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Books ( Spanish)

Showing 401–500 of 797 results

  • Cancion Del Angel – (Spanish)


    Angels eagerly watch over Annie Fletcher’s every move. She just doesn’t know it yet. When Annie Fletcher returns to Charleston to see her younger sister, Sarah, receive her master’s degree, she finds herself riding in the back of an ambulance, watching helplessly as Sarah fights for life. During the ride, Sarah appears to talk to someone who is not there, humming a melody Annie has never heard before.

    Neighbor Ethan McKinney is there to lend a shoulder when Sarah unexpectedly dies. And as a carpenter, Ethan volunteers to help Annie get the Fletcher family home into shape for selling. Ethan’s presence is distracting, but what troubles Annie is her neighbor Tammy’s 12-year-old son. Keith has Down Syndrome and the guile to believe he can see and hear angels.

    God begins to reveal Himself to Annie – both in her newfound friends and through heart-rending and clearly supernatural events. Annie discovers faith in God, finally experiencing the comfort that His angels really do surround us.

    Los angeles velan ansiosamente cada movimiento de Annie Fletcher, pero ella no lo sabe aun. Cuando Annie Fletcher regresa a Charleston para ver a su hermana menor, Sarah, recibir su grado de maestria, ella se encuentra en la parte trasera de una ambulancia, observando impotente como Sarah lucha por vivir. Durante el viaje, Sarah parece hablar con alguien que no esta alli, canturreando una melodia que nunca antes Annie habia escuchado.El vecino Ethan McKinney le presta su apoyo cuando Sarah muere inesperadamente y se ofrece para ayudar a Annie a reparar la casa de la familia Fletcher para venderla. Ethan la distrae, pero lo que angustia a Annie es el hijo de doce anos de su vecina Tammy. Keith tiene sindrome de down y la mana de creer que el puede ver y escuchar angeles. Dios comienza a revelarse a Annie, tanto en sus nuevos amigos como mediante desgarradores y sobrenaturales acontecimientos. Annie encuentra fe en Dios, finalmente experimentando el aliento de que sus angeles realmente nos rodean.

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  • Sobrevivira Estados Unidos – (Spanish)


    This new book by New York Times best-selling author and pastor, John Hagee, says the United States is heading into a “Perfect Storm.” Titanic. John F. Kennedy’s assassination. 9/11. John Hagee maintains that these American tragedies all have one element in common: they were unthinkable. And in the opening pages of his newest book, Can America Survive? Hagee uses these tragedies to prove two points: that the unthinkable can happen and, given the right conditions, the unthinkable can quickly become the inevitable.

    In Can America Survive? Hagee asserts that the seeds for tragedy are once again being sown, evidenced by the disturbing economic, geopolitical, and religious trends that now threaten to dismantle the very nation itself. “Think it can’t happen?” Hagee asks in a theme repeated throughout the book. “Think again.” Indeed, Hagee presents alarming examples of recent events, current research, scientific evidence, and biblical prophecy that are gathering to create a “perfect storm” that could bring down the “unsinkable” United States of America including:
    *The U.S.’s negligent handling of Israel, and history’s evidence of the danger to any nation that challenges Israel’s God-mandated right to exist
    *The dangerous belittling of Iran’s nuclear threat by careless spy agencies-and the super-weapon that could stop the U.S. in its tracks instantly
    *The chilling biblical prophecy that confirms Iran as one of six countries that will form an Islamic military force “as a cloud to cover the land”
    *The real $2.5 trillion price tag of healthcare reform, the international currency shifts, and the national economic trends that are poised to bring about the death of the American dollar
    *The criminalization of Christianity around the world

    Can America Survive? is not just a warning. It is a wake-up call and a rallying cry to Christian citizens everywhere to prevent the next unthinkable American disaster. After all, as Hagee points out, “those who do not remember the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them in the future.” Think it can’t happen? Think again.

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  • Gracia De Dios – (Spanish)


    Learn how God’s grace can and will transform you. None of us deserve what God offers, a life free from the ravages of sin and hope for a glorious future, but unbelievably it’s ours for the taking. Why? Because of grace. God’s grace. The unmerited favor, the lavish love and kindness that he pours out on us, and has, since he walked in the garden with Adam and Eve. But if it’s so available then why do we live a grace-less life? Why are our churches filled with disillusioned Christians, weary of the demands of religion, struggling with personal defeat because of issues and behaviors? Join pastor Andy Stanley as he traces grace through the Old and New Testament, observing God’s grace at work in the lives of some of the best, and worst, characters. He also shares deeply personal insights from his own life and reveals how grace is not a natural response but is the most essential one. Together these stories unravel the mystery of grace and tell of its transforming power to set us free. Includes a special chapter to discover and come to terms with your own grace story.

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  • 52 Maneras De Cultivar Las Hab – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602556386ISBN10: 1602556385Language: SpanishKenneth LuckBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2011Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • 52 Maneras De Perder Peso – (Spanish)


    If you are tired of diet after diet and the pressure of intense weight loss programs, why not try these 52 easy and practical suggestions to loose weight.

    Take the low road: the road full of foods low in fat and cholesterol
    Weights: Add to your exercise program some type of weight training, but make it light and consistent
    The dessert desert: reduce calories by elimitating desserts, sodas, and excess snacks.

    Si usted esta cansado de dietas novedosas y la presion de programas intensos de perdida de peso, pruebe estas 52 surgenencias practicas y faciles de implementar para perder peso. Tome el camino bajo: el camino lleno de comidas bajas en grasa y colesterol Las pesas: anada a su programa de ejercicios algun entrenamiento con pesas, leve pero constante El desierto de los postres: reduzca las calorias mediante de eliminacion de los postres, las sodas, y el exceso de meriendas.

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  • 52 Maneras De Reducir El Estre – (Spanish)


    Life can generate a lot of stress, but it is possible to deal with it healthy ways. With this book learn how to reduce, fight and limit the negative effects of the heavy burden of stress.

    La vida genera mucho estres, pero es posible lidiar con el de formas muy sanas. Aprenda con este libro a reducir, lidiar y limitar los efectos negativos de la pesada carga de estres.

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  • 52 Maneras De Decir Te Amo – (Spanish)


    New and interesting ways to say”I love you”; for each week of the year.

    Ideas nuevas y divertidas para decir “Te amo” cada semana del ano.

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  • 52 Maneras De Estirar Su Diner – (Spanish)


    Easy and practical ideas that will help readers get the most from their money.

    Ideas faciles y practicas que ayudaran al lector a obtener mas por su dinero.

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  • 52 Maneras Sencillas De Ensena – (Spanish)


    Suggestions for talking openly with children about God.

    Sugerencias practicas para hablar abiertamente con los ninos acerca de Dios.

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  • 52 Maneras De Tener Relaciones – (Spanish)


    As married couples, we all desire passion in our relationship, but with the pressures of careers, kids, and day-to-day commitments, who has the time or energy to create it? Well-known sexual therapists, Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner do. They provide you with a host of inventive and exciting ideas to help you rekindle passion in your marriage.

    !Encienda la pasion en su matrimonio! Como matrimonios, todos deseamos pasion en nuestras relaciones, pero con el apremio de la profesiones, los ninos y los compromisos diarios, ?quien tiene el tiempo o la energia para alcanzarlo? !Los doctores Clifford y Joyce Penner, reconocidos terapeutas sexuales! Y en este libro ofrecen toda una gama de ideas creativas e interesantes para ayudar a reavivar la pasion en el matrimonio.

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  • Largo Camino De Mil Anos – (Spanish)


    Donald Miller believes that story is a powerful tool that can help to shape our lives. The bestselling author of the poignant Blue Like Jazz shares in A Million Miles in a Thousand Years how screenplay editors revise and edit their final drafts in order to give a clearer understanding of the story’s main themes. Ultimately, we learn that story can be a tool used both to guide us toward positive change and steer us away from foolish decisions. Fans of Don Miller’s previous works will not want to miss this new book!

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  • Pablo – (Spanish)


    Written by one of the best known and most respected biblical scholars of all time, this illustrated volume explores all of the primary themes in Paul’s thought as they developed in the historical context of his life and travels. While Bruce’s primary concern is to portray the life of the apostle Paul, he also examines the main themes of Paul’s thought, set in their historical background and illustrated from his letters.

    This edition of Paul will be used with profit by all who have an interest in the primitive church—from general readers to the most advanced biblical scholar.

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  • Campo De Batalla De La Mente (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)


    Con mas de 3 millones de ejemplares vendidos, EL CAMPO DE BATALLA DE LA MENTE de Joyce Meyer ahora esta disponible en espaol.

    Preocupacion, duda, depresion, enojo y sentimientos de condenacion: todos ellos son ataques a la mente. Si los lectores sufren de pensamientos negativos, !pueden tomar aliento! Joyce Meyer ha ayudado a millones de personas a ganar estas batallas tan importantes. En su exito de ventas mas popular, la querida escritora y ministro muestra a los lectores como cambiar sus vidas cambiando sus mentes.

    Ella ensea como manejar los miles de pensamientos que las personas piensan cada dia, y como enfocar la mente del modo en que Dios piensa. Y comparte las pruebas, tragedias y victorias finales su propio matrimonio, familia y ministerio que le llevaron a una verdad maravillosa y transformadora; y revela sus pensamientos y sentimientos a cada paso del camino.

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  • Como Caminar En Poder Sobrenat – (Spanish)


    !El Poder de los Milagros esta Disponible Hoy!

    “Y estas seales seguiran a los que creen: En mi nombre echaran fuera demonios; hablaran nuevas lenguas”. (Marcos 16:17)

    El poder sobrenatural esta disponible hoy para todos los creyentes, tal como lo estaba para la iglesia primitiva durante los dias de los apostoles. El poder de Dios nunca se ha extinguido, solo el entendimiento de la iglesia de como obtenerlo.
    Milagros, sanidades y liberacion de opresiones demoniacas estan disponibles para cada creyente. Ahora, a traves de la Escritura, el Apostol Maldonado le muestra como obtener los beneficios del poder sobrenatural que estan disponibles para usted, de manera que pueda:

    Desarrollar fe para los milagros

    Protegerse a si mismo de los engaos del diablo

    Operar y fluir en lo sobrenatural

    Ministrar sanidad a los enfermos

    Una vez que usted reciba la revelacion completa del Dios sobrenatural, usted podra tomar este poder y ganar el mundo para Cristo.

    Guillermo Maldonado believes the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead, that He is alive today, and that He wants to heal and do miracles through you. Now, you can walk in the full revelation of our supernatural God.

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  • Oportunidad Perdida – (Spanish)


    When a young boy finds a mysterious object in the creek near his home, his parents launch an investigation that will eventually link the ancient object to such remarkable figures as George Washington Carver, Oskar Shindler, Joan of Arc, and Alfred Vanderbilt. Separate pieces of the artifact_with different but similar inscriptions_shape the lives of those who possess the object. With each new discovery come new questions: What is the connection between these objects? Is there is another piece? And, if so, how might this final piece complete the object and its message? Could it, indeed, change the very world with its power and wisdom? A dramatic epilogue reveals not only the origin and fulfillment of this amazing artifact, but also the guiding principles behind this story that can be applied directly to readers’ lives.

    ?Esta listo para hacer el descubrimiento personal de toda una vida?
    En un suburbio de Denver, la periodista Dorry Chandler y su esposo detective Mark, descubren un extrano objeto con un mensaje grabado en un idioma antiguo. Uniendo fuerzas con el antropologo Dylan Langford y su amiga la arqueologa, Abby Warner, el equipo queda cautivado por el misterioso artefacto y el mensaje desconcertante que parece datar de hace miles de anos.

    ?Descubrira el equipo el secreto detras de este objeto historico y misterioso? ?O su mensaje se perdera para siempre?

    Del autor del best seller del New York Times, El regalo del viajero viene una busqueda apasionante para descubrir el destino de la humanidad. La novela es una mezcla de ficcion fascinante, con una amplia investigacion, y un poderoso mensaje de esperanza, La oportunidad perdida ilumina los principios imperecederos para transformar el mundo.

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  • Esclavo – (Spanish)


    El autor y pastor Dr. John MacArthur revela una palabra crucial que revolucionara lo que significa el seguir a Jesus.

    A traves de la Biblia, los seguidores de Jesus han sido ordenados a someterse. Se les ha dicho que tienen que obedecer y seguir fielmente sin titubeos. Cada vez que los cristianos pronuncian la palabra Dios, ellos hacen una declaracion sutil pero profunda- Que Dios es nuestro dueno y que pertenecemos a El. De hecho, la Biblia describe a los creyentes como sus esclavos. Hemos sido comprados a un precio y ahora vivimos para Cristo como gente de su propia posesion.

    Vaya a una iglesia hoy en dia, ojee a traves de la mayoria de las traducciones de la Biblia y Usted no vera ni escuchara la palabra esclavo en ningun lugar porque se ha perdido en la traduccion. En este excitante libro el Dr. John MacArthur utiliza profundas ensenanzas biblicas y evaluaciones historicas para revelar una palabra olvidada que restaura la verdadera definicion de la Biblia sobre la libertad del cristiano.

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  • No Se Trata De Mi – (Spanish)


    Pop culture and psychobabble tell us to make ourselves the center of the universe in order to be happy. Churches have communicated the false idea that God exists to give us all that we selfishly want. In this book, Max Lucado reminds us that it’s not about us; it’s all about God. Through this shift in thinking we can truly live an unburdened, happy life.

    La cultura pop y la psicologia popular nos dicen que, para ser felices, debemos ser el centro del universo. Las iglesias se encargaron de transmitir la idea erronea de que Dios existe para satisfacer todos nuestros deseos egoistas. En este libro, Max Lucado nos recuerda que no se trata de nosotros; se trata de Dios. Si deseamos una vida verdaderamente feliz y libre de problemas, necesitamos este cambio de enfoque.

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  • Autografo Sagrado – (Spanish)


    ?Podra el descubrimiento de este evangelio y las verdades que revela sacudir la fundacion de la iglesia?

    En un pequeno monasterio en Asia, un monje descubre una vasija de casi 2,000 anos de antiguedad que contiene un manuscrito que podria ser un original del evangelio. Este es enviado al Museo de Santa Sofia en Estambul. Turquia se encuentra en guerra y un monje llamado Johannes con su discipulo y un coronel, recuperan lo que podria ser el mayor descubrimiento arqueologico del siglo 21: el autografo del Evangelio segun San Juan.

    Despues de la guerra, el manuscrito es transferido al Reino Unido, donde es estudiado por cientificos y representantes del Vaticano, las Iglesias Ortodoxas y el Protestantismo. Los resultados son presentados en la iglesia y sus implicaciones alcanzan todo el mundo. Johannes, cuya edad tambien es un misterio, se ve obligado a exhibir capacidades sorprendentes, y su verdadera naturaleza esta vinculada con un misterio escrito en el manuscrito sagrado.

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  • Descanso – (Spanish)


    A unique blend of historical fact and engaging fiction showing the power of forgiveness. While digging up a withering wax myrtle tree beside his waterfront home on the Gulf coast, author Andy Andrews unearths a rusted metal container filled with Nazi artifacts and begins an intriguing investigation that unlocks an unspoken past that took place in his backyard . . . literally. In 1942, as the country gears up for a full-scale commitment to WWII, German subs are dispatched to the Gulf of Mexico to sink U.S. vessels carrying goods and fuel. While taking a late-night walk, Helen Mason-widowed by war-discovers the near-lifeless body of a German sailor. Enraged at the site of Josef Landermann’s uniform, Helen is prepared to leave him to die when an unusual phrase, faintly uttered, changes her mind. Set in a period simmering with anger and suspicion The Heart Mender offers the very real chronicle of a small town preparing itself for the worst the world has to offer. As cargo from torpedoed ships begins to wash up on the beach, Josef and Helen must reconcile their pasts to create a future. Blending his unique style of historical accuracy with unparalleled storytelling, New York Times best-selling author Andy Andrews offers a tale of war, faith, and forgiveness illuminating the one principle that frees the human spirit.

    Una mezcla unica entre hechos historicos y una ficcion cautivadora que muestra el poder del perdon.

    En 1942, los submarinos alemanes eran despachados para el Golfo de Mexico con el proposito de hundir a los navios de Estados Unidos que llevaban bienes de consumo y combustible. Al tomar un paseo nocturno, Helen Mason, viuda a causa de la guerra, descubre el cuerpo casi sin vida de un marinero aleman. Enfurecida al ver el uniforme de Josef Landermann, Helen esta preparada a dejarlo morir cuando una frase inusual, debilmente pronunciada, la hizo cambiar de idea.

    En El descanso, un pequeno pueblo debe prepararse a si mismo para lo peor que el mundo tiene que ofrecer, y Josef y Helen deben reconciliar sus pasados para crear un futuro.

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  • Amor Y Respeto (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


    Introducing the much-anticipated workbook to the groundbreaking book by the same title, Love & Respect.

    Psychological studies affirm it, and the Bible has been saying it for ages. Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It’s the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find. Based upon Ephesians 5:33 and extensive biblical and psychological research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the power of unconditional love and unconditional respect and how husbands and wives can reap the benefits of marriage that God intended. Using Dr. Eggerich’s breakthrough techniques, this workbook provides excellent study material, whether for a group or for individual couples, as they seek to understand each other and God’s plan for their lives together.

    Descubra el secreto mas grande para un matrimonio exitoso.
    Los estudios psicologicos lo afirman, y la Biblia lo ha estado diciendo durante mucho tiempo. Descifrar el codigo de comunicacion entre marido y mujer implica entender una cosa: que el respeto incondicional es tan poderoso para el como el amor incondicional lo es para ella. Es el secreto del matrimonio que cada pareja busca pero que muy pocas encuentran. Basado en Efesios 5.33 en un estudio biblico y psicologico profundo, el Dr. Eggerichs revela el poder del amor y el respeto incondicional y como la pareja puede beneficiarse de un matrimonio que Dios desea. Utilizando las innovadoras tecnicas del Dr. Eggerichs, este cuaderno provee una excelente guia de estudio tanto para grupos o parejas que buscan entenderse y el proposito de Dios en sus vidas.

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  • Introduccion A La Unidad Crist – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687660636ISBN10: 0687660637Language: SpanishCarmelo AlvarezBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2011Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Respuestas A Las Dificultades – (Spanish)


    Se ha preguntado alguna vez…

    -Como lidio con el estres? -Como me recupero del fracaso? -Como vencer la depresion? -Como vivir por encima de la mediocridad? -Como tener tranquilidad? -Como supero mis problemas? -Como confiar en medio de la crisis? -Como me meti en este lio? -Por que me sucede esto? -Como supero la soledad?

    Muchas personas saben que las respuestas a las dificultades de la vida estan en la Biblia, pero no saben donde ubicarlas.

    En este libro descubrira los pasos que debe dar para lidiar con los temores y problemas que enfrenta a diario.

    Ademas, podra ayudar a otros.

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  • Poder De Transformar Su Vida – (Spanish)


    Have you ever wished that you could change something about yourself? A bad habit? Destructive thoughts? An unpleasant personality trait? Rick Warren, author of the bestseller ‘The Purpose Driven Church’, will help you plug into the power that can produce the lasting change you long to see in your life. He will introduce you to resurrection power—God’s power available to you to change your personality. As you read this book, you will learn how you can cooperate with God to allow his Holy Spirit to change you. And you will learn how to experience peace rather than pressure, joy rather than defeat, patience rather than irritation.

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  • Llamado A Liderar – (Spanish)


    John MacArthur, best-selling author and renowned pastor and teacher, draws 26 powerful leadership characteristics from the Life of the apostle Paul. Is leadership a title? Authority? Charisma? Whatever gets the best results? More than ever, Christians need a model of leadership that is based on God’s Word, that brings Him glory while accomplishing success, growth, service to others, personal and professional development, and more. In Called to Lead, best-selling author, pastor, and teacher John MacArthur explains the characteristics of a leader drawn from one of the Bible’s most renowned leaders, the apostle Paul. Focusing on Paul’s epistles, Called to Lead gives a biblically sound explanation of the twenty-six key qualities of a leader who can achieve results without forfeiting faith and obedience.

    ?Es el liderazgo un titulo?, ?Autoridad?, ?Carisma?, ?Lo que obtiene los mejores resultados?
    John MacArthur, autor de best sellers, pastor y maestro, senala las 26 caracteristicas poderosas del liderazgo en la vida del apostol Pablo.

    Mas que nunca, los cristianos necesitan un modelo de liderazgo que se basa en la Palabra de Dios, que le de gloria a El pero que al mismo tiempo alcance el exito, crecimiento, servicio a los demas, desarrollo personal y profesional, y mucho mas.

    En Llamado a liderar, John MacArthur explica las caracteristicas de un lider usando como perfil a uno de los lideres mas reconocidos de la Biblia, el apostol Pablo. Centrandose en las epistolas de Pablo, Llamado a liderar provee una explicacion biblica racional de las veintiseis cualidades fundamentales de un lider para que pueda lograr resultados sin perder la fe y la obediencia.

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  • Guerra Espiritual A Traves De – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781612151120ISBN10: 1612151124Language: SpanishRuth NievesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Promesas De Dios Para Ninas – (Spanish)


    An easy way to help young girls see God’s promises and how they can rely on His love in their daily lives. The promise verses in this book are selected from the best-selling International Children’s Bible(R) to offer comfort and encouragement when a girl is feeling afraid, lonely, worried, angry, dissatisfied, discouraged, sad, rebellious, impatient, or sick . . . and when they need reassurance of God’s protection, love, forgiveness, help . . . and that He listens when they pray. It’s a great way for children to hide God’s Word in their hearts. Sample text: Monsters. Spiders. Being alone. Do any of these things make you feel afraid? When you start to feel fear, hold on tight to these words: God promises to take your fear away! “So don’t worry, because I am with you. Don’t be afraid, because I am your God. I will make you strong and will help you. I will support you with my right hand that saves you.” Isaiah 41:10

    ?Necesitas de una forma facil que ayude a los ninas a ver las promesas de Dios y como pueden confiar en su amor en sus vidas diarias?

    Los versos de promesas en este libro son escogidos de la Nueva Biblia al Dia para ofrecer ayuda y animo cuando una nina se siente asustada, sola, preocupada, enojada, decepcionada, desalentada, triste, rebelde, impaciente o enferma. Y cuando las ninas necesitan estar convencidas de la proteccion, el amor, el perdon y la ayuda de Dios; y que El les escucha cuando oran. Este libro ofrece una maravillosa oportunidad para que las ninas atesoren la Palabra de Dios en sus corazones.

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  • Judaismo Mesianico – (Spanish)


    Lucas Park Books
    El Rabino Joseph S. Berrios-Zaborsky hace una gran contribucion al mundo teologico hispano con esta excelente introduccion al judaismo mesianico. Este libro es lectura obligada para cualquier persona que desee conocer el signifi cado y el uso adecuado de los simbolos y las practicas judias a la luz de la fe en Yeshua, el Mesias de Israel.”

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  • Abraham Lincoln Su Liderazgo – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602557987ISBN10: 1602557985Language: SpanishCesar VidalBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2010Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    Tired of getting angry?
    Find freedom to apply the truths of the Word of God.

    Uprooting Anger: Destroying the Monster Inside is a collection of thirty-one meditations on Scripture passages that help to obey God’s command to get rid of anger. Each meditation is accompanied by a Bible study to encourage the application of truth to our lives.

    Uprooting Anger is appropriate for individual or group study.

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  • Juan – (Spanish)


    Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacian para la Educacin Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a unique Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The twenty-five volume series, which covers all the books of the Bible, also includes three general volumes designed to introduce readers to the Bible and to biblical study: La Biblia en espanol: Como nos llega (The Spanish Bible: How It Came to Be); Como se forma la Biblia (How the Bible Was Formed), and Como estudiar la Biblia (How to Study the Bible). Justo L. Gonzalez, the General Editor for the series, is a distinguished biblical scholar and the author of numerous books, including Hechos (Acts) in this series.

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  • Romanos – (Spanish)


    Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacian para la Educacian Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a unique Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The twenty-five volume series, which covers all the books of the Bible, also includes three general volumes designed to introduce readers to the Bible and to biblical study: La Biblia en espanol: Como nos llego (The Spanish Bible: How It Came to Be); Como se formo la Biblia (How the Bible Was Formed), and Como estudiar la Biblia (How to Study the Bible). Justo L. Gonzalez, the General Editor for the series, is a distinguished biblical scholar and the author of numerous books, including Hechos (Acts) in this series.

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  • Ministerio La Planificacion De – (Spanish)


    A practical Spanish-language guide for anyone involved in Christian education

    In a practical and easy-to-understand manner, Fernando A. Cascante introduces the reader to the world of Christian education within the Hispanic/Latino community.

    Enriches future ministries of Spanish-speaking seminary students
    Ideal for Latino pastors who need practical help in the area of Christian education
    Quick help and reading on an important aspect in Latino ministry
    Written in Spanish by an expert in the field of Christian education

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  • Dios Incomprensible – (Spanish)


    If we are honest, we have to admit that there are many things we don’t understand about God, especially in the face of terrible suffering and evil. Chris Wright offers reflections and encouragement from the Scriptures, so that those who are troubled by these tough questions can still sustain their faith.

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  • Dwight D Eisenhower Su Lideraz – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602557994ISBN10: 1602557993Language: SpanishGeoff LoftusBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2010Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Autosuperacion 101 – (Spanish)


    Another great little book packed with wisdom and instruction to add to the successful Maxwell 101 series.

    Drawing from the wisdom in his books El mapa para alcanzar el exito, El talento nunca es suficiente, Desarrolle los lideres alrededor de usted, El lado positivo del fracaso, Lider de 360, Como ganarse a la gente, and Liderazgo, principios de oro, John C. Maxwell provides in Autosuperacion 101 the essentials all leaders need to keep striving for excellence no matter where they are or what they are doing. After all, great leaders who are growth oriented rather than goal oriented never “arrive,” they just keep building upon what they are learning.

    Otro gran librito repleto de sabiduria e instruccion para aadir a la exitosa serie Maxwell 101.

    Haciendo uso de la sabiduria de sus libros El mapa para alcanzar el exito, El talento nunca es suficiente, Desarrolle los lideres que estan alrededor de usted, El lado positivo del fracaso, Lider de 360, Como ganarse a la gente y Liderazgo, principios de oro, John C. Maxwell ofrece en Autosuperacion 101 los principios esenciales que necesitan todos los lideres para seguir esforzandose en alcanzar la excelencia independientemente de donde se encuentren o que esten haciendo. Despues de todo, los grandes lideres que estan orientados hacia el desarrollo en lugar de las metas, nunca “llegan”, ellos simplemente se mantienen edificando a base de lo que estan aprendiendo.

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  • Casa – (Spanish)


    Frank Peretti y Ted Dekker, dos de los escritores mas reconocidos en novelas de ficcion, han unido sus fuerzas por primera vez para crear una historia como ninguna otra que hayas leido. Entra en La casa, donde te encontraras en medio del juego mortal de un asesino en el cual la unica manera de ganar es perdiendo y la unica manera de salir es entrando. Un juego, siete jugadores, y tres reglas.

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  • Jesus Te Llama – (Spanish)


    Jesus te llama is a devotional filled with uniquely inspired treasures from heaven for every day of the year.
    After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to “listen” to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever she believed he was saying to her. It was awkward at first, but gradually her journaling changed from monologue to dialogue. She knew her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, but journaling helped her grow closer to God. Others were blessed as she shared her writings, until people all over the world were using her messages. They are written from Jesus’ point of view, thus the title Jesus te llama. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers with his presence and his peace in ever deeper measure.

    Jesus te llama es un devocional lleno de tesoros excepcionalmente inspirados del cielo para cada dia del ao.
    Despues de muchos anos de escribir en su diario de oracion, la misionera Sarah Young decidio “escuchar” a Dios con pluma en mano, poniendo por escrito cualquier cosa que creyo que El le decia. Fue embarazoso al principio, pero poco a poco sus encuentros diarios cambiaron de monologo a dialogo. Ella sabia que sus escritos no eran inspirados como lo son las Sagradas Escrituras, pero estos encuentros escritos le ayudaron a crecer en su acercamiento a Dios. Otras personas han sido bendecidas al ella compartir sus escritos, de tal manera que personas por todo el mundo estan usando sus mensajes. Estos estan escritos desde el punto de vista de Jesucristo, de ahi el titulo Jesus te llama. Es la oracion ferviente de Sarah que nuestro Salvador bendiga a los lectores en abundancia con su presencia y su paz.

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  • Fundamentos Biblicos Volume 2 – (Spanish)


    Part of a three-book series about the basics of Christianity

    The foundation of the Christian faith is built on Jesus Christ and His Word to us, the Holy Bible. This Biblical Foundation Series includes the foundation of biblical doctrines you need to help you lay a strong spiritual foundation in your life. The foundation truths from the Word of God are presented with modern day parables that help you easily understand the basics of Christianity. Use this book to lay a solid foundation in your life, or if you are already a mature Christian, these books are great tools to assist you in discipling others. May His Word become life to you today.

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  • Fundamentos Biblicos Volume 1 – (Spanish)


    The foundation of the Christian faith is built on Jesus Christ and His Word to us, the Holy Bible. This Biblical Foundation Series includes the foundation of biblical doctrines you need to help you lay a strong spiritual foundation in your life. The foundation truths from the Word of God are presented with modern day parables that help you easily understand the basics of Christianity. Use this book to lay a solid foundation in your life, or if you are already a mature Christian, these books are great tools to assist you in discipling others. May His Word become life to you today.

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  • Oraciones Que Traen Sanidad – (Spanish)


    In his new book Prayers That Bring Healing, John Eckhardt wants you to know that no matter what your sickness, no matter who you are, it is God’s will for you to live a full, healthy, disease-free life. When Jesus came to a town preaching the coming of the kingdom of God, not only did He heal everyone who came to Him but he also healed “all manner of sickness.” This means that there is no sickness, disease, or infirmity God can’t or won’t heal. When the doctors tell you that you have an incurable disease, know that it is not incurable for Jesus. There is nothing too hard for God. In this book you will discover twelve ways healing takes place. They include:

    . Healing through the laying on of hands (Luke 4:40)
    . Healing through deliverance (Matt 8:16)
    . Healing through breaking curses (Gal. 3:13
    . Healing through anointing oil (Mark 6:1)
    . Healing through faith (Mark 11:23)
    . Healing through prayer (Matt 21:22)

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  • Estudios De Doctrina Cristiana – (Spanish)


    A brief summary of all the doctrine of the Christian faith from Anthropology to Angelology, to Bibliology and Eschatology.

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  • Siloh Puente A Dios – (Spanish)


    Desde muy temprana edad senti el llamado de Dios, pero los afanes me dominaron hasta convertirme en Su enemigo. En 1980 cometi una falta tan grave, que ocasiono lo siguiente. Concluida la transgresion, escuche cuando una voz masculina y profunda me dijo: “Ya me perteneces”. De inmediato, la esencia de vida fue succionada por la corona de mi cabeza. Entonces comence a caer por un abismo, sin llegar a tocar fondo.

    Desatendi mi familia, solo me importaba satisfacer el deseo carnal que habia tomado control de mi. Mi angustia fue tal, que en 1982 tome mi revolver, lo martille y coloque en mi cabeza para terminar con la angustia que vivia. De inmediato vino a mi el recuerdo de Jesus y le dije: “Si verdaderamente eres el Hijo de Dios y tienes poder para dar vida, te pido que me devuelvas la esencia de vida que perdi. Pero si lo haces, te suplico que no sea para solo respirar; dale sentido a mi ser, utilizame”.

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  • Seguirazgo – (Spanish)


    Seguirazgo: (sustantivo) El acto de seguir y liderar simultaneamente.A lo largo del mundo, se escriben libros acerca del “liderfuerte” que vence a su oposicion con una mera mirada. En el pulpito, se vemucho el fenomeno del lider macho, intocable, casi no humano. Pero el liderazgo que Dios ha levantado tiene como finprincipal servir a otros. Como el de Jesus, es un liderazgo compartido en dondepor muy alta que sea la posicion el lider todavia entiende que es saludabledarles cuentas a otros. Los lideres verdaderos saben seguir para poder entoncesliderar. Esta frase no necesariamente tiene que ser consecutiva: mientras lideran,pueden y deben seguir a otros. La idea no es pasar algun tiempo siguiendo paraluego dejarlo para poder liderar. Seguimos siguiendo para poder liderar.

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  • En Un Instante – (Spanish)


    Seth Borders has one of the world’s highest IQs. Now he’s suddenly struck by an incredible power–the ability to see multiple potential futures–and he stumbles upon Miriam, a beautiful Saudi Arabian princess who has fled to escape a forced marriage. Cultures collide as Seth and Miriam are thrown together and forced to run from forces determined to kidnap or kill Miriam. An intoxicating tale set amidst the shifting sands of the Middle East and the back roads of America, Blink engages issues as ancient as the earth itself . . . and as current as today’s headlines.

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  • Habilidades De Comunicacion Es – (Spanish)


    Escribir para ser leido.Para un liderazgo mas asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicacion. Empoderar al funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicacion lleva a la empresa a un mayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince anos como consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia Gonzalez ha desarrollado una metodologia muy practica para lograr la claridad, fluidez y concrecion de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales. Este libro, numero uno de la serie Comunicacion inteligente, ofrece claves practicas para eliminar los bloqueadores comunes de la expresion escrita, tales como claves para ordenar las ideas; profundizacion para una transmision de ideas mas asertiva y persuasiva; puntuacion como clave de oro para alcanzar ritmo y armonia de los textos; y casos concretos para apreciar el efecto sorprendente “antes y despues” de los textos.

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  • Habilidades De Comunicacion Ha – (Spanish)


    Vale mas saber poco pero decirlo bien, que saber mucho y no tener idea de comunicarlo. Para un liderazgo mas asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicacion. Empoderar al funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicacion lleva a la empresa a un mayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince anos como consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia Gonzalez ha desarrollado una metodologia muy practica para lograr la claridad, fluidez y concrecion de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales. Este libro, numero dos de la serie Comunicacion inteligente, ofrece una metodologia practica, de comprobados resultados, que permite corregir las debilidades comunes de los lideres en sus presentaciones. Con claves sencillas y aplicables, se efectuara un cambio extremo a la comunicacion hablada, tanto en el fondo de que se dice como en la forma de como se lo dice.

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  • Habilidades De Comunicacion Y – (Spanish)


    Hablar para ser escuchado.Para un liderazgo mas asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicacion. Empoderar al funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicacion lleva a la empresa a un mayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince anos como consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia Gonzalez ha desarrollado una metodologia muy practica para lograr la claridad, fluidez y concrecion de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales. Este libro, numero tres de la serie Comunicacion inteligente, expone la virtud superior de la gente inteligente, el escuchar. El escuchar es la capacidad de atender en forma dinamica, de desarrollar el “musculo” de guardar silencio o callar los pensamientos, para atender y entender al otro. Es mucho mas que apenas oirlo, es poder escuchar no solo lo que dice, sino lo que no dice pero lo transmite con el metalenguaje de sus actitudes, expresiones y gestos.

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  • Mi Reflexion – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781615799480ISBN10: 1615799486Language: SpanishJeremias MartinezBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Por Que Me Persigues – (Spanish)


    Se volteo para asi recoger su cama y se dio cuenta de algo… !lo que menos ella deseaba ver!… estaba alli, parada frente a ella cual reflejo inerte, en un espejo, de alguien que no desea ser lo que es…

    No decia nada, no se movia, solo la miraba directo a los ojos como esperando que Nelly hablara. Nelly trato de ignorar su presencia, de no decirle nada, a ver si asi se desaparecia y la dejaba quieta. Asi que se movio alrededor de su cama recogiendola, acomodando sus cobijas y sabanas… Nelly se enderezo y volvio a mirar en la misma direccion…

    “Sabes que? no deseo saber de ti… siempre te las ingenuas para hacerme mal, para hacerme dao… Y como siempre… no vas a decir nada cuando te hablo… solo hablas cuando menos debes, y hechas a perder todo. Estoy cansada de ti, estoy cansada de tu presencia, estoy cansada de que siempre me persigas, que siempre estes detras de mi mirando todo lo que hago y acusandome de todo y por todo… simplemente estoy cansada de ti… !ESTOY CANSADA DE TIIIIIII”!… Gritaba Nelly sin poder contenerse en su enojo, mientras, lagrimas salian corriendo de sus ojos, deslizandose por sus mejillas, cayendo al suelo, donde quedarian solas y tristes para siempre…
    Sin importar cual sea nuestra posicion religiosa, o creencia espiritual, la realidad es que somos perseguidos por uno de los enemigos mas implacable y cruel que humano alguno pueda enfrentar. Muchos ni siquiera se dan cuenta de esta realidad, pero aun asi, si estuvieramos consientes de ello… Que podemos hacer para poder ser librados?… “si es que se puede” de un enemigo asi…

    Una historia llena de suspenso, intriga, y amor que (segun lees) te mantendra corriendo por tu vida, mientras te preguntas Por que Me Persigues?

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  • Rostro De La Traicion – (Spanish)


    While home on Christmas holiday, a seventeen-year-old Senate page takes her dog out for a walk and never returns. Reporter Cassidy Shaw is the first to break the story. The media firestorm that ensues quickly ensnares Federal Prosecutor Allison Pierce and FBI Special Agent Nicole Hedge … who just happen to be Cassidy’s best friends. It appears the young page was romantically involved with a senator-a senator now under suspicion for her disappearance.

    As time begins to run out for the missing girl, Cassidy, Allison, and Nicole fight to locate her before its too late, even while each fights her own personal battles-a stalker, single-motherhood, and an abusive relationship.

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  • Cuidado Pastoral: Ministerio C – (Spanish)


    La experiencia migratoria suscita un sinnumero de situaciones complejas que presentan un reto subito e inesperado al liderazgo pastoral. En su tarea pastoral el lider se enfrenta diariamente con gran numero de personas que reflejan y le recuerdan su propia condicion, asi como sus conflictos y dificultades, como inmigrante en muchos casos. Tal experiencia pude resultar agotadora y -emocional y espiritualmente- debilitante, debido a la identificacion o sobreidentificacion con las personas a quienes sirve. Este libro explora estas ideas y sus dinamicas.

    The immigration experience stirs up an endless number of complex situations that present a sudden and unexpected challenge to pastoral leadership. In their Hispanic ministerial task, every day, church leaders are faced people who share their struggles and conflicts – particularly immigrants. Effectively carrying out this ministry can be exhausting and emotional and spiritually debilitating, due to the unique difficulties this ministry faces. This book explores ideas and the dynamics of this ministry.

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  • Como Encontrar El Amor De Tu V – (Spanish)


    Encontrar al amor de tu vida es obligatorio para sentirte realizado en la pareja, pero como encontrar a esa persona? Que caracteristicas debe tener? Cuando es el momento de casarse?Eso y mucho mas es lo que responden Hugo y Tati Martinez en este libro. A traves de estas paginas ellos te ayudaran a considerar las diferentes etapas que se transitan en el noviazgo y, sobre todo, te ayudaran a conseguir una relacion exitosa con una persona que sera la indicada para tu vida.

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  • Asuntos Internos – (Spanish)


    Two of the most influential leaders in today’s church share secrets never before told regarding leadership and the mission that God has given them. Dante Gebel and Lucas Leys have collaborated here for the first time to produce a book that speaks directly about real leadership, opening their hearts to reveal intimate experiences and to share their ideas about what leadership should be in the future. This book is full of gems and treasures that will help you to be honest with yourself and to rediscover the purpose that should be motivating your leadership and the responsibilities that God has given all of us to influence the next generation.

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  • 101 Preguntas Y 101 Respuestas – (Spanish)


    How many times have the questions arising in our minds seemed to remain unanswerable? How often have we repeated these questions to people who also did not know the answers? And how many times have they asked us questions that we also cannot answer? Lucas Leys presents 101 difficult questions along with direct answers for each one. He offers answers that are well reasoned and balanced from a biblical and spiritual perspective so that young people can deepen their faith. Whether you are a youth leader who needs to the right answers to give or a teenager in search of satisfactory answers, this book is for you.

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  • Discipulado E Interpretacion – (Spanish)


    “Discipulado e interpretacion” es un llamado a realizar la gran comision de nuestro Seor Jesucristo: “id y haced discipulos”. Pero hacer discipulos requiere que todo cristiano tenga un esquema hermeneutico para entender el texto escrito de la tradicion cristiana. Si entendemos bien, podremos ensear bien y asi formar discipulos buenos que se reproduzcan en otros discipulos, y estos en otros, y estos en otros. Pero si nos desviamos, estaremos propensos a perder el gozo de nuestra mision.

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  • Greek Course – (Spanish)


    The self-taught method applied in this book allows each student to advance at their own pace in learning Koine Greek.

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  • Asesino Del Avivamiento – (Spanish)


    Juan Wesley fue un instrumento usado por Dios en el avivamiento de Gales. Wesley fue sensible a la voz del Espiritu Santo, y pudo reconocer en su era que lo que detenia el mover del Espiritu era precisamente el mal de la murmuracion. La adoracion de una boca pura es clave para avivamiento. Pero la murmuracion mata esta clase de adoracion.

    En este libro usted encontrara mas de 1,200 escrituras de la Biblia y aprendera:

    La gravedad de este pecado segun Dios
    Las 30 consecuencias dolorosas
    Las multiples formas de la murmuracion
    Las raices de la murmuracion
    Como ser libres de la murmuracion
    6 antidotos poderosos contra la Murmuracion
    Que hacer si alguien te habla mal de otros
    Que hacer si alguien hablo mal de ti
    El porque del Sometimiento
    54 comparaciones entre la lengua del Justo y del Impio
    !Y mucho mas!

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  • Hermanos No Somos Profesionale – (Spanish)


    In this book, John Piper pleads with pastors to abandon the secularization of the role of pastor and to be dedicated to the prophetic, Biblical calling to a radical ministry.

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  • Ustedes Recibiran Poder – (Spanish)


    The Scriptures show us that God desires for us to live in the realm of the supernatural. Derek Prince explains how to enter into this exciting reality, so you can:
    * Receive divine guidance.
    * Be an effective witness for Christ.
    * Walk in divine health.
    * See results when praying for the sick.
    * Be empowered to serve God.
    * Understand the will of God.
    * Be filled-and stay filled.
    * Understand the realm of spiritual conflict.
    * Experience unity with other believers.
    * Receive God’s favor and blessings.
    * Lead others into the kingdom of God.

    As you enter into the supernatural realm, you will find the Holy Spirit constantly encouraging and showing you the exciting purpose for your life. Discover Him as your Comforter, Helper, Guide, and closest Friend.

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  • Secretos Del Poder Espiritual – (Spanish)


    Watchman Nee experienced such a close intimacy with the Lord that many remarkable insights into triumphant Christian living were revealed to him by the Holy Spirit. Now these truths are available to you so that you can have the same kind of vibrant relationship with God. This collection of Watchman Nee’s time-tested words of wisdom will inspire you to…
    * Enjoy all that is yours in Christ.
    * Know for sure that you are saved.
    * Overcome adversity and Satan’s power.
    * Receive guidance from the Holy Spirit.
    * Find daily strength for daily needs.
    * See the truths of the Bible come alive.
    * Have faith that moves mountains.

    You will be set free from all sin and bondage as you discover not only that Christ is your salvation, but also that He is your sanctification. In fact, Christ will be to you all that you need-your victory, your power, your life. God will pour out His blessings to you in Christ. You can receive His powerful provision today! “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”-1 Corinthians 15:57 nkjv

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  • Poder De Las Conexiones – (Spanish)


    The world’s most respected leadership expert gives five principles and five practices to expose and break the invisible barrier to leadership and personal success.

    You have a good idea but can’t convince your peers of its merit. You crafted a groundbreaking strategy, but the team trudges on in the same old way. Certain people seem to moving forward in their career while you seem to be stuck. If this describes you or someone you know, the problem is not the quality of what you have to offer. The problem is how you connect with people to create the results you desire.

    In The Irresistible Power of Connection, John Maxwell takes readers through the Five Connecting Principles and the Five Connecting Practices of top-notch achievers. He believes that a person’s ability create change and results in any organization, be it a company, church, nonprofit, or even a family, are directly tied to their ability to use the teachings of this book.

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  • Decisiones Inteligentes – (Spanish)


    In this book students will learn how to gain more wisdom and apply it to every aspect of their relationships-from being a good friend to dating relationships to handling conflict. They’ll find the stories and lessons in this book will help them become wise in their relationships.

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  • Hermeneutica – (Spanish)


    This is an indispensable resource for any minister who preaches the Word. The author offers a practical and effective guide to the proper interpretation of Scripture. This book will be a useful tool for the pastor in his preparation and study of the Bible.

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  • Solo Para Ellas – (Spanish)


    Finally a book meant specially for girls. This is the alternative for talking about true love, the best ideas for becoming beautiful and all of those subjects included in popular magazines but untouched within the church environment. In this book the reader will find articles written by leading women such as Kristy Motta (who also is the editor of this volume), Aline Barros, Gloria Vazquez, Karen Lacota, Rocio Corson, Valeria Leys, Ingrid Rosario, Raquel Lopez, Gimena Sanchez and many more.

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  • Amor Y Respeto – (Spanish)


    Successful couples know that harmony and happiness in marriage are not achieved by love alone. There is the other side of the Ephesians 5:33 equation respect. Yes, a wife needs love. But a husband needs respect. Based on extensive biblical and scientific research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the secret to couples meeting each other’s deepest needs: Without love she reacts without respect, and without respect he reacts without love and a destructive, vicious cycle begins.

    Love and Respect is a groundbreaking book, to be featured on Focus on the Family, which offers much-needed help to husbands and wives everywhere. It introduces the biblical teaching of unconditional respect, and that it is as powerful as unconditional love. Discover the secret revealed by God that cracks the communication code between male and female and reap the benefits of marriage as God intended.

    Descubra el mas grande secreto para un matrimonio exitoso.?Quequiere usted para su matrimonio? ?Quiere tener paz? ?Quiere sentirintimidad? ?Quiere sentirse valorado? Entonces, pruebe un poco de Amor y respeto.Basadoen Efesios 5.33 y vasta investigacion biblica y psicologica, el doctorEmerson Eggerichs revela por que los espsos reaccionan negativamente eluno con el otro, y como pueden tratar con este conflicto rapida, facily biblicamente.

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  • Vocacion – (Spanish)


    En nuestro peregrinaje cristiano todas las personas hemos oido la llamada de Dios para estar a su servicio y divulgar sus buenas nuevas. El autor de esta obra nos ayuda a prestar mejor atencion a esta llamada divina y sus implicaciones. In our Christian journey, we have heard God’s call to serve others and to share His good news. Jose Rodriguez helps readers to better understand and identify this divine call to make thoughtful career choices.

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  • Nuevo Templo Y La Segunda Veni – (Spanish)


    “Grant Jeffrey has done it again! The rebuilding of the Jewish Temple is the most significant issue in End Times prophecy today. Filled with facts, photos, and insights, The New Temple and the Second Coming is a must-read for Christians and Jews alike.”

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  • Educacion Sexual Sana Para Tus – (Spanish)


    Trusted family authority Jim Burns outlines a simple and practical guide for parents on how to develop in their children a healthy perspective regarding their bodies and sexuality. Much more than just the when and how of having “the talk”, this invaluable resource encourages building a “theology of healthy sexuality” through the introduction of age-appropriate dialog throughout a young person’s life.

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  • Padres A Prueba De Crisis – (Spanish)


    Fights at school, sexual abuse, eating disorders, school crises – the list goes on and on. Hardly a day passes without a local crisis at involving junior highers or high schoolers. This practical resource covers the whole continuum of private and public crisis, equipping parents to work with their kids to deal with any crisis in a way that helps the individual and helps the family stay intact.

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  • Jeremias Y Lamentaciones – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780825413520ISBN10: 0825413524Language: SpanishIrving JensenBinding: Trade PaperEverymans Bible CommentaryPublisher: Editorial Portavoz Print On Demand Product

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  • Mi Libro De Ejercicios De Cono – (Spanish)


    SPANISH EDITION. The Great Bible Trivia Workout will delight readers with a fascinating collection of trivia that covers the entire Bible. Includes multiple choice quizzes, top-ten lists, and Bible-based songs written to favorite tunes.

    Build Brain Mass While Toning Your Methuselah Muscles. Think the Bible is boring? Think again! The Great Bible Trivia Workout will delight and amuse you with a fun collection of trivia covering the entire Bible. Sharpen your knowledge of Old and New Testament people, places, and things with multiple-choice quizzes, top-ten lists, true/false tests, and even some Bible-based ditties written to favorite tunes. Brad Densmore offers a true challenge of Bible knowledge with a dose of humor along the way, giving you all new Aha! moments such as these: * “Ouch! Painful and/or Unusual ways to Die”: Sisera bit the dust after an encounter with the business end of a tent peg.

    * “Whatever Floats Your Boat:” Noah was 600 years old at the time of the flood.

    True or false?

    * “Top Ten Old Testament Stocks”: including MicahSoft and General Ecclesiastes

    * What do Tamar, Absalom, and the Shulammite woman have in common? They were all noted for their good looks! Ready for your workout? Go for it! You haven’t had this much fun since you hid a mouse in that stuffy Sunday School teacher’s desk.

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  • Ministerio De La Palabra Escri – (Spanish)


    El ministerio de la palabra escrita constituye una guia practica para todas las personas que esten contemplando la idea de escribir y publicar un libro. De una manera amena y entretenida, Justo Gonzalez nos introduce en el mundo del escritor y las dinamicas de publicacion. El autor ofrece en este volumen sus anos de experiencia como escritor y editor, y anima al lector a participar en la produccion de material escrito para el pueblo hispano-latino con afan de solventar su escasez. This title, translated as “the ministry of the written word” constitutes a practical guide for all who contemplate writing and publishing a book. In a practical, and easy-to-understand manner, Justo Gonzalez introduces to the world of the writer and the dynamics of publication. The author offers in this volume his many years of experience as the writer and publishing, and encourages readers to participate in the production of material written for the Hispanic-latino American communities where there is a shortage of quality ministerial books.

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  • Biblioteca De Ideas Promocion – (Spanish)


    More than 250 creative and time-saving ideas for organizing, promoting and fund raising for youth ministry. Contains more than 70 ways of helping you organize and manage your ministry more efficiently. This book offers you not only the opportunity of attracting the attention of your youth group, but to engage them using several promotional ideas for events and all kind of youth-froup-related activities. also, if what you need is to raise funds for some project, this book explains several ways of doing this. If you are a church youth leader, work in a school or in another place where there are young people, this book is precisely for you.

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  • Mujeres De La Biblia Ligeramen – (Spanish)


    Did you think that there were no more bad girls in the Bible to write about? In the next book in her series, Higgs retells the stories of five women who are generally thought of as good. She weaves personal anecdotes and contemporary women’s stories into her retelling of the stories of five girls in the book of Genesis.

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  • Ilustraciones Involvidables – (Spanish)


    Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks series delivers all-new, lively, effective illustrations, stories, parables, and anecdotes from the files of many of youth ministry’s best speakers.

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  • Limites Para El Matrimonio – (Spanish)


    Learn when to say yes and when to say no -to your spouse and to others- in order to make the most of your marriage.

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  • 21 Leyes Irrefutables Del Lide (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


    What would happen if a top expert with more than 40 years of leadership experience were willing to distill everything he had learned about leadership into a handful of life-changing principles just for you? It would change your life. John C. Maxwell has done exactly that in The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. He has combined insights learned from his thirty-plus years of leadership successes and mistakes with observations from the worlds of business, politics, sports, religion, and military conflict. The result is a revealing study of leadership delivered as only a communicator like Maxwell can.

    ?Que sucederia si un gran experto con mas de cuarenta anos de experiencia en liderazgo estuviera dispuesto a compilar todo lo que ha aprendido acerca del tema en unos cuantos principios innovadores y todo por usted? Su vida cambiaria.John C. Maxwell ha hecho eso exactamente en Las 21 leyes irrefutables del liderazgo. Ha combinado varias observaciones de mas de cuarenta anos de exitos y fracasos personales en el liderazgo con historias del mundo de los negocios, la politica, los deportes, la religion y los conflictos militares. El resultado es un estudio revelador acerca del liderazgo como solo un comunicador de la talla de Maxwell lo puede hacer.

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  • Como Liderar Grupos Pequenos Q (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    Now revised, this is a comprehensive leadership tool for small group leaders and for churches seeking to structure their ministries around small groups.

    Gives small group leaders, pastors, church leaders, educators, and counselors a commanding grasp of:
    Group formation and values
    The philosophy and structure of small groups
    Meeting preparation and participation
    Discipleship within the group
    Leadership training…and much more

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  • Cambia Tu Corazon Cambia Tu Vi – (Spanish)


    De su corazon fluyen sus palabras y acciones. Cambie su corazon, y cambiara su vida. De acuerdo al autor de exitos de libreria, el Dr. Gary Smalley, nadie tiene que vivir segun las mentiras destructivas sutiles o creer en las distorsiones de la verdad que este mundo nos presenta. Hay pasos, estrategias y creencias que las personas pueden incorporar a sus vidas, bien sea para transformarlas por completo o mejorarlas discretamente… y todo empieza con guardar en su corazon la Palabra de Dios. Guardar en su corazon la Palabra de Dios cambio de forma radical la vida del mismo Smalley, y el esta viendo como esto revoluciona las vidas de los que lo rodean tambien… rechazando la lujuria, el materialismo, el egoismo, la ira, el estres, la exageracion al comer, la ansiedad y la culpabilidad, para nombrar apenas unas pocas cosas. Sin que importe la edad de la persona, sus experiencias o patrones previos, este libro guiara a los lectores a por que y como orquestar sus creencias para cambiar por siempre sus vidas y relaciones personales.

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  • Lider De 360 Cuaderno De Ejerc (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


    In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I’m not the boss? In The 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes the discussion even further. You don’t have to be the main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell’s principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.

    Durante sus mas de cuarenta anos en ensenar acerca del liderazgo, John Maxwell se ha enfrentado a la siguiente pregunta una y otra vez: ?Como pongo en practica principios de liderazgo si no soy el jefe? En Lider de 360, cuaderno de ejercicios, Maxwell trata esta pregunta y profundiza la conversacion aun mas. Usted no tiene que ser el lider principal para causar un impacto en su organizacion. Los buenos lideres no son capaces unicamente de dirigir a sus seguidores, sino tambien son expertos en dirigir a sus supervisores y sus contemporaneos.John Maxwell ofrece principios especificos para delegar, dirigir y supervisar que acabaran con los mitos sobre el liderazgo y ofreceran una luz mas clara sobre los retos futuros. Los lideres de 360 grados pueden dirigir efectivamente, sin importar su posicion en una organizacion. Si aplica los principios de Maxwell, usted podra ampliar su influencia y poder trabajar en equipo de una manera mas eficiente.

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  • Expedicion A Traves De La Pala – (Spanish)


    Life is a journey, and God’s Word is a roadmap. Like any map, we need to know how to read it in order to make sense of it. Journey Into God’s Word helps Bible readers acquire the skills necessary in order to successfully read, interpret, and apply the Bible to life.

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  • Todo Le Es Posbile – (Spanish)


    Lo que Jesus explicaba y que hace posible la promesa de que todas las cosas son posibles, es una fe irreprimida y libre, y mientras mas sencilla pueda ser nuestra fe, mas podremos darnos cuenta de la promesa y el potencial que Dios nos tiene para cada uno en nuestras vidas. Todos necesitamos mas fe, y quien mejor en ensearnosla que los mismos heroes de la fe. Aprende de Noe, de Abraham, Moises, Debora y otros, y desarrolla la fe sencilla que hara que todas las cosas sean posibles para TI tambien.

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  • Culto Cristiano – (Spanish)


    This book has several purposes: to define worship, the origins of worship, how worship is expressed, what are its common elements, how worship has developed and also degenerated during the cycles of church history, to list the different forms and types of worship that are currently in use, and to propose suggested models for improvement in the 21st century.

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  • Actividades Biblicas Divertida – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602553583ISBN10: 1602553580Language: SpanishBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2009Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Jesus Me Convence Pero No La I – (Spanish)


    An overview of the six most common objections emerging generations have with church and Christianity along with the biblical answers to these objections and examples of how churches are facing this challenge.

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  • Fabulosa Reinvencion De La Esc – (Spanish)


    The Fabulous Reinvention of Sunday School lives up to its name, with transformational concepts and resources for classes of every size and setting. Create excellence for kids through four key values. Unleash creative techniques that foster powerful teaching moments. Consult a veritable handbook of twenty creative methods guaranteed to bring Bible stories to life.

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  • Testigos De Jehova – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602553620ISBN10: 1602553629Language: SpanishWalter MartinBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2009Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Como Estudiar La Profecia Bibl – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602553613ISBN10: 1602553610Language: SpanishTim LaHayeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2009Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Ministerio De La Oracion Inter – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602553606ISBN10: 1602553602Language: SpanishAndrew MurrayBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2009Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Tesoro De Oracion – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602553590ISBN10: 1602553599Language: SpanishE. M. BoundsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2009Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Manos Prodigiosas – (Spanish)


    The story of Ben Carson, M.D. will inspire readers as they watch an inner-city youngster rise to become director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University Hospital.

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  • Promesas De Dios Para Cada Una – (Spanish)


    There’s nothing that sets our minds and hearts at ease like the promises of God. In Promesas de Dios offers comfort and hope found only in God’s Word. No matter what your situation, God has a promise for you!

    Some promises found in this edition are:

    No hay nada que tranquilice a nuestros corazones y mentes como las promesas de Dios. Promesas de Dios ofrece el consuelo y la esperanza que solo se encuentran en la Palabra de Dios. No importa cual sea su situacion, !Dios tiene una promesa para usted!

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  • Preguntas Claves Sobre El Nuev – (Spanish)


    SPANISH EDITION: The New Testament is the foundation of the Christian church, but some question its historical accuracy. Others have claimed that Paul’s teaching differs from that of the Gospels. How can we reconcile the seemingly different messages of Jesus and Paul? What is the relevance of the New Testament in our world today, in cultures far removed by time and space from the first-century Mediterranean world? What principles can we use to make appropriate applications? In Making Sense of the New Testament, Craig Blomberg offers a reasonable, well-informed response to these crucial questions encountered by Bible readers. Grounded in sound scholarship but written in an accessible style, this book offers reliable guidance to pastors, students, and anyone interested in a better understanding of the New Testament.

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  • De Pentecostes A Patmos – (Spanish)


    This companion to the award-winning Jesus and the Gospels offers insight into the remaining 23 books of the New Testament in an easy-to-understand format.

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  • Poder De Lo Alto – (Spanish)


    A devotional study which presents the Biblical teachings regarding the Holy Spirit

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  • Filosofia Y Cristianismo – (Spanish)


    Analyzes the relationship between subject matters, their common interests as well as their differences. These are not opposing viewpoints, but rather both must play a role in developing an integrated vision of Christian truth. This work aims to enrich the understanding of every Christian reader.

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  • En Un Espacio De Tiempo – (Spanish)


    Connie Ramon’s writing debut is an inspirational story based on her personal journal, which introduces the reader to a personal struggle of faith and support for a friend whose friendship was relatively new to her. The journey started upon learning that her friend had been abducted. Connie was compelled (and as she later realized, called to serve) to be vigilant in prayer and offer encouraging words that she hoped would reach her friend spiritually. In doing so, she takes us on a journey of faith in which she often struggled with her own impatience. Despite her own family tragedy and other personal issues, she offered relentless support to her friend and her family reassuring them that God’s hand was at work even in the darkest times. Connie learned lessons to last a lifetime as she progressed from fear, anger and pain to faith, perseverance and sacrifice. Ultimately, Connie exhorts us all to share a message of faith, hope and support with anyone who experiences any type of bondage or suffering.

    Connie Ramon nos presenta una historia para inspirar basada en su diario personal, a traves de la cual ella comparte con el lector su lucha personal creada por su impuesta intercesion de fe y apoyo hacia una persona que era relativamente una desconocida para ella. Su trayectoria empezo al saber que esa persona habia sido secuestrada. Connie se sintio obligada (y como mas adelante descubrio, llamada a servir) a mantener una vigilia de oracion y a ofrecer palabras de aliento las cuales ella deseaba fervientemente que alcanzaran a su amiga espiritualmente cada dia. Al hacerlo, ella nos lleva en un recorrido de fe en el cual frecuentemente luchaba con su impaciencia. A pesar de su vida personal y afrontar desgracias en su propia familia, ella continuo ofreciendole un apoyo incesante a su amiga y familia, asegurandoles que la mano de Dios estaba obrando aun en los momentos mas tenebrosos y dificiles. Connie aprendio lecciones para toda la vida al progresar del miedo, indignacion y congoja a la fe, a la esperanza, a la perseverancia y al sacrificio. Finalmente, Connie nos exhorta a todos a compartir este mensaje de fe, de esperanza y de apoyo con cualquier persona que este atravesando por alguna opresion, dificultad o sufrimiento. Connie Ramon crecio en un hogar cristiano y conocio al Seor siendo una nia. Connie sirvio como tesorera en una pequea iglesia en Miami por 4 aos. Connie estudio Administracion de Empresa en Trinity International University (Chicago), obten

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  • When Heaven Weeps – (Spanish)


    Un amor lo suficientemente fuerte como para estremecer sus huesos. Un sacrificio lo suficientemente poderoso como para hacer llorar al cielo.
    Al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un soldado traumatizado por la guerra, Jan Jovic, se vio forzado a infligir un juego de vida o muerte en una comunidad pacifica de Bosnia. En unas cuantas horas, este joven se enfrento con mas amor y odio que lo que la mayoria de la gente experimenta en toda una vida.

    Anos despues, Jan se convirtio en un mundialmente reconocido escritor con amplia influencia en Estados Unidos. Su pasado esta enterrado en las profundidades de su memoria hasta que sale a la superficie en los momentos mas inoportunos. El juego presenciado por Jan lo persigue… y sin darse cuenta lo lleva a una hermosa pero quebrantada mujer atrapada en el bajo mundo del crimen.

    El ahora debe vencer un mal rara vez visto. Pero hay un costo, uno que hasta este soldado traumatizado por la guerra no se puede imaginar.

    A love strong enough to bring a tremor to your bones. A sacrifice powerful enough to make heaven weep.
    At the close of World War II, a shell-shocked solider, Jan Jovic, was forced to inflict a game of life and death on a peaceful Bosnian community. In a few short hours, this young man was confronted by more love and hate than most experience in a lifetime.

    Years later, Jan has become a world-renown writer with widespread influence in the United States, his past buried deep in his memory until at the most inopportune times. The game witnessed by Jan haunts him… and unwittingly leads him to a beautiful but broken woman caught in an underworld of crime.

    He now must defeat an evil rarely seen. But there is a price, one that even this war-scarred solider can’t imagine.

    Un amor lo suficientemente fuerte como para estremecer sus huesos. Un sacrificio lo suficientemente poderoso como para hacer llorar al cielo. Al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un soldado traumatizado por la guerra, Jan Jovic, se vio forzado a infligir un juego de vida o muerte en una comunidad pacifica de Bosnia. En unas cuantas horas, este joven se enfrento con mas amor y odio que lo que la mayoria de la gente experimenta en toda una vida. Anos despues, Jan se convirtio en un mundialmente reconocido escritor con amplia influencia en Estados Unidos. Su pasado esta enterrado en las profundidades de su memoria hasta que sale a la superficie en los momentos mas inoportunos. El juego presenciado por Jan lo

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  • Trueno Desde El Cielo – (Spanish)


    What happens when the evil of terrorism collides with the love of God?
    The world’s worst fears have dawned. Nothing stands in the way of total destruction. . . except the love of one woman.

    Deep in the Amazon jungle a young American woman and the son of plantation owners fall madly in love. For Tanya and Shannon, life is a paradise most only dream about. But today paradise ends. The jungle has hatched more than idyllic love. It has also spawned insidious evil. An evil shrouded in a plot so diabolically brilliant that all of America will be brought to her knees at the hands of a few terrorists. The plan is executed to perfection. There is no way out…save an ancient woman whose dark past has lead her to a life of prayer in preparation for the unspeakable terror about to be unleashed.

    ?Que sucede cuando la perversidad del terrorismo choca con el amor de Dios? Los peores temores del mundo han llegado. Nada impide la destruccion total, excepto el amor de una mujer. En la profundidad de la selva amazonica una joven estadounidense y el hijo de los duenos de una plantacion se enamoran locamente. Para Tanya y Shannon, la vida es un paraiso con el que la mayoria solo suena. Pero el dia de hoy el paraiso termina. La selva ha dado a luz mas que un amor idilico. Tambien ha producido perversidad insidiosa. Perversidad envuelta en una trama tan diabolicamente brillante que Estados Unidos caera completamente de rodillas a manos de unos cuantos terroristas. El plan se ejecuta a la perfeccion. No hay salida, excepto una anciana cuyo oscuro pasado la ha llevado a una vida de oracion en preparacion para el terror inefable que esta a punto de desatarse.

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