing ?Prayers of thanksgiving for recovery ?Prayers for wellbeing. Pocket Prayers for Healing is an ideal portable companion for all involved in ministry to the sick and as bedside companion for personal use.

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  • Users Guide To The Book Of Common Prayer


    Church House Publishing

    This short and timely book introduces and explains the Book of Common Prayer in a new way to a new audience, and in a style of language that is accessible and informative without being techincal or assuming prior knowledge. It is intended as a basic, beginners’ guide for those from a non-liturgical/non-traditional background, for whom the tradition of prayer represented in the Prayer Book may be alien.

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  • Transform : 31 Days To Finding Your Identity In Christ


    Did you know that 31 days is all you need to Transform and begin the process of finding your identity in Christ? Tony Myles, with help from New Testament writer James, has covered the basics of re-orienting your perspective to be more grounded in Christ. Tony takes you through the book of James verse by verse, explaining historical and social contexts and then asking pertinent questions to help you apply these attitude-changing principles to your own life. With plenty of space to reflect and journal, Transform will challenge you to think outside the box and outside yourself as you journey toward living into who God made you to be.

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  • Mystically Wired : Exploring New Realms In Prayer


    We are designed to make connections to God through prayer in more ways than we can imagine.

    Prayer can be so much more than a simple conversation. It can be a wordless connection with God, a step beyond the boundary of the separated self. It can be a way to listen to the silence. And it can be learned. We can learn how to pray in ways we never thought possible. It doesn’t take more effort; it takes more understanding.

    Wilson’s book shows how the brain is designed by God:
    To calm itself
    To relax into love
    To become increasingly aware of how connected everything is in God
    To experience a deeper intimacy with our creator

    Prayer is something that our brains want to do with a little help. Ken Wilson tells us how.

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  • Prayers That Move Mountains


    The definitive resource for praying when you need God’s attentionLearn how to activate the ultimate power source daily! Prayer and confession of Scripture are two of the most powerful weapons we have in life. They connect us to God and allow His power to flow to us in every situation.

    The sixth book in John Eckhardt’s Prayers for Spiritual Battle series, Prayers That Move Mountains is filled with prayers of repentance, confession, obedience, submission, praise, and worship. Based on 2 Chronicles 7:14-15, these are the prayers that will guarantee that you will have God’s ear, and if you know He hears you, then you will also know He will answer.

    Keep this invaluable tool with you wherever you go, and you will be prepared with powerful, declarative prayers for every circumstance. It is your reference handbook of prayers that God answers-every time.

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  • 30 Days With Wesley


    30 Days with Wesley is a prayer book designed to take readers through an intentional and intensive fellowship with Jesus.

    Filled with prayers, Psalms, and self examination questions, this book will guide readers through rich content and help them encounter greater depths of their prayer life.

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  • Pray Gods Word Pray With Power


    It is my desire to reach a world that is hurting, broken, and discouraged; to direct them to the Healer, and to bring them into the hope of God’s love and grace. My prayer is that through the blood of Jesus and through the word of my testimony chains of pain, despair, and hopelessness will be broken; lies of the enemy will be uprooted and replaced with the truth of God; that any lies/strongholds of the enemy will be pulled down, thrown down, and destroyed; and that the truth of God will set people free from fear, bondage, and from every form of evil.

    It is also my desire that as you pray through the prayers of this book you will enter into revelation knowledge of God; that you will gain a heart of understanding; that you will come to know the greatness of His love toward us who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ; and that you will come to know the power of God at work in your life to bring restoration, and to bring faith, hope, and love. It is my desire that you will come to experience love as you have never known before. God knows you. He sees you. He sees you without the mask on, and God loves you. Do you want to know Him? Do you want to experience His love? Do you want to know how deeply cherished you are, how treasured, and how greatly loved?

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  • Benefits Of Being Born Again 1


    Beatrice Benson says she is a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Out of her love for God and her love of the gospel of Jesus Christ, she has decided to spend her time bringing forth awareness about our benefits in accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior.

    In this book, she writes about the life of the New Creation and the benefits of being Born Again. She wants everyone to come into their inheritance in Christ by knowing their rights and benefits of what they have in Christ.

    Giving her life to Christ has brought Beatrice into a new level of glory, and she prays you will experience the same as you read this book.

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  • Praying Gods Word For Your Husband (Reprinted)


    Women often offer up polite prayers to God without any real hope of seeing change in their marriage, their husbands, or themselves. Kathi Lipp directs women to Scripture and shows wives how to pray God’s Word boldly and in full confidence of seeing God-sized results. With a light touch and an approachable style, Lipp shows women what a blessing it is to pray for their husbands, addressing specific concerns, like praying for his:
    career and finances
    relationship with God and others
    emotional health
    and more

    Lipp shows readers how to stop feeling helpless and start making a difference in their husbands’ lives through bold, expectant prayer, whether they are new believers or have been walking with God for years.

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  • Reality Of Prayer


    Has prayer become just another complicated ritual?

    Is it a struggle to spend time in prayer?

    Does God really answer prayer?

    E. M. Bounds shows us that prayer is not difficult. It is a privilege and a blessing. By examining how Jesus prayed, Bounds helps us to pray boldly and expectantly. When we pray with the confidence of a child, we will find that God is eager to answer us, and we will discover the reality of what Jesus knew-prayer works!

    “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” -James 5:16

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  • How To Make Prayer More Effective


    Without a doubt, prayer is the greatest art in the world, a holy art that only needs to be learned and practiced.

    The greatest difference between effective and anemic Christianity, is prayer. The most fruitful soul winners are those who make much of prayer. The greatest preachers of the gospel and missionaries of the cross are those who pray long and often. Everyday believers who walk in the power and miracles of God are people who see prayer as an attitude of life, not as a series of isolated acts.

    To succeed at prayer is to realize that heaven is not far from earth. It is the ability to bend the arm of God.

    Join with best-selling author Dr. Herbert Lockyer as he sets out to study the nature of prayer, and to better understand the simplicity and effectiveness of heartfelt communication with God.

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  • Words For Worship


    Church House Publishing

    Words for Worship brings together the most cherished prayers in the Church of England’s liturgy, both in Common Worship and the Book of Common Prayer. From modern collects to prayers that have been learned by heart over generations, here are the words that today create a common identity among Anglican worshippers.

    Texts include the Lord’s Prayer, the Gloria, Sanctus, Prayers of Confession, the Creeds, the Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis, Benedictus, the Agnus Dei, the Grace, and many more. Each prayer is accompanied by a short commentary on its history and meaning, opening it up for those new to Anglican worship and those seeking a deeper understanding of familiar words.

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  • With My Whole Heart


    As James Jones waited for his heart operation and began to recover from it, he had the Psalms with him day and night, and these are reflections based on each occasion the word ‘heart’ is used in the Psalms (70 times). These reflections invite the reader to make a new relationship with the psalms, and with the familiar translation of them in the Book of Common Prayer. They include a prayer to say in response to each meditation.

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  • Kneeling With Giants


    Do you sometimes find yourself searching for a way to approach God or wondering how to get out of a devotional slump? Do you long for spiritual guides you can trust? This guide to prayer is rooted in centuries of Christian tradition. In each chapter you’ll meet a figure from church history, such as St. Benedict, Martin Luther, John Calvin, St. Ignatius, Teresa of Avila and Andrew Murray. You’ll learn how each of these spiritual giants uniquely connected to God through prayer. Each chapter provides an opportunity to practice a different method for prayer, including the divine office, the Lord’s Prayer, the Jesus Prayer, healing prayer and meditation on the Psalms. In the process your own prayer practice will be refreshed and renewed. Journey into church history and enliven each day of your prayer life.

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  • Intercessory Worship : Combining Worship And Prayer To Touch The Heart Of G (Rep


    A glorious spiritual awakening is on the horizon, sparked by the combustible mix of worship and prayer. Dick Eastman calls this combination “intercessory worship,” and in this one-of-a-kind guidebook, he explains how worship-saturated prayer rises like a fragrance before God’s throne to declare His glory and reign over all circumstances, relationships and governments. He shows readers how to engage in life-transforming intercessory worship. He also reveals why intercessory worship is the greatest last-days prayer movement in history and invites believers to join the worldwide Body of Christ in fanning the flames of revival through biblical worship and scriptural prayer. The world will be transformed as the presence and power of the Spirit pour forth from the heart of God.

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  • Serenity Prayer : A Simple Prayer To Enrich Your Life


    The Serenity Prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

    Countless people around the world have prayed this prayer, and it has helped them find peace in the midst of their harried lives. They may not realize that these words are just the beginning of a longer prayer.

    In this book, beloved pastor and teacher Trevor Hudson explores the entire Serenity Prayer, giving insights into each phrase and making the prayer accessible to everyday people. He looks at the prayer from a Christian perspective, sharing his own experiences with addiction but broadening the book to address the struggles that come to everyone, regardless of whether they are in recovery.

    Each brief chapter contains a single-paragraph summary called “In a Nutshell.” Hudson then poses a thought-provoking question or suggestion for reflection. The chapters end with a full-page display of a scripture related to the chapter topic.

    Readers will learn how this simple prayer can transform their lives, bringing peace into even the messiest situations.

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  • Lords Prayer : What The Bible Tells Us About The Lords Prayer (Reprinted)


    People know the words of the Lord’s Prayer by heart. With the words repeated so often, the freshness and meaning begins to disappear. William Barclay goes right back to the original Biblical texts and translates them, providing surprising and fascinating insights along the way. Readers are guaranteed to find new insight and a fresh understanding. This book is one of a series and each title will have an introduction by one of today’s most valued writers.

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  • Liberating Prayer : Finding Freedom Through Your Connection With God


    If prayer is so important, why is it so difficult? Starting from this universal question, Neil T. Anderson, bestselling author of The Bondage Breaker, explores how readers can intimately connect with their loving heavenly Father, looking at:
    *the confidence believers can have in taking their struggles before God and in interceding for others
    *their release from bondage and the freedom they gain to walk in the Spirit
    *the gracious way God leads them to love Him, not His blessings

    Liberating Prayer emphasizes the life-changing truth that prayer is relationship, not ritualand that as already-accepted children, believers are free to be honest with their Father.

    End of chapter questions are ideal for group study and help readers immediately apply what they’ve learned in their own prayer lives. Based on material previously released in Praying by the Power of the Spirit.

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  • Prayers For Lifes Ordinary And Extraordinary Moments


    Sometimes prayers flow easily, and people can talk to God as naturally as they would to a dear friend. At other times, though the words just won’t come, no matter how hard they try to pray.

    So what can Christians do when they can’t pray, or when they need a prayer for a specific occasion and don’t know where to start? They can turn to the prayes of other believers to be carried into God’s presence.

    This book is a unique collection of prayers that give readers words to pray on those occasions when they can’t find words of their own.

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  • Conversations With Jesus Updated And Revised Edition


    The Bible is a great resource for stories about Jesus and his words to the people around him. But have you ever wondered what Jesus might say to you today? In Conversations with Jesus, Revised and Expanded Edition, you will be able to read Jesus’ responses on topics like loneliness, relationships, and living for him in today’s complicated world. This sixty-day devotional from Youth for Christ will not only give you insight into who Jesus is and what he wants to say, but could help you start a conversation with him that really matters.

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  • Circle Maker Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This six-session video-based study with participant’s guide (sold separately) will help participants gain a deeper understanding of prayer and, in turn, make a more consistent practice of prayer.

    It will give viewers new vocabulary and methodology to pray with a holy confidence. It will help participants dream big, pray hard and think long.

    The six video sessions combine a teaching element with a creative element to draw viewers into the circle. Through this combination, participants will gain old theology and new methodology for prayer.

    The six-week study will not only revolutionize the personal prayer life of each participant, but together the group will form a prayer circle around each other’s challenges, opportunities and dreams.

    Each session wraps up with a practical application called ‘Draw the Circle,’ giving participants the opportunity to put the prayer principles they have learned into practice. Session titles include:
    The Legend of the Circle Maker
    Circling Jericho
    The 1st Circle-Dream Big
    The 2nd Circle-Pray Hard
    The 3rd Circle-Think Long
    Circling Your Life Goals

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  • When God Answers Prayer


    Some people are “prayer plodders”: They pray not because prayer comes easy but because they believe in its power. Others are “prayer professionals”: they are gifted in the practice of prayer; prayer seems to flow authentically and effectively from their hearts. Whether you are a plodder or a professional, you can be a prayer warrior-one whose prayers are powerful and effectual — even efficient.
    The simple message of this book is that prayer works. Even if prayer doesn’t always come easily or your prayers aren’t always answered as you’d hoped, you will come away from this book convinced that God rewards genuine prayer. Open the pages of this book and see for yourself what happens when God answers prayer!

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  • Book Of Prayers For Couples


    The three books of prayer in this beautiful compilation, based on The Power of a Praying Wife, The Power of a Praying Husband, and The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage, have inspired hundreds of thousands of women and men to strive for a deeper faith and prayer life. These heartfelt prayers, accompanied by Scripture verses and lines to jot a note, lead readers straight to the One who can make a difference in their lives and most important relationships. When a husband or wife prays for their spouse, both receive the blessing. Their marriage is strengthened, their commitment renewed, and difficult places made smooth. In this padded hardcover edition with ribbon, A Book of Prayers for Couples is the perfect gift for those looking for encouragement, healing, renewal, fruitfulness, and hope in their journey.

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  • Holy Spirit Manufactured Prayer


    16 Chapters

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    Holy Spirit manufactures prayer for us because He knows what is in the mind of God. Throughout Scripture when God spoke, it was creative and always revealed something about Himself, His purposes, or His ways. As we are fast approaching His next coming, I believe the LORD wants to reveal His plan, His place, His provision, and His purpose for our lives. But for us to get there, we must partner with Him through vigorous prayer. Paul wrote in the book of Acts, “but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.” (Acts 6:4)

    This devotional prayer book provides detailed, kingdom-minded prayers which were inspired through the Holy Spirit. Do not just pray, but pray with understanding. How we pray can determine the urgency at which our prayers are answered. I am sure victory is waiting for you.

    Prayer Reveals the Mind of God
    Prayer Helps to Renew Our Mind-Set
    Prayer Shows Humility to Our Creator
    Prayer Keeps Us Spiritually Alert for Kingdom Purposes
    Prayer Prepares Us for the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesu

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  • Prayer Of Abraham


    Unlike the prayer of Jabez, the prayer of Abraham is an example of a personal prayer of faith. It can fit whatever situation you are in. In fact, the prayer of Abraham has one condition that differentiates it from all other prayers in the Bible and I believe this makes it one of the most powerful prayers you can pray.

    That difference is that it must be a prayer for something you do not have, cannot attain by yourself, and is impossible without God’s intervention. When you learn to prayer like Abraham, who is the father of our faith, you will learn to vocalize your prayer, to call out loud and tell your situation to change from the way it is to the way you want it to be.

    The Prayer of Abraham will bring your prayer life to a new level and cause you to have a deeper understanding of what prayer is and how to apply it to your life.

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  • Holy Spirit Manufactured Prayer


    16 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Holy Spirit manufactures prayer for us because He knows what is in the mind of God. Throughout Scripture when God spoke, it was creative and always revealed something about Himself, His purposes, or His ways. As we are fast approaching His next coming, I believe the LORD wants to reveal His plan, His place, His provision, and His purpose for our lives. But for us to get there, we must partner with Him through vigorous prayer. Paul wrote in the book of Acts, “but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.” (Acts 6:4)

    This devotional prayer book provides detailed, kingdom-minded prayers which were inspired through the Holy Spirit. Do not just pray, but pray with understanding. How we pray can determine the urgency at which our prayers are answered. I am sure victory is waiting for you.

    Prayer Reveals the Mind of God
    Prayer Helps to Renew Our Mind-Set
    Prayer Shows Humility to Our Creator
    Prayer Keeps Us Spiritually Alert for Kingdom Purposes
    Prayer Prepares Us for the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesu

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  • Prayers That Activate Blessings


    Are you frustrated with your life? Are you struggling to find breakthrough and feeling like you are just spinning your wheels? Well, struggle no more! In Prayers That Activate Blessing, John Eckhardt will teach you how to move from mediocrity into the supernatural favor of God and from curse to blessing. The key is asking. You can ask God to bless you just like Jabez did. God heard his prayer and granted his request. Filled with prayers for healing, deliverance, favor, and the blessing of God, this book is a resource for learning how to walk in covenant blessing and the blessing of obedience, how to hear the voice of God and be blessed, and the different ways to access His blessing.

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  • Spiritual Warfare Strategy


    Discover how Jesus and the early Church overcame the enemy-and you can overcome too. We live in a day when the Holy Spirit is speaking strongly to the churches about aggressively retaking the dominion over creation that Adam forfeited to satan.

    This level of spiritual warfare is a new ministry area to many Kingdom-minded believers. Spiritual Warfare Strategy provides a biblical and theological rationale as well as practical tools for advancing God’s Kingdom. Dr. C. Peter Wagner examines the role spiritual warfare played in Christ’s ministry and among His first followers and applies it to today’s battle.

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  • Writing To God


    Writing to God is a Lenten devotional tool, providing forty-seven insightful prayers for personal reflection and an equal number of scripturally-based writing prompts to guide readers/writers in their own praying. Each prayer draws its readers into a moment of meditation, even as it sets an example for the accompanying prompt. Paired together, these prayers and writing prompts offer daily devotions for the Lenten season, including Sundays and Holy Week.

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  • Angels Of Humility


    Fresh out of seminary and called to be the minister of a rural church, Pastor Paul is full of zeal. The question is . . . zeal for what? As he chases affirmation and prestige, his guardian angel grows increasingly frustrated. When Paul dismisses the prophetic gifts of an elderly parishioner—deeming her a “wacko”—-will heaven intervene?

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  • Busy Grandmas Guide To Prayer


    Scores of people attribute their faith to a “praying grandmother.” That’s why Lisa Whelchel teamed up with her mother, the grandmother of her children, to create this guided prayer journal for the busy grandma. In just ten minutes a day, even the busiest grandma can pray through six prayer categories, and in one month bring nearly one hundred and fifty matters before her heavenly Father. This you-can-do-it guide offers prompts that can be used for each grandma’s special needs. Everyone knows what a difference grandmothers make in their families; through prayer, those differences will last for eternity.

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  • Simple Way To Pray


    When asked by his barber and good friend, Peter Beskendorf, for some practical guidance on how to prepare oneself for prayer, Luther responded by writing this brief treatise, first published in the spring of 1535. After 500 years, his instruction continues to offer words of spiritual nurture for us today.

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  • Contemplative Vision : A Guide To Christian Art And Prayer


    While working as a docent in an art gallery, Juliet Benner began showing people how to meditate on Christian art treasures that are rooted in a passage of Scripture. She taught a way of encountering the Word behind both the words of Scripture and the artist’s meditation on Scripture. This became a way of seeing art as an aid to contemplative prayer. This process resulted in her much-beloved “O Taste and See” columns that appeared in the spiritual formation journal Conversations, now expanded into this book. In each chapter you’ll encounter a passage of Scripture and a corresponding piece of art. You’ll be guided into deeper levels of meaning and reflection through the text and the questions at the end of each chapter. In the process you’ll find yourself entering into a new experience of prayer and meditation in God’s presence.

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  • Couples Who Pray


    In this entertaining, highly readable book, couples learn that a fabulous marriage can be the outcome of learning to pray together, a minimum of five minutes a day, causing a 20 to 30% increase in romance, conversation and happiness.

    Best-selling author SQuire Rushnell and his wife, entertainer and talk show host, Louise DuArt take readers step by step through The 40 Day Prayer Challenge(TM) in which couples commit to praying together five minutes a day for forty days. Backed by compelling research from Baylor University and Gallup Poll, the true-life experiences of 24 test couples reveal that daily prayer is a “life changing experience” in which most couples report positive outcomes in less than two weeks.

    Celebrity couples share extraordinary experiences on how the most intimate act between a man and a woman has improved their marriages. The couples include Denzel and Pauletta Washington, Kathie Lee and Frank Gifford, Donna Summer and Bruce Sudano, Scott and Tracie Hamilton, Christina Ferrara and Tony Thomopolous, and Gavin and Patty MacLeod.

    Couples Who Pray includes an easy questionnaire prepared by Baylor University to help couples to chart their own progress during The 40 Day Prayer Challenge(TM). According to never-before-published research the “quantity and quality of lovemaking” gets better by 20% when couples pray more. There’s also a significant reduction in disagreements evidenced by a 21% elevation among respondents who say that they are trying to make their marriages better. Astonishingly, the fear of divorce plummets to zero when couples pray “a lot.”

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  • Great House Of God


    God’s greatest desire is to be your dwelling place — The home for your heart.

    He doesn’t want to be merely a weekend getaway. He has no interest in being a Sunday bungalow or even a summer cottage. He wants to be your mailing address, your point of reference, your home … always. He wants you to live in the Great House of God.

    Using the Lord’s Prayer as a floor plan, Max Lucado takes you on a tour of the home God intended for you. Warm your heart by the fire in the living room. Nourish your spirit in the kitchen. Seek fellowship in the family room. Step into the hallway and find forgiveness.

    It’s the perfect home for you. After all, it was created with you in mind. There’s only one home built just for your heart. No house more complete, no structure more solid:

    The roof never leaks. The walls never crack. The foundation never trembles.

    In God’s house, you’re home. So come into the house built just for you. Your Father is waiting.

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  • Fasting : The Ancient Practices


    Building a body and mind that hungers for God.

    Is the practice of faith centered solely on the spirit? Is the body an enemy, or can it actually play a role in our pursuit of God? In this installation of the Ancient Practices Series, Dr. Scot McKnight reconnects the spiritual and the physical through the discipline of fasting.

    The act of fasting, he says, should not be focused on results or used as a manipulative tool. It is a practice to be used in response to sacred moments, just as it has in the lives of God’s people throughout history. McKnight gives us scriptural accounts of fasting, along with practical wisdom on benefits and pitfalls, when we should fast, and what happens to our bodies as a result.

    For those who have wondered how to grasp the value of this most misunderstood ancient
    practice, this book is a comprehensive guide.

    A volume in the eight book classic series, The Ancient Practices, with a foreword by Phyllis Tickle, General Editor.

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  • Turning Point Breakthrough Prayers


    Admired at home and overseas for his humility, integrity and zeal for the Lord, Rev. Joseph Afodonko DODJRO is under a heavy and powerful anointing to set the captives free through the authority in the name of Jesus. His life changing spiritual warfare workshops, prophetic intercessions, breakthrough prayers, revival meetings, healing crusades, and sound biblical teachings, have brought new life and power into the lives of many in Canada, USA, and overseas.

    Reverend DODJRO believes that people must first be delivered from spiritual hindrances in order to fulfill their destiny, calling and ministry. He is called to minister total deliverance to the Body of Christ, the blood-bought children of the Most High God, through the power in the name of resurrected Son of the Living God. Turing Point Breakthrough Prayers is a remarkable impartation from his deliverance workshops series to bless thousands of believers who can now partake in his anointed teachings from the comfort of their home.

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  • Source Of Miracles


    The real secret to happiness and abundance has been hiding in plain sight, and you already know it by heart.
    New York Times bestselling author Kathleen McGowan’s transformative new book unlocks the hidden power of the Lord’s Prayer in seven simple steps.

    In this brilliant handbook, Kathleen McGowan reveals the true secret to a joyous and fulfilling life: using the Lord’s Prayer to create real and lasting change in the soul. Each chapter in The Source of Miracles is a guide to one of the seven steps in the process, corresponding to a primary teaching of the prayer:
    FAITH: Understand that you are part of God’s plan
    SURRENDER: Find the ultimate liberation and peace
    SERVICE: Create heaven on earth through your own good works
    ABUNDANCE: Attract joy and fulfillment through gratitude
    FORGIVENESS: Release anger and resentment
    OVERCOMING OBSTACLES: Know that you can master temptation
    LOVE: Tap into the greatest power of all

    Featuring meditations, affirmations, and other activities designed to help readers work through life’s challenges.

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  • Sacred Prayer And Sacred Healing


    Do you long to know God better? Do you want to understand how to pray more effectively? Are you struggling with healing in your body, soul, or spirit? Are you currently disappointed in your healing process and progress? You no longer need to feel hopeless or helpless in difficult or painful situations. You can learn sacred prayer for yourself and others for sacred healing. Dr. Dolores P. Jacoby has dedicated her life to serving God and helping those bound by hurt, pain, and suffering, that they may find freedom and wholeness through the prayer process. Internationally, she has conducted thousands of hours of inner healing prayer.

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  • Operation World : The Definitive Prayer Guide To Every Nation


    Operation World is the definitive global prayer handbook that will help focus your heart and life towards God?s passion for His glory. With over 1 million copies of past versions being sold, this all new 7th edition has been completely updated and revised by Jason Mandryk and covers the entire populated world.

    Whether you are an intercessor praying behind the scenes for world change, a missionary reaping the benefits of intercession or simply curious about the world, Operation World will give you the information necessary to be a vital part in fulfilling God’s passion for the nations.

    Included in the updated and revised 7th edition:
    All the countries of the world featured
    Maps of each country
    Geographic information
    People groups within each country
    Economic information
    Political information
    Religious make-up of each country
    Daily Prayer Calendar
    Answers to prayer
    Challenges for prayer
    Persecution index

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  • Let God Talk To You


    It is possible–you can hear from God!
    Do you long for a closer connection to God?
    To talk to Him and hear His voice?
    To follow His instructions, if only you knew what He was saying?

    For many of us, talking to God sometimes feels like sending words out into empty space. And hearing from God as the biblical prophets did may seem like an ancient fairy tale.

    But Becky Tirabassi shares that it really is possible to hear from God. In fact, God longs to talk to us. He loves us and wants to communicate with us, just as we desire to communicate with those we love. You’ll discover how to develop a conversational relationship with God, one where you can both talk to and hear from God.

    You’ll see that God is talking all the time, and there’s no special prayer to pray or requirements to meet in order to hear from Him. Becky shows the many ways that God talks to us and how God has spoken to her in big and small ways, saying things that have redirected her day or changed her entire life. You can hear from God, too. When we set aside the time and focus our hearts on God every day, God talks to us.

    God Longs to Talk to You

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  • How To Pray


    Church House Publishing

    How to Pray is a basic primer on prayer. It will get you started, keep you going and uses every stage of life and its varied events to renew and expand your understanding of being alive to God. Completely honest about the struggles and difficulties everyone encounters, it will help you discover how natural prayer is, even when you least feel like it.aaWith his characteristic humour and realism, Stephen Cottrell offers a guide ‘from an experienced beginner’ for those starting out on the Christian journey and for those who feel there is more to discover. Full of stories and examples from the Christian tradition and daily life, simple principles to follow, some prayers to use and helpful insights from spiritual writers through the ages, this is a book to inspire over and over again. A great gift for confirmation or adult baptism.aaPreviously published as Praying Through Life.

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  • When A Child Prays Miracles Happen


    Bonnie J. Heath began her walk with the Lord as a child, when she faithfully prayed to God and attended church services. Since then, she has been inspired by God in many ways, especially in her work with children. As a teenager and young adult, she helped introduce many children to Christ. She continues to work with the youth through her church, Whites Chapel United Methodist Church in Conyers, Georgia, and other organizations. Bonnie has been a speaker for youth conferences, Girl Scout troops, Sunday school classes, women’s organizations, school and church sponsored youth events, and other organizations, all because of her love for and devotion to children.

    God inspired Bonnie to write this book while she was reflecting upon fond memories of her childhood, in Americus, Georgia, and how God answered her childhood prayers. She wrote this book to encourage children to pray and to trust God. The stories in When a Child Prays, Miracles Happen are true and have been printed with the submitters’ permission. Through this book, Bonnie hopes to help many families and children deal with autism.

    Bonnie is proudly married to Donald Heath, Sr. and is the proud and devoted mother of Donald Heath, Jr. (DJ), whose inspirational prayer jump-started this book. She is the proud daughter of retired educator Juanita Jones and the late Paul Jones. She credits her parents, grandparents, and family members with keeping her grounded spiritually during her formative years and with placing in her an undying love for God. She is a devoted Christian and church worker, a school volunteer, a soccer mom, and the owner of JH Business Enterprises, LLC.

    Bonnie has a bachelor’s degree, from Georgia Southwestern College and a Master’s degree from Central Michigan University. She and her family reside in Conyers, Georgia.

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  • Deliverance From Demonic Covenants And Curses


    SKU (ISBN): 9781609573386ISBN10: 1609573382James SolomonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Talking Back To God


    A practical and inspiring book leading readers on a step-by-step discovery of a richer, more honest prayer life using the book of Psalms.

    You know what your prayers ought to be and what you want them to be. You desire intimate, honest, and authentic communication with your Father in heaven that expresses the joys, sorrows, victories, and even defeats that make up everyday life. But the realities of stress wage war against our spiritual aspirations and prayer becomes a mere duty laced with empty phrases that really don’t communicate our hearts.

    In Talking Back to God Lynn Anderson leads you through the Psalms to prayer that will very likely draw you to your knees and lift your heart to heights you never expected. Put aside old stereotypes about prayer and follow Anderson into a renewed and refreshed communication that includes honest words of pain, passion, doubt, faith, and trust in a Father who knows us better than we know ourselves. Become like the psalmist David as you learn to express your heart in ways you never thought possible.

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  • Yes : The Prayer God Loves To Answer


    God wants to answer your prayers without begging, claiming, arguing, or bargaining.

    Learn how a successful Christian book publishing business began with a vision from God on the side of a busy interstate highway. The Prayer God Loves to Answer is a fascinating story of a man who said “yes” to God, which led to extraordinary opportunities in the spiritual and physical worlds. Through powerful personal stories and biblical encouragement, author and pastor Don Nori Sr. shares how “God’s plan and desire is for you to say ‘yes’ to Him, no matter what.”

    The blessings of Heaven are released when you agree with His purposes and dreams for you. The Prayer God Loves to Answer unlocks:
    * God’s Power and Passion.
    * Successful Careers.
    * Happy Marriages.
    * Dreams and Desires.
    * The Kingdom of God.

    For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

    Your prayers can receive God’s resounding positive response! Take hold of Him today and unlock a beautiful tomorrow.

    Discover the joy of saying “yes” to the Lord!

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  • Psalm 91 : Real Life Stories Of Gods Shield Of Protection And What This Psa (Rev


    Blessed assurance for turbulent times! Offering an in-depth look at “protection” promises, Ruth walks you verse by verse through Psalm 91 to open your eyes to God’s presence. Her comforting insights—and the personal testimonies of others—will help you turn away from fear and terror, and trust that God’s supportive shield surrounds you.

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  • Hope Beyond Diagnosis


    The fear of cancer: how many millions of families have received that dreaded news or call? My wife received our call the morning of April 1, 2005. The doctor’s office advised the second biopsy taken on the lump removed from inside my throat was confirmed by the Mayo Clinic, Stage 3 melanoma. My wife asked if this was treatable and was told it most probably had metastasized and the prognosis was not good. The news, prognosis and surgery tell Part 1 of the journey.

    Part 2 of the journey graphically details the intervention of a God whom we in this country constantly debate, defend, disclaim and simply want little or no part of.

    Whatever your status in life, so many of us have been affected by this dreaded, killing disease that has no regard for age or gender. Just about everyone- those battling cancer, Christian people wondering if God still heals, people looking for a source of joy, hope and peace, people wondering if there is a God and are looking for something to grab hold of, and people who adamantly deny the existence of any God- should take the time to read this story.

    Part 3 is my attempt to share four years of intimacy with a God who has shared His heart, beginning in November of 2004. There is no hidden agenda here, just an average man wanting to share a very unique journey of a profound healing and intimate conversations with the “God of Hope.”

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  • Prayer Works


    Years of drug and alcohol abuse and bad relationships culminated in an arrest-exactly the situation God chose to use to reveal Himself.

    Susan Wainscott traces how God worked in the life of her brother, Chris, as she prayed. Chris’s story portrays a man held captive by the bonds of sin. Susan witnessed the power of prayer as she partnered with the Holy Spirit to reach into the pain and mire to minister to Chris.

    But the Holy Spirit’s work encompassed more than Chris. God revealed Himself to Susan as well. Through the process, Susan learned more about God and His ways and what it means to go into all the world to proclaim the Good News.

    Prayer Works shows the journey of Susan and Chris as they battle a lifetime of pain and sin, struggling to live in Christ’s victory.


    “If you have ever wondered if prayer works, read this book. Susan Wainscot writes with honesty, vulnerability, and hope, because she knows the Source of all hope-Christ Himself. You will be captivated by the true stories in Prayer Works, but more than that, you will discover how to pray for your own needs and for the needs of others. Don’t miss this excellent resource!”

    Carol Kent, Speaker and Author of When I Lay My Isaac Down (NavPress) and A New Kind of Normal (Thomas Nelson)

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  • When You Dont Know What To Pray (Reprinted)


    It’s easy to pray for others’ needs. If God takes a long time in answering–or answers with a no–it’s easier to take. Far more difficult is focusing on your own needs, when sometimes you don’t get the answers you want. What do you pray when life gets hard or even unbearable? When you lose a spouse or a child? When your health deteriorates? When your spiritual life seems barren? Linda Evans Shepherd knows what it’s like to pray in the most dire of circumstances. She shows readers the how, what, and when of praying for themselves. As she takes readers through her own prayer journey and the stories of others, they will be encouraged and equipped to pray for themselves in any circumstance. They’ll also find that whether or not God changes their circumstances, he will use prayer to change them.

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  • Prayers Of The New Testament


    Are your prayers stuck in a rut? In these Bible studies from Lynne M. Baab you’ll find new words and new ways to pray through the prayers of Mary, Simeon and Anna, Peter, Paul, John and Jesus himself. Their words and patterns can serve as rich models for us in our own conversations with God, helping us get out of our ruts and onto fresh new paths of prayer.

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  • Get Off Your Knees And Pray


    Powerful and personal, Get Off Your Knees and Pray shows women that they have a lifeline straight to the heart of God. “I’ve always shied away from this topic as I really stink at prayer,” says Sheila. And she isn’t alone. We know we can talk to God, but it just sounds so important, so intimidating, so religious. Only the very spiritual hear from Him directly. Only those who live as missionaries or in a monastery can really pray and move mountains. Right? Wrong. Sheila has come a long way since the days when she shied away from prayer. In fact, today she says, “Every sound we utter, every thank you we say, every tear we cry in God’s presence is prayer.” Her life message has always been You are loved by God just as you are. If we are loved as we are, we can talk to God as we are.

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  • Daniel Fast For Spiritual Breakthrough (Reprinted)


    Elmer Towns’s Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough has become must-reading as this powerful spiritual discipline of fasting has seen a revival among followers of Christ. Now Towns digs deeper into one of the most popular forms of fasting today, the Daniel Fast. With an emphasis on a healthy, simple diet, the Daniel Fast is named after the prophet Daniel who participated in a partial fast for spiritual purposes. Daniel was taken captive into Babylon when he was sixteen years old. The Babylonian king wanted the young prophet to help him administer his rule over the captive Jews–and he wanted to “Babylon-ize” Daniel, to make the young man of God more like him. The first step the king took in his campaign was to provide a sumptuous feast to tempt Daniel–food fit for a king– basically fattening comfort foods. In response, the prophet refrained from the king’s table, choosing instead to eat only vegetables and to drink only water. He honored God over the king. Dr. Elmer Towns introduces readers to the spiritual, physical, and mental basics of the Daniel Fast, coaching them through either a ten-day or twenty-one-day period of renewal, and he includes original Daniel Fast recipes created by executive chef John P. Perkins. Dr. Towns addresses practical questions, such as what to eat and when, as well as how to pray effectively. Readers will learn how to encounter God during their fast, how to worship through self-discipline, and how to pray for specific answers. They will also explore the role of weeping, repentance, and spiritual warfare in their life of faith. Daniel is a model to God’s people of someone who chooses spiritual nourishment over bodily satisfaction, in The Daniel Fast for Spiritual Breakthrough, God’s people can learn to follow his example.

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  • Prayers That Break Curses


    Is your life marked by constant setbacks? Does it seem like you can’t ever obtain God’s blessing? You could be living under a curse. Eckhardt identifies areas of our lives where Satan can attack and attach evil to us; then offers biblically based declarations and sentence prayers that will help break the power of the enemy.

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  • Before God : The Biblical Doctrine Of Prayer


    Before God is a combination of a meticulous Bible study, pastoral application, and heartwarming devotion.

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  • Prayer Diary Diario De Oracion


    This book is thought for helping any Christian to develop a stronger relationship with God, by helping to organize different spiritual disciplines, like praying habits, studying bible, fasting and other ones. Prayer Diary will also let you save a written memory of how God has helped and answered when you call him, growing your faith as you use it. Este libro permitira a cualquier usuario Cristiano desarrollar una mejor y mas fuerte amistad con Dios, ya que le ayudara a organizar su vida devocional a traves de distintas disciplinas espirituales, como el ayuno, los habitos de oracion y estudio de la Biblia; asi como llevar un registro escrito de la forma maravillosa en que Dios ha oido y contestado sus diversas oraciones, lo cual llevara al lector a poseer una Fe en constante crecimiento.

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  • Jesus Prayer : The Ancient Desert Prayer That Tunes The Heart To God


    In the earliest centuries of faith, Christians in the deserts of Palestine and Africa sought a short prayer that could be easily repeated, in order to acquire the habit of “prayer without ceasing.” The result was The Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.”

    This jewel of Eastern Christianity aims at enabling a person to be in God’s presence, rather than to focus on feelings or thoughts about God.

    The first section of The Jesus Prayer offers a concise overview of the history, theology, and spirituality of Orthodoxy, so that the Prayer can be understood in its native context. Following, is a conversational question-and-answer format that takes the reader through practical steps for adopting this profound practice in everyday life.

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  • Glory Be Im On My Knees


    After the Lord’s Supper with the disciples, Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane to pray just before He was arrested and later crucified. By making this his last act even though He knew what was coming, He showed the importance of prayer, particularly during a time of great testing. If He needed to pray, how much more do His followers today need to make prayer a top priority in their lives….

    God wants each individual to have a victorious life through prayer and communication with Him. Prayer can come directly from the heart of a believer, and it can be effective. But to have confidence in prayer, based on knowledge of the Word of God, the effectiveness is greatly increased. This book and the scriptures found in it are written/ selected to bring understanding and confidence in prayer. It is also hoped that the believer will lose any feeling of awkwardness in prayer and will learn to let the prayers literally “flow” to God’s Throne with full confidence and assurance that He hears and answers.

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  • Warfare Prayer : What The Bible Says About Spiritual Warfare


    Warfare Prayer provides a toolbox and an operator s manual for those who take seriously the Apostle Paul s statement that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. The demonic world around us is a reality, but all too few believers understand that realm of darkness to say nothing of having the skills to use effectively the weapons of warfare that God has given us. Based on a combination of sound biblical theology and real life experiences, this book is a user-friendly guide for those committed enough to join the army of God.

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  • Darkness Yielding : Liturgies Prayers And Reflections For Christmas Holy We (Exp


    This rich resource of ready to use liturgies and reflections for the richest seasons of the Christian year sold out within a year. Its timeless qualities found a ready and eager readership among all looking for fresh inspiration for these annual celebrations. aaThis new edition includes extra seasonal reflections from Rowan Williams and Martyn Percy, and a new liturgy for Maundy Thursday from Jim Cotter. In addition it offers: probing reflections by outstanding thinkers to inspire preaching and personal devotion, complete liturgies for a Christmas Eve vigil, Maundy Thursday foot washing and watch, a Good Friday devotional service, an Easter Eve vigil, a dawn celebration of the Resurrection, a set of meditations on the Stations of the Cross and the Seven Words from the Cross, and seven Good Friday addresses by WH Vanstone.

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  • Call Into His Presence


    Call Into His Presence is a book that will inspire and empower you to pray! Have you ever wanted to experience a life-changing occurrence in prayer? Have you ever wanted to pray beyond the human mind, understanding and logic? Have you ever wanted to pray until your mind, body and soul is united as one in the Holy Spirit? Have you ever wanted to pray until your Soul clings to God? If so, A Call Into His Presence, will take you there! Come journey with us to a place in God that no human being can take us, only God Himself. He is waiting just for you! A Call Into His Presence is a book, a tool that will enhance your prayer life. There is a prayer that was prayed in this book which was a tailored prayed just for you! All the prayers were prayed through the leading of the Holy Spirit. No prayer is the same. No day is the same. No human being is the same. We all are uniquely made with our own life experiences. There is a change, a shift in the Spirit in prayer! Come experience it!

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  • You Can Pray In Tongues


    You Can Pray In Tongues is about as practical and easy as it gets.Written for the seeker, not for the intellectual, you will find this book will move this phenomenon into the realm of the reachable.Yes, praying in tongues is for everyone. God has so designed it. Everyone means you too.The book carefully reviews scripture and outlines step by step how to make praying in the spirit, a normal part of your Christian life. Additionally, it contains a brief history of praying in tongues through the ages as well as the remarkable experiences of children and young people. The grace of the Lord is abundantly lavished upon the seeker as he discovers the wonders and the miracle of praying in tongues.

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  • Art Of Public Prayer (Reprinted)


    A resource for worshipers today looking to change hardened worship patterns
    that stand in the way of everyday spirituality.
    All too often, those who attend church or synagogue find themselves bored or baffled by the service. Their predominant thought is how slowly the time ticks by-and that the service never seems to end.
    Written for laypeople and clergy of any denomination, The Art of Public Prayer examines how and why religious ritual works-and why it often doesn’t work.
    The Art of Public Prayer uses psychology, social science, theology and common sense to explain the key roles played by ritual, symbolism, liturgy and song in services. Each chapter features “conversation points” designed to get you and your faith community thinking and talking about your own worship patterns-where they succeed, and where they need improvement.
    The Art of Public Prayer can help you and your fellow congregants revitalize your worship service by allowing you to organize and direct your own worship, making it a meaningful and fulfilling part of your life.

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  • Escape To Pray


    “Come apart by yourselves into a desert place, and rest awhile.” Mark 6:31 “Escape to Pray!” is a book that gives insight into the prayer life of Jesus. His prayer life influenced thousands! As Jesus dialogued faithfully with the Father, the sick were healed; the bound set free; the dead regained life and those who were lost, believed. This is a phenomenal testimony and model for all believers today. As we live in a fast paced society, we are constantly bombarded with ‘issues of life’ that distracts our attention. We must therefore press our way into a prayer life that is pleasing to God. This often requires us to escape from our busy, hectic schedules to a quiet, isolated place just to dialogue with our Savior. Prayer then will rejuvenate us, revive and strengthen us as well as influence the lives of others for whom we pray. As Jesus prayer life produced powerful results, the same will happen for us. Just be faithful in prayer and watch our Great Intercessor continue to do an awesome work!

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  • Sacred Time : Living In The Presence Of God


    There is a tremendous hunger among Christians today for deeper encounters with the living Christ. We want desperately to know Him so that we can better serve and follow His will for our lives. Unfortunately, the practice of communing with the Lord doesn’t always come naturally. So, how do we structure our lives so we are prepared for, and responsive to His presence?

    Sacred Time guides you in the discipline of prayer, silence, Sabbath, simplicity and other yielding spiritual practices. Authors Jim Hampton and Amy Brothers provide unique insight into how these ancient traditions can be relevant for Christians today.

    Discover what it means to be in passionate pursuit of intimacy with God.

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  • How To Pray


    This is your opportunity to go beyond ordinary prayer and into the supernatural realms of prayer to touch God and release the supernatural in your life.

    How to Pray covers subjects not normally found in traditional books on prayer. From his 60 years of experience in global ministry, author Dr. Morris Cerullo shares how you can receive the end-time prophetic prayer anointing, a powerful anointing that will spill over into dimensions of your life that have only been known by Old Testament prophets.

    You will discover how to:

    – Recognize and deal with hindrances to prayer.

    – Persevere in prayer.

    – Go to a new, higher level of intercession.

    – Enter into throne room intercession.

    – Use the Lord’s Prayer to intercede.

    You will never again experience defeat in your prayer life!

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  • Intercessions For Daily Prayer


    Our collections of intercessions, LEADING INTERCESSIONS and HEAR OUR PRAYER are among our best performing backlist titles. Yet they only cover Sundays, major holy days and festivals. This new volume of intercessory prayer fills an important gap in providing outlines for intercessory prayer for daily prayer on weekdays. Arranged season by season, this work features a set of intercessions, with appropriate responses, for each day of the week during: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Passiontide, Easter, Ascension-Pentecost, Ordinary Time (two sets) and All Saints.

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  • Somebody Prayed For Me


    Oh! What power And matchless Love Christ has Bestowed on His child My baby sister Kimberly. “Somebody Prayed for Me” is a unique, close and personal testimony of Kim’s life. As you begin to read, you find yourself sitting up with Kim in the midnight hour; sitting at her bed side at the hospital as the doctors talk to her; and you even find yourself walking down the corridor as Kim is being wheeled into surgery. At times, you will laugh and at times you will cry. You will pray like you have never prayed before. As you read, you see and feel the wonder of Jesus throughout the pages. Kim clings to the only true and Faithful One’s hand and that is Jesus. Life can hit us with some unexpected blows. Sickness is one of those unexpected blows that may hit you, a family member, or a close friend. “Somebody Prayed for Me” helps you take your petitions to Him who sits on high, whose ear is always intoned to His children’s cries. Psalm 40:1 says, “I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry.” He did it for Kim; He will do it for you. May God richly bless you as read “Somebody Prayed for Me.”

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  • Tremendous Power Of Prayer


    The privilege of prayer is a gift from our heavenly father. The wonder of prayer is that He eagerly awaits our presence before His throne. The power of prayer lies in the God who hears us and moves on our behalf. This beautiful collection of thoughts on prayer — as expressed by some of the greatest minds of past and present — will embolden your heart and inspire your spirit as you contemplate the tremendous power of prayer. You’ll read quotes from Oswald Chambers, Billy Graham, Elisabeth Elliot, Charles Spurgeon, C. S. Lewis, Harry Emerson Fosdick, Helen Keller, and many more. This book is a great addition to any library and a wonderful gift for anyone who wants a deeper, richer, more meaningful prayer life. Read it, and allow this rich collection of inspirational thoughts and quotes to transform your prayer life and renew your faith.

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  • Praying With The Body


    Pray with more than your mind. Pray like a psalmist.

    While most books about prayer are meant to be read, this one is an invitation to move in prayer by expressing the Psalms with motion. This creative approach will take you beyond your “head” into your entire being, as a way of expanding your relationship with God. Roy DeLeon, who has been guiding others in this active prayer practice for years, guides you with helpful drawings, scripture texts, and explanations. Working together, these elements invite you to try a new and different way of knowing God. These meditations and reflections will connect you to your deepest needs, to your hunger and longing for contentment, for freedom from fear, and for peace. As Roy says, “May this book help you to “rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thess. 5:16-18)

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  • Life Of Prayer


    In this book, Allan Hugh Cole Jr. offers insights on the topic of prayer, explaining prayer and describing its spiritual and physical effects. This book is for those who are not comfortable with prayer or who have reached an impasse in their prayer lives. Cole demonstrates different kinds of prayer, helps the reader find ways to pray in various situations, and provides sample prayers.

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  • Hidden Treasures Of The Spirit


    This book can be viewed as a study of prayer and The Names of God, as well as, used as a devotional guide into a more intimate relationship with Our Creator and Lord. It is a book to be experienced, not just read. You will begin by seeing how Genesis 22 is actually a guideline to HOW and WHEN to LISTEN for His Voice. Continuing with the theme of relationship with Him, we look into many of the passages that state “Lord” or “God”, while the original Names called out “Creator”, “Master”, “Provider”, and so much more. Each section ends with a prayer, thus leading you into reflections and thoughts of your own concerning what you have just read.

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  • Prayers Potential : Gods Power Through Us Can Do Great Things More Than We


    Mark Taylor is just like anyone else who is struggling with the overwhelming trials of life; he has seen failure and has seen God’s blessings. Mark has walked the hard road; one he chose for himself. He finally took the turn at one of the crossroads in life that allowed Jesus to come in reconstruct his heart. The point of this book is to help and encourage people to pray and in some way to get prayer going in ones life. The answers to living in this world are by being in contact with God, the Author and the Creator of the universe and you. There are only two basic functions you need to do: one is to pray and the other is to read the Bible. If you will do these two things day in and day out, not just when you have problems, the Father will make Himself real to you and you will be able to recognize Him. Your spiritual character will determine your prayer’s effectiveness.

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  • Prayer Is Power


    Prayer is Power serves as your guide in understanding the Word of God and how to use the passages from the Bible, which are essential in delivering powerful prayers. It provides instructions on how to effectively communicate and build a one-on-one relationship with God and how simple prayers can release God’s supernatural powers to solve problems that are beyond human ability. This book has sample prayers, which you can use to unlock God’s power. It also guides you on how to come under his authority to gain the power you need to heal the sick, cast out evil spirits, and to perform wonders. It guides you on how to deliver prayers more effectively and to rely on the Holy Spirit as your guide and allow him to intercede on your behalf, for God loves you and wants to answer your prayers.

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  • Prayer Complement


    Why will someone pray and will not receive an answer? Why will someone travail at a prayer meeting for hours and heaven will ‘somehow’ care less? If an earthly father has something and refuses to give it to his son, then there must be an underlying reason for the fathers’ action. Equally there are fundamental reasons why God will not give answers to prayers. It is high time children of God look into these reasons so as to plug into and inherit the plan of God for their live. This book will come handy to answer questions like: “I prayed but why am I not receiving answer?” How long you have been a Christian does not matter in this issue? Sincerely, heaven is not concern about you knowing the whole of Psalm as a prayer tool! This book will equally lead you to know: * What you ought to know and steps to take. * The Whole Armour of God. * Have passion for the Word of God * Holiness without prayer can be catastrophic. * What completes a believers’ prayer.

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  • Come And See


    Contemplative prayer, both as meditative technique and the experience of God’s presence in every waking moment, continues to gain in popularity among Episcopalians and Roman Catholics at conferences and in parish and small-group settings. David Keller, who with Thomas Keating co-founded The Contemplative Ministry project, offers practical suggestions for personal prayer, addresses its difficulties, and reveals what is special about it in relation to other prayer traditions. Come and See is for Christians looking for new insights about a wide range of Christian prayer practices and for people who are drawn to contemplation but do not think the church has much to offer them. Above all Keller emphasizes that it is the integration of personal prayer and our day-to-day activities that forms a life of prayer. Prayer is a life-long vocation, not a separate compartment of life.

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  • Christian Prayer For Today


    This volume in the popular For Today series deals with one of the most central and important aspects of Christian living-the practice of prayer. While we are familiar with prayer, numerous questions surround it. Theologian Martha Moore-Keish addresses questions such as, “Who is the God we encounter in prayer?”, “Who are we who pray?”, and “What does prayer do?” Her solid theological discussions and illustrations are wonderfully readable and helpful. Moore-Keish goes on to consider other issues, such as times, contexts, and modes of prayer. The book provides fresh help for understanding and revitalizing prayer life, challenges readers to engage all the senses while in prayer, and invites them to use prayer as the chief exercise of faith. Both groups and individuals can use this deeply theological yet engaging book and its discussion questions to increase their understanding of prayer and to enrich their prayer practice.

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  • 21 Keys To Effectual Prayer


    In this triumphant book, practical insights and tools are given to help you get more results in prayer. Your life will be transformed as you discover the keys to praying effectually. Take the challenge and embark upon a spiritual journey into charted and uncharted aspects of prayer. Live the life of power and efficacy that God has made available to you. The destiny of more abundant life awaits you.

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  • Downtime : Helping Teenagers To Pray


    A practical book for youth ministers, pastors, parents, and teachers who want to teach prayer to teenagers. The book will be written in short, meditative chapters that provide readers with the appropriate history, theology, pedagogy, and examples for introducing teens to the life of prayer.

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  • Prayer Force


    Many 21st Century Christians have excused themselves from the Biblical mandate to engage in effectual prayer and meditation. God is unlimited, yet He chooses to demonstrate His power through prayer. “Prayer Force” is a call to the believer for greater intimacy and communion with God. Prayer is not a magic wand. Perhaps the chief reason believers do not pray consistently is because they do not see their prayers answered. Without God’s prerequisites, prayer remains unanswered. Misconceptions regarding prayer must be dispelled with the foundational Biblical descriptions. Priorities dictate schedules and schedules reveal priorities. If prayer is not a priority in action, it is not a priority at all. A look at God’s view from Scripture and men’s view from life, combine to make this book a dynamic propeller to fight the good fight on our knees.

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  • Book Of Common Prayer Personal Edition


    The perfect style for a wide variety of uses, such as pew book or special gift, the Personal Edition includes a Family Record section with certificates for the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage. All bindings feature ribbon markers and gilded page edges. Includes Revised Common Lectionary.

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  • Father For Our Father


    A Father for Our Father The Foundation for a Flourishing Family We are losing the battle for our children!! Family is no longer defined as father, mother, and child and this trend must stop!! “Dysfunction” is the buzzword describing our families. Rather than fight this trend, we are accepting it. The cultural shift from a God-fearing, family-oriented society has forced our children to fend for themselves. Our children are depending on us to do the right thing and, frankly, they deserve better than we are giving them. Consider the facts: * 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes * 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes * 85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes These are just a few of the shocking statistics linked to the impact of a missing father in the lives of our children. In A Father for Our Father, we will discover how the “Lord’s Prayer” is more than an outline for prayer but also an outline for establishing a flourishing family. While this book is written with men in mind, women will discover the vital role they play in facilitating the changes necessary for men to become who they were created to be. And young men will find help defining their future roles as well. We will discuss the reference, the motivation, the role, and the calling that is unique to men, and clearly identify their responsibilities. Join me in discovering the power and influence that only you possess. We can restore our families! We can reverse this trend! Learn what it means to be A Father for Our Father!

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  • Prayer God And You Alone


    This book is about how the time you spend alone with God in prayer will help you dramatically transform your prayer life. It has sixteen chapters. Each chapter opens with a focus scripture that captures the essence, main concepts, and contents. It covers a variety of topics including, what prayer is about, why you pray, how to know the creative will of God, how the Holy Spirit helps you to pray, why pray according to God’s will, why pray and wait, how to ask from God, how to plan and put discipline in your prayer, why humble yourself, why spend time alone with God, why pray and not give up, why know and pray the Word of God, how to deal with fear, how to work your faith, and how to release your prayer brakes. It gives you strategies, action tips and principles that will help you transform your prayer life.

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  • We Are The Branches


    Through poems, prayers and promises, We Are The Branches takes you on a personal, twenty-four-year journey beginning in misunderstanding, doubt, resistance and unbelief. It leads you through the tough process of being humbled by life and loss, and then, to the surprising, healing and liberating experience of meeting Jesus. The impact of that encounter leads you along as an intimate relationship is formed between Jesus and the author, as her perspective of Him and everything else changes, and how this new way of seeing affects her marriage, family, past issues and even daily problem solving. You will be inspired as she shares the new meaning and purpose in her life while shifting from the world’s view to God’s way of seeing everything. You will get the feeling, at times, that you are witnessing intimate conversations between God and one of His children, as each poem is followed by God’s own words. This book is infused with challenges to any unbelieving reader to open their hearts and minds to the one thing they have been conditioned against, while it poignantly describes the very essence of what it is like to be truly free.

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