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Showing 2601–2700 of 24019 results

  • Bible Smuggler Bible Buy 1 Bible Send 1 Bible


    God’s Word is illegal and restricted in many nations around the world, but we must obey God rather than men and take His Word to the ends of the earth. Each purchase of an NLT Bible Smuggler Bible provides The Voice of the Martyrs with the resources to smuggle one Bible to a Christian in a restricted nation.

    The Bible Smuggler Bible’s unique features make it a valuable resource for any Christian library: instant access to a robust catalog of biblical resources through the Filament app; full-color inserts featuring stories of the impact of God’s Word on persecuted Christians in countries around the world; and a full-color foldout map showing where access to Bibles is difficult, dangerous and illegal for believers in restricted nations and hostile areas. Bound in an attractive leather-like cover and featuring the New Living Translation, the Bible Smuggler Bible will encourage readers to grow in fellowship with our persecuted Christian family while meditating on truth from God’s Word.

    The new NLT Bible Smuggler Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition has readable text, an attractive layout, and cross-references in a thin, easy-to-carry size. And while it has the same low price of basic text Bibles, the NLT Bible Smuggler Bible offers much more. It not only features a bold new design and the trusted and much-loved New Living Translation (NLT) but also includes the groundbreaking Filament Bible app. This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content, including study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music.

    The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand. And there is no additional cost for the Filament Bible app. No additional purchase. No additional size or weight. Of course, you can use this Bible without the app, but when you want to dig deeper, grab your phone or tablet and open the Filament Bible app. It’s so easy to use.

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  • Returning From The Abyss


    The Pivotal Moments in the Old Testament series helps readers see Scripture with new eyes, highlighting short, key texts-pivotal moments-that shift our expectations and invite us to turn toward another reality transformed by God’s purposes and action.

    The book of Jeremiah tells the story of a prophetic mission that seems doomed to fail. God instructs Jeremiah to call to account a people who refuse to turn from their unfaithfulness until it is too late, and they encounter destruction at the hands of the Babylonians. Yet underlying the themes of warning and judgment is a steady refrain: God’s desire to draw God’s people back into covenant, even when things seem past the point of no return. What lessons can contemporary readers draw from the narrative of a stubborn people who cling to their exploitative ways and a God who, even so, relentlessly pursues them? In Returning from the Abyss, Walter Brueggemann explores the historical and literary context of the book of Jeremiah to illuminate the dual themes of Israel’s long walk into, and out of, the trauma and devastation of exile.

    Throughout, Brueggemann points out the role of the prophet in overturning a people’s illusory sense of security in unjust structures that are not of God and leading those same people toward the hope of restoration and return. He also highlights the persistent themes of empire, self-sufficiency, and withholding from neighbor that inform the narratives of both Israel and “American exceptionalism” and examines how the holiness of God is at work in untamed historical processes that point us toward a costly hope for a just economic and political future.

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  • Professional Christian : Being Fully Yourself In The Spotlight Of Public Mi


    As church leaders, we live our lives within the spotlight of professional ministry. To best love and serve God and our neighbors, we aim to be the fullest, truest versions of ourselves. However, we often struggle to do so with integrity. What if our preaching or singing feels like a performance? Are we supposed to hide our imperfections and let people see only the shiniest parts of our lives? If you have ever felt like you’re working under a microscope or that you’ve been put on a pedestal you don’t want or deserve, know that you are not alone.

    Professional Christian gathers the wisdom from fifty church leaders in a variety of roles (including Sandhya Jha, Jacqueline J. Lewis, Bruce Reyes-Chow, Nikki Toyama-Szeto, and Will Willimon) on topics such as authenticity, privacy, boundaries, doubt, self-care, and the challenges of being held to a higher standard. The stories, advice, and wisdom from these leaders help to show us that thriving in ministry should not have to come at the expense of our identity and relationships. Written by a church musician with over twenty years of experience in ministry, Professional Christian helps church leaders learn to flourish as an integrated person of faith living out their call to vocational ministry.

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  • Caesar And The Church



    Since the arrival of Covid-19, governments around the world have been imposing mandates, lockdowns, and other restrictions. Churches were told to close, or, if they could remain open, to do so outside, or with masks, or social distancing, or without singing, or in limited numbers, or even all of the above. And yet despite that the response from churches has been incredibly varied.

    CAESAR AND THE CHURCH takes us on a brief overview through the biblical teaching on authority, and in particular how it relates to the relationship between Caesar (that is, civil government) and the Church.

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  • Little Lump Of Clay


    A little lump of clay arrives in the Master Potter’s workshop, certain he’ll be molded into something magnificent-a fancy urn, an elegant vase, or a stylish serving tray for the most important occasions. After all, everything the Master Potter shapes is special! But he can’t understand it when he becomes just a plain, ordinary piece of pottery. How can he serve a special purpose like this? It takes an encounter with Jesus himself for the little lump to realize that being “ordinary” doesn’t mean he can’t serve the Lord in a way beyond anything he ever imagined.

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  • Marvin And The Explosive Experiment


    Marvin’s Big Blunder

    Marvin Mole loves experiments. And he’s pretty good at performing them, too. But when Marvin’s confidence gets the best of him, it’s time for some tough love, keen insight and a clever idea to make things right again.

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  • Molly And The Little Lipstick Lie


    “Grandma Myrtle always looked so pretty when she played. Now, I’ll look just like her.”

    Molly just wants to wear lipstick to look beautiful for her big recital. And it’s not ‘stealing’ just ‘borrowing’, right? As Molly soon learns, a little lie is still a lie, and one lie can become many lies. Along with the reader, Molly will learn the consequences of what a ‘little’ lie can cause and discover that she is always more beautiful when she tells the truth.

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  • Mikey And The Not So Awesome Possums


    “You aren’t friends with those guys, are you?” Mikey just wants to be the ‘cool kid’. The thing is he isn’t. And friends definitely aren’t!

    When face-to-face with the “Awesome Possums” on his first day back at school, Mikey realizes that he could be the “cool kid” this school year. Who won’t want to be? Find out if Mikey will “remember the light above” him or if he will decide to abandon his friends in this installment of the “Holy Moley” series.

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  • Discerning Life : An Invitation To Notice God In Everything


    Spiritual discernment is a key theme in the Scriptures. From the Garden when Adam and Eve turned away from the simplest terms of a relationship with God, to the Garden when John the Apostle wrote the book of Revelation to a distracted people anticipating eternity, discerning God has been the heart of the matter. In modern times, however, we have forgotten the basic premise of practicing a preference for God, out of which we then are invited to live for God. Instead, we have implanted strategic planning, head-to-head battling, and will-of-God knowing in its place. In The Discerning Life, Stephen A. Macchia seeks to upend the one-eyed and limited Christian understandings of spiritual discernment and invite readers and leaders to reconsider how they prioritize the care of their souls, the grace of their communities, and the mission of their lives, churches, and organizations. When we have a fuller understanding of how spiritual discernment matters to the whole of our lives, we will in turn encourage others to follow likewise and then lean fully into the mission, mandate, and message of the whole counsel of God.

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  • Stick Figures Save The World


    Drawing Simply to Share Jesus Well

    Have you ever tried to share your faith but struggled, not really knowing what to say? This book helps solve that problem. Practical and funny, Pam Arlund offers a refreshing change from standard methods in disciplemaking.

    In Stick Figures Save the World, you will learn to draw Bible stories in a simple way to equip even the newest follower of Jesus to pass on what they have learned to another. This method works when drawn in the dirt of a remote village or on a napkin in a coffeehouse. Whether you are trying to reach your own children, the neighbors, or a person across the world, this book can show you how.

    The surprising two-fold outcome of this method is how exciting Scripture will become and how well prepared you will be to share Jesus with others. Stick figures aren’t just for kids, they are for everyone who wants to make the most of the opportunities the Lord gives to authentically share His love with the world.

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  • Zero Percent Chance


    Find out how a U.S. special operations team led the fight to remove ISIS from Manbij, Syria, and how God stepped in to work miracles in the life of soldier Jon Turnbull after he is injured in a suicide bombing. Survival is just the beginning of the battle facing Turnbull and his wife Samantha in this book that celebrates freedom, faith, and heroes.

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  • Domestic Monastery : Creating A Spiritual Life At Home


    What is a monastery? A monastery is a place set apart–a place to learn the blessings of powerlessness, and that time is not ours but God’s. Our home and our duties can, just like a monastery, teach us those things. The vocation of monastic men and women is to physically withdraw from the world. But the principle is equally valid for those of us who cannot go off to monasteries. Certain vocations offer the same kind of opportunity for contemplation, and provide a desert for reflection.

    In ten brief and powerful chapters, Fr. Ron explores how monastery life can apply to those who don’t live in a cloister:

    – Monasticism and Family Life
    – The Domestic Monastery
    – Real Friendship
    – Lessons from the Monastic Cell
    – Ritual for Sustaining Prayer
    – Tensions within Spirituality
    – A Spirituality of Parenting
    – Spirituality and the Seasons of Our Lives
    – The Sacredness of Time
    – Life’s Key Question

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  • Beyond Racial Division


    Efforts at colorblindness and antiracism have not been very effective in addressing racial tensions in the United States.

    Colorblindness ignores the realities of race and the history of injustice. On the other hand, antiracism centers racial concerns and in so doing often alienates people who need to be involved in the process. Sociologist George Yancey offers an alternative approach to racial relations where all parties contribute and are mutually accountable to one another for societal well-being. He provides empirical rationale for how collaborative conversations in a mutual accountability model can reduce racial division. History and societal complexity mean that different participants may have different kinds of responsibility, but all are involved in seeking the common good for all to thrive. Avoiding unilateral decisions that close off dialogue, Yancey casts a vision for moving beyond racial alienation toward a lifestyle and movement of collaborative conversation and mutuality.

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  • Medieval Mind Of C S Lewis


    C. S. Lewis had one of the great minds of the twentieth century.

    Many readers know Lewis as an author of fiction and fantasy literature, including the Chronicles of Narnia and the Space Trilogy. Others know him for his books in apologetics, including Mere Christianity and The Problem of Pain. But few know him for his scholarly work as a professor of medieval and Renaissance literature. What shaped the mind of this great thinker? Jason Baxter argues that Lewis was deeply formed not only by the words of Scripture and his love of ancient mythology, but also by medieval literature. For this undeniably modern Christian, authors like Dante and Boethius provided a worldview that was relevant to the challenges of the contemporary world. Here, readers will encounter an unknown figure to guide them in their own journey: C. S. Lewis the medievalist.

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  • Introducing The Pseudepigrapha Of Second Temple Judaism


    2020 Center for Biblical Studies Book Award (Reference Works)

    This book introduces readers to a much-neglected and misunderstood assortment of Jewish writings from around the time of the New Testament. Dispelling mistaken notions of
    “falsely attributed writings” that are commonly inferred from the designation “pseudepigrapha,”

    Daniel Gurtner demonstrates the rich indebtedness these works exhibit to the traditions and scriptures of Israel’s past. In surveying many of the most important works, Introducing the Pseudepigrapha of Second Temple Judaism shows how the pseudepigrapha are best appreciated in their own varied contexts rather than as mere “background” to early Christianity or emerging rabbinic Judaism. Foreword by Loren T. Stuckenbruck.

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  • No Turning Back


    For many of us, believing in Jesus feels like the first step on a journey that can only get better and better with every step. Then trials come and it can be hard to keep walking. When faced with disappointment, disillusionment, doubt, and death, we may be tempted to turn back. The road ahead seems too hard, too long, too fraught with danger and difficulty.

    With great passion and deep understanding of the struggles believers go through, Rashawn Copeland encourages and inspires you to stay the course. In No Turning Back he shares practical and productive ways you can experience true and lasting growth based on the promises God makes to those who follow him. He shows you how to apply the truths of Scripture to be transformed by God’s power, grow your identity in Christ, renew your mind, free yourself from your past, and become the person God has called you to be.

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  • To Be Made Well


    How can we be made well?

    From hurting bodies and souls to hurting relationships and communities, it’s clear that things are not as they should be. Some of us live with varying degrees of physical pain, and others of us harbor the emotional pain of loneliness, shame, and guilt. Looking at our culture more broadly, we see the harm of our social divisions and the unyielding reality and impact of injustice and inequity. The gospels brim with stories of Jesus healing people , but what does that mean for us today?
    In To Be Made Well, author Amy Julia Becker weaves together her own story with reflections on biblical accounts of Jesus’ healing work, providing fresh insight into both the nature of healing and the pathway to healing, then and now. This book is a powerful invitation to personal, spiritual, and social healing as we reconnect to our bodies and souls, to God, and to our communities.
    For anyone struggling with pain or loss, for anyone concerned about the things that divide us, this book goes beyond wellness and beyond miraculous physical transformations to explore how we can–personally and collectively–be made well.

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  • To Be Made Well


    How can we be made well?

    From hurting bodies and souls to hurting relationships and communities, it’s clear that things are not as they should be. Some of us live with varying degrees of physical pain, and others of us harbor the emotional pain of loneliness, shame, and guilt. Looking at our culture more broadly, we see the harm of our social divisions and the unyielding reality and impact of injustice and inequity. The gospels brim with stories of Jesus healing people , but what does that mean for us today?
    In To Be Made Well, author Amy Julia Becker weaves together her own story with reflections on biblical accounts of Jesus’ healing work, providing fresh insight into both the nature of healing and the pathway to healing, then and now. This book is a powerful invitation to personal, spiritual, and social healing as we reconnect to our bodies and souls, to God, and to our communities.
    For anyone struggling with pain or loss, for anyone concerned about the things that divide us, this book goes beyond wellness and beyond miraculous physical transformations to explore how we can–personally and collectively–be made well.

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  • Mothers And Daughters Of The Bible Speak


    God always keeps His promises, but not always in the way we expect….

    “Have faith” is a phrase we hear all the time. But what does it actually look like to live it out? In The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak, Shannon Bream examines the lives of biblical women to see how God’s plans can turn our worlds upside down. She tells the story of Jochebed, a mother who took enormous risks to protect her son, Moses, from Pharaoh. Could Jochebed have imagined that God’s actual design for her son involved flight into exile and danger? And yet this was all part of the master plan to deliver Israel from slavery. Another biblical mother, Rebekah, made terrible choices in an attempt to ensure her son’s place in history. And a daughter, Michal, struggled to keep her faithless father, Saul, from sin, while battling pride in herself.

    Through these stories, Shannon explains the intimate connection between faith and family–and how God’s unexpected agenda can redefine the way we think about family. Not all of these mothers and daughters in the Bible were paragons of virtue. Like us, they were human beings who faltered and struggled to do their best. While some heard God’s voice, others chose their own paths. Through the lens of their imperfections, we can see how God used their stories to bring about His divine plans. He’s still doing the same work in our lives today.

    The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak shows that faith is more often a twisting road than a straight line. Yet, as the stories of biblical families attest, at the end of these journeys lies greater peace and joy than we could ever imagine.

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  • More Than My Scars


    The first thing you will notice when you meet Kechi Okwuchi is her scars. One of just two survivors of a devastating plane crash that killed more than 100 people, 16-year-old Kechi was left with third-degree burns over 65 percent of her body. More Than My Scars is her incredible story. A story of not just surviving impossible odds but thriving in a world that is too often caught up with how we look on the outside rather than seeing that our true value is within.

    Now in her early 30s, Kechi has spent the last 16 years refusing to be defined by her trauma. Follow her as she decides for herself what role her scars will play in her life before society decides for her. Her strong sense of identity, rooted in seeing herself the way God sees her, has allowed her to live authentically in a world that constantly seeks to define us by its ever-changing (and ever-shallow) standards. Kechi’s story will inspire you to love and accept yourself as you are and confidently present your true self to the world.

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  • Men We Need


    The world needs real men, real bad. And there are all sorts of conflicting ideas and messages about what a “real man” is (and is not). Is a real man one who hunts, loves sports, grills meat, fixes cars, and climbs mountains? Sure, sometimes. But that’s not really the point of being a man and it’s not the purpose for which men were made.

    Into our cultural confusion, Brant Hansen paints a refreshingly specific, compelling picture of what men are made to be: “Keepers of the Garden.” Protectors and defenders. He calls for men of all interests and backgrounds (including “avid indoorsmen” like himself) to be ambitious about the right things and to see themselves as defenders of the vulnerable, with whatever resources they have.

    Using short chapters loaded with must-have wisdom and Brant’s signature humor, The Men We Need explains the essence of masculinity in a fresh, thoughtful, and entertaining way that will inspire any man who dares to read it.

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  • More Than My Scars


    The first thing you will notice when you meet Kechi Okwuchi is her scars. One of just two survivors of a devastating plane crash that killed more than 100 people, 16-year-old Kechi was left with third-degree burns over 65 percent of her body. More Than My Scars is her incredible story. A story of not just surviving impossible odds but thriving in a world that is too often caught up with how we look on the outside rather than seeing that our true value is within.

    Now in her early 30s, Kechi has spent the last 16 years refusing to be defined by her trauma. Follow her as she decides for herself what role her scars will play in her life before society decides for her. Her strong sense of identity, rooted in seeing herself the way God sees her, has allowed her to live authentically in a world that constantly seeks to define us by its ever-changing (and ever-shallow) standards. Kechi’s story will inspire you to love and accept yourself as you are and confidently present your true self to the world.

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  • Drawing The Line


    In order to live a full and abundant life in alignment with our dreams and callings, we first need to become crystal clear on where we draw our boundary lines. But where and how do we draw the line? And how do we communicate clearly and lovingly to those around us where the line is and why it’s important?

    With plenty of relatable stories from her life juggling multiple businesses and a full house, therapist and mindset coach Kate Crocco offers eight principles that will help you understand, create, and maintain healthy boundaries in order to find more peace, greater fulfillment, and less burnout. She shows you how to take back control from the whims of other people’s opinions about what you should be doing so that you can align your time and priorities with God’s highest calling for your life.

    Stop selling yourself short, waiting for permission, and looking to others for approval to begin living a life of purpose, passion, and personal peace.

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  • Men We Need


    The world needs real men, real bad. And there are all sorts of conflicting ideas and messages about what a “real man” is (and is not). Is a real man one who hunts, loves sports, grills meat, fixes cars, and climbs mountains? Sure, sometimes. But that’s not really the point of being a man and it’s not the purpose for which men were made.

    Into our cultural confusion, Brant Hansen paints a refreshingly specific, compelling picture of what men are made to be: “Keepers of the Garden.” Protectors and defenders. He calls for men of all interests and backgrounds (including “avid indoorsmen” like himself) to be ambitious about the right things and to see themselves as defenders of the vulnerable, with whatever resources they have.

    Using short chapters loaded with must-have wisdom and Brant’s signature humor, The Men We Need explains the essence of masculinity in a fresh, thoughtful, and entertaining way that will inspire any man who dares to read it.

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  • When Anxiety Roars


    According to the American Psychological Association, today’s children and teenagers are anxious about many things. In addition to the stressors common to any generation–family issues, financial instability, pressure to perform in school or sports–these young people also worry about gun violence, social justice, the state of their divided nation, the fate of a warming planet, and much more. To top it off, recent global events and resulting restrictions have added significant stress even as they have stripped away support systems.

    For parents, teachers, counselors, and youth leaders longing to understand and help the young people in their lives, When Anxiety Roars unpacks the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors that influence anxiety in children and offers specific practical steps to take together to tame that anxiety. Integrating faith with best practices to reduce anxiety, it also teaches coping skills that will help children live more confidently today and into the future.

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  • Raising Them Ready


    What is the difference between the kid who struggles to “adult” and the one who jumps in feet first, ready to thrive? It all comes down to mindsets, skillsets, and toolsets. Either we as parents raise kids who are dependent on us or we raise kids who are confident, capable, and eager to take on the challenges of an independent adult life.

    In Raising Them Ready, parenting experts and bestselling authors Jonathan and Erica Catherman give you practical ways to prepare your kids for life on their own. They help you assess how your kids respond to the everyday demands of life, provide practices for redirecting them from seeing adulthood as a series of threats to anticipating exciting challenges, and give you an inventory of the real-world adulting mindsets, skillsets, and toolsets your kids should acquire before leaving the nest.

    By putting into practice the advice in this book, you can stop worrying about if your kids will make it on their own and start celebrating alongside them this adventure called life.

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  • When Anxiety Roars


    According to the American Psychological Association, today’s children and teenagers are anxious about many things. In addition to the stressors common to any generation–family issues, financial instability, pressure to perform in school or sports–these young people also worry about gun violence, social justice, the state of their divided nation, the fate of a warming planet, and much more. To top it off, recent global events and resulting restrictions have added significant stress even as they have stripped away support systems.

    For parents, teachers, counselors, and youth leaders longing to understand and help the young people in their lives, When Anxiety Roars unpacks the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors that influence anxiety in children and offers specific practical steps to take together to tame that anxiety. Integrating faith with best practices to reduce anxiety, it also teaches coping skills that will help children live more confidently today and into the future.

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  • Die To Live


    SKU (UPC): 736211856296Artist: Maranda CurtisMedia: CDReleased: March 2022New Day Christian Distributors Songs1. Never Die2. Freedom Song3. To Know Me4. Lazarus5. Bishops Revelation6. Die To Live7. We Lift You Up8. Amazing God9. Run10. Sparrow11. Sparrow Reprise12. Overcome13. Promise14. Live Again15. Live Again Reprise

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  • Faithful Antiracism : Moving Past Talk To Systemic Change


    It’s time to move past talk.

    It’s no longer news to most of us that our society has a deep-seated racism problem. Christians of all ethnic and economic backgrounds are tired of seeing the ugly legacy of racism play out before their eyes and feeling ill-equipped to respond. They watch as friends and family members leave the visible church over this issue, or fall prey to a gospel of white nationalism that is an affront to the cross of Christ. Racism presents itself as an undefeatable foe–a sustained scourge on the reputation of the church. In Faithful Antiracism, Chad Brennan and Christina Edmondson take confidence from the truth that Christ has overcome the world, including racism, and offer clear analysis and interventions to challenge and resist its pernicious power. Drawing on brand-new research from the landmark Race, Religion, and Justice Project led by Michael Emerson and others, this book represents the most comprehensive study on evangelicals and race since Emerson’s own book Divided by Faith (2001). It invites readers to put this data to immediate practical use, applying it to their own specific context. Compelled by our grievous social moment and by the timeless truth of Scripture, Faithful Antiracism will equip readers to move past talk and enter the fight against racism in both practical and hopeful ways.

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  • Case For Faith For Kids (Revised)


    Why does God allow bad things to happen? Can you have doubts and still be a Christian? Kids ages 8-12 can join in this incredible search for the truth about faith in this book based on the bestselling The Case for Faith by award-winning author Lee Strobel, written in kid-friendly language that helps young readers explore their own beliefs decide for themselves why believing in Jesus and Christianity makes good sense.

    Here’s a book that finally tackles the most important questions about the toughest questions surrounding faith kids often ask and wonder. This updated version of The Case for Faith for Kids is packed full of well-researched, reliable, and eye-opening investigations Lee conducted to test why people believe in Jesus, and the truths that support those beliefs. Throughout, Strobel uses his skills as an award-winning legal journalist to examine the historical records, eyewitness testimonies, and scientific evidence for faith, including Jesus’s resurrection and miracles.

    Like Strobel, will you be convinced by the evidence? What will your verdict be in The Case for Faith? The Case for Faith for Kids:

    *Is written specifically for readers ages 8-12, presented in a way that is logical and easy to understand

    *Is perfect for encouraging a child’s faith development, and is also ideal for homeschool use or as a first communion gift for boys or girls

    *Is packed full of well-researched, reliable, and eye-opening investigations of some of the toughest questions kids have about faith and Christianity

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  • Good For Nothing Tree


    A tiny fig tree needs time to grow. But how much time? All four seasons go by . . . and there are no figs. The seasons pass again. Still no figs! Is the fig tree good for nothing?

    Inspired by the parable of the Barren Fig Tree, The Good for Nothing Tree reminds us that the sweetest figs, like many other things, are worth waiting for. Not every tree–and not every child–grows at the same pace. Yet patience, care, and love can change everything, making what may appear good for nothing very good.

    A note about the parable’s New Testament origins and a recipe are included.

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  • Embrace Your Life


    All of us live with some sort of longing in our hearts-a gap between the life we want and the life we actually have. As we try to navigate this sense of longing and the circumstances we desperately wish would change, we try to hang on to the belief that God will fulfill our desires, while waiting to see the answers to our prayers realized.  For some, those prayers are answered. Yet for others, the longing persists, making us weary at best and debilitated at worst. Living this way leaves us asking the same questions: “How do I find God’s joy in this life when it isn’t the life I hoped for?” or “How do I deal with the gap between the life I want and the life I’ve been given?”

    n this powerful book, Bible teacher and fellow traveler down the well-worn road of unmet longings Elizabeth Woodson equips you for joyful living in that gap. As you walk with Elizabeth through some key biblical passages in the book of Joshua and beyond, you’ll learn to:
    *Realize joy is possible
    *Avoid emotional escapism and naive blindness to reality
    *Have your eyes opened to what “biblical contentment” really means
    *Enjoy God’s unfailing presence
    *Understand your divine calling

    Through biblical wisdom, personal stories, and practical advice, Elizabeth shares life-changing truth that has the heart-healing power you’ve been searching for, and helps you walk through your current life situations from a new perspective-one that embraces actual, real, deep joy in the midst of the inevitable longings of life.

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  • Oneness Embraced : A Kingdom Race Theology For Reconciliation, Unity, And J


    Oneness is to hard achieve. Let the kingdom unity of Scripture point the way.

    Today’s world is torn apart. Tension is everywhere. Brother is pitted against brother, sister against sister, citizen against citizen, even Christian against Christian. It’s so hard to find agreement–much less real harmony–in our polarized society. Can there be a way forward?

    Tony Evans knows how elusive unity can be. As a black man who’s also a leader in white evangelicalism, he understands how hard it can be to bring these worlds together. Yet he’s convinced that the gospel provides a way for Christians to find oneness despite the things that divide us. In the Word of God, we find a kingdom-based approach to matters of history, culture, the church, and social justice. In this book, you’ll get:

    *A Biblical Look at Oneness
    *A Historical View of the Black Church
    *A Kingdom Vision for Societal Impact

    Although oneness is hard to achieve, the Christian must never stop striving. It’s a kingdom imperative. As Tony reminds us, “Glorifying God is our ultimate goal. Oneness exists to enable us to reach our goal.”

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  • Nana The Great Comes To Visit


    This tender, spunky picture book from the bestselling author of the God Gave Us series celebrates the ways loving grandparents help children grow in confidence.

    It’s always a good time when Nana comes for a visit! Nana is great at building forts and playing checkers. Nana applauds dressing with flair, climbing high, and even dancing while praying. Most of all, Nana is great at finding more fun in the everyday moments of life.

    Nana the Great Comes to Visit celebrates the countless ways grownups help children learn to believe in themselves–and assures children of a grandparent’s love.

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  • 10 Little Fireflies


    From the creators of the wildly popular book Ten Little Night Stars, comes Ten Little Fireflies, a board book that introduces little ones to numbers as they count down to bedtime.

    Ten Little Fireflies:

    *Is perfect for little ones ages 0-4
    *Is an early learning concept book of numbers one to ten
    *Has soothing rhymes making this the perfect bedtime read
    *Easily wipes clean of little fingerprints and smudges

    This sweet counting book written by Deb Gruelle, the great grandniece of the creator of Raggedy Ann, features:

    *Popular woodland animals like hedgehogs and owls
    *Is perfect for baby gifts, birthday gifts, and holiday gift giving
    *Fits into little hands

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  • Case For Hope


    Can you really trust in hope? Does hope sometimes feel like a risk that isn’t worth taking? Bestselling author, journalist, and former atheist Lee Strobel proves that hope is real, the true Source of our hope, and why we can trust it.

    In The Case for Hope, Lee Strobel pairs his trademark investigative style with an uplifting message of the hope found in Jesus Christ. Strobel will walk you through why holding on to hope is so crucial, why we can trust in the hope of Jesus Christ, and how that hope can change our lives for the better.

    Strobel will take you on a journey to discover:

    *how to find hope in a hopeless world
    *the source of real hope
    *the hope of a transformed life
    *hope for today and beyond
    *hope that transcends doubt
    *the hope of heaven
    *hope for every person

    With more than 14 million books sold, Lee Strobel has already helped millions delve deeper into their faith and examine more deeply the how and the why of what they believe. Whether as a gift of encouragement during a difficult season, a reminder of our true hope at Christmas or Easter, a baptism or new member gift at church, or as a self-purchase when you need a lift in your faith, The Case for Hope is sure to inspire and ignite hope in the hearts of all who pick up this book.

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  • Begin With A Question


    Begin with a Question explores how the life of faith is a continuous voyage, launched anew each bright day of the spirit or dark night of the soul. This is a book of contemplation and motion, a journey–often in stops and starts–toward the Divine, a pilgrimage paved with prayer, praise, pause, penitence, and (of course) questions. Urgent and universal, joyful or joyless, tinged with doubt or rinsed with hope, here are honest queries that probe, lift, and lead to discovery. Begin with a Question keeps us moving, seeking, reaching, lifting us out of ourselves to something beyond. Using a variety of fixed forms and free verse, the poet examines our relationship to the one who asks, “Who do you say that I am?” A book for seekers, doubters, and believers alike, these poems bring us face to face with anguish, anger, awe, and adoration. They give us permission not to demand answers, but to follow the questions that lead to the Alpha and Omega, to the I AM that keeps us spiraling along this twisting path toward God.

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  • Harbinger 2 The Return


    COMING SOON! Trade Paper Version of NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Best-Selling Book!

    Following the 2020 launch of The Harbinger II, this blockbuster is still at #1 on Publisher’s Weekly with the original The Harbinger at #3, and The Book of Mysteries at #9 (March 2021).

    From the author that brought you 6 New York Times best-selling books including The Harbinger, The Book of Mysteries, and The Oracle

    Is America heading to judgment? What lies ahead? Discover what no book has ever revealed . . . until now!

    Are the unprecedented crises of our times, the signs and warnings of coming judgment?

    Does an ancient mystery hold the secret to the events of our times, and the future of America and the world?

    Is this mystery even behind the shakings that have now overtaken the world and America?

    How much time do we have left?

    In 2012, Jonathan Cahn caused a worldwide sensation with the release of his first book and massive bestseller The Harbinger. It was hailed as ‘stunning,’ ‘prophetic’ ‘mind-blowing,’ and ‘astonishing.’ Cahn followed it with bestseller after bestseller but he has always held off on writing a sequel. But now, for the first time, Cahn opens up what could not be unlocked before – the mysteries that couldn’t be revealed until the present time, the manifestations that have taken place since The Harbinger came out and up to the present hour, and the mysteries of what is yet to come.

    Ever since The Harbinger was released, people have been asking:

    Is an ancient mystery determining America’s future?

    Have the harbingers of judgment continued to manifest on American soil?

    Is America closer now than ever before to judgment and what lies ahead for America and the world?

    The Harbinger ended by speaking of what was yet to come. That which was written is now coming true. After years of holding back, because he believed it wasn’t yet the time, Jonathan Cahn has now written the sequel. The Harbinger II is being hailed as “a prophetic masterpiece” even more powerful and stunning than the first book and will take the mystery to new dimensions and disclose what could not be revealed in The Harbinger or until now. The Harbinger II will open up the mysteries of the Gate, the Watchmen, the Mystery Ship, the Word in the Ruins, the Book of Days, the Image, the Judgment Tree, the Children of the Ruins, the Convergence, the Handwriting on the Wall, and much more. It will ultimately reveal the mystery of what is yet t

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  • How To Thrive As A Pastors Wife


    Every pastor’s wife is a faithful servant and leader in her own right. She has great influence on her church, her community, her family, and her husband, and she finds joy in seeing God move in the lives of others. Yet she also faces unique challenges that too often go unnoticed and unaddressed. At times, a pastor’s wife may feel she can’t talk about her struggles even with those who are closest to her, which can leave her feeling alone, depleted, and misunderstood. She may settle for this way of living, but that’s not God’s desire for her.

    Christine Hoover knows firsthand the unique struggles and opportunities afforded a pastor’s wife–she’s been filling that role for more than 20 years. Coming alongside as an understanding friend, she offers encouragement and guidance to the struggling pastor’s wife, showing her how to make meaningful personal relationships with God, her husband, her children, her church community, and other women–relationships that will sustain her and help her thrive.

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  • Fierce Mercy : Daring To Live Out God’s Compassion In Bold And Practical Wa


    Abby Johnson thought she knew what mercy was when she ushered desperate women toward abortion as the director of a Planned Parenthood facility. She was wrong. It wasn’t until she understood the blood on her hands that she personally experienced the power of God’s fierce yet tender mercy to transform her life. But she never imagined what could happen once she allowed that very mercy to infiltrate her life and spill out into a hurting world.

    In Fierce Mercy, Abby calls you to experience a transformation of your own. Against the backdrop of her first decade involved in the pro-life movement, Abby helps you discover God’s unrestrained mercy at work in your own life and take steps toward becoming a channel of that life-changing mercy in the world around you. She shows you how to model God’s mercy, freely offer mercy to those who seem undeserving, respond with mercy when others err or offend, and bear witness to God’s unrestrained compassion so that others may know him.

    This is Abby’s challenge to you: dare to do what is hard, what is right, and what is good. And do all of it in love.

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  • Why Would Anyone Follow Jesus


    Of all the gods, gurus, and good people out there, why Jesus? Why follow some ancient carpenter-turned-philosopher from a podunk town in the Middle East? A man whose own people didn’t believe in him for the most part. It just doesn’t make any sense.

    Or does it?

    With his signature insight and contagious enthusiasm, Ray Comfort walks you through twelve persuasive reasons to believe that Jesus of Nazareth was who he said he was, did the things the Bible records him doing, and explains why it matters to your life in the 21st century. He covers everything from the virgin birth to Jesus’s miracles and teachings, including his hard sayings, his detractors, his exclusive claims, and his commands to his followers. Through it all, Comfort shines a light on how Jesus stands out and stands above every other teacher, prophet, or historical figure out there.

    If you struggle to articulate why you follow Jesus to your friends and family, or if you are a skeptic looking for some way to make sense of the whole Jesus thing, this book is for you.

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  • Great Quest : Invitation To An Examined Life And A Sure Path To Meaning


    “The unexamined life is not worth living.” -Socrates

    What is life all about? What are we here for? Is there any meaning or purpose to our existence? Thinkers throughout the centuries have pondered these questions. While the distractions of the modern world prevent many from grappling seriously with such matters, the truth is that humans cannot live without meaning any more than we can live without breathing or eating. Os Guinness invites us to examine our lives and join the great quest for meaning and a life well lived. For those who are up to Socrates’ challenge, it is a search that is indispensable to making the most of life. Guinness charts the course of the thinking person’s journey toward faith and meaning, calling for a firm grasp of reason, an honest awareness of conscience, and a living sense of wonder. He affirms that there is a time for questions, and that following those questions can indeed lead us to answers, evidence, and commitment. When life becomes a question, the search is on for an answer. Come find yourself on a sure path to meaning.

    What is life all about? Is there any meaning to our existence? Os Guinness invites us to examine our lives and join the quest for meaning and a life well lived. Calling for a firm grasp of reason, an honest awareness of conscience, and a living sense of wonder, this volume invites you to come and find yourself on a sure path to meaning.

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  • Raising Prayerful Kids


    More than a book, Raising Prayerful Kids is a tool parents can use to make prayer fit naturally into their daily routines without it feeling like a chore or a lecture. Relatable stories of the authors’ successes and failures along with fun activities and games help parents turn everyday moments into faith-filled moments that are naturally filled with prayer.

    Praying with your kids can be connecting, fun, nonintimidating, and even life changing.

    *Prayer games
    *Prayer Activities

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  • Undistracted : Capture Your Purpose. Rediscover Your Joy


    Through his pithy and inspiring storytelling that has endeared him to millions, New York Times bestselling author Bob Goff reassures readers that they can harness today’s distractions, follow Jesus’ example, and find focus, purpose, and joy.

    You probably know what it’s like to be driving down the road when you suddenly feel the vibration and hear the guh-guh-guh-guh-guh of the rumble strips–those groves in the pavement–warning you that you’ve drifted out of your lane. You didn’t mean to get distracted. You only took your eyes off the road for a moment, but you drifted off course. And that’s a lot like life, isn’t it?

    In Undistracted, Bob Goff lovingly yanks us back in our lane and helps us get back on track so we can live our lives with real purpose and joy. In his trademark storytelling style, Bob helps us:

    *learn the destruction of distraction and the benefits of living a life of undistracted love and authentic connection;

    *identify the distractions in our lives and either eliminate them or route around them; and

    *catch a vision of our future, undistracted selves where we can experience true happiness and joy.

    Bob’s inspiring and entertaining stories in Undistracted show us what it looks like to live a beautiful and purposeful life rather than drifting aimlessly from one season to the next. He encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus and harness life’s distractions so we can find joy despite our circumstances.

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  • Face To Face With God


    How can sinful humans approach a holy God?

    In the book of Hebrews, Jesus Christ is celebrated as the great high priest who represents his people before the Father. Jesus’ roles as priest and mediator are central to his identity and bring to completion themes woven throughout Scripture. In this fifth ESBT volume, T. Desmond Alexander considers the often-neglected themes of priesthood and mediation and how Christ fulfills these roles. He explores how these concepts illuminate what Christ has already accomplished for us through his self-sacrifice, as well as what he is presently achieving on our behalf, seated at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Through this study we gain a richer understanding of concepts such as holiness, sacrifice, covenant, reconciliation, and God’s dwelling place. Essential Studies in Biblical Theology (ESBT), edited by Benjamin L. Gladd, explore the central or essential themes of the Bible’s grand storyline. Taking cues from Genesis 1-3, authors trace the presence of these themes throughout the entire sweep of redemptive history. Written for students, church leaders, and laypeople, the ESBT offers an introduction to biblical theology.

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  • Raising Them Ready


    What is the difference between the kid who struggles to “adult” and the one who jumps in feet first, ready to thrive? It all comes down to mindsets, skillsets, and toolsets. Either we as parents raise kids who are dependent on us or we raise kids who are confident, capable, and eager to take on the challenges of an independent adult life.

    In Raising Them Ready, parenting experts and bestselling authors Jonathan and Erica Catherman give you practical ways to prepare your kids for life on their own. They help you assess how your kids respond to the everyday demands of life, provide practices for redirecting them from seeing adulthood as a series of threats to anticipating exciting challenges, and give you an inventory of the real-world adulting mindsets, skillsets, and toolsets your kids should acquire before leaving the nest.

    By putting into practice the advice in this book, you can stop worrying about if your kids will make it on their own and start celebrating alongside them this adventure called life.

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  • Malicious Intent


    Dr. Ivy Collins, founder and CEO of Hedera, Inc., is ready to begin clinical trials of her company’s cutting-edge prosthetic. Her work has been heralded by government, medical, and advocacy groups and everyone hopes the device will be a success. Well, almost everyone. Someone is trying to sabotage Hedera and the launch, but to what purpose–and how far will they go to get what they want?

    Meanwhile, U.S. Secret Service Agent Gil Dixon can’t believe he’s finally been reunited with Ivy, his childhood best friend. Now that he’s found her again, Gil intends to spend the rest of his life with her. But it will take all his skill to uncover the truth in time to save Ivy’s life’s work, her own life, and the innocent lives caught in the crossfire.

    Perfectly balancing chilling suspense and uplifting romance, award-winning author Lynn H. Blackburn delivers a story of revenge, greed, and overcoming that you won’t want to put down no matter how late it gets.

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  • Looking For Leroy


    It’s official: Brynna Phillips is done with men. They only break your heart. But just when she makes this declaration, her friend Jan convinces Brynna to join her on a camping vacation in Sonoma Wine Country. As they wind their way toward their destination, spanking-new mini camper in tow, Brynna recalls her teenage camp romance with a boy named Leroy. How can it have been nearly 30 years ago? All she remembers is that Leroy was a genuinely good guy and that his family owned a vineyard–in Sonoma. She doesn’t even remember his last name. Jan insists they look for him, and the search begins.

    Beyond the slim chance they’d ever be able to find him are questions that have haunted Brynna for decades, including What is the point of digging up the past? and Can Leroy ever forgive me for losing touch?

    Bestselling author Melody Carlson invites you on a trip to rediscover the carefree days of youth and, just maybe, to get a second chance at love.

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  • Letter From Briarton Park


    In Regency England, one letter will alter a young woman’s fate when it summons her to Briarton Park–an ancient place that holds the secrets of her past and the keys to her future.

    Cassandra Hale grew up knowing little about her parentage, and she had made peace with the fact that she never would. But Cassandra’s world shifts when a shocking deathbed confession reveals a two-year-old letter from Mr. Clark, the master of Briarton Park, with hints to her family’s identity. Stung by betrayal, she travels to the village of Anston only to learn Mr. Clark has since passed away.

    James Warrington is a widower and the new master of Briarton Park, where he lives with his two young daughters, his sister, and his mother-in-law. When Cassandra appears at his doorstep with a letter from the previous owner and then proceeds to assist his family in an unexpected way, he is honor bound to help uncover the answers she seeks.

    The more time Cassandra spends in Anston, the more she begins to suspect not everything–or everyone–is as they seem. As details emerge, the danger surrounding her intensifies. Using wit and intuition, she must navigate the treacherous landscapes between truth and rumor and between loyalty and deception if she is to uncover the realities of her past and find the place her heart can finally call home.

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  • Do Over : A Novel


    Sometimes dreams come true. Other times, the best outcome begins with an epic fail.

    Career-driven McKenna Keaton has devoted her life to attaining the senior partnership at her law firm. Not only that, she once walked out of a gusty hailstorm–in which she got a run in her pantyhose and a bit of tree branch stuck in her hair–straight into an elevator with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. So asking a man on a date is nothing. But the past four days have been the worst of her life and have called everything she thought she knew about herself into question. Besides, she can’t remember her last real date–one that didn’t involve using a blind date as an opportunity to get a stranger’s perspective. (It’s like sharing fondue with a jury!)

    But a real date? And with shy, nerdy Henry Blumenthal, McKenna’s high school rival for valedictorian who took three hours to beat her at chess in high school? Scratch that. He’s Hank Blume now, the famed documentarian, Durham’s darling son, who has attained all his dreams and more, and also happens to look like he stepped out of an Eddie Bauer catalog.

    Whereas McKenna is a disgraced workaholic from New York on unpaid leave, accused of a white-collar crime she would never commit, succumbing to panic attacks, watching her dreams unravel. At age thirty-eight–and destined by the family curse to die before she turns forty, it appears–it’s absolutely the wrong time to have a major crush on a man. Especially one who treasures his memories of McKenna as the girl Most Likely to Succeed.

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  • Mysteries Of The Messiah


    Now available in trade paper! Are you settling for half the story? Highlighting connections that have been hidden from non-Jewish eyes, Rabbi Jason Sobel will connect the dots between the Old and New Testament, helping you see the Bible with clarity as God intended.

    Most people–even people of faith–do not understand how the Bible fits together. Too many Christians accept half an inheritance, content to embrace merely the New Testament, while Jewish people may often experience the same by embracing only the Old Testament. But God has an intricate plan and purpose for both the Old and the New.

    In Mysteries of the Messiah, Rabbi Jason Sobel reveals the many connections in Scripture hidden in plain sight. Known for his emphatic declaration “but there’s more!” he guides us in seeing the passion and purpose of the Messiah. Mysteries of the Messiah:

    *uncovers connections between the Old and New Testaments,

    *connects the dots for readers with details about Jesus, the Torah, and biblical characters, and

    *is written with the unique perspective of a rabbi with an evangelical theological degree.

    No matter how many times you have read the Bible, Mysteries of the Messiah will bring fresh perspective and insight. God’s Word, written by many people over thousands of years, is not a random selection of people and stories. Rabbi Jason Sobel connects the dots and helps us see with clarity what God intended.

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  • Letter Keeper


    Combining heart-wrenching emotion with edge-of-your-seat tension, New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin explores the true power of sacrificial love.

    Murphy Shepherd has made a career of finding those no one else could–survivors of human trafficking. His life’s mission is helping others find freedom . . . but then the nightmare strikes too close to home.

    When his new wife, her daughter, and two other teenage girls are stolen, Murphy is left questioning all he has thought to be true. With more dead ends than leads, he has no idea how to find his loved ones. After everything is stripped away, love is what remains.

    Hope feels lost, but Murphy is willing to expend his last breath trying to bring them home.

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  • Ordinary On Purpose


    Wife, mother of 5, and part-time family practice doctor.

    The world is shouting at us to be more. Be the BEST. Strive. Achieve. Overachieve. Never stop pushing. After seven years of living married to an alcoholic and drug addict, Mikala was drowning in motherhood all while finishing medical school and her residency. At the end of her rope, she realized all this time she had been chasing something that doesn’t exist. Perfect is pretend. All she desperately wanted and needed to embrace was ordinary. A hard, messy, gritty, lovely little life.

    Mikala’s moving and beautiful writing takes readers through her transparent story with an invitation. Lay down the endless chase for perfection, see your perfect, loving God amidst the pain and chaos, and live a beautiful, ordinary little life exactly as it is. Today.

    This book is a voice of radiant hope and grounding contentment for the strivers and perfectionists spread thin. Not for achieving more, but for embracing who we already are. Loved, imperfect, mostly ordinary, and so very on purpose.

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  • WayMaker : Finding The Way To The Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of


    We can trust that God, the WayMaker, is always at work creating the life of our dreams, through ways we never would have dreamed for ourselves.

    In a disorienting world, with obstacle after obstacle, and the landscape of our lives shifting in ways we never expected, we can trust that as we look to our Maker, the WayMaker, our road will lead us to arrive exactly where we always hoped it would, though maybe not at all in the way we imagined. And those dreams for our lives? They can still happen-in ways only He perfectly dreamed of.

    It is true: heartache, grief, suffering, obstacles, they all come in waves. There is no controlling life’s storms; there is only learning the way to walk through the waves. In WayMaker, bestselling author Ann Voskamp hands us a map that makes meaning of life, that shows the way through to the places we’ve only dreamed of reaching, by a way we never expected. Voskamp reveals how God is present in the totality of our lives, making a way:
    *for the marriage that seems impossible,
    *for the woman who longs for a child of her own,
    *for the parents who ache for the return of their prodigal,
    *for the sojourner caught between a rock and a hard place, and
    *for the wayfarer who feels as though there is no way through to her dreams.

    We can encounter the WayMaker in surprising ways and begin to see Him not only making poetry out of pain but working in every miraculous detail of our lives. Even now, the Way is making the way to walk through waves and into a life more deeply fulfilling than our wildest dreams.

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  • Shackled : One Woman s Dramatic Triumph Over Persecution, Gender Abuse, And


    Sentenced to Death for Her Beliefs Mariam Ibraheem was finally rising above her difficult childhood and building a new life for herself. Born to a Muslim father and an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian mother, she grew up in poverty in a refugee camp in Sudan. Her father left the family when she was only six, and her mother raised her in the Christian faith. Left without family after the deaths of her beloved mother and sister, she was beginning to move past her grief-earning a medical degree, marrying the man she loved, and having a baby boy. But one day in late 2013, her world was shattered when an unknown relative on her father’s side reported her to the police. The authorities said she was considered a Muslim because of her father’s background. She had broken the law by marrying a Christian man, and she must renounce her Christian beliefs and abandon her marriage. Under intense pressure, Mariam repeatedly refused to deny her faith. After a lengthy trial in a Sharia court, she was charged with apostasy and adultery, and she was imprisoned with her nine-month-old son, Martin, on Christmas Eve. There, awaiting sentence, she learned she was pregnant with her second child. A few months later, Mariam was sentenced to 100 lashes and death by hanging by a Sharia court.Shackled is the stunning story of a courageous young woman who was willing to face death rather than deny her faith, who took a stand on behalf of all people who suffer from religious persecution and all women who are maltreated because of their gender and beliefs. Follow Mariam’s story from refugee camp to life under Islam to imprisonment and sentencing to giving birth while shackled in prison to her remarkable escape from death following an international outcry and advocacy involving diplomats, journalists, religious freedom activists, human rights groups, and even Pope Francis.

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  • Atheism On Trial


    In the courtroom, lawyers depend on rules of evidence to make their arguments.

    A case is made by establishing certain facts from which proof can be determined. But what happens when the truth seems to be a matter of faith? Can the legal mind discern the validity of one’s belief or unbelief? Nationally recognized trial lawyer Mark Lanier turns his analytical mind to the arguments for atheism and agnosticism. With critical thinking and precision of thought, he examines the rationales made for unbelief and assesses them on their own terms, finding points of strength and weakness in their logic and coherence. He considers whether atheistic frameworks give satisfactory and consistent explanatory answers for understanding human existence and the world around us. He cross-examines the strongest arguments of prominent atheists and also interrogates the questions of agnostics as to whether God is knowable. Through his evenhanded, levelheaded approach, Lanier challenges us all to decide for ourselves what we believe.

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  • Malicious Intent


    Dr. Ivy Collins, founder and CEO of Hedera, Inc., is ready to begin clinical trials of her company’s cutting-edge prosthetic. Her work has been heralded by government, medical, and advocacy groups and everyone hopes the device will be a success. Well, almost everyone. Someone is trying to sabotage Hedera and the launch, but to what purpose–and how far will they go to get what they want?

    Meanwhile, U.S. Secret Service Agent Gil Dixon can’t believe he’s finally been reunited with Ivy, his childhood best friend. Now that he’s found her again, Gil intends to spend the rest of his life with her. But it will take all his skill to uncover the truth in time to save Ivy’s life’s work, her own life, and the innocent lives caught in the crossfire.

    Perfectly balancing chilling suspense and uplifting romance, award-winning author Lynn H. Blackburn delivers a story of revenge, greed, and overcoming that you won’t want to put down no matter how late it gets.

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  • Enchanting The Heiress


    Harriet Hancock likes to make the lives of those around her better whether they like it or not. So, she is surprised when her friend Sophia Whitworth has ideas of her own on how to make Harriet happier–by throwing her together with Sophia’s brother, stable hand Jonas Fitzroy. When Harriet discovers his natural way with words, she hatches a plan that would benefit them both.

    Holding a grudge against Harriet for her meddling in Sophia’s life, it is only because of his sister that Jonas agrees to approach Harriet about a possible artistic project. What he doesn’t expect is for her to request his help writing a book.

    As they work together, they start to see each other in a different light, but when the truth of Harriet’s schemes is revealed, she’ll find her good intentions for once have gone too far.

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  • Praying Like A Kingdom Hero


    “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.”-Hebrews 11:1-2

    Like the Bible heroes found in Hebrews 11, you’ll face hardships in life where all you can do is cry out to your Heavenly Father. For those trials, Praying Like a Kingdom Hero will help you seek God’s providence and peace with a heart of worship, wisdom, and willingness to follow His plan for your life.

    In this companion to Kingdom Heroes, Dr. Tony Evans will show you how to pray like those praised by God. He’ll guide you through prayers that let you humbly approach God with your fears and desires, seeking a spirit of Christ-centered endurance that will carry you to victory.

    When the winds of chaos blow turmoil into your life, God remains your perfect refuge. Praying Like a Kingdom Hero encourages you to seek God through conversation with Him, confident that He’ll enact His perfect will through life’s imperfect circumstances.

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  • Apostles Creed : For All God’s Children


    What God’s children believe

    Join FatCat, the friendly feline, as he learns the traditional text of the Apostles’ Creed-the earliest summary of the apostles’ teaching. Enjoy vibrantly illustrated scenes of Jesus’s life and search for FatCat on every page!

    Young readers and families will read a line from the creed along with a simple reflection to tuck into their hearts. With a list of Scriptures for further learning and a family prayer, this FatCat book is perfect to read again and again.

    In a fun and accessible way, believers can visualize, memorize, understand, and confess the Apostles’ Creed, which has united all Christians for centuries.

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  • Called To Reconciliation


    Nationally recognized speaker and church leader Jonathan Augustine demonstrates that the church is called and equipped to model reconciliation, justice, diversity, and inclusion.

    This book develops three uses of the term “reconciliation”: salvific, social, and civil. Augustine examines the intersection of the salvific and social forms of reconciliation through an engagement with Paul’s letters and uses the black church as an exemplar to connect the concept of salvation to social and political movements that seek justice for those marginalized by racism, class structures, and unjust legal systems. He then traces the reaction to racial progress in the form of white backlash as he explores the fate of civil reconciliation from the civil rights era to the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

    This book argues that the church’s work in reconciliation can serve as a model for society at large and that secular diversity and inclusion practices can benefit the church. It offers a prophetic call to pastors, church leaders, and students to recover reconciliation as the heart of the church’s message to a divided world. Foreword by William H. Willimon and afterword by Michael B. Curry.

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  • 3:16 : The Numbers Of Hope


    Is your soul weary? Are you worn out by the demands of life, disappointing setbacks, or downcast days? If so, stand under the waterfall of God’s unfailing love and soak in the promise that God will never let you go.

    “For God so loved the world…” This verse stops us in our tracks: “Wait, this world? With heartbreakers, hope-snatchers, and dream-dousers?” Yes. And God loves this world so much that he gave us the precious gift of himself. New York Times bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado invites us to dive deep into the heart-stilling, mind-bending, deal-making claim of John 3:16.

    In this book, Max will help you:

    *Rest in the fact that there is nothing you can do to earn salvation.
    *Understand more fully the living hope you have through Jesus’ resurrection.
    *Stand in awe of how deep, wide, long, and high God’s love is for you.

    Don’t wait another minute to get to know the God who invented time. Don’t live another second without growing close to the God who is life itself. Today, step confidently into the greatest news you’ll ever receive.

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  • Drawn By The Current


    A birthday excursion turns deadly when the SS Eastland capsizes with Olive Pierce and her best friend Claire on board. Hundreds perish during the accident, and it’s only when Olive herself barely escapes that she discovers her friend is among the victims.

    In the aftermath of the tragedy, Olive returns to her work at an insurance agency and is soon caught up in the countless investigations related to the accident. But with so many missing, there are few open-and-shut cases, and she tries to balance her grief with the hard work of finding the truth. Is she just overwhelmed, or is someone trying to impede her investigations? When clues surface that impact those closest to her, how deep will she dig?
    Newspaper photographer Erik Magnussen begins helping Olive with her cases, and they develop a fast friendship. Just when Olive begins to unravel the secrets, more setbacks arise. It will take everything she’s got to find the truth and stay ahead of those who want to sabotage her progress.

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  • 40 Days Through The Bible


    Find the better you’ve been longing for.

    Lysa TerKeurst, the First 5 team and the Online Bible Studies team have come together to write a Bible study just for YOU!

    We know the Bible is a big book and can oftentimes feel overwhelming. Lysa and Proverbs 31 team wanted to create a study that would help you understand the story of the Bible from start to finish.

    In 40 Days Through the Bible: The Answers to Your Deepest Longings, you will:

    *Take a journey through the storyline of the Bible in 40 days so you can see major themes, how they are all connected and what that means for us as we read the Bible today.

    *Discover the eight major things humanity longs for and how Jesus fulfills all of them for us.

    *Stop the endless cycle of seeking and searching for satisfaction and find the answers to your deepest longings.

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  • Heart Of The Bible


    John Macarthur’s collection of the Bible verses that every Christian needs to know.

    All of Scripture is important and meaningful, but there are certain passages that are most helpful for becoming grounded in God’s truth. In The Heart of the Bible, Pastor John MacArthur shares a selection of verses that he believes are most significant–the ones he considers the heart of the Bible.

    Written in a devotional style, each verse is followed by John MacArthur’s thoughts and comments, giving you a deeper understanding of the passages and their importance to Christians. The verses focus on the nature of the Bible, God, salvation, and discipleship, and are categorized topically.

    Some of the topics covered are:

    *Knowing and trusting our great God
    *What happened at the cross
    *Accepting God’s salvation
    *Living worthy of our calling
    *What it means to follow Jesus

    These treasured pieces of Scripture are not just meant to be read–they’re meant to be savored, repeated, and meditated on. Open your heart to God’s Word and you will be transformed.

    John MacArthur- Unleashing God’s Truth One Verse At a Time(TM)

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  • Gana La Guerra En Tu Mente – (Spanish)


    Estan tus pensamientos fuera de control, como tu vida? Anhelas liberarte de la espiral del pensamiento destructivo? !Deja que la verdad de Dios se convierta en tu plan de batalla para ganar la guerra en tu mente!

    Todos hemos tratado de dejar los malos habitos y los patrones de pensamiento poco saludables, solo para encontrarnos atrapados con una mente fuera de control y una vida diaria fuera de lugar. Craig Groeschel, pastor y autor de best sellers del New York Times, comprende profundamente esta batalla diaria contra la duda y el pensamiento negativo, y en este nuevo y poderoso libro revela las estrategias que ha descubierto para cambiar tu mente y tu vida a largo plazo.

    Basandose en las Escrituras y los ultimos descubrimientos de la ciencia del cerebro, Groeschel presenta estrategias practicas que te liberaran de las garras del pensamiento daino y destructivo y te permitiran vivir la vida de gozo y paz que Dios quiere que vivas. Gana la guerra en tu mente te ayudara a:

    *Aprender como funciona el cerebro y ver como reconfigurarlo

    *Identificar las mentiras que tu enemigo quiere que creas

    *Reconocer y hacer corto circuito a tus detonantes mentales para el pensamiento destructivo

    *Ver como la oracion y la alabanza transformaran tu mente

    *Desarrollar practicas que permitan que los pensamientos de Dios se conviertan en tus pensamientos.

    Dios tiene algo mejor para tu vida que tu forma de pensar anterior. Es hora de cambiar tus pensamientos para que Dios pueda cambiar tu vida.

    Winning the War in Your Mind

    Are your thoughts out of control–just like your life? Do you long to break free from the spiral of destructive thinking? Let God’s truth become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!

    We’ve all tried to think our way out of bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns, only to find ourselves stuck with an out-of-control mind and off-track daily life. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel understands deeply this daily battle against self-doubt and negative thinking, and in this powerful new book he reveals the strategies he’s discovered to change your mind and your life for the long-term.

    Drawing upon Scripture and the latest findings of brain science, Groeschel lays out practical strategies that will free you from the grip of harmful, destructive thinking and enable you to live the life of joy and peace that God intends you to live. Winning the War in Your Mind will help you:

    *Learn how your bra

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  • 5 Steps To Romantic Love (Workbook)


    Five Steps to Romantic Love will help you and your spouse to know and meet each other’s needs and overcome the habits that destroy your love. This workbook takes the proven concepts found in Dr. Harley’s His Needs, Her Needs and Love Busters and helps you make them a reality in your marriage. All of the worksheets, inventories, and questionnaires that Dr. Harley recommends in these two bestsellers are available here in a full-sized and easily reproducible format. Fall in love again and enjoy an intimate, passionate marriage that lasts.

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  • Beginners Bible Read Through The Bible


    Practice beginning reader skills with your little one while reading eight favorite Bible stories with The Beginner’s Bible Read Through the Bible. Combining the trusted The Beginner’s Bible, which has sold over 25 million products since 1989, with the proven I Can Read format, this My First I Can Read collection combines basic language, word repetition, and great illustrations–and is perfect for shared reading with a child.

    The Beginner’s Bible Read Through the Bible is perfect for:

    *Beginning readers ages 4 and up at the My First reading level
    *Fans of the iconic The Beginner’s Bible
    *Back to school, summer reading, homeschoolers, Sunday school classrooms
    *Teaching Bible stories in an accessible format while practicing early reading skills

    The Beginner’s Bible Read Through the Bible features:

    *God Makes the World, Noah and the Great Big Ark, David and the Giant, Esther Saves Her People, Daniel and the Lions’ Den, Jonah and the Giant Fish, Jesus Is Born, and Jesus

    *Exciting 3-D artwork

    *Hardcover format for longer lasting durability and value-priced at $16.99

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  • Deluxe Gift Bible


    The stunning cover of the King James Version Deluxe Gift Bible with Thumb Index pays homage to a version of the Bible that has stood the test of time.

    An ornate filigree border design frames the gold foiled title and heat debossed edition imprint on the smooth front cover. The spine features heat debossed spine ribbing and version imprint along with a gold foiled title. HOLY BIBLE

    Rich gold gilt-edged pages and an attached satin ribbon page marker adds elegance to an already exquisite design.

    The standard 9pt type in a double-column format, thumb-index, reader-friendly subheadings, thematic Scripture verse finder, and the words of Christ printed in red will assist you in Bible study. A one-year Bible reading plan is included to keep you on track. A presentation page is included to complete with a special encouraging message.

    The King James Version Deluxe Gift Bible with Thumb Index comes packaged in a protective sleeve. This beautiful Classic King James Version Bible makes a thoughtful gift for a special birthday or a life event like a graduation or engagement.

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  • Devotional Daily Prayers For Graduates


    The Daily Prayers for Graduates Gray Faux Leather Devotional will safeguard the mind and mental health of your graduate when they step out of the sheltered world of college into the challenges of the real world. Spending time with God through prayer will keep them focused on what is important in life.

    The smooth gray faux leather front and back covers are decorated with large gold foiled frames accented by heat-debossed filigree corner scrolls. The front cover adds additional scrolls that sandwich the gold foiled title.

    Daily Prayers For Graduates

    The interior pages are printed in two colors, and the page edges are foiled in gold. A ribbon marker is included to mark your page, and a presentation page lets you personalize the devotional.

    Each page features a day, title, prayer, and Scripture verse.

    Support your graduate in strengthening his or her prayer life when you give the Daily Prayers for Graduates Gray Faux Leather Devotional as a graduation present or present the Daily Prayers for Graduates Gray Faux Leather Devotional to every high school graduate in your Sunday School class as a meaningful graduation gift.

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  • Heartfelt Journal Never Give Up


    The cover of the Never Give Up Coral Poppies Faux Leather Journal is an unexpected place to find inspiration until you read the gold foiled sentiment. This journal calls you to persevere and to never give up. So, put pen to paper, release your fears and dreams on its pretty pages, and remember, never give up.

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  • Both And : Maximizing Hybrid Worship Experiences For In-Person And Online E


    In a world of rapid cultural and technological change, how do we faithfully worship and share the good news of Jesus Christ? The global pandemic brought online worship of thousands of congregations to homes and people for the first time. To build on the incredible momentum, we cannot go backwards. Instead, we must dream about what the next iteration of worship and online ministry looks like in a post-pandemic world. This important, field-tested new work by worship technology pioneer and expert by Jason Moore helps us understand how to harness radical changes in technology and culture to faithfully worship and experience Jesus, his message, and ultimately our means for carrying out the Great Commission.

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  • Daily 5 Minute Bible Study For Women


    Develop a Habit of Daily Bible Study, Even on Your Busiest Days!

    Do you find it hard to make time for Bible study? You intend to do it, but before you know it, another week has passed and you haven’t picked up God’s Word. This book provides simple tools for you to open the Bible every day and dig into God’s Word–even if you only have five minutes!

    *Minutes 1-2: Read a few verses pulled from a lengthier passage. If time allows, read the full passage listed for you in each Bible study.

    *Minute 3: Understand. Ponder thoughtful questions designed to help you apply the verses from the Bible to your own life. Consider these throughout your day as well.

    *Minute 4: Apply. Read a brief devotional based on the scripture you read. Think about what you are learning and how you can apply the scriptural truths to your own life.

    *Minute 5: Pray. A prayer starter will help you to begin a time of conversation with God.

    The Daily 5-Minute Bible Study for Women will help you establish the discipline of consistent study of God’s Word. You will find that even five minutes focused on scripture and prayer has the power to make a huge difference in your daily life. Soon you will be making time for more!

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  • Christian Beliefs Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This STUDY GUIDE is a companion resource to Wayne Grudem’s Christian Beliefs, revised edition.

    Not every Christian needs to go to seminary, but there are certain teachings of the Bible that every Christian should know. Whether you’re a relatively new believer in Jesus or a mature Christian looking for a better understanding of basics of the faith, the Christian Beliefs Study Guide can help you reflect on and deeply internalize the core teachings of Christianity, when used in conjunction with Christian Beliefs, revised edition (sold separately).

    This STUDY GUIDE will help you think through important topics like:

    *The Bible and its authority for our lives
    *The characteristics of God
    *The importance of prayer
    *Angels and the reality of spiritual warfare
    *What it means that we are created in the image of God
    *What God has done for us in Christ
    *The purpose of the church
    *What happens when Christ returns
    *The biblical understanding of heaven
    *And much more

    Chapter by chapter, this STUDY GUIDE will lead you to examine and reflect on Christian
    Beliefs, revised edition (sold separately), by providing:

    *Summary: A short summary of the chapter to help remind readers what they read.

    *Key terms Definitions of important terminology introduced in the chapter.

    *Key quotes Selection of one or two key quotes from the chapter.

    *Central Scripture Passage An important biblical passage related to the chapter for reflection or memorization.

    *Content Questions: Questions that reflect on the theological content of the chapter.

    *Practical Application Questions: Questions that help tie the theological content of the chapter to real-life situations.

    *For Further Reading: Lists where to find more information on theological topics in Systematic Theology, second edition, by Wayne Grudem so readers know where to go for a deeper dive into specific subjects they want to know more about.

    The Christian Beliefs Study Guide is the ideal resource for every Christian who wants a solid foundation for understanding the most basic and essential teachings of the Bible.

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  • Large Print Compact Bible


    This beautifully classic King James Version Bible makes a luxurious gift to mark a special occasion like a baptism or confession of faith. It’s also an excellent gift for travelers who cannot carry large books and is just the right size to slip into a handbag or briefcase. The black imitation leather cover is heat debossed with a continuous flowing leaf design that starts on the back cover and wraps around the spine where it is attached to a smooth front panel with a double row of black topstitching. The smooth panel on the front holds the silver foiled title. The design continues onto the spine where it is repeated in silver foil. The 10 point type presented in a double-column format, a concordance, a thematic Scripture verse finder, a one-year Bible reading plan, and eight full-cover maps are all available to encourage you to study God’s Word both in your travels and at home.

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  • Gift Of The Cross


    Have you ever dived deeper into the Easter story? Is there a more meaningful way to experience Lent? How does Christ’s death on the cross pave the way for your relationship with God the Father and transform every day of your life? In The Gift of the Cross, beloved and trusted pastor Dr. Charles Stanley walks us through the Lenten and Easter seasons with biblical teaching on Christ’s journey to the cross, the wonder of His divine resurrection, and what all of this means for believers today.

    Discover how this one event forms the absolute foundation for everything Christians believe and will impact not just how you celebrate Lent and Easter but how you can experience joy and hope all year long.

    Both men and women will be encouraged in their faith walk as they focus on these truths that:

    *you can find rest in the final work of the Cross
    *Jesus lives and reigns and is intimately involved in your life
    *you can experience God’s love and the promises of the resurrection in both this life and the next

    Readers will find:

    *a renewed sense of joy as they observe and celebrate the Lenten and Easter seasons
    *gorgeous photography alongside powerful scriptures and Dr. Stanley’s insights
    *decades of biblical study and teachings on Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection

    Develop a deeper understanding of the Lenten and Easter seasons through The Gift of the Cross. Followers of Dr. Charles Stanley will also enjoy The Gift of Prayer and The Gift of Heaven.

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  • On Reading Well


    Reading great literature well has the power to cultivate virtue. Great literature increases knowledge of and desire for the good life by showing readers what virtue looks like and where vice leads. It is not just what one reads but how one reads that cultivates virtue. Reading good literature well requires one to practice numerous virtues, such as patience, diligence, and prudence. And learning to judge wisely a character in a book, in turn, forms the reader’s own character.

    Acclaimed author Karen Swallow Prior takes readers on a guided tour through works of great literature both ancient and modern, exploring twelve virtues that philosophers and theologians throughout history have identified as most essential for good character and the good life. In reintroducing ancient virtues that are as relevant and essential today as ever, Prior draws on the best classical and Christian thinkers, including Aristotle, Aquinas, and Augustine. Covering authors from Henry Fielding to Cormac McCarthy, Jane Austen to George Saunders, and Flannery O’Connor to F. Scott Fitzgerald, Prior explores some of the most compelling universal themes found in the pages of classic books, helping readers learn to love life, literature, and God through their encounter with great writing. In examining works by these authors and more, Prior shows why virtues such as prudence, temperance, humility, and patience are still necessary for human flourishing and civil society. The book includes end-of-chapter reflection questions geared toward book club discussions, features original artwork throughout, and includes a foreword from Leland Ryken.

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  • Lord Is My Strength And My Shield Journal


    Encourage your father’s faith this Fathers’ Day when you wrap The LORD is My Strength Wirebound Journal as his Father’s Day gift this year.

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  • Battle Prayers : Faith To Move Your Mountains


    Sometimes the obstacles you face will make you feel like you are in spiritual warfare. To feel safe again, you seek protection. Battle Prayers: 100 Prayers of Hope and Encouragement, by Michael J. Klassen and Thomas Freiling, gives readers a model for lifting their prayers to God. Like classic books of prayer that have helped believers in their prayer lives over the years, this book emphasizes not only prayers for self, but for others too.

    Each prayer is woven together with scripture verse, helping readers remember that the answers to all of our problems can be found in God’s Word and by listening to Him. Battle
    Prayers: 100 Prayers of Hope and Encouragement:

    *Shows readers how to use the power of prayer to find lasting encouragement and to pull away from the stresses of daily life that pull them down

    *Provides inspiration and theological accuracy as pathways to a richer, deeper relationship with God through prayer

    *Offers prayers ideal for helping move the mountains that can sometimes stand in between us and God

    Whether you’re buying this as a gift or as a self-purchase, this volume of 100 prayers features:

    *Specific Scriptures and cross-references to other prayers in the book for additional encouragement and deepening one’s prayer life

    *First-person prayers addressed directly to God and ideal for reading aloud during morning or evening prayer or devotional time

    *An insightful “No Amens Included” Benediction at the end of the book contending that prayer doesn’t stop with the “Amen,” but rather, is merely the beginning of deeper, daily, more meaningful communication with our Creator

    *A helpful and encouraging Appendix: “The 10 Essential Qualities of an Effective Battle Prayer”

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  • Meet Me In The Margins


    When You’ve Got Mail meets The Proposal, Melissa Ferguson’s latest romantic comedy is one for the books.

    Savannah Cade’s dreams are coming true. The Claire Donovan, editor-in-chief of the most successful romance imprint in the country, has requested to see the manuscript Savannah’s been secretly writing while working as editor herself–except at her publishing house, the philosophy is only highbrow works are worth printing and commercial fiction, particularly romance, should be reserved for the lowest level of Dante’s inferno. But when Savannah drops her manuscript during a staff meeting and nearly exposes herself to the whole company–including William Pennington, new publisher and son of the romance-despising CEO herself–she races to hide her manuscript in the secret turret room of the old Victorian office.

    When she returns, she’s dismayed to discover that someone has not only been in her hidden nook but has written notes in the margins–quite critical ones. But when Claire’s own reaction turns out to be nearly identical to the scribbled remarks, and worse, Claire announces that Savannah has six weeks to resubmit before she retires, Savannah finds herself forced to seek the help of the shadowy editor after all.

    As their notes back and forth start to fill up the pages, however, Savannah finds him not just becoming pivotal to her work but her life. There’s no doubt about it. She’s falling for her mystery editor. If she only knew who he was.

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  • How High Is Heaven


    Children ask A LOT of questions when it comes to heaven, particularly when they’ve experienced the loss of a loved one. In this uplifting, imaginative picture book by bestselling author and ABC News correspondent Linsey Davis, How High Is Heaven inspires hope and comfort in readers young and old, that heaven is right here and open for us all.

    Children will be delighted with the engaging art, read-aloud rhymes, and age-appropriate message that, thanks to God’s grace, heaven is a place we can look forward to while living our best life and finding moments of heaven here on earth.

    How High Is Heaven:

    *Has the lyrical tone and message we have come to love from bestselling author Linsey Davis
    *Whimsical illustrations by Lucy Fleming
    *The perfect book for parents and grandparents to read aloud to their children
    *Written for kids ages 4-8
    *A gift that helps answer children’s questions about heaven and comforts those who have lost a loved one

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  • Conversation Starters For Couples


    Become a student of your partner, find out what makes them tick, reconnect, or simply have some fun when you engage using the Conversation Starters for Couples Boxed Set. Relationships require time and effort, so set some time aside to purposefully connect with the one you love.

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  • Stressless Life : Experiencing The Unshakable Presence Of God’s Indescribab


    Stress happens. We all feel it. It steals our joy, interrupts our sleep, affects our relationships, and wears us down. We can’t escape the things and people that cause it. We can’t medicate it away. So we must deal with it. But how? How do we attain peace in life?

    With compassion and biblical insight, pastor Vance Pitman calls us away from anxious living to a life of indescribable peace by applying truths from God’s Word to the stress we feel in our:
    – schedule- budget
    – relationships
    – decision-making
    – emotions
    – and circumstances

    Discover the freedom and peace that are yours when you no longer allow stress to dominate your life and instead take hold of the soul-satisfying, joy-producing, fruit-bearing life that God intended you to live.

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  • Road Maps For The Pauline Epistles


    This book is intended as an initial set of roadmaps (detailed expository outlines of each of Paul’s epistles) for others to explore the infinitely beautiful terrain of this portion of God’s Word.

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  • 40 Days Of Surrender


    My stubborn need for control tripped me up constantly.

    Maybe you can identify with author Jeanette Towne. She’d been a believer for years but knew there were areas of her life, especially her need for control, that held her back from true intimacy with God. Tired of good-enough faith, she devoted forty days to complete surrender through prayer, fasting, and allowing God to reveal areas of sin. The results changed her life.

    40 Days of Surrender invites you to a deep dive, using the same steps that Jeanette took while learning to submit and give everything to God. Filled with personal stories and testimonies from other women who’ve completed forty days of surrender, this study encourages you to examine your faith, relationships, ministries, and areas of secret sin as you surrender to God. The format draws a parallel to Jesus’s time in the wilderness and focuses on these key elements:

    – prayer and meditation
    – fasting
    – identifying areas that trip you up spiritually
    – making purposeful changes that bring you closer to the Lord

    Get ready to discover the beautiful things that happen when you surrender.

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  • Napoleon Hills Your Millionaire Mindset


    You can build wealth and achieve financial security–but first, you have to learn to think like a millionaire.

    Millionaires are not made by happenstance; amassing riches requires rigorous planning and decisive action. But the money principles used by the financial elite are not beyond the grasp of the average individual–anyone truly can think and grow rich! This book teaches you both the mindset changes and the money habits required to achieve financial security.
    Don Green, executive director and CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, leverages his extensive experience in personal investment and the banking industry to share the secrets as to why some individuals succeed financially and others remain in debt, live paycheck to paycheck, or fail to build enough wealth to live comfortably in retirement. The stories he relates illustrate the exact methods individuals have used to build their fortunes by spending wisely, saving consistently, investing intelligently, boosting their income, and serving others. Green draws on Napoleon Hill’s timeless success principles to present a simple formula for wealth-building–from transforming your mindset for success to understanding and utilizing the different savings and investment vehicles. Each chapter includes simple action steps to take to create your millionaire master plan.

    This is the financial primer you need to take control of your money and make it serve your definite major purpose in life. When you learn to live by the principles in this book, you can join the ranks of individuals who build a lasting legacy of wealth and generosity.

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  • Fear : The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly


    You overcome the fear of people when the fear of God becomes your priority.

    This book will teach you to recognize the fear of man and how the enemy uses it to trap you and keep you from the purposes of God for your life. It will empower you to break free from this trap and live boldly, unafraid to trust God and His promises.

    When you care more about what people think than what God thinks, you will miss out on the opportunities God has for you. The Bible says, “The fear of man lays a snare” (Prov. 29:25). This type of fear is dangerous. It can get you into all kinds of trouble, and the enemy skillfully uses this weapon to keep you from fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. It can silence you when you should speak or paralyze you when you should take action. It affects far more Christians than you might think, but it doesn’t have to rule your life anymore. So how can you be freed from this trap?

    The fear of God leads to wisdom and worship, and there are two ways it comes to you:
    (1) it must be taught; and (2) the presence of God can bring fear as it did on the day of Pentecost and during the Great Awakening. You also learn it as you step out in courage and choose to trust what God says in spite of what people say. As you do this, the fear of man loses its power over you.

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  • Follow Me : Make DISCIPLES The Way JESUS Did


    God has placed the next generation into our hands. Who will raise them up if the church does not?

    This book will teach you how to effectively mentor the next generation of Christians. You will learn how to disciple others in their faith while getting outside of your comfort zone to increase your relationship with God.

    If we want to change the world with the gospel, we must stop focusing on crowds and events and reclaim Jesus’ method of relational discipleship. Jesus’ final mandate to His followers was “Go and make disciples”–yet today most of the church is oblivious to what discipleship is, and few Christians are actually investing their lives in helping other believers grow spiritually. A vast paradigm shift is needed in the church today in order to reach the next generation and advance the gospel in the twenty-first century.

    In Follow Me, J. Lee Grady uses many New Testament examples, as well as his own experience in mentoring dozens of young leaders and a clear strategy for discipling others that can be used by individuals and churches. Grady makes a compelling case that Christianity was never intended to be a spectator sport where huge crowds sit and listen to one preacher on a Sunday. Jesus intended all believers to engage in ministry–and this includes the work of discipling other believers.

    So many Christians today live in a box of limitation. We must understand that the Christian life is an adventure of the Holy Spirit working through them. This book will help believers get out of that box and begin the exciting adventure of spiritual multiplication.

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  • Religious Experience And The Knowledge Of God


    For many Christians, personal experiences of God provide an important ground or justification for accepting the truth of the gospel. But we are sometimes mistaken about our experiences, and followers of other religions also provide impressive testimonies to support their religious beliefs. This book explores from a philosophical and theological perspective the viability of divine encounters as support for belief in God, arguing that some religious experiences can be accepted as genuine experiences of God and can provide evidence for Christian beliefs.

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  • Field Guide To Christian Nonviolence


    Christian nonviolence is not a settled position but a vibrant and living tradition. This book offers a concise introduction to diverse approaches to, proponents of, and resources for this tradition. It explores the myriad biblical, theological, and practical dimensions of Christian nonviolence as represented by a variety of twentieth- and twenty-first-century thinkers and movements, including previously underrepresented voices. The authors invite readers to explore this tradition and discover how they might live out the gospel in our modern world.

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  • Theology For Psychology And Counseling


    This book explores the significance of theology and the Christian faith for the practice of psychology. The authors demonstrate how psychology and the Christian faith can be brought together in a mutually enriching lived practice, helping students engage in psychology in a theologically informed way. Each chapter includes introductory takeaways, individual and group reflection questions, and resources for further study and reading.

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  • Translating Your Past


    Uncover the spiritual strength of your family story.

    We all have a desire to learn more about where we’ve come from, and technology has made this more possible than ever. But our family stories are more than a list of DNA results on a piece of paper or a bunch of fading Kodachrome images filling old photo albums.

    In an era often marked by both fragmentation in family and culture and a hunger to discover our genetic roots, our family stories–including the difficult, complex ones–can carry great spiritual strength. The desire to trace, interpret, and pass on our family’s history is embedded in Scripture from beginning to end–there are nine genealogies found in the book of Genesis alone. When we bring together the various threads of our family stories with Scripture’s insights, they can provide the key to decoding our identity and helping us discover our place in family, church, and world.
    In Translating Your Past, author Michelle Van Loon helps readers uncover how patterns and gaps in family histories, generational trauma, adoption, genetic clues and surprises, spiritual history, and the church help us translate our own pasts and understand why these stories matter. Each chapter includes questions designed for individual reflection or small group discussion, as well as an appendix of helpful tools readers can use to translate their own pasts and create meaning in order to transform their unique family history into living, faith-filled heritage.

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  • Fight Like Jesus


    Throughout Holy Week, two competing approaches to peacemaking collide. What if we’ve embraced the wrong one?
    At the start of Holy Week, tears streamed down Jesus’ face as he cried out, “If only you knew the things that make for peace.” From that moment, until a week later when he triumphantly declared, “Peace be with you,” Jesus spent each day confronting injustice, calling out oppressors and contending for peace.

    But what if–despite all our familiarity with the events of Holy Week–we still don’t know how Jesus makes peace? And what if–despite clinging to the cross of Christ for our salvation–we’ve actually embraced a different approach to peacemaking? One that justifies killing enemies. One whose methods include nailing criminals to crosses.

    We desperately need to recover the radical vision of peacemaking that Jesus embodied throughout Holy Week. And we urgently need to be trained in his way of making peace. So, come. Let’s journey together day-by-day through Jesus’ final week and discover anew why he is called the Prince of Peace.

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  • Simply Sacred : Stories From School


    What’s a face-saving response when a principal comments on a spider a young boy is carefully drawing only to be informed that his artwork actually depicts Jesus on the cross? There may not be one, but in Simply Sacred there is a faith-saving option: to alter one’s perspective to see that ordinary days almost always hold sacred moments if we just take the time to look. Told from the standpoint of a farm girl who becomes the principal of a fledgling Christian school in a bustling city, this collection of heartfelt stories shows us that the most timeless lesson for children and adults alike is to be schooled in grace, love, and the way of peace.

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  • Religious Experience And The Knowledge Of God


    For many Christians, personal experiences of God provide an important ground or justification for accepting the truth of the gospel. But we are sometimes mistaken about our experiences, and followers of other religions also provide impressive testimonies to support their religious beliefs. This book explores from a philosophical and theological perspective the viability of divine encounters as support for belief in God, arguing that some religious experiences can be accepted as genuine experiences of God and can provide evidence for Christian beliefs.

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  • Power Of Aligning Your Words To Gods Will


    We all face obstacles or what seem to be dead ends. But God has given every follower of Christ the power to overcome through vocalizing his Word.

    From respected prophetic voice Hakeem Collins comes a biblical guide about the believer’s authority to activate the will of God. If you are looking to refresh your prayer life, this book will help you unite your heart with God’s will and speak his truth into the divine dreams and destiny for your life.

    In this profound resource, you will gain wise, strategic direction to
    – decree God’s plan for miracles, favor, deliverance, and divine opportunities
    – contend for breakthrough using the weapon of God’s Word against the unseen enemy
    – break curses and invisible resistance to healing, restoration, and blessings
    – cooperate with the Holy Spirit to see heaven’s purpose manifested on earth and bring your words into alignment with God’s will

    You can experience sudden, supernatural breakthrough by agreeing with and announcing God’s Word by faith. You have the authority to speak words that move mountains, and make hell tremble.

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  • Inner Healing And Deliverance Handbook


    God is eager to create unprecedented beauty from your ashes, and to deliver and restore you to health and wholeness. But it does take work. Most of us need help to look at the pain and fear that grip our lives.

    In her powerful teaching, prophetic leader Jennifer Eivaz equips you with the biblical and practical tools that can lead you into full restoration. By sharing her own moving journey into healing and deliverance, she provides support and encouragement for you to uproot every lie coming against you as a child of God.

    Jesus is asking, “Do you want to be made well?” With the help of the Holy Spirit to implement these tools, you can find healing for all the damage of your past.

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  • Confident Mom : Simple Ways To Give Your Child What They Need Most


    Do you long to go to bed at night knowing you’ve done the best you could with what you have as a mom and made a difference in your child’s life–even if you can’t see it yet? It’s easy to compare yourself to other moms and set unrealistic expectations that make you doubt you’re doing enough. You need hope and encouragement to help you find a new place to start on the days you’re tempted to quit!

    Sharing vulnerable stories of her own struggles and doubts, award-winning author, popular speaker, and mom of three Renee Swope is a friend, cheerleader, and mentor who will come alongside to help you find purpose and meaning in the challenges and adventures of motherhood. By unpacking powerful truths of grace and love God used to rescue her from discouragement and guilt that buried her in the dirt of defeat, Renee fills this book with hope, wisdom, and practical help every mom needs.

    Let Renee show you simple ways to give your child what they need most through the power of heart-centered parenting that is character-focused and relationship-driven. This book will transform not only the way you parent but also the way see yourself as a mom and as a child of God.

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  • Aggressively Happy : A Realist’s Guide To Believing In The Goodness Of Life


    This weary world can be ugly, despairing, and cynical. But you don’t have to be.

    Instead, you can cultivate resilient joy–an act of defiance that will give you peace and delight in times of turmoil, pain, and chaos.

    In this inspiring read, beloved writer Joy Clarkson leads the way, crafting an audacious case for happiness that will leave you feeling lighter, braver, and wiser. With eloquent truths, humor, and memorable storytelling, Joy offers a philosophy of life that doesn’t make light of the heartbreaks of the world, gives you strategies for a hope-offense, defends goodness, and wards off the paralyzing forces of cynicism.

    Aggressively Happy is a timely read, drawing on literary, theological, and artistic examples and personal experiences. Each chapter offers inspiration and practical insight into living a fuller and braver life. In this book, Joy offers readers respite and rejuvenation, acknowledges both beauty and pain, and reveals simple secrets to lasting happiness.

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  • Where The Last Rose Blooms


    Alice runs a New Orleans flower shop alongside her aunt, but thoughts of her mother, who went missing during Hurricane Katrina, are never far from her mind. After getting off on the wrong foot with a man who comes to the shop, Alice soon realizes their worlds overlap–and the answers they both seek can be found in the same place.

    In 1861 Charleston, Clara is an abolitionist, unbeknownst to her father, who is heavily involved with the Confederacy. She attempts to assist an enslaved woman reunite with her daughter, and a dashing Union spy is just the person to help them. But things go very wrong when Clara agrees to aid the Northern cause by ferrying information about her father’s associates–and her own fiance.

    Faced with the unknown, both women across the years will have to dig deep to let their courage bloom.

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