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    Bible Studies

    • Camino En El Desierto – (Spanish)


      Finding Direction in Times of Uncertainty

      In the tumultuous journeys of life, there are moments that leave you feeling disconnected, lost, hurt, confused, and wondering where God is. A Way in the Wilderness by Kristel Acevedo offers a six-week Bible study designed for individuals or groups of any size, encouraging you that in those seasons of wilderness, God is with you.

      Each week, Kristel leads readers through reflections on a biblical figure who faced their own wilderness-from the solitude of John the Baptist to the trials of the Israelites. Through these familiar stories, she draws parallels to life now, helping you see that amidst the struggles is often where God meets you most profoundly.

      *Learn from the story of John the Baptist how strength in the wilderness comes from God, not yourself

      *Experience alongside Hagar how God still sees and cares even though the world is broken

      *See through the story of Adam and Eve how God covers your sins in Christ’s righteousness and offers hope for restoration in the midst of the wilderness

      *Reflect on the journey of the Israelites and the importance of keeping your focus on God

      *Delve into the life of Elijah to understand how God meets you even in the depths of despair

      *Through studying Jesus’s experience, learn how the scriptures provide guidance to help you through the wilderness

      Six weekly online teaching videos enhance your study, offering deeper insights. Whether you’ve felt the sting of isolation, the ache of lost direction, or the shadows of despair, A Way in the Wilderness will remind you that while you might not choose these experiences, they are opportunities for growth and reliance on a strength greater than your own.

      Available in both English and Spanish, A Way in the Wilderness offers an invitation to meet God in the wilderness and to allow him to grow and transform you through it.

      Si en algun momento te has sentido desconectado, perdido, lastimado o confundido y te has preguntado donde esta Dios, entonces has experimentado lo que Kristel Acevedo denomina una temporada de desierto. Y ella entiende porque ha experimentado su propia temporada de desierto de soledad, aislamiento y desesperacion.

      Pero Kristel quiere que sepamos que Dios esta con nosotros en esas temporadas.

      Usando los ejemplos de figuras biblicas que han experimentado el desierto, este estudio de seis semanas nos recuerda que aunque estas temporadas pueden ser duras y solitarias, muchas veces tambien

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    • Como Experimentar El Perdon – (Spanish)


      Como parte de La Serie Estudios Biblicos de Charles F. Stanley, Como experimentar el perdon se enfoca en como encontrar la libertad que viene con el perdon.

      Dios quiere que experimentemos su completo perdon y la libertad de abrazar todas las bendiciones, desafios y alegrias que tiene para nosotros, tanto ahora como en el futuro. Desafortunadamente, muchos de nosotros vivimos en la esclavitud de la culpa y la falta de perdon que sofocan nuestra capacidad de amar y recibir amor.

      En Como experimentar el perdon, el doctor Charles Stanley identifica los componentes del perdon y nos ensea como:

      *Perdonar a los demas
      *Aceptar el perdon de Dios de nuestros pecados
      *Encontrar la libertad y las bendiciones de una vida plena y abundante

      La Serie Estudios Biblicos de Charles F. Stanley es un enfoque unico para el estudio biblico, que incorpora la verdad biblica, las perspectivas personales, las respuestas emocionales y un llamado a la accion. Cada estudio se basa en los muchos aos que el doctor Stanley ha enseado los principios rectores que se encuentran en la Palabra de Dios, mostrando como podemos aplicarlos de manera practica a cada situacion que enfrentamos.

      Experiencing Forgiveness

      God wants us to experience His complete forgiveness and the freedom to embrace all of the blessings, challenges, and joys that He has for us-both now and in our future. Unfortunately, many of us live in bondage to guilt and unforgiveness that stifle our ability to love and receive love. In Experiencing Forgiveness, Dr. Charles Stanley identifies the components of forgiveness and teaches us how to forgive others, accept God’s forgiveness of sins, and find the freedom and blessings of a full and abundant life.

      The Charles F. Stanley Bible Study Series is a unique approach to Bible study, incorporating biblical truth, personal insights, emotional responses, and a call to action. Each study draws on Dr. Stanley’s many years of teaching the guiding principles found in God’s Word, showing how we can apply them in practical ways to every situation we face.

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    • Camino Wesleyano (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Guide)


      En este estudio emocionante e inspirador, Scott J. Jones ayuda a quienes buscan a Dios y a creyentes a imaginar y practicar el discipulado como una forma de vida. Al presentar el cristianismo desde una perspectiva wesleyana, Jones invita a los participantes a un compromiso mas profundo, mas reflexivo y mas activo con Cristo. Este estudio de ocho sesiones ayuda a los participantes a enfocarse en como, a traves del discipulado con Jesucristo, nos convertimos en parte de la obra de Dios para la transformacion del mundo. Cada semana un presentador diferente comparte su experiencia de fe personal. Entre los presentadores se encuentran Adam Hamilton, Olu Brown, Felicia Hopkins, Jessica Moffat Seay, Jorge Acevedo, Rob Fuquay, y el autor, Scott Jones.

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    • Creer Guia De Estudio (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Guide)


      Creer Guia de estudio les facilita a los grupos, cualquiera que sea su tamano, la oportunidad de aprender, analizar y aplicar lo que van experimentando en este recorrido de treinta sesiones a lo largo de la Biblia, a base de explorar treinta creencias, practicas y virtudes esenciales que todo cristiano necesita conocer y vivir. El pastor y autor Randy Frazee presenta treinta ensenanzas de diez minutos cada una sobre la forma en que las Escrituras nos ayudan a pensar como Jesus, actuar como El y ser como El. En cada sesion podras explorar una pregunta clave, un texto biblico, un concepto y su aplicacion, con el fin de ayudarte a comprender las treinta creencias, practicas y virtudes esenciales que te ayudaran a convertirte en un seguidor de Jesus totalmente comprometido con El. Esta guia de estudio ira acompanando a los miembros de los grupos a lo largo de las treinta sesiones por medio del analisis del video, ademas de ayudarlos de manera individual a crecer por medio de tareas a realizar entre una y otra sesion.

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    • Sabias Que – (Spanish)


      Aprender sobre la Biblia es una de las cosas mas importantes que podemos hacer. !Y puede ser tambien divertido y emocionante!

      Sabias que…? ayuda a relacionarse con la Biblia de principio a fin de maneras nuevas e interesantes. Para un facil uso, las preguntas estan organizadas en secciones, entre las que se incluyen Historia, Poesia, Profecia, Evangelios, Hechos de los Apostoles y Epistolas. Preguntas con respuestas breves, con verdadero/falso y de seleccion multiple ayudan a eruditos y laicos por igual a aprender hechos de la Biblia con facilidad. Ilustraciones, listas y mapas son herramientas perfectas para quienes aprenden de modo visual. Sabias que…? es agradable y ameno para entusiastas de la Biblia de todas las edades y etapas de la vida, y es la eleccion perfecta para cualquier individuo o grupo pequeo que quiera aprender hechos de la Biblia y tener un poco de diversion en el camino.
      Las caracteristicas incluyen:
      *6.000 preguntas y respuestas de la Biblia ensean hechos de maneras divertidas
      *Es facil navegar por las secciones
      *La informacion de referencia proporciona una comprension mas profunda de los hechos biblicos
      *Ilustraciones, listas y mapas atraen a quienes aprenden de modo visual

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    • Jesus El Mesias – (Spanish)


      No es que haya otro; lo que hay es que algunos os turban y pretenden pervertir el Evangelio de Cristo. Pero aunque nosotros o un angel del cielo os anunciase otro evangelio distinto del que os hemos anunciado, sea anatema. (Sagrada Biblia, version Nacar Colunga) Cuantas veces ha leido el relato de la alimentacion de los cinco mil en Mateo y se ha preguntado como lo habra dicho Marcos? Quizas haya leido lo que Lucas dijo de la entrada triunfal de Jesus, pero quisiera saber tambien como lo dijo Juan. Jesus el Mesias (Yeshua haMashiach) de acuerdo a los evangelios surgio de esa necesidad, ya que Natanael Ben-Yehoshua Alrabi, al igual que usted, deseaba encontrar tales respuestas en la vida del historico Jesus. Este relato es, pues, una historia que presenta todos los eventos tomados directa y exclusivamente de los cuatro evangelistas. Esta narrativa no reemplaza la Biblia, ni es otro evangelio diferente. Jesus El Mesias . . . es el resultado de seis aos de investigacion y organizacion. Es la historia de la vida y los eventos de Jesus el Mesias en un orden cronologico que puede seguirse facilmente en una sola leida

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    • Gracia Guia Del Participante (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Gu



      We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a grace period. The seedy politician falls from grace. Musicians speak of a grace note. We describe an actress as gracious, a dancer as graceful. We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what grace means.

      But do we really understand it? Have we settled for wimpy grace? It politely occupies a phrase in a hymn, fits nicely on a church sign. Never causes trouble or demands a response. When asked, “Do you believe in grace?” who could say no?

      Max Lucado asks a deeper question: Have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace? Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace? Snatched by the nape of your neck and shaken to your senses by grace?

      God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. From insecure to God secure. From regret riddled to better-because-of-it. From afraid to die to ready to fly. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let’s make certain grace gets you.

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    • Dios Prodigo Guia Del Discusio (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      Two sons, one who kept the rules religiously and one who broke them all. One Father who loved both lost sons beyond anything they could imagine. Discover how deep and far God’s grace goes in The Prodigal God

      The Prodigal God discussion guide will help you uncover, personalize, and apply life-changing insight from The Prodigal God DVD and book.

      In six captivating sessions, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller opens your eyes to the powerful message of Jesus’ best-known—and least understood—parable. The Prodigal God is a revelation of the very heart of the gospel: God’s radical love for sinners of every kind.

      Taking you beyond the traditional focus on the wayward younger son, Keller helps you glean insights from each of the characters in Jesus’ parable: the irreligious younger son, the moralistic elder son, and the Father who lavishes his love on both.

      Inside this guide, you’ll explore questions for group discussion and personal reflection, and exercises that will help you experience the truths of Jesus’ parable in your own life.

      The gospel is neither religion nor irreligion, but something else entirely. Whether you’re a devout believer or a skeptic, The Prodigal God will challenge you to see Christianity in a whole new way.

      Session titles include the following:
      The Parable
      The People Around Jesus
      The Two Lost Sons
      The Elder Brother
      The True Elder Brother
      The Feast of the Father

      Designed for use with The Prodigal God DVD and book.

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    • Idea De Comunidad De Pablo – (Spanish)


      Robert Bank’s widely read Paul’s Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in their Cultural Setting is once again available to laypeole, pastors and scholars alike. In this extensively revised edition Banks has rewritten chapters for clarity, taken into account recent scholarship on Paul’s writings, updated and expanded the bibliography, and added an index. This new edition retains, however, all the freshness and vitality of the original.

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    • Prisonero Del Gozo Efesios Fil – (Spanish)


      Cada cristiano enfrenta momentos cuando las presiones y las dificultades parecen obstaculizar el camino hacia el futuro. En Prisionero del gozo, usted puede estudiar las epistolas que escribio Pablo desde la prision. Vea como el apostol, a pesar de estar preso, se regocijaba, y descubra el secreto de su gozo.

      Every Christian faces times where pressures and difficulties seem to thwart the path toward the future. In Prisionero del gozo, you can study the epistles Paul wrote from prison to learn how he, in spite of being in chains, rejoiced in all things. Discover the secret of his joy.

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    • Nehemias Dinomica De Un Lider – (Spanish)


      Learn from the life of Nehemiah the qualities and attitudes that turn a faithful man into a leader based on God’s will.

      Throughout the centuries we see the example of a man of God called to lead a nation that had been conquered and humiliated, directing the people to the joy of spiritual and material restoration. Learn the qualities and attitudes that make a man into a faithful leader, fulfilling God’s purpose, by observing the character and behavior of Nehemiah. Discover in God’s inspired Word the secret of success in your own life’s work, whether in the work of God or in the business world.

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    • Poder De La Palabra De Dios – (Spanish)


      En El poder de la Palabra de Dios, Josue Yrion imprime dos de las principales marcas de su ministerio: Su amor apasionado por Cristo y su compromiso radical con la verdad de las Escrituras. Al abordar la revelacion biblica de manera franca y fiel, ademas de desafiarnos a un compromiso integral con los principios inmutables de la Biblia, nos estimula y nos guia a una vida cristiana llena de victoria y de la uncion del Espiritu.

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    • Vida Mas Alla De Lo Ordinario – (Spanish)


      Una vida mas alla de lo ordinario: El secreto de una vida abundante (Estudio de Juan) forma parte de una serie de guias de estudio que se caracterizan por cubrir de manera atractiva y esclarecedora un libro de la Biblia y temas del poder, enfocados a provocar la dinamica, la vida llena del Espiritu Santo.

      Living Beyond the Ordinary is one of a series of study guides that focus exciting, discovery-geared coverage of Bible book and power themes-all prompting toward dynamic, Holy Spirit-filled living.

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    • Hasta El Fin De Los Tiempos Da – (Spanish)


      Serie de estudio Vida en Plenitud

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    • Vida En El Reino Romanos – (Spanish)


      Vida en el Reino: Para un crecimiento constante en la fe (Estudio de Romanos) forma parte de una serie de guias de estudio que se caracterizan por cubrir de manera atractiva y esclarecedora un libro de la Biblia y temas del poder, enfocados a provocar la vida dinamica llena del Espiritu Santo.

      Vida en el Reino: Para un crecimiento constante en la fe (Estudio de Romanos) is one of a series of study guides that focus exciting, discovery-geared coverage of Bible book and power themes-all prompting toward dynamic, Holy Spirit-filled living.

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    • Pueblo Del Espiritu Dones Frue – (Spanish)


      Serie de estudio Vida en Plenitud

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    • Poder Del Reino Hechos – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780899225111ISBN10: 089922511XLanguage: SpanishEditor: Jack HayfordBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2000Spirit-Filled Life Kingdom Dynamics Study GuidesPublisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Tres Meses En La Escuela De Lo (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      Each of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers.

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    • Tres Meses En La Escuela De Pa (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      Each of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These adaptable Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers.

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    • Tres Meses En La Escuela De Jo (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      Each of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers.

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    • Tres Meses En La Escuela Del E (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      Each of the volumes in this series contains 13 major Bible studies, one for each week during a three-month period. In between each week’s study are six short, personal daily studies.
      Written in Spanish, the volumes are adaptable for use in various Bible study settings, including Sunday school, week-night studies, retreats, and personal Bible study.

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    • Guia Pare El Estudio En Grupo (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study G


      This book offers a study of the Bible divided into units and weekly lessons that facilitate the study individually as well in groups. Each lesson ends with suggestions for our daily lives. In this book you will find an analysis of the creation, the fall, the promise of redemption, Jesus Christ God-man and his ministry

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    • Hermeneutica – (Spanish)


      Recently many debates center on the topic of biblical hermeneutics. This is an up-to-date book. Each chapter starts with some goal for the student, includes exercises and suggestions for additional reading and concludes with a summary.

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    • Espiritu Santo Revelado En La (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


      This book is written from the evangelical and Pentecostal view. This work is the result of a whole life dedicated to studying the word, from one of the most respected Pentecostal scholars of our day.

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    • Profetas Menores – (Spanish)


      Charles Lee Feinberg is one of the autorities in the United States in Jewish history, language and customes from the Old Testament and biblical profecies. He graduate in cience from Pittsburg University and obtain his master and PhD from a Seminar in Dallas, also he has a masters in Old Testament from South Methodis University and a PhD on archeology and language from the University of John Hopkins.

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    • Hermeneutica Introduccion Bibl – (Spanish)


      This volume combines two reference books that have had the approval of Hispanic evangelicals: “Hermeneutics” and “Introduction to the Bible”. The first writer was E. Lund, a profound teacher in Biblical studies.

      This book would meet a need in the Hispanic evangelic community.

      The second writer is Alicia C. Luce.

      Her book answers many of the questions in regard to the origin and translation of the Bible.

      Editorial Vida presents this book not only for the pastor, evangelist and the working Christian, but for all those who have a passion for Biblical studies.

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