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Showing 901–1000 of 2437 results

  • Chosen


    Chosen to be the recipient of a great gift, Glenn Hitch receives a title pointing to the destiny all mankind was originally purposed for. Glenn’s new abilities include the same gift granted to Elisha’s servant in answer to the prophet’s prayer: the ability to see the true reality of the war he was engaged in. The struggle not with flesh and blood, as so many would readily assume, but instead with the spiritual forces that feed on and drive much of the conflict in this life. Glenn must learn to balance the demands of love and the requirements of service that flow from these new abilities. Glenn knows what many deny: there really are angels and demons, and both are involved in people’s lives and decisions. By serving others who doubt that truth, Glenn searches for the answer to the questions that haunt him the most: Why was I chosen, and what does it mean to be chosen?

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  • Damaged Goods


    Major General Lee Chinh started at the mirror, wondering what she had seen in him. His damaged body should have repelled her, yet she had loved him anyway. But now, Hope had been taken from him, along with the unborn child that had filled his mind with such expectation and anticipated joy. How could he ever be whole again without her? What value or future did the life hold for him now? How could someone who was so damaged ever be reclaimed? Chinh would discover the answer to these questions, half a world away, where a stranger, living in the country he had once considered his enemy, was struggling with her own loss and the mounting confrontation with forces conspiring to destroy her and her family. Confronted with the challenge to serve another, Chinh discovers that his own loss is inexplicably intertwined with that woman’s story. He finds that his battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of wickedness, which desire to enslave not only him, but others he would learn to love.

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  • Over Maya Dead Body


    While vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard, Serena Jones becomes entangled in a suspicious death with ties to an international antiquities smuggling ring. Will she find the killer before another person dies?

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  • Mothers Secret


    An unwed Amish woman yearns for real love and a family. The only thing in her way is the shame she’s been carrying for half of her life.

    Thirty-one-year-old Carolyn Lapp has never been married-but she’s been a mother for fifteen years. In a community with strict standards and a long memory, Carolyn knows she might never find a man who will have her and her son, Benjamin.

    Carolyn’s family tries to marry her off to a widower with a daughter who needs a mother. A marriage of convenience doesn’t sound so bad, yet despite her loneliness, Carolyn knows what she really wants: a traditional Amish family and a marriage for love.

    When Benjamin gets into trouble at an auction, he finds himself beholden to a handsome horse breeder named Joshua Glick. Joshua and Carolyn feel an instant attraction, and soon a romance is budding between them. The trouble is Joshua believes Benjamin is Carolyn’s nephew, not her son.

    After years of shame and loneliness, Carolyn suddenly has two men vying for her attention. Can either man give her the family-and the unconditional love-she longs for? Or will her past once again sabotage the future she wants?

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  • Long Way Gone


    “No matter where you go, no matter whether you succeed or fail, stand or fall, no gone is too far gone. You can always come home.”

    At the age of eighteen, musician and songwriter Cooper O’Connor took everything his father held dear and drove 1,200 miles from home to Nashville, his life riding on a six-string guitar and the bold wager that he had talent. But his wager soon proved foolish.

    Five years after losing everything, he falls in love with Daley Cross, an angelic voice in need of a song. But just as he realizes his love for Daley, Cooper faces a tragedy that threatens his life as well as his career. With nowhere else to go, he returns home to the remote Colorado mountains, searching for answers about his father and his faith.

    When Daley shows up on his street corner twenty years later, he wonders if it’s too late to tell her the truth about his past-and if he is ready to face it himself.

    A radical retelling of the prodigal son story, Long Way Gone takes us from tent revivals to the Ryman Auditorium to the tender relationship between a broken man and the father who never stopped calling him home.

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  • Following Destiny


    Lexie Logan learned her lessons–or did she?

    Spending three months in 1857 Kansas forced her to evaluate her priorities. She has returned to the twenty-first century and now must face the fears that caused her to rebel in the first place.

    How can Lexie explain the jagged cut on her arm or the mention of her name in nineteenth-century letters and diaries she sent to her cousin for safe keeping? How can she keep her time-travel experience a secret … or can she? How will her fiance, Lance Garrett, respond when he finds out? What impact will Lexie’s visit to the past have on her future?

    Though she made promises, will she keep them? Or will she let her fears to control her actions and rule her destiny?

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  • Beyond The Fire


    Destry Cotton was not from Amity nor did she care about its rich and colorful past. However, this Christmas her husband insisted they travel to his home, where Destry met her in-laws for the first time. Trapped with the Cottons by a terrible blizzard, Destry not only began to learn about Amity, but Bill Cotton spoke of his own struggle with life and the impact doubt and fear had taken on his family, his friends and his nation. As Bill told of God’s supernatural intervention, Destry began to wonder if the God she professed to believe would actually interact with humans. Was it even possible? Pull up a chair, join Destry and witness how God intervened to rescue a nation and help his people learn to live Beyond the Fire.

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  • Ascension Of Larks


    When globetrotting photographer Maggie Henry loses the only man she’s ever loved, she jeopardizes her rising career and steps in to care for her best friends’ three young children on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest.

    Free-spirited and fiercely independent, Maggie’s star is rising fast. But she has a secret. She can’t let go of her first and only love, renowned architect Marco Firelli, now married to her best friend Lena. With the shattering news of Marco’s death, Maggie rushes to the Firelli family’s summer home on San Juan Island and attempts to provide stability for the children as fragile, perfectionist Lena slowly falls apart. When Maggie is offered a once-in-a-lifetime chance to compete in the world’s most prestigious photography competition, she finds herself unable to leave the only family she has during their time of need. Devastated, Maggie takes a series of photographs documenting their life in limbo. A mysterious man appears on the island, and Maggie soon realizes there is more to him than meets the eye. Daniel Wolfe, an award-winning Native American poet hiding in exile on the island, is responsible for Marco’s death. Maggie is both drawn to and repelled by Daniel, a sensitive, tortured soul with secrets of his own. Out of their loneliness and grief they form an unlikely friendship. Maggie develops her recent photographs, and she’s elated to discover that they are good enough for the photography competition. She still has a chance to win. But she must first relinquish the past so that she can move forward and embrace the reality of her unexpected life.

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  • High As The Heavens


    Page-Turning Intrigue and Romance from an Up-and-Coming Historical Romance Talent

    In 1917, Evelyn Marche is just one of many women who has been widowed by the war. A British nurse trapped in German-occupied Brussels, she spends her days working at a hospital and her nights as a waitress in her aunt and uncle’s cafe. Eve also has a carefully guarded secret keeping her in constant danger: She’s a spy working for a Belgian resistance group in league with the British Secret Service.

    When a British plane crashes in Brussels Park, Eve is the first to reach the downed plane and is shocked to discover she recognizes the badly injured pilot. British RFC Captain Simon Forrester is now a prisoner of war, and Eve knows he could be shot as a spy at any time. She risks her own life to hide him from the Germans, but as the danger mounts and the secrets between them grow, their chance of survival looks grim. And even if they do make it out alive, the truth of what lies between them may be more than any love can overcome.

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  • Dark Deception


    New Edge-of-Your-Seat Read from an Established Romantic Suspense Author

    Kate O’Brien has been leading a quiet life in small-town Shelter Cove, Arkansas, for the past four years when her past suddenly comes roaring back to life. Four years ago, she and her twin sister were attacked by an elusive serial killer. Only Kate survived, and it was her drawing of the attacker–along with some last-minute evidence–that convicted the suspect. She’s been in witness protection ever since, but new evidence suggests the convicted man isn’t the murderer and she’s been subpoenaed to testify in the new trial.

    Nervous about the risk, she’ll only agree if the same marshal who protected her during the original trial escorts her to St. Louis. Deputy U.S. Marshal Tony DeLuca accepts the assignment to bring Kate to the trial, remembering how her strength impressed him. While in Shelter Cove, however, he gets a call from his chief, advising them to stay in Shelter Cove until a new development in the case can be straightened out. But when Kate’s safety is threatened, Tony must race against the clock to keep her alive and put this ugly case to rest before anyone else gets killed.

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  • Hopeful Heart


    Hannah Glick married the love of her life, but was widowed too young. Is she ready to risk her heart-and her family-for a new love? Hannah finds herself at a crossroads in her life. Her community offers her love and support after the untimely death of her husband, but an Englisher offers her the chance of a new life after her unexpected tragedy. Wealthy businessman Trey Peterson is surprised by his attraction to the gentle Amish woman who works as a housekeeper in the Lancaster Grand Hotel. They share a common bond of loss and are able to offer each other comfort and support as they journey through their grief. Joshua Glick wants nothing more than to offer his friendship and love to Hannah and her family. Not only is he her late husband’s brother and business partner, he has always been in love with Hannah. A Hopeful Heart is filled with surprising twists as Hannah tries to balance her life in the Amish community and her growing love for an outsider.

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  • Angel Remembered : A Novel Based On A True Story


    God decrees a special child will be born, and carefully chooses the parents who will give her life. Since the moment of conception Lenora is a child of God and will share a unique personal relationship with the Almighty. She fulfills God’s plan as an angel on earth starting from an early age.

    When her three-year-old brother has a horrific accident, she asks God if He can send an angel. The Lord dispatches the Angel Gabriel, who is quite humorous in addition to being strikingly handsome. Throughout the story, he will pop in and vanish at will.

    An Angel Remembered is based on a true story. The author uses her own vivid imagination throughout the book, but numerous events happened as written.

    Allow yourselves to fall in love with a cast of memorable characters as you travel with them from World War II into the year 2000.

    Remember, with God all things are possible.

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  • Secret Promise


    Set in 1907, Secret Promise follows the story of Caroline, a teacher who derives her only satisfaction in life from her job but cannot help being attracted to Jake who just inherited a store in town. Events transpire that allow a romance to develop that leads both Caroline and Jake to rely on prayer and laughter.

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  • Distortion Of Reality


    A Distortion of Reality has an Orwellian feel with a twist leaving the time open to being past, present or future. With the minds imagination, what seems to be is not always what is and much is left open for the reader to participate in the creation of the characters.

    The story begins with the main character completely overwhelmed by something or someone, reality or dreamed, taken for an unknown amount of time, physically examined, tortured, injected with unknown substances and left totally confused. The Party makes it all but impossible to have the freedom of a personal life although there is still room for the trials of romance, if in fact they are real.

    Be it mystery, science fiction or fantasy, or maybe a combination of all, this story will keep its reader anxious to find out what will happen next, and will take you back a little with the Hitchcock style ending.

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  • Party Of One


    One Woman, A Great Idea-Party of One Inspires and Delights. When widow Annie McGee breaks through grief, she falls flat on her face into loneliness. In a bold move, she founds Party of One, a communal table for single diners. Outside of these weekly gatherings at a local restaurant, she has no intention of getting involved in the diverse lives of the people who join her. Set in her ways and critical, Annie believes she has all the answers she needs for her life and some left over for others. When confusion and curiosity chip away at her pride, she asks God for a sign, then gets way more than she hopes for. Her self-assurance continues to falter when she realizes the only thing weirder than the quirks of her eclectic tablemates is her fear of losing their company.

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  • Tom And Huck Vol 1


    The idyllic boyhood shared by Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn has been just a memory. Time has passed and now, as adults, they are thrust into the worst sectional violence America has ever witnessed, a precursor of the Civil War, between abolitionist, activists, and pro-slavery proponents. A new time of mistrust, murder, and mayhem is the new norm. In this atmosphere of division and chaos, one bad decision changes their lives forever. They must depend on each other now more than any other time in their lives because everything they know and love has been swept away. As Confederate soldiers in this most trying time, loyalty to each other is all they have.

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  • Miracle Maker And The Misfits


    “Abby.” She felt his hand gently touching her shoulder. “Mom was murdered.”

    “Charley!” Abby screamed, shooting off her chair. “Charley, what are you saying?” Her lips were spread thin in panic.

    “Abby, I can tell you no more now, except that my father is a very dangerous man. For now we could all be in danger.”

    After years of separation, Julie had found peace and was excited to come home and be reunited with her crazed son, Charley, and her now grown sister, Abby.

    But Julie never made it home.

    When the shocking news of Julie’s death forced Abby to her sister’s burial, all of Abby’s dreams laid in that pine box along side of Julie. Their childhood days remained locked up inside of Abby and in the journals Julie had left behind.

    But Abby doesn’t have much time to grieve, because when the Miracle Maker comes to the rural backwoods of Perjure County, he sets the young Charley free from legions of demons and ushers in a battle between light and darkness. Abby, a writer for the Edge Water Times, is assigned to follow this story, but she has no idea what this story will cost her.

    Heart-shocking suspense follows Abby as she uncovers the truth of Julie’s death. As a sinister plot develops and controversy explodes, John, an old mysterious hero of yesteryears, steps back into Abby’s life. He and his friends are big believers in the Miracle Maker.

    But, who is powerful enough to unlock Abby’s heart and help her to believe for a miracle? Who cares enough to rewrite hope into the script of her miserable life?

    Find out in The Miracle Maker and the Misfits.

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  • Dream Of Miracles


    Amish widow Mattie vows never to love again . . . until a suspicious outsider with a shadowy past comes crashing into her fragile world. Mattie Diener can barely keep it together. A young Amish widow and mother of two young children, she faces the lingering heartbreak of lost love, her son’s mysterious illness, and a torrent of accusations that threaten to undo her.
    Bo Lambright is a fast-rising social services investigator whose high-society mother won’t rest until she finds his Mrs. Right. Despite Bo’s worldly success, the raw ache of a shadowy past and a series of unsettling dreams have left him reeling.

    When Mattie and Bo cross paths, all signs point to disaster. Yet as they face a crucible of trials and tragedies together, longings begin to stir that seem destined only to end in more heartbreak. Is a miracle possible-not only of healing but of forbidden love? What secrets lie in Bo’s dreams? And will Mattie find the courage to face her uncertain future . . . or will she simply run away?

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  • Anchored By Death


    Police Chief Jo Oliver needed a little time to herself. But when her escape to Wisconsin turns deadly, she teams up with FBI agent Nick Vitarello, hoping to catch the Bow Tie Killer. Their romantic past and complicated present lead them into uncharted territory as they match wits with a psychopath bent on destroying everything they hold dear.

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  • Miracle Maker And The Misfits


    “Abby.” She felt his hand gently touching her shoulder. “Mom was murdered.”

    “Charley!” Abby screamed, shooting off her chair. “Charley, what are you saying?” Her lips were spread thin in panic.

    “Abby, I can tell you no more now, except that my father is a very dangerous man. For now we could all be in danger.”

    After years of separation, Julie had found peace and was excited to come home and be reunited with her crazed son, Charley, and her now grown sister, Abby.

    But Julie never made it home.

    When the shocking news of Julie’s death forced Abby to her sister’s burial, all of Abby’s dreams laid in that pine box along side of Julie. Their childhood days remained locked up inside of Abby and in the journals Julie had left behind.

    But Abby doesn’t have much time to grieve, because when the Miracle Maker comes to the rural backwoods of Perjure County, he sets the young Charley free from legions of demons and ushers in a battle between light and darkness. Abby, a writer for the Edge Water Times, is assigned to follow this story, but she has no idea what this story will cost her.

    Heart-shocking suspense follows Abby as she uncovers the truth of Julie’s death. As a sinister plot develops and controversy explodes, John, an old mysterious hero of yesteryears, steps back into Abby’s life. He and his friends are big believers in the Miracle Maker.

    But, who is powerful enough to unlock Abby’s heart and help her to believe for a miracle? Who cares enough to rewrite hope into the script of her miserable life?

    Find out in The Miracle Maker and the Misfits.

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  • Threads Of Suspicion (Reprinted)


    Dee Henderson Pens Another Compelling Cold Case Mystery

    Evie Blackwell’s reputation as a top investigator for the Illinois State Police has landed her an appointment to the governor’s new Missing Persons Task Force. This elite investigative team is launched with plenty of public fanfare. The governor has made this initiative a high priority, so they will have to produce results–and quickly.

    Evie and her new partner, David Marshal, are assigned to a pair of unrelated cases in suburban Chicago, and while both involve persons now missing for several years, the cases couldn’t be more different. While Evie opens old wounds in a close-knit neighborhood to find a missing college student, David searches for a private investigator working for a high-powered client.

    With a deep conviction that “justice for all” truly matters, Evie and David are unrelenting in their search for the truth. But Evie must also find answers to the questions that lie just beneath the surface in her personal life.

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  • True To You (Reprinted)


    Exciting Start of a Brand-New Series by a Contemporary Romance Fan Favorite

    After a devastating heartbreak three years ago, genealogist and historical village owner Nora Bradford has decided that burying her nose in her work and her books is far safer than romance in the here and now.

    Unlike Nora, former Navy SEAL and Medal of Honor recipient John Lawson is a modern-day man, usually 100 percent focused on the present. But when he’s diagnosed with an inherited condition, he’s forced to dig into the secrets of his past and his adoption as an infant, enlisting Nora to help him uncover the identity of his birth mother.

    The more time they spend together, the more this pair of opposites suspects they just might be a perfect match. However, John’s already dating someone and Nora’s not sure she’s ready to trade her crushes on fictional heroes for the risks of a real relationship. Finding the answers they’re seeking will test the limits of their identity, their faith, and their devotion to one another.

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  • Hideaway


    When her grandmother’s will wrenches Sara back home from New Orleans, she learns more about Margaret Van Buren in the wake of her death than she ever did in life. After her last remaining family member dies, Sara Jenkins goes home to The Hideaway, her grandmother Mags’s ramshackle B&B in Sweet Bay, Alabama. She intends to quickly tie up loose ends then return to her busy life and thriving antique shop in New Orleans. Instead, she learns Mags has willed her The Hideaway and charged her with renovating it-no small task considering Mags’s best friends, a motley crew of senior citizens, still live there. Rather than hurrying back to New Orleans, Sara stays in Sweet Bay and begins the biggest house-rehabbing project of her career. Amid Sheetrock dust, old memories, and a charming contractor, she discovers that slipping back into life at The Hideaway is easier than she expected. Then she discovers a box Mags left in the attic with clues to a life Sara never imagined for her grandmother. With help from Mags’s friends, Sara begins to piece together the mysterious life of bravery, passion, and choices that changed Mags’s destiny in both marvelous and devastating ways. When an opportunistic land developer threatens to seize The Hideaway, Sara is forced to make a choice-stay in Sweet Bay and fight for the house and the people she’s grown to love or leave again and return to her successful but solitary life in New Orleans.

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  • Building Benjamin : Naomi’s Journey


    Love Grows Where God Grafts the Tender Shoot. Naomi desires to dance well enough to catch the eye of a wealthy landowner. Her father needs a substantial bride price due to the deaths of her brothers at the hands of the tribe of Benjamin. But when Benjamites raid the Ephraimite feast and capture young girls, Naomi is bound and carried from her home by Eliab, a troubled shepherd who needs a wife. As Naomi awaits rescue, she finds Eliab has a strong faith in God and a just reason for abducting her. A reason that affects all the tribes of Israel. The future of the tribe of Benjamin hangs in the balance, but if Naomi follows her heart and stays with Eliab to rebuild his lineage, she must forfeit her family and become a traitor to her own tribe.

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  • Fragile Hope : A Novel


    Josiah Chamberlain’s life’s work revolves around repairing other people’s marriages. When his own is threatened by his wife’s unexplained distance, and then threatened further when she’s unexpectedly plunged into an unending fog, Josiah finds his expertise, quick wit and clever quips are no match for a relationship that is clearly broken. Feeling betrayed, confused, and ill-equipped for a crisis this crippling, he reexamines everything he knows about the fragility of hope and the strength of his faith and love. Love seems to have failed him. Will what’s left of his faith fail him, too? Or will it be the one thing that holds him together and sears through the impenetrable wall that separates them?

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  • Reliant : Why Would A Good God Let This Happen To Us


    When the dollar collapses, widespread rioting and looting threaten the peace of a family in Zanesville, Ohio. Eight children tragically lose their parents in the chaos. The oldest, 19-year-old lovesick Sophie, is forced to care for her defenseless and hungry siblings in a stretch of woods surrounded by lawless anarchy. Their father has been killed, and their mother and Adam, Sophie’s fiance, have gone missing. Running out of food and facing threats from encroaching marauders, they are tempted to doubt God’s love.

    When Adam is found and Sophie discovers he has resorted to looting to survive, she cannot bring herself to forgive him, however hard he tries to make amends. Must he sacrifice everything to win her back?

    When the group captures a thief, they learn the attack on their home was no random act of violence. Torn between justice and mercy, with their allies turning against them, their faith is heated in the fire.

    Will God answer their prayers and deliver them, or must their faith remain blind to facts?

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  • Patriot And The Loyalist


    Completing his three years in the Continental Army, Daniel Reid still has no desire to return home–not after losing the woman he loves to a British Captain–so he volunteers to ride south through enemy lines and deliver a message to Colonel Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox. With his temper needing a release and a dark haired beauty finding her way into his broken heart, Daniel decides to join the Swamp Fox’s efforts against the British. Little does he know the British still have the upper hand.

    Lydia Reynolds has learned that love comes at a price, and she refuses to pay. Better to close her heart to everything and everyone. When her brother-in-law won’t grant her passage to England, where she hopes to hide from her pain, New Englander, Daniel Reid, becomes her only hope–if she can induce him to give her information about the notorious Swamp Fox and his troops. When the British grow impatient and Daniel evades her questions, Lydia must decide how far to take her charade. The poor man, already gutted by love, hasn’t grown as wise as she. Or so she supposes…

    Until the truth is known, the muskets are loaded…and it is time to decide where true loyalties lie.

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  • Sandpiper Cove : A Hope Harbor Novel (Reprinted)


    Hope Harbor police chief Lexie Graham has plenty on her plate raising her son alone and dealing with a sudden rash of petty theft and vandalism in her coastal Oregon hometown. As a result, she has zero time for extracurricular activities–including romance. Ex-con Adam Stone isn’t looking for love either–but how ironic is it that the first woman to catch his eye is a police chief? Yet wishing for things that can never be is foolish.

    Nevertheless, when Lexie enlists Adam’s help to keep a young man from falling into a life of crime, sparks begin to fly. And as they work together, it soon becomes apparent that God may have a different–and better–future planned for them than either could imagine.

    Lauded by Library Journal as “a master at character development,” Irene Hannon welcomes readers back to this charming Oregon seaside village where hearts heal–and love blooms.

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  • Chapel Car Bride


    Intriguing Glimpse into the Past by Bestselling Historical Author Judith Miller

    With her penchant for seeing the best in everyone, Hope Irvine sees a world full of good people in hard places. When her father accepts a position traveling in a chapel car as an on-the-rail missionary, she is determined to join him in his efforts and put her musical skills to good use by serving the mining families of West Virginia, saving their souls, and bettering their lives.

    Luke Hughes shares Hope’s love of music and her love of God, but as a poor miner he knows he can offer her no future. Still, the notes she sings resonate in his heart. When she begins to travel with a young mine manager to neighboring counties, Luke can hardly suppress his jealousy. It isn’t until he begins to suspect these missions of mercy might be the mine manager’s cover for illegal purposes, though, that Luke feels justified in speaking up. But how can he discover the truth without hurting Hope or, worse, putting her in danger?

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  • Hello Stars


    Being in the movies is all Lena Daniels has ever wanted. Headstrong and determined, she knows there’s nothing else in the world she’d rather do. But now that she’s gotten her wish, Lena finds that being in the spotlight is harder than it sounds. She got everything she never wanted! Her face turns up everywhere she goes, and everything in her life is flipped upside down. With her face plastered everywhere, Lena wonders if this is a dream come true or a horrible nightmare. Even a sleepover with her best friends, Savannah and Emma, turns into a disaster. Lena wonders if she’ll ever feel normal again. With her little sisters, Ansley, Ashton, and Amber, constantly at her side, Lena must face the challenges of everyday life while chasing her dreams of being a model and actress on the big screen. Lena tackles challenges, learns the value of perseverance, keeps her hopes high, and trusts faith and family to get her through. This Faithgirlz series entitled Lena in the Spotlight, written by Alena Pitts, star of The War Room and tween blogger of For Girls Like You, and co-written with her mother, editor and author, Wynter Pitts, is a reflection of Alena’s own life experiences as she reaches for the stars and keeps her faith in balance.

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  • Reaper Reborn : A Novel


    The world is in chaos. Alex is sending powerful killing machines into Chicago to enforce her will, Reapers are being rounded up and executed, ghosts are everywhere with no one to collect them, and a cruel terrorist is strapping firebombs to children.

    Reapers Phoenix and Shanghai come into possession of a mirror that once teleported its bearers wherever they needed to go. Alex is obsessed with stealing it, but so far no one, not even a heavenly Sancta who joins the Reapers, knows how to get it to work.

    Hoping to stop Alex’s rampage, the Reapers create a shaky alliance with a known murderer; battle against time, fires, and bombs to save children from incineration; and face near-certain death themselves at every turn.

    All the while, Phoenix is slowly coming to realize that the only way to save the world is to face Alex one on one, knowing that doing so could result in the death of the person he loves more than anyone.

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  • Pray Big : First Gather In Novel


    When life’s plans take a sharp turn south, pray big!

    Claire leads a Bible study attended by the most unusual ladies each week. As the leader, she has always maintained control and the ability to teach her students the principles of the Bible.

    Life throws Claire a curve by sending an unusual young girl to shake things up. She works very diligently to maintain control of God’s surprise. Claire not only loses control of her study, she loses control of her life. But God is up to something and did not ask for Claire’s permission. That is when she finds the courage to pray big!

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  • Lost Soul : A Confederate Soldier In New England


    Sam Postlethwaite was a Confederate soldier buried in an unmarked grave in Rhode Island. Beginning with nothing more than a handful of dirt, author Les Rolston’s innocent curiosity about this mysterious soldier’s grave became a journey of thousands of miles that eventually led him to the soldier’s family. The result is this factual account of Postlethwaite’s odyssey and the author’s determined efforts to learn his story. Other important facets of this affecting historical account are the experiences of Postlethwaite’s fourteen-year-old brother, who found glory with Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley; and a boy from a prominent Rhode Island family who was emotionally ruined by the Civil War. Both their families, embittered by war, were destined to merge through a Civil War romance and marriage. This book is a tribute to all of the people, Northerners and Southerners, who joined together to choose forgiveness and understanding over bitterness and hatred.

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  • When Tides Turn


    A fun-loving glamour girl. A no-nonsense naval officer. Only a war could bring them together. What happens next will change their lives.

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  • Miracle Of Hope


    She’s heard about forgiveness all her life, but how far does God’s mercy truly reach? Lindie Wyse thinks an arranged marriage is the only way to preserve a future for herself and her unborn child. Josiah Plank is certain he’ll never love again, but he needs someone to care for his deaf eight-year-old daughter, Hannah. The two take on their arrangement tentatively at first but soon realize they are each in for more than they imagined. After a short time, Lindie experiences a breakthrough with Hannah when she recognizes the child’s special gifts, but a risky pregnancy and serious health issues threaten to demolish the foundation Josiah and Lindie are building-and the love that is growing between them. Will their marriage survive their struggles, or will their hearts become as cold as the northern winter?

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  • Man True


    A strong body has run in my family for many generations. Broad shoulders, hands larger than most, and just enough love of a good fight when put upon to convince men they had made a mistake.

    Elijah Johnson was that man of true strength in body and mind. But he carried the grief of the family and friends he had lost because of a country at war. And he carried a load of sorrows that only the peace of God almighty could help him carry.
    On his way to a journey of thousands of miles to begin a new life, he meets a baby girl and her mother. As Elijah steps in to do the right thing, so begins a tale of God’s divine, predestined hand at work, bringing people together.

    Elijah learns to trust in God always, and to pray in troubled times. With his newfound trust in God, the lives of the ones he helps will never be the same.

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  • KCs Redemption


    KC Elliott, a convicted felon, has served her time for embezzlement and is determined to prove to herself, family, friends, and the community that she is repentant. During her incarceration, KC earns a degree in computer science and webpage development. Elliott is adjusting to life on the outside of prison but encounters challenges by the one person who should be supportive. Can she overcome her fears as a stalker harasses her?

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  • Murder Is No Accident


    Young Maggie Greene may be trespassing in the old, empty Victorian mansion on a quiet street in Hidden Springs, but all she wants is some private time in the magnificent tower room to write her stories. Certain she’ll be in trouble if caught, she hides when a realtor shows up. But someone else is in the house too, someone even more worried about getting caught. When Maggie finds the realtor’s body at the bottom of a flight of stairs and the other person gone, Deputy Sheriff Michael Keane is called in. He assumes the realtor’s death is a tragic accident–until a second person is found dead in the house. When Maggie is threatened, Michael must catch the murderer before anyone else dies.

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  • Till We Have Faces


    A repackaged edition of the revered author’s retelling of the myth of Cupid and Psyche–what he and many others regard as his best novel.

    C. S. Lewis–the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics–brilliantly reimagines the story of Cupid and Psyche. Told from the viewpoint of Psyche’s sister, Orual, Till We Have Faces is a brilliant examination of envy, betrayal, loss, blame, grief, guilt, and conversion. In this, his final–and most mature and masterful–novel, Lewis reminds us of our own fallibility and the role of a higher power in our lives.

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  • Abandoned Child


    Have you lost hope in anything? Do you feel rejected? Are you desperate? The story of Nimo in Abandoned Child highlights some of the ways God gives hope to the hopeless and sets them on a pedestal of success. According to his townspeople, Nimo, a boy, has a bad destiny that he will oppose their ancestral worship and make people turn away from it. Thus, the townspeople consider him an outcast and tie him to a tree in a forest to be devoured by a wild animal or die of hunger to prevent him from fulfilling his destiny. While he cries for rescue amid singing a song which glorifies God, a lion goes to him. But the moment the lion stretches its forelegs to devour him, terrific lightning and thunder strike repeatedly and frighten it, so it runs away from him. But at the same time, the lightning and thunder wake up a chimpanzee which is asleep on the top of the tree. Sensing danger, the chimpanzee climbs down the tree for safety and when it sees Nimo, it goes to destroy the thread which has been used to tie him without harming him to set him free.

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  • Home To Paradise


    Rose Anna Zook has watched her two older sisters marry two Stoltzfus men and has always thought she and John, the third Stoltzfus brother, would marry, make a home together, and have children. But John has other ideas. He’s enjoying his Rumschpringe in the Englisch world a little too much and isn’t interested in returning to the Amish community-especially to marry. Rose Anna is determined to bring her man back into the Amish fold. John is equally determined to live his life free and unencumbered. Who will win this battle of wills? Will love prevail? Key Features: Final book in three-book Coming Home series from best-selling author Barbara Cameron Inspirational read sure to delight Amish fiction fans and readers of heartwarming Christmas tales. Library Journal calls Cameron “a gifted storyteller.” Cameron’s Writing has earned several 4- and 5-star reader reviews as well as support from other best-selling Amish authors, including Suzanne Woods Fisher and Cindy Woodsmall.

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  • Servants Of The House


    The Servants of the House: Forbidden Love-A love romance between a poor servant girl and a gentleman who it would be very forbidden for her to be in love with–When Julia and Sharron who come from a poor but loving and Christian family was sent away from their loving family to work as little servants girls for some rich strangers, they were scared and went into the big unknown all alone not knowing how their life would turn out, it would seem that there was many challenges for them even from the beginning, especially with the fact that Julia at first resents being away from her beloved parents and brothers especially Jack, the brother who she adored. Lots of feelings of hurt, fear, betrayal and confusion came upon them. But without them knowing what their future held and they knew both sorrow and joy, with friendships in places in which they would expect the least. Throughout the story the sister’s relationship with each other remain firm, strong and inseparable, with Sharron has always been the stronger sister, having to lift up Julia’s emotions even though she was the younger sister. Sharron would always come to the rescue against her sister’s bullies, console her in her heartaches, pick her up when she was lacking self-esteem, but at the same time could give her good sound advice and be slightly on the bossy side towards her sister Julia at times. As the precious girls grew up they faced many more challenges both in love and life in general. Especially Julia, who as a young lady falls in love with a gentleman whom she is not supposed to and brings so much complication, heartache, but much joy in her life at the same time, even though that love in unreachable and unattainable for her, or is it really? As her love obsession grows stronger will she stay true to her Christian convictions, will she do the right thing by God, will she be controlled by her feelings and, but the question is what is the right thing? Only the reader can judge for themselves. Will Julia, who is involved in this love affair and everyone around her, ever see a happy ending for her love? Yes will she ever ride blissfully into the sunset with her beloved soulmate and be wedded together in holy matrimony with him, and even better still with God’s eternal blessings please read to find out.

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  • Treasured Grace (Reprinted)


    In untamed Oregon Country, one young woman fights to keep her family safe.

    Grace Martindale has known more than her share of hardship. After her parents died, raising her two younger sisters, Hope and Mercy, became her responsibility. A hasty decision to head west seemed like an opportunity for a fresh start but has instead left Grace in a precarious position. When missionary Dr. Marcus Whitman and his wife agree to let Grace and her sisters stay at their mission for the winter, Grace is grateful. Until they hear from their uncle in Oregon City, the three sisters have nowhere else to go.

    As Grace adjusts to life in the West, she meets a fur trapper named Alex Armistead who intrigues and infuriates her in equal measure. But when a measles outbreak threatens lives at the mission and among the native Cayuse who live nearby, it is Alex who helps Grace use the natural healing remedies she learned from her mother to help where she can, despite Dr. Whitman’s disapproval. As the death toll rises, so do tensions between the settlers and the natives, and Grace soon finds herself and those she loves in more danger than she imagined possible.

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  • Home At Last


    Link Whitman, 31, has always been the “wild child” of the Whitman crew. Grant and Audrey thought their son had finally settled down when he graduated college and got a job as a teaching assistant at the university in Cape Girardeau. But when Link brings home his grad student girlfriend and declares they are getting married, it’s all the Whitmans can do to welcome the girl into their home. Refusing to take the proud Whitman name and declaring that any children she and Link have will bear hyphenated names, Marnie couldn’t be more opposite of the girl Grant and Audrey have always dreamed of for their eldest son. That girl, Leah Jordan, just happens to live across the lane–and still has feelings for Link. Marnie Hazelton, 25, has fought hard to overcome a difficult childhood. But she’s strong now, and making her way in the world, and nobody is going to drag her down again. Least of all the meddling parents of the man she loves and wants to spend her life with. Leah Jordan, 26, has loved Link Whitman since they were toothless first-graders playing baseball in the empty lot between the two families’ homes. She never intended to “wait” for him, but now that he’s back home–maybe waiting for him is exactly what she’s doing. She never counted on having to fight for him.

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  • Look Beyond : Dreams Nightmares And Visions Of The Last Days


    A David Siriano Ministries Title

    A fictional story of a man named Joseph who experiences the rapture firsthand, along with the events that happen afterward in heaven and during the tribulation period on the Earth. This book follows biblical events of the book of Revelation in a fictional narrative.

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  • Runaway


    Shortly before her eighteenth birthday, Rhiannon Morgan runs away from the remote Welsh village of Llandymna. Camping out in Dyrys Woods, she starts to make a new life for herself and she finds space for her active imagination to run wild. Weaving together the stories she loves and memories of her past, including the mother she lost thirteen years ago. Back in the village, Rhiannon’s disappearance triggers a series of events that uncovers the cracks in Llandymna’s quiet surface. Quick-tempered Callum finds himself reluctantly drawn into search parties, while a young police officer is forced to investigate his neighbours, and the village’s elderly story-teller hints at a secret that the older generation have kept for decades…

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  • Giving The Devil His Due


    Flannery O’Connor and Fyodor Dostoevsky shared a deep faith in Christ, which compelled them to tell stories that force readers to choose between eternal life and demonic possession. Their either-or extremism has not become more popular in the last fifty to a hundred years since these stories were first published, but it has become more relevant to a twenty-firstt-century culture in which the lukewarm middle ground seems the most comfortable place to dwell. Giving the Devil His Due walks through all of O’Connor’s stories and looks closely at Dostoevsky’s magnum opus The Brothers Karamazov to show that when the devil rules, all hell breaks loose. Instead of this kingdom of violence, O’Connor and Dostoevsky propose a kingdom of love, one that is only possible when the Lord again is king.

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  • Mysterious Island : The Final Chapter


    Introducing The Final Chapter of a three book series. Glitter Girl and Water Girl had just become mission leaders. On a nice beautiful day in Hero World both the girls were just strolling down the streets when all of the sudden they are thrown into a secret island.

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  • Most Dangerous Mission


    Freezer has just decided to leave with Jealousness to Villain World. In Villain world there was a evil scientist who’s name was Dr. Scuttle, he turned Freezer into a villain. After a long transformation and a evil scheme the hero’s went to save Freezer. Will the Hero’s be able to save the world and Freezer from being under X-Finney’s control? The Most Dangerous Mission was written by H. Madison at age 13.

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  • Tom And Huck Vol 2


    The idyllic boyhood shared by Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn has been just a memory. Time has passed and now, as adults, they are thrust into the worst sectional violence America has ever witnessed, a precursor of the Civil War, between abolitionist, activists, and pro-slavery proponents. A new time of mistrust, murder, and mayhem is the new norm. In this atmosphere of division and chaos, one bad decision changes their lives forever. They must depend on each other now more than any other time in their lives because everything they know and love has been swept away. As Confederate soldiers in this most trying time, loyalty to each other is all they have.

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  • Recruits


    For more than a decade, twins Sean and Dillon Kirrell have felt pulled toward another world–a place they have sketched out in detail and posted on the walls of their bedroom. They are certain it is out there. Soon after their seventeenth birthday, they are approached by a clandestine scout. To him, Earth is just a distant and unmonitored outpost of human civilization. But he explains that Sean and Dillon share a unique gift–the ability to transfer instantly from place to place. Transitors who are also twins are especially rare, and so they are offered an opportunity to prove themselves as recruits to the human assembly. If they don’t succeed within thirty days, their minds will be wiped. Either they make the grade as inter-planetary travelers–or this never happened.

    From the infinite imagination of Thomas Locke comes this otherworldly new series that will challenge young readers’ understanding of time, space, and human limitations.

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  • To The Farthest Shores


    It has been six years since army nurse Jenny Bennett’s heart was broken by a dashing naval officer. Now Lieutenant Ryan Gallagher has abruptly reappeared in her life at the Presidio army base but refuses to discuss the inexplicable behavior that destroyed their happiness.

    Ryan is in an impossible situation. One of the few men in the world qualified to carry out a daring assignment, he accepted a government mission overseas that caused his reputation to be destroyed and broke the heart of the only woman he ever loved. Honor bound never to reveal where he had been during those six years, he can’t tell Jenny the truth or it will endanger an ongoing mission and put thousands of lives at risk.

    Although Ryan thinks he may have finally found a solution, he can’t pull it off on his own. Loyalty to her country compels Jenny to help, but she never could have imagined the intrigue she and Ryan will have to face or the lengths to which they will have to go to succeed.

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  • Curio


    Grey Howard always tried to stay unnoticed. At least as unnoticed as a tall, strong girl can in a town of diminutive, underdeveloped citizens could be. She detests the Chemists, the magicians-come-scientists who rule her small western town. But she obediently takes the potion the Chemists ration out-a concoction that is supposed to help her and the rest of the town’s people survive each day. Then her best friend, Whit, is caught by Chemist enforcers, and Grey feels everything shift inside her. Especially after Whit is severely punished for reasons that go beyond his minor infraction. Little does Grey know, her growing defiance has a greater meaning. And when her rebellion leads her to the family shop one night, a treaty is accidentally broken. Grey then finds herself transported to a world within an ancient curio cabinet, where the porcelain figures are real, and a strange man known as the Mad Tock beckons to her. To escape, she must find a key-one that could end the Chemist’s dark rule forever.

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  • Through The Ashes


    Falling Dusk Publishing Title

    Before the light, the truth could be slippery. You could work around it, dodge it, run away from it. But in Bria Ford’s new life, the truth is always knocking … about the past, the fate of friends and family, the realities of burgeoning love, and the changed world. For Bria there’s no escaping the truth–no matter how much she may want to.

    In this unflinching sequel to Jacqueline Brown’s The Light, Bria and her friends stride into the heart of the post-disaster world and face test after test of their character and convictions. Bria must choose her path in this wounded world. Freedom or comfort? Give up or run? Who has she become since the world fell away?

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  • Newcomer


    In 1737, Anna Konig and her fellow church members stagger off a small wooden ship after ten weeks at sea, eager to start a new life in the vibrant but raw Pennsylvania frontier. On the docks of Port Philadelphia waits bishop Jacob Bauer, founder of the settlement and father to ship carpenter Bairn. It’s a time of new beginnings for the reunited Bauer family, and for Anna and Bairn’s shipboard romance to blossom.

    But this perfect moment cannot last. As Bairn grasps the reality of what it means to be Amish in the New World–isolated, rigid with expectations, under the thumb of his domineering father–his enthusiasm evaporates. When a sea captain offers the chance to cross the ocean one more time, Bairn grabs it. Just one more crossing, he promises Anna. But will she wait for him?

    When Henrik Newman joins the church just as it makes its way to the frontier, Anna is torn. He seems to be everything Bairn is not–bold, devoted, and delighted to vie for her heart. And the most dramatic difference? He is here; Bairn is not.

    Far from the frontier, an unexpected turn of events weaves together the lives of Bairn, Anna, and Henrik. When a secret is revealed, which true love will emerge?

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  • Moonbow Night (Reprinted)


    In the Kentucky frontier of the 1770s, Temperance Tucker has learned to be fleet of foot, accurate with her bow, and silent about the past. But her family secrets complicate her growing attraction to a handsome Virginia land surveyor.

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  • My Fathers World Repackaged


    As the wagon train made its descent from the mountains, the warm colors of autumn tried in vain to cheer the weary young Hollisters. Their mother had perished in the desert, and they had heard that their father was dead some years before. With the help of the wagon master, fifteen-year-old Corrie is the only one left to bring her two brothers and two sisters into a raucous California mining camp to find their uncle.

    “A woman’s got to be strong,” Corrie’s mother had told her. “She’s got to be able to make her way alone if she has to.” And as her little troop arrives in Miracle Springs to discover that Uncle Nick has skipped town with the sheriff in pursuit, the “land of promise” seems more like a land of fear and danger. Shouts of “gold” and “new strike” fade away as Corrie stands in the middle of a strange town with everyone turning them away.

    Can they make it on their own?

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  • Amish Weddings


    Gould’s Series Concludes in Love and Marriage

    Gregarious Rose Lehman, who’s always the life of the Amish youth singings, is determined to marry the bishop’s son, Reuben Byler–until the handsome Army buddy of her future brother-in-law shows up in Lancaster County. In comparison to Trevor, Reuben seems downright boring. Trevor shares Rose’s sense of fun and adventure, and her easygoing disposition.

    When her sister Lila’s buggy is rear-ended and Lila is horribly injured, Rose finds herself with more freedom than she’s ever experienced. Everyone is so concerned about Lila that no one realizes Rose is sneaking out with Trevor. Except for Reuben. But in his usual passive way, he doesn’t confront her, nor does he address the situation with her Dat or anyone else in the district. Rose appreciates Reuben’s discretion, but she also resents it. Part of her relishes the freedom she’s found with Trevor, but the other part of her wishes Reuben would “fight” for her, as much as any Amish man would. Too late, she realizes the foolish choice she’s made. Has she ruined her best chance at love, or is there another path to happiness she just hasn’t seen yet?

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  • Echoes From The Past


    After several years in and out of a gang, Henry Doe finally turns his life around to become a youth leader only to be arrested a decade later for a crime he’d committed during his time on the street.

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  • Purgatory Road


    When a day trip out of Las Vegas with his wife takes a turn for the worse, Jack is sure that he has the ability to get them home. But he drove into something far beyond reason.

    Rescue comes in the form of a desert hermit, but hope fades as the couple comes to realize that the nomad has no intention of letting them leave. A chance encounter with a kidnapped runaway and her crazed abductor leads them all farther into the wilderness–and closer to the cold brutality that isolation brings.

    At the edge of his sanity, Jack begins to learn that playing by another’s rules may be the only way to survive.

    In a voice that is as hypnotizing as a desert mirage, debut novelist Samuel Parker entices readers down a dangerous road, where the forces of good and evil are as crushing as the Mojave heat. This is suspense in its purest, most unfiltered form.

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  • Crooked Path : A Novel


    As retired physician Lettie Louw looks back upon her life, she recounts her coming of age in WWII-era South Africa in this compelling story of delayed love, loss, and reconciliation.

    Lettie Louw is the daughter of the town physician in their South African village. She spends her childhood in the warm African days playing with her friends and being adored by her doting parents. When she becomes a teenager, she experiences her first taste of unrequited romantic love in the form of her best friend’s older brother, De Wet Fourie. When De Wet pursues the beautiful and wealthy Annabelle, Lettie’s dreams are crushed, and she moves to Johannesburg to pursue her studies in medicine.

    Life in Johannesburg feels strange to Lettie, and the world around her is in profound upheaval as the Second World War rages. Her feelings for De Wet never waver, and Lettie is heartbroken when he marries another of her childhood friends. Lettie soon meets Marco Romanelli, an Italian immigrant, and they marry and raise two daughters, as the racial and political tensions in South Africa swirl about them.

    Lettie never forgets her first love, even as the ravages of time, war, and illness play upon her life and the lives of those she loves. In their later years, Lettie and De Wet are thrown into one another’s company again, and they are given another chance at a life together.

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  • Brush Of Angels Wings


    He doesn’t plan to stay Amish. She doesn’t have a plan. Then an angel draws their hearts toward God . . . and each other. A buggy-racing champion, a hardworking field-hand, and a terrible cook, Rachel Hartzler does not fit her Amish community’s standards for an eligible bride. Hurt by their rejection and still grieving the loss of her brother, Rachel is ready for change. She’s not, however, ready for Jordan Engles. Rachel’s father hired him to help tend the fields so Rachel can learn to cook and sew, thus increasing her chances of finding a husband. She can’t understand why her father doesn’t want her help and blames Jordan for trying to replace her beloved brother. Jordan plans for his time on the Michigan farm to be short. Before his mother passed away, he promised her he’d give her Amish roots a chance. Upon her death, uncertain about what else to do, he came to stay with his Uncle Isaac in Hope Falls. He’s curious why his mother left the community she obviously loved. But it doesn’t take Jordan long to conclude that the strict lifestyle and the three hour church services are not for him. But there isn’t just human interaction at play. Nathaniel, an angel of God, sees the potential in Jordan and Rachel’s hearts from heaven’s perspective. His goal is to shepherd them toward the path of healing and love. When tragedy strikes, then strikes again, this angelic being is sent to guide them toward the healing and abundant life promised in God’s Word-if only they will listen.

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  • Because Youre Mine


    Alanna has been plagued by tragedy. So it should come as no surprise that in the beauty that surrounds Charleston, all is not as it seems. When her husband is killed by a car bomb while their band is on tour in Charleston, Alanna doesn’t know where to turn. Her father-in-law is threatening to take custody of the baby she carries, but the one thing she knows for sure is that she can’t lose the last piece of Liam she has left. Their manager offers her a marriage of convenience to gain her U.S. citizenship and allow her to escape her father-in-law’s control. It seems like the perfect solution . . . but her doubts begin almost as soon as she arrives at Barry’s family home, a decaying mansion surrounded by swamp. To make matters worse, Liam’s best friend survived the car bomb. She’s never really liked Jesse and now she can’t seem to get away from him. When he takes Liam’s place in their band, it’s almost more than she can bear. But then things start happening. Things that could easily cost Alanna her life-or the life of her unborn child. Are they merely coincidences? Or is there something much more sinister at work?

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  • Purple Pennies


    Sometimes, things are not what they seem, and the things that we carve the most are not always what we need. This story is centered around the life of a young lady named Trish who from the looks of things has it all: a great job, an ideal marriage, nice house, and other luxuries of life. But it’s not until she fights her way to the top that she actually realizes how lonely being at the top can be.

    As life would have it, it’s through a weird twists of events that she gets the chance to see her marriage, her career, and her life for what it really is, a sham of happiness coated with a tint of perfection.

    In just 48 hours, she gets the opportunity to have a second chance at life, happiness, and love.

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  • Interfinity


    Interfinity is imminent. The merging of the three Earths means one thing to Nathan Shepherd – he must save all three worlds. He and his friend Kelly witness the results of the coming cosmic collision. Earth Yellow dwellers have dreams of future tragic events while the other two Earths experience Earth Yellow’s weather changes at hyperspeed. Panic sets in, and only Nathan, Kelly, and their allies can prevent the looming disaster that threatens to kill billions.

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  • Margos Diary And Notebook


    Unseen Books

    What happened after the vote? Well, I kept forgetting to write in this diary, but I did record the important stuff. After 6 years I gave up and just filled it up with interesting stuff. Plus there’s lots of graffiti from Bane!

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  • Truth Quest


    Truth Quest is an engaging, fast-moving science fiction novel that presents the evidence for God’s existence in a creative and compelling manner. It’s a fast, fun, and stimulating read that accurately portrays the tension within the scientific and academic communities and how politics exerts huge pressure on a person’s perception of reality.

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  • Conspiracy Of Silence (Reprinted)


    Kendig Ratchets Up the Action in Her New Suspense Series!
    Four years after a tragic mission decimated his career and his team, Cole “Tox” Russell is persona non grata to the United States. And that’s fine–he just wants to be left alone. But when a dormant, centuries-old disease is unleashed, Tox is lured back into action. Partnered with FBI agent Kasey Cortes, Tox has to pull together a team to begin a globe-spanning search for answers–and a cure. As their quest leads them from continent to continent, it slowly becomes clear they’re not just fighting a plague–but battling against an ancient secret society whose true goals remain hidden.With time running out and opposition growing on every side, the key to everything may rest in an antique codex, the Crown of Jerusalem–but will Tox and his team be able to trust each other enough to break this century-spanning conspiracy of silence?

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  • For The Record (Reprinted)


    Jennings Offers Another Delightful Blend of History and Romance
    Betsy Huckabee might be a small-town girl, but she has big-city dreams. Writing for her uncle’s newspaper will never lead to independence, and the bigger newspapers don’t seem interested in the Hart County news. Trying a new approach, Betsy pens a romanticized serial for the ladies’ pages, and the new deputy provides the perfect inspiration for her submissions. She’d be horrified if he read her breathless descriptions of him, but these articles are for a newspaper far away. No one in Pine Gap will ever know. Deputy Joel Puckett didn’t want to leave Texas, but this job in tiny Pine Gap is his only shot at keeping his badge. With masked marauders riding every night, his skills and patience are tested, but even more challenging is the sassy journalist lady chasing him.

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  • Portrait Of Emily Price


    Katherine Reay’s newest novel, A Portrait of Emily Price, transports readers to Italy where one woman will learn what it means to be truly free. Emily Price, art restorer and would-be artist, finds herself in Atlanta, restoring objects recovered from a house fire. As she strives to make all the pieces of her life fit, she finds herself enthralled by Chef Benito Hillam, who is in town from Italy visiting his brother Joseph, Emily’s boss. Ben spends his time working to restore his aunt and uncle’s restaurant and wooing to Emily. When she surprises herself and accepts his marriage proposal, Emily follows Ben home to Italy. Emily is transported into a new world, but instead of allowing Italy to change her, she tries to change Italy, alienating Ben’s tight-knit Italian family in the process-everyone, that is, except Ben’s father, Henry. The elderly man takes Emily under his wing, and she begins to transform, growing wings as Italy’s beauty begins to take hold of her spirit, and her art and life begin to blossom. But when long-hidden family secrets are unearthed and past hurts become fresh again, Emily is left to wonder whether she really fits into Ben’s world. Will the lessons of Italy become just a memory to Emily, or will she embrace the freedom and beauty that her life with Ben has shown her is possible?

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  • Lucifers Harvest


    King Charles of France has announced that he is confiscating Aquitaine, and Prince Edward has sent for knights and men at arms from England to assist him in opposing the French king. Lord Gilbert Talbot is required to provide five knights, twelve squires, and twenty archers and men at arms, and wishes his surgeon – Hugh de Singleton – to travel with the party, while Hugh’s wife Kate will oversee the castle. Among the party will be Sir Simon Trillowe, Hugh’s old nemesis and Kate’s former suitor, who had once set fire to Hugh’s house. After a brawl on the streets of Oxford Sir Simon had nearly lost an ear; Hugh had sewn it back on but it had healed crooked, and Simon blamed Hugh for the disfigurement. Finding himself in the same party, Hugh resolves not to turn his back on the knight – but it is Sir Simon who should not have turned his back.

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  • Nightcrawlers Missives


    Nightcrawler’s Missives follows the model of C. S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters, where an understudy demon, Nightcrawler, gets advice, occasionally praise, but more often criticism from his superior, Beelzebub. However, in this century we are hacking into the underworld’s Internet. These missives address the nitty-gritty difficult issues both inside the church and in the world at large. Following each communication are questions for your individual or group consideration.

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  • Barefoot : A Story Of Surrendering To God


    The spiritual journey takes unexpected turns for the women of Sensible Shoes in this third book of the series, continuing on from the events of Two Steps Forward. Having been challenged to persevere in hope, can they now embrace the joy of complete surrender? Mara: With two boys at home and a divorce on the way, can she let go of her resentment and bitterness and find a rhythm of grace in her “new normal”? Hannah: With Nathan by her side, can she let go of expectations?and even her reputation?as she charts a new course? Charissa: As her approaching due date threatens to collide with new professional opportunities, can she let go of her need for control and embrace the unknown future with trust? Meg: With disappointment over broken relationships and unfulfilled dreams, can she let go of her fear and worry in the face of even greater challenges that lie ahead? Join the women of the Sensible Shoes Club in a poignant story that reveals the joy that comes from laying our lives at the feet of God and standing barefoot on holy ground.

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  • Kings Blood


    Jill Williamson’s Fantasy Saga Continues!
    In the second volume of Jill Williamson’s Kinsman Chronicles, a remnant has escaped the destruction of the Five Realms and now lives on several hundred ships adrift at sea. As a flock, they sail north into the unknown in hopes of finding land that might become their new home. As the king’s illness worsens, Sir Wilek takes authority over the expedition and struggles to rule the disjointed people, while assassination attempts, vicious serpents, and dark magic endanger his life.One prophecy has come to pass, but another looms dauntingly in the future. Who is this Deliverer? And if the Magonians have him, what might that mean for the realm of Armania?

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  • Fatal Frost (Reprinted)


    Mehl Ramps Up the Suspense in This Brand-New U.S. Marshals Series
    Mercy Brennan followed in her father’s footsteps in a law enforcement career, but she has no interest in any other connection to him. A U.S. Marshal in St. Louis, Missouri, she’s assigned to a joint task force with the St. Louis PD that puts her back into contact with her father and in the sights of St. Louis’s most powerful gang.When the gang has reason to believe Mercy has possession of some highly sensitive and incriminating information, her boss assigns Mark St. Laurent–a Deputy U.S. Marshal and Mercy’s ex-boyfriend–to get her out of town until they can guarantee her safety. Initially unaware of the danger she’s in and uncomfortable working with Mark, Mercy’s frustration escalates when she discovers the extent her boss and Mark have been keeping her in the dark. It isn’t until a freak ice storm hits, stranding them at a remote location and out of contact with the district office, that the full severity of their situation becomes clear. As the storm worsens, the forces of nature combine with a deadly enemy closing in to put their lives at imminent risk. Can they survive long enough for help to arrive–if help is even coming at all?

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  • Encounter At Rock Pointe


    Sheriff Adonai, The Encounter at Rock Pointe, is the story of a young man, Misief Stone, and his journey to stay one step ahead of a mysterious sheriff, a stranger, and a broken past that is constantly pursuing him.

    The story is set in the Old West as the Oregon Trail was opening for passage. After losing it all as a young boy, Misief struggles to survive in the unforgiving western wilderness. Meeting Nainsi, the girl of his dreams, she wonders if she can
    convince Misief to give up his old ways or will his past forever destroy any hope of a bright future.

    Will he surrender his fight or will he follow in the footsteps of those before him? You will laugh; you will cry; you will cheer; but ultimately you will have to answer the question for yourself, “Are you going to surrender?”

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  • Search For Havenwood


    Sheriff Adonai, Search for Havenwood, is the second book in the series. The saga of the Stone family continues, as Bracken Stone embarks upon a journey to find the love that has mysteriously slipped through his fingers. However, Lucas Benson and his cohorts are determined to ensure his mission ends in failure.

    After finding abandoned clothing, a very special Christmas ornament, and an empty cabin, how far will Bracken go to recover the memories of better days?

    -Will the power of love be enough to overcome their fears?
    -Does Nainsi forgive Misief for his mistakes?
    -Will Nainsi and Misief have a future together?
    -Does Jamison get the message from Sheriff Jachin?

    All of these, and many other questions, will be answered in a story filled with adventure, suspense, love, and mystery. You will laugh, you will cry, and you might even find yourself trembling in fear; but ultimately you will have to ask yourself the question, “How far would you go to find the missing love of your life?

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  • Mistsaken Love


    Ampah, a boy and Asabea, a girl, are fraternal twins who fall in love and make a blood covenant to marry in the future because they do not know that they are of the same parents. All along, Ampah and Asabea do not know that they are twins until their wedding ceremony when they are about to take the marriage vow.

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  • Amish Family Christmas


    In Shelley Shepard Gray s fourth book in her Charmed Amish Life series, an unlikely Amish romance reveals that Christmas is a time for family, miracles and love.
    Ever since his father died in a tragic fire, Levi Kinsinger has felt adrift. Newly returned to Charm, Ohio, Levi is trying to fit into his old life, only to discover he seems to have outgrown it.

    But when Julia, his young widowed neighbor, asks for his help with a Christmas project, Levi finds a sense of purpose for the first time in months. She and her daughter are new to Charm and could use a friend, a job Levi takes personally. Soon enough, friendship grows into attraction, but Levi can t help having doubts. There s something about Julia that doesn t ring quite true

    Like Levi, Julia Kemps has survived her fair share of hardships but only by hiding the truth of her past. Being an unmarried mother in an Amish community was unthinkable. Feeling hopeless, Julia did the only thing she could do: she moved to a new town and pretended to be a widow. But meeting Levi, she s hopeful for the first time. Little by little, she begins to imagine telling him her darkest secret, and eventually perhaps even sharing her life with him.
    Christmas is a time for family, and as the holiday draws closer, Julia and Levi will have to face their pasts together in order to find the healing, support and love they so desperately desire.

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  • Prince Warriors And The Unseen Invasion


    In this second book in The Prince Warriors trilogy, the Prince Warriors face new challenges on earth and in the unseen realm of Ahoratos. The enemy, angry about his last defeat, is targeting them with weapons and tactics they had never imagined, including the flaming Olethron. The kids must turn to Ruwach and the Source, who can give them more pieces of armor to help them stand strong against this deadly threat.

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  • Open : Get Ready For The Adventure Of A Lifetime


    You’ve accepted the invitation. Are you ready to take the next step?

    From the New York Times bestselling author of Dinner with a Perfect Stranger, Open will forever change the way you think about faith.

    It wasn’t the end of the world. It was just the end of Emma Jameson’s world. Fresh off the heels of a devastating breakup and floundering in her career, Emma is struggling to come to grips with why God allows so much pain in our lives, why He seems so absent when she needs Him most, and why the Gospel accounts-our supposed guide for how to lead a contented Christian life-feel so completely irrelevant.

    Then one day, a mysterious envelope arrives in Emma’s mailbox with the word Open written on the outside. Inside the envelope is a card bearing the following message: “For a real adventure with Jesus, go through the nearest open door.”

    Skeptical, but having absolutely nothing to lose, Emma steps through the pantry door, only to find herself instantly transported back to the first century, where she is taken on a personal tour of various Gospel accounts by none other than Jesus himself-an experience that radically challenges Emma’s perception of the Gospels and what it really means to be a Christian.

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  • Captive Heart


    Proper English governess Eleanor Morgan flees to the colonies to escape the wrath of a brute of an employer. When the Charles Town family she’s to work for never arrives to collect her from the dock, she is forced to settle for the only reputable choice remaining to her-marriage to a man she’s never met. Trapper and tracker Samuel Heath is a hardened survivor used to getting his own way by brain or by brawn, and he’s determined to find a mother for his young daughter. But finding a wife proves to be impossible. No upstanding woman wants to marry a murderer.

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  • Game Over


    This time, there’s no escape from The Realm. The MindWar Realm is a computerized world created by a deranged terrorist named Kurodar. Built through a link between Kurodar’s mind and a network of supercomputers, The Realm is a pathway through which the madman can project himself into any computer system on the planet. Twice before, Rick Dial has entered the Realm as a Mind Warrior and come back alive. But now, something has gone terribly wrong. A connection has formed in Rick’s brain that sends him hurtling into The Realm without his consent-and brings the Realm’s monsters into the Real World. As Kurodar works to turn Rick’s brain to his own purposes, Rick’s waking and sleeping life is ravaged by terrors he never imagined. Rick knows he has no choice but to face The Realm’s final and most powerful protector. But can Rick destroy MindWar without destroying himself and the people he loves?

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  • Tangled Webs


    Three-Time RITA Award Winner Delivers Another Heart-Stopping Thriller
    After a disastrous Middle East mission ends his six-year Army Ranger career, Finn McGregor needs some downtime. A peaceful month in the woods sounds like the perfect way to decompress. But peace isn’t on the agenda once he crosses paths with publishing executive Dana Lewis, a neighbor who is nursing wounds of her own. Someone seems bent on disrupting her stay in the cabin she inherited from her grandfather. As Finn and Dana work together to discover who is behind the disquieting pranks, the incidents begin to take on a menacing tone. And when it becomes apparent Dana’s foe may have deadly intent, Finn finds himself back in the thick of the action–ready or not. Bestselling author Irene Hannon draws readers into a web of psychological suspense where danger lurks in dark corners . . . and keeps them captive until the very last page.

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  • Where Two Hearts Meet


    Evocative Contemporary Romance Set in a Charming Inn on Beautiful Prince Edward Island
    In her kitchen at the Red Door Inn, executive chef Caden Holt is calm, collected, and competent. But when her boss asks her to show off their beautiful island to impress a visiting travel writer and save the inn, Caden is forced to face a world much bigger than her kitchen–and a man who makes her wish she was beautiful. Journalist Adam Jacobs is on a forced sabbatical on Prince Edward Island. He’s also on assignment to uncover a story. Instead he’s falling in love with the island’s red shores and Caden’s sweets. When Caden discovers Adam isn’t who she thought he was, she realizes that the article he’s writing could do more than ruin the inn’s chances for survival–it might also break her heart.

    Readers will discover hope for the hurting, joy for the broken, and romance for the lonely at the enchanting Red Door Inn.

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  • Devoted


    Fan Favorite Suzanne Woods Fisher Offers Readers Tender Romance, Humor, and Plenty of Surprises
    Bright, curious, and restless, Ruthie Stoltzfus loves her family but is stuck in a sea of indecision about her future: Should she stay Amish? Or should she leave? She’s done all she can to prepare to go–passed the GED, saved her money–but she can’t quite set her journey into motion. Patrick Kelly is a young man on a journey of his own. He’s come to Stoney Ridge to convert to the Amish and has given himself thirty days to learn the language, drive a buggy, and adapt to “everything Plain.” Time, to Patrick, is of the essence. Every moment is to be cherished, especially the hours he spends with Ruthie, his Penn Dutch tutor. Ruthie’s next-door neighbor and cunning ex-boyfriend, Luke Schrock, is drawn to trouble like a moth to a flame. Rebellious, headstrong, defiant, Luke will do anything to win Ruthie back–anything–and Patrick Kelly is getting in his way. Bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher invites readers back to Stoney Ridge for a story of dreams deferred and hopes fulfilled–complete with Fisher’s signature twists that never fail to leave readers delighted.

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  • Waves Of Mercy (Reprinted)


    Austin Returns with a Multi-Generational Historical Novel
    Geesje de Jonge crossed the ocean at age seventeen with her parents and a small group of immigrants from the Netherlands to settle in the Michigan wilderness. Fifty years later, in 1897, she’s asked to write a memoir of her early experiences as the town celebrates its anniversary. Reluctant at first, she soon uncovers memories and emotions hidden all these years, including the story of her one true love. At the nearby Hotel Ottawa Resort on the shore of Lake Michigan, twenty-three-year-old Anna Nicholson is trying to ease the pain of a broken engagement to a wealthy Chicago banker. But her time of introspection is disturbed after a violent storm aboard a steamship stirs up memories of a childhood nightmare. As more memories and dreams surface, Anna begins to question who she is and whether she wants to return to her wealthy life in Chicago. When she befriends a young seminary student who is working at the hotel for the summer, she finds herself asking him all the questions that have been troubling her.Neither Geesje nor Anna, who are different in every possible way, can foresee the life-altering surprises awaiting them before the summer ends.

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  • Cottage (Reprinted)


    Michael Phillips Continues His Sweeping Shetland Islands Saga
    When Loni Ford is informed that she has inherited property in the Shetland Islands, she laughs. She wants nothing more than to sell it and be done with it. But when she arrives in the North Sea enclave, she is stunned to find that “the Cottage” is not at all what she expected, nor is David Tulloch, the man most of the islanders believe to be the rightful heir.The locals could hardly be more surprised that the heir is a woman–and an American. Loni, in turn, finds the islanders quaint and a bit behind the times. Expecting David to be as provincial as the rest of his clan, she discovers that there is far more to the man than meets the eye. And there is something about the peaceful atmosphere of the place–and the character of its most prominent citizen–that soon gets under her skin. Beneath the peaceful surface, however, change is threatening the island of Whale’s Reef. David’s cousin Hardy Tulloch, whose claim to the inheritance now in Loni’s hands was backed by oil investors, has not been deterred in his aim to control the island. But his co-conspirators have plans of their own, plans that put Loni’s very life in danger.

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  • From This Day Forward (Reprinted)


    Revisit Old Friends in Blessing in This Heartwarming Series Conclusion
    Deborah MacCallister, head nurse at the Blessing hospital, has loved Toby Valders since her school days, but she’s had enough of their on-again, off-again relationship. Toby truly cares for Deborah, but he’s never felt like he could commit to marriage or a family. When Anton Genddarm, the new schoolteacher, comes to town, the young women of Blessing see a chance to force Toby’s hand with a little strategic matchmaking. But real sparks fly between Deborah and Anton, and she finds herself in an even more complicated situation. The attention she gets from Anton makes Toby do some serious soul-searching, but is it too late?Then Deborah receives an invitation to study the latest advances in nursing at a hospital in Chicago, and she faces a hard choice. To leave or stay? Should she give up on the dream of Toby and accept the interest of Anton?

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  • Child Of The River


    Persomi’s dreams are much bigger than the world of poverty and deprivation that surround her in the Bushveld of the 1940s and 1950s in South Africa. Persomi is young, white and poor, born the middle child of illiterate sharecroppers on the prosperous Fourie farm. Persomi’s world is extraordinarily small. She has never been to the local village and spends her days absorbed in the rhythms of the natural world around her. Her older brother, Gerbrand, is her lifeline and her connection to the outside world. When he leaves the farm to seek work in Johannesburg, Persomi’s isolated world is blown wide open. But as her very small world falls apart, bigger dreams become open to her-dreams of an education, a profession, and of love. As Persomi navigates the changing world around her-the tragedies of WWII and the devastating racial strife of her homeland-she finally discovers who she truly is and where she belongs. A compelling coming of age story with an unlikely and utterly memorable heroine, Persomi’s English language publication solidifies Irma Joubert’s important place in the canon of inspirational historical fiction.

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  • Sisters Wish


    In Shelley Shepard Gray s third book in her Charmed Amish Life series, a respectable young woman finds herself falling for an Amish man from the wrong side of the tracks.

    Amelia Kinsinger is the perfect Amish woman at least according to her neighbors. And while Amelia takes pride in her role as homemaker, she s also harboring a secret: She’s been in love with bad boy Simon Hochstetler for as long as she can remember. Too bad he’s about as far from perfect as an Amish man could get but that’s exactly why she’s so drawn to him.

    Life hasn’t been kind to Simon. He ran away from an abusive home at fifteen and things went downhill from there. Eventually, Simon landed in prison. But the experience changed him. Now back in Charm as a grown man, he’s determined to make a new life for himself and not think too much about his wild past unless it pertains to Amelia.

    He’s loved Amelia for years. To him, she represents everything good and kind in the world. When he realizes that she returns his affections, he starts calling on her in secret, even though her older brother Lukas who just happens to be Simon’s best friend has made it perfectly clear that Amelia deserves better. Simon disagrees and believes he’s the only one who can truly make her happy.

    But when Amelia gets hurt, it sets off a chain of events that forces them to consider their future together and face their past mistakes. There’s a chance for love but only if Simon dares to trust Amelia with the secrets of his past.

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  • Lady Unrivaled


    White Is Quickly Becoming the Top Name in Edwardian Romance
    Lady Ella Myerston can always find a reason to smile–even if it’s just in hope that tomorrow will be better than today. All her life everyone has tried to protect her from the realities of the world, but Ella knows very well the danger that has haunted her brother and their friend, and she won’t wait for it to strike again. She intends to take action . . . and if that happens to involve an adventurous trip to the Cotswolds, then so much the better. Lord Cayton has already broken two hearts, including that of his first wife, who died before he could convince himself to love her. Now he’s determined to live a better life. But that proves complicated when old friends arrive on the scene and try to threaten him into a life of crime. He does his best to remove the intriguing Lady Ella from danger, but the stubborn girl won’t budge. How else can he redeem himself, though, but by saving her–and his daughter–from those dangerous people who seem ready to destroy them all?

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  • Raising Faith : Including Raising Faith And Run Away


    Love Is So Much More Than They Ever Knew. Love is in the air, on the slopes and on the dance floor. Morgan, Amy, Carlie, and Emily, the Girls of Harbor View, must uncover the secrets of guys, friendship, and what really matters.

    Ski Trip: The long-awaited ski trip finally arrives, but events take a downturn when some of the girls go completely boy crazy. Carlie, however, won’t have anything to do with the boys-or her flirtatious friends. Instead, she gets crazy-dangerous while snowboarding. What will it take to bring the girls to their senses?

    Secret Admirer: As Valentine’s Day approaches, Amy finds herself pursued by a secret admirer, and she mistakenly sets her heart on the wrong guy. When news gets out, Amy is devastated and humiliated, until she concocts a plan to transform the day.

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  • Peace Maker : A Novel


    A modern-day, politically charged novel based on the story of David and Abigail in the Bible’s First Book of Samuel

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  • Killswitch


    In the near future, fugitive Chase Sterling evades the transhuman life his creators intended him to lead. He connects with the Underground Church, confident his enhanced strength and intelligence make him the perfect guardian for those forced into a strange and secret existence. What could possibly go wrong? His unimpressed bodyguard is out to get him, his affection for a certain young woman may not be mutual, and a deceitful recruit accompanies Chase on a rescue mission . . . with plans to kidnap him. The leader of the underground is dying and the government is closing in. The super powers Chase relies on are switched off by an enemy he thought he had escaped. It s enough to make a transhuman give up. Will he find the courage to keep going before all humanity is lost?”

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  • Wish


    A Compelling Story of Friendship from the Top Author in Amish Fiction
    Leona Speicher got the “sister” she’d always dreamed of the day Gloria Gingerich and her family moved to Lancaster County Amish farmland. The Arkansas newcomers seem to be everything a devout Plain family should be, and Leona can’t help comparing Gloria’s engaging young parents to her own. Leona’s cousin shows a romantic interest in Gloria around the same time as Gloria’s older brother expresses his fondness for Leona–it seems likely the two young women will marry into each other’s families, remaining close friends for life. Thus, Leona is shocked when the Gingeriches suddenly pack up and disappear after being expelled from the church for reasons no one will discuss. Despite Leona’s pleas, Gloria goes with them, leaving more than one broken heart behind. When Gloria unexpectedly contacts Leona after a silence of several years, Leona makes up her mind to persuade her friend to return to Lancaster County and the Amish ways. Leona’s new beau, the deacon’s son, is alarmed when Leona decides to go after Gloria. Will Leona’s dearest wish lead to her own undoing?

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  • Brush Of Wings


    From #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury comes the third and final novel in an unforgettable series about four friends and the divine intervention that changes their lives forever.

    Against the advice of her doctor, Mary Catherine moves to Uganda to work at a new orphanage. Whatever time she has left, Mary Catherine wants to spend it helping children-especially since she is unable to have children of her own. The only problem is Marcus Dillinger, the Major League Baseball player she was never meant to fall in love with. But neither Marcus nor Mary Catherine’s other friends-Tyler Ames and Sami Dawson-know just how serious her heart condition is.

    Still, Marcus suspects something isn’t right. After months of silence, a divinely timed letter from Mary Catherine leads him on a desperate life-or-death mission to rescue her and get her to a US hospital before time runs out. Meanwhile, as Sami and Tyler prepare to marry, the group receives shocking news that changes everyone’s plans.

    The team of angels walking is busier than ever in this epic battle between life and death. Brush of Wings is a poignant tale of love, sacrifice, and the power of faith.

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  • Wolf The Watcher And The Oryx


    Khoa and his grandfather, Tristian are thought to be the last two descendants of an ancient pack of white wolves who followed ‘the way of the wolf.’ As the novel opens, Tristian lies dying, having been torn apart by the pack, for teaching Khoa ‘the way, ‘ which is now forbidden. The old wolf sends Khoa on a quest to find a watcher wolf, a book, and a society of white wolves; none of which may exist. As Khoa escapes through a mole tunnel that his grandfather had prepared for him, the pack waits outside the hut to ‘set upon him’. In this Revisionist pack wolves kill wolves. Khoa is a reluctant hero, but through his adventures he takes on more belief in the traditions his grandfather had opened him up to. Khoa goes over a waterfall, runs into vipers, and has other troubles, but finally makes it to the river where Tristian told him he would find the Watcher Wolf. It is here that his new family finds him. His adopted zoo is made up of Washer, the raccoon, Pieces, the old chewed rabbit, and Serious, the young, officious rabbit, to name a few who add a lighter side to Khoas quest. Khoa has a love interest in the story in the form of Ani, an artic white wolf. They grew up in the Revisionist Society together, but never knew they had feelings for each other. Ani sees Khoa escape, and hopes to have Staver, Dueces’ son, rescue her instead of hounding Khoa’s trail to give him a head start. She places her paw in the mouth of the red iron dog, a man trap, and puts a twig in it to prevent her from really getting hurt, but the steel trap snaps the twig and she is caught in it for real. Scout, her father, and the pack are on the trail of Khoa, but get her scent and follow it until they realize Khoa isn’t with her. Through a twist in the tale, Scout talks his daughter into leaving the pack and setting out to look for Khoa, which she does with the help of Retread, who happens to be one of the alpha pack leader, Dueces’ son. They have turned against the pack. The Watcher Wolf finally meets up with Khoa and teaches him to ‘humble himself’ before he can read ‘the way of the wolf.’ The watcher and the other animals tell him the true story of the Last Revolt, how Duece came to be in possession of the oryx, and how it was that the black wolves killed Khoa’s mother and father. Duece believes the oryx is the magic that has protected the white wolves and seeks after it as well as Khoa. The young cub has learned through the Watcher that there are other white wolves and a twin cub, hi

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  • Matties Pledge : A Novel (Reprinted)


    A Tender, Poignant, and Heartwarming Glimpse into the Amish Migration West from Pennsylvania
    Mattie Schrock is no stranger to uprooting her life. Even as her father relocated her family from one Amish community to the next, she always managed to find a footing in their new homes. Now as the Schrock family plans to move west from Somerset County to a fledgling Amish settlement in Indiana, she looks forward to connecting with old friends who will be joining them from another Pennsylvania community–friends like Jacob Yoder, who has always held a special place in her heart. Since Mattie last saw Jacob, they’ve both grown into different people with different dreams. Jacob yearns to settle down, but Mattie can’t help but dream of what may lie over the western horizon. When a handsome Englisher tempts her to leave the Amish behind to search for adventure in the West, will her pledge to Jacob be the anchor that holds her secure? Tender, poignant, and gentle,

    Mattie’s Pledge offers readers a glimpse into Amish life in the 1840s–and into the yearning heart of a character they’ll not soon forget.

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  • Loves Faithful Promise (Reprinted)


    A Stirring Story of Love and Faith and America’s Great Promise
    When her mother suffers a stroke, medical student Deirdre O’Leary makes the difficult choice to put her career on hold to care for her. Dr. Matthew Clayborne is renowned for his amazing results with patients, but when Deirdre approaches him about helping her mother, she finds him challenging and surly. Deirdre has had enough of complicated men in her life. After her fiance left her, she vowed never to give a man that kind of power again. Widower Dr. Matthew Clayborne is devoted to two things: his work with wounded soldiers and his four-year-old daughter, Phoebe. He won’t abandon either of these priorities to care for one older woman. However, when Phoebe suffers a health scare, they’re offered respite at the Irish Meadows farm, where his daughter’s weakened lungs can recover–but only if he cares for Mrs. O’Leary.Matthew intends to hate Irish Meadows, yet he immediately feels at home, and soon both Mrs. O’Leary and Phoebe are showing improvement. But since he has no intention of leaving his life up north forever, and Deirdre has sworn off marriage in favor of her career, how will they deal with the undeniable attraction between them?

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