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    Youth Ministry

    • Modelo Coach Para Lideres Juve – (Spanish)


      El modelo coach es un enfoque poderoso e innovador para personas que lideran. En lugar de proveer respuestas, los buenos lideres hacen preguntas para descubrir lo que Dios ya ha depositado en otros. Aprende como crear conversaciones poderosas para asistir a otros a resolver sus problemas, alcanzar metas, y desarrollar herramientas de liderazgo en el proceso. El Coaching es el arte y practica que permite que los grupos e individuos se muevan de donde estan a donde desean estar y esta caracteristica le convierte en una herramienta poderosa para quienes trabajan con las nuevas generaciones.

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    • Biblioteca De Ideas Actividade – (Spanish)


      !Mas de 200 ideas festivas para intensificar las celebraciones de todas las vacaciones y fiestas imaginables! -Navidad_ Aqui esta tu parada en el centro de programacion de Navidad. Encontraras todo lo que necesitas para la epoca de Adviento y Navidad – divertidos juegos, locas canciones, hilarantes excursiones, y divertidos materiales para llenar incluso el mas grande calcetin navideno. Y, desde luego, reuniones y lecciones para Navidad que ayudaran a tus hijos a enfocarse en la verdadera razon de la festividad. -Semana Santa y Cuaresma_ Actividades de alabanza, recreaciones, lecciones biblicas, planes de reunion y proyectos de servicio, todos ellos pensados para conmemorar la muerte y resurreccion de Jesucristo. Ademas, juegos, rompecabezas, manualidades e ideas para juegos de busqueda del tesoro; todo ello relacionado con el tema de Semana Santa. -San Valentin_ Disfruta de un memorable 14 de febrero con estos rompehielos, juegos, canciones, actividades y lecciones biblicas; todos ellos acerca del amor, ya sea humano o divino. -Accion de Gracias_ Espera a ver el conjunto de ideas que trabajadores con jovenes, desde Cape Cod hasta todos los puntos del oeste, han cocinado para ti – Manualidades de Accion de Gracias, obritas, excursiones, fiestas, proyectos de servicio y lecciones biblicas. Y mucho mas- Todo tipo de ideas para fiestas y reuniones para el Dia de San Patricio, Ano Nuevo, Halloween, el domingo de la Super Bowl, el Dia de los Inocentes, las celebraciones del Dia de la Madre y del Padre, y para la graduacion. Ya sea que trabajes con jovenes o seas director de recreo y juegos en una iglesia, escuela, club o campamento – Biblioteca de ideas es tu almacen de ideas que funcionan y probadas en grupos de jovenes.

      Ideas Library/Holiday ideas
      Over 200 festive ideas for cranking up celebrations for every holiday imaginable!
      *Christmas_ Here’s your one-stop Christmas programming center. You’ll find everything you need for the merriest Advent and Christmas season ever — goofy games, crazy carols, outrageous outings, and silly skits to fill even the biggest Christmas stocking. And, of course, Christmassy meetings and lessons to help your kids focus on the real reason for the season.
      *Easter & Lent_ Worship activities, reenactments, Bible lessons, meeting plans, and service projects, all designed to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Plus games, puzzles, craft projects, and scavenger hunt ideas — all tied to an Easter theme.

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    • Lecciones Biblicas Creativas L – (Spanish)


      Doce lecciones listas para usarse en grupos juveniles que son perfectas para grupos de escuela dominical, reuniones juveniles o ministerios de grupos pequenos. Las lecciones estan disenadas para estimular el aprendizaje y contienen ilustraciones y diagramas para hacer el aprendizaje mas efectivo. Tienen un enfoque totalmente contemporaneo y adecuado a la juventud del nuevo siglo. Usan lecciones interactivas, dramatizaciones, dialogo y discusiones. No hay productos semejantes en el mercado.

      Conciso y excente curso de doctrinas biblicas, sin sermonear, pero con muchas opciones, musica y dramatizacion y trabajo en grupos pequenos. Contiene hojas de trabajo para fotocopiar que tienen disenos atractivos y de contenido espiritual profundo. Este libro es una apasionante entrada a la sana doctrina biblica.

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    • Lecciones Biblicas Creativas G – (Spanish)


      Doce lecciones listas para usarse en grupos juveniles que son perfectas para grupos de escuela dominical, reuniones juveniles o ministerios de grupos pequenos. Las lecciones estan disenadas para estimular el aprendizaje y contienen ilustraciones y diagramas para hacer el aprendizaje mas efectivo. Tienen un enfoque totalmente contemporaneo y adecuado a la juventud del nuevo siglo. Usan lecciones interactivas, dramatizaciones, dialogo y discusiones. No hay productos semejantes en el mercado.

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    • Que Hacer Cuando Los Jovenes L – (Spanish)


      Cuando ayudar a los adolescentes en la multitud de problemas a los que se enfrentan durante la epoca de la vida por la cual estan pasando, no hay ningun manual que lo resuelva todo. Tanto si trabajas con adolescentes, como si estas tratando de educarlos en tu hogar, lo mas probable es que ya te hayas tropezado con unas cuantas cosas para las cuales te sentias carente de preparacion por completo, o mal equipado para enfrentarte a ellas. !Pero no estas solo! En la impactante Serie de libros Que hacer cuando…? te estamos ofreciendo respuestas a los dificiles interrogantes a los que te tienes que enfrentar cuando surgen esos desafios. Sabiendo que el noventa y cinco por ciento de las personas a las que se les ha diagnosticado un desorden en la alimentacion son jovencitas adolescentes, es probable que te encuentres con este problema si interactuas con adolescentes. En Que hacer cuando los adolescentes luchan con desordenes alimentacios, el doctor Steven Gerali te ayudara en los siguientes aspectos: * La comprension de los desordenes en la alimentacion, junto con los temas subyacentes que suelen contribuir a la aparicion de esos desordenes. * El reconocimiento de las seales de alerta que pueden significar que un adolescente esta desarrollando un desorden en la alimentacion. * La comprension del papel y la responsabilidad que le corresponden a la iglesia en cuanto a movilizar ayuda para los adolescentes con desordenes en la alimentacion. * La creacion de una intervencion cuando los adolescentes o sus padres niegan la existencia del problema. * El desarrollo de una estrategia de referencia a un especialista para los adolescentes que necesiten ayuda para enfrentarse a sus desordenes en la alimentacion. En este practico libro, descubriras las maneras de identificar y ayudar a un adolescente que este luchando con un desorden en la alimentacion, y encontraras una gran abundancia de recursos para conseguirles ayuda mas alla de la que tu seas capaz de darles.

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    • No Me Averguenzo – (Spanish)


      The musicians who best represent today’s Christian young people have united for the first time in a book challenging them to lift up the values of the gospel. Each chapter presents one musician writing about Christian values such as holiness, mercy, forgiveness, inclusion, evangelism and integrity. Featuring comments and notes by: * Alex Campos * Coalo Zamorano * Lilly Woodman * Funky * Lucia Parker * Rescate * Timmy Ost* Kyosko* Renova * Redimi2 * Pescao Vivo * En Espiritu y en verdad.

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    • Como Ensenar Con Eficacia – (Spanish)


      El futuro de nuestras iglesias no depende de la cantidad de convertidos sino de la madurez espiritual que logra cada miembro. Por eso es necesario que cada iglesia tenga un buen programa de educacion cristiana para preparar a sus miembros, dandoles un conocimiento teorico y practico de la Palabra de Dios. En Como ensenar con eficacia encontrara ideas creativas para una dinamica ensenanza dominical.

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    • Grupos Pequenos Y Celulas De I – (Spanish)


      Your small group can accomplish big things in the lives of your teenagers. And in ‘Help! I’m a Small-Group Leader!’ you’ll find methods and approaches you can use, foibles and minefields to avoid and solutions and tips that will help you nurture your small group into a growing community, whatever your goals. To top it all off there are 20 pages of questions that you can use in your small-group Bible study.

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    • Despierta Tu Creatividad – (Spanish)


      You know how tough it can be to come up with new and inventive student ministry ideas every school year. It can be infinitely more grueling to be that creative on a weekly basis! Whether you’re developing a new message, a unique way to get students talking and interacting, or something different for the weekend retreat, most of us find ourselves tapped for creative ideas after a little while. Take comfort: You’re not alone, and you’re not necessarily out of creative steam. Everyone hits a block at some point, but you can find a way to tap into the creativity God placed within you. Les Christie has been doing youth ministry for decades, and he’s not out of ideas yet! This practical book will help you explore the stumbling blocks, the tricks of the trade, and the catalysts to creativity. Les gives you opportunities to tap into your own creativity, and you’ll find yourself looking at every aspect of your ministry in innovative ways.

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    • Ninguna Religion – (Spanish)


      This book will help you find those revolutionary concepts from the gospels that will really shake you out of your routines and transform your relationship with the Creator. The abundant life offered by Jesus is much more than a list of do’s and don’ts. It is an exciting reality full of freshness and adventures that can only be enjoy by those who do not yield to mere religiosity. It is interesting to notice that the most heated confrontations of Jesus were not those involving the most corrupt sinners of his era, but rather with the pastors and religious leaders of that time. Mere religion tends to make us lose focus and gives us a distorted view of the image of God, of others, and of ourselves. In many of our Christian concepts and practices we make the mistake of thinking that God said something that in reality He never said. This is how we become estranged from the essence of Jesus’ original purpose. Daily expressions of our faith may become infected by a chilliness that derives from having limited ourselves to obeying a set of rules, regardless of how good and Christian these might be.

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    • Me Perdieron – (Spanish)


      David Kinnaman trains his researcher’s eye on these young believers and reveals the factors that contribute to the dropout problem. You Lost Me shows why Christians ages 18 to 29 are leaving the church and rethinking their commitment to the faith. Based on new research conducted by the Barna Group, You Lost Me exposes ways the Christian community has failed to equip young adults to live ‘in but not of’ the world–to follow Christ in the midst of profound cultural change. This wide-ranging study debunks persistent myths about young dropouts and examines the likely consequences for young adults and for the church if we maintain the status quo. The faith journeys of the next generation are a challenge to the established church, but they can also be a source of hope for the community of faith. Kinnaman, with the help of contributors from across the Christian spectrum, offers ideas for pastors, youth leaders, parents, and educators to pass on a vibrant, lasting faith, and ideas for young adults to find themselves in wholehearted pursuit of Christ.

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    • Biblioteca De Ideas Juegos 2 – (Spanish)


      Nearly 400 more wild, creative games for guaranteed fun!
      – Baseball and Kickball Games . . . The national pastime is hereby turned on its ear by more nutty variations than you can shake a Louisville Slugger at. Plus other diamond games, like kickball.
      – Swimming Pool and Lake Games . . . Whether your water is a pond, pool, or Puget Sound, we’ve got contests, activities — even a spectator Water Carnival (see page 117).
      – Wide Games . . . Got a few acres and a few hours to organize, strategize — and then use stealth and cunning to infiltrate enemy lines, smuggle contraband through customs, or detect (and dispatch) aliens? These adventure games are perfect for camps and retreats!
      – Golf Games . . . You don’t need manicured courses, motorized carts, or polyester pants. What you do need are people willing to golf with marshmallows, rubber bands, hula hoops, and croquet mallets.
      – Frisbee Games . . . Portable, ubiquitous, and supremely cool, flying discs hold hours of entertainment for your group. In fact, why not plan an entire day of Frisbee games?

      Plus . . . A bevy of relay races, outdoor games especially for large and small groups, 30-some soccer and hockey games, alternative football games, and enough water games (including water balloon games) to give your group a sopping good summertime! Whether you’re a youth worker or recreation director in a church, school, club, or camp — Games 2 is brimming with notoriously wild, creative, and youth-group tested games!

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    • Ayudenme Soy Mujer – (Spanish)


      Looking for answers about your life and ministry from a woman’s perspective? Geared for professionals and volunteers alike, Help! I’m a Woman in Youth Ministry! focuses on the unique ministry issues that you wrestle with every day, including:
      The challenges of singleness, marriage, and parenthood
      Mentoring and counseling
      Making your voice heard
      Fair treatment and fair pay
      Working with men …and much more!

      Regardless of age, marital status, church size, or denomination, Help! I’m a Woman in Youth Ministry! will transform how you approach your unique, vital place in the youth ministry world.

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    • Preguntas Provocativas Para Ad – (Spanish)


      Ask away . . . and get your students talking with these provocative questions. Would You Rather . . .? gives you 465 stimulating either-or questions that will get your students talking, laughing, debating, and thinking. Questions like Would You Rather . . . watch a soap opera or make fun of one? . . . be gossiped about or lied to? . . .get shot from a cannon or walk a high wire? . . . make a child cry or kick a puppy? . . . attend the Last Supper or discover Jesus’ empty tomb? You can use these questions anywhere, anytime — when you want to break the ice, spark a discussion, build community, get kids to wrestle with spiritual issues, or just have fun. And the convenient size makes it easy to stick in your pocket or in the glove compartment of your car. This is one resource you’ll want for every member of your ministry team!

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    • Como Ensenar La Biblia Con Cre – (Spanish)


      Whether Bible studies are a regular part of your ministry, or you’re thinking about how to bring Bible study into your ministry in a more significant way, chances are that you want to help your students enter into God’s word in a way that challenges them and changes their lives. That’s a goal worth working towards…but sometimes you will feel like it’s a goal that you may never reach.

      Unleashing God’s Word in Youth Ministry is designed to help you develop a Bible study approach that engages students on a deeper level—even if you’re an avid curriculum user or someone who creates all your own discipleship materials from scratch. As you devour the wisdom Barry Shafer brings from decades of student ministry and engage in your own study of God’s Word, you’ll discover that Bible study for your students can be taken to a whole new level. In the pages of this book you’ll: -Get beyond the typical Bible discussions and learn to confidently engage students in an in-depth search of God’s Word -Teach teens how to study the Bible on their own -Be invigorated in your own personal interaction with the Bible -Gain confidence and competence in leading teens deeper in Bible studies, and much more! If you want to take your students deeper into the Bible, discover what it takes to unleash God’s Word in your own ministry and watch your students and youth ministry be transformed.

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    • Lo Que Todo Lider Debe Saber D – (Spanish)


      In a culture that changes at a dizzying rate, it is vital that youth leaders have a thorough knowledge of the needs, challenges, thought processes and questions that new generations face. This book is a highly needed and useful resource for those who love young people and wish to be effective in reaching them. Upon finishing this book you will significantly increase the impact and influence in the work you do with the youth.

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    • Como Usar El Humor En El Minis – (Spanish)


      The author’s mission in this book is to break with classical paradigms that discourage the use of laughter and humor as incompatible with the serious nature of the gospel. This material is the product of in-depth research into the history of the Bible, presented in a format that is easily absorbed by any reader. Since the Middle Ages and the Reformation, the Christian church has emphasized spiritual practices such as prayer, praise, devotional reading, and Biblical studies as the pillars of spirituality. But there is another element that hidden there in the inkwell and which appears in the Scriptures themselves over and over again. The laughter, the joy, and the sense of humor constitute an important part of the faith. This book also delivers practical advice about how to articulate humor and laughter in your ministerial work. Something unique about this book is the way it interacts with the Biblical texts, looking at the background of many familiar stories, and finding a sense of humor that was very relevant for the original reader. He also delivers clear information about how to take your first steps toward developing the art of creating humor.

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    • Lideres Modelos – (Spanish)


      As youth leaders we are the mentors of an emerging generation. This reality should not leave us complacent. It makes us uncomfortable, but it also challenges us to be audacious and radical in our faith as we lead the young people to an enjoyment of their spirituality.

      Model Leaders will challenge you to live a life that impacts a new generation and to develop effective service by means of one determinative factor: mentoring. In order for your spiritual mentoring to be effective, it is essential that you ask yourself what Jesus’ message was for us and how should we live in accordance with his teachings. In this book you will have the tools you need to achieve credibility, trustworthiness, commitment, integrity, and all with a sparkling fresh spirituality. In addition you will be better able to understand your young people and adolescents, taking into account their essential needs and cultural context.

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    • Profetas – (Spanish)


      They will take you back in history to a time 3,000 years ago, to a time of conflict within the nation of the people of God, and then you will be brought back to modern times to apply these principles in the lives of the young people of today. You will find complete lesson plans including icebreakers, lesson development pointers, handouts that can be photocopied for the little ones, stories, life applications, challenges, and a deep and serious study of the Word of God. The message of God through the prophets continues to be relevant to us in our modern reality. The Bible describes itself as a book inspired by God and as enormously useful for transforming the lives of its readers and doers. The Bible also says that the Word in its entirety is valuable even if, however, the prophets of the Bible are less studied than other Bible books. Regardless of their historical setting or their complexity, this also is the Word of God with the potential to change the lives of the young people with whom you work. Each prophetic book holds many important messages. We have decided to focus on only one prophet in each lesson. In the largest books we will give you a general timeframe of the historical events involved, but we will also focus on one event in particular in each lesson from which we will extract the principle and its application. Use this material as a tool and contextualize whatever you need to achieve the best impact on your listeners.

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    • Dinamica De Integracion – (Spanish)


      A collection of more than 200 of the newest, most creative, youth-group-tested crowd breakers and mixers ever imagined! The newest volume in the best-selling Ideas Library is Crowd Beakers and Mixers 2. These ideas are designed to grab the attention of youth groups and keep them entertained for months. It’s perfect for youth leaders, camp counselors, Sunday school teachers, and recreation directors. This volume includes a variety of large and small group gags, stunts, mixers, contests, word games, quizzes, and more.

      Features include:
      * User friendly—perfect to hand off to volunteer or student leaders
      * Conveniently organized
      * Multiple uses
      * Field-tested ideas contributed by youth workers and pastors
      * Ideal for all ages

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    • Eventos Especiales – (Spanish)


      More than 400 creative events for community building, outreach, and fun! – Food Events . . . If there’s one thing kids know and appreciate, it’s food. Here’s everything from elegant fetes to slobfests galore. – Games and Sports Events . . . You don’t have to be a jock to have fun playing these sporting events. – Outings and Overnighters . . . If you’re crazed enough to take a group of adolescents on the road — whether across town or across the state — here are plenty of trip ideas. – Races and Rallies . . . Your group have a need for speed? Whether it’s cars, bikes, buses, or toilets — if it can be raced, you’ll find an idea for it here. – Special Events with a Purpose . . . More than fun. These events carry significant spiritual, moral, or community value. And more — hunts and parties and theme events of all kinds! Whether you’re a youth worker or recreation director in a church, school, club, or camp — Special Events is your storehouse of proven, youth-group tested ideas.

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    • Como Trabajar Con Jovenes Apat – (Spanish)


      This book will help you to discover the root causes of behavioral problems and it will equip you to discipline in a way that will not compromise the group’s unity.

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    • Manual Practico Para Consejera – (Spanish)


      Borghetti, Marroquin, and Obando share practical and specific advice for difficult cases and guide the reader to a better understanding of various issues that should be taken into account when speaking with a young person.

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    • Ministerio Juvenil 3.0 – (Spanish)


      This book should be in the personal library of any youth minister who values the ministry. This book will help the leader to see where we came from, why we do what we do, and where we should be heading to produce the results that God and this generation expect from us.

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    • Asuntos Internos – (Spanish)


      Two of the most influential leaders in today’s church share secrets never before told regarding leadership and the mission that God has given them. Dante Gebel and Lucas Leys have collaborated here for the first time to produce a book that speaks directly about real leadership, opening their hearts to reveal intimate experiences and to share their ideas about what leadership should be in the future. This book is full of gems and treasures that will help you to be honest with yourself and to rediscover the purpose that should be motivating your leadership and the responsibilities that God has given all of us to influence the next generation.

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    • 101 Preguntas Y 101 Respuestas – (Spanish)


      How many times have the questions arising in our minds seemed to remain unanswerable? How often have we repeated these questions to people who also did not know the answers? And how many times have they asked us questions that we also cannot answer? Lucas Leys presents 101 difficult questions along with direct answers for each one. He offers answers that are well reasoned and balanced from a biblical and spiritual perspective so that young people can deepen their faith. Whether you are a youth leader who needs to the right answers to give or a teenager in search of satisfactory answers, this book is for you.

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    • Estrategicos Y Audaces – (Spanish)


      Today we are confronting the urgent need to reach and disciple the generation of the new milenium – a generation which does not seem to be enjoy church as we know and love it. Therefore, our only option is to raise up a new team of strategic youth leaders – if we don’t we will lose them…one teen at a time. This manual is a tool to help every pastor and leader form a team which knows how to minister to young people. Through 13 interactive sessions, youth leaders will enrich their leadership, discipleship, evangelism, and cultural vision which will in turn change the church. Ideal for teaching new leaders or revitalizing leaders with many years of experience.

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    • Biblioteca De Ideas Promocion – (Spanish)


      More than 250 creative and time-saving ideas for organizing, promoting and fund raising for youth ministry. Contains more than 70 ways of helping you organize and manage your ministry more efficiently. This book offers you not only the opportunity of attracting the attention of your youth group, but to engage them using several promotional ideas for events and all kind of youth-froup-related activities. also, if what you need is to raise funds for some project, this book explains several ways of doing this. If you are a church youth leader, work in a school or in another place where there are young people, this book is precisely for you.

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    • Ilustraciones Involvidables – (Spanish)


      Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks series delivers all-new, lively, effective illustrations, stories, parables, and anecdotes from the files of many of youth ministry’s best speakers.

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    • Ministerio Juvenil Efectivo Ed – (Spanish)


      The purpose of this Silver Medallion award-winning book is to propose new strategies and principles to develop smart youth leadership by sharing the keys to an effective youth ministry. Youth leaders have great potential in their hands. This gift has to be administered with wisdom, discernment, and intelligence. This book will help youth leaders effectively take advantage of this potential.

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    • Agorafobia – (Spanish)


      Following the theme of the book The Emerging Generation, Junior Zapata describes what he considers to be the condition of many Christians in Latin America concerning daily personal evangelism, and talks about how the Christian church should lose its fear of the world and how to approach the “pre-believer” culture, as he calls it.

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    • Homosexualidad Y Juventud – (Spanish)


      Homosexuality is in everyone’s conversation, and the reality is that there is more and more confusion about this subject among the youth. Young people today have many questions and this book’s purpose is to give intelligent, clear and biblical answers before such a critical challenge, to those that need it.

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    • Como Hablarle A Los Jovenes Si – (Spanish)


      This practical, warm hearted guide to public speaking for youth ministers is presented with humor and insight by one of America’s most sought-after youth speakers.

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    • Como Ayudar A Jovenes En Crisi – (Spanish)


      If you work with students, you will encounter crisis. Leading crisis-management expert Rich Van Pelt and respected author and youth worker Jim Hancock unfold step-by-step plans for managing he fallout from all sorts of worst-case scenarios, from substance abuse to natural disasters. This comprehensive manual also includes action items geared to help prevent small crises from escalating to huge ones.

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    • Campamentos Retiros Misiones E – (Spanish)


      Spanish Edition.

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    • Generacion De Adoradores – (Spanish)


      Music is a powerful healer, but worship is more than healing. We are tired of hearing that young people think that meetings are boring. In this book, you will find keys for worship leaders and youth pastors who wish to lead the new generation to the throne of God. Emmanuel Espinosa, Lucas Leys and Danilo Montero bring many years of experience in worship and discipling young people to the table.

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    • Diez Bombas De Tiempo – (Spanish)


      Defusing the most explosive pressures teenagers face You get only one life Make it one you’ll never regret Every young person, including you, lives with pressures that really are like ticking time bombs. But you don’t have to be a victim if you know how to defuse the most explosive pressures young people face. Ten Time Bombs is your personal “Bomb Squad” manual, showing you some very practical ways to avoid life-wrecking explosions.

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    • Juegos Para Refrescar Tu Minis (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


      A library of ideas Do you want games that are dynamic, that make you run or exercise until you fall exhausted? Here’s a place to find them. Do you need quiet games for a small or passive group? You will find those here as well. In Games To Refresh, you will find more than 400 recreational activities, both indoor as well as outdoor, that adolescents will love. Ball games: Twice the fun for a meeting of the church leadership, with only half the heat. Basketball and volleyball games: Everything about throws and baskets. They go crazy over these extravagant transformations of the sports. Indoor games for large groups: Reserve the church gymnasium or another large room for an evening to develop camaraderie. Parlor games: Great for parties or informal reunions. And much more!

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    • Lecciones Biblicas Creativas D – (Spanish)


      In Creative Bible Lessons on the Life of Jesus, you will find 12 solid lesson plans and lists to use in teaching about Jesus’ short ministry here on the earth. These lessons will help make your teaching more entertaining and will take your students to the central theme: Jesus’ life is relevant and timely for Christians today. Contains teaching aids that help stimulate small groups discussions, learning games, humorous scripts, sketches and, many more creative study resources. The lessons explore the life of Jesus as: God, Man, Savior, Healer, Servant, Shepherd, Provider, Redeemer and Hero.

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    • Lecciones Biblicas Creativas P – (Spanish)


      Think of it as a lean, mean, Bible doctrine course_without the lecture; but it doew have lots of options, music and drama, small-group work, and reproducible, interactive worksheets with eye-catching designs and soul-searching content. In these 12 clear, complete sessions, author Chap Clark guides kids (and you) through the Big Ideas in this first-century letter to Christians trying their darndest to live godly lives in an ungodly culture. Here are topics made to order for teenagers living at the turn of the 21st century. Teach your way through Romans with these ready-to-go sessions. Or scanvege whatever you want of the creative scripts, handouts, and other options to customize a lesson of your own. Any way you use it, this book is your no-doze ticket to solid Bible doctrine.

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    • Ministerio De Jovenes Con Prop – (Spanish)


      If you long to reach kids and see their lives changed by God, this comprehensive guide shows you how.

      Moving to the fundamental purpose of evangelism, discipleship, friendship, ministry and worship, “Purpose Driven Youth Ministry” uses the experience of Saddleback Church to illustrate what a youth ministry can do. Here are nine basic principles that will help you: -Connect the power of God with an enthusiastic and committed leadership -Define the purpose of your ministry and communicate it effectively -Identify your potential audience -Create programs that reach your audience and fulfill God’s purposes -Implement processes that move students to maturity -Enhance your ministry with clearly defined values -Team up with parents to involve the whole family -Find volunteers and help develop them into participating leaders -Persevere through tough times and thrive in an ever-changing environment.

      Balancing both theory and practice, “Purpose Driven Youth Ministry” can be applied to any church setting, regardless of size, denomination, facilities, resources, and existing leadership.

      This book will help you develop a ministry that equips students rather than a ministry that coordinates events. Doug Fields says, “My goal for this book is to coach through a plan to build a healthy youth ministry that isn’t dependent on one great youth leader and won’t be destroyed when the youth worker leaves the church. It’s not a book on how to grow your youth ministry with six easy steps; it’s about identifying, establishing, and building health into your church’s youth ministry.”

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    • No Dejes Tu Cerebro En La Puer – (Spanish)


      Evidencias cristianas para evitar confusion, sobre Dios, la Biblia y la fe.

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