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Showing 22401–22500 of 23550 results

  • Fringe Front And Center Cycle B


    For many years Professor Hoyer was editor and writer for Currents In Theology And Mission. In that publication he called the homiletical section “Preaching Helps.” But he explained that the emphasis was to be put on the second word. “It is more than a noun. It’s a verb,” he said. “Preaching does help! Preaching conveys both the wisdom and power of God.”

    When sermons only talk about the gospel, they fail to utilize the power. They may be wise, but they don’t work the work of God. Medics who answer a 911 call do more than talk about CPR. They diagnose. Then they supply the breath of life. In these Gospel-based sermons Hoyer shows how to draw out the power of the word. His messages breathe life and hope into listening ears.

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  • Light In The Land Of Shadows Cycle B


    Light In The Land Of Shadows contains 16 sermons for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany and Transfiguration Sundays.

    This book makes connections between Old Testament themes and contemporary issues. The preacher will find it exegetically sound yet filled with illustrations and insights. The lay person will find it comprehendible and useful for exploring ultimate issues within the context of meaningful Bible study.

    (The) sermons are fleshed out in normal, everyday language, grammar and sentence structure — Yet the faithful preacher can take comfort in the fact that they are backed up by sound biblical exegesis. (from the Introduction)

    Hal Warlick is a master at weaving a fascinating story or illustration into the sermon, dramatically portraying the scriptural message. This is Old Testament preaching at its best.

    Sermon titles include:
    Lighting A Fire In A Cold Room
    All Dressed Up And Somewhere To Go
    Any FAX From God Today?
    Will We Enjoy Heaven?
    Pain And Promise In The Hand Of God

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  • Bread And Broth (Student/Study Guide)


    Serve a different kind of soup and bread each week as you study the lives of Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Elisha, John the Baptist and Jesus in this six-part series. Each study provides a recipe for the soup of the week. Members can be invited to prepare the soup and bake breads to share. This program allows congregations to enjoy a fellowship meal together as they learn about a biblical character.

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  • Visions Of Lent Year 3


    A new and unusual service for Lent…!

    At the beginning of Lent each family in the congregation is invited to lend a plant from home (silk or live), following a Jewish Shavuot custom. The following Sundays in Lent build on this focal point as an object is added each week. Two readers participate in a dialogue explaining the symbol for that day. A child brings the symbol forward and holds it during the dialogue. In this way several families are able to participate.

    Visions of Lent Year 3 also includes:
    * Sample bulletin insert prior to Lent
    * Example of plant reminder that can be used in bulletin
    * Sample Torah for bulletin inserts
    * A suggested worship service for Palm/Passion Sunday

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  • Last Covenant


    These two dramatic choral readings will place a permanent imprint on the conscience of all who speak and hear them. They won’t be heard as much as they will be felt. The pain and the anguish, the emptiness and hatred of that Friday long ago will fill the senses with such powerful rage that anyone in attendance will be transformed from passive bystanders to active participants in the quest for life as the glorious news of the risen Christ is known on Sunday.

    Both choral readings involve five voices, which may be chosen from the congregation or can be performed as a choir litany. The combination of these voices will convey the strong emotions and images of the drama of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Both can be substituted for the sermon. No costumes or props are required.

    With an order of worship, Easter Day’s reading includes congregational singing of nine hymns with the choral reading. The Last Covenant is a wonderfully effective way to involve the entire congregation in “”The Greatest Story Ever Told.””

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  • Trinity In Asian Perspective


    Western Christians often despair of finding meaning in the paradoxical statement that God is both “One” and “Three”. The problem, says Jung Young Lee, is not with the doctrine of the Trinity itself; rather, it is with the Western conceptual tendency to view reality in exclusive, “either/or” terms. The Trinity is at its heart an inclusive doctrine of one God who is nonetheless three distinct persons. In order to grasp this fact, we need different conceptual categories, not only with which to view God, but all of reality. The Asian philosophical construct of yin and yang can offer a way out of this problem, with its inherently “both/and” way of thinking. Drawing on a variety of East Asian religious traditions, Lee offers a creative reinterpretation of this central Christian doctrine. He shows how a global perspective can illuminate Western theological constructs as he establishes the necessity of a contextual approach to the doctrine of the Trinity.

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  • You Have Stept Out Of Your Place


    This book fills an important gap in American women’s history. The author manages to discuss four centuries of women’s experience in the United States clearly, inclusively, and with both a sensitivity to feminist issues and a faithfullness to women’s own experience that ensures this book will have a wide readership. This book spans a broad range of geographic, ethnic, racial and denominational range of American women’s religious experiences and contributions and attempts to preverse the intregrity and diversity of their voices. In the absense of strong counterevidence, the author has assumed that American women were basically telling the truth about who they were, what they did, and why they did it.

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  • We Were Baptized Too


    Within the liturgy, congregations pledge to accept, love, forgive, and nurture the newly baptized member. The church, however, often lives out this covenant selectively, forcing its gay and lesbian members into silence, alienation, and doubt. We Were Baptized Too challenges the church to take seriously its understanding of baptism and communion as a means of grace, justice, and liberation.

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  • Scientists As Theologians


    A lively and accessible overview of the science and religion debate.

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  • Early Christian Fathers


    Part of the Library of Christian Classics series, Early Christian Fathers is the best single-book introduction to the early church fathers, providing an enriching and informative introduction to first and second century Christian thought.

    With a brief introduction and extensive notes also accompany each letter or work, making Early Christian Fathers a great study aid.

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  • Ruth : Surely There Is A Future


    This is a print on demand book.

    Series: International Theological Commentary

    The book of Ruth, set in the period of the judges, is a beautiful story of the love, covenant loyalty, and daring initiative of two impoverished widows. Together with a generous open-hearted man, they demonstrate the truth of Proverbs 23:18 that applies to individuals, families, communities, and nations: “Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.” In this excellent commentary E. John Hamlin approaches the book of Ruth as literature, as history, as part of the canon, and as truth-telling story.

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  • Prophet Motive : Examining The Reliability Of Biblical Prophets


    Outstanding book about Christian evidences from the perspective of Old Testament prophets. The writings of Barfield, president of Mars Hill Bible School, are enlightening. Suitable for use in high school, college, church or personal study.

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  • Reinventing Christianity A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    In Reinventing Christianity, the first comprehensive survey of Christian theology in Africa to appear in English, John Parratt provides a critical yet sympathetic examination of the new ways of doing theology that have recently emerged from within the African church.

    Following an introduction that charts the growth and development of African theology, Parratt examines the differing theological assumptions and methodologies throughout the continent. He also shows how Africans are rethinking the central dogmas of the Christian faith – Scripture, God, Christology, the church, and eschatology – and evaluates Africa’s political theologies, giving special attention to theological approaches to African socialism and to South African black theology. The final chapter exposes some of the problematic issues that can provide a framework for wider ecumenical theological debate.

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  • 1-2 Peter And Jude


    Fred Craddock examines the letters of 1 and 2 Peter and Jude. Of each epistle he asks, What kind of literature is it? Who wrote the letter? To whom was the letter written? And for what purpose was the letter written? Craddock’s answers let us draw from these often undervalued epistles on awareness of what is involved in living a Christian life in this world. We also see the similarities and differences in how Christ is portrayed in these epistles as opposed to the depiction found in other New Testament writings.

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  • Fundamental Practical Theology


    Besides taking a revolutionary look at theology (“all theology is practical”), Browning shows very clearly that the embarrassed silence that has fallen between ministers and scholars is unreasonable. The four movements of practical theology drive home the deficiencies of theory-to-practice models, while the five dimensions of practical reasoning and moral thinking underscore that this way of viewing things belongs to the philosopher as much to the pastor.

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  • Engendering God : Male And Female Faces Of God


    In this book, Carl Raschke and Susan Doughty Raschke argue that God’s own self-revelation is neither exclusively male nor female but both at once. With this self-revelation of the “two in one,” the authors contend that the Scriptures are actually a radical proclamation of gender equality. Basing their findings on historical, anthropological, and biblical scholarship, they make a compelling argument that this awareness of God’s dual nature was widely accepted and understood in the early years of Christianity but was intentionally obscured through the ages.

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  • Deuteronomy


    Deuteronomy is more than a relic of ancient history. It is a living document that deals with issues relevant to the modern-day reader. They include justice and the vision of the Great Society; individual responsibility versus the importance of community; and the nature of loyalty to God and to the world. By examining these and other issues in this ancient work, readers will find striking parallels between the world of Israel several millennia ago and ours today. This absorbing and readable commentary will stimulate discussion about the Deuteronomistic prescriptions for a healthy society and their applicability to contemporary life and society.

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  • Marching To Glory A Print On Demand Title (Expanded) (Audio CD)


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    Here is the fascinating story of The Salvation Army’s indomitable presence in America, from its formation in 1880 to its ongoing crusade today both as a major evangelical movement and as the nation’s foremost human services agency.

    These pages are filled with the chronological history of The Salvation Army and with illustrative anecdotes and brief biographical accounts of major figures in the denomination. Writing with the detailed precision of an insider, yet with the judicious balance and careful objectivity of a professional historian, Edward McKinley records the tale of an innumerable company of ordinary men and women, of their courage and compassion, of their daring and dedication, and of their unselfish commitment to the will and work of God in this God-ordained movement.

    This second edition, based on thorough archival and scholarly research, is a major revision and update of the widely praised first edition, which was written to commemorate The Salvation Army’s centennial in the United States in 1980. There is also a new chapter on events in The Salvation Army in the years since 1980, a dynamic period that has witnessed a major expansion of the Army’s evangelical thrust and its service to others.

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  • Cultural Disarmament : The Way To Peace


    Panikkar’s passionate argument that the way to peace is, more than military disarmament, a disarmed culture originally appeared in Spanish in 1993. It is the result of many years of research and teaching on peace at the University of California, drawn together for publication when Panikkar received the Antonio Machado Foundation Prize. The fundamental thesis of the book is that victory never leads to peace; peace is an active receptivity that synthesizes freedom, justice, and harmony–not only among human beings, but also between human beings and the earth. Panikkar insists that the widely held maxim “If you want peace, prepare for war” be transformed to “If you want peace, prepare yourself for peace.” The desire for peace, he says, is pacifying in itself. This gentle call to dialogue is a most appropriate prescription in an age of fanaticisms.

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  • Luke


    The Gospel of Luke is arguably the most recognizable and beloved of the gospel writings. It contains familiar stories such as the birth of Christ and the parables of the good Samaritan and the prodigal son. Its messages about inclusivity and economic justice continue to empower many in their struggles for liberation. Luke is also noted for the prominence of women in its narrative. The general familiarity with Luke, however, may impede a true sense of what this Gospel is about as a whole. Thus, New Testament scholar Sharon H. Ringe offers readers a thorough introduction to and a critical reading of Luke. Readers will gain a renewed understanding of this Gospel in light of its whole message.

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  • Evidence Of Mercy


    Take a fast-paced flight into suspense, romance, and forgiveness! When Lynda Barrett’s plane malfunctions, the crash landing injures its prospective buyer, Jake. An investigation reveals that someone tampered with her plane—and it soon becomes clear that whoever it was has further murderous designs on Lynda.

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  • Empowerment Ethics For A Liberated People


    Cheryl Sanders sharpens the agenda of black liberation by offering both a fresh reading of historical black religion and a distinctive approach to Christian ethics. Arguing that the experience of oppression has been the catalyst for black moral life and thought, Sanders traces several paths that African American Christians have taken in moving from victimization to moral agency: testimony, protest, uplift, cooperation, achievement, remoralization, and ministry.

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  • Out Of The Darkroom Into The Light


    Imagine being a young child trapped in a seemingly hopeless situation with a sexually abusive father and alcoholic mother-with no one to tell and no place to go. This true story is a testimony of God’s grace. As she shares her story, Tracey Casciano provides encouragement and inspiration to readers with real examples of faith, reinforced by scripture. Her hope is that this book will touch the heart of anyone who has felt lost or without hope and confirm the need to trust God.

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  • God Images In The Healing Process


    What does it mean when a seriously ill person has a vision or other vivid experience of God? How should a caregiver respond? Armistead sensitively explores these questions, offering practical psychological and theological guidance for pastors and counselors. Discover how to empathize with care-seekers, interpret their religious language, and more.

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  • Waking From Doctrinal Amnesia


    Asserting that the “return to Wesley” that is represented in the Quadrilateral is “intellectually wrongheaded,” William J. Abraham argues that the Quadrilateral is not, and should not be, United Methodist doctrine. Abraham’s lively treatise makes a provocative appeal for a reasoned exploration of the significance of the UMC’s doctrinal identity. He reveals how churches have faced incompatible doctrinal proposals within their midst and examines the specific issues facing the United Methodist church as a whole.

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  • Theology In Hymns


    Of the many hymnbooks published by John and Charles Wesley, the most important was A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People Called Methodists (1780). Taking this volume as a case study and concentrating on the Charles Wesley hymns included in it, Teresa Berger clarifies the relationbetween the language of doxology of worship and praise of God and the substance of theological reflection. She identifies the central theological themes and emphases in this body of hymnody, and raises the question of how theology can be embodied in hymns. Central to her argument is the claim that the theological analysis of doxological material is possible only when it takes care to recognize and safeguard the characteristics, the criteria of authenticity, and the tests of authority and legitimacy peculiar to doxological language. Part One of the book sets the whole discussion within the context of a renewed interest in doxological and liturgical traditions across Christianity by showing how the relationship of doxology and theology is an importopic of theological discussion in Roman Catholic, Protesttancircles. Part Two is devoted to a thorough theological analysis of the central themes and images of the 1780 Collection. Part Three attempts to clarify the nature of doxology in its relation to theology.

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  • Claiming The Center


    CLAIMING THE CENTER, by Jack Rogers The thesis of this book is that the root cause of mainstream church decline is an internal confict of worldviews. Using the Presbyterian Church (USA) as an example Rogers argues that the worldview that some members have developed has caused them to see life in conservative terms, whereas others have acquired a worldview that gives a liberal interpretation of life. Confict occurs when Christian people make their theological elaborations or ideological application or experiential colorings the ultimate reference point rather than the religious worldview itself. Rogers writes: “Hope for reconciliation and renewal lies in both leaders and members claiming the center and reconstituting a common worldview. This begins by patiently returning to a common affirmation of the root religious worldview that is more fundamental than any ideological application. Recognizing that those who differe with us accept the same religous worldview could enable us to build together on a foundation of Jesus Christ, the head of one body.”

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  • Reconstructing Christian Ethics


    One of the major British theologians and ethicists of the nineteenth century, F. D. Maurice was a forerunner of the contemporary ecumenical movement. His writings and work were an articulation of his theology, which emphasizes the inclusiveness of Christianity despite ideological divisions within the Christian community. Maurice proposed a primary unifying principle, based on the dynamic love of God for humankind in all its diversity, that would bring the various Christian traditions into a catholic whole. This volume brings to readers a selection of Maurice’s moral writings based on his theological worldview. It is the only anthology of his ethical writings currently available.

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  • Gift Of Anger


    All people experience anger at some point in their lives, although the way in which anger is experienced and expressed is often shaped by social context and religious background. Carroll Saussy offers this book to assist people in learning how to evaluate, understand, and effectively express authentic anger. She explores the psychology, the ethical considerations, and some practical ways of dealing with anger and proposes a theology of anger that is instrumental in addressing injustice. She also identifies ways that anger can be harmful and ways it can provide an impetus for constructive action. A helpful three-step technique for evaluating and expressing anger is presented and illustrated

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  • Covenants : The Key To Gods Relationship With Mankind


    This text on covenants is a systematic presentation of the nine divine covenants found in Scripture, the knowledge of which provides a necessary backdrop for the study of many other biblical subjects.

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  • Team Ministry : Putting Together A Team That Makes Churches Grow


    Using a step by step approach, Dick Iverson explains the biblical pattern for local chruch admisistration – a plurality of elders led by God’s “set man”. He provides a method for establishing a team ministry within any local chruch that includes 12 principles on how to maintain the leadership team once it is put into place. He concludes the text with information on how to discover and train young leaders within the church.

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  • Effective Keys To Successful Leadership


    Learn, from this dynamic model, what it takes to build an effective leadership team and healthy local church. Common ministry temptations and tensions are candidly discussed, emphasizing the need for personal vision and mission in your ministry.

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  • Winged Raiders Of The Desert


    1. A Plea For Help
    2. Without Authority
    3. The Enemy Strikes
    4. Captured
    5. Lord Of The Winged Ones
    6. Jake Takes A Chance
    7. A New Chance
    8. On Wings As Eagles
    9. The Dark Lord Awakes
    10. Jalor Has A Plan
    11. A New Kind Of Hunt
    12. Another Prison
    13. Sarah Shows A Better Way
    14. Jake Has A Plan
    15. The Rescue
    16. A Time Of Peace

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    Danger and death await the Sleepers as they’re once again called upon to one the plans of the Dark Lord!

    Evil Lord Necros desires to enlist new soldiers in his army, and he’s chosen the People of the Desert. When they refuse, the Dark Lord makes an alliance with the Winged Ones-men who fly like birds. These men steal from the desert people. Even worse, they capture enslave them!

    The Sleepers seek peace from the Winged Ones, but as they set out to make a new alliance they themselves are captured and enslaved. Instead of giving them over to the Dark Lord, the Winged Ones offer them a chance to join their ranks, the learn to fly! But in so doing, the Sleepers must take a dangerous step of faith.

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  • Romans


    Books in the Westminister Bible Companion series assist laity in their study of the Bible as a guide to Christian faith and practice. Each volume seeks both to understand the biblical book in its original historical context and explore its significance for faithful living today. These books are ideal for individual study and for Bible study classes and groups

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  • Dictionary Of The Bible


    A comprehensive resource includes both Old and New Testament, 2000 articles covering every book of the Bible, major themes and concepts, characters of the Bible, ancient civilization of the Near East, geography of the biblical lands, and over 200 charts and illustrations.

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  • Designing A Womans Life


    There is no one else in the world exactly–or even remotely–like you.

    You may already believe God made you as a singular design. What you may overlook is that he has a unique purpose for your life.

    We all dsire to live purposefully. This commonality binds women together.

    -We want to know our lives have meaning, that what we do matters.
    -We desire to develop and nurture our God-given talents and abilities.
    -We search to discover what it means to be ourselves.
    -We long to discover our purpose, our reason for being.

    In Designing a Woman’s Life, Judith Couchman sensitively explores these timeless longings, reflecting upon the critical issue of personal significance. Discover how you can move beyond mere existence to a life you truly love–one that’s overflowing with meaning and purpose–with Designing a Woman’s Life.

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  • Temple Of Solomon


    The Temple of Solomon: discover how the ancient Hebrews worshiped God in splendor. In this temple that stood until its destructionin Jeremiah’s day, all Israel could come and offer sacrifices to Him. Study the order of worship as found in the Temple of Solomon and examine the many distinctions that separate it from the Tabernacles of Moses and David. The Temple of Solomon includes: Chronological look at the temple from its initial design to completion; historical background and significance on the dedication of the Temple; a brief view of the life of Solomon; insightful study on the sacrifices performed in the Temple; thorough discussion on the use and symbolism of Temple furniture; a picture of Redemption’s plan seen through the Temple; charts and pictures of priestly garments and Temple objects; and supplemental material on other temples found in Scripture.

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  • Tabernacle Of David


    The Tabernacle of David is the second work in Conner’s trilogy concerning the three major dwelling places of God in the Old Testament. This text answers many vital questions concerning the tabernacle in the Old Testament and its significance to New Testament revelation. The Tabernacle of David is a devotional, typical, theological and practical book and clearly shows the vast differences between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant methods of worship. It presents an exciting and stimulating challenge to the believer who is hungry to learn more about the move of the Holy Spirit today.

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  • Readings In Christian Ethics Volume 2 (Reprinted)


    Essays explore how interpretations affect casuistry, and cover issues related to abortion, reproductive technologies, euthanasia, sexuality, race, gender, social justice, the environment, civil disobedience, capital punishment, and war.

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  • What Do You Say To A Burning Bush Cycle A


    Many who preach from the lectionary are drawn to the gospel for their sermon focus. Yet Steve Burt’s alluring treatment of these first lesson texts will stimulate the desire to proclaim the captivating tales drawn from these Old Testament lessons. In many ways it is easier for the contemporary hearer to identify with these Old Testament characters. They are less perfect, approachable, very human in their faith struggles and in many respects much like us.

    Titles include:
    * What Do You Do When Life Ain’t Fair? (Genesis 29:15-28)
    * The Face of God (Genesis 32:22-31)
    * Need Help Removing that Roadblock? (Exodus 14:19-31)
    * But You Can’t Get Water Out of a Rock! (Exodus 17:1-7)

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  • Stained Glass Ceiling


    As record numbers of women graduate from seminaries,they are increasingly filling positions once held exclusivelyby men. Purvis documents what happened in the lives of two congregations that appointed women senior pastors and the impact these appointments had on all concerned. She carefully assesses the changes and discerns the significance of female leadership as opposed to male leadership in these two settings.

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  • Reforming Protestantism : Christian Commitment In Todays World


    Reformed Protestantism has undergone drastic changes throughout its history in America. Although it has become less prominent in American society, Douglas Ottati reminds us that this Christian movement is still a dynamic and important witness to our world. This book is an important contribution to promoting, deepening, and extending the distinctive spirit and witness of Reformed Protestantism.

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  • Circle Of Creation


    SKU (ISBN): 9780334026198ISBN10: 0334026199John EatonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1995SCM ClassicsPublisher: SCM Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Cost Of Discipleship


    What can the call to discipleship, the adherence to the word of Jesus, mean today to the businessman, the soldier, the laborer, or the aristocrat? What did Jesus mean to say to us? What is his will for us today? Drawing on the Sermon on the Mount, Dietrich Bonhoeffer answers these timeless questions by providing a seminal reading of the dichotomy between “cheap grace” and “costly grace.” “Cheap grace” Bonhoeffer wrote, “is the grace we bestow on ourselves…grace without discipleship…. Costly grace is the gospel which must be sought again and again, the gift which must be asked for, the door at which a man must know…..It is costly because it costs a man his life, and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life.”

    The Cost of Discipleship is a compelling statement of the demands of sacrifice and ethical consistency from a man whose life and thought were exemplary articulations of a new type of leadership inspired by the Gospel, and imbued with the spirit of Christian humanism and a creative sense of civic duty.

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  • Child Called It


    This book chronicles the unforgettable account of one of the most severe child abuse cases in California history. It is the story of Dave Pelzer, who was brutally beaten and starved by his emotionally unstable, alcoholic mother: a mother who played tortuous, unpredictable games–games that left him nearly dead. He had to learn how to play his mother’s games in order to survive because she no longer considered him a son, but a slave; and no longer a boy, but an “it.”

    Dave’s bed was an old army cot in the basement, and his clothes were torn and raunchy. When his mother allowed him the luxury of food, it was nothing more than spoiled scraps that even the dogs refused to eat. The outside world knew nothing of his living nightmare. He had nothing or no one to turn to, but his dreams kept him alive–dreams of someone taking care of him, loving him and calling him their son.

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  • Ethics


    This book is recognized as a major contribution to Christian ethics. Bonhoeffer illustrates that God’s design is to be found in the Church, the family, labor, and government. His will permits man to live as man before God, in a world God made, with responsibility for the institutions of that world.

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  • Real Hope In Chicago


    When Wayne Gordon and his wife started a Bible study for high school kids in North Lawndale, Chicago, people warned them that a white couple moving into a black neighborhood as a recipe for disaster. That was twenty-five years ago. Today, what began as the Gordons’ seedling Bible study has become the Lawndale Community Church. It has a staff of 150, has renovated more than 100 local apartments, has helped more than 50 young people graduate from college, runs a medical clinic that treated 50,000 patients in 1994, and has become a vital part of rebuilding an inner-city neighborhood into a community of faith and hope. Real Hope in Chicago is Wayne Gordon’s inspiring account of how people, white and black, rich and poor, old and young, worked together to transform a decaying neighborhood into a place where love is lived out in practical and miraculous ways. It offers an exciting model for interracial cooperation, urban-suburban church partnering–and real hope for the inner cities of our nation.

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  • Company Of Preachers 2


    Looks at the history of preaching in the nineteeth and twentieth centuries

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  • Broken Image : Restoring Personal Wholeness Through Healing Prayer (Reprinted)


    1. Lisa’s Story: Repressed Memory
    2. The Causes Of Homosexuality: Contemporary Theories
    3. Matthew’s Story: Identity Crisis
    4. The Search For Sexual Identity
    5. The Identity Crisis According To The Scriptures
    6. Listening For The Healing Word

    176 Pages

    Additional Info
    As a sexual neurosis, homosexuality is regarded as one of the most complex. As a condition for God to heal, it is (in spite of the widespread belief to the contrary) remarkably simple. This is a book about how to pray for the healing of the problem. The stories in this book were selected as being the most representative among those to whom I minister. Details such as names and places are changed in order to protect the persons whose inner lives are here opened to view. Within these personal histories we see classic examples of injuries that can lead to the homosexual crisis in identity. None of these stories was lightly or easily written, for I stand in awe of what it means to be a human being, one in the process of becoming:

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  • Jesus And The Land


    Piece together the life of Jesus as it unfolded against the windswept background of the Holy Land! In this highly readable, up-to-date synthesis of Scripture, rabbinic tradition, and archaeology, Page makes history come alive as he reconstructs Jesus’ life in first-century Israel. Black & white photos throughout.

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  • Isaiah 40-66 : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    The Professor of Old Testament at Harvard Divinity School delves into Second Isaiah’s beautiful poetic argument for a loving and caring God and how his creatures fit into the unfolding of history and the Messianic last days.

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  • Winter Days In The Big Woods


    Laura helps Ma and Pa make the little log cabin snug and cozy for the snowy days ahead.

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  • Numbers : Journeying With God


    Although little studied by most Christians, the book of Numbers offers a rich storehouse of material for reflection on the relationship between God and the human community. This excellent commentary highlights this theme in the context of interpreting the many strange and obscure stories and laws of Israel’s wilderness journey.

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  • Psalms And The Life Of Faith


    Walter Brueggemann’s unique gift of joining historical-exegetical insights to penetrating observations about the traumas and joys of contemporary life — both personal and social — is here forcefully displayed. Everyone who is familiar with his work knows the power of his speech about “doxological, polemical, political, subversive, evangelical faith” and about the ways such faith is enacted in the praise of ancient Israel and in the church. Readers of this book will find fresh insight into: the Psalms as prayer and praise the categories of the Psalms the social context in which psalms were prayed and sung the theology of the Psalms the dialogical character of the Psalms justice and injustice in the Psalms the study and “use” of the Psalms in the church praise as an act of basic trust and abandonment the impossible wonders of God’s activity that overturn conventional ways of thinking and acting.

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  • Grammar For Biblical Hebrew (Revised)


    This is a comprehensive revision of our popular Hebrew grammar textbook.

    Key Features: *Revision of a proven textbook *Uses biblical text from the outset *Greater emphasis on understanding of accents and other critical details; new material on the study of the Hebrew language

    Key Benefits: *Helps the student use the biblical text itself *Make use of Hebrew dictionaries and other reference tools easier for the beginning student *Excurses provide a good general overview of the Hebrew language, as well as some in-depth understanding of grammatical rules

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  • Getting The Word Across


    If you’ve had little or no speech training, here’s how to “get the Word across.” Offering practical lessons in disciplined speech, Jacks, a professor of speech communication in ministry, discusses various methods of effective oral interpretation, as well as voice and diction techniques to improve the impact of God’s Word on your audience.

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  • Discovering The Mind Of A Woman


    In Discovering the Mind of Women husbands learn to understand their wives as Christ would. From this point they learn to respond to their wives in a consistent Christlike manner. A radically transformed and renewed marriage is the result. Drawing from his own story and the stories of husbands whose marriages were dissolving, Ken Nair reveals major problems in life and marriage. After discussing the problems, he reveals relationship altering concepts which not only will revive a marriage, they will radiate throughout couple’s lives as well.

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  • 3 Young Pilgrims


    When the Allerton family first steps from the Mayflower after 60 days at sea, they never dream that life in the New World will be so hard. Richly detailed paintings show how the Pilgrims lived through the dark winter and into the busy days of spring, summer, and fall, culminating with the excitement of the original Thanksgiving feast. Full color.

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  • Very Busy Spider


    SKU (ISBN): 9780399229190ISBN10: 0399229191Eric CarleBinding: BoardsPublished: August 1995Publisher: World of Eric Carle

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  • John : An Intimate Look At The Savior (Student/Study Guide)


    13 Chapters

    Additional Info
    John’s Gospel reveals the wonder of Christ as seen through the eyes of a close friend. As you study the book of John, you will develop a deeper, more personal understanding of our Savior. You will come to know his thoughts and character. You will see him in his glory … marvel at his beauty … be changed by his wisdom … and discover the riches of following him closely and knowing him well.

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  • Home Field Advantage


    “From the Publisher” A vital, encouraging book for men whose children are influenced by media heroes. Teachers how to be role models children can rely on by seizing relational, home-field advantage. Includes stories of popular athletes.

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  • Theology And Pastoral Counseling A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    This volume lays out an important new interdisciplinary approach to the relationship between theology and psychology in the work of pastoral counseling. Hunsinger sets forth a method for relating theology and psychology from a Barthian theological perspective. Her work shows that Barth’s theology provides a wealth of material for pastoral counselors who wish to bring a consistent theological perspective to the interpretive task.

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  • Jesus Christ For Todays World


    Moltmann takes fresh approaches to a number of crucial topics: Jesus and the kingdom of God, the passion of Jesus and the pain of God, Jesus as brother of the tortured, and the resurrection of Christ as hope for the World, the cosmic Christ, Jesus in Jewish-Christian dialogue, the future of God, and other.

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  • Galatians : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Galat (Stu


    1. The True Gospel (Overview And 1:1-9)
    2. The Source Of Truth (1:10-24)
    3. Confirmation Of The Truth (2:1-10)
    4. Contending For The Truth (2:11-21)
    5. Living By Faith (3:1-14)
    6. The Priority Of The Promise (3:15-25)
    7. The Rights Of A Son (3:26-4:11)
    8. A Choice Of Allegiance (4:12-31)
    9. Christian Freedom (5:1-15)
    10. Living By The Spirit (5:16-26)
    11. Keeping On Track (6:1-10)
    12. Focusing On The Eternal (6:11-18 And Review)

    Additional Info
    GALATIANS is a Bible study to encourage believers through God’s Word to maintain your faith and stand firm against false teachings. Participants will learn to apply relevant scriptures to their lives and improve study skills. Also included are historical insights, word definitions, discussion questions, assignments, and a leader’s guide. Format: Workbook Audience: New Christian Number of Questions: 12 Average Number of Questions: 17 Prep Time: Medium

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  • Christian Attitude Toward Attitudes (Student/Study Guide)


    What is an attitude? Is a Christian attitude something different? Can a Christian have a bad attitude? A subject that touches every Christian every day.

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  • Surviving The Death Of A Child


    Surviving the Death of a Child is about enduring and surviving the most painful of all loses: the death of one’s child. This is the story of a journey from grief to healing. But more, it is a story of faith and love told so that others may find comfort and understanding when faced with this most devasting loss.

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  • James : Real Faith For The Real World (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Perseverance
    James 1:1-18
    2. Hearing And Responding
    James 1:19-2:26
    3. Words That Hurt, Words That Heal
    James 3:1-12
    4. Two Kinds Of Smart Living
    James 3:13-4:12
    5. Planning Versus Patience
    James 4:13-5:20
    48 Pages

    Additional Info
    Real Christian faith doesn’t remain hidden in the heart: It shows itself through the lives we live. Faith grows as we cultivate perseverance, humility, and patience–key attributes that the book of James commends. James calls us to demonstrate our faith in practical ways in the world around us. Studying James will help you prove the reality of your faith through sound actions, attitudes, and words in your everyday life.

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  • Israels Divine Healer


    1. Human Physicians And Healing Deities
    2. Israel’s Divine Healer In The Torah And Historical Books
    3. Israel’s Divine Healer In Poetry And Wisdom Literature
    4. Israel’s Divine Healer In The Prophetic Books
    5. Israel’s Divine Healer In The New Testament
    6. Cnclusions And Reflections

    462 Pages

    Additional Info
    1. Human Physicians and Healing Deities
    2. Israel’s Divine Healer in the Torah and Historical Books
    3. Israel’s Divine Healer in Poetry and Wisdom Literature
    4. Israel’s Divine Healer in the Prophetic Books
    5. Israel’s Divine Healer in the New Testament
    6. Cnclusions and Reflections

    462 Pages

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  • 12 Steps For Christians (Revised)



    240 Pages In 12 Chapters In Twelve Steps

    Additional Info
    The Twelve Steps for Christians, Revised Edition is a powerful resource for merging the practical wisdom of the Twelve Steps with the spiritual truths of the Bible. This combination of recovery and spirituality offers Christians an effective way to work a traditional Twelve-Step program and name Jesus Christ as their Higher Power.

    The authors have a theoretical understanding of the Twelve Steps as well as a personal understanding as a result of their own recovery journeys. They know from first-hand experience how God can use the spiritual essence of the Twelve Steps to transform broken lives, heal damaged emotions, and mend shattered relationships.

    The Twelve Steps for Christians, Revised Edition has a number of new elements that enrich an already effective tool. Among them are:

    –Ideas for choosing and working with a recovery partner
    –“Step Overviews” to assist in understanding, working, and preparing for the step
    –“Helpful Hints” to aid the reader in areas of prayer, meditation, and Bible study
    –Expanded examples for “Common Behavior Characteristics”
    –“Key Ideas” in each step to reinforce central concepts.

    A truly great book has just become better!

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  • Christ In Christian Tradition 2 Part 2


    A monumental work in scope and content, Aloys Grillmeier’s Chirst in the Christian Tradition offers students and scholars a comprehensive exposition of Western writing on the history of doctrine. Volume Two covers the Council of Chalcedon (451) to Gregory the Great (590-604), with Part Two focusing on the Church of Constantinople in the sixth century.

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  • Building Your Mates Self Esteem


    287 Pages In 18 Chapters
    8 Chapters

    Additional Info
    This eloquent source of instruction for anyone seriously committed to a strong, meaningful marriage will teach you how to:

    Appreciate your role in building your partner’s self-esteem.
    Learn practical and effective ways to love and support your mate.
    Repair past hurts in your spouse’s life.
    Build mutual intimacy through unconditional acceptance.
    Work together to build a vision for the years ahead.

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  • 12 Steps : A Spiritual Journey (Revised)



    259 Pages In 8 Parts (weeks 1 – 30 And 3 Appendices)

    Additional Info
    A Spiritual Journey
    A Working Guide for Healing Damaged Emotions
    Revised Edition
    He sent his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. Psalm 107:20

    The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey, Revised Edition is the ideal working guide for adults who seek healing from the brokenness of damaged emotions. Through the use of biblical principles, Twelve-Step wisdom, and the power of self-disclosure, The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey becomes a road map on the journey toward lasting change and healing. The path toward wholeness is one of surrender and The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey gently leads the reader to a proper dependence upon God, rather than a false trust in self.

    This book was written by people who have experienced the healing love of God and the transforming power of the Twelve Steps. The authors approach recovery from a traditional Twelve-Step perspective, but they also understand the spiritual basis and Christian roots of the Twelve Steps and recognize Jesus Christ as their Higher Power.

    The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey, Revised Edition has a number of new elements that enrich an already effective tool. (See inside front cover.)

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  • Not My Own A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    This timely, tough-minded work examines the implications of the church’s distinctive characteristics in relation to the most heated moral crisis of our age. Writing from an ecumenical perspective, the authors explore the traditional “marks” of the church – the Word and the sacraments – and ask what difference the church can and should make in the lives of human beings affected by abortion. No other book has approached the issue of abortion from this perspective; no other book offers such sound practical help.

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  • A Traves De La Biblia – (Spanish)


    This simple illustration will help you understand the purpose of the text; it will give you a general understanding of the content of every book in the Bible. We will be able to select the material from the sixty-six “books” of the bible.

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  • Heavenly Hosts : A Biblical Study Of Angels


    Compiled from the writings of the late Finis Jennings Dake, this is more than just another book about angels. In the traditional Dake style, this is a comprehensive and exclusively biblical study of angels. It is loaded with scriptures detailing the many types of angels, their nature, the fascinating work they do, and more.

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  • Remembering The Christian Past A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    Prompting readers to reacquaint themselves with forgotten aspects of Christian tradition, this collection of essays points out the importance of remembering the enduring truths of the faith. Robert Wilken touches on a host of topics that are still pertinent today: the role of commitment in the study of religion, religious pluralism, Christian apologetics, the biblical roots of the doctrine of the Trinity, the spiritual interpretation of the Bible, the importance of examples for living a virtuous life, and the place of the passions in our relation to God.

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  • Wealth As Peril And Obligation A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    This timely study of the New Testament helps bring clarity to one of the great ethical dilemmas of the modern church – the moral status of wealth and the ownership of property and possessions in relation to Christian faith.

    Sondra Ely Wheeler shows how Scripture can both form and inform contemporary moral discernment regarding wealth. After first developing a sound methodology for interpreting the New Testament’s moral witness on this sticky ethical question, Wheeler gives a responsible exegesis of the key New Testament texts that deal with wealth and possessions. What results is a practical, biblically based statement regarding the ethics of wealth and ownership and a useful set of criteria for sound moral discernment concerning economic life within the contemporary Christian church.

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  • Theology Of The Gospel Of Matthew


    Lecturers can request examination copies for course consideration.
    Matthew’s Gospel is the most significant Jewish-Christian document of the New Testament. Ulrich Luz both outlines and elucidates the story told in the Gospel, emphasizing its focal points: the Sermon on the Mount, the miracles, the renunciation of possessions, and particularly the theology of judgment by works, an idea that represents both a challenge, in its quest for a church set apart from non-Christians by deeds alone, and a burden, through its traumatic origin in the breach between Matthew’s community and the Israelite majority.

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  • New Age Movement


    Reincarnation, aruras, and energizing crystals — surely these are the stuff of fairy tales, nothing more. People don’t really speak to ancient Egyptian holy men, or listen seriously to Shirley MacLaine, for that matter — do they? Drawing from a range of occult, pagan, and pseudo-scientific traditions, the New Age Movement is broad, diffuse, hard to nail down — and insidiously dangerous. Its belief in the “divinity of humanity,” its emphasis on “self-actualization,” and its looking forward to a coming utopian “new world” have tremendous appeal. But does it have the truth?

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  • Grace And Responsibility


    A distinguished thinker ponders the meaning of Wesley’s theology.

    John B. Cobb, Jr., draws on the historical, critical, and literary work that has characterized Wesley studies in recent years, but moves beyond them to propose one way of reconstructing and reappropriating essential elements of Wesley’s thought in service of the church’s life and mission.

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  • Ethics Of Biblical Interpretation


    Daniel Patte argues here that when male European-American scholars interpret the Bible to produce a universally legitimate reading, they silence the Bible itself. Their reading practices exclude feminist, African American, and other so-called “minority” readings, as well as the interpretations of conservative and liberal laity. He further claims that ethical accountability requires recognizing that all exegesis consists of bringing critical understanding to ordinary readings, especially faith interpretations. Patte concludes that biblical studies must affirm the legitimacy of diverse ordinary readings and lead to an open discussion of the relative value of these readings.

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  • Reading Esther : A Case For The Literary Carnivalesque


    In this original interpretation of the book of Esther, Kenneth Craig offers to interpreters a new way of reading this story. According to Craig, Esther has been undervalued and misunderstood because its true genre, the literary carnivalesque, has not been considered.

    The Literary Currents in Biblical Interpretation series explores current trends within the discipline of biblical interpretation by dealing with the literary qualities of the Bible: the play of its language, the coherence of its final form, and the relationships between text and readers. Biblical interpreters are being challenged to take responsibility for the theological, social, and ethical implications of their readings. This series encourages original readings that breach the confines of traditional biblical criticism.

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  • Out Of The Garden


    As the one work that has held moral and religious sway over the Judeo-Christian tradition for thousands of years, the Bible is unsurpassed in world literature. For women, its meaning is particularly complex; traditionally, the Bible has been used to keep women in their place, but it has also been a book of enduring inspiration. Out of the Garden marks a new stage in women’s relations to the Bible: this is the first collection of essays in which women read and respond to the Bible out of pleasure and curiosity–free to explore what is really relevant to women’s lives.

    Drawing on their own experiences and interests, Louise Erdrich, Cynthia Ozick, Fay Weldon, Phyllis Trible, Rebecca Goldstein, June Jordan, Ursula K. Le Guin, and twenty-one other writers boldly, imaginatively–and sometimes reproachfully–address the Old Testament stories, characters, and poetry that mean the most to them. Thoughtful, challenging, and playful, these beautifully written essays explore the Bible in fresh new ways. Out of the Garden reclaims the Bible for women and shows readers that the Bible is a source we can return to again and again.

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  • Te Amo Pero Por Que Somos Tan – (Spanish)


    If you are married, you already know that opposite poles are attracted. But the day of your wedding did you think of how different both of you were? Even more important, is there still hope even though some of your illusions have been revealed? After being a counselor to so many marriages the answer is still yes. This book helps on how to understand the difference of temperament and can help spouses resolve conflicts, control their emotions, avoid frustration, find God’s will in their marriages.

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  • Caves That Time Forgot


    1. Another Quest
    2. Voyage To Nowhere
    3. The Lost World
    4. A Welcome Visitor
    5. No Room For Kindness
    6. Bakery
    7. A Case Of Hero Worship
    8. Sarah’s Admirer
    9. Dave’s Scheme Backfires
    10. The Captive
    11. The Raid
    12. The Swap
    13. It’s Hard To Be Friends
    14. What Would Goel Do?
    15. Attack On The Dinosaurs
    16. You Never Know About A Woman

    Additional Info
    1. Another Quest
    2. Voyage To Nowhere
    3. The Lost World
    4. A Welcome Visitor
    5. No Room For Kindness
    6. Bakery
    7. A Case Of Hero Worship
    8. Sarah’s Admirer
    9. Dave’s Scheme Backfires
    10. The Captive
    11. The Raid
    12. The Swap
    13. It’s Hard To Be Friends
    14. What Would Goel Do?
    15. Attack On The Dinosaurs
    16. You Never Know About A Woman P. 139

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  • Welfare In America A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    Between 1992 and 1995, the Center for Public Justice, a Christian civic-education and public-policy think tank undertook an extended project named the Welfare Responsibility Inquiry. In May 1994, the project hosted a conference in Washington, DC, on “Public Justice and Welfare Reform.” The project involved, at its center, a group of scholars who met periodically to discuss the issues involved. Those scholars then wrote the papers which are collected in Welfare in America.

    “Welfare in America,” James Skillen writes, “argues that assistance to the needy does not, and should not, come primarily from government. Government, whether at federal or state levels, should help hold people accountable to their various institutional and personal responsibilities rather than fill in for every failure.” The range of topics addressed in Welfare in America is extensive. Though no reader will agree with everything here, those whose calling requires them to think through this issue with care will be wise to include Welfare in America in their list of books to be read.

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  • God And The Nations


    In a time of rapid change and global confusion, how are Christians to perceive God at work in history? The theme of God’s presence among the nations is here addressed from different perspectives by two major theologians. Douglas John Hall explores foundational theological questions: the providence of God, the relation of global to national concerns, and the role of the church in relation to God’s worldly work. Rosemary Radford Ruether raises the question of the presence of God in the context of three major crises of our times-the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, global poverty and the preferential option for the poor, and the ecological crisis. This book originated as the Hein/Fry Lectures of 1994.

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  • What Is Postmodern Biblical Criticism


    Editor’s Foreword



    1. Textures Of Postmodernism
    A Starting Point
    Futher Postmodernities

    2. Deconstruction: On Making A Difference

    3. Political Criticism: Ideologies And Their Discontents

    4. Crossing Up The Discourses

    Prelude: Interpretation As A Kind Of Wri(gh)ting

    Index Of Names

    Additional Info
    “Postmodernism” is not simply one perspective but a basketful of related critical assumptions. A.K. M Adam prepares readers for wrestling with deconstruction, ideological criticism, postmodern feminism, “transgressive” postmodernism, and other postmodern approaches to biblical interpretation. He offers plain-language explanations and illustrative examples and shows how students might undertake their own postmodern biblical interpretation.

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  • Beginners Guide To The New Testament


    Is there a dominant and unchanging theme in the New Testament? If so, what does that say about God and his relationship with humanity? Barclay answers these questions in this clear and concise discussion of the main themes of each N.T. book. This classic reissue is ideal for individual or group study.

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  • Know My Name


    Advisory: Some of the views put forth in this book challenge the traditionally accepted teachings on the issue of homosexuality and the Christian faith. The place of gay men and women in the community of faith has become one of the most divisive debates in the church today. Writer and activist Richard Cleaver takes a fresh approach to this issue by examining the struggles of gay men and lesbians in the church through the lens of liberation theology. He offers a “gay” reading of scripture, but one that is also spiritually challenging to all readers. Cleaver weaves biblical reflections with historical, social, political, and personal commentary. He discusses personal identity issues and “coming out,” the development of class consciousness as members of the oppressed group and solidarity with other oppressed groups. This provocative book brings a new voice to the debate about the place of gays and lesbians in our churches.

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  • Satanism


    1. Introduction
    2. History
    3. Misconceptions About Satanism
    4. Theology
    5. Witnessing Tips
    6. Selected Bibliography
    7. Parallel Comparison Chart
    8. Glossary
    96 Pages

    Additional Info
    Belief in Satan worship is often viewed as an embarrassing throwback to the superstitions of another time. And “selling your soul to the Devil”? Nothing more than an overworked theme in literature and opera. To the contrary, Bob and Gretchen Passantino show how, in the midst of prevailing attitudes of skepticism and disbelief, Satanism has made unprecedented inroads into our society.

    Why this series?

    This is an age when countless groups and movements, old and new, mark the religious landscape in our culture, leaving many people confused or uncertain in their search for spiritual truth and meaning. Because few people have the time or opportunity to research these movements fully, these books provide essential information and insights for their spiritual journeys.

    Each book has five sections:
    *A concise introduction to the group
    *An overview of the group’s theology-in its own words
    *Tips for witnessing effectively to members of the group
    *A bibliography with sources for further study
    *A comparison chart that shows the essential differences between biblical Christianity and the group

    The writers of these volumes are well qualified to present clear and reliable information and help us discern religious truth from falsehood.

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  • Jehovahs Witnesses


    1. Introduction
    2. Theology
    3. Witnessing Tips
    4. Selected Bibliography
    5. Parallel Comparison
    81 Pages

    Additional Info
    The zeal and dedication of Jehovah’s Witnesses mask a highly disciplined organization that has a troubled history. Moreover, their thorough knowledge of their own scriptures gives a pretense of having spiritual truth. The movement has grown about 1.1 million worldwide in 1965 to 4.4 million today. Yet all is not what it seems in the Watchtower Society. How do the teachings of the Jehovah’s Witnesses run counter to orthodox Christianity? What drives converts to give hundreds of hours a year to “witnessing”? What draws converts to a cult of strict control by religious leaders?

    Why this series?

    This is an age when countless groups and movements, old and new, mark the religious landscape in our culture, leaving many people confused or uncertain in their search for spiritual truth and meaning. Because few people have the time or opportunity to research these movements fully, these books provide essential information and insights for their spiritual journeys.

    Each book has five sections:

    *A concise introduction to the group
    *An overview of the group’s theology-in its own words
    *Tips for witnessing effectively to members of the group
    *A bibliography with sources for further study
    *A comparison chart that shows the essential differences between biblical Christianity and the group.

    The writers of these volumes are well qualified to present clear and reliable information and help us discern religious truth from falsehood.

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  • 1-2 Peter James And Jude


    Fred Craddock examines the letters of 1 and 2 Peter and Jude. Of each epistle he asks, What kind of literature is it? Who wrote the letter? To whom was the letter written? And for what purpose was the letter written? Craddock’s answers let us draw from these often undervalued epistles on awareness of what is involved in living a Christian life in this world. We also see the similarities and differences in how Christ is portrayed in these epistles as opposed to the depiction found in other New Testament writings.

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  • 1 Corinthians : NIV Application Commentary


    Most Bible commentaries take us on a one-way trip from the twentieth century to the first century. But they leave us there, assuming that we can somehow make the return journey on our own. In other words, they focus on the original meaning of the passage but don’t discuss its contemporary application. The information they offer is valuable — but the job is only half done! The NIV Application Commentary Series helps us with both halves of the interpretive task. This new and unique series shows readers how to bring an ancient message into modern context. It explains not only what the Bible means but also how it can speak powerfully today.

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  • Saving Work : Feminist Practices Of Theological Education


    One of the most significant changes in theological education during the past two decades has been a dramatic rise in the enrollment of women in the seminaries. In this ground-breaking book, Rebecca Chopp explores the impact these new voices are having on theological education. She looks at how women and men are actually forming a new Christian praxis through their engagement with feminist practices and thought that often exist outside the sphere of official recognition. This important book will be a starting point for dialogue about the role theological education will play as this new Christian praxis emerges.

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  • Comfort One Another


    This unique study considers the exegetical and hermeneutical possibilities of analyzing the entire letter of 1 Thessalonians as a letter of consolation. Abraham Smith maintains that Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians with a full knowledge of the tradition of Greco-Roman letters of consolation and chose this genre to sustain members of the Thessalonian church. Smith explicates the social and literary conventions of this tradition and fully discloses why this particular rhetoric of care was employed. Showing how Paul’s letter of consolation was understood in Paul’s world and by subsequent generations, Smith demonstrates the usefulness of Paul’s rhetoric of comfort for modern society

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  • Prince Of Darkness


    Do you want to understand world events in the light of prophecy? Explore the astonishing prophecies about the mysterious Antichrist who will dominate the earth during the last days. Grant shares his incredible research into the secret groups moving America toward world government. Written in laymen’s terms PRINCE OF DARKNESS will open up the Bible’s fascinating prophecies about these vital topics: -The New World Order Global Agenda -America and the Council on Foreign Ralations -Surviving the Coming Economic Crisis -The Rush to World Government -The PLO-Israeli Agreement-Prelude to War -Zhirinovsky-the KGB and Russian Imperialism -The Surveillance Society-an Assault on Fredom -The Technology of the 666 Mark of the Beast -Satan’s Prince of Darkness in the Temple -38 Astonishing Prophecies Announce the Messiah -Armageddon-Christ’s Ultimate Victory.

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  • Tenemos Hambre De Cristo – (Spanish)


    This moving book is for believers who already know Christ but are hungry to know him better. It is also for believers who want to know Christ in a way that they never knew they could.

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  • Text Of The New Testament (Revised)


    The definitive introduction to New Testament textual criticism is now revised and enlarged! The Alands compare the major editions of the New Testament, describe and analyze the Greek manuscripts in detail, and discuss the value of early versions. Particularly noteworthy are their introduction to the use of modern editions of the Greek New Testament and their greater sensitivity to differing viewpoints. Two new supplementary essays are included in addition to revised plates, tables, and charts.

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  • Sexual Man : Masculinity Without Guilt



    List Of Figures

    1. Male Sexuality-The Untold Story
    2. Am I Normal?
    3. Why Male Sexuality Goes Wrong
    4. How Men Think About Sex
    5. What Men Really Want From Sex
    6. Why Men Love/Hate Pornography
    7. Teenage Sexuality
    8. Sex And The Married Man
    9. Men, Sex, And The Workplace
    10. Religion And Sex
    11. Creating A Healthy Sexuality

    Appendix 1: Survey: The Heterosexual Male Experience
    Appendix 2: Where To Get Help For Sexual Problems
    Notes P. 219

    Additional Info
    What “good men” think about sex:

    “Am I oversexed?” “Why do I think such X-rated thoughts?” “What is ‘normal’ when it comes to sex?” “Do other men struggle the way I do?”

    Dr. Archibald Hart, eminent psychologist and highly acclaimed author and lecturer, addresses these and other questions men face daily in The Sexual Man: Masculinity Without Guilt. The result of research gained form confidentially surveying more than 600 men, this book de-mystifies what men secretly think and feel about male sexuality. In it, Dr. Hart reveals:
    *What satisfies men sexually and what the limits should be.
    *Sexual fears, fetishes, and failures that haunt males.
    *How to ensure healthy sexual development-from boyhood to manhood.
    *Keys to a fulfilled and guilt-free sex life.

    Based on the author’s groundbreaking nationwide research, the book refutes the current myths surrounding male sexuality and provides a psychologically sound view of what men secretly feel about:
    *love and lust
    *frequency of sex
    *sexual harassment
    *pornography, fantasy, and masturbation
    *oral sex
    *sex and aging
    *making sexual dreams come true
    *sex and religion
    *sex and the workplace
    *sex and affection
    *wives and lovers

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