Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm

Showing 1–100 of 168 results

  • Fighting Shadows : Overcoming 7 Lies That Keep Men From Becoming Fully Aliv


    In a world that’s grown increasingly confused about–and hostile toward–the very notion of masculinity, authors Jefferson Bethke and Jon Tyson send a powerful call to men everywhere: it’s time to step into the light of Jesus’ vision for you as a man.

    There’s a shadow that’s settled over the hearts of men today. Masculinity is in crisis. Critiques about the dangers of toxic masculinity and the abuses of patriarchal systems have grown louder than ever. The very notions of masculinity and manhood are under attack. In response to cultural shifts, some have doubled down on old stereotypes in ways that just add to the conflict and confusion.

    The result? Many men simply feel paralyzed–worried about saying the wrong thing, unsure what to do with their ambitions or strengths, simultaneously tempted and shamed by a hypersexualized and pornified culture. Our models and mentors have failed us. Based on their years of working in men’s ministry, Bethke and Tyson have good news for men looking for clarity and courage in this age of quiet desperation. In Fighting Shadows, they help men:

    *overcome the temptations of escapism, passivity, or overcompensation;

    *combat the most harmful shadows that men battle today, including loneliness, apathy, distraction, lust, and shame; and

    *embrace masculinity as a God-given gift, not a curse to be avoided, suppressed, or battled.

    An entire generation of men is being told they should abdicate the responsibility and joy of living into God’s calling on their lives–don’t be one of them. If you’re a man who’s wondering what to do with your strength, your longings, and your gifts, it’s time to step out of the shadows. Jesus has a vision for you.

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  • Young Men We Need


    The world needs young men to grow up into real men. But here’s the problem: young men get so many conflicting messages about what it means to be a man, they find it hard to know what masculinity looks like when men are at their absolute best.

    Into this cultural confusion Brant Hansen paints a refreshingly specific, compelling picture of what men are designed to be. Combining depth and humor, he calls for young men of all interests and backgrounds to be ambitious about the right things and to see themselves as protectors and defenders of the vulnerable, with whatever resources they have at their disposal.

    The (Young) Men We Need is witty, to the point, bracingly honest, and packed with wisdom. Perfect for any guy age 14 and up who wants to know “Why am I here?”–and is ready to show up. Includes discussion questions.

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  • Moments Of Strength


    Today, let God fill your spirit with His strength.

    As men, we often work hard to prove ourselves, live well, and take care of the people we love. But with all the demands on our time and energy, life can get overwhelming. Thankfully, God never intended for us to go it alone, in our own power. He designed us to function best (and be strongest) when we regularly take time to connect with Him through His Word and in prayer.

    Moments of Strength is an invitation for you to spend a few minutes each day in conversation with God. As you connect with Him, you will be revitalized and challenged to place your trust in the hands of the all-powerful God of the universe-and to walk fully in the strength of His love, mercy, and grace.

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  • Young Men We Need


    The world needs young men to grow up into real men. But here’s the problem: young men get so many conflicting messages about what it means to be a man, they find it hard to know what masculinity looks like when men are at their absolute best.

    Into this cultural confusion Brant Hansen paints a refreshingly specific, compelling picture of what men are designed to be. Combining depth and humor, he calls for young men of all interests and backgrounds to be ambitious about the right things and to see themselves as protectors and defenders of the vulnerable, with whatever resources they have at their disposal.

    The (Young) Men We Need is witty, to the point, bracingly honest, and packed with wisdom. Perfect for any guy age 14 and up who wants to know “Why am I here?”–and is ready to show up. Includes discussion questions.

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  • From Broken Boy To Mended Man


    A Simple and Hope-filled Blueprint to Break Free from a Hurtful Childhood that May Be Holding You Back-Secret Hurts, Destructive Cycles, Buried Anger, and More

    Hiding inside every man is a little boy. For some this kid is healthy and strong. For others he’s insecure. Afraid. Angry. And broken. This describes Patrick Morley. Successful entrepreneur and businessman, Patrick ignored the pain of his childhood wounds for decades. This book tells his story and offers a surprising remedy. An ironclad promise of wholeness. Today, millions of men are suffering silently and not breaking the cycle because they’ve never processed the pain of their father and mother wounds. Does that describe you?

    If so, you are not alone. And there’s hope. A better way. You can find healing and finally break free from a lifelong cycle of pain and smoldering rage. You can, by God’s grace, re-write the script for your future and achieve so much more. Can you imagine?

    In From Broken Boy to Mended Man, Patrick Morley describes his own revealing and healing journey and offers answers on how to safely uncover wounds that may have fueled destructive patterns for decades. This book will help you discover:

    *How to overcome denial and acknowledge your suffering;

    *How to find healing for your childhood wounds and break free from any destructive, dysfunctional cycles that hold you back;

    *How to shift your perspective to have a compassionate view of your parents (even if they’re gone) and reach a place of biblical forgiveness; and

    *How to create an action plan to help you better parent your own children so hurtful patterns are not repeated.

    You can move forward from unprocessed pain. Discover today how to start brand new.

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  • Strength And Courage Journal With Zipper Closure


    Teach your son self-care skills from an early age by introducing him to journaling with the Lionface Strength and Courage Brown Faux Leather Classic Journal. Journaling is a powerful tool for communicating, problem-solving, enhancing creativity, and fostering self-reflection. In this journal, your son can use its pages, adorned with inspirational Scripture verses, to reflect on the lessons he’s learned.

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  • Sword And Sheild


    The Sword and the Shield Saddle Tan Faux Leather Devotional is designed to encourage, inspire, and challenge men to be leaders for Christ in their families, workplaces, and circles of influence. Drawing on the offensive and defensive qualities of swords and shields, this devotional focuses on spiritual growth and moral protection for men.

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  • Stand Firm In The Faith Journal With Scripture


    Acknowledge your father’s faith and resilience when you give him the Stand Firm Mountain View Wirebound Journal as a Father’s Day gift this year.

    A beautiful mountain vista in sepia tones is framed in black and gray on the front cover of the wirebound journal. A black and red typographical design is set in a white frame and superimposed on the image.

    Stand firm in the faith
    Be courageous
    Be strong
    1 Corinthians 16:13

    The back cover features an enlarged version of the typographical frame in a tone-on-tone brown design. Silver wire binding binds the covers and pages together. The journal has 192 pages, each lined. Scripture verses are placed at the bottom of each page and can be used as memory verses or prompts for prayer and journaling. A presentation page at the front of the journal allows you to add a heartfelt message.

    The Stand Firm Mountain View Wirebound Journal is part of the Stand Firm Gray Mountain View Collection, designed to encourage men to stand firm in their faith. This collection includes a ceramic coffee mug, a stainless steel travel tumbler, a keychain, a wirebound journal, and a gift bag.

    As your dad journals his thoughts or prayers within the pages of the Stand Firm Mountain View Wirebound Journal, its message will become a source of encouragement, guiding him to stand firm in the faith.

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  • 5 Marks Of A Man


    A boy doesn’t automatically become a man at age 18. What differentiates a man from a boy is the way he lives. A boy lives day to day, wants to be MVP, plays, wants the reassurance of the crowd, and is a predator. A man has a vision for his life, is a team player, works, has the courage to take a minority position, and is a protector. These are the five marks of a man. It’s not enough to just know them. A real man aggressively pursues them on a daily basis.

    Drawing from his own experience and the lives of others, pastor Brian Tome calls on men to examine themselves and take steps in the direction of a fully realized manhood that honors God, respects women, elevates others, and works purposefully for an end greater than their own satisfaction or pleasure. It’s time for men to step into their honorable place in the world and lean into a new reality–one defined by strength, purpose, and honor.

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  • Mans Guide To The Spiritual Disciplines


    Spiritual strength-like surgical skill or athletic excellence-requires training and practice.

    Do you want to become the kind of man who walks with God and influences our world for Christ? You’ll need a consistent regimen of spiritual exercises. In A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Patrick Morley highlights twelve habits that will strengthen your walk with Christ, including:

    *Experiencing God in creation
    *Letting the Bible change your life
    *Learning the power of prayer
    *Grasping God’s greatness through worship
    *Gaining strength through Sabbath
    *Thriving through fellowship
    *Succeeding through wise counsel . . . and more

    Morley presents each discipline with a concise overview, relatable stories, and application ideas. This powerful guidebook will help you develop the maturity every man of God was designed to reflect.

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  • Non Toxic Masculinity


    Dismissals such as “boys will be boys” and “not all men” are ingrained in our world.

    And the purity culture of our youth sold the same excuses with a spiritual spin. Can we break the toxic cycle and recover a healthy identity for men?

    In Non-Toxic Masculinity, Zachary Wagner tells men, “If you are in Christ, this is your problem–and you should be part of the solution.”

    Reflecting on his own coming of age in the purity culture movement and ongoing recovery from sexual shame, Wagner confronts harmful teaching from the American church that has distorted desire, sex, relationships, and responsibility. For those–both men and women–who feel disillusioned and adrift, this book offers a renewed vision for Christian male sexuality founded in empathy and selflessness.

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  • Masculinity By Design


    God Designed Men for a Specific Purpose

    Masculinity is not just under attack; there is a concerted effort to marginalize it. As culture has embraced situational ethics and relative truth, men are losing hope and understanding of their purpose in both family and society. Life is hard, and we can’t do this alone. This book is a call to manhood as designed by God. Masculinity is not only needed but necessary for a healthy home and society.

    James W. Bradford reflects upon the lessons he has learned from his life as he intricately weaves God’s Word into the messages. Through his unique storytelling, he calls men to rise up and assume their role as leaders in their families.

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  • Living That Matters


    Conversations that matter for men

    Do you wonder what it means to be a man? Do you desire to grow? Want something more? Long for a life that matters? Seek to make a difference in the world? If so, Living That Matters may be for you or your group. This practical handbook is a guide to help individuals and groups engage in honest conversations on what matters most for men-with a focus on following Jesus, forming community, and building peace.

    With over 60 years of combined experience in pastoral ministry and social work geared toward men, authors Steve Thomas and Don Neufeld offer many short reflections to help individuals and groups deepen relationships with one another, with ourselves, with our families and communities, and with God as we seek to live into God’s shalom-a peaceable order with abundance, security, and justice for all and well-being throughout creation.

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  • Gift Grows In The Ghetto


    In his classic essay Of Our Spiritual Strivings, W. E. B. Du Bois asks, how does it feel to be a problem? This question has become a means of diagnosing the lived experience of Black men, particularly in America’s most neglected and feared environment: the ghetto. What is often overlooked, however, is the vital role that spirituality has in remedying the problem. A Gift Grows in the Ghetto examines how not being in relationship with one’s gift can lead to feelings of despair, entrapment, and abandonment, all of which contribute to Black men feeling as though they are nothing more than a problem. By utilizing the biblical story of Ishmael’s miraculous survival, growth, and giftedness in the wilderness, the book encourages Black men to embrace a life of faith that is dependent on the God who always sees, nurtures, and is in relationship with us and our gifts in the wilderness and the ghetto.

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  • Manhood Restored Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Manhood Restored Bible Study Book with Video Access includes a small group experience for six sessions, individual study, applicable Scripture, and a group discussion guide. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access teaching videos for each session.

    This men’s Bible study is designed to foster personal spiritual growth through individual time spent with the content. Manhood will always be in crisis until Jesus returns. But in Christ, men can be restored with ever increasing glory into the undefiled image of God. This six-session study leads men on a journey through masculinity, with Bible-study sessions on the problems men face, God’s solutions, and the restorations of worldview, sexuality, vision, and family.

    Although this study is theologically rich, it also has very practical components to give men the beginning steps to walk in gospel-centered manhood, including individual journaling exercises and personal interviews and testimonials included on the video.

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  • Motivational Prayers For Men


    Empowered Through Prayer

    In Motivational Prayers for Men, bestselling author and pastor Dr. Tony Evans prepares you to approach God with the confidence that He will meet your every need. These insightful, inspiring prayers will guide you to seek His wisdom in every area of your life.

    Dr. Evans will help you come humbly before your heavenly Father, asking for His power and protection over your…

    *and beyond

    Prayer is the most powerful tool you have for strengthening your walk with God. Draw closer to Him and be transformed from the inside out.

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  • Point Man Revised And Updated 30 Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    The bestselling guide for Christian men who want to lead their families well is now revised and updated to help fathers and husbands navigate the complexities of today’s challenges.

    With more than half a million copies sold, Point Man has long been the go-to resource for men who want to serve as effective spiritual leaders in their home. This updated edition of the classic resource provides powerful inspiration, clear biblical direction, and contemporary examples to equip you to take your God-given position on the front lines in the battle for your family.

    New material examines how recent cultural and societal forces affect the family, including the rise of fatherlessness, shifting views of masculinity and femininity, the declining influence of church and faith, and fractured perspectives on morality and values even within the church.

    Point Man is your trustworthy guide to leading a family, showing you how to faithfully love your wife and children, walk boldly through challenging seasons of marriage and parenting, stand firm against personal temptation, and help your family forge a faith that shines brightly amid a culture of compromise and corruption.

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  • Malestrom : How Jesus Dismantles Patriarchy And Redefines Manhood


    This is a message that the church desperately needs to hear and take to heart.–Kristin Kobes Du Mez, author of Jesus and John Wayne.

    Like the danger of a maelstrom in the open seas, a relentless force threatens our culture. This maelstrom swirls with currents that produce confused and distorted images of manhood perpetuated by our society and even by the church.

    Digging deeply into the stories of incredible men in the Bible, Malestrom offers what we so desperately need–a biblical, global, timeless vision of manhood that is big enough to encompass the diversity of men’s lives and strong enough to withstand the contingencies they face.

    In doing so, Malestrom tells the story of how God dismantles patriarchy in the Bible. Buried in the stories of marginalized men in the Bible is a revolutionary new vision of manhood that is good news for men. Written for men and women, and ideal for both personal or group study, Malestrom offers a redemptive, hope-filled, gospel-centered perspective on what it means to be a man.

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  • Men We Need


    The world needs real men, real bad. And there are all sorts of conflicting ideas and messages about what a “real man” is (and is not). Is a real man one who hunts, loves sports, grills meat, fixes cars, and climbs mountains? Sure, sometimes. But that’s not really the point of being a man and it’s not the purpose for which men were made.

    Into our cultural confusion, Brant Hansen paints a refreshingly specific, compelling picture of what men are made to be: “Keepers of the Garden.” Protectors and defenders. He calls for men of all interests and backgrounds (including “avid indoorsmen” like himself) to be ambitious about the right things and to see themselves as defenders of the vulnerable, with whatever resources they have.

    Using short chapters loaded with must-have wisdom and Brant’s signature humor, The Men We Need explains the essence of masculinity in a fresh, thoughtful, and entertaining way that will inspire any man who dares to read it.

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  • Men We Need


    The world needs real men, real bad. And there are all sorts of conflicting ideas and messages about what a “real man” is (and is not). Is a real man one who hunts, loves sports, grills meat, fixes cars, and climbs mountains? Sure, sometimes. But that’s not really the point of being a man and it’s not the purpose for which men were made.

    Into our cultural confusion, Brant Hansen paints a refreshingly specific, compelling picture of what men are made to be: “Keepers of the Garden.” Protectors and defenders. He calls for men of all interests and backgrounds (including “avid indoorsmen” like himself) to be ambitious about the right things and to see themselves as defenders of the vulnerable, with whatever resources they have.

    Using short chapters loaded with must-have wisdom and Brant’s signature humor, The Men We Need explains the essence of masculinity in a fresh, thoughtful, and entertaining way that will inspire any man who dares to read it.

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  • 101 Prayers For Men


    The 101 Prayers for Men Green Valley Hardcover Gift Book will encourage the men in your life to bring everything to God in prayer. A deeper prayer life will lead him to discover more of God’s love and translate into a changed life.

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  • Bible In 52 Weeks For Men Small Group Workbook (Workbook)


    Gather a study group and explore the entire Bible in one year

    Studying the Bible with others helps you open yourself up to greater meaning and reflection than studying alone. This small group workbook guides Christian men through the entire Bible every week for one year. Together, you’ll explore prompts, questions, activities, and prayers that lead you from Genesis to Revelation.

    *Written for men–Find thoughtfully curated discussion topics that focus on what it means to be a man of faith.

    *Easy to manage–The readings are only a few pages long, paired with a schedule to fit every chapter of the Bible into 52 weeks.

    *Opportunities to engage–Each week includes suggested passages to read, a short devotion, questions and exercises for the group, and a prayer to close each session.

    Get to know the Word in a new light and strengthen your relationship with Christ with this group Bible study for men.

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  • Kingdom Men Rising Devotional


    You believe God is good and powerful and wants the best for your life. You know he has big plans for you. This ?90-day devotional based on Dr. Tony Evans’s book Kingdom Men Rising helps keep those valuable lessons at the top of your mind.

    Men, when it comes to becoming all God created you to be, ?these daily reminders will help you walk in victory and faith to make an impact on others for God. They will also challenge you to foster personal discipleship and apply discipleship skills and a leadership mindset to all areas of life. Dr. Evans brings his insights, stories, and wise counsel to clear obstacles in your path, leading you to the abundant life you’ve been called to live.

    Replace helplessness, boredom, and regret with vibrancy, power, and joy. Use the Kingdom Men Rising Devotional and take steps in your faith to become the powerful man of God you were made to be.

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  • Bible In 52 Weeks For Men


    Learn to live the lessons of the Bible for a more devoted, inspired year

    Using the Bible to apply God’s lessons to everyday life is an integral part of being a Christian man. With The Bible in 52 Weeks for Men, you can develop a rewarding and lasting relationship with God. With in-depth lessons and practical applications tailored to men’s lives, you will cultivate a richer connection with God and His teachings over the course of a year. Get closer to Him with exercises and reading guides that walk you through each part of the Scripture.

    Use this Bible study guide for:

    *Manageable readings–With lessons that take just 15 to 20 minutes daily, you can create a routine for embracing God’s Word no matter how busy your schedule gets.

    *Practical prompts–Contemplate God’s teachings and reinforce your commitment to Him with journal exercises that inspire reflection on relevant topics, like relationships, family, work, and health.

    *Group discussion tools–Deepen your faith with your fellow Christians with prompts and thought-starters designed for larger groups.

    Strengthen your connection with God and bring His Word into your life with The Bible in 52 Weeks for Men.

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  • Strength For Today For Men


    This elegant daily ziparound devotional features a beautifully designed interior with inspiring devotions, encouraging Scriptures, thought-provoking questions, and space for journaling.
    Stop and ponder, delight in God’s love for you, and express your praise, petitions, ideas, emotions, struggles, desires, and dreams in the space provided.

    – High-grade faux leather cover provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.
    – Special heat debossing gives the cover a two-tone appearance and creates indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.
    – Metallic and matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.
    – This high-quality, sturdy Smythe-sewn binding stitches the signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the binding.
    – The uncoated, wood-free paper is of premium quality, allowing you to capture your thoughts and plans without concern.
    – A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.
    – Coordinating sturdy zippered closure allows you to tuck important extras inside.

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  • Becoming A King


    Becoming a King offers men a map to the narrow road of becoming the kind of man to whom God can entrust his kingdom, while also giving women insight and an honest look into their hearts and lives.

    It is God’s design, desire, and intention to empower humans and entrust them to participate in the ongoing creativity of the universe. Yet a look at our history and the world around us shows that the story of most men is being entrusted with power and having that power bring harm to themselves and those under their care.

    What’s gone wrong? When can you entrust a man with power?

    In Becoming a King, Morgan Snyder shares that when we take a deeper pass at the external problems around us, we begin to see the problems within our souls. Yet Morgan suggests there is hope in an ancient path that leads men to become trustworthy kings.

    Journey with Morgan as he walks alongside men (and the women who love and encourage them) to rediscover this path of inner transformation. Becoming a King is an invitation into a radical reconstruction of much of what we’ve come to believe about God, ourselves, and the meaning of life. It’s an invitation to a rare and remarkable fellowship of like-hearted kings and an honest conversation about what power and responsibility look like for men in our world today.

    Traveling the path isn’t cheap. It isn’t easy. It isn’t quick.

    But it is the heroic journey detailed within the pages of Becoming a King that leads to real life; to men becoming as solid and mighty as oak trees, teeming with strength and courage to bring to a hurting world; and to our sons, husbands, brothers, and friends becoming the kind of kings to whom God can entrust his kingdom.

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  • Kingdom Men Rising


    God is good and powerful and wants the best for your life. He has big plans for you. You believe these things are true. But what is your own responsibility as a man when it comes to becoming all God created you to be? How can you walk in victory and faith and make an impact on others for God?

    Kingdom Men Rising challenges men to foster personal discipleship and apply discipleship skills and a leadership mindset to all areas of life. Dr. Tony Evans brings his insights, stories, and wise counsel from God’s Word to clear all obstacles in your path, leading you to the abundant life you’ve been called to live. And along the way, you’ll find your heart stirred to reach for more, no longer settling for a faith that just goes through the motions. The life of King David is used as the book’s foundation, and topics include overcoming temptation, restoration from sin, how to disciple others, and finally how to leave a legacy of faith and godly influence.

    Replace helplessness, boredom, and regret with vibrancy, power, and joy. Let Kingdom Men Rising help you take the next step in your faith to become the powerful man of God you were made to be.

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  • Wild At Heart Field Guide Revised Edition (Revised)


    In Wild at Heart, bestselling author John Eldredge thrust a generation of men, young and old, toward a journey to recover true masculinity?the soul of a man as God designed him. He reminded men they needed adventure in their lives-in their work, in their love, and their spiritual lives-and showed how God designed them to be dangerous. Sadly, most men today have abandoned these dreams and desires-aided by a Christianity that feels like nothing more than pressure to be a “nice guy.” It is no wonder that many men avoid church, and those who go are often passive and bored to death.

    The Wild at Heart Field Manual, which corresponds chapter-by-chapter with the book, helps men understand how God wants to heal these deep wounds from earlier years that take away their confidence and, in some case, their masculinity. Men will discover that deep within their heart is a longing for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue-because that is how God created them. It is time for the church to reclaim these wounded warriors. It is time to give men permission to be what God designed them to be-dangerous, passionate, alive, and free!

    Packed with new information and insights, the Wild at Heart Field Manual guides men along “the road less traveled.” Filled with probing questions, creative exercises, and space to record personal field notes, this companion volume is designed to transition men from reading about the wild heart to living from it.

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  • Leaning On The Promises Of God For Men


    From Super Bowl-winning coach and bestselling author Tony Dungy, a playbook for navigating the game of life as a godly man.

    Men today get pulled in every direction by people and society. Everyone has a different expectation for what a man should be. In this little book, Tony Dungy calls men to “get back to the fundamentals” for navigating the game of life, which he believes are firmly rooted in Scripture. Leaning on the Promises of God for Men will help ground you in your daily interactions, provide encouragement when life get difficult, and help you think about where you’re headed and who you want to be.

    A perfect gift for any father, friend, son, or husband.

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  • Wild At Heart Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    The bestselling book that has revolutionized the lives of millions of men, revised and expanded.

    John Eldredge has revised and expanded his phenomenal bestseller, Wild at Heart, and invites men to become most complete selves by:
    *recovering their masculine heart;
    *seeing themselves in the image of a passionate God; and
    *delighting in the strength and wildness that they were created to offer.

    In this life-changing book, John Eldredge provides a look inside the true heart of a man and gives men permission to be what God designed them to be–dangerous, passionate, alive, and free.

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  • Wild At Heart Study Guide Updated Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    In this updated edition of the bestselling classic, author John Eldredge reminds men they need adventure in their lives . . . in their work, in their love, and their spiritual lives. He reveals how God designed men to be dangerous. Simply look at the dreams and desires written in the heart of every boy: to be a hero, to be a warrior, and to live a life of adventure and risk. Sadly, most men today have abandoned these dreams and desires-aided by a Christianity that feels like nothing more than pressure to be a “nice guy.” It is no wonder that many men avoid church, and those who go are often passive and bored to death.

    In this provocative six-session video study (DVD/digital video downloads sold separately), John Eldredge explains how God wants to heal these deep wounds from earlier years that take away a man’s confidence and-in some cases-his masculinity. He shows that deep within the heart of every man is a longing for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue-because that is how God created him. It is time for the church to reclaim these wounded warriors. It is time to give men permission to be what God designed them to be-dangerous, passionate, alive, and free!

    Sessions include:
    1. The Heart of a Man
    2. The Wound
    3. A Battle to Fight
    4. An Adventure to Live
    5. A Beauty to Rescue
    6. A Band of Brothers

    Designed for use with the Wild at Heart Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Christian Man : A Conversation About The 10 Issues Men Say Matter Most


    No man fails on purpose. Quite the opposite. When our feet hit the floor every morning, we’re looking for a win.

    But these are turbulent times to be a man. In gathering material for this book, Morley interviewed many men. Their input was powerful. And transparent. They agreed that it’s increasingly difficult to juggle all their responsibilities as men, husbands, fathers, friends, workers, churchmen, and citizens. As Nick put it, “It feels almost impossible to live out a biblical model of manhood.”

    We all feel it, don’t we? Something about this world just isn’t right. There are so many voices phishing to get inside our heads. It feels like we’re being “hacked.” Spiritually hacked.

    No one understands what you’re going through more than men’s expert Patrick Morley, author of the landmark bestseller The Man in the Mirror, which has sold over 4 million copies. And now, Morley has put together a game plan so you can get that win you’re looking for. The Christian Man is filled with powerful stories and refreshingly practical answers to questions like:

    *How can I lead a more balanced life?
    *How can I have a deeper walk with God?
    *What makes a great husband?
    *How can I become a dad who makes a difference?
    *How should I think about my work?
    *What’s the right way to deal with lust?

    By the end of this must-read book, you will know how to intentionally release the power of God on the issues that matter most to you. You’ll be able to walk with confidence in the one identity that matters most: The Christian Man.

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  • Men On Fire


    From the author of The Faith of George W. Bush, The Faith of Barack Obama, and The Character and Greatness of Winston Churchill comes an insightful analysis of the crisis in contemporary masculinity. Drawing on Scripture and history, Mansfield rekindles seven fires he believes should burn in men’s souls: destiny, heritage, friendship, love, battle, legacy, and God. 192 pages, softcover from Baker.

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  • No More Excuses Devotional


    A 90 Day Devotional for Men – Exploring the examples of men of God throughout the Bible, this 90-day devotional will challenge you to lay down your excuses, stop compromising, and fight to be a man of character and commitment that God has called you to be.

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  • Lead Me : Finding Courage To Fight For Your Marriage, Children, And Faith


    The former lead singer of Christian music sensation Sanctus Real comes clean about the tension between life on the road and life at home.Through vulnerable storytelling, Grammy-nominated singer and musician Matt Hammitt reveals the struggle many men face while trying to balance work and home life. After years of wrestling with the tension between his dream and his desire to be an active father and husband, Matt stepped away from Sanctus Real. Since then, Matt has been intentional about investing more time in family while balancing a ministry dear to his heart: building up and equipping men to move from passive participants with good intentions, to engaged husbands and fathers. His bracing honesty illustrates the high and lows of being faithful to God’s call without losing sight of your God-given family.

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  • 5 Minute Bible Study For Men


    Do you find it hard to make time for Bible study?

    You intend to do it, but before you know it, another week has passed and you haven’t picked up God’s Word. This book provides simple tools for you to open the Bible regularly and dig into God’s Word–even if you only have five minutes!

    *Minutes 1-2: Read a few verses pulled from a lengthier passage. If time allows, read the full passage listed for you in each Bible study.
    *Minute 3: Understand. Consider thoughtful questions designed to help you apply the verses from the Bible to your own life. Consider these throughout your day as well.
    *Minute 4: Apply. Read a brief devotional based on the scripture you read. Think about what you are learning and how you can apply the scriptural truths to your own life.
    *Minute 5: Pray. A prayer starter will help you to begin a time of conversation with God.

    The 5-Minute Bible Study for Men will help you establish the discipline of consistent study of God’s Word. You will find that even five minutes focused on scripture and prayer has the power to make a huge difference in your daily life. Soon you will be making time for more!

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  • 3 Minute Prayers For Men


    Got 3 minutes, guys? . . . You’ll find just the inspiration you need for life in 3-Minute Prayers for Men. This devotional prayer title packs a powerful dose of inspiration into just-right-sized readings for men of all ages and backgrounds. Each of these 180 prayers, written specifically for devotional quiet time, meets you right where you are-and is complemented by a relevant scripture and question for further thought. Addressing the vital issues of life common to all men-such as the two great commandments of loving God and loving others, having and being a friend, leaving a legacy, purity, and the thought life-3-Minute Prayers for Men will lead you step-by-step into a closer walk with God the Father and Jesus His Son.

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  • Guys Guide To Four Battles Every Young Man Must Face


    Honestly?. . .

    “Why wait for something when I can enjoy it now?”
    “These images don’t really affect me. . .do they?”
    “How could smoking a little weed really be that bad when it’s becoming legalized everywhere?”
    “I’d like to tell you I don’t care what others think, but honestly, I want to be liked.”

    Maybe you’re thinking, “I’ve had one. . .maybe even a few of these thoughts, and I don’t know how to even begin to deal with them.”

    The good news? You’re not alone. And there is a way to fight these battles head-on, overcoming the past, pressing forward, and becoming the person God designed you to be.

    So what’s a guy to do? . . .

    Join youth culture expert and author of the popular Guy’s Guide to God, Girls, and the Phone in Your Pocket, Jonathan McKee, as he gets real about the four common battles every young man will encounter in his life:

    1: Sexual Temptation
    2. Screens
    3: Controlled Substances
    4: Self-Esteem

    With humor and honesty, McKee offers up practical, spiritual advice filled with real-world application helping you face today’s distractions.

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  • Motivational Prayers For Men


    Does your prayer life feel stale? In Motivational Prayers for Men, find hope, renew your strength, and increase your faith, by learning how to confidently approach God in prayer.

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  • Communication Sex And Money (Reprinted)


    Three Essential Elements to Build Relationships that Last!

    Most men would do almost anything to overcome their three primary problems in relationships with women. Communication, Sex & Money has solid solutions for all three. Filled with everyday examples, the book will teach readers how to defeat difficulties and create a satisfying, peace-filled, and long-lasting marriage.

    For years, men have called this Christian bestseller the “sex and money” book, while wives have bought it for husbands in hopes of improving communication. Whatever the motivation, thousands of men have turned their relationships around by applying these time-proven patterns and principles.

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  • Integrity And Gods Man


    Integrity touches all of life, including every thought, act, and word we speak. It comes to us from our Creator, for it reflects his character in us. Due to our fallen nature, we do not comprehend its full capacity to transform us into Christ’s likeness, but this is God’s will ultimately.

    Integrity and God’s Man is an in-depth Bible study on integrity for men, and author John Tucker invites men to cultivate their integrity in creative, challenging ways. Christian men can answer a number of questions: What is integrity in our personal walk with Christ? How is it formed? What circumstances ensure its presence in us? And what attitudes and lifestyles must we show for others to see Christ portrayed through us? Guided study through the Bible will help you answer these questions as you learn to build your Christian integrity.

    Everyone claims to have integrity, but it’s more than just honesty and commitment. Biblical integrity links a man to the heart of God and to the souls of others. This truth is revealed in the passages of the Bible, so we must learn how to read, study, and live them as we open our hearts wider to God’s plan for our understanding and growth in integrity.

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  • Restored Man : Becoming A Man Of God


    God is the ultimate restoration expert. He is inviting you to join Him in a process . . . a process of restoration and freedom. There comes a time in every man’s journey with God where tips and techniques simply do not work. The Restored Man is not another book to read or religious box to check. It is a practical, life changing path for every man to take into to a deeper and healthier relationship with God and others. This process helps explore four key areas of restoration in a man’s life: Know God as Father Know Your Self Live in Brokenness Walk With God The results of this process are measurable. Stop trying to change a behavior, and let God buff out the rough edges of the heart. He’ll take care of the rest. BONUS feature: Online video segments are available that coincide with each area of restoration. Plus, you get to see a really cool, old car.

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  • Stand Strong : 365 Devotions For Men By Men


    The responsibilities of life can wear men down.. But this concise devotional will inspire men to draw strength from the Word of God. Each devotional is practical and brief, taking only five minutes to read. Wisdom from Scripture and insights from the experiences of other men will help readers build a solid foundation-one that allows confidence in the Lord no matter what life brings their way.

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  • Lies Men Believe


    We all lie to ourselves.
    Maybe in little ways, like how we answer the officer who just pulled us over, “Nine over isn’t speeding.” Or whoppers like lying about an adulterous affair.

    Lies Men Believe is about leveling with ourselves, as men, about the lies–big, small, or somewhere in between–we’ve let creep into our souls. It calls us out and identifies the unique lies we believe about others, God, work, desire, and identity.

    We all lie to ourselves, but God’s Word tells us the truth. It’s time to start listening . . . and be set free.

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  • Hunt For Faith


    An Outdoorsman’s Guide to Seeking God

    God’s great outdoors is the perfect place to seek out His truths and to enjoy the beautiful world He created for you to enjoy. Join outdoorsman and bestselling author Steve Chapman as he shares from some of his many hunting and fishing adventures and the spiritual lessons he’s learned along the way.

    Each devotion features an engaging story, a key Scripture verse, a takeaway you can apply to your own spiritual life, and a prayer to help you make a deeper connection with God.

    Hit the mark on your hunt for faith with these inspiring and insightful devotions.

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  • I Dont Sexually Abuse Black Females


    A discussion of the key role of African-American male believers in personally addressing the community’s issue of sexually abused Black females through sexual affirmations and sexually related relationship practices geared toward protecting the sisters and guarding the brothers from committing moral, civil, or criminal sexual violations.

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  • Never Quit


    If you’ve ever wanted to quit, read this first!

    Stress. Change. Crisis! Everyone know what it’s like. Everyone has been tempted to walk away, forget it, give up. “Crisis is normal to life,” best-selling author Edwin Louis Cole teaches. But God has a way for you to become a winner in every situation.


    Facing the challenge of a job loss, a mid-life crisis, a troubled marriage, moving, financial difficulties, and general stress can become the fuel that propels you to your greatest victories and success!

    In the fast-reading chapters of this best-selling classic, Edwin Louis Cole offers real, sensible solutions to contemporary changes and crises. You’ll learn…

    –What to do in crisis
    –Ten steps to leave the old and enter the new
    –How to transform crisis into overwhelming success
    –What is your part; what is God’s part?
    When life is just too tough, God’s faithfulness is tougher. Even if you’re tempted to quit, you can make it through!

    Edwin Louis Cole was known for his practical application of wisdom. Using pithy statements and a confrontational style that demanded social responsibility and family leadership, he mentored hundreds of thousands of men worldwide. His powerful books have become the most widely-used Christian men’s resources in the world.

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  • 30 Virtues That Build A Man


    Men are a strategic force for change in the world, but they have an enemy, and it’s not what you think.

    It’s apathy.

    It is the appeal of inaction that lies within every man’s heart. When we build better men, we build better homes, marriages, workplaces, and churches. When one man gets better, everyone gets better.

    So let’s build better men.

    Each of the thirty easy-to- use lesson guides includes the B.U.I.L.D. process and is perfect for men of all ages to use in private reflection or mentoring conversations with other men.
    ? Begin with the goal.
    ? Unpack your thoughts.
    ? Inform through the Bible.
    ? Land on action steps.
    ? Do one action for one week.
    This book is a plan–a method and a process that results in spiritual payoff.

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  • Play The Man


    Somewhere along the way, our culture lost its definition of manhood, leaving generations of men and men-to-be confused about their roles, responsibilities, relationships, and the reason God made them men. It’s into this “no man’s land” that New York Times bestselling author Mark Batterson declares his mantra for manhood: play the man.

    In this inspiring call to something greater, he helps men understand what it means to be a man of God by unveiling seven virtues of manhood. Mark shares inspiring stories of manhood, including the true story of the hero and martyr Polycarp, who first heard the voice from heaven say, “Play the man.” Mark couples those stories with practical ideas about how to disciple the next generation of men. This is more than a book; it’s a movement of men who will settle for nothing less than fulfilling their highest calling to be the man and the father God has destined them to be.

    Play the man. Make the man.

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  • Bearded Gospel Men


    31 Days of Fun, Satire, and Deeper Meaning of the Godly Beard!

    Is there a connection between hairiness and holiness? Some would say a hearty “Yes!” In fact, the world is in the middle of a beard mania. Events like Movember and Decembeard are becoming global movements and manly sites are appearing all over the internet. Is this just another fad? And what does it say that so many of the most famous Christian communicators have or did have a beard?

    Throughout history, Christian men have gloried in male pattern magnificence. Saint Benedict of Nursia wore a superb double forker. The benevolently-bushed Euthymius wouldn’t allow clean-shaven monks to enter his Judean Desert monastery. St. Francis of Assisi had a beard, and now there’s a Pope named after him. He’s clean-shaven, but we’re praying for him.

    Of all the great Christian men who wore beards, none stands so highly as the headless martyr Sir Thomas More. On the day of his beheading, the tufted knight supposedly positioned his beard away from his soon-to-be-severed neck, saying: “My beard has not been guilty of treason, and it would be an injustice to punish it.”

    But of course, Bearded Gospel Men is about far more than beards – it’s about manliness and godliness. Through this 31-day devotional, men are inspired to rise to a higher calling. The humor and facial hair is the perfect means to have a broader conversation about living a faithful life.

    So, let’s study some of these famous Bearded Gospel Men!

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  • Stormproof Men : Sexual Purity For Christian Men In A Sex-Saturated World


    Grace Theology Press

    We live in a sex-saturated culture. Yet the believer in Jesus also lives under the authority of God and His Word. Culture says, “Explore and enjoy your sexuality.” The Bible says, “Flee sexual immorality.” Can a believer experience sexual purity when everything around him says to indulge and enjoy it? The Bible says yes!

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  • Into The Wilds


    Brent Henderson teaches spiritual truth to men through stories about wilderness trips, hunting excursions, and tales from life in the military. He teaches men about God’s love and grace, and he gets very honest about how men struggle with ego, approval, impure thoughts, spiritual attack, and what to do after hitting bottom. Brent tells his own story of experiencing a personal failing as worship leader of a church and the painful way in which he was ostracized and isolated from support during his “restoration.” He speaks of the people who stepped in to help him find healing and of how to understand that grace and real restoration is available through God. He also tells stories from the many men he has counseled about moving from shame and failure to a place of relief and hope. He uses an acronym “man TEA-Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions-to help the men he disciples and counsels. He tackles issues of pornography, addiction, lust, marriage, and failure. Through it all, he is adamant that real transformation isn’t based on trying harder but instead is found only through experiencing God’s grace and love. He punctuates these truths with great stories of safaris, wilderness excursions, and hunting trips that keep men’s interest while also supporting the spiritual lessons.

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  • Storm Group : A Study Guide For Show Yourself A Man


    Knowledge is important, but it must lead to action. This guide will help the reader of “Show Yourself a Man” to take the truths discussed in the book and apply them. The guide is designed to take a group of two or more men through a 12 week study of “Show Yourself a Man.”

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  • Show Yourself A Man


    Men, we are down, but not out. Do you long to live a fearless, faithful life? What would society be like if men lived boldly under the kingship of Jesus? It’s time to be strong and Show Yourself a Man.

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  • No More Excuses


    Men look up to the guys who can take a hit and keep going. We respect the fighter who picks himself up off the canvas after a knock-out punch and hangs in until the final bell. The quarterback who gets blindsided but doesn’t fumble the ball earns our approval. Physical toughness like this is admirable, but it takes more than guts to become the men God made us to be, especially when the struggles we face are personal and close to the heart.

    The difficulty of emotional pain and spiritual setbacks is of a much different sort than any physical challenge. Many of us men are not comfortable or well-equipped to grapple with them. Tony Evans gives us the kind of advice and inspiration we need to battle on through the most difficult circumstances.

    Drawing from the lives of Moses, David, Joseph, Jonah, and other biblical men who faced the worst, Evans pulls men out of their brokenness and declares, “No more!” No more falling short of being the man God desires you to be for any reason. Evans shows that the struggles faced yesterday and today are the very same tools God is using to make us better men for tomorrow.

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  • We Stood Upon Stars


    Entrepreneur and adventurer Roger Thompson sets out on a series of journeys to find freedom from the mundane, to encounter God, and to know himself more deeply as a father, a friend, and a husband.

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  • Youre The Husband


    Your wife needs you.

    God calls men to be exceptional, extraordinary, and exemplary. Somewhere between the Garden of Eden and the invention of the latest video game console, this concept got completely lost on a huge population of young men in our modern society.

    You’re the Husband seeks to provide a road map for men as they navigate through marriage. God did not design it to be easy, nor did He design it to be perfect or everlasting. Instead, He designed marriage to be full of commitment, sacrifice, and service. He has designed marriage to sanctify. You’re the Husband examines the biblical pillars of being a husband-where love and responsibility come together to produce a godly marriage.

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  • Are You In The Game Or In The Way


    A men’s ministry reality check: What is standing in the way of a vital men’s ministry in your church? The guy who should be at the forefront is often in the way of the program getting off the ground.
    Are you, as pastor, the main obstacle to the growth of a vital men’s ministry?
    Are you the guy who wants to start a men’s ministry in your church but don’t know how?
    Is fear or a sense of inadequacy keeping you from starting such a ministry?
    Pastor Ross Holtz tells his personal story of how he became a catalyst for growth, instead of an impediment will inspire pastors and men’s ministry leaders.

    What works, what doesn’t, and what is required in forming a vital men’s ministry. Practical and honest teaching filled with relevant and tested examples from recognizing the problem to finding the fix.

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  • Measure Of A Man Reprinted (Reprinted)


    More Than a Million Copies Have Been Sold of this Powerful Book for Men, Now Revised for a New Generation
    For forty years, The Measure of a Man has taught hundreds of thousands of men around the world how to live according to God’s direction–faithfully, lovingly, and spiritually. Now repackaged, this classic guide to biblical masculinity is poised to impact a new generation of men.True masculinity is not measured by the strength of a man, but by these twenty biblical guidelines drawn from the Apostle Paul’s letters to his young proteges Timothy and Titus. Inspiring, encouraging, and practical, this book shows men how they can reach God’s standards as fathers, husbands, and mentors to other men. This updated edition includes QR codes that take the reader to online video resources for further study.

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  • Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Men (Expanded)


    The male is in crisis. Traditional roles once gave men stability and continuity from generation to generation. Today, the world is sending out conflicting signals about what it means to be a man. Many men are questioning who they are and what roles they fulfill in life-as a male, a husband, and a father-leaving them frustrated and causing them to live far below their potential. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe examines cultural attitudes toward men and addresses critical issues such as:
    *How can men gain their footing in the ever-shifting environment of cultural expectations?
    *What does it mean to be male?
    *What definition of masculinity should men adopt?
    *What roles should men fulfill-in the workplace and in the home?
    *What do gender roles have to do with the male’s purpose?
    *What are the differences between males and females?
    *How are men and women meant to relate to one another?
    *How can a man build a better life for himself, his family, and the world?

    When men understand the purpose God has given them and the true design of their relationship with women, they will be free to fulfill their destiny and potential. Expanded edition with study guide material included.

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  • Killing Lions : A Guide Through The Trials Young Men Face


    The Challenge Before You Is a Bold One: To Accept the Wild, Daring Adventure of Becoming a Man

    We want to be self-sufficient. Find our own direction as we pursue our dreams. Know it all and never ask for help. Isn’t this how most guys approach manhood? On our own, pretending we are doing better than we really are? But sooner or later the thrill of independence gets lost in the fog of isolation.

    It’s time to take the pressure off. We were never meant to figure life out on our own.

    This book was born out of a series of weekly phone calls between Sam Eldredge, a young writer in his twenties, and his dad, best-selling author John Eldredge. Join the conversation as a father and son talk about pursuing beauty, dealing with money, getting married, chasing dreams, knowing something real with God, and how to find a life you can call your own.

    Killing Lions is more than fatherly advice. It is an invitation into a journey: either to be the son who receives fathering or the father who learns what must be spoken. Most important, these conversations speak to a searching generation: “You are not alone. Its not all up to you. You are going to find your way.”

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  • No More Christian Nice Guy Revised And Expanded


    Revised and Expanded Edition of a Life-Changing Book
    Recovering nice guy Paul Coughlin points the way for all men who yearn to live a life of boldness and conviction–like Jesus. Using anecdotes from his own life, powerful and poignant stories, and vivid examples from our culture, Coughlin shows how men can say no to the “nice guy” syndrome and yes to a life of purpose, passion, and vitality. In this revised and expanded edition, Coughlin adds vital insights on the changes he’s seen in churches and the greater culture in the decade since No More Christian Nice Guy was first published. This radical and hopeful message elevates the true biblical model of manhood and now includes testimonials from men–and women–whose lives have been altered by this book. Coughlin also looks at the shifting expectations men face in relationships and in the workplace, and how younger Christians, in particular, are subject to harmful views about masculinity. Part inspirational, part instructional, and part manifesto, this book gives men the courage to move from passivity to assertiveness.

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  • Comeback And Beyond


    Have you ever experienced a devastating setback in your life? Maybe you have struggled in marriage or family; perhaps your finances have taken a catastrophic blow. All of us encounter difficulties that can be both painful and seemingly impossible to overcome. When your hopes and dreams have turned into a nightmare, it may seem that your life is over. But, God is in the business of resurrecting dead visions. It does not matter if your setback seems insurmountable; don’t take a step back, because God has already prepared your comeback. Comeback and Beyond, the book from acclaimed author, Tim Storey, has the answers, strategies, and motivation you must have to turn your tragedy into triumph. You will discover insights from the amazing turnarounds of some of the world’s most prominent winners and the specific steps they took to experience a full-blown comeback, better and stronger than ever before. Get ready to experience new hope and a renewed passion for the ultimate life that God has meant for you. It’s time for your comeback!

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  • Making Of A Man


    What exactly is manhood? How do guys get there?

    Tim Brown won the Heisman Trophy at Notre Dame and starred in the NFL for seventeen seasons. He left the game as a Los Angeles and Oakland Raiders legend and one of the most respected men in sports. Now “Mr. Raider” shares his amazing journey-the triumphs, the heartbreaks, the struggles with women, Al Davis, and God-as well as the principles and priorities that made him the man he is today.Much more than a sports memoir, The Making of a Man reveals how faith, family, honor, and integrity have everything to do with true manhood and a life well-lived. Whether you are a rabid fan or have little interest in football, a young boy or already facing the fourth quarter of your life, these pages will both challenge and inspire you to become the man you’ve always known you could be.

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  • Words Of Jesus For Men LuxLeather


    Words of Jesus for Men (LuxLeather) is a 366-day devotional written for men, providing meditations on the words of Jesus that offer inspiration and guidance. The supple volume features a topstitched, faux leather binding with debossed title and compass inset. There is an attached ribbon page marker and a presentation page for gift-giving. The cover is constructed of quality man-made material with the look and feel of real leather (trade name LuxLeather).

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  • Man After Gods Own Heart


    Made For Grace Publishing
    David was a man after God’s own heart . . .

    What does it mean to be someone “after God’s own heart?” David, King, psalmist and shepherd, gives us a picture with his own life.

    In many ways he is an extraordinary role model, a man who was fully human but exceeded expectations and pointed others towards God. While the other side of David is most ordinary showing a life filled with destruction, chaos, tragedy and his personal struggle with sin. How then did David become the national hero of God’s chosen people? Why is he the one character in the Bible described as “a man after God’s own heart?” David’s life offers hope to all of us. It shows that God can do extraordinary things through ordinary men and women. And David offers an insightful perspective on what it means to be truly a man, to become like David?men after God’s own heart.

    In this study David will delight and disappoint you. At times you will desire to be just like him while at others you will want to turn and run! The Life of David is one of the most colorful examples of manhood in all of Scripture. You will be introduced to select key characteristics of David’s life but unlike David, we have time to make our lives right before God and to lovingly lead our homes.

    This interactive study features eight weeks of individual study materials with a leader’s guide and suggested teaching plans at the back of the book.

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  • Kingdom Man : Every Mans Destiny Every Womans Dream


    When a man follows the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. Kingdom Man challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God as well as their position over what God has given them. The biblical definition of a man is one who has learned to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ while carrying out responsible and legitimate leadership within the sphere of influence that God has placed him. Kingdom Man provides concepts men can follow that will help them to actively pursue ways to maximize and develop the character qualities of biblical manhood in their lives.

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  • 40 Days In The Man Cave


    Guys, we all know life is crazy busy. We can be inundated with tasks, jobs, commitments, and activities. The truth is, men need to find a place to get away, chill out, and reenergize. Wherever your man cave may be, carve out a few minutes each day to refuel in it.

    To be healthy both emotionally and spiritually, we need food. Guys love to eat! Spiritual food for our mind and soul is as vital as food for our body. If Joe “Jaws” Chestnut can eat sixty-six hot dogs in twelve minutes to win a hot dog eating contest, I challenge you to give God the same amount of time to read one of these devotions each day in your man cave.

    Are you ready for the 40 Day Challenge? Sign up at!

    A man needs another man to talk to him about the deep stuff… Todd Stahl is that man, and 40 Days in the Man Cave is that straight talk. It’s clear, fair, honest, and true. Have a listen yourself.

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  • 5 Love Languages For Men


    Falling in love is easy. Keeping the sizzle in your marriage? That’s more like grilling the perfect steak-it takes time, attention, and some secret spices. Mastering your wife’s heart doesn’t have to be complicated, but it will take a little effort. Good intentions alone will not get the job done.

    Gary Chapman gears this edition of his #1 New York Times multi-million best seller to your needs, challenges, and interests as a husband. What really fills your wife’s love tank? (It may not be what you think.) How can you let her know what you’re thinking and feeling? What can you do to make sex more meaningful and pleasurable for you both? This book offers a straightforward approach that will equip you for relational success.

    Discover the secret that has already transformed millions of relationships worldwide. As you learn this simple, yet profound, concept for communicating love, you’ll be more confident and courageous in the ways that matter most. Really!

    “When you express your love for your wife using her primary love language, it’s like hitting the sweet spot on a baseball bat or golf club. It just feels right-and the results are impressive.” -Gary Chapman

    Includes an updated version of The 5 Love Languages(R) personal profile.

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  • Man In The Mirror (Anniversary)


    The Man in the Mirror has established itself as a cornerstone in men’s literature since its 1989 release. Winner of the prestigious Gold Medallion Award and appearing on the bestseller list eighteen times, it has helped thousands of men understand the person who stares back at them from the glass each morning and know what to do about his twenty-four most difficult problems. Written by a foremost Christian men’s leader, this powerful book invites men to take a probing look at their identities, relationships, finances, time, temperament, and most important, the means to bring about lasting change. If life’s demands are constantly pressuring you to run faster and jump higher, this book is for you. Rich in anecdotes, thought-provoking questions, biblical insights, and featuring focus questions in each chapter suitable for personal or group use, The Man in the Mirror offers a penetrating, pragmatic, and life-changing look at how to trade the rat race for the rewards of godly manhood.

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  • Strong Man Of God


    Being a man is not a freak accident of the cosmos! There is, however, confusion in and outside of the churches in this 21st century about exactly what a man is. The Strong Man Of God points men back to their Creator and a clear, uncompromised, biblical worldview of manhood and His purpose that they become strong men in the image of Jesus Christ! The book is 240 pages and available in soft and hard cover as well as e-book format. It serves as the flagship offering in the Strong Man Of God brand product family that includes the companion Men’s Group Study with Leader Guide and Participant Workbook.

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  • In Pursuit : Devotions For The Hunter And Fisherman (Reprinted)


    Hunters and fishermen are familiar with the “moment of truth”–that adrenaline-surging, heart-pounding instant when success and failure hang in the balance. In that moment they know if they will experience the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat. The 90 devotions in In Pursuit are written specifically for this outdoorsman. Each devotion expertly weaves scriptural truth into true hunting and fishing stories that capture the thrill of the great outdoors and work on the hearts of men who are zealous in their drive to get out on the lake or up in the deer blind. These reflections on the active life help prepare men for success and significance both spiritually and in their sport. It is the perfect gift for the outdoorsman. Foreword by Steve Chapman.

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  • Loose My Flesh And Let Me Grow


    Daniel McRae is a successful Christian businessman, father, and husband. Daniel decided after losing his first wife to death, and dating his current wife that he was tired of not experiencing all that God had for him. God has had a call on Daniel’s life since a very young age. After running for many years he finally gave in and decided that running was much harder then submitting. God has given him a passion for men “in the battle” of sexual sins-not to judge them but to lend a helping hand to help them get out. This book is his lifeline to men in the struggle of sexual sins. Or to any man that feels he is on the verge of losing the battle of lust. Please grab a hold and let Gods spirit rescue you before you decide to give up in the fight. He is on assignment to pull men back to God, and help them reclaim what the devil has stolen from them.

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  • Common Sense Of An Uncommon Man


    SKU (ISBN): 9780718020439ISBN10: 071802043XJim Denney | Michael ReaganBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2014Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Solomon Seduction : What You Can Learn From The Wisest Fool In The Bible


    Have you found yourself in circumstances you never envisioned, tangled up with people you never approved of, and doing things you never imagined?

    It seems impossible that the valedictorian of the entire human race would ruin his life by making dumb choices, but Solomon did. Solomon was better equipped to see through Satan’s deceptions than any man who has ever lived, other than Jesus. But in the end, he became just as blind to them as everyone else.

    Pay attention to the news and you’ll see that it’s not just the numbskulls that fall into Satan’s traps. It’s also the best and brightest of America’s fathers, husbands, and sons. Many smart guys who love God end up being ashamed and humiliated by Satan’s seductions. With humor, grace, and a pastor’s heart, Mark Atteberry seeks to offer practical suggestions on how to avoid a similar fate. His prayer for readers is to experience a wake-up call to move forward and determined on an upward path.

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  • Samson Syndrome : What You Can Learn From The Baddest Boy In The Bible


    Why do some strong men fail while others succeed? Like the biblical character Samson, all strong men–those who are successful, influential, self-confident, aggressive, or widely respected–face twelve tendencies that can lead to sin and even personal tragedy.

    The adventurous and gifted Samson–whose story is told in four chapters of the book of Judges–never had the intention of fighting against God. He was just a fun-loving guy looking for a good time. Like so many strong men today, he didn’t think his sin was any big deal. But it’s clear as you read his story that the older he got, the more sin held him in its grip.

    “The Samson Syndrome” is a set of twelve tendencies or challenges that strong men will always face. Obstacles like lust, ignoring good advice, big egos, fears of authentic intimacy, losing sight of the big picture, and others, have the ability to be any man’s undoing. Atteberry’s mission is to remind men of the joy of living within God’s boundaries, because he believes there’s a little Samson in all of us. With God’s help we’re capable of such great things. But we’re never more than one bad choice away from humiliation. However, it doesn’t have to be that way if you want to fulfill your God-given potential.

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  • Endangered Masculinity : The Spiritual And Cultural Erosion Of Manhood


    Masculinity is under assault and facing extinction. The relentless attacks and bombardments from secular society and culture have eroded God’s plan for man and masculinity. In Endangered Masculinity, Dr. Clarence Boyd addresses the cause and effect of a fatherless generation, lack of male leadership, and the ramifications and redefining of what God created manhood and masculinity to be and look like.

    We find ourselves in a time in which the role God created man to emulate is fading and the king that exists in every male has been replaced with the idols of infidelity, self, and false and godless bravado. Gender confusion, sex equality, failed marriages, the erosion of the family unit, and the escalation of incarceration rates are all products of the war against God’s place and purpose for man and his rightful masculinity.

    Dr. Boyd defines the path that masculinity has taken that has brought us to this crisis and presents a strategy for men everywhere to step into the position, right standing, and purpose every male should understand and walk in. There is a king in every man and a masculine soul in every male that needs to walk his God-ordained path and fulfill his purpose. Can you hear his roar?

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  • Look At Life From The Riverbank


    Do you love being on the water? Is holding a rod and reel one of your favorite outdoor activities? Outdoorsman and bestselling author Steve Chapman takes you to lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans to explore fishing and discover life-changing insights from God’s Word. In these devotions about fishing for trout, bass, catfish, shark, and more, you’ll discover:
    *why pestering a water snake isn’t such a good idea
    *how treble hooks turn into reminders to avoid sin
    *where to turn when angling becomes a temptation
    *how cleaning a shark reveals the joy of God’s mercy and grace
    *what unexpected truth is revealed when Jesus walked on water

    Join Steve as he casts into the deep pools of God’s wisdom to share life-altering insights, uplifting spiritual truths, and unabashed enthusiasm for living for Christ. You’ll enjoy these adventures of being on the water with God, family, and friends.

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  • Power Of A Praying Husband


    Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

    In The Power of a Praying Husband, you’ll find the excitement and hope that come from inviting the God who hears and answers prayer into your marriage. Packed with real-life examples and refreshing honesty regarding her own marriage, Stormie encourages you to lovingly intercede for your wife in every area of her life, including her

    Each chapter features comments from well-known Christian men, biblical wisdom, and prayer ideas. The warm and easy-to-read book includes a foreword by Stormie’s husband, multi-Grammy winning music producer Michael Omartian. It’s a resource that makes a great gift to husbands from wives and is also an excellent study for men’s groups wanting to develop the discipline of prayer.

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  • Daddys Milk : Father Your Milk Does Matter


    Delivery Day
    The Labor Room
    “When Reality Sinks In”
    Let The Parenting Begin
    Don’t Lead By Your Examples
    The Golden Ticket
    Real Men Don’t Cry
    Where Is Waldo?
    Men Don’t Have Breasts
    King Kong Ain’t Got Nothing On Me
    It’s Not Too Late

    Additional Info
    In today’s society, when a mother delivers a baby, majority of the time, she is honored with gifts and verbal congratulations while the father is invisible because he did not physically birth the baby. There are thousands of books, conferences, workshops, and trainings opportunities for mothers who have experienced divorce, miscarriages, and classes dedicated to educating women on how to be a parent for the first time. Unfortunately, there are not many learning tools for fathers. Statistics show that when fathers are absent from the home, children are more likely to become involved in youth gangs, sexually abused, be illiterate, have low self-esteem, become homeless, and abuse drugs and alcohol.

    Emerson will take you on a journey from his delivery room experience, to a low point in his life where he made unsound decisions financially, emotionally, and spiritually. This book delves deep into topics such as:

    * Fathers supporting their children’s education

    * The importance of a father’s presence in the home and community

    * Fathers dealing with their past issues

    * Fathers building a bridge to reconcile with their children

    Daddy’s Milk is a book for all men to read. It will encourage, motivate, challenge, and inspire every man to see himself. Men, if you feel like you have a voice but no platform, Daddy’s Milk is for you.

    Fathers Your Milk Does Matter…

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  • War Within : Gaining Victory In The Battle For Sexual Purity (Expanded)


    Sexual sins are some of the most difficult to conquer. They’re also some of the most destructive-leaving individuals, marriages, families and churches devastated. Facing sexual temptations daily, too often unfaithful in thought or deed, persistently assaulted by the world, the flesh and the Devil, can men and women today possibly win the war for sexual purity?
    This courageous book offers a resounding “YES!” It also provides a battle strategy based on the promises and power of God-and on the author’s experiences in breaking a 25-year long struggle with sexual sin. Newly revised and expanded, this book will lead you to a new level of purity and will encourage you that in this terribly private struggle, you are never alone.

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  • God And Men No Holds Barred


    52 Chapters

    Additional Info
    God and Men: No-Holds-Barred is not your typical devotional book. It is highly probable that you will be greatly challenged with God and Men: No-Holds-Barred. The objective is to encourage you to become more Christ-like in your living. Through reading God and Men: No-Holds-Barred, it is guaranteed that you will become more convicted either with living by the world’s standards or by God’s standards. The book will not allow you to remain neutral.

    It attempts to answer the question, “How does the Bible describe a Real Christian Man?” Its objective is to enable Christians to personally apply specific Bible verses to their personal lives. At the same time, you will learn more about your Bible as well as receive an in-depth discussion of the verses selected. Since men do not naturally read books, it is highly recommended that you read the book with someone else. This introduces a joint accountability to read the book through. Husbands and wives are strongly recommended to share this method of reading through the book.

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  • Kingdom Man Devotional


    Kingdom Man Devotional is based on the principles and concepts presented in the book Kingdom Man. For the man who wants to be the leader that God has called him to be, this 90-day devotional will help him explore the scriptural mandate to exercise dominion and take responsibility over the various areas of his life. This devotional will challenge and encourage men to embrace their role of provider, protector, cultivator, champion, visionary, and leader, discipling them in the areas of responsibility and spiritual authority.Kingdom Man Devotional challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God and their position over what God has given them, while challenging them to initiate the practical implementation of leadership principles.

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  • Fight Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In Fight, a five-session, video-based small group Bible study, pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel explores the life of Samson, helping you uncover who you really are—a man created with a warrior’s heart in the image of God—and how to stand up and fight for what’s right. Find the strength to fight the battles you know you need to fight—the ones that determine the state of your heart, the quality of your marriage, and the spiritual health of your family. The battles that make you dependent on God as the source of your strength. The battles that make you come alive. Craig looks at the life of Samson, showing how much we have in common with this guy. Things didn’t work out so well for him in the end. But by looking at his life, you’ll learn how to defeat the demons that make strong men weak. You’ll become who God made you to be—a man who knows how to fight for what’s right. Learn how to fight with faith, with prayer, and with the Word of God. Then, when your enemy begins to attack, fight for the righteous cause that God gave you. Draw a line in the sand. Make your enemy pay. Make sure he gets the message. Don’t cross a warrior. Don’t mess with this man of God. Come out fighting. And don’t show up for this fight unarmed. Use the weapons God gave you, and you’ll win. Can you feel it? It’s inside you. It’s time to fight like a man. Designed for use with the Fight Study Guide (sold separately).

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  • In It To Win It


    What man doesn’t want to succeed? God’s desire is for His men to experience real success–the kind that lasts into eternity and not the world’s fleshly substitute.

    With the help of athletic illustrations both from Scripture and real life, men will learn what it takes to be their best by discovering…
    *what it really means to put God first in all things
    *how to live the Christian life in God’s power
    *the essentials for building spiritual endurance
    *effective ways to avoid hindrances and temptation
    *the keys to making the best choices and finishing strong

    Winning with God makes a man a winner in every area of life. No matter what a man’s occupation or background, the principles in this book will enable him to experience God’s kind of success–a success that will have a positive impact on all he does.

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  • Men Of Courage


    Men today have locked horns with their toughest issue: reclaiming the full potential of manhood. Bestselling author Dr. Larry Crabb asks, What gives manhood definition and meaning?

    In this updated and expanded edition of The Silence of Adam, Crabb and his colleagues, biblical scholar Don Hudson and counselor Al Andrews, offer a fresh look at how God designed men. The book deals thoughtfully and honestly with men’s ongoing struggles and exposes the difficulties they have in relationships. It presents the rich calling men have to reveal God in ways uniquely masculine. And it summons them beyond their paralyzing fear of failure to bold risk-taking, courageous action, deep spirituality, and full-hearted living. This new edition includes: Epilogue from Dr. Larry Crabb Study Guide (Individual or Group Format Use)

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  • Real Win


    SKU (ISBN): 9781601424822ISBN10: 1601424825Colt McCoy | Matt CarterBinding: Cloth TextPublished: May 2013Publisher: Multnomah

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  • Manhood Restored : How The Gospel Makes Men Whole


    The earthly crisis within manhood will be there until Jesus returns, but in Christ men are pointed toward the gospel as the vision for renewal. Manhood Restored by exciting new pastoral voice Eric Mason combines theological depth with practical insights, putting men in step with a gospel-centered manhood that will enrich every facet of their lives.

    Mason begins with The Scope of Manhood — looking first at why God created man, at the divine differences between man and woman, and what should drive the purpose of a man during his time on earth.

    A section on The Problems in Manhood analyzes the false icons that lead to cultural caricatures of men — the businessman, the thug, the playboy, the athlete, etc. Mason then makes a connection to the cross-cultural fatherhood crisis, looking at the things men do to fill the void when their relationship with dad or God is not there.

    Finally, The Redemption of Manhood sets Jesus as the true standard of biblical manhood, looking to his perfect example to redeem and restore a man’s life in the areas of sexuality, home, and work.

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  • 55 And Counting


    “Without personal responsibility there can be no personal prosperity.” – Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. In this reflective work, Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. shares timeless truths and life lessons that will position parents and leaders to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. You will learn: * Why work is about more than just paying the bills. * One simple way fathers can immediately change our culture * How platforms alleviate pressure (and how you can leave one behind) * and much more… Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. is a pastor, scholar, entrepreneur, artist, and motivational speaker. Dearest to his heart, he is a loving husband and dedicated father. Since 1983, Bishop Hilliard has served as Senior Pastor of Cathedral International (the Historic Second Baptist Church) in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Bishop Hilliard is a man of many hats and he wears them all well.

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  • Battles Men Face (Reprinted)


    Historically, men have been in control–of nations, of wars, of commerce, of their families. Of practically everything, except often themselves. And those men who are fully in control of all other aspects of their worlds are often the ones who find themselves trapped in hidden compulsions and behaviors. From the usual suspects like pornography and gambling to those overlooked compulsions like overwork and withdrawal.

    In Battles Men Face, Dr. Jantz exposes the temptations that entrap good men, explains the root reasons men find themselves trapped in these behaviors, and gives them practical steps to take to overcome their unhealthy patterns. He shows them how to accept who they are (and who they’re not), love themselves enough to say no, focus and build on the positive, and, perhaps most difficult, ask for and accept help.

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  • Checkpoints : A Tactical Guide To Manhood – An 8 Week Experience


    Society today rejects the idea of absolute truth and is openly hostile toward God. For boys who want to be more like Christ, going through adolescence in this culture is like crossing a minefield without a map.

    They need parents and youth workers to engage with them early and equip them with the skills needed to thrive.

    Checkpoints plots a course through this enemy territory that not only steers young men toward godliness but also explains how to avoid potential pitfalls.

    And they will listen, because Checkpoints honestly talks about the core issues they face, opening a vital dialogue between fathers and sons, pastors and students.

    * Created by student pastors with 20+ years in ministry
    * 8 lessons
    * Written in a devotional style
    * Can be done in just 15 minutes

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  • No Matter The Cost


    A Rallying Cry for Men to Embrace a Larger Vision of Christian Purpose

    Vance Brown believes that men today are “discouraged, exhausted, and question their worth,” and many fall by the wayside. He faced that challenge years ago but was surrounded by friends who said, “Have courage. God needs you, here, now…this day.” Vance heeded the call and as a result has called other men to join his Band of Brothers who follow Christ no matter the cost. Here is a battle plan for men who are ready to do something extraordinary with their lives and heed God’s call.

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  • Grieve Like A Man


    Grief. Its a messy, hard path yet its a journey everyone will take at some point in life.

    When men walk that road, they often find they’re not given the freedom to grieve as they need to. Author Jonathan Fann has been there, having lost two children and his father in less than 18 months.

    Grieve like a Man offers men a practical guide to navigating the path of grief in a culture where men are taught to be tough.

    The author also provides insight for wives, mothers, sisters, and friends into how men grieve differently than women and how they can come alongside the men in their lives who are hurting from a loss.

    Readers will learn how to face grief that occurs, not just in the case of death, but also during the loss of a marriage, jobs, and even a mans hopes and dreams. An encouraging book for every man dealing with loss.

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  • When Work And Family Collide


    Is your occupation also your preoccupation?

    Let’s face it. With all the demands of the workplace and all the details of a family it’s only a matter of time before one bumps into the other. And many of us end up cheating our families when the commitments of both collide. In this practical book, Andy Stanley will help you establish priorities and boundaries to protect what you value most.

    Learn the difference between saying your family is your priority and actually making them your priority. Discover tested strategies for easing tensions at home and at work.

    Watch as this powerful little book transforms your life from time-crunching craziness to life-changing success.

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  • Why Men Hate Going To Church (Revised)


    Reveals why men are the world’s largest unreached people group and what to do about it.

    It’s Sunday morning. Where are all the men? Golfing? Playing softball? Watching the tube? Mowing the lawn? Sleeping? One place you won’t find them is in church. Less than 40 percent of adults in most churches are men, and 20 to 25 percent of married churchgoing women attend without their husbands. And why are the men who do go to church so bored? Why won’t they let God change their hearts? David Murrow’s groundbreaking book has been completely revised and updated, with eye-opening research and a persuasive grasp on the facts, to explain the problem and offer hope and encouragement to women, pastors, and men. Why Men Hate Going to Church does not call men back to the church-it calls the church back to men.

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  • 7 Principles Of Highly Accountable Men


    Good advice is hard to find. True accountability is harder.

    As men, it’s hard to admit fault, defeat, or weakness. But the reality is we need each other. People are broken. People have shame. Shame leads many of us to believe that not even God can love us. But shame is a biblical emotion and can remind us in a healthy way that we need God in our lives. In truth, we can change.

    The 7 Principles of Highly Accountable Men is designed tohelp you do just that. Change is a process and often takes longer than you may think; for many of us it is a lifetime journey. Written by recovering addict Mark R. Laaser, and based on Scripture and the traditional twelve-step programs for personal change, this journey contains the truths of the seven habits of highly accountable men.

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  • Resolution For Men


    “A man cannot be passive about what Scripture tells him to do for his family and expect to be found faithful to God in the end. He must see with spiritual eyes and realize that future generations are directly impacted by his daily decisions.”

    The Resolution for Men is the inspiring book born out of Courageous, a new film by the makers of Fireproof coming to theaters nationwide in fall 2011. The movie, which presents a powerful story of strong male leadership, is an emotionally charged wake-up call to fathers whose influence upon their children and society is immeasurable. The Resolution for Men follows to challenge men of all ages to become as bold and intentional about embracing their responsibilities as leaders of their homes, marriages, and children.

    Written by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, screenwriters of Courageous and authors of New York Times No. 1 best seller The Love Dare (five million copies sold), The Resolution for Men strategically inspires men to reconcile with their past, re-engage in the present by taking full responsibility for their wives and children, and then move forward with a bold and clear resolution for the future. Written in partnership with the movie and Priscilla Shirer’s new book, The Resolution for Women, it is designed to inspire a revolution.

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  • Strong To The Core


    Respected counselor and bestselling author H. Norman Wright releases a spiritually and personally fulfilling daily devotional for men. Known for his insight into the needs of people, Wright shapes 365 devotions to strengthen men at their core-their heart for God.

    Short offerings, ideal for busy lives, include Scripture and relatable meditations that lead men to seek their identity and security in Christ as they learn to:
    *rely on God’s guidance
    *connect with other men of faith
    *model God’s love and strength in practical ways
    *trust the Bible as their source of wisdom
    *give their needs, hurts, decisions, and future to God

    Like a faithful mentor, Wright walks alongside men through every area of their lives, from relationships and family to vocation and contentment. This relevant devotional will be a gift of ongoing influence and inspiration for men of all stages of their journey.

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  • True Courage : Emboldened By God In A Disheartening World


    May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!
    Daniel 6:16

    Bestselling author and Bible teacher, Steve Farrar, reminds us through the story of Daniel that true courage can be ours daily and it comes from the one true Sovereign God.

    Everyone can recall as a young child having the courage to head out the door-whether it was to your first day of school, your first game in little league, or your piano lesson. Then life takes over and you lose your bravado, giving in to the fears of the world around you.

    In True Courage readers will discover a God who provides incredible courage to us in the midst of uncertainty, even through treacherous, evil days, and the courage to face lions in their den-or an unexpected job loss, the diagnosis of a sick child, or the return of a debilitating cancer.

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  • If Only He Knew


    With over 800,000 copies in print, If Only He Knew by bestselling author Gary Smalley has long been esteemed as one of the premier books on marriage for men. Smalley helps men understand their wives and meet their needs in order to establish a loving, thriving relationship that will last a lifetime.

    Newly revised and expanded to reflect up-to-date research and the current cultural landscape for today’s modern audience, this book is the perfect guide for husbands who want to love their wives and strengthen their marriages in a way like never before.

    Using humorous and touching illustrations from his own life, as well as case histories and biblical examples, Gary Smalley maps a blueprint to a better marriage that will have a deep and lasting impact on men and their wives.

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