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    Children's Ministries

    • Mejor Dia – (Spanish)


      An introduction to the Way of Love for children and their families.Una Introduccion a El Camino del Amor para nios y sus familias.

      The Very Best Day: The Way of Love for Children introduces the practices for a Jesus-centered life for children ages 3-10 and their families. Through accessible language and age-appropriate themes, it specifically addresses children and the importance of rhythm and practice in their lives as Christians, accompanied by Roger Hutchison’s familiar and vibrant artwork. Through a cadence of words and colorful images, children will see how to Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, and Rest in daily life as a follower of Jesus. Acquiring such wisdom at an early age will benefit children (and the adults who love them) to learn these practices for a lifetime.

      El Mejor Dia: El Camino del Amor para Nios introduce las practicas para una vida centrada en Jesus a nios entre 3 y 10 aos y sus familias. El libro usa un lenguaje asequible y temas apropiados para la edad, los cuales son dirigidos a los nios y a la importancia del ritmo y la practica en sus vidas como cristianos. El libro incluye ademas el familiar y vibrante arte visual de Roger Hutchison. A traves de una cadencia de palabras e imagenes coloridas, los nios veran como Cambiar, Aprender, Orar, Adorar, Bendecir, Ir y Descansar en su vida diaria como seguidores de Jesus. Aprender tal sabiduria a tan temprana edad beneficiara a los nios (y a los adultos que los aman).

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    • Ministerio Con Proposito Para – (Spanish)


      Muchos ministerios de ninos son un frenesi de actividad, dirigidos por dedicados voluntarios y personal que emplean largas horas y duro trabajo para el bien de los ninos y los padres a quienes sirven. Sin embargo, a pesar de las buenas intenciones, muchos ministerios de ninos actualmente no son eficaces. Carecen de proposito e intencionalidad. Un veterano por veinticinco anos del ministerio de ninos en la iglesia local, el pastor Steve Adams, ha ministrado a familias en multiples iglesias, desde congregaciones diminutas hasta su actual posicion en la iglesia Saddleback. En este libro, Steve aplica las revolucionarias perspectivas de Una iglesia con proposito al ministerio de ninos y guia a los lectores en un viaje de descubrimiento y alteracion, mostrandoles como desarrollar un proceso ministerial intencional que dirija a los ninos hacia la salud espiritual a la vez que edifica un ambiente ministerial saludable para quienes trabajan con ninos. Aprenderas como hacer y responder cinco preguntas sencillas pero poderosas: * Por que estamos en este viaje? * Que necesitamos para cumplir nuestra mision? * A quienes intentamos alcanzar? * Como movilizaremos a nuestros ninos hacia la salud espiritual? * Donde estamos ahora y hacia donde vamos? No hay una clave unica para un ministerio de ninos exitoso ni tampoco hay un solo camino que funcione para todo el mundo. Pero hay un proceso demostrado que se puede seguir, y Steve muestra como ministerios infantiles en todo el mundo estan alcanzando el potencial que Dios les ha dado al descubrir su proposito biblico, evitando las trampas de la frustracion y el agotamiento.

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    • Fabulosa Reinvencion De La Esc – (Spanish)


      The Fabulous Reinvention of Sunday School lives up to its name, with transformational concepts and resources for classes of every size and setting. Create excellence for kids through four key values. Unleash creative techniques that foster powerful teaching moments. Consult a veritable handbook of twenty creative methods guaranteed to bring Bible stories to life.

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    • Lleva A Los Ninos A Los Pies D – (Spanish)


      This book equips readers with proven principles to help them have life-changing discussions with kids about how Jesus changes lives, explain the plan of salvation, or lead a child in prayer to begin a relationship with Christ.

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    • Como Participar En La Liturgia – (Spanish)


      Excellent resource for Latino families entering the Episcopal Church
      Endorsed by the Episcopal Church’s national Office of Latino-Hispanic Ministries

      Through the interactive games and puzzles in this fun-filled activity book, children can grow to a deeper understanding of Anglican worship life.

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    • Zona Biblica En La Ciudad De D – (Spanish)


      Zona Biblica is an exciting, fun-filled, Bible-based alternative for Sunday school and other Bible study curriculum. Each quarter, materials are provided for three age levels: Ages 3-5, Grades 1-3, and Grades 4-6. Zona Biblica is an innovative curriculum where children have fun, come to know the Bible as their book, immerse themselves in the Bible, and develop a love for and relationship with the Bible.

      Zona Biblica es un programa lleno de diversion, que puede utilizarse durante la Escuela Dominical o durante la semana. Cada trimestre contiene materiales dirigidos a tres grupos de edades: Pre-escolar (de 3 a 5), primarios menores (de 6 a 8) y primarios mayores (de 9 a 11). Zona Biblica es un curriculo innovador con el que los nios y nias se divertiran, conoceran la Biblia intimamente y desarrollaran su amor por las Escrituras.

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    • Zona Biblica En La Ciudad De D – (Spanish)


      BibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life.

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    • Zona Biblica: En La Ciudad De (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


      Zona Biblica is an exciting, fun-filled, Bible-based alternative for Sunday school and other Bible study curriculum. Each quarter, materials are provided for three age levels: Ages 3-5, Grades 1-3, and Grades 4-6. Zona Biblica is an innovative curriculum where children have fun, come to know the Bible as their book, immerse themselves in the Bible, and develop a love for and relationship with the Bible.

      Zona Biblica es un programa lleno de diversion, que puede utilizarse durante la Escuela Dominical o durante la semana. Cada trimestre contiene materiales dirigidos a tres grupos de edades: Pre-escolar (de 3 a 5), primarios menores (de 6 a 8) y primarios mayores (de 9 a 11). Zona Biblica es un curriculo innovador con el que los nios y nias se divertiran, conoceran la Biblia intimamente y desarrollaran su amor por las Escrituras.

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    • Zona Biblica En El Desierto – (Spanish)


      BibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).

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    • Zona Biblica En El Desierto (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


      BibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).

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    • Zona Biblica En El Desierto (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


      BibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).

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    • Zona Biblica En La Casa De Dio – (Spanish)


      Zona Biblica is an exciting, fun-filled, Bible-based alternative for Sunday school and other Bible study curriculum. Each quarter, materials are provided for three age levels: Ages 3-5, Grades 1-3, and Grades 4-6. Zona Biblica is an innovative curriculum where children have fun, come to know the Bible as their book, immerse themselves in the Bible, and develop a love for and relationship with the Bible.

      Zona Biblica es un programa lleno de diversion, que puede utilizarse durante la Escuela Dominical o durante la semana. Cada trimestre contiene materiales dirigidos a tres grupos de edades: Pre-escolar (de 3 a 5), primarios menores (de 6 a 8) y primarios mayores (de 9 a 11). Zona Biblica es un curriculo innovador con el que los nios y nias se divertiran, conoceran la Biblia intimamente y desarrollaran su amor por las Escrituras.

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    • Zona Biblica En La Case De Dio (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


      BibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! Each BibleZone Live! kit includes a teacher’s guide with accompanying CD and the zillies kids love. With each kit comes three transparencies, which you can project onto the wall or duplicate and hand out to the class. BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).

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    • Zona Biblica En La Casa De Dio (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


      BibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life. BibleZone Live! tells the complete Bible story – not just a Bible verse – and helps Hispanic children use their natural enthusiasm with fun, cooperative games, group activities, and storytelling that gets them involved in both the telling and the listening. BibleZone Live! where the Bible comes to life! Each BibleZone Live! kit includes a teacher’s guide with accompanying CD and the zillies kids love. With each kit comes three transparencies, which you can project onto the wall or duplicate and hand out to the class. BibleZone Live! covers three age levels: preschool (ages 3-5), early elementary (grades 1-3), and older elementary (grades 4-6).

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    • Jugar Junto A Dios – (Spanish)


      Volume 3 (Winter) sessions includes 20 presentations based on stories about the Advent season and the feasts of Christmas and Epiphany, followed by the parables.

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    • Jugar Junto A Dios – (Spanish)


      Volume 2 (Fall) sessions has an opening lesson on the church year, followed by 13 Old Testament stories, from Creation through the prophets.

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