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Showing 301–400 of 796 results

  • Leviticus : A Commentary In The Wesleyan Tradition


    Written from a Wesleyan theological perspective, King’s commentary provides a critical, relevant, and inspiring interpretation of the Book of Leviticus. Featuring clear verse-by-verse explanations derived from the original language, it also includes comprehensive annotations that explore background context, meanings, and practical applications; helpful sidebars; and a thorough bibliography. Engaging, perceptive, and academically solid!

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  • Youth Workers Commentary On James


    One reason for writing these books is that most curriculums that are now available for youth leaders and their students are just skimming the books of the Bible (example: 4-12 lessons on the Gospel of John that do not go beyond the surface of the text). We are talking about writing books that would have the entire Biblical text printed in each book. Books that actually go deeper into the meaning of the text. We are thinking of dozens of word and character studies, with many fascinating historical and personal stories, followed by in depth thought provoking questions. This series of books will include insights and observations not usually covered in typical commentaries.

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  • Commentary On Isaiah


    Eusebius of Caesarea (ca. 260–ca. 340), one of the early church’s great polymaths, produced significant works as a historian (Ecclesiastical History), geographer (Onomasticon), philologist, exegete (commentaries on the Psalms and Isaiah), apologist (Preparation for and Demonstration of the Gospel) and theologian. His Commentary on Isaiah is one of his major exegetical works and the earliest extant Christian commentary on the great prophet. Geographically situated between Alexandria and Antioch, Eusebius approached the text giving notable attention to historical detail and possible allegorical interpretation. But above all, employing the anologia fidei, he drew his readers’ attention to other passages of Scripture that share a common vocabulary and theological themes, thus allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture. Here, for the first time in English, Jonathan Armstrong provides readers with a highly serviceable translation of Eusebius’s notably difficult Greek text, along with a helpful introduction and notes.

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  • Bible In Medieval Tradition


    This is the second volume of The Bible in Medieval Tradition (BMT), a series that aims to reconnect the church with part of its rich history of biblical interpretation.

    Ian Levy, Philip Krey, and Thomas Ryan’s Letter to the Romans presents the history of early and medieval interpretations of Romans and gives substantial translations of select medieval commentaries. Written by eight representative medieval interpreters between the ninth and fourteenth centuries, these commentaries have never been translated into English before.

    This valuable book will enhance contemporary reading of the Bible even as it lends insight into medieval scholarship. As Levy says, the medieval commentaries exhibit “qualities that many modern commentaries lack: a spiritual depth that reflects their very purpose, namely, to read Holy Scripture within the sacred tradition under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.”

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  • Psalms For Everyone Part 1


    Westminster John Knox Press is pleased to present the seventeen-volume Old Testament for Everyone series. Internationally respected Old Testament scholar John Goldingay addresses Scripture from Genesis to Malachi in such a way that even the most challenging passages are explained simply and concisely. The series is perfect for daily devotions, group study, or personal visits with the Bible.

    In this volume, Goldingay explores Psalms 1-72. The psalms, Goldingay says, show us four ways to speak to God: in words of praise, thanksgiving, trust, and supplication. Goldingay provides brief commentary on each psalm and shows how each one can be relevant to contemporary life.

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  • Matthew : The Gospel Of Identity


    You are the salt of the earth . . . You are the light of the world. Matthew 5:13-14 “I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church.” Matthew 16:18 The world tries to define us in different ways. We try to define ourselves one way or another. But who are we really? How does God define us? The Gospel of Matthew was written to a group of Christians who didnt yet know who they were. They were faithful Jews in the synagogue community in Galilee who had found the Messiah. Jesus had changed everything. But how should they think of themselves now, as Jewish or Christian? What did it all mean? Matthew writes his Gospel to help his readers define their new identity as followers of Jesus the Messiah. Michael Card unpacks how Matthews emphasis on fulfillment confirms their Jewish connection to the Torah, while his focus on the kingdom helps them understand their new identities in Christ. Matthew presents this process of redefinition as an exercise of the imagination, in which Jesus reshapes who we are in light of who he is. Come alongside Matthew in this pilgrimage, and discover how your new identity in Christ fulfills all that you are meant to be.

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  • Message Of Malachi


    In the latest addition to the Bible Speaks Today Old Testament commentary series, Peter Adam offers a readable and reliable exposition of the book of Malachi for pastors and lay commentary readers.

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  • Philippians Colossians (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830829743ISBN10: 0830829741Editor: Graham TomlinBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 2013Reformation Commentary On ScripturePublisher: InterVarsity Press

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  • Straight To The Heart Of Psalms


    A series of devotional commentaries, which allow people to get to grips with each book of the Bible one bite at a time. Phil Moore focuses on key sections of each book. There will be 25 volumes in all. Although the tone is light, the text is full of useful application and backed by substantial scholarship.

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  • Acts Of The Apostles


    Acts of the Apostles helps the preacher identify possibilities for sermons based on texts and themes in the book of Acts. While offering a basic exegetical framework for interpreting passages in Acts in their historical, literary, rhetorical, and theological contexts, this volume also suggests ways in which the preacher can relate passages and motifs from Acts to the congregation and world today. It also is useful in classes that seek to link text and sermon, and for congregational Bible study.

    Throughout his commentary, Ron Allen examines the relationship of Acts to the Gospel of Luke, discussing parallel passages between the two volumes and observing how themes in the Gospel carry forward into Acts. He notes how particular passages contribute to developing themes and to how the awareness of such a theme can contribute to the preacher’s work with a particular passage.

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  • Matthew


    In this book Wes Allen draws together the strengths of these two approaches into a new genre of homiletical and teaching resource with a focus on the Gospel according to Matthew. Matthew will not only be an essential classroom resource to help students learn to link text and sermon, it will also help congregational leaders develop exegetically informed cumulative preaching and educational experiences focused on but not limited to the lections in Matthew.

    With liturgical sensitivity and exegetical skill, Allen provides a unique preaching resource that will build biblical literacy by assisting both preachers and listeners in understanding Matthew’s Gospel as a whole, not just as a collection of vaguely related stories.

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  • Job : A Theological Commentary On The Bible


    * The enigmatic Book of Job raises universal questions about the origins and purpose of suffering—and God’s relationship to the cause of the anguish and those who endure it. Chase probes this difficult book to expose the themes of theodicy, divine justice, and godly power that challenge—and ultimately affirm—Job’s faith in God.

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  • Philippians 1-2 Thessalonians And Philemon


    This book in the Westminster Bible Companion series explores some of Paul’s most central letters, including his earliest letters (those to the Thessalonians), his friendliest letter (Philippians), his most personal letter (Philemon), and one of his most sustained autobiographical sketches (Phil 3:3-8). Frederick W. Weidmann observes the changes and developments in Paul’s thought and practice in order to help pastors negotiate the distinction between their calling and self-identity.

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  • Hebrews : A Commentary In The Wesleyan Tradition


    By reinterpreting the entire Old Testament sacrificial system in the light of Christ’s life, death and resurrection, the writer of Hebrews stresses typological unity. Throughout, Anderson enunciates insights from multiple disciplines: linguistics, theology, history, sociology, literary criticism, anthropology, etc.

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  • Ezekiel : A Commentary In The Wesleyan Tradition


    The New Beacon Bible Commentary is an engaging, indispensable reference tool to aid individuals in every walk of life in the study and meditation of God’s Word. Readable and academically thorough, it offers scholars, pastors, and laity a new standard for understanding and interpreting the Bible.Each volume features: Completely New Scholarship from notable experts in the Wesleyan tradition, Convenient Introductory Material for each book of the Bible including information on authorship, date, history, audience, sociological/cultural issues, purpose, literary features, theological themes, hermeneutical issues, Clear Verse-by-verse Explanations, which offer a contemporary, Wesleyan-based understanding derived from the passage’s original language, Comprehensive Annotation which cover background elements behind the text; verse-by-verse details and meanings found in the text; and significance, relevance, intertextuality, and application from the text,and Helpful Sidebars.

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  • John


    The gospel of John’s “from above” orientation transforms our human “from below” assumptions and habits. It draws us into union with God and into unity with one another. It communicates who Jesus is, in both intimate and profound dimensions. The book of John shapes Christian identity, invigorates worship, and implants eternal hope. “John’s gospel defies description,” marvels Swartley, professor emeritus at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. “It soars like the eagle, links heaven and earth, and both comforts and convicts the human heart. Its Christology is rich, with a plethora of titles for Jesus-even the divine eternal I AM.”

    Though commentaries on the book of John abound, this volume follows the unique Believers Church Bible Commentary Series format, providing sections on The Text in Biblical Context and The Text in the Life of the Church. According to Swartley, this format serves well “the interests of seminary as well as other graduate students, and pastors especially.”

    Find more Believers Church Bible Commentary titles at

    Key Features

    Released in time for this year’s Holy Week and Easter lectionary cycles
    Believers Church Bible Commentaries have sold over 50,761copies since 1986

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  • Revelation


    The book of Revelation is one of the most complicated in the New Testament. The book calls for a prophetic reaction to the world and uses some of the most violent language of the entire Bible. Brian Blount’s commentary provides a sure and confident guide through these difficult and sometimes troubling passages, seeing Revelation as a prophetic intervention and at the same time an awe-inspiring swirl of frightening violence and breathtaking hope.

    The New Testament Library offers authoritative commentary on every book and major aspect of the New Testament, as well as classic volumes of scholarship. The commentaries in this series provide fresh translations based on the best available ancient manuscripts, offer critical portrayals of the historical world in which the books were created, pay careful attention to their literary design, and present a theologically perceptive exposition of the text.

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  • Jeremiah And Lamentations


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830842834ISBN10: 0830842837Hetty LallemanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2013Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries # 21Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Deuteronomy : A Commentary


    This commentary is intended for a broad readership wanting to better know and understand this Pentateuchal book that has come to occupy such a prominent place in Judaism and Christianity. For Jews Deuteronomy contains the Decalogue and the Shema — “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one” (6:4) — supplemented by a code of primal legislation. Deuteronomy is much cited in the New Testament and has come to occupy an important place in the life and doctrine of the Christian church. It lifts up important wisdom themes such as humane treatment and benevolence to the poor and needy and is rich in theology, calling repeatedly on Israel to reject other gods and worship the Lord alone as holy. Besides making use of language, archaeology, and comparative Near Eastern material, Jack Lundbom’s commentary employs rhetorical criticism in explicating the biblical text. He also cites later Jewish interpretation of the book of Deuteronomy and makes numerous New Testament connections. An appendix contains all references to Deuteronomy in the New Testament.

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  • Leading The Way Through Joshua


    The book of Joshua contains some of the most compelling and relevant truths for our lives today. It is the story of “trembling heroes”–people filled with fear who overcame those fears and accomplished the impossible through reliance on God.

    In Leading the Way through Joshua, Michael Youssef translates the challenges Joshua and the nation of Israel faced into challenges that are familiar to everyone. God calls people to follow Him, to conquer the Jerichos in their lives, to stand against the idolatry in our land. God calls Christians to tell the world about His covenant love, expressed through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.

    Readers of this devotional commentary will discover how to turn the insights of Joshua into action in their own lives. It will motivate them to step up, to be strong and courageous, to obey God, and to go wherever God sends them.

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  • Leading The Way Through Galatians


    It’s tempting for Christians to think they can experience God’s life and power through church attendance, religious symbols and rituals, and good deeds. But as the book of Galatians makes clear, religion means nothing unless believers are connected to the source of God’s life and power.

    In Leading the Way Through Galatians, Michael Youssef applies Paul’s message to the churches in Galatia to the challenge of living as authentic Christians in the twenty-first century. The message of the Gospel is a message of freedom from the law, freedom from bondage to sin, freedom from fear, freedom from judgment, and freedom from the need to perform and please others.

    Through stories and contemporary insights, the timeless truths of Galatians will take on a new and powerful meaning as today’s readers learn to apply this liberating message to everyday life and everyday situations.

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  • Reading Matthew : A Literary And Theological Commentary (Revised)


    Editor’s Preface
    Chapter 1. Matthew 1:1-4:16:Introducing Jesus The Messiah, The Son Of God
    The Birth Of The Messiah
    The Fulfillment Of God’s Promises (1:1-25)
    From Judea Of David To The Galilee Of The Gentiles (2:1-23)
    Getting Ready: God’s Son In The Wilderness (3:1-17)
    God’s Son Who Fulfills All Righteousness (3:1-17)
    God’s Son Who Vanquishes Satan (4:1-11)
    Dispelling The Darkness In Galilee (4:12-16)

    Chapter 2. Matthew 4:17-16:20: Jesus’ Ministry To Israel
    Part 1: Teaching, Healing, And Calling Lost Sheep, 4:17-11:1
    Jesus’ Debut: Authority And Compassion (4:17-25)
    Magisterial Teaching: A Charter For Discipleship (5:1-8:1)
    A New Moses? (5:1-2)
    Congratulations Are In Order (5:13-16)
    Changing The World (5:13-16)
    The Fulfillment Of The Law (5:17-19)
    Restoring God’s Intention In The Law (5:20-48)
    Acts Of Devotion: For Applause Or For God? (6:1-18)
    What To Do About Money? (6:19-34)
    Relating To Others (7:1-12)
    Warning: Obedience Is Not Optional (7:13-7:27)
    Restoring Life To Others (8:2-9:35)
    Great Harvest And Great Dangers (9:36-10:42)
    Part 2: Rejection And Confession, 11:1-16:20
    Doubt, Indifference, And Dissent (11:2-12:45)
    The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Revealed (12:46-13:58)
    Power And Mercy For God’s People (14:1-36)
    Bread For All (15:1-16:12)
    Building The Church On Bedrock (16:13-20)

    Chapter 3. Matthew 16:21-28:20: Jesus’ Passion And Resurrection
    The Shadow Of Death And The Promise Of Glory (16:21-17:23)
    Living Together As The Family Of God (17:24-18:35)
    What’s In It For Us?
    The Demands And Rewards Of The Kingdom (19:1-20:16)
    Jerusalem Meets Its King (20:17-21:22)
    Jesus Lord In The Temple (21:23-22:46)
    False Teachers Lead Others To Ruin (23:1-39)
    Judgment Is Coming (24:1-25:46)
    The Life-Giving Death Of The Rejected Messiah (26:1-27:56)
    The Victorious Breakthrough (27:57-28:20)

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    Reading Matthew provides thorough guidance through Matthew’s story of Jesus. Garland’s commentary reveals the movement of the story’s plot while also highlighting the theology of Matthew. Reading Matthew is an essential book for studnets and ministers studying the first Gospel

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  • Reading John : A Literary And Theological Commentary On Fourth Gospel And J (Rev


    General Editor’s Preface
    The Johannine Epistles
    Chapter 1. Introduction
    Chapter 2. Getting Oriented (2,3 John; 1 John 1:1-5)
    Chapter 3. Walking In The Light (1 John 1:6-2:17,2:18-28)
    Chapter 4. Discerning The Spirits (1 John 2:29-3:24a; 3:24b-4:6)
    Chapter 5. Perfect Love And Proper Belief (1 John 7-12;4:13-16a;4:16b-5:4a;5:4b-12)
    Chapter 6. Bases For Christian Confidence (1 John 5:13,14-21)
    The Fourth Gospel
    Chapter 7. Introduction
    Chapter 8. A Revealing, Empowering Presence (John 1:1-18)
    Chapter 9. Creator Of A New Community (John 1:19-2:12)
    Chapter 10. Proponent Of A New Birth (John 2:13-3:21)
    Chapter 11. The Object Of The Baptist’s Praise (John 3:22-4:3)
    Chapter 12. The Savior Of The World (John 4:4-44,45-54)
    Chapter 13. Dutiful Apprentice Of The Father (John 5:1-47)
    Chapter 14. The Bread Of Life (John 6:2-71)
    Chapter 15. Water Of Life/Light Of The World (John 7:1-9:41)
    Chapter 16. The Door/The Good Shepherd (John 10:1-11:54)
    Chapter 17. The One Whose Hour Has Come (John 11:55-12:50)
    Chapter 18. Washer Of The Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1-35)
    Chapter 19. The Way, The Truth, And The Life (John 13:31-14:31)
    Chapter 20. The True Vine (John 15:1-16:33)
    Chapter 21. The Intercessor (John 17:1-26)
    Chapter 22. The Enthroned King (John 18-19)
    Chapter 23. The Living Lord (John 20-21)

    Additional Info
    Reading John concentrates on the literary and theological distinctives of the Fourth Gospel and the Johannine Epistles. New Testament scholar Charles Talbert’s unique commentary considers the entire scope of these works attributed to John, their literary settings and particularities, and their continuing theological importance to the Christian story. Thoughtful and engaging, Reading John is an essential book for students and ministers studying the New Testament and the Johannine writings.

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  • Reading Acts : A Literary And Theological Commentary On Acts Of The Apostle


    Editor’s Preface
    Chapter 1. Acts: An Introduction
    Chapter 2. Receiving And Preparing For Mission (Acts 1)
    Watching And Waiting (Acts 1:1-14)
    Replacing Judas (Acts 1:15-26)

    Chapter 3. Fulfilling The Mission: Phase One (Acts 2:1-12:25)
    Pentecost (Acts 2:1-47)
    The Dual Witness (Acts 3:1-4:23)
    Hostility Grows (Acts 4:24-5:42)
    Martyrdom (Acts 6:1-8:4)
    Philip’s Mission (Acts 8:4-40)
    Paul’s Conversion (Acts 9:1-31)
    Peter’s Witness In Judea (Acts 9:32-11:18)
    Nothing Can Stop The Gospel (Acts 11:19-12:25)

    Chapter 4. Fulfilling The Mission: Phase Two (Acts 13:1-28:31)
    Paul’s First Missionary Journey (Acts 13:1-14:28)
    The Jerusalem Council (Acts 13:1-14:28)
    Paul In Philippi (Acts 16:6-40)
    Paul In Thessalonica, Beroea, And Athens (Acts 17:1-34)
    Paul In Corinth And Beyond (Acts 18:1-18,19-23)
    In Ephesus (Acts 18:24-20:1)
    To Jerusalem (Acts 20:1-21:26)
    Witness In Jerusalem (Acts 21:26-23:10)
    Declared Innocent By Rulers (Acts 23:11-26:32)
    Declared Innocent By God (Acts 27:1-28:16)
    Witness In Rome (Acts 28:16-31)

    Additional Info
    Answers to the usual introductory questions do not yield sufficient harvest to enable an intelligent reading of Acts. The approach of Reading Acts is to ask how ancient Mediterranean auditors would have heard Acts when it was read in their presence. To be successful Talbert divides this approach into two parts–how Acts would have been heard in its precanonical context and in its canonical context.

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  • Old Testament Stories


    Eleven popular Old Testament stories vibrate with new life in this carefully crafted and innovative book. The authors revisit these ancient stories and revive their messages with striking relevancy for 21st century Christians. They retell the stories within contemporary frameworks and show their relationship to counterpart passages in the New Testament. Adapted for a wide audience including preachers, teachers and laity, chapters are structured for easy assimilation: Text, Context, Message and Questions. This book is a must for anyone having problems with understanding and applying Old Testament themes to their faith.

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  • Colossians And Philemon For Pastors


    A commentary on Colossians and Philemon that is both exegetical and expositional in nature.

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  • Revelation Simply Put


    The book of Revelation visually explained. This scholastic work is a comprehensive, visual, page-by-page commentary on the Book of Revelation, illustrated with full-color graphics and rich Bible charts, generating a successful, productive, and fruitful comprehension of the most complex book of Scripture. See this prophetic puzzle of the last days come together with sound, solid, scriptural answers for every pastor, teacher, or layman reading its pages. The book includes The Revelation Guide Guy, filling in “missing pieces” of the prophetic puzzle for Scripture harmonization; powerful charts, diagrams, and maps to aid in understanding chronology; and over 100 dynamic, colorful visuals explaining each chapter. Get answers to Are We Living in the Last Days, Daniel’s 70th Week, The Tribulation Period, The Millennium, The Second Coming, The Antichrist, and much more.

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  • 1-2 Timothy And Titus


    If Paul didn’t write the Pastoral Epistles, how can we preach from them — and why should we? The academy’s queries about the authorship of the Pastorals have had a deleterious result in the academy, Robert Wall believes, with a trickle-down effect among the church’s clergy who rarely teach or preach from these letters. In this paragraph-by-paragraph theological commentary on 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus Wall powerfully demonstrates the ongoing relevance and authority of these canonical epistles for the church today. Uniquely, Wall applies a “Rule of Faith” methodology — five core beliefs articulated in Tertullian’s Prescription Against Heretics — for interpreting the texts as sacred Scripture. Also, interspersed throughout the commentary are case studies, stories of prominent Christian leaders and faith communities that vividly instantiate key themes of the Pastorals. Wall’s innovative yet reverent approach will revive the interest of students, pastors, and other Christian leaders in the Pastoral Epistles.

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  • Feminist Biblical Interpretation


    The German edition of Feminist Biblical Interpretation received high acclaim and widespread positive reviews in Europe, leading to the publication of a second edition within only five months! As the only one-volume feminist commentary that addresses every book of the Bible — including the Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant canons, plus several “noncanonical” writings — it is considered to be a classic compendium of feminist exegesis. This groundbreaking reference tool for contextual biblical interpretation is now available in English for the first time. As a decidedly feminist project, this volume presents woman-centered exegetical commentary on the Bible, including books that are relatively uncharted territory for feminist theology. The contributors include over sixty female scholars, mostly from German-speaking Europe and also some from North and Central America and Asia.

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  • Judges


    This book is volume VIB of The Forms of the Old Testament Literature (FOTL), a series that presents a form-critical analysis of every book and each unit in the Hebrew Bible. Serge Frolov’s valuable study of Judges addresses both the synchronic and diachronic perspectives, offering not only the first full-scale form criticism of Judges but also an important application of form criticism as practiced today.

    Fundamentally exegetical, this volume examines the structure, genre, setting, and intention of Judges. Focusing on the canonical Hebrew text, Frolov shows how the sequence “apostasyoppression- repentance-deliverance” traverses the boundary between Judges and Samuel. Frolov also analyzes the history behind the form-critical discussion of this book and exposes the exegetical process so as to enable students and pastors to engage in their own analysis and interpretation of Judges.

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  • Hebrews : A Commentary


    This volume of the New Testament Library offers a thorough and careful commentary on the complicated book of Hebrews, showing its meaning within the context of ancient culture and the theological development of the early church. Written by one of the leading New Testament scholars of the present generation, this commentary offers remarkable insights into the Hellenistic, Roman, and Jewish contexts of the book of Hebrews.

    The New Testament Library offers authoritative commentary on every book and major aspect of the New Testament, as well as classic volumes of scholarship. The commentaries in this series provide fresh translations based on the best available ancient manuscripts, offer critical portrayals of the historical world in which the books were created, pay careful attention to their literary design, and present a theologically perceptive exposition of the text.

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  • Mark : A Commentary


    The first New Testament Library volume to focus on a Gospel, this commentary offers a careful reading of the book of Mark. Internationally respected interpreter M. Eugene Boring brings a lifetime of research into the Gospels and Jesus into this lively discussion of the first Gospel.

    The New Testament Library offers authoritative commentary on every book and major aspect of the New Testament, as well as classic volumes of scholarship. The commentaries in this series provide fresh translations based on the best available ancient manuscripts, offer critical portrayals of the historical world in which the books were created, pay careful attention to their literary design, and present a theologically perceptive exposition of the text.

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  • Ephesians


    Even though it was written some two millennia ago, Ephesians still speaks to Christians today in themes quite familiar to the modern reader. In a context where the church had become overwhelmingly, if not exclusively, Gentile, the Christian community needed to be reminded of the priority of Israel and the astonishing work of reconciliation that God willed to accomplish in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This volume in the highly acclaimed New Testament Library series reveals the great theological promises of Ephesians while discussing issues of context, authorship, and style.

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  • Galatians-2 Thessalonians : Pauls Letters To Churches


    For we are saved by grace…

    In these small yet powerful books of the Bible, the apostle Paul addresses specific concerns of the early church, focusing on the themes of salvation by grace, redemption, transformation in Christ and perseverance in the face of persecution. Although the great communicator wrote these letters to instruct, admonish, and encourage the early church, they are equally relevant to the modern-day body of Christ.

    This verse-by-verse devotional study complete with engaging commentary and practical life applications will renew your appreciation of the grace of God in your own life, and challenge you to pursue a closer walk with Christ. As you embark on this journey, allow the words of the apostle Paul to inspire you to share the fundamental message of the Gospel with others: We are reconciled to the Father not by our works, but only by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

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  • Leading The Way Through Daniel


    Daniel lived as an exile in a hostile country, yet when he committed himself in faith to serve his limitless God, he achieved the impossible. How did Daniel maintain his bold witness for God in spite of bullying and intimidation? How did he prepare himself for the tests and temptations of life?

    Like Daniel, believers today live in a culture that is hostile to biblical values. It takes great courage and faith to live as followers of Christ in a post-Christian world characterized by moral depravity, injustice, idolatry, and more. In Leading the Way through Daniel, Michael Youssef passionately shows readers that the resources Daniel relied on are equally available to them. Sound teaching, vibrant illustrations, a brisk conversational style, and a discussion guide will enable readers to take the truths of the book of Daniel and apply them to the pressures, trials, and temptations they face in today’s culture.

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  • Leading The Way Through Ephesians


    Throughout the book of Ephesians, Paul refers to the riches of Gods grace, our riches in Christ, and the riches of His glory as he reminds believers of the spiritual treasures they already possess in Christ.

    Leading the Way through Ephesians applies these great truths in such practical areas of the Christian life as:
    enduring trials, suffering, and persecution
    maintaining the unity of the church through Christian love
    living out the gospel in our marriages and family relationships
    praying with power
    maintaining our armor against the attacks of Satan

    Through sound teaching, vibrant illustrations, a brisk conversational style, and a discussion guide that applies Gods truth to the realities of the twenty-first century, Leading the Way through Ephesians will show readers the way to a stronger, more active, more dynamic faith.

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  • 1-2 Peter James And Jude


    Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

    First and Second Peter, James, and Jude have existed on the edges of the canon throughout the centuries. In this volume in the Interpretation series, Pheme Perkins casts light on these often neglected writings. She ably demonstrates that these “catholic epistles” have, in fact, much to offer to today’s readers.

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  • Proverbs : Interpretation A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

    The book of Proverbs is a collection of sayings, poems, and “life’s little instructions.” Wrestling with the values of things such as creation, livelihood, or moral character, Proverbs exhorts its readers to seek the higher ideals–knowledge, discipline, piety, and order–and offers guidance on how to live in harmony with God, others, and oneself.

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  • Job : Interpretation A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

    In this volume, J. Gerald Janzen examines the text of the book of Job as a literary text within the context of the history of the religion of Israel and within the broader context of the universal human condition. He approaches the basic character of the book from a literary perspective which enables him to identify human existence as exemplified in Job and to expound on the mystery of good and evil, which gives human existence its experiential texture and which together drive humans to ask the same kind of questions asked by Job. This is the first full-length commentary to present Job systematically and literarily.

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  • Galatians : Interpretation A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

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  • 1-2 Timothy And Titus


    Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

    Thomas Oden provides a modern commentary on the pastoral letters grounded in the classical, consensual tradition of interpretation. Oden uses the best and most accurate research concerning the historical, literary, and philological aspects of the pastoral letters. He addresses tough issues: the role of women in worship, problems of the rich and poor, the relation between servants and masters, policies concerning support of elderly widows, and how to handle church disruptions.

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  • 1-2 Thessalonians : Interpretation A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Prea


    Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

    In this brilliant commentary, Beverly Roberts Gaventa discusses the issues central to the books of Thessalonians, identifying what makes each book important for the life of the church today, as well as for preachers and teachers.

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  • 1-2 Samuel : Interpretation A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

    With critical scholarship and theological sensitivity, Walter Brueggemann traces the people of God through the books of Samuel as they shift from marginalized tribalism to oppressive monarchy. He carefully opens the literature of the books, sketching a narrative filled with historical realism but also bursting with an awareness that more than human action is being presented.

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  • Womens Bible Commentary (Anniversary)


    A twentieth anniversary edition with brand new or thoroughly revised essays that reflect newer thinking in feminist interpretation and hermeneutics.

    The Women’s Bible Commentary is a trusted, classic resource for biblical scholarship, written by some of the best feminist scholars in the field today. This twentieth anniversary edition features brand new or thoroughly revised essays to reflect newer thinking in feminist interpretation and hermeneutics. It comprises commentaries on every book of the Bible, including the apocryphal books; essays on the reception history of women in the Bible; and essays on feminist critical method. The contributors raise important questions and explore the implications of how women and other marginalized people are portrayed in biblical texts, looking specifically at gender roles, sexuality, political power, and family life, while challenging long-held assumptions. This commentary brings modern critical methods to bear on the history, sociology, anthropology, and literature of the relevant time periods to illuminate the context of these biblical portrayals and challenges readers to new understandings.

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  • Haggai Zechariah Malachi


    General Preface
    Author’s Preface
    Select Bibliographies
    General Introduction
    1. Historical Background
    2. The Book Of The Twelve
    3. Theology Of Haggai, Zechariah And Malachi
    The Persian Empire
    Post-exilic Judah

    1. Title And Text
    2. The Prophet Haggai
    3. Historical Background
    4. Author
    5. Date And Occasion Of Writing
    6. Audience
    7. Form And Structure
    8. Literary Style
    9. Intertextuality
    10. Message
    11. Theological Concerns

    1. Title And Text
    2. The Prophet Zechariah
    3. Historical Background
    4. Author
    5. Date And Occasion Of Writing
    6. Audience
    7. Literary Style And Structure
    8. Understanding Visionary Literature
    9. Intertextuality
    10. Message
    11. Theological Concerns

    1. Title And Text
    2. The Prophet Malachi
    3. Historical Background
    4. Author
    5. Date And Occasion Of Writing
    6. Audience
    7. Literary Style
    8. Intertextuality
    9. Message
    10. Theological Concerns

    Additional Info
    Despite the return of the Hebrews from the Babylonian exile, selfishness, apathy and despair crippled their community spirit. In response to this distress, God raised up three prophetic voices in Jerusalem. Haggai rallied the people to rebuild the Second Temple. Zechariah was given visions of the return of the glory of the Lord to Zion. Malachi preached repentance, covenant justice and restoration of proper temple worship. Andrew Hill’s excellent commentary on these oracles shows how they remain timely for the Christian church’s worship and mission in the world.

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  • Revelation To John


    The Revelation To John Prologue: The Oracle Is Disclosed (1.1-8)

    Act 1: Creation, And Salvation Through Judgement (1.9–11.19)
    Scene 1: Seven Oracles (1.9–3.22)
    Interval: Adoration In Heaven’s Court: God And His Christ (4.1–5.14)
    Scene 2: Seven Seals (6.1-17)
    Interval: The Church Protected (7.1-17)
    Scene 3: Seven Trumpets (8.1–9.21)
    Interval: God’s Sovereignty (10.1–11.19)

    Act 2: Salvation Through Judgement, And New Creation (12.1– 22.17)
    Scene 4: Seven Signs (12.1–14.20)
    Interval: A New Exodus (15.1-8)
    Scene 5: Seven Bowls (16.1-21)
    Interval: The Fall Of Babylon (17.1–18.24)
    Scene 6: Seven Visions (19.1–20.15)
    Interval: Prelude To The Final Scene (21.1)
    Scene 7: Seven Prophecies (21.2–22.17)

    Epilogue: The Oracle Is Complete (22.18-21)

    Additional Info
    The Revelation to John by Stephen Smalley is a magisterial interpretation of John’s Apocalypse as a grand drama, which can only be properly understood in light of John’s Gospel and letters and in the context of the Johannine community. As such, it offers the reader a significantly different approach to this enigmatic text than that offered by most contemporary commentaries. Working directly from the Greek text, Smalley offers a masterful analysis of the critical and literary dimensions of the Apocalypse for students and scholars alike. Contents include an in-depth, critical analysis of the Greek text of Revelationa wealth of scholarly interaction with other commentaries and interpretations of Revelationa canonical assessment of Revelation in light of other Johannine textsa historical understanding of Revelation in the context of the Johannine communityan interpretation of Revelation as cosmic drama Here is a fresh contribution to the scholarly study of this captivating but often perplexing book of the Bible. Smalley demonstrates that the Apocalypse speaks directly to any situation in any age and offers a portrait of God’s loving justice that is relevant to our own society.

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  • 1-2 Peter


    In this addition to the well-received Paideia series, New Testament scholars Duane Watson and Terrance Callan examine cultural context and theological meaning in First and Second Peter. Paideia commentaries explore how New Testament texts form Christian readers by
    attending to the ancient narrative and rhetorical strategies the text employs
    showing how the text shapes theological convictions and moral habits
    commenting on the final, canonical form of each New Testament book
    focusing on the cultural, literary, and theological settings of the text
    making judicious use of maps, photos, and sidebars in a reader-friendly format

    This commentary, like each in the projected eighteen-volume series, proceeds by sense units rather than word-by-word or verse-by-verse. Students, pastors, and other readers will appreciate the historical, literary, and theological insight Watson and Callan offer in interpreting First and Second Peter.

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  • Genesis 1-11


    General Introduction
    A Guide To Using This Commentary
    Introduction To Genesis 1–11
    Commentary On Genesis 1–11
    Map Of The Reformation Timeline Of The Reformation
    Biographical Sketches Of Reformation Era Figures
    Bibliography Of Works In Original Languages
    Bibliography Of Works In English Translations
    Author/Writings Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    The first chapters of Genesis are the bedrock of the Jewish and Christian traditions. In these inaugural pages of the canon, the creation of the world, the fall of the human creature, the promise of redemption and the beginning of salvation history are found. Interwoven in the text are memorable stories of the ancient biblical patriarchs and matriarchs. Throughout the history of commentary, interpreters have lavished attention on the rich passages recounting the six days of creation, the tragic fall of God’s creature–from the expulsion of the first parents to Cain’s fratricide and the catastrophe of the Flood–as well as the allegorical sign of hope in the ark of Noah. Commentators in the Reformation continued this venerable tradition of detailed focus on these primordial stories, finding themselves and their era deeply connected to the tragedies and promises, the genealogies and marvels of God’s providential election and governance. Above all, Reformation-era interpreters found anchor for their teaching, preaching and hope in the promise of Christ running through these first chapters, from creation to the calling of Abraham. While following the precedent of patristic and medieval commentators on Scripture, as well as Rabbinic midrash, the Reformers provide insightful and startling fresh readings of familiar passages, inviting readers to see the ancient text with new eyes. This volume collects the comments of not only the monumental thinkers like Luther, Calvin and Melancthon, but also many important figures of the time who are lesser-known today. Here we find rich fare from Johannes Brenz, Wolfgang Capito, Hans Denck, Wolfgang Musculus, Johannes Oecolampadius and Peter Martyr Vermigli. Readers will encounter comments from a wide array of perspectives, from the magisterial Reformers to radical Protestants like Balthasar Hubmaier, Menno Simons, Pilgram Marpeck and Dirk Philips, as well as some Catholic thinkers, such as Desiderius Erasmus and Cardinal Cajetan. Important contributions from female voices, like Katharina Schtz Zell and Anna Maria van Schurman are included also. The wealth of Reformation interpretation is brought together here for study and reflection, much appearing in English for the first time.

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  • Latin Commentaries On Revelation


    In this volume of the Ancient Christian Texts series, William Weinrich renders a particular service to readers interested in ancient commentary on the Apocalypse by drawing together significant Latin commentaries from Victorinus of Petovium, Caesarius of Arles, Apringius of Beja and Bede the Venerable.

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  • Genesis (Reprinted)


    The Understanding the Bible Commentary Series helps any reader navigate the strange and sometimes intimidating literary terrain of the Bible. These accessible volumes break down the barriers between the ancient and modern worlds so that the power and meaning of the biblical texts become transparent to contemporary readers. The contributors tackle the task of interpretation using the full range of critical methodologies and practices, yet they do so as people of faith who hold the text in the highest regard. Pastors, teachers, and lay people alike will cherish the easily understandable truth found in this commentary series.

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  • Ruth



    1. A Dialogue Of Determination

    2. Terms Of Endearment

    3. A Cloaked Covenant

    4. A Dialogue Of Identity


    Additional Info
    from the Introduction:

    Described by Goethe as “the most charming little whole” of antiquity, Ruth has long been recognized for its literary quality. This beautifully composed narrative continues to attract readers across generations and boundaries of gender, class and ethnicity. In fact, the beauty of the book often distracts from the practical nature of the narrative. For all of its appeal, Ruth is, after all a story about family and survival. The marriage between Ruth and Boaz is a levirate marriage. The goal of this practice is to ensure the continuation and stability of the family line. Thus this “charming little whole” has as its subject preservation of life in the face of death and upholding memory to ward off the loss of identity.

    This story of survival is short; it consists of four chapters with elements of loss and recovery; famine and harvest, barrenness and fruitfulness, life and death. These elements afford the book a broad appeal as it speaks to various stages and seasons of life, all the while upholding the power of faithfulness against an ever-changing backdrop. Named after one of the major characters, the book of Ruth tells the story of Naomi of Bethlehem and her family “in the days when the judges ruled.”

    …So much of what happens in Ruth happens where no one can see. Ruth binds herself to Naomi in the “in between place” of Moab and Judah. No one is there to witness it. Similarly, Ruth asks Boaz for redemption in the middle of the night when we presume everyone else is asleep. These events allow for the inclusion of Ruth as Boaz’s people, first as a gleaner and then as a wife. The pattern of what happens away from our observation and then bursts forth where we can see it draws on the images of planting and harvest, conception and birth. On a theological level, it suggests that even in the famine times, God is planting seed, preparing for the next harvest, even when we cannot see it. We must assume then, that whatever we know or recognize about the work of God is only a small piece of the larger whole. We cannot know it all.

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  • Galatians


    This book in the Westminster Bible Companion series explores one of Paul’s most central letters. Frederick W. Weidmann observes the changes and developments in Paul’s thought and practice in order to help pastors negotiate the distinction between their calling and self-identity.

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  • Ephesians Colossians And Philemon


    Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

    In his commentary, Ralph Martin singles out two themes that are high on today’s agenda of theological and practical inquiry and planning. These themes are the cosmic dimensions of Christological teaching and the role of the church as God’s locus and agent of reconciliation. In this examination, the author allows Paul’s voice to be heard again on these important themes.

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  • Lamentations And The Song Of Songs


    This latest volume in the popular Belief series considers two very different types of biblical writings and two very timely subjects – violence and sex within the context of Scripture.

    In Lamentations, well-known theologian Harvey Cox finds this poignant and evocative biblical book written 2,500 years ago to be a shockingly current text. In the midst of our world of violence and suffering, we find this was also the world of the writer of Lamentations. Drawing on a wide array of sources from poetry, novels, films, paintings and even photography to classical and contemporary theology, Cox offers a contemporary theological reading of Lamentations which is provocative and sure to stir numerous theological reflections and responses.

    The biblical book of Song of Songs has historically been seen as a book pointing to Christi’s love for the church and has been interpreted in allegorical ways. Yet, it is unique in the canon for its use of erotic poetry, celebrating the human body and human love in graphic terms. Author Stephanie Paulsell suggests that the Song can still have profound meaning for us, teaching us “to love not only what we can see shining on the surface but also those depths of the other which are out of our reach.”

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  • Mark : The Gospel Of Passion


    Preface: The Biblical Imagination

    Introduction: Who Is Mark?

    Major Themes
    The So-Called “Messianic Secret”
    The Fiery Trial
    The Gospel Of Passion

    Mark 1
    Mark 2: Stories Of The Inappropriateness Of Jesus
    Mark 3: Mark’s Unique Account Of Jesus Discipling The Disciples
    Mark 4: Second Stage Of Galilean Ministry
    Mark 5: People At Jesus’ Feet
    Mark 6: Two Banquets
    Mark 7
    Mark 8
    Mark 9
    Mark 10: Four Questions
    Mark 11
    Mark 12: Final Questions
    Mark 13: The Simplicity Of Jesus’ End-Time Teaching
    Mark 14
    Mark 15
    Mark 16

    A. Ancient Sources On The Relationship Between Peter And Mark
    B. References To The Emotional Life Of Jesus In The Gospels
    C. Historical References To Mark’s Gospel
    D. References To Mark In The New Testament
    E. The Additional Ending Of Mark



    About The Author

    Additional Info
    Follow Me, Jesus told them, “and I will make you into fishers of men!” Immediately they left their nets and followed Him. –Mark 1:17-18 The Gospel of Mark is a book of action and passion. Events happen one after another, with a vivid sense of immediacy and urgency. Jesus emotions come through strongly–at times he is angry and distressed, other times filled with compassion. In this volume, Michael Card provides a lively tour of the Gospel of Mark. As a friend and interpreter of Simon Peter, Mark gives firsthand glimpses of the life and ministry of Jesus in vibrant and energetic narration. The first Gospel to be written, Mark is a “pamphlet for hard times,” encouraging Christians that all their sufferings were already endured by Jesus. Accompany Mark on his journey with Jesus. The more clearly you see Jesus here, the greater your passion will be for him.

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  • Romans : Interpreted By Early Christian Commentators


    The Church’s Bible series serves to bring the rich classical tradition of biblical interpretation to life. Compiled, translated, and edited by leading scholars, these volumes draw extensively from early and medieval commentators, illuminating Holy Scripture as it was understood during the first millennium of Christian history. Designed for clergy, Bible teachers, men and women in religious communities, and all serious students of Scripture, The Church’s Bible will lead contemporary readers into the inexhaustible spiritual and theological world of the early church and hence of the Bible itself.

    This Church’s Bible volume brings together select lengthy excerpts from early Christian writings on Romans, Paul’s most comprehensive statement of Christian teaching. J. Patout Burns Jr. has judiciously chosen extended passages from such church fathers as Origen, Rufinus, Pelagius, Chrysostom, Ambrosiaster, Augustine, and Theodoret, enabling readers today to benefit from the church’s rich treasure trove of commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Covering the first five hundred years of Christian history, this volume incorporates new translations made from the best texts currently available.

    Both Burns’s pastoral sensitivity and his extensive study of patristics shine through his selection of ancient passages, which run the full gamut of perspectives on Romans. Each passage is relevant and applicable to our current understanding and living of the Christian life, not just historically valuable. This volume — and the entire Church’s Bible series — will be welcomed by preachers, teachers, students, and general readers alike.

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  • Galatians : A Commentary In The Wesleyan Tradition


    Explore Paul’s Letter to the Galatians from a Wesleyan perspective. Ideal for scholars, pastors, students, and laity, this readable reference features informative introductory material; clear verse-by-verse explanations based on the original language; comprehensive annotations covering background, textual meanings, and more; helpful sidebars focusing on theological issues, archaeological connections, and other topics; and an expanded bibliography.

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  • Ezekiel Daniel : Old Testament 12


    General Introduction
    A Guide To Using This Commentary
    Introduction To Ezekiel And Daniel
    Commentary On Ezekiel
    Commentary On Daniel
    Map Of The Reformation
    Timeline Of The Reformation
    Biographical Sketches Of Reformation Era Figures
    Bibliography Of Works In Original Languages
    Bibliography Of Works In English Translations
    Author/Writings Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    The Reformation era revolution in preaching and intepretating the Bible did not occur without keen attention to the Old Testament Scriptures. This is especially true with regard to the Hebrew prophets. Ezekiel and Daniel, replete with startling, unnerving imagery and visions, apocalyptic oracles of judgment and destruction, captivated the reformers as they sought to understand their time and themselves through the lens of the biblical sources. Equally, these prophetic books underscored the covenantal promises to God’s people and the hope of restoration, which the reformers understood to be the righteousness of Christ made available in faith.

    Reformation commentary on the prophets Ezekiel and Daniel are windows into the biblical, theological and pastoral minds of the reformers as they engage the details of the texts, make theological judgments and apply fresh reading of Scripture to their contemporary hearers. Familiar passages, such as Ezekiel’s dazzling vision of the wheels, the building of the temple, or Daniel’s four beasts, are given new layers and textures.

    This volume collects the comments of the monumental figures like Luther, Calvin and Melancthon, alongside many lesser known and read thinkers, such as Heinrich Bullinger, Hans Denck, Giovanni Diodati, Johann Gerhard, John Mayer, Matthew Mead, Johann Oecolampadius, Jakob Raupius, Johann Wigand and Andrew Willet. Several beloved English Puritans are included as well: Richard Baxter, John Bunyan, Thomas Manton and John Owen. The wealth of Reformation interpretation on these books of Scripture is brought together for the first time.

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  • Commentary On Jeremiah


    General Introduction / Page VII
    Translator’s Introduction / Page XV
    Commentary On The Prophet Jeremiah In Six Books: Eusebius Hieronymus (Jerome)
    Subject Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    English translation of Jerome’s Commentary on Jeremiah with notes and introduction by Michael Graves.

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  • 1-2 Chronicles For Everyone


    In this popular and ambitious series, John Goldingay covers Scripture from Genesis to Malachi and addresses the texts in such a way that even the most challenging passages are explained simply. Perfect for daily devotions, Sunday school preparation, or brief visits with the Bible, the Old Testament for Everyone series is an excellent resource for the modern reader.

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  • Jeremiah : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    Clements draws an intensely moving portrait of Jeremiah, one that often conflicts with the conventional image of earlier commentaries. Having witnessed the loss of his most treasured religious supports, Jeremiah discovered that the only secure foundation of hope is in God. True to the Interpretation format, Clements helps preachers and teachers make effective parallels between Jeremiah’s situation and today’s spiritual issues

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  • Ruth : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    Addressing the human and divine dimensions of the account of Ruth, this thoughtful commentary discusses all the significant questions of origin and purpose. Sakenfeld’s interpretation is at once sociological and theological, and reflects the profundity of this ancient story. The latest addition to the Interpretation series, which takes a critical-scholarly approach to Scripture.

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  • Nahum-Malachi : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    The Interpretation commentaries are written specifically for teachers and preachers in the local church through the means of expository essays. Each volume is based on the Revised Standard Version. The comments deal with whole portions or sections of the text which is used in teaching rather than individual verses or words. The series main attempts are to present the central purpose of each Biblical Book, to show its use in the liturgical traditions, and its significance for Christian ethics and theology.

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  • Leviticus : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    This volume in the popular Interpretation series presents the book of Leviticus. It focuses on the history of Israel during this time when Israel’s life was marked by the various ritual sacrifices and observances commanded by God for the ordering of the nation’s life.

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  • Daniel : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    Now available in paperback, Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary series is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

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  • Deuteronomy : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    In this theological exposition of Deuteronomy, Patrick Miller is sensitive to the character of the book as a part of Scripture that self-consciously addresses different generations. He discusses the nature and character of the law as revealed in Deuteronomy, as well as the nature of the moral life under God. The treatment of Deuteronomy in the New Testament, and customary introductory issues such as authorship and date, are dealt with in terms of their significance for interpreting and understanding Deuteronomy’s character and intention.

    Now available in paperback, Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary series is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

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  • Lamentations : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    The destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., which led to the exile of the people of Israel, drastically changed the community’s life. In the midst of this darkness, the five poems collected as the biblical book of Lamentations emerged as a life-embracing work. This sophisticated yet accessible commentary now makes the message of Lamentations come alive for Christian existence today. The distinctiveness of the Palestinian voice found in these poems is maintained as they bear witness to the horror and pain of human suffering. Yet, beneath the words, a determined will to live emerges and confronts human suffering, probes God and God’s actions, and anticipates a new kind of human community that will arise from Zion, even in the midst of God’s silence.

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  • Historical Reliability Of Johns Gospel


    Because the twentieth century search for the historical Jesus so heavily favored the Synoptic Gospels, we are long overdue for a reassessment of the evidence presented in the Gospel of John. Craig L. Blomberg offers a foundational introduction and commentary, focusing with intelligence and sure-footed care on the historicity of John’s Gospel.

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  • Joshua : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    This commentary clearly presents the episodes in the book of Joshua as the people of Israel face the challenges of entering into the land of promise. Both the historical and theological meanings of the book are presented throughout this most helpful commentary.

    Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

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  • Isaiah 1-39 : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    This unique commentary allows the interpretation of Isaiah 1-39 to be guided by the final form of the book. It focuses on the theological aspect of the book of Isaiah, giving special attention to the role of literary context. Christopher Seitz explores structural and organizational concerns as clues to the editorial intention of the final form of the material, which he argues is both intelligible and an intended result of the efforts of those who gave shape to the present form of the book.

    Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

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  • Hebrews : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    Hebrews is a sermon from the early Christian church that addresses a real, urgent, and still relevant pastoral problem: a struggling congregation that may not keep the faith. Thomas Long shows how Hebrews exhorts the church to face its challenges and hold true, even into the twenty-first century.

    Now available in paperback, Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary series is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

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  • 1-3 John


    This series expounds the biblical text for the contemporary church.

    Marianne Meye Thompson provides an introductory discussion and passage-by-passage commentary of 1-3 John. With the help of the scholarly background material, Thompson allows the text to speak to a contemporary church still caught in controversy. Now in paper.

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  • 2 Peter And Jude


    This series expounds the biblical text for the contemporary church.

    In this passage-by-passage commentary, Robert Harvey and Philip H. Towner read 2 Peter and Jude keeping in mind the profound experience of forgiveness in Simon Peter’s past. Now in paper.

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  • Acts


    This series expounds the biblical text for the contemporary church.

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  • Pauls Letter To The Philippians


    Skeptical of the trend among many biblical scholars to analyze Paul’s short, affectionate letter to the Philippians in light of Greco-Roman letter-writing conventions, Ben Witherington instead looks at Philippians as a masterful piece of long-distance oratory–an extension of Paul’s speech, dictated to a scribe and meant to be read aloud to its recipients.

    In Paul’s letter to the Philippians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Witherington examines Paul’s short but powerful letter in light of Greco-Roman rhetorical conventions, identifying Paul’s purpose, highlighting his main points and his persuasive strategies, and considering how his original audience would have heard and received Paul’s message.

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  • Galatians Ephesians


    General Introduction
    A Guide To Using This Commentary
    Introduction To Galatians And Ephesians
    Commentary On Galatians
    Commentary On Ephesians
    Map Of The Reformation
    Timeline Of The Reformation
    Biographical Sketches Of Reformation Era Figures
    Bibliography Of Works In Original Languages
    Bibliography Of Works In English Translations
    Author/Writings Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    The gospel of justification by faith alone was discovered afresh by the Reformers in the epistolary turrets of the New Testament: the letters to the Galatians and the Ephesians. At the epicenter of the exegetical revolution that rocked the Reformation era was Paul’s letter to the Galatians. There Luther, Calvin, Bullinger and scores of others perceived the true gospel of Paul enlightening a situation parallel to their own times–the encroachment of false teachers and apostates upon the true teaching of salvation by grace through faith. In Ephesians, the Reformers gravitated to what they understood to be the summit of Paul’s vision of salvation in Christ. Finding its source, beyond time, in the electing love of God, the Reformers disseminated the letter?s message of temporal hope for Christians living under the duress of persecution. For the Reformers, these epistles were living, capsule versions of Paul’s letter to the Romans, briefs on the theological vision of the celebrated apostle. Probed and expounded in the commentaries and sermons found in this volume, these letters became the very breath in the lungs of the Reformation movements. The range of comment on Galatians and Ephesians here spans Latin, German, French, Dutch and English authors from a variety of streams within the Protestant movement. Especially helpful in this volume is Gerald Bray’s editorial presentation of the development of tensions among the Reformers. The epistles of Galatians and Ephesians open up a treasure house of ancient wisdom, allowing these faithful Reformation witnesses to speak with eloquence and intellectual acumen to the church today.

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  • Mark : NRSV


    Mark’s genius lies, not in telling a story about Jesus, but in creating conditions under which the reader may experience the peculiar quality of God’s good news. The Evangelist hurries one along breathlessly, “immediately,” making sure that the reader lurches with the characters into one pothole after another. “What is this new teaching” that consorts with the flagrantly sinful, turning the pious homicidal, intimates into strangers, and mustard seeds into “the greatest of all … shrubs”?

    Jesus’ closest adherents, the Twelve, are among the most muddled. Who can blame them? They ask for an obscure parable’s interpretation and receive an answer even more confounding. They are told to feed thousands with next to nothing. Their boat almost capsizes while their teacher sleeps. As they oar in rough waters, the teacher strides the waves intending to bypass them. Putting the reader in the same boat, Mark structures conversations with Jesus that make little sense, if any. The Twelve are craven, stupid, self-serving, and disobedient: meet the average Christian. Besides, “their hearts were hardened.” Who hardens hearts? God. Should not God’s Messiah lift the burdens of those following him? What kind of Christ heads to a cross, handing his disciples another for themselves. “Do you not yet understand?” from the Introduction

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  • Liturgy Of Grief


    In Lamentations, we read of the unbearable grief experienced by a group of believers. Leslie Allen suggests the book can be read as the script of a liturgy performed to help the people of God come to terms with the fall of Jerusalem and the national catastrophe it entailed. It reveals God’s sometimes hidden support for those who grieve and for their caregivers. In this unique commentary on Lamentations, respected Old Testament scholar and volunteer hospital chaplain Leslie Allen appropriates this oft-neglected book of the Bible to deal with a universal issue. Incorporating stories of pastoral encounters with hospital patients, Allen integrates Scripture and pastoral care to present a biblical model for helping those coping with grief. The book includes a foreword by Nicholas Wolterstorff, author of Lament for a Son.

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  • Revelation


    The Book of Revelation has had an enormous influence on Christian history—and its message is still needed today. Boring’s section-by-section commentary explores the meaning of John’s vision and explains interpretive difficulties in light of the book’s central focus—the risen Christ who continues to speak to his church through the Spirit.

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  • Psalms : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    he Psalms have been at the center of Christian faith and piety for centuries. Now, one of the foremost interpreters of the Psalms explores how they can still claim that place today. In this commentary, James L. Mays sets forth what the Psalms say about God, creation, humanity, and the life of faith. Mays proceeds with an awareness that the Psalms were originally composed for worship, and so he provides an understanding of the psalms as praise and prayer.

    Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

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  • Revelation


    Interpretations of the book of Revelation are numerous and varied. The preterist view focuses on first-century social analysis of John’s environment. The church-historical view sees the Revelation as a prophetic survey of the history of the church. The futurist view sees the book as a precise prediction of unfolding events in the yet-to-come end of the world.

    The trouble with all three, argues J. Ramsey Michaels, is that they make the Revelation of John irrelevant to Christians throughout much of history. Failing to take seriously what John saw, such interpreters do not comprehend the value of the Revelation to Christians in any age. Michaels strives to recapture the Revelation as a prophetic letter of testimony, a testimony as relevant to today’s church as it was to John’s as it faces evil and looks for the victory of the Lamb.

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  • 1 Peter


    As a young church in a hostile environment, Peter’s first readers found in his letter encouragement, not just for facing suffering, but for living responsibly in the world as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Christians today will also find in Peter’s letter a wealth of practical counsel on how to conduct themselves in family and social life, as well as in relation to a society that makes it tough to follow Jesus Christ. In this invigorating volume from one of today’s leading evangelical scholars, readers will find an introduction that discusses the letter’s form, authorship, destination and primary theological themes, followed by a passage-by-passage commentary that always seeks to answer the question of what the text means for us today as well as what it meant for its original hearers. Students, pastors, Bible teachers and everyone who wants to understand Peter’s message for the church will benefit from this excellent resource.

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  • Jesus And His Own


    This study is a section-by-section commentary on the chapters of John’s Gospel in which Jesus prepares his disciples for the changed relation that will prevail when he is gone.

    Jesus and His Own gives attention to the literary, structural, and theological features of this Johannine text. Daniel B. Stevick argues that no place in the New Testament says more about the interior life of the church – a community that through Christ, lives in close communion with God, under the Spirit, and in tension with the world. These New Testament pages articulate the deepest realities of the church’s life – realities that are essential for the church’s understanding of itself.

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  • Epistle To The Romans (Revised)


    Black’s New Testament Commentary has been hailed by both scholars and pastors for its insightful interpretations and reliable commentary. Each book in the series includes an insightful introduction to the important historical, literary, and theological issues; key terms and phrases from the translation highlighted in the commentary where they are discussed; explanations of special Greek or foreign terms; references to important primary and secondary literature; and a Scripture index.

    C. K. Barrett’s exegetical prowess, evidenced most distinctly in his volumes on the First and Second Epistles to the Corinthians, also in the Black’s series, has long been appreciated in the world of biblical studies. His verse-by-verse exposition in The Epistle to the Romans further enhances our understanding of the book of Romans, early Christianity, the apostle Paul and his theology, and the New Testament. A master of thoroughness, historical backgrounds, and ancient languages, Barrett offers insights for scholars, ministers, students, and anyone who wants to know more about Paul’s Epistle to the Romans.

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  • James : A Commentary In The Wesleyan Tradition


    Engaging, perceptive, and academically thorough, the New Beacon Bible Commentary will expand your understanding and deepen your appreciation for the meaning and message of each book of the Bible.

    Written from the Wesleyan theological perspective, this indispensable commentary provides pastors, professional scholars, teachers, and Bible students with a critical, relevant, and inspiring interpretation of the Word of God in the 21st century.

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  • Letter To The Galatians


    Galatians is the inaugural volume in an exciting new commentary series, The Bible in Medieval Tradition, which seeks to reconnect today’s Christians with a rich history of biblical interpretation. In this book Ian Christopher Levy has brought together commentaries on Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians written by six medieval theologians spanning the ninth to the fourteenth centuries. Levy provides clear, readable translations of these significant texts – which have never before been available in English or, in most cases, any modern language. He sets these works in historical and theological context through his in-depth introduction, locating each author within the broad sweep of medieval scholarship. These remarkable Medieval commentaries, written from a deep and pervasive faith, aimed not only to increase knowledge but, more vitally, to enhance and deepen Christian belief and piety – an object of everlasting relevance to the Church.

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  • Judges : A Commentary


    Susan Niditch’s commentary on the book of Judges pays careful attention to the literary and narrative techniques of the text and yields fresh readings of the book’s difficult passages: stories of violence, ethnic conflict, and gender issues. Niditch aptly and richly conveys the theological impact and enduring significance of these stories.

    The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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  • Greek Commentaries On Revelation


    The Eastern church gives little evidence of particular interest in the book of Revelation. Oecumenius of Isauria’s commentary on the book is the earliest full treatment in Greek and dates only from the early sixth century. Along with Oecumenius’s commentary, only that of Andrew of Caesarea (dating from the same era and often summarizing Oecumenius before offering a contrary opinion) and that of Arethas of Caesarea four centuries later provide any significant commentary from within the Greek tradition.

    William Weinrich renders a particular service to readers interested in ancient commentary on the Apocalypse by translating in one volume the two early sixth-century commentaries. Because of the two interpreters’ often differing understandings, readers are exposed not only to early dialogue on the meaning and significance of the book for the faith and life of the church, but also to breadth of interpretation within the unity of the faith the two shared.

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  • 1-2 Peter And Jude


    Theologian and church historian Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez studies three often overlooked books in the New Testament, 1 and 2 Peter and the Letter of Jude. These writings from the late first century or early second century helped guide the young church as it faced a variety of issues, both internal to the church’s life, and external in the social and political culture in which it was growing. The letters help us focus on the character of the church and the importance of congregations in the church’s ongoing life. They raise basic issues of authority, on how the church knows the directions to follow, how Christians should live, and how diverse views should be considered. Gonzalez uses a variety of resources to illuminate these letters. She very helpfully centers on their theological importance for contemporary churches and for Christian living.

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  • Luke 1-9 : A Commentary In The Wesleyan Tradition


    An indispensable reference for understanding and interpreting the Bible in the 21st century. Written from a Wesleyan perspective by a respected scholar, this perceptive, academically thorough commentary on Luke 1–9 provides comprehensive introductory material on authorship, date, history, sociological/cultural issues, and more; clear verse-by-verse explanations; detailed annotations; helpful sidebars; and an expanded bibliography.

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  • Commentaries On Genesis 1-3


    The church fathers displayed considerable interest in the early chapters of Genesis, and often wrote detailed commentaries or preached series of homilies on the Hexameron–the Six Days of Creation–among them Eustathius of Antioch, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Ambrose, John Chrysostom and Augustine. This volume of Ancient Christian Texts offers a first-time English translation of Severian of Gabala’s In cosmogoniam and a fresh translation of a portion of Bede the Venerable’s Libri quatuor in principium Genesis. Severian, bishop of Gabala in Syria, who early on was a friend of John Chrysostom, later turned against him and opposed him at the Synod of Oak in 403. Though displaying his own strengths, weaknesses and idiosyncrasies, Severian still represents the so-called Antiochene school with its preference for literal over allegorical interpretation of texts. The text derives from the critical edition found in Clavis patrum graecorum and has been ably translated with explanatory notes by Robert C. Hill. The commentary from Bede the Venerable derives from Book I of his four-book commentary on Genesis from the account of creation to the casting out of Ishmael. Bede was a polymath–teacher, computist, exegete, historian–and one of the foremost scholars from Anglo-Saxon England. As a teacher, Bede strove to hand on the tradition of the church in a form easily understood by those who might not be well educated. These early chapters in Genesis provided teaching on creation, human origins, sin and redemption. The text deriving from Corpus Christianorum Latina is ably translated with explanatory notes by Carmen Hardin.

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  • Ephesians Colossians


    Augsburg Commentary of the NT is written for a variety of people. This volume covers Ephesians and Colossians and will be used by laypeople as a resource for Bible study at home and at church. Students and instructors will read it to probe the basic message of the books of the NT. Pastors will find it to be a valuable aid for sermon and lesson preparation.

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  • Straight To The Heart Of Acts


    A powerful new devotional commentary series designed to inform and inspire
    Straight to the Heart is a series of devotional commentaries for those who appreciate the insights and sound research found in commentaries but find scholarly writing dry and lacking in personal application. The Straight to the Heart series does not cover the whole text, but focuses on key sections which communicate the main themes of each book. Although the tone is light, the text is full of useful application and backed by substantial scholarship. Its clear, thoughtprovoking insights will feed both mind and soul.

    The Straight to the Heart Commentary series will total 25 volumes covering both the Old and New Testaments.

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  • Understanding Genesis : A Commentary Of The Book Of Genesis With Life Appli


    William Templeton in his book, Understanding Genesis endeavors to present the historical facts, genealogies, and lives and actions of six great men of the faith in clear, applicable, and understandable terms. Arranged in a unique way around the “times” of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, this book takes the reader through Genesis identifying the plans, purposes, and principles of God and relating them to modern man living in modern times.

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  • Psalms As Christian Worship


    This commentary uniquely combines a verse-by-verse exposition of the Hebrew text of selected Psalms with a history of their interpretation in the Church from the time of the apostles to the present.

    Bruce K. Waltke begins the collaboration by first skillfully establishing the meaning of the chosen psalms through careful exegesis in which each text is interpreted in light of its historical backgrounds, its literary form, and the poet’s rhetoric. James M. Houston then exposits each text’s relevance in conjunction with the Church’s interpretation of it throughout her history. To further the accuracy of this interpretation, he commissioned fresh translations of numerous Latin and Middle English texts.

    The authors’ purpose in creating this volume was not merely to produce a masterful commentary. Rather, they wished to aid in enriching the daily life of the contemporary Christian and to deepen the church’s community. Waltke and Houston here bring together the two voices of the Holy Spirit – heard infallibly in Scripture and edifyingly in the Church’s response – in a rare and illuminating combination.

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  • Romans


    In this volume, respected New Testament scholar Frank Matera examines cultural context and theological meaning in Romans. This commentary, like each in the eighteen-volume Paideia series, approaches each text in its final, canonical form, proceeding by sense units rather than word-by-word or verse-by-verse. Each sense unit is explored in three sections: (1) introductory matters, (2) tracing the train of thought, (3) key hermeneutical and theological questions. Graduate and seminary students, professors, and pastors will benefit from this readable commentary, as will theological libraries.

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  • Straight To The Heart Of Revelation


    A powerful new devotional commentary series designed to inform and inspire
    Straight to the Heart is a series of devotional commentaries for those who appreciate the insights and sound research found in commentaries but find scholarly writing dry and lacking in personal application. The Straight to the Heart series does not cover the whole text, but focuses on key sections which communicate the main themes of each book. Although the tone is light, the text is full of useful application and backed by substantial scholarship. Its clear, thoughtprovoking insights will feed both mind and soul.

    The Straight to the Heart Commentary series will total 25 volumes covering both the Old and New Testaments.

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  • Luke : A Theological Commentary On The Bible


    Historian and theologian Gonzalez presents the beloved Gospel of Luke, who heralds Jesus’ birth as “good news of great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10). Gonzalez guides us and challenges us to ask, “What is the modern relevance of this text?” The result is a fascinating and important theological discussion of Luke’s gospel and its relation to the life and proclamation of the church and its members.
    This new series will build on a wide range of sources in areas such as biblical studies, the Christian tradition, popular culture, and the language of Christian worship. Whereas most commentaries emphasize the Bible’s ancient meaning, Belief concentrates on the living Word relative to the theological and ethical concerns of today. Noted scholars representing diverse backgrounds and perspectives will ensure a fresh and invigorating approach to the Bible. Nearly half of the volumes in the series will be written by women, and almost a third will be written by persons of color. Authors include Michael Battle, Anna Case-Winters, Harvey Cox, Miguel De La Torre, Boyung Lee, Thomas G. Long, Daniel Migliore, Stephanie Paulsell, Marcia Riggs, Donald Saliers, Ronald Sider, Leanne Van Dyk, and Allen Verhey.

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  • Luke (Reprinted)


    General Preface
    Author’s Preface
    Outline Of Luke

    Additional Info
    In Luke’s vivid narrative, Jesus comes into Galilee proclaiming “good news to the poor . . . freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind.” More than any other Gospel, the Gospel of Luke shows Jesus’ great concern for the downtrodden, the oppressed and the marginalized–including women and children and even those outside the house of Israel. Darrell Bock shows why Luke’s Gospel is “tailor-made” for the world we live in–a world often divided along ethnic, religious, economic and political lines. After all, the Jesus portrayed by Luke is a source of unity for his disciples and for believers from every walk of life. Tax collectors, Roman soldiers, prostitutes, city officials, religious leaders, widows and fishermen were among the diverse group brought together in the early Christian church. Bock’s dual focus on understanding what Luke wanted to communicate to his original readers and on how that message is relevant for today makes this an excellent resource.

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  • Incomplete Commentary On Matthew 2


    General Introduction
    Translator’s Introduction
    Incomplete Commentary On Matthew (Opus Impefectum)

    Additional Info
    In the translator’s introduction to this volume, James Kellerman relates the following story: As Thomas Aquinas was approaching Paris, a fellow traveler pointed out the lovely buildings gracing that city. Aquinas was impressed, to be sure, but he sighed and stated that he would rather have the complete Incomplete Commentary on Matthew than to be mayor of Paris itself. Thomas’s affection for the work attests its great popularity during the Middle Ages, despite its significant missing parts–everything beyond the end of Matthew 25, with further gaps of Matthew 8:11–10:15 and 13:14–18:35. Although there are gaps, what remains is quite lengthy, so much so that we offer the work in two volumes, comprising fifty-four homilies. While the early-fifth-century author displays a few Arian propensities in a handful of passages, for the most part the commentary is moral in nature and therefore orthodox and generic. The unknown author, who for several centuries was thought to be John Chrysostom, follows the allegorizing method of the Alexandrians, but not by overlooking the literal meaning. His passion, above all, is to set forth the meaning of Matthew’s Gospel for his readers. Here, for the first time, this ancient work is made available in English, ably translated by James A. Kellerman and edited by Thomas C. Oden.

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