Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm


Showing 401–500 of 2009 results

  • Un Becoming


    When a thread of illnesses and unexplainable symptoms pile on top of one another, a young woman’s cancer diagnosis comes as no huge surprise. The road to healing, however, is much harder and less predictable than she and her family could have ever anticipated. With a combination of humor and heartfelt musings, Darla invites you into her personal faith journey on the road of suffering.

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  • Christ Our Saviour


    Christ Our Saviour by Gary May. A collection of poetry.

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  • Room Of Marvels


    Three deaths in three years. His mother. His best friend. And now, his two-year-old daughter. In this moving story a Christian author goes to a retreat center to grieve and face the hard questions about God that he is asking in the wake of these losses. This expanded edition of the beloved book is a masterful, dream-like tale that speaks to the eternal in the midst of our most painful earthly losses.

    Three deaths in three years. His mother. His best friend. And now, his two-year-old daughter. In this moving story a Christian author goes to a retreat center to grieve and face the hard questions about God that he is asking in the wake of these losses. If you have ever felt alone, betrayed, abandoned-if you have found yourself asking God why-this novel may be a source of hope. And if you have ever wondered what heaven is like, this book provides a beautiful vision. Room of Marvels is a masterful, dream-like tale that speaks to the eternal in the midst of our most painful earthly losses. This expanded edition of the beloved book has a new afterword from James Bryan Smith and a discussion guide for group use. Finding your room of marvels will give you reason to live. Again.

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  • Into A Reluctant Sunrise


    She sat on the driveway, asphalt cold and rough under her fingers, watching the sun come up. What happens after the unthinkable happens? The sun comes up. Again and again and again. Stillbirth is a numbing reality for thousands of families each year, and when Andrea L. Lingle’s fourth child stopped moving one October day, she found herself living through just such a reality. Grief is a thoroughgoing despoiler. Nothing, from faith to family, is untouched by the immensity of grief. This is the story of a mother’s journey into stillbirth, into grief, into a reluctant sunrise.

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  • Power To Persevere


    The Power to Persevere is uplifting. The style is personal, but you can relate.

    We all have abilities far beyond what we use and what we think. We have minds capable of building spacecraft to take us to the moon or satellites to see far into the galaxies. However, some of us have yet to tap into our minds to produce the success we want. The same mental faculty that came up with lemonade designed spaceships.

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  • Weak Is The New Strong


    What if your weaknesses are actually your greatest strengths?

    With cerebral palsy binding him to a wheelchair and slowing his speech, Todd’s physical weaknesses have always apparent. He’s never had the option of hiding his weaknesses. Escape – Impossible.

    But through God’s movement in the trials, Todd became deeply thankful for what many would consider devastating. Weak Is the New Strong is an invitation to journey through Todd’s touching stories and dynamic biblical explorations of God’s view of weakness, and to discover how your greatest weakness – whatever it is – can be transformed by God’s strength. God longs for his power to spring to life in you so that you can serve others, and Todd can show you how. The key to abundant life is learning to live confidently in God’s power through your weaknesses – not despite them.

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  • Goals : How To Get The Most Out Of Your Life


    Do you ever find yourself confusing activity with accomplishment?

    In this book, legendary speaker and author, Zig Ziglar points out you can’t hit a target you don’t have. He shares the 4 Reasons People Don’t Set Goals.

    Anyone can be, do, and have more. BUT… “You cannot make it as a wandering generality. You must become a meaningful specific.”

    Zig guides you through the 9 Steps of Setting Goals. And he encourages you with, “A goal properly set is halfway reached.”

    Zig shares a quote by Oliver Wendall Holmes, “Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.”

    After teaching the steps to setting goals, Zig takes you straight into ACTION! Zig identifies 13 Variables in the Formula to Reach Your Goals. The day by day actions work. “When you take hold of these ideas and follow the procedures, you will accomplish goals.”

    If you’re familiar with Zig, you know you’ll get lots of folksy stories and one-liners in this book. And motivation by the wheelbarrow load. What you might be surprised by is the level of practicality. Zig breaks the goal setting and getting processes down to step by step, day by day actions. Whether you are just now experiencing Zig Ziglar for the first time or even if you have followed him for years, this book will be a life-changing revelation.

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  • Still Standing : 100 Lessons From An Unsuccessful Life


    What do we do when life hasn’t turned out the way we expected? These refreshingly candid stories encourage readers trying ‘to adult’ how to find joy in the journey of a messy, work-in-progress walk of (sometimes failing, but still standing) faith.

    What do we do when life hasn’t turned out the way we expected? Why does it seem to take so long for us to get what we want? Does God still hear our prayers – even the “selfish “ones that are not about world peace? Will I be single forever? Are we allowed to talk about sex? Does God even care? Life expectations have changed significantly for women over the years but many of us are left still trying to navigate them, berating ourselves for not having the perfect job, husband and cute children to Instagram to our ‘friends.’ Still Standing is a series of 100 “life lessons” from someone grappling with the messy middle. After the bereavement of a daughter shortly after birth followed by the demise of a marriage and unwanted divorce, Tola Fisher explores what she has learned in this wilderness season. This is a book about discovering joy in a life which has been completely broken. To the world, she remains unfixed; she is still single, still childless, but God has brought her to understand that no experience is wasted and that He is in the business of restoration every day, in every one. Tola candidly uses her own life experiences to explore what she has learned in this season, turning to the Bible’s wisdom to help us find God in every lesson thrown our way.

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  • Promise To The One


    The greatest joy and fulfillment are within your reach, but they require an enduring Promise to The One…someone you might not expect. It’s not your boss, your spouse, your children, or others-no, the ultimate commitment is The Promise you make to yourself to discover your purpose and gifts and share them with the world.

    Everyone has been hurt or negatively impacted by broken promises. Promise-breaking and a lack of integrity are symptomatic of the most chronic illness faced by society today. Even though many leadership courses and ethics programs tout “integrity” as a buzzword, few of us are really assessing our own values unless someone calls us out on a discrepancy. But even when others don’t catch on to the faade, when our values aren’t in alignment with our actions and when our actions aren’t consonant with our gifts and passions, we’re left feeling isolated, drained, and depressed. No recognition or acceptance from others can fill the void in the same way as when you keep a Promise to yourself and actually follow through on it.

    The Promise is the highest level of engagement we commit to in any experience. The Promise is greater than a goal-it’s a sacred commitment. It’s complete dedication to identifying your Signature Moves-the unique talents you’ve been given that, when developed and used to better others’ lives, make you a Legendary Leader.

    What choices do you make when no one is watching?

    How do you approach a decision that requires you to let either yourself or someone else down?

    How do you stay committed to your values, even when the less-rewarding path is more convenient?

    A renowned speaker and performer who has helped audiences worldwide appreciate what accountability really means, Jason Hewlett shares his program for self-discovery and taking ownership of your gifts in The Promise to The One. His unique three-step method-IDENTIFY * CLARIFY * MAGNIFY-will enable you to pinpoint your strengths, shape them into an identity to which you commit, and develop them so that they can improve others’ lives as well as your own. Filled with Jason’s signature wit and vulnerability as well as actionable exercises, this book will help you refine your character and reach your dreams through the power of kept Promises.

    Start your journey to living a life of Promise Making and Keeping…beginning with The Promise to The One.

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  • God Will Make A Way


    In God Will Make a Way, Bishop Ken Carter shares reflections from his journey from the 2016 General Conference, through his leadership in The Way Forward, his role as Presiding Bishop, into the special 2019 Conference and culminating in the 2020 General Conference. The book is both a spiritual journey and an inside view of one of the most tumultuous periods of national and denominational history.

    Carter casts his personal spiritual reflections against a backdrop of life-shaping events – the first Way Forward meeting, the tragedy at Mother Emmanuel, interactions with Miroslav Volf and other theologians, the Pulse shootings, and more. Throughout, the high points are experiences and conversations between people, often from dramatically different stances, who find common ground, new understanding and hope while the dark times are from conflict inspired anger, national violence and shaken hope.

    The meaning and understanding of Carter’s story requires the reader to share the context of the times both in the Church and the nation. Throughout the chapters, the design will include news stories, agendas, photos and other design elements to show the intertwining of the events

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  • Into A Reluctant Sunrise


    She sat on the driveway, asphalt cold and rough under her fingers, watching the sun come up. What happens after the unthinkable happens? The sun comes up. Again and again and again. Stillbirth is a numbing reality for thousands of families each year, and when Andrea L. Lingle’s fourth child stopped moving one October day, she found herself living through just such a reality. Grief is a thoroughgoing despoiler. Nothing, from faith to family, is untouched by the immensity of grief. This is the story of a mother’s journey into stillbirth, into grief, into a reluctant sunrise.

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  • Dorothy And Jack


    What happens when we push past the surface and allow real, grounded, mutually challenging, and edifying friendships to develop? We need only look at the little-known friendship between eminent Christian thinkers Dorothy L. Sayers and C. S. Lewis to find out. Born out of a fan letter that celebrated mystery novelist Sayers wrote to Lewis as his star was just beginning to rise, this friendship between a married woman and a longtime bachelor developed over years of correspondence as the two discovered their mutual admiration of each other’s writing, thinking, and faith.

    In a time when many Christians now aren’t even sure that a man and a woman can be “just friends” and remain faithful, Gina Dalfonzo’s engaging treatment of the relationship between two of Christianity’s most important modern thinkers and writers will resonate deeply with anyone who longs for authentic, soul-stirring friendships that challenge them to grow intellectually and spiritually. Fans of Lewis and Sayers will find here a fascinating addition to their collections.

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  • Chronicle Of Grief


    “Eva not breathing. Pray.” That text message was Mel Lawrenz’s entry into the harsh reality of losing his thirty-year-old daughter. Things would never be the same. How could he and his family cope with this devastating loss? You or someone you care about may have experienced a terrible, unexpected loss. You are stunned, shocked, leveled. You feel surges of sadness and fear. You have questions and regrets. You keep wondering “what if . . . ?” These are common experiences of anyone whose life has been turned upside down by a traumatic loss. In this narrative of grief, Pastor Mel Lawrenz chronicles how his family struggled to survive the sudden death of their beloved daughter. In raw, vivid episodes, he describes the immediacy of the pain and the uncertainty of what comes next. In the agony of loss, Lawrenz apprehends the realities of love and life and offers insights on how any of us can arrange our life priorities before tragedy hits. You are not alone. You too can find a way forward.

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  • Clare Of Assisi


    Clare of Assisi is generally known as “the female friend” of Saint Francis of Assisi and for centuries her legacy has remained obscured by his shadow. Yet Clare’s life and story ought to shine in its own light and on its own terms (her name, after all, means “light”). She is a figure of true heroism, tenacity, beatitude and grit who plotted her improbable course in the context of the raucous and explosive period of the Middle Ages. Much went wrong for Clare after the day when, as a teen, she fled the home of her noble and wealthy family to follow Francis in a life of poverty. No one would have begrudged her if, when the trials had become onerous, she had decided simply to “go home.” Yet she stayed the course, even after Francis had died. She pulled from the fire of her trials embers that would become her crown. In this new book, Wendy Murray digs deeply into Clare’s decision to abandon rank and wealth for allegiance to Christ (and in no small way, Francis) and explores the circumstances which, later on, tested Clare’s devotion. Clare’s curious and vivid spiritual vision galvanized her ability to persevere amid difficult circumstances and enabled her to stay her course and lay claim to a legacy that shines brightly among the host of medieval saints.

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  • Shift Your Thinking For A Deeper Faith


    With hard-hitting truths, memorable quotes, and powerful perspective shifts, Dean Del Sesto helps you connect (or reconnect) at a deeper level to the power, potential, and purpose you already have so that you can live your life with greater freedom, resilience, and wisdom. Perfect for business professionals on the go, the busy student, the active parent, and anyone who needs a boost of spiritual strength at any time, this book promises to help you live your life from an internal resolve rather than in reaction to your external circumstances.

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  • Other Side Of The Wall


    Christians have lived in Palestine since the earliest days of the Jesus movement. The Palestinian church predates Islam. Yet Palestinian Christians find themselves marginalized and ostracized. In the heated tensions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the voices of Palestinian Christians are often unheard and ignored. This book provides an opportunity to hear the realities of life on the ground from a leading Palestinian pastor and theologian. Munther Isaac gives the perspective of Palestinian Christians on the other side of the separation wall surrounding most Palestinian West Bank cities today. Isaac laments the injustices suffered by the Palestinian people but holds out hope for a just peace and ways to befriend and love his Jewish and Muslim neighbors. In contrast to the dominant religious and nationalistic ideologies and agendas for the region, he offers a theology of the land and a vision for a shared land that belongs to God, where there are no second-class citizens of any kind. “This book is my invitation to you,” Isaac writes, “to step into the other side of the wall and listen to our stories and perspective. It is my humble request to you to allow me to share how Palestinians experience God, read the Bible, and have been touched and liberated by Jesus-a fellow Bethlehemite who has challenged us to see others as neighbors and love them as ourselves. . . . This book paints a picture of our story of faith, lament, and hope. And I invite you to join and listen, on our side of the wall.”

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  • Why Did God Save Me


    I am struggling to understand, why an all knowing, all loving, and all powerful God would allow this manner of suffering to come upon his people. If you’ve survived one of the following moral evils which are done by humanity and natural disasters; Hurricane, Flood, 911 Attack, Tsunami, Wildfire, Earth Quake, Tornado, Blizzard, Snow Storm, Cold/Heat wave, Volcano, Drought, Chronic illnesses, Sarcoma/Cancer, Pestilences, Plaques and last Coronavirus Covid-19, and wondering why God saved you, he saved you for a reason, your mission, and his purpose.

    Why did it take Covid-19 to stopped the world from turning, it stopped trains on its tracks, it stopped planes from flying in the air, and it stopped travelers from traveling, and stopped ships out at sea. Those that were employed immediately became unemployed, it was reported by CNN, Johns Hopkins University and Medical within a week, about 3.3 million people had applied for unemployment and at this time there were other states unaware of the rapid growth with unemployment, not knowing it was just a couple more days, and the high unemployment rate would be in each state of the US along with the Covid-19 virus.

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  • Flourishing Teacher : Vocational Renewal For A Sacred Profession


    Teaching is a sacred profession to which you have been called. But sometimes you feel burned out: the relentless pace, the overload of classes, the grading, the advising, the additional committee work.

    Drawing on more than twenty years of teaching experience, Christina Bieber Lake writes to encourage you to rediscover your passion for your profession, to help you move from surviving to thriving, and to remind you why you chose this vocational path. Creatively structured around the typical rhythms of the academic calendar, this book offers refreshing and practiced advice about how to flourish in the midst of the teaching life. Lake also takes on several pressing questions:
    *How do I balance work and family time?
    *Where do I fit in time for my research and writing?
    *What particular challenges do female faculty face, and how should they navigate them?

    Remind yourself why you teach. Rediscover your passion for this vocation.

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  • Gospel Music Life


    What do Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Tammy Wynette, Larry Gatlin, Barbara Mandrell, The Oak Ridge Boys, The Statler Brothers, and The Everly Brothers have in common? They were all influenced in their formative years by gospel music legends, The Blackwood Brothers Quartet!Billy Blackwood, the son of multi-Grammy Award winning, James Blackwood, Sr., tells the inside story of this gospel music dynasty, their formation and chart-topping career, their triumphs and tragedies. A Gospel Music Life takes us behind the scenes of one of the most influential families in American music history and reveals the personal struggles and subsequent reemergence of Billy Blackwood, the current leader of the Blackwood Brothers Quartet. “I have always looked at the Blackwood Brothers as the “Class” of gospel music. They have always been leaders and icons in the gospel music industry. I am so pleased that Billy is carrying on the tradition of the Blackwood Brothers.”Duane Allen, The Oak Ridge Boys”James Blackwood, R. W. Blackwood, Bill Shaw, Bill Lyles, and Jackie Marshall were at the center of my early musical development. James was one of the very best in our field and his son, Billy, is now carrying on the tradition. I love Billy’s heart and urgency in making sure the next generation understands the history and perseverance of this grand group. For all gospel quartet music lovers, this is a must read.”Bill Gaither, Gospel music artist, songwriter and historian”Billy Blackwood is not only a gifted musician who sings the gospel but he lives it. His must-read life heritage and story in gospel music is candidly transparent yet masterfully seasoned with God’s amazing grace. Billy’s redemptive journey is a real life-changer, from emptiness, brokenness and repentance, to faith, transformation and restoration.”Buddy SmithSenior Vice President, American Family Association, Tupelo, Mississippi BILLY BLACKWOOD has spent the majority of his life in music. Billy’s dad, James, was an original member of the Blackwood Brothers Quartet. The Blackwood Brothers began in Mississippi in the 1930’s and have taken gospel music around the world. They were an early influence on Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, the Statler Brothers, the Everly Brothers, Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters, Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers, and many others. Billy began traveling with the Blackwood Brothers as a teenager, making the career switch to secular music in the mid-seventies as part of Voice, an opening act

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  • Peace For Your Mind Hope For Your Heart


    Regain emotional and spiritual balance in a Post-Pandemic World This book will equip you to reclaim emotional and spiritual balance in a post-COVID world.

    As we enter a new normal after the peak of COVID-19, we are left with fears, questions, and anxiety. While the biological virus has taken an untold toll on lives worldwide-medically and economically-the “new virus” going forward may be summed up in two words: anxiety and worry. While our immediate attention is on our health and that of friends and loved ones, there is a perhaps a greater need: How do we practice healthy emotional and spiritual “hygiene” as we emerge from arguably the greatest crisis the world has seen since World War II? With his more than four decades of professional experience as a therapist and trusted counseling leader, Dr. Tim Clinton brings a timely message of health and hope to a stressed out, fearful world.

    Dr. Clinton examines science, psychology, physiology, and other concepts to help us cope with anxiety, but the primary focus is on the consistency of God’s power, goodness, and love. Clinton adds, “It’s my prayer that as you continue reading, you’ll increasingly sense God’s peace for your mind and hope for your heart.”

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  • Divine Collision : An African Boy, An American Lawyer, And Their Remarkable


    In a Ugandan prison for two murders he didn’t commit, Henry is losing hope. He pleads with God for a sign. Jim, in California, finds himself saying a small yes to God, who brings their two lives together with momentous results.

    Jim Gash, former Los Angeles lawyer and current president of Pepperdine University, tells the amazing story of how, after a series of God-orchestrated events, he finds himself in the heart of Africa defending a courageous Ugandan boy languishing in prison and wrongfully accused of two separate murders. Ultimately, their unlikely friendship and unrelenting persistence reforms Uganda’s criminal justice system, leaving a lasting impact on hundreds of thousands of lives and revealing a relationship that supersedes circumstance, culture, and the walls we often hide behind.

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  • Prayers For Saints


    Most church traditions recognise the special Christian witness of individual men and women over the ages. Whether formally termed ‘saints’ or celebrated as pioneers and ‘game-changers,’ many of whom were put to death for their faith, their lives are often astonishing and frequently inspiring. Rupert Bristow has put together the stories of these people, more than 670 in all, ranging from household names to almost forgotten figures, for every day of the year and has written an accompanying prayer for each one. Faithful to the dates these saints are commemorated, Prayers for Saints is an invaluable resource for church and home, study and worship–or as a start to further exploration of the impact made by these extraordinary people.

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  • Shifting Shadows : How A New York Drug Lord Found Freedom In The Last Place


    Herman Mendoza built his kingdom in Queens, New York. He made a fortune selling cocaine with his brothers up and down the Eastern Seaboard. He had apartments around the city for his mistresses and a home in the Poconos for his beautiful nuclear family. But when he and his brothers were busted in a large-scale crackdown, his kingdom crumbled. Ready to kill himself rather than live behind bars, Herman instead came face-to-face with the all-consuming love of God. He would never be the same.

    Today, Herman shares his story at every opportunity, knowing that it may play a part in someone else’s journey into a relationship with Jesus. An engaging and fast-paced read, Shifting Shadows offers hope to those in despair, and shows all of us the lengths to which God will go to bring a troubled soul home. Also available in Spanish as Sombras cambiantes.

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  • Pull The Stick Out Of Your


    Is your insecure, apprehensive personality getting in your way of enjoying life? Making friends? Finding love? Landing that promotion?

    Get ready to get over yourself and pull the stick out of your ass that’s been holding you back from being present in your life and realizing your dreams.

    In this lighthearted study of how to cope with anxiety disorder and stop being so damned uptight, Bruce shares the results of 20 years of research on anxiety disorders and depression and insight gleaned from working with the nation’s top mental health experts as a former journalist and publicist. Flip through these pages and you’ll find raw, humorous anecdotes paired with practical advice on the following subjects:
    *Strategies for avoiding destructive behaviors like analysis paralysis, perfectionism, and egotism that firmly embed a giant stick up your ass.
    *Techniques for loosening up, such as refraining from overplanning, getting over FOMO, increasing your tolerance, embracing your emotions, and overcoming social phobia.
    *Support on how to get help if your emotional pain has become mental illness–and encouragement that doing so is a sign of strength, rather than weakness.

    With this edgy-bordering-on-profane take on breaking free from rigidity, Bruce will help you confront that little voice in your head questioning your actions and feeding you self-criticism. A hard knock at the stigma surrounding anxiety disorders, Pull the Stick out of Your @ss will leave you reeling in laughter and empowered to chuck conformity out the window and embrace your weird-ass self.

    Take a deep breath, get out your swear jar, and prepare to be mellowed out by this gritty approach to mindfulness.

    Former Journalist and Publicist, Bruce Serbin used to be a complete tightwad: quiet, nervous, preoccupied with the incessant negative chatter in his head, worried about what other people thought of him, constantly playing out different scenarios in his mind, trying to script out every interaction with people ahead of time. He experienced panic attacks, lived with severe anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder, and suffered from hypochondria. Until one day, enough was enough. It was time to remove the stick from his ass and start living.

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  • Native : Identity, Belonging, And Rediscovering God


    Native is about identity, soul-searching, and being on the never-ending journey of finding ourselves and finding God. As both a citizen of the Potawatomi Nation and a Christian, Kaitlin Curtice offers a unique perspective on these topics. In this book, she shows how reconnecting with her identity both informs and challenges her faith.

    Drawing on the narrative of her personal journey through poetry, imagery, and stories of the Potawatomi people, Curtice addresses themes at the forefront of today’s discussions of faith and culture in a positive and constructive way. She encourages us to embrace our own origins and to share and listen to each other’s stories so we can build a more inclusive and diverse future. Each of our stories matters for the church to be truly whole. As Curtice shares what it means to experience her faith through the lens of her Indigenous heritage, she reveals that a vibrant spirituality has its origins in identity, belonging, and a sense of place.

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  • Free Cyntoia : My Search For Redemption In The American Prison System


    In her own words, Cyntoia Brown shares the riveting and redemptive story of how she changed her life for the better while in prison, finding hope through faith after a traumatic adolescence of drug addiction, rape, and sex trafficking led to a murder conviction.

    Cyntoia Brown was sentenced to life in prison for a murder she committed at the age of sixteen. Her case became national news when celebrities and activists made the hashtag #FreeCyntoia go viral in 2017. She was granted full clemency after having served fifteen years, walking out a free woman on August 7, 2019.

    This is her story, in her own words.

    In these pages, written over the fifteen years she was incarcerated, Cyntoia shares the difficult early life that lead to that fateful night and how she found the strength to not only survive, but thrive, in prison.

    A coming-of-age memoir set against the shocking backdrop of a life behind bars, Free Cyntoia takes you on a spiritual journey as Cyntoia struggles to overcome a legacy of family addiction and a lifetime of feeling ostracized and abandoned by society.

    Born to a teenage alcoholic mother who was also a victim of sex trafficking, Brown reflects on the isolation, low self-esteem, and sense of alienation that drove her straight into the hands of a predator.

    Though she attempts to build a positive path and honor the values her beloved adoptive mother taught her, Cyntoia succumbs to harmful influences that drive her to a cycle of promise and despair. After a fateful meeting with a prison educator turned mentor, Cyntoia makes the pivotal decision to take classes at Lipscomb University and strive for a better future, even if she’s never freed.

    For the first time ever, Cyntoia shares the details of her transformation, including a profound encounter with God, an unlikely romance, and an unprecedented outpouring of support from social media advocates and A-list celebrities, which ultimately lead to clemency and her release from prison.

    Giving a rare look at the power of love, forgiveness, and self-discovery in the darkest of places, Free Cyntoia is a deeply personal portrait of one woman’s journey for redemption within a system that had failed her from childhood.

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  • Ministers Wife : A Memoir Of Faith, Doubt, Friendship, Loneliness, Forgiven


    She never expected to be a minister’s wife. And the life she discovered was more challenging–and more beautiful–than she could have anticipated.

    We all wrestle with tough questions about life and faith, and Karen Stiller has learned that answers don’t come any easier when you’re married to the minister. What does it mean to live faithfully in our complicated world? Is there a place here for me–the real me? What does everyone expect of me, and what if I fail? In The Minister’s Wife, Karen shines a light on the rhythms and tough realities of the spiritual life for each and every one of us. She explores how community helps us grow; the unexpected beauty of doubt; the messy pain of families and funerals; how church can hurt and heal; and the beauty of showing up when sometimes it is more appealing to go to a coffee shop on a Sunday morning (even when you’re the pastor’s wife).

    Warm, witty, and achingly honest, The Minister’s Wife is a memoir in essays on choosing to belong, and an invitation to join a spiritual adventure.

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  • Crushing : God Turns Pressure Into Power


    Bestselling inspirational author T.D. Jakes reveals God’s process for our growth and how we can benefit from life’s challenging experiences.

    In this insightful book, #1 New York Times bestselling author T.D. Jakes wrestles with the age-old questions: Why do the righteous suffer? Where is God in all the injustice?

    In his most personal offering yet, Bishop Jakes tells crushing stories from his own journey-the painful experience of learning his young teenage daughter was pregnant, the agony of watching his mother succumb to Alzheimer’s, and the shock and helplessness he felt when his son had a heart attack.

    Bishop Jakes wants to encourage you that God uses difficult, crushing experiences to prepare you for unexpected blessings. If you are faithful through suffering, you will be surprised by God’s joy, comforted by His peace, and fulfilled with His purpose.

    Crushing will inspire you to have hope, even in your most difficult moments. If you trust in God and lean on Him during setbacks, He will lead you through.

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  • God Only Knows


    Meet the ordinary but unqualified proof that you can accomplish whatever you want to accomplish in life, no matter how impossible it might seem. God planted that passion in your heart and will use it to make your life extraordinary. Against the odds. This is a riveting true story that dares you to dream.

    Joe Camp showed his film to every studio in Hollywood and couldn’t get a distributor. Nobody wanted Benji. Nobody. Zero. The following summer Variety reported that the movie was the #3 box office gross of all movies for the year. In spite of all the folks who were so quick to say: You can’t do that! That’s impossible! Give up! Quit. Sit down. Shut up. Go away. If it could be done somebody would have done it already.

    God’s hand at work. Up close and personal.

    And what a story this book is as Joe Camp learns how every devastation that he believed to be surely the end of life as he knew it had to happen exactly as God orchestrated it or there never would’ve been a Benji. Or six Benji films. And there never would’ve been a bestselling book changing the lives of horses all across the planet. Or a second love of his life after his Carolyn was called home.

    God Only Knows is a true story that reads like a spellbinding novel, emotionally involving and packed with suspense while totally shredding our resistance to fully trusting God with our every devastation so that we might see our adversities for what they are: God molding us, strengthening us, teaching us how to get past the multitude of obstacles that any worthwhile dream will throw at us.

    “My fondest hope is that this book might inspire you to mount a white horse and charge off after things worthwhile, to reach for heights heretofore perceived as unreachable, to adventure into uncharted waters with passion, honesty and God by your side . . . and leave this world a better place for your effort.” –Joe Camp

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  • God Only Knows


    Meet the ordinary but unqualified proof that you can accomplish whatever you want to accomplish in life, no matter how impossible it might seem. God planted that passion in your heart and will use it to make your life extraordinary. Against the odds. This is a riveting true story that dares you to dream.

    Joe Camp showed his film to every studio in Hollywood and couldn’t get a distributor. Nobody wanted Benji. Nobody. Zero. The following summer Variety reported that the movie was the #3 box office gross of all movies for the year. In spite of all the folks who were so quick to say: You can’t do that! That’s impossible! Give up! Quit. Sit down. Shut up. Go away. If it could be done somebody would have done it already.

    God’s hand at work. Up close and personal.

    And what a story this book is as Joe Camp learns how every devastation that he believed to be surely the end of life as he knew it had to happen exactly as God orchestrated it or there never would’ve been a Benji. Or six Benji films. And there never would’ve been a bestselling book changing the lives of horses all across the planet. Or a second love of his life after his Carolyn was called home.

    God Only Knows is a true story that reads like a spellbinding novel, emotionally involving and packed with suspense while totally shredding our resistance to fully trusting God with our every devastation so that we might see our adversities for what they are: God molding us, strengthening us, teaching us how to get past the multitude of obstacles that any worthwhile dream will throw at us.

    “My fondest hope is that this book might inspire you to mount a white horse and charge off after things worthwhile, to reach for heights heretofore perceived as unreachable, to adventure into uncharted waters with passion, honesty and God by your side . . . and leave this world a better place for your effort.” –Joe Camp

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  • I Shall Not Die


    The year 2014 started with great promise. Author Cathy Dillard Byrum’s youngest son, Dan, had graduated college, had a new job, and was moving to a nearby town. Her oldest son, Derick, returned home after two years overseas and proposed to his girlfriend, Jill. Then came the news no one expects and everyone dreads. Cathy was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and the prognosis was grim.

    In I Shall Not Die, she narrates her story, including details about treatment, losing her hair, an emergency ride on a helicopter, and a stem cell transplant. Cathy offers an inside look at her battle with cancer, and she shares what it took for her to make it to her son’s wedding and beyond.

    I Shall Not Die offers a brave, open memoir that focuses on Cathy’s experience with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, including how she dealt with it physically and emotionally. She tells how she stayed strong through the grace of God and the love of her family and friends. Her story serves to inspire others facing adversity.

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  • Just Love : A Journey Of Self-Acceptance


    From one of the UK’s most widely respected gay Christians comes a powerful faith memoir of overcoming inner conflict and taking a stand against one of the greatest institutional injustices of our time.

    Just Love is the autobiography of Jayne Ozanne, a prominent gay Anglican, who struggled for over 40 years to reconcile her faith with her sexuality before becoming one of the leading figures that is ushering in a new era of LGBTI acceptance in the Church.

    Her journey incorporates a range of powerful faith encounters with people across the world, from Argentina to Moscow and from the jungles of Burma to the White House. She gives an inside view of what it was to be a founding member of the Church of England’s Archbishops’ Council to working alongside international figures such as Tony Blair and the Vicar of Baghdad. At times both raw and shocking, she explains what led her to be hospitalized after seeking healing for her sexuality before becoming ostracized by many Christians after she finally deciding she had no choice but to come out.

    Jayne’s story serves as a lifeline for LGBTI Christians struggling to reconcile their faith with their sexuality and forces the Church to reflect on the impact of its current teaching.

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  • Forgetful Heart : Remembering God In A Distracted World


    We live in a world full of distractions, where lack of time and the pressures of daily living contribute to our spiritual lives sometimes becoming treated with less priority, sometimes forgotten altogether.

    This is a book for the forgetful-hearted; those who frequently forget God in their lives, even when they desperately want to remember him. Lucy Mills asks what it means to remember God. Here she suggests that it is about more than simply ‘knowing’ things–it is about how we live.

    Forgetful Heart is a beautifully written book, full of personal testimony, biblical reflection, and practical challenges and advice.

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  • Gods Biker : Motorcycles And Misfits


    The story of how Sean Stillman, a shy preacher’s son from Reading, started and led a long-term outreach to the motorcycle clubs and street people of Swansea.

    Zac’s Place is a church in Swansea. It is a small chaotic community of Jesus followers where the most fragile of life’s walking wounded try to work out their faith, because they quite simply wouldn’t fit anywhere else. It’s also the spiritual home for the local chapter of the motorcycle club God’s Squad. Zac’s Place was founded in 1998 and for nearly twenty years has been led by Sean Stillman – a “painfully shy, nervous preacher’s kid” – whose front-line ministry, at Zac’s Place and on the road, has cost him dearly, including physical beating. In Zac’s Place, chaos and disorder sit alongside community and grace in an environment that sometimes resembles an AA meeting mixed with a casualty department.

    This is Sean’s personal story of a transformed faith alongside the broken, the story of the church he started and the European-wide growth of an unlikely bunch of biker missionaries. The thread that will run through it is the ‘greater righteousness’ that Christ was looking for – what can happen when our concern for the perfect performance is stripped bare and replaced with poverty of spirit.

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  • Cursed With Common Sense


    For many, it can be hard to believe. People can be skeptical about Jesus Christ and Christianity, or they can think that they just don’t have a good reason to believe. Yet so many of us can’t shake this feeling that we should try to understand God and what we believe about Him-but where do we start?

    In Cursed with Common Sense, author Nicole Nelson shares her own journey from skepticism and doubt to faith in God. Through her stories, she hopes others can relate to her experiences as she walks with you through the questions she had-and still has-and how she got to the point that she found herself now: writing a book and sharing her faith with the world.

    You can have common sense and faith in Jesus. Nicole will take you through her process of realizing that God is real and how it changed her life. Cursed with Common Sense won’t tell you what to do or what to think, but together you can explore these questions and arrive at your own faith.

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  • Broken Beyond Recognition


    Do you need healing from the heartbreaking consequences of your past? Have intrusive memories, soul ties, and debilitating anger bombarded your thoughts, kept you in bondage and consumed your very soul?

    Katherine takes you on a personal journey of her life, love, and losses. This is not a fairy-tale. It is a candid, courageous, real-life story of a woman broken beyond recognition. Childhood abuse and abandonment, drug addiction, prostitution, anger, and emotional distress form this narrative. But it is also dynamic evidence of the power of divine intervention.

    Whether you are a sinner or saint suffering from trauma, haunted by your troublesome past, hurt by the people you trusted most, hooked on drugs and alcohol, searching for true love, behind the jailhouse bars or a “fly” girl devastated on the inside, this book can help you. The difficulties you face right now may be linked to your past, but your past doesn’t have to control your present or future.

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  • 1 Yellow Door


    “My dear Jack–before I met you my life seemed like a train pulling a trail of empty carriages, and then there you were, and suddenly most of them were full–with people and noise and laughter, with faith and vision and your extraordinary, electric vitality.”

    “So now, my love, I know the worst. Your brain is shrinking inside your skull. You are going to disintegrate very slowly, mind and body. You will feel our loving in rags and your God absent and I will hold you to my breast and cradle the shell of your skull, for you will have gone, my lover, my dear one. But not quite.” “I know that I cannot bear the pain of Jack’s situation any longer, unrelieved. To survive and provide him with the buoyant atmosphere he wants, I have to have hopes and horizons beyond him. These horizons have included another person.”

    When Rebecca de Saintonge’s husband Jack developed Lewy Body Dementia–an incurable degenerative brain disease–she faced the dual challenge of trying to keep the integrity of their relationship intact while also avoiding her own destruction within their diminishing world. She survived by taking a lover.

    Through extracts from Rebecca’s journal, One Yellow Door explores the conflicting emotions and complex ethics of infidelity in marriage where one partner is severely disabled. It is about a re-thinking of traditional faith and the discovery of a new, deeper spirituality, and ultimately about the indestructibility of love.

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  • Father In The Wild


    I’m a product of the American divorce rate. Nothing tragic. Nothing obscure or awful. Just good old-fashioned family failure. Then in my early adulthood, I found myself repeating the very same home I grew up in and assimilating into American statistics myself. In response to the wreckage, I began driving. When I thought I was at the end of it all, I discovered that I was really at the beginning of a grand adventure. I was off to find my father. And finding my father would lead to finding security.

    Security is perhaps one of our greatest needs as humans. Romantics say love is our greatest need. Philosophers say knowledge is our greatest needs. Mystics say transcendence is our greatest need. But what if security is in-fact our greatest need? Who would we be as a people, as a church, and as a nation if we felt a sense of security in our lives? Not superficial security where life is predictable, but a sacred security. One that’s firm in our identity.

    Affirmation by a father is something we all need, whether we want to admit it or not. Not having my father around in my most critical adolescent years created an insecurity in me that I eventually transferred over to my faith. I even transferred it over leaders and other authorities in my life. A breeding ground for insecurity. It wasn’t until I found the secrets of beauty and adversity, and found the Father in the wild, that I became healthy and whole.

    This journey is an introspective look at faith and freedom, and finding a father, with crisis as a catalyst. It’s a journey across the wilderness of America, through prairies and mountains, across National Parks and along interstates, and ultimately the highways of the heart and mind.

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  • Journals Of Jim Elliot


    Jim Elliot was a missionary–and then a martyr at the hands of the Auca Indians to whom he was witnessing. At the age of 29, he left behind a young wife, a baby daughter, and an incredible legacy of faith.

    Jim’s volumes of personal journals, written over many years, reveal the inner struggles and victories that he experienced before his untimely death. In The Journals of Jim Elliot, you’ll come to know this intelligent and articulate man who yearns to know God’s plan for his life, details his fascinating missions work, and reveals his love for Elisabeth–first as a single man, then as a happily married one.

    Edited by his widow, Jim’s personal yet universal musings about faith, love, and work will show you how to apply the Bible to the situations you face every day. They will inspire you to lead a life of obedience, regardless of the cost, and delight you with an amazing story of courage and determination.

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  • Be Still Journal


    Take a moment every day to feel at peace with the Be Still Flexcover Journal! Grab a cup of coffee and journal about dreams, plans, or what you’ve read in your Bible today. With its convenient size, this versatile journal is also great for grocery lists, to-do items, or even as a food journal that is easy to carry with you. Let the sentiment from Psalm 46 encourage you to find rest in God’s care daily. The stunning cover design has a dark background with dramatic flowers in shades of pale and dark pink. A burgundy adds even more drama to the design. The sentiment is printed in beautiful script lettering foiled in with copper. be still The heavy card stock cover has a high gloss. The journal holds a front presentation page to document a favorite occasion. The interior pages are all lined and have Scripture verses included for encouragement. Whether you will use this flexcover journal as a traditional journal or as a way to keep track of your to-do list, you’ll find excellent quality as well as dramatic beauty. Keep a few copies of the Be Still Flexcover Journal on hand to give as small gifts to friends or neighbors to let them know you’re thinking of them. Dark Background with Pink Floral Design Glossy Card Stock Cover Copper Foil Accents 128 Lined Pages Scripture on Each Page Presentation Page for Gift-giving Size: 8.5″ x 5.4″ x 0.4″ (210 x 137 x 10 mm)

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  • In The Company Of Men



    This true story started over 20 years ago at a simple Bible Study with six men. The men read passages about Christ returning to the Father and the imminent coming of the Holy Spirit.

    Over the next 20 years, each man must confront his own crisis: the heartaches, the triumphs, the steps closer to the Holy Spirit, and the steps away. These unvarnished stories of life in the raw are all accurately told with no bows or ribbons.

    The story is told by a seasoned trial lawyer where each account asks the “jury” (the reader) to render a “verdict”–not on the six men–but on whether the Holy Spirit is a source of guidance, peace and call-to-action for the reader.

    In the process of reading the book and working through the Study Guide, the reader will:

    *hear six real-life stories, each with painful twists and life-altering choices

    *gain a useful understanding of how the Holy Spirit can work in the reader’s life

    *experience unique insights into how men react in crisis and support one another

    *hear a fresh, short-hand way, to discover and remember the role of the Holy Spirit in the reader’s life: DWJWD! – Do What Jesus Would Do!

    *experience suspense, heartful emotions, and surprises along the way!

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  • Mother To Son


    “Wynn is my son. No little boy could be more loved by his parents. Inquisitive, fiercely affectionate, staunchly opinionated, he sees the world through eyes of wonder and has yet to become jaded by society’s cruelty. I know he’ll grow up with stories of having been made to feel ‘other’ because of the color of his skin. I want to teach him that, though life’s unfair, he still has incomparable value in the eyes of his heavenly Father. I know this wondrous little person has the potential to change the world–and I want him to know it too.” In Mother to Son, Jasmine Holmes shares a series of powerful letters to her young son. These are about her journey as an African American Christian and what she wants her son to know as he grows and approaches the world as a black man. Holmes deals head-on with issues ranging from discipleship and marriage to biblical justice. She invites us to read over her shoulder as she reminds Wynn that his identity is firmly planted in the person and work of Jesus Christ, even when the topic is one as emotionally charged as race in America.

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  • Fierce Wholeness Companion Journal


    In this interactive, thought-provoking Bible study and journal experience, explore what makes you whole in Christ–despite your current and past traumatic experiences.

    When the Bible talks about the third- and fourth-generational curse, that’s so true. If the curse is not broken by you, then who will stop it dead in its tracks? Dealing with forgotten pain, things you stuff down just to survive, is serious business. Rather than bury the pain, author Robin Meade invites you discover what it means to be fiercely whole in Christ.

    This study is a companion volume to Fierce Wholeness: Finding Myself after Childhood Emotional Trauma–Robin’s story, in all of its raw and messy but beautiful transparency. Through Robin’s story, readers who grew up in the clutches of the branches of emotional abuse will be empowered to pursue the freedom that Jesus gives.

    The Fierce Wholeness: Companion Journal contains reflective questions found in Robin’s book, in a journal format that weaves the study of Scripture into your reflections–all designed to draw you closer, right where you are, to the One who loves you more than any other.

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  • Demonic Storm : My Life Of Satanic Deception And Spiritual Deliverance


    “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.” — C. S. Lewis

    As a baby, Kimmie was adopted by an amazing couple only to be orphaned shortly after. She was then adopted by her uncle. Nevertheless, she decided to leave home at the age of eleven for a life on the streets. In this new life she slowly immersed herself in demonic deception, and by the age of twelve, she was living a life of full-blown horror and depravity.

    In this true story you will journey into a life of extremes, and see how the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ holds the only power strong enough to conquer all.

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  • Good Tree : A History Of Saint Aidan’s


    It was a project like no other. There was an energy right from the first meeting. Not everyone knew each other but it didn’t matter. No-one knew how to do this thing but that didn’t matter either.

    In 1993, the Right Reverend Frank K. Allan, 8th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, was keeping an interested eye on the rapid development of a northern suburb known as Johns Creek. He began to think about the Christian souls who were settling there, putting down roots to begin a new life and raise their children in a new city. Where would they worship? How would they express their Christian faith? What could he do meet their needs?

    The Good Tree is the story of a group of parishioners from Saint David’s Episcopal Church in Roswell who got together to build a mission church in nearby Alpharetta. Beginning with prayer and enthusiasm and guided by the inspirational Father Noel Burtenshaw, the founding of a new mission church was a deeply spiritual and yet very human journey for all concerned. The Good Tree describes that journey, from its unexpected beginnings, through the first twenty-five years of highs and lows, twists and turns, including the difficult period that followed the ordination of Canon Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire.

    If you ever wondered how a church building comes to be in a particular place at a particular time, or if you are interested in exploring the expression of Christianity in the modern world, or if you are simply interested in reading an inspiring story about a group of ordinary people with a determined Christian purpose, then you will enjoy reading The Good Tree.

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  • From Kildare To Times Square


    The beginning of a family story begins in Kildare, Ireland and ends up in Times Square with many adventures and highlights of lives well-lived.

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  • Cross Addicted : Breaking Free From Family, Trauma And Addiction


    Paula was broken, traumatized, and bound by many addictions, but today she is free. And that is God’s desire for you, too!

    Paula Jauch’s life was controlled by trauma and addiction. Born into neglect and addiction, she inherited self-destructive patterns and emotional prisons she could not escape. She experimented with crack at age thirteen, became pregnant at fifteen, was initiated into a Hispanic gang, and bore her second child by the time she was eighteen. Starved for acceptance and worth, she began cutting her body, and developed a near-fatal eating disorder for twenty years.

    Cross Addicted follows Paula’s raw, stumbling journey toward freedom. You will find renewed hope and practical steps of recovery . -Recognize that there is nothing wrong with you.

    *Learn how to forgive yourself and others.
    *Understand addiction and trauma and the healing process through recovery.
    *Find freedom by understanding what Jesus did on the cross.”

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  • Prayers Of Creation


    The wealth of beauty around us, the richness of the earth and its resources, all life, creation, fruitfullness, and growth flow from the generosity of God. The prayers in this book, drawing inspiration from our Celtic heritage, beautifully and lyrically express our thanks and praise that we live in harmony with God’s laws, and cherish and strive to be good stewards of his gifts.

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  • Prayers For The World


    All human life should be encompassed in prayer–there is nothing we can’t pray about. Prayer can heal the world, change the world and change the person who prays. The prayers in this book, drawn from Ray Simpson’s many writings on Celtic spirituality, embrace all aspects of our world, our daily struggles and conflicts, and will help and inspire us to transform our lives and build a community of justice and a kingdom of love.

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  • Prayers For Joy And Thanksgiving


    Prayers for Joy and Thanksgiving brings together words of warmth across a range of subjects and situations. These timeless prayer collections can be used for both personal and group prayer and provide a wealth of resources.

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  • Prayers For Healing


    Prayers for Healing offers an abundant selection of 300 prayers from some of our best-loved authors. Bringing together words of warmth across a range of subjects and situations, these timeless prayer collections can be used for both personal and group prayer and provide a wealth of resources.

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  • Prayers For Comfort


    A huge selection of prayers from some of our best-loved authors including Nick Fawcett, David Adam, Susan Sayers, and Ray Simpson. Bringing together words of warmth across a range of subjects and situations, these timeless prayer collections can be used for both personal and group prayer and provide a wealth of resources.

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  • Behind The Songs


    Graham Kendrick takes readers behind the songs and into the inspiration which created them.At the age of 15 Kendrick dreamed of becoming a songwriter. Since that time his songs have become the soundtrack for the spiritual journeys of millions. Through the window of his lyrics, Kendrick takes us behind the songs into the inspiration and circumstances which brought them into being. Behind the Songs features photographs of Kendrick’s life and career throughout the text.

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  • Practicing : Changing Yourself To Change The World


    From the masses of young people spurning organized religion to faithful followers of Jesus, there is a deep hunger across gender, age, socioeconomics, and denominational backgrounds for practical, tangible ways to live a life of love, mercy, and justice in our divided, fragmented world. But where do we start? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the world’s problems, with solutions to violence and poverty and oppression seeming so far out of reach.

    But you have more power to change the world than you realize and it starts with changing yourself.
    In Practicing, Pastor Kathy Escobar inspires and challenges readers with practical encouragement to live their faith through real action using ten transformational practices, including listening more, including the marginalized, advocating for justice, and mourning with those who grieve. By putting our hearts, hands, and feet behind our good intentions, we can transform our groups, our communities, and our world. Extremely interactive, relational, and practical, ‘Practicing’ can be read alone or processed together with a group, church, or class.

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  • Irrepressible : 12 Principles For A Courageous Resilient And Fulfilling Lif


    This book is for women who want to make a difference, it creates a conversation around how we should live as women of influence.

    Questions about a woman’s place are being asked in all areas of society. Cathy Madavan aims to cheer women on, to give them courage, to create awareness about their potential and to challenge them to keep ‘lifting the lid’. We are surrounded by women who make a difference. Some thrive in a board room, some in a pulpit, some in a nursery. Some are wired for deadlines, others for creativity. But every woman will influence those around her. How do we learn from others without simply aping or imitating those we admire? Do we have the emotional intelligence and self-awareness to know that the very people who frustrate us are often the ones we need most? However, most women also wrestle with confidence, knowing their identity and place, juggling their lives and managing expectations. This book equips and empowers women. It encourages them to be an irrepressible positive influence and a voice for others. It is a resource and treasury, with principles, stories and insights. Cathy addresses her topic through a series of penetrating questions. What are your personal values and vision? What is your true character? Are you a thermometer, measuring the climate, or a thermostat, setting the temperature? Where does self-assurance come from, and how does it differ from arrogance? Who are your role models? How do you counteract stereotypes and sticky labels? Are you investing in self-leadership, in personal development? How do you build your core relationships, and widen your circle? Do you have healthy boundaries, and the ability to say no? How can you develop resilience? How can you create balance between work and life, exterior and interior?

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  • Unshakable Hope : Building Our Lives On The Promises Of God



    What feels shaky in your world? Are you overwhelmed by the problems you’re facing or the pain you’re feeling? Maybe you feel hurt by the past. Disappointed by the present. Worried about the future. If so, you are not alone, but there is hope. You can live with security and purpose.

    In Unshakable Hope, Max Lucado unpacks 12 of the Bible’s most significant promises, equipping you to overcome difficult circumstances by keeping your focus on the hope found in the promises of Scripture rather than dwelling on the problems in front of you.

    For every problem in life, God has given you a promise.Hope is hard to come by these days. Whether it’s heart disease or cancer, job failure or addiction, natural disasters or family disasters, mass murders or mental illness, there are so many reasons to be overwhelmed.In a world full of instability, we do not need more opinions or hunches; we need the definitive declarations of our mighty and loving God.

    What is your life built on-the circumstances of life or the promises of God? The answer to that question changes everything. Join Max as he takes a closer look at Scripture’s unbreakable promises and shows you how to live with unshakable hope.

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  • Valentins Diary


    How do you recover from a devastating heartbreak, otherwise known as broken heart syndrome? The sufferer experiences heart pain, shortness of breath and even thinks he may be dying. Do you give in to overwhelming grief? Or do you, like the author, have personal dialogues with God searching for insight?

    In the beginning there is denial and bargaining: “God, here is my game plan. If it be Your will, let me have Liliana… and I will give her back to you.” Then anger and bitterness. “What’s wrong with me God? I hate this. Why can’t you just snap your fingers and make it happen?

    Finally, acceptance. The long six-year journey to recovery is over. The reader will not only learn about God’s plan for the author, but will learn something about God’s divine purpose in their lives as well.

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  • Divine Appointment


    Victor M’s spiritual journey began at an early age, traveling to Pune and experiencing power of God in a convention meeting, he witnessed Sister Florence spouse of Dr. Pastor Susai Joseph walking out alive after being declared dead towards end of meeting, he fell in love with Jesus Christ. He came to Bombay and obeyed in waters of Baptism in November of 1972 though he accepted Christ in November of 1970. Since then, he has searched for and explored deeper ways to experience his spiritual life, delving into the Bible.

    In The Divine Appointment, he shares his walk. Through Victor’s personal testimony, scriptural selections, and stories, he talks about his divine appointment, the prophecies he’s received, and how he’s used those messages to live his life for the glory of God.

    Victor delivers this message to help others search the heart of God more deeply by connecting them to spiritual blessings for practical living on a daily basis. The Divine Appointment helps believers soar like eagles to explore God-given blessings for their lives and how to be a blessing to others.

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  • Lets Be Real


    Let’s Be Real exposes the depths of honest grief as a 22-year-old girl says goodbye to her father after holding his hand as her family sang him happy birthday.

    At only 22, Emily Katherine Dalton never imagined her story would take such a turn, losing every sense of family and home she had ever known. The secure faith she had formed felt shattered. In Let’s Be Real, she shares her honest, gritty journey of fighting to believe all she had ever known until her world turned upside down. Fighting to name the depths of new emotions and questions she had never before held, wrestling to somehow let the people around her into the chaos, and relentlessly trying to run toward a God she had to learn to relate to all over again after facing the greatest trauma she had ever known. Let’s Be Real offers readers insight into processing emotional trauma and what authentic friendship really looks like as Emily Katherine relates and reframes stories that taught her the greatest lessons about the faith that follows trauma, grief, and loss–a faith that has to be real.

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  • Touching Down : Prayers For Daily Life


    Do you find it hard to pray? Does prayer seem divorced from your daily routine, an activity only for the religious few? It shouldn’t, for even in the most ordinary moments can provide the backdrop to a living encounter with God. In Touching Down, Nick Fawcett draws inspiration from things as mundane as a feather duster, a shopping cart, and even a burst pipe to show how prayer can touch down to earth in such a way that life in turn is touched by heaven.

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  • Prayers For Reflection


    Prayers for Reflection offers an abundant selection of over 250 prayers from some of our best-loved authors. Bringing together words of warmth and contemplation across a variety of subjects and situations, this helpful collection provides a wealth of resources for both personal and group prayer.

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  • Promises Of Home


    Those who are in the family of Christ are given the promises of God. There are many things guaranteed by God, but His greatest gifts of love are given to those whose faith is in Him. Even for the children of God, Scripture has promised both good and bad things, but His promises of love are seen in history with fulfillment of past promises and some we’re still waiting for. The written word of God is for building our faith in what He’s promised, and it tells of the future we look forward to.

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  • Wholeness : Winning In Life From The Inside Out


    Wholeness, the sophomore book from international thought leader and pastor Toure Roberts, is about removing invisible boundaries from our lives that keep us from realizing our highest potential. Roberts brilliantly lays forth the truth that in order to live an outer life without limits, we have to uncover and address the inner limitations that hide in our blind spots.

    This life-changing book explains that regardless of where you are in life, Wholeness will take you higher. Wholeness will elevate your sense of fulfillment in life, produce healthier, more rewarding relationships, and will position you for optimum success in every endeavor.

    Roberts explains we can’t always choose the experiences that keep us from being whole, but we can take control of our lives today and bring healing to any broken area. Key chapters include an in-depth relationship guide titled “Two Halves Don’t Make a Whole.” “The Cracked Mirror” shows how unprocessed experiences can negatively shape our view of self, others, and the world around us. “Ghosts of the Past” gives powerful, practical tools for avoiding the traps of the past and ensuring that we enter into the amazing future that God has planned for us.

    Wholeness is filled with wisdom garnered from Toure’s own life–raised by a single mom, narrowly escaping the trappings of inner-city life, and finding success in corporate America. His insight is further broadened by his role as founder of one of the most influential churches in the nation, with over fourteen years pastoring thousands of millennials, couples, families, and a diverse group of individuals. Wholeness will take you on a transformational journey that won’t leave you the same.

    Concluding with a “Wholeness Test,” Wholeness will help you track and maintain your progress while walking out your journey to your full potential.

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  • Get Out Of Your Head


    The visionary behind the million-strong IF: Gathering challenges Christian women to transform their outlook and their lives by interrupting their spiraling thoughts and realizing their God-given power to think differently.

    Speaker and Bible teacher Jennie Allen hears all the time from women who feel stuck in patterns of frustration and defeat. In her search for a solution, she’s learned that the greatest spiritual battle of our generation is taking place between our ears. How we think shapes how we live. So it’s crucial that we learn how to stop our spinning thoughts and refuse to fall prey to toxic thinking patterns like victimhood, anxiety, and distraction. In this book Jennie draws on biblical truth and recent discoveries in neuroscience to show exactly how we can fight the enemies of the mind with the truth of who God is and who He calls us to be.

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  • Higher Calling : Faith And Politics In The Public Square


    An exuberant autobiography that began with a fist fight at a get acquainted dance, then on to an adventurous path, cluttered with pot holes and uncertainty that took me beyond what I could ever imagine. Ultimately, it’s about how you will be remembered: is it your notable accomplishments or the values associated with who you were?

    Re-visiting my life as a congressman, I began to realize this could be the inkwell that I’d dip my quill into as I shared how becoming a Christian, plus the influence of notable leaders and plenty of serendipity that helped shaped my public persona. It was a reminder about the importance of the higher standard in serving the public interest, obviously lacking in today’s political culture.

    During my fourteen years in Congress, I witnessed first-hand the civility and trust among the leadership of both political parties that trickled down to the committee rooms and in the House Chamber that lead to notable accomplishments. My own achievements on international trade, human rights, preserving our natural resources happened only because of bipartisan support. Not so today. In the Halls of Congress and beyond (social media), it is more about radical partisanship and the special interests that reigns amok over our political system–a traumatized Congress, verifying what we don’t want to hear: this is democracy at its worst. Hopefully my book is revealing of democracy in its best form.

    For those of faith who serve in elective office, there is plenty of scrutiny, as I experienced as a Democrat. Whether it’s your adversaries, the skeptical media, or even supporters, there are lingering questions about who you are. Your moral fiber is always on the line, although some political figures manage to twist and slide and escape the judgment that they merit. And others get squarely called out and dragged before the court of public scrutiny. Hopefully, A Higher Calling well serve as a moral compass for others who must cope with their own challenges.

    My good fortune was a select number of political leaders, whose integrity and moral courage had an influence on my personal and political life that I did not fully appreciate until writing this book. A few were men of faith and others were guided by a moral compass, embracing higher standards that put the national interest first and foremost. Their actions for the common good over political and material self-interest showed me the right way.

    The act of re-living one’s past was revealing o

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  • Take A Bite Out Of Jesus


    Take a Bite Out Of Jesus is a spiritual lesson told by the author of his personal journey through hardships of failing health. Everyone at some point in their life has to meet life changing health challenges. We all have to manage our fading bodies, but take heart! We are promised a new body that clothes us! The new is from heaven and is raised in glory! The Lord will raise us up on the last day and give believers an everlasting body having the properties associated with the body of Jesus! His strength is perfected in our weakness. This can encourage us as we cope with age related health issues. So, take heart and partake of the Lords body while still in the flesh. Take a Bite Out Of Jesus right now! And, receive his promise of a better eternal body!

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  • FreeFall : Holding Onto Faith When The Unthinkable Strikes


    We all know life can change in an instant, but what happens when the life being changed is our own? Faced with her own devastating, life-altering events, author Rhonda Robinson was forced to deal with these questions. Instead of losing her faith, she became a witness to the undeniable, unseen hand of God. FreeFall, written for women experiencing tragedy, examines frequently heard but often misguided words in light of Scripture and offers unshakable truth to use in a time of profound change. Emerge a different, restored person.

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  • Fields : Our Journey Through Medicine, Mission, Life, And Faith


    This is an inspirational book written from the perspective of a Christian cancer doctor, aimed to encourage and uplift us all who are caring for each other in the valleys among the fields of life. It also reminds us of the simple but most precious gifts in life and the need to care for those less fortunate than we are. Until we walk with God in His heavenly field, we are to walk with each other through the fields and valleys on earth.

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  • Fields : Our Journey Through Medicine, Mission, Life, And Faith


    This is an inspirational book written from the perspective of a Christian cancer doctor, aimed to encourage and uplift us all who are caring for each other in the valleys among the fields of life. It also reminds us of the simple but most precious gifts in life and the need to care for those less fortunate than we are. Until we walk with God in His heavenly field, we are to walk with each other through the fields and valleys on earth.

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  • Prayer For Orion


    When Katherine James and her husband found out their son was using heroin, they struggled to come to grips with this surprising reality. In this sensitive, vulnerable memoir, award-winning novelist James tells her family’s story through her son’s addiction, overdose, and slow recovery. Not simply a look at drug abuse in suburban America, this story is also a meditation on loving a wayward child and trusting in God’s providence through it all.

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  • Living In Bonus Time


    Those who experience and survive cancer live in bonus time, a season of grace that can be both disorienting and wonderful. In this honest and hopeful account, two-time survivor Alec Hill helps readers recalibrate expectations, grapple with survivor’s guilt, and steward the opportunities for new purpose and growth. Survivors and caregivers can discover how encountering death can bring us to a different kind of life.

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  • Defying The Holocaust


    The stories of ten Christians who, at personal risk, protected and rescued Jews from the Nazis.

    During the Second World War, Christians from many nations and denominations stepped forward with courage, ingenuity and determination to protect and rescue Jews from the Holocaust. In doing so they risked their lives, and many died. Some, such as Corrie ten Boom, are celebrated, but most have been ignored. Historian Tim Dowley tells ten stories of these extraordinary women and men.

    Introduction The Nazi Holocaust: A Timeline Chapter
    1: A Most Unorthodox Nun: Mother Maria of Paris Chapter
    2: Pestilent Priests: Revd Hugh Grimes and Revd Frederick Collard, Vienna Chapter
    3: The Borders of Heaven: Jane Haining, Budapest Chapter
    4: No Hiding Place: Corrie ten Boom, Harlem Chapter
    5: Quakers and U-boats: Dr Elisabeth Abegg, Berlin Chapter
    6: The Constant Midwife: Stanislawa Leszczynska, Lodz Chapter
    7: The Monk on a Bicycle: Dom Bruno Reynders, Brussels Chapter
    8: The Vatican Pimpernel: Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty, Rome Chapter
    9: Committed Swedes: Pastors Erik Perwe and Erik Myrgren, Berlin Chapter
    10: An Elusive Missionary: Elsie Tilney, Vittel

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  • Seamless Life : A Tapestry Of Love And Learning, Worship And Work


    What if we began to see all we are and all we do–our work, our play, our relationships, our worship, our loves–as significant to God and to what God is doing in the world? In these essays Steven Garber challenges us to move beyond our fragmented sense of reality to an understanding of the seamless life–recognizing the hand of God and the handiwork of God right in the middle of our ordinary lives.

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  • All Along You Were Blooming


    A celebration of hope. An encounter with grace. A restoration of the heart. A healing of wounds. An anthem of freedom. All Along You Were Blooming is the ultimate love letter from the pen of popular Instagram poet Morgan Harper Nichols to your mind, to your heart, to your soul, and to your body.

    Morgan Harper Nichols delivers a striking collection of illustrated poetry and prose, inviting you to “stumble into the sunlight” and delight in the wild and boundless grace you’ve been given. There is a purpose in every season, and no matter how you want to race through this day or run away from this place, rest assured that you are invited to live fully–right here, right now. Light will always find you, and even when the sun sets and you sit awaiting the dawn, know you are still blooming in the way you were meant to. And in each small moment, whether in the light or the dark, you can make room for becoming, for breathing, for stumbling, and for simply being–for there is Grace, today and every day.

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  • Take The Day Off Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Begin living in a new season of God’s blessings with this companion study guide full of biblical principles for spiritual rest and growth.

    A constant stream of busyness can slowly wear away at us over time: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet believers often forget that taking a day of rest is one of the Ten Commandments!

    In Take the Day Off, Pastor Morris explains why rest is central to your wellbeing, how to do it, and how helpful it can be. Now, in this companion study guide, you will be inspired to experience true rest and make it a priority in the rhythm of your weekly schedule through motivational exercises, spiritual wisdom, and practical applications. Don’t wait and delay God’s blessings in your life. Start implementing the principle of rest in your life and you will see eternal benefits.

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  • When Mommies Cry


    When Mommies Cry details the journey of the author as she experiences the loss of her baby.

    Beth Withers Banning delves deep into her soul to express lessons she learned from her first-hand knowledge of grief and offers life lessons to assist in the grieving process for mothers everywhere. Ms. Withers Banning takes the reader through a personal narrative of her experience and shares on every level the emotions, reactions, associations, and results that came from losing her newborn son. The author has provided a resource to bring about healing for grieving mothers.

    In 2011, there were almost 24,000 known infant deaths in the United States and the average number of abortions per year is 1.06 million. Even more alarming, an estimated one in 75 conceptions miscarry, many of which create physical repercussions for the mother. These disturbing statistics expose the very real need for mothers who have lost or aborted a child. Millions of women are mourning in silence leaving their broken hearts vulnerable during the most susceptible time of their lives.

    When Mommies Cry is a valuable resource for grieving mothers. Joyce Landorf Heatherly, Owner/Author of Balcony Publishing, states, “Not too many of us that have gone through the loss of a loved one are able to articulate and record the devastation and at the same time reach and comfort the point of pain in another’s grief filled heart. But Beth Withers Banning does exactly that in When Mommies Cry. I know as she did it for me even though my son David died in 1964.” Ms. Withers Banning puts in print what some women who have gone through losing a child only think in their darkest hour.

    Women, as a whole, all want the same things–true happiness and fulfillment. When those things are threatened, lost, or severed in our lives, the journey back can be overwhelming. The author provides a step-by-step climb back to healing for the grieving mother.

    Because we are created for community, providing a forum for mothers to learn and grow from one another’s experiences can also help bring healing and produce beauty for ashes. Grieving mothers are encouraged to share this website and take advantage of this FREE opportunity to not only work through their grief by sharing their own story but help others as well.

    Feel free to contact Beth Withers Banning through her website to schedule a book signing or speaking engagement to support grieving mothers as they trek through this most devastating time of life. Ms. Wi

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  • Divine Intentions : The Life You’re Supposed To Live, The Person God Meant


    Divine Intentions takes readers on a journey of self-discovery through four key concepts: rescued, restored, relabeled, and redirected. Most people, even Christ-followers, are wounded at their core, with soul-level injuries that affect their identity. They may be hurting from past circumstances or feel trapped in their current ones. Basic discipleship sends believers on a journey…but it’s tough to take those steps while you’re hurting. Doug Reed offers healing for those who are searching for answers to both their identities in Christ and struggling with wounds from the past or present. He shares his own personal story of restoration from pornography, pride, and other issues, helping to lead readers into the light of God’s love.

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  • Jesus Calling For Easter


    Take a few moments to focus on the hope we have because of Easter in Jesus Calling(R) for Easter, a beautiful compilation that includes 50 Jesus Calling devotions and Scripture, alongside breathtaking imagery and design.

    Jesus Calling(R) for Easter is a meaningful and beautiful compilation of devotions from Sarah Young’s bestselling brand. With 50 themed selections for the Lent and Easter season, as well as high design and exquisite imagery, Jesus Calling(R) for Easter makes a stunning addition for those who love Jesus Calling(R) and would like a new way to observe the Easter season. You’ll enjoy devotions with select Scriptures about the story of Easter and the hope it brings alongside lovely images with overlaid script.

    Whether a self-purchase to enhance your observation of Easter and the death and resurrection of Christ or a gift for friends and loved ones, Jesus Calling(R) for Easter will be a central part of your Easter experience for years to come.

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  • More Than Enough


    Most collections of testimonies seek to encourage and guide believers, but this special collection serves as a profound depiction of how to endure challenges, fuel endurance, gain victories, and share testimonies in your kingdom destination.

    More than Enough offers personal narratives chronicling the authentic lessons of folks who overcame anomalies in their Christian walk. Each testimony epitomizes the supremacy of the God of infinite possibilities and provide rails for other Christian to embrace as they pursue everlasting life. Author Leila Henry Riley seeks to cement the fact that God is more than enough because He is the only one who will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. She shares stories intended to assure readers that every Christian can triumph over the most challenging obstacles by trusting and developing a deeper dependence on God.

    This compilation of inspirational testimonies presents easily understood lessons designed to uplift and build the faith of those facing seemingly impossible situations.

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  • More Than Enough


    Most collections of testimonies seek to encourage and guide believers, but this special collection serves as a profound depiction of how to endure challenges, fuel endurance, gain victories, and share testimonies in your kingdom destination.

    More than Enough offers personal narratives chronicling the authentic lessons of folks who overcame anomalies in their Christian walk. Each testimony epitomizes the supremacy of the God of infinite possibilities and provide rails for other Christian to embrace as they pursue everlasting life. Author Leila Henry Riley seeks to cement the fact that God is more than enough because He is the only one who will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. She shares stories intended to assure readers that every Christian can triumph over the most challenging obstacles by trusting and developing a deeper dependence on God.

    This compilation of inspirational testimonies presents easily understood lessons designed to uplift and build the faith of those facing seemingly impossible situations.

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  • Choose Your Perspective


    DO YOU:
    Overthink and procrastinate?
    Hold onto regrets about the past?
    See the negative side first?
    Worry about what others think?
    Want to be more creative and productive?
    Want to be more patient with yourself and others?

    In his latest book, author John Martin offers an up-close, powerful exploration of how your perspective influences your success. Choose Your Perspective is an instructive system for revealing the unique nature of your thoughts and unlocking the proven truth about using intentional thinking to:
    *Leave the past behind
    *Create mental habits that enhance a positive perspective
    *See opportunity in chaos
    *Develop an active awareness of your thinking
    *Free your mind from the criticism of others
    *Overcome distraction
    *And much more!

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  • You Are Enough


    Mandy Hale, t he creator of The Single Woman, the social media movement that rewrote the rulebook about singleness, challenges every woman to see that she is sufficient, acceptable, and complete .

    After years of trying to prove she was enough in the world’s eyes, even working alongside Oprah and hitting the New York Times bestseller list, Mandy hit rock bottom. But as it turned out, that very rock bottom became the most firm foundation she had ever planted her feet on. A foundation so solid, it finally provided the springboard she needed to outrun the taunting shadow of unworthiness that she’d tried to escape her whole life.

    Now she wants readers to see that though life may not always be lighthearted and happy and shiny, each woman is deserving of the life she dreams of and hopes for. Nothing readers do can ever take away from their worthiness or enough-ness in God’s eyes.
    This book is for any woman who wants to overcome heartbreak, claim her healing and step into wholeness!

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  • Liturgy Of The Ordinary


    Framed around one ordinary day, this book explores daily life through the lens of liturgy, small practices, and habits that form us. Each chapter looks at something author Tish Harrison Warren does in a day–making the bed, brushing her teeth, losing her keys–and relates it to spiritual practice as well as to our Sunday worship.

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  • Ireland To The Wild West


    Born in 1846 in Ireland at the start of the “Great Hunger,” James Kinnier Wilson emigrated to Philadelphia to start a new life at seventeen years old. After his life took a dramatic turn, he found himself attending Princeton and then a college in Scotland, where he met Agnes Hately, the talented daughter of a famous figure in the Scottish “Disruption”–the emergence of the Free Church of Scotland.

    Agnes and James, now newlyweds, crossed the dangerous Atlantic and settled in rural New Jersey. While there, Agnes wrote intimate letters home about her children, the people around her, the church, and the dangers of endemic disease.

    Called in 1878 to the Wild West to found churches and to farm, Agnes again revealed in detail the conditions of her life on the frontier and her impressions of American women, cowboys, servant girls, church-goers, and provides some never before seen detail to what is called the “Last Indian Raid in Kansas.”

    In Ireland to the Wild West, Marcus Paul uses these letters penned by Agnes to take readers on a journey through Agnes and James’ engagement, marriage, dangerous travels, and their arrival and life in America. Through her letters, a treasure trove for historians, readers will gain a unique insight to that time period and will find an engrossing and inspiring story of romance, faith, tragedy, and hope.

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  • People I Met At The Gates Of Heaven


    This is the book you’ve been waiting for! Picking up where bestselling 90 Minutes in Heaven left off, Don Piper reveals for the first time the sacred, intimate details of the people who met him at the gates of heaven and the profound impact they had on his faith on earth.

    In this incredible follow-up to his eight-million-copy bestseller, 90 Minutes in Heaven, Don Piper shares untold stories about his encounters with people who greeted him at the gates of heaven, and offers powerful insights about the way for us to live our lives on earth. Don Piper’s unforgettable account of a horrific car accident that took his life, and what happened next has riveted more than eight million readers. Something happened as he shared his story in the years since. Not only did Piper realize he had more to tell, he had yet to share the most sacred and intimate details of his time in heaven about the people who met him at the gates. “I have never left a speaking engagement without people wanting to know more,” he said in THE PEOPLE I MET IN HEAVEN, Piper takes readers deeper into his experience, which includes never-before-told encounters with the people who met him when he arrived in heaven-those who helped him on his journey that led to the entrance to God’s heavenly home. Even more, Piper recounts the majesty of heaven and the glorious reunion that awaits us there. He offers practical insights, inspiration, and a challenging call that while we’re on earth we need to obey Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples of all nations.”

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  • Tender Whispers Of Love Poetry


    “Poetry? Who reads poetry anymore?”

    Actually, poetry is more a part of our lives than we at first might think. The lyrics of songs we love that speak to us in a big way are composed of poetry. The Psalms-from which we can glean so much spiritual support-and the well-known hymns we sing are all poetry.

    Ellen invites you on a journey. Together, you can explore the glorious highs and the bewildering lows that life can bring in these powerfully rich poems that express freedom, joy, and hope in Jesus as well as deep grief, loneliness, and other more difficult topics.

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  • Tender Whispers Of Love Poetry


    “Poetry? Who reads poetry anymore?”

    Actually, poetry is more a part of our lives than we at first might think. The lyrics of songs we love that speak to us in a big way are composed of poetry. The Psalms-from which we can glean so much spiritual support-and the well-known hymns we sing are all poetry.

    Ellen invites you on a journey. Together, you can explore the glorious highs and the bewildering lows that life can bring in these powerfully rich poems that express freedom, joy, and hope in Jesus as well as deep grief, loneliness, and other more difficult topics.

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  • Seductive Slayers Of Success


    “I am not a neat nut. Let me start with that confession. Don’t let the title of this chapter, Clean the Clutter, fool you into thinking I have all my ducks in a row. If I had ducks, they would not be in a straight line. Or all accounted for.”–Rosalinda Rivera

    The snooze button on your alarm clock. The “brilliant shortcut” that makes you late. The unwritten to-do list that you follow from the time you get out of bed till the time you crawl back in it, making each day seem like the last.

    These things are all The Seductive Slayers of Success–the little things that add up and try to stop you from moving forward and realizing your dreams. Rosalinda Rivera has been there and she knows just how to help you get up, move on, and Harness Your Strengths to Take Control of Your Destiny.

    Using stories from her own life as well as Scripture, Rosalinda offers encouragement to help you kick the negative aspects of life to the curb and jump start your way to a brighter tomorrow. Like a close friend, she gives inspirational, down-to-earth advice with a dash of humor thrown in.

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  • Saints At Heart


    Saints at Heart presents an engaging picture of the spiritual life as shown in the experience and writings of the saints. The title announces the book’s double theme: the lives of holy men and women, who have consecrated their lives to God, and to the possibility of our following them and also dedicating our hearts to God. Readers will discover in this book well-told and appealing stories of women and men, ordinary human beings like themselves, who knew God and whose lives as a consequence radiated light, love, and joy. Each story presents the core message of a saint’s life and highlights an important dimension of spirituality–a spiritual path–that he or she characteristically manifested and that readers will be encouraged to follow.

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  • Wing Over Wing


    Wing Over Wing clears a path in the midst of everyday life to reveal the holy-whether catching fireflies at night, waiting at a bus stop, or experiencing the death of a loved one. This collection of beautiful poems lives at the intersection of the sacred and the ordinary, from the swirling flight of birds to conversations with the homeless. Wing Over Wing brims with compassion. The reader will find comfort and sustenance, as well as surprise and laughter, in these pages.

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  • Signs Of Life


    Every day we lose a little bit of something.

    Career plans wither. Friendships crumble. Our zeal for Jesus wanes. Whether it’s the demise of ideals and expectations, belief in the church, a previously healthy relationship, or our image of ourselves: we all experiences losses.

    So does the God of the resurrection have anything to say to our hurts? Was Christ’s resurrection a once-and-done thing, or is there hope for healing and restoration now?
    In Signs of Life, pastor and writer Stephanie Lobdell leads readers into the grand story of God’s saving action and resurrection power. Punctuated with stories of biblical figures such as Sarah, Naaman, Saul, and Anna–who faced ordinary deaths and also God’s reviving power — Signs of Life claims Jesus’ resurrection matters now. In candid and artful prose, Lobdell shares stories of her own depression, loss of confidence, and disillusionment with the church.

    Hope isn’t cheap, and you can’t muscle your way through to joy. There’s no sense in pretending everything is fine. Yet through it all, Lobdell claims, God breathes life into what seems beyond redemption. Through it all, the resurrection matters.

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  • Mythical Me : Finding Freedom From Constant Comparison


    Do you ever find yourself stuck in the comparison trap? Speaker and author Richella Parham knows what this feels like, often finding herself admiring one person’s achievements, someone else’s personality, another’s skills, yet another’s relationships or appearance. While there are no easy answers, Parham helps readers pick up practices that help us walk in the freedom of Christ with confidence in ourselves.

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  • Christmas Ideals 2019 (Anniversary)


    Loyal readers are drawn to Ideals for its celebration of life’s most treasured moments. This 75th anniversary edition of Christmas Ideals continues a long legacy of providing inspiration and comfort to readers.

    This classic collection of all things Christmas includes poetry, essays, quotations, and recipes, as well as Bible excerpts from the story of the first Christmas. Each carefully chosen selection is accompanied by beautiful, full-color artwork or photography, adding to the reasons loyal readers have sought out each year’s edition since 1944.

    An additional 32 pages of retrospective content commemorates this landmark year, including re-created pages from throughout the decades, as well as classic recipes and a brief history of the long-lived publication.

    Perfect for sharing with loved ones and friends, this special 75th anniversary edition of Christmas Ideals will bring Christmas to hearts and homes.

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  • Be Extra Ordinary


    What’s holding you back from being the extraordinary person you were created to be?

    Inspirational author and speaker Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta walks you through ten steps you can start taking today to elevate your life to next-level joy, success, and contentment. A survivor of intense bullying, Maryanne shares her hard-won wisdom to empower you to embrace your uniqueness, connect with the people who deserve you, and cultivate the courage to create the life you’ve always wanted.

    You’ll learn how to love, respect, and advocate for yourself so you can become your own superhero-no cape required!

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  • Amid Passing Things


    Amid Passing Things is a collection of meditations on all the ways God enters our lives, even when we’re unaware. Based on his own life experiences, Franciscan friar Jeremiah Shryock offers both struggles and joys that come in a life that’s consciously encountering God–the Holy One all around us–not in some far-off place, but right here and now in this life, amid passing things.

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  • Take The Day Off


    Rest your mind, body, and spirit and focus on God’s principles for keeping the Sabbath with this helpful guide from bestselling author Robert Morris.

    A constant stream of busyness can slowly wear away at us over time: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet believers often forget that taking a day of rest is one of the Ten Commandments! When we don’t give our minds and emotions a break, our will to make good choices can often become compromised. Resting is also important to those around you. If you have a weary soul, you can’t pour yourself into others at home, work, or wherever you are. It’s vital-you must take the day off.

    In Take the Day Off, Pastor Morris explains why rest is central to your wellbeing, how to do it, and how helpful it can be. You will be inspired to experience true rest and make it a priority in the rhythm of your weekly schedule. Don’t wait and delay God’s blessings in your life. Start implementing the principle of rest in your life and you will see eternal benefits.

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  • Healing The Soul Of A Woman


    Internationally renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer draws on her own history of abuse to show women how Christ’s redeeming love heals emotional wounds and brings joy to life.

    Can a woman who has been deeply hurt by life’s circumstances be healed, heart and soul? If she has been wounded by a man she loved and trusted, can she love and trust again? As a woman who endured years of abuse, abandonment, and betrayal by those closest to her, Joyce Meyer can answer with a resounding “yes!”

    Meyer’s positivity comes from living her own journey, and from seeing so many women who don’t believe they can fully overcome their pain–or even know where to begin–find the guidance they need in the life-changing wisdom of the Bible.

    Meyer’s bestseller Beauty for Ashes told of her personal story of healing. Now, with the passage of more time, HEALING THE SOUL OF A WOMAN delves deeper into Joyce’s story and the journey of healing for all women. Each chapter guides you through whatever obstacles may be holding you back to find your true destiny as God’s beloved. God can heal all pain, and He wants to do this in you. Let HEALING THE SOUL OF A WOMAN be the first step toward the wonderful, joyful future God intends for you.

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  • Jesus Always Large Text Cloth Botanical Cover (Large Type)


    Reflect on the joy that can be yours because of Jesus in Jesus Always, bestselling author Sarah Young’s first 365-day devotional since Jesus Calling(R), now available in large text format with Scriptures written out and a beautiful fabric botanical cover. Experience true joy–now and always.

    Life today is full of difficulties–loss, sadness, fear. In the midst of these challenges, joy often feels impossible or out of reach. But Jesus has more for His followers than a life of striving, pain, and discontent. He offers life abundant, life brimming with joy! Jesus Always, the new 365-day devotional from bestselling author Sarah Young, was written as part of Sarah Young’s exploration of the promises of joy in Scripture. Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to the reader, Jesus Always invites you into a new way of living–a life of joy.

    Reaching out with joy-filled reminders from the Word of God, these devotions will intimately and gently connect you with Jesus–the One who meets you where you are. Draw near to Him in Jesus Always.

    This edition is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling(R) line. The on-trend fabric cover with foil has feminine floral touches, giving a gorgeous, elegant feel, along with large text and written-out scripture verses.

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  • Anxious For Nothing


    Anxiety is at an all time high, but there’s a prescription for dealing with it. Max Lucado invites readers into a study of Philippians 4:6-7 where the Apostle Paul admonishes the followers of Christ, “Do not be anxious about anything . . .”

    Philippians 4:6 encourages the believer to “be anxious for nothing.” As Lucado states, the apostle Paul seems to leave little leeway here. “Be anxious for nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero.”

    What’s he suggesting? That we should literally be anxious for absolutely nothing? Lucado says, “The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional. It’s the life of perpetual anxiety that Paul wants to address. Don’t let anything in life leave you perpetually in angst.”

    Americans especially know about living in perpetual anxiety. According to one research program, anxiety-related issues are the number one mental health problem among women and are second only to alcohol and drug abuse among men. Stress-related ailments cost the nation $300 billion every year in medical bills and lost productivity. And use of sedative drugs like Xanax and Valium have skyrocketed in the last 15 years. Even students are feeling it. One psychologist reports that the average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950s.

    “The news about our anxiety is enough to make us anxious,” says Lucado. But there’s a prescription for dealing with it. Lucado invites readers into a study of Philippians 4:6-7, the most highlighted passage of any book on the planet, according to Amazon:

    Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    “With His help you will learn to face the calamities of life. You’ll learn how to talk yourself off the ledge. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will learn to view bad news through the lens of sovereignty; to discern the lies of Satan and tell yourself the truth. You will manifest a gentleness that is evident to others. Anxiety comes with life. But it doesn’t have to dominate your life.”

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  • Blessed Is She Who Believes Journal


    Donned with images from nature, the Blessed is She Hardcover Wirebound Journal is visually stunning and thematically encouraging. Branches of flowers and leaves seem to spiral around the cover’s edges, and vivid, detailed birds and butterflies nestle in and flutter about the colorful boughs. The background of the journal’s cover is a dark eggplant. Centered in the middle of the wreathing foliage is gold-foiled text: “Blessed is she who believes,” written in a combination of thin block print and delicate cursive. This notebook’s design reminds us of both of the blessing of nature, as well as of the blessing that comes from being a courageous and loving woman of faith. This large notebook is spiral-bound with gold wire, which coordinates with the foiled writing on the cover. The book contains 192 lined pages for journaling or note-taking, and the durable cover protects the notebook’s pages and prevents any bending or damage. The Blessed is She Collection offers products with matching designs and fonts and includes useful and stylish items such as a canvas tote bag, coordinating notebooks of varying material, and large decorative magnets. Any of these items are exceptional gifts to a strong believing woman and will remind her of the blessings that come being faith-filled! Size: 8.35 x 6.42 x 0.94 (212 x 163 x 24mm)

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