Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm



Showing 601–700 of 23686 results

  • Cultivating A Year Of Kindness DayBrightener


    One of the strongest forces for changing lives is simple, free, and fulfilling: kindness.

    Through these pages, Dr. Tony Evans shares compelling insights about being contagiously kind. Not only do we have the help of the Holy Spirit and the example of our Savior, but we have every reason to engage others with kindness based on the results that it provides. Come discover the power and passion to be relentlessly kind-and see what happens next.

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  • Holy Care For The Whole Self


    Maintaining mental and spiritual well-being can be hard, especially if you don’t have biblically based resources for developing a health mind and spirit. With personal stories and practical strategies, Laura L. Smith gently guides you through simple practices like prayer, gratitude, Bible memorization, exercise, sleep, counseling, journaling, and so many more, all to help you find rest and peace in God’s unconditional love.

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  • Do The New You


    New York Times bestselling author and pastor Steven Furtick shows readers how to find their God-given identity and to grow into the person God designed them to be all along.

    Do you ever get a glimpse of yourself that is exactly who you want to be, but always seems just out of reach? The happier, kinder, less stressed, more courageous you? The ideal version of you isn’t imaginary at all. It’s actually the authentic you trying to break through. And it’s not a future version of yourself you have to chase. The true you may be new to you, but it’s not new to God. It’s the you he knew all along.

    In Do the New You, New York Times bestselling author and pastor Steven Furtick speaks directly to the challenge of living out your God-given identity and calling. He explores and unpacks six practical mindsets everyone can adopt to get from who you are today to where God is taking you. These six statements are truths you can speak over yourself any time and anywhere:

    – I’m not stuck unless I stop.
    – Christ is in me. I am enough.
    – With God there’s always a way and by faith I will find it.
    – God is not against me, but he’s in it with me, working through me, fighting for me.
    – My joy is my job.
    – God has given me everything I need for the season I’m in.

    These simple, powerful, memorable phrases will shift your focus, feelings, and actions to align with God’s vision of you. God isn’t just calling you to do you. He’s calling you to do the new you–the unique and powerful person he created you to be.

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  • Why Cant I Get It Together


    We’re trying to “get it together” in areas we have no control over. We keep trying, but we’ll never move the needle to a better future because it has nothing to do with us or anything we can do.

    You don’t always have to give in to what the world, your family, or your own self declares is the way things are “supposed” to be. God desires goodness and joy for us. God, Jesus, and the Spirit went to great lengths to offer you and me the best good news ever.

    In Why Can’t I Get It Together?, Jamie Ivey, host of The Happy Hour podcast, shares how to:

    *Define the reality of your current circumstances
    *Ponder the areas of your life that are out of control
    *Stop self-shame
    *Create better expectations for yourself
    *Move forward in an effort to chase holiness

    Jamie guides us through six areas of our lives that are affecting our perception of God’s love in our realities. Dig deep into God’s Word to see what it says about why we keep sinning, how to stop, and what God feels about us in the midst of it all.

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  • Life Is Messy God Is Good


    Cynthia Yanof knows how sloppy, slippery, and downright hard life can be. But as she reminds us through her laugh-out-loud stories and heartfelt companionship, God’s not surprised when we drop the ball, lose our cool, or struggle to put our Spanx on in the morning. He can use our ridiculous messes and even the really difficult I-didn’t-sign-up-for-this losses to shape us.

    In Life Is Messy, God Is Good, Cynthia invites us to reframe our perspective on the challenges we face so we can see God at work–and laugh more along the way. Join her in discovering how:

    *We can be faithful to God’s purposes right where we are–baseball carpool, dog groomer, and even chaperoning the dreaded zoo field trip.

    *We come to realize one of life’s greatest blessings is a handful of crazy, godly friends (who aren’t afraid to tell you to retire your outfit).

    *When we let go of who the world says we should be, we are free to become who God created us to be.

    Whether you are navigating a difficult new season, working late on another deadline, or simply horrified that your morning routine now includes plucking chin hair, Life Is Messy, God Is Good offers an encouraging and hilarious reminder that God is at work in you–even in the mess.

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  • Sugarcoated : Finding Sweet Release From Cravings That Control Us


    All around the world, women yearn for a perfect life they can never grasp. They want to be successful, attractive, sexually fulfilled, and free from distress.

    Rather than turning to God, too many try to feast on everything under the sun–diet pills, pornography, shopping sprees, one-night stands, and social media–anything to hit that sweet spot.

    In the end, they are left with a deep sense of shame that can draw them further down into a spiral of bingeing, hiding, and emotional self-flagellation. They totally get Paul’s woeful lament, “I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing” (Romans 7:19).

    Consequently, these women build a wall between themselves and God. They fear divine retribution for their chosen form of gluttony while simultaneously operating under the false assumption that God doesn’t want to have anything to do with them.

    As author Angie Haskell notes, “This dangerous form of beratement worms its way into every facet of women’s lives. It burrows into their psyche, making them believe that demeaning treatment from others, as well as themselves, is perfectly normal. And if they dare throw caution to the wind, stepping out in their stilettos to stand up for what they need, it is often met with assumptions from others that their morals and values have flown out the window.”

    These women feel alone, unseen and unsatisfied, but Angie wades into their despair. With disarming wit and boldness, she empowers readers to take a hard look at their secret cravings, understand where they are coming from, and get on a path that leads to emotional and physical health.

    In a society that has become dangerously divisive, Angie reassures women that they’re still deserving of a relationship with God while also standing up for themselves and their needs.

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  • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Lunch Box Notes


    A winning edition of our popular Prayers-to-Share series made to encourage school-aged kids.

    The formative years of school are filled with highs and lows. As kids break for lunch during busy school days, these Prayers-to-Share notes can brighten their spirits with a word of encouragement, a prayer, and a Bible verse. Parents, guardians, and siblings can easily tear out a hope-filled message and tuck it inside a lunchbox as a pleasant surprise. As they read these notes, children will be reminded just how much they are loved by God and the important people in their lives.

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  • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Reminers You Are Never Alone


    A comforting edition of our popular Prayers-to-Share series for the anxious and disconnected.

    Feelings of isolation can come from anywhere – grief, loss, disappointment, rejection, or simply down days. They can turn our difficulty into despair. This edition of Prayers-to-Share is designed to comfort the lonely and remind them that because of God’s great love, they are never forsaken. Filled with comforting pass-along prayers, along with selected Scripture verses and encouraging quotes from Max Lucado, readers can easily send a message of hope that can change the course of someone’s day.

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  • 100 Days Of Strength In Any Struggle


    What if you could see God clearer and know Him deeper in the middle of your struggles? You don’t have to keep trying to muster up more grit, willpower, or wisdom on your own. You can tap into the source of true, unfailing strength. How? In this 100-day devotional, you’ll discover where strength really comes from?Jesus, who holds everything together. As you experience pain, move through daily challenges, or get bogged down by anxieties big or small, you’ll learn to find Him right in the middle of it, ready to strengthen you and give you rest. You are stronger than you think because God is closer than you know. (in)courage is an online community of women who seek Jesus together. Each day we meet you right where you are, as one of our writers shares what’s going on in her everyday life, and how God is right in the middle of it all. They bring their unique experiences – joys and struggles equally – so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives. Founded in 2009 by DaySpring, (in)courage comes alongside women through daily devotions, podcasts, books, and Bible studies.

    *This Devotional Journal by (in)courage offers genuine support amidst life’s challenges, reminding us that God is with us when life doesn’t go as planned.

    *Each day, readers can dive into authentic stories, empowering Scriptures, and thought-provoking prompts, providing the guidance needed to harness strength and resilience regardless of changing circumstances.

    *Perfect for those seeking to navigate life’s challenges with faith and strength, or a thoughtful gift for loved ones.

    *This devotional journal is brought to you by the (in)courage community, an online community of women who share their everyday life and how God is right in the middle of it, so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope of Jesus.

    *This paperback journal features an elegant gold foil design, contains 208 pages of inspiration, and measures 6.5 x 8 inches. It also includes a ribbon bookmark for easy tracking and a beautiful 4-color interior.

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  • Resting In Jesus


    A 30-day devotional on the art of letting go of daily chaos to find perfect peace in Christ.

    When our phones are pinging, children are crying, emails are pouring in, and the refrigerator is empty, finding time to rest in Jesus can seem like a near impossible task. If we aren’t being productive, we feel like missing out and falling behind. But Christ invites us to sit at His feet, especially in the midst of our daily chaos. The example of Mary and Martha offers us a picture of how God understands not only what we’re going through, but where our priorities really need to be. Resting in Christ is not a luxury, it’s a necessity… and it informs everything else that we do. This devotional will guide readers in the journey to discovering the art of being still before God – and releasing their cares to the One who cares for them.

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  • Lexham Geographic Commentary On The Pentateuch


    Walk in the footsteps of the patriarchs.

    *Why do mountains play such important roles in the Bible?
    *Why do altars and wells matter?
    *How do the patriarchs’ lives foreshadow Israel’s story?

    From the four rivers of Eden to Israel’s wilderness wanderings, the biblical narratives in the Pentateuch are filled with geographical details. God’s story of redemption takes place in the real, but often unfamiliar, world of the ancient Near East.

    Written by a team of experts on biblical geography and culture, the Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch is a guide to the world of the patriarchs. Each article addresses a particular story, event, or subject in Genesis through Deuteronomy, with full-color maps and photos providing deeper layers of context. Historical and cultural insights give readers a richer understanding of the biblical story.

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  • How Ableism Fuels Racism


    As a Black autistic pastor and disability scholar, Lamar Hardwick lives at the intersection of disability, race, and religion. Tied to this reality, he heeded the call to write How Ableism Fuels Racism to help Christian communities engage in critical conversations about race by addressing issues of ableism.

    Hardwick believes that ableism–the idea that certain bodies are better than others–and the disability discrimination fueled by this perspective are the root causes of racial bias and injustice in American culture and in the church. Here, he uses historical records, biblical interpretation, and disability studies to examine how ableism in America led to the creation of images, idols, and institutions that perpetuate both disability and racial discrimination.

    He then goes a step further, calling the church into action to address the deep-seated issues of ableism that started it all and offering practical steps to help readers dismantle ableism and racism both in attitude and practice.

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  • How Ableism Fuels Racism


    As a Black autistic pastor and disability scholar, Lamar Hardwick lives at the intersection of disability, race, and religion. Tied to this reality, he heeded the call to write How Ableism Fuels Racism to help Christian communities engage in critical conversations about race by addressing issues of ableism.

    Hardwick believes that ableism–the idea that certain bodies are better than others–and the disability discrimination fueled by this perspective are the root causes of racial bias and injustice in American culture and in the church. Here, he uses historical records, biblical interpretation, and disability studies to examine how ableism in America led to the creation of images, idols, and institutions that perpetuate both disability and racial discrimination.

    He then goes a step further, calling the church into action to address the deep-seated issues of ableism that started it all and offering practical steps to help readers dismantle ableism and racism both in attitude and practice.

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  • Strange Religion : How The First Christians Were Weird, Dangerous, And Comp


    The first Christians were weird. Just how weird is often lost on today’s believers.

    Within Roman society, the earliest Christians stood out for the oddness of their beliefs and practices. They believed unusual things, worshiped God in strange ways, and lived a unique lifestyle. They practiced a whole new way of thinking about and doing religion that would have been seen as bizarre and dangerous when compared to Roman religion and most other religions of the ancient world.

    Award-winning author, blogger, speaker, and New Testament teacher Nijay Gupta traces the emerging Christian faith in its Roman context in this accessible and engaging book. Christianity would have been seen as radical in the Roman world, but some found this new religion attractive and compelling. The first Christians dared to be different, pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable, transformed how people thought about religion, and started a movement that grew like wildfire.

    Brought to life with numerous images, this book shows how the example of the earliest Christians can offer today’s believers encouragement and hope.

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  • Mara Hears In Style


    Mara takes on the world with her flashy purple hearing aids and sassy, hot pink earmolds.

    Mara’s first day at her new school is filled with ups and downs surrounding her hearing aids: her teacher doesn’t remember to turn on her microphone, the lunchroom is too chaotic for lip-reading, and she keeps reading the same question over and over on her classmates’ lips: “What’s in her ears?” After a morning spent navigating these challenges, Mara makes a connection on the playground and finds that her hearing aid superpowers are perfect for making new friends.

    Accessible and engaging, Mara Hears in Style will encourage readers to respect hearing differences and inspire kids who worry about making new friends. The book is filled with American Sign Language depictions–including a full alphabet spread–so readers can sign alongside Mara as they discover new ways to bridge communication gaps in their own communities.

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  • Crisis Of Confidence


    Carl Trueman Analyzes How Ancient Creeds and Confessions Protect and Promote Biblical Christianity in a Culture of Expressive Individualism

    Historic statements of faith-such as the Heidelberg Catechism, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Westminster Confession of Faith-have helped the Christian church articulate and adhere to God’s truth for centuries. However, many modern evangelicals reject these historic documents and the practices of catechesis, proclaiming their commitment to “no creed but the Bible.” And yet, in today’s rapidly changing culture, ancient liturgical tradition is not only biblical-it’s essential.

    In Crisis of Confidence, Carl Trueman analyzes how creeds and confessions can help the Christian church navigate modern concerns, particularly around the fraught issue of identity. He contends that statements of faith promote humility, moral structure, and a godly view of personhood, helping believers maintain a strong foundation amid a culture in crisis. This is a revised edition of Trueman’s The Creedal Imperative, now with a new section on the rise of expressive individualism.

    *Updated Edition of The Creedal Imperative: Includes fresh cultural insights on modern individualism

    *Written by Carl Trueman: Author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self (100,000+ copies sold)

    *Theological and Historical: Explains why creeds and confessions are necessary, how they have developed over time, and how they can function in the church of today and tomorrow

    *Ideal for Pastors, Professors, and Those Interested in Liturgical Tradition

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  • Overflowing Joy : What Jesus Says About A Joy-Filled Life


    Whether you’re facing the ordinary, daily pressures of squaring away today’s to-do list or an unexpected season of suffering that seems to have no end, sometimes it feels like Jesus’s promise of “overflowing joy” is simply not within reach for your real life.

    But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    By journeying with you through Jesus’s words in John 15, author and Bible teacher Tara Dew reveals three surprising paths to a truly joy-filled life. If you’re willing to take Jesus up on His teaching, you’ll find that God’s pruning, God’s presence, and God’s commands have the power to deliver not just a taste of joy as a fruit God is developing in your life, but an overflowing bushel of it! The question is, are you willing?

    If so, prepare to experience a truly, fully, and genuinely joy-filled life–no matter the season or circumstance!

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  • Sexpectations : Reframing Your Good And Not-So-Good Stories About God, Love


    Redefine the Way You Look at God, Love, and Relationships

    Sex is a big deal–yet many Christians struggle to make sense of their sexual story in light of their faith. Porn addiction, hooking up, hating sex, same-sex attraction, fighting about sex, or past sexual harm become part of a cycle of shame you can’t escape.

    Offering a redemptive, practical path to sexual wholeness, physician and minister Dr. Carol Tanksley shows how to understand both the good and not-so-good parts of your sexual story. Drawing from real-life stories, biblical truth, and contemporary research, Dr. Carol empowers you to

    *reinterpret your sexual story with honesty and compassion
    *find freedom from shame, compulsive behaviors, past harm, and hiding
    *redefine the way you look at God, sex, love, and relationships
    *orient your sexuality as God intended and embrace what he has for your future

    Regardless of your relationship status, don’t let your past keep you from experiencing what you were created for: true intimacy with God and others. Reclaim his vision of sexuality and intimacy so you and He together can write your next chapter with hope.

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  • Irish Matchmaker


    As daughter of a well-known matchmaker, Catriona Daly is no stranger to the business of love–and sees it as her ticket away from the sleepy village that only comes alive during the annual matchmaking festival. Enter Lord Osborne’s son, Andrew, who has returned to the festival after being disappointed by a rival matchmaker’s failed setup. Catriona seizes the opportunity to make a better match for the handsome man–and for herself!

    Cattle farmer Donal Bunratty is in desperate need of a wife after loss left him to handle the farm and raise his daughter on his own. Shy and lacking the finer social graces, he agrees to attend the matchmaking festival to appease his daughter. But when he arrives, it’s not any of the other merrymakers that catch his eye but rather his matchmaker–who clearly has eyes for someone else.

    Catriona will have to put all her expertise to work to make a match that could change her life forever. Will her plan succeed? Or will love have its own way?

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  • Irish Matchmaker


    As daughter of a well-known matchmaker, Catriona Daly is no stranger to the business of love–and sees it as her ticket away from the sleepy village that only comes alive during the annual matchmaking festival. Enter Lord Osborne’s son, Andrew, who has returned to the festival after being disappointed by a rival matchmaker’s failed setup. Catriona seizes the opportunity to make a better match for the handsome man–and for herself!

    Cattle farmer Donal Bunratty is in desperate need of a wife after loss left him to handle the farm and raise his daughter on his own. Shy and lacking the finer social graces, he agrees to attend the matchmaking festival to appease his daughter. But when he arrives, it’s not any of the other merrymakers that catch his eye but rather his matchmaker–who clearly has eyes for someone else.

    Catriona will have to put all her expertise to work to make a match that could change her life forever. Will her plan succeed? Or will love have its own way?

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  • Ark And The Dove


    Zara and Noah have walked together with the Creator for their entire lives, and they have done their best in an increasingly wicked and defiant world to raise their three sons to follow in their footsteps. It has been a challenge–and it’s about to get much, much harder.

    When the Creator tells her husband to build an ark to escape the coming wrath against the sins of humankind, Zara steps out with him in faith. But the derision and sabotage directed their way from both friends and extended family are difficult to bear, as is knowing that everyone she interacts with beyond her husband, her sons, and their wives is doomed to destruction. And when the ark is finally finished and the animals have been shut up inside, Zara and her family embark on an adventure that will test their patience and their faith as they await deliverance and dry ground.

    Experience the story of Noah and the flood like you never have before. With bestselling and award-winning author Jill Eileen Smith as your guide, you’ll never look at a rainbow the same way again.

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  • While The City Sleeps


    Katherine Schneider’s workaday life as a dentist in 1913 New York is upended when a patient reveals details of a deadly plot while under the influence of laughing gas. As she is plunged into danger, she seeks help from the dashing Lieutenant Jonathan Birch, a police officer she has long admired from afar.

    Jonathan has harbored powerful feelings toward Katherine for years but never acted on them, knowing his dark history is something she could never abide. Now, with her safety on the line, he works alongside her through the nights as they unravel the criminal conspiracy that threatens her. And throughout it all, Jonathan fears what will happen should Katherine ever learn his deepest secrets.

    Join award-winning author Elizabeth Camden for a sweeping and romantic adventure of dangerous secrets and wounded hearts fighting to overcome the darkness while the rest of the city sleeps.

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  • Chasing The Horizon


    Upon uncovering her tyrannical father’s plot to commit her to an asylum, Beth Rutledge fabricates a plan of her own–she will rescue her mother, who had already been sent to the asylum by her father, and escape together on a wagon train heading west. Posing as sisters, Beth and her mother join forces with other travelers and hope they can make it to Idaho before the others start asking too many questions.

    Wagon train scout Jake Holt senses that the mysterious women in his caravan are running from something. When rumors begin to spread of Pinkerton agents searching relentlessly for wanted criminals who match the description of those on his wagon train, including Beth, she begins to open up to him and he learns something much more sinister is at hand. Can they risk trusting each other with their lives–and their hearts–with danger threatening their every step?

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  • Ladys Guide To Marvels And Misadventure


    When Clara Marie Stanton’s ex-fiance begins to spread rumors that her family suffers from hereditary insanity, it’s all Clara can do to protect them from his desperate schemes and society’s prejudice. Her family may be eccentric, yes, but they certainly aren’t insane. Then Clara’s Grandfather Drosselmeyer brings on an apprentice with a mechanical leg, and all pretense of normalcy takes wing.

    Theodore Kingsley, a shame-chased vagabond skilled in repairing clocks, wants a fresh start far from Kingsley Court and the disappointed father who declared him dead. Upon returning to England, Theodore meets clockmaker Drosselmeyer, who hires him as an apprentice, much to Clara’s dismay. When Drosselmeyer spontaneously disappears in his secret flying owl machine, he leaves behind a note for Clara, beseeching her to make her dreams of adventure a reality by joining him on a merry scavenger hunt. Together, Clara and Theodore set off to follow Drosselmeyer’s trail of clues, but they will have to stay one step ahead of a villain who wants the flying machine for himself–at any cost.

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  • While The City Sleeps


    Katherine Schneider’s workaday life as a dentist in 1913 New York is upended when a patient reveals details of a deadly plot while under the influence of laughing gas. As she is plunged into danger, she seeks help from the dashing Lieutenant Jonathan Birch, a police officer she has long admired from afar.

    Jonathan has harbored powerful feelings toward Katherine for years but never acted on them, knowing his dark history is something she could never abide. Now, with her safety on the line, he works alongside her through the nights as they unravel the criminal conspiracy that threatens her. And throughout it all, Jonathan fears what will happen should Katherine ever learn his deepest secrets.

    Join award-winning author Elizabeth Camden for a sweeping and romantic adventure of dangerous secrets and wounded hearts fighting to overcome the darkness while the rest of the city sleeps.

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  • You Are A Tree


    In a world dominated by technology and efficiency, we speak of ourselves as computers: we process things, we recharge. But theologian and podcaster Joy Marie Clarkson suggests that people are more tree than computer. Pushing back against the impersonal way of viewing ourselves and the world, this book examines how metaphorical descriptions of our life and experiences shape the way we think, pray, and live. Weaving together personal stories, Scripture, poetry, and art, Joy offers a series of meditations on metaphors we use in everyday life to understand things like wisdom, security, love, change, and sadness. These reflections will inspire you to

    *live with more joy, gratitude, and God-given purpose
    *create healthier expectations of ourselves and others
    *embrace the beauty of being a human crafted by God
    *infuse the world with new meaning

    When we grow more attentive to the words we use, our experiences of the world will become more rich and meaningful. We will see God, ourselves, our relationships, and the world in a new light and with a tapestry of scriptural imagery, full of hope, promise, and beauty.

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  • Arise And Shine


    When the darkness of the world feels overwhelming, we wonder, Where can I find light?

    And even more, How can I be the light?

    Pediatric nurse Allyson Golden faces the hardest realities of life-and death-every day. She longed to be a light for Christ in every patient’s room, but she didn’t know what that looked like when she could hardly find that light herself.

    As Allyson immersed herself in Scripture, she began to understand the transformative truth that we have no power to shine on our own, but the Light of the World shines through us-and no darkness can overcome it.

    In Arise and Shine, Allyson explores our deepest questions:

    * Can Jesus shine through me even when I doubt His presence?
    * Does shining God’s light mean being cheerful all the time?
    * How can I hold on to God’s light-and is that even a thing?
    * Why is it so hard to give my burdens to God?
    * Is the darkness ever going to go away?

    With practical action steps at the end of every chapter, Arise and Shine helps you renew your mind, recharge your spirit, and take a positive step forward, because nothing can dim the light inside of you.

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  • Defiant Joy : Find The Hope To Light Your Way, Even In The Darkness


    When Jennifer Greenberg escaped her abusive childhood home at the age of twenty-one, she found that few Christians knew how to encourage her. Platitudes such as, “God won’t give you more than you can handle,” “Forgive and forget,” and “Have faith!” left her feeling misunderstood and alone. Would she ever be whole again? Could joy exist for someone so broken?

    By discarding false theology and toxic positivity, Greenberg discovered joy beyond anything she was taught in church: joy that’s a gift from God. In her new book, Defiant Joy, Greenberg shares this groundbreaking hope as she explores:

    – why philosophies like the prosperity gospel and legalism fail us
    – how Jesus is with us amid our sadness, disappointment, anger, and anxiety
    – how God’s joy far exceeds any emotion we can muster

    God doesn’t want you to pretend you’re okay. Discover the freedom of living beyond performance faith. Embrace a joy that shines in defiance of the darkness.

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  • Sharing Too Much


    The #1 New York Times bestselling author and “king of Christmas fiction” (The New York Times) delivers a charming and inspirational collection of personal essays.

    Before he was the #1 New York Times bestselling author of holiday classics such as The Christmas Box, Richard Paul Evans was a young boy being raised by a suicidal mother and dealing with relentless bullying. He could not fathom what the future held for him.

    Now, in this intimate and heartfelt collection of personal essays, Evans shares his moving journey from childhood to beloved author. With his signature “seasoned finesse” (Booklist), he offers the insightful lessons he’s learned and engaging advice about everything from marriage to parenthood and even facing near-death experiences. This is a charming essay collection that is the perfect gift all year round.

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  • Even When : Experiencing God’s Presence During Difficult Days – 40 Devotion


    From award-winning author Sara Cormany, Even When is a raw and reflective devotional that ushers readers into God’s presence during difficult times and reminds us that even our hardest stories are written by the hand of a good God.

    In these uniquely challenging and unprecedented post-pandemic times, the notion that God’s goodness ensures an easy journey has been met by the unfaltering truth that life is hard. It’s not a question of if there will be trials, but when. Sara Cormany knows this reality all too well. However, through personal health complications and family tragedy, she has chosen to believe that Jesus is enough.

    Even When beautifully weaves together the inevitability of hard times with the unyielding heart of God’s goodness and inspires readers to experience His presence amid the storm in their lives. Each devotion begins with an “Even when…” statement, followed by a poignant personal story, a Bible verse, and a thought-provoking question that will encourage readers to embrace the truth that God is enough — even in our darkest moments.

    This powerful devotional helps readers to:

    *Become more comfortable with the difficult truth that life not only can, but will be hard.
    *Reflect on where God has shown up in their own hardships.
    *Experience God’s goodness while enduring life’s challenges.
    *Explore what it looks like to “suffer well” and trust God as Jesus did on the Cross.
    *Love God and know God’s love in a fallen world.

    Vulnerable and authentic, Even When strikes a universal chord and points readers toward the heart of God’s goodness in even the most challenging of circumstances, knowing that even when life is hard, He is always good

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  • Fight The Good Fight


    Hard choices lie ahead, Christians. The bestselling team of James Robison and Jay Richards show what’s at stake in our post-Christian society, how to prepare, and why we must never forget that the battle, above all, is spiritual.

    Our rulers have kicked aside our Constitution and common sense. They have demonized our heroes. Now they’re trying to erase the difference between male and female. All while running up unimaginable and catastrophic debt.

    What’s left for Christians in such a society, where dissent invites ruinous retribution? Should they retreat? Fight back? Something else?

    God is not finished with us as a nation, but if we’re going to get off the road to ruin, we must do more than slow down and conserve whatever good remains: We must repent. That means a hard, 180-degree turn–and fast.

    If we’ll pray, think straight, persuade other lovers of truth to join us, and fight together–wise as serpents and innocent as doves–then there’s still hope.

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  • End Of The World As You Know It


    Thinking about the end times isn’t supposed to terrify you

    Christians rightly turn to the Bible to make sense of our times. But so often we get the wrong answers because we ask the wrong questions.

    In The End of the World as You Know It, Matthew L. Halsted challenges common end-times assumptions and points us back to Scripture. Each chapter reevaluates a popular question in light of the Bible’s own concerns: Will Christians be raptured? What is the mark of the beast? When we let Scripture direct our questions, we get better-and more hopeful-answers.

    The Bible was written for us, but not to us. We must bridge the gap between Scripture’s ancient context and our own. Reading end-times texts in their ancient context helps us understand our present and future. And when we do, we find that God’s word brings peace, not fear and confusion.

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  • Unshakable Moxie A 6 Session Womens Bible Study With Video Access


    See God’s faithfulness through the lives of other women and understand how your identity in Christ can strengthen your faith. Combined with the Unshakable Moxie video series, this powerful study explores biblical lessons around the themes posed in each episode. Hosts Moriah Smallbone and Toni Collier press deeply into the tough topics–forgiveness, disillusionment, hardship–with notable guests to reveal how they have grown their faith during challenging circumstances.

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  • Think Ahead Workbook (Workbook)


    We all want to make great decisions, but frequently, we don’t. When the moment of truth arrives, we make choices that we later regret. It causes us to wonder if we actually can begin to make better decisions for our lives.

    Pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel understands this dilemma that we all face. From both personal experience and as a minister and counselor to others, he knows what it is like to be trapped in a cycle of bad decision-making. But over time, he has discovered how to short-circuit the bad-decision cycle, make wise decisions, and begin to become the person God wants us to be.

    In the Think Ahead Workbook, which accompanies the book of the same name, Craig draws on the truth of Scripture and the latest research in human behavior to reveal the power of making decisions in advance–what we might call “pre-deciding”–to position ourselves to make the choices we really want to make and avoid those choices that we do not want to make. In the process, he reveals:

    *The science behind many of our decision-making habits
    *How our small choices shape the kind of people we become
    *Practical steps we can employ to combat decision fatigue
    *How to develop the ability to diminish the role of emotions in decision-making

    Are you ready to choose who you will become and live the life you really want to live? If so, this workbook will provide you with a clear biblical path on how to get there and think ahead.

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  • Gift Of Thorns


    Today’s follower of Jesus exists at a moment in history when our desires, longings, and wants are being weaponized against us by cultural, spiritual, and relational forces. “Follow your heart” and “You do you” has become our moment’s mantras. The result, for too many, is feeling torn asunder by the raging desires within. What do we do with our desire? What about our unwanted desires? And how do we cultivate desires which bring life and freedom and lead to Christ? The Gift of Thorns, by A. J. Swoboda, addresses these questions and more.

    The path forward is anything but easy. It is assumed by too many in the Christian community that desire is in and of itself bad or dangerous and must be crucified for simply existing. Desire is demonic for some. But, for many others–particularly in the secular West–desire must be followed through and through. This side deifies desire. But these two options sidestep the joy in the great challenge of finding God in our desire. There exists an ancient and sacred way that is forged around the life, wisdom, and power of Jesus and his Spirit. In short, what makes a follower of Christ is not whether or not we have desires. Rather, it is what we do with the desires we have.

    Near the end of the story of humanity’s rebellion, the theme of “thorns” is introduced. As readers will discover, the thematic repetition of “thorns” pops up over and over throughout the Bible. What are the thorns for? They will be, in the words of God, “for you” (Gen. 3:18). The premise of this book is that a world where we do not get all that we want is, well, the greatest gift ever.

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  • Oraciones Y Salmos Para Cada D – (Spanish)


    Presentamos Oraciones y Salmos para cada dia: un viaje de fe de Freddy DeAnda, un libro que le inspirara a conectarse con su espiritualidad todos los dias.

    En esta hermosa coleccion, Freddy DeAnda ofrece una poderosa combinacion de oraciones diarias y fragmentos de los Salmos para guiarle en su viaje de fe. Ya sea que este buscando consuelo durante momentos dificiles o simplemente desee profundizar su conexion con Dios, este libro le brindara la inspiracion y la guia que necesita.

    Cada dia, encontrara una oracion que llegara a su corazon y le ofrecera consuelo, esperanza e inspiracion. Estas oraciones abordan una amplia gama de temas, desde el amor y la gratitud hasta el perdon y la resiliencia. Ademas, para enriquecer aun mas su experiencia espiritual, DeAnda ha complementado cada oracion con un fragmento de los Salmos, proporcionando una comprension mas profunda del mensaje y una oportunidad para la reflexion.

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  • Ciencia Del Logro Personal – (Spanish)


    Del autor del exito de ventas Piense y hagase rico y La ley del exito nos llega una clase magistral sobre el logro individual. Aprende a implementar el sistema de exito responsable de los logros extraordinarios de los mejores empresarios, innovadores y lideres de Norteamerica.

    Tras dedicar mas de 20 aos de su vida a estudiar los secretos del exito de mas de 500 de las personas mas prosperas de Norteamerica, Napoleon Hill organizo sus descubrimientos en la primera filosofia practica del mundo acerca del logro humano. Los 17 principios basicos forman la Ciencia del Logro Personal y se presentan aqui para que los estudies y los pongas en practica. Usa las tecnicas de este libro para desarrollar el dominio sobre tus pensamientos, para que puedas disfrutar de la “riqueza” en su sentido mas amplio: financiera, espiritual, mental y material. Descubre los componentes fundamentales del exito, como:

    *Las 12 grandes riquezas de la vida
    *Los 7 factores que contribuyen a la definicion de proposito
    *Los 8 fundamentos para edificar la fe
    *Las 7 reglas para pensar acertadamente
    *Y mucho mas

    Los mayores logros de la humanidad comenzaron como material del pensamiento. Con las percepciones de la investigacion exhaustiva de Hill, podras establecer habitos mentales que conducen a la seguridad financiera, la salud y la paz mental necesarias para la felicidad.

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  • Glimpses : A Comedy Writer’s Take On Life, Love, And All That Spiritual Stu


    From the award-winning creator of Roseanne, Home Improvement, and several blockbuster films, comes Glimpses, a collection of stories filled with hope, humanity, and humor and an invitation to see goodness and grace in our everyday moments.

    Matt Williams never focused on red carpets and glitzy parties during his successful Hollywood career–writer/producer of The Cosby Show and A Different World, creator of Roseanne and Home Improvement, producer of successful movies and plays. Looking back, Williams realized that throughout his life what sustained him, guided him, and inspired him were divine glimpses of goodness and grace .

    Williams says, “When I started my quest to find little glimpses of God in everyday life, the clouds didn’t open, and a voice like rolling thunder didn’t call down to me. But I did start noticing simple acts of kindness, moments of grace that reflected God’s loving presence in the world. . . . This practice of noticing these glimpses changed my life. Instead of blasting my way through the week–competing, hurrying and scurrying, fighting for my personal space, my self-care, and my ego-based impulses–I started consciously looking for God’s goodness. And I found it everywhere.”

    From a stranger in a casting office predicting Matt would succeed at a time when he felt like giving up, to deciding to work with Tim Allen after vowing not to work with another comedian after Roseanne, to learning what love really meant after “Spirit” told him he would marry Angelina–Williams realized that these “glimpses of God” have served as the loving, quiet providence that watched over him. Our job, then, is to pay attention to our lives. Regardless of your beliefs, Glimpses will inspire you to look for and find God in your daily life.

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  • 1 Of A Kind


    For fans of All-of-a-Kind Family, here is the true story of how Sarah Brenner, a poor girl from New York City’s Lower East Side, became Sydney Taylor: dancer, actress, and successful children’s book author.

    Sarah Brenner might have come from an all-of-a-kind family (five sisters who all dressed alike), but she was always one of a kind. Growing up in a Jewish immigrant family on New York’s impoverished Lower East Side, Sarah loved visiting the library, celebrating holidays with her family, and taking free dance classes at the Henry Street Settlement. But she was always aware of things that weren’t fair–whether it was that women couldn’t vote, or how girls were treated in her school, or that her parents had had to leave Europe because they were Jewish. When she grew up, Sarah changed her name to Sydney and became an actress and a dancer, but she never forgot the importance of fighting unfairness, whether it was anti-Semitism at her job or the low wages of workers. And when her daughter complained that it wasn’t fair that there were no books about Jewish children like her, Sydney put pen to paper and wrote a one-of-a-kind children’s book.

    From well-known Jewish children’s author Richard Michelson, this is the story of how Sarah became Sydney and how she showed children the joy of seeing their culture reflected on the page.

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  • Transfiguration Of Christ


    All three Synoptic Gospels tell the story of Jesus’s transfiguration. Yet there has been surprisingly little written about this key event, and many readers struggle to understand its significance and place in redemptive history, let alone how it might be applied.

    Here, Patrick Schreiner provides a clear and accessible study of the transfiguration with an eye toward its theological significance and practical application. Namely, this event points to Jesus’s double sonship, revealing the preexistent glory of the eternal Son and the future glory of the suffering Messianic Son. Further, the transfiguration points to Christians’ own formation and transfiguration. Schreiner traces the transfiguration theme through Scripture and employs hermeneutical, trinitarian, and christological categories to assist his exegesis, thus challenging modern readings.

    This enlightening study will be of interest to students, pastors, and serious lay readers.

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  • Crossing Cultures With The Gospel


    Southwestern Journal of Theology 2023 Book Award (Honorable Mention, Evangelism/Missions/Global Church)

    Drawing on forty years of teaching and mission experience, leading missiological anthropologist Darrell Whiteman brings a wealth of insight to bear on cross-cultural ministry.

    After explaining the nature and function of culture and the importance of understanding culture for ministry, Whiteman addresses the most common challenges of ministering across cultures. He then provides practical solutions based on lived experience, helping readers develop healthy patterns so they can communicate the gospel effectively. Issues addressed include negotiating differences in worldview, the problem of nonverbal communication, understanding cultural forms and their meanings, and the challenge of overcoming culture shock.

    Professors, students, and anyone ministering cross-culturally will benefit from this informed yet accessible guide. Foreword by Miriam Adeney.

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  • Are We Living In The Last Days


    Will Jesus’s return be preceded by a single world government?

    Will every person have a government-issued ID or mark?

    Does Christ return once or twice?

    Will believers go through a Great Tribulation?

    Will there be a literal battle of Armageddon?

    Does it even matter what we believe about future events?

    Biblical prophecies about the end times have confused, confounded, and even divided God’s people for centuries. But the reason Scripture gives us hints about the future is to provide the encouragement we need to endure the present, confident that God keeps his promises.

    In this balanced look at four major views of the end times, bestselling author Bryan Chapell explains the primary ways Christians have interpreted biblical prophecy about the last days, not so that we might pick a hill to die on but so that we can cling to what unites us in Christ.
    No matter what end times view we find most compelling, in God’s plans we can find strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

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  • Where Is Poppy


    In this heartwarming Passover story, a young Jewish child learns to work through grief with the help of family, memory, and tradition.

    It’s Passover time and everything seems the same, but there’s one major problem. Poppy is gone. And it’s just not Passover without Poppy. Mama says he’s still here, and Aunty says to keep looking, but where? This young child searches and searches but can’t find Poppy anywhere.

    All of Poppy’s favorite people are here though, and so are the special traditions he taught them. Suddenly she starts to realize that maybe, just maybe, Poppy is here, too…and always will be.

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  • Church For Everyone


    Diversity is a high value for younger generations-but too often, they’re not finding it in the church.

    Emerging generations in the West are more diverse than ever-ethnically, socioeconomically, educationally, and politically. And as church attendance among younger generations declines rapidly, research shows that one of their primary sticking points is the lack of diversity in most churches.

    In Church for Everyone, pastors Dan Kreiss and Efrem Smith address this phenomenon head-on. In this research-based, theologically informed, and practical book, they explore the younger generations’ expectations and disappointments with church and hold out a vision for true diversity taken from the pages of Scripture. As experienced church leaders themselves, Kreiss and Smith share a wealth of practical experience and stories from the trenches of multiethnic ministry.

    The good news is that God has already called the church to diversity. As we seek to live out this calling in our own local contexts, we can become the demonstration of God’s love for all humanity that he has designed the church to be-and that the younger generation is so desperately looking for.

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  • 1 Wrong Move


    Taunting riddles.
    A deadly string of heists.
    Two broken hearts trapped in a killer’s game.

    Christian O’Brady was pulled into a life of crime at a young age by his con artist parents. Now making amends for his corrupt past, he has become one of the country’s foremost security experts. When a string of Southwestern art heists targets one of the galleries Christian secured, he is paired up with a gifted insurance investigator who has her own checkered past.

    Andi Forester was a brilliant FBI forensic analyst until one of her colleagues destroyed her career, blaming her for mishandling evidence. She now puts those skills to work investigating insurance fraud, and this latest high-stakes case will test her gift to the limit. Drawn deep into a dangerous game with an opponent bent on revenge, Christian and Andi are in a race against the clock to catch him, but the perpetrator’s game is far from finished, and one wrong move could be the death of them both.

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  • Awaken The Dreamscape


    Most Christians dismiss their dreams, yet they’re the gateway to the supernatural realm, the place where God reveals his plans and purposes. Diving deep into the supernatural side of your dreams, pastor and bestselling author Jennifer Eivaz offers a thorough, practical guide to navigating the vital, God-given dreamscape. Laying out a biblical framework, she empowers you to:

    – reawaken your spirit to God’s voice at night
    – discern the source and meaning of your dreams
    – discover the plans God reveals as you sleep
    – access supernatural weapons for any battle you face
    – overcome sleep disorders and night terrors
    – protect your sleep with night watch prayer

    God’s supernatural provision and communication never cease. Here is everything you need to live victoriously all day–and all night–long.

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  • Fatal Witness


    She doesn’t remember the death of her parents–and someone will do whatever it takes to keep it that way

    As a child, artist and potter Dani Bennett witnessed the brutal murder of her parents. With little memory of the incident or her true identity, she was forced to take on a new name and a new life, hidden away in Montana for the past twenty-five years.

    Mae Richmond has spent the same stretch of time searching for her granddaughter, who went missing the night her daughter and son-in-law were murdered. Convinced the woman she saw in a pottery magazine feature is the woman she’s been searching for, she enlists the help of K-9 officer Mark Lassiter of Pearl Springs, Tennessee, who tracks Dani down.

    Skeptical but curious, Dani sets out on a journey to uncover the secrets of her past and reclaim her true identity. But someone close to her is determined to keep the truth of what happened all those years ago hidden.

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  • Embers In The London Sky


    As the German army invades the Netherlands in 1940, Aleida van der Zee Martens escapes to London to wait out the Occupation. Separated from her three-year-old son, Theo, in the process, the young widow desperately searches for her little boy even as she works for an agency responsible for evacuating children to the countryside.

    When German bombs set London ablaze, BBC radio correspondent Hugh Collingwood reports on the Blitz, eager to boost morale while walking the fine line between truth and censorship. But the Germans are not the only ones Londoners have to fear as a series of murders flame up amid the ashes.

    The deaths hit close to home for Hugh, and Aleida needs his help to locate her missing son. As they work together, they grow closer and closer, both to each other and the answers they seek. But with bombs falling and continued killings, they may be running out of time.

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  • Fatal Witness


    She doesn’t remember the death of her parents–and someone will do whatever it takes to keep it that way

    As a child, artist and potter Dani Bennett witnessed the brutal murder of her parents. With little memory of the incident or her true identity, she was forced to take on a new name and a new life, hidden away in Montana for the past twenty-five years.

    Mae Richmond has spent the same stretch of time searching for her granddaughter, who went missing the night her daughter and son-in-law were murdered. Convinced the woman she saw in a pottery magazine feature is the woman she’s been searching for, she enlists the help of K-9 officer Mark Lassiter of Pearl Springs, Tennessee, who tracks Dani down.

    Skeptical but curious, Dani sets out on a journey to uncover the secrets of her past and reclaim her true identity. But someone close to her is determined to keep the truth of what happened all those years ago hidden.

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  • Untangle Your Emotions (Large Type)


    How often have you heard, “Don’t let your emotions get the best of you”? But what if instead of ignoring our feelings, we noticed them, named them, and let God use them to draw us closer to Himself and others?

    Many of us need to unlearn damaging messages about our emotions. We’ve been taught, for example, that emotions are untrustworthy, when, in fact, God can use them to help us see where we need His healing.

    In Untangle Your Emotions, Jennie Allen uses scientific research, biblical insight, and her own story to help you:

    *exchange stuffing, dismissing, or minimizing your emotions for a five-step process to know what you feel and what to do about it

    *debunk the myth that feelings are sinful by learning how emotional maturity leads to deeper connection with God and others

    *live emotionally healthy by applying biblical wisdom and therapeutic research that works whether you self-identify as “emotional” or not

    *sit with feelings that are confusing and painful by discovering the depth of God’s love and compassion for you

    Feelings aren’t something to fix; they are something to feel. As we discover how to name and navigate our emotions, we’ll learn how they can draw us closer to the God who built us–soul, mind, and heart.

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  • And : The Restorative Power Of Love In An Either Or World


    While others often respond to the cares and concerns of our day through anger, And: The Restorative Power of Love in an Either/Or World attempts to offer a response steeped in the heartbeat of Love.

    This book is an invitation to encounter the lived experience and philosophical musings of another as a human, not as a project or agenda to conquer. Without apology, it embraces humanity and all the emotions, back stories, and history that come along with who we are and who Love is inviting us to be. This book is for those who want to think more deeply, those who are asking questions of how, what, and perhaps even why, and those who want to engage in deep listening and empathy.

    And: The Restorative Power of Love in an Either/Or World is an invitation to move beyond binaries, beyond hierarchy and comparison to embrace the concept of “AND,” with inclusion and generativity that allow for more than one perspective and/or way of being.

    Touching on issues of race, body, motherhood, church, and wonder, these writings are from the stirrings of the author’s own soul, extending an invitation to sit with Spirit in the process of mindful meditation, to humbly sit with compassion and curiosity in ways that evoke honesty and healing so that one might move beyond either/or and discover how the restorative power and uniting thread of Love might be stitching each of us to the world and to each other.

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  • Sanando El Corazon – (Spanish)


    “No te rindas; la respuesta a tu oracion comienza en el cielo antes de que tu la sientas en la tierra.”

    Luego del exito de ventas y de la rotunda bienvenida de los lectores para el extraordinario libro Heridas de amor, regresa Jose Luis Navajo a ponerle un broche de oro a su decidida comprension, y a su respaldo espiritual y practico para mujeres victimas del maltrato conyugal. Complementa los mensajes de su libro con Sanando el corazon, un Devocional de 90 dias, donde nos recuerda y facilita el poder de la oracion para sanar las heridas que dejan experiencias tan traumaticas. Mientras lees las devociones, levantaras tu auto estima al verte como Dios te ve; te fortaleceras; y te restauraras. Al sanar tu corazon, te daras la oportunidad de volver a amar y de ser feliz en una nueva relacion de pareja, donde reinan el amor verdadero que viene de Dios, el respeto, y el trato sano y amoroso bajo el pacto bendecido por el Padre. Este es el primer Devocional en respuesta a la necesidad de sanar un corazon maltrecho por una relacion patologica de pareja.

    “Do not give up; the answer to your prayer begins in heaven before you feel it on earth.”

    After the success in sales and the resounding welcome of the readers for the extraordinary book Heridas de amor, Jose Luis Navajo comes back to put a finishing touch to his determined understanding, and to his spiritual and practical support for women victims of spousal abuse. He complements the messages in his book with Sanando el corazon, un Devocional de 90 dias, where he reminds us the power of prayer to heal the wounds left behind by such traumatic experiences. As you read the devotions, you will raise your self-esteem by seeing yourself as God sees you; you will strengthen yourself; and you will be restored. By healing your heart, you will give yourself the opportunity to love again and be happy in a new relationship, where true love that comes from God, respect, and healthy and loving treatment reign under the covenant blessed by the Father. This is the first devotional in response to the need to heal the broken life that a pathological relationship leaves behind.

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  • Raising Kids To Follow Christ


    How can we raise the next generation to have an unshakable faith in God as they navigate the challenging terrain of modern culture?

    Offering years of experience and countless success stories, author and parenting expert Lee Ann Mancini says what our children need is a heart change, not just a behavioral change, so that they become effective disciples. In Raising Kids to Follow Christ: Instilling a Lifelong Trust in God, she inspires parents, grandparents, teachers, and others to teach their children essential Christian principles to enable them to navigate the world with grace, integrity, and an unbreakable bond with their heavenly Father.

    This book goes beyond surface-level advice, delving into the intricate matters of children’s hearts and minds and offering a blueprint for nurturing a deep and unwavering faith in Christ.

    Raising Kids to Follow Christ offers:

    – Decades of personal experience and training based on key essential principles in Scripture

    – Practical strategies for addressing doubts, fears, and questions that arise in today’s culture

    – Ways to help children control their emotions and actions in various situations

    – Suggestions from some of today’s brightest Christian minds in children’s spirituality

    – Empowerment for parents to become their child’s spiritual champion

    – Easy-to-understand apologetics for children and adults

    – Fun ways to connect your child’s heart to Christ

    Raising Kids to Follow Christ is a collaborative journey inviting parents to learn, grow, and flourish alongside their children as they become bold in their witness and committed to their faith rather than secular culture.

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  • Gods Little Astronomer


    Blast off to space and discover how every part of the universe–the planets, the stars, asteroids, meteoroids, and more–display God’s glory, creativity, and, most important, his love for you and me!

    In God’s Little Astronomer, author and educator Tina Cho invites young readers to blast off to see God’s creation in the heavens. From the sun, moon, stars, constellations, and comets, this out-of-this-world introduction to space will teach budding astronomers new words, facts, and concepts, while also encouraging them to see God throughout the universe, and reinforcing the message that the same God loves them too.

    Each page includes fact-filled sidebars plus an accompanying Bible verse, making God’s Little Astronomer the perfect combination of faith and science for budding scientists.

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  • Liturgies For Wholeness


    What if my current life is preparing me for something I can’t see?

    Oh God, when I feel overlooked and forgotten,
    when I ache to be important,
    redirect my heart to You who remembers me.

    When your spirit is restless and you can’t find the words, these modern-day liturgies help you articulate your brokenness to the God who calls you beloved.

    The lyrical prayers in Liturgies for Wholeness name our longings–the ache for physical rest, the grief over something we never had, the desire for healing in a relationship–even as they call us to notice the blessing of washing our face and watching nightfall and sink deep into an awareness of God’s presence.

    Divided into eight sections–including Mind, Senses, Body, Home, and Community–these liturgies can be read communally or individually to bring you into greater intimacy with God.
    Each prayer includes related Scripture references to offer you further opportunity for meditation and reflection.

    With each liturgy in Liturgies for Wholeness, may you sense God’s deep desire for you and may you delight in the only One who can make you whole.

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  • Politeness


    Gramps loves to play his violin, but unfortunately, he isn’t very good! Brother, Sister and Honey Bear learn that being polite is more than just saying ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ in this humorous Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit storybook!

    Kids ages 3 to 7 will enjoy this sweet, faith-based story filled with fun, colorful illustrations-it’s the perfect read-aloud for any day! The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit series celebrates the joy of faith, family, and friends-values essential to a wholesome and fulfilling life!

    This 32-page hardcover storybook, created by Mike Berenstain, son of Stan and Jan Berenstain, includes a soon-to-be classic story about being polite. When Gramps finds his old violin, the cubs are happy to listen. But when they hear Gramps play, they must learn how to choose kind words and be polite!

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  • Untangle Your Emotions


    How often have you heard, “Don’t let your emotions get the best of you”? But what if instead of ignoring our feelings, we noticed them, named them, and let God use them to draw us closer to Himself and others?

    Many of us need to unlearn damaging messages about our emotions. We’ve been taught, for example, that emotions are untrustworthy, when, in fact, God can use them to help us see where we need His healing.

    In Untangle Your Emotions, Jennie Allen uses scientific research, biblical insight, and her own story to help you:

    *exchange stuffing, dismissing, or minimizing your emotions for a five-step process to know what you feel and what to do about it

    *debunk the myth that feelings are sinful by learning how emotional maturity leads to deeper connection with God and others

    *live emotionally healthy by applying biblical wisdom and therapeutic research that works whether you self-identify as “emotional” or not

    *sit with feelings that are confusing and painful by discovering the depth of God’s love and compassion for you

    Feelings aren’t something to fix; they are something to feel. As we discover how to name and navigate our emotions, we’ll learn how they can draw us closer to the God who built us–soul, mind, and heart.

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  • Jesus And Politics


    The Christian life isn’t about doing things the easy way–it’s about living as Christ even in a hostile environment.

    After reading this book, you will understand how God wants to use Christians to change the world and how you can walk with the Holy Spirit no matter what call He places on your life.

    Using her sixteen-year political career as a backdrop, Bunni Pounds gives readers practical tools for discipling a nation one heart at a time and living the Christian life extravagantly, even in a hostile environment. In Jesus and Politics, Pounds lays out the importance of Christians engaging in politics, government, and other spheres of influence to impact systems and individuals.

    Sharing her divine appointments and unlikely interactions with prominent figures, Pounds gives readers a front-row seat to:

    *Witness the power of prayer as she supported a congressman through a terminal cancer diagnosis during a national campaign.

    *Discover how a word from God on an airplane shifted a lawmaker into a new, more influential prominent position.

    *Learn how she set her heart free from bitterness and unforgiveness after a million-dollar congressional race by paying off her opponent’s debt.

    *See how a dream about a congressman from the other side of the political aisle led to an ongoing ministry relationship that has transcended their political differences.

    But this is more than a book of stories. Jesus and Politics is a book about Jesus that equips readers to:

    *Cultivate intimacy with Jesus, even in a hostile culture and amid life’s pressures.
    *Effectively share the gospel, disciple others, and stand up for truth in various settings.
    *Engage in politics and various spheres of government to protect liberty in America.

    Reminding readers that our liberty requires our participation, Jesus and Politics is an indispensable resource for those seeking to make a lasting impact for Christ and embark on a transformative journey to live out their destiny, preserve America, and make a difference for eternity.

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  • Journey To The Stars


    A powerful story of hope about a woman who fought against all odds to become the first Indian American female astronaut.

    Kalpana Chawla set her sights on flight from an early age. She was told “no” many times in life: No, girls don’t study aerospace. No, women don’t become astronauts. No, you won’t succeed in the United States. But Kalpana didn’t listen–she was too busy forging her own path to the stars. And after a long journey of dedication, perseverance, and patience, she finally made it to space. Her inspiring story is a powerful reminder for girls all over the world to never, ever give up on their dreams.

    Based on the true story of the first female Indian American astronaut, Journey to the Stars details the challenges and triumphs of Kalpana Chawla’s life up through her first journey into space. Her story is sure to inspire educators and parents interested in encouraging curiosity and a passion for STEM in girls and boys. Backmatter includes an author’s note and a timeline of Kalpana’s life and awards

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  • Bilingual New Testament With Pslams And Proverbs NLT NTV


    !Una Biblia perfecta para los que estA!n descubriendo la Palabra de Dios en dos idiomas!El Nuevo Testamento con Salmos y Proverbios bilingA 1/4e NTV/NLT [Bilingual New Testament with Psalms & proverbs NLT/NTV] tiene los textos del Nuevo Testamento con Salmos y Proverbios de la Nueva TraducciA”n Viviente en espaAol y de la New Living Translation en inglA(C)s en un formato paralelo.Sus caracterA-sticas incluye:Tapa rAstica de diseAo AnicoBarniz UV (Spot-gloss) en la portadaMedidas: 5.5 x 8.25TamaAo ligero y fA!cil de llevarEsta porciA”n de la Biblia presenta la Palabra de Dios en un lenguaje claro, cA!lido, y de fA!cil comprensiA”n para una buena experiencia de nuestras dos increA-bles traducciones.A perfect Bible for those who are discovering Gods Word in two languages!The Bilingual New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs NLT/NTV [Nuevo Testamento con Salmos y Proverbios bilingA 1/4e NTV/NLT] provides the New Testament texts along with Psalms and Proverbs of the New Living Translation in English and the Nueva TraducciA”n Viviente in Spanish in a parallel format.Its features include:Unique softcover designSpot-gloss on the cover5.5 x 8.25 trim sizeLightweight and easy to carry sizeThis Bible portion presents God’s Word in a warm and easy to understand language, providing a great reading experience of our two wonderful translations side by side.

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  • Dysfunction Junction : A Novel


    When three women receive an unexpected phone call that leaves them reeling, they have no other choice but to reckon with a lifetime of memories they’ve long tried to bury. Only in facing the past will they find their path forward.

    Frances Mae Livingston’s firm grip of her family’s destructive history makes her hold her husband and four children even closer. But she’s losing bits of herself while proving to everybody and her mama that she’s enough. There’s no way she’ll repeat her mama’s mistakes, even if it kills her.

    Annabelle McMillan didn’t have trouble kicking the Eastern North Carolina dust off her feet. The tough part was replanting herself in familiar soil. Now she’s blending her old life with her new husband, stepson, and unborn child. And battling old memories of abandonment and new fears of rejection.

    Dr. Charlotte Winters has built a career around helping others sort through their emotional baggage. She’s also spent a lifetime refusing to unpack her own. So what if Charlotte doesn’t recall all that her mama did to her and what her daddy didn’t do for her? Her only mission is to help others help themselves…until the women from her past and the man in her future undo her well-sewn life.

    At the junction of healed and hurting, broken and whole, and past and present, three women wrestle with their inability to forgive and forget in this riveting Southern family drama about sisterhood from award-winning author Robin W. Pearson.

    *Southern family saga
    *Discussion questions for book groups
    *For fans of Black authors like Patricia Raybon, Toni Shiloh, and Brit Bennett

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  • Praying With Saint Patrick


    Learn to pray with Patrick of Ireland and to find your story in his own

    One of Ireland’s most beloved figures, St. Patrick was a man who lived a life soaked in prayer. A risk-taker in the service of others particularly women, slaves, and the poor Patrick spent years enslaved, in which he found himself praying all the time praying for freedom, for a warm place to sleep, or to return home. He never stopped. It was something he did with great intentionality, but also in the breath between one task and the next.

    Praying with Patrick takes us on a journey through Patrick’s life, allowing us to pray alongside him using his story and his actual prayers to deepen and enrich our own prayer lives. Each reading features a quote from Patrick, a scripture, a devotion, and a prayer such as:

    *A Prayer for Times of Trouble
    *A Prayer for When We Feel Helpless
    *A Prayer for HopeA Prayer for Freedom
    *A Prayer for When You Don’t Fit In
    *A Prayer for the Presence of Christ
    *A Prayer for God’s Salvation
    *A Prayer in Times of Grief

    A perfect gift for anyone who is fascinated by Ireland, the heroes of the faith, or prayer, Praying with Patrick will draw you deeper into conversation with a God who cares deeply about you and your needs, concerns, and worries. Just as Patrick experienced God’s presence in the rugged wilds of Ireland, may you experience God’s presence in a powerful and vibrant way.

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  • Prayers To Help You Thrive


    Life doesn’t always go your way, and during those times you may feel let down and unhappy. The world is full of cancelations, changes, and a great deal of pain. But, if you rely on God, put your faith in Him, and go to Him in prayer, you can thrive.

    Prayers to Help You Thrive is a beautiful mix of devotions, Scripture, prayers, and prompts that will help you develop and strengthen your time with God. Inside you’ll find:

    *gorgeous full-color pages with art, callout quotes, and room to write.

    *entries written by New York Times bestselling author Shauna Niequist, Chike Chukudebelu, Katie Hardeman, Margaret Hogan, Denise Hildreth Jones, Tsh Oxenreider, Rachel Randolph, and Alece Ronzino.

    *relevant topics of discussion such as social justice, economic equality, social media addiction, mental health, balance, prayer, relationships, and decision-making.

    You can read individually or invite friends and family members to join you. This book is perfect to use as a daily devotional or as a small-group resource. Work through each entry at whatever pace works for you–daily, every other day, or weekly.

    After completing Prayers to Help You Thrive you’ll:

    *have a deeper relationship with the Lord and a more consistent and meaningful prayer life.
    *learn how to thrive no matter what season of life you’re experiencing.
    *better understand how to handle sensitive topics with grace and hopefulness.

    Thriving can feel difficult in our day-to-day, especially when life’s curveballs come. But God’s purpose for you includes thriving in His goodness and living with joy and confidence–through a relationship with Him. Come to Him today and thrive in the life and hope that is yours in Christ.

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  • Action Bible Faith In Action Edition


    This reimagining of the mega-selling Action Bible combines 230 stories of biblical heroes with vibrant comic-book-style illustrations and an immersive online experience. Readers will explore seven dynamic attributes of God’s story, earn Faith in Action Badges representing those qualities, and discover even more through a discoverable QR code in each story that takes them to a safe online adventure of games, playlists, Bible studies, activities, and a complete devotional designed to increase their time with God.

    Since its release in 2010, The Action Bible has received widespread acclaim for its high-energy, engaging graphics and over 230 spiritually-transformative Bible stories. Introducing the Faith in Action program that reinvents the bestselling, comic-book-style Bible with a systematic approach to experiencing the Word of God for the next generation.

    In addition to an interior redesign refresh, this exciting edition includes:

    *The Faith in Action system which gives young readers an easy-to-navigate and engaging experience for exploring the Bible through themes that connect directly to their felt needs.

    *A Faith in Action Badge for each story that corresponds with one of seven biblical attributes: courage, faith, hope, love, service, trust, and wisdom.

    *Discoverable QR codes in every story take readers to a safe online experience to explore even more content: videos, games, a digital Scripture index, prayers, Bible facts, devotions, playlists, reading plans, interactive maps, Bible study sessions, and more.

    *A reading challenge chart spurs young readers on to earn a Faith in Action Title.

    With all the intrigue of a graphic novel and all the truth of God’s Word, The Action Bible: Faith in Action Edition satisfies the curious minds and adventurous hearts of today’s young learners, guiding them to connect more deeply with God’s Word, develop a richer relationship with their Savior, and grow in their compassion for the world around them.

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  • Get Used To Different Student Guide


    Get Used to Different is a nine-week devotional Bible study for students who long to know more about who they are in Christ, how to follow Him in light of that knowledge, and how to let Jesus lead them in their interactions with those around them.

    Every new generation asks the same fundamental questions… Who am I? Where do I fit in? How do I find meaning, belonging, and acceptance? Jesus answered all these questions in a radically simple way: “Follow me.”

    In this nine-week study, students will dive into Scripture alongside The Chosen series to:

    *Discover who Jesus says they really are
    *Understand what it means to follow Him
    *Learn how to surrender in both good and bad times
    *Find what their hearts are truly longing for

    With reflection questions and discussion guides, along with QR codes that link directly to clips from the show, students will begin to understand the freedom that comes from knowing none of us have life totally figured out–but Jesus does. Through Scripture, the show, and this book, students will learn how to get used to different.

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  • Matter Of Little Losses


    Life is full of love, but it is also full of loss. Like paper cuts to the heart, every big and seemingly insignificant loss–the loss of friendships, faith, dreams, health, community, and everything in between–grieves us more than we think it will, and often more than we let on. Why? Because they matter.

    In this compassionate and deeply personal book, Rachel Marie Kang invites you to see and be seen in the midst of your sorrow, your suffering–your story. Through prose and poetry that gives voice to all the things we lose along the way, this gracious book will help you:

    – ponder your loss without judgment
    – remember what was and make meaning of your memories
    – reflect on what is yet to be as you heal with hope

    You don’t have to bury your pain, and you don’t have to pretend you’re over it just because the world thinks you should be. Let Rachel walk hand in hand with you, giving space for sorrow and welcoming you as you find your way along the path to healing.

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  • 1 Wrong Move


    Taunting riddles.
    A deadly string of heists.
    Two broken hearts trapped in a killer’s game.

    Christian O’Brady was pulled into a life of crime at a young age by his con artist parents. Now making amends for his corrupt past, he has become one of the country’s foremost security experts. When a string of Southwestern art heists targets one of the galleries Christian secured, he is paired up with a gifted insurance investigator who has her own checkered past.

    Andi Forester was a brilliant FBI forensic analyst until one of her colleagues destroyed her career, blaming her for mishandling evidence. She now puts those skills to work investigating insurance fraud, and this latest high-stakes case will test her gift to the limit. Drawn deep into a dangerous game with an opponent bent on revenge, Christian and Andi are in a race against the clock to catch him, but the perpetrator’s game is far from finished, and one wrong move could be the death of them both.

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  • Bricks N Blooms Guide To A Beautiful And Easy Care Flower Garden


    In this incredibly comprehensive and gorgeously photographed guide, master gardener Stacy Ling helps aspiring green thumbs achieve success with her easy-to-grow, easy-care, and low maintenance approach to growing beautiful flowers.

    Have you never met a plant you couldn’t kill? Does maintaining a flourishing flower garden seem intimidating or time-consuming? Have you dug around in the dirt with nothing to show for it except a sunburn and a sore back?

    This book is for you!

    Inside you’ll find everything you need to know to grow beautiful flowers, including:

    *gardening basics to set you up for success
    *great garden design ideas with ready-made plans for you to follow
    *easy-care instructions for a wide variety of flowers and flowering shrubs
    *helpful how-tos for container and cut flower gardening
    *graphs, charts, and lists to help you stay organized

    This guide will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to grow beautiful flowers.

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  • Living In The Daze Of Deception


    A High-Stakes Battle for Every Christian

    Jesus warned that deception would grow as we draw nearer to the end times, saying, “Take heed that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:4). Distinguishing truth from error has become an increasingly challenging task-even in the church.

    We live in a time when falsehoods assault us from every direction, an ever-advancing and unavoidable tempest of deception. Packaged with just enough truth to make them appear trustworthy, these counterfeits have grown more and more difficult to detect and avoid.

    Living in the Daze of Deception explores the many ways error is masquerading as truth-and how you can discern the difference. From pastor Jack Hibbs, you’ll learn:

    *the characteristics of deceivers and how they have brought harm to both secular culture and the church

    *the many deceptions that are altering and replacing the truth, and how to recognize them
    *the keys to standing strong as the spiritual battle surrounding us intensifies

    The greatest antidote to deception is truth. Equip yourself now to grow in discernment so that you can protect yourself from error and remain steadfast in your faith!

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  • Where Is Jerusalem


    Learn all about Jerusalem–a sacred city in the Middle East that has existed for over five thousand years.

    From the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Who Was? series comes Where Is?, a series that tells the stories of world-famous landmarks and natural wonders and features a fold-out map!

    In 2005, a group of construction workers in Jerusalem made an incredible discovery. Underneath the parking lot they were digging up lay an ancient city that was built in the tenth century! Three years later, gold coins from an even earlier century were found at the site. The city of Jerusalem is like a layer cake of history–more than five thousand years of complicated history–all of which author Ellen Morgan explains clearly and objectively in this illustrated book.

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  • Family


    Brother Bear is excited about getting gifts and eating cake on his birthday. But he also learns about the joy of spending time with loving family members in this faith-based storybook starring the Berenstain Bears!

    The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit series celebrates the joy of faith, family, and friends–values essential to a wholesome and fulfilling life!

    This 32-page Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit storybook, created by Mike Berenstain, son of Stan and Jan Berenstain, includes a soon-to-be classic story about the greatest birthday gift–a loving family!

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  • Kingdom Girls Bible Comfort Print


    Girls will discover the power of faith in this beautiful Bible that features women of the Bible!Here is the ideal Bible for girls on their journey of faith! This special Bible is specifically crafted to highlight the stories and lessons of the inspiring, famous, and sometimes infamous women of the Bible.With over 400 engaging features, colorful illustrations, and helpful notes, this Bible is perfect for girls ages 8 to 12 as they learn about the strong and faithful women who came before them. From Eve to Ruth, Esther to Mary, this Bible brings the stories of these women to life and shows how their faith and strength can still inspire girls today.Featuring a beautiful design and easy-to-read text, this Bible is a great resource for girls as they grow in their own faith and learn about the women who have impacted the world.Features include:Her Story – Character sketches of 75 good and not-so-good female role models of the BibleAction Plans – Prayer, art, outdoor activities, and music are examples of some actions suggested in this fun-filled featureTake It to Heart – Great verses to memorizeStep Into the Story – Solid advice on how to live a godly life in today’s worldMeet ______ – Meet 50 lesser-known women of the Bible and discover ways to help build character and godlinessA Letter to Myself – A place for a girl to make a commitment about who and what she wants to be, and, even more important, who she wants to followBook Introductions – An overview of each book of the BibleSubject Index – Find features written about specific topics like courage, kindness, or joyBeautiful illustrations and full color throughoutPresentation page for gift giving Satin ribbon marker Print size: 9Exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface Using the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV) text makes the Bible accessible and easy-to-read for kids. The NIV is the result of over 50 years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, who oversee the efforts of many contributing scholars. Representing the spectrum of evangelicalism, the translators come from a wide range of denominations and various countries and continually review new research to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance, and authority. Every NIV Bible that is purchased helps Biblica translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world.

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  • Kingdom Girls Bible Comfort Print


    Girls will discover the power of faith in this beautiful Bible that features women of the Bible!Here is the ideal Bible for girls on their journey of faith! This special Bible is specifically crafted to highlight the stories and lessons of the inspiring, famous, and sometimes infamous women of the Bible.With over 400 engaging features, colorful illustrations, and helpful notes, this Bible is perfect for girls ages 8 to 12 as they learn about the strong and faithful women who came before them. From Eve to Ruth, Esther to Mary, this Bible brings the stories of these women to life and shows how their faith and strength can still inspire girls today.Featuring a beautiful design and easy-to-read text, this Bible is a great resource for girls as they grow in their own faith and learn about the women who have impacted the world.Features include:Her Story – Character sketches of 75 good and not-so-good female role models of the Bible Action Plans – Prayer, art, outdoor activities, and music are examples of some actions suggested in this fun-filled featureTake It to Heart – Great verses to memorizeStep Into the Story – Solid advice on how to live a godly life in today’s worldMeet ______ – Meet 50 lesser-known women of the Bible and discover ways to help build character and godlinessA Letter to Myself – A place for a girl to make a commitment about who and what she wants to be, and, even more important, who she wants to followBook Introductions – An overview of each book of the BibleSubject Index – Find features written about specific topics like courage, kindness, or joyBeautiful illustrations and full color throughoutPresentation page for gift giving Satin ribbon marker Print size: 9Exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface Using the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV) text makes the Bible accessible and easy-to-read for kids. The NIV is the result of over 50 years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, who oversee the efforts of many contributing scholars. Representing the spectrum of evangelicalism, the translators come from a wide range of denominations and various countries and continually review new research to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance, and authority. Every NIV Bible that is purchased helps Biblica translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world.

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  • Think Ahead : 7 Decisions You Can Make Today For The God-Honoring Life You


    Why do we keep making choices we later regret–sometimes even the same bad choices over and over? Drawing on Scripture, story, and cutting-edge research into human behavior, pastor Craig Groeschel reveals the key to making the choices we want to make and experiencing the joy and freedom God has for us.

    We all want to make great decisions. So what happens between our good intentions and the choices we actually make in the moment? If only we could make decisions ahead of time rather than when we’re under stress, overwhelmed, or swayed by fear or emotion. In Think Ahead, we learn how to do just that.

    Pastor Craig Groeschel knows from personal experience and as a counselor to others what being trapped in a cycle of poor decision-making is like. In Think Ahead, he shares what he has discovered about the power of “pre-deciding.”

    With thought-provoking exercises and questions for reflection, this interactive book teaches us that the quality of our decisions determines the quality of our lives. Think Ahead will help you:

    *Understand the science behind your decision-making habits
    *Overcome decision fatigue and debilitating fears
    *Diminish the role of emotions in decision-making
    *See how your small choices shape the kind of person you become
    *Define and put into action the seven life-defining pre-decisions you can make today
    *Becoming the person you want to be starts before you even make a decision. In Think
    Ahead, you’ll discover the power of making decisions today to help you live the life you want to have tomorrow.

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  • This Special Blessing For You


    God is full of love for your children, and This Special Blessing for You empowers them to live out who God wants them to be in the world. Encourage the kids in your life to spread love and kindness with this engaging rhyming picture book.

    Today is the day the world gets to see,

    the beautiful person God made you to be.

    Wherever you go, it’s God’s love you’re expressing,

    so God sends you out with this special blessing.

    This Special Blessing for You uses words and phrases that help children better understand what God wants to communicate to them. Each promise and declaration is based on the Aaronic Blessing found in Numbers 6:23-27: “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

    Children ages 4-8 will delight in these spiritual takeaways:

    *God loves you so much and delights in your presence
    *Every child is God’s beautiful creation.
    *God fills you with power and strength to be who God calls you to be.
    *You carry God’s name wherever you go.
    *You show the world what God is like by how you love and serve one another.

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  • Strong : Psalm 1


    Inspired by Psalm 1, Strong’s lyrical text reminds little ones that God loves them and gives them strength. From Sally Lloyd-Jones, the author of the bestselling The Jesus Storybook Bible, and award-winning illustrator Jago, this uplifting board book encourages little ones to find strength in God’s great love for them.

    Like a little tree planted by a fresh stream, children can grow strong and joyful when they draw close to God’s Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.

    Strong is perfect for babies and infants ages 0-4 and features:

    *Lyrical text inspired by Psalm 1
    *An inspiring message that reminds kids they can find strength, joy, and love in God
    *A padded cover that is a perfect fit for little hands
    *Beautiful illustrations by Jago
    *A great gift for a new baby, Baptism, First Communion, or birthday

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  • Full Time : Work And The Meaning Of Life


    We were created to work, and our work provides unique meaning and purpose in our lives. Yet today we are living in a crisis of apathy and ignorance regarding work’s theological and existential nature.

    There is no shortage of books pleading with people to work less, to find “balance,” to think less of career and more of the things that bring them “happiness.” Likewise, there is no shortage of books making the case that work matters a great deal–that good things come from fruitful labor. This book belongs in neither of those categories.

    In Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life, David Bahnsen makes the case that our understanding of work and its role in our lives is deeply flawed–we are unmoored from what he calls “created purpose.” He argues that the time has come to stop tip-toeing around the issues that matter, that separating one’s identity from what they do is demonstrably false, and that this era of alienation is for many a direct result of a low view of work. It is in work–effort, service, striving–of every kind that we discover our meaning and purpose; a significant and successful life is one rooted in full-time productivity and cultivation of God’s created world.

    This book is not your normal “defense of work” book. Whether you are a leader, a follower, a boss, an employee, in a white collar or blue collar job, highly paid or “just getting by,” this book is for you. A life of meaning is right under your nose, and with it the joy and peace of a life well-lived.

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  • Pathway To Success


    Renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer shows readers how to realign their perspective on success to conform with God’s vision for the kind of life that brings us true purpose and lasting joy.

    The world tells us that having a good job, owning your own business, money, fame, and influence are all important for a successful life. If we don’t have them, we feel like a failure. But even when we achieve them, we still end up unhappy, unfulfilled, or lonely.

    God wants us to be successful, but His definition of success is not the same as the world’s definition. The truth is, God’s way of achieving the dreams and desires that truly fulfill us and bring genuine joy to our lives is very different–and that is what we need.

    In The Pathway to Success, you will discover a deeper understanding of what it means to seek success God’s way. Through her practical, relatable insights based on God’s Word, beloved Bible teacher Joyce Meyer reveals how to actively pursue the keys to true, lasting success. Full of rich encouragement and timeless wisdom, The Pathway to Success will allow you to refocus your life and fulfill your God-given destiny as you walk out the purpose He’s planned for you.

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  • Garden To Garden


    Discover God’s redemptive plan for humanity as you embark on a journey from garden to garden–from Eden to eternity.

    The Bible tells a singular and unified story. While it contains sixty-six individual books written over thousands of years, it reveals one unified message–the story of how God redeems humanity from sin and death and makes all things new. Scripture is God-breathed. Opening its pages, we discover who we are, why we are here, what happened to us, our eternal destiny, and how we live and breathe from day to day through God’s redeeming love and His unconquerable grace.

    In Garden to Garden, readers discover how God moved through human history–from the garden of Eden to the promise of eternity–to restore us to His presence. Marian Jordan Ellis, the founder of This Redeemed Life Ministry, walks alongside readers as they journey through the Bible in an entirely fresh and unique way through this collection of short devotional readings that lead the reader through the story arc of God’s great redemptive plan. Readers will come to understand that although the weeds of sin, shame, and blame grow wild in the human heart, our longing for Eden–our true home–always remains.

    A holy invitation to know and be known by the Living God, Garden to Garden will enhance your knowledge of God’s Word, provide you with a greater understanding of how to flourish in His grace, and reveal how Jesus makes all things new! While echoes of Eden fill the human heart, Garden to Garden points us home, to abide in the glorious and beautiful garden distinguished by the Presence of God.

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  • God Made You Too


    Encourage little ones with this book about God’s creation–and the way he has made each of us with a special purpose.

    God made you. But why? After all, he made great galaxies and vast oceans and fascinating flamingoes. Wasn’t that enough?

    Through brilliant rhymes and vivid word pictures, author Chelsea Tornetto lets little readers know that to God, the mountains and the whales and the snowflakes were never enough. To our loving Creator, the beautiful world that he made was always incomplete without one very special piece–you. Perfect for reading together, or as a gift for baby showers, birthdays, and other occasions, this deeply encouraging book will remind children just how valued and loved they are.

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  • How To Use The Book Of Common Prayer


    In recent years there has been a revival of interest in the Book of Common Prayer, especially the classic 1662 version. Beloved for its language and theology, the classic Prayer Book is the fountainhead for almost all later editions of the Book of Common Prayer and remains a widely recognized standard for worship in the Anglican tradition. More than simply a collection of prayers, the Book of Common Prayer offers a transformative engagement with the Bible and a framework for our spiritual lives.

    In How to Use the Book of Common Prayer, Samuel Bray and Drew Keane (editors of The 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition) introduce the classic Prayer Book to newcomers. Beginning with a brief history and case for liturgical prayer, they walk through daily morning and evening prayer, baptism and Communion, the church year, and the Prayer Book’s plan for reading the Bible. This is not only an introduction to the Prayer Book-it’s a guide to letting it form your faith.

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  • I Want God


    I Want God, now revised and updated, will help you focus on your true pursuit of God and watch Him move your soul. Lisa Whittle amplifies the solution to the heart cry of the “sick of me” life.

    It is in the heart of every person to want God, but life gets loud, and we forget Him. We get consumed by our problems, our desires, ourselves. We forget our first encounter with the Savior and how much we once wanted Him. But Lisa Whittle believes that if we calibrate our attention, refocusing on God determines the perspective for everything in our life:

    *what we fight for,
    *what we tolerate,
    *how we make decisions,
    *what we choose,
    *what we love,
    *what we chase,
    *what we let go of, and
    *what we are willing to change.

    A guidebook, a teacher, and a resource, all in one, I Want God brings rich simplicity to life-altering principles, perfect for your personal Lenten reflection. With her signature boldness and raw authenticity, author and podcast host of The Jesus Over Everything podcast, Lisa Whittle inspires with bottom line truth when we want Him and experience a soul revival, there is no limit to what we will do for Him.

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  • Lady Of Disguise


    Only the hidden treasure will allow Louisa and her sister to gain their freedom.

    England, 1388: All her life, Louisa has dreamed of finding the rumored “Giant’s Treasure,” a collection of ancient, lost riches said to be hidden on a mountaintop in Scotland, guarded by a fierce monster. It’s a story her father used to tell her, and when he dies and she and her younger sister have to go live with their shiftless, greedy uncle, Louisa is determined to find that treasure. It’s the hope that has kept her defying her uncle’s efforts to marry her off to the highest bidder.

    After her uncle starts to parade Louisa’s twelve-year-old sister Margaret in front of potential husbands, Louisa realizes she has no time to waste. She disguises herself as a boy and takes off for Scotland. But the road is a harsher place than she’d imagined, and she is relieved to find a friend in the knight, Sir Charles, who goes along with her on her journey.

    Charles is intrigued by this young woman who claims her name is “Jack” and is set on going to Scotland. He goes along, pretending to believe she is a boy, in order to make sure nothing bad happens to her. As they meet new friends along the road, and as Louisa comes clean about her identity, the pair find themselves falling in love. But what will happen when they reach Scotland? Will they find their independence and the freedom to marry in the form of a buried treasure, or will the monster from Louisa’s own past keep the young couple apart?

    A delightfully charming reimagining of “Jack and the Beanstalk” from New York Times bestselling author Melanie Dickerson.

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  • Cup Of Love


    In his first children’s book, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Relationship Goals shares a tender story that helps kids understand how our families are strengthened by God’s love.

    Drawing on key ideas from his #1 New York Times bestseller Relationship Goals, Pastor Michael Todd offers a fun and sweet tale about how developing a close relationship with God spills over into healthy relationships with our family and friends.

    Seven-year-old Isabella loves spending time with her mom and dad, so she feels left out when they prepare to go on a date night without her. Her father brings her into the kitchen and uses the faucet, a pitcher, and cups of water to illustrate how God fills him and Isabella’s mom with love, and they pour love into each other by taking time for their relationship. Then all that love overflows onto their kids! When we make room for ourselves to be filled with God’s love and care for our most important relationships, nobody’s “cup of love” will run dry.

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  • Home Built From Love And Loss


    Grieving is part of every blended family.

    Sabrina and her new husband were both widowed when their families blended, so grieving was expected. They recognized the losses suffered in their families would take time to heal. What they have since learned is that every blended family experiences grieving whether you are widowed or divorced. And the process usually takes longer than expected.

    Sabrina vulnerably shares her personal experiences and struggles, revealing her mistakes and fears that she had early on in her new marriage and with her new family. In A Home Built from Love and Loss, you’ll learn to:

    *work through different parenting styles as a stepmother or stepfather;

    *parent kids in different ages and stages of development (hormones, personalities, and power dynamics);

    *compassionately address chaos and hurt feelings together and independently;

    *deal with feelings of guilt;

    *handle initial rejection from stepchildren;

    *glean biblical wisdom on how to do life together with grace;

    *connect better on an emotional level with your newly-formed family while keeping traditions that have grounded your family; and

    *honor the bereaved or divorced spouse.

    For anyone facing the challenges of blended families, A Home Built from Love and Loss offers practical advice and spiritual guidance to find hope in the midst of grief.

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  • 1 Final Target


    Two wounded heroes shattered by tragedy and paralyzed by guilt and must find their footing and work together to catch a killer.

    A warrant service in the San Bernardino Mountains goes horribly wrong when an IED blast kills four police officers. Devastated by the loss of her team, the lone survivor, Long Beach sergeant Jodie King, struggles with her guilt and grief, especially as the case remains open with no clear leads or suspects. Weeks after the explosion, Jodie retires from the police department and returns to the mountain bomb site seeking peace and resolution . . . only to find herself in the crosshairs once again.

    Sam Gresham just happens to be in the right place at the right time when shots are fired at Jodie. The newest detective for the county sheriff’s department, Sam is assigned to work the IED, his first case back after his own traumatic loss. While Sam sees an opportunity to help Jodie heal from her lingering scars, Jodie hopes fresh eyes will bring new insight to the investigation. Because after this latest shooting, one thing seems clear: Jodie has always been the intended target and the threat may be much closer to her than anyone wants to admit.

    Janice Cantore delivers another pulse-pounding contemporary romantic suspense novel about overcoming grief and learning to trust again.

    *Contemporary romantic suspense
    *Discussion questions for book clubs
    *Police drama

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  • Local And Universal


    In the words of the creeds, the church is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic body of Christ.

    Of those features, perhaps none is as misunderstood as the church’s catholicity (that is, its universality)-because while the church is universal, it is also radically local, connected to a particular community or even found on a specific street corner. How might we reclaim the universality of the church without losing its local situatedness?

    In this Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture volume, pastor and theologian C. Ryan Fields offers a surprising solution: he turns to the Free Church tradition, those churches that are historically separate or “free” from state oversight. Juxtaposing the Free Church with its Episcopal counterpart, he argues that far from neglecting the catholicity of the church, the Free Church tradition can helpfully inform our understanding of the one body of Christ while remaining true to its local roots.

    Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture, edited by Daniel J. Treier and Kevin J. Vanhoozer, promotes evangelical contributions to systematic theology, seeking fresh understanding of Christian doctrine through creatively faithful engagement with Scripture in dialogue with church tradition.

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  • All My Secrets


    Bestselling author Lynn Austin returns with a luminous work of historical fiction set amid the opulence of Gilded Age New York, where three generations of women in one family must reckon with the choices they have made and their hopes for the future.

    New York, 1898. The only thing more shocking than Arthur Stanhope III’s unexpected death is the revelation that his will bestows his company and most of the vast fortune that goes with it to the nearest male heir, leaving his mother, wife, and daughter nearly impoverished. His widow, Sylvia, quickly realizes she must set aside her grief to ensure their daughter, Adelaide, is launched into society as soon as the appropriate mourning period passes. If Sylvia can find a wealthy husband for Addy before anyone realizes they’re practically destitute, there will be little disruption to the lifestyle they’re accustomed to.

    Sylvia’s mother-in-law, Junietta, believes their life could use a little disruption. She has watched Sylvia play her role as a society wife, as Junietta once did, despite what it cost them both. Junietta vows to give her granddaughter the power to choose a path beyond what society expects.

    But for Addy to have that chance, both mother and grandmother must first confront painful truths about their own choices. Only in bringing their secrets to light can they hope to reshape their family inheritance into a legacy more fulfilling than they ever dared dream.

    *Stand alone Christian historical romance from Christy Award Hall of Fame author
    *Historical drama full of complex family dynamics
    *Perfect for fans of Eve’s Daughters and other family sagas
    *Includes discussion questions for book clubs

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  • Improvising Church : Scripture As The Source Of Harmony, Rhythm, And Soul


    Plenty of books diagnose our post-Christian malaise. Here’s a dynamic solution.

    The post-Christian cultural turn is creating the conditions for a crisis of confidence in the church and in pastoral ministry. While such changes can be disruptive and disconcerting, our new cultural reality makes the present moment a uniquely exciting time to reimagine churches that bear witness to Christ. How do we move beyond cookie-cutter approaches (which may have worked in the past) to building the creative, compassionate, and incarnational churches we long for?

    Biblical scholar and accomplished jazz pianist Mark Glanville plays with a metaphor of improvisation to chart twelve themes as the key “notes” on which Christian communities play as they bear witness to God in the world today. Building on these two dynamic traditions-jazz music and Christian community-Improvising Church unfolds a biblical, practical, and inventive vision for churches seeking to receive and extend the healing of Christ.

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  • Hope Aint A Hustle


    Sometimes hope can feel like a scam-a swindle, a hustle. But as Christians, our hope cannot disappoint us because it is validated by God himself. In this accessible exploration of the epistle to the Hebrews, Irwyn Ince shows us how placing our confidence in our great high priest, Jesus Christ, changes the way we live in the here and now.

    Sometimes hope can feel like a scam-a swindle, a hustle. You thought it was real, and you bought into it. But then the tables turn, and you feel like you’ve been hustled-like you’ve been had.

    As Christians, we often respond to the brokenness of life as if we do not actually have hope-as if the promises of God are not really certain. But Pastor Irwyn Ince assures us that not only do we have hope, but that hope cannot disappoint us because it is validated by God himself. Hope Ain’t a Hustle is a clear and accessible exploration of the epistle to the Hebrews, urging us to place our confidence in the finished work of our great high priest, Jesus Christ, and showing how that confidence changes the way we live in the here and now.

    It’s not that Christians don’t face grief or anger, disappointment or deep sorrow. It’s that we don’t face them as those “who have no hope.”

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  • Wood Between The Worlds


    The cross is the heart of Scripture

    Everything about the gospel message leads to the cross, and proceeds from the cross. In fact, within the narrative of Scripture, the crucifixion of Jesus is literally the crux of the story-the axis upon which the biblical story turns. But it would be a mistake to think we could sum up the significance of the crucifixion in a tidy sentence or two. That kind of thinking only insulates us from the magnificence of what God has done. In our ongoing quest to make meaning of the cross, we need to recognize that this conversation will never conclude-that there is always something more to be said.

    Brian Zahnd reminds us that the meaning of the cross is multifaceted and should touch every aspect of our lives. Just as gazing through the eyepiece of a kaleidoscope reveals a new geometric image with every turn, Zahnd helps us see that there are infinite ways to behold the cross of Christ as the beautiful form that saves the world. The Wood Between the Worlds is an invitation to encounter the cross of Christ anew.

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  • Lost World Of The Prophets


    Being responsive to God is at the heart of prophecy. But readers of ancient prophecies and apocalyptic literature-including those in the Old Testament-can come away thoroughly perplexed. Are the prophets speaking about their own times, about our present, or about some still-unrealized future?

    It’s common to study prophecy with a focus on the sole question of prediction and fulfillment, either for the sake of apologetics or for understanding the end times, but such an approach can fail to track with the original intent of the authors. We need to shake loose both from a paradigm of reading prophecy as an offer of mysterious divination as well as from the habit of constructing eschatological timelines of any sort. How do these books work as meaningful Scripture for Christians today?

    John Walton applies his signature method to help us recover the lost world of the prophets. To read these biblical books well, we must understand:

    *the role of the prophet
    *the nature of prophetic literature
    *the theological significance of prophecy
    *how apocalyptic differs from prophecy

    A fresh reading of the Old Testament text in light of the ancient Near Eastern context can open new avenues of awareness. Walton provides a clear, helpful guide to the nature of biblical prophecy and apocalyptic literature that will help readers avoid potential misuse and reclaim the message of the prophets for their lives.

    The books in the Lost World Series follow the pattern set by Bible scholar John H. Walton, bringing a fresh, close reading of the Hebrew text and knowledge of ancient Near Eastern literature to an accessible discussion of the biblical topic at hand using a series of logic-based propositions.

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  • Land Of My Sojourn


    In the years since leaving local church ministry, I’ve devoted an enormous amount of time and resources to examining the church’s often troubled witness, its ongoing crisis of leadership, and the epidemic of narcissism, abuse, and cover-up that has continued to emerge year after year. This book is about my journey both before and undergirding that work-the shattering of dreams and the grace that restored a broken faith in the aftermath. It’s a story about grace leading me home when I thought all was lost.

    Taken together, my encounters with Peter, Elijah, and Jesus connected to indelible images from my time in Israel and formed a new spiritual landscape in my mind, one with enough gravity to draw my feet back to solid ground. My hope is that as I tell this story you might find echoes of your own. I pray if you’re in the wilderness, you might find that though the territory is a mystery, you are far from alone. Most of all, I pray that you rediscover that Jesus is chasing you like a lover . . . right through heaven’s gates.

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  • Upheld : Meeting Our Trustworthy God Through Isaiah A 6-Week Bible Study


    Over and over again, Scripture reminds us of God’s faithfulness and mercy. God’s stunning promises to his followers in Isaiah 40-48-I am with you, I will strengthen and help you, I will uphold you-offered reassurance and comfort during difficult days.

    We are also desperate for God’s comfort and help today. Life is filled with challenges and heartache, and we long for forgiveness, restoration, and relief from all that weighs us down. The good news is that God’s promises spoken through the prophet Isaiah are also true for us today. Join Bible teacher Kori de Leon as she guides us through a six-week Bible study experience, pointing us to the wonders of our remarkable God and leading us to sing with Isaiah, Who is like the Lord? There is no God like him!

    When you purchase this Bible study guide, you’ll get access to videos and discussion questions to use with your group.

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  • Non Anxious Life


    Do you, like so many of us, see anxiety as an incentive to perform? Or a proof of how much you care? Or is anxiety simply an unwelcome shadow over your days, bringing with it clenched teeth and an upset stomach?

    Anxiety leads us to succumb to fear and fight peace. Anxious living is a distortion of good motives, blocking the clarity of stillness and rest.

    Alan Fadling has also felt mastered by worry, but he brings counsel on how to learn a better way and who to look to for it: Jesus, “the ultimate non-anxious presence.” He constructs a posture from which we can rest more deeply, live more fully, and lead better. Fixing our minds on grace and eternity, we can begin to see the benefit of loosening our grip and operating from a sure foundation. Join Alan in releasing anxiety and taking up authentic love in A Non-Anxious Life.

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  • Servant Lawyer : Facing The Callenges Of Christian Faith In Everyday Law Pr


    How does everyday law practice relate to Jesus’ call to follow him in servanthood? For students considering a career in law as well as for seasoned attorneys, this honest and accessible book from Robert F. Cochran Jr. casts an encouraging vision for how lawyers can love and serve their neighbor in every facet of their work.

    Most lawyers, from Wall Street to the county seat, spend their days drafting documents, negotiating with other attorneys, trying cases, researching the law, and counseling clients. How does this everyday law practice relate to Jesus’ call to follow him in servanthood?

    With decades of experience in the law office, courtroom, and classroom, Robert F. Cochran Jr. explores Jesus’ call on lawyers to serve both individual clients and the common good. Cochran pulls back the curtain with stories from his own career and from the legal community to address a wide range of challenges posed by law practice, including counseling clients, planning trial tactics, navigating tensions with coworkers, and handling temptations toward cynicism and greed. This honest and accessible book:

    *shares wisdom from an experienced practitioner and master teacher
    *addresses real-world situations and relationships experienced by most lawyers
    *charts the way toward a truly Christian practice of everyday law

    For students considering a career in law as well as for seasoned attorneys, The Servant Lawyer casts an encouraging vision for how lawyers can love and serve their neighbor in every facet of their work.

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  • Renewed Hope


    Can they find her son in time?

    Sophie Cayes is on the road to success as an artist. Until her ex-husband threatens to sue for full custody of their son. Upon learning of a guest ranch in Eastern Washington that keeps a room open for women in need, she grabs her son and bolts.

    Although Chad Davis loves starting colts on the Seven Tine Guest Ranch, his goal is to have his own spread. Everything’s on course until a woman and her preschool son show up. He’s not thrilled about helping out. Until the boy comes up missing. On his watch.

    Along with a tribal cop they head back to Montana in search of the boy, knowing his dad was the one who kidnapped him. Sophie prays they find him before her ex-husband and his new wife go on the run. Taking her son with them.

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  • Strength And Courage Journal With Zipper Closure


    Teach your son self-care skills from an early age by introducing him to journaling with the Lionface Strength and Courage Brown Faux Leather Classic Journal. Journaling is a powerful tool for communicating, problem-solving, enhancing creativity, and fostering self-reflection. In this journal, your son can use its pages, adorned with inspirational Scripture verses, to reflect on the lessons he’s learned.

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  • Sermon On The Mount Bible Study Book Revised And Expanded With Video Access (Stu


    In His sweeping depiction of kingdom citizenship, Jesus utters some of the most familiar passages in all of Scripture. Most of us have only encountered the Sermon on the Mount in fragments, considering its subdivisions as complete teachings in their own right-a study on blessedness; a reflection on the Lord’s Prayer; a discussion of religious devotion, money, ambition, and relationships.

    What if we navigated these three chapters in Matthew as they were originally heard? What if we read them as one cohesive, well-ordered message, intended to challenge us to think differently about what it means to be a follower of Jesus?

    This 9-session study will give you the opportunity to do just that. Come and learn from Jesus, just as His disciples did. First released in 2014, this study is now updated with new teaching videos from Jen Wilkin.

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  • Sword And Sheild


    The Sword and the Shield Saddle Tan Faux Leather Devotional is designed to encourage, inspire, and challenge men to be leaders for Christ in their families, workplaces, and circles of influence. Drawing on the offensive and defensive qualities of swords and shields, this devotional focuses on spiritual growth and moral protection for men.

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