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Showing 401–500 of 894 results

  • All Earth Is Waiting


    All Earth Is Waiting invites readers to explore the familiar Advent themes of hope, preparation, joy, and peace with the heavens and earth in mind. Through her powerful and personal reflections, author Katie Z. Dawson calls us to consider how all creation longs for the coming of Christ, taking seriously the notion that the good news of Christ is good news for all the world. Anticipating in Christ’s birth the reconciliation of the heavens and the earth, Dawson highlights the responsibility to care for this earth in preparation for Christ’s return. This collection of 28 Advent devotions is the perfect companion piece to the book and includes Scripture, reflections, and prayers for each day to help you prepare your heart during the season of Advent.

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  • Pauses For Advent


    In this beautifully minimalist book, Trevor Hudson focuses on one biblical word of wonder each day of Advent. Pausing for a few moments to read Hudson’s meditations on the word for the day will guide readers to a deeper understanding of Advent. Hudson also briefly explores the lives and thoughts of 4 significant characters in the Christmas story, encouraging readers to immerse themselves in the dramatic story. His simple approach provides a doable daily practice and gently leads readers to discover how they can open their hearts and lives more generously to God.

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  • Turning To The Light


    Turning to the Light draws together a collection of profound and beautiful seasonal reflections from the beginning of Advent to the end of Epiphany, by one of the finest voices in Anglican spirituality. Michael Mayne was one of Anglicanisma(TM)s most compelling and attractive voices, a gifted preacher and writer whose works have remained popular. These unpublished writings come from a large archive and are offered as an inspirational resource for preaching at a time of the year when many preachers seek fresh ways of opening up familiar texts. They are also suitable for individual devotional reading. Rowan Williams provides a forward to the collection.

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  • Arise : A 40-Day Journey For Women


    City On A Hill Press

    ARISE will take you on a soul-searching journey of self-examination using deep biblical truths combined with real-life stories, humor, and practical action steps to empower you to walk in lasting freedom. Each day features an easy-to-read devotional, which will take you one step closer to victory.

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  • Abraham : A Journey Through Lent (Student/Study Guide)


    Abraham is a Lent book that takes the story of Abraham in Genesis as the basis for a series of six Lenten studies. Each chapter is followed by a set of questions arising from it, as well as suggested further reading.

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  • Awaken : 90 Days With The God Who Speaks


    The choice of a devotional book is more personal than most. This kind of reading is not merely for the purpose of leisure and enjoyment. No, with this kind of resource you’re expecting and praying for something more. You want to hear from God, receive His direction, and be refreshed in the depths of your soul. Only God’s Word can do that.

    So you need to choose wisely.

    With her first devotional book, Priscilla Shirer makes your choice easy. For even though she’s written multiple best-selling books and Bible studies, including the 2016 ECPA “Christian Book of the Year” (Fervent), even though she regularly speaks to thousands at conference venues and churches around the world, even though she was the lead actress in a #1 box-office feature film (War Room) . . .

    It all starts for Priscilla where it all starts for you. Alone with God. Alone with His Word. Eager to hear His voice. Prepared to humbly and obediently respond. She hopes, more than anything else, that the daily insights you receive in these pages will challenge, encourage, and strengthen you in every way.

    These ninety devotions from the heart of a mom, wife, encourager, and friend will Awaken you each day with fresh insights gleaned from the Spirit of God. Ready to help you mine the treasures of Scripture and fortify you for the day ahead. This devotional is . . . a good choice.

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  • Some Small Heaven


    In this Advent book with a difference, striking reflections and images combine to teach us to discover light in dark times, open ourselves to the possibility of newness and to become bearers of light ourselves. Daily seasonal meditations focus on: Advent as a time of waiting, which can occur in our lives at any time. Whether we are waiting for a darkness to pass or yearning for a light to come, learning how to wait in Advent will enable us better to understand how to negotiate the waiting times whenever they come, and to give that waiting our care and attention. Christmas and its capacity to nurture within us an openness to new possibilities coming into being, unseen, unlikely, unnoticed. We are helped to capture the wonder of God coming towards us, making a home in us. Epiphany, a time of revealing, invites us to look up and look out and see larger patterns at work in our world, to know that how things seem right now is not how they will always be, to see the holy child Jesus as a gift for all. In seeking light we discover how we too can be bearers of light.

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  • Brand New : A 40 Day Guide To Life In Christ


    What’s the Bible really about? What’s God like? And what does all this mean for how I live?

    Especially when you’re new to the Christian faith, these questions surface again and again. Brand New is a brief and practical 40-day devotional for new believers to help them reflect on and answer these questions themselves.

    Readers will learn:
    The basics of the Christian faith
    The story of the Bible
    The character of God
    The practices of the Christian life

    Each day an important topic is discussed alongside insightful Bible passages. Reflection questions help readers respond to what God might be showing them. Each devotion ends with a prayer paraphrased from the Bible to learn how to use God’s word in personal prayers.

    Brand New will launch readers into an exciting adventure of trusting God and growing in faith!

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  • Truth : 365 Devotions For Teens Connecting Life And Faith


    This brand-new devotional from Josh McDowell unpacks spiritual truths that will inspire, challenge, and fuel your soul every day of the year–from January 1 to December 31.

    Practical and relevant, each month of devotional readings shares a common theme–

    Truth Is. . .365 Youth Devotions Connecting Life and Faith will lead you to understand the truths of God and how living them out is beneficial in your everyday life.

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  • Celebrating Abundance : Devotions For Advent


    To “prepare for Christmas” in our society is to be sucked into a vortex of indulgence, from decor to gifts to calorie-rich foods. Layer upon layer of tinsel, lights, chocolate drizzle, and wrapping paper create the illusion of abundance, disguising the feeling of emptiness in our souls. The arrival of the Messiah, by contrast, is true abundance disguised by the impression of scarcity. Training our eyes to see through the rough stable, the adolescent mother, and the anxious escape to Egypt, we can see in that poverty and powerlessness the wonder of God’s abundant life and grace coming down to dwell among us.

    This powerful devotional by best- selling author Walter Brueggemann includes daily reflections on the Scriptures and stories of Advent in order to invite us to see beyond the world’s faux extravagance and realize the true feast laid out before us. Twelve prayers are also included for the twelve days of Christmas.

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  • Emotionally Healthy Relationships Day By Day


    In this groundbreaking devotional book, Peter Scazzero reintroduces and expands upon the ancient spiritual discipline of the Daily Office. The basic premise is simple: Christians need to intentionally stop to be with God twice each day to create a continual and easy familiarity with God’s presence for the rest of the day.

    In the same powerful rhythm as Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day, each day offers two Daily Offices-Morning/Midday and Midday/Evening-where each devotional time will reflect on emotionally healthy relational themes, such as clarifying expectations, deep listening, and clean fighting. Readers will be ushered into a transformational practice that will deepen their daily walk with Jesus.

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  • My Utmost For His Highest Updated Edition


    My Utmost for His Highest has been a proven, best-selling devotional for many years. Over the past century, Oswald Chambers’s writings have inspired countless people to drink deeply from the biblical truths that he so passionately championed. His words are simultaneously penetrating and invigorating, and they trigger something in your soul leaving you forever changed. The biblical thoughts and themes that Chambers delivers in this updated-language edition will resonate with you as you seek to grow your faith.

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  • Straight To The Heart Of The Minor Prophets


    The Straight to the Heart series of devotional commentaries allows people to get to grips with each book of the Bible one bite at a time. In part one of the Minor Prophets we study Amos and Hosea, the two prophets sent by God to confront the northern kingdom of Israel. In part two, Jonah and Nahum, two prophets who were sent to offer the same choice between blessing and judgment to the pagan superpower Assyria. In part three, Joel, Micah, Zephaniah and Habakkuk, four prophets that the Lord sent to warn the southern kingdom of Judah. In part four, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi, four prophets that God inspired after the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile to Babylon, and who spoke glorious promises about a new hope for God’s people. Get ready to hear God speak to you as you read these twelve short books of prophecy. The arrival of Jesus to be our Saviour has amplified the urgent choice that they offer us. God still warns us: Blessing or curse – you decide. There will be 25 volumes in all. Although the tone is light, the text is full of useful application and backed by substantial scholarship.

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  • Imaginative Prayer : A Yearlong Guide For Your Childs Spiritual Formation


    Imaginative Prayer Creedal Poem
    How To Use This Book
    Part I: God’s Love
    1. God Loves So Many Things
    2. He Loves Me
    3. When I Am Lost, He Will Come Looking For Me
    4. When I Am Sick, He Wants To Heal Me
    5. When I Make Mistakes, He Will Always Have Grace On Me
    6. There Is Nothing That Can Separate Me From The Love Of God

    Review Week
    Part II: Loving Others
    7. God Invites Us To Live A Life Of Love
    8. Love Looks Like Being Patient And Kind And Not Making A List Of People’s Mistakes
    9. Love Looks Like Inviting People Who May Be Left Out
    10. Love Looks Like Taking Care Of People When They Need Help
    11. We Love Others With The Love That God Pours Into Us
    12. People Will Know That We Are Followers Of Jesus Because Of Our Love For Each Other

    Review Week
    Part III: Forgiveness
    13. Forgiveness Means We Can Have Peace With God
    14. Forgiveness Means God Welcomes Anyone
    15. Forgiveness Means God Takes Away Our Sin
    16. Forgiveness Means We Can Forgive The Sins Of Others
    17. When We Forgive, We Will Be Forgiven. When We Give, It Will Be Given Unto Us
    18. Love And Forgiveness Make Room For Reconciliation

    Review Week
    Part IV: Jesus Is The King
    19. Jesus Is The King Who Came To Undo The Power Of Death
    20. Jesus Is The King Who Came To Defeat The Power Of Sin
    21. Jesus Is The King Who Came To Defeat The Power Of The Accuser
    22. Jesus Is A Faithful King, Even When We Don’t Have Faith
    23. We Have Life With God Through The Faithfulness Of Jesus The King
    24. God Became King Through Love And Forgiveness

    Review Week
    Part V: The Good News Of God
    25. God Made Us A Promise, And It Comes To Us Through Jesus
    26. The Good News Of God Comes To Us Through The Words Of Jesus
    27. The Good News Of God Comes To Us Through The Life Of Jesus
    28. The Good News Of God Comes To Us Through The Death Of Jesus
    29. The Good News Of God Comes To Us Through The Resurrection Of Jesus
    30. We Receive The Promises Of God When We Choose To Follow Jesus

    Review Week
    Part XI: The Mission Of God
    31. When We Choose To Follow Jesus, We Join The Mission Of God To Bring His Love Into The World
    32. The Mission Of God Is To Make Everything In The World Good Again
    33. The Mission Of God Is To Bring All Things Under The Reign Of King Jesus
    34. The Mission Of God Is To Bring Peace And Reconciliation To Everything
    35. The Mission Of God Is To Take Away The Veil That Covers Up The Presence Of God
    36. God Is At Wo

    Additional Info
    How do we help our kids connect with God? Most parents want their kids to learn to love God. But most of us struggle to facilitate real spiritual experiences. It’s hard enough to have a meaningful conversation with our kids about spiritual things, let alone help them experience true transformation in the presence of God. Jared Patrick Boyd discovered that children’s spiritual formation is rooted in the imagination. When we lead our children through guided times of imaginative prayer, they can experience a connection with God that transcends mere Bible knowledge or doctrinal content. This unique resource provides six units of weekly guided imaginative prayer, themed around core topics: God’s love, loving others, forgiveness, God as king, the good news of God, and the mission of God. Each unit has six sessions, providing a yearlong experience of spiritual formation for children ages 5-13. Through imaginative prayer you can help your child connect with God. As you do so, you may find yourself connecting more closely with your child, and your own formation as a parent will deepen into greater awareness of God’s work in your lives.

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  • Good Gift Giver


    ‘Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.’ James 1:17 NIV

    Joe and Tahni Cullen’s life spun into supernatural mode when their seven-year-old, nonverbal autistic son, Josiah, who had never been traditionally taught to read or write, suddenly typed his first independent sentence on an iPad: God is a good gift giver.

    As told in the book Josiah’s Fire, God unlocked Josiah s spiritual senses to the deep joys of heaven renewing their hope, joy, and excitement for God s Word, power, and presence. Josiah’s gems on their Josiah’s Fire Facebook page delight people from around the world with his wise, thought-provoking insights.

    This 21-day devotional unites three inspired voices Tahni Cullen, Josiah Cullen, and Cheryl Ricker as they share Josiah’s revelatory quotes, personal stories, Scripture for meditation, and prompts for reflection. You will see that blessings come in unexpected forms, personally prepared for you by the good gift giver himself. When received as gifts, these blessings will increase your gratitude, joy, and hope.

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  • Daily Prayer With The Corrymeela Community


    Corrymeela is Northern Ireland’s oldest peace and reconciliation organization. Founded 50 years ago in the belief that people and communities can learn to live together well, it is a dispersed Christian community with 200 members and 4000 friends worldwide, hosting 11,000 guests each year. Its leader is the writer and poet, Padraig O Tuama. At the heart of its life is a simple pattern of daily worship that is structured around meditation on the Gospels. This prayer book captures the essence of the Corrymeela prayer experience for everyone who wishes to incorporate its spirituality into their regular prayer practice. Structured over 31 days, it offers for each day a Bible reading, a reflection and a specially written prayer by Padraig O Tuama. In addition, it includes an introduction to the spirituality of welcome that sustains Corrymeela’s remarkable work.

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  • Staymarried A Couples Devotional


    Althea Press

    Strong marriages don’t just happen. They require commitment, time, and faith-which can often be difficult to achieve amid the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. But this kind of dedication is essential, not just to getting married, but to staying married.

    After five years of marriage, Michelle Peterson discovered that many of the couples she knew were separating or getting divorced, and found herself asking a question that would become the foundation of her life’s work: What does it take to stay married? From this question Michelle developed the popular blog and podcast, #staymarried, which has helped hundreds of thousands of couples improve their marriages.

    #staymarried: A Couple’s Devotional combines everything Michelle has learned in one welcoming and applicable couple’s devotional. In #staymarried: A Couple’s Devotional, scripture-based devotions help you and your spouse work together to strengthen your relationship-to each other and God.

    In this couple’s devotional, you’ll find:

    -Devotions that require only 30 minutes per week and address everything from finances and arguments to trust and intimacy.
    -Wisdom from the Bible incorporated with up-to-date research from research-based sources such as The Gottman Institute.
    -Inclusive, open-minded guidance that applies to a diverse range of couples.

    With #staymarried: A Couple’s Devotional, you and your spouse will learn to connect meaningfully and communicate honestly while renewing your shared commitment to your marriage and faith.

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  • Bible Sisters : A Year Of Devotions With The Women Of The Bible


    These Bible passages, reflections, and prayers will lead women through the Bible, from Eve to the women at the empty tomb and in the early church. Bible Stories: A Year of Devotions with the Women of the Bible is perfect for daily personal devotions or for small group discussions that explore women’s perspectives in the Bible. This volume is also an excellent companion resource to the CEB Women’s Bible (ISBN 9781609261887).

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  • Selah : Devotions From The Psalms For Those Who Struggle With Devotion


    Most followers of Jesus know that a key part of growing in their faith is reading their Bible and praying. However, many people find Scripture reading a difficult discipline to master. In “Selah,” believers will find accessible, honest, and practical content to help people start to spend daily time in the Scriptures.

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  • Remembering God


    Remembering God is a devotional book designed for Christians to read daily to remind them of the importance of God’s Word.

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  • Remembering God


    Remembering God is a devotional book designed for Christians to read daily to remind them of the importance of God’s Word.

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  • Holy Thoughts From The Holy Land


    After more than one trip to the Holy Land to study the geography and history of that land and several years of study, research, and writing about that biblical land, Holy Thoughts from the Holy Land was written. It is the hope of the author that these devotional meditations will be inspirational and encouraging for those walking the sometimes rough road of life.

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  • Out Of The Spin Cycle


    Following Jesus shouldn’t be just one more thing to do

    Motherhood sometimes feels like a laundry list of expectations. You may be busy or overwhelmed, but you are also strong and brilliant. And here’s a secret: Jesus’s to-do list is way shorter than yours.

    In Out of the Spin Cycle, author and speaker Jen Hatmaker takes the words and deeds of Jesus, adds the humor of a Mom Life, and offers messages of grace and encouragement. Covering issues like worry, marriage, priorities, money, and the comparison trap, this dynamic Bible teacher brings Jesus’s message alive in short, to-the-point devotionals for your busy life. This is a devotional for you–the woman inside the mom–the dreamer, the learner, the world-changer.

    Put aside that to-do list and discover how Jesus can lighten your mother load.

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  • French Collection : Moments With God In Paris


    Kim left for a vacation in Paris with the singular hope that she would not pass out on the banks of the Seine from a migraine headache. This fear emphasized the fact that even during the best times of life-like a trip to Paris-we need God by our side.

    In this series of devotions, the reader travels through Paris with the author on her vacation and her journey of faith. Six days are spent exploring some of the city’s lesser known sites in anticipation of meeting up with her daughter for another three days of sightseeing. Together reader and author become familiar with the fascinating history and culture of the city of Paris.

    Certain moments stand out above all others from the vacation. They are more intense, or more amusing, sometimes more embarrassing, or even more fearful. Kim has written about these moments, developed them around the sights and history of Paris, wrapped them in Scripture, and turned them into The French Collection.

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  • Beautiful Word Devotional


    Your devotional time is a precious time to draw near to the Lord and experience His love in your life. The Beautiful Word Devotional is the perfect companion to help you experience His goodness and beauty through not only His Word but also through beautifully hand-lettered scriptures throughout the devotional. Dive into devotions to nurture your spirit and encourage your heart as God’s Word washes over you with its promises. With lovely devotions and inspiring images, The Beautiful Word Devotional will be the perfect companion to your Beautiful Word Bible. The Beautiful Word Devotional is a gorgeous gift for believers in all walks of life. Whether someone is just starting to seek the Lord or has been a seasoned believer for decades, this devotional will be a lovely, encouraging gift for any occasion.

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  • Words On Worship


    When we worship God, in a crowd or alone with our Bible, He is praised and glorified. Charles Billingsley has led worship in huge arenas, but worship is always about the intimacy between one person and God. With Words on Worship, you are invited into private, personal worship with your Lord. These warm, intimate writings encourage and guide you through daily worship and devotions. They set the tone for the day to be one of praise, gratitude, and companionship with God.

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  • Jesus And The Holocaust


    Poignant meditations occasioned by a unique convergence of commemorative events

    On Good Friday, April 14, 1995, Christians remembered the crucifixion of Jesus, Jews reenacted the Passover, and the world at large observed the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II and the Holocaust. That unusual juxtaposition formed the backdrop as Joel Marcus-a Jew by birth, a Christian by choice-took the pulpit at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Glasgow, Scotland.

    This book presents Marcus’s stirring meditations that day on the relationship between the deaths of six million innocent Jews in the Holocaust and the death of one innocent Jew on the cross. Through reflection on Bible passages in light of stories and poems about the Holocaust, Marcus shows how the hope that Christians have always found hidden in the darkest hour of their liturgical year can shed light on the most tragic moment of our recent history-and vice versa.

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  • Unwalled Poetry : A Different Devotional Experience


    Do you want a devotional book you can relate to? Are you searching for meditations to inspire you and help you cope with the real problems you face in life?

    Unwalled Poetry is a devotional book with a difference. You will enjoy this mix of 101 amazing poems, scriptures, and meditations that get to the heart of the matter. The poems are realistic, powerful, and expressive, yet, gentle and comforting to the spirit. They deal with the laughter and love, the heartaches and pain, the bitter and the sweet moments, the guilt and shame-reality.

    Each day’s meditation on the Word and poetry will enrich your spiritual growth and experience, challenge you to a deeper walk with the Lord, and empower you to succeed on life’s journey.

    Whether used for morning contemplation, afternoon stimulation or evening relaxation, individually or in a small group, Unwalled Poetry will encourage your heart, edify your spirit, inspire your soul and set you free.

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  • Sun Still Rises


    For many people at midlife the pace of life is so frenetic and full that we do not take the time to “let the land lie fallow.” But it is especially at this juncture that many want to ask some hard questions of God and of ourselves. Leonora Tubbs Tisdale presents this devotional book of reflections to help people at midlife reflect and navigate through some of these questions.

    The fifty meditations in The Sun Still Rises take the reader on a journey through challenges that many people face at midlife, such as job loss, the quest for personal and vocational identity, illness (cancer), war, a parent’s dementia, and the death of friends. It also traces the joys that come with rediscovering nature, relishing long-term friendships, and growing older. Each entry ends with a Scripture citation and questions for reflection.

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  • Choose Joy 3 Minute Devotions For Women


    Got 3 minutes to spare? You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you need in Choose Joy 3-Minute Devotions for Women. Written especially the twenty-first-century woman, this delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and joy into just-right-sized readings.
    Minute 1: scripture to meditate on;
    Minute 2: a short devotional reading;
    Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God. This portable package makes a fabulous any-occasion gift for every woman.

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  • Daily Light For Your Daily Path


    Start each day empowered with the motivation and guidance from the Daily Light For Your Daily Path. This classic devotional compiled by the Bagster family centuries ago contains Scripture verses from the clear and concise English Standard Version that will help you stay focused on God as you journey down life s path.

    In a graceful display of elegant style, this softcover devotional design features a subtle dusty rose backdrop with a vintage bicycle and its front basket filled with a colorful bouquet of blooming roses accented with brilliant metallic rose gold detailing. Its beautifully designed 408 pages offer something new each day of the year and also provide plenty of space for writing notes or thoughts during daily reflection.

    This Christian devotional can fit inside totes, briefcases, backpacks and more for a daily reminder of the wonderful things God has in store for you anytime and anywhere. It adds a sophisticated touch to a tabletop, bedside table or desk. With a presentation page for gift-giving, this elegant devotional makes an ideal gift of encouragement for a friend or loved one for any occasion.

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  • Happily Ever After


    Harder than you imagined. Better than a fairy tale. Marriage between sinners has its inevitable messes. If you’ve been married longer than a week or two, you know how the hard realities of life in a fallen age can come crashing in. Perhaps you had a season of “once upon a time,” but soon enough you realized that this marriage, in this world, is not yet your “happily ever after.” We want to help. We believe that God designed marriage not as a trial to be endured, but as a pointer to and catalyst for your greatest joy. God didn’t design marriage to be your storybook ending, but a fresh beginning, to help get you ready for the true “happily ever after” when together we see our great Bridegroom face to face. The thirty devotional readings in Happily Ever After have been assembled to shape, challenge, and inspire you and your spouse’s (or fiance’s) vision of marriage.

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  • Walking With The Savior


    Start each day empowered and equipped with the inspirational and insightful words of the Walking With the Savior devotional by the influential Christian author Max Lucado. His challenging and impactful messages combined with God s precious words will encourage you in your daily walk with God.

    In a graceful display of elegant style, this softcover devotional features a subtle blue backdrop with a watercolor design depicting a watering can filled with a colorful bouquet of flowers accented with butterflies and brilliant metallic gold detailing. Its beautifully designed 408 pages offer something new each day of the year and also provide plenty of space for writing notes or thoughts during daily reflection.

    This Christian devotional can fit inside totes, briefcases, backpacks and more for a daily reminder of the wonderful things God has in store for you anytime and anywhere. It adds a sophisticated touch to a tabletop, bedside table or desk. With a presentation page for gift-giving, this elegant devotional makes an ideal gift of encouragement for a friend or loved one for any occasion.

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  • Shalom In Psalms


    Using the Tree of Life Version, this new devotional based on the book of Psalms helps readers better understand the richness of the Hebrew tradition and offers readers peace in a world that steals our shalom.

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  • Walking The Journey Of Lent Cycle A


    Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping and with mourning; mend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing.

    -Joel 2:12-13

    This famous passage of scripture proclaimed each Ash Wednesday provides the themes and sets the environment for the holy season of Lent. In its wisdom the Christian church provides its members a forty day period of preparation, emphasizing prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, for the great celebration of the Paschal Mystery, the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We who are privileged to bear the name Christian must use this annual time of renewal to reconnect ourselves to our God, the source of all that is good. Through a process of study, reflection, and discussion on the scripture passages that the church uses in its Sunday celebrations during this special time, an environment can be provided for us to discover and foster the renewal we all need. It is hoped that Walking the Journey of Lent: Reflections on the Scriptures for Cycle A provides this specific opportunity.

    This Lenten Bible study can be a helpful and effective way for groups and individuals to reflect upon the scriptures and through this process prepare ourselves better for the greatest of all celebrations, Easter, when Jesus rises from the dead and brings all Christians the possibility of salvation. Like any effort in life that is meritorious, this Bible study will require some effort, but it need not and should not be a burden. Rather, in sharing with others, and allowing the Spirit of God to flow through us, we can come to greater insights as to what the scriptures might mean for us and how, most importantly, we can apply them to our lives.

    Chapters Included:

    Negotiating The Hurdles Of Life

    Allowing God To Change Us

    Christ Gives Us Hope

    Seeking The Light Of Christ

    Jesus Unchains Us

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  • Kingdom Family Devotional


    This new devotional from Dr. Tony Evans and his son Jonathan Evans will provide both single and married parents with a resource tool to maximize those family devotional times, such as the dinner hour or bedtime. The family virtues-based devotional provides 52 separate topics, one for each week of the year, and five devotionals within each topic that will guide devotional times Monday through Friday. This is a wonderful way to build a spiritually strong family week by week, day after day-a perfect way to head into the weekend. Topics range from the basics of the faith-such as salvation, spiritual warfare, prayer, forgiveness, and discipleship-to essentials of living as followers of Christ: money, prayer, family, friends, and priorities. The subject matter is simplified so even young children can grasp important concepts. This is a perfect resource for busy families.

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  • Well Ordered Family Annotated


    Second Adam Publishing

    The Well Ordered Family is a classic by the Puritan author Ambrose (1604-1664). Like many works from this era of Christian history, it’s packed full of practical biblical principles waiting an application to every Christian household.

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  • Grand Sweep Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Study the whole Bible in a year with J. Ellsworth Kalas. The Grand Sweep is designed for personal use. The added component of a Leader Guide enables congregations and study groups to share the experience. It provides an overview of how to use the book as a study, along with specific content for weekly, monthly, or occasional group meetings. The Grand Sweep guides readers through the Bible in a year by having them read three – four chapters daily. The Psalms and Proverbs are scattered throughout the readings as devotional elements. Because the reading plan moves through the Bible in biblical sequence, readers grasp the grand sweep of the Scriptures-something missed in most Bible studies. Daily readings are manageable allowing someone just beginning a serious devotional life to have the positive experience of developing a new spiritual discipline. Individuals can start reading at any time of the year. When the year of reading ends, they will have a grasp of the biblical story from beginning to end and a stronger devotional life. Kalas also provides a faithful daily summary of readings, but with a devotional quality to encourage warmth of spirit as well as knowledge of mind. Includes a reflection from son, David Kalas, and selected quotations from Kalas’s 35 books.

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  • Daily Devotions For Die Hard Fans Michigan State Spartans


    Extra Point Publishers
    Daily Devotions for Die-Hard Fans Michigan State Spartans combines the great passion of the Spartans fan with the grand passion of the fan of Christ into one set of devotions. The result is one book that is fun while providing a time of reflection about God and your faith.

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  • Daily Devotions For Die Hard Kids LSU Tigers


    Extra Point Publishers
    DAILY DEVOTIONS FOR DIE-HARD KIDS: LSU TIGERS combines the excitement you feel when reading about the Tigers with the fun of learning more about Jesus and your faith. You’ll read stories like these: An LSU defensive end played in awful pain for two years and then one night he prayed. Coach Dale Brown thought the 13-year-old was in the army. It was Shaquille O’Neal. LSU had a player who lived in a jail instead of a mansion because he liked it better. The Tigers once had a football coach who didn’t operate in the same time zone as everyone else. One time LSU went to a bowl game and couldn’t get home. You’ll read about a bunch of LSU people like Pete Maravich, Dalton Hilliard, Billy Cannon, Leonard Fournette, and many others. Their stories and tales of some great games and big wins are told with a twist: They all teach you about God’s story, too. Have fun! Have faith! Geaux Tigers! Geaux God!

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  • 100 Most Encouraging Verses Of The Bible (Reprinted)


    The 100 Most Encouraging Verses in the BibleEveryone struggles with discouragement as they face various trials of life, big or small. Whether you are struggling with your health, family, job, or relationships, God wants to give you hope and peace again. What does he want you to know and remember in the hard times? This book goes straight to the source of all Truth to reveal how much God loves you and how he’s right by your side through thick and thin. The 100 verses that are highlighted include well-known passages as well as hidden treasures you may have never read. Each verse is followed by a brief devotional reading that will help you find understanding and comfort from the text–and in the process draw you ever nearer to God. The book’s length and focus make it perfect as a daily meditation or to read as a family. It also makes an ideal gift for those who love the Bible and seek the hope of God’s promises.

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  • Daily Devotions For Die Hard Fans West Virginia Mountaineers


    Extra Point Publishers
    Daily Devotions for Die-Hard Fans West Virginia Mountaineers combines the great passion of the Mountaineers fan with the great passion of the fan of Christ into one set of devotions, one book that is fun while providing a time of reflection about God and your faith.

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  • Daily Devotions For Die Hard Kids Ole Miss Rebels


    Extra Point Publishers
    DAILY DEVOTIONS FOR DIE-HARD KIDS: OLE MISS REBELS combines the excitement you feel when reading about the Rebels with the fun of learning more about Jesus and your faith. You’ll read stories like these: One time the Rebels hurt their coach celebrating a big win. An All-American football player lived in a jail cell for a while and was quite happy about it. The Ole Miss football team once played three games in eight days. Basketball great Jennifer Gillom started out by playing in a cow pasture. A Rebel football player did something so shocking a rule was passed so he couldn’t do it again. You’ll read about a bunch of Ole Miss athletes and coaches like Hugh Freeze and Eli Manning. Their stories and tales of some great games and big wins are told with a twist: They all teach you about God’s story, too. Have fun! Have faith! Go Rebels! Go God!

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  • Daily Devotions For Die Hard Kids Mississippi State Bulldogs


    Extra Point Publishers
    DAILY DEVOTIONS FOR DIE-HARD KIDS: MISSISSIPPI STATE BULLDOGS combines the excitement you feel when you read about the Bulldogs with the fun of learning more about Jesus and your faith. You’ll read stories like these: The Bulldogs played Ole Miss once with half the football field under water thanks to a circus. Robert Hicks was a Bulldog football player who showed up in a big-time movie. State’s first track star could run faster without track shoes than he could with them. Baseball coach Ron Polk didn’t like being around babies. One time he wound up with 20 of them. Some daring State students put a dead skunk under the opposing basketball coach’s chair. You’ll read about a bunch of Bulldog people like Coach Dan Mullen, Dak Prescott, and many others. Their stories and tales of some great games and big wins are told with a twist: They all teach you about God’s story, too. Have fun! Have faith! Hail State! Go God!

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  • Most Wonderful Time Of The Year


    The month of December is filled with joy and wonder as we anticipate the celebration of Christ’s birth. For both the young and the young at heart, there is no season that can compare to the Christmas season. Celebrate this year with a countdown through the month. From December 1 to New Year’s Eve, these inspirational readings of stories behind popular Christmas traditions, carols, and movies will rid you of the overpowering stress that can come with this season and reawaken the wonder, joy, and magic that is Christmas. Best-selling author Ace Collins will capture your imagination, reawaken precious traditions, revisit great traditions, and shine a light on opportunities to use the real spirit of the season to make each day of December more memorable and meaningful.

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  • Unseen : The Prince Warriors 365 Devotional


    You are God’s warrior, and His armor is waiting for you.

    These 365 devotions from New York Times best-selling author Priscilla Shirer will give middle-grade readers daily power from God’s Word and grow them into warriors who use their spiritual armor daily. Each day’s strategy session is divided up into two sections: Reconnaissance (Recon) and Actionable Intelligence (Actionable Intel) to help readers recognize the enemy, build their defenses, and claim the victory God has planned for them.

    Don’t miss the other titles in The Prince Warriors series, including the first two titles in the fiction trilogy and Unseen: The Prince Warriors App.

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  • Praying Through Cancer


    Receiving a cancer diagnosis is traumatic, both for the person diagnosed and family and friends. Todd Outcalt writes from the perspective of a husband who has accompanied his wife, a breast cancer survivor, through her cancer journey.

    This book is a practical guide for anyone seeking strength, support and hope for coping with cancer. This personal book addresses the raw emotions and deep questions evoked by cancer. Each devotion helps the reader encounter God through comforting scriptures, insightful reflections, and heartfelt prayers.

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  • Meeting God In Scripture


    Do you struggle to connect with God in Scripture? It’s easy to get bogged down in the linguistic, cultural and historical details and to lose sight of the whole point: hearing the voice of Jesus speaking to us here and now. Lectio divina is a traditional Benedictine practice of Scripture reading that treats the Bible not as a text to be dissected, but as the living Word of God spoken anew to us. Experienced Bible teacher Jan Johnson has led lectio divina workshops for many years. Here she presents forty scriptural meditations, organized topically, with a view toward giving us the tools we need to practice lectio divina on our own. Each meditation can be used both individually or in group settings, and includes an introductory space of silence to help us relax and refocus, along with an optional preparatory question or exercise; the full text of a passage from Scripture with explanations of unusual or important words, and with cultural and historical background as needed; questions and cues to help us enter the text (and in narrative passages, prompts to help us vividly imagine how the action would have unfolded); space to contemplate the passage and to respond to God in prayer; space to simply rest in what God has said to us; and an exercise to “try on” one of the main ideas of the passage in our daily lives. Meeting God in Scripture moves us beyond merely understanding what the text meant in its original context to a direct spiritual encounter with Christ as he speaks to us in each passage. The method of Scripture reading modeled here offers to revitalize our understanding of Scripture permanently-even long after we’ve finished these particular meditations.

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  • Jesus Always : Embracing Joy In His Presence


    Experience true joy-now and always. You have heard Jesus’ voice and responded to His invitation to peace and hope. With scripture and personal reflections, the #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young, brings Jesus’ message of joy-for today and every day.

    Life today is full of difficulties-loss, sadness, fear. In the midst of these challenges, joy often feels impossible or out of reach. But Jesus has more for His followers than a life of striving, pain, and discontent. He offers life abundant, life to the fullest, life brimming with joy! Jesus Always, the brand new 365-day devotional from bestselling author Sarah Young, was written as part of Sarah Young’s exploration of the promises of joy in scripture. Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to the reader, Jesus Always invites you into a new way of living-a life of joy.

    Reaching out with joy-filled reminders from the Word of God, these devotions will intimately and gently connect you with Jesus-the One who meets you where you are. Draw near to Him in Jesus Always.

    People often buy multiple copies of Sarah Young products, which makes this a truly unique book that appeals to both self-purchases and gifts-often at the same time!

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  • Praying The Names Of Jesus


    Joy, peace, and power-these are only some of the gifts promised to those who trust in the name of the Lord. Praying the Names of Jesus will lead readers into a richer and more rewarding relationship with Christ by helping them to understand and pray his names on a daily basis. By understanding the biblical context in which these names and titles were revealed, readers will gain a more intimate knowledge of Jesus and his plan for their lives. They will also begin to see how each of his names holds within it a promise: to be our Teacher, Healer, Friend, and Lord-to be God with Us no matter the circumstances. Prince of Peace, Lamb of God, Bread of Life, Yeshua . . . through his names and titles, we come to understand more fully how Jesus reveals God’s heart to us. Praying the Names of Jesus focuses on twenty-six of his most prominent names and titles to provide six-months of devotions. Each week provides a unique devotional program designed for personal prayer and study or for use in small groups. Praying the Names of Jesus is the companion volume to the bestselling Praying the Names of God. In ways both surprising and profound, it reveals a rich portrait of Jesus that will move readers toward a deeper experience of his love and mercy.

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  • Praying The Names Of God


    A twenty-six-week devotional study by the bestselling coauthor of Women of the Bible. Names in the ancient world did more than simply distinguish one person from another, they often conveyed the essential nature and character of a person. This is especially true when it comes to the names of God recorded in the Bible.

    Praying the Names of God explores the primary names and titles of God in the Old Testament to reveal the deeper meanings behind them. El Shaddai, Elohim, Adonai, Abba, El Elyon-God Almighty, Mighty Creator, Lord, Father, God Most High-these are just a few of the names and titles of God that yield rich insights into his nature and character.

    Praying the Names of God shows readers how to study and pray God’s names by focusing each week on one of the primary names or titles of God:
    – Monday-readers study a portion of Scripture that reveals the name.
    – Tuesday-Thursday-readers pray specific Scripture passages related to the name.
    – Friday-readers pray Scripture promises connected to the name.

    By incorporating the divine names and titles into their prayers-and learning about the biblical context in which the name was revealed-readers will gain a more intimate understanding of who God is and how he can be relied on in every circumstance of their lives. Praying the Names of God is a unique devotional, one that offers a rich program of daily prayer and study designed to lead people into fresh encounters with the living God.

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  • Kingdom Marriage Devotional


    This 90-day devotional is a perfect way for kingdom couples to start the day together remembering the principles they are learning in the Kingdom Marriage book, DVD Video Curriculum, or Participant’s Guide. Couples will find daily inspiration to step together into the full role God has for them so they begin to fulfill God’s design and purpose for their marriage. With practical insights and powerful stories, Tony Evans inspires and instructs couples so they discover the hope, challenge, and guidance God’s Word provides for their journey together.
    Kingdom Marriage Devotional shows couples that the key to influencing our society and the world with lasting impact is found in solidifying Biblical marriage the way God intended. It starts with both wife and husband being nurtured in the Lord’s presence and then reflecting His image within the roles and responsibilities of their union. Kingdom Marriage Devotional and other Kingdom Marriage products are part of an entire line of Kingdom products by Tony Evans, including Kingdom Man, Kingdom Woman, Raising Kingdom Kids, and the Kingdom Quest strategy guides for kids and teens.

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  • Enfolded In Gods Arms


    Spiritual Formation House Title

    Embrace your inner healing! Let God’s tender love enfold you and restore the wounded places of your soul with this award-winning 40-day devotional for women.

    Experience healing, change, and growth within the sacred space of your heart. Let these compassionate and insightful reflections gently guide you into a tender spiritual embrace.

    – Reflect on meditations that illuminate the love of Jesus in the everyday hurts of life
    – Find tender scriptures, hopeful prayers, positive questions, and silent moments with God
    – Receive thoughtful affirmation as you search for peace

    Hold hands with Jesus as you contemplate this peaceful garden of comforting reflections. Be renewed, refreshed, and spiritually transformed.

    This gentle daily devotional is ideal for individual or group reading, self-help, and as a Lenten or other resource for Christian living.

    Enfolded in God’s Arms was a finalist in both the Voice Arts Awards and the Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

    “I recommend Enfolded in God’s Arms by Lisa Are Wulf for anyone who experiences struggles they ‘can’t seem to shake.’ It is non-threatening, yet challenging and transforming. Lisa uses a tender approach. I’ve never heard her voice, but I felt like I could hear her encouraging me.” Daphne Tarango, inspirational author

    Let Enfolded in God’s Arms help you discover new perspectives as wounds are soothed and life moves forward.

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  • All Creatures : Life Lessons Learned From Some Of God’s Lesser Creatures


    A whimsical approach to the promises of God s word, discovered through the offbeat antics of a menagerie of animal misfits.”

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  • Not Without A Fight


    Not Without A Fight is a 40-day journey of excitement into God’s Word designed to enrich and inspire you in your daily walk. This six-week journey will require only 7 minutes a day during which time your soul will be fed the truth in God’s Word which will propel you into victorious living in the battleground of life. You will learn to fight to win against sin and the evil supernaturalism we all face in every-day life.

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  • Ministry Proverbs : Lessons Learned For Leading Congregations


    Biblical and cultural proverbs have been cherished throughout the ages. One reason for their enduring influence is that they reveal deeper wisdom through easy-to-grasp phrases. They form our lives by offering wisdom we can hold onto and use in life’s most complex situations. In the increasingly complex world of modern ministry, it has become harder for pastors and church leaders to act wisely when the models for ministry keep changing. Ministry Proverbs is a collection of 60 proverbs that the Rev. Dr. Graham Standish has developed over the years to guide his own ministry. These are proverbs such as “We are only responsible for our efforts. God is responsible for the results. So be responsible for your part, and let God be responsible for God’s part. Wisdom comes in learning to tell the difference.” Each proverb is followed by 4-6 paragraphs of reflection that take the reader deeper into the ramifications and applications of the proverb. The reflections are intended to help readers to apply the proverbs in their own ministries, and to remember them so that when they face a difficult or uncertain situation, they can tap into the wisdom.

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  • Soul H2o : 40 Thirst Quenching Devotions For Women


    Quench your spiritual thirst with refreshing devotions taken from the Soul H2O Blog. Throughout the short devotions, Sherry weaves relatable experiences making Biblical truths simple. Each end with a power-packed prayer followed by a list of scriptures to fill up your well.

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  • Youre Gods Girl


    Which shows the real you-your Instagram image or God’s image? In a world of photo-edited perfection, it can be impossible for a girl to see herself as she really is.

    Daily devotions written directly to your heart will help you discover God’s truth-the truth of who He made you to be, the truth of how unique and special you are, and the truth of how you fit into your world.

    There’s nothing more gorgeous than a girl walking hand in hand with God, modeling the timeless style of kindness, obedience, and faithfulness. And there’s no more awesome way to start your day than with God’s power-packed promises and life-boosting lessons.

    Be an original in a world full of followers. Get ready to have your best day ever. See yourself through God’s eyes and allow His truth to make a difference in your life. The real you, the true you, is amazing!

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  • Friends Of Jesus


    America’s favorite inspirational novelist and #1 New York Times bestselling author paints vividly realized portraits of six of Jesus’ closest friends and companions, bringing biblical truths to life in this captivating continuation of her Life-Changing Bible Story series.

    In our everyday lives, friends are the people whom we spend the most time with, go through struggles with, and who know us best. Each of Jesus’ friends-Peter, John, Matthew, Judas, Mary Magdalene, and Lazarus-traveled with Jesus and were part of His daily ministry, and each has a compelling story to tell. There were some who would question or doubt Him…and one would even betray Him. Kingsbury brings these fascinating personalities to life in ways that will not only help bring you closer to the truths found in Scripture, but also to Christ.

    By combining valuable, instructive Bible study with compelling, insightful character sketches of Jesus’ companions, Kingsbury provides you with a deeper understanding of the scriptural teachings featuring these fascinating people. Emotionally powerful, thought-provoking, and soulful, The Friends of Jesus will help you to appreciate the Bible and understand how it applies to your relationships with the most important people in your life.

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  • Good Morning God


    How do you begin your morning? The way you begin your day has a significant impact on how the rest of your day goes. That is one reason why it is of utmost importance for a child of God to begin their day with God. In Psalm 5:3, David declared, “My voice shall you hear in the morning, Oh Lord.” David understood the importance of meeting the Lord in the morning. In Psalm 63:1, he said, “Oh God, early will I seek you.”

    We are living in a volatile and vicious generation. Our enemy is attacking on every front. No Christian should ever consider leaving home until they have spent ample time with the Lord and armed themselves for spiritual battle. This daily devotional has been written to be a help for believers who want to spend time with their Father. Wake up each day and say “Good Morning God!”

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  • Family Of Jesus


    America’s favorite inspirational novelist offers a fictional view of six of the family members of Jesus, all anchored by Scriptural truth, creating a life-changing and unprecedented emotional connection to the Bible.

    Through The Family of Jesus, readers will develop an emotional connection to the family members of Jesus, learning about their lives and falling in love with Scripture along the way. Bible studies and devotionals abound, and in churches everywhere people gather to seek a deeper understanding of God’s word and its application to their lives. But too often these studies engage only the analytic approach to Bible learning.

    In The Family of Jesus, #1 New York Times bestselling novelist Karen Kingsbury will make you laugh, cry, and ultimately care more deeply about the Bible by helping you grasp the truths in Scripture not just with your mind, but with your heart. The characters in these short stories were among those closest to Jesus-Mary, Joseph, Jesus’ brother James, John the Baptist, Zechariah, and Elizabeth. Each has a compelling tale to tell. Kingsbury intersperses fictional, emotionally gripping details anchored in Scripture with historical and theological insights and questions that will guide soul-searching and reflection.

    The Family of Jesus not only provides a deeper understanding of the relatives of our Savior, but also helps readers acquire tools that will draw them closer to Christ, to the Scriptures, and to each other.

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  • Daily Devotions For Die Hard Fans Mississippi State Bulldogs


    Extra Point Publishers
    Daily Devotions for Die-Hard Fans: Mississippi State Bulldogs unites the great passion of the Bulldog fan with the grand passion of the fan of Christ in one set of devotions. The result is a book that is fun while it provides a time of reflection about God and your faith. One of State’s most successful early football coaches was in effect fired by the conference. Richard Williams received an award years after he had quit coaching at State. What coach Dan Mullen saw the night before the 2011 Gator Bowl was not an encouraging sight. It took a miracle for Dak Prescott to play; that’s what the Dawgs got. Football helped an All-American Bulldog survive a World War II concentration camp. These stories and more are recounted here. Also appearing are Rockey Felker, Josh Robinson, Ron Polk, Chris Relf, Jerious Norwood, Anthony Dixon, and many others. Their stories along with legendary games, improbable victories, and historical events are told with a twist: They are all tied to God’s story.

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  • Reflections Of Gods Grace


    Reflections of God’s Grace- is a collection of devotional messages that have simple, yet profound illustrations for Godly living. They are reminders for many of us of what we have learned through sermons, songs and Scripture.

    Each devotion has a group of scriptures to support the message because God’s Word is most important. Psalm 119:11 says, -Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.- These devotions will challenge you to examine your heart and your walk with the Lord, and help you become a brighter -Reflection of God’s Grace

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  • Daily Devotions For Die Hard Fans Oklahoma State Cowboys


    Extra Point Publishers
    Daily Devotions for Die-Hard Fans: Oklahoma State Cowboys combines the great passion of the Cowboys fan with the grand passion of the fan of Christ in one set of devotions. The result is a book that is fun while it provides a time of reflection about God and your faith. Best friends, a pair of OSU All-Americas began each game the same way: with a handshake. Fellow coaches told Hank Iba he was crazy for putting a seven-footer on the floor. Fishing holes helped lure Rashaun Woods to Stillwater. The man who laid the foundation for OSU’s wrestling dynasty never wrestled competitively. Not surprisingly, undressed cheerleaders once proved a distraction for the Cowboys before a game. These stories and more are recounted here. Also appearing are Mike Gundy, Thurman Thomas, Barry Sanders, Andrea Riley, John Smith, Zac Robinson, and many others. Their stories along with legendary games, improbable victories, and historical events are told with a twist: They are all tied to God’s story.

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  • Daily Devotions For Die Hard Fans Nebraska Cornhuskers


    Extra Point Publishers
    Daily Devotions for Die-Hard Fans: Nebraska Cornhuskers combines the great passion of the Nebraska fan with the grand passion of the fan of Christ in one set of devotions. The result is a book that is fun while it provides a time of reflection about God and your faith. The most improbable touchdown in NU history saved a game, a season, and a national championship. Eric Crouch called it the worst play he had ever seen, but it netted a touchdown against Oklahoma. A Nebraska pole vaulter with a bad back changed college football. The leading rusher in NU’s 2013 spring game was 7 years old. Legendary NU track and field coach Gary Pepin once refused to accept a conference championship. These stories and more are recounted here. Also appearing are Tom Osborne, Mike Rozier, Taylor Martinez, Bob Devaney, Johnny Rodgers, Mike Riley, and many others. Their stories along with legendary games, improbable victories, and historical events are told with a twist: They are all tied to God’s story.

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  • Daily Devotions For Die Hard Fans Michigan Wolverines


    Extra Point Publishers
    Daily Devotions for Die-Hard Fans: Michigan Wolverines combines the great passion of the Michigan fan with the grand passion of the fan of Christ into one set of devotions. The result is one book that is fun while providing a time of reflection about God and your faith. One shabby interview changed the history of UM football. Pigeon poop and a field hockey player provided affirmation for Mike Matheny’s decision to play baseball for UM. Denard Robinson insisted a lineman throw him into the air before every game. Karlee Bruck played volleyball for Michigan with an unusual attachment on her uniform. The UM offensive line once refused to go back in the game unless the coaches met their demands. These stories and more are recounted here. Also appearing are Charles Woodson, Lloyd Carr, Anthony Carter, Tom Harmon, Bo Schembechler, and many others. Their stories along with legendary games, improbable victories, and historical events are told with a twist: They are all tied to God’s story.

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  • Little Book Of Prayer Experiments


    An interactive and accessible book of “prayer experiments’ that encourages readers to try out different approaches to prayer and to record their experiences. The prayer experiments include:Praying with your whole bodyColouring the BibleThe Lord’s PrayerLabyrinthBreathing meditationPearls of lifeExamenPrayer walkingThe author has had several requests for a version of this book for adults.

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  • God Cares About Sports


    30 Chapters

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    Have you ever felt like you still had more to offer your team? Many athletes struggle, thinking that Go only wants to be part of their lives when they are at church. In this book, I will show you how God wants to be part of every area of your life including sports.

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  • 52 Greatest Stories Of The Bible (Reprinted)


    Classic Weekly Devotional through Some of the Bible’s Most Fascinating Stories

    How well do everyday Christians know the stories that have shaped their faith? More than just a collection of significant and entertaining stories, The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible impresses upon readers the beautiful interconnectedness of the varied narratives we find in the Bible. It connects the dots, demonstrating how each individual story is really one chapter in the larger story shows how Jesus, especially his death and resurrection, is the point of the story, even when the Son of God is not a key player helps readers build a biblical worldview that answers the ultimate questions of life.

    Readers will gain a better grasp of the whole story of Scripture and, most importantly, why these stories are the ones God chose to preserve for us through the writers of the Bible.

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  • Light In The Midst Of Darkness


    Light in the Midst of Darkness is an inspiring devotional that will deepen and enhance your spiritual life. Mike takes scenarios from combat and turns them into practical devotions that anyone can relate to. This book will encourage and enrich your life with God.

    The book includes a question page every seven days, facilitating intentional learning and growth through reader participation, as well as group study and discussion. This unique book is perfect for individual study, family devotions, men’s and women’s groups, even Church and School classes.

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  • Light In The Midst Of Darkness


    Light in the Midst of Darkness is an inspiring devotional that will deepen and enhance your spiritual life. Mike takes scenarios from combat and turns them into practical devotions that anyone can relate to. This book will encourage and enrich your life with God.

    The book includes a question page every seven days, facilitating intentional learning and growth through reader participation, as well as group study and discussion. This unique book is perfect for individual study, family devotions, men’s and women’s groups, even Church and School classes.

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  • Energy Drink Calories Love


    Air Power Title

    Have you ever experienced periods in your life when you felt tired and disillusioned about the very things that used to excite you?It could be a marriage, a job, or your relationship with God.The daily grind of life can sap energy from your soul, mind and emotions leaving you depleted.Anything that expends energy needs to be recharged.This book will recharge your whole being with the power of God’s word and keep you fired up to face each day with faith, hope and lo

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  • Reflections For Sundays And Major Holy Days Year A


    Church House Publishing

    Reflections for Daily Prayer has nourished thousands of Christians for a decade with its inspiring and informed weekday Bible reflections. Now, in response to demand, Reflections for Sundays combines material from over the years with new writing to provide high-quality reflections on the Principal Readings for Sundays and major Holy Days.

    Contributors include some of the very best writers from across the Anglican tradition who have helped to establish it as one of the leading daily devotional volumes today.

    For each Sunday and major Holy Day in Year A, Reflections for Sundays offers:

    * full lectionary details for the Principle Service
    * a reflection on the Old Testament reading
    * a reflection on the Epistle
    * a reflection on the Gospel

    It also contains a substantial introduction to the Gospel of Matthew, written by renowned Bible teacher Paula Gooder.

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  • Gotta Have God 52 Week Devotional For Boys Ages 6-9


    Devotional for boys age 6-9. Contains devotions on Days 1 and 4 and activities they can do on their own and that will reinforce the week’s key lesson and Scripture for the rest of the week.

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  • Gotta Have God For Little Ones A Devotional For Girls Ages 4-7


    Want to help your girl understand what it means to love and follow God? This seven-installment devotional is a great resource for talking with girls about ways they can love and obey God in everyday situations.

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  • Jesus Calling For Graduates


    You just graduated. Now what?

    Hear what Jesus has to say to you during this major life transition.

    During times of transition and unknown next steps, it is more important than ever to cling to the promises of God and to tune your ear to hear what Jesus has to say. Jesus Calling for Graduates provides guidance and encouragement for new grads as they venture into the next phase of their lives.

    Follow along with 150 devotions divided topically-on topics such as attitude, discerning God’s will, identity, and worth-that are most applicable and relevant to your life now-a little bigger, a little more exciting, a little scarier-and lean in close to hear what Jesus is saying to you today: words of hope, encouragement, and reassurance of His unending love.

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  • Spirituality Of Listening


    Foreword By Dan B. Allender
    1. Resonance: Another Way Of Listening
    2. First Words: Listening To Creation
    3. Household: The Stage Of The Everyday World
    4. Surrounded By Sound: Hebrew Spirituality
    5. Story: Shaped By Biblical Narrative
    6. Trajectories: Oriented By The Psalms
    7. Heartbreak: Listening To Lament
    8. What We Don’t Want To Hear: The Prophetic Voice
    9. Rabbi: Listening To The Life Of Jesus
    10. Accent: Diverse Languages Of The Soul
    Conclusion: Resurrection-Listening To Hope
    Scripture Index

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    Biblical spirituality . . . asserts that God is not done with the business of revelation and creation but instead continues to have something to say and something yet to be accomplished in the very culture that isn’t sure if God is done speaking. So begins Keith Anderson as he invites us on a journey to relearn how to listen. “My claim is simple: spirituality is grounded in ordinary life experiences. We need to learn to listen to rhythms of life, narratives and creation.” Rather than settling for a one-sided relationship with God in which we speak but never hear back, we can learn to hear God as we go through our lives. The key is paying attention to the moments that make up our days. As we participate in the world around us, God speaks to us through creation, through the stories we tell, through our pain and as we follow God down unexpected pathways. Learning to listen doesn’t happen in ten easy steps. Instead it is a process of approaching the world with wonder and curiosity as we seek to make sense of what we hear. Hearing God speak takes time and practice, and Anderson offers reflective exercises at the end of each chapter to help us along the way. Listen-and step into a world alive with God’s presence.

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  • Longing For God


    Path 1: The Right Ordering Of Our Love For God
    Path 2: The Spiritual Life As Journey
    Path 3: The Recovery Of Knowledge Of God Lost In The Fall
    Path 4: Intimacy With Jesus Christ
    Path 5: The Right Ordering Of Our Experiences Of God
    Path 6: Action And Contemplation
    Path 7: Divine Ascent

    Additional Info
    2010 Christianity Today Book Award winner! 2010 Golden Canon Leadership Book Award winner! Think of the moment you last experienced God. Do you know him that closely in this moment? Truly experiencing the love of God gives us a taste of his goodness and his love for us, but often those moments are fleeting. We get distracted by life. Our awareness and understanding fade while our longing to experience him that way again increases. In these pages you can begin to fill that longing by developing your capacity to receive and respond to God’s love. Spiritual formation is the process through which one’s inner self is opened to the work of the Holy Spirit, who forms us into the image of the Son. Here Richard Foster and Gayle Beebe, both experienced leaders in spiritual formation, introduce you to people from the past who have known God deeply. Each person helps you to grasp one of the seven primary paths to intimacy with God that have been developed throughout Christian history. Chapters are divided into sections, each segment surrounding a key figure and concluding with a reflection and prayer. This rich resource can guide you into the same deep intimacy with God, opening you to the Spirit’s work of transformation. A Renovare Resource.

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  • I Am : Bible Stories Devotions And Prayers About The Names Of God


    This book includes 40 of the names and descriptive titles for God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as shown throughout the Bible. Each story features Scripture verses, a prayer, and a short section about that name and its significance in kid-friendly language that children can comprehend. For example:
    *Jehovah Tsuri: the God who helps me
    *Jehovah Rophe: the God who heals me
    *Immanuel: the God who is with us
    *Rabbi: the God who teaches me

    This wonderful introduction to the many names of God will help your children get to know God as all powerful, loving Savior, Healer, Creator, and so many other ways that show He is completely awesome and trustworthy.

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  • Grace And Hope


    Prepare yourself to remember the meaning of Lent and celebrate Easter this season: grace for our past and present, hope for our future!

    Beginning with Ash Wednesday, Grace & Hope: A 40-Day Devotional for Lent and Easter will guide you through this holy season of self-reflection, prayer, fasting, and remembrance-all to prepare you for the hopeful words “It is finished!” and even more wondrous words, “He is risen!”

    Each short, engaging devotional will focus your heart and prepare your soul to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, using a faithful and relevant new translation of the Bible, The Passion Translation. It is an ideal devotional for your own personal, family, or small-group use. And daily Bible readings from The Passion Translation will deepen your understanding of God’s Word as you journey toward the cross.

    We trust this devotional and version of Scripture will kindle in you a burning, passionate desire for the One who bore our pain and shame, and give you a greater measure of grace and hope!

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  • Daily Devotions For Die Hard Fans Alabama Crimson Tide


    Extra Point Publishers
    Daily Devotions for Die-Hard Fans: Alabama Crimson Tide combines the great passion of the Crimson Tide fan with the grand passion of the fan of Christ in one set of devotions. The result is a book that is fun while it provides a time of reflection about God and your faith. In one of the biggest games in Bama basketball history, the subs refused to go in. Bear Bryant learned an invaluable lesson once when he stopped in a diner for lunch. Jay Barker was once grateful that he was benched. No matter how hard he tried, Don McNeal couldn’t kill Kate. A trick play the team had never run before in a game propelled the Tide to the 2015 national championship. These stories and more are recounted here. Also appearing are Nick Saban, Joe Namath, A.J. McCarron, Derrick Henry, Ozzie Newsome, Ken Stabler, Coach Patrick Murphy, and many others. Their stories along with legendary games, improbable victories, and historical events are told with a twist: They are all tied to God’s story.

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  • Springs In The Valley


    Springs in the Valley has been refreshing to the souls of believers for the past 60 years, and this updated price-conscious edition brings timeless messages of hope to existing fans and new readers alike. In this beautiful updated package, Springs in the Valley will continue to offer refreshment and joy to the thirsty traveler through God’s Word and L. B. Cowman’s lilting prose and poetry. Cowman shares cool draughts of wisdom and insight into God’s character, drawn from the Scriptures and purified through a lifetime of experience. In print for more than 60 years, this beloved daily devotional challenges readers on the themes of hope and renewal. Men and women alike will be drawn to this follow-up to Streams in the Desert.

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  • Streams In The Desert


    The softcover edition of the beloved daily devotional Streams in the Desert will continue to sustain and replenish God’s weary desert travelers as it has for more than 75 years. Capturing the timeless essence of the original devotional with fresh, contemporary wording from editor Jim Reimann and New International Version text, each devotion lends guidance and hope while encouraging a deeper faith walk. This classic devotional will appeal to both men and women of all ages thanks to a gender-neutral design and devotional entries on a wide variety of topics.

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  • Bumps Are What You Climb On (Reprinted)


    When feelings of frustration, disappointment, or loneliness hit, readers can find powerful encouragement in Warren Wiersbe’s solid teaching. In The Bumps Are What You Climb On, he extracts wisdom from the Bible and helps those who are facing difficult days to respond with faith and hope.

    These thirty brief meditations spark a fresh optimism for facing new challenges. They show readers how to trust in God’s promises, reap the benefits of forgiveness, find contentment, add joy to life, and more. With Wiersbe’s uplifting, accessible teaching and empowering challenges, The Bumps Are What You Climb On is also useful as a devotional for any believer, at any time.

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  • Imitation Of Christ


    The timeless classic, The Imitation of Christ, is updated into modern English and arranged topically for daily devotions.

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  • God Time : Your First 31 Days


    Jump-Start Your New Relationship with God What if the prayer you prayed was only the beginning? Out of Brian Wangler’s experience in leading churches with many new believers, came a strong desire to help them grow. This 31-day devotional is designed to introduce new Christians to the habit of having God moments outside church. Each day’s reading deepens understanding of God, prayer, and the basics of the Christian life in an engaging and non-preachy style. Questions are simply answered and truth painlessly imparted with real-life and biblical illustrations. * What just happened to me? * Why do I need to go to church? * What’s the big deal about baptism? * How can I learn to pray? * What should I do if I blow it? * How do I know God is talking to me? Each devotional leaves interactive space for the reader to answer two questions: “What do I want to say to God today?” and “What is God saying to me today?” A place to begin for new believers. Welcome to God Time!

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  • Grieving The Child I Never Knew


    Warm, encouraging, and truly helpful for anyone experiencing the terrible loss of a baby
    When the anticipation of your child’s birth turns into the grief of miscarriage, tubal pregnancy, stillbirth, or early infant death, no words on earth can ease your loss. But there is strength and encouragement in the wisdom of others who have been there and found that God’s comfort is real.

    Having experienced three miscarriages and the death of an infant son, Kathe Wunnenberg knows the deep anguish of losing a child. Grieving the Child I Never Knew was born from her personal journey through sorrow. It is a wise and tender companion for mothers whose hearts have been broken-mothers whose dreams have been shattered and who wonder how to go on.

    This devotional collection will help those mothers grieve honestly and well. With seasoned insights and gentle questions, it invites the reader to present her hurts before God and to receive over time the healing that He alone can-and will-provide.

    Each devotion includes:
    *Scripture passage and prayer
    *”Steps Toward Healing” questions
    *Space for journaling
    *Readings for holidays and special occasions

    Although the book was originally released in 2001, it remains a bestselling title on this topic.

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  • God Is With You Every Day


    It’s easier to face the day when you know God is with you.

    God Is With You Every Day is a brand-new 365-day devotional from Max Lucado, and his first new devotional since the creation of the Grace for the Moment(R) line. Max’s signature reassuring and encouraging voice, paired with the practical, relevant, and personal message that God is with you every day, makes a great way to start each day of the year.

    This devotional begins each week with a prayer and scripture, followed by six days of devotions and scripture for reflection. Weaving messages of comfort, grace, and encouragement, this book is wonderful for anyone who wants a fresh infusion of faith to start each day, as well as those walking through difficult seasons of life such as loneliness, grief, or change.

    You can face each day with courage – because God is with you.

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  • Hearing God Through The Year


    Being close to God means communicating with him?telling him what is on our hearts in prayer and understanding what he is saying to us. The second half of this conversation is so important?and so difficult. How do we hear God? In these daily devotionals Dallas Willard helps us understand how we can know the voice of God and act on it. Each day you’ll read Scripture on this topic and find suggestions for prayer, journaling and reflection to draw you into God’s presence. You may be surprised?and even transformed?by what you discover.

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  • Jesus Calling Deluxe Edition


    Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is closer than you can imagine.

    This #1 bestselling 365-day devotional is written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you-words of encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of His unending love.

    Sarah Young shares her personal prayer journal and her reflections based on Jesus’ words of hope, guidance, and peace within Scripture. Penned by one who loves Jesus and reveres His Word, these writings will help your love for Jesus grow as you spend time with Him each day.

    Experience a deeper relationship with the Lord as you savor the presence of the One who will never leave you.

    Updated leathersoft cover allows for imprinting.

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  • Songs Of Jesus


    It would have been common for Jesus to actually sing the Psalms; the Psalms were part of the Bible He read. In The Songs of Jesus, Tim Keller takes readers on a year-long journey through the Psalms. During the first six months, you’ll find a brief devotional on each of the Psalms, with a basic overview and life application. During the last six months, Keller show readers how to turn each Psalm into a prayer. The book features excerpts from Keller’s bestselling books, recommended readings for deeper study, and fresh biblical insights. A thoughtful gift for friends and loved ones!

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  • Teen To Teen By Teen Guys For Teen Guys


    What more encouraging way to gain perspective than by talking to someone who has been there, especially when that someone is one of your peers? Written specifically for teens by teens, this unique 365-day devotional offers readers personal experiences that are relatable and heartfelt.

    Bullying, substance abuse, sex, divorce, peer pressure-today’s teens are facing some tremendously difficult issues on their path to adulthood. These 365 devotions will offer them encouragement and been-there-faced-that wisdom to show teens that there is only one answer to life’s problems-God. Through the stories of more than 100 teen authors, readers will see how God can work in their lives too if they only let Him in. Teens will love learning that they are not alone in their challenges and that God is with them each day of the year.

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  • Holidays For The Hurting


    “Holidays for the Hurting” is a collection of devotionals for the wounded soul to bring you comfort and hope during this season. Your life does not have to be perfect – or even close to it – to experience a meaningful holiday season, to deeply experience the love of the Baby-Jesus-turned-Savior. He will meet you where you are, even in your season of pain.

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  • Dear Child Of Mine


    In Dear Child of Mine, Deirdre Tolhurst finds the beauty in each day that passes from conception to birth. Addressing the growth of the baby within and giving God the glory for each of His miraculous works is the mainstay of this powerful devotional.

    To be read out loud, each devotion begins with sweet words to the baby. The baby is told every day that it is loved and wanted, and the devotion notes what miracles are happening as the child grows. Followed by a prayer, the exciting changes inside the mother are spoken of with adoration of God’s kindness and miraculous ways. A scripture completes the devotion, always bringing the glory back to God.

    This uniquely personal devotional has lines included each day so the mom can write the feelings and thoughts that captured her own heart at that stage of her pregnancy, making this a beautiful heirloom for generations to enjoy!

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  • Life Is 40 Day Experience


    What is life? What are we here for? What will bring us true satisfaction and lasting happiness? In this companion to his highly-anticipated new book, Life Is ___, New York Times and USA Today best-selling author Judah Smith takes readers on a forty-day devotional journey through Scripture to find the answers to these and others of our deepest questions. In forty daily readings, Judah helps readers understand that the meaning of life is found in loving and being loved, in enjoying God to the fullest, in trusting Him in every moment, and remaining at peace with God, others, and ourselves. This thought-provoking and inspiring collection of meditations is sure to reveal new and illuminating truths about what God intends for every person’s life.

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  • Jesus Calling Morning And Evening


    Fans of Jesus Calling will love a morning and evening time in Scripture, prayer, and devotions.

    Sarah Young shares the comforting message of Jesus Calling twice a day, every day with 366 morning and evening devotions. First-person devotions written as if Jesus is speaking directly to the reader will encourage time spent with the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever.

    The Jesus Calling brand has comforted and encouraged more than 14 million men, women, and children. This new format will offer readers more opportunities to be aware of Jesus’ presence throughout the day.

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  • 100 Names Of God Daily Devotional


    Start your day right with a reminder that God is bigger than anything you will face today. The God who made the universe will never leave you or forsake you. He loves you and wants you to know him better. Knowing the names of God and their meanings is one way to do that. There are many names of God in the Bible and each one helps us understand a different attribute. This one-page-per-day Names of God Devotional is simple to use. Each day starts with a Name of God. For example:
    *Adonai – means “The Lord” or “My Great Lord” – God is the Master and majestic Lord. God is the total authority.
    *El Shaddai – “The All-Sufficient One,” “The God of the Mountains,” “God Almighty” – God is the all-sufficient source of all our blessings. God is all powerful. Our problems are not too big for him to handle.
    *Jehovah-Rapha – “The Lord Who Heals” – God heals us. He is the final cure for emotional, spiritual, and physical hurts.

    Each reading explains this attribute in more detail and gives the key thought. There’s even a journaling question, a prayer, or an application to help you remember God’s care for you as you face daily challenges.

    This daily devotional includes 100 Names of God. Each daily devotion includes:
    *Name of God
    *Its meaning
    *Explanation and key thought
    *Other related Scripture
    *An application, prayer, or reflection question.

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  • 1 Year Classic Family Devotions


    Many parents are searching for ways to bond as a family while encouraging spiritual growth in their kids. The One Year Classic Family Devotions provides a full year of devotions and activities designed to strengthen family time and deepen spiritual awareness. Each devotion includes a story about children and other family members, fostering personal connection with the content. Lessons come from the child’s perspective at times and from the parents at other times. An activity page is included every seven days as an additional source of ideas for families to use in their time together.

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  • 52 Weeks With Jesus Devotional


    Based on Dr. James Merritt’s 52 Weeks with Jesus, this devotional will help you incorporate the lessons from that popular book into your life. The year-long journey (one devotion per week) will reveal insights about Jesus and His ministry you may never have considered. As you join Dr. Merritt on this journey, you will come to know and encounter Jesus in new and surprising ways and be inspired anew to embrace the Lord’s invitation to “Come, follow Me.”

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  • Knit Purl Pray


    52 knitting-themed reflections for the over 53 million knitters who want to blend their passion and their faith.

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