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    Biblical History

    • Resurrection Of Jesus


      What actually happened at the resurrection of Jesus? Gerd Luedemann suggests that this question, considered unanswerable by many, is of critical importance to Christians and that it can be answered more specifically than has been the case in recent studies. Luedemann begins with the oldest list of witnesses to the resurrection and proceeds from there to other texts from Paul and the Gospels to investigate the events of Good Friday, Easter, and Pentecost.

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    • Chronological And Background Charts Of The Old Testament


      1. The Ancient Church
      2. The Medieval
      3. The Reformation
      4. The Modern European Church
      5. The American Church

      84 Charts

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      Charts provide a synthesis and visual overview of information that helps in teaching, learning, and review. Facts, relationships, parallels, and contrasts are grasped easily and quickly.

      The 84 charts in Chronological and Background Charts of Church History provide a summary of key persons, events, dates, and ideas throughout church history-from ancient to modern European and American.

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    • What Is Scripture


      Introduction: Presenting The Issue
      A Particular Example, To Illustrate
      Scripture As Form And Concept: Historical Background
      The True Meaning Of Scripture: The Qur’an As An Example
      The Bible In Jewish Life?
      The Hindu Instance
      The Buddhist Instance
      The Classics: Chinese And Western
      Brief Further Considerations
      Conclusion: Scripture And The Human Condition


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      “Scripture” is no longer an absolute. In the last two centuries, as Westerners have become more keenly conscious of the flatly historical character of their own biblical documents, they have also realized the normative function of scripture in other traditions.

      W. C. Smith’s vastly erudite work asks how it is that certain texts have so seeped into human life – in a rich, complex, and powerful way – as to be deemed sacred. Examining the history and use of scripture in the world’s major religious traditions, he shows how and why scripture continues to carry momentous and at times appalling power in human affairs.

      In the end, Smith’s creative proposal is valuable not only for showing what it means to hold a text as sacred, or to treasure another’s scripture, but also for the light it sheds in a troubled culture on what it means to be human.

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    • Ancient Literary Setting


      This Prodigious New Six-Volume series presents the results of interdisciplinary research between New Testament, Jewish, and classical scholarship. Working to place the Book of Acts within its first-century setting, well-known historians and biblical scholars from Australia, the United States, Canada, Russia, and the United Kingdom have collaborated here to provide a stimulating new study that replaces The Beginnings of Christianity and other older studies on Acts. Starting with the understanding that the Book of Acts is rooted within the setting of the peoples and cultures of the Mediterranean in the first century A.D., this comprehensive series provides a multifaceted approach to the Acts of the Apostles in its literary, regional, cultural, ideological, and theological contexts. The composition of Acts is discussed beside the writing of ancient literary monographs and intellectual biographies. Recent epigraphic and papyrological discoveries also help illumine the text of Acts. Archaeological fieldwork, especially in Greece and Asia Minor, has yielded valuable information about the local setting of Acts and the religious life of urban communities in the Roman Empire. These volumes draw on the best of this research to elucidate the Book of Acts against the background of activity in which early Christianity was born. The Book of Acts in Its Ancient Literary Setting is the first volume in this groundbreaking series. The book includes fourteen chapters devoted to the literary framework that undergirds the Book of Acts. Topics include the text as an historical monograph, ancient rhetoric and speeches, the Pauline corpus, biblical history, subsequent ecclesiastical histories, and modernliterary method. All of these chapters arise out of a consultation by the project’s scholars at Cambridge in March 1993.

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    • Jeremiah : An Archaeological Companion


      Philip King utilizes archaeological artifacts and texts of the late seventh and early sixth centuries BCE, many of them unpublished or not easily accessible, to elucidate the text of the book of Jeremiah, a book that is sometimes described as difficult and whose formation is complicated. By doing so, he adds important spatial and temporal dimension to the history of Israel and to the literature about the life of one of its most significant prophets: Jeremiah.

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    • History Of Ancient Palestine


      The magnum opus of Ahlstrom who founded a school of historical studies at the University of Chicago to counteract what he felt were the prevailing literary approaches in North America. He labored on and off for decades on this dispassionate reconstruction of the major epochs of Israel’s history by tapping all known textual, epigraphic, and archaeological evidence.

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    • Sign And The Seal


      The fact of the Lost Ark of the Covenant is one of the grant historical mysteries of all time. To believers, the Ark is the legendary vesel holding the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. The Bible contains hundreds of references to the Ark’s power to level mountains, destroy armies, and lay waste to cities. The Ark itself, however, mysteriously disappears from recorded history sometime after the building of the Temple of Solomon.

      After ten years of searching through the dusty archives of Europe and the Middle East, as well as braving the real-life dangers of a bloody civil war in Ethiopia, Graham Hancock has succeeded where scores of others have failed. This intrepid journalist has tracked down the true story behind the myths and legends — revealing where the Ark is today, how it got there, and why it remains hidden.

      Part fascinating scholarship and part entertaining adventure yarn, tying together some of the most intriguing tales of all time — from the Knights Templar and Prester John to Parsival and the Holy Grail — this book will appeal to anyone fascinated by the revelation of hidden truths, the discovery of secret mysteries.

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    • Christian Beginnings


      This book starts with a general introduction by Jurgen Becker, and continues with a study of the interaction of Jesus with the world around him by Christoph Burchard. Varieties of early Christianity are illuminated in an examination of the oldest Jewish-Christian community by Carsten Colpe; “The Circle of Stephen and Its Mission,” by Karl Loning; and “Paul and His Churches,” by Jurgen Becker. Starting from the gospels, John K. Riches explores “The Synoptic Evangelists and Their Communities.” “Post-Pauline Christianity and Pagan society” are analyzed by Peter Lampe and Ulrich Luz. “Apocalyptic Currents” are reviewed by Ulrich B. Muller, and finally C. Kingsley Barrett delineates “Johannine Christianity.”

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    • Hebrew Bible The Old Testament And Historical Criticism


      Writing from a Jewish perspective, Jon Levenson reviews many often neglected theoretical questions. He focuses on the relationship between two interpretive communities–the community of scholars who are committed to the historical-critical method of biblical interpretation and the community responsible for the canonization and preservation of the Bible.

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    • Land And The Book


      The Land and the Book provides an overview of the geography and the history of the Bible by the use of brief descriptions of each of the major areas in which the events of the biblical narrative took place (primarily Palestine, Egypt, and Syria) and reviews of the history of ancient Israel, beginning with the patriachs and continuing through the New Testament era and the crusader period to the present.

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    • Written Also For Our Sake


      In this book, James Aageson likens interpretation to a conversation and uses Paul as a model for illustrating this. In Paul’s case, interpretation is a conversation between two people, Paul and scripture. Aageson gives four case studies of Paul conversing with scripture: Paul’s use of Abraham texts, his understanding of Israel, his use of the figure of Adam, and his seeing Christ as a figure by which all traditions are understood in new ways.

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    • Elijah In Upper Egypt


      Using methods from literary criticism. social history, and social theory, Eliijah In Upper Egypt makes a fresh contribution to our understanding of early Egyptian Christianity by describing the genesis and meaning of the Coptic Apocalypse of Eliijah. This document, an extended prophecy of the end times that enjoyed wide circulation in late antiquity, reflects a type of Christianity rarely discussed in scholarly literature, one that was rural, semi-literate, ascetically oriented, and fanatically millennialist.

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    • Her Image Of Salvation


      This book examines the image of the savior and the experience of salvation, two concepts that are inextricably entwined. Gail Streete asserts that Christianity set aside female images of salvation by emphasizing the maleness of Jesus. She draws on solid knowledge of the Jewish sources of Christianity and from the Greek-speaking classical world, from which Christianity assimilated so much, to show that the image of God could be seen as both male and female.

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    • Day Christ Died


      “This is a book about the most dramatic day in the history of the world, the day on which Jesus of Nazareth died. It opens at 6 P.M.-the beginning of the Hebrew day-with Jesus and ten of the apostles coming through the pass between the Mount of Olives and the Mount of Offense en route to Jerusalem and the Last Supper. It closes at 4 P.M. the following afternoon, when Jesus was taken down from the cross. . . . The fundamental research was done a long time ago by four fine journalists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The rest has been added in bits and pieces from many men whose names span the centuries.”

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    • Holy War In Ancient Israel A Print On Demand Title


      From the earliest days of Israel’s existence as a people, holy war was a sacred institution, undertaken as a cultic act of a religious community. The concept of holy war, an intriguing and sometimes disturbing theme in the Old Testament, is given its most articulate expression in this classic study by the distinguished German scholar Gerhard von Rad.

      For Israel, the most important feature of holy war was the demand for faith in Yahweh’s saving acts. However, von Rad argues, it was not Yahweh alone who acted; rather, because they envisioned Yahweh fighting in their behalf the Israelites themselves were inspired – and obliged – to fight even harder.

      In this regard, the actual events differed vastly from the picture given by the biblical narratives, which downplay and often exclude the human factor and stress the exclusive warlike action of Yahweh, thus equating holy war with absolute miracle.

      So persuasive was von Rad’s work on the Old Testament understanding of holy war that it set the standard for all subsequent work on the subject. Appearing here in English for the first time, this definitive study will prove valuable not only for students and scholars, but for anyone interested in the theory of holy war and its development throughout biblical history.

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    • Gods People In Gods Land


      In recent sociological approaches to the Old Testament, Christians have been finding unexpected resources for their ethical reflection and action relative to the modern world’s pressing social and economic dilemmas.

      This unique survey by Christopher Wright examines life in Old Testament Israel from an ethical perspective by considering how the economic facts of Israel’s social structure were related to the people’s religious beliefs. Observing the centrality of the family in social, economic and religious spheres of Israelite life, Wright analyzes Israel’s theology of land, the rights and responsibilities of property owners, and the socioeconomic and legal status of dependent persons in ancient Israel – wives, children, and slaves – showing the mutual interaction between such laws, institutions, and customs and the nation’s covenant relationship with God.

      While primarily exegetical, God’s People in God’s Land contains many useful insights for Christian social ethics: Wright suggests how the ethical application of his findings might proceed as Christians with different theological perspectives and cultural contexts seek to work out the relevance of the Old Testament for today.

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    • General Introduction To The Bible


      There are two strands woven together in the history of the Bible and its translations. One is the development of the biblical text: its materials, texts, and translations. The second is the story of the men and women who went to great extremes, at times risking death, in order to provide their generation with the Word of God in a language that could be understood. David Ewert skillfully combines both these elements in this informative and captivating book, beginning with what “Bible” means, how the Bible is organized, and how various books were named. He explores such other matters as the development of the biblical languages, the canon and the history of the testaments, and early versions of the Bible. English translations, from the time of Wycliffe to the present, are the focus of several chapters. A General Introduction to the Bible is filled with photographs of ancient texts, pages from various Bibles, photographs of key individuals and settings — all of which add understanding to the Bible’s history. Maps and charts show the development of languages, textual families, and the relationship of various translations and revisions. There are suggested readings and an extensive glossary and index.

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    • Hope Within History


      Within a culture that is presently shaped by values of hopelessness, Walter Brueggemann looks at the biblical text and finds the resources for a hope within history, a hope that challenges hopelessness and dispair. Hope within History describes how individuals and churches can grow even when at odds with their social context, addresses the theological question of how we experience hope in our historical-biblical context, and provides a model for faith development based on our understanding of hope within history as set forth in the biblical narrative.

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    • Galileo Connection


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      The church disagreed with Galileo. That set off controversy that rages on today. The passion remains but the issues have changed and the arguments have become more complex. Do miracles conflict with scientific laws? How did the universe begin? Does the creation story in Genesis conflict with evolution? Hummel sets these controversies in historical perspective by telling the fascinating stories of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Newton. Through their eyes we see how science flourished and floundered under the infuence of the church, setting the scene for modern conflicts. Then Hummel turns to the Bible, discussing its relationship to science, the place of miracles and the biblical accounts of the origin of the universe. His treatment of modern controversies is respectful and fair-minded. Yet he does not hesitate to criticize the views of others and argue for his own.

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    • Hebrew Prophets


      This work is an informative survey of the Old Testament Prophets, presented in an orderly format that makes the books more accessible and understandable to readers of the Bible. The prophets are discussed in regards to their historical context and background, their writings, and their major themes. Further, Newsome includes exegetical studies on a few passages from each prophet’s book. Newsome pays particular attention to how Old Testament prophecy relates to human life and faith. The systematic outline and form of this introductory work makes clear the essential element of each prophet’s message, with which the reader can build a foundation for deeper understanding and appreciation of the Word of God.

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    • Exploring Christian Holiness 2


      SKU (ISBN): 9780834109261ISBN10: 0834109263W. T. PurkiserBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 1985Exploring – Beacon HillPublisher: The Foundry Publishing – formerly Beacon Hill Pres Print On Demand Product

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    • Jesus And Judaism


      The purpose of this book is to take up two related questions with regard to Jesus: his intention and his relationship to his comtemporaries in Judiasm. The reason for his death (did his intention involve an opposition to Judaism which led to death?) and the motivation force behind the rise of Christianity (did the split between the Christian movement and Judaism originate in opposition during Jesus’ lifetime?).

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    • Old Testament Theology


      John Hayes and Frederick Prussner offer a thorough study covering the history, methodologies, and difficulties that are associated with the writing of Old Testament theology. Their impressive work features comprehensive history, summaries, contemporary issues, comparative evaluations, recent developments, and individual sections on more than fifty theologians and Old Testament scholars. Provides insights to the related issues of neo-orthodoxy, archaeology, philosophy, the church, and culture.

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    • Meaning Of Creation


      Conrad Hyers offers a welcome respite from the counter-productive effects of extremism that surround the creation issue. Focusing on the creation texts from the book of Genesis, Hyers interprets the biblical account in light of its relationship to its culture, context, and purpose.

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    • Faith Of The Old Testament


      Intended as a student textbook on the religion of Israel, Werner Schmidt’s The Faith of the Old Testament is especially relevant to theology. A great deal of attention is given to ideas of God and there are ample references to Old Testament texts.

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    • Tabernacle In The Wilderness


      Manufactured On Demand Title

      While the Old Testament presents many types of the person and work of Christ, few are as detailed and as instructive as the Tabernacle, the offerings, and the priesthood. John Ritchie’s classic study illuminates a richly rewarding area of Old Testament studies.

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    • Understanding The Bible (Revised)


      1. The Purpose Of The Bible
      2. The Land Of The Bible
      3. The Story Of The Bible (Old Testament)
      4. The Story Of The Bible (New Testament)
      5. The Message Of The Bible
      6. The Authority Of The Bible
      7. The Interpretation Of The Bible
      8. The Use Of The Bible

      192 Pages

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      This book answers foundational questions: Who wrote the Bible? What is its message? Why is it thought to be a “holy” book? How does one read and interpret it? Best of all, though, you’ll broaden your vision of Jesus Christ, the focal point of Scripture. How? By better understanding the geographical, religious, and historical concerns that shaped the world in which he lived. You’ll see Jesus as never before: both as a man of his times and culture, and as the culmination of a divine providence that prepared the way for the ministry of the Messiah. Written by renowned preacher, writer, and apologist John Stott, this new, expanded edition includes – Questions at the beginning of each chapter to help you focus – New, up-to-date maps for the chapters on history and geography – An index to help you speedily access areas of interest.

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    • Jesus The Jew


      Contents: PART 1: THE SETTING 1. Jesus the Jew 2. Jesus and Galilee 3. Jesus and charismatic Judaism PART 2: THE TITLES OF JESUS 4. Jesus the prophet Excursus: prophetic celibacy 5. Jesus the lord Excursus: ‘lord’ and the style of the Gospel of Mark 6. Jesus the Messiah Excursus: Jesus, son of David Excursus: the metaphorical us of ‘to anoint’ 7. Jesus the son of man Excursus: the cloud, a means of heavenly transport Excursus: debate on the circum- locutional use of son of man 8. Jesus the son of God Excursus: son of God and virgin birth GEZA VERMES: The author was born in Hungary in 1924, studied in Budapest and in Louvain. He is now Professor Emiritus of Jewish Studies and Emeritus Fellow of Wolfson College. He continues to lecture at the Oriental Institute, has taught at Oxford and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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    • Prophecy And Society In Ancient Israel


      In this book Wilson attempts to achieve two goals. One, to present a fairly comprehensive survey of ancient and modern comparative evidence relevant to the study of biblical prophecy. He provides a study of recent anthropological studies on the subject without trying to relate it directly to the Israelite prophets. And second, to illustrate one way in which modern comparative material might be used to explore the problem of prophecy and society in Israel.

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    • New Testament Writings


      The New Testament Writings is a simple and direct introduction to the New Testament. Christians have a need and desire to comprehend the literature on which their faith is based. James Efird’s book serves this need very well. He presents the New Testament clearly and concisely in nontechnical language. This is a valuable resource for education, growth, and faith.

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    • Chronological Aspects Of The Life Of Christ


      Dr. Hoehner has gathered a vast amount of data, both from Scripture and extrabiblical sources, to support his conclusions concerning key dates in the life of our Lord, among them: – The Date of Christ’s Birth – The Commencement of Christ’s Ministry – The Duration of Christ’s Ministry – The Year of Christ’s Crucifixion He carefully documents his position and compares the date available–including a study of Greek words, Roman law, and Jewish customs and prophecy.

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    • Jerusalem In The Time Of Jesus


      If there’s anything you want to know about first-century Jerusalem, you’ll find it here! Jeremias discusses industries, commerce, foreign influence, economic classes, social status, and much more. His wide range of sources include Talmudic material, Josephus, Philo, Qumranic material, and recent archaeological information.

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    • Short Life Of Christ


      In this work Professor Harrison does not attempt to retell the events in Christ’s life; rather, he analyzes the outstanding events and features of that life. He combines history, biblical theology, and apologetics in his study of the significant aspects of Christ’s life.

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    • Theology Of The Old Testament 2


      This book, the second of two volumes, offers a comprehensive profiling of the theology contained in the Old Testament.

      The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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    • Theology Of The Old Testament 1


      This book, the first of two volumes, offers a comprehensive profiling of the theology contained in the Old Testament.

      The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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    • Between The Testaments


      This book will serve as a valuable text for students engaged in a study of Judaism in the Christian era. It includes a brief bibliography and useful indexes.

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