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Showing 22801–22900 of 23650 results

  • 5 Wheels To Successful Sight Singing


    Bertalot’s fresh approach motivates both experienced teachers and novices alike. He identifies five basic principles and twelve steps to success.

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  • Theological Introduction To The Book Of Psalms


    McCann’s A Theological Introduction to the Psalms represents a fresh approach to the book of Psalms. Taking his point of departure from the newest frontier of research, McCann reads the Psalms in the context of their final shape and canonical form. He interprets the psalms in their identity as scripture as well as in their character as songs, prayers, and poetry from Israel’s history. McCann’s intent is to contribute to the church’s recovery of the Psalms as Torah-Instruction (not as law), as a guide to prayer, praise of God, and pious living. The explicit connections which McCann draws from the psalms to the New Testament, and to Christian faith and life, are extensive, making his work suitable for serious study of the psalms both in academic and church settings. An appendix examines the tradition of singing the psalms and offers suggestions and resources for the use of the psalms in worship.

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  • Using Gods Resources Wisely


    New and different readings of biblical texts are one consequence of a growing awareness of the environmental crisis and how it relates to social relations, especially in urban settings. Walter Brueggemann explores readings from Isaiah and how they relate to the environment and urban crisis. He approaches the readings as an artistic-theological history of the city of Jerusalem–a case study of urban environmental crisis that resulted from a lost sense of covenantal neighborliness. Reflecting on Jerusalem, its failure, demise, and prospect, Brueggemann uncovers some alarming parallels in today’s urban cities, and offers a demanding but hopeful challenge to faith.

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  • History Of Ancient Palestine


    The magnum opus of Ahlstrom who founded a school of historical studies at the University of Chicago to counteract what he felt were the prevailing literary approaches in North America. He labored on and off for decades on this dispassionate reconstruction of the major epochs of Israel’s history by tapping all known textual, epigraphic, and archaeological evidence.

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  • Atrevete A Disciplinar (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    This is a completely expanded and revised edition of the 20-year best seller.

    The first edition was written in the early 1970s by Dr. James Dobson. His first of many books was an instant susscess that continued as a best seller for nearly twenty years. Although the principles on which it is based are timeless, The New Dare To Discipline is revised and expaned to address parenting in today’s modern context.

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  • Case For Progressive Dispensationalism


    Debate abounds on the future of Israel and Israel’s relation to the church, not only between dispensationalists and non-dispensationalists, but among dispensationalists themselves. In the past that debate has sometimes been acrimonious, and proponents of the differing viewpoints have found little common ground. In recent years, however, views have been modified and developed so that the dialogue is increasingly by cooperation and a mutual exploration of diverse ideas. The Case for Progressive Dispensationalism is intended to enlighten the debate in that same irenic spirit. The book is solidly dispensational in perspective in affirming that the Old Testament prophecies are completely fulfilled in the future, that the nation of Israel has a prophetic future, and that Israel is not the church. Dr. Saucy departs from classic dispensationalism, however, in showing that (1) the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy begins in the present church age, and (2) the church is not a parenthesis in God’s program but represents a continuity with the Old Testament messianic program. This modified dispensationalism seeks to satisfy many of the objections of non-dispensational approaches to eschatology while retaining the crucial elements of biblical interpretation that characterize dispensational thought.

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  • Walk Of Repentance (Student/Study Guide)


    The Walk Of Repentance is a 24 week study about repentance: what it is, what it brings about and what kind of behavior and attitudes we must repent of. This study has not been formulated to give a person more “head knowledge”, the idea of it is to help the Word of God take root in your heart so that you can experience that true repentance. Each week of this curriculum has a theme, with a different Bible study each day. Each day you will have different types of studies on the same theme. On day six and seven of each week you will find the story of the Church woven through character studies of different Christians down through the centuries. Your walk of faith will be deeply affected as you encounter the level of devotion of others and what Christianity is really all about.

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  • Ministry And The American Legal System


    In today’s litigious society, pastors, trustees, lay leaders, and committee members need a basic understanding of America’s legal system. Couser—an attorney and member of the Christian Legal Society—offers an overview of the U.S. Constitution; reviews specifics of law, including torts, contracts, copyrights, and more; and addresses “risk management” for churches, clergy, and congregations.

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  • Sign And The Seal


    The fact of the Lost Ark of the Covenant is one of the grant historical mysteries of all time. To believers, the Ark is the legendary vesel holding the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. The Bible contains hundreds of references to the Ark’s power to level mountains, destroy armies, and lay waste to cities. The Ark itself, however, mysteriously disappears from recorded history sometime after the building of the Temple of Solomon.

    After ten years of searching through the dusty archives of Europe and the Middle East, as well as braving the real-life dangers of a bloody civil war in Ethiopia, Graham Hancock has succeeded where scores of others have failed. This intrepid journalist has tracked down the true story behind the myths and legends — revealing where the Ark is today, how it got there, and why it remains hidden.

    Part fascinating scholarship and part entertaining adventure yarn, tying together some of the most intriguing tales of all time — from the Knights Templar and Prester John to Parsival and the Holy Grail — this book will appeal to anyone fascinated by the revelation of hidden truths, the discovery of secret mysteries.

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  • Beyond Charity : Reformation Initiatives For The Poor


    The common stereotype is that the Reformers separate public and private morality and were indifferent to the ethical import of social structures and institutions. Beyond Charity calls this understanding into question by providing an analysis of the historical situation and translationof primary documents. The medieval point of view, formed by piety of achievement, idealized poverty — either as voluntary renunciation or as almsgiving. In either case the material effects on actual poverty were slight, and the religious endorsement of poverty precluded urban efforts to address this growing problem. The Reformers impelledby their theology, developed and passed new legislative structures for addressing social welfare needs. The key to their undertakings was the conviction that social ethics is the continuation of community worship. In the first half, this book sets forth the medieval context, details Luther’s critique of the profit economy of his day, and analyzes the actual social welfare programs that issued from his theology. The second half provides translations of selected legislative programs from the church orders of the Reformation.

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  • Biblical Perspectives On Evangelism


    “From the Publisher:” BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVES ON EVANGELISM by Walter Brueggemann Describes evangelism as a drama: God’s victory over chaos and death, announcement of victory, and its appropriation by hearers.

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  • Como Llegar A Ser Vasija Para – (Spanish)


    Este libro ha sido escrito para todos los hijos de Dios que tienen hambre y sed de profudizar su relacion personal con El, para aquellos que anhelan ‘oir’ su voz en lo mas intimo de su ser, quienes no se conformaran con nada menos que con la experiencia de su presencia y de su gloria. En este libro, Dra. Brown es ayudarlo a entender el mundo del ocultismo, el cual amplia su influencia con gran rapidez, con la finalidad de que pueda usted evitar caer en sus trampas. !Necesita usted aprender el secreto del poder espiritual antes de que le haga falta utilizarlo!

    This book is written for all those children of God who hunger and thirst after a close personal relationship with Him, for those who long to hear His voice in their innermost being and who will not be satisfied with anything less than the experience of His presence and glory. It reveals how the followers of Satan are openly confronting the followers of Jesus Christ. Rebecca Brown exposes the rapidly expanding world of the occult so that you can not only cleanse yourself from any involvement in it but also avoid its traps. You must learn the key to spiritual power before you need it!

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  • 1-3 John (Reprinted)


    Author Tom Johnson combines familiarity with recent scholar ship and lucidity of thought and expression into a fine and readable commentary on the espistles of John. While packed full of exegetical, philosophical and historical notes that help the reader to make sense of the argument and thought of the epistles in their original setting, the commentary is not overloaded with the freight of technical jargon and debate. Johnson deftly leads the reader through difficult passages, but provides plenty to chew on in the process. The student who wants a reliable guide to the thought of the epistles will be well served by this volume.

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  • Come Walk With Me


    Come Walk With Me will challenge and inspire you. It will grip, inform, and enertain you. And when you are finished reading, you will be changed. This is a story of medical missions and the untiring service of Christians who have committed their lives to helping others. But it is more then that. It is a story of lives- lives that know sorrow and happiness, illness and health, death and new life. It is the story of people who share the Good News of Jesus Christ wherever they go.

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  • Colossians-Philemon : Believers Church Bible Commentary


    The author brings years of service as pastor, teacher, and writer to the task as he focuses on the amazingly relevant pastoral concerns that shaped Colossians and Philemon.

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  • Sexual Character A Print On Demand Title


    Aiming to combat the confusion today regarding sexual issues, theologian Marva Dawn offers a fresh biblical understanding of human sexuality, dealing with such issues as marriage, divorce, teenage dating, and homosexuality.

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  • Otros Evangelios – (Spanish)


    The Christian believer needs to be aware of the new threats to the faith. In this book Pablo Hoff tells his story, explains the present situation, reviews their doctrine and shows biblical answers. In addition, some of the religious groups not totally oriented by the Bible have their own varying doctrines.

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  • 56 Lectionary Stories For Preaching Cycle B


    “Emilio Lopez received a surprise phone call from his bishop one day. “Would you be interested in a call to a white congregation in a neighborhood that is becoming Hispanic? I think you’re just the kind of pastor they need in these days of transition.””
    — from the Advent 1 story
    Here are 56 short stories for use in preaching. Each is a contemporary adaptation of a biblical theme.
    “56 Lectionary Stories for Preaching” offers one story for each Sunday in the church year plus stories for Christmas Eve/Day and Ash Wednesday.
    The collection is based upon the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle B. Authors represent clergy storytellers from five denominations from across the United States and Canada.
    Most of the stories are based on gospel texts. Some stem from first or second lesson scriptures. The collection offers a well-rounded selection of themes. Stories often offer surprise endings that catch listeners’ attention. Stories in this collection strengthen believers’ faith.

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  • Lectionary Worship Aids Series 3 Cycle B


    “Hear the good news! The victory that defeats the world is our faith, for who is victor over evil, but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. Friends, believe the good news!”
    — Declaration of God’s Forgiveness for Easter 2
    “Lectionary Worship Aids,” Series III, Cycle B, follows in the CSS tradition of providing creative worship resources for congregations.
    Series III is based on the Revised Common Lectionary and New Revised Standard Version.
    Each Sunday offers:
    – Listing of the four lectionary texts for the day
    – Call to Worship
    – Prayer of Confession
    – Declaration of God’s Forgiveness
    – Exhortation
    – Prayer of the Day
    – Prayer of Thanksgiving
    – Prayer of Dedication
    – Psalm (congregational reading)

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  • Worship And Warfare


    Worship and Warfare is a treasury of truths which can enrich your prayer ministry. This booklet includes names of God, reminders of His character, hymns, quotes, and scripture verses which will stimulate, guide and refresh your prayer times.

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  • Body Of God


    Controversial, but significant. Relying on process theology, McFague urges the reader to consider nature the ‘new poor,’ for whom all Christians should take a preferential option. To surmount the current ecological crisis, we need a model of the earth as God’s body.

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  • Hard Living People And Mainstream Christians


    If you can’t stand four-letter words, you shouldn’t read this book. This book contains expletive language used by hard living people, so that readers will better understand the hard living culture and discover ways to minister within it. “Through stories of hard-living people and pastors who minister with them, Tex Sample challenges mainline churches to break the yoke of middle-class captivity and join with the Christ who lives among the poor and marginalized. The book is inspirational, analytical, and practical in its treatment of an issue too long ignored by contemporary church leadership.” – Kenneth L. Carder, Resident Bishop, Nashville Area, The United Methodist Church

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  • Hidden Keys To A Loving Lasting Marriage


    28 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Fulfilling Marriages Don’t just happen.

    In fact, truly joyful marriages are a lot of work! In Hidden Keys of a Loving Lasting Marriage, best-selling author Gary Smalley shares the principles of strong marriages. He points out the common problems between husbands and wives. And he shows how to turn those troubles into teamwork.

    Hidden Keys of a Loving, Lasting Marriage explores:

    Two reasons why marriages fail
    How to meet the needs of your spouse
    How a husband’s lack of affection weakens a marriage
    Crucial differences between men and women
    How to motivate your spouse to listen to you

    This book is a combination of Smalley’s earlier published works, If Only He Knew and For Better or For Best. The first half of the book discusses the husband’s part in building a successful relationship. The second half of the book shows how wives can nurture their marriages.

    Good marriages don’t just happen. They take both husband and wife working together to understand, appreciate, and honor one another. This books shows couples how to do just that.

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  • Companion To The United Methodist Hymnal


    Includes for each hymn in the Hymnal historical background of text and tune; suggested uses for today;name origin;text/tune changes over the years; commentary on Hymnal treatment; and theological base of texts.

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  • Ambition In Ministry


    AMBITION IN MINISTRY by Robert Schnase Explores the struggles pastors experience with success, achievement, and competition. Also helps them achieve a healthy, non-destructive ambition.

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  • PastorPower


    Power is a persistent topic of conversation in circles both sacred and secular. Yet, how are those who follow a crucified Christ, one “whose strength was made perfect in weakness,” to think about power?

    Martha Ellen Stortz presents an important volume for all those who lead or would lead in the ministry of the church. She lays an ecumenical groundwork for understanding ministry and authority, then systematically examines the different dimensions of power inherent in both: power over — or coercive power; power within — or charismatic power; and power with — or coactive power. Through case studies and in-depth discussions, Stortz offers guidance for balancing these three dimensions of power in one’s own ministry, enabling readers to recognize their own gifts or liabilities and shape their leadership styles to reflect the image of Christ.

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  • Music Thru The Eyes Of Faith


    “Christian musicians know of the obligation to make music as agents of God’s grace. They make music graciously, whatever its kind or style, as ambassadors of Christ, showing love, humility, servanthood, meekness, victory, and good example . . . Music is freely made, by faith, as an act of worship, in direct response to the overflowing grace of God in Christ Jesus.”

    Co-sponsored by the Christian College Coalition, this thought-provoking study of music-as-worship leads both students and experienced musicians to a better understanding of the connections between music making and Christian faith.

    “Christian music makers have to risk new ways of praising God. Their faith must convince them that however strange a new offering may be, it cannot out-reach, out-imagine, or overwhelm God. God remains God, ready to swoop down in the most wonderful way, amidst all of the flurry and mystery of newness and repetition, to touch souls and hearts, all because faith has been exercised and Christ’s ways have been imitated. Meanwhile, a thousand tongues will never be enough.”

    Best relates musical practice to a larger theology of creation and creativity, and explores new concepts of musical quality and excellence, musical unity, and the incorporation of music from other cultures into today’s music.

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  • 10 Commandments : The Master Key To Life


    The master key to life–a universal guide to all that matters in making life more satisfying.. The Ten Commandments

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  • Ripe Life : Sermons On The Fruit Of The Spirit


    These sermons on “the fruit of the Spirit” are developed out of Galatians 5: 22-23. This theme is often selected by pastors who preach because it is an excellent vehicle into understanding the characteristics of personal integrity at home and on the job.

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  • Land And The Book


    The Land and the Book provides an overview of the geography and the history of the Bible by the use of brief descriptions of each of the major areas in which the events of the biblical narrative took place (primarily Palestine, Egypt, and Syria) and reviews of the history of ancient Israel, beginning with the patriachs and continuing through the New Testament era and the crusader period to the present.

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  • To Know As We Are Known


    This primer on authentic education explores how mind and heart can work together in the learning process. Moving beyond the bankruptcy of our current model of education, Parker Palmer finds the soul of education through a lifelong cultivation of the wisdom each of us possesses and can share to benefit others.

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  • Unmasking The Powers


    “UNMASKING THE POWERS is one of the most powerful and incisive treatments of the evils which afflict our society and our church that I have ever read. With wisdom, scholar- ship, and evangelical zeal, Walter Wink deals with the many ways that the powers of evil infiltrate our lives. This book is a must for anyone who would understand the seductive and destructive aspects of evil which are so much a part of human life. It provides not only methods by which the influence of evil can be unmasked, but also hints of how that influence can be counteracted.” – Morton Kelsey Professor Emeritus University of Notre Dame

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  • Theology Of The Book Of Revelation


    Lecturers can request examination copies for course consideration.
    Richard Bauckham expounds the theology of the Book of Revelation: its understanding of God, Christ and the Spirit, the role of the Church in the world, and the hope of the coming of God’s universal kingdom. Close attention is paid both to the literary form in which the theology is expressed and to the original context to which the book was addressed. Contrary to many misunderstandings of Revelation, it is shown to be one of the masterpieces of early Christian literature, with much to say to the Church today. This study offers a unique account of the theology and message of Revelation.

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  • Blackfeet Indian Stories


    These stories come down from very ancient times. Grandfathers told them to their grandchildren, and they to their grandchildren, and so on from mouth to mouth. In 1913, George Bird Grinned, one of the most famous ethnographers of the late nineteenth century, published this volume.

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  • Canon And Mission


    This book’s theme is that the biblical canon, read as a whole or as a “unity of unities,” calls for a mission, and mission emerges from and always has need of the biblical canon for its witness in an to the world. Beeby proposes the Exodus theme as a way of understanding both the canonical unity of the Bible and Christianity’s mission in today’s world – a mission that must include interfaith diaglogue. The canon moves from creation, he writes, and this movement, restoration, and redemption is through a sent (missio) nation, son, and community.

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  • Laymans Guide To Counseling


    The increasing need for counseling has caused today’s Christian leaders to become more sensitive to raise up lay-counselors to share this burden with them. Jesus’ command is to “set the captives free”. The Layman’s guide to Counseling shows you how.

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  • Truth Unchanged Unchanging


    What is man? What is wrong with the human race? Unless we answer these questions correctly, we can not hope to solve the problems in our world – problems such as crime, exploitation, greed, proverty, pollution and war. Obviously those who shape social policy today are offering the wrong answers. In this masterful apologetic for the gospel, Dr Lloyd-Jones exposes these flaws in modern thinking, especially in the “scientific approach.” In this volume we see a doctor make a penetrating diagnosis of the human condition and show decisively that the true remedy for our ills is in Jesus Christ – and Him alone.

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  • Teaching The Bible To Adults And Youth (Revised)


    Teaching the Bible to Adults and Youth shows how to make the “transparent” – with God evident throughout. Dick Murray offers suggestions for teaching, provides different approaches and perspectives from which to teach and conduct activities for learning, and examines such Bible study series as Kerygma, Trinity, Bethel, and Disciple.

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  • How To Build An Exciting Singles Ministry


    Seventy million single adults make up the largest minority in the United States–almost 40% of the adult population. With these figures in mind, the need for single adult groups should go without saying. But the need for single adult ministry in our churches is often overlooked. Now, however, Don Davidson provides a thorough, practical guide to single adult ministry and how to establish an effective one in your church. Davidson outlines the necessary steps for creating a unique singles group for new college grads, career people, widowed or divorced persons.

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  • Pluralisms And Horizons


    How should Christians respond to pluralism in public life?

    Christians have often clashed with the pluralism that characterizes life in modern America. In this classic essay in political philosophy, Richard J. Mouw and Sander Griffioen show how Christians can engage with pluralism productively. Thoroughly engaging with leading voices in the debate, Mouw and Griffioen wrestle with pluralism and its consequences for Christian public life. Ultimately, the authors endorse cooperation and tolerance, without sliding into moral relativism. Christian readers will find their carefully reasoned argument a compelling solution toward promoting the common good.

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  • Lincoln On Leadership


    The American Civil War was arguably one of the most chaotic periods in history. Yet through it all, Abraham Lincoln managed to keep the Union together and victorious. Here in this fascinating and invaluable book, Donald T. Phillips reveals the strategies and tactics Lincoln employed, and offers ways that that politicians and executives can use those same strategies to make their businesses successful in these tough economic times.

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  • Taking The Word To Heart A Print On Demand Title


    Christians today are besieged by ideas about personhood – what it means to be a whole person, a happy person, a fulfilled person, a healthy person. In fact, Robert C. Roberts says, psychology has invaded the Christian church – and while modern psychologies offer insights and practices that can be helpfully adapted for Christian use, they sometimes contradict and can even displace true Christianity.

    Roberts examines several psychologies that tend to function as alternative spiritualities – Rogerian therapy, rational emotive therapy, assertiveness training, contextual family therapy, the psychology of Carl Jung, and the psychology of Hienz Kohut – and offers a critical evaluation of each in light of the Christian view of the self.

    But just what is the Christian interpretation of selfhood? It has a great deal to do with community, with our relationships to others and to God, explains Roberts. “Christians are people of God’s Word,” Roberts says, “called daily to take it to heart, and thus be formed, as persons, by the sound of his voice. This book is all about becoming persons who dwell, in a variety of ways, among other persons.”

    With this idea of personhood in mind, Roberts explores a variety of relationships important to the Christian personality, then sets forth the parameters of a distinctively Christian psychology.

    Based on impressive scholarship yet highly readable, Taking the Word to Heart is a thoughtful study that will be of interest to laypeople as well as pastors, Christian counselors, theologians, and students.

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  • Using New Testament Greek In Ministry


    One of the most practical guides you’ll find for preaching sermons faithful to the biblical text. Black prepares you to transform exegesis into exposition by explaining how to use the Greek text and linguistic resources to study the New Testament. Moreover, he recommends a basic library of reference books to help you with the process.

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  • Awakened Heart : Opening Yourself To The Love You Need


    SKU (ISBN): 9780060654733ISBN10: 0060654732Gerald MayBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 1993Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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  • What Shall We Do With This Baby


    Jan Spence created this short Christmas Eve children’s program for her small, rural church. It includes five brief scenes built around a suggested order of worship. Clergy can easily write a meditation to complete the service.

    Speaking parts are available for a narrator and two readers. These roles are appropriate for junior or senior high students.

    Any number of younger children can easily be added in non-speaking roles as shepherds, angels, and wise men. The program also included speaking roles for Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.

    The service has appropriate breaks for carols or songs by children’s choirs.

    Narrator: What shall we do with this baby? Yes this is the question that has echoed through time. Nothing is more helpless and needy than an infant alone. Without human help, a baby alone cannot thrive or survive. What shall we do with this baby indeed!

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  • In Others Words


    This collection of 12 short stories tells the parables of Jesus again in other words.

    The intent highlights the same point or moral carried by the scriptural version of the parable.

    Merle G. Franke places each story in a 1990s setting with characters and situations familiar to all. Each parable has a contemporary title. Each has a scriptural reference for easy identification.

    Four stories are based on parables from Matthew and eight from Luke. This collection is useful for sermon preparation, group Bible study or for reading enjoyment.

    Parables include:
    Impatient Planter — Matthew 13:1-23
    The Contractor’s Choice — Matthew 20:1-16
    Which Ones Were Lost? — Luke 15:1-10
    Blind In One Eye … — Luke 16:19-31

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  • Beginning Of Wisdom Cycle B


    “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” writes Sue Anne Steffey Morrow. “As we … deepen our understanding of wisdom’s ways, it is my hope that our knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures will be deepened, and our awe for the one God be magnified.”

    The 10 sermons in this book are based on First Lesson texts primarily from 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, and Proverbs. The sermons follow the Revised Common Lectionary.

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  • Power To Change Cycle B


    “Christians today need to hear more about the possibility that we don’t have to stay the way we are,” writes Durwood L. Buchheim. “God is not finished with us or with our world. So, Christians can live hopefully, expectantly and boldly. There is power to change. The Lent-Easter texts point in that direction.”

    The 15 sermons in this book are based on First Lesson texts. Lenten season sermons are based on six Old Testament books. Except for Easter Sunday, Easter season sermons are based on The book of Acts. The sermons follow the Revised Common Lectionary.

    Christianity is about caring and sharing … We are the people of God’s future. We are to be signs of hope to those around us. Under the power of God’s great grace, we can begin to live that way now. (from the Easter 2 sermon)

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  • Bumper Sticker Religion


    A few years ago I saw a bumper sticker on a car that said, “Let Our Kids Pray.” I had an immediate reaction…. I went to my car and got a pen and paper and wrote on the paper, “Who’s stopping them?” and put it under the windshield wiper. (from “Let Our Kids Pray”)

    Carl B. Rife found sermon themes on bumper stickers. With the help of his congregation, he identified seven familiar themes and crafted sermons from them.

    The sermons in this book are sometimes an elaboration, sometimes a correction, sometimes an argument, and sometimes a discussion of the particular sentiment found on the bumper sticker.

    This book touches a number of basic Christian themes including:
    The second coming
    God’s Word

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  • What Grace They Received


    Here are 12 worship resources about modern-day saints. Eleven are designed for “the sermon slot.” Dag Hammarskjold’s chapter is an entire liturgy. Each resource has parts for two or more readers. One is the narrator while another shares excerpts from the writings of the saint. Additional readers may make connections to our lives today.

    The 12 saints are:
    * Wilhelm Loehe
    * St. Benedict
    * Cyril and Methodius
    * Bartolome de Las Casas
    * Thomas Aquinas
    * Albert Schweitzer
    * Perpetua and Felicity
    * Dag Hammarskjold
    * Athanasius
    * St. Ignatius
    * Ludwig Nommensen
    * John Christian Frederick Heyer

    Lutherans will find these 12 commemorated in the Lutheran Book of Worship during 1993 and 1994.

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  • Isaiah 1-39 : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    This unique commentary allows the interpretation of Isaiah 1-39 to be guided by the final form of the book. It focuses on the theological aspect of the book of Isaiah, giving special attention to the role of literary context. Christopher Seitz explores structural and organizational concerns as clues to the editorial intention of the final form of the material, which he argues is both intelligible and an intended result of the efforts of those who gave shape to the present form of the book.

    Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

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  • Pastoral Care And The Means Of Grace


    In Underwood’s resulting spirituality, the soul of pastoral care is prayer. The substance is Scripture, studied in both liturgical and personal settings. The evangelical principle is reconciliation. Baptism lays the foundation for pastoral care by providing the paradigm for all transformations. Eucharist constitutes the eschatological horizon for pastoral care as ministry in the human encounter of God’s presence. This book stands at the forefront of a broad movement among scholars and clergy in nonliturgical traditions that aim at retrieving explicitly religious resources, the means of grace. The result is a rare, truly ecumenical contribution to pastoral care, which deepens practice by providing a vision and a spirituality.

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  • Church Confident


    Keck shows how the church is suffering from malaise brought on by oversecularization in aspects of church life including worship, theology, ethos, and communication.

    This penetrating clarion call to renewal cuts through the conventional ideological labels of “liberal” and “conservative.” Keck argues with passion that mainline churches today must neither pretend to be culturally triumphant nor whimper in fear. Rather, the church has grounds to be confident about its proper nature and mission.

    Keck envisions a renewed church that has recovered a sense of what is basic to its nature and purpose–restoring the praise of God to the center of worship.

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  • Daring To Hope Cycle B


    “Faith, hope and love are the abiding attributes of the Christian life. Most of us proclaim faith and love consistently,” writes John P. Rossing. “But … we may be guilty of neglecting the third great gift God has given us. During the closing Sundays of the church year we have an opportunity to declare our hope boldly.”

    The 10 sermons in this book are based on First Lesson texts primarily from Job and Ruth. The sermons follow the Revised Common Lectionary.

    We experience the same doubts, the same nagging absences of God that Job did. But we have some advantages. We know that God came into the world to redeem suffering through the suffering of his Son His presence among us in word and sacrament probes that he is neither distant nor uncaring. (from the Proper 23 sermon)

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  • Spirits Tether Cycle B


    “One of the mysteries of life is how God’s spirit can take hold of us, and change us.” Writes Leonard H. Budd. “Think of this force in your life as the Spirit’s tether. In my mind, a tether is the image of the Counselor that Jesus promised. It is the experience of God’s spirit that has been part of my living: The Holy Spirit’s tether.”

    The 14 sermons in this book are based on Gospel texts, primarily from Mark. Sermons follow the Revised Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic lectionaries.

    Our confrontation with Jesus Christ opens to each of us the blessed opportunity of forgiveness, and in that unburdening, the opportunity for a new start in our relationship to God and to one another. (from the Proper 5 sermon)

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  • This Is The King


    Pilate: Are you the king of the Jews?
    Jesus: Do you say this on your own or did others tell you this about me?
    Narrator: Pilate was startled to hear the authority and depth of the man’s voice.
    — from “This Is the King! “dramatic reading
    “This Is the King!” is a complete resource for congregations wanting a special Palm/Passion Sunday celebration.
    Worshipers will find:
    – An order of service with a blessing of the palms
    – Scriptures for the day
    – A children’s sermon
    – Hymn selections
    – A dramatic reading
    – A service of communion
    The children’s sermon title is “Churning Up the Waves.” The dramatic reading, “This Is the King!” is offered in place of a sermon. It uses a narrator, Pilate, and Jesus.

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  • Jesus The Servant King


    Good morning boys and girls. How would you like to use your imaginations and visit some of the places that Jesus visited during the last week of his life? If you look closely, you will see, with my help, the streets, the palaces, the gardens, the dining room, the church and even the place where Jesus died and was buried. (from the lesson “The Temple”)

    Jesus, The Servant King offers six object lessons for Lent. Each lesson focuses on a place where Jesus visited during the critical final week of his life. Each lesson includes a drawing, which you may use to show children while telling your story.

    The lesson themes are:
    The temple
    The upper room
    The garden
    The streets of Jerusalem
    The empty tomb

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  • Symbols Of Sacrifice Year 3


    The sacrificial life of Christ is a major focus of Lent. Symbols Of Sacrifice provides the congregations with opportunities to create visual worship aids representing Christ’s life during worship.

    Each weekly presentation builds a growing reminder of Christ’s sacrifice for the congregation.

    This series offers a list of symbols and explanation of the symbols. These are provided for the Sundays of Lent and Easter Sunday.

    Symbols are:
    A globe of the world
    A lantern
    A grain of wheat
    A cloak
    A white robe

    This is one book in a three-part series of Symbols Of Sacrifices. Other books in this series are Year 1 and Year 2.

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  • When Life Is Changed Forever


    When Life Is Changed Forever empathetically comforts the agony of empty arms and the raging of the soul in the aftermath of a loved one’s death as few books ever have. Within these helpful pages the author skillfully offers the sure hope that life can be lived fully again…while facing the truth that it can never be the same.

    Here is an honest journey into the depths of God’s love for all those who have experienced the complicated and often conflicting emotions brought about by the death of someone near.

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  • Planning Your Marriage Service


    Help couples make informed decisions and plan for their marriage service with this practical workbook. Includes a tear-out worksheet to help clergy and couples with their planning. Includes possible readings for wedding service.

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  • Book Of Isaiah Volume 2


    A classic in conservative Old Testament scholarship, this three-volume commentary concentrates primarily on the meaning of the text of Isaiah rather than on specific textual problems. Volume 1 covers chapters 1-18; Volume 2 looks at chapters 19-39; Volume 3 surveys chapters 40-66.

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  • Mi Companero El Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


    You can enjoy a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Dr. Cho sees himself as the junior partner of the Holy Spirit in his daily work of accomplishing the portion of God’s plan assigned to him. Learn how to be guided by the Holy Spirit every day, receive inspiration through the testimony of David Yonggi Cho, understand and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Galatians


    The long-awaited commentary by Dieter Luhrmann is now available to English-speaking audiences for the first time. It is a profound, succinctly written dialogue with the text that carefully follows the main points of Paul’s arguments in his most controversial letter. The author presents a theological interpretation which takes seriously Paul’s claim about the gospel and also provides a distinctive outline based on this close reading of the text. Also included are helpful discussions of the competing theologies of Paul and his opponents, a chart on Paul’s career, and a map of the Roman World. Luhrmann is a highly acclaimed interpreter of the New Testament. This volume will be a valuable addition to a well-received commentary series.

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  • War In The 20th Century


    This timely anthology of important statements by Christian ethicists and ecclesial groups who draw upon the just-war tradition reviews the rationale for war in the twentieth century. Included are writings from Niebuhrs, the Calhoun Commission, John Ford, Elizabeth Anscombe, Paul Ramsey, Ralph Potter, the U.S. Catholic Bishops, and the U.S. Methodist Bishops. These authors, whose ideas reflect diverse trends in Roman Catholic and Protestant ethics spanning the period from the Manchurian crisis in the early 1930s to the Persian Gulf War in 1991, have sought to sharpen our moral literacy about the ethics of war. They address issues relevanct to modern warfare – obliteration bombing, selective conscientious objection, and nuclear deterrence.

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  • New Age Spirituality


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664252182ISBN10: 0664252184Editor: Duncan FergusonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1992Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • How To Attract And Keep Active Church Members


    This book is a study of church growth and membership retention. The author argues that if a church is to survive, it must concentrate on keeping its current members as well as attracting new ones. He interviews people from six hundred churches of various sizes and reviews the causes of membership decline and retention in those churches. Smith addresses the assimilation of new members, congregational vitality and church growth, and conflict management and its impact on membership retention.

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  • Elijah In Upper Egypt


    Using methods from literary criticism. social history, and social theory, Eliijah In Upper Egypt makes a fresh contribution to our understanding of early Egyptian Christianity by describing the genesis and meaning of the Coptic Apocalypse of Eliijah. This document, an extended prophecy of the end times that enjoyed wide circulation in late antiquity, reflects a type of Christianity rarely discussed in scholarly literature, one that was rural, semi-literate, ascetically oriented, and fanatically millennialist.

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  • New Handbook Of The Christian Year


    ”A valuable source of services for the Christian seasons. One of the best currently available for all denominations,”—Christianity Today. A Christmas Eve family service, Ash Wednesday liturgy, and John Wesley’s covenant service among others.

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  • Emergence Of Liberty In The Modern World


    156 pages

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    Kelly traces Calvinism’s effects on the governments of Geneva, France, Scotland, England, and colonial America.

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  • Reading Between Texts


    Intertexuality (the reading of one text in terms of another) is a diverse practice. It is a central and prevalent subject in post-structuralist literary theory. This is the first book to address intertexuality as it relates specifically to interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. The contributors bring together lucid theoretical discussions and sophisticated interpretations from a variety of backgrounds, offering biblical scholars and students a helpful and thorough introduction to the issues and possibilities of tertexuality. This volume encourages the bringing together of texts in new and creative ways and lends greater clarity as discussions of intertextuality and biblical studies proceed

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  • Slaying The Dragon


    In Slaying the Dragon: Mythmaking in the Biblical Tradition, Bernard Batto argues that biblical authors, like other ancient Near East authors, used mythic traditions in composing their works. Batto joins massive evidence with masterful argument to show that myth actually lies at the heart of the theological enterprise of the biblical authors. Slaying the Dragon is sure to provoke dicussion on the theological relevance of myth in the biblical tradition.

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  • Time With Our Children


    With simple props-glitter, blocks, candles, and cookies-Dianne Deming brings Scripture and theology into the world and understanding of children. She speaks their language-to them as equals, not at them or down to them-and God’s love for children and her love for them shine through with every word. She recognizes the dignity of children, their worth as unique individuals and to the church, and creates stories that respect how children view the world and their place in it. A TIME WITH OUR CHILDREN is a collection of stories designed for the pastor or teacher to help children share in the faith of the congregation-not as a separate part of the worship service but integrated into the seamless whole of the people of God worshiping together. Deming believes that the most important benefit children receive from their special time in worship is the underlying message that they are valued and loved by God and their church. Her gentle, charming stories do that with grace and aplomb. The stories are keyed to the New Revised Common Lectionary (NRCL) and indexed by topic for non-lectionary use.

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  • Her Image Of Salvation


    This book examines the image of the savior and the experience of salvation, two concepts that are inextricably entwined. Gail Streete asserts that Christianity set aside female images of salvation by emphasizing the maleness of Jesus. She draws on solid knowledge of the Jewish sources of Christianity and from the Greek-speaking classical world, from which Christianity assimilated so much, to show that the image of God could be seen as both male and female.

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  • Love Of Enemy And Nonretalitation In The New Testament


    The essays in this irenic book explore two pervasive New Testament teachings that are foundational to peace: Jesus’ commands to love enemies and not to retaliate against those who do evil. These themes are covered from a variety of perspectives, showing the impact of Jesus’ teaching throughout the New Testament.

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  • Celebrating The Disciplines


    For those who want to develop a deeper, more joyful inner life through the practice of Christian spiritual disciplines, this one-year journal-workbook helps readers find new ways to reflect on, experience, and integrate the disciplines into their lives.

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  • Overview Of Gregorian Chant


    The modern liturgical movement owes a great debt to Solesmes monk Dom
    Eugene Cardine (1905-1988), whose tireless research in the ancient
    manuscripts uncovered the elusice secrets of Gregorian Rhythm, thus
    revealing some of the original pristine beauty of Gregorian chant. In this
    volume, Dom Cardine sums up the origin, decline and restoration of the
    chant, and challenges researchers to continue his work.

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  • Passion Of Interpretation


    W. Dow Edgerton reviews narratives from the Bible, Talmud, Greek mythology, and modern fiction in order to provide a better understanding of the nature and work of interpretation. He demonstrates that interpretation is a passionate act, using such stories as the binding of Isaac in Genesis 22 and the story of the road to Emmaus in Luke 24. Weaving a vivid and surprising tapestry with thread spun of hermeneutics, poetry, exegesis, reverie, poetics, memory, narrative, ritual, and literary criticism, the author invites the reader to examine the foundations of interpretation. He considers the interpretive situation of the religious leader, bringing new insight into the role and purpose of interpretation in our chaotic times. Disclosed are rich, complex, and compelling possibilities for imagining the work of interpretation and what it means to do that work in a time when so much is needed and so much is possible.

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  • Children Of Divorce


    15 Chapteres

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    The adults who love them want to know, “How can I help?” Based on research and interviews with single parents and children, Children of Divorce provides a sympathetic, insightful answer to their question. It shows:

    *How to tell your child about divorce
    *How children respond to divorce according to their age
    *How to help children grow spiritually
    *How parents, grandparents, church workers, and teachers can help children of divorce

    This realistic yet compassionate book tells the truth about divorce–how it forever changes the lives of those it touches. It speaks candidly about how children respond to divorce and the changes it imposes on their lives. But Children of Divorce also tells the truth about how Christianity in action can make a difference.

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  • Making Sense Of It All


    No matter how old you are, the big questions keep coming up—questions about life, death, God, religion, the nature of faith, the formation of an adequate worldview, and the meaning of it all. Morris takes a new look at those old issues in this entertaining and instructive book. Relating numerous personal anecdotes, incorporating intriguing material from the films of Woody Allen and the journals of Leo Tolstoy, and using the writings of the 17th-century genius Blaise Pascal as a central guide, he’ll help you philosophize about your life, enjoy the process, and perhaps even make sense of it all.

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  • Trouble At The Table


    How can we resolve the crsis and revitalize the worship in our church? Too often we evaluate worship as a matter of taste without examinging the presuppositions that inform worship in a given congregation. Exploring and developing techniques for handling resistance to change, the authors help church leaders see that worship is a public event, which must be continually renewed and revitalized.

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  • Litanies And Other Prayers For The Revised Common Lectionary Year A


    Includes invocations, calls to worship, litanies, benedictions, and more. Year A.

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  • Jesus In Global Contexts


    Liberator, ancestor, cosmic Christ, and Black Messiah: These are just some of the ways that Jesus is viewed in the world. This rare book presents with a fresh and energetic tone a global tour of the Christologies emerging in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, and those of North American Feminist and African American theologies.

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  • Culture Wars : The Struggle To Define America


    A riveting account of how Christian fundamentalists, Orthodox Jews, and conservative Catholics have joined forces in a battle against their progressive counterparts for control of American secular culture.

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  • Forgotten Truth : The Common Vision Of The Worlds Religions


    This classic companion to The World’s Religions articulates the remarkable unity that underlies the world’s religious traditions

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  • Divine Disclosure : An Introduction To Jewish Apocalyptic


    The study of apocalyptic has been David Russell’s life-work, and over the years, with the discovery of new material and ongoing study, he has reassessed his earlier interpretation in a number of respects. This new book, written with all the freshness that made his Between the Testaments a classic which is still widely read today, provides a short but comprehensive guide to the latest state of research into apocalyptic. After identifying and redefining the literature, Dr. Russell examines the birth and growth of apocalyptic and investigates the reasons for its popularity. He then goes on to consider particular apocalyptic groups and apocalyptic books, the idea of revelation, and the main ideas of apocalyptic. The book ends with a Christian perspective and a discussion of the significance of apocalyptic for today.

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  • History Of New Testament Research Volume One


    Here’s a readable account of modern New Testament scholarship that’s not just for biblical specialists. Fresh, stimulating, and engaging, it delves into the debates and controversies of the past, giving you an up-close look at the personalities, theological movements, and conflicts that have shaped contemporary New Testament discourse.

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  • Politics Of God


    How is it that the same Christian beliefs can be used both to bolster an oppressive regime and rally opposition to it? Are there any norms intrinsic to Christian belief that dictate its political import? Delving into the complex aspects of Christian beliefs in their historical, theological, and social diversity, Tanner here offers a rigorous and sustained analysis of the relations of belief to attitudes and action. She centers her analysis on God and Creation and brings a much-needed clarity to notions of hierarchy, transcendence, dualism, and oppression. She constructs a typology of how doctrines can relate to each other, to social systems, and to ethical behavior.

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  • Persuade Us To Rejoice


    Studying such literary figures as W.H. Auden, Samuel Beckett, Frederick Buechner, Albert Camus, Ursula K. LeGuin, C.S. Lewis, Alan Paton, Ignazio Silone, Alice Walker, Elie Wiesel, and Charles Williams, Brown illustrates “the liberating power of fiction” by enabling the reader to enter their worlds. Brown asserts that although there is no faith that offers ironclad guarantees against future struggles, the wisdom of these authors can help us toward praising and rejoicing

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  • Zondervan NIV Naves Topical Bible


    When you want to get a firm understanding of God’s grace, where do you start? You could consult your concordance for every appearance of “Grace” in the Bible. But what about those Scripture passages that don’t use the word grace, yet are vital to understanding it? Reach for the Silver Medallion Award-winning Zondervan NIV Nave’s Topical Bible. It broadens your scope beyond word searches to topical studies. Now you’re ready to deal not just with key words, but with concepts. The Zondervan NIV Nave’s Topical Bible improves on the original King James Version-based Nave’s Topical Bible by adding more than 500 headings, 2,000 subtopics, and 1,300 cross-references. You’ll find entries addressing contemporary issues such as abuse, ecology, homosexuality, and abortion — all either directly including or else referencing the best-selling New International Version text, and easily usable with other translations as well. Goodrick/Kohlenberger numbering lets you also consult the Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance to broaden your studies of specific Hebrew and Greek words. So when you’re ready to dig deeper into the Scriptures, it’s time to add this book to your core reference library. Its thoroughness will bring new dimensions to your Bible studies and help you gain sound scriptural perspectives on faith and practical living.

    This series is for the discriminating individual who wants only the best Bible study resources available in terms of both thoroughness of information and excellence in design. From bleached, high-grade paper to sturdy binding, the Premier Reference Series combines upper-end materials and sophisticated appeal with the finest in evangelical scholarship. The 6-volume Premier Reference Series includes:

    Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance – The only concordance ever to win a Gold Medallion, this world-class volume gives complete access to every word of the NIV text as well as to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek from which the NIV was translated. Includes Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbering system.

    The Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary (2 volumes) – This abridgment of the award-winning, 12-volume Expositor’s Bible Commentary is perfect for those who aren’t satisfied with the limitations of one-volume commentaries, but who don’t require a large, expensive set.

    Zondervan NIV Matthew Henry Commentary – Adapted to the NIV, meticulously condensed to retain the essential content of the original work, and carefully updated to afford clarity, this i

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  • 1 Minute Businesswomans Devotional


    A Woman’s Devotional Filled With Success Principles From The Scriptures And Practical Methods For Achieving And Maintaining Your Goals. Gain the edge you need to succeed in today’s competitive business society through topics such as…5 Steps For Setting Goals / 12 Things You Can Expect From God / 6 Things You Must Eliminate From Your Life. This Book Could Be The Turning Point of Your Life.

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  • Life On The Line A Print On Demand Title


    Ethicist John Kilner draws on biblical materials to develop a basic ethical approach for dealing with difficult end-of-life situations and the allocation of limited medical resources. Arguing that a biblically based medical ethics must be God-centered, reality-bounded, and love-impelled, Kilner grapples honestly with the personal and social dilemmas that arise in the face of death. Topics covered include euthanasia, suicide, quality of life, living wills, and the distribution of vital treatments.

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  • Speaking The Christian God A Print On Demand Title


    This unique collection of essays offers an orthodox, constructively critical response to contemporary feminist theology. While affirming the dignity and equality of man and woman as created in the image of God, the contributors also argue that the trinitarian language for God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – is a biblical given not to be changed.

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  • Care Of Persons Care Of Worlds


    268 Pages

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    “From the Publisher:” CARE OF PERSONS, CARE OF WORLDS by Larry Kent Graham Constructs social and systemic foundations for pastoral care.

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  • Karl Rahner : Theologian Of The Graced Search For Meaning


    The select bibliography neatly organizes the vast work by and on Rhner and the selected texts are creatively chosen, strategically beginning not with Rahner’s philosphical anthropology but with the spiritual life. Together they comprise something of a mini summa of Rahner’s contributions to the chief areas of theology.

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  • Love And Justice


    The relationship between Christian love and justice was, for Reinhold Niebuhr, the most important issue in the modern world. In this book, there are 64 essays written by Niebuhr on a variety of social issues: democracy, race relations, socialized medicine, international relations, the atomic bomb, pacifism, and many others. Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) was the best-known spokesman for American Neoorthodoxy. Niebuhr served as a pastor in Detroit before becoming Professor of Theology at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Niebuhr’s theological work is characterized by a deep concern for the impact of the Christ- ian message upon society and politics. Niebuhr called his view Christian Realism.

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  • ABCs Of Worship


    If you’re curious about the terms and practices used in worship, you’ll enjoy this dictionary. Stake includes 150 concise (not wordy) articles on topics such as ecumenicism, Maundy Thursday, anointing, symbols, Pentecost, and the Christian Year. Clearly written, the articles are arranged in alphabetical order and are cross-referenced so you can get the most out of them. Satisfy your curiosity!

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  • Renewed Each Day 1


    Using a seven-day/weekly guide format, a recovering person and a spiritual leader who is reaching out to addicted people reflect on the traditional weekly Bible reading. They bring strong spiritual support for daily living and recovery from addictions of all kinds: alcohol, drugs, eating, gambling and sex. A profound sense of the spirit soars through their words and brings all people in Twelve Step recovery programs home to a rich and spiritually enlightening tradition.
    This book is not just for Jewish people. It’s for all people who would gain strength to heal and insight from the Bible and the teachings of Jewish tradition.

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  • Ready Defense : The Best Of Josh McDowell


    5 Sections

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    Be prepared “in season and out” with this handy reference book of faith. Timely and biblically based, Josh McDowell’s work offers defenses in 60 of the most-challenged areas of faith. All in one easy-to-reference volume, this book will strengthen your commitment and help you stand firm against challenges to the truth.

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  • Winning Attitude : Your Key To Personal Success


    John Maxwell not only discovered the winning attitude, but he has also experienced the incredible difference it makes. Today he speaks extensively across the United States at business meetings and conferences on the issues of leadership.

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  • Dawn Of The Reformation


    Throughout these essays there runs a common theme: the need to place the Reformation movement in its medieval context, and to bridge the ideological gaps between late medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation studies. The opening chapters consider late medieval thought and the emergence of the young Luther at the center of the Reformation movement. There follows a study of the impact upon Luther of the philological, spiritual, and philosophical traditions of sixteenth-century Europe. These traditions are fully examined in order to discern what Luther and his followers silently ignored or rejected, and so to delineate what is new and original in early Reformation thought. The remaining chapters move from Luther to the wider world of events marking the Reformation era: the Peasant War, the Copernican Revolution, the beginning of the Counter reformation and the reforms initiated by the Council of Trent.

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