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Books ( Spanish)

Showing 501–600 of 796 results

  • Camino Hacia La Riqueza En Acc – (Spanish)


    More people will become millionaires through entrepreneurship in the next few years than in the past 200 years combined. And you can be one of them. Get access to business guru Brian Tracy’s proven formula to start, build, manage, and grow your business successfully. By taking these specific actions that lead to business success, you can achieve your dreams of perpetual wealth.

    Topics include:
    Selecting the right product or service
    Getting ahead of the competition
    Closing more sales than ever before
    Determing accurate costs and setting appropriate prices
    Eliminating unnecessary costs and expenses
    Testing your market quickly and inexpensively
    Advertising and attracting more prospects
    Getting the money to grow your business
    Increasing profitability

    El doctor Charles Stanley ensena a los lectores a confiar en el inmutable caracter de Dios y les muestra como eso puede cambiar sus vidas.Todas las decisiones que tomamos se basan en innumerables detalles, suposiciones y creencias. “?Deberia aceptar el trabajo?”, pregunta ella. “?Deberia mudarse nuestra familia a otro estado?”, se pregunta el. Luego evaluamos los datos y las circunstancias y sacamos nuestras conclusiones. En esta obra, En armonia con Dios, el doctor Stanley anima y desafia a los lectores a enfocar la vida desde un nuevo angulo: conociendo y considerando el caracter de Dios. Si sabemos quien es Dios y lo que esta planeando, ya habremos tomado muchos pasos hacia su respuesta y el plan que tiene para nuestras vidas.

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  • Agorafobia – (Spanish)


    Following the theme of the book The Emerging Generation, Junior Zapata describes what he considers to be the condition of many Christians in Latin America concerning daily personal evangelism, and talks about how the Christian church should lose its fear of the world and how to approach the “pre-believer” culture, as he calls it.

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  • Actitud 101 – (Spanish)


    Great leaders understand that the right attitude will set the right atmosphere, which enables the right responses form others. Author John C. Maxwell addresses what shapes a person’s attitude and whether or not attitude can be changed. He addresses the common feeling of failure and shows how to overcome obstacles. Understanding success as a journey rather than a destination, he explains, is the key to good leadership.

    Los grandes lideres comprenden que la actitud correcta brinda el ambiente adecuado que posibilita que los demas tengan las respuestas apropiadas.

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  • Verdadero Arrepentemiento – (Spanish)


    This famous evangelist speaks on repentance and its role in man’s salvation.

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  • Peregrino – (Spanish)


    A literary gem on the alegorical tal of Christian to the Celestial city.

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  • Cristiano De Rodillas – (Spanish)


    The best-selling book on prayer which transmits the surety of the promises of God for those who are willing to get down on their knees.

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  • Peregrina – (Spanish)


    The second half of Pilgrim’s Progress which relate the voyage of Christian’s wife and children.

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  • Pies De Ciervas En Lugares Alt – (Spanish)


    A devotional best-seller of all times which personifies the attitudes of our mind, heart and character and leads us to that perfect union with Christ.

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  • Toma El Riesgo – (Spanish)


    You can find our culture’s obsession with avoiding risk everywhere, from multiple insurance policies to crash-tested vehicles. But is ducking risk the most productive way for us to live? Surgeon and author Dr. Ben Carson, who faces risk on a daily basis, offers an inspiring message on how accepting risk can lead us to a higher purpose.

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  • Oraciones Que Derrotan A Los D – (Spanish)


    This easy-to-use guide to prayer will help readers overcome demonic influence and oppression in their lives. Readers will be inspired and empowered as they learn:
    *The basics of spiritual warfare
    *Biblical principles for praying
    *Powerful warfare prayers and decrees taken from Scripture
    *Specific declarative prayers for every circumstance

    John Edkhardt is gifted with a strong apostolic call and is world renown for his teaching on deliverance and spiritual warfare.

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  • Pastor Pacificador – (Spanish)


    Thoroughly exploring the theology of reconciliation, Poirier adds lessons from personal experience and lists practical steps for effective mediation. With this comprehensive guide, you can embrace peacemaking confidently as a way to glorify God through the overcoming power of the gospel. And, as Jesus promised all peacemakers, you will be blessed.

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  • Dones Del Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


    Un analisis biblico de como Dios dispuso los dones por medio de su Espiritu para enriquecer la vida de su iglesia y producir el fruto mas dulce y apetitoso que el mundo necesita: la vida eterna. Cuando el creyente aprovecha esta gracia de Dios, en su vida se refleja la alegria del Espiritu,el servicio no resulta una carga, y surgen hermosos frutos que llevan en su interior la semilla del evangelio que tanto necesita el mundo de hoy.

    A biblical analysis of how God gives gifts through the Holy Spirit to enrich the life of His church and produce the fruit that the world needs most: eternal life. When a believer relies on God’s grace, his or her life reflects the joy of the Spirit, service is no longer a burden, and through this beautiful fruit that is produced the seed of the Gospel is spread.

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  • Maestro De Los Emociones – (Spanish)


    Study the personality of the one who revolutionized the trajectory of the human race.
    In El Maestro de las emociones, the second book in the Analisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo collection, Augusto Cury studies Jesus’ emotions and explains how he was able to endure the most difficult trials in the name of faith. Throughout his life story, Jesus proved that it is possible to face pain with wisdom. He had plenty of motives to abandon his calling and become a closed, aggressive person. Yet he was an icon of joy, freedom, and hope. Jesus’ example helps us improve our quality of life and avoid psychological illnesses like depression, anxiety, and stress. Analysis of his brilliant behavior lights up our consciences and opens us up to the infinite wonders of existence.

    Estudie la personalidad de aquel que revoluciono la trayectoria humana.
    En El Maestro de las emociones, segundo libro de la coleccion Analisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo, Augusto Cury estudia las emociones de Jesus y explica como el fue capaz de soportar las mayores pruebas en nombre de la fe. A traves de su historia, Jesus demostro que es posible encarar el dolor con sabiduria. El tenia todos los motivos para desistir de su llamado y convertirse en una persona encerrada y agresiva, pero, a pesar de eso, fue un icono de celebracion a la alegria, a la libertad y a la esperanza. El ejemplo de Jesus nos ayuda a mejorar la calidad de vida y a prevenir enfermedades psiquicas como la depresion, la ansiedad y el estres. Analizar su brillante comportamiento enciende la lampara de nuestra consciencia y nos hace personas mas abiertas para las infinitas maravillas de la existencia.

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  • Grandeza Para Cada Dia – (Spanish)


    Live to your best!Every issue of Reader’s Digest features a story that exemplifies people living to their best, often through adversity and challenge. This collection of inspiring stories, the best from the Reader’s Digest archives, are brought together with pertinent commentary from Dr. Stephen R. Covey to become an inspiring and life-changing resource for anyone who wants more from life. The format lends itself to either serious study or more casual perusal. Topics include: Searching for Meaning, Taking Charge, Starting Within, Creating the Dream, Teaming with Others, Overcoming Adversity, and Blending the Pieces. The collection includes some of the world’s best-known and most-loved writers, leaders and celebrities: Shakespeare, Walt Disney, Maya Angelou, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Erma Bombeck, Betty Ford, and many others. Only from Reader’s Digest could such a broad and deep collection of writings be collected and assembled into this cohesive work.

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  • 40 Dias Con Proposito Guia De (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study G


    he Purpose Driven Life DVD Study Guide is a six-week, video-based small group study of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren-the book Publishers Weekly declared the “bestselling nonfiction hardback in history.”

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  • Homosexualidad – (Spanish)


    This book is the most complete and convincing answer to the topic of homosexuality from an evangelical Christian perspective. The author has completed a deep investigation of the topic.

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  • Comentario De Las Epistolas 1 – (Spanish)


    Written in understandable language so that the general public can understand it, it also goes deep so that pastors and teachers will find it helpful. Fee uses footnotes to give depth to his commentary on the books of 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus.

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  • Jesus Bajo Sospecha – (Spanish)


    Jesus Under Fire is an answer to the attacks against the historic Jesus. It is put together by a team of evangelical experts.

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  • Renueva Tu Corazon Se Como Cri – (Spanish)


    How often, when we look around, do we focus on the spiritual immaturity of many believers? This bestseller teaches us how to change our heart so that every aspect of our being is in harmony with the kingdom of God. At the end of every chapter there are questions for personal reflection or group study.

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  • Hermeneutica Entendiendo La Pa – (Spanish)


    Duvall and Hays use general principles of interpretation so that the reader can read, understand and apply Bible passages. They offer practical exercises to guide us in the process of interpretation.

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  • Historia General Del Cristiani – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9788482675190ISBN10: 8482675192Language: SpanishBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2008Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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  • Verdadero Pensamiento De Pablo – (Spanish)


    Tom Wright explains in a concise manner the impact that the Apostle Paul had on the birth of Christianity. This book serves as an excellent introduction to the theological topics covered by Paul and their impact on our world today.

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  • Libro De Los Martires – (Spanish)


    From the apostles to present-day missionaries, this volume presents the martyrdom of men and women who have given their lives in defense of the faith.

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  • Historia Eclesiastica – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9788482674766ISBN10: 8482674765Language: SpanishBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2008Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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  • Verdadero Discipulado – (Spanish)


    Paso a paso, el reconocido expositor William MacDonald, nos explica como conseguir vivir el discipulado cristiano, desde sus condiciones hasta su recompensa.

    Step by step, well known expositor William MacDonald explains how to live the Christian life. He covers everything from the conditions to rewards.

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  • Son Vigentes Los Dones Milagro – (Spanish)


    Is the gift of miracles present today? Some say no. Some say yes. Others say maybe. What is the correct answer? This volume compares the four most prevalent views in regard to this questions. Each view includes comments by those with opposite perspectives.

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  • Evangelio Segun Juan Vol 2 – (Spanish)


    Part of the New International Commentary of the New Testament, this volume is written by the hand of a reputable specialist. Morris writes in detail regarding the general context and exegetic details of each verse.

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  • Teologia Del Nuevo Testamento – (Spanish)


    Covers the theological study of the entire New Testament. The 1993 revision includes two new chapters: one by R.T. France titled “Matthew, Mark and Luke” and another by David Wenham titled “Unity and Diversity in the New Testament”.

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  • Primera Epistola De Pedro – (Spanish)


    Analyzes the Greek text in detail by examining contextual and exegetical topics and the general sense of the text. Offers a complete and excellent interpretation of the text whichi is easy to understand. Footnotes allow the reader to go deeper with more academic questions.

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  • Evangelio Segun Juan 1 – (Spanish)


    Part of the New International Commentary of the New Testament, this volume is written by the hand of a reputable specialist. Morris writes in detail regarding the general context and exegetic details of each verse.

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  • Monoteismo Y Cristologia En El – (Spanish)


    Contains the information necessary to understand the Jewish monotheistic belief system. The idea of Jesus as God was perfectly matched to this belief. You will see that the earliest study of Christ was the highest – Jesus is God.

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  • Como Llegar A Ellos – (Spanish)


    Una obra que explora como evangelizar y como hacer buena Apologetica en el mundo en el que nos ha tocado vivir, el mundo postmoderno escrita por expertos en Evangelizacion y Teologia. Como comunicamos y defendemos la fe cristiana ante personas que piensan que todo vale, que el pecado no existe, o que todas las religiones son validas? Este libro examina tanto las principales religiones del mundo (el Islam, el Judaismo, las Religiones Orientales, etc.), como la religion del ateismo, para ensearnos como podemos hablarles del evangelio de forma eficaz.

    A work that explores how to witness in our post-modern world – the world we have been given to live in. Examines the main religions of the world as well as atheism in order to teach us how to evangelize effectively.

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  • Explosion De La Iglesia Celula – (Spanish)


    The author writes about his investigation into the eight most effective small group ministries in the world by describing actual events and giving practical tips to demonstrate the foundations of this type of ministry.

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  • Jesus Es El Cristo Estudios So – (Spanish)


    Our generation is still asking: “Who is Jesus?” Jesus is the Christ is more than a book about the theology of the book of John. It relates every teaching in John to the main objective of the book: “these things have been written so that you will believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, you will have life in His name.”

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  • Doctrinas De La Gracia – (Spanish)


    Biblical teaching about salvation and freedom from the spiritual slavery of humankind. Even though we are imperfect and corrupt, we can stand justified before God and reconciled to Him through the plan carried out by Jesus.

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  • Historia De La Iglesia Primiti – (Spanish)


    The first part of this book explains all of the historical facts about the Christian church in great detail. It covers the time from the apostles to the end of the 1st century. The second volume covers all that we know about the martyrs in the first centuries.

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  • Iglesia Cuerpo De Cristo – (Spanish)


    Roman Catholicism overemphasizes the priesthood while protestantism focuses on personal salvation. In the 20th century, the topic of the church has acquired special theological revelation regarding Christian confessions.

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  • Ntroduccion A La Filosofia – (Spanish)


    A general reference book which covers the different branches of philosophy in regard to postmodern thought from a Christian perspective.

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  • Bioetica Cristiana – (Spanish)


    Ethics applied to biology looks for respect for life. The great scientific discoveries lead us to ask the following question – are we able to apply everything scientifically? Biology and theology join together in favor of human dignity.

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  • Postmodernidad – (Spanish)


    Special edition for the Latin American Fraternity of Theological Studies. Includes questions, a teacher’s guide and student guide.

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  • Dios En Tres Personas – (Spanish)


    A comprehensive study on who God is through the revelation contained in Scripture.

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  • Introduccion A La Teologia – (Spanish)


    The understanding of who God is is the backbone of the Christian life. It is what gives consistency and balance to every person and ministry. Covers characteristics of theology, theological systems, general revelation and special revelation.

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  • Yo Creo En Los Milagros – (Spanish)


    Biographical testimonies of people healed in a supernatural manner from incurable diseases. Contains stories of invalids, drug addiction, cancer, arthritis, congenital hydroencephaly, and other conditions.

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  • Integridad – (Spanish)


    Drawing on experiences from his work with Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, and individual leaders, Dr. Henry Cloud, a clinical psychologist and nationally syndicated radio host, shows how our character can keep us from achieving all we want to (or could) be.

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  • Hombre Espiritual – (Spanish)


    The most well-known work of this author. Gives a clear understanding of the spiritual life, its laws and dangers. Book 1 looks at Flesh and Heart. Book 2 covers the Laws of the Spirit and the Dangers of the spiritual life. Book 3 talks about the Heart and Body.

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  • Acto Matrimonial – (Spanish)


    A frank book about the intimate relationship between husband and wife. Recommended for engaged couples and newlyweds.

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  • Explicacion Del Libro De Apoca – (Spanish)


    Commentary on one of the most passionate books of the Bible – Revelation. Written in easy-to-understand language, you will find genuine Biblical commentary, whether you agree with it or not.

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  • Como Participar En La Liturgia – (Spanish)


    Excellent resource for Latino families entering the Episcopal Church
    Endorsed by the Episcopal Church’s national Office of Latino-Hispanic Ministries

    Through the interactive games and puzzles in this fun-filled activity book, children can grow to a deeper understanding of Anglican worship life.

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  • Introduccion A La Vida Y Teolo – (Spanish)


    Explores the formation and teachings of Martin Luther, examining his life, his times, and his writings

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  • Gerente Por Primera Vez: Como – (Spanish)


    The tools you need to lead your team to success
    Gerente por primera vez: Como desarrollar a tu equipo helps you discover your own leadership and management style and shows you how to use it to create and maintain a high-powered, results-oriented team that will get the job done. Designed for immediate use by both you and your team members, the book covers team-building essentials, including decision making, goals and standards, honest communication, clear roles and responsibilities, and celebrating success. Written in the same conversational style and packed with the same brand of practical strategies and sage advice found in the classic best-seller Gerente por primera vez, this guide is essential for any new manager.

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  • Maestro De Los Maestros – (Spanish)


    Discover the mind of Christ as you enjoy this first-hand study of the person who changed the world.
    While in medical school, Dr. Augusto Cury became fascinated with the impact a healthy mind can have on emotions and life. After many years of research and founding The Intelligence Institute, he concluded:

    Every person is a genius because everyone has the power to think.
    Harnessing “mind power” has been scientifically proven to enhance a person’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
    The human act of thinking is the greatest wonder of the universe.
    El Maestro de los maestros centers around the issue of self-esteem in a person. Drawing on examples in the life of Christ, Cury pulls insights into how we can learn from his life and better our own.

    Cury takes us inside the mind of Christ to see how he met adversity with forgiveness, silence, intelligence, humility, and strength

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  • Creado Para Ser Amigo De Dios – (Spanish)


    Blackaby shows us the powerful ways God shaped Abraham to be His friend. He also tells us how God can make a follower a true friend.

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  • Minas En El Camino Del Creyent – (Spanish)


    Dr. Charles Stanley identifies seven destructive temptations and gives Christians the hope and skills they need to live an abundant and obedient life.
    When you’re in the heat of spiritual battle, it doesn’t take long to realize that Satan will do anything to prevent you from becoming the person God has planned for you to be. However, he doesn’t always employ an all-out frontal assault. Sometimes the danger comes in subtle, secretive schemes: landmines hidden along our paths. These landmines, once detonated, can paralyze us spiritually and stop us from living an abundant and obedient life. In Minas, beloved pastor Dr. Charles Stanley shows readers how to identify, avoid, or defuse the landmines of pride, jealousy and envy, insecurity, compromise, unforgiveness, sexual sin, and laziness.

    Avoiding serious trouble is not difficult, says Dr. Stanley, especially if you follow the route God has given you to travel. God knows the way through every minefield.

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  • Hija Del Rey – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602552524ISBN10: 1602552525Language: SpanishDiana HageeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2008Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Caminar Con Dios – (Spanish)


    Caminar con Dios moves through a year in the life of John Eldredge, showing and teaching what an intimate relationship with God looks like day to day.

    God longs to speak. It is our right and privilege to hear His voice. Our deepest longings could all find sufficient fulfillment in God’s company. Yet, somehow, the looming discontent of most Christians is a lack of intimacy with God. Caminar con Dios is unlike any book John has written. It moves through a year in his life, showing and teaching what conversational intimacy with God can be like. It teaches readers how to make decisions aligning with God’s will, understand barriers and “agreements” keeping them from the life God intends, fight spiritual battles for their own heart and for others, and much more. Ultimately, Caminar con Dios shows readers that walking intimately with Him can be a normal part of the Christian life.

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  • Ritual De Transicion En La Cri – (Spanish)


    No es un secreto: algo les ha sucedido a las familias estadounidenses. Cambios dramaticos en nuestra cultura quieren decir que lo que una vez fue una manera aceptable de producir adultos maduros y capaces practicamente ha desaparecido. Si le preocupan los efectos del caos cultural actual; si nota en sus hijos la falta de responsabilidad, la falta de una buena etica laboral o la falta de respeto a la autoridad; si le preocupa que sus hijos puedan experimentar falsos ritos de iniciacion como la blasfemia, el fumar, las drogas, el alcohol, agujeros en el cuerpo o el sexo; deje que Walter Moore le muestre como proveer las cuatro experiencias esenciales que a la mayoria de los ninos le hace falta: (1) un rito de iniciacion autentico, (2) tareas significativas, (3) consecuencias logicas y (4) depositos de gracia de los padres, abuelos y otros adultos caritativos. En La crianza como rito de iniciacion, Moore le muestra como evitar el dano y ayudar a sus hijos a pasar a la adultez de una manera saludable.

    Practical, easy steps to help parents give their children a head start
    It’s no secret: something has happened to America’s families. Dramatic shifts in our culture mean that what was once an acceptable way to produce mature, capable adults has now all but disappeared. If you are concerned about the effects of the current cultural chaos; if you notice in your children a lack of responsibility, the lack of a good work ethic, or disrespect for authority; if you are worried that your children may experiment with false rites of passage like profanity, smoking, drugs, alcohol, body piercing, or sex; let Walker Moore show you how to provide the four essential experiences most children are missing: (1) an authentic Rite of Passage, (2) Significant Tasks, (3) Logical Consequences, and (4) Grace Deposits from parents, grandparents, and other caring adults. In La crianza como un rito de iniciacion, Moore shows you how to prevent the damage and help your children move toward adulthood in a healthy way.

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  • Ocho Decisions Sanadoras – (Spanish)


    Ocho Decisiones Sanadoras (Life’s Healing Choices) promises freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits, assuring readers that true happiness can be theirs — if they choose it. now this life-changing book is poised to bring wisdom to a whole new audience.
    Eight simple yet powerful choices are the basis of this promise-filled book, in which author John Baker reveals God’s enlightening passageway to wholeness, growth, spiritual maturity, and yes, real happiness. These eight choices have been life-tested in more than 400,000 lives in 10,000 churches through the nationwide Celebrate Recovery ministry.

    Rather than focusing on the past, these eight choices provide an optimistic view to the future and authentic hope for lasting change. Readers will discover the answers that have already brought freedom and healing to hundreds of thousands who were searching for liberation and peace. These eight positive principles are based on the Beatitudes of Jesus, offering hope, new life, and spiritual healing. Choice by choice, readers will learn how to deal with past choices, take control where they can, and make new choices that will change their lives forever.

    Based on Rick Warren’s sermon series “Road to Recovery,” < i>Ocho Decisiones Sanadoras promises freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. And just in case there is any doubt that these choices really work, dramatic and inspirational stories of real-life people who have found healing in these eight choices are included at the conclusion of every chapter. Encouraging and biblically based, these tried-and-proven eight principles — such as admitting need, finding help, and letting go — provide real hope, real answers, and a real future for those who desire a lasting change in their lives. It all comes one choice at a time. Choices that lead to a life worth living.

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  • Zona Libra De Ofensa – (Spanish)


    Por que ofendemos y por que nos ofendemos? es la ofensa un estado o una actitud ante la vida? es algo que se puede combatir o con lo que se tiene que vivir? Estas y otras preguntas esenciales en la vida de cada creyente, son respondidas a traves de Zona Libre de Ofensa. A lo largo de esta obra usted: Entendera como y a traves de que opera la ofensa Aprendera a reconocerla y a tratar con ella; asi como con sus secuelas en el comportamiento y la conducta Conocera las claves en el proceso de sanidad de las heridas causadas por la ofensa Vivir libre de ofensa no es solo un don dado por Dios; sino responsabilidad de cada creyente. Aprenda a andar en victoria sobre ella y disfrute la vida que Cristo murio para darle.
    This spanish-language title tackles very important issues related to the offense that normally pass unnoticed, and it introduces supernatural tools (laid out in the Bible) to recognize the offense, deal with it, and overcome it. Readers of this book will gain guidelines and inspiration for emotional healing; growth and transformation in the mind, emotions, and will; and spiritual maturity.

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  • No Esperes Que Yo Muera – (Spanish)


    Paul is heading towards his destiny when all of the sudden he finds himself shipwrecked and fighting for survival. As he makes a fire (to survive) he is attacked by a venomous viper. As odd as it may seem the viper fastened its fangs on Paul’s hand. Why the hand? Because the devil knew that God would use Paul’s hand to pen two-thirds of the New Testament and change the known world. As Paul shakes the snake to its death he must still deal with the four phases of the venom: pain (emotional hurt), paralysis (spiritual immobility), swelling (internal toxins), and asphyxiation (tracheal obstruction, i.e. desperation and anxiety). His enemies waited for him to swell up and die, but Paul had an antidote no one knew of: the Holy Spirit.

    Your enemies are planning your funeral, picking your tomb stone, shining your casket, and practicing your eulogy, but you can serve the notice to every devil and opposition you face: Don’t wait for me to die!

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  • Tres Reglas Sencillas – (Spanish)


    Now available in Spanish, in Three Simple Rules – A Wesleyan Way of Living, Rueben Job offers an interpretation of John Wesley’s General Rules for today’s readers. For individual reading or group study, this insightful work calls us to mutual respect, unity and a deeper daily relationship with God.

    This simple but challenging look at three commands, “do no harm, do good, stay in love with God,” calls us to mutual respect, unity, and a deeper relationship with God.

    En Tres reglas sencillas- una conducta de vida wesleyana, ahora disponible en espaol, Rueben P. Job nos deleita con su interpretacion de las Reglas Generales de Juan Wesley para los lectores de hoy. Este libro sencillo, pero a la vez desafiante, examina tres mandatos: “no hacer el mal, hacer el bien, y mantener la relacion de amor con Dios”. Para lectura individual o en grupo, esta obra perspicaz hace un llamamiento al respeto mutuo, a la unidad y a una relacion diaria y mas profunda con Dios.

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  • Principe Caspian – (Spanish)


    This movie tie-in edition of the full original PRINCE CASPIAN novel in Spanish will feature a movie cover and 8-page still insert

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  • Crianza De Los Hijos – (Spanish)


    Everything that parents need to survive and thrive in the 21st century
    It’s no secret that 21st century life often seems to be working against the hopes and dreams of Christian parents for their families. In this much-needed volume, Charles Swindoll offers solid advice and helpful, pastoral counsel for building close, rewarding, and fruitful family relationships. Based on his extensive study of both the Old and New Testaments, Chuck has drawn together timeless insights for building close and rewarding family relationships. Following a biblical exploration of God’s purpose and plans for families, readers are equipped with all the tools necessary to grow strong healthy families. Chuck then takes a clear-eyed look at those areas where parents and families often experience difficulties. In typical Swindoll fashion, these discussions are frank and direct but always leave the reader filled with hope and encouragement.

    No es un secreto que la vida del siglo XXI a menudo parece estar trabajando en contra de las esperanzas y suenos que tienen los padres cristianos para sus familias. En este volumen tan necesitado, Charles Swindoll ofrece consejo solido y asesoramiento pastoral util para establecer relaciones familiares estrechas, gratificantes y fructiferas. Basado en su estudio extenso tanto del Antiguo como del Nuevo Testamento, Chuck ha extraido revelaciones eternas para establecer relaciones familiares estrechas y gratificantes. Despues de una exploracion biblica del proposito y los planes de Dios para las familias, los lectores estaran equipados con todas las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar familias fuertes y sanas. Chuck luego analiza claramente aquellas areas en las que los padres y las familias a menudo tienen dificultades. En tipico estilo Swindoll, estas discusiones son francas y directas pero siempre dejan al lector lleno de esperanza y animo.

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  • 1 Y 2 Corintios – (Spanish)


    Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

    Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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  • Codigo Del Apocalipsis – (Spanish)


    ?Estamos en los ultimos dias? ?Cuales senales debo estar buscando? “La mayoria de lo que has escuchado, leido o aprendido acerca de los ultimos dias es incorrecto”, dice el popular presentador radial y apologista, Hank Hanegraaff. “Hemos llegado a aceptar una gran variedad de creencias y ensenanzas acerca del futuro, sobre la batalla final entre el bien y el mal, los ultimos dias y de como va a ser el fin del mundo. Y la mayoria de estos conceptos y ensenanzas se basa en malas interpretaciones fundamentales de lo que las Escrituras dicen acerca de los ultimos dias”. El codigo del Apocalipsis ayuda a los lectores a comprender lo que la Biblia dice realmente acerca de los ultimos dias y explica la manera en que nuestros conceptos sobre los ultimos dias influyen directamente en nuestros pensamientos, opiniones y decisiones politicas con respecto al estado actual de Israel, la guerra contra el terrorismo y nuestra participacion en los asuntos vitales del Medio Oriente.

    Are we living in the end times? What are the signs I should be looking for?

    “Most of what you’ve heard, read, or been told about the end times is wrong,” says popular radio host and best-selling apologist, Hank Hanegraaff. “We have come to accept a wide range of beliefs and teachings about the future, about the ultimate battle between good and evil, about the last days, and about how our world will end. And most of these beliefs and teachings are based on fundamental misinterpretations of what the Scriptures really say about the end times.” El codigo del Apocalipsis helps readers understand what the Bible really says and shows how our beliefs about the end times directly influence our thoughts, opinions, and political decisions about the current state of Israel, the war on terror, and our involvement in critical issues in the Middle East.

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  • Libro Diario Para La Oracion – (Spanish)


    A Daybook of Prayers a great resource that provides you with an inspirational bible verse, a significant teaching on prayer from classic and contemporary Christian thinkers, and a poignant prayer starter for you to put into words your own petitions and praise before the Father.

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  • Libre De La Manipulacion – (Spanish)


    Manipulation has many faces. One of its most painful faces is the affect. Many are those who have surrendered in a romantic relationship and then found themselves used, abused, devalued and later discarded.

    Manipulation also may be manifested in a semblance of family relationships. One example of this would be parents who control their children’s lives using methods of guilt, fear and victimization. The sexual aspect also is not free of manipulative strategies, as for example the test of love a young man might ask of his girlfriend, or used as a tool of exchange in a process of mutual blackmail practiced between husband and wife.

    Words such as mobbing and bossing, which previously were specialized vocabulary terms used only by a few experts on labor relations, now are frequently used by those who experience manipulation and abuse in the workplace at the hands of an employer who mistreats, humiliates, threatens and harangues them.

    The school environment also is not immune to manipulation, and many young people today are the victims of bullying, and mistreatment of various types inflicted by their classmates, at times with terrifying consequences.

    Perhaps one of the worst forms of manipulation is the religious. We often find churches, minister, and leaders who manipulate their people in the name of goals that are at times praiseworthy and at other times obscure. This has been one of the reasons why a very high percentage of those who call themselves evangelical Christians on our continent rarely attend church services.

    What is certain is that manipulation has many faces, but among its consequence, there is a common result: the suffering of the person who is manipulated.

    Therein lies the reason for this book, written with threefold intention. In the first place, that many persons who have suffered as the victim of manipulators, can understand what has happened to them and what they have experienced, and they can be healed.

    In the second place, so that those who have allowed manipulation to become a pattern of conduct in their lives and in their relationships with other people, may understand the damage they have produced, as well as the reasons why they became manipulators, and thus also find healing.

    In the third place, the material in this book is presented to prevent future victims of manipulation; that we may learn not to fall victim to its claws, and to be aware enough not to become executioners committed to hurting others.


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  • Pastores Del Rebano – (Spanish)


    Este es un excelente libro, un verdadero clasico de teologia pastoral, en el que el autor, G.B. Williamson, nos presenta un cuidadoso estudio de las razones del exito o fracaso de los pastores y sus ministerios.

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  • Cuidado Pastoral Dios En Medio – (Spanish)


    Los ancianos, los pacientes con SIDA, los moribundos, los que estan de luto, los enfermos mentales, los deprimidos. Si usted es pastor, capellan, consejero cristiano, enfermero, medico, o trabajador social, seguramente estan en contacto con estas personas. Si usted es profesor o estudiante en algunas de estas areas del ministerio, usted sabe que tiene que estar preparado para aconsejar a las personas que confrontan estas dificultades.
    Con la certeza de que Dios tiene un proposito a partir del sufrimiento de las personas y de quienes las rodean, el autor examina el cuidado pastoral en relacion a la teologia de la cruz, ofreciendo un acercamiento practico al ministerio del cuidado cristiano.
    Richard C. Eyer sirvio como pastor en una iglesia local, director de cuidado pastoral en hospitales, profesor universitario, y como director del Instituto de Bioetica Concordia. Aunque retirado, es profesor emerito de la Universidad Concordia Wisconsin. Es tambien autor de Holy People, Holy Lives (Personas santas, vidas santas) y Marriage is Like Dancing (El matrimonio es como danzar), publicados por Concordia Publishing House en 2000 y 2007.

    Solo disponible en espaol.

    The elderly, AIDS patients, the dying, mourners, the mentally ill, the depressed. If you are a pastor, chaplain, Christian counselor, nurse, doctor, or social worker, you regularly come into contact with these people. If you are a professor or student in one of these areas of ministry, you need to know how to councel people facing these difficulties.
    With the certainty that God has a plan for people who are suffering and those around them, the author examines pastoral care in relation to the theology of the cross, offering a practical treatment of the ministry of pastoral care.
    Richard C. Eyer has served as a parish pastor, hospital director of pastoral care, university professor, and as Director of Concordia Bioethics Institute. In his retirement he serves as Professor Emeritus, Concordia University Wisconsin. He is the author of Holy People, Holy Lives(Concordia, 2000) and Marriage Is Like Dancing(Concordia, 2007).

    Only available in Spanish.

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  • Sobreviviendo Un Yugo Desigual – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780829745146ISBN10: 0829745149Language: SpanishLee Strobel | Leslie StrobelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2008Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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  • Pablo El Espiritu Y El Pueblo – (Spanish)


    In Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God, this Pentecostal scholar has redefined the terms of the discussion about the Holy Spirit in a way that transcends today’s paradigm of ‘charismatic’ or ‘non-charismatic’ orientation. His words are a strong reminder of what God, through his Holy Spirit, intends the church to be. . . . His work is an attempt to point us back to the Bible and reinvigorate our own vision of how the Spirit mobilizes the community of believers in the local church.

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  • F O R M A – (Spanish)


    Illustrated with real-life stories, this inspiring and deeply insightful book guides you through a series of challenges that will help you uncover your God-given S.H.A.P.E.-your unique blend of Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences-and apply it in ways that bring confidence, freedom, clarity, and significance.

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  • Zona Biblica En El Desierto (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


    BibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).

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  • Del Llanto A La Sonrisa – (Spanish)


    A violently honest testimony of what God can do with a life that was fighting againg all odds. Alex Campos, a well known singer-songwriter talks about his childhood and adolescence, his battles against sickness, neglect, the death of one of his loved ones, lack of resources and rejection. What is the process that God uses to shape a young man’s dream? Is it possible to reach impossible dreams and desires if you seem to have no possibilities? In this book, Alex will take you from tears to laughter just as God took him along the road of trials to a destiny of triumph.

    A challenging and innovative book that includes a DVD with an exclusive concert for his friends and a guide for youth leaders that want to help youth overcome their hurt.

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  • Matrimonio De Sobrevivir A Pro – (Spanish)


    Best-selling author Charles R. Swindoll uses his warm, humorous, yet always insightful writing style to bring some much needed advice on the subject of marriage. Drawing from his own personal experience with Cynthia, his wife of 50 years, as well as showing what the Bible says about marriage, Charles will give very practical and inspiring ways to building a marriage that not only survives the tests of time but also thrives.

    El autor de exitos de libreria Charles R. Swindoll escribe de una manera calida, humoristica y siempre acertada en este libro de consejos muy necesarios sobre el matrimonio. Basa el libro en su experiencia personal con su esposa de cincuenta anos, Cynthia, y muestra lo que dice la Biblia sobre el matrimonio. Brinda consejos muy practicos y ofrece ideas inspiradoras para edificar un matrimonio que no solo sobrevive los inevitables contratiempos de la vida sino que florece.

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  • Matrimonio: De Sobrevivir A Pr (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


    Married for 50 years and with 50-plus years of pastoral counseling experience, Charles Swindoll is committed to helping couples do more than just get by in their relationship. He wants them to flourish and grow! In Matrimonio: De sobrevivir a prosperar, Cuaderno de ejercicios, Swindoll uses eight engaging lessons to equip couples with the tools necessary to thrive in marriage.

    Cincuenta anos de casado y con mas de cincuenta anos de experiencia en consejeria pastoral, Charles Swindoll esta comprometido a ayudar a la pareja a hacer mas que tan solo sobrellevar su relacion, !el quiere que florezca y se desarrolle! En Matrimonio: de sobrevivir a prosperar, cuaderno de ejercicios, Swindoll usa ocho lecciones provocativas para equipar a la pareja con las herramientas necesarias para prosperar en el matrimonio.

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  • Arte De Cerrar La Venta – (Spanish)


    As one of the top salespeople in the world, Brian Tracy knows that the ability to close the sale is the key skill required by all top sales professionals. Fortunately, closing the sale can be learned by practicing the skills of the highest paid salespeople in every business. When salespeople follow a practical, proven, step-by-step process, they can get more orders, faster and easier than ever before. In El arte de cerrar la venta readers will learn to:

    Build value by focusing on benefits and solutions
    Lower perceived risk by emphasizing guarantees and assurances
    Answer any objection
    Bring a sales conversation to a natural and easy conclusion by using some of the best questions ever discovered.

    Brian Tracy, uno de los mejores vendedores del mundo, sabe que la habilidad de cerrar una venta es la destreza clave que necesita todo profesional experto en ventas. Afortunadamente, se puede aprender como cerrar una venta al poner en practica las mismas habilidades que utilizan los mejores vendedores en cada negocio. Cuando los vendedores siguen paso a paso un proceso practico y comprobado, pueden conseguir mas pedidos, mas rapida y facilmente que nunca. En el libro El arte de cerrar la venta los lectores aprenderan a:

    Generar valor enfocandose en los beneficios y las soluciones
    Disminuir el riesgo percibido al enfatizar las garantias y los seguros
    Responder a cualquier objecion
    Hacer que la venta llegue a una conclusion natural y sencilla utilizando algunas de las mejores preguntas que se hayan descubierto.

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  • Lectura Eficaz De La Biblia (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780829748659ISBN10: 0829748652Language: SpanishGordon FeeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2007Publisher: Editorial Vida

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  • Codigo Del Campeon Nueva Edici (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    This new revised editon ncludes the essence of popular evangelist Dante Gebel’s messages, as well as more great stories that will radically challenge you. “The Champion Code” is for people who are not satisfied with their spiritual lives. It is for people who are unique, dedicated and radical.

    “You can prevent me from being a preacher with credentials, but I will be a preacher of the heart.

    You can’t stop my encouragement, you can’t stop a hurricane.

    I will always be there.

    You should choose, if you want a colleague preacher…or a thorn in your foot.”

    This phrase that imitates the speech by Dr. Patch Adams, exemplifies the revolutionary spirit in this book.

    Dante Gebel is known in the Hispanic world as a preacher able to transport his listeners to the most fascinating stories and to take them from laughter all the way to tears.

    “Champion Code” has the essence of these messages, added to these bright stories that challenge your life. This is a book written specially with passion, dedicated to all those that suffer “holy dissatisfaction”, or like the author says those that want double portions of spiritual ambition.

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  • Como Vivir Sobre El Nivel De L – (Spanish)


    This is a book that confronts problems with discipline and laziness and the other tendencies that push us to accept less than we should. This book will make you re-examine your goals, your priorities and the important values in life. Prepare yourself for this literary adventure that will change the way you live and at the same time teach you how to soar like an eagle above the level of mediocrity.

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  • Zona Biblica En La Casa De Dio (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


    BibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! Each BibleZone Live! kit includes a teacher’s guide with accompanying CD and the zillies kids love. With each kit comes three transparencies, which you can project onto the wall or duplicate and hand out to the class. BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).

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  • Codigo Jesus – (Spanish)


    In this book, from a personal perspective, the author reveals clues to solve The Jesus Code as the great solution to all confusing things.

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  • Microempresa Megavida – (Spanish)


    Don’t let your business run your life; run your business to give you and your family a good life.

    Creating and owning a successful business is part of the American dream. Written for “ordinary folk who have more dreams than education, capital or resources,” Microempresa, Megavida promises not just professional and financial success but also a fulfilling life. Louis Barajas shows how to create a business that enriches your life as well as your wallet, that creates both money and meaning, and that provides a legacy for yourself and your family.

    Barajas has a unique integrated approach that deals with life as well as business. The four cornerstones of getting a big life from a small business are Truth, Responsibility, Awareness, and Courage. The five steps of building a small business that will lead to a big life are the following:
    Your life blueprint
    *Your vision
    *Your business blueprint
    *Your business systems
    *Your team

    Este libro es concreto, facil de leer, facil de aplicar como una guia que ayudara al lector a tomar la chispa del deseo de una vida mejor y convertirla en un fuego abrasador de una microempresa exitosa. Estos negocios proveeran mas libertad economica y personal, mas felicidad y satisfaccion para los empresarios y sus familias. Esto se muestra a traves de cinco pasos, los cuales son: Vida: el proposito de un negocio es darle a usted mas vida. Liderazgo: el precio de la grandeza es la responsabilidad. Su negocio es su negocio, no su producto. Sistemas uniformes: el sistema es la solucion. Su equipo: entre mas grande sea el sueno, mejor el equipo que necesitara.

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  • Lucas – (Spanish)


    Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

    Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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  • Deja De Cavar Tu Propia Tumba – (Spanish)


    Now available in Spanish, the bestselling book in which a leaner Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee shares his secrets for creating better health habits that last a lifetime.

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  • Epistolas Universales – (Spanish)


    Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

    Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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  • Marcos – (Spanish)


    Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

    Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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  • Su Princesa – (Spanish)


    You are chosen by God to be His Princess! Discover your unique calling in these intimate letters and prepare to bequeath your true beauty and character to future generations.

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  • Lo Que El Necesita Lo Que Ella (Reprinted) – (Spanish) (Reprinted)


    No es una sorpresa que hombres y mujeres tengan radicalmente diferentes prioridades. Describiendo las diez necesidades mas importantes de los hombres y las mujeres, Dr. Harley les enseara como hacer que su matrimonio sea solido. Aprenda como sostener romance, incrementar la intimidad, y profundisar su consiencia aos tras aos. Esta edicion en su aniversario numero 15 presenta un nuevo prologo, mas questionarios e inventarios personales.

    It’s no surprise – men and women have radically different priorities. Describing the ten most important needs of men and women, Dr. Harley teaches you how to “affair-proof” your marriage. Learn how to sustain romance, increase intimacy, and deepen your awareness year after year. This 15th anniversary edition features a new preface, plus personal questionnaires and inventories.

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  • Aquellas Mujeres De La Biblia – (Spanish)


    Frequently, Christian women feel lost between the opportunities and needs of the present and the Biblical teachings of the past.

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  • Como Piensan Los Incredulos Qu – (Spanish)


    Spanish Edition: Drawing from personal experience, humor, compelling stories, Biblical illustrations and the latest research, Lee Strobel helps you understand non- Christians and what motivates them.

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  • Vacio Llamado Papa En Mi Coraz – (Spanish)


    Cada hija sabe lo importante que es la palabra “papi”. Cuando el padre nos desiluciona podemos ser afectados profundamente por el resto de nuestra vida. Ya sea que tu papa abuso de ti o te abandono, el resultado es un vacio que necesita ser llenado. Aqui encontrara ayuda para soportar la herida y encontrar la sanidad. Algunos de los temas que se incluyen son: Perdiendo al padre por causa del divorcio, muerte o abandono; viendo la negacion tal y como es y como esta negacion no teja avanzar; descubriendo como mejorar la relacion con tu papa; encontrando al Padre celestial, real y perfecto. Utilizando la Escritura, testimonios reales y la percepcion que comparte Norman Wright por medio de su experiencia de muchos anos como consejero, este libro puede llevarte del sufrimiento y dolor a un gozo renovado, mientras descubres que tu Padre celestial siempre ha estado a tu lado.

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  • Travesia Del Corazon Salvaje – (Spanish)


    Book Description
    En La travesia del corazon salvaje, John Eldredge, autor de exitos de libreria, ensena a los hombres que Dios quiere completar su crecimiento a traves de seis etapas de masculinidad y equipar a los padres para que puedan ensenar esto mismo a sus hijos varones.

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  • Cuando Matas Una Venta – (Spanish)


    Hay aproximadamente 12.2 millones de vendedores en los! Eso significa uno de cada veintitres personas! Los vendedores estan en todo lado, vendiendo cualquier cosa imaginable. Algunos son excelentes, pero un gran porcentaje de ellos acaban siendo victimas de la industria de las ventas y de sus propios errores. Algunos de estos errores solo son obstaculos en el camino hacia el exito. Otros sin embargo son mas daninos. Y desgraciadamente muchos errores acaban con la carrera de las ventas. Duncan se refiere a estos errores catastroficos con claridad y al punto. Sin importar si eres un vendedor profesional veterano, o alguien que esta considerando la carrera de las ventas, la sabiduria de Duncan te ayudara a evitar los errores en la percepcion, la practica y el desempeno que no solo podrian acabar con una venta sino tambien con tu carrera.

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  • No Se Admiten Personas Perfect – (Spanish)


    The church is facing its greatest challenge – and its greatest opportunity – in our post-modern, post-Christian world. God is drawing thousands of spiritually curious “imperfect people” to become his church – but, how are we doing at welcoming them? This book shows you how to deconstruct the five main barriers standing between emerging generations and your church by creating the right culture. The book offers inspiring stories of real people once far from God and practical ideas that can be applied in any church.

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  • Mensaje Secreto De Jesus – (Spanish)


    Brian Aclaren, uno de los “25 Evangelicos mas influyentes en los Estados Unidos” de la Revista TIME”, regresa y esta vez para llevar a los lectores en una travesia que sera turbulenta y estremecedora, como tambien emocionante y transformadora. Sin temor a la controversia o a los tabues de la vida, la busqueda de McLaren es hallar la esencia del mensaje de Jesus, aunque esto signifique un vuelco a nuestras ideas convencionales, prioridades y practicas. “A traves de los anos, frecuentemente he tenido un sentimiento de incomodidad” escribe McLaren, “Que el retrato de Jesus encontrado en el Nuevo Testamento no se ajusta con las imagenes de Jesus en la iglesia”. De este sentimiento de incomodidad nacio este libro, prometiendo ser el mas revolucionario que haya escrito McLaren hasta la fecha. En el nos escribe: “Quisiera compartir mi busqueda con usted, e invitarle a que usted sea parte de ella. No quiero danar el final, pero esto le dire: cuanto mas avanzo en esta busqueda del mensaje de Jesus, mas me inspiro, soy conmovido, desafiado, sacudido y motivado.”

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  • Grandes Hombres De La Biblia – (Spanish)


    This book series documents the lives of twelve of the greatest men found in the Bible. It shows that God ‘s love does not depend on what He finds in our hearts. Nor does it surprise Him when He finds the sin in our hearts. These things don’t stop Him from loving us. These books not only show the human side of these men, but also the greatness they achieved once they let God take control of their lives. The second volume includes David, Elijah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Peter and Paul.

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  • Joel – (Spanish)


    Joel Sonnenberg was only two years old when an 18-wheel truck crashed into his family’s car. In the resulting inferno, he was burned over more than 85 percent of his body. This is his story told in the way that only he can tell it. Experience the world from Joel’s point of view while he takes the reader through a personal journey that includes more trauma than any Hollywood film could suggest. His life is a story of great struggles and suffering. Prepare to fall in love with this young man named Joel.

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  • Doctrina Cristiana – (Spanish)


    There are certain areas of doctrine that every Christian simply must know. Theology is important because what we believe affects how we live. If you’re a relatively new believer in Jesus, or if you’re a more mature Christian looking for a quick brush-up on basics of the faith, Christian Beliefs is for you. This readable guide to twenty basic Christian beliefs is a condensation of Wayne Grudem’s award-wininng book on systematic theology, prized by pastors and teachers everywhere.

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  • A Los Pies Del Maestro – (Spanish)


    This book is a treasury of 366 devotions, offering a sampler of the very best of Charles Spurgeon, chosen with the modern reader’s spiritual needs in mind. It also contains a plan for reading the entire Bible through in a year. Each devotional includes a related Scripture in the NIV. These classic writings will guide you daily in your journey toward a deeper and more thoughtful faith in Jesus Christ.

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  • Manual Minsterial – (Spanish)


    Este es un manual indispensable para pastores y otros que dirigen los servicios y ceremonias en la iglesia. Incluye sugerencias para los planes de los servicios, letaas, musica, y oraciones para la dedicacion de nios, bautizos, bodas, funerales, comision al ministerio, y otros acontecimientos claves en la vida de la iglesia. Cada seccion incluye un breve ensayo que explica una orientacion Anabaptista-Menonita de estos acontecimientos. El libro, una traduccion del manual en ingles, incluye una introduccion por Gilberto Flores que ayuda a la edicion en espaol.

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