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Showing 201–236 of 236 results

  • Situation Ethics : The New Morality


    Igniting a firestorm of controversy upon its publication in 1966, Fletcher’s work was hailed by many as a much needed reformation of morality and as an invitation to anarchy by others. Proposing an ethic of “loving concerns” Fletcher suggests that certain acts, such as lying, adultery, and killing, may be morally right, depending on the circumstances. Fletcher’s provocative thesis remains a powerful force in contemporary discussions of morality.

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  • Ideology In America


    In this prophetic and inspiring call to justice, peace, and economic democracy, Alan Geyer proposes strategies for mainline churches and ecumenical institutions as they encounter assaults from conservative religious groups. Carefully tracing the changing political and social landscape of America since the era of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, and the role of the Christian Right in that change. Geyer denounces the smug creed that “business is good; government is bad.” With passion and trademark clarity he urges all people of goodwill to renew their commitment to the poor and the disadvantaged

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  • Erotic Justice : A Liberating Ethic Of Sexuality


    Ethicist Marvin Ellison argues compellingly that current crises in family, personal life, and sexuality are related to our culture’s prevailing attitudes about human sexuality. According to Ellison, the culturally sanctioned power dynamics involved in sexuality are a form of social oppression and share common ground with racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism, and cultural elitism. He proposes a liberating Christian ethic of erotic justice that goes beyond the prevailing patriarchal paradigm. This ethic at once affirms sexuality’s positive role in life and acknowledges that issues of justice and love are identical.

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  • Moral Vision Of The New Testament


    A leading expert in New Testament ethics discovers in the biblical witness a unified ethical vision — centered in the themes of community, cross and new creation — that has profound relevance in today’s world. Richard Hays shows how the New Testament provides moral guidance on the most troubling ethical issues of our time, including violence, divorce, homosexuality and abortion.

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  • Stewards Of Life


    Sondra Wheeler has written an extordinary introducation to bioethics. She defines with clarity the central bioethical principles of autonomy, non maleficence, beneficence and justie, while at the same time maintaining intergrity with the christian story. The book includes difficult clinical cases, drawn from real life, which give it depth; it portrays bioethical problems in technicolor. This book is recommended for pastors, hosptials and chaplains.

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  • Biblical Ethics And Homosexuality


    Advisory: Some of the views put forth in this book challenge the traditionally accepted teachings on the issue of homosexuality and the Christian faith. This book offers a challenge To the church to give heed to the multiplicity of voices that are engaged in biblically responsible and constructive debates about the volatile issues regarding sexual behavior.

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  • Empowerment Ethics For A Liberated People


    Cheryl Sanders sharpens the agenda of black liberation by offering both a fresh reading of historical black religion and a distinctive approach to Christian ethics. Arguing that the experience of oppression has been the catalyst for black moral life and thought, Sanders traces several paths that African American Christians have taken in moving from victimization to moral agency: testimony, protest, uplift, cooperation, achievement, remoralization, and ministry.

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  • Reconstructing Christian Ethics


    One of the major British theologians and ethicists of the nineteenth century, F. D. Maurice was a forerunner of the contemporary ecumenical movement. His writings and work were an articulation of his theology, which emphasizes the inclusiveness of Christianity despite ideological divisions within the Christian community. Maurice proposed a primary unifying principle, based on the dynamic love of God for humankind in all its diversity, that would bring the various Christian traditions into a catholic whole. This volume brings to readers a selection of Maurice’s moral writings based on his theological worldview. It is the only anthology of his ethical writings currently available.

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  • Readings In Christian Ethics Volume 2 (Reprinted)


    Essays explore how interpretations affect casuistry, and cover issues related to abortion, reproductive technologies, euthanasia, sexuality, race, gender, social justice, the environment, civil disobedience, capital punishment, and war.

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  • Not My Own A Print On Demand Title


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    This timely, tough-minded work examines the implications of the church’s distinctive characteristics in relation to the most heated moral crisis of our age. Writing from an ecumenical perspective, the authors explore the traditional “marks” of the church – the Word and the sacraments – and ask what difference the church can and should make in the lives of human beings affected by abortion. No other book has approached the issue of abortion from this perspective; no other book offers such sound practical help.

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  • Wealth As Peril And Obligation A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    This timely study of the New Testament helps bring clarity to one of the great ethical dilemmas of the modern church – the moral status of wealth and the ownership of property and possessions in relation to Christian faith.

    Sondra Ely Wheeler shows how Scripture can both form and inform contemporary moral discernment regarding wealth. After first developing a sound methodology for interpreting the New Testament’s moral witness on this sticky ethical question, Wheeler gives a responsible exegesis of the key New Testament texts that deal with wealth and possessions. What results is a practical, biblically based statement regarding the ethics of wealth and ownership and a useful set of criteria for sound moral discernment concerning economic life within the contemporary Christian church.

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  • Ethics Of Biblical Interpretation


    Daniel Patte argues here that when male European-American scholars interpret the Bible to produce a universally legitimate reading, they silence the Bible itself. Their reading practices exclude feminist, African American, and other so-called “minority” readings, as well as the interpretations of conservative and liberal laity. He further claims that ethical accountability requires recognizing that all exegesis consists of bringing critical understanding to ordinary readings, especially faith interpretations. Patte concludes that biblical studies must affirm the legitimacy of diverse ordinary readings and lead to an open discussion of the relative value of these readings.

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  • Morality And Beyond


    This work confronts the age-old question of how the moral is related to the religious. In particular, Tillich addresses the conflict between reason-determined ethics and faith-determined ethics and shows that neither is dependent on the other but that each alone is inadequate. Instead, Tillich reveals to us the gift that came with the arrival of Christ: a new reality that offers a power of being in which we can participate and out of which true thought and right action are possible. Paul Tillich (1886-1965) taught at several German universities before emigrating to the United States. In the United States, Tillich taught at Union Theological Seminary in New York, Harvard Divinity School, and the Divinity School of the University of Chicago.

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  • Biblical Christian Ethics


    After examining what Scripture teaches about the goals and motives of Christian living, the author addresses moral dilemmas, human-life issues, sexuality, economic justice, and truthfulness.

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  • Passion And Reason


    Grace Cumming Long provides us with a Christian ethics from the perspective of women’s experience, rooted in passion and reason, emotion and research. Through a collage of autobiographical narratives and feminist theologies Cumming Long constructs an unconventional approach to moral questioning, using the arts of cooking, painting, quilting, and weaving to illuminate how Christians must be creative in finding faithful ways to respond to God and to the social crises of our day. She examines welfare, reproductive choice, addiction, handicapping conditions, and AIDS within her ethical framework, and maintains that cooperation, dependence, creativity, and the compassionate use of power are the theological values Christians bring to an ethics that move us beyond patriarchy.

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  • Christian Ethics : A Historical Introduction


    This one-volume history of Christian ethics is the only comprehensive resource currently available to survey major thinkers, movements, and issues from the early church to the present. Topics discussed are: the legacies of Christian ethics, the ethics of early Christianity, the Reformation and Enlightenment, eighteenth and nineteenth-century rationalism and evangelism, Christian ethics in the twentieth century, and Christian ethics toward the third millennium.

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  • War In The 20th Century


    This timely anthology of important statements by Christian ethicists and ecclesial groups who draw upon the just-war tradition reviews the rationale for war in the twentieth century. Included are writings from Niebuhrs, the Calhoun Commission, John Ford, Elizabeth Anscombe, Paul Ramsey, Ralph Potter, the U.S. Catholic Bishops, and the U.S. Methodist Bishops. These authors, whose ideas reflect diverse trends in Roman Catholic and Protestant ethics spanning the period from the Manchurian crisis in the early 1930s to the Persian Gulf War in 1991, have sought to sharpen our moral literacy about the ethics of war. They address issues relevanct to modern warfare – obliteration bombing, selective conscientious objection, and nuclear deterrence.

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  • Life On The Line A Print On Demand Title


    Ethicist John Kilner draws on biblical materials to develop a basic ethical approach for dealing with difficult end-of-life situations and the allocation of limited medical resources. Arguing that a biblically based medical ethics must be God-centered, reality-bounded, and love-impelled, Kilner grapples honestly with the personal and social dilemmas that arise in the face of death. Topics covered include euthanasia, suicide, quality of life, living wills, and the distribution of vital treatments.

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  • Love And Justice


    The relationship between Christian love and justice was, for Reinhold Niebuhr, the most important issue in the modern world. In this book, there are 64 essays written by Niebuhr on a variety of social issues: democracy, race relations, socialized medicine, international relations, the atomic bomb, pacifism, and many others. Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) was the best-known spokesman for American Neoorthodoxy. Niebuhr served as a pastor in Detroit before becoming Professor of Theology at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Niebuhr’s theological work is characterized by a deep concern for the impact of the Christ- ian message upon society and politics. Niebuhr called his view Christian Realism.

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  • Social Teaching Of The Christian Churches 2


    More than a history of Christian ethics, this history of the Christian era relates ideas such as the changing structures of church and society, showing the mutual influences between ideas, social forces, and institutions.

    The Library of Theological Ethics series focuses on what it means to think theologically and ethically. It presents a selection of important and otherwise unavailable texts in easily accessible form. Volumes in this series will enable sustained dialogue with predecessors though reflection on classic works in the field.

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  • Social Teaching Of The Christian Churches 1


    More than a history of Christian ethics, this history of the Christian era relates ideas such as the changing structures of church and society, showing the mutual influences between ideas, social forces, and institutions.

    The Library of Theological Ethics series focuses on what it means to think theologically and ethically. It presents a selection of important and otherwise unavailable texts in easily accessible form. Volumes in this series will enable sustained dialogue with predecessors though reflection on classic works in the field.

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  • Clergy Ethics In A Changing Society


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664251611ISBN10: 0664251617Editor: Russell Burck | Editor: James Wind | Editor: Paul ComenischBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1991Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Making Moral Decisions


    The question “what am I to do?” needs the balance and completion of “what are we to do?” With clarity and insight Jersild addresses the particular need of our time; a greater awareness of our interdependence as a world community. Using critical incidents or cases to illustrate ethical points, Jersild examines such contemporary issues as euthanasia, employment and one’s sense of vocation, homosecuality, and more.

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  • Recovery Of Virtue


    By developing a philosophical reconstruction of the moral philosophy that underlies the Secunda Pars of the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas, Jean Porter illuminates Aquinas’ theory of morality and shows its relevance to contemporary Christian ethics.

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  • Theology Of Peace


    This gift from one of the greatest twentieth-century Protestant theologians, Paul Tillich, is a collection of hopeful, realistic writings on peace from the years Tillich spent in America. Beginning in 1937, the book documents Tillich’s pre-World War II hope and resistance to Hilter and moves to the time before his death in 1965, when Tillich preached frequently on hope. It includes the first public political speech in America, on anti-Semitism, essays on planning for peace, and criticism of the peace thought of John Foster Dulles and Pope John XXII. The essays on nuclear weapons and German boundary questions illustrate the continuing timeliness of Tillich’s thought.

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  • Social Ethics : An Examination Of American Moral Traditions


    Rodger Betsworth introduces ethics by focusing on the cultural narratives that shape American images of self and world: the biblical story American gospel of success, the idea of well-being, and the global mission of America.

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  • Bible In Politics


    This enlightening book on how to read the Bible politically serves as a prerequisite to Christian political action. Richard Bauckham offers his interpretations of several Bible passage that are politically relevant, and discusses how reading the Bible in a political context can lead to fresh insights.

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  • Of God And Pelicans


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250768ISBN10: 0664250769Jay McDanielBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Christian Ethics In The Protestant Tradition


    Drawing upon forty years of experience teaching ethics, Waldo Beach provides a basic introduction on Chriostian ethics. He has designed a challenging work that grapples with the ethical questions surrounding modern day problems from the perspective of Protestant theology and tradition. His two part format is especially helpful for study. Part I challenges readers to recover the Christian heritage in the midst of highly secularized American culture. Part II applies Christian faith and ethical principles to modern ethical problems and issues.

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  • Moral Exhortation : A Greco Roman Sourcebook


    What did the moral teachings of the early Christian writers have in common with the works of the pagan philosophers and orators of their time? Illustrating both parallels and contrasts, Malherbe excerpts many primary source materials that have not been easily available and makes this accessible with concise and penetrating introductions.

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  • 6 Theories Of Justice


    Dr. Lebacqz surveys three philosophical approaches to justice: John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism, the “contract” system of John Rawls, and the “entitlement” views of Robert Nozick. These are followed by analysis of three theological approaches: that of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, of Reinhold Niebuhr, and the liberation theologian Jose Porfirio Miranda. A comparison of the effectiveness of each approach in providing direction for facing and dealing with contemporary issues and situations adds to the usefulness of this volume

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  • Great Reversal A Print On Demand Title


    There is no denying, writes Allen Verhey, that churches today are called to discern the shape and style of life “worth of the gospel of Christ” in the twentieth century. Even in the face of changing situations and new moral problems to address, the contemporary church stands self-consciously in a tradition of which the New testament is a normative part.

    In this major new study of New Testament ethics, Verhey examines first of all the ethic of Jesus, for it is there that the tradition begins. He then analyzes the different forms in which the early church handed down the memory of Jesus’ words and deeds in the development of a moral tradition. Next he deals with that tradition as it came to canonical expression in the New Testament writings.

    In the last part of the book Verhey focuses on the use of the New Testament in the continuing moral tradition of the church, surveying proposals for the use of Scripture, identifying the critical methodological questions, and defending a “modest proposal” for the use of Scripture.

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  • Christian Attitude Toward War


    Brings biblical and historical data to bear upon issues of war and peace, pacifism, military force, civil disobedience, and nuclear weapons.

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  • Human Medicine : Ethical Perspectives On Todays Medical Issues (Revised)


    This completely revised and expanded edition offers an up-to-date analysis of developments in biomedical technology of the past ten years.

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  • Toward A Christian Political Ethics


    The author builds into his Christian political ethic the cross of Jesus Christ, the centrality of effective Christian community life, the need to free the oppressors, the reality of suffering and death, and the dynamic of Christian love…. One is impressed throughout the book by the author’s own patience and love in the face of continued oppression, frustration, and the killing of friends.

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  • Making Peace In The Global Village


    Well-known author Robert McAfee Brown’s compelling, hard-hitting book activates the Christian conscience in support of peacemaking. An excellent group study resource, Making Peace in the Global Village is for everyone serious about peacemaking in the world today.

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