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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Como Entender El Futuro – (Spanish)


      With clear writing and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of the Future explores the fulfillment of Scripture—the bodily return of Christ. Topics include but are not limited to the primary views of the Millennium (thousand years): A millennialism—the reign of Christ is now being fulfilled; Postmillennialism—Christ will return after the millennium; Premillennialism—Christ will come back after the millennium. Whichever view the reader subscribes to, the end result is clear: there will be a sudden, personal, visible, bodily return of Christ. Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of the Church helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.

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    • Como Entender La Biblia – (Spanish)


      With a strong emphasis on the scriptural basis for each doctrine—what the whole Bible teaches us today about a particular topic; clear writing, with technical terms kept to a minimum; and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of the Bible is required reading for understanding the relevant passages of Scripture. Topics include Canon of Scripture: the list of all books that belong in the Bible; Authority of Scripture: all words in Scripture are God’s words because that is what the Bible claims for itself; Clarity of Scripture: the Bible is written so that its teachings are able to be understood by all who read it; Necessity of Scripture: the Bible is necessary for knowledge of the gospel; and Sufficiency of Scripture: Scripture contains all the words of God he intended his people to have. Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of the Bible helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.

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    • Fe Desechada – (Spanish)


      Proponents of the emerging church say it is not a church at all-it’s only a dialogue or conversation. Some say the emerging church is about reinventing Christianity for the 21st century. So what does that mean? Is it possible for Christianity to be reinvented and still be Christianity? Faith Undone answers these questions and shows how this movement is opening the doors for apostasy and deception within Christendom through mysticism, interspirituality and a denial of the very gospel message itself. Some of the issues Faith
      Undone addresses:
      * Contemplative spirituality and mysticism: The “life” of the emerging church
      * The new missiology of the emerging church: “You can keep your own religion; just add Jesus to the equation.”
      * Eucharistic evangelization and the road to Rome
      * An Emergent View on the Future of Planet Earth
      * Purpose Driven Ecumenism: Part of the emerging church’s new reformation
      * How to tell if the emerging church is emerging into your church

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