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Showing 23901–23982 of 23982 results

  • Katy And The Big Snow


    Katy is a big bulldozer that plows in the summer when it’s nice out, and plows snow in the winter. But when winter comes and there isn’t much snow, all the other plows are put to use and Katy is kept in. Until one day, a great snowstorm hits and everyone in the town, including all the other snow plows, are stranded! Now, it’s up to Katy and her “chug, chug, chug” endurance to get the town moving again. Includes snowy stickers to decorate the story!

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  • Thunderstorm In Church


    Martin Luther’s son has a problem. What should young Hans Luther do when he grows up? How can he ever do anything important when he is constantly overshadowed by his famous father? Hans struggles with his Latin lessons. He fights with a peasant boy in the marketplace, listens to the wise advice of his Aunt Lena, observes his father lecturing to university students. Hans plays with his brothers, little Martin and Paul, and has thoughtful conversations with Lenchen, his sister. Gradually he discovers who he is and how God wants him to live. Through Hans’ eyes you will learn to know Martin Luther – not only as the great Reformer/Preacher, but also as a father with a sense of humor and as a friend.

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  • Overcoming Frustration And Anger


    How do you handle frustration? With irritation, anger, hostility, rage? By blaming the person or event bothering you? If so, your reaction will backfire and make you ill, prevent you from handling the problem at hand, and make you an unhappy person. This book shows you a better way to manage frustration and anger.

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  • Practicing His Presence


    110 Pages/29 Chapters

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    Practicing the Presence of God

    If you wish to know your Lord in a deeper way, you are invited to join the vast host of Christians who, over three centuries, have turned to this book more than any other–except the Scriptures–in order to begin that journey to the depths of Christ.

    Imagine a book that is 300 years old and has never been out of print! Such is the book you hold in your hands. Other than Pilgrim’s Progress, there is probably no other piece of Christian literature that has stood the test of the centuries so well. An estimated 22 million copies of the original The Practice of the Presence of God have been printed in the English language alone. In recent years, however, interest in this book has waned as the original English edition became so outdated that it was virtually unreadable. The publishers have now revised and reissued this book under the title Practicing His Presence and the profundity, depth, and beauty of Brother Lawrence’s masterpiece lives again!

    We have included in this edition, not only the letters of Brother Lawrence–from the 17th century–but also those of Frank Laubach–from the 20th century–who, like Brother Lawrence before him, wrote a series of letters chronicling his experiences in practicing the presence of Jesus Christ.

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  • Genesis : A Commentary (Revised)


    This volume, a part of the Old Testament Library series, explores the book of Genesis.

    The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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  • Message Of The New Testament


    This is a companion volume to H.L. Ellison’s The Message of the Old Testament. It is a book that can be understood by the beginning Bible student and still be valuable for those who have studied the Scriptures for years. F.F. Bruce begins with Mark – and proceeds to the earlier epistles, the prison epistles, the pastoral epistles, Luke and Acts, Hebrews, Matthew, the general epistles, Revelation, and finally the Johannine epistles and gospel. He looks at the distinctive contribution of each book or group of books. The contents are: This was the Son of God, It is God who Justifies, The Eternal Purpose, God’s Firm Foundation Stands, A Faith for the World, Jesus Christ the Teacher, Unchanging and Onward-Moving, This is the Victory, The Church in the World, and The Word Became Flesh. Contains brief bibliography and subject index.

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  • Our Father Friend Of Little Children


    Perfect For a post-Lenten or Easter Season Series, this book of nine object lessons uses the Lord’s Prayer as its basis.

    Chapter titles include: “Our Father Who Art In Heaven.” “Hallowed Be Thy Name,” “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread,” and “For Thine Is The Kingdom.”

    Objects used are:
    a flag
    a microphone
    a large map or globe
    a rule book for a game
    a loaf of unsliced bread
    a box of chocolates, potato chips and popcorn
    a newspaper
    a banner to wave

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  • Overcoming Depression


    A simply written and practical guide on how to get up when you feel down. A professional psychotherapist explains the techniques he has developed in his private practice–techniques by which anyone can overcome depression.

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  • 1st Book Of Kings


    Canon Robinson suggests that the editors of 1 Kings compiled their history to teach the Hebrews that their existence as the covenant people of God depended on their continuing loyalty to their traditions.

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  • Satan Is Alive And Well On Planet Earth


    No one thinks much about the Devil anymore. In fact, words like witchcraft and black magic have a strangely medieval ring to our ears. Many people even think of Satan as somehow comic — and therefore harmless. Yet amidst the tragedy and corruption of our own century, it is ironic that many people doubt whether an active, evil force really exists. But Satan is not dead, says author Hal Lindsey; he has simply adopted a more modern style. Spiritualism, astrology, “new age” religion — all of these and more are signs of the creeping influence of the Father of Lies in our time. In this book, Hal Lindsey, well-known speaker and author of the best-selling Late Great Planet Earth, outlines a battle plan for overcoming this very real and insidious enemy. The times may change, but the conflict is as old as the Garden of Eden. Whatever happened to old What’s-his-name?

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  • How To Read A Book


    How to Read a Book, originally published in 1940, has become a rare phenomenon, a living classic. It is the best and most successful guide to reading comprehension for the general reader. And now it has been completely rewritten and updated.

    You are told about the various levels of reading and how to achieve them — from elementary reading, through systematic skimming and inspectional reading, to speed reading, you learn how to pigeonhole a book, X-ray it, extract the author’s message, criticize. You are taught the different reading techniques for reading practical books, imaginative literature, plays, poetry, history, science and mathematics, philosophy and social science.

    Finally, the authors offer a recommended reading list and supply reading tests whereby you can measure your own progress in reading skills, comprehension and speed.

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  • Apocalyptic A Print On Demand Title


    The study of apocalyptic – the body of ancient literature dealing with the end of the world – is vital to an understanding of the New Testament. Most of us, however, know very little about the subject – and if Leon Morris is correct, much of what we think we know is wrong.

    In this brief introduction to apocalyptic, Morris brings together the results of a great deal of work that has been done on the subject by himself and others. In a clear and lucid style, he addresses himself to the characteristics of apocalyptic writings, the world from which they arose, and their relation to the gospel. “Apocalyptic is not a good medium for expressing the cruciality of the cross,” Morris concludes, “and in fact it does not express it . . . We cannot understand important sections of the New Testament without some knowledge of apocalyptic. But we cannot hold that apocalyptic contains the key to the whole. . . .”

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  • Christian Counseling And Occultism


    4 Parts
    338 Pages

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    One of the least known aspects of the Christian life, and therefore among the least understood, is that of spiritual warfare. Most Christians are quite familiar with basic factors such as regeneration, newness of life in Christ, the Spirit filled life, the fruit of the Spirit, and the witnessing for Christ; but it seems that relatively few are familiar with the mortal combat between light and darkness, between God and Satan. In this book, “Christian Counseling And Occultism” Dr. Kurt E. Koch makes a signifigant contribution.

    Out of his wide pastoral and evagnelistic ministry, Dr. Koch presents the facts on satanic warfare against the people of God. With objectivity he faces the possibility of natural explanations given by psychologists and psychiatrists, and shows their insufficiency in many areas. He is deeply taught in the Scriptures and knows by experience the adequacy of the Christian’s armour: the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the Gospel, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, and in particular, the weapon of all- prayer in the Spirit.

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  • Where God Meets Man


    This book about Luther’s theology is written out of a two-fold conviction- first, that many of our problems have arisen because we have not really understood our own traditions, especially in the case of Luther; and second, that there is still a lot of help for us in someone like Luther if we take the trouble to probe beneath the surface. It is an attempt to interpret Luther’s theology for our own day.

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  • Understanding The Old Testament


    Deals with the background of the Bible but focuses on the geographical setting, the pre-history, the social and political history as well as the story of the ideas which grew up out of this culture.

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  • Corre Nicky Corre – (Spanish)


    This is the emotional story of Nicky Cruz and how he escaped from the barrios under extreme and desperate pressure to find a better life. This biography is of a young man that won the battle of alcoholism, escaped the violent crimes of his past and become an inspiration to teenagers around the world.

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  • Protestant Faith


    This new edition of a standard text describes lucidly and comprehensively the “classical Protestant faith” with the help of illustrations drawn from contemproary life. It does not assume previous knowledge yet does not avoid the more complex issues in Christian theology, such as theories of the atonement or the doctrine of the trinity. In eight chapters the author explains, against many current misunderstandings, what Christians mean by faith. He deA scribes the nature of revelation and the God who has revealed himself – and what this means for an understanding of the world and the human condition in this world. This is fol lowed by an explanation of the doctrine of Christ, his human ity and divinity, and his work on behalf of the human race. Professor Forell concludes with an explanation of the work of the Holy Spirit through the church by means of word and sac rament and details the Christian hope for the coming kingdom of God. [The Protestant Faith] has a valuable appendix which makes available the universal Christian creeds and confes sional statements, and adds to its appeal as atext and ref erence manual.

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  • Right With God


    A straightforward book to help those searching for personal faith in God.

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  • 1st Book Of Samuel


    Summarizes the place of this book in the Old Testament canon, its relationship with history and its theological purpose. A final brief section considers the theological message today of this account of the beginnings of the line of David.

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  • Form Criticism Of The Old Testament


    Because of its long oral tradition the Old Testament includes an array of different literary types and compositions. Analysis of these genres in the biblical material is known as form criticism. Gene Tucker draws on contemporary speech patterns to illustrate how the scholar pinpoints various categories or genres. The basic principles of form criticism are outlined and many biblical examples given. The story of Jacob’s struggle at the Jabbok and the prophetic literature are treated in detail. While form criticism does not solve all the interpreter’s problems, it forms an essential tool for exegesis and for recovering the living history of Old Testament literature.

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  • Ephesians Everymans Bible Commentary


    With the ecumenical movement gaining impetus in today’s world, ecclesiological discussions are common. What does church actually mean? Is it a visible organization or a spiritual organism? Who makes up its membership? Nearly two centuries ago, the apostle Paul spoke on these and similar issues in his letter to the Ephesian believers…

    This encouraging commentary focuses on a Pauline epistle that nearly bursts at the seams with life-changing doctrine. The scriptural concept of election, inspiring teachings on the doctrine and duties of the church, and other highlights from the New Testament letter receive careful attention.

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  • I And Thou


    Today considered a landmark of twentieth-century intellectual history, I and Thou is also one of the most important books of Western theology. In it, Martin Buber, heavily influenced by the writings of Frederich Nietzsche, united the proto-Existentialists currents of modern German thought with the Judeo-Christian tradition, powerfully updating faith for modern times. Since its first appearance in German in 1923, this slender volume has become one of the epoch-making works of our time. Not only does it present the best thinking of one of the greatest Jewish minds in centuries, but has helped to mold approaches to reconciling God with the workings of the modern world and the consciousness of its inhabitants.

    This work is the centerpiece of Buber’s groundbreaking philosophy. It lays out a view of the world in which human beings can enter into relationships using their innermost and whole being to form true partnerships. These deep forms of rapport contrast with those that spring from the Industrial Revolution, namely the common, but basically unethical, treatment of others as objects for our use and the incorrect view of the universe as merely the object of our senses, experiences. Buber goes on to demonstrate how these interhuman meetings are a reflection of the human meeting with God. For Buber, the essence of biblical religion consists in the fact that — regardless of the infinite abyss between them — a dialogue between man and God is possible.

    Ecumenical in its appeal, I and Thou nevertheless reflects the profound Talmudic tradition from which it has emerged. For Judaism, Buber’s writings have been of revolutionary importance. No other writer has so shaken Judaism from parochialism and applied it so relevantly to the problems and concerns of contemporary men. On the other hand, the fundamentalist Protestant movement in this country has appropriated Buber’s “I and Thou encounter” as the implicit basis of its doctrine of immediate faith-based salvation. In this light, Martin Buber has been viewed as the Jewish counterpart to Paul Tillich.

    This is the original English translation, available in America only in this hardcover edition of I and Thou. Martin Buber considered Ronald Smith’s the best of the English translations and it was prepared in the author’s presence. The more poetic rendering, this translation can be looked at as the King James Version of Buber’s I and Thou.

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  • Parsing Guide To The Greek New Testament


    Here is a welcome tool for students who need some help in working their way through the Greek New Testament. It will save time in searching for forms in the current analytical lexicons. Only verbs and words that are characteristic of verbs are parsed. A verb parsing gives the person, number, tense, voice, mood, root, and meaning. This parsing guide follows the twenty-fifth edition of the Nestle-Aland Greek text. It was designed for use by seminary students, Bible colleges, New Testament scholars, ministers, and Bible translators.

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  • Basic Questions In Theology 2


    The essays included in this volume focus on specific standpoints inherent to our understandings of God. From a survey of Western philosophies, Pannenberg concludes that the Christian view of truth is distinctive because of its emphasis on the future. On the subject of faith, he asserts that rational knowledge does not oppose faith, but rather gives support to it. Also, the ideas of Feuerbach and Nietzsche as well as those of the dialectic theologians are critiqued by the author. All in all, Pannenberg’s uniting of classic theological insights with contemporary life will speak to the contemporary appropriation of traditional Christian themes.

    In this classic, two-volume set of collected essays, Wolfhart Pannenberg gives special focus to the ways in which history, hermeneutics, reason and truth all guide and inform our various attempts at understanding God. This focus, then, offers the reader a unique insight into the revelation of God. Pannenberg writes, “To say that the revelation of God is not a supernatural event which breaks into history perpendicularly from above but rather that it is the theme of history itself, the power that moves it in its deepest dimension, is to say something about God and his relation to the world.”

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  • Authority Of The Old Testament


    “As its title page indicates, the substance of [this book] was delivered as the James A. Gray Lectures at the Divinity School of Duke University. That was in November of 1959. But the book actually had its genesis much earlier, for the problem which it treats is one that had plagued me for many years prior to that time. I suppose that it is inevitable that is should have: it is a problem that no teacher of Old Testament studies can forever evade. Certainly I was unable to do so. I had long found myself troubled by the fact that so few preachers–myself included, I fear–really seemed to know how to proceed with the Old Testament, or were guided in their preaching from it, if they preached from it at all, by any conscious hermeneutical principles…It early became clear to me that the place of Old Testament studies in the theological curriculum was not something that could be taken for granted. I was driven to the realization that if I could not present my students with some positive position with regard to the place of the Old Testament in the Bible, and provide them with some guidance in their use of it in the pulpit, they might justifiably regard all that I was trying to teach them, however interesting it might be historically, as of questionable theological and practical importance.” (from the Preface, by John Bright)

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  • Christian Family


    1. God’s Order For Mates
    2. God’s Order For Wives
    3. God’s Order For Children
    4. God’s Order For Parents
    5. God’s Order For Husbands
    6. Jesus, The Family’s Savior And Lord
    7. The Priesthood Of Parents
    8. Our Family, A Witness For Jesus

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    America’s bestselling book on Christian family living.

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  • Late Great Planet Earth


    The impact of The Late Great Planet Earth cannot be overstated. The New York Times called it the “no. 1 non-fiction bestseller of the decade.” For Christians and non-Christians of the 1970s, Hal Lindsey’s blockbuster served as a wake-up call on events soon to come and events already unfolding — all leading up to the greatest event of all: the return of Jesus Christ. The years since have confirmed Lindsey’s insights into what biblical prophecy says about the times we live in. Whether you’re a church-going believer or someone who wouldn’t darken the door of a Christian institution, the Bible has much to tell you about the imminent future of this planet. In the midst of an out-of-control generation, it reveals a grand design that’s unfolding exactly according to plan. The rebirth of Israel. The threat of war in the Middle East. An increase in natural catastrophes. The revival of Satanism and witchcraft. These and other signs, foreseen by prophets from Moses to Jesus, portend the coming of an antichrist . . . of a war which will bring humanity to the brink of destruction . . . and of incredible deliverance for a desperate, dying planet

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  • Paul As Apostle To The Gentiles


    The author competently demonstrates that the equality of Jew and Gentile is the main subject matter of Paul’s soteriological argument in his letter to the Romans. Chae argues that it is Paul’s self-awareness of being an apostle to the Gentiles that has significantly influenced the shape, content and structure of his inclusive argument. Thus he offers an important alternative to the prevailing post-Holocaust interpretation of Romans and of Paul.

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  • Hosea


    This volume, a part of the Old Testament Library series, explores the book of Hosea.

    The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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  • Occult Practices And Beliefs


    52 Chapters In 156 Pages

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    Occultism is on the move! What can be done to resist the devil in his strategy to ensnare his victims? Who can withstand such a strategist and tactician? Kurt Koch’s years of ministry and study on demonic and occultic activity well qualify him to discuss these 47 forms of occultism, such as astrology, clairvoyance, fortune-telling, hypnosis, psychoanalysis, spiritism, yoga and others.
    The author also offers the freedom that is available through Christ, together with many actual case-histories and first-hand experiences, as he reviews the New Testament teaching on deliverance.

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  • Amos : A Commentary


    This volume, a part of the Old Testament Library series, explores the book of Amos.

    The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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  • Sacraments A Print On Demand Title


    The Sacraments is the tenth work to appear in the American edition of Berkouwer’s monumental Studies in Dogmatics. In it the author examines, explicates, and defends the Reformed teaching on the sacraments in the light of the Word of God and church theology. In the process, Berkouwer discusses and evaluates the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and various contemporary views of the sacraments.

    His method is to construct a general concept of the “sacraments” first, during which he takes into consideration the sacraments proper (baptism and the Lord’s Supper). He does not seek to analyze the essence of “the sacraments” apart from a consideration of the individual sacraments, for, Berkouwer contends, the nature of the sacraments turns precisely upon the concrete givenness of baptism and the Lord’s Supper in the historical revelation in Christ.

    The study proceeds to deal with the questions of: the number of sacraments, the relation between Word and sacrament, the efficacy of the sacraments in relation to faith, the nature of Christ’s presence in the sacrament, the meaning of “sign and seal,” and the controversial questions of infant baptism and open communion. In treating these issues, Berkouwer sorts out the massive complications that have developed over the years and, with devout faith and unfaltering logic, threads his way between confusion and oversimplification.

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  • Geografia Historica Del Mundo (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    In this revised edition, the reader will find a careful examination of the geography of Bible times that helps the reader understand the Scriptures even more.

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  • Melanchthon And Bucer


    Long recognized for the quality of its translations, introductions, explanatory notes, and indexes, the Library of Christian Classics provides scholars and students with modern English translations of some of the most significant Christian theological texts in history. Through these works, each written prior to the end of the sixteenth century, contemporary readers are able to engage the ideas that have shaped Christian theology and the church through the centuries. The Library of Christian Classics ensures that this great literature of the Christian heritage is easily available and invites the ongoing development of theology.

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  • Hosea A Commentary


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664208714ISBN10: 0664208711James Mays | Editor: James Mays | Editor: Carol NewsomBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1969Old Testament LibraryPublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Song Of Ascents


    In this Song of Ascents not one single note is here by right. I deserve nothing; I have everything. God is the heart of this everything. I have everything – everything I need, and more. … What I had – Jesus, God, the Kingdom of God – was all I wanted and needed. I didn’t want anything different. I only wanted more of what I had. (from the Introduction)

    The spiritual autobiography of E. Stanley Jones remains relevant for readers in any age, from any background, of any faith, in any place in the world. Jones’ message centers on the good news of Jesus Christ that Jones lived and preached around the world for 60+ years. This is Jones’ story of coming to know Jesus, following Jesus and proclaiming Jesus. Jones lived and ministered as a missionary throughout India which was his base. In India, he primarily preached to the intellectual class; however, his reach was to all Indians. He also traveled to just about every part of the world preaching Jesus–China, Japan, Europe, South America and the United States.

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  • Pattern Of New Testament Truth A Print On Demand Title


    George Eldon Ladd here addresses the problem of differences and similarities in the theologies of the New Testament writers, and seeks to show in this examination what he calls “the pattern of New Testament truth.”

    The author argues against an overemphasis on Gnosticism in the study of the background of the New Testament. Ladd then goes on to consider a philosophical movement, prevalent during the first century, about which much more is known – Greek dualism, especially as expressed by Plato, Plutarch, and Philo. He points out the differences between Greek and New Testament thought, and goes on to contrast the Greek view of reality with that of the Hebrews, which he concludes to be essentially that of the New Testament. / The unity of the New Testament, Ladd believes, is to be found in the Heilgeschichte, the record of the historical dealings of God with man. The diversity between the Synoptics (Mathew, Mark, and Luke), John, and Paul is a result of different perspectives from which this redemptive event of God is interpreted. A chapter is devoted to each of these viewpoints, giving a detailed analysis of the unity and diversity that manifests itself, and demonstrating that differences are a matter of separate strata or levels of theology rather than of conflicting suppositions.

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  • Serious Call To A Devout And Holy Life (Abridged)


    This devotional classic, written by William Law, an eloquent religious teacher of the eighteenth century, was designed to prod indifferent Christians into making an honest effort to live up to what they professed to believe. It has been appreciated in every succeeding generation because of its innate vigor and virility.

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  • Bible Smuggler : The Story Of William Tyndale


    The author explains William Tyndale’s work of translating, printing, and distributing the Scripture. The main character of the story is Collin, William Tyndale’s helper. Collin begins his work as a carries boy in smuggling a copy of Luther’s New Testament to William Tyndale in England. Later he travels with Tyndale to Europe to meet Martin Luther.

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  • Interpreting The Atonement A Print On Demand Title


    In this widely praised volume Robert H. Culpepper places the doctrine of the atonement at the center of the Christian faith and carries on his discussion of it against the background of a biblical understanding of sin, presenting the Old Testament foundations, the New Testament witness, and various historical interpretations. He concludes with a constructive statement of the doctrine that will serve the reader as well as a guide to a deeper understanding of Christianity and its practice in today’s world.

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  • Jeremiah And Lamentations Everymans Bible Commentary


    Jeremiah, previously published as a separate volume, has been combined with Lamentations to provide a carefully organized exposition that reconstructs the historical and cultural backgrounds as well as the vital message of the two Old Testament books.

    Jeremiah is a penetrating analysis of a significant prophetic book regarded as especially relevant to modern times. Lamentations is an appropriate sequel to this book, for it looks back to the event that Jeremiah anticipated, the fall of Jerusalem.

    Using a paragraph-by-paragraph method of analysis, Dr. Jensen explores major units of thought in these biblical books. He effectively uses charts, maps, and informative footnotes to aid the reader’s understanding.

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  • Joshua Everymans Bible Commentary


    This practical analysis of Joshua provides an accurate, helpful commentary on the conquest of the Promised Land by the Israelites. Also helpful is the parallel drawn between the events of Joshua and the principles of Christianity outlined in the New Testament. Written in a simple, nontechnical style, this articulate commentary includes maps, charts, outlines, footnotes, and a valuable bibliography. This is an extrememly helpful book that aids in the understanding of the entire book of Joshua and its spiritual application to present-day Christianity.

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  • Victorian Church 1


    SKU (ISBN): 9780334024095ISBN10: 0334024099Owen ChadwickBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1966Publisher: SCM Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Deuteronomy : A Commentary


    This commentary on Deuteronomy meets and exceeds the high standards of the Old Testament Library series. It provides one of the most sophisticated explanations to date of the compositional process that produced Deuteronomy, presenting that process as a combination of large-scale redactional activity and “micro-redaction.” The commentary is also attentive to the historical background of Deuteronomy’s origins in the reigns of Manasseh and Josiah. The fresh translation that heads each section is followed by insightful linguistic comments that highlight Deuteronomy’s famous homiletical and didactic style.

    The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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  • Plain Account Of Christian Perfection (Unabridged)


    28 Chapters

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    Loving the Lord our God with all our heart. Now let this perfection appear in its native form, and who can speak one word against it? Will any dare to speak against loving the Lord our God with all our heart, and our neighbor as ourselves? Against a renewal of heart, not only in part, but in the whole image of God? Who is he that will open his mouth against being cleansed from all pollution both of flesh and spirit; or against having all the mind that was in Christ, and walking in all things as Christ walked? What man, who calls himself a Christian, has the hardiness to object to the devoting, not a part, but all our soul, body, and substance to God?

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  • Work Of Christ A Print On Demand Title


    Following the order of the Apostles’ Creed, Berkouwer discusses at length Christ’s incarnation, passion, resurrection, ascension, and rule, concluding with a thorough discussion of four aspects of Christ’s work – reconciliation, sacrifice, obedience, and victory.

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  • Foundations For Purposeful Church Administration


    Highly acclaimed and widely used, this text shows what church tasks must be undertaken, why they are important, and the guiding theological principles required to achieve them.

    Alvin J. Lindgren clarifies the present confusion about what church administration is and what its place in the church should be. He provides a concept of church administration for the student of theology, and a new, more effective overview for the working pastor frustrated by current demands and procedures.

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  • Evidencias Cristianas – (Spanish)


    Alice E. Luce, an English preacher, dedicated her life to preach the word of God to the Spanish-speaking people. She was a teacher and a great writer. This is a book that talks about the history and the truth that God has given to his people. It is a book that will give faith and value to the believer, and readers will be capable of answering those that ask them about their faith.

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  • Christian In Complete Armour


    William Gurnall’s ‘The Christian in Complete Armour’ is one of the classic Puritan books on practical daily living. John Newton said that if he might read only one book beside the Bible he would choose, ‘The Christian in Complete Armour.’ David Wilkerson.

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  • Introduction To The New Testament (Revised)


    The general purpose of this book is to provide a broad understanding of the background and message of the New Testament. It opens with chapters on the time between the Old and New Testaments, giving information on history, institutions, and literature, and goes on to discuss the language of the New Testament, the text and its transmission, the canon, and the individual books of the New Testament.

    For each of the New Testament books Everett Harrison provides a helpful outline and introduces the reader to a greater understanding of the text by a discussion of such matters as purpose, background, date, authorship, characteristics or principal concepts, taking into full account the most significant findings and interpretations of recent scholars. He also provides general essays on the Gospels and on the Epistles and special bibliographies for each chapter.

    Fully revised and enlarged by the author, and including an updated bibliography and index, this basic and comprehensive introduction is a valuable aid to the study of the Scriptures, both in school and in church.

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  • Numbers Everymans Bible Commentary


    This passage-by-passage commentary incorporates charts and a simple outline in its exposition of an important Old Testament book. The events of Numbers form the story of the Israelites traveling from Mount Sinai to the border of the Promised Land.Sometimes called the book of journeyings or the book of murmurings, Numbers contains many significant lessons for God’s people today. Dr. Jensen points out many pertinent applications of these lessons in this study, as well as explaining the history of the Israelites.

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  • Ephesians : Epistle Of Christian Maturity (Student/Study Guide)


    8 Lessons

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    The Teach Yourself the Bible Series is one of the best New Testament studies you will find anywhere. Each book in the series is packed full of valuable questions on individual chapters of the Bible, check-ups to test your grasp of scriptural truths, and usable suggestions for group study.

    Grow in your knowledge of God through each New Testament book, then go on to study six aspects of
    Christianity essential for all believers: doctrine, prayer, eternal life, prophecy, Christian character, and Bible study.

    Study God’s highest thoughts for His church in this timeless letter written to the Ephesians but applicable to Christians today. Paul wrote his letter to the church at Ephesus from a prison in Rome. Both the practical and the doctrinal sides of this epistle deal with a believer’s place in Christ and Christ’s place in the believer.

    Strengthen your relationship with the living God with all twenty-five books of the Teach Yourself the Bible Series. Each volume is a timeless, yet practical, study of the Word of God.

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  • Women Of The Old Testament


    This classic by Dr. A. Kuyper gives us 50 graphic character sketches that radiate scriptural insight. Each character study is based on a specific passage of Scripture.

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  • Mensajero Y Su Mensaje – (Spanish)


    This is a simple and practical manual of how to organize sermons, with the purpose of helping pastors and all those who want to present in an auditorium the message that God has given you.

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  • Hermeneutica Introduccion Bibl – (Spanish)


    This volume combines two reference books that have had the approval of Hispanic evangelicals: “Hermeneutics” and “Introduction to the Bible”. The first writer was E. Lund, a profound teacher in Biblical studies.

    This book would meet a need in the Hispanic evangelic community.

    The second writer is Alicia C. Luce.

    Her book answers many of the questions in regard to the origin and translation of the Bible.

    Editorial Vida presents this book not only for the pastor, evangelist and the working Christian, but for all those who have a passion for Biblical studies.

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  • Doctrinas Biblicas – (Spanish)


    In an entertaining and simple manner, this book takes us through profound declarations of the truths about the fundamentals of the Bible.

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  • Women Of The New Testament


    This classic by Dr. A. Kuyper gives us 30 graphic character sketches that radiate scriptural insight. Each character study is based on a text which is used as a foundation for the study.

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  • Psalms


    This critically acclaimed series provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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  • Psalms


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664204181ISBN10: 066420418XArtur Weiser | Editor: James Mays | Editor: Carol NewsomBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 1962Old Testament LibraryPublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Basic Bible Study (Student/Study Guide)


    8 Lessons

    Additional Info
    The Teach Yourself the Bible Series is one of the best New Testament studies you will find anywhere. Each book in the series is packed full of valuable questions on individual chapters of the Bible, check-ups to test your grasp of scriptural truths, and usable suggestions for group study.

    Grow your knowledge of God through each New Testament book, then go on to study six aspects of Christians, essential for all believers: doctrine, prayer, eternal life, prophecy, Christian character, and Bible study.

    Strengthen your relationship with the living God with all twenty – five books of the Teach Yourself the Bible Series. Each volume is a timeless, yet practical, study of the Word of God.

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  • Green Eggs And Ham


    To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the original publication of Green Eggs and Ham, we’re making available-for a limited time only-a special foil-covered Party Edition at the regular-edition price of $8.99. This highly collectible edition of the beloved Seuss classic (the story of Sam-I-Am’s determined campaign to convince another Seussian character to eat a plate of green eggs and ham) makes a perfect gift that will be cherished by young and old alike.

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  • 1 Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish


    A story-poem about the activities of such unusual animals as the Nook, Wump, Yink, Yop, Gack, and the Zeds.

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  • Divine Election A Print On Demand Title


    In this series rooted in the normative significance of Scripture, noted Dutch theologian G. C. Berkouwer examines great doctrines of the Reformed faith, developing and defending Reformed theology through interaction with a wide range of theologies and theologians.

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  • 2 Timothy Everymans Bible Commentary


    A reliable guide to Paul’s last letter is provided by D. Edmond Hiebert in this concise interpretation of 2 Timothy. The verse-by-verse exposition offers a systematic explanation of the entire book. A comprehensive outline accurately follows the progression of Paul’s thought, giving a quick overall view of the contents.Second Timothy is the most personal of the Pastoral Epistles. It was written shortly before Paul’s martyrdom and contains intimate words of lasting significance. The apostle’s special concern for both Timothy and the people he served is laid bare in this touching letter of instruction and encouragement.Second Timothy is characterized by clear expression and a penetrating analysis of this epistle written to a son in the faith. The outline is designed as a chart and guide to the meaning of the epistle and is interspersed in the interpretative text. Technical matters have been kept to a minimum but discussion of the Greek is included where such commentary is needed.

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  • Mennonite Encyclopedia 4


    Volume 4 of the Mennonite Encyclopedia, containing entries O-Z.

    This gigantic resource covers the 435-year history of the faith, life, and culture of Anabaptists in Europe and Mennonites throughout the world. Presented are people, movements, and places in their relation to Mennonites. A few of the many articles covered are Argentina, Arminianism, Baptism, Baptist, Brazil, Calvin, Church, Communion, Congo, Deaconess, Education, Farming, Furniture, Grebel, Hubmaier, Hymnology, Industry, Literature, Marriage, Publishers, Reedley, Ukraine, and Zurich.

    The Mennonite Encyclopedia was jointly edited by historians and scholars of the Mennonite Church, General Conference of Mennonites, and Mennonite Brethren Church. More than 2,700 writers contributed articles to this reference work. Volume V includes updates on materials in the first four volumes plus nearly 1,000 new articles edited by Cornelius J. Dyck and Dennis D. Martin.

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  • Sacramental Teaching And Practice In The Reformation Churches A Print On De


    “In the present study we shall be primarily concerned with sacramental practice and interpretation as they are to be found in the Reformation churches and especially those which took the Reformed rather than the Lutheran path. But this does not mean that we shall be committed merely to an historical survey. The main interest of the Reformers themselves was to be true to the teachings of Holy Scripture itself, and we shall be most loyal to them if, along with the general lines of their tradition, we attempt a biblical rather than an historical statement. This will have a threefold advantage. It will submit the Reformed interpretation itself to its own biblical standard. It will bring us into fruitful contact with other views in which over-emphases or distortions conceal positive elements of truth. And it will give to our discussion a living relevance for Christians of the present day, for whom the sacraments may never be regarded merely as objects of scientific enquiry, but must always be gratefully used as divinely ordained means of blessing.” – Geoffrey W. Bromiley (from the introduction)

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  • Calvin Commentaries


    This volume, demonstrating the main elements of Calvin’s doctrine as they appear in his many commentaries on the books of the Old and New Testaments, speaks with singular power to the ordinary reader today. Included are more than two hundred selections under headings ranging from the Bible, knowledge of God, and the church. Introductory selections from Calvin’s own writings also are provided. The editor’s general introduction tells how the commentaries came to be.

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  • Velveteen Rabbit : Original Edition


    Nursery magic is very strange and wonderful, and only those playthings that are old and wise and experienced like the Skin Horse understand all about it.

    Like the Skin Horse, Margery Williams understood how toys–and people–become real through the wisdom and experience of love. This reissue of a favorite classic, with the original story and illustrations as they first appeared in 1922, will work its magic for all who read it.

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  • 1 Timothy Everymans Bible Commentary


    This concise interpretation of the apostle Paul’s first letter to Timothy keeps technical matters to a minuimum, while making every effort to provide a clear explanation of each portion of the epistle. Dr. Hiebert’s verse-by-verse method keeps the trend of thought before the reader by means of a well-developed outline.

    The letter to Timothy was intended to give him needed help in opposing the false teachings that were creeping into the church. Hiebert’s valuable commentary makes the truths Paul taught Timothy clear and easily applicable to the layman and busy pastor.

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  • Teaching Of The Epistle To The Hebrews A Print On Demand Title


    The Teaching of the Epistle to the Hebrews is the work of Geerhardus Vos, a man described as the most penetrating English-language exegete of the twentieth century. This volume contains Vos’s classroom lectures on Hebrews, distilling his long teaching experience on the subject into one slim volume. It is especially valuable for its scriptural illumination of such theological subjects as Christology and eschatology.

    Vos first examines the strong connection of this New Testament epistle to the Old Testament and explains why the older scripture plays such a prominent role in the new. He then discusses how the concept of the Diatheke – the new covenant promise and lasting testament between God and man – found in Hebrews affects the whole of Christianity. Vos also points out that Hebrews presents its own philosophy of redemption and revelation and that it offers a significant, corrective teaching on the subject of Christian eschatology. Finally he sets forth the epistle’s teachings on the priesthood of Christ and the better sacrifice of the new covenant.

    Vos’s work on Hebrews provides readers with exacting scholarship, illuminating comment, and intensive study – all testifying to his profound love of the Word of God.

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  • Early Latin Theology


    This series presents in the English language, and in convient-size soft cover volumes, a selection of the most indispensable Chirstian treatieses written before the end of the sixteenth century. These books meet the need of lay people and libraries, students and pastors, for a single set of books containing the great literature of the Christian heritage. The texts are heightened in usefulness by a wealth of introductory material, explanatory notes, bibliographies, and indexes. The contents of each volume are exactly the same as in the original edition

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  • General Revelation A Print On Demand Title


    Asserting that there is no more significant question in the whole of theology than that of the nature and reality of revelation, Berkouwer examines this question along with the claims of natural theology and the radical character of the history of religion since the nineteenth century.

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  • Augustine Later Works


    The three works of St. Augustine translated in this volume, in whole or part, were all published in the years between 410 and 420, when Augustine was in his late fifties or early sixties, still at the height of his powers, and not yet wholly absorbed by the Pelagian controversy, which forced him to imprison his doctrine of Grace in a system of rigid logic.

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  • Christology Of The Later Fathers


    Presented in the English language, and in convenient-size soft cover volume, here are a selection of the most indispensable Christian treatises written before the end of the sixteenth century. This book meets the need of lay people and libraries. A biographical sketch and a consideration of the chief writings of three of the most dominant Christian thinkers of the fourth century, Athanasius, Gregory of Nazianzus and Gregory of Nyssa. Also a well selected series of documents illustrating the understanding, misunderstanding, and final definition in the Christological controversies from the eartly fourth to the late seventh centuries, including the Third Council of Constantinople.

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  • Augustine Earlier Writings


    These are Augustine’s writings from the time of his conversion to Christianity in A.D.386 until he became Bishop of Hippo in 395-396. This volume is part of The Library of Christian Classics containing the great literature of the Christian heritage.

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  • Christian Theology 2


    Most widely used systematic theology of the 20th century in the Wesleyan-Arminian tradition

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  • Always A Brother


    Who is Johnny Amund? He would describe himself as a frustrated man, a log-truck driver and mediocre employee. Mary Amund would explain it differently; the serious and purposeful young man she married has been dealt blows that are twisting him into a bitter recluse who doesn’t seem to care anymore.

    An altercation at work gets Johnny’s attention and embarrassed, he evaluates his lifestyle and choices. Johnny realizes his life and marriage are worth saving and begins trying. Mary is ecstatic to see changes in her husband and is encouraged by her father to stick with the big trucker. When logging operations are shut-down during fire season, they take a trip and Johnny realizes what he has been taking for granted–a caring wife who has supported him through his pain and anger. Staggered by the sadness and loss his actions have caused, and how close he is to losing her, Johnny sets his mind to make things right.

    The changes in Johnny are noticed and appreciated by his boss and coworkers and friendships grow. When a violent abduction of a newly hired trucker occurs, Johnny is surprised at how swiftly he moves from spectator to active participant, and the measure of trust he has recently earned propels him into new responsibility. Reflection on training he received as a child helps Johnny become the solid and caring person he used to be.

    Unanswered questions abound regarding the abduction and through the busy winter, fear and uncertainty in the company give Johnny and Mary opportunity to share their growing strength with coworkers and in doing so, build rich friendships. At the same time, circumstances from Johnny’s past loom large. Mary helps him as he does his best to remember the positive and not obsess about the unknown. But when an unexpected and tragic message from the past arrives, Mary worries their newfound happiness will not survive.

    Set in the beautiful Central Interior of British Columbia, this story revolves around an old Norse proverb and a young man with no blood family who reclaims his life and in doing so becomes the true brother he was expected to be.

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  • Prophecy Of Daniel


    This commentary on Daniel by Dr. Edward J. Young, late Professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, is the serious, painstaking work of one of the foremost of contemporary Old Testament scholars. It is designed to meet the needs of the minister and the trained Bible student as well as the average educated reader of Holy Scripture.

    The author has aimed above all else to present a clear, positive exposition of prophecy coupled with an accurate explanation of historical fact based on recent research and the accumulated authority of other outstanding Biblical scholars. In addition, he has endeavored to bring out the exact meaning of the Hebrew and Aramaic languages in the new translation which accompanies the commentary.

    The reader will find adequate reference to the divergent interpretations of others, with satisfying, scholarly explanation of differences. Those unacquainted with the ancient languages can nevertheless read this volume with great profit.

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  • Lectures On Calvinism (Reprinted)


    This classic expression of the Reformed faith offers six lectures on Calvinism. Though these lecture were delivered at Princeton in 1898, what Kuper says is not of historical interest alone; for on many of the issues he addresses, the lines are still drawn in the same places nearly a full century later.

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  • Work Of The Holy Spirit


    After three- quarters of a century, Dr. Abraham Kuyper’s exhaustive study of the work of the Holy Spirit — how available for the first time in a paperback edition — still stands undiminished as a comprehensive Protestant statement about a central but much-misunderstood part of the Christian faith.

    “I have made an effort,” Dr. Kuyper writes in his preface, “to represent the work of the Holy Spirit in its organic relations, so that the reader may survey the entire domain. And in surveying, who is not surprised at the ever-widening dimensions of the work of the Holy Spirit in all the things that pertain to God and man?”

    The 123 brief sections that make up this work first appeared in the Heraut, a Dutch religious weekly of which Dr. Kuyper served as editor. So it is that this profound exposition is lucidly written in the language of the ordinary people for whose spiritual growth he was deeply concerned.

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  • Summary Of Christian Doctrine (Reprinted)


    Similar to the author’s Manual of Christian Doctrine, this volume offers a simpler and briefer presentation of Christian doctrine geared especially to high school students. Technical terms and detailed explanations have been avoided, and important Scripture passages are printed in full. Review questions are included.

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  • Interpretation Of 2nd Corinthians


    SKU (ISBN): 9780806680804ISBN10: 0806680806Richard LenskiBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1937Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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